Vitamins for mental activity. What vitamins are needed for memory? The best vitamin complexes for adults

Drink vitamins for nervous system. They'll take it off spring blues and fatigue

Hello my dear readers! I'm glad to meet you again. Memory directly depends on how our nervous system works. What happens if unfavorable events befall us in large numbers? life circumstances: worries about the health of family and friends, children often get sick and are not happy with grades at school, work is a mess, there is not enough money, they themselves always have a half-cold, fatigue. Where can a good memory come from?

To support yourself in a difficult situation, you need to drink different useful pills and capsules. Today, all kinds of vitamins for the brain and memory of adults have been developed and sold in pharmacies. That's what we'll talk about!

What is the role of vitamins for human health

As you know, all our food can be broken down into three main elements: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They account for 98% of our daily diet.

Food gives us a boost of energy, which is used to support the functioning of all organs and our motor activity. In addition, all our tissues, absolutely all the cells of our body, are built from proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Why do we also need vitamins? In general, why are we talking about them, because in quantitative terms they are minuscule, a “grain” compared to the main ingredients of food!

But why! We live because metabolism constantly occurs in the cells of our body throughout our lives - millions of various biochemical reactions.

In order for metabolism or metabolism to be maintained at an optimal level, catalysts are needed, i.e. accelerators of biochemical processes. These catalysts are vitamins.

A person finds all his vitamins in what is on his table. That is why our food should be varied and of high quality.

To ensure that you do not experience hypovitaminosis, it is advisable to take additional vitamin supplements. These can be natural complexes in the form of dietary supplements, herbal teas or medicinal vitamin preparations from pharmacies.

What vitamins does the human brain need?

B vitamins:

Vitamin B1 or thiamine. Helps strengthen the bodies and processes of neurons, transmits information about the state of the body to various parts of the cerebral cortex;

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin. Helps improve vision. Strengthens the energy capabilities of the brain;

Vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid. Participates in the processes of assimilation and dissimilation, supports metabolism in brain tissue, improves microcirculation;

Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid. Enhances metabolism, takes part in energy production

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine. We need it for the effective course of biochemical reactions; it controls the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex.

Vitamin B9 or folic acid. Ensures the growth and development of the fetus in the mother's body, supports the immune and hematopoietic systems

Vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin. Responsible for the functioning of the hematopoietic system, accelerates tissue healing processes, improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin A, C and E combined with the mineral selenium are protection for the brain from old age, atherosclerosis and hypertension, and cancerous damage to the brain substance. After all, these are antioxidant vitamins that fight free radicals, which have a destructive effect on all living tissues.

Vitamin-like substances such as lecithin, Omega-3 fatty acid, Ginkgo biloba leaves are also very important for memory restoration, because they strengthen the nervous system very well.

If a person receives the following vitamins in sufficient quantities, his nervous system functions optimally:

  • Headaches are never a problem;
  • Clear mind, thinking and concentration;
  • Lots of energy, good sleep;
  • High ability to work;
  • No weight problems;
  • The complexion is radiant with health, the hair is shiny, and the nails never break.

So let's learn about all the vitamins available to us for brain activity and begin to actively use them for the benefit of the health of our nervous system.

Pharmacy vitamins for fruitful brain function and excellent memory

Neuromultivitis (Austria)

This complex drug. It contains vitamins B1, B6 and B12. It is intended for the treatment of nervous diseases, and not just for prevention, because it contains increased dosages main ingredients.

It is used for traumatic brain injury, headaches, dizziness, low blood pressure, to restore good memory, for neuritis and neuralgia, polyneuropathy and many other diseases. It can also be used when high loads, both physical and psychological to create resistance to stress and neuroses.

Price: 20 tablets (188 RUR). Directions for use: take a tablet in the morning, drink 2 packs.

Analogues of Neuromultivit are Milgama (Germany) And Kombilipen (Russia).

Ostrum (Evalar)

The drug is intended to improve memory, not experience difficulties in work, and improve sleep. It also contains various vitamins, magnesium and ginkgo biloba leaves.

Of course, all components are in small, preventive dosages, but due to the balanced composition of ingredients, the drug improves the synthesis of acetylcholine - the main conductor of impulses, increases metabolic processes in brain neurons, balances the excitability of the cortex and the processes of its inhibition, dilates blood vessels and improves microcirculation. People speak positively about the drug's effect on memory.

Price – on average 250 rubles for 30 capsules. Use 1 capsule per day for exactly 1 month. During the year – 3-4 courses.

Vitrum Memory (USA)

This drug is not in the literal sense a vitamin preparation. But it is created on the basis of extracts from ginkgo biloba leaves, it acts very gently and shows good results with long-term use for at least three months.

Enhances microcirculation, saturates brain tissue with oxygen, reduces blood viscosity and prevents thrombus formation.

It is used for complaints of weakened memory, tinnitus and occipital region, headaches and dizziness. It is often used by elderly people with dyscirculatory encephalopathy. But often young people take the pills.

A large number of medicines and dietary supplements have been created based on the leaves of this relict plant. Most often doctors prescribe Tanakan And Memoplant. People buy on their own Bilobil, Ginkgoum, Ginkgo Biloba (Evalar).

Memoria (Austria)

Homeopathic medicine that has a good effect on cerebral hemodynamics. Helps improve memory, become more attentive, easily tolerate increased stress and prevent emotional breakdowns. Strengthens the nervous system, improves memory, reduces noise, unpleasant dizziness, and headaches.

Price: Drops in bottles from 20 ml - on average 230 rubles. Directions for use: 8-10 drops outside meals, three times a day – up to 3 months.

Brain booster (USA)

Brain booster recommended healthy people to maintain the functioning of the nervous system, tense mental activity as a restorative after infectious diseases. Used in complex therapy stroke and chronic insufficiency in cerebral vessels.

Price: Bottle with colloidal suspension 237 ml – 2500 rub. Directions for use: 1 teaspoon (small), one dose per day is enough, course duration is 1 month.


Lecithin can be taken constantly and must be given to children. This has a beneficial effect on strengthening the nervous system. Increases the performance of adults and facilitates children's learning at school. Creates stress resistance to various unpleasant psychological factors. A high-quality drug can be purchased in the online store. Discount promo code 770690.

Price: depends on the manufacturer.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Dietary supplement obtained by cold pressing from fatty meat, sea ​​fish. The main purpose of Omega-3 for the nervous system is to strengthen the membranes of nerve cells, improve cerebral circulation, level decrease bad cholesterol and normalization of blood sugar.

It should be taken in capsules by older people if they suffer from forgetfulness, irritability, insomnia, or dizziness. Moreover, it is advisable to take Omega-3 constantly.

However, you should not think that only the elderly need to take this drug. It is also taken by pregnant women for proper development the brain of the fetus, and small children, and schoolchildren, and adults. This is a very healthy, purified fish oil - not from the liver, but from the meat carcass.

Price: also depends on the manufacturer.

Vitamins for the brain and memory for adults are widely available in our pharmacies. They all contain vitamins various groups, antioxidants, ginkgo biloba leaves. They are used to protect and support the nervous system in response to increased psycho-physical stress and adverse environmental influences.

The ability to remember and master information is an ability that absolutely every person needs. You can have such a skill only when your memory does not fail you. If incoming data is quickly processed and remembered, a person has a clear mind and can achieve a lot.

Everyone needs a good memory. It helps schoolchildren and students quickly master educational material and successfully pass exams, employees various fields cope with their job responsibilities and qualification tests, and older people maintain active brain activity and stay in good physical shape.

Daily stress does not pass without leaving a trace. They have a direct impact on the thought process when there is too much information, much of which is unnecessary. As a result, a person begins to forget most of the important “little things”, for example, when going shopping, they do not remember what they intended to buy, or whether they turned off the gas in the house when leaving. Forgetfulness cannot be ignored at any age, since the situation will only get worse with age.

Among the available ways to improve memory and brain activity, the following are considered the best:

  • Enrichment of the diet with carbohydrates. The structure of these nutrients is converted into glucose. To replenish the stock of this substance It is enough to have breakfast with an omelet, a piece of bread baked from whole grains, and also an omelette.
  • Dancing and sports. You don't have to practice for hours. It is enough to perform some exercises to stimulate blood flow to the brain. Scientific research showed that people who move actively absorb information 20% faster than those who neglect physical exercise.
  • Typing. The development of memory is well facilitated by texts typed in unusual text, but the effect is not noticeable immediately, but gradually.
  • Search for information. Don't miss the chance to learn more than just do your job responsibilities. This will undoubtedly help stimulate brain activity.
  • Record places in memory. People parking their car in a parking lot can stand next to it for a while and look left or right to remember where the car is.
  • A small amount of quality alcohol. A small portion before dinner helps develop memory well, as it stimulates blood circulation.
  • High-quality teeth cleaning using dental floss. A large number of bacteria remain on the gums during the day from the food consumed during the day. And if you do not get rid of them carefully, they have a bad effect on the functioning of all organs.

These are simple and available methods Memory improvement is quite easy to implement into your life.

Tablets to improve brain activity - TOP10

Modern pharmacology offers many medications that stimulate brain and memory function:

The product normalizes brain activity, metabolic processes, and reduces intoxication. These tablets improve the quality of sleep. They are a kind of vitamins that have a certain metabolic effect, promoting the transformation of reactions occurring in the body, supporting basic life processes.

Taking pills increases concentration, improves memory, and normalizes brain activity. The drug contains piracet and other auxiliary compounds and is a nootropic. Taking it helps to remember information well, prevents the formation of blood clots, and improves consciousness. The tablets do not stimulate the nervous system.

A tonic preparation containing natural minerals and vitamins. Regular use of these tablets stimulates metabolism, enriches the brain with valuable substances, reduces fatigue, and is indispensable during depression, stress and anxiety.

A drug with a nootropic effect, which is used to improve concentration, restores memory, relieves dizziness, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and lethargy. The action of the tablets is aimed at normalizing work vestibular apparatus, reduction of depressive states.

These nootropic tablets improve the state of memory, the functioning of brain cells, greatly facilitate the process of mastering and remembering new incoming information, and help with passing exams, reports and certification. The drug supports the rapid exchange of information between the right and left hemispheres, as well as the cells in an active state, and improves mood.

It is a herbal medicine that helps improve blood circulation because it nourishes the body's cells with glucose. The tablets prevent blood clots, eliminate tinnitus, and restore visual acuity. They normalize blood circulation, which helps increase the brain's ability to learn.

It belongs to nootropic drugs and is taken to normalize blood supply after suffering head injuries, strokes, migraines, and glaucoma. The drug helps withstand mental and physical stress, and also reduces symptoms of irritation and anxiety.

It is a tablet prescribed to improve memory and brain activity, who have suffered from diseases of the cardiovascular system and suffer from increased high blood pressure. blood pressure, as well as from constant dizziness, atherosclerosis, developmental retardation in childhood, panic attacks, intoxication from consumption alcoholic drinks and medicines. Like many other drugs, it is a nootropic.

This medicine, which is prescribed to people suffering from epilepsy and schizophrenia. The drug is also taken by those who are constantly exposed to great physical exertion and have diseases associated with changes in the blood vessels of the brain. Nootropic tablets can be prescribed to children with mental retardation with attention deficit disorder and stuttering.

The drug is an angioprojector. The product is developed based on components plant origin. It tones blood vessels, normalizes metabolic functions. Memoplant is taken to relieve headaches, dizziness, noise not only in the ears, but also in the occipital region, as well as in case of insufficient blood supply to the extremities.

Drugs sold in pharmacies improve memory and work brain activity and increase the capabilities that the body has.

Pills that stimulate memory and brain activity can be much more effective and cause no harm if you follow some nuances:

  • Glycine has no toxic side effects, so you can purchase the product without a prescription from your doctor.
  • Nootropil, on the contrary, cannot be purchased over the counter. The body of a person who has suffered an injury or some kind of illness may react differently to taking the drug, which requires careful and careful handling.
  • You should not take pills such as Intellan without consulting a specialist. It is better to start taking this remedy after consulting a doctor, following all recommendations.
  • The effectiveness of Piracetam directly depends on the dosage regimen. It is recommended to take this drug only according to the recommendations of a specialist. The product is available only by prescription.
  • Taking Phenotropil stimulates the work of brain cells responsible for memorization, but has many contraindications. Only a specialist can determine the effect of tablets on the body, so the drug is available with a prescription.
  • Tanakan, produced in tablets, is available with a doctor's prescription, and in liquid form can be purchased over the counter.
  • Dosages of the drug Memoplant from 40 to 80 mg can be purchased without prescriptions from a specialist. When the quantity of the product purchased is 120 mg or more, it is not dispensed without a doctor’s prescription.

It is also impossible to buy drugs such as Pantogam, Picamilon and Aminalon in the pharmacy.

Traditional methods for improving brain function

You can activate and stimulate memory not only by using pills, but also by using various folk remedies:

  1. Clover tincture. To prepare home remedy, you need to pour 500 ml of vodka into the clover inflorescences and place them in a cool place for 14 days. tablespoon of this home remedy before bed is enough to improve clarity of consciousness and mind, get rid of noise in the head.
  2. Horseradish with lemon. The product is easy and simple to prepare. It cleanses blood vessels and normalizes blood circulation. Juice made from 3 lemons is mixed with a jar of horseradish and 3 tablespoons of honey. This mass is left in the refrigerator for 3 weeks, and then taken a teaspoon twice a day.
  3. Pine young buds. They bloom in the spring. There is no need to cook anything from the buds; they are simply chewed before eating, which helps restore memory and slow down the aging process.

Nutrition has a positive effect on the body and memory. It should be rich in protein. The diet must contain dried fruits, baked apples or potatoes, stewed carrots, walnuts, sunflower seeds cooked on olive oil salads, as well as dark chocolate. Frozen blueberries and fresh berries blueberries render positive influence on visual acuity and cerebral circulation.

It is useful to start doing mental exercises at absolutely any age. There are quite a lot simple techniques for brain training:

  • Pronounce words starting with each letter of the alphabet from the first and so on. This must be done as quickly as possible.
  • Repeat foreign words, which were memorized while still studying at school or college.
  • Count numbers in reverse order. You can start from fifty to zero, and then gradually expand the limits.
  • Play towns, when names are named by the last letter of the previous one.
  • Come up with synonyms for a variety of words.

It is useful to solve crosswords, memorize poems, and solve complex problems.

There are many unconventional ways to restore memory. They sound pretty weird, but some people say pretty good things about them.

"Golden Water" is one of the unconventional means, the effectiveness of which many speak quite positively. Scientists do not confirm the fact of entry noble metal reacts with water, but people who have taken it speak positively about this remedy.

To feel the effectiveness of the precious metal, you can prepare a special remedy. Place gold jewelry without any inserts in a half-liter bowl filled with water. precious stones. Next, place the container on the fire, boil the liquid so that the volume is reduced by half, and take the resulting product three times a day, one teaspoon at a time. After just two weeks, according to reviews, memory improves and the heart muscle strengthens.

What factors negatively affect memory?

An abundance of information and a huge amount of advice that you encounter every day to modern man, for the most part, do not carry anything useful. Understanding this, unfortunately, usually comes much later. Abundance information flows overloads the brain, which begins to malfunction, expressed in the fact that useful information begins to be forgotten.

  • Do not eat large amounts of flour and sweet products, pickles, which lead to the fact that the accumulated fluid in the body is poorly excreted, causing constipation and headaches. These Negative consequences lead to disruption of the blood supply to the brain.
  • Stop leading predominantly sedentary image life, because blood begins to circulate poorly when internal organs and the brain stops receiving enough nutrition.
  • Don't spend all your time at home because your brain needs enough oxygen.
  • Stop taking medications for which your doctor has not prescribed you, because side effects negatively affect health and can be addictive.

Use also has a negative effect on memory. large quantity alcohol.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the key to good memory

Regular physical activity, a proper balanced diet and avoidance bad habits, especially from smoking, studies show help improve and stimulate memory.

Correct posture also plays a role important role. You need to try to keep your back straight even when there is some slouching. Straightened shoulders and a tilted neck back improve blood circulation in the brain. You should carefully monitor your digestion, which largely depends on proper nutrition.

Living a healthy and long life is possible only by working on yourself; when necessary, even overpowering yourself, exercise regularly, take walks, eat fresh food, and develop mental potential. And if you stay healthy, it means you will always be happy.

People usually remember that they need vitamins to improve brain function only when they cannot get enough of them from food. Most often this happens in the spring when general vitamin deficiency occurs. However whole line People do not receive enough vitamins to improve memory and brain function regularly, throughout the year, and this is not only due to diet.

So, for example, vitamin B9 (folic acid), according to statistics, every second person does not receive enough (even taking into account those people who take B9 as part of vitamin complexes). Folic acid is poorly absorbed by the body and, like many other substances, requires appropriate vitamin support for complete absorption. Therefore, you need to know not only which vitamins used to improve memory and attention should be added daily to your main diet, but also how to combine them with each other.

The most important vitamins for the brain

B vitamins

When vitamins for brain function and memory are mentioned, they primarily mean vitamin group B. This group does not include the so-called vitamin-like substances B4, B8, B10. However, Adenine (B4) is also considered effective, affecting memory and the nervous system, and Inositol (B8) is able to restore the structure of nervous tissue and act as an antidepressant.

  1. B1 (Thiamin). An energy drink that converts the potential of carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy. Historically, the first among the discovered vitamins of this group:
  • in 1911 the active factor was obtained in concentrated form,
  • in 1926 its crystalline form was isolated,
  • in 1936 the structural formula was deciphered.

The need for B1 depends on the degree of basal metabolism and is directly proportional to the increase in the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet. Thiamine deficiency in Russia, Europe and North America is most often observed in patients with chronic renal failure and people suffering from alcoholism. In Asian countries, vitamin B1 deficiency is food problem associated with the use of polished rice in food. With a lack of vitamin, the nervous system is affected (in the dry form of beriberi disease) and the cardiovascular system(with the wet form of the disease). In addition, B1 deficiency leads to:

  • weakening of memory,
  • the occurrence of depression,
  • decreased physical activity and muscle tone.

Thiamine is consumed especially actively during the metabolism of carbohydrates, therefore, simultaneously with the production of glucose, which is food for the brain, it is necessary to take B1.

Adults need a minimum of approximately 1 mg of thiamine per day. The same amount is broken down in the body without being excreted in urine. When the minimum daily requirement increases, thiamine is first “stored” in the tissues, and the excess is excreted in the urine as a metabolite. Daily absorption often does not exceed 15 mg, but if you take B1 in fractions with food, this figure may be higher.

Thiamine is found in brewer's yeast (16-28 mg/100 g dry weight) and baker's yeast (2.5-6.5 mg/100 g). Noticeably to a lesser extent – ​​in (mg):

  • peas – 0.8,
  • beans – 0.7,
  • pork and beans – 0.5,
  • wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal and bran – 0.4,
  • green peas and corn – 0.35,
  • liver, heart, sturgeon caviar – 0.3.
  1. B2 (Riboflavin). It was found almost at the same time as B1 - in 1932-33 - and was named riboflavin due to the ribose content in the structure. Participates in various types metabolic processes, affecting the state of vision, hemoglobin synthesis. Its deficiency is usually observed against the background of other vitamin deficiencies.

The consumption of riboflavin depends on the lifestyle a person leads. Minimum daily dose is 1.3 mg and 1.1 mg for men and women, respectively. A 1998 study showed that high doses B2 (up to 400 mg/day) qualitatively reduces the duration and frequency of migraine attacks.

The maximum presence of B2 in products (in mg/100 g) was found in:

  • beef liver – 2,2,
  • baker's yeast - 2,
  • kidneys – 1.5-2,
  • liver – 1-1.5,
  • to a lesser extent - in cheese, egg yolk, cottage cheese, spinach, veal and beef, buckwheat.
  1. AT 3 ( A nicotinic acid, or Niacin). The second name is sometimes used to distinguish nicotinic acid from the alkaloid nicotine. B3 deficiency leads to the development of a disease called pellagra (Italian for “rough skin”). But with this disease, not only the skin suffers, but also the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract are affected. Pathologies of the nervous system affect psycho-emotional state person:
  • headaches and dizziness occur,
  • memory is impaired
  • appear depressive states and insomnia,
  • delusions and hallucinations occur (in advanced cases),
  • conduction along sensory and motor nerves deteriorates.

Often, with the development of B3 deficiency and exacerbation of pellagra, the complex use of nicotinic acid (or, as an alternative, nicotinamide) with vitamins B1, B2, B6 is prescribed.

The need for inclusion of B3 in the diet is influenced by the quantity and quality of protein foods with sources in the liver, meat, fish, nuts, beans, cereals and whole grains. The need for nicotinic acid can also be met with tryptophan (in the ratio of 1 mg of nicotinic acid to 60 mg of tryptophan). The minimum requirement for B3 is 4.5 mg/1000 kcal, and the daily requirement is about 15 mg.

  1. B5 (Pantothenic acid). One of the most common vitamins in food (the name is translated from Greek as “from everywhere”), therefore natural B5 deficiency rarely occurs. Brewer's yeast, beef liver, kidneys and meat, and egg yolk are especially rich in pantothenic acid. " Weakness» pantothenic acid – heat treatment. B5 is destroyed when heated and when exposed to an alkaline environment.

Among vitamins B5 is the most powerful anabolic (a substance that accelerates protein synthesis and, accordingly, growth muscle tissue). At the same time, an increase in B5 noticeably slows down the basal metabolism, reduces blood glucose levels, and increases the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter is considered the main neurotransmitter in the parasympathetic nervous system. Minimum daily requirement estimated at 5 mg (for adults).

B5 makes the functioning of the human body more economical. In increased doses, it is often used as a sedative, the effect of which is enhanced when mixed equally with vitamin U. In addition, B5 promotes more efficient absorption of vitamin E and potassium ions from the intestines.

  1. B6 (three forms of the vitamin: Pyridoxine, Pyridoxal, Pyridoxamine). One of the most important vitamins for brain function and mental activity. But its long-term overdose of 200 mg/day may be accompanied by neurological disorders. The need for B6 is directly proportional to the increase in protein intake. Adult with 100 grams of protein per daily ration about 1.5 mg of pyridoxine is needed. At the same time, teenagers need less B6 (about 1.5 mg), and people after 50-60 years need more (2-2.2 mg).

During cooking, a significant part of the pyridoxine in products is destroyed, since B6 is sensitive to heat treatment, ultraviolet radiation and oxidative processes under the influence of oxygen. A lot of this vitamin (mg/100g) is contained in brewer's yeast (4), corn (1), beans (0.9), meat (0.8), whole rice, cheese (0.7). And to a lesser extent – ​​wheat flour, fish, buckwheat, peas, potatoes, eggs and vegetables.

The lack of a sufficient amount of B6 provokes the development of epilepsy and reduces the concentration of the mediators serotonin and norepinephrine.

Each of the B5 compounds in the human liver quickly turns into active form pyridoxal phosphate, which, among other things, is involved in processes that allow nerve cells to better absorb glucose. Thanks to this, the activity potential expands and, as a result, the level increases.

One of the forms of B6, pyridoxamine, has been classified as a drug in the United States since 2009, which led to a ban on the use of this compound in food supplements.

  1. . The human liver contains a 3-6 month supply of B9 in case the supply of the vitamin to the body stops. But with normal nutrition, it is not possible to make excess reserves, since even when supplied with vitamin-containing food, some of the folates are destroyed during the cooking process. In addition to being supplied with food, folic acid is synthesized by the intestinal microflora and, accordingly, partly depends on the state of the microflora. In products greatest content(mcg/100 g) noted in:
  • yeast (14.7),
  • beans (1.5),
  • parsley (1,2),
  • spinach (0.5), from which B9 was first isolated in 1941,
  • liver and kidneys (0.45-1).

Constant shortage folic acid(normally about 250-300 mcg/day for an adult) is corrected by the legislative requirement for manufacturers of flour products to fortify grains with folic acid. It is recommended to increase the consumption of folic acid for pregnant and lactating women (+200-400 mcg), athletes (+300 mcg). However, there is also an upper daily limit (about 1000 mcg/day), which it is advisable not to exceed, since with an excess of B9, natural killer cells, which improve the immune response to a viral infection, lose activity.

As an aid to brain activity, folic acid acts as a performance stabilizer new cells, takes part in amino acid metabolism, biosynthesis of components nucleic acids what is needed for normal development brain tissue. B9 is involved in the process of hematopoiesis, “working” better in combination with vitamins B6 and B12. As vitamin supplement used for weakening memory, decreased performance and fatigue.

  1. B12 (cyanocobalamin). This vitamin is sometimes confused with pseudovitamin B12 (derived from blue-green algae of the genus Spirulina), which does not have vitamin activity and in the absence of natural balanced nutrition may block the metabolism of some cells. Himself real vitamin B12 is necessary to prevent neurological disorders and preserve the vital activity of nerve cells. The lack of sufficient B12 provokes the occurrence of clinical depression in older people. For memory development vital importance has the fact that thanks to B12, oxygen transport to the brain tissue is ensured.

The daily requirement for B12 is about 2.5-3 mcg/day. It is synthesized exclusively by microorganisms (including in the human gastrointestinal tract). Animal tissues rich in B12 (in mcg/100 g of product):

  • beef liver (50-130),
  • kidneys (up to 50),
  • heart (20-25),
  • mackerel, herring, mussels (10-13),
  • lean beef (2-8).

In other fish (perch, carp, cod), egg yolk and dairy products, the concentration is also relatively high. The human liver can “store” vitamin B12 for up to 5 years, but deficiency may appear more quickly in children than in adults. In addition, B12 is pharmaceutically incompatible with:

  • B1 (increasing the likelihood of allergies from B1),
  • ascorbic acid,
  • salts of heavy metals.

Vitamin E

In the list of essential vitamins for memory and brain function in adults, vitamin E appears as:

  • an antioxidant that prevents the destructive effects of free radicals on brain cells,
  • universal protector cell membranes, stopping oxidation,
  • an immunomodulator that triggers protective processes throughout the body.

Vitamin E is characterized by a membrane-stabilizing effect, which is manifested in the ability to stop the oxidation of membrane proteins (SH groups). The most important compound of vitamin E, tocopherol, also serves as an antihypoxant, stabilizing the mitochondrial membrane, which saves oxygen consumption by neurons, and, therefore, provides more stable nutrition for brain cells.

Vitamin-containing preparations and vitamin complexes

Vitamins for improving memory can be included both in vitamin complexes and in preparations that have a diverse effect on brain tissue and the ability to transmit impulses in neural networks, if you drink them in courses. The effect is achieved due to:

  • increasing the concentration of neurotransmitters (intermediaries in impulse transmission),
  • improving oxygen and glucose transport,
  • preservation of cell membranes by inhibiting oxidative processes,
  • ensuring active blood supply to brain cells and microcirculation.

Among the herbal preparations with vitamins are:

  • - a drug that, in addition to B vitamins (B6, B7, B9, B12), vitamins A, E, C and D, contains glycine, a neurotransmitter acid that stimulates the pituitary gland and is used as a self-sufficient nootropic agent that improves brain functions without side effects.
  • Optimentis– a herbal preparation with vitamins B6, B7, vitamin E, enriched with extracts of Ginkgo and Asian ginseng. Each of these elements in itself can have a positive stimulating effect on the brain, giving in interaction a mild but strong nootropic effect:
  • Ginkgo activates blood circulation in the brain, strengthens vascular walls, prevents blood clots,
  • Ginseng helps neurons tolerate stressful conditions, normalizing the functioning of the nervous system.

Among vitamin complexes, the most popular are:

  • Brain-o-flex. Prescribed for vitamin deficiencies and includes vitamin E, beta-carotene, amino acids and flavonoids.
  • Dopelherz Active Lecithin. In addition to a full set of B vitamins, it contains lecithin.
  • Rivien. The complex has age restrictions(not recommended for children), but widely used by adults to improve brain activity and blood circulation. Relieves fatigue and helps get out of depression.
  • Ginkgovit Aviton. Contains a complex of 12 vitamins, enriched with minerals, amino acids for efficient work brain and nervous system.

The human brain is a complex organic computer, the operating principles of which science still does not fully understand. But, like mechanical computers, sometimes it fails a person: problems with memorization and concentration begin.

The nervous system begins to fail, working with the head becomes more and more difficult.

Both adults and children can face this. This may be due to a lack of certain substances, causing malfunctions in the body, which can lead to the development of dangerous diseases. Improving your situation and restoring your previous activity is quite possible by taking brain vitamins. But which of the extensive list of known substances of this kind are needed in this case?

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency expressed in memory loss, disorientation in space, hallucinations and tingling in the arms and legs. Some patients diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's disease suffer from its deficiency. Measuring B12 levels in the blood is not really the best The best way determine the deficiency of this element in the human body. A blood test for methylmalonic acid and protein breakdown are the most accurate markers.

B vitamins play a huge role in metabolism in the human body. They provide normal work nervous system and energy metabolism. IMPORTANT: They are best taken in combination, since many of them enhance the others.

B1 - thiamine. Promotes the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and also normalizes the functioning of neurons, thus directly influencing mood improvement, causing improvement in memory and cognitive abilities.

B2 - riboflavin. Enhances the effect of pyrodoxine and folic acid, participates in the formation of niacin, improves sleep quality, and has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the nervous system.

B3 () - niacin, nicotinic acid. Its deficiency causes insomnia, weakness, and pellagra. It is also involved in regulating the amount of glucose in the blood.

REFERENCE: Pellagra is a serious disease accompanied by damage to body tissues and causing mild dementia.

B5 - pantothenic acid, calcium pantothenate. Promotes the absorption of other vitamins, takes part in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

B6 - pyrodoxine. Stabilizes nervous activity, normalizes niacin synthesis, alleviates neuritis of the extremities and reduces nighttime muscle spasms.

B7 - biotin. Regulates blood sugar levels, improves the functioning of other group B elements.

B9 (M) - folic acid. Affects the excitation and inhibition of the nervous system, helps alleviate stress, improving mood. Its deficiency can lead to memory impairment, hair loss and others. unpleasant consequences.

B12 - cyanocobalamin. Improves the ability to think, remember, concentrate, removes irritability, and is responsible for the health of the nervous system. Its deficiency can cause nerve cell death and other neurological disorders.

Ascorbic acid. It is a powerful antioxidant and participates in the creation of neurotransmitters. Its deficiency leads to the appearance of a well-known disease - scurvy.

REFERENCE: Antioxidants block oxidation.

Calciferol. Accelerates the functioning of the “gray matter” and prevents the development of central nervous system diseases. With its deficiency, vision decreases and insomnia begins.

Tocopherol. Improves thinking abilities, prevents the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamin P - bioflavonoids. Scientists designate the whole group this way various substances. They are found in the peel of citrus fruits and give them their yellow or orange color. IN human body They also help strengthen the walls of capillaries.

There are several ways to compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body. One of them is to take special complexes. Another is to compose balanced diet.

The best vitamin complexes to improve brain activity and memory

The advantages of taking vitamins for memory are that when using them, an improvement in attention and concentration abilities is achieved, which will help both schoolchildren and students, and sometimes it won’t hurt for kids to take special children’s formulations that will smooth out and perhaps even accelerate their development mind.

And adults, too, sometimes should start taking these kinds of drugs, since they can reduce stress levels, improve recovery, speed up brain function, and increase memory abilities.

In addition, the course does not last so long - the desired effect is achieved in about one month. Which complex should you choose?

CAREFULLY: Most drugs of this kind have their own contraindications, and they must be dosed strictly according to the instructions - an excess of some of the substances they contain in the body can cause unpleasant consequences. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

For adults

  • "Vitrum Memory" has a beneficial effect on the ability to think and remember, but is strictly contraindicated in children under 12 years of age. The composition contains vitamins B, C and zinc.
  • Ginkgo Biloba is available in several varieties. So, tablets from Doppelhertz also contain B1, B2, B6 separately, and Evalar adds glycine to its tablets.
  • "Active Lecithin" from Doppelherz, among other things, includes vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, E.
  • Multi Tabs produces products for both adults and children.
  • “Multi Tabs Active”, “Intensive” are intended for men whose activities are associated with stress and physical activity. They improve recovery and are rich in antioxidants.
  • "Multi Tabs Peretanal Omega-3" is suitable for pregnant women.

For children

  • “Multi Tabs” for children and teenagers are divided according to the age of the child for whom they are intended: up to one year, up to 4 years, up to 11 years, up to 17 years. For little ones, the vitamin complex is available in the form of syrup.
  • "AlfaVit" "Our baby", " Kindergarten" and "Schoolboy" cover different periods childhood. These vitamin complexes included vitamins A, D3, B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, PP, C and various minerals. The first is available in the form of a water-soluble powder and is divided into 3 sachets to ensure maximum absorption all substances. The second one already comes in the form of chewable tablets with fruit flavor.
  • “Pikovit” includes A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, PP, C and DZ and can be either in the form of syrup or in the form of chewable tablets or lozenges. The release form depends on the selected age period.

For schoolchildren and students

  • "Multi Tabs" for teenagers are chewable tablets with different tastes.
  • "Multi Tabs B-complex" can be taken from 12 years of age.
  • “Classic” is available to everyone from 11 years old.
  • "AlfaVit" "Teenager" is also available in the form of tablets, which contain the same set of vitamins.

Healthy foods

Still, there is no magic pill that will suddenly give you strength and ability to remember. The human body is a complex structure in which everything is interconnected, therefore correct mode nutrition will certainly affect cognitive abilities.

Grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables are rich in a wide variety of essential micronutrients, including many different minerals. Milk is also good for bones, eyesight and the brain, but fish contains phosphorus, the “element of thought,” as it was called in one children’s work of fiction.

The table below includes some healthy foods that are worth including in your diet.

The product's name Vitamins contained
Apple A, B, C, E, K
Citrus C and P
Berries A, almost the entire B-group, C, E, K, P
Dairy A, B, C, D, E, H
Potatoes, tomato A, C, D, E, K
Chicken A, B, C, E
Banana A, B, C, E
Beef B,E
Pork B,E
Fish A, B, C, D, E
Oatmeal Almost the entire group B, E
Peas A,B.E.H
Mushrooms A, B, C, E
Walnut B, C, E
Hazelnut B, C, E

Vitamins for the mind, of course, can help both a child and an adult increase their abilities to perceive and process information, but these substances will give a truly strong effect if combine them with memory training.

You can do this different ways. You can concentrate on the task, pronouncing words backwards, memorizing some names, dates and repeating, or naming all the objects that you see in front of you. You can find a lot on the Internet different options exercises for memory. But don't forget that general state the body also affects the ability to process and remember information, so it is worth organizing a proper, balanced diet for yourself, rich in vitamins all groups and other microelements. Physical activity will also bring benefits by dispersing blood throughout the body and thereby providing “ Gray matter» good nutrition.

To summarize, many vitamins can actually help not only improve brain function, but also prevent some the most dangerous diseases caused by a lack of relevant substances. You can get the required amount of microelements by taking various vitamin complexes in tablets, and organizing your nutrition.

In contact with

The productive functioning of the adult brain is influenced by many factors - proper nutrition, proper rest, adherence to the daily routine, health of the body.

Also, thinking processes and memory are influenced by the daily intake of certain vitamins and microelements along with food in the required quantities.

Our review today will tell you which vitamins are suitable for improving memory, brain function and increasing concentration for adults.

Review of vitamins for good memory and attention

Infographic: 10 Foods for Great Memory

Among the notable list of all famous useful supplements There are many substances that are useful for the functioning of the human brain and memory development.

Their absence in the body negatively affects the state of the nervous system as a whole and the functioning of the processes that allow us to think and remember information.

B vitamins

The first place in the list of vitamins for the brain and improving memory for adults is occupied by B vitamins.

Vitamin B1 is an essential component for proper brain function.

Thiamine- vitamin B1. The most important vitamin to improve memory in adults. Acts as a catalyst for the brain during memory processes.

It enters the human body through consumption of chicken eggs, nuts, legumes, etc. The daily norm is 1.2 mg per day.

Riboflavin- vitamin B2. This substance is responsible for the speed of mental reactions, supplies our body with energy, and is necessary during significant physical and mental stress.

Sources of riboflavin are meat and dairy products, including kidneys, milk, cottage cheese and others. The daily norm is 1.4-3 mg.

Brain activity directly depends on this vitamin. Pyridoxine also has an effect on increasing human intelligence, protects our brain from negative impact cigarettes and alcohol. Contained in cereals and legumes, beef liver, chicken eggs, potatoes and cabbage, bananas. The daily norm for an adult is 2 mg.

Folic acid- vitamin B9. This is an essential component of all good vitamin complexes for strengthening memory in adults and the elderly. She makes sure that the speed of mental reactions is high and the memory processes in the brain occur quickly.

The vitamin is found in fermented milk and dairy products, pumpkin, mushrooms, meat, and cereals. Destroys when exposed to light and high temperatures. The daily intake is 500 mcg.

This substance regulates the processes of sleep and awakening of the body, memorization, and normalizes psychological processes.

B12 helps you quickly adapt to changes in your daily routine, for example, due to changing time zones. Contained in chicken meat, dairy products, beef, herring, liver and kidneys. The daily norm is 25-100 mcg.

A nicotinic acid- vitamin B3. This is a vitamin for memory and attention, necessary for adults. Nicotinic acid is a real stimulant of adult brain activity.

Thanks to vitamin B3, nerve cells Energy is actively produced for the functioning of the entire nervous system.

Vitamin B3 is found in liver, yeast, fish, egg yolk, chicken, buckwheat, milk,. The daily norm is 14-18 mg per day.

Pantothenic acid- vitamin B5. It is responsible for our long-term memory, participates in the transmission of impulses on which all the work of the brain is built. In addition to everything, B5 protects our brain from the effects of alcohol and cigarette smoke.

You can get this vitamin from liver, eggs, milk, cabbage, hazelnuts, buckwheat, but it is worth considering that when heat treated, its amount in food is halved.

The daily norm for an adult is 10-15 mg.

Other important substances for brain function

The functioning of the adult brain is affected not only by vitamins, but also by other substances.

It takes care of ridding brain tissue of various harmful and toxic substances, and also strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Protector against Alzheimer's disease, indispensable for significant mental stress. Vitamin E is found in legumes, oils, seeds, liver, cereals, and milk. The daily norm is 10-20 mg.

Bioflavonoid- vitamin P. Its action is aimed at strengthening and protecting capillaries and preventing hemorrhages. You can get it by consuming rose hips and rowan berries, black currants, grapes, and lemon. The daily norm is 40-100 mg.

Protector of our body from psychological overload. Contained in citrus fruits, vegetables, berries, potatoes. The daily norm is 60-70 mg per person.

Calciferol- vitamin D. Protects the brain from oncological diseases, used to treat atherosclerosis. Enters the body from butter, egg yolk, dairy products, herbs. The daily norm is 100-500 mg.

For vitamins to be beneficial, do not exceed daily norm when consumed.

Popular vitamin complexes

"Doppelherz Active Lecithin"- one of the most frequently recommended complexes by doctors to improve memory and attention in adults. Reviews about the drug are positive, but each organism is individual, so the benefits of the vitamin complex should be judged only after use.

As the name suggests, it contains lithin. It also contains the entire complex of B vitamins and folic acid.

"Vitrum Memory"— suitable for people for whom it is always important to maintain productive brain function and stimulate intellectual activity. Perfect for older people, but contraindicated for children.

In addition to the B complex of vitamins, it contains vitamin C and zinc.

"Ginkgo Forte"— ginkgo extract, which is part of this complex, is well known for its beneficial properties. In addition, the drug contains green tea phytoextract, minerals and trace elements that help develop memory and maintain mental clarity. The composition also contains vitamin B, magnesium sulfate, zinc and selenium.

As you can see, vitamins are the main helpers for our brain, especially in the modern rhythm of life, when the load on our body’s “computer” is daily and extremely high.

This video will tell you more about how vitamins affect brain function:

It is worth remembering that for proper functioning of the brain and maintaining a clear mind, you need not only to eat right, but also to give your brain a rest - do not burden it with unnecessary work, get a good night’s sleep, play sports and read books, and then your brain will be healthy and your memory will be healthy. strong.

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