The child has a stomach ache. How to distinguish indigestion from appendicitis? What to do if a child has severe stomach pain, what medications can be given: a review of medications and home remedies

It happens that a 5-year-old child begins to complain of abdominal pain. Sometimes they are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and fever. Why your stomach hurts, what is the reason and what to do - it can be difficult for a mother to figure it out without qualified help.

The reasons for abdominal pain in a 5-year-old child are no less than in an adult. It should be noted that tummy pain is equally common in older people and in children who are 1.5 years old, or a little more - 2.5 years old. They can only really tell you what and where it hurts, they don’t know how. Meanwhile, some age characteristics There is. For example, the little ones often have stomach pain as a result of colic from gas formation. Over time, intestinal motility returns to normal and the pain stops.

Most often, the abdominal pain experienced by a child is temporary and does not pose a threat to health. But if your stomach hurts often or the pain is paroxysmal, severe, accompanied by other characteristic symptoms– nausea, vomiting, fever – you should immediately call a doctor to avoid negative consequences.

Why does a 5 year old child have a stomach ache?

The cause of the pain may be appendicitis. The pain in this case is localized in the lower abdomen, on the right side. The child complains, points to the navel, eats poorly, and has a fever. This is a very dangerous disease that requires immediate hospitalization in surgery. If the pain is unbearably strong, a 5-year-old child is not even able to move, he feels nauseous and vomits, we can assume that these are symptoms of pancreatitis.

The cause of abdominal pain may be the notorious food poisoning. If an adult body can cope with stale or low-quality products quite painlessly, then for a 5-year-old child this can result in intoxication of the body with abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and fever.

You need to teach your child to wash their hands more often. Infections penetrating the intestines also provoke pain and the whole set accompanying symptoms. At the same time, it is important to keep the house clean, since the little person’s still fragile immune system is not able to fully resist germs that can be found everywhere - on toys, door handles, the floor, the dining table, etc.

Due to age, the lack of enzymes in the intestines negatively affects the digestion of food in a child. He feels heaviness in the stomach, nausea and even vomiting may occur, which are accompanied by pain in the abdominal area. Acute pain in the stomach, a feeling of nausea can provoke constipation. If this happens often, you won’t be able to fix it yourself. proper nutrition, it is better to consult a doctor.

Another common reason why a 5-year-old child often complains of abdominal pain is helminthic infestations. He sleeps poorly, grinds his teeth in his sleep, suffers from intestinal colic and diarrhea, and against this background - periodic abdominal pain. Treatment involves the use of antibiotics as prescribed by a doctor, and all family members, including four-legged pets, will have to be treated.

A 5-year-old child has a stomach ache: what to do?

First of all, stay calm. It's important to accept correct solution. If the stomach hurts due to overeating or poor diet, it is permissible to give the child “Mezim” or “Festal”. For intestinal bloating, Espumisan will help, and for diarrhea, Linex.

If the pain is acute, sharp, does not stop for more than 30 minutes, is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, the child experiences heat– You should contact a doctor without delay. Clinical pictures Most diseases manifested by abdominal pain are similar, and it is obvious that only a doctor, having prescribed necessary examinations and tests, based on their results, can make an accurate diagnosis. To avoid “blurring” the symptoms, you should not give your child painkillers or disinfectants. It is better to give your baby plenty of fluids while waiting for the doctor to prevent dehydration.

The vast majority of causes that provoke abdominal pain in a 5-year-old child can be eliminated by following simple preventive rules. This is proper nutrition, drinking more, vitamins, strengthening immune system, active image life, lack of stress, love and attention. And your 5-year-old miracle will become stronger, will hurt less and complain about tummy pain.

What to do if a child has a stomach ache, should you limit yourself to a simple painkiller, consult a doctor or call urgently? ambulance? Every parent has to deal with such questions. The causes of abdominal pain in a child can be either the most common or indicate the presence of a serious illness. At the same time, getting an accurate and detailed description from a child of what exactly hurts him is not so easy. Fortunately, in most cases, abdominal pain in children does not pose any danger and goes away quickly.

Causes of abdominal pain in children

  • Infections. The entry of viruses and bacteria into a child’s body can cause abdominal pain and cause a disease called “gastric” or “” (gastroenteritis). Typically, illnesses caused by viral infections resolve quickly, while bacterial infections may require antibiotics.
  • Food. Food poisoning (their symptoms are similar to those of gastroenteritis), food allergies, eating too much food, increased gas formation– all these cases can cause bloating and the child complains of pain. In such cases, pain begins a short time after eating.
  • Poisoning. Can range from the usual run-of-the-mill problems (such as a child eating soap) to more serious problems such as swallowing pins, magnets, coins, botulism caused by expired food, or the consequences of an overdose of medications (such as paracetamol).
  • Diseases requiring surgical intervention, such as or intestinal obstruction.
  • Complications from diseases not related to the digestive system. For example, a child may experience abdominal pain if they have diabetes.


Parents or other relatives usually quickly notice that something is wrong with the child. Very young children can cry while standing, bending in half, and lying down - curling up into the fetal position and tucking their knees to their chest. Children older than age Usually they immediately say that their stomach hurts. And teenagers sometimes consider it a matter of honor to endure pain, and the parent has to balance between fears for the child’s health and preventing him from becoming even more depressed.

If a child complains of abdominal pain, the following circumstances must first be clarified:

  • How long does your stomach hurt? In the simplest cases that do not require medical intervention, the pain quickly goes away (for example, with increased gas formation caused by the consumption of an inappropriate product, or in uncomplicated cases of gastroenteritis). This pain usually does not last long. But if your child has frequent stomach pain or a single attack of pain lasts more than a few hours, you should consult a doctor.
  • Duration of pain. If the cause of abdominal pain was gastrointestinal flu or gas, the pain goes away within a few hours. But if it lasts more than a day, you should consult a doctor.
  • Where exactly does your stomach hurt? Do not worry too much if the child has pain in the middle of the abdomen (in these cases, when asked to demonstrate exactly where it hurts, the child points to the navel area). The situation is more serious if the stomach hurts in other places, especially if the pain is localized in the lower part of the right half of the abdomen - this is where appendicitis is located.
  • The child's well-being. If a child has severe stomach pain and looks very bad, you should contact medical care. What does "very bad" mean? First of all, you need to pay attention to skin color (pallor), the presence of perspiration, drowsiness, and lethargy. There are cases of concern if the child cannot be distracted from the pain by playing or if he refuses to drink or eat for several hours.
  • Vomit. Children often vomit when experiencing abdominal pain, but this alone is not an indicator of the severity of the disease. As with the sensation of pain, the main rule is that if vomiting lasts more than a day, you should consult a doctor.
  • Character of vomiting. If infants or children 2–3 years of age vomit greenish or yellowish color, you need to call a doctor. If the vomit contains blood, either coagulated or fresh, you should seek emergency help.
  • Diarrhea. Abdominal pain is often accompanied by diarrhea. As a rule, this circumstance indicates that the disease is caused by an infection. Diarrhea can last up to three days. If blood is visible in the stool, you should consult a doctor.
  • Heat. The presence of a high temperature in itself is not decisive in assessing the severity of the situation. Many dangerous diseases gastrointestinal tract accompanied by normal temperature.
  • Pain in the groin. Sometimes children say that their stomach hurts, although in fact it hurts in another place, for example, with testicular torsion in male children. Testicular volvulus occurs when the testicle rotates and thereby pinches the nerves in the spermatic cord. The child may be embarrassed to name a specific place, so you need to ask if he has pain “lower”. In the early stages, testicular torsion can be easily corrected, but the longer it lasts, the more difficult it is to cure. So if your child complains of groin pain, you should consult a doctor immediately.
  • Difficulty urinating. If your child experiences abdominal pain and trouble urinating (for example, urination is too frequent or painful), these circumstances may indicate an infection in the body. You should consult a doctor.
  • Skin rashes. Some dangerous diseases are also accompanied by a rash. In such cases, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Establishing diagnosis

A child’s stomach can hurt for a variety of reasons, affecting several organ systems, each of which requires its own diagnostic studies. The doctor will review the child's medical history and perform an examination, which may include examining the rectum for blood. And based on the information received, the doctor may suggest performing the following tests.

The doctor may also suggest taking an x-ray. abdominal cavity, Ultrasound of the abdomen or testicles and computed tomography belly. Also, depending on the child’s condition, irrigoscopy (examination of the colon using a contrast agent), sphincterometry (measuring the pressure in the patient’s anal sphincter) or examination of the vagina may be performed. Sometimes it is necessary additional examination gastroenterologist or pediatric surgeon.

Purpose of treatment

Treatment depends on many factors: medical history, the condition of the child, the results of examination and research, individual reactions child. If the disease that caused the abdominal pain is not particularly dangerous, the child can stay at home. In more serious cases it is required ambulatory treatment or even surgery.

At home, the child should be transferred to bed rest and provide sufficient consumption give them fluids to prevent dehydration. Follow a diet; it is better to give food in semi-liquid form. You should not give medications without a doctor’s prescription (especially antibiotics and aspirin) and do not get carried away with the methods traditional medicine(for example, uncontrolled use of medicinal herbs).

If the child has a fever, you can give an antipyretic, for example, paracetamol-based drugs. Drug treatment recommended if the temperature is 38 degrees or higher, and diarrhea or vomiting lasts more than a day.

What to give a child for abdominal pain at home

Parents and guardians should closely monitor the child's condition and immediately consult a doctor at the first sign of danger. Particularly careful monitoring of a child’s well-being is required when he is in the process of recovery. It is especially difficult for parents if the child is a teenager; they have to be sophisticated so that the child does not take the manifestation of their care as an intrusion and does not rebel.

Bed rest. Lying down helps relieve abdominal pain a little. If you lie face down on a bed, the pain comes from intestinal gases less noticeable; however, the child will find the most comfortable position for himself.

Diet. People can live for a long time without food, but they need to constantly drink. But you should not force your child to drink; Dehydration takes time to develop. With severe vomiting, the child simply cannot contain it. a large number of liquids. Usually in such cases, doctors recommend giving liquid in small portions (about half a glass) every half hour until the child is able to drink on his own. Your child should avoid drinking colored liquids (coffee, tea), soda, milk, too salty (isotonic drinks, sports drinks) or sweet (fruit juice) liquids.

  • What to give your child to drink. Giving your child only water can cause problems. salt balance in organism. There is no need to give milk to a child, since in case of pain, the child’s digestive system absorbs it with great difficulty. Therefore, doctors recommend electrolyte solutions that normalize water-alkaline balance in organism. You can buy them without a prescription. Older children can already be given broth. If your child asks for carbonated drinks, you should choose ones that do not contain caffeine. Before giving a drink with gas to a child, you should let him breathe out a little so that the child can tolerate it more easily.
  • Solid food. The child himself will say when he wants regular food. The transition to a normal diet should start with white bread croutons, then bananas, baked apples, rice without seasoning, and monitor the body’s reaction to changes in diet.

If a child has a stomach ache, what can be given to relieve the pain?

If the pain is caused by the stomach, esophagus, or small intestine, you can give your child one of the antacid medications. Sometimes a warm compress, a heating pad on the stomach, or a bath with hot but comfortable water temperature helps. To relieve high fever, you can use medications containing paracetamol.

What medications should not be given to a child?

Most doctors advise avoiding aspirin. You should not give your child antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. Also, doctors usually do not recommend resorting to self-medication methods, for example, drinking herbal infusions. If the parents did use traditional medicine methods, at the doctor’s appointment it is necessary to tell exactly what they gave the child. Some methods used in traditional medicine may affect the effectiveness of the proposed treatment. It is also better to refrain from using antispasmodics: they can blur the picture of the disease and make it difficult for a doctor to make a diagnosis.


The speed of recovery depends on the cause of abdominal pain. If it can be identified on early stages development of the disease, the overall prognosis will be favorable. If the disease is neglected, it can lead to complications and even threaten the child’s life. Accordingly, the sooner parents or guardians consult a doctor, the better.

The human stomach contains a large number of vital organs, which include the intestines, stomach, liver, and kidneys. Any mother may encounter the fact that the child complains of quite unpleasant sensations in the tummy, especially in the navel area. To understand what is bothering the baby, parents must have at least a little idea of ​​the location of the abdominal organs, as well as the nature of the pain (aching, dull, cutting).

What is the danger?

Parents should pay attention to how their child feels and take into account all the main symptoms. After all, children cannot tell with certainty where exactly the source of pain is located. It is quite difficult to identify the cause of pain around the navel; this requires a thorough examination. Because often the picture of the disease is blurred. In no case should you give your child painkillers until the cause of the pain, which can be very severe, is determined. serious sign incipient pathology: intestinal inflammation, hernia, appendicitis and others. If unpleasant sensations recur over a period of time, then it’s time to visit a doctor.

If the baby’s pain begins to add to the fever, then in this case it is necessary to call an ambulance, because in this situation surgical intervention may be necessary.


Children preschool age They often complain of pain, and most importantly point to the navel. They can be provoked by:

  • constipation, which occurs when the activity of the colon is disrupted (in this case, the discomfort disappears after defecation);
  • inflammation in the genitourinary system (the child feels pain when urinating, inflammation is accompanied by temperature fluctuations);
  • pneumonia (in addition to abdominal pain, cough, pain in the chest and high temperature are added).

One of the causes of pain in this area in a five-year-old child may be food poisoning, which causes paroxysmal cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. Also causes of discomfort may be the accumulation of gases, the presence of a hernia, intestinal colic ah, appendicitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, inflammatory process in the kidneys, infection with worms, nervous shock.

It should be noted that the causes of pain concentrated around the navel can be:

  • indigestion, for which characteristic symptoms are constipation, diarrhea, and inability to digest food; constipation in a baby is treated by introducing into the diet vegetables and fruits that have laxative properties (beets, kiwi, bananas, prunes), and diarrhea is treated with herbal infusions;
  • infectious diseases, such as dysentery or mumps, caused by bacteria;
  • kidney disease and genitourinary system;
  • chronic organ pathologies digestive system(gastroduodenitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis);
  • intestinal allergies;
  • appendicitis, which occurs in children over 8 years of age, but even at the age of five, in some cases, the disease may manifest itself;
  • spicy respiratory diseases, viral pathologies(sore throat or flu), which occurs with an increase in temperature and causes painful sensations in the abdomen (for example, enlarged lymph nodes in the peritoneum, which cause discomfort);
  • stressful situations against the background of the child’s unstable psyche (fear or joy), pain caused psychological reasons may appear daily.


Pain in preschool children depends on the type of disease of which they are symptoms. For example, with a disease such as dysentery, in addition to pain, the child experiences bloating, frequent loose stools with mucus and blood, severe vomiting, which leads to rapid dehydration of the body, in which case immediate hospitalization is required.

If the cause of pain is an attack of appendicitis, then the first signs are painful sensation around the navel, while the baby lies on his side with his legs crossed. Accompanying appendicitis is vomiting, indigestion, and fever. In this case, it is imperative to call an ambulance and send the child to a hospital, where he will be given first aid, often surgical.

Severe pain can be provoked by the presence of a navel hernia, the symptoms of which are nausea, vomiting, increased gas formation, constipation, and increased heart rate. In addition, a dense compaction appears, having an oval or round shape accompanied by severe pain. With such a pathology, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, otherwise necrosis of the strangulated intestine may begin.

A disease like malignant tumor small intestine in a child, it is always accompanied by pain near the navel, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and after some time, weight loss begins.

First aid

If the baby begins to complain of discomfort, then first you need to lay him on his back, while bending his knees and placing a pillow. You also need to raise your head a little, this position helps relieve spasms and relieve pain a little, as the muscles relax.

If, apart from pain, the baby has no other signs (vomiting, diarrhea, fever), you can keep the child under control, perhaps after bowel movements, the discomfort will disappear.

In case of periodic pain (after eating, during nervous soil), consultation with a doctor, sometimes even a psychologist, is required. Although this may be a symptom of gastritis.

In order not to blur the picture of the disease before the doctors arrive, little patient should not be given:

  • Analgesic.
  • Enzyme preparation.
  • Laxative.

An ambulance should be called if: the pain does not go away within two hours, the temperature has risen sharply, there is diarrhea with blood, vomiting, it is very difficult for the child to move, he can only lie in a bent position, if the cause of the pain is an abdominal injury, if Mom noticed symptoms of appendicitis.

Pain in the navel area can occur with both mild and serious pathologies, therefore, the child must be examined by specialists, and only then begin a course of treatment.

Parents should definitely evaluate such pain, because for a doctor who sees the baby for the first time, this is sometimes quite difficult.

Abdominal pain can be widespread, localized, colicky or spasmodic in nature.

According to its duration, abdominal pain is divided into acute and chronic. Fortunately, most of them pass quickly and do not have a serious cause. But it must be remembered that some diseases with such pain are life-threatening.

If the baby behaves very restlessly, the cause is most likely colic-like pain. See when the child becomes uncomfortable. Pay attention to what other symptoms he has, such as fever, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Or, for example, you notice that a 5-year-old child has a stomach ache. The pain either subsides or intensifies, at times causing particularly severe painful attacks. Usually this lasts only a few hours, but over time this condition becomes more and more disturbing, shortening the pain-free periods. Here you definitely need to go to the doctor.

Your 7-year-old child has abdominal pain almost every day. In the mornings his stomach hurts and he has diarrhea.

You may notice that a 3-year-old child constantly points to his stomach and cries. This has been happening for months now and you are starting to worry.

These are all very common cases that many parents encounter, and for most children, abdominal pain does not cause much suffering and goes away on its own in a short period of time. Parents often think that their 10-year-old child is faking or exaggerating symptoms, especially when doctors are not overly concerned about his condition.

However, when dealing with long-term pain, it is dangerous for parents to relax and let things take their course. This is probably a serious symptom of organic pathology.

Chronic abdominal pain is a very common disease, but, unfortunately, it is sometimes very difficult to find its cause.

A lot has to do with age. For example, children under 5 years old cannot suffer from ovarian cysts, and an 8-year-old child is unlikely to suffer from intestinal colic, as is observed in a 3-month-old baby.

Psychological or emotional disorders play a huge role in many pain complaints.

But doctors must be careful not to describe any pain as psychological until other causes have been ruled out through careful examination and tests.

Pediatric abdominal pain is classified as acute if it lasts less than 7 days and chronic if it lasts more than 7 days.

Why does my child have a stomach ache?

1. Colic

Abdominal colic in a newborn is a classic explanation for pain. This happens after eating. When a newborn's tummy hurts due to colic, crying and spasms suddenly begin. The cry is loud and continuous, lasting from 1 to 4 hours.

The baby's face turns red, the legs are drawn up to the body and are cool to the touch, the hands are clenched into fists. Episodes of infant colic occur at any time, often at night, which further exhausts parents.

2. Pain due to bloating

Intestinal gas is another common reason childhood abdominal pain. Gas causes bloating and stretching of the child's intestinal walls.

3. Seasickness

Some children suffer from motion sickness when traveling in public transport. This can be a problem when traveling by car. The child may also be bothered by colic-like attacks and vomiting.

Plan plenty of stops during your trip for your child to sip on. fresh air. And offer him to drink some water more often.

4. Bacillary dysentery

The child has frequent stools (not necessarily liquid) with blood or mucus, abdominal pain that periodically increases and then subsides. Sometimes the baby does not have stool, and only blood and/or mucus comes out of the anus.

IN in some cases The child has a stomach ache, vomiting, and may experience frequent loose stools. These are all signs of infection with pathogenic intestinal bacteria. The baby becomes infected through close contact with infected person or by drinking contaminated water or food. Treatment consists of adequate hydration (dehydration), drug therapy necessary to fight bacterial infection.

Babies who are on breastfeeding even during the second year of life, are less prone to this disease. And if they get sick due to dysentery, the severity of the disease is less, and the infants recover faster.

5. Viral infection

If a child has a stomach ache, vomiting and fever with diarrhea, these are signs of rotavirus. Hepatitis A is another one viral infection, which can cause sharp pain in the upper right abdomen where the liver is located. During this infection, children's skin usually turns yellow.

Oddly enough, “streptococcal” throat provokes children's abdominal pain. This infection is caused by streptococcal bacteria, symptoms include fever, headache, sore throat and stomach.

Serious coughing attacks cause strain and soreness in the abdominal muscles, which also leads to pain.

7. Abdominal tuberculosis

Abdominal tuberculosis should be suspected when the child complains of pain and there are other signs indicating this disease.

Symptoms include:

  • close contact with a person with tuberculosis;
  • decreased appetite and body weight;
  • the child has a large belly (there may be signs of intestinal obstruction).

This is by far the most common reason why your stomach hurts all the time.

Symptoms indicating that constipation is the cause of pain:

These two states are not the same. One of them is the inability to digest lactose, and the other is allergic reaction the whole body into milk proteins. However, both can cause digestive upset and abdominal pain.

Signs include:

  • abdominal cramps after eating dairy products;
  • gas pain;
  • intestinal colic;
  • diarrhea;
  • the pain, usually diffuse, is felt throughout the abdomen.

Naturally, it often gets worse after eating a meal with dairy products, but this condition can develop at any time of the day.

10. Diarrhea

Abdominal cramps and rumbling in the stomach are common types of pain that accompany diarrhea.

Older children describe the discomfort of these diseases as a burning or corroding pain. The stomach hurts on the left, or in the upper part, or even in the center chest. Children aged 6 - 7 have difficulty describing pain as “burning”.

13. Dyspepsia (digestive disorder)

Spicy and severe pain in the stomach, which intensify with deep breath, usually caused by dyspepsia. They arise as a result of overeating, hasty eating, or from consuming excessive amounts of carbonated drinks and juices.

Appendicitis is enough common problem pain that develops in children of all ages, although it is unusual for children under one year of age.

15. Urinary tract infections

When there is an infection urinary tract, older children complain of burning and pain when urinating, and experience discomfort in the lower abdomen. Infants experience increased moodiness, sleep and appetite disturbances, slight increase temperature without signs of a cold. During urination, babies become whiny and tense their abdominal muscles.

16. Intestinal obstruction

At intestinal obstruction constipation, abdominal distension and rapid vomiting are observed. Vomit Green colour(due to the presence of bile) or even contain feces.

17. Intussusception

This is a condition where one part of the intestine invades another. This usually occurs in children between 3 months and 3 years of age.

It is characterized by a sudden onset of pain that lasts 2 to 3 minutes. Attacks occur approximately every quarter of an hour. The child screams in pain and looks frighteningly pale. Possibly bloody stools.

18. Medicines

A detailed medical history is important because certain medications can cause abdominal pain. Children often have stomach pain after taking antibiotics.

19. Irritable bowel syndrome

This is the cause of abdominal pain that lasts for many weeks or months. Often found in teenagers.

20. Menstrual cramps

Don't forget about this reason in teenage girls. Cramps can occur even a few days before your period begins. The reason for such pain is obvious. Moreover, unpleasant sensations disturb not only the lower abdomen, but also the lumbar region.

21. Psychological factors

  • behavioral pain. Behavioral causes appear in children from 4 to 7 years of age. They will complain about pain just to get more attention. However, the pain in this situation is not real, but if the child's desire for attention is very strong, he may perceive the pain as real. This usually happens when a newborn comes into the family, making the older child feel forgotten;
  • anxiety. Abdominal pain caused by anxiety often occurs in children between 5 and 10 years of age. Usually the child has a stomach ache in the navel area. These pains often feel like butterflies in the stomach and are accompanied by diarrhea. Anxious pains disappear when the source of stress disappears.

Parents usually quickly notice that their child has a stomach ache. Babies cry and express pain through facial expressions and curling of their legs. Young children are usually quick to recognize what is wrong. Some teens are reluctant to talk about pain, and you should try to get an accurate explanation of what they are feeling.

Characteristics of pain that will give a clear picture of the child’s condition

1. Duration of pain.

Children's abdominal pain for non-serious reasons usually does not last long. This pain is caused by flatulence or indigestion and disappears after a day. Pain that lasts more than a day requires evaluation by a doctor.

2. Location of pain.

If a child talks about stomach pain, this is an ambiguous description. Uncomplicated pain is usually located in the center of the abdomen. If it is present in the lower abdomen or other area, it is cause for concern and should be checked by a doctor.

3. What the child looks like.

When you look at your baby, you will see things like lethargy, pale skin, sweating, and sleepiness. If it is impossible to distract your baby by playing and he refuses to eat or drink anything for a long time, this causes concern and requires medical supervision

4. Vomiting.

Many children experience vomiting and abdominal pain. Vomiting does not necessarily mean something serious. If it stops, there is no reason to worry. On the other hand, when vomiting continues for a day or more, this is a reason to go to the doctor.

Also pay attention to the vomit itself. If blood, dark or green inclusions are present, yellow, you need to see a doctor immediately.

5. Diarrhea.

Abdominal pain sometimes leads to diarrhea, which is common when a child has a viral infection. Typically, diarrhea due to infection lasts about 72 hours. If it bothers you longer, or there is blood in your stool, your doctor should know about it.

6. High temperature.

If a child has a stomach ache and a temperature of 38˚Ϲ or higher, this does not mean that there is serious problem. In fact, you should be more worried when there is pain without fever. This is often associated with a serious problem.

7. Pain in the groin.

Boys may claim that their stomach hurts when the pain is developing in a completely different part of the body. This may occur due to testicular torsion. In this case, the testicles become intertwined and their blood supply is cut off. The child may be embarrassed to talk about the location of the pain. Therefore, be sure to ask where exactly its source is.

8. Skin rash.

If your child complains of abdominal pain, skin rash, contact a specialist immediately. The baby may have scarlet fever or some other serious illness.

Age is key factor in assessing a child's pain.

Pediatric abdominal pain can occur for a variety of reasons. For an accurate diagnosis, several diagnostic tests are required:

Usually, simple childhood abdominal pain can be treated at home. With adequate bed rest and proper drinking habits, as well as abstinence from heavy solid foods and Aspirin, the child should get back on his feet in a few days.

If a child has a temperature of 39˚Ϲ, give him paracetamol.

Be sure to check the dosage with your doctor.

When a newborn’s stomach hurts, what can you do?

First aid for colic:

For constipation, give a gentle abdominal massage to activate intestinal motility.

What to do if your child has a stomach ache?

Bed rest

When a child is bothered by abdominal pain, bed rest will only benefit him. Invite him to lie on his stomach, but don't insist on it. The best position is the one that makes your baby feel better.

Fluid intake

When a child has a stomach ache and is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, make sure the child drinks plenty of fluids. Give 30 to 60 ml every 15 to 20 minutes until the child can take no more. Avoid offering carbonated or sugary drinks.

If the baby less than a year, contact your pediatrician to solve the problem of desoldering as competently and delicately as possible.

Do not give large amounts of liquid at once. Even slight overstretching of the stomach walls will provoke an attack of vomiting.

Instead of forcing your child to eat large amounts of food at once, divide the food into smaller portions and let your child eat every two to three hours. Avoid anything that causes gas. So don't overdo it with fruits and vegetables.


Check with your doctor before giving medications to your child. Usually Paracetamol is best choice at high temperature.

Avoid Aspirin as it may lead to Reye's syndrome. This syndrome causes swelling of the brain and liver damage. Also, give your child antibiotics only when the doctor prescribes them.

What should I give my child for stomach pain?

  1. Natural yogurt. When a child has diarrhea and abdominal pain, the probiotics in yogurt will restore levels beneficial bacteria. It will also help the body absorb nutrients and fight infection.
  2. Apple vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is great as a remedy for childhood abdominal pain because digestive disorder and overeating.
  3. Chamomile tea. Chamomile tea soothes abdominal cramps thanks to its natural antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. It relaxes the abdominal muscles, thereby reducing attacks.
  4. Honey. Honey has antibacterial properties and is also rich in sugars and antioxidants. Give your child some honey dissolved in a glass of warm water. This will calm your stomach.

    Do not give honey to your child if he is under one year old or if he is allergic.

  5. Bottle hot water or a heating pad. There is nothing more soothing for colic than a bottle of hot water on your stomach. This increases blood supply to the abdomen and relieves pain.

    This method is contraindicated when inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity.

  6. Ginger. When a child has indigestion or stomach pain due to overeating, ginger will help him.

You should not give ginger to a child if he is under 2 years old.

If after 24 hours the child still has a high fever, diarrhea and vomiting, medical consultation. Such prolonged pain is one of the main signs of appendicitis.

Your child needs immediate medical assistance, If:

Tips for preventing childhood abdominal pain

You can prevent your child from getting stomach pain due to indigestion, constipation, and infections:

  • Don't let your child overeat. Instead, divide food into smaller portions and make meals more frequent;
  • Encourage your child to eat fiber-rich foods such as vegetables and fruits to prevent constipation;
  • Teach your child to wash their hands with soap before eating. This will prevent the penetration of pathogenic elements into the body that cause gastrointestinal infections;
  • Don't let your child eat before bed. This will cause dyspepsia or lead to heartburn;
  • Make sure your child drinks plenty of water. This will prevent the formation of dry stool and also protect against dehydration.

The prognosis for abdominal pain is as varied as its causes. Timely identified abdominal pain is the key to a generally favorable prognosis. Undiagnosed and uncontrolled pain can be life-threatening in some cases. From the very beginning of the child's illness, the parent must work together with the pediatrician and the hospital to ensure that the child receives proper care.

Many adults treat stomach problems as frivolously as they treat a migraine - “it will hurt and it will go away on its own.” But if a daughter or son complains of such an ailment, it is simply necessary to pay attention, and do not even think of attributing such behavior to whims and a desire to attract attention. How to cope with this problem; if there is abdominal pain, what medications should you give your child? Detailed description symptoms of common diseases and the answer to the question of when you should not postpone a visit to the doctor - especially for you in our article.

Will the pain go away on its own?

Abdominal pain in children can occur due to the most various reasons. So, if the child definitely did not fall or hit himself, but complains of being unwell, you should quickly analyze his nutrition in last days. Sharp abdominal pain can appear due to banal overeating, consuming incompatible products, harmful or low-quality/spoiled food.

In this case, a disorder of the digestive system can manifest itself not only as unpleasant sensations, but also be accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, bloating and flatulence. If your baby ate something new or downright harmful before his health deteriorated, you don’t need to panic. Also, there is no need to worry if there are doubts about the freshness/quality of the products or if the child simply overate - which often happens during the holidays.

Treatment in this case is simple - do not feed the child for a while, do not limit his drinking and wait until sharp pains will pass in the stomach. You can give plain water or sweet black tea. It is especially important to prevent dehydration during loose stools. Offer your child drinks, even if he doesn't ask for them, and remind him to drink.

For diarrhea, you can give activated carbon or Smecta in a dosage appropriate for your age. However, if your child's condition worsens or remains unchanged 6 hours after the first symptoms appeared, you should consult a doctor.

When is specialist consultation necessary?

There are three types of pain: aching, sharp and colic (usually observed in newborn babies). Ask your child to describe his or her discomfort as accurately as possible. The most dangerous is considered to be acute or stabbing pain. These are strong and persistent unpleasant sensations that can also radiate to neighboring areas and parts of the body. Will they fit in this case? regular medications If you have stomach pain, what should you give your child to alleviate his condition? Every parent should remember that discomfort in the stomach can cause serious illness.

If the pain is acute, you should immediately consult a doctor or even call an ambulance. Before the specialist arrives, do not give medications, try to distract the child and improve his condition - gently stroke the stomach, talk to the baby or show him a cartoon.

So, the indications for urgent hospitalization or call a doctor if there is prolonged intense pain. In this case, the child cannot find a place for himself, rushes about and screams. If any pain lasts more than three hours and there is no improvement, it is better not to delay seeking qualified help. Blood in the stool or vomit is a clear reason to call an ambulance.

A quick reaction is required from parents if the child has eaten/drank some kind of medicine, drug household chemicals or other dangerous and harmful substance. Before the doctor arrives, it is not recommended to give medications that eliminate symptoms or use traditional medicine. Lay your baby down and help him get into the most comfortable position.

Tummy problems for little ones

It can be difficult for young parents to care for a newborn, not only because of a lack of experience. The baby cannot explain his feelings and complain to his parents. How can you tell if your baby has a tummy ache? The only way kids express their dissatisfaction is accessible means- we cry. If at the same time the child sleeps poorly, eats little or refuses to eat at all, most likely the reason is colic.

Also, if there are problems with the tummy, the baby knocks its legs and pulls its knees to its chest. Colic occurs in many babies and usually stops between 4 and 6 months of age. special treatment they don't require it. If the child’s anxiety is accompanied by fever, vomiting, and the appearance of blood in the stool, it is necessary urgent consultation doctor The symptoms described above may indicate food allergies or intestinal obstruction.

Preschooler has a stomach ache

The condition and well-being of a child under 2 years old can only be assessed by his behavior and mood. If the child is inactive, cries and refuses to eat, it is likely that the problem is in the tummy. Moreover, already over the age of one year, the causes are most often “adult”: food poisoning and allergies, overeating, infectious diseases.

At the age of more than 2 years, many children can consciously explain what exactly hurts them or show with their hands. After listening to the child’s complaints, parents should compare and analyze all the symptoms. If abdominal pain in a 5-year-old child is irregular and has appeared recently, and general state the baby is good - you can try to cope with the problem at home. Invite your child to sleep or just lie quietly. Give suitable medicine to improve digestion.

The same can be done for diarrhea or vomiting (if the symptoms are observed separately). Remember that (for a short period of time) this is only a sign of a simple disorder of the digestive system, and occasional vomiting can be observed due to coughing or overeating.

My stomach hurts, but not my stomach...

Systematic discomfort in any part of the body is a reason to go to the hospital. An interesting fact is that abdominal pain and nausea in a child can occur without any physiological reasons. In this case, most likely, the whole point is psycho-emotional state patient. This phenomenon is called functional pain. At the same time, examinations internal organs do not demonstrate any deviations from the norms. The reason most often lies in overwork, overload nervous system, worries and stress. This may seem strange, but to treat such pain you should consult a psychologist. However, in any case, it’s worth starting with a visit to a gastroenterologist and an examination. Remember that regular abdominal pain near the navel in a child may also indicate pathologies of internal organs.

How to treat functional pain?

If a child regularly complains of discomfort, the most important thing for parents is to remain calm. You can’t ignore these complaints and frankly “not hear” the child, but you shouldn’t make a fuss every time the little one has a tummy ache either. It is necessary to visit a specialist. And as soon as it is confirmed that the pain is truly functional, treatment can begin.

Start keeping a special “belly diary”. It should record all attacks of pain, indicating in what situations they appear, and what helps you feel better. Analysis of these records by a doctor will help determine the specific causes of the problem and help reduce the intensity of unpleasant sensations, and then completely forget about them. Parents should try to create a favorable atmosphere at home and captivate the baby with something. You can invite him to start attending sections and hobby groups, or come up with some kind of home hobby for the child.

What medications can be given to calm down stabbing pains in a stomach? If you are sure that discomfort appears due to psychological problems, you can give Ibuprofen or another generic pain reliever, suitable for a child according to the age. After have a relaxing holiday and sleep, functional pain also subsides - encourage the child to have a good rest.

Putting together a first aid kit for a child: a must have in every home

Self-medication is undesirable, and sometimes even unsafe. But we all know that situations are different. How to choose the right one to give your child to eliminate unpleasant symptoms? In order to normalize digestion when overeating or eating poorly combined foods, you can try taking medications such as: Mezim, Festal, Creon. For diarrhea and nausea, you can take Gastrolit or Regidron. They are treated with Maalox, Rennie, Almagel.

What medicine from an adult medicine cabinet will help with abdominal pain, what should I give to a child if special children's medicines are not at hand? A universal remedy for discomfort in the abdominal cavity, “No-spa” is considered. This drug relieves attacks urolithiasis and makes you feel better when all symptoms are observed at the same time food poisoning(vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain), you can try giving your child Activated carbon, "Enterodes" or "Smectu". Attention: before giving your child any medicine, carefully read the instructions and accurately calculate the dosage according to the child’s age or weight. If possible, even if home treatment It is recommended to consult a doctor.

Attention, infection!

Infectious diseases are what many parents fear most. There is no need to panic, as with any other disease, the most important thing is to make a timely and correct diagnosis. Pain in the left side of the abdomen, in the right, or near the navel - all these symptoms can be a manifestation of infection. It is important to understand that diseases in this category can affect various organs and differ according to the type of pathogen: viral, bacterial and mixed.

With infections of the genitourinary system, changes in urination are observed. In this case, the child complains of abdominal pain and often goes to the toilet. Fever body, diarrhea and vomiting are signs of most infectious diseases. Remember that any infection is quite dangerous. Accordingly, at the first suspicion that the disease is caused by viruses or bacteria, you should contact the clinic.

Symptoms of appendicitis

Appendicitis is often considered a disease exclusively for adults, and this is a big misconception. In fact this pathology often observed in children older than 1.5 years. In infants, appendicitis is indeed very rare. But schoolchildren aged 10-12 years are often diagnosed with this diagnosis; it is believed that boys are most susceptible to it.

Appendicitis is especially dangerous in younger age. The sooner it is delivered correct diagnosis and treatment is started, the more effective it will be and the lower the risk of developing dangerous complications. By what signs can this pathology be recognized?

If a child constantly complains of abdominal pain and does not feel better after sleep, a visit to the doctor is required! At the same time, the localization of unpleasant sensations may be different. Not always observed classic version pain - on the right, below the stomach. Discomfort may also be felt near the navel or in the epigastrium. Parents should also be wary of the fact that abdominal pain near the navel in a child occurs when changing body position, coughing or crying. Sometimes vomiting or diarrhea may occur. With appendicitis, the body temperature usually rises, the child himself becomes lethargic and drowsy, and may refuse to eat. You should not give painkillers or other medications for such symptoms - you should immediately consult a doctor.

Other common causes of abdominal pain

There is no child who does not accidentally fall or participate in a fight. Even the calmest and most peaceful baby can be pushed by his peers, or from time to time he stumbles on his own. What should you do if, after receiving an injury, you begin to complain of abdominal pain?

Injuries to the abdominal cavity are of open and closed type. In the first case, it is necessary to call an ambulance, which will hospitalize the patient. In the second, you should try to assess the general condition of the child. If there are complaints of pain, but the baby is still active, does not refuse food and sleeps normally, most likely nothing serious has happened, but even in this case, consulting a specialist will not be superfluous.

If you experience vomiting, rapid pulse and general weakness after injury, you should go to the hospital immediately. Please pay Special attention if the child complains of pain in the left side of the abdomen. In this case, the spleen may be damaged.

Hernias also cause a lot of concern for children. They can be internal and superficial, sometimes palpable on the abdomen. Unpleasant sensations occur when a hernia is pinched, self-medication in this case is impossible - you need to visit a doctor and prescribe a suitable treatment option.

Don't forget about diseases such as ulcers and gastritis. It was once thought that only adults were susceptible to them. But today, increasingly, these diagnoses are made to adolescents and even younger schoolchildren. What is curious is that the reason does not always lie in poor nutrition, at risk are children taking certain medicines courses and those suffering from certain chronic diseases.

Special attention should be paid to the child’s complaints of stabbing pain in the abdomen if the baby has suffered from surgery. And this is another case when you should consult a doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment.

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