In a new capacity. First day after birth. Repeated pregnancy. How long after birth

Is it worth starting to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy immediately with the resumption of sexual activity or wait until the end of lactation? When does a woman’s body become fertile again? When does ovulation occur? Let's try to figure it out.

Lactational amenorrhea as a method of contraception

The absence of menstruation during the period when a woman is breastfeeding is called “lactation amenorrhea.” It is believed that ovulation cannot occur during this period. Is this really so?

After childbirth, the mammary glands begin their work. The pituitary gland of a nursing woman produces a hormone that promotes lactation - prolactin, which also inhibits the production of eggs in the ovaries. For this reason, conception is almost impossible. However, no doctor will give you a 100% guarantee.

There are several reasons when conception does occur, which is a big surprise for a woman who is sure that it is impossible to get pregnant while breastfeeding.

You most likely won't be able to get pregnant if:

  • you put the baby to the breast as soon as required;
  • feedings occur every three to four hours without a long night break;
  • The child's diet includes only breast milk, without complementary foods.
If you continue to breastfeed, but your menstrual cycle is already regular, then you need to consider with your doctor other means of protection against conception that are allowed for breastfeeding women. Ovulation sometimes occurs before menstruation appears, so pregnancy will be a surprise for young parents, and not always pleasant.

Hormonal background

Modern childbirth almost always takes place with the use of stimulant drugs, which significantly changes hormonal background. If you wait natural course labor without stimulation, this process will drag on for a day or more. And it’s not just that the mother in labor or the doctors don’t want to wait that long. Many women have various diseases and deviations from the norm of hormonal levels, disorders in the cervix. Therefore, in order for childbirth to end safely, modern obstetric medicine uses drug stimulation. Hormones are most often used as stimulants, which can accelerate birth process. Such drugs do not leave their mark on a woman’s body, changing hormonal balance. A slight imbalance of hormones in the body does not pose a big threat to women's health, but the consequence of such manipulations can be an unexpected pregnancy or a long absence of menstruation.

A woman can become pregnant soon after giving birth, as early as two weeks later. A new pregnancy can be a serious test for a woman’s body that has not yet recovered.

It is important to take precautions so as not to become pregnant soon after childbirth.

It is only at first glance that a woman quickly returns to normal after childbirth. At least six months must pass for complete recovery. During pregnancy and childbirth, the body experienced serious stress on all organs and systems. Therefore, many women inevitably develop vitamin deficiency, exacerbation chronic diseases, and it just accumulates physical fatigue. A new pregnancy that appears soon has little chance of successful completion; there is a high risk of miscarriage or premature birth. It should be noted that doctors are right when they believe that early pregnancy extremely undesirable.

The female reproductive system returns to its prenatal state within a few months. During this period, a woman is especially sensitive to infections and injuries. Therefore, a condom as a contraception at this time is the most the best remedy protection. It will not only help prevent pregnancy, which is undesirable for a fragile young mother, but will also help avoid the penetration of foreign microflora.

Other means
During the first time after childbirth, women complain of vaginal dryness during sexual intercourse. This is a temporary phenomenon due to a glitch in hormonal system may pose a risk of injury and infection. If such a problem occurs, you can use special lubricants during sexual intercourse; moreover, most of them have a spermicidal effect, which reduces the likelihood of getting pregnant.

A few weeks after giving birth, your doctor may advise you to install intrauterine device, which will eliminate unwanted pregnancy.

After caesarean section physiologically possible new imminent pregnancy, which poses a great danger to the fetus and the woman. Doctors recommend up to next pregnancy pause for about two years so that the sutures have time to heal and there is no threat of uterine rupture during pregnancy.

For young mothers, it is a myth that they cannot get pregnant after giving birth. Many people believe that in the first months, especially if the mother is breastfeeding, the likelihood of conception is excluded. Actually this is not true.

What is the probability of getting pregnant after childbirth? Let's figure it out and find out the doctors' opinion regarding the timing between pregnancies.

When does menstruation and ovulation occur?

Before answering the question of how soon you can get pregnant after giving birth and whether this is possible immediately after childbirth, you need to find out when a woman’s cycle is restored, that is, when menstruation and ovulation occur.

Recovery menstrual cycle depends on whether the woman is breastfeeding or not. If the child is fed formula, the first period should begin in about 2-2.5 months.

If a mother breastfeeds her baby, menstruation usually resumes after six months. For some women, the cycle resumes only after they stop lactation, for others - immediately after the end postpartum discharge.

During lactation, the hormone that stimulates ovulation (prolactin) is suppressed. While the baby is breastfeeding, there is a high probability that menstruation and ovulation will not occur. Therefore it is generally accepted that breast-feedingreliable method contraception.

6-8 months, and even a year after birth, a new pregnancy poses a certain danger

However, everything is individual. For some, ovulation occurs no earlier than a year later, while others become capable of conceiving as soon as the postpartum discharge ends, since the egg retains its mobility all the time.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after childbirth without menstruation?

After a woman gives birth for a long time there is bleeding. In the first week, the discharge is abundant, then becomes scanty, and completely disappears after 1-1.5 months. Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after childbirth if there is such bleeding? Until the bleeding stops, conception is impossible.
By the way, it is not recommended to have sex during this period, since the uterus has not yet recovered, and an infection can be introduced into the body. But after the bleeding stops, most couples resume sexual intercourse without particularly worrying about protection, as they are confident that the possibility of conception is excluded.

Is it possible to get pregnant if the cycle has not yet returned? This is quite likely, since ovulation can occur even before the onset of menstruation. Conception within a month after birth is not excluded.

Conception while breastfeeding

Many women believe that fertilization is impossible during lactation, especially if menstruation does not occur. But it is possible during sexual activity. This depends on the concentration of the hormone prolactin in the body. The more it is, the less chance of getting pregnant.

Therefore, you should not rely on GV as a method of contraception. After all, ovulation can occur even if there is no menstruation during guarding. If there is no menstruation, a woman will believe that this is normal, but in reality it will turn out that she has already been pregnant for three months or even more.

Fertilization after cesarean

Some women give birth by Caesarean section when indicated. It's complicated and dangerous operation, requiring long recovery period. Is it possible to get pregnant after a caesarean section almost immediately after giving birth?

The restoration of reproductive function in this case is significantly different than in women who gave birth in the usual way. And after a cesarean section, you can get pregnant in the first month or after 6 weeks.

But if after normal childbirth a woman is only concerned about repeated births and raising children, and also whether she has enough strength to bear children of the same age; in the second case, conceiving a child immediately after childbirth is dangerous.

After a cesarean section, a scar remains on the uterus, and rapid conception and repeated births threaten its rupture. Recovery takes a long time; this process will take one and a half to two years. And preparing for next births in this case, the doctor advises no earlier than after 3 years.

How long after giving birth is it best to plan a pregnancy?

Doctors do not advise getting pregnant right away, but to wait at least 1 year. This measure is necessary not only because of concern for the health of the unborn baby, but primarily because of the risks associated with high stress on the mother’s body.

Reproductive function is restored quickly, but this does not mean that the body is ready for new stress. Repeated conception is fraught with complications.

Therefore, immediately start using contraceptives to restore your sex life, even if you have not yet had your first period after childbirth.

What is the probability of getting pregnant 1-2 months after giving birth?

How quickly can you get pregnant after giving birth? Is it possible to conceive in just one or two months? This question interests all women who have just become mothers. Today it is a fact quick conception You won’t surprise anyone anymore, although previously women believed that fertilization was excluded with natural feeding.

Conception is possible already during the first ovulation, which can come immediately after the end of postpartum bleeding, until the cycle is restored. That is, you can get pregnant within 3 weeks after birth. If this happens and your test shows two lines, this means that the hormonal balance is established. However, doctors do not recommend conceiving so quickly.

If spouses dream of children the same age, it is still better to wait until at least six months. In six months, the couple will feel more confident, and the first child will grow up.

Chance of conception in 3-4 months with breastfeeding

The question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after 3 or 4 months after giving birth worries even those mothers who are on guard duty. If the risk 2 months after birth is low, then by 3-4 months women can conceive very quickly. The probability is high if:

  • the child stops breastfeeding at night;
  • a woman feeds her baby less than 5 times a day;
  • natural feeding is combined with artificial nutrition.

During the first year of life, a small child is in dire need of his mother’s affection, parental care and care.

The increased risk is caused by pituitary hormones. The less the baby suckles, the less prolactin is produced, and, therefore, the greater the chance of ovulation.

What danger could there be?

  • after a strong shake, you need to wait for recovery after childbirth, the likelihood of successful pregnancy is reduced, and the risk of miscarriage increases;
  • due to sudden fluctuations in hormones, high load and weakened immunity, there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases in the mother, which is aggravated by repeated pregnancy. This can undermine a woman’s health for a long time;
  • many women experience postpartum depression, the course of which is complicated by repeated conception. This is fraught with serious mental disorders;
  • During another pregnancy, hormonal changes occur that negatively affect the lactation process. The milk may either disappear completely, or the baby may stop suckling on his own. Problems such as mastitis, lactostasis, and congestion cannot be excluded;
  • when life begins, it requires a lot of vitamins and useful substances, which women lack. This is fraught with the development of vitamin deficiency and lack of vitamins in infant and fetus;
  • because of large blood loss After a previous birth, a woman develops anemia during a second pregnancy. The fetus suffers from a lack of oxygen, which can lead to developmental pathologies.

The best contraception after childbirth

The need for contraception occurs immediately after the completion of postpartum discharge, that is, after two to three months. Pick up suitable remedy A gynecologist will help.

A small device made of plastic with copper that inhibits the movement of sperm into the uterine cavity

The following contraceptive methods are usually preferred:

MethodDescription and reliability
Intrauterine device (IUD)The method that is most often used in these cases. Its effectiveness is at least 90%.

If the birth was successful, an IUD can be inserted after 6 weeks. The spiral is contraindicated for inflammation of the genital area.

Barrier methods (diaphragm, cap, condom)The diaphragm and cap do not interfere with lactation and do not affect the baby’s health. It can be installed after 4-8 weeks, and the selection and administration of funds is carried out by a doctor.

Condoms are convenient and affordable way contraception, but after childbirth their use is fraught with difficulties. At this time, the woman’s amount of natural lubrication in the vagina decreases, so sexual intercourse may cause discomfort. The problem is solved with spermicides, which simultaneously immobilize and neutralize sperm, as well as infection.

The effectiveness of barrier methods is high – up to 99%.

Hormonal drugsContraindicated during lactation hormonal pills containing estrogen, as they reduce the amount of milk and shorten the lactation period. Therefore, only tablets containing progestogen are suitable.

They are not as effective as combined agents, they must be taken strictly in certain time, and start taking it immediately after the end of the postpartum period.

Another hormonal method– injections. The first injection is given to lactating women after 6 weeks, to non-breastfeeding women - after 4 weeks. One injection guarantees protection for up to three months. In the third month you need to give the next injection.

SterilizationIt provides an absolute guarantee against unwanted pregnancy, but is only suitable for those couples who are sure that they will never want to have children again. The method involves tubal ligation.

Another addition to the family

Doctors' recommendations for restoring the female body

From a physiological point of view, you can become pregnant immediately after childbirth, because lactation does not prevent this. For many, provided good health, such pregnancy and childbirth proceed well. However, those who are seriously considering planning a second pregnancy should not neglect the advice of specialists:

  • doctors adhere to official opinion that the optimal interval between births is at least two years. That is, you can conceive again approximately a year or a year and 3 months after birth. During this period, the functioning of the mother’s body is finally restored, cardiac and vascular system, blood flow and hormonal levels return to normal;
  • Consider the difficulties you encountered last time during pregnancy and childbirth. In the presence of common diseases they need to be eliminated before conception;
  • if during labor activity serious anomalies were observed, such women are at risk. For this reason, they are advised to protect themselves from recurrent pregnancy for a certain period of time. In turn, if unprotected sexual intercourse occurs, what is the probability of getting pregnant, the gynecologist will tell you;
  • with a caesarean section, doctors are categorical: for a repeat pregnancy, you should wait at least 2-2.5 years, in order to then conceive and have a normal pregnancy. The doctor will decide which way a woman will give birth based on the patient’s health condition.
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    The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only full diagnostics and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

The possibility of pregnancy immediately after the birth of a child worries many young mothers. Some of them want to reduce the age difference between their children as much as possible, while others, on the contrary, are afraid of getting pregnant until the already born child has grown up. Full information the likelihood of pregnancy after childbirth is important for deciding on the need for contraception.

What happens in a woman’s body during pregnancy and after childbirth?

Maturation of the follicle and ovulation, further movement of the egg along fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity occurs under the influence of female sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone. They are produced by the ovaries (additionally by the adrenal cortex), their synthesis is regulated by gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland (follicle-stimulating and luteinizing).

After childbirth, the production of another pituitary hormone, prolactin, sharply increases. It stimulates milk production in mammary glands mother, at the same time inhibits ovulation by suppressing the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and gonadotropic-releasing factor. This is its contraceptive effect, about which they write and talk a lot. In other words, while a woman is breastfeeding a child, pregnancy should not occur, since prolactin interferes with the maturation of follicles and ovulation. This is why menstruation usually does not occur during breastfeeding. This phenomenon is called lactational amenorrhea.

Photo. Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after giving birth?

Can you count on prolactin?

This scheme seems reliable and logical; it was thought out by nature to protect the female from having offspring until she had nursed the cub. However, very often pregnancy occurs during breastfeeding, and even if there is no menstruation. This is due to the fact that prolactin may not fully suppress the secretion of other pituitary hormones, ovulation still occurs, and since it may be the first after childbirth, the woman does not yet know about the restoration of the cycle - she has not yet had menstruation.

It has been proven that breastfeeding itself cannot guarantee the absence of the likelihood of becoming pregnant. To do this, certain rules must be followed.

The baby should be put to the breast frequently, at least 8 times a day with a break of no more than 5 hours;

Mixed feeding (supplementary feeding with formulas, alternating formula and breast milk) significantly reduces prolactin production.

The pituitary gland synthesizes prolactin in response to mechanical irritation of the nipples, that is, it “produces” it on demand. In other words, without regular breastfeeding, prolactin will not be produced constantly and in sufficient quantities to suppress ovulation.

How long after childbirth can pregnancy occur?

Pregnancy, of course, does not occur immediately after childbirth. At this time, complex hormonal changes occur, and the uterine postpartum hemorrhage interferes with normal sex life. The earliest recorded time of pregnancy is a few weeks after birth. After 1-2 months, the probability of pregnancy is still quite low, but the functions of the ovaries are gradually restored, the level of estrogen and progesterone slowly increases, and at 3-4 months menstruation may well begin. This applies to women who are breastfeeding, and in the absence of breastfeeding or when it ends early, the cycle is restored very quickly.

Photo. How long after childbirth can pregnancy occur?

Why earlier method have worked?

You can hear from many representatives of the older generation that no one became pregnant while breastfeeding, especially in villages. There is a logical explanation for this, since in modern medicine very often used various methods drug stimulation of labor, pain relief and other interventions that may affect hormonal levels. This is associated with more frequent pregnancies after childbirth in modern women.

To protect yourself or not?

If pregnancy is not in your immediate plans, then it is recommended to use barrier methods contraception, if not immediately after childbirth, then at least 2 months later. If the goal, on the contrary, is to get pregnant, then you need to remember that there is always a chance, but the probability increases significantly after the resumption of the menstrual cycle.

During the period of gestation and birth of a baby, the mother's body undergoes certain metamorphoses. He needs time to recover and resume the functioning of all organs and functions. According to the urgent recommendations of doctors, you should think about your next baby no earlier than two years later.

But there are often cases when this moment comes much earlier than expected. Even pregnancy 2 months after birth is a fairly common (albeit quite unexpected) event among young mothers. What to do in such a case and how to overcome certain difficulties?

Conception, which occurs a month after the baby is born, is often an unplanned event in the life of mom and dad. Women, thinking that breastfeeding reduces the risk of becoming a mother again, ignore the use of contraceptives. But if the mother does not breastfeed, the risks increase several times - conception will be possible after 6-8 weeks.

Is it possible to get pregnant instantly after discharge? The likelihood of getting pregnant immediately after childbirth is very high, even when the cycle has not fully recovered. According to official data from experienced doctors, you can get pregnant after giving birth 2 or more weeks later. This period is very fragile and the woman is strongly advised to focus her existing strength on restoring her body, and not on resuming her sexual life.

Pregnancy after cesarean section or antenatal fetal death is also possible two months after birth. No one can give an exact answer to this question; girls’ bodies are different: some are able to conceive a son or daughter after a couple of weeks, some after 10 months, and some after six months or a year.

How to identify symptoms

Very often, a girl does not even suspect that she is conceiving a baby, thinking that it is impossible to get pregnant 2 months after giving birth, and finds out about this at a fairly late date. The symptoms of this situation are quite difficult to determine, since at this stage they are rarely pronounced.

Pregnancy 3 months after birth is no different from the period natural recovery, these concepts are easy to confuse at first. The girl experiences a loss of strength and fatigue, her breasts have somewhat changed in appearance, and suspicions arise of ordinary poisoning or exhaustion of the body.

But you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • severe sensitivity, pain, swelling and irritation in the décolleté area;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • urinary incontinence and constant urge to go to the toilet;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea or vomiting, dizziness;
  • changes in your taste habits;
  • increased appetite;
  • the milk has changed in taste and texture, the baby refuses to eat;
  • lactation has stopped on its own or the amount of milk produced has become much less.

It is impossible for a girl to believe that after 9 months of pregnancy everything will happen again very soon.

Complications that may occur

According to doctors' recommendations, you should not have an abortion. Having babies one after another will be difficult, but also a pleasant process. Even if the mother survived an operation, the death of a fetus, or became pregnant after 2 weeks and did not have time to recover, it is imperative to maintain this state. At healthy way life, proper nutrition and timely consultations in the clinic, the processes should go smoothly.

But there are a number of complications that should be paid attention to:

  1. Severe anemia.
  2. Inflammatory processes - parametritis, endometritis.
  3. Phlebeurysm.
  4. Sagging fabrics.
  5. Deterioration of condition in the presence of chronic diseases.
  6. The likelihood of suture divergence on the uterus after surgery, already in the later stages.
  7. Tone abdominal wall will be weakened, which will make it difficult for the fetus to be born.
  8. The uterus contracts at a very low intensity.
  9. High probability of interruption.
  10. Underweight in an infant.
  11. Recovery time is doubled.
  12. Danger of premature contractions.
  13. Placental insufficiency.

To avoid this, you need to:

  1. Watch your diet and portions: do not overeat and consume 4-5 times more than necessary. It is also strongly recommended to forget about high-calorie and junk food.
  2. Accept necessary medications: vitamin complexes containing magnesium, iodine, iron.
  3. Wear preventive underwear and tights to avoid varicose veins and stretch marks on the skin.
  4. Walk more fresh air and rest.
  5. Provide yourself good sleep, lasting 8 hours.
  6. Do not ignore wearing a special bandage, since the tone of the abdominal wall is as weakened as possible.

When is the best time to plan?

It is better not to rush into conceiving a new one. Doctors recommend taking care of yourself and your strength for at least another 2-3 years. This is quite enough to give you the strength to experience another similar stress. Even pregnancy six months after birth is not the best option. Sexual activity should begin no earlier than ten weeks after the birth of the child. But even in this case, you need to listen to your own body and the signals it gives. The slightest discomfort or pain should alert the new mother.

The internal organs have not yet adjusted their function, and my mother has not fully recovered. If you ignore it, you are likely to get a number of unpleasant complications. A defenseless baby will also experience stress when they stop breastfeeding. The probability of miscarriage at this stage is very high, the muscles of the vagina and uterus are weakened and are unable to hold the fetus inside.

What to focus on

Particular attention should be focused on the fact that health in most cases is much more important. If a girl feels that she has not fully recovered (weakness, fatigue, changes in her body, pain), then it is better to hold off on having sex. You must be prepared for the risk of miscarriage due to excessive weakening of the intimate organs.

You should not rely on “natural” contraceptives: breastfeeding and lack of critical days.

Often conception occurs during this period. But, if mom and dad suffered a similar fate, it is forbidden to start a trip to the gynecologist. You should immediately seek help from a qualified specialist so that he takes into account certain difficulties, circumstances and changes in the woman’s body. You will have to take better care of yourself, undergo twice as many tests and procedures, take vitamin complexes, eat exclusively healthy and healthy food, regularly visit a gynecologist, take into account previous experiences, listen to recommendations.

Complete ignorance or self-medication is not an option. Many times this ends in fatal outcomes (miscarriage, stillbirth, cessation of life activity). early stages, infertility, disappointing diagnoses and other consequences).

You can have another baby, but you should be prepared for difficulties. The process may not proceed the same way as the previous time.

  • You will be more likely to experience toxicosis, headaches, dizziness, abdominal cramps, constipation, thrush, hemorrhoids, and inflammation.
  • It will be much more difficult to bear fruit.
  • Possible unpleasant changes in appearance: dark spots on the face, stretch marks all over the body (which are practically impossible to remove), sagging skin, pallor of the integument.
  • Difficulties at birth (entanglement of the umbilical cord, breathing problems) are also possible.

It is worth thinking carefully about whether you will have the opportunity and strength to look after the second baby. You need to be prepared for the expected troubles.

  • eliminate any loads;
  • do not lift heavy things;
  • spend most of the day outdoors;
  • eat plenty of fruits and vegetables;
  • drink enough water;
  • forget about bad habits(smoking, alcohol, fast food);
  • take medications and foods rich in iron, vitamin D, iodine;
  • consult a doctor more often (even with minor complaints and suspicions);
  • choose paid clinic or the one in which you are confident;
  • get tested and go for ultrasounds more often;
  • consult with a variety of specialists;
  • trust yourself and your feelings;
  • take care of yourself.

For a woman, her health and condition are very important. There is no need to put him at risk again. Self-care should be a priority.

It is very important to give yourself the necessary period of time to restore physical and moral strength.


It's better not to start sex life if there is no confidence in reliable contraception. Is it possible to get pregnant after childbirth in a short period of time? It's difficult, but if something happens that you didn't expect, don't make rash decisions. Try to save this, take care women Health and don't forget that there is such a thing the right person like a doctor. Consultations and timely treatment are necessary measure for every girl at any period of her life, and especially when she is expecting a child.

The question of whether it is possible to get pregnant immediately after childbirth is relevant for all new mothers. Regardless of whether a woman wants to stop at one child or expects to have several more babies, she should know how soon the actual probability of a new conception appears. When should you start planning a repeat pregnancy so as not to harm your health? What methods of contraception are suitable for nursing mothers?

When can you plan a pregnancy after giving birth?

Carrying a child is a labor-intensive process that requires enormous expenditure of body resources. This is a huge stress for a woman, both physically and psychologically; so repeating everything again immediately after the previous birth is at least impractical. It would be much wiser to wait a little time and get pregnant after full recovery.

How long you will have to postpone planning your next baby depends on the circumstances under which the woman’s previous child was born. If the pregnancy was easy and the birth occurred naturally, you won’t have to suffer while waiting. One and a half to two years is quite enough time for the body to return to normal before conceiving again.

The current picture may upset a new mother if she planned to get pregnant again, and as soon as possible, but experts have their own opinion on this matter. Thus, research in the field of child psychology and psychiatry has shown that babies who enjoyed the undivided attention of their parents in the first 2-3 years of their lives show much greater emotional stability than their peers who have a brother or sister the same age.

How long after giving birth can a woman become pregnant?

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When planning a family, it is important to remember that conception itself does not require any special conditions. Fertilization of an egg that has already matured in the body is possible at any time. Medicine knows of cases when a woman became pregnant again 3-4 weeks after the previous birth, that is, at the very first ovulation.

To avoid being in similar situation and avoid unplanned conception in such short time, it is very important not to fall prey to common myths about “natural” methods of contraception. What can and should not be believed if you do not plan to get pregnant 2 months after giving birth, or even earlier?

Is conception possible when lochia is present?

Bloody vaginal discharge is a completely natural symptom for any woman who has recovered from pregnancy. Its presence signals that the final healing of the uterus after the placenta has been rejected has not yet occurred, which means planning the next baby is not yet advisable. Normally, bleeding gradually disappears on its own within 4–8 weeks.

What is the probability of getting pregnant after unprotected intercourse for a woman who has not yet said goodbye to lochia? Theoretically, the maturation of an egg ready for fertilization can be completed long before the bleeding stops. However, a woman’s internal organs are susceptible to infection at this moment, and sexual intercourse can create conditions for infection to occur (hence the recommendation from doctors to refrain from sex in the first one and a half to two months after discharge from the hospital).

The conclusions are logical: pregnancy can occur immediately after childbirth, when lochia is still present. However, women who follow the advice of doctors are not at risk of unplanned conception during this period of time.

Probability of pregnancy before the menstrual cycle returns

Conventional wisdom says that it is impossible to conceive a child until the return of regular “critical days.” This is not entirely true. Of course, in normal conditions The regularity of menstruation is a clear indicator of health reproductive system, and therefore a woman’s fertility. However, for those who have just returned from the maternity hospital, disruptions in the menstrual schedule are common.

On full recovery The cycle may take six months or even more. Under such conditions, it becomes difficult to calculate how long after the next ovulation will begin, but these difficulties do not affect the ability to conceive.

Is it possible to get pregnant during lactation?

Proponents of another common myth claim that a new pregnancy is impossible while the previous baby is breastfed. Why was this opinion formed?

After childbirth, pregnancy may indeed not occur for a long time due to the body’s abundant production of prolactin. Without this hormone, the mammary glands could not function normally, but its excess interferes with the functioning of the ovaries. This condition is called lactational amenorrhea. This is not a pathology, but natural defense mechanism female body, preventing a nursing mother from becoming pregnant too quickly after childbirth.

This condition, however, is not typical for everyone. So it is impossible to definitively answer the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after childbirth if you practice breastfeeding. Some people actually have success using lactation as a natural method of contraception. However, for this method to work, you must always adhere to a number of rules:

  • Feed the baby by placing him at the breast. Expressing milk does not affect its quality, but does not stimulate the production of necessary hormones.
  • The intervals between feedings should not last more than 5 hours.
  • Interruptions in lactation (for example, a temporary switch to artificial formula due to the mother's illness) nullify the contraceptive effect of breastfeeding.

When is conception possible after cesarean section?

New pregnancy after childbirth ended surgical intervention, requires serious preparation from a woman. One of the consequences of the procedure is a scar on the uterus. If you do not wait long enough for it to heal completely (2–2.5 years) and start planning a new pregnancy immediately after childbirth, there is a high risk of:

  • miscarriage;
  • premature birth resolution;
  • development of pathologies internal organs in the embryo.

However, if we consider the very possibility of conception, then there is no particular difference for the mother in how exactly the first (previous) baby was born. The answer to the question of how long after a previous birth you can get pregnant is always the same. A new egg ready for fertilization will mature in the body in about a month.

How to prevent pregnancy after childbirth?

In order not to subject your body to overload and not face the need to give birth again with a break of less than a couple of years, the mother should take care of the problem of contraception in advance. What's the best way to approach this issue?

To prevent new pregnancy immediately after childbirth, a woman should visit a gynecologist as soon as all signs disappear uterine bleeding(that is, until the resumption of intimate relationships). The doctor will tell you what kind of contraception - barrier or hormonal - would be better suited in a specific case.

In addition, the specialist will be able to clarify some ambiguous points regarding the methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy permitted during breastfeeding. So, in the gynecologist’s office you can find out that:

  • Exist oral contraceptives, the intake of which does not affect the quality and quantity of breast milk.
  • One of the most reliable contraception is considered a spiral. Its installation is allowed 8–9 months after birth.
  • Barrier contraception includes not only condoms, but also suppositories, special creams, etc.
  • Signs of pregnancy occurring soon after birth can be very unusual. A specialist can tell you how to understand that the contraceptive method was chosen incorrectly and an unplanned conception did occur.

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