Chickenpox a second time is an exceptional case. Chickenpox for the second time: is it possible?

When asked whether it is possible to get chickenpox a second time, many answer in the negative. It is believed that once a person becomes covered in a rash caused by the virus, they acquire lifelong immunity. In fact, cases of re-infection with chickenpox, although rare, occur in medical practice.

From this article you will learn

Can a child get chickenpox twice?

Bearing in mind the impossibility of reinfection, parents do not show concern and do not take protective measures. This behavior is wrong: there are situations when the virus makes itself known again. Under certain circumstances, there is a threat of infection for a third time.

Having herpetic etiology Diseases whose symptoms are similar to chickenpox are divided into several types. Only a specialist can distinguish one species from another and confirm reinfection based on laboratory data. The type of treatment and methods of protecting all family members from infection depend on the results.

After an illness, the virus does not disappear from the body completely. Its remains are located in the spinal nerve ganglia, on medical language called ganglia. After a certain period, a person does not pose a danger to others, but is a carrier of the virus. His internal systems Antibodies to infection are permanently produced. Under the influence of negative circumstances, the body’s defenses fail, and the disease appears twice or thrice. There are two probable ways encounter chickenpox again:

  • Get it again if you come into contact with an infected person.
  • Get sick like shingles. Under favorable conditions, the dormant virus is activated, unlike primary disease, chickenpox can occur several times and become chronic.

And here is what the famous doctor Myasnikov says about the possibility of a recurrence of the disease:

How common are cases of re-infection?

The frequency of reinfection suggests rather that such cases are an exception to the rule.

According to statistics, the number of people who fall ill again is about three percent.

How many times you get chickenpox in your life depends on a number of reasons:

  • Primary infection occurred against the background of unformed structures immune system.
  • The disease was mild.
  • Immune function is impaired.

Factors contributing to reinfection

To the question whether a child can get chickenpox a second time, an affirmative answer arises in the following cases:

  • critical state of immunity: after incorrect vaccination, HIV syndrome, against the background of cancer;
  • chemical and medical intervention: after transplantation, taking antibiotics, steroid treatment, chemotherapy, radiation;
  • frequent and close contact with carriers of infection;
  • negative effects on the body: hypothermia, injuries, physical fatigue.

Shingles often occurs after prolonged stress.

Symptoms and course of re-infection with chickenpox

Recurrent disease manifests itself in the same way as the primary one. The incubation period is likely to be shortened. Apathy sets in, mood decreases, temperature may rise, sometimes to critical levels. Other signs include:

  • unpleasant and painful sensations in joints and muscles, eyes, headache;
  • lack of need for food and sleep or its decrease;
  • persistent itching that is difficult to bear.

The nature of the chickenpox rash: pronounced, spreading to the soles of the feet and palms. Ulcers can be observed on the scalp, genitals, and mouth. There may be fewer of them than the first time, but the rash is more difficult to tolerate due to pain and itching. The disease can develop severely, require hospital stay and special treatment for three weeks or more. The most difficult thing for children to bear.

Herpes zoster as a form of recurrent chickenpox

It is believed that this disease is reserved for older people. However, you can suffer from it in childhood, during adolescence, it also occurs in young people, if there is associated causes. If the patient is a teenager, shingles may be a consequence of hormonal changes in the body.

The first stage of the disease is characterized by weakness, mood swings, and decreased overall tone. Harbingers of a rash are reddish round spots localized in the back, chest, and abdomen. The rashes have a round shape and an uneven surface, causing itching and pain.

After some time, a rash appears at the site of the inflamed skin: vesicles with liquid inside. The bubbles are located separately or merge together to form a blister. The vesicular eruption phase can be a period of four weeks. After this period, crusts form at the site of the rash, then peeling. Painful sensations persist in virus-affected areas for a long time, they are difficult to alleviate with medications.

The disease can recur several times throughout life. Can be taken in men and women severe forms: gangrenous and hemorrhagic.

Important! Shingles is contagious to those who have never had chickenpox. The virus is transmitted through the liquid contained in the bubbles, therefore, in order not to infect household members, the patient must follow all precautions and stay at home.

Incorrect diagnosis

Even a doctor or laboratory worker can make mistakes in diagnosis, so parents should absolutely not draw conclusions from photos on the Internet. The pediatrician issues a conclusion based on clinical picture diseases: the course of the disease and its symptoms are analyzed.

Since there are eight types of herpes, each of which is accompanied by a rash, consultation with an infectious disease specialist is necessary. Pathologies such as eczema, pyoderma, allergic dermatitis. First stage herpes and listed diseases flows with similar symptoms, may differ in specifics.

Table 1. Difference between secondary chickenpox and herpes zoster (Important! The table can be scrolled left and right)

SignsRepeated chickenpoxShingles
Temperature increase38–38,5 37,5–38
Exanthema (skin rash)One area of ​​skin may have various rashes: spots, bubbles, crusts.Bubbles with watery contents inside, located separately or together.
Localization of rashesOn any area of ​​the skin and mucous membranes. They affect the face, ears, palms - all parts of the body.On the back, stomach, chest, at the rib level.
Duration and nature of the rashSeveral days, changing in waves.Observed throughout the day, there is no repeat wave.
Read the symptomsItching.Intractable itching. The location of the rash begins to hurt long before it appears, discomfort continue even after disappearance.
RecoveryAfter 2–3 weeks.After 20 days.

If the disease occurs in atypical form, are appointed laboratory research. Serological tests will clarify the picture, linked immunosorbent assay, which determines the class of antibody specificity. Modern PCR diagnostics is the most accurate and expensive method of pathogen recognition.

Important! Does it happen that parents think that chicken pox spared their baby, but in fact there was an infection? Sometimes skin rashes with primary chickenpox are isolated, and weakness and fever are associated with external signs: hypothermia or acute respiratory infection.

Prevention of reinfection

An effective remedy for all manifestations of chickenpox is timely vaccination. Its disadvantage is that it needs to be installed more than once. The vaccine has relatively short term validity - 10 years, then you will need to install it again.

In our country, vaccination is carried out at the request of parents. It is necessary to protect women who are planning the birth of a baby and have never had chickenpox. It is advisable for adults and children to consult an immunologist before vaccination.

For children at risk, it is advisable to minimize contact with sick people. The threat of getting chickenpox increases again during the transitional time of year - autumn and spring.

A forecast about what the probability is re-infection and the chances of relapse of the disease, no one can give an exact explanation of why it occurs. Whether it is possible to get chickenpox a second time depends largely on your overall health. Strengthening agents include:

  • feasible physical activity, not leading to fatigue;
  • taking multivitamins and a nutritious diet;
  • prevention of psycho-emotional overload;
  • other components of a healthy lifestyle.

IMPORTANT! *When copying article materials, be sure to include an active link to the original

Pink itchy blistering rashes along the nerves on one side of the neck, back or between the ribs, body aches and even sharp pain- all this may be a sign of shingles. Although herpes zoster sounds more pleasant (this is also how this disease can be called).

Shingles is a cousin of the bad old chicken pox. Moreover, the brother is very modest and secretive. After a person has had chickenpox, the virus can wait for decades to emerge. He lives peacefully in the area nerve endings, in the hope that one day a person’s immunity will weaken, a series of stresses will occur in his life and chronic diseases will become more active. And this is where shingles puts a knife in the back, sneakily making itself felt with unpleasant symptoms.

Is it contagious?

Yes. Anyone who has not yet had chickenpox is at risk. Because you can get chickenpox from a patient with herpes zoster. Not herpes zoster, that's important.

You should refrain from communicating with infants, pregnant women and HIV-infected people for three, or even six weeks - until complete recovery.

How to protect yourself?

To avoid having to deal with either chickenpox or shingles, it is best to get vaccinated. Only a vaccine can protect your body from this unpleasant virus.

If you do not have a vaccination, and you have already had chickenpox, try to avoid healthy image life, maintain immunity: exercise, eat well.

Is this treatable?

Doctors have a joke that all diseases are divided into two types: some go away on their own, while others cannot be treated. So, shingles is just from the first category - it goes away on its own. However, you need to see a doctor! Can be unpleasant consequences in the form of a lesion nervous system.

If you suffer from pain and itching, acyclovir may be prescribed. antihistamines, soothing compresses, antiseptic. Doctors also recommend wearing comfortable clothes that do not irritate the skin. There is no need to smear this “good” with brilliant green.

Chicken pox is considered a childhood disease, but adult population of the planet (about 10-15%) is also sick. This happens in the absence of immunity to the virus, the characteristic difference of which is 100% contagiousness.

It is known that it is easier (without serious consequences and complications) to transfer the disease in kindergarten or school age, receiving lasting immunity for the rest of your life. But some people experience actual question: Is it possible for an adult to get chickenpox again?

The causative agent of the infection is the Varicella zoster virus, which belongs to the group of herpes viruses. The route of spread is exclusively through the air, moving over long distances - up to several tens of meters. For example, the virus can easily move through several rooms, both along corridors and through ventilation ducts.

It is possible to become infected with chickenpox from a sick person who is in incubation period(this is on average from 10 to 20 days). At this time, the sick person does not feel any signs of the disease and is not aware of the infection. Infection occurs through contact by airborne droplets. At the same time, the Varicella zoster virus does not adapt well to external environment and dies almost immediately.

The course of chickenpox in people over 20 years of age is characterized by serious condition, and after past illness appears high risk the occurrence of complications that are dangerous not only to health, but also to human life.

As a rule, having had chickenpox once, you can forget about it, but it happens during the onset favorable conditions and predisposing factors, adults can become re-infected with chickenpox, which will be modified and take the form of shingles. The causes of repeated chickenpox in adults can be nervous experiences, a period of exacerbation chronic pathologies, suppressing immunity.

Who can get chickenpox again?

Chickenpox is usually transferred to childhood, after which a virus remains in the human body, which is not dangerous because it is, as it were, in hibernation. And thanks to this, immunity to recurrence of the disease appears. However, it happens that the immune system malfunctions, and at the time of contact with a patient with chickenpox, reinfection. Therefore, people with poor health and chronic diseases People often worry about whether an adult can get chickenpox again.

The risk group includes people with HIV, those who have oncological diseases, during hormone therapy, chemotherapy, after long-term use steroids after internal organ transplantation.

People who have been exposed to strong emotional experiences often stressful situations or weakened by acclimatization after moving with a change in climate, they can also get chickenpox again.

Is it possible to determine the real reason Why did an adult get chickenpox again? It is very rare, because the virus enters the body with low immunity, and accordingly, even after taking antibiotics, if health deteriorates, a recurrence of chickenpox is possible.

How do the symptoms of repeated chickenpox manifest in an adult?

Repeat painting chickenpox practically no different from the symptoms of the primary disease. The only difference is the age of people who can catch the infection a second time; this applies to adult women and men, but bypasses children.

The clinical picture of patients with chickenpox is very diverse, and in general the course of the disease has an extremely difficult effect on a person. The infection is transmitted through the air and through accidental contact with a blister on the patient’s skin at the time of fluid release. Repeated chickenpox in adults occurs only during personal contact with a patient, as well as in people with no immunity. With immunodeficiency, it is easy to become infected with chickenpox a second time, and the course becomes significantly more complicated.

Repeated chickenpox begins with infection, after which it lasts asymptomatic period(incubation) about two weeks. Then the first signs of the disease begin to appear - the prodromal period of 24 hours. The height of chickenpox lasts for the next 3-5 days, after which the body’s recovery period begins.

The initial symptoms are completely different from chickenpox, so the re-infected adult does not understand what caused the disease. The first days are characterized by the appearance of a feeling of weakness, excessive fatigue, and generally worsening general state. Therefore, recurrence of chickenpox is often initially mistaken for colds, after all, temperature indicators may increase slightly during the prodromal period or remain unchanged at all.

Before the onset of the first rashes (2-3 days before) appear following signs diseases:

  • feeling of aching throughout the body;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dizziness, migraine appears;
  • pain in the muscles and joints not only when walking, but also during rest;
  • sleep disappears at night, and daytime on the contrary, fatigue and drowsiness appear;
  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • painful, unpleasant sensations when moving eyeballs to the sides;
  • a slight increase in temperature values ​​(up to 37.5 degrees).

After 3-4 days, characteristic rashes form on the patient’s body, at first similar to spots, then in their place bubbles form, inside of which a cloudy liquid collects. After two days, the blisters dry out and a crust appears on top; the period of rejection and, accordingly, recovery lasts 1-3 weeks.

The rash does not immediately appear throughout the body; over the course of several days it spreads - crusts dry out in some areas, and new blisters with liquid appear in others. And all this happens simultaneously and is a variant of the normal development of the disease. It happens that small scars remain in areas where the crust is rejected, but this happens rarely and mainly when scratching.

The duration of chickenpox and the severity of the course depend on the individuality of the patient’s body, his immune system and proper treatment. As a rule, after 3 weeks it occurs full recovery. Chickenpox gives many discomfort sick person and spoils the whole aesthetic appearance. At the first signs of chickenpox, you should contact a specialist for further treatment recommendations and avoid contact with healthy people.

How does severe disease manifest itself?

Symptoms of recurrent chickenpox in adults with low immunity and when not correct processing the rash is more severe, and if it joins bacterial infection, complications may occur, including encephalitis, viral pneumonia, or even otitis media.

In severe cases of chickenpox, the patient develops nausea, which turns into vomiting, coordination of movements is impaired, fainting is possible, loud sounds And bright light cause discomfort and cause an acute reaction.

Rashes appear not only on skin, but also on mucous membranes oral cavity, on the genitals and even in respiratory tract(enanthems). The rash may reoccur, with a feeling of unbearable itching and burning, temperature readings rise to high values(39-40 degrees). In such cases, the rashes very often begin to fester, after which scars (pockmarks) can form. Therefore, it is very important not to scratch the skin on the rash areas - this is the only way to avoid the appearance of scars.

To prevent the disease from causing many complications, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist who will explain how to properly care for the patient and prescribe the necessary medications.

How to properly treat recurrent chickenpox in adults?

After symptoms appear, a person should go to see a specialist, who, after examination, will prescribe necessary treatment. In some cases, the fluid inside the vesicle or tissue at the affected sites is examined.

Treatment of chickenpox consists of proper treatment of the resulting rash, maintaining body hygiene and prescribing antiviral drugs, since there is no cure for the disease itself. Repeated chickenpox in adults generally goes the same way as the first time. Patients are prescribed bed rest, at high rates The thermometer prescribes drugs with antipyretic effects, these can be Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

During the period of illness, the greatest discomfort is caused by rashes that are very itchy and painful, so it is very important not to scratch them, because in addition to the formation of scars, an infection can get into the wounds, resulting in suppuration. To relieve itching and swelling, medications with an antihistamine effect are prescribed. In addition, the room where the patient is located should be fresh and cool, this will eliminate sweating and discomfort.

It is very important to properly treat the rash to prevent the addition of bacteria and the formation of pustules. When the formation of crusts is complete, the treating specialist can refer the patient to ultraviolet irradiation for a speedy recovery.

Acyclovir ointment is also prescribed, which will inhibit the development of infection, and Acyclovir tablets, which have an antiviral effect. Such drugs are used in people with low immunity, in women during pregnancy, infants and in patients on the first day after the appearance of rashes.

Acyclovir is most effective in reducing the symptoms of chickenpox if the drug is started immediately after the rash appears. But only a doctor can prescribe the drug if there is such a need.

Re-infection with chickenpox in adults also involves the use of brilliant green to mark an existing rash and determine whether new elements continue to appear.

Has proven itself well ethnoscience, with the help of recipes you can speed up the process of crust rejection and healing. For these purposes, wash the body with decoctions based on medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory effect. But we should not forget that these are only auxiliary methods that do not affect the pathogen itself.

If a bacterial infection is added to the symptoms of repeated chickenpox in adults, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. In any case, only a doctor can assign or exclude drug treatment, since it depends on individual characteristics the patient's body.

What complications may arise if the disease recurs?

After the question, is it possible to get chickenpox again, the next question arises: what complications can arise the second time? The most common occurrence of infection is on the skin and inflammation of wounds.

The most severe consequences manifest themselves in the form of blindness or postherpetic neuralgia. This happens due to rashes in the eye area, so the infection can easily penetrate the mucous membrane of the eyeballs, and accordingly affect vision loss.

Postherpetic neuralgia is a condition when the sensation of pain and itching throughout the body does not go away after recovery and after the remnants of the rash disappear. This complication occurs predominantly in patients over 55 years of age.

Quite severe consequences of repeated chickenpox in adults are inflammation of the brain (encephalitis), loss of coordination while walking, and paralysis of the facial nerve.

What danger does repeated chickenpox pose for women during pregnancy?

It is possible to get chickenpox at any stage of pregnancy, but the highest risk for the baby is early dates and the period before childbirth. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the virus can provoke a miscarriage, and chicken pox is dangerous for the unborn baby with complications such as cataracts, developmental inhibition, underdevelopment of organs, mental disability, microphthalmia, and the formation of wounds on the body.

With a congenital virus that enters the child’s body before birth, it is noted severe course illness during which they suffer internal organs, and often inflammatory processes occur in the bronchioles.

Repeated chickenpox adult woman which started 5-7 days before labor activity does not pose a danger to the baby and does not manifest itself in any way, or occurs light form diseases.

Therefore, during the period of bearing a child, a woman with chickenpox should be under the supervision of specialists.

How can you protect yourself from getting chickenpox again?

Is it possible to protect yourself from getting chickenpox again, and how to do it? IN last years not only in children, but also in the adult population, there is a deterioration in general health, and, accordingly, a decrease in immunity. This is due to many factors, for example, nervous overstrain, deterioration in the quality of food and living conditions. In addition, over time, viruses mutate and become more resistant to environmental conditions.

Therefore, re-infection with chickenpox in adults, although it occurs quite rarely, but with more severe symptoms.

If during a period of decreased immune properties there is contact with a sick person, there is a 100% chance of contracting the chickenpox virus. It is possible to protect yourself from re-infection with chickenpox only through vaccination, which is not mandatory in clinics. Therefore, if necessary, people are vaccinated on a paid basis. However, in many European countries vaccinations with for preventive purposes for chickenpox is mandatory.

Important: After vaccination, stable immunity to the Varicella zoster virus is developed, which is present in the body for the next 20 years.

Doctors recommend mandatory vaccinations for people who have immunodeficiency or chronic diseases, often worsening. And then people will not so often have the question that is relevant today: do adults get chickenpox again?

Chickenpox infection occurs through airborne droplets. – 7 days, and at this time the carrier is already contagious. Infection does not necessarily occur during initial contact and not all contacts may become ill.

In what cases can you get chickenpox a second time? There are several factors that can affect re-infection:

  • Immunity impairment. In childhood, it may be associated with vaccination or previous illness.
  • Frequent stay in children's team. A lot of infections are transmitted from child to child. Kid visiting kindergarten or developmental activities are more susceptible to infection, as are adults who have frequent and close contact with children.
  • The period after chemotherapy. Infection occurs against the background of weakening of the entire body.
  • During pregnancy.
  • During treatment with hormones.
  • For HIV.
  • After undergoing organ transplantation.
  • For oncological diseases.

If there was a mild form of primary chickenpox without the formation of blisters, and immunity to the virus was not formed.

Symptoms and features of re-infection

On forums you can find many user messages that they or their children got chickenpox for the second time. Basically, people are accustomed to believing that if they have chickenpox in childhood, it will not happen to them again.

Therefore, when they discover symptoms of the disease in adulthood, they are lost and do not know what to do. It is important to find a competent doctor who will confirm the diagnosis and give recommendations.

What should you be wary of?

  • A sharp increase in body temperature to a high level.
  • Heavy rashes - blisters - all over the body: the rash can appear on the feet, palms, ears, mouth, eyes and under the hair.
  • The rashes are more prominent than during the primary infection.
  • Unbearable itching.
  • Headache, dizziness.
  • Loss of appetite, severe weakness.
  • Severe treatment, up to 20 days.

Secondary infection in adults is much more difficult than in children.

The child has the same symptoms. By changes in the baby's behavior and condition, parents will understand that something is wrong. The first thing you need to do is call a doctor at home to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Signs of re-infection with chickenpox in children

  • The child suddenly becomes lethargic and irritable.
  • Body temperature rises.
  • Rashes in the form of blisters begin to appear on the body, which the baby scratches furiously. The rash quickly spreads to all parts of the body.
  • An aversion to food appears.
  • Headache, nausea, and joint aches may occur.
  • Inflammation of the throat mucosa and enlargement of the lymph nodes may occur.

One of the main criteria for diagnosing chickenpox is a rash on the scalp. Typically, the spread of bubbles throughout the body begins from there.

Herpes zoster as a manifestation of secondary chickenpox

In adults, signs secondary manifestation Chickenpox is very similar to the manifestations of herpes zoster. It is much less common in children. This is also a herpes infection with symptoms similar to chickenpox. And it can be infected several times.

A characteristic symptom of the disease is signs of general intoxication. Only a doctor can diagnose shingles.

The main differences between the symptoms of secondary chickenpox and herpes zoster:

  1. The nature of the rash. With chickenpox, they are heterogeneous, located chaotically throughout the body and last up to 7 days. Herpes zoster is characterized by homogeneous rashes, localized in certain places, and appearing within a day, and then stopping.
  2. A repeated wave of rashes is possible with chickenpox, but not with shingles.
  3. The sensations from the rashes vary: with chickenpox they are very itchy, and the second type of disease also adds burning and pain.
  4. Duration of the disease.

Chicken pox most often lasts from 10 to 20 days, shingles - up to 4 weeks.

Possible diagnostic errors

What is the probability of setting misdiagnosis? There are several types herpetic infections, manifested by rashes on the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, cases of setting misdiagnosis. It all depends on the competence of the doctor and laboratory technician conducting the analysis.

A personal examination of the patient by a specialist with a survey of the patient or his relatives is important. Ideally, when a rash appears, you should contact an infectious disease specialist: this specialist doctor will evaluate the nature of the rash, the accompanying symptoms, and determine whether it is chickenpox or another type of herpes.

In complex, difficult to diagnose cases, the patient may be prescribed serological tests for the presence of antibodies to herpes, chicken pox. One of the most reliable methods today is PCR. To carry out the analysis, blood is drawn in the morning on an empty stomach.

Treatment methods for recurrent chickenpox

There is no specific thing, both at the first manifestation and at the repeated one. After confirming the diagnosis by a doctor, efforts should be directed toward treating symptoms and alleviating the patient’s condition.

First of all, you should be patient, because the recurrence of chickenpox is most often long-lasting. Medicines and their dosage is prescribed by an infectious disease specialist. If you follow his recommendations, you can significantly reduce the symptoms.

  • High temperatures are brought down with antipyretics. Nurofen and Panadol are effective for children. Adults can take medications based on paracetamol and ibuprofen.
  • Used to reduce itching antihistamines: Fenistil, Diazolin, Zyrtec, Zodak and others.
  • Adults are often prescribed antiherpetic drug Acyclovir and its analogues.
  • Sami rashes can be lubricated with products based on zinc oxide, for example, the Tsindol suspension has proven its effectiveness. Many mothers choose it to lubricate blisters on the baby’s body instead of the usual brilliant green.
  • The most unpleasant manifestation of chickenpox is mouth ulcers. The mucous membrane is treated in turn with hydrogen peroxide and rivanol until the rash disappears completely.
  • Already ripe crusts on the body are smeared with Vaseline or a rich cream (like F 99) so that they fall off faster.
  • If chickenpox is accompanied by an infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

During the period of illness, you need to follow a gentle diet and completely eliminate:

  • spicy, fried,
  • fat meat,
  • coffee,
  • potentially allergenic products(chocolate, citrus fruits, nuts, seafood, chicken).

It is prohibited to go outside and visit crowded places. Until then, new rashes do not stop, the patient is contagious, and he should not have contact with people. It is important to ventilate the room well.

Opinion of doctors and patients

Doctors, including Dr. Komarovsky, note that children under 12 years of age most often suffer from chickenpox. Older children and adults suffer the disease much more severely, and repeated infection with chickenpox always has even more pronounced symptoms.

For the treatment of chickenpox in adults, Komarovsky recommends taking antiherpetic drugs and under no circumstances using aspirin to avoid complications with the liver.

Doctors' answers regarding infection during pregnancy are disappointing. In this case, there is a high risk of having a child with pathologies. Therefore, it is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner who will provide treatment with a specific immunoglobulin.

When treating chickenpox, most mothers still prefer brilliant green, believing that it relieves itching and disinfects. Dr. Komarovsky notes that brilliant green solution is useless for treating chickenpox. They use it simply to track the cessation of new rashes in time. Every morning, the mother smears new blisters with brilliant green, and when it turns out that there are no more fresh ulcers, we can assume that after 5 days the child will no longer be contagious.

Chickenpox greatly undermines the immune system, so it is better for children who have been ill not to go to kindergarten, at least, three weeks. And adults should devote all their efforts to maintaining immunity: taking vitamins, eating right and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Doctors' advice on how to avoid getting chickenpox a second time boils down to the following:

  • You can get vaccinated, but the vaccine only lasts for a decade, then you need to be vaccinated again. Dr. Komarovsky does not consider this vaccination mandatory.
  • Support immunity, especially in autumn and spring period: drink vitamins, immunomodulators, exercise, walk more fresh air and receive full treatment for any ARVI.

As you know, you usually get chickenpox once during your entire life. However, in medical practice There are cases of repetition, although this happens quite rarely. In order to answer the question: is it possible to get chickenpox a second time, you need to have an idea of ​​what this disease is, what are the prerequisites for its occurrence, what methods of combating it and preventive measures exist.

A disease such as chickenpox is a disease infectious nature, which is characterized by the occurrence of rashes localized on the mucous membrane and the surface of the upper layer of the epidermis. The causative agent of the disease here is viral infection, called Varicella Zoster of the Herpesviridae family.

Moreover, this continues until the body has developed immunity to the disease. is a contagious disease and is transmitted by airborne droplets. Although it is also possible to become infected with the virus through household items or linen, which happens much less frequently.

In the usual scenario, after an illness, a person develops immunity and resistance to this species pathogen. Is it possible get chickenpox again? It turns out that yes. The virus does not disappear from the body. This is precisely what explains the possibility of recurrence of the disease or the occurrence of chickenpox in a more complex form, which is called in medical terminology.

More often similar phenomenon can be observed when there is a violation functional features in the functioning of the immune system or when the immune system is suppressed during chemotherapy for leukemia. People manage to get sick from this disease even in childhood. In adults, chickenpox is extremely rare and occurs in a very severe form.

Characteristics of recurrent itching

The main one is itchy rashes on the skin. These manifestations often indicate the presence of certain diseases, such as measles, scarlet fever, rubella and, of course, chickenpox.

Any rash is accompanied by an active inflammatory process occurring in the vessels of the upper layer of the epidermis. , starting from the moment of infection varies from 11 to 21 days. At this time, the pathogen penetrates from the respiratory epithelium into the lymph and blood, through which it spreads to all organs. Infected patients represent a real source of infection for others. This is exactly how mass infection with chickenpox occurs in kindergartens and institutions with large concentrations of children.

Patients themselves often experience severe weakness, malaise, become weak, and get tired quickly. In addition, their sleep may be disrupted, their health and general condition may deteriorate, and their temperature may rise. Despite the fact that chickenpox is very common, and almost everyone gets it once in childhood with rare exceptions, there is still a chance of contracting chickenpox a second time.

Today there are the following types of chickenpox::

  • light form;
  • moderate form;
  • severe form;
  • hidden atypical rudimentary form;
  • gangrenous form;
  • hemorrhagic form;
  • generalized form.

In what cases can re-infection occur?

More often recurrent disease chickenpox occurs in adulthood, since almost everyone gets this disease in childhood. As was said earlier, when poor immunity and the body's insufficient ability to resist re-infection It is possible to become infected with the virus a second time. Usually in this situation the disease is very severe, blisters are usually much larger, A inflammatory process strongly expressed.

Signs of the disease in this form appear with a vengeance. Wherein clinical manifestations have significant differences. The disease is called herpes zoster. The causative agent of the disease is the virus that causes chickenpox.

Just as in the first case, namely after chickenpox, with herpes zoster, this virus is localized in the human body with the subsequent development of lifelong immunity. However, if there are factors predisposing to the disease, the situation may recur and there is a risk of getting sick again. Since activation of the virus with weakened immunity makes itself felt.

Chicken pox, no matter how it appears, is considered a contagious disease and in almost all cases, infection with the virus invariably occurs.

Chickenpox has a benign course

As for immunity, it is developed literally in 10 days. As this happens, almost all viruses disappear from the body, remaining in the cells of the nervous system. This is what allows them to be activated in the case when a person’s immunity decreases, despite the fact that the disease takes on a slightly different, complicated form.

In comparison, it is not so durable and under the influence of ultraviolet rays it is easily destroyed and quickly dies. Moreover, this happens even with slight heating.

In principle, this is the answer to the question posed: is it possible for an adult to get chickenpox again? If you dig deeper, it is possible to state that this is not a re-infection with chickenpox, but the body’s reaction to the presence of provoking factors that contribute to the development of exacerbations.

Moreover, it is possible to get chickenpox, or rather shingles, not only for the second time, but also for the third and fourth time. However, as it turns out, this happens even more in rare cases, since as the disease ends in human body fairly stable immunity is developed.

Treatment of chickenpox repeatedly

Chickenpox treatment is mainly done at home. It is very important to maintain hygiene and treat the rash with a manganese solution or brilliant green. In case of fever, antipyretics such as paracetamol are usually prescribed. A sick child should be isolated from other children until complete recovery.

As for the treatment of herpes zoster, it is somewhat different. And given the seriousness of the disease, it is worth noting what to prescribe medications and determine the treatment regimen in in this case Only a doctor can. This approach will avoid various kinds complications and especially death.

Among the most common antiviral drugs used to cure this disease are:

  • valacyclovir;
  • famvir.

It is worth noting that despite its prevalence, it is necessary in any case. And this issue should be approached with all seriousness. To avoid recurrence, it is strongly recommended to increase immunity and improve health.

Who said that curing herpes is difficult?

  • Do you suffer from itching and burning in the areas of the rash?
  • The sight of blisters does not at all add to your self-confidence...
  • And it’s somehow embarrassing, especially if you suffer from genital herpes...
  • And for some reason, ointments and medications recommended by doctors are not effective in your case...
  • In addition, constant relapses have already become a part of your life...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will help you get rid of herpes!
  • An effective remedy from herpes exists. and find out how Elena Makarenko cured herself of genital herpes in 3 days!

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