What is the cause of marbled hands in a newborn? Why marbled skin occurs in newborns. Under what circumstances do non-dangerous manifestations occur?

When hypothermia or overexertion occurs, the baby’s epidermis may acquire a strange shade; the reddish-blue pattern on the baby’s body is called “marble skin.” Despite the frightening appearance, this pathology is not very dangerous to health and proper treatment disappears without a trace.

Causes of marbled skin in children

The baby’s skin acquires a characteristic “marble” shade due to an insufficiently formed vegetative-vascular system. Some of the small vessels located in upper layers epidermis, sharply narrow when the temperature changes, causing small bluish spots to appear on the skin. The second half of the blood vessels continues to intensively transport blood, which means it adds a reddish tint to the skin.

Parents should not panic because of this change in the color of the baby's epidermis. If the skin often changes color, but this phenomenon occurs periodically and quickly disappears, then everything is in order with the child’s health. By 6-7 months this unpleasant symptom will disappear without any additional treatment.

If the child is completely covered with pronounced marble patterns, sweats a lot, becomes lethargic and pale, you should immediately consult a doctor. A complex form of pathology must be treated.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, marbled skin most often appears in premature babies, as well as in infants with congenital anemia, heart defects, and rickets. If a mother suffered from this pathology in childhood, most likely it will be inherited by the child.

How to remove marble pattern

If you are not willing to risk your baby's health, do not self-medicate. Be sure to visit a doctor first. He will conduct an inspection little patient and determine why the child’s marbled skin appeared.

Marbling resulting from insufficient development of the vegetative-vascular system must be eliminated by directing efforts to create optimal conditions for normalizing vascular tone.

Alternate periods correctly active games and peace, do therapeutic exercises, harden the child’s body with rubdowns, douches and air baths.

A special massage will quickly eliminate the problem and normalize blood circulation. Ask your pediatrician to show you some effective techniques and repeat them at home daily. Regular swimming in the pool will help get rid of skin marbling. This enjoyable activity The baby will definitely like it, and the mother will quickly restore her slim figure.

Spots on the skin of a child under 6 months are quite normal. If spots appear in a baby over the age of 1 year, you should definitely consult a doctor. Such an unpleasant sign may indicate serious problems with the cardiovascular system.

A newborn baby has especially delicate skin that is easily injured. The baby's skin should be handled very carefully and carefully, as it is easily damaged. Such soft skin prone to many diseases, one of which includes marbled skin in infants.

Marbled skin is considered in newborns a common disease. The baby's skin becomes marbled and takes on a mottled hue due to incompletely formed blood vessels located near the surface. Many of them begin to taper and give off a light blue tint, while others expand and add red color.

All this leads to the formation of a marble mesh, which appears when the temperature in the room is cool at the time of changing clothes. This disease occurs due to a violation of the microcirculation of blood moving in the smallest vessels - capillaries.

But in some children, this color can also indicate serious abnormalities - such as intracranial pressure, cerebral edema, or disorders of the central nervous system.


Marbled skin in a child occurs due to many reasons.

  1. Breastfeeding for a long time. The marble pattern in this case can arise due to overload of small vessels with blood. Breast milk in large quantities, which the baby consumes at one feeding, causes the blood vessels to remain in a stretched form for a long time, as a result of which they lose their elasticity, and their contours are visible through the baby’s light skin.
  2. Autonomic dysfunction, disrupting vascular tone. This disease can occur when protracted labor, since the head and cervical region spine at the time of birth receive very heavy load, which increases with prolonged labor.
  3. Pathological causes, anemia and hypoxia in a child during pregnancy. Such deviations negatively affect the child’s blood circulation, causing disease even during intrauterine development.
  4. Heart diseases. Children who have a marbled color are sent for examination to a neurologist and a cardiologist to identify possible cardiovascular abnormalities.
  5. Heredity. Marbled skin in a baby can be passed on from one of the parents suffering from heart disease.
  6. Congenital disease. The causes of marbling are congenital telangiectatic patterns. Most often, this disease affects children living in cold climates.
  7. Fever. If the child’s temperature rises to 39 degrees or higher, the skin may acquire a marbled tint, as heat transfer is disrupted and blood vessels spasm.
  8. Down syndrome. In children who are born special, the mesh pattern is a very common phenomenon.

Marble color does not fade into adult life. For some children it may go away within a few months, and for others it may take several years. To return to a normal shade, proper nutrition is enough, regular walks and observation by a doctor.

For normal blood circulation, the child must grow at favorable temperature no changes.

How to treat

Marbled skin in a child in many cases does not contain severe consequences and goes away when the baby grows up. With growing up, vegetative nervous system becomes stronger and begins to regulate the condition of the vessels located under the skin, which as a result takes on a normal pink color.

Treatment of marbled skin is provision healthy image baby's life.

  1. Regular and proper massage, gymnastics. Parents can be taught this at the physical therapy office.
  2. Swimming. Children should visit swimming pools regularly.
  3. Daily walks fresh air.
  4. The baby should not be overheated or overfed.

A neurologist should be contacted immediately if marbled skin is accompanied by the following concerns:

  • crying for no reason;
  • irritability;
  • sleep and appetite disturbances;
  • blueness of the lips and nasolabial triangle.

These concerns may indicate serious medical conditions.

A mesh pattern can appear in every baby even without disease. Its appearance can be facilitated by physical activity - for example, strong crying, light skin and thinness, as well as temperature changes at the time of changing clothes. In this case, it takes on a normal shade when the child stops crying or warms up.

The presence of a marble tint may cause severe anxiety from parents, but this is not a reason to panic. You should observe the child when it occurs and when it goes away, and then seek advice and identify deviations from a specialist.

Health status small child- the most exciting question of every caring parent. A young mother or father is concerned about everything: from the ends of their hair to the nails on their child’s toes. Not all children are born with an ideal pink skin tone: there may be pallor, local cyanosis, or such a phenomenon as marbled skin, which occurs in both a newborn baby and an older child.

Changes in skin color can be: physiological manifestation the body's reaction to an external stimulus, and one of the symptoms of a disease. Many parents, encountering this for the first time, do not know whether it is dangerous and what to do in this situation.

Externally, the marbling of the skin of a child of any age, spreading throughout the body, looks like a mesh or spotted pattern of red-bluish color, reminiscent of marble. This pattern is represented by a vascular network that is visible through the skin. The pattern can cover both the entire body and individual parts of it (usually arms and legs).

There can be quite a few reasons for the appearance of marbling, but they are all divided into two: large groups: pathological and physiological. Some require a certain therapeutic effects, while others do not pose a danger to health and life.

Causes of marbled skin in children

When parents notice a vascular pattern that, in their opinion, is unusual for healthy baby skin, they try to find out why the child has marbled skin.

In many situations, a change in skin color can indicate the presence of a serious pathology. If we are talking about a disease, then the skin often changes its color due to diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular or nervous systems.

To understand when to worry and take special measures, and when you can limit yourself to regular observation, you need to know exactly the reason for the development of this phenomenon. Among the etiological factors, physiological and pathological ones can be distinguished.


If immediately after birth a mother notices marbling of her child’s skin, she should follow all doctor’s recommendations for carrying out manipulations and research in order to diagnose the cause of the development of this symptom. Often, marbled skin in a baby or newborn is not dangerous, but is just a physiological condition. So, among the main physiological reasons for the development of this feature of the skin in newborns and older children, the following can be distinguished.

Close location of capillaries in relation to the skin

The capillary network is visible through the thin skin of the baby. The pattern is most clearly visible where the vessels dilate. Spasm or dilatation of capillaries (their narrowing and expansion, respectively) is the body’s response to changes in air temperature. This is due to the fact that the mechanisms of thermoregulation have not yet adapted to the new conditions for the newborn baby.

The design is best seen only on the arms or legs. With physiological marbling, the mesh rarely covers the entire surface of the body. IN in this case the child outgrows this phenomenon by 2-3 months (less often by six months of age).

In addition to the main etiological factor, in this case, predisposing ones should also be highlighted.

Children at risk include:

  • with a history of intrauterine infection;
  • those born before their due date;
  • those born during difficult labor with the use of auxiliary methods, including increased load on the head and cervical vertebrae;
  • with a history of intrauterine hypoxia or anemia;
  • whose mothers had a complicated pregnancy in one or more trimesters.

Genetic predisposition

If at least one of the parents suffers from vegetative-vascular dystonia, then there is a high risk of having a baby with a vascular pattern on the skin.


95% of all children with marbling skin are absolutely healthy, and the reason for the specific coloring is the imperfection of the blood vessels or the heat production and heat exchange system of the small organism.

This phenomenon goes away on its own after some time.


Besides physiological factors, provoking the appearance of a purple-bluish mesh on the child’s body, there are also those that relate to diseases of newborns and older children. Marbled skin in children of different ages may be a symptom of such pathological processes:

  1. Generalized phlebectasia – congenital disease, which is typical pathological expansion vascular network.
  2. Congenital heart defects and developmental anomalies of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Rickets.
  4. Anemia.
  5. Intracranial hypertension (can occur due to formations in the brain - a cyst or dropsy; often a consequence of complicated childbirth, in which excessive load and pressure are placed on the baby's head).
  6. Perinatal encephalopathy.
  7. Edwards and Down syndromes.

Most often, specific reddish-bluish patterns are complemented by such pathological phenomena as hyperhidrosis, vomiting, unexplained changes in body temperature, general pallor combined with cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, heavy uneven breathing, sleep disturbance, excessive lethargy or, conversely, tearfulness and irritability of the baby, insufficient weight gain and refusal to eat.

The simplest differential diagnostic method, which allows one to independently distinguish physiological marbling from pathological one, is moderate rubbing of the surface of the baby’s skin.

If the spots disappear due to an increase in body temperature from rubbing, then there is no need to worry. This is just a reaction to a temperature stimulus. If the grid remains, you need to look for the cause among possible diseases through more detailed diagnostics.

Symptoms in children of different ages

In young children, marbled skin appears as a red-blue mesh pattern covering the surface of the arms and legs (or the entire body).

When should parents be wary if they notice such a strange coloring on their child, and when should they not worry? You should suspect something is wrong when such patterns persist on the body throughout the entire time or are accompanied by other unusual patterns. healthy child phenomena. Warm baths and warming massages do not contribute to their disappearance. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor to look for a reason other than the physiological failure of blood vessels and thermoregulation.

Newborns and infants

Marbled skin in babies can appear both in the first minutes after birth and several hours or days later. It depends on what the reason for this phenomenon is: banal vascular reaction to temperature changes or congenital anomalies nervous or cardiovascular systems.

The color of the skin is assessed along with the baby’s breathing, heartbeat, reflexes and muscle activity at birth. In this case, depending on the shade, a certain number of points is awarded on the Apgar scale.

If there are additional pathological symptoms, all signs of the disease are assessed, after which a diagnosis is made, confirmed by laboratory and instrumental examination methods.

It should be noted that at this age this phenomenon is temporary in 95% of all cases.

Children over 2 years old

But marbled skin in a child over two years of age most often indicates the development of a pathological condition in the central nervous system or circulatory system.

If the child does not have genetic predisposition to vegetative-vascular dystonia, and there are other symptoms in addition to marbled skin, mandatory consultation with specialized specialists (cardiologist, neurologist, and, if necessary, neurosurgeon) is indicated and conducting an ECG, EchoCG, Doppler mapping of the cerebral vasculature, Doppler ultrasound of the heart.

What to do

Such a phenomenon as marbled skin in babies, which is not clinical symptom pathological process, does not require specific therapy, and goes away on its own with age. In this case, the parents’ responsibilities include performing basic activities that support the child’s health and development. high level. The basis of such activities includes:

  • daily massage, during which you should pay Special attention arms and legs (a pediatrician observing the child can teach the technique of performing it);
  • a set of general strengthening exercises and walks in the fresh air (it is recommended to walk for at least 1 hour in any weather conditions; the exception is too low or, conversely, too heat air, bringing discomfort even to an adult);
  • regular water procedures and hardening.

Treatment of marbled skin in an infant (if it accompanies any pathology) must be strictly specific and correctly selected by a qualified specialist after a thorough diagnostic search for the root cause.

In some situations it is not enough conservative therapy, then a mandatory method of influence is considered surgery(for some heart defects and vascular diseases).

To identify the etiological factor, it is sometimes necessary to undergo studies such as:

  • electrocardiogram;
  • EchoCG;
  • Ultrasound of the brain (neurosonography) is the most modern, reliable and safe method diagnostician pathological conditions brain;
  • electroencephalogram.


Any change in the color of the baby’s body should not put parents into a state of panic, but it cannot be ignored either. You should definitely consult a pediatrician about this phenomenon.

Moms and dads should be wary if the changed color of the skin is accompanied by other symptoms: heaviness of breathing and shortness of breath, cyanosis of the face (in particular the nasolabial triangle), changes in the child’s behavior, etc. Expose correct diagnosis Only a qualified specialist can do this, and therefore you should not engage in self-diagnosis, much less self-medication.

If a baby is born at term, his skin is elastic and soft. However, its color can be anything: from pink to bluish. It all depends on the activity of blood vessels. A day after birth, the skin becomes pink as the blood vessels undergo an adaptation process. While changing clothes, the child feels a temperature difference, and his skin becomes marbled.

Symptoms of marbled skin in infants

The most common cause of marbled skin is considered to be congestion of blood vessels. Due to the fact that the baby has practically no fat layer, a kind of mesh appears on the skin, reminiscent of marble.

Prolonged and difficult labor can lead to autonomic dysfunction, which disrupts vascular tone, which in turn can lead to the appearance of a marbled pattern on the skin.

Symptoms of marbled skin in an infant may appear due to fetal hypoxia or anemia. Health problems in a pregnant woman always affect the health of the fetus. Therefore, if doctors notice marbling in the baby’s skin after childbirth, they check his heart and blood vessels.

Children who live in cold climates often have marbled skin. If the child feels normal, is not capricious and does not cry, then there is no reason to worry.

The cause of marbled skin in a baby should be determined by a pediatrician. In order to exclude serious pathology, it is better to visit a specialist and make sure that everything is fine with the baby. Most often, three months after birth, when the baby has a good layer of fat, the marbled color disappears. However, it happens that the marble color remains until the end of life, but this is rather an exception to the rule.

In order for a child to grow strong, smart and healthy, it is necessary to harden him, feed him properly and provide him physical activity. You also need to make sure that he spends a lot of time outdoors.

Sometimes marbled skin color indicates increased intracranial pressure, cyst or dropsy. Brain dysfunctions are accompanied by poor appetite and moodiness.

Marbled skin on a baby, what to do?

Most often, marbled skin color in a newborn baby does not pose any danger. The skin becomes rougher, a dense fat layer appears, and the patterns on the skin disappear. Healthy child has strong vessels, moderate fat layer and developed body systems. In order to exclude the appearance of developmental anomalies, parents should regularly show their baby to the pediatrician; up to a year, this should be done once a month, or even more often if the child is sick. Then you can go to hospitals less often, but if any deviations appear, immediately go to the clinic. Parents will spend a couple of hours, but they will know for sure that everything is fine with their child. Rashes and various formations on the skin can have many causes, from allergies to infectious disease. You shouldn’t treat all diseases the old fashioned way, like mothers and grandmothers did. Self-medication can aggravate the situation and turn simple illness into something incurable or chronic.

If, after visiting a pediatrician or neurologist, it turns out that the child’s skin is marbled for a reason, then he will have to undergo a series of tests. Marbled skin on a baby, what to do? Most often, doctors prescribe massage, swimming, and gymnastics. Parents should take long walks with their child and choose clothes carefully.

The task of every parent is to raise a strong and healthy child, promoting the development of all his abilities. Proper nutrition, purchasing quality clothing that meets the child’s needs and weather conditions, visiting doctors is a minimum set of parental functions.

A baby's skin - delicate, thin, vulnerable - is especially sensitive to all external influences.

This is especially true for temperature changes: the baby’s body has not yet learned to control body temperature and adapt to its changes.

Many parents of newborn children have to deal with situations where the baby’s skin acquires a spotted shade, similar to marble, forming a mesh-like pattern.


In infants, the body temperature regime has not yet been formed, and at cool temperatures the skin can become “marbled”.

Most often this occurs due to the close location of small blood vessels to the surface of the skin.

Some blood vessels narrow, which leads to bluish spots appearing on the baby’s skin. Other vessels dilate, causing red spots to become visible.

There are several reasons why a baby may develop a marbled skin tone.

This becomes noticeable when changing clothes and swaddling the baby, when the skin acquires a heterogeneous “marble” shade. When the baby is dressed and begins to warm up, the spots turn pale and disappear completely.

Another physiological reason is prolonged crying or hysterics. As the child calms down, the blood vessels on the skin become less noticeable and the skin itself becomes pink and smooth.

This condition can be caused by a number of other reasons:

  • Long-term breastfeeding. Use by an infant excessive amount milk causes the blood vessels to become congested, stretched and become too visible under thin skin. To avoid similar situations, the amount of food given should be reconsidered.
  • Fetal hypoxia during pregnancy. The child's blood circulation is impaired even during intrauterine development. Such children should remain under the supervision of a neurologist during the first year of life, since the risk of developing neurological disorders cannot be excluded.
  • Heart problems in a child. In this case, the child must be shown to a pediatric cardiologist to rule out pathologies and cardiovascular disorders.
  • Hereditary factor. If one of the parents is diagnosed, the child may have a predisposition to marbled skin syndrome.
  • Autonomic dysfunction. This condition may be caused by additional stress on the cervical spine during childbirth. As a result of these loads, vascular tone is disrupted, which can manifest itself as poor circulation and marbled skin.
  • . Marbling can be especially noticeable on a child’s legs.

In rare cases, marbling can be congenital; it does not disappear even when the child warms up. This form is called telangiectatic marbled skin (or TMS for short).

Most often, this form occurs in children who live in cold climates.

When should you be wary?

Basically, marbled skin in babies is just a physiological symptom that goes away over time. You can consult a neurologist to rule out the presence of threats to normal development child.

But there are cases when the appearance of marbled skin requires medical intervention.

Marble skin tone in infants is often a very alarming symptom for a number of different diseases:

  • For congenital heart defects and cardiovascular disorders,
  • For intracranial hypertension,
  • Various genetic diseases.

At timely diagnosis and treatment of the above diseases, marbling of the skin goes away along with the underlying disease.

If a baby has a pronounced marbled skin tone and is accompanied by a number of other symptoms, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Symptoms may include:

  • Excessive sweating
  • lethargy,
  • Excessive activity
  • Blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle.

If these reasons appear, do not delay your visit to the doctor. The sooner the cause of the disease is identified, the sooner effective and timely treatment can begin.


In 95% of cases, marbled skin does not require additional treatment and goes away as the child’s vegetative-vascular system develops. The tone of the subcutaneous capillaries gradually returns to normal and the baby’s skin color evens out. This occurs around the 3-6th month of a child’s life.

To reduce the appearance of marbling, parents need to take a number of preventive measures to strengthen vascular tone in the child.

  • Compliance with the temperature regime in the room - ventilate the rooms and maintain the optimal temperature in them. The child should not be allowed to become hypothermic (especially after bathing) or overheat;
  • Hardening, air baths;
  • Swimming;
  • Massage from a specialist;
  • Spending time in the fresh air.

All these activities will strengthen the child’s blood vessels and help regulate the baby’s vascular tone.

If marbling is not caused by physiological reasons, then consultation with a neurologist is necessary. The child may be prescribed a brain ultrasound, neurosonography and other procedures.

Marbled skin (livedo) is a reddish-purple vascular pattern on the human body, reminiscent of a pink marble pattern. In adults, an unusual color of the skin occurs as a result of impaired blood circulation through small vessels and capillaries. Marbled skin in a baby appears due to the underdevelopment of the baby’s vegetative-vascular system and does not always indicate illness.

The vessels of a small child lie close to the surface of the skin, and when some of them narrow, this gives it a bluish tint, and the expanding vessels color it reddish. Usually the “mesh” becomes brighter when the baby feels cold, but as soon as he warms up, the pattern fades. Some children who were born in countries with cold climates also have the so-called congenital marbled skin. The vascular pattern of such a baby is brighter and does not disappear when he warms up.

Reasons for unusual coloring

But if the reason for the unusual color of a newborn’s skin is that his blood vessels are not working correctly, doesn’t this indicate a problem in his health? The causes of marbled skin can indeed be various painful conditions and diseases:

  • underdevelopment of the autonomic nervous system in premature infants;
  • rare congenital pathology of vascular development (phlebectasia);
  • anemia or fetal hypoxia experienced in the womb, intrauterine developmental defects, such as heart disease;
  • some genetic disorders (Down and Edwards syndromes) and other diseases;

However, in the vast majority of cases, the baby’s motley coloring appears due to vascular overstrain. For example, if a mother has a lot of milk and it is actively applied to the breast for a long time, its vessels quickly become overfilled with blood - the skin becomes patterned. Autonomic dysfunction due to vascular overstrain occurs in newborns and after protracted labor, when their head and cervical spine have been under increased stress for a long time.

Does the baby need to be treated?

If a “marble” baby behaves restlessly, is often capricious, and eats poorly, the pediatrician will give the newborn a referral for examinations to refute or confirm the alleged diagnosis. Alarm the doctor:

  • paleness, sweating of the baby;
  • lethargy or increased excitability child;
  • cyanosis of the lips and nasolabial triangle.

If examinations show that the baby is healthy, the marbling skin itself does not require special treatment, and after 3-4 months the marbling will go away on its own. Occasionally, this shade or tendency towards vascular patterns persists until adolescence, or even throughout life. But this is not at all dangerous.

To train the child’s blood vessels, pediatricians recommend that parents give him a massage and do gymnastics with him. Long walks in the fresh air are very useful for “marble children”. But they cannot overheat and freeze. Overfeeding is also harmful to them.

A disease such as marbled skin in a newborn is quite common and has characteristic symptoms. The skin of a newly born baby is tender, velvety, elastic, with an abundant blood supply. A baby's skin can be easily damaged, so even when caring for it, you need to be careful. For example, under no circumstances should you rub your baby with a towel, but only gently blot it dry. Negligent treatment of the baby's dermis can lead to the formation of diaper rash and small pustules. But marbling of the skin in infants is due to other factors.

Symptoms of pathology

With this disease, the skin in children becomes marbled or spotted due to a large number of blood vessels that have not formed and are located too close to the surface of the skin. Some vessels narrow, causing a blue color to appear, while others dilate, resulting in a red color.

Doctors associate the appearance of this disease with shortcomings in the activity of the central nervous system. Marbled skin in a baby can also indicate the development of pathologies such as: hydrocele, high blood pressure and the presence of a cyst.

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Factors provoking the disease

The reasons why the disease may appear are quite extensive. Most often, the development of pathology occurs due to the following factors:

  1. Long-term feeding. If the baby stays at the mother's breast for a long time and overfeeding occurs, then a marble pattern appears on the skin due to the fact that blood vessels oversaturated with blood. If milk enters the baby’s body in large quantities, this can lead to stretching of the walls of blood vessels, which leads to a loss of their firmness and elasticity.
  2. Violation of vascular tone. Marbled skin especially affects babies whose labor took too long. This is why there are injuries to the head and part of the spine in the neck due to additional stress.
  3. Anemia and hypoxia during pregnancy. The presence of such phenomena in women has a negative effect on the baby’s circulatory system.
  4. Heart diseases. Marbling in newborns can also indicate heart pathologies. For this reason, after birth, the child is referred not only to a neurologist, but also to a cardiologist for examination.
  5. Heredity. The phenomenon can be inherited from one of the parents if he suffers from vegetative-vascular dystonia.

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Can marbling be considered normal?

If the appearance of marbling of the skin is a periodic phenomenon in the baby and appears only with hypothermia and overfeeding, then it can be argued that this is a relatively normal condition, but requires additional observation.

Most often, this phenomenon disappears by six months, when the vessels can independently maintain their tone and not be influenced by external factors.

But if vascular network on the epidermis of the baby is very pronounced and this causes alarm, then you need to pay attention to the following additional signs:

  • frequent sweating (in normal conditions, babies should not sweat at all, because their thermoregulation is not yet as well developed as that of adults, so the appearance of sweat in a child who has recently been born is an alarming sign);
  • the manifestation of two opposites is possible - lethargy or hyperexcitability;
  • bluishness of the lips and the triangle around them and the nose;

If the baby has marble mesh, it is necessary to constantly measure the baby’s temperature (such signs may indicate hyperthermia) and call a doctor.

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Treatment in a child

Often this phenomenon does not pose any danger to the child’s life. With age, the baby's skin hardens along with the subcutaneous vessels. In addition, the nervous system is finally formed. But despite everything, doctors recommend bringing the baby for additional examination to a neurologist.

If the manifestation of the vascular network causes mistrust in the doctor, then he should prescribe additional examinations: ultrasound of the head, neurosonography. In addition, there are diseases of the dermis in children, for which marbling is a characteristic feature.

If the manifestation of the vascular network is not associated with severe pathologies, then the manifestation of this disease can be reduced. To do this, it is necessary to organize such living conditions for the baby that will keep his vascular system in good shape. These conditions include:

  • regular massages;
  • special gymnastics classes, which can be conducted by both a specialist and the parents themselves;
  • spending a long time outdoors;
  • regulation of nutrition to avoid overeating by the baby;
  • Overheating is contraindicated for babies who are prone to developing marbled skin.

In addition, parents need to know about this form of marbled skin, which is congenital. With this feature of the baby’s skin, the network of blood vessels does not go away, even if the baby is warmed up.

Marbled leather is a common occurrence in children who live in a cold room.

The phenomenon of a bright vascular network may also indicate a number of congenital diseases:

  • generalized phlebectasia, in which vascular defects and skin atrophy are diagnosed;
  • congenital syphilis.

Sometimes a marbled shade of the skin can appear with Down and Edwards syndromes. If the vascular network appears on the lower extremities, then this may indicate atopic dermatitis.

From all of the above, we can conclude that marbled skin is not a disease, but a temporary phenomenon that is caused by the underdevelopment of the baby’s blood vessels or is a symptom of some serious illness. Therefore, if the vascular network appears quite often and intensely, then to be on the safe side it is better to consult a doctor.

Have you ever seen a newly born baby? If not, then don’t be surprised when, after birth, a little man with a purple, sometimes even bluish tint is placed on your stomach. This skin color is due to the fact that the blood vessels have not yet learned to work harmoniously.

But within a day, the skin of a healthy full-term baby acquires a beautiful pink color. It is extremely gentle, because while in the womb, the baby’s body was covered with a special lubricant, dense in consistency. The lubricant protected the baby from wrinkling during long stay in amniotic fluid. Therefore, pink, clean skin is considered normal.

But there are other variants of the norm. For example, temporary or permanent marbling of the skin. This is a condition when the pattern of the outer integument is heterogeneous, as if the body is covered with spots of red and blue shades. Why is this happening? And where is the border normal condition? What signs indicate health problems?

Physiological marbling

Due to the anatomical features of a newborn, the vessels and capillary system located close to the skin. In addition, the vegetative-vascular system is still immature, so thermoregulation is not yet able to work properly. So it turns out that any temperature change or emotional outburst in the form of crying provokes the appearance of a marble pattern on the body.

Often an unusual color is observed when changing a child's clothes, changing a diaper, going for a walk or while bathing. The marbling is most clearly visible on the arms and legs.

Another reason for this condition, which is not dangerous to the baby’s health, is a hereditary-constitutional predisposition. This means that if one of the parents has vegetative-vascular dystonia, one of the symptoms of which is cold extremities, the child may inherit this feature.

An unusual pattern on the body appears due to imperfect thermoregulation when there is a temperature difference, for example, when swimming

Another theory for the appearance of marbled skin is overfeeding. It is believed that excessive consumption of food (in our case, milk or formula) increases blood volume. The elasticity of the vessels is not enough to cope with the large flow, as a result of which they expand. And since the skin of newborns is much thinner than that of adults, and the vessels are located close to the surface, we can clearly see. When overeating, a child is prone to frequent regurgitation and significant weight gain. If these signs occur, reduce portions during feeding or increase the interval between meals.

In 95% of cases, a change in skin color in a one-month-old baby should not cause any concern. As a rule, by 6 months of age the nervous system is strengthened and the blood vessels adapt to rapid contraction and expansion.

Pathological marbling: causes

If with physiological “patterns” it is enough to warm the skin for them to disappear (rub the legs, dress the baby warmer), then in a pathological case the characteristic pattern remains regardless of the temperature difference and the warming actions carried out.

Pathological marbled skin is usually not the only symptom indicating a problem. Take a closer look at the baby. Are there any related warning signs:

  • blue nasolabial triangle;
  • throwing back the head;
  • increased or decreased temperature;
  • profuse sweating;
  • the child is in an excited state or, conversely, too lethargic;
  • pale skin.

If you notice any of the listed signs in your child, this is a reason to examine the heart in detail and vascular system. Similar symptoms may indicate:

  • congenital vascular anomalies and heart defects;
  • intracranial increased pressure;
  • rickets;
  • development of an anemic state;
  • genetic diseases: Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome;
  • congenital diseases: generalized phlebectasia, syphilis.

Intrauterine hypoxia or asphyxia during labor has a great influence on the development of many of these diseases. Prolonged and difficult labor leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, as well as to other vital organs. important organs and fabrics. Typically, children who have suffered from hypoxia are born with neurological disorders of varying degrees and require special attention from doctors.

“More fresh air” - this is the motto you should take your beloved child for a walk. Then the body will be fully saturated with oxygen

Congenital generalized phlebectasia (synonym - congenital telagioectatic marbled skin, CTMC) is a rare disease in which the capillary network is dilated from birth. The pattern translucent through the skin resembles physiological marbled skin, but is distinguished by a more intense color and constant presence. The lesion is characterized by the possible appearance of ulcers and atrophic scars on the body. As a rule, the pathology occurs in children living in countries with cold climates.

Does marble skin need treatment?

Age - no. If the child’s condition is satisfactory, doctors do not find any pathologies, then the parents’ task is only to help their baby develop healthy vascular tone. It's easy to do:

  1. Perform a massage, paying special attention to the upper and lower extremities; It warms up perfectly and improves blood circulation through the smallest vessels.
  2. Walk regularly and a lot in the fresh air in any weather except extremely hot or cold.
  3. Don’t make a “houseplant” out of a crumb, trying to put socks on it even in the summer and closing all the windows. Of course, hypothermia is dangerous, but it would be nice to master hardening techniques and implement them in life as the baby grows up.
  4. Swimming in the pool or daily bathing in the bath play an important role.

Video about thermal protection of a newborn - the main prevention of marbling of the skin in a baby:

If the marble color is due to the presence of vascular pathology, all actions and measures aimed at treatment are discussed with the attending physician. Be sure to undergo a thorough examination, consult a cardiologist, neurologist and pediatrician.

So, an unusual skin pattern in infancy is quite a common phenomenon, if it is temporary and goes away by six months of life. But if you are confused by the presence of others indirect signs signs that something is wrong, seek medical attention.

The first most exciting months of a newborn baby’s life, parents always notice the slightest nuances, manifested in the form of changes in his behavior, well-being, and skin coloring. Skin color, temperature and its general condition are considered one of the main criteria determining the health of the baby. An inexperienced mother is sometimes alarmed by the marbled skin of her baby, that is, such a coloring of the body in which spotted stains with a bluish or reddish color are noticeable.

Should parents be scared and assume the most terrible diseases Or is this phenomenon considered a variant of the normal development of newborns? The answer to this question will always depend not only on the change in skin color, but also on the accompanying changes in the baby’s well-being.

What causes marbled skin coloring?

To have a general idea of ​​what marbling of the skin represents, you can look at photos of babies with this coloring. They will have a noticeable network of spots on their body, which are somewhat paler in the center and darker at the edges due to increased blood supply to the vessels. The reasons for such color changes are divided into physiological and pathological. Parents should worry only in the second case, but only if the changed color of the baby’s skin is accompanied by some other signs of pathological development of the newborn.

Physiological reasons

Physiological reasons, as many pediatricians believe, including doctor Komarovsky, are related to the fact that in most infants the vegetative-vascular system is still in the process of development. In the first months of life, it does not completely fulfill the function assigned to it by nature. As a result, the thin and overly sensitive skin of the baby’s body quickly reacts to any influence. The color of the body often changes when the baby’s body is forced to control the process of heating it, that is, blood rushes to the exposed areas. You can notice the marbling of the color when changing the baby's clothes, especially in cool weather or when the house is not warm enough. For the skin color to return to normal, it is enough to dress the baby warmly.

According to statistical data, marbled skin coloring is often detected in those children who live in areas with cold climates.

Also, this skin color in young children is fixed when the baby is breastfed. In order to get food from the mother's breast, the child must make an effort. In this case, there is congestion of small vessels, they are constantly in a stretched state. physiological state and therefore the blood filling them is clearly visible through the skin.
For physiological reasons, marbling occurs periodically in newborns up to about seven months. During this time, the state of the vegetative-vascular system is normalized, and it also usually increases subcutaneous fat at the baby's. All this leads to the fact that skin color stops changing.

Pathological causes of skin marbling

In a small percentage of cases, marbled skin in infants appears due to certain pathological processes in the body. At the same time bluish or purple The child’s body will appear regardless of the air temperature in the space; this color lasts a long time and periodically appears even after the child is one year old.
The reasons for the development of marbled skin color, which require special treatment or other additional measures in caring for the baby, include:

  1. Autonomic dysfunction, in which case the physiological tone vessels. This condition occurs in a newborn if labor lasts for a long time. During prolonged labor, the cervical spine and brain are subjected to additional, negative stress. Disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic system often occur with prematurity.
  2. Intrauterine hypoxia of a child. Hypoxia during gestation negatively affects the entire blood circulation, which affects the development of various pathologies in newborns
  3. Marbled skin color indicates anemia and cardiovascular pathologies

Periodically appearing bluish spots on the skin are also observed in those newborns whose parents suffer from severe phenomena of vegetative-vascular dystonia. That is, in this case we are talking about a special genetic predisposition to instability of vascular tone.
If the marbling of a newborn’s skin goes away quickly, is not too pronounced in color and is not accompanied by other changes in the baby’s well-being, then there is no reason to panic. Naturally, parents should consult a doctor, but usually the doctor advises only to survive this period.
The mother should be alerted to the accompanying symptoms, indicating various disorders in the functioning of internal organs:

  1. Pronounced intensity of bluish color and the appearance of a bright marble shade immediately over the entire surface of the body
  2. Pronounced pallor or bluishness of the skin, appearing in the intervals between the marbled color of the body
  3. Excessive lethargy of the newborn or, conversely, his easy and rapid excitability
  4. Increased sweating regardless of temperature
  5. Cyanosis of the entire nasolabial triangle and blue coloration of the lips
  6. Poor weight gain, refusal to eat

How to lose weight after childbirth?

Many women after childbirth face the problem of excess weight. For some, it appears during pregnancy, for others, after childbirth.

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