Obsessive movement syndrome in infants. Obsessive movements in a child: causes, treatment. How to treat obsessive movement neurosis

Children are vulnerable and impressionable creatures, and therefore it is not surprising that they experience certain situations more emotionally. Where an adult steps aside and forgets, the child will worry for a long time, returning again and again to an incomprehensible or unpleasant experience for him. Since young children are unable to verbalize the full range of their emotions, they may begin to express them on a physical level. And now the child develops the habit of pinching his ear, blinking frequently, and biting his fingers. The famous doctor Evgeny Komarovsky talks about how to treat such oddities in a child’s behavior and whether it can be treated with anything. Obsessive movement syndrome in children is a problem that many people face.

What it is?

Obsessive movement syndrome in children is a complex of psycho-emotional disorders that arise under the influence of emotional shock, strong fear, fear, stress. The syndrome manifests itself as a series of unmotivated movements - either the same type or developing into more complex ones.

Most often, parents complain that their child suddenly began to:

  • biting nails and skin around nails;
  • grind teeth;
  • shake your head from side to side;
  • swing your whole body without apparent reason;
  • wave or shake hands;
  • pinch yourself by the ears, hands, cheeks, chin, nose;
  • biting your own lips;
  • blinking and squinting for no reason;
  • pulling out your own hair or constantly twirling it around your finger.

Manifestations of the syndrome may be different, but we can talk about the disease when a child repeats a series of movements or one movement frequently, especially in situations when he begins to worry or feels awkward.

Factors that can trigger the mechanism of obsessive movement syndrome are numerous:

  • severe stress;
  • long stay in a psychologically unfavorable environment;
  • total mistakes in upbringing - connivance or excessive severity;
  • attention deficit;
  • changes in usual life - moving, changing kindergarten, departure of parents and their long absence.

All these manifestations may not cause any inconvenience to the child himself - unless, of course, he injures himself.

It is noteworthy that obsessive movement syndrome is recognized by doctors as a disease; it has its own number in International classification diseases (ICD-10), the disorder is classified as neurotic, caused by stressful situations, as well as somatoform. However, doctors did not and do not have a single standard for diagnosing this disease. In other words, the child will be diagnosed only on the basis of the parents’ complaints and the symptoms they describe.

Standard treatment for neurosis obsessive states also does not exist - it all depends on the specific neurologist, who may recommend taking a sedative and visiting a psychologist, or may prescribe a whole bunch of medications, vitamins - and definitely a rather expensive massage (naturally, from his friend’s masseuse).

If the child’s involuntary movements are caused by a specific reason, then with a high degree of probability the syndrome will pass alone, without any treatment. The child just needs time to get rid of his worries. However, it can also be a sign of more troubling conditions.

What should parents do?

Neurosis of obsessive movements and states, according to Evgeniy Komarovsky, is a manifestation of inappropriate behavior. It necessarily forces parents to seek advice from a doctor, since it is very difficult to independently understand what is happening - temporary psychological disorder or persistent mental illness.

Evgeniy Komarovsky, when inappropriate symptoms appear, advises parents to think carefully about what preceded this - were there any conflicts in the family, in children's team, whether the baby was sick with anything, or took any medications. If you did, are there any pills or potions? side effects in the form of disorders of the central nervous system.

Temporary stress syndrome always has an explanation, it always has a reason.

But at mental illness Most often there may not be a reason. If nothing changed, did not hurt, the child did not take any medications, he did not have a fever, he ate and slept well, and the next morning he shakes his head from side to side, winces, blinks and squints, tries to hide, run away, shakes his hands without It's already been an hour since the break - this is, of course, a reason to contact a child neurologist, and then a child psychiatrist.

The problem, says Komarovsky, is that parents are embarrassed to contact a specialist such as a psychiatrist. This is a big misconception. Negative attitudes towards doctors who help solve behavior problems need to be reconsidered as soon as possible.

A son or daughter can develop nervous manifestations into conditions that can threaten life and health. If there is a risk of self-harm, a child with his movements can cause serious harm to himself, Komarovsky advises to consult a specialist to rule out the presence of psychiatric disorders and receive recommendations on how to get out of this situation.

What can't you do?

You should not focus on obsessive movements, much less try to prohibit your child from making them. He does them unconsciously (or almost unconsciously), and therefore it is in principle impossible to prohibit them, but to aggravate them emotional disturbance prohibitions are easy. It is better to distract the child, ask him to do something, help, go somewhere together.

You cannot raise your voice and shout at a child at the moment when he begins a series of unmotivated movements, says Komarovsky. The parents' reaction should be calm and adequate, so as not to frighten the child even more.

It is best to continue talking to your baby in a quiet, calm voice. in short sentences, do not argue with him, and under no circumstances leave him alone. You should also not look your baby directly in the eyes.

It is also impossible to ignore the problem, because the child really needs to talk to him and discuss his problem. In the end, these new “bad” habits also cause bewilderment and fear for him. Sometimes it is confidential communication that helps get rid of a problem.


With a high degree of probability, a neurologist, to whom parents come for an appointment with complaints of obsessive movements in a child, will prescribe one or more sedatives, magnesium preparations, as well as vitamin complexes. He will strongly recommend visiting a massage, exercise therapy, swimming pool and salt caving chamber. The treatment will cost the family quite a round sum (even with the most approximate calculations).

Evgeniy Komarovsky advises you to think carefully when planning to start such treatment. If the psychiatrist has not found serious abnormalities, then the diagnosis of “obsessive movement syndrome” should not become a reason to stuff the child with pills and injections. Pharmaceuticals are highly likely to have no effect on the healing process at all.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is approximately half as common in children as in adults. According to statistics, 1-2 children out of 300-500 suffer from it, and the symptoms of this neurosis are not always pronounced.

Often, parents consider the obsessive movements characteristic of this disorder to be simply bad habits. For example, constant desire biting nails or the cap of a pen, pulling one's hair, picking one's nose - all this sometimes irritates parents, although it should have alerted them, because such symptoms indicate increased anxiety The child has.

Currently, obsessive-compulsive disorder is called another term - obsessive-compulsive disorder and has code F42 in ICD-10. However, when working with children, psychologists most often use the “outdated” name, since it somewhat more accurately reflects what is happening to the child.

Obsessions are obsessive thoughts, usually negative, that the patient cannot stop by force of will. Compulsions are obsessive behaviors that are repeated over and over again.

People with high intelligence, emotional, and sensitive feelings are most susceptible to this disorder. They are also characterized by a feeling of insecurity in the world around them, various fears and phobias.

For the first time, obsessive-compulsive neurosis usually manifests itself against a background of severe stress and anxiety. But for the onset of the disease to occur, psychological trauma alone is not enough - it will only become a trigger that starts the process, but not its cause.

Sometimes the appearance of obsessions may not be associated with a specific event - this is precisely why this neurosis in children differs from the same disorder in adults. Anxiety seems to “accumulate” gradually, and symptoms appear rarely at first, and then become more frequent.

As for the causes of OCD, there are several theories:

  • Neurotransmitter – explains the onset of the disease by a deficiency of the hormone serotonin in the body;
  • The PANDAS syndrome theory suggests that OCD may be caused by a previous streptococcal infection;
  • The genetic theory states that the cause of this neurosis is genetic mutations that are inherited.

And although scientists have not yet come to a consensus on the causes of obsessive-compulsive neurosis, there are observations from practicing doctors who prove that OCD is more likely to manifest itself in children whose relatives already have patients with this disorder.

Manifestations of OCD in children

OCD in children most often manifests itself in the form of obsessive movements and tics, as well as fears, phobias and “strange”, negative ideas and thoughts.

Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder may include the following:

  • Thumb sucking;
  • Lip smacking;
  • Twisting hair around the finger or pulling hair out (some children eat the hair they pull out, which sometimes leads to intestinal obstruction);
  • Intrusive coughing;
  • Picking the skin or picking at pimples;
  • Biting nails or other objects - pen caps, pencils, etc.;
  • Cracking of knuckles;
  • Frequent blinking;
  • Grimaces, wrinkling of the forehead;
  • Stomping, clapping.

This is far from full list possible manifestations, since in each individual child the manifestations of neurosis may differ. In addition, tics are often added to the actual movements - involuntary contractions of individual muscles, similar to twitching or mild convulsions.

The number of such movements increases sharply if the child is excited or overexcited. In fact, compulsions (and that’s exactly what they are) “serve” the nervous system as a kind of “safety valve” that allows you to release excess tension. The level of anxiety is reduced to an easily tolerable level. If you force the child to restrain these movements, then the psychological tension will grow, eventually breaking through into uncontrollable hysteria or panic.

Most children suffering from OCD experience not only compulsions, but also obsessions—obsessive thoughts. They usually relate to pollution, disaster or symmetry. For example, a child may constantly wash his hands, be afraid of contracting some dangerous disease, or for the same reason not eat certain foods.

It is worth mentioning separately about children from religious families, where parents devote a lot of time to rites and rituals associated with faith in God. They are usually not alarmed when a child begins to frantically say prayers many times a day, but oddly enough, this behavior can also indicate OCD. Another mistake of believers (or parents close to the church) may be attempts to take the child to the “grandmother”, who “with God’s help will cast out the demon from him.” Such situations are quite rare, but they still happen, so we decided to mention them separately. Moreover, neither prayers, nor “readings”, nor herbal decoctions mental disorders are not treated.

Psychologist Pavel Zhavnerov talks about the causes of various neuroses in children and adults.

Older children and teenagers, as a rule, try to hide their behavioral characteristics from the people around them because they are afraid of judgment, that they will be considered “abnormal.” Such thoughts further increase discomfort and provoke new round symptoms. Therefore, it is important to help the child in time by contacting specialists, otherwise adolescence he will receive many unnecessary complexes and fears that will greatly complicate his life in the future.

Treatment of OCD in children and adolescents

To cure obsessive-compulsive neurosis, it is imperative to consult a specialist - a psychiatrist or qualified psychotherapist. It is not always necessary for neuroses in children drug therapy, since the psyche at this age is much more “flexible”, and an experienced doctor will help cope with many manifestations of OCD even without the use of drugs. But this depends on many factors that parents cannot determine on their own.

By the way, when it comes to neurosis in a child, doctors usually carefully collect family history and are interested in the conditions in which the little patient grows up. For example, if someone in the family suffers from alcoholism, then it is natural that the child will exhibit a variety of neurotic symptoms. The same can be said about families where parents constantly quarrel and make scandals, treat each other poorly and live together “for the sake of the children.” Overprotection, excessive parental demands and other unhealthy manifestations of relationships in the parental home put a lot of pressure on the young psyche. In such situations, before asking the question “how to cure?”, You need to carefully analyze possible factors, which constantly make the child worry and worry.

By definition, a mentally healthy child cannot grow up in a destructive family, and parents should remember that both the prognosis of the disease and the timing of recovery depend on their attitude.

Therefore, the first thing that should be done if a child is diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder is to change the situation in the house and reduce the pressure on the child’s psyche. Otherwise, treatment may be ineffective.

How to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder? The main method of treating OCD is working with a psychotherapist. Methods of art therapy, fairytale therapy, play therapy, and so on are used to treat young children. For teenagers, the exposure method will be more effective, that is, facing your fear face to face to make sure that nothing terrible happens in the end.

But the main idea that the therapist must convey to the child when treating obsessive disorders is the belief in the safety of the world, in the reliability of parents and their support. The little patient must eventually come to the conclusion that “everyone loves me, I will succeed.” Confidence in oneself, one’s surroundings and the world is the path that ultimately leads a young patient to remission, or even complete recovery.

Regarding treatment medicines, they are usually prescribed for a short period of time in situations where obsessions and compulsions greatly complicate life. Sometimes the symptoms appear so often that they eventually lead to neurasthenia and nervous exhaustion. In such cases, the use of medications (antidepressants and tranquilizers) helps to quickly and effectively remove most of the signs of neurosis so that the patient can rest and begin working with a psychotherapist.

To summarize: a reminder for parents

Unfortunately, even in our time they do not know what obsessive-compulsive neurosis is and how it can manifest itself in children. At the same time, the number of children suffering from this disease is increasing every year. In order to promptly recognize the signs of this disorder in their child, fathers and mothers need to carefully monitor the child’s behavior and not ignore possible oddities and repetitive movements. Remember that it is easier to overcome any neurosis if you start treatment on time, without prolonging the situation, and the absence similar symptoms In the future, it will help the child to adapt normally to society and grow up to be a confident and happy person.

These types of pathologies are always associated with the emotional state of the child and are a disorder of the nervous system.

Neuroses can be provoked not only by pronounced factors, but also by situations that adults may consider insignificant.

Therapy for such conditions depends on individual clinical picture the state of the child’s health and the stage of progression of the pathology. We will talk about the treatment of obsessive movement neuroses in children in the article.

Description and characteristics

Neurosis is a collective name for a group of diseases accompanied by mental disorders.

The pathological process disrupts the somatic nervous system, causes autonomic dysfunctions and problems of emotional etiology.

The disease is reversible and can develop against the background excessive worries, prolonged feelings of anxiety, increased fatigue and other factors that negatively affect the psyche.

Where do they come from?

The causes of neuroses in children can be numerous internal and external factors.

Provoke pathology the atmosphere in which the child is raised, stressful situations experienced and some congenital disorders associated with the performance of the nervous system.

The most common cause of neuroses is psychological trauma, occurring once or regularly.

Consequences negative impact such a factor are fixed in the child for a long time and become the cause of a specific reaction not only to the stimulus, but also independently of it.

Reasons The following factors may contribute to the development of neuroses:

What are they?

IN medical practice neuroses are divided into many varieties, but in childhood only some of them may occur.

Most diseases have characteristic symptoms, but in some cases their symptoms may resemble bad habits.

For example, a separate type of neuroses are habitual pathological actions.

IN in this case The child may rock his body when falling asleep or at any other time, bite his fingertips, irritate his genitals with his hands, bite his nails, or constantly pick at his hair.

Types of neuroses most often found in childhood:

  1. Neurosis anxiety or fear(the child may be afraid to be alone, experience fear of the dark, in some cases these conditions are accompanied by impaired consciousness and the occurrence of hallucinations).
  2. Neurasthenia or neurosis (the disease most often occurs in adolescents or children school age, the pathology is accompanied by excessive fatigue, irritability and sleep disturbances in the child).
  3. Neurotic encopresis(the disease is diagnosed in most cases in boys of preschool and school age, and is accompanied by involuntary bowel movements).
  4. Neurotic enuresis(mental disorders are accompanied by involuntary, which in most cases occurs mainly at night).
  5. Nervous ( this pathology is one of the neuroses associated with critically impaired appetite in children; such a condition can be provoked not only psychological factors, but also excessive feeding of the baby in infancy).
  6. Neurotic (the disease begins to manifest itself during the development of the child’s speech; its occurrence can be caused by numerous external and internal factors).
  7. Hypochondriacal neurosis(the disease is most often diagnosed in adolescents, the pathology manifests itself in the form of fear of certain diseases and excessive concern of the child with his own health).
  8. Neurotic tics(pathology can appear at any age, but boys are at risk preschool age).
  9. Sleep disturbance neurotic type (the disease is accompanied by insomnia, talking in sleep, sleepwalking and other conditions).

Features of obsessive movement neurosis

Obsessive-compulsive neurosis is most often detected in children of preschool or primary school age.

This condition is accompanied by various types of phobias, movement disorder, increased excitability, autonomic and sensory disorders.

Feature of this disease is a combination of fears with certain motor deviations.

When fear arises The child can do the following::

  • coughing;
  • blinking eyes;
  • imitation of a runny nose;
  • nodding head;
  • smacking;
  • snapping fingers;
  • twirling hair around a finger.

Symptoms and signs

The manifestation of neurosis in a child depends on the form and stage of the disease. Each variety is characterized by certain signs.

If several alarming symptoms necessary in as soon as possible conduct an examination and establish the cause of the emerging psycho-emotional disorders.

Thanks to timely diagnosis of neurosis, the chances of full recovery little patient.

Symptoms of neurosis Children may have the following conditions:

Diagnostics and research

Diagnosis of neuroses in children difficult due to the features emotional state patients of this age category. For a long time, parents may mistake the signs of this disease for the whims of the child.

This factor causes not only late diagnosis of the disease, but also difficulties in its treatment.

If there is a suspicion of neurosis, specialists prescribe comprehensive examination for a small patient, which includes various procedures and additional consultation with specialized doctors.

At diagnostics neurosis in children, the following procedures are used:

  • examination of the child by a speech therapist, neurologist and pediatrician;
  • psychiatrist consultation, child psychologist and a psychotherapist;
  • psychological analysis of a child’s life;
  • analysis of drawings;
  • grade general condition health;
  • conducting a conversation with parents.

Why are they dangerous?

Neuroses are not fatal dangerous diseases, but increase the risk fatal outcome child because of his unstable psyche.

The main consequences of diseases of this group are serious violation adaptive properties and depressive states. In childhood, neuroses can manifest themselves in the form of irritability or fear.

Gradually these states will escalate. In adulthood, they will turn into phobias and can cause excessive aggression towards others.

Treatment methods

How to treat neurosis in children? Therapy for neuroses involves a combination of several techniques. The child must be prescribed sessions with a psychologist. Based on the clinical picture of the little patient’s health condition, the specialist selects certain treatment methods.

Drug therapy in most cases involves taking restorative drugs, but in the presence of some diagnoses, specialists use potent medications.

You can supplement the course with traditional medicine.


Treatment of neuroses using psychotherapy techniques shows good results. The treatment regimen is selected according to individually. In some cases, psychologists conduct sessions not only with young patients, but also with their parents.

This need arises if the doctor identifies the causes of neurosis in the baby related to his upbringing or social factors. The duration of treatment depends on the individual clinical picture of the child’s health condition.

Psychologists use the following techniques in the treatment of neuroses in children:

  • individual psychotherapy;
  • family psychotherapy;
  • autogenic training;
  • art therapy;
  • hypnosis;
  • group classes to improve a child’s communication skills.


Drug therapy for neuroses should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. Some medications, if used incorrectly, can reduce the effectiveness of other treatments used on the child.

For example, antidepressants are not prescribed if it is possible to control the baby’s condition through sessions with a psychologist.

Tranquilizers are used only in advanced stages of neuroses.

For neuroses, the child may be prescribed the following: drugs:

  • products from the herbal medicine category (valerian tincture, adding soothing oils and tinctures to the bath when bathing);
  • drugs for general strengthening child's body(vitamin complexes, potassium and calcium based products, vitamins C and B);
  • antidepressants (Sonapax, Elenium);
  • tranquilizers (Seduxen, Trioxazine);
  • nootropic drugs (Nootropil, Piracetam).

Folk remedies

Usage folk remedies in the treatment of neuroses in children must be agreed with your doctor. When selecting recipes alternative medicine It is important to rule out whether your baby has allergies or food intolerance individual components.

Folk remedies are not used as the main method of treating neuroses. The main goal their application is additional beneficial effect on mental condition little patient.

Examples of folk remedies used in the treatment of neuroses:

Complementary therapy

When treating neuroses in children, the following techniques have good results: animal assisted therapy, play therapy and fairy tale therapy. In the first case, contact with cats, dogs, horses or dolphins has a beneficial effect on the baby’s psyche.

Animals are able to develop certain qualities in a child, a desire to take care of them and, as a result, an increase in their self-esteem. The methods of games and fairy tales have similar properties.

Additionally, the following can be used in the treatment of neuroses: procedures:

  • hypnosis;
  • electrophoresis;
  • electrosleep.

Parental behavior

Treatment of neuroses in children may take long time. The effectiveness of therapy largely depends on the behavior of the parents.

If doctors' orders are followed, but errors in upbringing are not corrected, then the little patient's condition will only be alleviated temporarily. Elimination of neurosis of any type - joint work of doctors and parents.


In most cases, the causes of neuroses lie in the mistakes of parents when raising children or creating for them certain conditions life.

Prevention of this pathology involves specific actions on the part of adults. Parents must be aware of the degree of responsibility and control their own behavior.

Frequent quarrels in the family, constant punishment of children or low self-esteem are common causes of neuroses, but excessive care of children can also provoke them.

Prevention measures neuroses in children are the following recommendations:

  1. Avoiding overprotection of the child and imposing your own fears on him.
  2. If there is a suspicion that a child is developing any form of neurosis, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  3. Timely and complete treatment of somatic diseases in children.
  4. Preventing excessive mental and physical activity, inappropriate for the child’s age.
  5. Developing patience and endurance in a child from the very beginning early age.
  6. Raising a child in a calm atmosphere and favorable living conditions.
  7. Carefully thinking through the tactics of raising a child (eliminating aggressiveness, excessive punishment and reducing the child’s self-esteem from a very early age).

Most neuroses in childhood can be cured, but only if there is timely diagnosis and complex treatment illness under the supervision of specialists. The sooner parents undergo the examination, the greater the chance of favorable prognosis.

Neuroses are much easier to prevent than to eliminate, so parents need to create the most comfortable living conditions for their children. Otherwise, the existing pathology will remain uncured and lead to complications.

How to recognize the first signs systemic neuroses in children? Find out from the video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

Diseases of the nervous system in children of primary preschool age are not uncommon. Unfortunately, such disorders occur in many children. The development of such diseases is promoted not only by an unfavorable psychological situation in the family or children's group, but also by a hereditary factor. That is why every loving parent should know how to recognize obsessive movement disorder in their child and what to do about this condition.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder: causes

This disease hides disorders of the nervous system, which manifest themselves in the same movements occurring regardless of a person’s will and desire. Obsessive states are very difficult to control. They may be short-lived, associated with irritability and fatigue, or they may persist for a long time. for a long time, developing to the state of habit.

The main causes of obsessive movements in a child include psychological trauma. Even stressful situation, in which the child is, seems frivolous for the parents, the baby can perceive it as a real tragedy. Moreover, children with obsessive movement syndrome often suffer from depression, throw tantrums, become aggressive, or, conversely, “withdraw into themselves.” At the same time, the situation in the house greatly influences the child’s psyche. Constant scandals, quarrels, fights, different opinions about raising children - all this causes severe trauma to the fragile psyche of the child.

Another reason for this condition is abrupt change environment, way of life or routine. Such seemingly insignificant circumstances, such as moving to another school, moving to another city or country, sometimes have an adverse effect on the baby’s health and can become factors provoking neurosis. Children with a weakened nervous system and overly spoiled are especially susceptible to nervous pathology.

If someone from the older generation had problems with the nervous system or psyche, then under certain circumstances the disease may also manifest itself in your baby. The risk group also includes children who have suffered infectious diseases, head injuries, suffer chronic pathologies of cardio-vascular system.

Childhood neurosis: symptoms

It is sometimes very difficult for parents to recognize obsessive movements or distinguish them from other diseases. But if we consider the nature of these phenomena, the symptoms will be obvious.

So, nervous tic- automatic muscle contraction, twitching that cannot be controlled. However, such movements are not always caused psychological reasons. But obsessive movements can be restrained by willpower, and they are always a consequence of psycho-emotional discomfort.

Symptoms of childhood neurosis include:

  • nail biting;
  • snapping fingers;
  • head movements;
  • lip twitching;
  • smacking;
  • coughing;
  • constant sniffing;
  • blinking;
  • grinding of teeth;
  • neck turn;
  • swings of the hands;
  • twirling hair on a finger, etc.

In addition, a child with neurosis can only walk around all objects from a certain direction; blow on your palms before sitting at the table; pull out curls and perform other involuntary movements. It is impossible to list all the symptoms of the disease, since they manifest themselves differently in each child. Their main feature- annoying repetition, almost minute by minute. If you do not pay attention to such actions, the child may injure himself - chew his legs until they bleed, bite his lip, tear off all the buttons on his clothes, etc. Moreover, all this may be accompanied by outbreaks of hysteria, which did not exist before.

Children's neurosis affects fearful, indecisive children who find it difficult to deal with their fears and negative emotions. They often refuse food, are capricious, and look tired. Therefore, treatment of obsessive movement neurosis in children must begin as soon as you notice the symptoms of the pathology.

How to treat obsessive movement neurosis in a child?

Before you see a doctor about the problem, we recommend that you take a close look at your baby and try to determine for yourself what is hidden. main reason his neurosis. At the same time, it is desirable to minimize negative situations and provide the child with comfortable living conditions.

Very often, children's nervous behavior and movements are associated with the situation in the family between parents. In such an ambiguous way, the baby can show his attitude to the problem. You can solve it by admitting your own parental mistakes and changing your behavior. If parents cannot determine what is causing the child’s obsessive movements, then it is necessary to consult a specialist. High quality and effective treatment neurosis in children involves working with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Drug treatment: drugs

After examination by a psychotherapist, the doctor may prescribe anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants. However, this treatment regimen is often used in advanced cases. Moreover, parents of children suffering from neurosis should not be afraid drug treatment. An experienced doctor will select medications that will not harm the child’s health or cause drowsiness and apathy. Separate medications are selected for each case. The most effective are the following drugs:

  • Sonapax;
  • cinnarizine;
  • asparkam;
  • milgamma;
  • pantogam;
  • glycine;
  • pers.

Please note that antidepressants and sedatives cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription. Each of the medications has its own effect on the child’s central nervous system. Therefore, the doctor prescribes them based on the stage of development of childhood neurosis. Yes, on initial stage For obsessive movement syndrome, a few sessions with a psychologist will be enough, but in advanced forms of the disease, additional medication will be required.

Treatment with folk remedies

Therapy for obsessive movement neurosis can be supplemented traditional methods. However, before using them, you should consult your doctor. The following folk remedies can calm the baby’s nervous system:

  • Infusion of oat grains. Medicinal raw materials in the amount of 500 g, it is necessary to rinse and fill with a liter cold water, cook over low heat until half cooked. Then you need to strain the broth, add 1 teaspoon of honey and give the baby a glass of medicine to drink a day.
  • Decoctions of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, lemon balm, and calendula also help fight neurosis in children. To prepare the medicine, you need to pour 1 tbsp. spoon of herbs with a glass of water, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes, judge and give the child 50 ml of decoction three times a day.
  • Will help get rid of insomnia and irritability honey water. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of warm water. a spoonful of honey and give it to your child to drink before bed.
  • Baths with soothing herbs(lavender, mint) and sea ​​salt have a good effect on the child’s nervous system. It is better to carry out such procedures before bedtime.

Psychologists and traditional healers In the fight against obsessive movement syndrome in children, it is recommended to conduct dance therapy sessions, practice yoga, play sports, run barefoot on the grass, and draw. It is also worth giving your baby weekends in nature more often to get him out of his anxious state.

Don't forget that parents also need to work on their own behavior. Try not to swear or sort things out in the presence of a child. And under no circumstances scold your baby for obsessive movements. As soon as he starts doing this, talk to him about what is bothering him.

Obsessive movements in children: Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky draws the attention of parents to the fact that childhood neurosis is a disorder of mental activity, and not a disease in which tests and examinations can solve the problem. With obsessive movements in children there is no inflammation, no tumor, no disruption of the blood vessels in the brain. Neurosis is a mental disorder and emotional sphere child. And the reason for this condition is hidden in the psychotraumatic factor. Consequently, obsessive movements in children are a reversible mental disorder. When the traumatic factor is eliminated, recovery occurs. Therefore, the main task of parents is to timely identify and eliminate the causes that adversely affect the child’s psyche. However, on our own, without help child psychiatrist, it is not always possible to detect these problems and get rid of them. Therefore, it is imperative to contact specialists if your child begins to behave in any special way.

Give your kids a wonderful future, without fears and worries. Monitor their health and, if detected, the slightest problem do not hesitate to seek help from specialists.

Health to you and your children!

Especially for - Nadezhda Vitvitskaya

To protect the little man from traumatic factors, causing neurosis obsessive states, parents need to address Special attention on his behavior between 2–3 and 5–7 years. It is at this crisis age, when there is a confrontation between growing children and their parents, as well as the outside world, that a nervous disorder most often begins to develop.


Neurosis is a complex disease that can develop due to many reasons and prerequisites.

At its core, childhood obsessive neurosis is a child’s painful reaction to difficult life situations. Fortunately, neurotic disorder can be completely cured. The main thing is to pay attention to suspicious symptoms as early as possible and prevent the disease from developing into chronic stage, which requires more serious and lengthy treatment.

The main prerequisites for the development of neuroses are psychological trauma, frequent and prolonged stress, and severe fear. However, psychotraumatic situations (quarrel between parents, etc.) occur in the life of every child, why do some children develop neurosis and others not? Psychologists advise paying attention to the characteristics of temperament little man. Obsessive neurosis is more common in children:

  • timid, anxious and suspicious;
  • with increased suggestibility;
  • pedantic;
  • overly touchy;
  • deeply experiencing their own failures.

If you notice the following behavior patterns in your child, consult a psychologist. Timely psychological correction is the best prevention obsessive-compulsive neurosis. To warn neurotic disorders, experts recommend developing perseverance, endurance, and hard work in a child from an early age.


The presence of obsessive-compulsive neurosis in a child is evidenced by repeated thoughts, actions, or entire “rituals” performed against one’s will.

Obsessive thoughts can be associated with various. Some children are afraid to stay at home on their own, others are afraid of the dark, heights, being called to the blackboard, etc.

No less varied are obsessive actions - repeatedly repeated movements, for example, grunting, licking or biting lips, smacking, frequently adjusting clothes or washing hands, twitching various parts body (head, shoulders, arms), etc.

In some cases, obsessive actions take the form of quite complex rituals, which are also a child’s defensive reaction to a frightening factor. Thus, in medical practice, there are cases when children walk in a circle and walk around various objects only on the right or only on the left. In other situations, before going to bed, children perform strange rituals with jumping, of which there must be a certain number, for example, 10, in this way they “protect” themselves from the fear of the dark. There are many other examples of unexplained compulsions that children cannot stop on their own.

Parents shouldn't get their hopes up strange behavior It will go away on its own over time. Moreover, in addition to obsessive, constantly repeating movements, neuroses are usually accompanied by tearfulness, insomnia, and deterioration in the child’s performance and appetite. In addition, such children are constantly teased by their peers, which causes additional psychological trauma and makes the problem worse.


Having noticed the first signs and symptoms of obsessive-compulsive neuroses in children, parents should immediately seek advice from a psychologist or neuropsychiatrist. The specialist will prescribe individual treatment after examining the little patient and finding out the causes of the manifestation of neurosis. Therapy should also take into account the child’s personal characteristics and temperament.

The duration and method of treatment depend on the severity of the disorder (therapy can last from several weeks to several years). At mild form restorative and psychotherapeutic techniques are used (including play psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, which involves a child encountering a frightening factor, autogenic training and etc.).

With neuroses, vegetative, motor and behavioral reactions are disturbed to one degree or another. To restore all these functions, use complex treatment, including reception medications, including sedatives.

In cases where correction and prevention of obsessive-compulsive neuroses in children is required, the drug Tenoten for children, which can eliminate states of anxiety and fear, has proven itself well. Its advantages are a mild effect without side effects. Tenoten for children is not addictive or addictive.

In order for the treatment of obsessive movement neuroses in children to be effective, parents will have to show patience and tact. If you notice a repetition of obsessive movements and rituals, you should not yell at your child; you need to spend time with him and talk about what is bothering him.

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