How many days of sick leave are given after abdominal surgery? Maximum period of sick leave after surgery, for oncology, for pregnancy and childbirth

At least once in our lives, each of us took sick leave. It was good when you had to take sick leave because common cold, and not because surgery awaits. After the operation, it is imperative to undergo complete rehabilitation so that complications do not arise and recovery is successful. Today you will find out how many days sick leave is given after laparoscopic surgery.

Recovery: how is the first day after laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy is a safe, low-traumatic operation compared to abdominal manipulation. However, you still need to complete rehabilitation period.

On the first day after laparoscopy, the woman should remain in the hospital under close medical supervision. This is because after the anesthesia wears off, the patient may begin to feel pain in the lower abdomen.

First day medical staff processes postoperative sutures. You can get out of bed, but you cannot sudden movements and being too active.

For each patient, recovery occurs differently: depending on the reserves and condition of the body. On average, recovery takes from 4 days, and full course rehabilitation approximately 30 days (month).

Time is necessary for not only the tissue to heal, but also the internal organs on which the operation was performed. To fully return to normal and gain strength, you need to follow all the instructions of your doctor.

The postoperative period begins to count from the time when the operation was completed until discharge on sick leave. After the patient recovers from anesthesia, he begins to feel some discomfort and painful sensations in the area where the operation took place. This is quite normal, considering that the tissues are damaged one way or another.

When the pain is unbearable, the patient may be prescribed analgesics.

There are also other features early period recovery:

  • After laparoscopy, in some cases it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs in order to avoid infection.
  • If the intervention is minimally invasive, then it allows you to maintain activity in the first days; after 10 hours you can get up to go to the toilet on your own.
  • You can drink only non-carbonated purified water for the first 5 hours; if you have an appetite, you can try drinking low-fat broth.
  • Laparoscopic manipulations are carried out using gas, which is why recovery, especially for thin women, is accompanied by aches in the knees, neck, shoulders and abdomen. In order for the remaining substances to leave the body, the nurse will show exercises. They will need to be done without getting out of bed.
  • Sometimes medications with anticoagulant properties may be prescribed. Lying position may provoke thrombosis. Stockings, which should be put on before surgery and worn after, will also help.

How many days does treatment last?

The patient stays in the hospital for about 10 days. This number of days is enough to monitor the healing of the sutures and restore general health. During this time, the woman will already get up and get the hang of caring for herself after laparoscopy.

May bother you in the first 4 days aching pain in areas where punctures were made. This occurs because the tissues have been injured. One more unpleasant symptom general malaise appears.

It will also be possible for your body temperature to rise slightly above 37 degrees – this is also normal after such an operation. Other discomfort will be monitored by a doctor who knows whether it is dangerous or within normal limits.

Certainly, postoperative rehabilitation– this is not only 10 days of staying under the supervision of doctors. A woman also needs to rest at home for some time before going to work. Sick leave after laparoscopy is issued for approximately 7-10 days.

But after 10 days it cannot be said that the body is ready for heavy stress.

You need to take care:

  • you cannot have sexual intercourse for a month;
  • visit solariums, baths, saunas, beaches (wash only in the shower);
  • you can’t play sports for 1 month;
  • do not travel;
  • control the weight of the objects being lifted;
  • It is recommended to wear special stockings for 3 weeks after surgery.

Taking into account the fact that laparoscopy is considered a low-traumatic operation compared to abdominal surgery, how many days of sick leave are given still depends on the following factors:

  • what size was the cyst or other formation that was removed;
  • were there any complications;
  • general condition after surgery.

If there are some health and recovery problems, sick leave can be extended by prescribing additional therapy.

What complications can occur after laparoscopy?

As we said above, you can extend sick leave if, after the rehabilitation period, problems arise with recovery. Complications, of course, are rare. However, you need to know about them in order to seek medical help in time.

Possible complications after laparoscopy:

  • damage to other internal organs (urinary tract, intestines);
  • vascular injury;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • suppuration of postoperative sutures;
  • bleeding;
  • pneumonia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • allergy to anesthesia.

Also, after laparoscopy, the body is weakened, and you can easily catch an infection.

You need to sound the alarm if after laparoscopy:

  • temperature stays above 38 degrees for more than 1 day;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain in the suture area, redness;
  • weakness, fatigue, confusion, after anesthesia for more than 6 hours;
  • yellow-red vaginal discharge.

Sick leave after surgery

An important question after the intervention: how many days is sick leave given? As a rule, under normal circumstances, sick leave is issued for approximately 10 days. After the stitches have completely healed, you can go to work.

Sometimes patients already on the 5th day feel full of strength and energy, ready for work and defense, this depends on the characteristics of the body. But it's still not worth the risk. You must fully adhere to the recommendations of your doctor in order to fully recover.

In some cases, due to complications or major surgery, the period of sick leave may be longer.

Throughout the entire rehabilitation period, it is recommended to move as much as possible, starting with slow walking. This is necessary to renew and intensify normal work intestines, other organs (in particular the ovaries). Already 5-7 days after laparoscopy, if the patient’s general health is good, the sutures are removed and the woman is discharged from the hospital.

How to open a sick leave?

So, how to open a sick leave, how long is it valid for and is it possible to extend it? During the patient's stay in the hospital, he is issued a certificate of incapacity for work, which is covered by the date of discharge from the hospital.

Also, if necessary, sick leave can be extended by a maximum of 10 days, if there are no complications or problems with recovery.

If complications arise and the patient is sent to a sanatorium for recovery, then in such a situation the maximum sick leave is 24 days. The patient must appear in person to renew the ballot.

If the required day is missed, the doctor indicates the reason from the patient. Sometimes, if the patient is unable to come, the procedure can be performed at home.

Let's consider the duration of sick leave for some surgical interventions Oh:

  • removal of the uterus – 20-40 days;
  • inguinal hernia maybe 1 year;
  • fallopian tube no more than 40 days;
  • thyroid up to 120 days;
  • urea for a maximum of 40 days;
  • cysts from 7 to 10 days.

Here we looked at how long sick leave is given after laparoscopic operations. It all depends on general condition body, how quickly the patient recovers and whether there are complications. Also, sick leave can be extended if necessary.

It is important to follow all the recommendations of your doctor during the recovery period; you need to take care and eat right. Diet food– the key to any recovery after surgery. After a month, you can return to your normal diet.


Removal of the uterus is a rather complex procedure, followed by a long period recovery. At this time, a woman must be at home or even in a hospital to avoid complications. A sick leave certificate is drawn up after removal of the uterus, which gives the woman the opportunity to go on leave due to health problems.

What is sick leave and why is it needed?

A sick leave certificate is a document confirming a woman’s incapacity for work. After removal of the uterus, it is issued legally. Filled out on a special form and certified with stamps. This document must contain the following information:

  1. Last and first name of the patient, as well as her medical card number.
  2. Description of the disease using coded information. In this case, a certain term is designated by one or another code.
  3. Signature of the head physician and the patient. The woman must sign in person.

It must be filled out in block letters of the Russian language in black ink. Now it is possible to fill out the form on special printing printers, but there must be spaces between the words. Punctuation is used where necessary. Data must be entered into special columns for this purpose, and going beyond them is prohibited. All written information must comply with the rules of the Russian language and meet legal requirements.

Is sick leave provided after hysterectomy?

There must be certain grounds for issuing sick leave. As a rule, after removal of the uterus such grounds are present, therefore, by law, the woman must receive the appropriate document. However, the duration recovery period is individual, so the period indicated on the sick leave may vary.

For how long do they give it?

The postoperative period is all the time that passes from the operation to full recovery female body. During this period of time, early and late stage recovery. For 5-10 days, the woman should be in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. At this time, the patient may experience very severe pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by loss of appetite and insomnia.

The woman is then discharged from the hospital. At this time, she should be especially attentive to her condition. If new symptoms appear (for example, pain intensifies), an urgent check with a doctor is required. Naturally, during this period there can be no talk of any work. How long does sick leave last after hysterectomy? This usually takes at least 4 weeks, including the period of hospitalization.

But depending on the type of surgical intervention, this interval may vary:

  • If vaginal hysterescopy was performed accompanied by a laparoscope, tissue healing occurs faster. Therefore, a woman is given sick leave for no longer than 2-4 weeks.
  • For abdominal surgery, which is performed through the abdominal cavity, sick leave is usually issued for 4 weeks.
  • In the presence of postoperative complications, for example, infection in a wound, the period of sick leave can be increased to 6 weeks.

Moreover, if at the end of the sick leave period it is discovered that the woman cannot yet return to work due to health problems, she is given another document. She can receive several hospital documents in a row at once.

In order for the body to recover faster, a woman must follow a number of measures. In particular, you should not lift heavy objects, but you must observe good personal hygiene.

Sick leave

How to get sick leave?

After removal of the uterus, a woman receives sick leave. This is indicated in various legislative acts: “Law on the protection of the health of citizens of the Russian Federation”, “Law on the procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work”, etc. To do this, she must be insured. The document can only be issued by a licensed organization. To obtain a certificate of incapacity for work, the patient must provide the hospital with a document indicating her personal data (this may be driver license, passport, insurance, etc.).

If a woman has worked in 2 institutions at once for at least 2 years, she must present her work book. Upon confirmation of two years of experience, she is issued 2 sick leave certificates at once.

What to do if they don’t give you sick leave?

Unfortunately, in some cases a woman may be denied a sick leave certificate. Sometimes doctors refer to the fact that the patient did not apply to her place of registration for medical treatment. medical care. However, if a woman has an insurance policy, such a statement from doctors is illegal. After all, the patient has the right to receive treatment throughout the entire Russian Federation and independently choose medical institution and the attending physician.

If after surgery to remove the uterus they refuse to issue a certificate of incapacity for work, you should contact the district clinic. Here you need to write a statement that will be sent to the insurance company that issued the policy to the patient. After the temporary proceedings, the woman must receive the necessary certificate.

If the document is not issued because the doctor considers the woman to be able to work, and this is not the case after removal of the uterus, you should contact another specialist. It is advisable to use the services of a private clinic. The doctor will examine the patient and write his conclusions. After this, you need to present them at the district clinic so that the results obtained are confirmed or refuted.

Therefore, surgery to remove the uterus is legal basis to receive sick leave. Moreover, the woman should stay at home until her body recovers. If such a document is refused, it is recommended to contact the regional health department and the insurance company to clarify the circumstances.

The duration of sick leave after surgery is determined by the attending physician. And only if the illness does not last longer than two weeks. If treatment requires longer period— the issue of extension is resolved with the medical control commission (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 624 n dated June 29, 2011).

It is also important to remember who can issue this type of document. Not every specialist with medical education may help in this matter.

Important! The duration of sick leave after surgery can only be approved by the attending physician and paramedic with the appropriate qualifications.

Certificates of incapacity for work cannot be obtained from an ambulance worker or at a blood transfusion station. Doctors working in balneological centers, mud baths, disaster medicine institutions, supervisory authorities, and forensic experts do not have this right either.

The reasons for sick leave are as follows:

  • injury;
  • disease;
  • operation;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • baby care;
  • caring for a sick relative.

If an operation is required (a set of surgical actions on human tissue for therapeutic, diagnostic or symptomatic purposes), then the sick leave is opened on the day when the patient was admitted to the hospital, and closed on the day when Federal Law No. 255-FZ was issued)

How many days of sick leave are given after surgery?

Now let’s take a closer look at how many days sick leave is issued after surgery for each surgical intervention.


This type of operation is the least traumatic, because the surgeon will not cut anything extensively. A laparoscope with a video camera at one end and a manipulator are inserted into the abdominal cavity. Within a few hours after emerging from anesthesia, the patient can walk, and go to enough active life- the next day.

But how many days of sick leave is given after laparoscopy? The duration of sick leave depends on the pathology, it is determined by the attending physician - but in any case no more than ten months.


It is also the so-called “abdominal operation”. This is a more serious intervention. The surgeon cuts the wall abdominal cavity to provide yourself with access to manipulation internal organs patient.

How long does sick leave last? abdominal surgery in this case? Sick leave can be issued in in some cases and for a year, with an update frequency every 15 calendar days. After this period, either recovery is confirmed, or the patient is sent to medical examination in order to determine whether work is possible for him at all and in what capacity.

How to open a certificate of incapacity for work?

If the clinic decides that the matter is much more serious than simple cold, the person is sent for examination and then a decision is made about surgery. After surgery, the patient is admitted to the hospital.

How many days is sick leave given after surgery and can it be extended? For the entire duration of his stay there, he is issued a certificate of incapacity for work, which will be covered by the date of discharge from the hospital.

Worth knowing! After this, the patient submits it to the clinic at his place of residence, where he will be observed for some more time.

According to the same Federal Law 255, if necessary, the certificate can be extended for a maximum of ten days after discharge from the hospital. If this turned out to be not enough, the issue of increasing the period of such forced “vacations” is decided by the medical commission.

In some cases (this serious illnesses, after which special rehabilitation is required), the patient is sent to a sanatorium. Maximum time sick leave in this case - 24 days.

If a citizen has not lost the ability to move, he must appear in person each time to renew his ballot.

In case of missing the right day, doctor in the absence of any good reason on the part of the patient puts a corresponding mark in the document. If the patient cannot walk on his own, the procedure is carried out at home (Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 31n and No. 624n).

However, no matter how much the rope twists, it will end. There can be two ends, if the patient is alive and at least relatively healthy - recovery or medical and social examination, because in special cases There are already other questions than the timing of the employee’s return to the workplace. For example, this question: will a citizen be able to continue working - if, say, after a long treatment and rehabilitation period, he still does not recover.

If so, then perhaps the manager will have to worry about which position, among the easier ones, can be offered to this particular person, and whether he even agrees to this. If not, then a medical and social examination will decide the degree of loss of ability to work and, as a result, disability will be assigned.

List of surgical interventions and approximate duration of disability (without complications)

Uterus removal

How many days of sick leave is given after a hysterectomy? It all depends on the initial diagnosis and the severity of the prognosis. As a rule, the duration of sick leave after surgery to remove the uterus is twenty - forty days.

Removal of inguinal hernia

How many days of sick leave after inguinal hernia surgery? This is a complex operation. In some cases, disability may last one year.

Fallopian tube removal

For the entire time that the patient is in the hospital, she will be issued a certificate of incapacity for work. Continuation of sick leave for removal of the fallopian tube e exceeds forty days.

Dental operations

Any dentist, no matter what he has to cut - a cyst, abscess or remove impacted tooth wisdom, can issue sick leave for a maximum of ten days.

Removal of the thyroid gland

How many days of sick leave after removal thyroid gland? Everything will depend on the reason for which the operation was performed.

If without complications, then usually up to 120 calendar days. However, if more than serious problem, For example, malignant tumor, then this period can be a year, and then the medical control commission sends for a medical and social examination (Federal Law No. 323-FZ, Art. 59).

Gallbladder removal

How many days of sick leave is given after laparoscopy of the gallbladder? This is a laparoscopic operation, after which the patient is unable to work for maximum forty days.

Spine surgery

The length of sick leave after spinal surgery depends on how serious the intervention was, but it all comes down to the rehabilitation period - it may be quite long.

Cyst removal

How long is sick leave for laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst? The standard duration of the newsletter in this case is from a week to ten days.

Filling out documents

The doctor fills out his part of the document, indicating his profile and surname (clause 60, Order No. 624n). Further, in order to maintain medical confidentiality, one or another code is assigned, depending on the reason for which the sheet was issued. Minor blots that do not distort the essence of the data of the patient, doctor or disease are allowed.

Here are the most common codes used in newsletters:

  • 01- illness;
  • 02 - injury;
  • 03 - quarantine;
  • 04 - accident at work;
  • 05 - maternity leave;
  • 06 - prosthetics;
  • 07 - occupational disease;
  • 08 — sanatorium treatment;
  • 09 - caring for a sick relative;
  • 10 - food poisoning;
  • 11 - illness of a socially significant nature;
  • 12 and 13 - child care;
  • 14 - post-vaccination complication, or a child with cancer;
  • 15 is a child with AIDS.

If the question arises about an operation for an employee, you should approach this issue with special care. May be the best way out will raise the question of transferring him to an easier job.

Now you know how many days sick leave is given after surgery. It all depends on the complexity, the rehabilitation period and the human body itself.

An illness acquired at work or a common cold awaits any person, and they require medical care and complete rest. Get sick and work full force quite problematic, and complications may even lead to the need for hospitalization. Of course, the main thing is the employee’s health, so you need to take out sick leave, to which he has every right. Many people are interested in: how long can treatment last? Almost every year, more and more nuances appear in the legislation; not everyone can keep track of them. That is why it is important for an employee to know: can long stay at home cause dismissal? And how long can you stay on sick leave?

Sick leave: what is it, rules for issuing

A sick leave is not just a document that gives the right not to be at work for health reasons, but also something that allows a person to care for a member of his family, be it a disabled person or a sick child. To obtain it, two conditions must be met:

  • citizenship Russian Federation;
  • from a foreigner or individual without citizenship, this must be temporary registration or a document confirming permanent residence in Russia.
  • working under a pre-concluded employment contract;
  • those who work in the field of jurisprudence;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • those who are not registered as an individual entrepreneur, but are members of a family or tribal community of any northern people who constantly contribute money to their insurance;
  • other citizens who pay insurance premiums in case of loss of ability to work.

So, let’s figure out how long you can be on sick leave.

Maximum permissible duration of sick leave

In 2012, it was established that a therapist can write a standard period of up to 15 days on a hospital form. After this, the patient must come for an appointment, where, in case of recovery, the sheet will be closed or extended for another 15 days if the person is still sick. In case of unsatisfactory physical condition After a month, a council meets to decide what to do next. Moreover, if the patient was observed in private clinic, then it will be sent to the commission to government agency. How many days can you stay on sick leave if recovery does not occur?

If there are no other options, the sick leave is extended for ten months (when the case is very severe, then for one year), a special document is drawn up, which describes the diagnosis and treatment methods. Most often, the patient is offered treatment in day hospital. During the year, he must visit the doctor every month and talk about all the changes. How long can you stay on sick leave in special cases?

Special cases

The dentist can issue sick leave for ten days. A patient after a stroke is entitled to the following:

  • if the stroke is small or mild, then sick leave is given for 2.5-3 months (with treatment for one month in a hospital);
  • 3-4 months if the stroke is moderate;
  • 4-7 months at severe form(with possible disability).

In case of an oncological diagnosis, sick leave can last 120 days, after which a medical and social examination is prescribed. If a person falls ill while on vacation, payment is made as usual. How long can you be on sick leave a year? More on this later.

Baby care

If one of the parents is going to apply for sick leave to care for a child, he has the right to the following duration:

  • if the child is not yet seven years old, then no more than 60 days can be missed per year (in extreme cases- up to 90);
  • if the child’s age is from 7 to 15, then annually you can get 15-45 days;
  • if a child is recognized as disabled (under 18 years of age), during his illness the employee can devote 120 days a year to this.

The length of sick leave depends on how many children there are in the family. Care is taken into account not only for children, but also for grandchildren, stepchildren, sisters, and brothers.

How long can you stay on sick leave after surgery?

Sick leave after surgery

It is possible to obtain a certificate of temporary disability from any doctor (surgeon, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, etc.), the most important thing is that he confirms the fact of the operation and the availability of a license to practice medicine.

A sick leave of this kind is given until the patient has fully recovered; it can be extended up to ten or even twelve months. If a patient requires treatment in a sanatorium, he has the right to additional vacation pay (up to 24 days). If after all this he feels unwell and cannot perform his professional duties, then he will have to undergo a commission with a full examination and be assigned a disability. After laparoscopy, sick leave is opened for a very short period of time - 7-10 days.

Medical certificate before recovery

How long can you stay on sick leave after surgery if you have a medical certificate?

A medical certificate is issued to the employee until he is able to work. The maximum period is ten months, but it can be extended by another two months if:

1) the patient suffered from tuberculosis;

2) the employee was seriously injured;

3) the employee underwent reconstructive surgery.

If you have a long-term sick leave, you need to renew it every fifteen days. After two weeks, the patient must attend meetings of the commission that records his condition and level of recovery at the moment. We looked at how long you can be on sick leave. Will it be paid?

Labor Code and regulation of relations between employer and employee

IN Labor Code Article 81 of the Russian Federation states that dismissal of an employee with temporary disability or on vacation is impossible (except in cases where the organization is liquidated or the activity individual entrepreneur ends). According to Article 183, the employer must pay temporary disability benefits, which are specified in federal laws.

Article 7 federal law“On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity” the benefit is paid in the following amounts:

  • If a person is insured and has eight or more years of experience - 100% of the average
  • If the duration of the insurance period is from five to eight years - 80%.
  • If the insurance period is up to five years, then 60% is paid.

Paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the above-mentioned federal law specifies that temporary disability benefits due to injury or illness are paid to the insured employee for the entire period until his full recovery (or establishment of disability, with the exception of following cases(parts 3 and 4 of this article).

  • If the insured person is in the prescribed manner recognized as disabled, benefits are paid no longer four months consecutively or five months of the calendar year. An exception is tuberculosis, when payments occur before the day of restoration of working capacity or the day when the disability group is revised due to tuberculosis.
  • An insured person who has entered into a fixed-term employment contract/service contract of up to six months, as well as an employee whose injury or illness appeared from the date of conclusion of the contract to the day of its cancellation, receive payments for no more than 75 calendar days under this contract. If an employee becomes ill with tuberculosis, benefits are paid as in the previous paragraph. In this case, the benefit is paid from the day on which the employee was supposed to begin work. Naturally, temporary disability must be properly confirmed, that is, a certificate must be present.

About dismissal

So, how long can you be on sick leave continuously?

Thus, you can be sick without a break for up to one year if you have supporting documents, anamnesis, and certificates. There are no conditions for dismissing an employee due to a long list of incapacity for work; most often they talk about unfavorable options for an employee who has received a disability group. But if a decision is made that the contract is valid, then such a case can be easily challenged and won in court.

We hope that it is now clear to readers how long it is legally possible to remain on sick leave.

Appendix – appendix cecum, which is involved in the process of hematopoiesis. It's called appendicitis inflammatory process originating in the appendix: the thin mucous membrane becomes inflamed, then the inflammatory process spreads to the appendix.

To prevent the disease from rupturing the appendix, emergency surgery (appendectomy) is prescribed. Delay threatens peritonitis, deterioration of general condition and death.

The process is removed only during surgery: laparoscopy or laparotomy. Let's take a closer look at each type of surgical intervention, how it is performed, and when it is appropriate.


Using this technique, the surgeon removes the inflamed appendage through small incisions in the abdominal wall. During the operation, surgeons use a special optical device - a laparoscope (microscopic television camera). It is inserted into the abdominal cavity and makes accurate diagnosis possible without an abdominal incision.

Laparoscopy is a more gentle method for removing the appendix.. Patients recover within a few days, and only 3 small and almost invisible scars (5-10 mm) remain on the abdomen at the puncture sites.

Laparotomy (abdominal surgery)

If complications arise, for example, the appendix ruptures or inflammation spreads to nearby tissues, laparoscopy is not enough. This type of intervention can be performed, but only for diagnostic purposes.

To remove the inflamed appendix and clean the abdominal cavity, surgeons resort to laparotomy. This is an abdominal operation in which the abdominal cavity is dissected.

The length of the incision is 5-10 cm. After abdominal surgery, recovery lasts longer, heat can last from 5 to 7 days.

Recovery period

Depending on how exactly the operation was performed, recovery can last from 2 days to 2 weeks. During laparoscopic surgery, patients are discharged on the 2-3rd day, and after laparotomy - on the 10th day.

If complications arise (hernia, peritonitis, inflammation of the suture, low-grade fever, abscess), the duration of hospital stay increases.

ATTENTION! To speed up discharge and avoid complications, the patient needs to adhere to all medical instructions, follow a regimen and eat certain foods.

Regime and diet

After removal of the appendix, patients are recommended to start walking (always in a bandage) within 5-6 hours after the operation. Small physical activity promotes rapid recovery body and prevents the formation of adhesions.

Heavy physical activity and lifting loads are strictly contraindicated for up to 3 months, as all this can lead to the suture coming apart or a hernia occurring.

Patients are recommended to sleep at least 8 hours a day, not drink alcohol for 3-4 weeks, and stay as healthy as possible. healthy image life. The same applies to nutrition: it should be light, balanced and of high quality.

In the first 12 hours after surgery, when the body recovers from anesthesia, you should not eat food.. In the first 3 days, meals are very gentle, light and frequent: at least 5-6 times a day.
It can be:

  • chicken broths (with a small amount of fat, for example, from chicken breast);
  • chicken meat: only boiled and pureed;
  • vegetable purees: from potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini;
  • dairy products: low-fat and sugar-free (kefir and yogurt);
  • boiled rice in water.

A week after the operation, you can introduce slimy porridges in water, liquid unleavened soups without salt, pureed vegetable soups, a small amount of fresh herbs, into the diet. boiled carrots, dried fruits, baked apples.

Gradually the menu will expand and you will be able to enter more products, but it is better to avoid fatty, spicy and salty dishes in principle.

ADVICE! In addition to nutrition, pay attention to water. The more you drink, the better it is for the body: all toxins are more actively removed from it, it is cleansed and restored faster.

Water can be replenished herbal teas, fresh natural juices and compotes without sugar. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters per day.

Temperature after intervention

After surgery, an increase in temperature is normal. A focus of inflammation occurs in the body, the immune system actively involved in work. During this, the temperature rises to 37-38 degrees and lasts from 2 to 10 days.

After laparoscopy the temperature goes away naturally on the 2-3rd day, and after laparotomy it can last up to 10 days. Sometimes the temperature can last for 3-6 months. The reason for this may be a violation of thermoregulation or other complications.

In such cases, treatment is carried out antibacterial drugs, prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy or treat symptomatically with antipyretics. It all depends on the cause, which is determined by the doctor.

When are stitches usually removed?

The abdominal wall is sutured with absorbable threads, and the skin with strong silk or synthetic threads. If wound healing proceeds without complications and the wound is covered with a crust, the sutures are removed within 7-10 days.

For what period are the newsletters provided?

The rules for issuing sick leave are regulated by Article No. 183 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, orders of the Ministry of Health and social development RF No. 624n dated June 29, 2011 and No. 31n dated January 21, 2012. It is issued for a period of 5 to 15 days, depending on how the appendectomy was performed.

Time off from work

The duration of the rehabilitation period, which is prescribed on the sick leave and frees the patient from work, depends on the patient’s condition and on the method by which the operation was performed:

  1. with laparotomy it is 5-7 days;
  2. with laparoscopy – 10-15 days;
  3. for complications during surgery or the postoperative period – up to 30 days.

How to renew?

To request an extension of the terms specified on the sick leave, you need:

  1. contact the head doctor of the hospital or your attending physician;
  2. come on your own or wait medical commission who will conduct the examination;
  3. the certificate of incapacity for work is updated depending on what decision the commission makes.

Only the attending physician or medical commission who work in the institution where the patient was operated on and treated has the right to extend sick leave. Making amendments to the sick leave certificate on your own is unacceptable., such a document is considered invalid.

Reasons for extension

Extension of sick leave is possible only in case of complications that appeared during surgery or during the rehabilitation period: diffuse or local peritonitis, rupture of the appendix, thrombophlebitis, appendiceal infiltrate (appearance of fluid).

If the patient is diagnosed with such complications, he continues to be treated in the hospital.

Depending on what decision the doctors make after the service, Sick leave can be extended for up to 30 days. In particular severe cases it could be several months.

REFERENCE! The maximum period for which sick leave can be extended is 12 months.


The registration is handled by the doctor and the patient’s employer. The doctor prescribes a diagnosis and indicates the state of health. The period is prescribed using the appropriate unified code, which is indicated in the ICD - K35-38.

Codes indicating common cause disability, for appendicitis it is 01 (a disease that does not allow the employee to attend the workplace).

The employee does not fill out anything on the sick leave form. He only needs to come to the doctor, pick up the sheet and give it to the employer.

The employer fills out information on the sick leave certificate that relates to payment calculations and information about the company. Data for the tax office must be recorded. On a sick leave certificate, the tax code is the number 2300.


An appendectomy is a simple operation. Patients recover quickly and can return to work within 7-15 calendar days. If complications arise, you can ask for an extension of sick leave for required period. You cannot do this on your own; the extension period is determined only after an examination by a medical board.

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