Dishes for postoperative patients. General nutrition rules. Nutrition at the initial stage of recovery

Any surgical intervention is stressful for the body. That is why the diet after it should be as varied and correct as possible and contain a sufficient amount useful substances, necessary for get well soon. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to compile it, because most necessary products can be found in every housewife's kitchen.

For many of us, food is a source of strength and energy necessary to carry out daily work, but nothing more. Meanwhile, in fact, regular products nutrition is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, which can have a huge impact on our body, including promoting the rapid healing of wounds after operations.

This happens, according to orthopedic surgeon and author of numerous publications Selena Parekha, “ due to the content of special substances that have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Therefore, including these products in daily diet, you can quickly return to normal life after surgical interventions ».

Due to the fact that there are several types of transactions, compile daily menu It is only necessary together with the attending physician, since he alone knows how the treatment is going and what to be wary of.

General rules for diet planning

In order for the recovery process to proceed faster, and the person himself not to encounter all sorts of complications, such as constipation or digestive problems, postoperative period necessary:

  1. 1 eat small meals, but often (5-6 times a day);
  2. 2 give preference to whole foods, refusing “processed” ones. In other words, eat an orange instead of orange juice, a baked potato instead of French fries, etc. Simply because processed foods not only lose their beneficial features, but also contain more fat, salt, sugar and all kinds of additives to extend their shelf life. Is it worth talking about what harm the latter can bring to an already weakened body?
  3. 3 remember fiber. This substance improves digestion and relieves constipation. It is found in cereals, cereals, fruits and vegetables;
  4. 4 choose only foods with easily digestible protein. He has essential amino acids, promoting rapid wound healing and skin regeneration. You can find it in lean meats such as chicken, turkey or lean pork, as well as in fish and seafood;
  5. 5 refuse solid food in favor of light pureed soups, semi-liquid porridges and broths;
  6. 6 eat only fresh foods, avoiding frozen or canned foods in order to get maximum benefits.

What the body may need after surgery

Exists whole line vitamins and microelements that contribute to speedy recovery. This:

  • Vitamin C . After surgery, its reserves in the body are quickly depleted, since during this period the immune system tries to prevent the development of any diseases and fights pathogenic microorganisms with all its might. Nevertheless, regular use products with vitamin C not only restores protective body strength, but also allows it to more actively produce collagen, necessary for skin regeneration.
  • Vitamin A . Takes part in the formation of connective tissue components and promotes skin regeneration.
  • Zinc is a mineral that boosts immunity and promotes faster healing of wounds.
  • Iron - it is responsible for the formation of red blood cells and optimal level of hemoglobin in the blood. Its deficiency leads to anemia, or anemia, while its content in the diet leads to quick recovery.
  • Vitamin D – ensures the growth and development of bone tissue.
  • Vitamin E – protects cells from toxins and has antioxidant properties.
  • Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting.
  • Folic acid – takes part in the process of formation of red blood cells. The body especially needs it after strip operations.
  • Phosphorus - doctors can prescribe it after operations on the stomach or kidneys. IN the latter case, for example, in the postoperative period, the body actively restores bone mass lost as a result of renal failure, using more phosphorus than usual. In order to avoid problems associated with its deficiency, you need to increase the amount of foods containing it in your diet.

Top 12 products for quick recovery

Almonds are a source of vitamin E and an essential mineral needed for fast healing wound

Beans are a source of iron, which affects the formation of red blood cells.

Chicken breast– a source of protein responsible for growth and development muscle tissue, which after surgery is damaged and requires restoration.

Citrus fruits are a source of vitamin C, which takes part in the process of collagen production and skin regeneration.

Bell pepper– a source of vitamins A, C, E and fibrin, which take an active part in the process of skin regeneration.

Ginger - contains not only vitamins and microelements, but also gingerol, which helps improve blood flow and metabolic processes, including on damaged area of ​​the body, thanks to which the wound healing process proceeds faster.

Water ensures the functioning of all organs and systems, reduces the feeling of nausea and fatigue, relieves dizziness, and also removes toxins from the body that are formed as a result of inflammation in the wound after surgery. You can replace it with green tea, dried fruit compote, rosehip decoctions and jelly. Meanwhile, the amount of water drunk per day should be determined by the doctor, based on the type of operation and its course.

Seafood - they are rich in zinc, which affects the speed of wound healing.

The main key to successful recovery after surgery on the digestive organs is diet. A properly selected diet contributes to the speedy restoration of digestion and accelerates tissue regeneration by reducing the load on the intestines. The diet relieves the painful symptoms of flatulence and pain along the intestines, normalizes stool and peristalsis.

General features of the postoperative diet

The menu is selected by the patient himself, the doctor only advises and recommends certain food products for consumption. The diet must be followed both in the hospital and after discharge for 1-2 months before full recovery peristalsis. It is necessary to return to your usual diet gradually, without sudden transitions.

Basic principles of postoperative diet:

  • Hunger during the first and second days after surgery. Parenteral nutrition ( intravenous administration glucose and protein solutions).
  • Extremely gentle food for 1-2 weeks after surgery, when the patient is still in the hospital: porridge, pureed soups, pureed vegetable and fruit purees, compotes, fruit drinks and teas.
  • After discharge from hospital self-cooking steamed food or by boiling it in salted water and then grinding it into a paste-like consistency.
  • Compliance with the diet for another 1 month after discharge.
  • Exclusion of fatty, salty, smoked, fried and irritating foods, as well as spicy, hot, bitter and sour.
  • Avoiding sweet foods and foods that cause increased gas formation and bloating.
  • Eating at the same time of day.
  • At least 5-6 meals per day.
  • All dishes are served warm.

The main principle of the diet is to restore normal stools, normalize peristalsis and relieve painful symptoms. This makes the patient’s condition easier after surgery and relieves stress on the digestive tract. As a result, tissue regeneration proceeds faster, and the recovery period does not take so much time.

What foods can you eat after surgery?

After surgery, the following are allowed for use:

  1. Boiled cereals and grain products.
  2. Boiled vegetables in the form of puree.
  3. Boiled and baked fruits in the form of puree.
  4. Fermented milk products.
  5. Meat broths without adding spices.
  6. Meat purees (at 1-2 weeks), then pieces low-fat variety meat.
  7. Dried black bread and crackers.
  8. Berry jellies, jelly.
  9. Boiled and soft-boiled eggs.
  10. Mineral water.
  11. Vegetable juice.
  12. Black or green tea.
  13. Fruit drinks, compotes, decoctions.

What foods should you not eat after surgery?

Irritating (spicy, bitter, sour, sweet) and hot foods should not be eaten after surgery. Products that cause increased gas formation and fermentation, as well as difficult to digest foods, are excluded from the diet.

After surgery, the following are prohibited for use:

  1. Sour fruits and berries.
  2. Preparations for the winter - pickles, smoked meats, marinades.
  3. Canned food.
  4. Sweets – candies, cookies, chocolate, etc.
  5. Mushrooms.
  6. White and fresh bread, baked goods.
  7. Nuts.
  8. Cold drinks.
  9. Legumes.
  10. Alcohol.

Important! It is recommended to avoid these foods for at least three weeks after surgery. It is advisable to maintain such a diet for 2 months.

Features of the diet after intestinal surgery for cancer patients

One power supply cancer can't win. The diet is prescribed after surgery, when part of the intestine has already been removed. The menu is selected in such a way as to normalize the patient’s stool, while energy value dishes must fully satisfy the needs of patients.

IN large quantities The menu includes fruits and vegetables, broths, and cereal porridges. Meat consumption is limited (no more than 100 g per day of lean meat). The main source of protein is seafood, which is digested more quickly and contains a lot of microelements.

Food is served warm. Every day they monitor the nature of the stool and the amount of liquid drunk (at least 2-2.5 liters per day).

Diet after surgery for intestinal adhesions

Adhesive obstruction is a very common disease. digestive tract. After surgery for intestinal adhesions, the patient must follow a special diet.

The menu includes exclusively mushy and puree-like foods. All products are grated and ground in a blender to puree. It is not recommended to eat rough food for 1-2 weeks after surgery.

At this time, you need to drink a lot of liquid: teas, rosehip or herbal decoctions, compotes, fruit drinks. The menu includes jelly and berry jellies as dessert. During the diet, stool passage is also monitored. There should be at least 6-8 meals in small portions per day.

Features of the diet after surgery for intestinal obstruction

In case of intestinal obstruction, a large part is removed small intestine. This is dangerous due to the development of malabsorption syndrome with subsequent transition to asthenic syndrome. Therefore, such patients must follow the diet for life.

The menu includes easily digestible foods; difficult to digest foods are excluded, since they do not have time to be digested by the intestines. Vegetables, broths and soups, cereals and purees are allowed in large quantities. The patient needs to independently monitor the condition of the stool and the characteristics of the body’s reaction to certain foods, since the digestibility of food is different people different.

Diet after intestinal stoma surgery

Stoma is the removal of the blind end of the intestine to the anterior surface abdominal wall. This is necessary in the first months after surgery for intestinal cancer or intestinal obstruction. In a word, any operation for bowel resection, as a rule, ends with the imposition of a stoma.

This is a temporary measure, however, the stoma causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient. You can learn to live with an open intestinal stoma if you follow the basic principles of nutrition.

The menu is mainly aimed at facilitating the act of defecation, with liquid or too much hard stool the patient should not have it. It is recommended that the patient food diary, where he writes down everything he ate the day before and his digestive reaction to the food he ate. Indicate symptoms (flatulence, pain, cramps), the nature of the stool (liquid, hard, mushy) and the amount of food eaten.

Important! Nutrition for intestinal stoma includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, soups, dairy products, and meat. By keeping a food diary, the patient himself adjusts the diet, depending on the body’s response to the dish. For constipation, the menu includes beets, prunes, and plums. For diarrhea - grain porridge.

Important video: Diet after intestinal surgery

Ready-made menu for a week in the postoperative period

In a hospital, the menu is compiled by a dietitian together with the attending physician. At this time, it is not recommended for the patient to carry additional dishes, as they can cause unpleasant symptoms in the person operated on. After discharge, the menu is drawn up by the patient himself, after consulting with the attending physician.

Here is an example of a finished menu for a patient after abdominal surgery on the intestines:

Day of the weekMenu

10.00-11.00: Soft-boiled egg and cracker

13.00-14.00: Slime buckwheat soup, compote

16.00-17.00: Baked apple and tea

18.00-19.00: Fish soufflé and compote

Before bedtime: A glass of kefir

Tuesday7.00-8.00: Rice porrige with milk, green tea

10.00-11.00: Baked pear

13.00-14.00: Vegetable puree soup, croutons and compote

16.00-17.00: Berry jelly and fruit drink

18.00-19.00: Cottage cheese casserole made from low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of a teaspoon of honey and tea.

Before bedtime: Rosehip decoction

Wednesday7.00-8.00: Buckwheat porridge with milk, green tea

10.00-11.00: Baked apple

13.00-14.00: Low-fat fish soup, compote

16.00-17.00: Soft-boiled egg, cracker

18.00-19.00: Mashed potatoes with minced meat

Thursday7.00-8.00: Oatmeal with milk, green tea

10.00-11.00: Protein steam omelette

13.00-14.00: Pumpkin puree soup, compote and croutons

16.00-17.00: Baked pear

18.00-19.00: Steam meatballs, mashed potatoes, rosehip decoction

Before bedtime: A glass of fermented baked milk

Friday7.00-8.00: Barley porridge, Black tea

10.00-11.00: Soft-boiled egg

13.00-14.00: Chicken soup, compote

16.00-17.00: Baked apple

18.00-19.00: Meat soufflé, jelly

Before bedtime: A glass of kefir

Saturday7.00-8.00: Protein omelet, cracker and tea

10.00-11.00: Berry jelly

13.00-14.00: Slime rice soup, compote

16.00-17.00: Baked pear

18.00-19.00: Steam chicken cutlet and mashed potatoes, jelly

Before bedtime: Rosehip decoction

Sunday7.00-8.00: Rice porridge, compote

10.00-11.00: Soft-boiled egg, cracker

13.00-14.00: Soup with pearl barley and pureed vegetables

16.00-17.00: Skim cheese, Black tea

18.00-19.00: Vegetable stew, jelly

Before bed: Natural yogurt

Drink enough mineral water between meals. Dishes must be fresh, prepared immediately before eating. The menu is adjusted depending on the body’s reaction to a particular dish, as well as depending on the nature of the stool.

Proper dietary therapy before and after surgery helps reduce the incidence of complications and speed up the patient’s recovery. In the absence of contraindications to food intake, food in preoperative period should create reserves of nutrients in the body. The diet should contain 100-120 g of protein, 100 g of fat, 400 g of carbohydrates (100-120 g easily digestible); 12.6 MJ (3000 kcal), increased from physiological norm the amount of vitamins, in particular C and P, due to fruits, vegetables, their juices, and rosehip decoction. It is necessary to saturate the body with fluid (up to 2.5 liters per day) if there is no edema.

3-5 days before surgery, exclude fiber-rich foods from the diet. causing flatulence products (legumes, White cabbage, wholemeal bread, millet, nuts, whole milk, etc.).

Patients should not eat 8 hours before surgery. Longer fasting is not indicated, as it weakens the patient.

One of the reasons urgent hospitalizations And possible operations are acute diseases organs abdominal cavity, united under the name “acute abdomen” ( acute appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, perforated gastric ulcer, intestinal obstruction etc.). Patients with " acute stomach» Eating is prohibited.

A surgical operation causes not only local, but also general reaction from the body, including changes in metabolism.

Nutrition in the postoperative period should:

  • 1) ensure sparing of affected organs, especially during operations on the digestive organs;
  • 2) help normalize metabolism and restore the overall strength of the body;
  • 3) increase the body’s resistance to inflammation and intoxication;
  • 4) promote healing of the surgical wound.

After abdominal surgery, a starvation diet is often prescribed. The liquid is administered intravenously, and the mouth is only rinsed. In the future, the most gentle food (liquid, semi-liquid, pureed) containing a sufficient amount of liquid, the most easily digestible sources of nutrients, is gradually prescribed. To prevent flatulence, exclude whole milk, concentrated sugar solutions and fiber from the diet. The most important task therapeutic nutrition is to overcome protein and vitamin deficiency within 10-15 days after surgery, which develops in many patients due to malnutrition in the first days after surgery, blood loss, breakdown of tissue proteins, fever. Therefore, the earliest possible translation into good nutrition with a wide range of products, but taking into account the patient’s condition and his body’s ability to receive and digest food.

It is necessary to reduce the phenomena metabolic acidosis by including dairy products, fruits and vegetables in the diet. After surgery, patients often experience a large loss of fluid. Approximate daily requirement in the latter in this period it is: 2-3 l - with an uncomplicated course, 3-4 l - with a complicated course (sepsis, fever, intoxication), 4-4.5 l - in severe patients with the presence of drainage. If it is impossible to provide nutrition to operated patients in the usual way parenteral (intravenous) and tube nutrition are prescribed (see “Tube diets”). Enpitas, water-soluble, highly nutritious concentrates, are especially indicated for feeding through a tube or sippy cup (see “Canned food and concentrates”).

Below is given nutrition plan in the postoperative period, compiled taking into account the recommendations of the Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Surgery and the Research Institute of Food Hygiene. This scheme can be changed taking into account the patient's condition, concomitant diseases and other factors.

Gynecological, urological operations, soft tissues, bones.

There is no need for special diets. Diet No. 15 is prescribed with a sufficient content of complete proteins, fresh fruits, vegetables, and juices. If the operation was traumatic, it was performed under general anesthesia, then for 1-3 days use diet No. 1a or No. 1b.

Operations on the thyroid gland.

  • 1st day - fasting, in the evening - warm tea with lemon, if there is no danger of bleeding;
  • on days 2-4, diet No. 1a is prescribed;
  • on the 4-5th day - diet No. 1b with a transfer to diet No. 15 on the 6-7th day.
  • on the 6-7th day on diet No. 15.

Operations on the lungs, mediastinum, heart.

  • Day 1-2 - diet No. Oa;
  • on the 3-5th day - surgical diet No. 1;
  • on the 5-6th day - diet No. 15, and if you are prone to edema or hypertension - diet No. 10.

Operations on the esophagus with opening of its lumen(resection, etc.).

  • Eating food by mouth is allowed no earlier than after 5-6 days. Before this, tube and parenteral nutrition are provided.
  • On the 7-8th day - the first oral feeding: giving in small sips 100 ml of sweet warm tea and 50 ml of rosehip infusion;
  • on the 8-9th day - two meals:
  1. 1st - 200 ml warm sweet tea with lemon,
  2. 2nd - 160 ml of meat broth and 50 ml of rosehip infusion,
  • on the 10-11th day use broth, liquid jelly, tea, cream - 50 ml, soft-boiled egg, 20 g butter. The amount of liquid is not limited;
  • on days 12-15, 6 meals are prescribed. Serving volume: 100-200 ml. They give tea, broth, mashed cereal soup, cream, kefir, sour cream, soft-boiled egg, mashed fresh fruits, juices;
  • on days 16-22, diet No. Ob is used;
  • on days 23-27 - diet No. Ov;
  • from the 28th day - surgical diet No. 1.
  • Stomach operations(resection, etc.).

    • 1st day - hunger;
    • on the 2nd day - 1 glass of warm sweet tea and 50 ml of rosehip infusion per teaspoon after 15-20 minutes;
    • on the 3rd day - 4 glasses of warm sweet tea and 50 ml of rosehip infusion from a spoon;
    • on the 4-5th day, with normal peristalsis, no bloating, no gas, diet No. Oa is prescribed (additionally 2 soft-boiled eggs);
    • on the 6-8th day - diet No. Ob;
    • on days 9-11 - diet No. Ov;
    • on the 12th day - diet No. 1 or No. 1 surgical.

    Operations on biliary tract (cholecystectomy, etc.).

    • 1st day - hunger;
    • on days 2-4 - diet No. Oa;
    • on the 5-7th day, diet No. Ob and No. Ov. In these diets, meat broths are replaced with slimy soups, eggs with steamed protein omelettes;
    • on the 8-10th day, diet No. 5a is prescribed;
    • on the 15-16th day - diet No. 5.

    For 10-14 days after surgery, limit fat in the diet (no more than 40 g per day). In addition, limit cholesterol-rich foods. It is advisable to use diet No. 5 gentle (No. 5sch) instead of diet No. 5a.

    Resection of the small intestine.

    • 1st day - hunger;
    • on days 2-4, diet No. Oa;
    • on the 5-10th day - diet No. Ob;
    • on the 11-14th day - diet No. Ov.
    • From the 15th day after surgery, surgical diet No. 1 is prescribed. In the future, diet No. 4b and No. 4c are used.


    • Day 1-2 - diet No. Oa;
    • on the 3-4th day - diet

    After surgery, the diet should be as gentle as possible for the digestive organs, and, at the same time, provide the weakened body with all the necessary nutrients. The patient after surgery needs complete rest - the body requires strength to further recovery and normal functioning.

    What should be the diet after surgery?

    The diet after surgery depends, first of all, on which organs the surgery was performed on. Based on this, the patient’s entire future diet and diet is built.

    However, there are general rules postoperative nutrition, taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the body of operated patients (weakness of the gastrointestinal tract, increased need for proteins, vitamins and microelements). These recommendations are basic and are used for all diets after surgery:

    • Gentle food. Due to the fact that after operations the load on the digestive organs is undesirable (and, in many cases, impossible), meals should be liquid, semi-liquid, jelly-like or creamy, ground consistency, especially on the second or third day after surgery. Eating solid food is contraindicated;
    • The first day after surgery, it is recommended to drink only: mineral water without gas, ordinary boiled water;
    • As the patient recovers, the diet after surgery is expanded - thicker foods are introduced and some foods are added.

    Diet after surgery for the first 3 days

    What should be the diet in the first few days after surgery? Let us dwell on this issue in more detail, since nutrition in the first postoperative period is the most difficult.

    After the operation, the patient's diet for the first 2-3 days consists only of liquid or pureed foods. The optimal food temperature is no higher than 45°C. The patient is given food 7-8 times a day.

    There are clear therapeutic instructions for eating dishes: what is possible and what is not allowed during a diet after surgery is indicated quite precisely in them.

    What you can do on a diet after surgery (the first few days):

    • Diluted low-fat meat broths;
    • Mucous decoctions with the addition of cream;
    • Rice water with butter;
    • Rosehip decoction with honey or sugar;
    • Strained fruit compotes;
    • Diluted juices 1:3, a third of a glass per meal;
    • Liquid jelly;
    • On the third day, you can introduce one soft-boiled egg into your diet after surgery.

    What not to do when dieting after surgery:

    The diet after surgery excludes carbonated drinks, whole milk, sour cream, grape juice, vegetable juices, rough and solid food.

    Example of a diet menu after surgery for the first 3 days

    • Warm tea with sugar – 100ml, thin berry jelly– 100g;

    Every two hours:

    • Strained apple compote – 150-200ml;
    • Low-fat meat broth – 200g;
    • Rosehip decoction – 150ml, jelly – 120g;
    • Warm tea with sugar and lemon – 150-200ml;
    • Slimy cereal decoction with cream – 150-180ml, fruit jelly – 150g;
    • Rosehip decoction – 180-200ml;
    • Strained compote – 180ml.

    After an initial gentle diet after surgery, a transitional restorative diet is prescribed, aimed at a gradual transition to a full-fledged diet.

    What is possible and what is not allowed in the diet after surgery on days 4.5 and 6

    After the first three postoperative days introduce liquid or pureed porridge from buckwheat, rice or oatmeal. It is allowed to consume cereal mucous soups and meat broths with the addition of semolina, steam omelettes. You can expand your diet with steamed meat or fish soufflé, sweet mousses and milk cream.

    Avoid eating foods that are too dense and dry, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables (due to high content fiber, which stimulates stomach contractions).

    In the following days and until the end recovery period steamed cottage cheese dishes are added to the diet menu after surgery, baked apples, vegetable and fruit purees, fermented milk liquid products (kefir, fermented baked milk).

    Diet after appendicitis

    The recovery period after surgery to remove appendicitis is about two weeks. All this time you should adhere to special diet, which in the first days will help the body recover and gain strength, and in the subsequent days will allow you to eat well without putting stress on the weakened gastrointestinal tract.

    In the first 12 hours after surgery, eating is prohibited, but there is usually no appetite during this time. Further, for 3-4 days, the diet after appendicitis recommends eating the following dishes:

    • Low-fat broths;
    • Rosehip decoction with sugar;
    • Black tea with sugar;
    • Rice water;
    • Jelly, fruit juices diluted 1:2, jelly.

    The diet after appendicitis requires avoiding whole milk and any solid food for the first 3 days.

    On the 4th day of the diet after surgery to remove the appendix, fresh soft fruits (bananas, peaches, grapes, persimmons) and vegetables (tomato, cucumber) are introduced into the diet. To replenish a weakened body with protein, prepare steamed dishes from cottage cheese (soufflés, casseroles), boiled meat and fish. Useful to include in diet after appendicitis dairy products(kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt), boiled or vegetable stew(zucchini, cabbage, eggplant), butter, low-fat cream.

    Products that are contraindicated in the diet after appendicitis:

    • Carbonated mineral and sweet water;
    • Rich meat broths;
    • Dough products, white bread;
    • Canned and smoked foods;
    • Hot spices and seasonings;
    • Cakes, cookies, sweets.

    The diet after surgery is based on the principle fractional meals– you need to eat often, in small portions. You cannot wash down your food with water or tea; you need to wait an hour and a half so that the food begins to be absorbed and does not stick together into a lump from the incoming liquid.

    Important points of diet after surgery

    During surgery on the esophagus or other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, eating food by mouth is prohibited for the first 2-3 days - feeding is done through a tube. Further, the diet after surgery follows the usual scenario.

    A common problem after surgery is difficulty in natural bowel movements. Constipation can be caused postoperative adhesions or scars weak activity stomach after an abundance of pureed dishes, general weakness of the body.

    In this case, you should include in the diet menu after surgery foods that enhance intestinal motility (unless a doctor prohibits it): kefir, softened prunes, grated raw carrots and an apple.

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    Modern medicine is advancing, as they say, “by leaps and bounds,” and what was only recently considered incurable pathology, today in many cases it is subject to, if not complete, then partial cure. In many cases, doctors resort to surgical intervention, to avoid further development diseases, eliminate defective formations. The operation is difficult, but not that much scary process. Naturally, this is stress for the body, but if it is carried out correctly and well postoperative care The human body recovers over time.

    To get back to normal, you often have to follow a postoperative diet. This is necessary in order not to burden the body harmful products, give him more strength to normalize the functioning of damaged systems and organs. It is better to discuss an individual menu directly with your doctor (or a specialist you trust).

    But there is also an approximate list of products that can be consumed after various kinds surgical interventions. Particularly careful should be those patients who have undergone surgery gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, other organs involved in digestion. Perhaps, at first in the hospital they will be supplied with all the necessary substances through a special tube or directly through injections into the vascular bed (enteral and perenteral nutrition). And after discharge at home, they will have to create a special gentle menu.

    Foods you can eat after surgery:

    baked apples, light vegetable soups, as well as milk soup, oatmeal and buckwheat(and possibly some other grains), lean meats and steamed fish, cottage cheese casserole, low-fat kefir and yoghurts, soft-boiled eggs, rosehip decoction, dried fruit compotes, steamed or boiled vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, cauliflower etc.), boiled seafood (shrimp, squid, mussels), wholemeal bread (very in moderation). Over time, you can introduce fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet.

    After surgery you can't

    eat nothing fried, sour, spicy, fatty, smoked or canned. For something sweet, you can use a little marmalade or natural marshmallows.

    Meals during the postoperative period should be divided, meals should be taken at the same time. It is very important to drink enough clean drinking water.

    Information for doctors: patient trust comes from little things. Attitude, participation and appearance. It is unlikely that a doctor in a shabby robe will evoke positive emotions in a patient. Therefore, you need to take care of your clothes (by the way, you can even buy them online at If you and the patient have mutual understanding, then he will follow the recommendations better. And, of course, he will be happy to return to your clinic and will recommend it to all his friends and relatives.

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