Hair care: what are the benefits of vanilla essential oil? Dosage rules and contraindications. To relieve feelings of anxiety and restlessness

Essential oil vanilla – slightly viscous phytoessence amber color. It is characterized by a sweet-spicy aroma with pleasant floral notes and a slight caramel scent. Used in aromatherapy, perfumery and cosmetology. Has an anti-stress, calming effect. Gives the skin softness and velvety. Eliminates dryness and brittleness of hair.

A little history

The homeland of vanilla is Latin America. The history of the use of its fruits and their oil dates back to the reign of Montezuma. The Aztecs added crushed vanilla beans to the cocoa drink as a spice. In Europe, the product became known from the middle of the 16th century. In the 19th century, healers paid attention to medicinal properties vanilla essential oil. It was used for nervous disorders and depression.

Interesting: In the Middle Ages, vanilla oil was considered an excellent aphrodisiac. It increased potency and sexuality. This property of vanilla is still

Production technology

To produce volatile vanilla ester, ripe and well-dried vine fruits are used. Currently, the plants are specially grown in China, Indonesia and Madagascar.

To extract the aromatic essence, extraction technology using oil solvents is used. The process is lengthy and requires the use of high-tech equipment, but only this makes it possible to achieve High Quality final product.


Over studying chemical composition scientists are still working on vanilla oil. The research carried out allows us to talk about one and a half hundred components. Vanillin, which gives the product its recognizable aroma, is given one of the first places in the composition, although it contains only about 3%.

In addition to the main component, the oil contains:

  • anisic acid and aldehyde,
  • acetic, caproic, isomalar acids,
  • aromatic component: eugenol and cinnamon esters,
  • esters.

Beneficial properties of vanilla essential oil

Vanilla oil is a powerful energy drink with unique properties:

  • relieves anxiety and fatigue,
  • tones muscles and gives vigor,
  • neutralizes negative emotions,
  • sets the mood for positivity,
  • improves sleep.

It is used in for cosmetic purposes to improve the condition of skin and hair. The substances contained in it have a restorative effect, relieve inflammation, and increase tone.


Natural vanilla oil may cause allergic reactions. Before first use, two types of tests must be performed: skin and olfactory.

For the first, it is recommended to mix 1-2 drops of ether with ½ tsp. base oil and apply a small amount of solution to your wrist or inside elbow. After half an hour, we can talk about the absence or presence of an allergy to the drug.

For the second test, apply 1-2 drops of oil to a swab or cotton pad and periodically inhale its aroma. If there are no attacks of suffocation, coughing, or sneezing, then the drug can be used for aromatherapy procedures.

Caution is required when using the drug by pregnant women or children under 7-10 years of age.

Important: When preparing solutions, mixtures, baths, aroma lamps, you must strictly follow the recipe. Increasing the dose of the concentrate can cause nausea, dizziness, and, when used externally, skin burns.

Impact on the emotional sphere

Vanilla oil has a positive effect on emotional condition person and helps normalize mental disorders:

  • depression,
  • phobias,
  • negative thoughts,
  • depression,
  • anger,
  • insomnia.

The aroma of vanilla enhances sexual desire and gives emotional strength to the pleasure received.

Where to buy and how much it costs

It is recommended to purchase natural vanilla oil only in pharmacies or specialized stores. Trusted retail outlets work directly with manufacturers and offer products at a price significantly different from the cost charged by intermediaries.

The cost of vanilla oil varies from 40 to 1990 rubles per 10 ml. Moreover, a high price does not always correspond to impeccable quality. Low may indicate the synthetic origin of the product. The technology for producing natural oil does not allow it to be priced cheaply.

Vanilla essential oil "Oleos"

Compound: 100% vanilla essential oil obtained by steam distillation. Volume and form of release: 5 ml in dark glass bottles.

Storage: store in tightly closed bottles, at a temperature of 5 to 25 ° C, in a place protected from direct sunlight.

Best before date: 3 years.

Oil essential vanilla carries a charge of vivacity, positivity, and activates vital energy. Helps with insomnia. Aphrodisiac, increases libido. Relieves irritation, soothes, whitens sensitive, damaged skin.


The scope of application of vanilla oil is quite extensive. It is used in the treatment of a number of diseases genitourinary system And gastrointestinal tract. However, these issues require mandatory consultation with a doctor.

This aroma is widely used in the creation of oriental perfumes and cosmetics. Perfumes, eau de toilette and eau de parfum with these notes attract and arouse desire. Caring lotions and creams have an anti-inflammatory effect, making the skin elastic and toned.

ATTENTION! Essential oils are highly concentrated phytoessences. For cosmetic purposes it should be used only in a mixture with vegetable base oils.

Before you start using essential oil, you must test for the absence of allergic reaction.

Mix 1 drop of essential oil with 1/3 teaspoon of vegetable oil and apply to the inner surface of the forearm or behind the ear, or apply 2-3 drops of essential oil to a handkerchief and inhale periodically throughout the day. The use of the tested oil is possible if after 12 hours there is no allergic reaction on the skin, headache, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, swelling of the face.

Vanilla oil in cosmetology

Facial care using vanilla oil helps to increase the elasticity of aging skin, relieve inflammation and redness, and make it soft and velvety.

Rejuvenation mask

Vanilla works great with aging skin. It strengthens blood vessels, improves microcirculation, softens and moisturizes. For regular care (once a week), it is recommended to mix 1-2 drops of essence with 10 g of base (preferably fruit puree from apple, pear, banana or avocado). Apply for 20 minutes and rinse.

Prevention of wilting

After thirty years, you need to make a mask once every two weeks to increase elasticity. Jojoba and vanilla oils are used for it (5 ml and 2 parts, respectively). Application time is 20 minutes, then wipe the face with a napkin. Complete the procedure by washing warm water.

Acne mask

Inflamed skin with acne will be a thing of the past if you use it twice a week. a simple mask from grape seed oil (base) and vanilla (20 and 2 parts, respectively). The solution is applied for 10 minutes. Residues are removed with a napkin.

Moisturizing mask

Dry skin requires regular care and hydration. Once every 7 days, it is recommended to apply at night a nutritious solution of olive oils - base (10 ml), sandalwood (2 parts) and vanilla (2 parts). Morning washing will complete the procedure.

Remember: Essential oil in its pure form is not recommended for external use - it can cause burns. Composition for use – 10 ml base oil and 1-2 drops of ether.

Hair care

Essential vanilla oil for hair originally used to give them a unique aroma and silky smoothness. Today more attention is paid to the second criterion. Using essential oil can get rid of dry hair and unpleasant split ends.

Usage vanilla oil for hair deserves only positive reviews. Simple remedies care gives a glossy shine, like after expensive salon treatments.

Vanilla essential oil for dry hair

Dry brittle hair need gentle care. It is recommended to use enriched shampoo (3-5 parts of oil per 15 ml) or aroma combing (2-3 parts of ether per 15 g of base).

For greater effect, you can use the combing composition as a mask. The mixture is applied to the hair, wrapped and left for an hour. Then oil composition wash off with warm water and an appropriate type of shampoo.

By using vanilla oil for fine, dry hair, it is easy to quickly restore a healthy, well-groomed appearance without split ends.


Restore peace of mind Aromatherapy sessions will help get rid of depression and improve your mood. This is what you can do:

  • take baths (5-6 k.),
  • do a massage (5 k. per 15 ml base),
  • Perform aromatization of the air using an aroma lamp (5 units per container of water),
  • use aroma pendant (2 parts).

The aroma of vanilla will have healing effect, will restore strength when using a natural product and following the dosage. Otherwise, the opposite effect is possible - dizziness, nausea.

Tropical, subtle vanilla fruits top the list of aromatics from around the world. Their aroma is gentle and sweet, reminiscent of warm summer evenings, cozy winter gatherings with a cup of hot cocoa; associated with favorite pastries and sweet notes of French perfumes. Today, the scope of their use is much wider than perfume additives, since vanilla essential oil, in addition to aroma, also has many beneficial properties; people have even learned to artificially breed it.

Initially, long, pod-like boxes ripen for 9 months on climbing vines with large white flowers. After collection, they are dried for another six months until they acquire a black color with a white crystalline coating - only then does this sweet aroma appear. Vanilla grows in Africa, Indonesia, Madagascar and some American countries (Mexico). Only a few American and European companies are engaged in the production of final products (oils and spices).

When purchasing, you need to carefully study the packaging - the genus of vanilla directly affects the quality of the product (for example, vanilla pompona has very few beneficial properties, unlike the tahitensis species).

Properties of vanilla essential oil

The properties and uses of the oils of this fruit have not yet been thoroughly studied, so you should not experiment yourself without knowledge of elementary theory. The composition of the product is also not fully known to scientists, but about 150 components have already been identified, of which pure vanillin is on average up to 3%; other substances: anisaldehyde, caproic acid, furfural, cinnamic esters, anisic acid and others.

This rich composition is the reason for many of the beneficial properties of the oil. The main ones include:

  • antibacterial (along with fir);
  • analgesic (like geranium);
  • anti-inflammatory (the main property of tea tree oil);
  • rejuvenating and tonic (ylang-ylang).

As you can see, the properties of vanilla essential oil combine the main effects of many other essential oils; that is why it, like pink, has such value.

Areas of application of vanilla essential oil

The list of healing abilities of vanilla is narrower than that of other oils, but in certain areas it is irreplaceable. For example:

Gastroenterology. Well normalizes the functioning of the stomach, colon and small intestine due to regulated enzyme and acid balances. It also regulates metabolism, promoting the breakdown of complex carbohydrates.

Gynecology. Vanilla is important for women, as it can normalize the menstrual cycle and ease painful sensations and eliminate premenstrual syndrome(PMS).

Immunology. Increases immunity by improving the resistance of lympho- and leukocytes to pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Psychotherapy. Most often used in this area of ​​medicine and in neurology, as it can combat cardiovascular dystonia, circulatory disorders, neutralizes or weakens mechanical injuries to blood vessels. Interestingly, vanilla essential oil is also used to treat chronic and acquired diseases of the central nervous system (Down's disease, measles, malaria, encephalitis, sclerosis and others).

In addition to the listed characteristics, vanilla aroma can have an emotional impact on a person, eliminating nervous tension, depression, fatigue, anger/apathy. The level of aggression decreases, sleep improves and tension in thoughts decreases. Vanilla is ideal for choleric and melancholic people, because it puts the nervous system in order, calming it.

Alcohol addiction. In combination, it helps to treat addiction to alcoholic drinks, used as an “antidote”. Long-term regular therapy can even instill an aversion to alcohol.
Inflammatory processes. Relieves skin inflammatory processes, eliminates rashes and redness, having an additional antibacterial effect.

A gentle sweet timbre will envelop you from the first minute and take you to the quiet lands of peace. Problems will instantly fade into the background, the body will invigorate, and thoughts will be filled with new ideas and goals.
In addition to the above areas of application, vanilla essential oil is widely used by leading cosmetology and perfume companies, as it:

  • takes good care of sensitive skin, reducing inflammation and flaking of the surface epithelium;
  • increases skin elasticity due to deep hydration;
  • has a slight matting effect;
  • at the right approach capable of whitening the surface layer;
  • in perfumery it deservedly takes its place as one of the strongest aphrodisiacs.

Consequently, vanilla oil rapidly increases sexuality, skin sensitivity and charm.

Using Vanilla Essential Oil on the Face

Essential oil perfectly cleanses the skin of blackheads, moisturizes and smoothes, having an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. In the presence of age-related changes, it levels out pigmentation and flabbiness of the epithelium. The main thing is to use it regularly, otherwise the effect will be zero.
All the properties of vanilla essential oil will be clearly visible after a month of daily use.
In the cosmetology industry today there are many caring creams, lotions and masks with the addition of this concentrate. If you have the desire and time, you can make such products yourself at home. Some use the oil in its pure form (it is one of the few that does not irritate or burn the skin), others add it to finished products or completely hand-make the process.

The simplest and least expensive way is to purchase an inexpensive, but suitable for type skin cream (don’t forget about baby creams, as they have the necessary set of qualities for sensitive and irritation-prone skin) and add separately purchased oil to it. Normally, 5 drops per 15 ml of the main product are enough. Daily use of the product in a complex of caring procedures can visibly rejuvenate and improve the surface epithelium without salon procedures.
Using vanilla essential oil for hair
Additional hair care can become much less expensive with regular (!) use of this oil. It is more difficult to prepare shampoo, so it is better to buy a good one at the pharmacy that will suit your hair type and scalp (you should not take professional products which may worsen the condition hairline and are not suitable for daily use). Since all containers are different, you can add 2-3 drops of vanilla in portions, that is, directly to the amount of shampoo that is needed for the first wash.

You can actively use vanilla essential oil for hair by adding it to other products: masks, lotions, conditioners, balms, tints and serums. Combing curls with a wooden comb with drops of oil saturates well hair follicles, and the hair becomes shiny, has less split ends and does not fall out. Plastic combs are not suitable, as they do not absorb excess and electrify the hair.

Vanilla combines easily with many other oils (which is why it is base note), can be composed own recipes, guided by the following, and enjoy the result.

What oils does vanilla essential oil combine with?

Vanilla oil is very beneficial for facial skin, so most often essential recipes for care it is the main ingredient. The body needs hydration less, so you can apply cream with vanilla essential oil to it once every 2 days (if the skin, of course, is not dry).

A well-known recipe for dull and sagging skin: two drops each of vanilla, geranium and jasmine oils are mixed with the base oil. The resulting liquid is applied to the skin every few days for 10-20 minutes. A mask made from rosewood oil, vanilla and orange is also effective (3 drops will be enough).
In addition to oil masks, you can also use mixtures with products. For example, a recipe made from vanilla oil, half a banana and an avocado works great for wrinkles. This “puree” is applied to the face and kept for about 30 minutes. Once a week is enough to see results in a month.

The following recipe disinfects and dries acne: mix 2 drops of ether, 10 ml of bodyagi, 10 g of corn starch (it is healthier and better suited for the face than potato starch) and 20 drops of a base - grape oil. This mask can be applied for a maximum of 10 minutes, making sure that there is no allergy to the ingredients.
A lot of variations of masks for the face, body and hair have already been invented; It is also interesting to make perfumes based on essential oils, choosing an elegant jar for them yourself. For such experiments, you need to know which oils are compatible with vanilla and which are not. So, complementarity: vetiver, clove, lime, incense, neroli, ylang-ylang (and other base oils), mandarin, sandalwood, rose and others.

Vanilla will be combined with a wide variety of fruity, floral and fresh aromas, the main thing is not to overdo it and not burden the smell with woody and musky notes. Its exceptional benefits and alluring aroma (do not forget that it is also an aphrodisiac) will not only help in caring for your own body without expensive procedures. They will balance thoughts and feelings, helping to calm anxiety and overcome insomnia.

Essential oils appeared in our country relatively recently, when in the countries of Asia and the East they were known thousands of years ago. In general, we learn about many unique products just now, but better late than never. We must preserve this knowledge, pass it on from generation to generation, because beauty and health can be achieved not only with the help of medicines, youth injections, surgery, but also with the help of healing, natural balms, herbs, infusions, teas and oils. We will talk about the latter today, namely vanilla oil - an important and very interesting topic of the article.

Making butter is not easy

Essential and base oils

First, we would like to tell you the following. Very often in our country, out of ignorance, people buy this or that oil and expect from it the promised result, which they heard about or read about somewhere. But there is no effect, disappointment sets in, and aromatherapy becomes an uninteresting topic. In this case, there was simply not enough knowledge. There are different oils and the selection criteria should be known to everyone who wants to understand and experience the power and full range of capabilities of these unique products.

Oil can be essential or simple; it is also called base oil. These are different compositions, release forms, with different functions and prices. Base oils are obtained in various ways from the seeds or fruits of plants. This can be cold or hot pressing or extraction. This is a natural product that has a light aroma or none at all; the product is heavy, with a high percentage of fat content. Just understand that, for example, our traditional sunflower oil is a base product, also with oils from other plants.
Ethers are different. They are obtained from bark, flowers, rhizomes and leaves, while they are volatile and do not leave greasy marks. By the way, you can check any essential oil for quality - just drop it on a piece of paper and after a while good remedy It will simply evaporate, leaving a pleasant trail. Esters are very concentrated, have a rich aroma, they can even cause a burn, so they are used drop by drop. Basic oils will not burn your skin; they are often mixed with essential oils to create unique useful drugs, which have a lasting, very good positive effect. Today we will talk specifically about vanilla essential oil, its composition, properties and possibilities, both positive and negative.

For information! There are also cosmetic oils - these are those that combine both base and ether, diluted with them, enriched. The result is a composition that gives our skin, nails and hair beauty and health.

Oh this delicate and fragrant vanilla oil

Now let's move on to our product, which is unique and worth your attention. Vanilla oil is a treasure trove useful substances, which will be discussed below, is a subtle aroma that each of us has known since childhood. You can’t confuse it with anything, because pleasant memories of pastries, cakes, drinks immediately arise, and for some it is also the aroma of perfumes and cosmetics. Which is not surprising, because vanilla is enormously in demand and popular. Of course, the strong concentration of this smell and illiterate use causes rejection. But if you use the product correctly, then the delicate, subtle, sweet aroma and appetizing trail will not leave anyone indifferent.

Vanilla is a plant with yellow flowers, which somewhat resemble daffodils or orchids. Its fruits have a bizarre shape of pods that hang from tropical vines that can grow more than 25-35 meters in height. At the same time, they do not immediately smell the familiar smell to all of us, no, this is a long process - about nine months of ripening, and six months of drying, which affects the cost of the product. The readiness of fruits for further processing is determined by a white crystalline coating. To obtain vanilla essential oil, the fruits undergo an extraction process.

Good to know! Real vanilla essential oil is not liquid, but viscous, viscous, and has a dark, chocolate tint. Its aroma is woody, sweetish, delicate and spicy at the same time. The product is not cheap, as it has a number of useful properties.

Vanilla grows in different variations, and if the oil is extracted from the Tahitensis species, then it is considered very useful, unique, and expensive. The most common type is "Vanilla planifolia" or the common variety. But many researchers consider the product labeled “Pompona” to be the least useful and of the least quality.

For information! Vanilla grows more in hot countries, such as Mexico, the island of Madagascar, on the African continent, but the surprising fact is that not these countries are the main producer of vanilla ether, but a number of Western countries and America.

Vanilla ether. What is healing in the composition?

Even today, scientists have not fully studied the composition and full range of capabilities of vanilla essential oil. At the moment, about 150 components are known. And just imagine, the familiar and familiar vanilla among this amount is no more than three percent. The remaining components are varied, and they all play one role or another for our body.

For information! Base oils can be sold in packaging of various sizes, while essential oils, including vanilla essential oil, are produced in small bottles of 2-5 ml. This is explained by the complexity of production and the high cost of this product.

Vanilla oil is enriched with a number of acids, including acetic, anise, isobutyric, caproic. Acids are helpers for our body, as they affect acid-base balance, on energy metabolism, on the gastrointestinal tract, inhibit pathogenic processes and the development of negative microflora in the body, help secrete gastric juice, normalize stool and have many other functions. The composition also contains anise aldehyde, which can be used in perfumery, furfural, which has wide application in different industries. Geranyl acetate is an ester that can be used in the food industry and perfumery; brown esters are also included in the composition. There is also eugenol - it is used to make various medications.

Beneficial properties and harm of vanilla essential oil

Advantages of use

First, let's talk about the healing effects on health, what vanilla oil can give to our body, and then we will introduce you to the use of the product in cosmetology.

Vanilla essential oil helps us:

  • it has a beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the functioning of organs, helps restore the acid-base balance;
  • strengthens our immunity, which fights the entire pathogenic environment and prevents us from getting sick;
  • helps improve metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the health of diabetics;
  • helps the weaker sex cope with ailments “like a woman”;
  • scientists have found that the use of vanilla essential oil causes disgust in alcohol addicts;
  • essential oil helps relieve inflammation and kill harmful microflora;
  • this is a whole elixir of health and tranquility for our nervous system. The oil will help against insomnia, various nervous shocks, depression, pathologies caused by various factors, cope with mood swings, causeless anger, panic attacks, stress;
  • has a beneficial effect on the health of patients with sclerosis;
  • helps restore and cure diseased skin;
  • affects sexuality.

Important! After reading the article, do not rush to buy the first oil you come across, which can be found at a price of about 100-200 rubles and certainly does not require treatment with it. Such products will not give the desired result, and can also cause harm.

Disadvantages of use

Oil can cause allergies, you should not use it in excess, you risk getting side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, disgust. Essential oils are used only in small drops. Do not use the product before going out into direct sunlight. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, be sure to consult your doctor. Well, we move on to the most interesting section, especially for the fair sex - this is the use of vanilla essential oil, which, due to its properties, can be used in a very diverse way, and you can do everything at home.

Cosmetic uses of vanilla oil

For body

Of course, your skin will thank you if you start using vanilla oil. This could be masks, massage, baths. You will be surprised at how your body will become - your skin will be velvety, glowing with a healthy glow, you will forget about ugly cellulite. Scars, scars, stretch marks will become less noticeable. A massage will improve your sex life, nourish your body, it will thin out the delicate aroma, the trail of which will not leave anyone indifferent.

To take a vanilla essential oil bath, you will first place 3-5 drops on sea salt crystals and then add it to the water. Take 15-minute baths every 1-2 days and you will see wonderful changes in your body. To do a massage, you mix a couple of drops of ether and a tablespoon of base oil, and then begin the process. You can add 3-5 drops of ether to your body cream, cellulite treatment, lotions.

Vanilla oil for hair

Just like your skin, your hair will shine, stop breaking, and dandruff will go away if you use the ether in your daily procedures. If you massage the scalp, blood flow will increase, hair will grow faster, become thicker, and it will stop falling out. The essential oil can be dripped into shampoo, added to masks, mixed with base oils and made into oil masks.

Advice! You can make such a mask - pour any base oil into a plastic cup, including sunflower oil, add 5-7 drops of essential oil, then dip a braid of hair into the glass and secure it on the back of your head. You will be amazed, but dry hair will absorb everything and the results will be obvious from using vanilla essential oil on hair.

For face

We have already said earlier that oil masks and massage have a beneficial effect on the skin of the whole body; they also have a healing effect on the face. At the same time, it clears acne, scars and acne spots become less noticeable. The oil also helps cope with rosacea, dermatosis and dermatitis. But remember that the massage is done on the face strictly along the massage lines, you do not stretch the skin. Such procedures will help you look young, fresh for many years, and forget that there are facial wrinkles. In winter, vanilla oil for the face will help get rid of dryness and tightness.

You can also add 3-4 drops of vanilla essential oil to creams, facial lotions, and mix with carrier oils. Of course, any ether is also poured into an aroma lamp to fill the house with aroma. Inhaling such air, you will be healed from the inside mentally, anxiety and insomnia will pass. You will simply be happy every day because everyday life is no longer so gray and dull, the aroma envelops you, makes you relax and think about life. And if suddenly someone close to you doesn’t like the spicy aroma of sweet vanilla from the aroma lamp, you can always buy yourself a medallion, into which you also drip 1-2 drops of essential oil, put it on your neck and breathe.

Vanilla is a widely used additive used in many countries around the world. It has a delicate, sweet, unobtrusive smell. Inhaling its aroma, you feel comfort. In cooking, it is used as a finishing touch in the making of baked goods, sweets and desserts. Vanilla essential oil is used in the production of cosmetics and perfumes. Not only its smell is valuable, but also beneficial features.


Vanilla is used as a flavoring agent in household and industrial settings. A soft and refined oriental trail in the smell of perfumes and cosmetics is created precisely due to its addition. There are no toxins, chemicals or harmful substances in oils based on it.

In nature, vanilla grows on twisted vines in the form of oblong pods (boxes). Initially odorless. It becomes noticeable after careful processing. The shoots have green tint, rise to 25 m in height. The flowers are white and large. The tree itself is covered with thin pods 10-20 cm in length. They are collected and dried for six months. The sticks darken. form a white coating. The plant is collected in Mexico and the central regions of America. Vanilla oil is extracted in the USA and Europe.

Exists separate species with small pods, called tahitensis. It is superior in quality to the usual extract called vanilla planifolia. It is not recommended to purchase a product whose label contains the name pompona. The therapeutic and cosmetic effect of it is weaker than that of other varieties that vanilla oil has.


The extract is often adulterated. And a cheap fake is passed off as vanilla essential oil. Properties beneficial to health are then lost. Fraudsters use synthetic substances. For example, vanillin. It is worth thinking more carefully about the advisability of the purchase if you see the names vanilla or vanilla-flavored on the packaging. If the type of vanilla is not written down, it is likely that the substance was not extracted from the pod of the plant at all. Most likely, the basis was powders and flavorings.

The word flavored indicates the predominant presence of synthetic compounds in the composition. These materials are purchased in order to save money. Real vanilla oil is expensive. It is mined in small quantities and carefully processed. Therefore, it is worth looking hard for a quality product. Only 0.1% of the substance used worldwide has natural origin. When purchasing, check the name in Latin, read the instructions and information about the product to protect yourself from counterfeiting.

Oil making process

Before extracting the oil, the pods are steam distilled and fermented. Instead of pressing, a more complex procedure is performed - extraction using a solvent. The production line must be equipped with high-tech equipment. First, a resinoid is extracted that needs to be reprocessed. It takes a long time before real vanilla essential oil appears.

Its properties are irreplaceable, but the yield is very small, which explains the high cost. The result is a viscous, non-liquid substance with high fat content. Its color is dark and rich. Golden tints are visible under the light rays. Without prior dilution, vanilla oil is used in small quantities (due to high concentration). The properties valued by people most are the sweet, delicate, warming, light aroma, as well as the benefits of use in cosmetology and perfumery. The smell of the product is quite rare; the sense of smell perceives it holistically, without dividing it into individual notes. In combination with other substances, it is quickly lost, so you should be careful when mixing with other oils. Sandalwood, ginger, opopanax, benzoin, cinnamon, vetiver, cloves, couscous, and essential balms are suitable for this procedure.

Cosmetic use

Vanilla oil is beneficial for hair and skin. It has a gentle effect on the epidermis. After prolonged use, the condition of the skin improves, it becomes softer, more elastic and velvety. On quick effect It's not worth counting on. However, it will be persistent and long lasting. Using this substance whitens and evens out skin color. The oil relieves rashes and irritations thanks to its inherent balsamic properties. Cells retain moisture.

Users use it to get rid of dandruff and strengthen the hair structure. Vanilla oil gives them volume and a healthy shine. Application provides an effect much better than that obtained from conventional store-bought conditioners. Provides silkiness and smoothness. The color is preserved and becomes more saturated. Easier to comb. In addition, the strands exude a pleasant aroma and boast lush volume. Masks with this essential substance many people do it at home. It's not difficult. It is added to regularly used shampoo or cream. Two drops are enough to achieve the desired effect.

Vanilla oil massage

Vanilla is used in many treatment centers or at home. It is applied to the entire body. The product is suitable for people of any age. During the procedure, the skin is saturated with minerals. Activated in cells metabolic processes, blood flow increases. Saturated fatty acids are quickly absorbed and penetrate deep into the dermis. After using this natural substance the epidermis becomes soft and elastic. Saline and return to normal. A massage with vanilla oil is good not only for the body, but also for the soul. The person relaxes and the tension goes away. After the procedure, there is an influx of vigor. People get a boost of energy. Previously hidden vital forces are activated.


Inhaling the aroma of the substance, you feel protected, cozy, safe. Fears and anxious thoughts disappear. Aromatherapy is used to tame aggression and anger, harmful emotions. Vanilla oil is a lifesaver for people who work hard and face everyday stress. Reviews indicate that users began to think positively after its regular use, achieved spiritual harmony, expelled the desire for self-destruction from the mind, and got rid of insomnia and anxiety. The background scent of the product is perfect for creating a pleasant atmosphere in a close circle of friends.

Insect control agent

They are repelled by the essential oil that is used most often. Thanks to this tool, pleasant summer days insects will not spoil it. A trip to the country, a walk in the woods, or relaxing with a tent near a pond will be successful. Especially many insects live in the immediate vicinity of rivers and lakes; they feel good near them. So you can’t do without safety precautions while on vacation.

Small children do not tolerate store-bought ointments and sprays well, as they contain a lot of chemicals and toxic substances. Vanilla oil, in turn, is suitable for the whole family, including pets that suffer from fleas and ticks. Insects can't stand the smell essential substances, so that your skin and home will be under reliable protection. It was mentioned above that there are a large number of fakes on the market. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose your oil responsibly. Only being natural and possessing all natural qualities will it give the required result. Otherwise, people get an artificial pleasant smell, but nothing more.

Mosquito Control Options

Once you have purchased the required oil, the question arises: how to use it in the fight against mosquitoes? There are several options:

  • Pour 6 drops into the aroma lamp container, dilute with warm liquid and heat with a candle.
  • Make a spray by mixing 100 ml of water, 10 ml of alcohol and 10 drops of oil. The resulting substance is poured into a bottle and sprayed around the room using a spray bottle. People use this product to treat items they wear when walking near a pond or along forest paths.
  • Light the base in the evening on a windowsill or in the garden.
  • The essential oil is diluted with water, a napkin or towel is soaked in the resulting substance, and placed near the bed before going to bed. After observing this precaution, people are expected to relaxing holiday without the intrusive buzzing of pests.

Vanilla oils are mixed with creams, rubbed with them, after which the person immediately ceases to be of interest to mosquitoes.

Wellness from the inside

This multifunctional substance is indicated not only for external but also internal use. It improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and regulates digestion. The previously disturbed enzyme and acid balance returns to normal, dysfunctions are eliminated, and metabolic processes are accelerated. Carbohydrates are better absorbed: they are quickly broken down and excreted from the body. Vanilla oil is recommended for people suffering from alcohol addiction. It acts as an antidote when long-term use causes aversion to alcoholic drinks. With its help they carry out curative therapy. The oil helps eliminate female genital diseases, normalizes irregular cycles, and reduces or completely eliminates pain before menstruation.

Preliminary allergy test

An aromatic oil made from vanilla, in moderate doses in the absence of contraindications, has a mild and gentle effect on the body. But only if it is extracted and manufactured in accordance with all the required rules: by extraction from the pods of the plant. It is worth considering the possibility of allergic reactions in individual people. Before using vanilla oil in cosmetology, users undergo allergy tests for each purchased vessel. To do this, one drop is applied to the skin. It's worth waiting a while. If redness and other negative reactions have not manifested themselves, the substance can be used. The concentration is high, so it is important not to overdo it. Interesting feature oil is that when it gets on skin covering, in contrast to the lulling warm smell, a person feels a slight coolness that disappears after a few minutes.

Necessary and useful dosage

The number of drops used depends on the purpose of using vanilla oil:

  • When enriching detergents and cosmetics with the extract, it is mixed with the base composition in a ratio of 5:4. The combination is optimal, since with a smaller dose the smell will not be felt, but with a larger dose the substance can be harmful.
  • When making an aroma pendant, it is appropriate to use 6 drops.
  • One aroma lamp is enough for a bowl. The smell will appear more after heating.
  • Pour 2 drops into the bath.
  • In massage there are 3 drops per 10 g of base substance.
  • At internal use in order to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract or reduce menstrual pain, a maximum of two is enough. The oil is dripped onto food or into a drink.

It's hard to overestimate useful qualities vanilla and its extract. Having made their use a habit, people notice positive changes in their health and psyche. Discover a world of peace and harmony, pleasant and delightful sensations, reward yourself with excellent health, vigor, feeling good and mood.

For most people, the amazing aroma of this plant evokes pleasant emotions associated with culinary creativity and stimulates the appetite.

But the gifts of the vine are not limited to these properties: vanilla essential oil has a diverse effect on the human body. It heals, calms, gives a strong half of humanity male power, and helps women stay young and desirable for many years.

An excursion into the history and intricacies of vanilla production

The history of this fragrant plant begins, according to mentions in various sources, from the work of the Spanish monk Bernardino de Sahagun, who lived in the 16th century and devoted himself to the study of ancient Mexico, where Columbus had not yet set foot. In his work " General history Affairs of New Spain" he describes in detail a plant previously unfamiliar to him - vanilla, the process of its processing and further use.

But the first European to become acquainted with the taste and aroma of vanilla was indeed Christopher Columbus, who arrived on the territory of the modern state of Nicaragua in the 16th century. By, at least, so says the legend. This was the starting point for further dissemination vanilla in Europe, where for a long time it even became a “currency” in trade transactions, its properties and aroma were so highly valued.

Vanilla is a vine of the orchid family. It grows in the subtropics and can reach a height of 30 meters. It blooms with charming large white-yellow flowers. When the flowering time ends, fruits appear - long pods (up to 20 cm on some plant varieties) of green color, which are later used for the production of vanilla essential oil.

The production of vanilla oil is an extremely labor-intensive process. The pods are removed from the plant unripe, immersed in hot (85 degrees) water for 20 seconds, then they undergo a fermentation process at a temperature of 60 degrees and only after that the fruits acquire their characteristic Brown color and smell. At the next stage, the raw materials are dried for several months and, when the pods appear white coating, essential oil is obtained from them using double extraction.

The main production of vanilla is in modern world occurs in Madagascar, Indonesia and China.

Due to the fact that obtaining essential oil is a very lengthy process, vanilla oil has a high price and, as a rule, is used as an absolute only in the production of expensive perfumes. Most often in industrial production, vanillin or ethyl vanillin, obtained by the hydrocarbon method, is used.

To date, it has not been fully established exactly how many valuable components are included in vanilla extract; research by scientists is still ongoing. But so far, about 150 substances have been identified and the main component itself, vanillin, does not exceed, even at the highest rates, 2.9% of the total composition.

Vanilla oil has a thick and viscous consistency and combines several shades from yellow-amber to brown.

The diverse composition is reflected in the beneficial properties of the oil. I must say that it belongs to the group potent drugs, giving the expected effect in a short period of time.

The main properties of vanilla essential oil include:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Painkiller;
  • Anti-aging;
  • Astringent;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Tonic.

Compared to other well-known essential oils, the range of healing capabilities of vanilla essential oil is quite narrow, but in those areas where the oil is used, there is no doubt about its effectiveness.

The ability of the oil to help in the following situations can be noted:

  • When normalizing the functioning of the digestive organs. The oil balances the acid balance.
  • Regulates metabolic processes: promotes the absorption and breakdown of carbohydrates. This important property for diabetics.
  • For women with menstrual dysfunction, it helps normalize it and eliminates PMS problems.
  • At inflammatory processes skin, rash treatment.
  • In the treatment of alcohol addiction. In this case, vanilla oil acts as an antidote.

The aroma of vanilla essential oil has a powerful emotional impact, therefore, it would be unfair to ignore such an important area of ​​application of the magic of vanilla as psychotherapy.

  • The aroma of the oil eliminates nervous tension, defeats manifestations of aggression, reducing the intensity of rage and anger.
  • If you are overcome by insomnia, are oppressed by obsessive thoughts and fears, are often visited by a state of depression, melancholy, and you notice increased excitability, be sure to purchase vanilla oil.

This scent will transform your state before you realize whether you like it or not. The magic of the smell will envelop you and create an aura of peace and tranquility, give you the feeling that all the bad things are behind you and open up new ways to overcome life's adversities.

Vanilla essential oil in cosmetology

Vanilla oil contains many useful benefits, including being a source of vitamins B and B6. Which, naturally, was adopted by cosmetologists, since these vitamins are indispensable for various influences on the skin and hair, ideally maintaining skin tone and strengthening hair roots.

Skin on the face

Vanilla essential oil helps smooth the skin, gives it elasticity, whitens, and moisturizes. Perfectly cleanses pores, eliminates inflammation and irritation. Also, vanilla oil will undoubtedly please women who already have age-related changes skin: tendency to wrinkles, sagging, pigmentation. And with regular use of vanilla ether for short time(in about a month) you can restore the softness of the skin and restore a healthy complexion.

You will quickly notice positive changes:

  • peeling will disappear,
  • elasticity will increase,
  • fine wrinkles will disappear,
  • Excessive oily skin will be eliminated.

To do this, just add 3 drops per 15 ml of base cosmetic product and soon you will see in the mirror a completely different, younger woman. Add preventative hair treatments and the effect will be even more striking.

  • A good recipe for aging skin would be a three-component mixture of geranium, jasmine and vanilla oils. Taking 2 drops of each essential oil, you can combine them with a base oil and apply every other day, removing the excess applied mask after 20 minutes.
  • An effective mask can be made by mixing 3 drops each of rosewood and orange oil and adding vanilla oil.


And hair care will not require any special effort. Take a basic shampoo for regular use and add two drops of vanilla essential oil to a single volume. You can also enrich various hair masks, balms and lotions to strengthen hair with vanilla oil.

If you comb your hair daily with a wooden comb with oil applied to the teeth of the comb, you will also quickly notice the desired effect. Your hair will become shiny, manageable, and stop splitting and falling out.

Body skin

When caring for your face and hair, do not forget that all body skin needs constant care.

To rejuvenate the skin, baths with the addition of vanilla essential oil are recommended. But before starting the procedure, be sure to dissolve 5-6 drops of ether in a tablespoon of emulsifier. It can be sea salt, milk, cream, kefir, honey. In this case, the vanilla etherol will dissolve completely and will not float on the surface of the water.

The water temperature should be about 39 degrees, you should take the aroma bath for 15 minutes. After two weeks of taking such magical procedures at intervals of every other day, you will see your skin tightened, smooth, and rejuvenated.

Other uses of vanilla essential oil

The delicate aroma and properties of vanilla oil surprise not only with the magic of its healing and cosmetic effects. The interesting side of this elixir is especially evident in awakening sensual erotic fantasies.

Vanilla is a strong aphrodisiac, known to man since ancient times, which enhances sexual desire and increases testosterone levels in men. That is why, resorting to the use of vanilla ether, impotence is treated.

Another “hypostasis” of using vanilla oil is its use as a flavoring in the food industry and cooking. It is rare that a dessert dish is complete without the use of vanilla aroma. The taste of glazed cheese curds, ice cream, baked goods, and cottage cheese dishes is not complete without the magnificent taste of vanilla.

And, of course, it is difficult to imagine perfume production without the use of the magic elixir. The aroma of perfume, the main notes of which is vanilla etherol, is so enchanting that it is difficult to imagine a more intoxicating, sweet and enveloping smell.

Price and quality of vanilla oil

As previously noted, obtaining vanilla essential oil is extremely time consuming and difficult process. Therefore, if you believe official sources, pure vanilla oil no longer exists, or it is produced in small quantities and used in extreme quantities. in rare cases and, of course, has a high price.

Supposedly vanilla oil, which can be purchased in retail chains of stores and pharmacies (starting price from 80-100 rubles per 5 ml), is not natural oil, this is a natural vanilla extract, at best, dissolved in base oils. Most often, jojoba oil is used as a base oil.

Vanilla absolute can also be found on sale. Its price is much higher - from 2000 rubles.

Now you know about the properties of vanilla essential oil, its price and the fact that we mostly do not buy it, but only a weak copy and similarity...

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