Beetroot and carrot juice for oncology. Beetroot juice - its benefits and harms, application

Any person who worries about health knows: a lot useful substances, vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables. Red beets also belong to this group. Each product is unique in its composition and taste, and you need to understand them. It is important to know how to drink beet juice, because the wrong dosage can lead to unpleasant consequences. It’s easy to make a body cleanser - you can buy the vegetable in any store, and to prepare it you will need a juicer or grater.

Benefits of beet juice

This vegetable contains optimal quantity calcium and sodium in a ratio of 1 to 10. The substances provoke the dissolution of calcium that has accumulated in the blood vessels. Beet juice – powerful tool cleansing the body. Other properties:

  1. The product is recommended for hardening and varicose veins, and the chlorine contained in the vegetable takes part in cleansing the gallbladder, liver, and kidneys.
  2. From heavy metals, the effects of radiation in beets are protected by pectin. Useful connection prevents the development of harmful microorganisms in the intestines.
  3. The vegetable contains proteins and amino acids that have anti-sclerotic properties.
  4. Beetroot juice is beneficial for the body in the process of hematopoiesis, it has positive influence on the formation of red blood cells, improves memory, dilates blood vessels. Beetroot contains a lot of metals. The high content of zinc, manganese, copper stimulates hematopoiesis in the human body, improves sexual function, speeds up metabolism.
  5. Zinc improves vision and stimulates insulin production, which is useful after myocardial infarction.
  6. Those substances that give the vegetable its red color (pigments) help reduce blood pressure, strengthen capillaries, and relieve vascular spasms.
  7. Beetroot juice will an excellent remedy against insomnia and stress.

Benefits of beet juice

A huge amount of vitamins, their unique combination and action are priceless. The composition allows the use of beets and their juice both as a medicinal product and as a food product along with other ingredients. The healing properties of the vegetable make it useful for:

  1. Menstrual pain.
  2. Blood problems.
  3. Slagging of the body. Drink beet juice for constipation to cleanse the intestines. Children often have intestinal problems, and you don’t want to give your child medications right away. To cope with this problem, beetroot juice is given to children, which will replace many tablets.
  4. Many liver diseases. The juice cleanses it and improves metabolism.
  5. For obesity and overweight.
  6. For hypertension. Beetroot juice reduces blood pressure and normalizes the condition blood vessels.
  7. From a runny nose. Beets increase the body's resistance to viruses and stimulate the lymphatic system.
  8. At high cholesterol, atherosclerosis and coronary disease hearts.
  9. Hypothyroidism.


Anyone who decides to use this remedy needs to know how to drink beet juice: the drink has a number of contraindications. They coincide with those of the vegetable as a whole. You should not drink beet juice:

How to drink beet juice correctly

This unique remedy, which effectively combats many problems, has its own rules for use and preparation. For example, drinking pure beet juice in large quantities is dangerous. In case of an overdose, nausea, dizziness, and increased heart rate immediately appear. You can drink no more than 100 g of undiluted beet juice at a time. It is better to start with 50 g, gradually increasing the amount. At various diseases the drink is consumed according to certain patterns.

During pregnancy

Due to the presence of folic acid, beet juice is beneficial for pregnant women. This element prevents the fetus from developing congenital pathologies. It is recommended to start drinking beet juice even before conception, when you have just decided that you want to have a baby. Rules for taking during pregnancy:

  1. Freshly prepared juice should sit in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.
  2. It is better to dilute it with water 1:1.
  3. You need to start using low dose– 1 tbsp. per day.
  4. Over the course of a week, increase the dosage to 100 g per day.

For weight loss

When following a diet, it is recommended to drink beet juice diluted with another juice, for example, carrot juice. The drink contains a minimum of calories, but has a rich supply useful elements. Beetroot juice reduces appetite and at the same time cleanses the intestines and has a laxative effect. You should drink it 30 minutes before meals, 30-50 g at a time. The course of treatment cannot exceed 3 months.

For treatment

Many people prefer to combine traditional medicine with folk remedies, which include beets. Its naturalness is not questioned, which is why some people prefer such methods of treatment. There are recipes for cooking beet juice with other ingredients to treat many diseases. Below are examples of the use of beets for different problems.

For oncology

You should not prepare beet and carrot juice if you have cancer. Need a clean drink. Cancerous tumors are treated by long-term administration of 100 ml three or four times a day. It is recommended to drink the drink 20 minutes before meals. If you feel unwell or nauseous after taking it, reduce the dosage to 50 ml in the first 5 days of taking it. The positive effect is greater if beets are present as an ingredient in your diet.

For sore throat

Angina - common occurrence in people with weakened immune systems spring-autumn period when they happen sudden changes weather. To treat with beets, you need to prepare the tincture as follows:

  1. Raw beets grate on a fine grater. You should have a glass of mass.
  2. Add st. l. vinegar.
  3. The mixture should infuse for 1 hour.
  4. Remove the liquid from the mixture: gargle 5-6 times a day.

For the liver

Beets have a beneficial effect on liver function, normalize metabolism, and help cleanse the body of toxins as a whole. For treatment, you need to make a special drink from several types of juice. You need to start taking it in small portions of 50 ml 3-4 times a day. Next, the dosage should be increased to 500 ml per day. To prepare the drink you need to mix the following types of juice:

  • beetroot – 3 parts;
  • carrot – 10 parts;
  • cucumber – 3 parts.

How to make beet juice at home

Any folk remedy For maximum efficiency must be properly prepared. It is not only the sequence of adding ingredients that matters, but also their quantity. Affects right choice components, preparation before cooking. All you need is a juicer for carrots and beets. If you don't have one, you can use a fine grater. Below are recipes for the most popular drinks with beets.

Freshly squeezed

For pure drink you need to choose beets that are bright red in color without light streaks. It is desirable that the root crop be elongated. Rules:

  1. Trim the tops and top third of the vegetable.
  2. Run the vegetable through a juicer. If you don't have one, you can use a fine grater. Using gauze, strain the juice from the mass.
  3. Must be freshly squeezed beet drink must stand in the refrigerator for 2 hours so that harmful substances disappear from it.
  4. Remove the foam that forms on top.
  5. You should start taking 50 ml per day, increasing the dosage to 100 ml per day.
  6. Course duration in pure form- 2 weeks.


  1. Fill the container one-third full with carrot juice.
  2. Add fresh beetroot to it (1 part).
  3. Stir the drink well until smooth.
  4. If the juice tastes too strong, you can dilute it a little cold water.
  5. Place the drink in the refrigerator for 20 minutes or throw in a few ice cubes.
  6. Use half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

From carrots, beets and apples

  1. Pass all components through a juicer or beat with a blender in a ratio of 1:1:1.
  2. You can add ginger for taste.
  3. Be sure to let the drink stand open for at least 2 hours in the refrigerator.
  4. Use in the morning on an empty stomach.
  5. You need to drink for at least 3 months.

Video about the beneficial properties of beet juice

At one time, it was suggested that cancer arises “from a disorder of cellular respiration. When activated respiratory process is happening reverse development cancer cells. Red beets contain a substance that, according to Seeger, activates cellular respiration. The oxidation process is helped by lactic and ascorbic acid and some other substances.

Beetroot juice contains B complex vitamins, as well as potassium, magnesium, calcium, silicon, iron, manganese, and copper. It also contains saponin, begania, glutamin, asparagan, purine body, coneaerin and mineral compounds - phosphorus, lime, fluorine.

Anthocyanins in blueberries, red wine, and elderberries also activate cellular respiration, but to a lesser extent. You can say that I paint beets, but also in blueberries, black currants, elderberries, red wine and St. John's wort there is a perfect combination of natural medicinal products to combat cellular dysfunction. Their active ingredients serve as the best replacement mechanism for intracellular respiration.

I researched the antitumor effects of red beets. I began to prescribe red beet juice to patients with tumors. I chose beets because in Hungary red beets are widespread, eaten in the form of salad and available everywhere. After receiving positive results, I became interested in the history of red beets as a remedy.

It turned out that the ancient Greek doctors Galen and Dioscurides knew about the healing effects of red beets. In their opinion, it improved hematopoiesis, cured febrile diseases and diseases of the digestive organs and lymphatic vessels.

At first I prescribed finely grated boiled beets 250 g per day. They divided this amount into several parts according to the number of meals. Then he began to prescribe juice from 1 kg of fresh beets.

According to 13 case histories with neoplasms various localizations: stomach, lungs, rectum, bladder etc. - in all patients, with the exception of one, treatment with beet juice provided improvement. Objective signs improvements were observed after 2-4 weeks (decrease in fever, weight gain, improvement in blood). Unfortunately, all patients stopped treatment for laceration reasons and suffered a relapse.

1 kg of red beets contains the minimum amount of dye for daily intake, which affects the tumor. It is also important that it is non-toxic (if the beets are free from pesticides). Patients respond differently to treatment. Some of them improve with daily use 250 g of grated raw beets (or 200-300 g of juice), but most people need 1 kg of beets daily. And even in such quantities the impact is not the same.

The reason for this difference may be due to the fact that different varieties of beets contain different amounts of the active substance.

If you want to achieve a positive effect, you must carry out this treatment without interruption throughout your life.

The same study was conducted by Dr. Z. Schmidt (USA). He recommended that cancer patients drink juice from 1 kg of red beets (about three glasses) daily in slow sips (about three glasses) before meals, dividing it into several doses. He believed that it was best to eat Fresh Juice from beets, pressed by hand. From 1 kg of beets you get 700, maximum 750 ml raw juice. Juice that has been stored for a long time is less suitable.

Dr. Schmidt considered beet juice treatment a necessary addition to conventional classical cancer therapy. Moreover, he recommended giving such patients pure natural juice throughout life.

For influenza diseases, daily intake of red beet juice also turned out to be very effective. This significantly shortened the time of illness.

Patients undergoing radiation were prevented from developing a radiation reaction by regularly eating large amounts of red beets during the radiation period.

During the period when you cannot buy red beets, you should use natural plant juices. They are free from chemicals and retain biological characteristics.

Any treatment that mitigates the adverse effects of classical therapy and is effective in itself should be welcomed. And the presence of red beets in the diet is not only safe, but also very useful, since the body receives much needed and often missing substances.

Red beet therapy is used not only for tumors. American professor Dr. Koch points out the possibility of treating epidemic hepatitis with beet juice, Graves' disease, chronic nephritis, Heine-Medin disease - with all these diseases, a violation of cellular respiration occurs.

Dr. P. Schmidt wrote to me that she successfully treated red beets in her sanatorium, and noted its rejuvenating effect, calling this remedy a “rejuvenation hormone.” It is easy to explain this effect: red beet juice produces a rejuvenating effect due to an increase in cellular oxidation, which decreases with old age. In all likelihood, treatment with beet juice is effective for myocardial diseases and coronary vessels- for these diseases, any measures that increase and facilitate the absorption of oxygen are useful.

Antal Ferenczi (Hungary)

Vegetables are very popular foods. They must be included in your diet by everyone without exception, because they are extremely important for the normal functioning of the whole body. Vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals; in addition, they contain a lot of fiber and other beneficial components. Also especially popular are vegetable juices, among which we can highlight carrot and beet juice. These drinks are prepared from budget vegetables, and their benefits for the body can hardly be overestimated. Let's talk about how carrot and beet juice can benefit our body, what beneficial properties it has, including for oncology, and we'll also talk about how juice and carrots are treated.

carrot juice


The unique qualities of carrot juice are explained by its unique composition, because such a drink is rich in a lot of vitamins. It is a source of significant amounts of provitamin A, B vitamins, vitamins PP, E, K, C and D. Also carrot juice contains a number of acids (including pantothenic and nicotinic) and a mass minerals, represented by magnesium, phosphorus, cobalt, copper, potassium, iron, etc. It is believed that such a drink is absorbed by the body much better than a regular one.

Carrot juice perfectly strengthens the immune system and copes with hypovitaminosis. It is recommended to consume it for digestive disorders, as well as for urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. There is evidence that such a drink brings great benefit nervous system, making it resilient and strengthening. Carrot juice will benefit nursing mothers; it will help improve the quality of milk significantly. It is also recommended for pregnant women to drink.

Since carrot juice contains a lot of carotene, it activates the production of female sex hormones. Thanks to its consumption, women can maintain youth, beauty and sexuality much longer.

Carrot juice is an excellent prevention. It also effectively cleanses the entire body of toxins and other aggressive particles, improves the condition of teeth and gum health.

Treatment with carrot juice

Carrot juice can be used to treat urolithiasis, atherosclerosis, eczema, dermatitis, various inflammatory processes and infertility. It is recommended to apply it externally - wipe sore spots on the skin with it, and make lotions from it. This use of carrot juice will help cure ulcers and purulent lesions.

This drink is worth drinking for ARVI, sore throat and flu. You can gargle with it, and when you cough, you should take it with honey.

Carrot juice should also be drunk in the treatment of eye ailments, such as conjunctivitis, night blindness, fatigue eye, etc.

Carrot juice for cancer

At cancerous tumors carrot juice gives a pronounced positive effect. This drink can strengthen healthy cells and inhibit malignant ones. This drink is a real miracle for malignant tumors. But you should not take it in excessive quantities (more than two liters per day); also, when treating cancer with carrot juice, it is necessary to exclude light carbohydrates such as sugar, starch, grain flour, etc. from the diet.

Beet juice


Beetroot juice has a lot of useful qualities; it is a source of a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. It contains a lot of iron, which makes it especially beneficial for the blood. This drink has a positive effect on the formation of red blood cells, it also dilates blood vessels and improves memory by an order of magnitude.

Beetroot juice helps cope with hypertension and should be drunk if you are anemic. This drink saturates the body with a significant amount of iodine, manganese, as well as copper and zinc. Such components stimulate hematopoiesis, improve metabolic processes and have a positive effect on sexual function. Beet pigments eliminate vascular spasms and also strengthen capillaries by an order of magnitude. Also useful components such vegetables have a positive effect on activity lymphatic system.

Beetroot juice should be taken to eliminate spring fatigue and loss of strength; it has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Experts say that this is a powerful energy drink that increases a person’s stamina.

Beetroot juice has a positive effect on the liver and has a wonderful cleansing effect. This drink also increases the body’s resistance to the aggressive effects of viruses, fungi and bacteria.


External use of beet juice helps to cope with ulcers and abscesses. And its internal consumption perfectly treats stress and insomnia. As we have already found out, such drinking perfectly eliminates atherosclerosis and hypertension, as well as other cardiovascular ailments. It should be taken after a heart attack or stroke. Beetroot juice is also great for helping with obesity. It should be drunk when lack of activity thyroid gland, for liver diseases and biliary tract.

This drink treats constipation and optimizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is worth taking for normalization hormonal balance, including during menopause.

Beetroot juice for oncology

Scientists claim that this drink remarkably improves the condition of patients with different types cancer. However, you should not take it in quantities greater than half a glass per day.

Carrot-beet juice

It is worth noting that beet juice is usually recommended to be taken diluted, since in concentrated form it can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms presented by nausea, digestive disorders, etc. Quite often it is recommended to take it in combination with carrot juice, mixing them in a ratio of 1:4. To achieve lasting therapeutic effect You need to take one glass of this mixture twice a day. Over time, you can switch to pure beet juice.

Both carrot and beet juice can provide great benefits to the body. But it is worth noting that such drinks have contraindications for consumption.

Attention! The information below regarding the use of beets in the treatment of cancer cannot be used as an alternative clinical treatment oncological diseases; any self-treatment It is unacceptable without prior consultation with an oncologist!

Beetroot is a biennial plant of the amaranth family, a very common root crop. In the first year, beets form a root crop and a rosette of large leaves; in the second year of life, a flower stem with small flowers and seeds are formed.

The color of the root crop is dark red or purple with light rings on the cut, the shape of the root crop can be different - from round to elongated-conical, weight - 400-900 g.

The cultivation of beetroot as an agricultural crop began in India. From this country the plant spread throughout the northern hemisphere. Today, beets are cultivated everywhere as a valuable food, feed and sugar crop. The vegetable was brought to Russia from Byzantium during the times of Kievan Rus.

In ancient times, beets were used to treat infectious diseases, skin inflammations, blood diseases, etc. iron deficiency anemia. Modern scientists have confirmed the claims of ancient authors about the exceptionally beneficial properties of the root vegetable. Today, beets are considered a valuable food and dietary product. Due to its beneficial properties, it is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

As medicinal raw materials use leaves and roots of plants. The procurement of raw materials occurs in the fall.

Chemical composition of beets

Beetroot contains a lot of fiber, carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose) play an important role, there are organic acids (oxalic, citric, malic), amino acids (betanine, betaine, lysine, valine, histidine, arginine, etc.), and pectin substances. Beetroot contains carotenoids, vitamins B, P, PP, some vitamin C, folic and pantothenic acid, as well as micro- and macroelements iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, cobalt, rubidium, sulfur, cesium, etc.

Medicinal properties of beets

The unique biochemical composition of beets provides it with many healing properties. Beetroot improves digestion, relieves chronic constipation. Organic acids and fiber normalize metabolism and improve intestinal function. Pectin substances help cleanse the intestines of putrefactive bacteria.

Eating root vegetables helps normalize fat metabolism. Betaine, found in beets, prevents the accumulation of fats in liver cells. According to some experts, betaine also prevents the development of malignant processes.

Due to its significant magnesium content, beets can effectively combat the manifestations of atherosclerosis and hypertension, improve the functioning of the heart muscle and strengthen capillaries. Beets have the ability to increase hemoglobin and generally improve the blood formula. Regular use Beetroot juice effectively dissolves blood clots.

Among other root vegetables, beets are a real champion in iodine content. Thanks to this, beets can be successfully used for thyroid diseases associated with iodine deficiency and atherosclerosis (especially in older people).

Beets have the property of activating blood circulation in the brain and stimulating brain function. The root vegetable helps maintain high level psychological health of a person.

Beets help prevent processes premature aging in organism. Included in it in large quantities folic acid promotes the formation of young cells, thereby providing a rejuvenating effect. Fresh beet juice can be used effectively to eliminate the first signs of a cold. When a runny nose appears, it is useful to instill 2-3 drops of juice into each nostril.

The use of beets for the treatment of cancer

Research conducted in medical institutes different countries, have shown that beets neutralize the development of malignant cells and are very effective in the treatment of tumors of various locations.

In cancer patients who, along with the main treatment, regularly took beet juice, after some time their hemoglobin and ESR levels normalized, pain decreased, appetite improved and general state. Against the background of regular intake of beet juice, the patient tolerated it better. traditional methods treatment.

Beetroot juice reduced intoxication of various etiologies, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Most best effect experts noted for patients with stomach cancer, lung cancer, rectal and bladder cancer.

Cases have been recorded where patients managed to get rid of malignant neoplasms only using beet juice without using other methods of treatment. Based on beet juice, specialists synthesized antitumor agent anthozyme

Treatment of cancer with beet juice in folk medicine

In folk medicine, beet juice has long been used to treat malignant tumors. To prepare the juice, brightly colored medium-sized fruits grown without chemical fertilizers are used.

The beets are washed, peeled and grated (or passed through a juicer), and then squeezed through cheesecloth. Freshly squeezed juice cannot be drunk immediately - it must be kept in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. The prepared drink can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Drink the juice, starting with small portions, for example, one teaspoon, and gradually increasing the dose to the desired volume. The recommended daily volume is 600 ml. With 5 meals a day, drink 100 ml of the drink for each meal and drink the juice again at night. Drink beet juice within 30 minutes. before meals, warm slightly. Do not drink yeast bread or any sour drinks with juice. The treatment period is long, at least a year.

Sometimes patients experience severe intolerance to beet juice. In this case, beet juice is combined with carrot juice. In this case, for 1 glass of carrot-beet juice there should be at least 0.33 glasses of beet juice.

In addition to beet juice, the patient is allowed to eat at least 200-300 g of boiled beets per day. The vegetable is steamed to preserve its medicinal properties as much as possible.

Beetroot: contraindications

Beetroot has some limitations in its use due to its biochemical composition. Due to the presence of oxalic acid in the vegetable, which can form sparingly soluble calcium oxalates, the consumption of the root vegetable should be limited to people with urolithiasis(especially with oxaluria) and other metabolic disorders.

Beetroot has the ability to reduce blood pressure, therefore it should be used with caution by people suffering low blood pressure- hypotension. Root vegetable contains significant amount sucrose, so people with diabetes should exercise special caution when consuming it.

Beets have the ability to interfere with the absorption of calcium, so if you have a predisposition to osteoporosis, you should not overuse dishes made from this vegetable.

The root vegetable tends to increase the acidity of the stomach, therefore, for gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastroduodenitis with increased acidity It should be used with extreme caution, or completely excluded from your diet. Beetroot has a pronounced laxative effect, so you should refrain from using it if you have chronic diarrhea.

Important! Any treatment of oncological diseases should be carried out only under the supervision of the attending oncologist!

many diseases. Typically, such a medicine should quickly cure color-sensitive diseases without any side effects. Each disease has its own healing and harmful color. Green and Blue colour treats acute diseases, and the remaining colors treat chronic and serious diseases. But sometimes the opposite can happen.

Colors beets change their properties during heat treatment. They become nutritious rather than medicinal. Therefore, raw parts of the root vegetable have a medicinal effect. beets: its juice and cake. Also, beet leaf juice and leaf cake also have cooling properties when inflammatory processes like others are green. After heat treatment, beets have more nutritional value than medicinal.

Take fresh beets and wash them well. Remove the skin with a brush and cut. If you grew the beets yourself without chemicals, then there is no need to peel off the skin, because the top part of the beets contains useful substances. And in unfamiliar beets, harmful substances may predominate than beneficial substances in its peel. Grate the beets or put them through a juicer.

Squeeze the juice from the grated beets through cheesecloth or a linen cloth, and strain the juice from the juicer. Since fresh beet juice may contain toxic substances, you should not drink it immediately. Place the porcelain or glass vessel with the juice in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours or keep it in the sun for 8-10 hours to destroy the harmful flowers contained in the juice. By the way, it is not yet known how they increase medicinal components flowers and remove harmful colors in the juices of beets, aloe or apples in the sun or in the refrigerator. Foam also contains harmful mixtures. Carefully remove it from the surface of the juice without shaking it.

Always prepare beet juice for no more than two weeks. Never mix water. At cancer treatment mix half red wine, diluted to taste with grape or apple cider vinegar or vinegar and honey. For illnesses liver mix half with rosehip syrup and gulob. In illness gastrointestinal tract, dilute with syrup in half licorice and juice plantain. For illnesses respiratory tract add half marshmallow syrup and plantain juice. For diseases genitourinary tract add tincture to it calamus, propolis And aloe ten drops from each to one tablespoon of beet juice. For atherosclerosis, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, add half the amount of lemon balm juice and ten drops of valerian and hawthorn tincture to a tablespoon of beet juice.

Beetroot juice is useful for tumors, hypertension, improves the condition of the liver, effectively fights obesity, and cleanses blood vessels. Due to high content iodine, beet juice improves memory in atherosclerosis.

Useful tips

Choose beets that do not have white veins on the cut; it is better to take medium-sized root vegetables. When choosing beets in the store, give preference to dark burgundy varieties, they contain more nutrients. Store beets in the refrigerator in a sealed black paper bag to keep them longer.

Research has shown that red beets contain special substances - anthocyanins - and similar coloring compounds from the group of plant phenols that affect cancer cells. Anthocyanins are also found in other plants - tomatoes, blueberries, black currants, black elderberries, St. John's wort, and so on. They are also able to stop the development of cancer cells, but red beets are much more effective.

During treatment with beet juice, you should not eat yeast bread. ethnoscience generally does not recommend yeast bread or any flour products prepared using yeast.

Under no circumstances should you drink freshly squeezed juice, as the volatile harmful colors it contains act in a poisonous manner, causing nausea, vomiting, hiccups, general drowsiness and arrhythmia. The juice should stand in the sun for several hours, preferably in the refrigerator.

Taking fresh beet juice leads to absolute intolerance to it in the future (allergy). Therefore, never forget: after extracting the beet juice, keep it in the refrigerator for at least two hours without allowing it to freeze, then bring it to room temperature only naturally, in no way, by adding hot water.

Some doctors consider it useful not to eat beetroot juice after taking it. a large number of boiled beets, but I do not recommend this, because the patient may have hidden diabetes, it is better to take one beet juice in small quantities constantly, no more than one tablespoon one to four times a day. Such a dose will never harm, but the tendency diabetes mellitus occurs in every tenth person, and after 50 years in a quarter of the population.

If, in the treatment of other diseases, beet juice is taken for at least a year without a break, then when cancer diseases it must be taken throughout life. If you interrupt the intake of beet juice, relapses of the symptoms of the disease will quickly begin.

You can use this method of treating cancer patients with beet juice with caution. Add one drop of garlic juice and ASD 2 to each teaspoon of beet juice. If this composition is well tolerated, add garlic and juice every week ASD factions 2 one drop at a time, bringing to five drops and continue treatment, thus long years. I gave one patient with prostate cancer a tablespoon of beet juice, one drop of tincture of garlic, hemlock, mandrake, celandine, ferula and ASD 2, gradually increasing the number of drops to five. For many cancer patients, it is suitable to add beet juice to an equal part of dry red wine and a quarter diluted with old grape vinegar or vinegar, and for some people I recommend mixing only half the amount of gulob or zafarob. Usually such people have a weak liver or stomach.

Another one of useful qualities beet juice, it acts as an energy drink. This is very important for cancer patients. In addition, beet juice tones nervous system, improves sleep, while normalizing blood pressure, increases vascular permeability. You never need to add 2-5 drops of hemlock, celandine, valerian and viburnum fruit tincture to beet juice. The tolerance of additional drops by patients should be checked using a bioresonance test or a pendulum. These tinctures greatly increase the benefits of beets in the treatment of cancer patients. We must not forget that the treatment of cancer patients with beets is indicated in the initial stages of the disease or as a prophylactic agent. If you have any blood relatives who have been affected by any form of cancer or blood disease, you should not forget about such a wonderful prophylactic like beets to shorten the path to disaster.

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