The cat's eyes are watery with a brown discharge. When there are a lot of dying scales. What are the types of discharge from the organs of vision?

Tears are a natural reaction of the animal's body to negative impact external environment. Heavy smoke, dust, sharp gusts of wind or toxic fumes cause lacrimation. If the discharge is colorless and odorless and stops after the influence harmful factors stopped, then there is no need to worry.

Moisture can collect in the corners of cats' eyes during and after sleep. This is especially true for some breeds that have a flat muzzle: Scottish, Scottish, and others.

But if there are abundant brown discharge in the corners of the cat's eyes. This is a reason to urgently take your pet to the veterinarian. Since self-treatment can aggravate the condition and lead the animal to blindness.


Various diseases of the organs of vision are characterized by discharged fluid different color, thickness and even smell. With the development of certain inflammatory, infectious processes tears “take on” a brown or reddish tint. All this is thanks to the pigment included in their composition.

In order to assign correct treatment, the doctor needs to figure out what is causing the brown discharge from the cat’s eyes. The reasons may be different, but two main groups can be distinguished: diseases associated with impaired tear production and excessive production of tears as a result of eye irritation.

Tear drainage disorders

Impaired tear production can occur as a result of congenital abnormalities or acquired problems. Most common reasons in this case it can be called:

  • Narrowing of the tear ducts due to inflammation. As a result, tears do not drain out and a bacterial infection occurs.
  • Narrowing of the lacrimal openings (stenosis). Lacrimal puncta do not absorb the produced moisture, tears “stay” in the eyes, and severe lacrimation is observed.
  • Dacryocystitis (inflammation of the lacrimal sac). Develops as a result of narrowing of the nasolacrimal duct.
  • Rhinitis, sinusitis.
  • Eye injuries, as well as damage to the nose, facial bones of the skull.
  • Entry of a foreign object.
  • Tumors, including malignant ones. In addition to excessive tearing, the mobility of the eyeball is reduced. Intraocular pressure increases and severe pain occurs.

Disorders with excessive tearing

As for pathologies that lead to excessive tear production, these include those that cause severe irritation ocular surface.

First of all this. It can be viral, bacterial, fungal, and also develops as allergic reaction. With this disease, the mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed, severe redness, itching and profuse lacrimation are observed.

Another reason is blepharitis or inflammation of the eyelids, which occurs due to bacterial infection or mechanical damage against the background of reduced immunity. It is characterized by inflammation of the eyelids and accumulation of discharge in the corners of the eyes. When ulcers appear on inner surface century, the discharge takes on a brown or reddish tint.

Discharge from the eyes in cats Brown may appear with inflammation of the cornea (), inflammation of the iris and ciliary body (iridocyclitis), glaucoma.

Irritation of the eye, and, as a result, excessive tearing occurs with such anomalies as: inversion or eversion of the eyelids, abnormal growth of eyelashes towards the eyeball, an additional row of eyelashes. In these cases, permanent injury to the cornea of ​​the eye occurs with eyelashes. Inflammation often develops and becomes chronic.


Before prescribing treatment, the doctor needs to establish an accurate diagnosis. For this he carries out visual inspection, row laboratory research, and also interviews the owner about the condition of the pet.

It is necessary to provide the veterinarian with information about when the first discharge appeared, what consistency, color and smell it was, and what it is like now. And also, were there any injuries in Lately. What illness did the cat have, and how long has it been taking antihelminthic medications?

During the examination, the doctor performs a Schirmer test, which shows the amount of tears produced by the eye. Measures intraocular pressure. By using special drugs checks for damage to the cornea.

A blood test is performed in a laboratory setting. This is necessary to determine the presence of viral or bacterial infections, cytological studies scrapings taken from the cornea of ​​the eye.

If necessary, carry out additional research: blood and secretions for PCR, nasal endoscopy, ultrasonography of the eye, dacryocystorhinography (study tear ducts), x-ray of the skull.


The doctor will prescribe full treatment after an accurate diagnosis has been established. Because brown eye discharge in cats can be caused by bacterial or viral infection, then you may need or antiviral drugs. For external use use antibacterial or antiviral ointments and drops. Eye washes are carried out.

In some cases, the cat is prescribed physical therapy. If the cause of the discharge is a tumor or abnormalities in the development of the eyelids, then surgical intervention is possible.

If it is not immediately possible to show the animal to a specialist, it is necessary to cleanse the eyes of the released exudate yourself. The procedure can be performed using cotton pads soaked in saline solution, antiseptic, or an infusion of chamomile, calendula or sage herbs.

You should wash your eyes up to 6 times a day, this will help relieve inflammation and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. It will also prevent secretions from lingering in the corners of the eyes and contributing to the development of infection. It should be remembered that even if manifestations of the disease arise from only one eye, both should always be washed.

Eye diseases in pets are quite common. Brown discharge from the eyes in cats may indicate serious problems with health. To preserve your vision, you must consult a doctor on time and carry out the prescribed treatment.

Any experienced breeder knows perfectly well that a cat’s health can be judged with confidence by its appearance. If the pet is disheveled, its fur is dry and lifeless, and its eyes are sluggish and clouded, there is no need to talk about “heroic” health. In addition, brown discharge from the eyes of cats in themselves often indicates that the animal has dangerous pathologies. The sooner you take your pet to the veterinarian, the more more likely a specialist can help him.

It is important to understand that almost everything, somehow affecting the condition of the eyes, can lead to the appearance of brown exudate. A characteristic symptom this sign is not: any of hundreds of systemic pathologies can cause this phenomenon with equal probability.

IN best case scenario the appearance of brownish exudate is a sign of debris getting into the eyes with subsequent development. That's why it's very important role high-quality, timely diagnosis plays a role.

The pet owner himself can help with this. His task is to closely monitor the pet. It is necessary to promptly notice signs indicating deterioration pathological process, promptly informing the veterinarian about this. Small amounts of brownish discharge in the corners of the eyes indicate that the treatment is working and in good condition sick animal, otherwise it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible. Therapy depends on the identified root cause of inflammation. We will talk about some of them below.

Predisposing factors

In veterinary practice it is more often detected following reasons, under the influence of which brownish exudate can be released from the cat’s eyes:

  • Congenital or acquired disorders of eyelash growth. So, in some animals, eyelashes from birth grow not outward, but inward. There are also rare cases when hair begins to appear over the entire inner surface of the eyelids. Of course, in such animals the cornea is constantly wounded and damaged, and develops chronic inflammation, which is accompanied by the release of large volumes of exudate.

Read also: The kitten is sneezing: reasons, what to do at home

  • Purchased or congenital anomalies anatomical structure century The most typical is their inversion. The result is the same as in the previous case. The eyelashes are in direct contact with the surface of the cornea.
  • Inflammation of the eyelids () or inflammation of the Meibomian glands. As we have already said, any systemic infection can lead to this result.
  • Prolapse (protrusion) of the lacrimal gland. The pathology is also known as “cherry eye”.
  • Benign tumors and oncological diseases.
  • third century.
  • Congenital and acquired anatomical defects of the lacrimal ducts. If they are clogged or crushed, the surface of the eyeball is not wetted by tears. This leads to its drying out and the development of pathogenic (or conditionally pathogenic) microflora.
  • . They are quite common in dogs. Even if this pathology is suspected, it is necessary to urgently visit a veterinarian, since in advanced cases the entire eyeball has to be removed.
  • All forms, as well as injuries to the conjunctival membrane itself and the eyelids.

Of course, that's not all possible reasons. Below we list not so typical cases that are nevertheless encountered in world veterinary practice:

  • Eyes “flow” due to abrasions, scratches and other damage to the cornea.
  • Injuries to the palate or facial bones of the skull.
  • Inflammation of the cornea (keratitis).
  • Congenital defects of the cornea and conjunctiva. In dogs, in particular, dermoids are often detected. This is what they call cystic benign formations, which contain epithelial mass, sebum, and hair. It happens that they are hard to the touch, but more often they reveal elastic or “plastic” neoplasms.
  • . This is inflammation choroid eyeball. It is quite rare in dogs.
  • Pathologies of the lens.
  • Chronic periodontal diseases. In such cases, brown discharge develops due to an infection that has ascended through the nasolacrimal duct into the conjunctival cavity.

Read also: Vaseline oil for constipation in cats: instructions for use

Diagnostic techniques

Since all eye diseases are potentially fraught with complete or partial loss of vision, the veterinarian, using the diagnostic algorithm below, strives to find out about the root cause of the pathology as quickly as possible:

  • Complete medical history and physical examination.
  • A Schirmer test is required. It helps to identify initial stage keratoconjunctivitis. To detect surface defects, ulcers and erosions of the cornea, the latest fluorescent compounds are applied to the surface. Tonometry is also indicated to determine intraocular pressure. If possible, all these tests should be performed by a veterinary ophthalmologist who can accurately interpret the test results.

  • Cytological examination of scrapings from the cornea and conjunctival cavity.
  • Carrying out a complete blood test and serological reactions. These techniques make it possible to identify systemic infections, provided they are present in the animal.

In doubtful and complex cases, when the above methods did not allow obtaining an unambiguous result, you should use narrower diagnostic methods:

  • Growing a pathogen culture on nutrient media.
  • Carrying out PCR reactions, as well as ELISA. They help make an accurate diagnosis if viral infections are suspected.
  • Microscopic examination of scrapings from the cornea and conjunctiva.
  • Selection of aspirates from neoplasms, if any, near the animal’s eyes.
  • It is useful to perform deep endoscopy of the nasal cavity. We have already said that infections from the sinuses of the skull can “make their way” into the eyes, so it would not be a bad idea to examine them.
  • Ultrasonography of the eye and surrounding soft tissues.
  • X-ray of the skull to identify fractures, sinus diseases and bone tumors.
  • Dacryocystorhinography. A method used to assess the condition of the tear ducts.
  • In ideal cases that are difficult to achieve, MRI is performed.

What can brown, greenish, pink and black discharge indicate? cat eyes? The two main options are a bacterial infection or a virus. If treatment is not started on time, some pathology may develop. This is why it is so important to consult a veterinarian as soon as you notice discharge from the eyes of cats. But unfortunately, it is not always possible to do this quickly. How to help pets? And how to find out the cause of “crying” eyes? Let's figure it out together.

Wet eyes are normal

If the owner notices a light-colored discharge from the eyes of cats, clear liquid- no need to panic. This is completely normal for a healthy animal. Wet eyes can occur both after sleep and throughout the day.

But if the owner regularly observes purulent or colored discharge, this is serious reason for anxiety.

For example, you notice a brown discharge from your cat’s eyes. What could this mean? Or, say, if an animal greenish discharge? Now let's look at this in detail.

Brown discharge

Let us warn you right away: this is not an infection. Most likely, brown discharge is associated with impaired tear outflow. What pathologies and diseases are indicated by brown discharge from the eyes of cats? The list is:

  • Small tear ducts.
  • Eye injury.

    Non-infectious inflammation of the lacrimal sac.


    Neoplasms compressing the tear ducts.

    Foreign body in the lumen of the lacrimal canal.

Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis. Self-treatment can only aggravate the situation, leading to irreversible consequences.

By the way, about brown discharge. Very rare, but they are associated with improper feeding. Many owners are aware that they should not feed their pet dry food and homemade food simultaneously. One thing should be in the diet. But they still continue to do this.

If this is how you feed your cat, try removing the kibble or regular food. After a few days, the discharge will disappear on its own. If this does not happen, you will have to go to the vet.

The cat is crying

Sometimes the owner notices heavy discharge from the eyes of cats. Moreover, they are transparent and have no unpleasant odor. What it is? Most likely, your pet is allergic to something. Abundant transparent discharge from the eyes in most cases indicate an allergy. In addition, there is redness and swelling of the eyelids.

What can cause the disease? Anything from food to litter for the tray.

How to help a cat?

So, what should you do if your cat has excessive watery eyes and brown discharge? Is treatment at home possible? At first, you can wipe your pet’s eyes with an antiseptic that does not contain alcohol. In the second case, as we already know, it is advisable to show the pet to a veterinarian. If this is not possible, a chamomile solution will help. They rub their eyes 3-5 times a day.

Infectious diseases

The first sign of infection is discharge from the eyes of cats. Greenish, milky and yellow discharge indicate the presence of such diseases:

What to do in this case? Alas, when it comes to a bacterial infection, you simply cannot do without the help of a veterinarian. The longer you delay with it, the higher the likelihood of developing pathology. Fighting it is much harder than killing the disease in the bud.

Let's start with the fact that if your pet is a representative Persian breed, then you don’t need to be afraid of such discharges. Pink discharge of the eyes in cats are associated with the structural features of the nose and eyes.

In other cases, pinkish-brown discharge may indicate trichiasis. This is abnormal eyelash growth. It provokes a violation of the structure of the eyelids. As in the previous case, it is important to contact your veterinarian for help in a timely manner. The owner is powerless in this situation.

Eyes fester

Does your cat have brown, hard discharge in her eyes? This is dried pus. What to do if your cat's eyes are infected? First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause. Most likely it is bacterial conjunctivitis.

To definitely find out this, it is necessary to undergo bacterial culture tests. This is done in veterinary clinic. A swab is taken from the cat's eye. There is no need to panic, this is a quick procedure. The pet won’t even have time to feel anything.

It happens that only one eye of a cat festeres. In this case, it is likely to hit it foreign body, which led to the inflammatory process.

How to treat?

We never tire of repeating that we first determine the cause of purulent discharge. Before your veterinarian gets involved, you can help your cat at home. Remove pus and discomfort using chamomile infusion, saline solution or antiseptic without alcohol.

Here you will need help from your household. One holds the pet, the second washes the eye. Take a cotton swab, twist it tightly and dip it in the solution. Squeeze onto the animal's eyelid.

If the eyes are glued together, then the solution is applied to the surface. Soon the eyes will open and it will be possible to wash them. If the eyelashes are stuck together, then the eye is rubbed with the solution over the surface until it opens. Cleaning is carried out with a cotton swab, moving to the corners of the eyes.

What does an owner need to know before rinsing a cat's eye?

    The solution should be warm. Do not use a product that is too hot or cold.

    When treating eyes, change cotton swabs as often as possible.

    It is strictly necessary to ensure that the tampon is wet. Contact of the eye with a dry swab is unacceptable. The material may stick to the surface of the eye, causing damage.

It is quite possible that veterinarian Prescribe drops in the cat's eyes for purulent discharge. Please do not use them yourself, without prescription from a specialist. This can be fraught with very serious consequences.

What drops are most often prescribed?

    "Leopard". If the cat purulent conjunctivitis, the purpose of these drops is not excluded. They are inexpensive but effective. Suitable for all breeds.

    "Iris". Prescribed for: Excellent for the treatment of diseases such as keratitis (eyelids) and blepharitis (swollen eyelids). Sometimes doctors prescribe drops for prevention.

    "Levomycetin". Kills all bacteria outright. Suitable for the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Drops are instilled into the cat's eyes as follows. Position the animal's head so that the eyes look up. The pipette is held at a distance of 2 cm from the eye and dripped. It is advisable to have someone help hold the pet during the procedure.

Cat Eye Care

Don't wait until you notice discharge from the eyes of cats. Every day, carefully examine your pet's face, paying attention to Special attention eyes. This especially applies to those animals that walk outside. In the evening, it is advisable to wipe your eyes with a swab dipped in chamomile solution or saline solution.

Black discharge from the eyes

The causes of black discharge from the eyes of a cat may be the following:

Why are they dangerous? A signal that the pet’s health is not all right. let it not appear outwardly in any way, except for discharge from the eyes.

However, action needs to be taken now. Hurry with the animal to the veterinarian, he will prescribe necessary tests and treatment.

There is a possibility that the black discharge is a consequence of an eye injury, and not the presence of an infection in the cat’s body. A trip to the veterinarian is mandatory in any case, since the cause needs to be determined exactly.

Once again about transparent discharge

We have already mentioned above the profuse tearing of cat's eyes. Now let us dwell in more detail on the issue of transparent discharge from the eyes of cats and the symptoms that accompany them. What should you pay attention to?

    If you notice clear discharge from your nose and eyes, this should alert you. A clear sign that the cat has calcivirus.

    The cat is lethargic, refuses to eat and tries to hide in dark place.

    The collar and mouth are constantly wet due to copious discharge saliva.

    Small ulcers filled with fluid appear in the mouth. They burst why the cat It hurts a lot and she can't eat.

    The animal is constantly sneezing.

    Sores similar to those in the mouth appear on the nose.

Contact your veterinarian immediately. This is a very serious infection, and if it is not stopped in time, there is a high probability of your pet’s death.

Let's summarize

We figured out the reasons for the appearance of discharge from the eyes of cats. They can be caused by:

    infectious and viral diseases;

    disruption of lacrimal outflow;

    wrong diet.

In most cases, only a veterinarian can help your pet. But the owner can alleviate the discomfort before the cat is examined by a specialist. To do this, you need to wipe her eyes with a chamomile solution, saline solution or an antiseptic without alcohol.


Cats need treatment just like people. Unlike their owners, animals are helpless and completely dependent on them. Therefore, you should not wait until the last minute and ignore obvious signs certain diseases. It is easier to prevent a disease than to deal with its consequences.

Questions are often asked about how to treat the eyes of British cats, what to do in a situation when and if they fester in a Persian cat and only one eye is watery, or both are watery. Any breed purulent eye is not uncommon, so it would not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with why tearing occurs, which happens normally and with chronic renal failure.

The article provides answers to FAQ, including about eye treatment with iodine, which some are trying to do, and also describes the symptoms and main eye diseases in cats that are often encountered in veterinary practice.

How and with what to treat a cat’s third eyelid

You can begin treating a cat’s third eyelid only after identifying the root cause of the disease, and since universal medicine Since all cat diseases have not yet been invented, it is better to first consult with a veterinarian, who will also suggest the necessary medications.

There are many reasons why a cat's eyes may become suppurated. First of all, it is conjunctivitis - redness and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, accompanied by the discharge of pus. Sometimes the appearance of pus is associated with the disease blepharitis - infection of the eyeball by pathogenic fungi and viruses or keratitis - inflammation of the cornea.

Suppuration of the eyes can result from injury to the eyeball, for example, as a result of a fight or due to a foreign body. But this is far from full list And correct diagnosis placed only after laboratory tests.

Discharge from the eyes of cats is brown, brown in color.

Brown discharge from the eyes in cats, if it does not cause the animal much concern, may be associated with improper feeding. For example, when feed from different manufacturers is mixed, or industrial feed mixed with natural food. Try changing your pet's diet and rinsing his eyes with chamomile tea. Consultations at a veterinary hospital do not cancel the measures taken.

Purulent discharge from the eyes and nose in cats

Purulent discharge from the eyes and nose of cats that continues for several hours is a signal of development infectious disease. Animal owners should be aware that even a recovered cat that has previously had such an infection can remain a carrier of calcivirus or herpes virus.

The discharge from the cat's eyes is reddish, reddish in color.

Reddish discharge from the eyes of cats of some breeds (Persians, Scottish, British) is considered normal. IN for preventive purposes You can wash your cat's eyes with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. If this measure does not have an effect and the animal shows anxiety, contact a veterinary hospital.

Cat's eyes are watery, treatment at home

Green, profuse yellow, black, transparent discharge from the eyes of a cat

Various discharges from a cat's eyes - alarming symptom and if you try to eliminate it yourself, you can only aggravate the disease or muffle its manifestation. Purulent discharge of the eyes is usually associated with conjunctivitis. However, these signs also accompany other diseases - chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, blepharitis, keratitis, etc. Therefore, a specialist must make a diagnosis. As first aid, you can wash the animal's eyes with a solution of furatsilin or salt water (a teaspoon of salt per glass of water).

Kittens have sour eyes, how to treat them at home

At home, sour eyes of kittens can be washed with a decoction of calendula or chamomile. It would not hurt to carry out anthelmintic prophylaxis, since sour eyes in kittens are often associated with infection with worms.

How to treat inflammation and a purulent eye in a cat

Self-medicating, as well as waiting for it to “go away on its own” when your cat’s eyes are inflamed and purulent, is risking his health and vision. If you don’t have the opportunity to visit a veterinary hospital, try rinsing your pet’s eyes with furatsilin, a decoction of chamomile or calendula herbs, or use Korneregel (a drug that relieves discomfort and restores the cornea of ​​the eye).

How to cure a cold eye in a cat

A cold eye in a cat cannot be cured separately from the entire cat’s body. At colds, in order to avoid complications, including inflammatory processes eyes, antibiotics and immunostimulating agents are prescribed.

Causes of cat's eyes running and what to do

A slight accumulation of fluid in the corners of a cat's eyes is normal. physiological phenomenon and to eliminate it, ordinary hygienic water procedure. The signal for action is lacrimation, which is observed constantly. Then the animal needs the help of a veterinarian, who, based on analyzes of swabs from the animal’s eyes, will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Bloody discharge from a cat's eyes

Discharge from a cat's eyes mixed with blood is a good enough reason to seek help from a specialist. In this case, a doctor must make a diagnosis and delays in visiting him, and even more so self-medication, can lead to blindness of the animal.

Discharge from a cat's eyes is white, brown, dark

Typically, to eliminate white, brown and dark discharge veterinary clinics prescribe a course of antibiotics for a cat's eyes. For hygiene procedures and washing the eyes, the drug “Diamond Eyes” or a special gel or lotion for brown spots is recommended.

Most owners of pet cats are faced with the problem of discharge from the eyes.

Such discharge is either transparent or has a brown tint. At the same time, the cat’s eyes are watery and around them are colored reddish or brown.

Causes of discharge from a cat's eyes

  • A disease associated with increased lacrimation.
  • Impaired tear flow.

Allergies, foreign objects, infections, entropion, epiphora - all this and much more can cause discharge. Besides, brown discharge from cat eyes may be related to poor nutrition, if you mix food with natural food and food from different manufacturers.

Treatment of eye discharge in cats

Having determined the cause of this disease, it must be eliminated, after which the discharge will go away on its own.

Rare discharge from a cat's eyes and in small quantities is normal, the main thing is that there is no pus. In this case, you just need to wash the cat's eyes occasionally. Cat breeds with flattened faces are especially susceptible to these diseases. This is due to the non-standard structure of the nose and eyes.

How to wash your cat's eyes:

  • warm water;
  • saline;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • solution boric acid(two teaspoons of solution are required for half a glass of water).

How to wash a cat's eyes?

This will require coordinated work of two people. One should hold the animal, the other should drip the solution.

First you need to prepare a special cotton swab. To do this, twist the cotton into a tight rope. Use cotton buds not recommended as there is a high risk of injury to your pet. Soak a cotton swab with the solution and squeeze the liquid onto the cat's eyeball. If the animal's eyelids are glued together, a solution should be applied to their surface and over time, when they get wet, they will be able to open.

If your pet eyelashes stick together, then you need to run a swab from the nose to the corner of the eye along the surface of the eyelashes. By repeating the manipulations, the eyelashes will definitely come apart, after which you should rinse the eye according to the scheme described above.

If your cat's eye discharge is associated with an infection, you should seek help from a veterinarian. To alleviate the animal's suffering, you can drop a few drops of olive oil into the eyes.

Tips for rinsing your cat's eyes:

  • Use only warm solutions, never cold or hot.
  • Do not rub the surface of the eye with a cloth or dry swab that sticks to the surface; the rough cloth may damage it.
  • If your cat has a lot of discharge, don't forget to change the tampon.
  • To properly place drops into your pet's eyes, you need to turn his head so that his eyes are pointing straight up. Hold your hand with a tampon or pipette at a level of 1-2 centimeters from your eyes and drop 1-2 drops.
  • If the vet prescribed it for your cat eye ointment, before applying it should be heated, so it will penetrate the eye more easily. The ointment is squeezed into the corner of the eye, pulling back the lower eyelid.

Washing a cat's eyes It is carried out not only for treatment of discharge, but also for prevention. If your pet likes to be outdoors, pollen and dust particles should be periodically cleaned out using a standard washing regimen.

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