How long can you use daily, weekly and long-term wear lenses? Why you shouldn't wear contact lenses if you have a runny nose

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People who need vision correction often choose contact lenses, refusing glasses.

This method of vision correction is used both daily and for temporary use.

Contact lenses may be prescribed by your doctor for temporary vision correction, before surgery, or for long-term therapy in orthokeratology.

How long can you wear each type of lens?

Lenses are distinguished by the period of their use. Let's look at each type in more detail.

One-day (one-time)

Daily contact lenses are considered the easiest to use. A person puts them on in the morning after sleep, walks in them all day and takes them off in the evening.

Immediately after removal, they are thrown away. The next day, the man opens new packaging and also uses them throughout the day.

The main advantage of ephemera is complete sterility. Absence of necessity ongoing care behind them and minimal exposure time with environment, reduces the likelihood of infection of the structures of the eyeball.


  • The need to constantly monitor their availability;
  • High costs for regular purchases.

With each day of use, the amount of air that disposable lenses let through decreases and their density increases. This may lead to the development pathological processes in the eyeball. It is not recommended to use one pair for more than 2-3 days.


Weekly contact lenses include one- or two-week options, and this category also includes types that can be worn for up to a month.

They are characterized by increased permeability to oxygen. They can be worn without taking them off throughout their entire service life. However, doctors recommend, to reduce the development of diseases, to remove them at night and place them in a special container with a solution.

At the end of its service life, oxygen permeability decreases, therefore Weekly lenses cannot be worn beyond their expiration date operation.

Long wearing

Contact lenses long-term wearing can be divided into several groups: up to 3 months of operation, up to six months, up to a year.

They are put on in the morning, removed in the evening and stored at night in a special container with a solution.

Long-term wear lenses are thicker than daily and weekly lenses (and allow less oxygen to pass through), and they are more likely to cause dry eyes and discomfort.

At the end of their service life, they reduce the amount of oxygen allowed into the eye and may become dull. Pathological microflora can also settle on them.

Night (orthokeratology)

Night contact lenses are worn every night before bed and removed after sleep.

They adhere tightly to the eye and change the distribution of the corneal epithelium, changing the curvature around the optical zone.

As a result, the refraction of light changes and now it is focused directly on the retina. Which allows you to see well.

Throughout the day, this effect remains. Night wear lenses should be worn every day before going to bed. You can read more about orthokeratology.

There are options with a service life of one, two years, three years, depending on the brand and materials of manufacture.

Features of operating conditions

The operating conditions for contact lenses may vary depending on the environment in which the person is located.

Operating time is reduced if a person is in:

  • Excessively polluted environment;
  • Dusty rooms;
  • An environment with low oxygen concentration in the air;
  • Rooms with high temperatures.

This must be remembered by those people who work in factories, mines, chemical laboratories and warehouses.

Those who engage in mountaineering should also take special care in using contact lenses, due to the decrease in the amount of oxygen in the air when climbing to altitude. In such cases, it is better to use one-day options with high oxygen permeability.

IN Everyday life, you should not stay in a closed, unventilated room or in a constantly heated car for too long. In such cases, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air increases, which can damage contact lenses.

While in a pool or body of water, contact lenses can become infected with pathogenic microorganisms. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to refuse to wear them while swimming and give preference to regular glasses or special swimming goggles.

For people whose work is related to the above factors, there are the following recommendations:

Changes due to use beyond service life

Each type of lens has its own service life. You should not exceed it. Like any medical device, they become unusable after the end of their useful life.

Even if no changes are visually detected, they still occur. These include:

  • Reduced air passage, lack of oxygen to the eyes;
  • Reducing the amount of light entering the retina;
  • Microcracks and physical deformations invisible to the eye;
  • Settlement of pathogenic microorganisms.

Using contact lenses after their expiration date can lead to the following diseases and reactions:

Autumn is the time colds. During this period we lack the sun. We consume less vitamins, spend insufficient time on fresh air... This has a negative impact on the condition immune system, provokes various diseases. However, it is easy to get sick at any time of the year. Is it possible to wear lenses when you are sick?

During illness, many things are relegated to the background. Agree, with a fever, runny nose or hoarse throat, it is difficult to think about problems at work, disagreements with friends or acquaintances and everyday trifles. At this time, most of us think about only one thing - how to get better faster and return to the usual rhythm of life? Some people don’t think about whether they can wear it when they’re sick. It's quite simple to explain. Use of funds contact correction For many it is an everyday matter. Day after day, for a certain period of time, they put on lenses in the morning and take them off before going to bed. Almost all users are confident that if an ophthalmologist recommended these optical products to them, based on the results of the examination, then there can be no contraindications for further wearing contact lenses. Well, let's figure out whether it is worth refusing to use contact correction products during a particular illness or can they still be worn?

Can I wear contact lenses if I have a cold?

According to ophthalmologists, wearing lenses when you have a cold is absolutely forbidden. Experts strongly recommend stopping the use of contact optics when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Moreover, this rule applies to both colds and viral diseases. Of course, when you heat, general weakness of the body, which is often accompanied by a headache, it can be difficult to remember the precautions and advice of doctors regarding the need to remove contact lenses. However, try to remember this rule, because following it will allow your eyes to remain healthy.

Why can't you wear contact lenses when you have a cold?

As you understand, lenses should not be worn not only at the peak of the disease, but also when its first signs appear. Now let's figure out what are the reasons for this ban. Experts explain that, in their opinion, Negative consequences wearing lenses during illness is associated with the fact that at this time the body is in a dehydrated state. The visual organs suffer from a lack of tear fluid, which, in turn, helps to lubricate optical products and moisturize the cornea. Moreover, even with a common runny nose, you should not use contact lenses. The fact is that the liquid that is released from the nose during a cold is a source of various bacteria that, when sneezing, fall on correction devices. This increases the risk of inflammation of the visual organs, for example, conjunctivitis may appear.

Can I wear contact lenses if I take antihistamines?

Quite often, during colds, users complain of increased swelling. As a rule, this happens in cases where the disease develops against the background of allergies or it occurs against the background of influenza or ARVI. Due to the fact that many people refuse to visit the clinic, their treatment is not controlled by anyone, and medications are selected independently. This is also facilitated by the absence of shortages of medicines in pharmacies. However, if you use contact lenses and become ill, antihistamines you need to be extremely careful. The point is that they side effect is dryness not only skin, but also mucous membranes. Hence, similar drugs provoke increased dryness eyes, especially if at this moment you are using lenses. Vasoconstrictor drugs, namely nasal drops, have a similar effect.

What to do if you can’t wear lenses if you have a cold?

What to do in a situation when you cannot wear lenses because you are sick? Experts agree that the best option is their temporary replacement with glasses. However, for most users this is serious problem, because they are accustomed to correcting their vision with the help of contact lenses. Moreover, for many people, using glasses is not possible. This is often due to their work activity or way of life. Some admit that they are so accustomed to contact correction devices that they may experience discomfort in situations where they are forced to replace them with glasses. In such cases, ophthalmologists recommend their patients to use daily lenses. These optical products are different high level hydrophilicity and oxygen permeability, thanks to which they perfectly retain moisture throughout the day. Such models are considered the most modern and safe. They are developed on the basis of high-quality polymers with excellent characteristics. In this regard, ephemera can be used more long time, as a rule, at least 10-12 hours. However, even such lenses, the wearing of which on the one hand is safe and acceptable for colds, can be harmful to the visual organs. To avoid this, consult your ophthalmologist about how long optical products can remain on the cornea while you are sick.

What should I do if I found out late about the ban on wearing lenses when I have a cold?

We have already said earlier that you should stop using contact correction products as soon as the first symptoms of a respiratory viral disease begin to appear. However, we all know that diagnosing a cold in a timely manner is not so easy. What to do in a situation where the lenses were on the eyes during illness, even for several days? There is no doubt that further wearing of optical products must be stopped immediately. In this case, it would be good to visit an ophthalmologist, but during illness such advice, of course, is not relevant. Then you should treat your planned replacement lenses using enzyme tablets, which can be purchased at opticians or specialized online stores. Remember that you cannot wear these optical products until you have fully recovered.

Constantly wearing lenses every night is called orthokeratology. People resort to its use to exclude surgical intervention for some ophthalmological diseases.

Orthokeratology promotes mechanical impact on the shape of the eye cornea. The night lens has a sufficient degree of rigidity and gas permeability to “work” without the risk of damage eyeball. The use of night lenses during the actual 7-8 hours of night sleep makes it possible to ensure good vision during the whole day.

A professional approach to the selection of such lenses is very important. Indeed, for precise correction of the spherical shape of the cornea, the individual characteristics of the human eye are taken into account.

The stable use of night lenses allows you to achieve high visual acuity, without having to wear glasses, during the day. Although orthokeratology does not give a permanent, stable result, its use still makes a person’s activities convenient and comfortable during the day.
Wearing night lenses also has some dangers and contraindications.

Against the background of reduced sensitivity of the cornea of ​​the eye, contraindications may be ophthalmological diseases inflammatory and allergic individual reactions person on the lens itself or on preparations for its care.

Frequently encountered inconveniences when using night lenses are dust and dry air that irritate the cornea.

During general illness body, especially with a runny nose, the use of night lenses poses a risk of contracting an inflammatory eye disease (from conjunctivitis to keratitis). Deprived of full natural protection, the human eyeball feels particularly uncomfortable during illness.

With a runny nose, tear flow worsens, which causes the cornea of ​​the eye to dry out and increases the risk of developing allergic reactions. Yes and use medicines, which improve the condition of the human body during colds, requires a temporary refusal to wear night lenses.

In addition to drying out of the mucous membrane of the eyes, a decrease in visual acuity or blurred vision may occur during the day. You may also develop excessive lacrimation or pain in the eyes, given the huge number of bacteria, viruses and various pathogenic microorganisms in the mucus during rhinitis.

Due to its high cost, orthokeratology has a low degree of approval in relation to large quantity of people. For this reason, it is difficult to take as a basis the assumption that using lenses during a runny nose entails replacing them after recovery. The grain of truth in infection of the surface of contact lenses with bacteria from the nasal mucosa during rhinitis is very high.

Even without a runny nose, night lenses should be cleaned quarterly. laboratory methods from the remains of protein and fat deposits on the inner surface.

Despite the fact that night lenses have a more rigid base, unlike soft daytime lenses, it is still worth paying more attention and responsibility to eye health during colds from the nasopharynx.

Although doctors advise categorically against wearing night lenses during a cold, there are still no firm contraindications in this regard. After all human life is a choice every second. And the alternative always exists in everything.

So, the possibilities of compromises between a runny nose and wearing orthokeratology lenses:

In order not to cause inflammatory process cornea, you can switch to wearing glasses. If we think logically: a sick person is assigned home bed rest, therefore, there is no need to use lenses.
. Fearing additional proliferation of microbes (after all, wearing lenses in itself implies the development pathogenic flora in case of insufficient care), during illness you can use lenses every other night or two to three. After all, by choosing high-quality night lenses, the “good vision effect” lasts up to 72 hours.
. To simplify the self-cleaning of the eye by tear disinfection through frequent blinking, you can (after consulting a doctor) use ophthalmic drops that moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye.
. And “agree” with drugs that improve general state body, you can use traditional medicine. After all, our ancestors buried their noses with carrots and beet juice without the use of chemical pharmacology.
. The situation is more severe with rhinitis caused by exacerbation seasonal allergies. It is quite possible that this is the only uncompromising type of contraindication to wearing night lenses. Although with a professional medical approach, taking into account individual characteristics Allergy sufferer, any issue can be solved.
. To avoid additional material costs for a new orthokeratology pair, you should take special care of your lenses during this period.
. And, of course, we should not forget about the basic rules of care when using contact optics: be sure to wash your hands, put them on slowly and without fuss, adhere to neatness and disinfection when storing, do not touch your eyes with unwashed hands, and systematically visit an ophthalmologist for examination.
. In case of doubt or an influx of irresponsibility, you should think carefully and set priorities: a patient attitude towards a runny nose and eye health, or reckless and hasty treatment of rhinitis with the prospect of moving from treatment at the clinic to the office of an ophthalmologist-infectious disease specialist.
. If the use of night lenses carries not only medical indicators Whether for cosmetic or social reasons, the temporary wearing of glasses depends on the style and artistic taste of each individual.

Most people with low vision choose contact lenses as a correction. Colds, runny nose, and sore throat bring us a lot of inconvenience. The nose and throat are closely connected to the eyes, which means that infection can quickly spread to the cornea. During the treatment period, we give up many familiar things. Including, you should stop wearing contact lenses. Is it possible to wear contact lenses when you have a cold? Now you will find out why ophthalmologists recommend not to do this.

If you already for a long time If you wear soft contact lenses, you may neglect to be meticulous in their care and wearing. But during illness this may have unpleasant consequences and complications. When we have a cold, there is a deficiency of tear fluid in the body, thus our eyes are not sufficiently moistened, which can lead to infection.

When you have a runny nose, it is very easy to get an infection in your eyes, and during a cold, contact lenses provide a very favorable environment for the development of bacteria. The mucus released from the nose is a source for all kinds of bacteria; when you sneeze, these microorganisms will land on the surface of the lenses, which greatly increases the likelihood of conjunctivitis or other eye infections. Fever dries out the mucous membrane of the eye - this makes it even more vulnerable to bacteria. If the mucous membrane is dry, then you will be plagued by itching, redness and burning in the eyes. Some medications can cause vision problems, in which case contact lenses will only cause inconvenience.

If it is very difficult for you to give up contact lenses for a while and wearing glasses depresses you, then the optimal solution would be to wear daily contact lenses that do not require maintenance. Their high degree of moisture and oxygen permeability will retain moisture throughout the day. If the lenses are scheduled for replacement, you may need additional disinfectant in addition to the solution. To avoid developing dry eye syndrome, you will need to use moisturizing drops. It is better to consult your doctor before using them. Vasoconstrictor drugs may cause discomfort and cause problems with lenses.

If using contact lenses during illness does not cause you any discomfort, you can continue to wear them. But keep in mind that at the slightest alarming symptom You should consult a doctor, otherwise you will risk serious consequences, and most importantly, your health!

P.S. Don't miss the opportunity to purchase contact lenses at

Contact lenses - modern remedy helping to eliminate vision problems. Lenses are used both for treatment and for cosmetic effects on the eyes. For what vision conditions are lenses recommended?

Color contact lenses

In cosmetology, if vision is good, they are used to hide various eye defects (albinism, eyesores, different colors human eyes and others), as well as to obtain the desired eye color (colored lenses).

Colored lenses are safe for the eyes and vision. However, you shouldn't get carried away with them. It's all the same foreign body which may cause some discomfort. Such lenses are not suitable for constant wear because they do not allow oxygen to pass through.

They should be worn sporadically and no longer than 4-6 hours at a time. It is necessary to follow all rules of lens care and hygiene to avoid infecting the visual apparatus. Monitor the expiration date and do not use expired products.

For what vision conditions can lenses be worn for therapeutic purposes?

What type of vision can you still wear lenses for? They can be used for both good and bad poor eyesight. It just depends on the type of lenses. WITH therapeutic purpose lenses are used for:


Myopia (nearsightedness);

Low vision;

Hypermetropia (farsightedness);

Ineffectiveness of correcting visual impairment with glasses.

Their appointment can be carried out according to professional indications, when wearing glasses is impossible or difficult (builders, medical workers, athletes and others). They are absolutely safe, they are prescribed even to children, most often from 10–13 years old, since children younger age may neglect the rules of personal hygiene, resulting in infection in the eyes along with the lenses.

For children under 10 years old, lenses can cause some inconvenience, and, in the end, they may simply forget about them, which is not very good for the treatment process.

Poor vision is not a death sentence. For example, myopia is well corrected with lenses of any degree of complexity. Myopia (minus vision, myopia) is a visual impairment in which a person has difficulty seeing objects located in the distance (the image is focused in front of the retina). It can be either congenital or acquired. There are three degrees of myopia: low, medium and high.

Astigmatism (plus vision) is an eye pathology in which the image is incorrectly focused on the retina. At the same time, the person complains about the lack of clarity of the image he sees and the blurred silhouettes. There are weak, medium and high degrees of astigmatism. It can be congenital or acquired.

This pathology can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, and is also possible laser correction vision. Until recently, correction with lenses was very difficult, since there were only hard lenses to solve this problem.

Today, with positive vision, special lenses (toric) are used. Their appearance is different from that of regular contact lenses. These lenses are selected strictly individually for each person. IN in this case correction is possible with weak and moderate degrees.

Farsightedness (hyperopia) is an eye disease in which the image is focused not on the retina, but behind it. Age-related farsightedness after 45–50 years it is observed in almost everyone, which is associated with anatomical changes. With this disease, a person has difficulty seeing close objects and complains of fatigue eyes and headache.

There are weak, medium and high degree. For farsightedness, lenses are also worn; they are soft and have a healing effect.

Age-related vision deterioration can also be corrected with the help of contact lenses, for example, multifocal ones (they are divided into 2 zones: far and near).

Contraindications for wearing lenses

You should not use lenses if a person has:

There is an allergy to the material from which the lens is made or to solutions for their treatment;

Available inflammatory diseases eyelids (blepharitis) or conjunctiva (conjunctivitis);

Omission upper eyelid(ptosis);


There is dryness of the cornea;

Increased tear production;

Use with caution in diabetes mellitus.

It is necessary to give up contact lenses for a while and switch to vision correction with glasses during colds. During this period, the immune system weakens and the mucous membrane of the eyes dries out. As a result, the use of lenses can lead to eye injury or infection.

Delayed allergies may occur; in this case, you should also stop using lenses, at least, until the symptoms disappear and the cause of its occurrence is determined. You can resume their use only after consulting your doctor. If necessary, you should replace the lenses with similar ones, but made of a different material, or change the disinfectant solutions.

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