Anaphylactic shock in dogs and cats - emergency care, treatment. Causes of shock in dogs and methods of helping the animal



Anaphylactic shock counts general condition the dog's body, in which a generalized immediate hypersensitivity reaction develops. It occurs due to the introduction of allergens into the dog’s body. It is worth noting that anaphylactic shock can be observed in all organisms with an immune system capable of storing in their memory information about a single encounter with an allergen.Causes of disease in dogs:Anaphylactic shock in dogs can develop due to various reasons. To the most important factors include influence medications and various poisons. The occurrence of an anaphylactic reaction is not affected by the route of administration medicines. As a rule, most often an allergic reaction occurs to the use of antibiotics. We are talking about penicillins, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, etc. The disease can also be caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, general anesthetics, muscle relaxants, etc.Note that the appearance of anaphylactic shock in dogs can be associated with bites of bees, bumblebees, spiders, and snakes. This is explained by the presence in the venom of these insects of various substances that are allergens.Pathogenesis of the disease:Anaphylactic shock begins with the development immune reactions body. Initially, sensitization of the animal’s body is noted. We are talking about primary contact with the antigen. At the same time, specific antibodies are produced in the body.When the allergen re-enters the body, histamine, chemoattractants, and chymase are released. These substances are characterized by effects on the cells of blood vessels, muscles and exocrine glands. Typically, the “shock organs” in dogs are the intestines and veins of the liver. Anaphylactic shock is characterized by a decrease in vascular tone, a decrease in coronary blood flow, an increase in heart rate, a decrease in the tone of the smooth muscles of the intestines, bronchi, etc.Diseases and recommendations for the Jack Russell Terrier

Clinical picture aprephylactic shock pathology

An anaphylactic reaction begins with the development of the precursor stage. It manifests itself as difficulty breathing, hives, etc. The peak stage is characterized by a disorder of consciousness, especially when pathologies of childbirth in a dog , decreased blood pressure, involuntary urination and bowel movements. Anaphylactic shock ends in the withdrawal stage. Its duration can reach a month. IN this period there may be development acute heart attack myocardium, glomerulonephritis, hepatitis, brain diseases.The hemodynamic version of shock is characterized by vegetative-vascular changes. In the asphyxial form, broncho- and laryngospasm is detected. Abdominal option anaphylactic shock manifests itself disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. With cerebral shock, psychomotor agitation is noted. Diagnostics: The diagnosis of the disease is based on a characteristic clinical picture, the occurrence of which is associated with the administration of medications or bites.

Treatment of disease a prephylactic shock

For this disease in dogs, anti-shock measures are indicated. When bitten, a venous tourniquet is applied above the injury and the area is injected with adrenaline. To prevent relapse of anaphylactic shock, it is recommended intramuscular injection glucocorticoid drugs (prednisolone). Mitigation of this disease provides for the use antihistamines(suprastin). For bronchospasm, oxygen therapy and drugs that optimize lung ventilation (aminophylline) are prescribed.

It so happens that in our pets, like in people, allergic reactions manifest themselves in different ways, sometimes only upon secondary contact with the allergen. This phenomenon has its own name - anaphylaxis.

Anaphylaxis is the increased sensitivity of the animal body to repeated administration of an antigen (foreign particle, in in this case anaphylactogen). Any complete protein can be an anaphylactogen; the most active are blood serums, egg white, red blood cells, extracts of bacteria and animal organs, bacterial toxins, vegetable proteins, enzymes, etc. The most dangerous manifestation anaphylaxis - anaphylactic shock. This is a complex symptom complex of pathological phenomena that develops in an animal with increased susceptibility to an allergen after the introduction of a resolving dose of the antigen (injections, insect bites). The permissive dose should be 10-100 times higher than the sensitizing dose. Sensitization is the acquisition by the body of a specific hypersensitivity to foreign substances. Thus, anaphylactic shock is an immediate reaction of the body to repeated introduction of an allergen.


Antigen entering internal environments body, contacts numerous receptors. From them, impulses enter the central nervous system, which directly sends commands to produce antibodies, and the body becomes sensitized (becomes sensitive). First, excitement occurs, then prolonged inhibition, turning into the beyond, which causes the occurrence of shock. The excitability of the respiratory and vasomotor centers decreases. Animals show a sharp decline blood pressure due to the release of fluid into the tissue and, as a result, disturbances in cardiac activity (arrhythmia, tachycardia). Permeability increases vascular walls, leading to the appearance of a rash, hemorrhages, swelling on the skin and mucous membrane. Swelling and spasm of the larynx and bronchospasm occur, which leads to respiratory failure and hypoxia. The glucose content in the blood plasma increases and the concentration of proteolytic enzymes increases. Disorders are also observed from the outside gastrointestinal tract: peristalsis increases, while work is inhibited secretory glands, with the exception of salivary ones, the liver is subject to stress. The concentrating ability of the kidneys is impaired.

Clinical picture

In dogs and cats, after a short period of time (from 3 to 30 minutes) after the introduction of the antigen, agitation, rapid breathing, vomiting, general weakness of the animal, involuntary separation of urine and feces, sometimes with blood, are observed. Convulsions occur, blood pressure drops sharply, and body temperature drops (normal 37.5-39 degrees). Itching, urticaria, and swelling may occur. A little later, a comatose state sets in, the animal takes supine position.

Anaphylactic shock in cats and dogs is divided into several forms depending on the severity:

A mild degree is usually manifested by itching, general lethargy, tachycardia, salivation and passes quickly enough without outside help;

The average degree has a more pronounced clinical picture and serious consequences. There is dilation of the pupils, a sharp drop in temperature, pallor of the mucous membranes, difficulty in determining blood pressure due to its drop, uncontrolled urination and defecation;

Severe degree is characterized by the above symptoms, convulsions, collapse, asphyxia (suffocation) and occurs at lightning speed, ending in 10-20% of cases. fatal.

Anaphylactic shock is possible in animals when administered vaccines, serums, vitamins, or blood transfusions. It is important to be careful when prescribing a course of antibiotics. When prescribing treatment, it is important to know about your pet's past allergic reactions!

If you notice signs of anaphylaxis in an animal, you should immediately contact veterinarian. Used to treat anaphylactic shock antihistamines(tavegil, suprastin, diphenhydramine), glucocorticoids (prednisolone, dexamethasone), bronchodilators and measures to eliminate difficulty breathing, such as tracheostomy and tracheal intubation. At home, you need to cool the injection site of the drug or bite, do intramuscular injection suprastin or tavegil at a dose of 0.1 ml per kilogram. Oral administration of drugs in this situation will be useless.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to predict the allergenic substance. And if anaphylaxis, rash or angioedema has already occurred in a dog, all that remains is to be observant and notice what substances caused these phenomena. It is especially important to cooperate with a veterinarian regarding the use of drugs and vaccines that caused allergies in the dog. Information about this should be included in her treatment record.

A dog may experience discomfort during vaccination. And if, in addition, an allergic reaction is observed, then a specialist needs to take the situation under increased control. If your dog needs to be vaccinated, an antihistamine should be administered first. And only then, after the vaccine is administered, you can observe the reaction for about 20-30 minutes. IN in some cases You can replace certain vaccines with others.

Do you know that…
Vaccines sometimes contain antibiotics as preservatives. And if your dog is allergic to any antibiotics, it is worth checking the vaccines for their presence. If you do this in advance, before use, you can avoid problems.

Situation. Your pet is not suffering from food and medicine, but is too sensitive to insect bites. What to do?

  • 1. First of all, before a critical problem arises due to the bite, consultation with a veterinarian will be required. He will tell you options operational assistance in case of development of Quincke's edema or acute form anaphylactic reaction.

  • 2. You may be advised to have a disposable syringe with a dose of adrenaline. If a reaction begins to develop, you can use it as first aid before the veterinarian arrives. Since it is sold by prescription only, you cannot buy it without a doctor's recommendation.

It is especially important to have an emergency plan during travel when prompt veterinary intervention is not possible. It is also impossible to completely protect your pet from bites.

NOTE! An anaphylactic reaction sometimes occurs not after the first, but after repeated administration of the vaccine. Therefore, if everything went well the first time, this does not mean that there will be no allergies. Even after 3, 5 or 10 injections of the vaccine, an anaphylactic reaction may appear for the first time.

The intensity of the anaphylactic reaction does not depend on how old the animal is. However, the dog's general predisposition to allergies should prompt owners to special attention treat possible manifestations anaphylaxis. If skin rashes or swelling have already appeared, an anaphylactic reaction to medications can occur at any time.

The pathological reaction of the body to the ingress of a foreign substance of a protein nature manifests itself in the form of anaphylactic shock. IN last years in connection with widespread use feed additives, protein substitutes, flavorings, new medications, dogs often exhibit hypersensitivity in the form of anaphylactic shock. Serious condition the body requires immediate qualified assistance. Delay can cost your pet's life.

Read in this article

Causes of anaphylactic shock in dogs

The reasons for the body’s increased reaction to a particular substance are both external and internal factors.

External factors

Veterinary specialists distinguish following reasons, leading to sensitization of the body:

  • Insect bites (bees, wasps, hornets, poisonous spiders and other arthropods). The most dangerous thing for a dog is anaphylactic shock caused by the bite of a poisonous snake, such as a viper.
  • Medications. Very in rare cases a pathological reaction of the body manifests itself when antibacterial, hormonal drugs, muscle relaxants, enzyme preparations. Among antibiotics, penicillin and tetracycline agents can cause anaphylactic shock.

Often, an individual has a severe allergy to the administration of cephalosporins and chloramphenicol. Development risk pathological reaction exists when a radiopaque contrast agent is used in diagnostic purposes. Opiates and anesthetics can lead to state of shock when introducing a pet into a narcotic sleep.

  • Biological drugs. In treatment and prevention infectious diseases In veterinary medicine, ready-made immunoglobulins or vaccines are used. The main components of these products are protein substances, which the dog’s body often perceives aggressively.
  • Shock due to transfusion of incompatible blood group. Collapse occurs due to the development of hemolytic processes when the blood used does not match the antigenic composition of the affected animal.
  • Shock may be caused by trauma. Fractures of limbs, spine, internal bleeding, ruptures of organs during car collisions, intestinal volvulus and other emergencies are accompanied by a severe reaction of the body.

Spinal after surgery

A special type of collapse in animals is spinal shock. Pathology occurs due to complete transverse damage (transection) spinal cord and is accompanied sharp drop excitability below the damaged area. The disease can be caused by a fracture of the spine or be a consequence of surgery.

The animal experiences loss of function of organs located below the injury spinal column(violation of the act of defecation and urination, paresis and paralysis of the limbs, etc.). For example, an injury to the cervical vertebrae is accompanied by paralysis of all limbs, pathology of breathing and heartbeat. If nerve conduction is disrupted in the lumbosacral region, the prognosis is more favorable.

Spinal shock is a peculiar reaction of the body to overstimulation nerve cells. Arose as a result pathological condition functional disorders partially or completely reversible. Veterinary practice shows that the average duration of spinal collapse in four-legged pets is 7 - 10 days.

First symptoms

Clinical manifestations of anaphylactic shock are varied. Veterinary specialists distinguish the following variants of manifestation of sensitization of the body:

  • Asphyxial. As a rule, the pathology begins with the development of redness, rash, and skin itching. The reaction to a foreign substance quickly develops from local to general. The animal has swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose, mouth, and larynx. These phenomena make breathing difficult. The dog's barking becomes hoarse. Spasm respiratory tract leads to blue discoloration of the mucous membranes.
  • Hemodynamic shock. Collapse is caused by abnormal blood pressure (hypotension). Blood pressure levels can drop to critical levels, causing cardiac arrest, heart attack or stroke. Against the background of impaired blood supply during anaphylactic shock, pulmonary edema develops, which has dangerous consequences for the animal.
  • Cerebral. Symptomatic complex includes deep lesions of the central nervous system. A sick animal experiences fear, hides in a corner, whines, and reacts inadequately to external stimuli. Often the dog may make aimless circular movements and stand with its head against the wall. With the cerebral variant, manifestations of sensitization are observed, often ending in the death of the pet.
  • Thromboembolic The nature of the symptoms of anaphylactic shock is life-threatening for the dog. The animal instantly develops cyanosis associated with blockage of the lumen of large arteries by a thrombus. There is shortness of breath, suffocation and rapid death.
  • Abdominal option the owner often mistakes the course of collapse for symptoms acute enteritis. The dog has severe vomiting, pain in the abdominal area. The animal whines in pain. Visible mucous membranes quickly turn pale.

Veterinary specialists distinguish between early and deep phase anaphylactic shock. During the early phase of collapse, the dog exhibits the following signs:

  • tachycardia, rapid and confused breathing;
  • anemia of the mucous membranes;
  • change in the pet’s behavior: the dog is worried, whines, shows fear of familiar objects and people;
  • depression, apathy, lethargy;
  • increased salivation;
  • aimless movements, sometimes the animal moves in an imaginary circle;
  • body temperature is within the physiological norm.

With deep collapse, a dog may experience the following symptoms:

  • lack of reaction of the body to external stimuli (sound, light), empty, meaningless look;
  • rare and shallow breathing, bradycardia, arrhythmia;
  • Body temperature can drop to 36 C.

When anaphylactic shock develops due to ingestion of foreign protein(pollen, antibiotic, vaccine, etc.) most often itching, skin rashes, and hives are observed. In the absence of help, sensitization quickly leads to generalization of the pathological process.

As a result of development traumatic shock the owner is more likely to experience such phenomena as lethargy, apathy, hypothermia, and disorders of the central nervous system.

About Quincke's edema in dogs, watch this video:

Help an animal

Detection clinical signs the development of anaphylactic or traumatic collapse is a reason for urgent contact with a veterinary specialist. While traveling to a specialized facility or while waiting for a doctor to be called to your home, the owner can take the following steps:

  • release oral cavity from mucus, vomit, foamy discharge;
  • if bitten by a poisonous insect or snake, apply a tourniquet (belt, leash, belt) above the area of ​​injury;
  • remove the sting (for a bee or hornet sting);
  • apply cold to the bite site;
  • wrap your pet in a warm blanket or a blanket.

Further actions to save the life of your four-legged friend should be carried out by a veterinary specialist. It is important to take a sick pet to a specialized facility within an hour after symptoms develop. In the clinic, a dog undergoing anaphylactic shock undergoes the following procedures:

  • Intravenous injections of Adrenaline or Epinephrine. In some cases, these drugs are used to inject the site of a poisonous insect or snake bite.
  • In case of difficulty breathing due to swelling of the larynx, the dog undergoes tracheal intubation.
  • Diphenhydramine, Dexamethasone, Suprastin, Tavegil are used to relieve tissue edema.
  • In order to normalize blood pressure, the pet is given intravenous infusions isotonic solutions, injections of vasoconstrictor drugs are used.
  • The oxygen cushion is an integral part complex therapy with anaphylactic shock.

As a rule, the animal is left in veterinary clinic before full recovery, since a recurrence of sensitization of the body is possible.

A state of collapse in a dog can occur as a result of a wide variety of reasons (administration of medications, poisonous insect bites, spinal injuries). The symptoms of the pathological reaction are quite varied and usually develop at lightning speed. To save a life four-legged friend the owner must deliver it to a specialized facility within an hour.

Veterinarian's Handbook. Guide to emergency care for animals Alexander Talko

Anaphylactic shock

Anaphylactic shock

More often it develops in response to parenteral administration of drugs, such as penicillin, sulfonamides, serums, vaccines, protein preparations, radiocontrast agents, etc. Anaphylactic shock may occur due to insect bites.

Symptoms The clinical picture of anaphylactic shock is characterized by rapid development - a few seconds or minutes after contact with the allergen. The animal is depressed, blood pressure drops, convulsions appear, involuntary urination. The fulminant course of anaphylactic shock ends in death. In most animals, the disease begins with skin hyperemia, fear, excitement or, conversely, oppression, suffocation. Sometimes swelling of the larynx develops, itchy skin, dry hacking cough. Blood pressure drops sharply, the pulse becomes thready, and may be pronounced hemorrhagic syndrome with petechial rashes. Death can occur from acute respiratory failure due to bronchospasm and pulmonary edema, acute cardiovascular failure.

Urgent Care:

1) stopping the administration of medications or other allergens, applying a tourniquet proximal to the site of allergen administration;

2) assistance should be provided on the spot; for this purpose, it is necessary to lay the animal down and fix the tongue to prevent asphyxia;

3) administer 0.4 ml of a 0.1% solution of adrenaline per 10 kg of live weight subcutaneously at the site of allergen injection (or at the site of the bite) and intravenously drip 0.7 ml of a 0.1% solution of adrenaline per 10 kg of live weight. If arterial pressure remains low, after 10–15 minutes the administration of the adrenaline solution should be repeated;

4) great importance Corticosteroids are used to bring animals out of anaphylactic shock. Prednisolone should be administered into a vein at a dose of 53-105 mg per 10 kg of live weight or more; dexamethasone – 3-14 mg; hydrocortisone – 105–210 mg; if it is impossible to inject corticosteroids into a vein, they can be administered intramuscularly;

5) administer antihistamines: pipolfen – 1.5–3 ml of 2.5% solution per 10 kg of live weight subcutaneously, suprastin – 1.5–3 ml of 2% solution or diphenhydramine – 3.5 ml of 1% solution per 10 kg live weight;

6) in case of asphyxia and suffocation, administer 7-14 ml of 2.4% aminophylline solution intravenously per 10 kg of live weight, alupent - 0.7-1.5 ml of 0.05% solution per 10 kg of live weight, isadrin - 1.5 ml of 0.5% solution per 10 kg of live weight subcutaneously;

7) if signs of heart failure appear, administer corglycon - 0.7 ml of 0.06% solution per 10 kg of live weight in an isotonic solution of sodium chloride, Lasix (furosemide) 28–42 mg per 10 kg of live weight intravenously, in a stream, quickly in isotonic sodium chloride solution;

8) if an allergic reaction has developed to the administration of penicillin, administer 700,000 units of penicillinase in 1.5 ml isotonic solution sodium chloride per 10 kg of live weight;

9) administration of sodium bicarbonate - 140 ml of 4% solution per 10 kg of live weight and anti-shock liquids.

If necessary, carry out resuscitation measures, including indoor massage hearts, artificial respiration. For swelling of the larynx - tracheostomy. After removing the animal from anaphylactic shock, the administration of desensitizing drugs, corticosteroids, detoxification, and dehydration agents should be continued for 7-10 days.

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