Liquid laxative. DIY laxatives. Effective and inexpensive fast-acting tablets

If you have problems with bowel movements, anti-constipation tablets, available in a wide range of pharmacy chains, will help. But, before purchasing a laxative, you should clarify its effect on the body and take into account possible contraindications. After all, each medication has a special composition and application features that should be taken into account during the treatment process. Unsystematic use of laxatives can only aggravate the problem, so prescribe similar drugs should the doctor.

According to statistics, up to 30% of the population suffers from chronic constipation, regardless of age. Problems with timely bowel movements may occur due to various reasons, which are most often associated with disruption of digestive processes and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, treatment of the disease requires individual approach, taking into account concomitant diseases, dietary habits and lifestyle of the patient. Today we will find out which anti-constipation pills best help cope with intestinal atony, and tell you about the features of their use.

Doctors advise resorting to taking laxatives only in in case of emergency. They cannot be used constantly, since long-term use of medications is addictive, which subsequently leads to disruption of the natural state and other problems. Any drugs with a laxative effect should not be used for more than 10 days in a row.

All laxatives, taking into account their composition and mechanism of action, can be divided into several large groups:

Irritant drugs

They are considered the most effective and are used for intestinal atony and peristalsis disorders associated with a sedentary lifestyle or dietary habits. This fast acting tablets from constipation, which allow you to induce bowel movements and cleanse the intestines 6 to 8 hours after ingestion. In this case, bowel movement occurs due to chemical stimulation of colon receptors. Representatives of this group, produced in the form of tablets or capsules:

  • Bisad;
  • Pirilax;
  • Dulcolax;
  • Laxacodil;
  • Senadexin;
  • Herbion Laksana.

The use of such drugs should be short-term, since too frequent use of laxatives with an irritating effect disrupts the process of peristalsis and increases the risk of developing intestinal atony and disorders electrolyte balance blood.

Laxatives with irritating effects are used in emergency cases to relieve acute constipation. They should not be prescribed for the treatment of chronic problems with bowel movements, gastrointestinal intestinal bleeding, availability anal fissure, exacerbations of hemorrhoids, proctitis or intestinal obstruction.


Drugs in this group are considered the safest means that help improve digestion and get rid of constipation. Such medications have virtually no contraindications; probiotics can be taken by children, pregnant and lactating women.

Once in the intestines, they restore balance beneficial microflora, provide a mild laxative effect, stimulate peristalsis and promote regular cleansing. Representatives of this group, most often used for constipation, include:

  • Lactusan;

Probiotics contain beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, are not addictive, and do not cause side effects. But you should not expect instant action from taking such drugs; stool appears after 3-4 days of regular use of the drug. Probiotics are recommended to be taken for acute and chronic constipation, as well as in the process of treating dysbiosis accompanied by stool retention.

Anti-constipation tablets with osmotic action

Effective tablets for constipation, the mechanism of action of which is based on the retention of water in the intestines, due to which the stool softens and their excretion is accelerated. For regular constipation, osmotic laxatives are not used; they are prescribed for effective one-time cleansing in case of food or drug poisoning or to prepare the intestines for diagnostic procedures.

The advantage of this group, compared to irritants, is that there is no risk of developing intestinal atony. Osmotic laxatives are mainly produced in the form of solutions or powders designed to be dissolved in water. These include tools such as:

  • Carlsbad salt,
  • Fortrans,
  • Macrogol,
  • Lavacol,
  • Microlax.

From tablets osmotic agents can be called the drug Poslabin (Lactulose).

Enteric fillers

Another group of laxatives, represented mainly by substances natural origin, which are not absorbed in the intestines, but simply increase the volume of stool and promote bowel movements.

Such drugs do not improve peristalsis, so they do not always achieve the desired effect, but can provoke bloating and painful cramps. The main representatives of intestinal fillers are methylcellulose, agar-agar, bran, flax seeds.

Since in this article we are looking at laxatives in tablet form, we will dwell in more detail on the most popular drugs from the group of probiotics and irritants.

The best pills for constipation

Senade (analogues of Regulax, Senadexin, Gerbion Laxana, chewable lozenges Senna).

Senade - popular, inexpensive tablets from constipation. Just like its analogues, the basis of this product is sennosides isolated from medicinal plant senna. The active substances have an irritating effect on the receptors of the large intestine, providing laxative effect.

Indications for the use of drugs are acute constipation associated with impaired intestinal motility. Tablets are not intended for long-term use, since this approach increases the risk of liver damage, intestinal atony, the appearance of protein in the urine, and dehydration.

The drug is contraindicated for use in conditions such as intestinal obstruction, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory diseases internal organs, gastrointestinal or uterine bleeding, stomach ache unknown etiology, peritonitis. The laxative is used with extreme caution in pregnant and lactating women and in children (from 6 years of age). Taking Senade can cause nausea, cramping abdominal pain associated with excessive intestinal activity, and flatulence. Once the drug is stopped, these symptoms disappear.

The standard dosage of a laxative is 1 tablet after meals. It is better to take the drug at night. If bowel movements do not occur in the morning, the dose can be doubled. Senada price - from 25 rubles.

Cheap, irritating laxative tablets that are often prescribed as emergency assistance for constipation. Like other drugs in this group, Bisacodyl cannot be used long time, otherwise the risk of unwanted complications increases. The drug improves intestinal motility by irritating receptors and helps normalize stool.

Bisacodyl is used to relieve constipation, cleanse the intestines before surgical interventions or diagnostic examinations. Taking a laxative is contraindicated in cases of intestinal obstruction, constipation associated with the appearance of intestinal polyps, and acute inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

This drug should not be prescribed to persons with hypersensitivity to the active substance, if internal bleeding and gastroenteritis. Taking the drug may cause the same side effects, which are caused by senna drugs.

For adults, standard Bisacodyl is 1 to 3 tablets per day. You can take the drug in the evening or in the morning, the desired effect occurs within 6-10 hours. In children, laxative tablets are used from the age of six, 1 tablet at night.

For an hour before and after taking the drug, you should not drink milk or take antacid medications. This product has many analogues containing the same thing active substance- bisacodyl. The most popular among them are:

  1. Dulcolax,
  2. Pirilax,
  3. Bisad,
  4. Laxatin.

The price of Bisacodyl in the pharmacy chain is only 15-20 rubles per pack.

Herbal laxative from the company Evalar, in the form chewable tablets. This dietary supplement is intended to normalize digestive processes and improve intestinal motility. It has a mild laxative effect and can be used to cleanse the intestines for 2 weeks.

The chewable tablets contain extracts of senna, plantain, dill and apricot powder. In addition, Fitolax has other forms of release - fruit bar, concentrate, herbal tea. Each of these forms has a special composition. Laxatives should be used for chronic constipation and bowel problems associated with impaired intestinal motility. Chewable tablets are recommended for adults and children, in a dosage of 2 to 4 tablets, taken with dinner.

Contraindications to the use of Fitolax are hypersensitivity to the components, pregnancy, lactation, intestinal obstruction, ulcerative colitis. Side effects may include: allergic reactions, flatulence and diarrhea. The price of chewable tablets is from 180 rubles.

Poslabin (Lactulose)

This is a mild osmotic laxative, which is prescribed for constipation and to cleanse the intestines before diagnostic procedures. The action of the tablets is aimed at increasing the volume and diluting the stool, activating intestinal motility. These are the most safe pills against constipation for children and adults.

Children are often prescribed this drug in syrup form. Lactulose has few contraindications - intestinal obstruction and increased sensitivity to the components. The drug is prescribed with caution when diabetes mellitus, since it contains fructose. The dosage of drugs is selected by the doctor individually. The price of Poslabin tablets is from 90 rubles.

This is a popular probiotic designed to restore beneficial microflora in the intestines. Available in the form of capsules and tablets. Contains beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which promote good digestion and normalization of stool.

The drug has virtually no contraindications and has no side effects. The only limitation to use is hypersensitivity to the components. The price of Linex varies depending on the number of tablets or capsules in the package and on average ranges from 300 to 480 rubles.

A widely sought after probiotic capsule containing kefir grain and live acidophilus. Eliminates discomfort, activates intestinal motility and allows you to establish regular bowel movements.

It is used when accompanied by diarrhea, constipation, intestinal infections. It has no contraindications or side effects. This remedy can be prescribed to children from 3 months, and used in pregnant and lactating women. The price of the probiotic is from 280 rubles.

This drug enhances peristalsis and promotes regular bowel movements. Active substance- trimebutine acts throughout the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating intestinal smooth muscles in atonic conditions and restoring its physiological activity in various diseases digestive system associated with motor impairment.

The medication is prescribed for dyspeptic disorders and atonic constipation. The standard dosage is 1 tablet three times a day before meals. This drug has few contraindications - these are individual intolerance to the components and childhood(up to 3 years). Price - from 220 rubles.

Constipation tablets for adults

Treating constipation in adults is much more difficult than in children, since constipation accumulates with age. chronic diseases, causing disturbance functions of the digestive system, develop inflammatory processes in the intestines. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to weakening of peristalsis and the development of persistent atonic constipation.

Therefore, along with laxatives with an irritating effect, it is necessary to use drugs that activate motor functions intestines and promote regular bowel movements.

The drugs of choice for adult patients include tablets based on senna extract (Regulax, Senade), probiotics that eliminate the manifestations of dysbiosis and agents intended to regulate intestinal motility.

For children, the safest laxatives are:

  • Lactulose,
  • Normaze

When choosing tablets for constipation, you should always take into account the mechanism of action of the drug, the cause, causing constipation, Availability concomitant diseases. If you need quick results, opt for osmotic laxatives or drugs with irritating effects. In other cases, it is better to take mild, safe laxatives with a minimum number of contraindications (probiotics, dietary supplements).

When problems arise with stool, many begin to resort to various drugs that are sold in pharmacies. A mild laxative is available without a prescription; it has a gentle effect on constipation, if the situation is not severe.

Causes and consequences of constipation

Constipation not only causes discomfort, it is dangerous because feces that remain in the body for more than two days can cause toxic poisoning. This will affect the functioning of some organs and may lead to dysfunctional disorders. With constipation, there is a possibility of a number of problems:

  • Pain in the heart area;
  • Headache as a result of the release of toxins into the blood;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the anus;
  • Decreased performance;
  • Persistent feeling of fatigue;
  • Poor appetite.

To avoid such consequences, you need to know the causes of constipation:

  • Frequent stress;
  • Surgical interventions;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Decreased physical activity ( sedentary image life);
  • Infectious diseases, especially those associated with the intestinal tract;
  • A long course of treatment with antibiotics, as a result of which dysbiosis develops;
  • Taking medications that have constipation among the side effects.

Sometimes it’s easy to just adjust your diet or start leading active image life does not mean completely protecting yourself from constipation. Situationally, you can use mild laxatives, but if the situation worsens, it is better to consult a specialist for advice.

How to choose the right laxative

The very first thing you need to understand about laxatives is that you can’t start taking them right away. strong drugs . As a result, the body loses a large number of fluids, the electrolyte balance is disturbed, and this places a heavy burden on all organs and systems.

When choosing a good and gentle remedy that will help with constipation gently and effectively, you need to take into account the fundamental principles:

  1. Preparations containing Vaseline oil You cannot take it for a long time, otherwise you risk developing a tumor.
  2. When choosing a drug, you must take into account the cause of constipation; in no case should you act at random.
  3. Pay attention to where mild laxatives work—some products work exclusively in the large or small intestine.
  4. If long-term use of the drug is required, it is important that there is no addiction, and at the same time the desired result is achievable.
  5. It is advisable that the chosen laxative be taken at night or strictly on an empty stomach.

If we talk about price, it is known that inexpensive remedy has no less effect than its more expensive analogues. Often the cost depends only on the manufacturer, so domestic drugs are more accessible to consumers and are in no way inferior to foreign ones.

The safest laxatives

The first thing to remember when using any laxatives, including mild ones, is that you should not take them uncontrollably or for too long. Otherwise, you risk developing the so-called lazy bowel syndrome and resulting in chronic constipation. for a long time.

Anyone who wants to gently and easily solve the problem of lack of stool can recommend the following list of drugs:

  1. Prelax. This laxative stabilizes the processes occurring in the intestines, and also normalizes the digestive process and promotes better absorption nutrients. It is suitable for both older people and children (even newborns).
  2. Guttalax. The product is indicated for use by children, pregnant women, and the elderly and is absolutely safe. In case of overdose, there is no need to worry; there is no risk of constipation. Upon admission this tool There is a risk of addiction, so frequent use is not recommended.
    The drug is taken in the form of drops either a few hours before bedtime or 12 hours before the start of action.
  3. Microlax – rectal mild remedy, which is indicated for use in children and pregnant women. The laxative effect occurs within 5-15 minutes, there is no risk of overdose.
    The action occurs due to the displacement of bound water from the feces, while the contents of the intestines soften, and unhindered bowel movements occur.
  4. Forlax. The product is a powder that is diluted with water and taken for constipation up to two times a day, while the course of treatment in adults can be extended up to 3 months. The mild laxative Forlax is suitable for the elderly, children and pregnant women.
  5. Regulax. In the composition of the drug you can only notice natural ingredients, it has no contraindications (prescribed only by a doctor during pregnancy), and is also not addictive. The remedy is used for chronic constipation, as it has a pronounced effect in a short period of time.
  6. Bisacodyl and its analogues Senadexin, Dibrolax, Elimin, Evacuol. These drugs are intended for symptomatic use, as they do not have a therapeutic effect, but only temporarily alleviate the situation, while they are addictive.
    Despite this, one-time use will not harm the intestinal microflora. Such remedies are sometimes necessary for people who eat foods low in fiber. The drugs are not recommended for elderly people and children.

DIY laxatives

Folk remedies come to the rescue when you want to save on expensive medications or to obtain a more gentle and harmless effect. Try the following recipes that will help with constipation:

Many of the listed drugs and recipes can be used without fear, others have some contraindications. All of them effectively and gently solve the problem of constipation, freeing the body from unnecessary and dangerous substances.

Constipation, unfortunately, is not uncommon these days. They occur in many people various reasons (poor nutrition, metabolic disorders, the effects of antibiotics, pregnancy and others). Having decided to buy pills for constipation, we usually ask for advice from friends or a pharmacist because there are a lot of such drugs on the pharmacy window. Each drug has its own nuances (indications, contraindications, composition). In any case, laxative pills do not eliminate the cause unpleasant condition, they only dilute the stool and promote bowel movements.

The one who is already exhausted constant constipation, looking for fast acting medicine, without thinking about the fact that initially it is necessary to identify the cause of bowel dysfunction, and then eliminate it. This is the only way to get rid of annoying constipation. You should not listen to every adviser, try recommended medications on yourself, trying to find one that will help. After all, you are not a guinea pig. Take care of your body, reconsider your lifestyle and nutrition.

Before you start using tablets for constipation, try to resolve the problem using the tips below:

  1. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, you need to drink a glass warm water(it is recommended that it be at room temperature). Ideal for any mineral water, but without gases. It is advisable to drink water before breakfast (30 - 40 minutes before it). This procedure helps cleanse the stomach and start the digestion process.
  2. Try to stick healthy eating, lead an active lifestyle. To improve intestinal motility and prevent, you should include prunes, beets, apricots, cabbage, and any fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  3. Drink coffee, honey.
  4. Perform abdominal massage.
  5. You need to consume fresh kefir before bed.
  6. It is recommended to use Castor oil as a laxative fast acting.

Before purchasing, using any laxative, you must carefully study the instructions to find out the components of the drug and possible side effects. Experts do not recommend taking it for long period same remedy for constipation. For chronic constipation, it is necessary to give preference to prebiotic drugs. They help restore microflora and stimulate intestinal activity. It is these drugs that will have a stable, long-term therapeutic effect.

Medicines are considered the fastest effective means from constipation. They have a laxative effect, easing the patient's condition. Medicines for violation of normal bowel movements are produced in various forms:

  • pills;
  • syrups;
  • candles;
  • drops;
  • chewable tablets for constipation.

There is also a lot in the pharmacy herbal remedies:

  • rhubarb root;
  • Castor oil;
  • buckthorn bark;
  • senna leaves;
  • Joster fruits.

The advantages of all of the above remedies for constipation lie in the speed of their action. If you take any of specified funds in the evening, the patient will feel a laxative effect in the morning. Such a quick laxative effect is achieved through a chemical, which is what provokes increased peristalsis. Due to this stimulation of the colon, defecation is observed within 6 to 10 hours after taking the medicine.

  • "Glycelax".
  • "Glycerin suppositories".

These products promote easy passage of feces through the intestines due to their lubricating effect. These drugs stimulate and irritate the intestinal mucosa.

If such medications are used over a long period, the physiological process of bowel movement may noticeably weaken.

Prebiotics are considered slow-acting laxatives. They are considered the most safe medications which can be used to combat constipation. These drugs are allowed during pregnancy and lactation. They are represented by food ingredients (carbohydrates), the digestion of which is impossible in upper sections Gastrointestinal tract. Once they reach the colon, they stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora inside the intestine.

The following substances are considered popular prebiotics:

  • lactulose;
  • inulin;
  • fructooligosaccharides.

These drugs manifest their effect slowly, but their advantage lies in the safety and durability of the therapeutic effect.

The following preparations are made based on lactulose:

  • "Stada Lactulose".
  • "Normaze."
  • "Lactulose Poly".
  • "Duphalac".
  • "Romphalak".
  • "Portalak syrup."
  • "Livolyuk-PB".
  • "Good luck".

The following medications are made based on lactitol:

  • "Importal N".
  • "Exportal".

These drugs can cause the following side effects: discomfort in the abdomen, flatulence.

Osmotic drugs

If constipation is chronic, it is not advisable to use laxatives osmotic action. They are safe, they can be taken for a long time (about 3 months), but their effect is manifested only in eliminating the symptoms, but not the cause of constipation.

Such drugs have an important advantage: they do not weaken muscle tone and are not addictive. The group includes the following salt preparations:

  • magnesium hydroxide;
  • citrate;
  • magnesium sulfate;
  • polyethylene glycol;
  • Carlsbad salt.

Constipation sufferers often use these medicines from this group:

  • "Fortrans".
  • "Forteza Rompharm".
  • "Lavacol."
  • "Forlax".
  • "Realaxan".
  • "Osmogol."
  • "Transipeg."

They normalize intestinal function and maintain its functioning at a stable level in the future.

Natural fillers (bulk) can be natural or synthetic. Their peculiarity is that they are difficult to digest; they are not absorbed, due to which they significantly increase the volume of feces and accelerate the act of defecation.

The popularity of such drugs is not very high due to the presence of side effects such as:

  • pain;
  • flatulence;
  • rumbling.

Drugs in this group:

  • Agar-agar.
  • Methylcellulose.
  • Flax seed.
  • The husk of plantain seeds is ovoid, oval.
  • Sterculia.
  • Fleawort seeds.
  • Wheat bran.

Herbal remedies for constipation

Popular herbal remedies for constipation are:

  • Phytolax.
  • Buckthorn fruits.
  • Kafiol.
  • Laminaria thallus.
  • Proctophytol.
  • Laxative collection No. 1.
  • Licorice root powder.
  • Laxative collection No. 2.
  • Rhubarb palmate roots.
  • Stalnik tincture.
  • Stalnik tincture.

Any remedy for constipation should be selected after consultation with a specialist. He must initially establish the causes of this pathology in order to prescribe the most effective, fast-acting remedy.

Accept laxatives for constipation- the easiest way to induce a bowel movement. However, this option for dealing with the absence of bowel movements is not always correct and has many contraindications.

Laxatives for constipation: pros and cons

Laxatives can be purchased at any pharmacy. And despite the fact that they have many prohibitions on their use, they are sold to everyone without a prescription.

Medicinal laxatives have the only advantage - they help to quickly cope with the absence of bowel movements, which is important for prolonged constipation. Thanks to them, it is possible to prevent bad bowel movements that occur on the 3rd–4th day. But it is better not to get carried away with laxatives and drink them only as prescribed by a doctor. The problem is that with frequent use, a person develops dependence and the intestines refuse natural bowel movements.

The main disadvantage of these tools is that they provide a one-time solution to the problem that has arisen. They perfectly cleanse the intestines of accumulated feces, but do not eliminate the main problem that caused constipation. Therefore, after using them, difficulties with bowel movements will still arise.

Many people think laxatives are harmless and safe, but this is not true. Even if they are made on the basis herbal ingredients, experts still do not recommend taking them whenever stool retention occurs.

The constant use of laxatives does not actually help solve the problem with bowel movements, but only worsens it. The intestines quickly get used to artificial stimulation and eventually refuses to work independently. Constipation becomes more severe and it becomes impossible to go to the toilet without medication.

Treatment of constipation should be carried out comprehensively. The emphasis is on eliminating the underlying problem that causes defecation delay. Laxatives are only a means to temporarily relieve symptoms.

Types of laxatives

Today, pharmacies sell dozens of various drugs to combat constipation. Most of them are long outdated, but still continue to enjoy wide popularity. This is explained by their moderate cost and repeatedly proven results. But there are remedies that belong to a new generation of drugs for stool retention. They have a safer composition and a minimum of contraindications.

Laxatives are divided into the following types:

  • by force of action;
  • by mechanism of action;
  • by localization of action.

Each group of medications has its own pros and cons, and also differs in speed of action and prohibitions on use. Let's look at the types of laxatives in a little more detail.

Irritating intestinal motility

Perhaps the most best laxatives for constipation with many years of application experience. They belong to the older generation of drugs, and their action is aimed at artificially activating intestinal motility.

These products contain natural substances isolated from plants that affect intestinal function. The most famous of these herbs are:

  • alder buckthorn;
  • marshmallow;
  • senna leaves;
  • zoster laxative, etc.

From medicinal components Infusions, decoctions, tablets and drops are made from these plants to help induce the process of bowel movement.

Among them are the following known medications for constipation:

  1. Guttalax.
  2. Dulcolax.
  3. Senade.
  4. Regulax.

Laxatives that irritate peristalsis are prescribed exclusively for one-time (episodic) problems with bowel movements. If constipation is chronic, then taking such medications can only cause harm. It is also not recommended to take these medications if you have not had a bowel movement for several days in a row.

The dosage of older generation laxatives is determined by the doctor. The duration of treatment should not exceed three days. Otherwise, the patient becomes addicted and constipation becomes more persistent. In addition, drugs with an irritating effect, when used systematically, impair the absorption of the intestinal walls and provoke various types of pathological processes.


The action of this group of laxatives is aimed at retaining fluid in the intestines, thereby creating osmotic pressure. Such products liquefy accumulated feces and allow them to pass freely.

This type of constipation remedy is recommended to be taken in case of drug or food poisoning. They are known for quickly and effectively removing toxic substances from the body. They are also often prescribed to cleanse the intestines for diagnostic procedures of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Unlike irritating laxatives, osmotic drugs do not cause intestinal addiction, so they can be taken for a long time, but not longer three months. Otherwise, a person will develop electrolyte imbalances, which will negatively affect the functioning of the cardiac and vascular system.

Probiotic remedies for intestinal stagnation

These medications are slow-acting laxatives. They are among the most safe means against constipation, so they can be taken after childbirth and during breastfeeding.

The composition includes food components that, after consumption, reach lower sections gastrointestinal tract in an undigested form. They have a beneficial effect on the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora and restore bacterial balance.

Probiotics are prescribed for both chronic problems with bowel movements. These drugs are not addictive, so they can be taken for a long time. In the first days, patients often experience a side effect in the form of flatulence, but it goes away quite quickly.

Among the most famous prebiotics are:

  1. Prelax.
  2. Lactusan.
  3. Duphalac.
  4. Lactobacterin.

Slow-acting laxatives cause bowel movements due to growth beneficial bacteria and restoration of intestinal microflora. All this over time creates osmotic pressure and stimulates a reduction in peristalsis. Defecation after taking prebiotics can be expected within 1.5–2 hours.

Bulk (filler) laxatives

Bulk enteric fillers come in two types: natural and synthetic. They are made on the basis of indigestible components. Such laxatives are not absorbed by the intestines and promote rapid excretion of stool by softening and increasing its volume.

The main components of intestinal laxatives are:

  • flax seeds;
  • bran;
  • seaweed;
  • methylcellulose;
  • agar-agar;
  • flower seeds, etc.

When taking bulk laxatives, you need to drink plenty of water per day. Without the necessary fluid, the drugs will not bring the desired result. The product has a slow action and correct use the first effect occurs after 12 hours.

These drugs are prescribed for mild constipation and are not recommended for people who are predisposed to bloating. There is no point in treating acute absence of bowel movements with these remedies, since in this case they will not help.

Which laxative should I choose if I have no stool?

When buying tablets at a pharmacy, you should definitely find out which group of laxatives they belong to. The most harmful drugs for the intestines are irritating drugs. It is better to take these medications only as prescribed by a doctor, or it is better to avoid them altogether.

Remember that the laxative must not only be effective, but also safe. Before using any product, you should carefully read the instructions, especially the section on contraindications and side effects.

For chronic constipation, probiotics are best. They not only stimulate peristalsis, but also restore intestinal microflora. In addition, these drugs do not cause lazy bowel syndrome, so you can drink them for quite a long time. Systematic use of probiotics allows you to achieve sustainable results and forget about problems with bowel movements for a long time.

It is better not to take quick laxatives for constipation. They have many contraindications and when used for more than three days, they become addictive. In addition, such drugs can cause a number of side effects, namely:

  • severe intestinal upset;
  • colitis;
  • prolonged diarrhea, alternating with difficulty passing stool;
  • dehydration;
  • electrolyte imbalance;
  • pain in the abdomen, permanent;
  • intestinal atony.

It must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Instead of a one-time immediate effect, it is better to achieve restoration of intestinal function gradually. The use of laxatives should be replaced special diet and, but not more than once a week. It is also important to focus on eliminating the underlying cause that led to problems with bowel movements.

Laxatives for the elderly

Based on medical statistics, older people most often suffer from constipation. The reasons for this are sedentary lifestyle life, poor nutrition, deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract and the use of diuretics. The latter is often prescribed to the elderly suffering from heart disease and high blood pressure.

Treatment must be approached with full responsibility. It is best if a doctor prescribes a remedy for restoring stool. Such patients are most often exposed to side effects and have many contraindications.

The most common laxatives for the elderly are:

  1. Forlax. The product perfectly restores the functioning of intestinal motility. But you can take it only as prescribed by a doctor. The fact is that this laxative requires a large amount of liquid, so it has a “washing out” effect. It is not recommended for people with heart problems.
  2. Guttalax. The drug has a mild, gradual effect and is absolutely safe. It can be used not only by the elderly, but also by children, as well as pregnant women. The process of defecation after taking it occurs within 12 hours, so it is recommended to drink it before bed. When taken frequently, Guttalax is addictive. In this case, the medicine stops helping.
  3. Dibrolax. The drug is a laxative that irritates peristalsis, but is not addictive. However, it also does not have a therapeutic effect and brings only one-time relief.
  4. Prelax. It is allowed to be taken by both old people and newborns. The drug is a safe laxative long acting. It is not addictive. In addition, the product normalizes the digestion and absorption of food, and also restores intestinal function.

At common problems with bowel movements, it is best, instead of taking laxatives, to correct and adhere to drinking regime. Figs are a great help in the fight against constipation. boiled beets, dairy products and freshly squeezed vegetable juices.

What should you pay attention to?

Buy laxatives for constipation for the elderly must be done with extreme caution. All drugs that help restore stool are unsafe for such patients.

Laxatives with an irritating effect flush from the body a large amount of electrolytes responsible for water-salt balance and metabolism. Particular care should be taken when using products that contain hay. Such drugs are harmful to the elderly body because they cause chronic pain in the lower abdomen and cause discomfort.

Bulk laxatives are not recommended for people undergoing ongoing treatment for heart disease. They reduce the effectiveness of anticoagulants, antibiotics and glycosides. In addition, these drugs are more likely than others to cause side effects such as bloating and flatulence.

Means classified as emollient laxatives can lead to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. While taking them, elderly patients often experience deterioration in food digestion and poor absorption of nutrients.

The most suitable laxatives for older people are probiotics. They do not have an immediate effect, but they normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and restore the intestinal microflora.

What can you give your child for constipation?

Not all laxatives are allowed to be used for treatment. Therefore, before treating your child, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Laxatives for constipation for children are distinguished by the method of their use:

  • suppositories (candles);
  • syrups;
  • pills;
  • soluble powders.

The appropriate remedy is prescribed for each child purely individually. Most often these are candles, since oral medications Children usually refuse to drink. Especially when it comes to newborns and children under 5 years old.

When choosing a laxative for a child, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the product must be digested and completely absorbed into the large intestine;
  • the drug should not interfere with the absorption of salts and dehydrate the body;
  • It is not recommended to buy products with an irritating effect for children (only mild ones).

Considered the safest rectal suppositories oil-based and with components medicinal herbs. They can be used even by children under one year old.

But before you start giving your child laxatives, you should definitely consult a doctor.


All drugs that eliminate stagnation in the intestines have their contraindications. Rapid-acting laxatives are especially dangerous for constipation. They are not recommended for use in case of a number of diseases, as well as existing characteristics of the body.

Let's look at the example in the table below.

Facilities Contraindications Children Pregnant
Irritant laxatives. pathology of the rectum;
chronic constipation;
intestinal spasms;
acute gastrointestinal ailments;
uterine bleeding;
heart diseases;
kidney pathology.
Not recommended. It is prohibited to give such products to children under one year of age. Prohibited at any stage of pregnancy.
Prebiotics Lactic sugar intolerance. Can be used for children of any age. There are no restrictions.
Osmolytics. heart failure;
kidney problems;
Not recommended Not recommended
Volumetric It is forbidden to give to newborns. Use with caution in adult children. It is forbidden.
Any laxatives. intestinal obstruction;
individual obstruction.
On doctor's recommendation. All laxatives are prohibited, except prebiotics.

Before you start treating constipation with laxatives, you should carefully read the instruction leaflet. Before purchasing any product, you should immediately check with your pharmacist which group it belongs to. And it is best not to self-medicate, but to seek help from a doctor.

Folk remedies against constipation at home

If the causes of constipation are not diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or pathological processes in the intestine itself, then it is better to treat with laxatives traditional medicine. Moreover, most doctors recommend this type of therapy and do not advise accustoming yourself to pharmaceutical drugs to restore stool.

Laxatives for constipation at home you can do it yourself. When choosing herbal ingredients, it is important to consider personal intolerances.


This type of traditional medicine offers relief from intestinal stagnation with the help of decoctions and. If constipation manifests itself, then it is necessary to choose herbs that have an antispasmodic and sedative effect.

The most suitable fees would be:

  1. Dried dill seeds, lemon balm, mistletoe, shamrock, dandelion, valerian and rhubarb root.
  2. Peppermint, valerian root, nettle, chamomile, horse sorrel, buckthorn bark, strawberries and anise fruits.
  3. Wormwood, black elderberry inflorescence, flax seeds, coriander, wild rue, centaury, burdock.

To eliminate, plants that stimulate intestinal motility are needed. Infusions of the following herbal infusions would be suitable:

  1. Wild hops, dill seeds, black elderberry flowers, dandelion root, wormwood, white mistletoe, centaury.
  2. Oregano, licorice, black elderberry, immortelle, elecampane root, burdock, lemon balm and chechuju.
  3. Fennel fruits, thistle, chamomile, spearmint, rhubarb, toadflax, tansy baskets.
  4. ;

    Useful foods for constipation are:

    It is also important to monitor if you have difficulty defecating. Consistently drinking enough per day frequent water, you can not only get rid of stagnation in the intestines, but prevent its reappearance.

Difficulty defecating occurs frequently and for various reasons. Middle-aged women suffer more from it. It occurs due to stress, a frantic pace of life, improper, unsystematic nutrition, and a passion for convenience foods or fast food. The former are easier to prepare, and the latter can always be ordered for delivery.

Constipation can also be caused by taking numerous medications and changes in the body during pregnancy and after it. Sometimes constipation occurs due to banal overeating after the holidays.

People rarely go to doctors without considering the problem serious, especially if constipation is rare. It is easier for them to go to the nearest pharmacy for a laxative, which is good for constipation. However, you should be careful when choosing a medicine; there are many laxatives and the body gets used to some quickly, especially if taken for a long time. Others are designed for one-time use only, which pharmacists can warn you about.

How to choose the right laxatives and non-addictive ones without the help of a doctor? Especially if constipation occurs from time to time. It is known that the body gets used to some medications and they stop working effectively.

Non-addictive laxatives

What is actually dangerous about addiction? When choosing a remedy for constipation, a person should be guided by two mutually exclusive concepts. Some medications act quickly, but the body can get used to them quite quickly. Others work slowly, for a long time, and penetrate deeply. They are not so popular on pharmaceutical market, but getting used to them is quite difficult. Doctors often prescribe drugs from the second category for courses of treatment.

When the body gets used to it, it no longer reacts so strongly to the action of the medicine. You have to increase the dose or replace the drug with a stronger one. The addictive effect is common during antibiotic treatment.

Osmotic - they cannot be addictive, however, doctors prescribe such drugs only if the patient does not have gastrointestinal diseases and constipation is caused by other reasons. Most often, an osmotic laxative is used to quickly and complete cleansing the entire intestine. This ambulance in case of acute stool retention, poisoning or preparation for various medical procedures associated with the gastrointestinal tract. These are safe laxatives that do not affect the activity of the intestine itself. Some experts may recommend long-term use. For example, Forlax, it is taken in courses of up to 3 months. However, they cannot cure constipation, only relieve its symptoms.

How they work - they slow down the absorption of fluid by the intestines, preventing drying and hardening of stool. They also increase osmotic pressure, attracting water from fatty tissues and blood into the intestines, softening and increasing the size of feces. Therefore, it is important to maintain fluid levels while taking these medications.

Side effects - when a person suffers from long-term, chronic constipation, saline laxatives help well, however, along with feces, they can wash away useful electrolytes and reserves of metal salts from the intestines, this leads to an imbalance and can cause dehydration. Such laxatives are not used on children or the elderly, and they should not be taken for more than 3 months.

Types of osmotic laxatives

This is Carlsbad salt, artificially bred as a substitute natural salt. A saline laxative can also have a choleretic effect. Used for cholecystitis, various food poisoning and constipation.

Macrogol - its analogues are Lavacol, also Osmogol or Fortrans, you can Relaxan or Tranzipeg, Forlax, or Forteza Rompharm. Counts strong remedy without addiction, it is safe to take in courses of 3 months. Good effect on general work in the intestines, doctors usually advise patients along with the drug physical activity and a special diet.

The effect of the drug is good, it is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations like flatulence or spasms, pain, does not cause any kind of fermentation. The medicine affects the stool, increasing the amount of liquid in it, thereby softening it, making bowel movements easier. Another plus is that electrolytes are not lost in feces, and Macrogol does not affect lipids. Such a laxative and not addictive It works within 1-2 days from the moment it is taken.

Heptahydrate from magnesium sulfate - its analogue is bitter salt or Epsom salt, regular magnesia or epsom salt. Prescribed to relieve constipation, to quickly cleanse the intestines, for cholecystitis, quick help during poisoning. A pronounced laxative and choleretic at the same time. It is more often found as a powder that needs to be dissolved 1 packet in 100 ml of water.

Microlax is a special solution that is administered directly through the rectal opening. Renders and irritant effect and liquefies the stool itself. Microlax is like a microenema, produced in ready-made containers that are convenient to use right away. The main advantage is the quick action, literally in 15 minutes with a small volume. The tube contains only 5 ml and that is enough. Such drugs cannot somehow affect the general functioning of the intestines, they are not systemic, which cannot cause addiction. It is prescribed specifically for constipation, as well as medical preparation before examining the gastrointestinal tract, when it is necessary to urgently and quickly cleanse the intestines. Can be used on children, 1 microenema for children over 3 years old, adults too.

Each of the listed medications has its own contraindications and various side effects. Therefore, when purchasing, carefully read the instructions and ask your pharmacist. Most drugs are prescribed by a doctor in strictly defined cases.

It is difficult for people far from medicine to judge what is happening in their body. It is worth being vigilant if constipation has been going on for a long time. Perhaps its reason is not only wrong mode or overeating.

Enteric fillers

In addition to osmotic drugs, there are intestinal fillers, which are found both synthetic (with modified polysaccharides) and natural. They are made in a special way so that it is difficult for the body to digest and break down into components. The tissues do not absorb them and, remaining practically unchanged, the medicine reaches the intestines, where its main activity begins. Intestinal fillers actually fill up, increasing the overall volume of stool, which helps to increase pressure and speed up the act of bowel movement.

However, experts advise people with chronic constipation not to use fillers; sometimes such products cannot help, causing only bloating or rumbling in the abdomen. The main representatives of the group of fillers: flax seeds, also agar-agar, regular Wheat bran, or Sterculia, Methylcellulose, also flaxseeds or psyllium husks.

How they work - once in the intestinal area, they gradually swell, absorbing water and stretch the surrounding intestinal walls by increasing their mass. Defecation occurs due to the fault of a contractile wave, but if a person has a sluggish intestine, such remedies cannot help. The colon must maintain its ability to expand.

To prevent the body from losing a lot of fluid, after using the filler you need to drink up to 2 liters of water. Such laxatives are mild, safe drugs with a delayed effect. For example, after Agar-agar, defecation can occur within 12 hours, flower seed gives results within 24 hours, and methylcellulose within 1-3 days.

Side effects include flatulence, rumbling or bloating caused by the drug; it is also not always possible to drink a lot of liquid, because with an increase in water intake, urination will increase. If a person suffers from certain diseases, excess fluid may be harmful to them.

Contraindications – fillers should not be taken by pregnant women who also suffer from irritable bowel disease, because the medication will only increase existing flatulence. There is also no point in increasing the pressure in the stool in a bedridden patient with sluggish intestines or suffering from intestinal obstruction.

Herbal laxatives

They are considered the safest, because dependence on natural remedies harder for the body to produce. Some foods themselves can also have a laxative effect.

Buckthorn fruits – no less effective are buckthorn bark, its syrup or extract, as well as the fruits of Zhoster or Ramnil.

Kafiol is a drug with a combined composition, it also contains fruits with senna leaves, as well as fig fruits.

Fitolax is a well-known dietary supplement containing the fruits of ordinary apricots with leaves from large plantain, also fruits from garden dill with senna leaves.

Laminaria thallus (in other words, sea kale) - comes in granules, tablets or as an extract. Analogues – PhytoTransit or Mamoklam Laminaria.

Mucofalk or Naturolax, also Fiberlex, are laxatives with plant based from the shell of plantain seeds.

Proctophytol (this is a collection against hemorrhoids) - there are senna leaves, fruits from Coriander, also Licorice roots with Buckthorn bark, Yarrow herb. Similar preparations are sold in any pharmacy, in dried form.

Powder from licorice root– with a combined composition of Licorice roots, Senna leaves, also Fenzel fruits and other components.

Tincture of steelwort - made from the roots of Salnik, it is both a laxative and an anti-inflammatory agent with a hemostatic effect.

In addition to laxatives, there is another effective way, which is sometimes used independently at home. It's an enema. Special cleansing enema. True, in order to correctly perform the procedure, you need to know the basic rules and remember that the body can even get used to an enema, especially if you do it constantly.

Some people take enemas 3 times a week; over time, the activity in their intestines can drop so much that without outside help they will lose all ability to defecate. An enema is effective as a one-time method, especially if you have no contraindications. A number of doctors do not advise performing an enema without the approval of specialists.

As you can see, there are many laxatives different actions. Some irritate the walls of the intestines, causing defecation, others increase the composition of feces, and others affect the intestinal microflora. However, if you suffer from constant, even chronic constipation, it is safer to consult a doctor first. He will identify the cause of this condition and prescribe a course of treatment, after which you will forget about constipation entirely.

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