Hamster diseases and their symptoms. Hamster diseases - useful information. What does a sick hamster look like?

Any pet requires special attention and care. This applies not only to cats and dogs, but also to hamsters. When purchasing such a rodent, it is worth studying information about the animal. At the same time, it is important to know not only the methods of care, but also what diseases hamsters suffer from. This will avoid many problems in the future. Particular attention is paid to the pet’s diet, methods of preventing diseases, and so on. But in some cases, health problems still arise in the animal. What to do if your hamster sneezes? How dangerous is this?

It is worth considering that sneezing itself is natural process. This is not dangerous for the animal. After all, the reason may be hidden not only in the pet’s illness, but also in the presence of an external irritant. Also, do not forget that sneezing in such animals varies. So, what do hamsters get sick with, and how does it manifest itself?

Constant or short-term sneezing

Before answering the question of what to do if a hamster sneezes, you should pay attention to the frequency of this symptom. If this happens once or twice, then you should not think about the disease. IN in this case nothing bad happens. The reason for this phenomenon may be hidden in dust or in small particles of food that have entered the animal’s respiratory tract.

How do hamster diseases manifest themselves? Symptoms and treatment of diseases of these animals are interrelated. A wet nose, apathy, lethargy may indicate a health problem, oily coat, various types of discharge from the eyes, aggression. If such signs are absent, then there is no point in worrying, since the animal is healthy.

But just in case, you should make sure that your pet’s home is not in a draft and that the bedding in it is dry. If a hamster constantly sneezes, this may indicate the development of a disease in the animal. In this case, it is worth showing him to the veterinarian.

Sneezing as a manifestation of allergies

What to do if your hamster sneezes? First of all, you should pay attention to his diet. Perhaps the animal has an allergy. Most often, this disease occurs as a result of consumption a certain substance. After all, many foods are prohibited for hamsters. This list includes Exotic fruits, flour, salty, spicy and sweet. New foods should be introduced into the animal’s diet with caution. After the first feeding, you need to observe the rodent. If the animal’s behavior and appearance have not changed, then the product can be introduced into its diet.

It is worth considering that allergic reaction may appear not only on natural products, but also for dry food. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with specialists when choosing such food. Indeed, often, in order to save money, bad, unrefined, practically unground and unwashed seeds and grains are added to such compositions.

Allergies - enough complex disease, which can manifest itself several days after exposure to the allergen. In addition, the provoking factor can gradually accumulate in the pet’s body. In this case, the disease may appear even later. It is not recommended to give it to your pet yourself. medicines from allergies. Only a veterinarian can prescribe them. In addition, a specialist will help you create the right diet.

Pay attention to the cell

If your hamster is constantly sneezing, then special attention should be paid to the bedding. After all, allergies can manifest themselves not only to foods. You should not use newspapers for bedding. Printing ink contains many chemical components that can adversely affect your pet's health. It is also not recommended to use scented wipes to clean the cage.

Do not wash your hamster's cage with detergents and cleaners intended for the kitchen or bathroom. After all, such compositions contain coarse synthetic components. Once in the animal's body, they can cause the development serious illnesses. In addition, it is not recommended to spray various hairsprays, eau de toilettes and air fresheners near the cage with the animal. All this negatively affects the health of the pet.

Bedding material

Often the cause of allergies is wood shavings or sawdust. The main factor that can provoke sneezing in an animal is small dust particles, as well as aroma oils contained in wood. There is an opinion that sand should be used as bedding. However, such a statement is far from the truth. Veterinarians do not recommend using any fine-grained structures as bedding. Sand dust often penetrates the respiratory tract of animals, causing not only sneezing, but also serious respiratory diseases. For hamsters, it is worth buying special mixtures that will not harm the animal. Such compositions do not cause allergies and do not penetrate the respiratory tract of pets.


What should you do if your hamster sneezes very often and does not look very attractive? In this case, you should contact your veterinarian. It should be noted that colds are common among rodents. At the same time, there are plenty of reasons for the development of the disease. In some situations, an animal can become infected from a person with ARVI. To prevent this from happening, it is worth reducing contact with animals if you have such a disease. It is also recommended to wear a sterile gauze bandage while covering your mouth and nose.

A pet can easily catch a cold during bathing, as well as in cases where after water procedures his fur was poorly dried. Despite this, the most common cause If the hamster has a cold, the cage is located in a draft.

Signs of a cold

In addition to sneezing, other signs of illness may be present:

  • loss of appetite;
  • drowsiness, aggression or lethargy;
  • hard breath;
  • wet nose

How to deal with the disease

If the hamster sneezes and squeaks, constantly scratches its nose, you should immediately remove the cage to a place protected from the wind, put in some more napkins, but without drawings or fragrances. The latter are needed so that the pet can hide with them. It is recommended to monitor the room temperature. It should not fall below 25˚С.

How to treat a hamster if he is sneezing due to a cold? In this case, you can give the animal chamomile tea. You can buy it at This product contains additional vitamins that can strengthen the animal’s immunity.

If the symptoms are mild, the hamster will recover after a few days. But if your pet constantly sleeps and starts coughing, then you should take him to the vet. In most cases, such signs indicate that the disease is progressing.


An advanced cold in a hamster can lead to pneumonia. This can happen within one day. Therefore, it is important to show your pet to a veterinarian in a timely manner. Pneumonia is a serious disease for rodents that can only be diagnosed using radiography. In general, the signs of such a disease in hamsters include the following symptoms:

  • disorientation of the animal in space;
  • signs of suffocation;
  • breathing is difficult and wheezing is heard;
  • suppuration of the eyes;
  • weight loss.

Hamsters with this disease begin to squeak and sneeze. This indicates that their body is weakened. In case of pneumonia, the veterinarian may prescribe the animal a course of antibiotics, warming, and diuretics. If you don't start on time drug therapy, the hamster may die.

Hamsters belong to the rodent family and are no less popular pets than cats or dogs. In order to keep hamsters at the proper level, you need to know all the nuances about their nature. In this article we will try to consider the most basic ones that the owner may encounter when maintaining them.

Diseases of hamsters - oral cavity and skin

Boils. Hamster diseases

Abscesses in hamsters- These are a kind of abrasions that appear in hamsters mainly on the pads of their paws.

  • reasons - the exact cause of the appearance of abscesses has not been found, but veterinarians are inclined to mechanical injuries;
  • symptoms - the presence of abrasions on the pet’s paws, which are detected when visual inspection hamster;
  • treatment - most often, to eliminate abscesses in hamsters, doctors prescribe the use of ointments with zinc or fish oil, or drugs based on these components. Treatment of such a seemingly minor disease can take several months, since the pads are very sensitive and are constantly exposed to stress.

Anomalies of teeth. Hamster diseases

Dental abnormalities in hamsters- all representatives of rodents have such a feature as the constant growth of their front teeth. Because of this, the animal’s bite may be disrupted and the teeth simply do not close. This already leads to digestive disorders, etc.

  • reasons - the cause of such anomalies may be genetic characteristics that suggest accelerated growth teeth, the cause may also be a diet that contains very little solid food. The animal simply does not have time to grind down its teeth;
  • Diseases of hamsters often spread to the teeth; the most common symptoms of dental pathologies are increased salivation. The pet may refuse food, stop gnawing food;
  • treatment - to cure this type of pathology, you should not self-medicate, but seek help from a veterinarian. Often a procedure such as treating teeth with a drill is performed. If “hooks” appear on the teeth as a result of the disease, they should also be removed.

Inflammation of the cheek pouches. Hamster diseases

  • reasons - inflammation of the sacs occurs if there is any damage to them on the inside. Also, if food is constantly stored there, it may go inflammatory process due to the interaction of fabrics and fibers of products;
  • symptoms - as a rule, symptoms of inflammation of the cheek pouches may be absent at all. But there may also be a decrease in appetite due to painful sensations;
  • treatment - it is possible to fix the inflammation only by contacting a veterinary center, since to examine the cheeks from the inside you need to turn them out correctly. If you do not have the necessary skills, you can cause discomfort to your pet. Inflammation is treated by removing remaining food and treating with bactericidal agents.

Hair loss in hamsters

Hair loss in hamsters Some owners may be confused with ringworm, as they are very similar upon visual inspection. The only difference, which can clarify the picture is the presence of scales in areas of hair loss in cases of lichen, while in cases of baldness the skin remains smooth. You should not diagnose yourself; in any case, you should consult a veterinarian.

  • reasons - the causes of baldness in hamsters include the following factors: a decrease in the intake of vitamins and minerals in the body, frequent and severe stress in the pet;
  • symptoms - symptoms manifest themselves in hair loss, you can also notice apathy and lethargy in your pet;
  • treatment - if there is a lack of vitamins, they should be included in the hamster’s diet. If there is stress, it is necessary to exclude its occurrence.

Herpes in hamsters

Herpes in hamsters- this is inflammation skin near the mucous tissues of the animal.

  • reasons - a hamster can become infected with herpes through contact with other hamsters;
  • symptoms - the disease proceeds without any visible symptoms. You can fix it more often, only on routine examinations veterinarian;
  • treatment - this disease does not require special treatment and goes away on its own in one to two weeks, but in any case, consultation with a specialist is necessary to know exactly what ailment your pet has.

Trichomonosis. Hamster diseases.

Conjunctivitis also refers to hamster disease - this is a pathology associated with disruption of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

  • causes - bacterial infections or colds that cause complications;
  • symptoms - maybe copious discharge mucus from the eyes;
  • treatment - doctors recommend rinsing the eye mucosa with salt water or using special drops.

Digestive diseases in hamsters

Obesity in hamsters

Obesity in a hamster- increase in quantity subcutaneous fat in a hamster it can have a bad effect on other organs, such as the heart. By nature, the hamster is a mobile animal and needs constant exercise.

  • reasons - decrease physical activity, often occurs due to the fault of the owner when living conditions do not meet the requirements;
  • symptoms - a visual increase in the fat layer in the hamster. Decreased overall activity
  • treatment - increasing the load, installing various treadmills and attractions in the cage. Monitoring caloric intake.

Colibacillosis. Hamster diseases

Colibacillosis in a hamster is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which manifests itself in its disorder. Also, this disease is called “ wet tail". It has a bacterial origin. This intestinal pathology may mislead owners, since in the early stages it is similar to other diseases that are not of a bacterial nature.

  • reasons - the presence of unfavorable bacteria in the body, which come from food or water;
  • symptoms - the main sign is the presence of diarrhea in a hamster. Subsequently, lack of appetite, water diarrhea, aggressive conditions, bleeding are connected;
  • treatment - curing colibacillosis is possible only by following all instructions and recommendations veterinarian. Most often, solutions containing electrolytes are used to improve the hydration process. Along with this, antibiotics are prescribed that stabilize the condition of the intestines. It is also necessary to adhere to a certain diet, which involves excluding certain foods from the diet.

Important! Colibacillosis can be transmitted to other individuals. Therefore, if you have other hamsters, they must be isolated from the infected pet.

E. coli is also a disease of hamsters

E. coli in hamsters- a disease that causes significant discomfort to the pet, even death. It is infectious in nature. As the disease progresses, the intestinal flora of the infected hamster changes due to the activity of the microbe.

  • reasons - penetration of an animal microbe into the body;
  • symptoms - signs coli are heat body of the animal and the presence of bloody diarrhea during bowel movements;
  • treatment - the disease in most cases ends in death for the pet. It is very important to fix it on early stages(which is very difficult, since it develops very quickly), in order to leave at least some chance of recovery.

Enteritis in a hamster

Enteritis in hamsters- affects the organs responsible for normal digestion of the animal.

  • reasons - doctors call the main factor in the development of enteritis, the lack of hay in the diet;
  • symptoms: bloating and diarrhea;
  • treatment looks specific. The feces of a healthy animal are taken, mixed in water and administered as an enema to the patient. It is also recommended to include hay in the diet to improve digestion.

Poisoning - diseases of hamsters

  • reasons - poor quality of food consumed, availability household chemicals on food products. Dirty or stagnant water;
  • symptoms: loss of appetite, lethargy. Sometimes diarrhea and vomiting;
  • treatment - a veterinarian should prescribe treatment based on the results of the examinations. It is important to distinguish poisoning from viral infection. Failure to seek help in a timely manner can result in death.

Diseases of the genitourinary system in hamsters

Cystitis in a hamster

Cystitis in a hamster is a disease that affects the genitourinary system

  • reasons - the causes of cystitis can be: mechanical damage, and nutritional disorders. It is also possible that the disease may appear due to the lack of the proper amount of water in the diet;
  • symptoms - frequent urination and increased anxiety;
  • treatment is carried out by using drugs such as buscopan. If after a course of taking medications the condition does not improve, it is necessary to re-diagnose using x-rays.

Hamster diseases - diseases of the nervous system

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis in hamsters

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis in hamsters it is Very serious illness which is infectious in nature. Affects all organs.

  • reasons - an animal can become infected through contact with a sick individual. The main carriers of this disease are mice;
  • symptoms - appear almost immediately and are expressed in general weakness, difficulty breathing, body temperature increases;
  • treatment is a disease, unfortunately incurable. If your pet is a victim lymphocytic choriomeningitis, measures should be taken to euthanize the hamster. This the only way put him out of his misery.

Important! All hygiene rules must be followed; this disease can be transmitted to humans.

Aujeszky's disease - what is important to know about this disease of hamsters

Aujeszky's disease- this disease is often called “ false rabies", since they have similar symptoms.

  • reasons - the causative agent of this disease is a virus that affects the entire nervous system of the hamster;
  • symptoms - signs of the disease do not appear immediately, but only after two to three weeks after infection. The disease manifests itself in increased excitability animal and the presence of itching;
  • treatment - it is possible to cure Aujeszky's disease only in the early stages, if the disease is advanced, the virus covers vocal cords hamster, provokes the development of laryngeal paralysis, as a result of which the animal dies.

Other diseases of hamsters

Tumor in a hamster

Tumor in a hamster- a disease caused by the appearance of a neoplasm in the body in the form of a malignant tumor.

  • causes - genetic predisposition. Some foods may have a positive effect on the development of cancer in hamsters. Older individuals also have a tendency;
  • symptoms - signs depend on the location of the tumor, they may be different organs, and the symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, movement disorders, interruptions in the functioning of the body in general, etc.;
  • treatment - involves the removal of a malignant neoplasm, but only if necessary.

Hamster heart disease

Hamster has heart disease- are characterized by interruptions in the work of this body. They are quite rare in hamsters.

  • reasons - the presence of severe stress or high air temperature, which affects the regulation of the heart muscle;
  • symptoms - shortness of breath, high heart rate, apathy and decreased activity;
  • treatment -on the first stages of treatment, it is recommended to change the conditions of keeping the hamster. If this does not help, and the condition only worsens, you need to administer an injection of Effortil. Again, all treatment is prescribed strictly individually. Self-medication should be excluded.

Colds are also a hamster disease

  • reasons - may be hypothermia or the effect of a virus;
  • symptoms - general weakness, sneezing, nasal discharge, discharge from the eyes;
  • treatment - it is recommended to give pets fruits that are saturated with liquid to prevent dehydration. If colds are started, they can develop into more serious ones.

Hamster diseases. Conclusion

So, we looked at the main diseases of hamsters that the owner may encounter when keeping a rodent. The etiology of diseases can be unpredictable and the variety of organs affected is very large. Signs of illness in hamsters, are also very different and it is important to distinguish them. We only gave short description diseases, because any pathology requires detailed analysis. Each disease is dangerous in its own way, That's why can't run even the most harmless diseases at first glance.

It is important to note that all descriptions of diseases and pathologies in hamsters are given only as informational material and do not call for any actions aimed at diagnosing and self-medicating hamsters. All examinations should be carried out only in specialized veterinary centers. Our center "YA-VET" offers services of a professional ratologist- a doctor specializing in rodent diseases. We have high-quality equipment, which is manufactured according to European quality standards. We perform all complex operations in the hospital.

We advise you to pay attention to such a service as “calling a veterinarian to your home.” By calling a specialist to your home, you will save significant amount of your time, and also save your pet from possible stress that may occur during transportation. The doctor will arrive on time at a time convenient for you. We are always glad to see you!

Hamsters are very popular pets. They delight owners with their funny habits, compact size and unpretentiousness. But hamsters, like other pets, can get sick one day. Let's look at the main diseases of hamsters, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Signs of the disease

Hamsters are quite fragile animals. Due to their small size, they can be easily injured even in own cage. In addition, improper living conditions or mistakes made by the owners can lead to illness in the hamster. It is very important to recognize in time that something is wrong with your pet and help him as soon as possible, because any delay will only worsen the situation. You should especially carefully monitor older hamsters, because over time their body wears out, and it is more difficult for them to cope with the disease.

The main signs of hamster disease:

Hamster diseases dangerous to humans

Ticks can cause demodicosis in humans. If your hamster has scabs or dandruff on its skin, you must immediately limit your contact with the animal; it is better to touch it with gloves.

A hamster can carry scabies. It is also caused by ticks. The hamster begins to itch very much, bald spots form on its face, ears, near the anus, and dry scabs appear. This disease can be fatal to animals; in addition, it is extremely contagious and dangerous to humans.

Hamsters can carry fleas, lice, worms and lice. This does not happen often, and a hamster can become infected with them from other pets.

Hamsters can become carriers of fungal diseases such as trichophytosis. In this case, the animal begins to go bald and the skin becomes dry. Direct contact with a sick animal is extremely dangerous.

Hamsters also carry diseases:

  • rabies;
  • choriomeningitis - especially dangerous for pregnant women;
  • tularemia is an extremely dangerous infectious disease for humans;
  • listeriosis is the main symptom in a hamster: imbalance when moving;
  • salmonellosis;
  • plague

These are quite dangerous diseases of hamsters, and their treatment should be immediate. If any signs of illness appear, you should limit physical contact with it, carefully monitor personal hygiene, and it is advisable not to touch the animal without gloves. It is urgent to take the animal to the veterinarian, since many diseases cannot be determined without tests.


The first thing you need to know is that hamsters are very afraid of drafts and cold. It is not allowed to place the cage in a place where the air conditioner is directed or very close to a window. You should not take your hamster outside even in warm weather. A slight breeze is dangerous for a pet that is not accustomed to sudden changes in temperature. If the background temperature of the room where the pet is located has dropped sharply, you should think about heating the hamster. Cold - enough dangerous disease for a hamster, and treatment should be carried out immediately when the first symptoms appear, otherwise complications can lead to the death of the animal.

A hamster should never be bathed in water, otherwise it can easily catch a cold. Hamsters clean their fur in special sand, not in water. Large open drinking bowls are also dangerous for hamsters, as they can cause the hamster to get wet and get sick. It is advisable to provide hamsters with ball or nipple drinkers.

A hamster can get the flu from a person. During illness, it is advisable to reduce contact with the animal to a minimum.

The main symptoms of hamster disease:

  • discharge from the nose and eyes;
  • the hamster often sneezes and rubs its nose with its paw;
  • the animal is breathing heavily.

If your hamster shows signs of a cold, you need to take immediate care. temperature conditions. The optimal temperature is 21-25 degrees. It is worth temporarily removing the wheel from the cage and providing your pet with absolute peace. It is necessary to show the hamster to a veterinarian and provide him with proper treatment.

Sneezing can be a sign not only of a cold, but also of an allergy. The strongest allergen is pine sawdust, which owners often unknowingly put in the cage as filler. This should not be done under any circumstances! Even if it initially seems that pine needles have no effect on your pet’s health, it is worth knowing that the harm of the allergen tends to accumulate. As a result of exposure to pine needles, a hamster may lose hair, as well serious problems will start with respiratory tract.

Oral and eye problems

Hamsters' teeth are constantly growing, and this can cause certain problems. There should be something in the hamster's cage that the hamster will grind its teeth on. These can be tree branches: birch, cherry, peach, apple trees, a wooden house or a tunnel. It happens that a hamster does not have time to grind down his teeth, and they grow too large, getting in the way normal life animal. In this case, you can only help by cutting your teeth. Under no circumstances should you do this yourself - you need to contact a veterinarian.

As a result of injury or illness, a hamster can lose teeth, this especially often happens in older animals. You can only help by offering your pet soft cereals or baby purees as food, since the hamster is unlikely to cope with solid food.

It is also quite common for hamsters to have problems with their cheek pouches. The cheek pouch may become clogged, the hamster will not be able to remove food from there, and it will begin to rot. Wounds and tumors, loss are also possible. In this case, the hamster begins to refuse food, his eyes become watery, and he loses weight. Only a specialist can help.

Another vulnerable spot in hamsters is their eyes. Eye diseases in hamsters can lead to complete blindness. They often suffer from conjunctivitis. The cause may be illness (salmonellosis, infectious pneumonia) or injury. The hamster's eyelid swells, the eye waters, pus is released, and the affected eye does not open.

One more frequent illness hamsters eye is cataract. The eye becomes cloudy, you can distinguish White spot in place of the pupil. In this case, partial or total loss vision.


Hamsters are extremely active animals. In nature, they have their own grounds, which they run around every night. During the night they run many kilometers in search of food. If the hamster is deprived of the ability to lead active image life, he may well become obese. What diseases can a hamster develop as a result of obesity? Problems with the cardiovascular system, fatty liver, problems with the kidneys and other internal organs.

To avoid obesity, you should strictly monitor compliance with the standards for keeping your hamster. First of all, he must have a cage of the correct size:

  • for the Djungarian hamster the bottom is greater than or equal to 50*30 cm;
  • for the Syrian hamster the bottom is greater than or equal to 60*40 cm.

A hamster must have a wheel in its cage. Short walks with the owner will not replace a long and energy-consuming run in a wheel, to which the hamster’s instincts push it. A small wheel is not useful, and even dangerous for a hamster. Using a wheel that is too small can cause spinal curvature in larger species, which can cause illness. Syrian hamsters, for which treatment is impossible.

Wheel size standards:

  • for a dwarf hamster - with a diameter of 16 cm;
  • for a Syrian hamster - with a diameter of 18 cm.

Another cause of obesity may be poor quality food. When choosing food for your hamster, be sure to familiarize yourself with its composition. Most of the cheap food sold in pet stores is extremely low quality. Your hamster's diet should also include vegetables and fruits. Protein supplements are also important: dried insects, egg whites, chicken fillet boiled without seasoning. You shouldn’t skimp on your pet’s health, you need to buy quality feed recommended by breeders.

Problems with internal organs

Some problems may be invisible to the naked eye, because they are hidden inside the animal's body. We will analyze diseases of hamsters associated with dysfunction of internal organs, symptoms and treatment.

Due to improper feeding, hamsters quite often have problems with gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea or constipation, bloating, and grumbling are the main signs of problems.

A common disease in hamsters is wet tail. This occurs during an infectious disease. As a result, the hamster begins to have severe watery diarrhea, and the fur under the tail is constantly wet. The hamster becomes aggressive, stops eating, and starts bleeding. In this case, the animal must be shown to a doctor.

As a result of consuming low-quality food, a hamster can become poisoned. He may have vomiting and diarrhea, refusal to eat, and loss of coordination.

Another common disease in hamsters is salmonellosis. The animal refuses to eat severe diarrhea with feces yellow color. Happening severe bloating belly. The hamster hides in the house and does not come out.

Obesity and an insufficiently active lifestyle can cause heart problems. Another reason could be severe stress. It is advisable to keep your hamster in a place away from other pets, otherwise he may be constantly nervous, which will adversely affect his health.

The small size of a hamster's home can lead to problems with the nervous system and psyche. Nervous disorders can lead to limb failure, behavior changes, and aggression.

A common disease in domestic hamsters is cystitis or urolithiasis disease. The main signs: the hamster squeaks when urinating, blood is visible in the urine. Clean drinking water should be freely available in the cage at all times.

Hamsters can get rabies. Of course, the chances of hamsters becoming infected are small, but still, if a hamster suddenly becomes very aggressive, its fur is disheveled, and it does not drink water at all, you should be very careful with your pet.


Neoplasms are quite common in hamsters, especially in older ones. Tumors can be benign or malignant. If the tumor grows very quickly in size, this may be purulent abscess which will go away on its own. If the tumor grows slowly, it is probably malignancy. Particular care must be taken with old hamsters who are prone to the appearance of malignant tumors.

A slight swelling on the hamster's body may be the result of a minor injury, but if it does not go away within a few days, you should consult a veterinarian. He may conclude that urgent surgery is necessary. Delay in this case could cost the pet’s life.

Injuries and fractures

Hamsters are very small in size, but at the same time very inquisitive and active essence. That's why they get injured quite often. In addition, poor living conditions can cause injuries.

The hamster's cage should not be very high, because hamsters like to climb up the bars and do not fall very well from there, which can result in broken paws or even the spine. Thus, bird cages They are certainly not suitable for hamsters, and cages with many floors can be very dangerous.

Lattice floors in cages and stairs are also dangerous. Running wheels with a large mesh can cause limb amputation. Plastic tunnels are dangerous not only because a hamster can suffocate in them, but also because hamsters often break limbs in them.

There should be nothing sharp in the cage. Large chips in the litter can cause damage to the eyes of hamsters. Do not put fabric, cotton wool or hay in the cage. Quite often it happens that large fibers cling to the hamster's paw, crush it, as a result of which it dries out and the hamster chews it off.

Serious open wounds can result from keeping two hamsters together or from attacks on small animals by other predatory pets. Cats often injure hamsters with their claws through the bars of the cage. Therefore, it is worth placing the cage in a place inaccessible to other animals.

A running ball is also very dangerous for hamsters. Many owners are interested in this kind of fun, but it can only bring harm to hamsters. In a running ball, while moving, the hamster does not have enough air, the animal overheats very much, and in addition, the hamster in the ball can crash into various obstacles, seriously injuring itself.

Another dangerous property hamsters - they have no sense of heights. The hamster may well jump out of your hands straight onto the floor and crash. Therefore, you must always handle your hamster with caution and monitor him very carefully. A fall from a meter height can very well be fatal for a hamster.

If the hamster is injured, in any case it must be taken to a veterinarian, who will carefully examine the pet and prescribe the necessary medications. Immediately after the incident, it is advisable to limit the hamster’s movements: remove the wheel from the cage, remove the floors, or better yet, completely transplant the pet into a smaller cage for the period of recovery.

Skin problems

Bald patches, wounds, irritation, dandruff and flaking that appear on a hamster are all that the owner should pay close attention to. These manifestations may indicate many different diseases.

Possible reasons:

It is worth noting that long-haired Syrian hamsters require much more attention to the condition of their coat. The fur can become matted, causing irritation on the skin. For long-haired hamsters, it is better not to put sawdust as litter in the cage, otherwise it will get stuck and tangled in the fur. Otherwise, the diseases of Syrian hamsters and their treatment are the same as those of other species.

If your hamster begins to have problems with its fur or skin, you should first make sure that there are no errors in the living conditions. If this is all right, you should take your hamster to the veterinarian to determine the exact cause of the problem. It must be remembered that the apparent dangerous symptoms may be a sign of a serious illness that can be dangerous to humans.


The greatest danger to which Campbell's hamsters are exposed is diabetes. This type of hamster is very sensitive to sugar contained in food, so when feeding you need to adhere to a diet. Hamsters should not be given carrots, pumpkin, dried fruits, sweet fruits and berries. Corn is dangerous for them.

It is worth noting that purebred Djungarian hamsters do not have a predisposition to diabetes. However, there are frequent cases of crossing Djungarian hamsters and Campbell's hamsters by inexperienced breeders who kept these species together because of their great similarity. Nowadays it is very difficult to find purebred Djungarians. Due to the Campbell's tendency to diabetes, this disease often manifests itself in Djungarian hamsters. If the breeder has not provided you with your hamster's pedigree, it is best to stick to a diabetic diet. Otherwise, the diseases of Djungarian hamsters and treatment are no different from other species.

One of the main signs of diabetes is that the hamster begins to drink a lot of water. It is usually extremely difficult to catch them drinking water, because they do it infrequently. If suddenly your hamster constantly quenches his thirst, this is a reason to sound the alarm. A test for diabetes mellitus can be done at home - human tests that can be purchased at a pharmacy are suitable for this.

Thus, diabetes mellitus is extremely dangerous not only for Campbells, but is also a fairly common disease in Djungarian hamsters, and its treatment is impossible. If you do not adhere to the diet, the hamster dies quite quickly. If you seriously take care of your hamster’s nutrition and eliminate all dangerous fruits and vegetables from its diet, you can extend the life of a pet with such a diagnosis.

Hamster diseases are very diverse, and they can easily become fatal if you do not seek help from a veterinarian in time. The main prevention of disease is maintaining the right conditions keeping the animal. In any case, if you suspect that your pet is ill, you should not leave everything to chance, because the life of your hamster depends only on you.

Must have a clear understanding of the symptoms that may indicate that the animal is sick. Attacks of aggression and panic in the animal that you have not noticed before, difficulty breathing, various rashes on the skin, trembling, frequent, modified stools, the presence of fleas - all this is a cause for concern. Also, do not ignore the fact that your pet suddenly began to lose its fur or when you touch the animal you feel a slight moisture in the skin. This also means that something is wrong.

If an animal is sick, then it almost always tries to retire, does not make contact, constantly hides in, lies down. Remember that hamsters are very gentle creatures; if any symptoms occur, you should immediately visit a veterinarian. In some cases, even a specialist will not be able to help and your pet will most likely die. If you are concerned loose stool baby, but you are sure that this is not a serious infection, then try giving the hamster a little raw potatoes. The starch it contains will help normalize stool.

If your pet begins to constantly refuse food, then perhaps it is not even a matter of some kind of disease. There are times when owners forget to give the animal hard sticks for grinding down its teeth. In this case, the hamster's incisors grow too long, and he simply cannot eat. It is very important to take care of your baby's teeth and preferably feed him only solid foods. Remember that a hamster's lifespan is only two to four years. If your pet has been with you for quite a long time, then perhaps the reason feeling unwell is old age.

Sometimes hamsters get infected urinary tract and cystitis begins. The main sign of this disease for the owner may be the presence of blood in the animal’s urine. In this case, consult a doctor immediately; the animal needs chloramphenicol. In addition, you should change your hamster's diet by increasing the percentage of juicy fruits and vegetables, because during illness the animal needs to drink more liquid.

A high mortality rate in hamsters is caused by a disease called enteritis. The main symptom is very loose stools. In this case, they usually try to give the animal antibiotics, for example. However, despite the measures taken, the hamster may die. Enteritis among infectious diseases, perhaps, poses the greatest danger to the life of hamsters.

Hamster owners sooner or later face such a problem as hamster diseases. It is worth saying that prevention of diseases in hamsters is simpler than treatment. If you monitor your rodent's health, you are more likely to keep it healthy. However, if it happens that the hamster gets sick, then it is worth being knowledgeable about the variety of symptoms and ailments themselves in order to provide the animal with the necessary help in a timely manner.

What a healthy hamster should look like

To understand and recognize the onset of the disease in time, you need to clearly understand what a healthy hamster should look like:

  • The eyes are clean, without discharge, the color of the eye membranes is bright and clear
  • The coat is healthy with a characteristic shine, bald spots are allowed in older animals
  • The nail plate is solid, without cracks
  • The breathing rhythm is smooth and stable
  • The body is muscular, elastic
  • The hamster behaves actively, shows interest in the world around it
  • The animal normally has an excellent appetite, in addition, the rodent must store food behind its cheeks, this is the norm

Signs of illness

In order to notice in time the onset of the development of the disease in a hamster, you need to know what a sick rodent looks like:

  • Eyes do not open fully, the eye looks squinted
  • The coat is dull and the coat looks disheveled.
  • External genitalia are not clean
  • The hamster noticeably loses weight, the weight does not return even with increasing portions
  • The animal’s behavior differs from normal, the hamster lies and sits more, tries not to get up again
  • Lack of appetite or deterioration, the animal does not drink water

It is worth saying that the hamster often gets sick even in cases where you provide proper care. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor the slightest changes in its behavior and contact a veterinarian in time if you cannot help the rodent yourself at home; only a doctor is often able to cure a sick pet.

What to do if your hamster is sick

What should you do if you notice one or more of the above signs?

  • The first thing to do is isolate the sick animal to avoid further dissemination illness among hamsters and until the cause of poor health is determined.
  • In quarantine conditions, the rodent should be as cozy and comfortable as possible, eliminate noise and bright light you need to observe the behavior of other hamsters, it is possible that symptoms of the disease will appear in them, but later
  • The cage or aquarium in which the sick rodent lives must be thoroughly washed and disinfected, and the cage itself and everything that was in it must be washed
  • Bedding should be replaced immediately as it may contain excrement from a sick animal.

In addition to all of the above, it is worth saying that experienced breeders recommend not to self-medicate and seek help from a veterinarian in a timely manner. It is important to do this not only in order to treat a sick hamster, but also in order to promptly detect diseases that are dangerous to humans, which can be transmitted by the most common pet hamster. Indeed, hamsters quite often suffer from illnesses that pose a danger to humans; this is especially scary if there are small children in the house.

The veterinarian, in turn, can prescribe any tests and medical supplies aimed at speedy recovery pet. Another reason why you should turn to a professional for help in treatment is that hamsters quite often react painfully to taking certain drugs, so their prescription should be approached with full responsibility. During treatment, it is important to adhere to all the recommendations given to you, strictly follow the prescribed dosages and follow the schedule. Now let's move on to a description of the most common ailments and life-threatening conditions of hamsters, learn about what hamsters suffer from and what treatment should be for hamsters.


Just like in humans, dehydration is quite alarming symptom, which often leads to fatal outcome. This condition can develop after prolonged diarrhea, vomiting or lack of free access to drinking water. In addition, the cause of dehydration can be a banal discrepancy between temperature indicators and the norm, that is, the hamster is simply hot.

How can you tell if your hamster is dehydrated? The symptoms of this condition are as follows:

  • The hamster has stopped actively moving, lies on its side or sits
  • Breathing becomes noisy, heavy, and slower
  • The animal is noticeably losing weight

If you are in doubt, but suspect development this state in a hamster, you can perform a simple medical test to confirm or refute the diagnosis. Slightly pull the skin of the Djungarian hamster up and watch how quickly it returns to its original position. If this happens slowly, it indicates that the hamster is dehydrated. It is recommended to begin providing first aid at home. To do this, pour water with salt and sugar dissolved in it into the rodent’s mouth. If there is no diarrhea among other signs, it is recommended to adjust your pet’s diet by including juicy vegetables, such as cucumber.

Constipation in rodents

Constipation, that is, a prolonged absence of stool, is most often provoked by a lack of water and moisture in the diet. In addition, among the reasons may be intestinal obstruction or the predominance of dry roughage in the diet.

Constipation symptoms:

  • The amount of excrement in the cage has become significantly smaller
  • The droppings on the floor are small, too hard and even dry, reminiscent of small black dots
  • If a rodent is constipated, its posture changes and it begins to stoop.
  • From local signs It can be noted that abundant moisture appears near the butt, which was not there before.

To help the animal, it is necessary to adjust food and drink; the rodent must have constant unhindered access to water. In addition, it is worth adding vegetables and fruits to your diet or increasing their share in the diet. An excellent method to combat constipation is the usual vegetable oil, just one drop on an empty stomach can improve normal work intestines. If these measures do not help the next day, then you need to take your rodent to see a veterinarian.

Hypothermia and colds

Not only people, but also pets, including hamsters, can become hypothermic and catch a cold. Moreover, there are known cases when small Djungarian hamsters became infected from their owner when he had the flu or even a cold. In addition, a rodent can get sick because its cage is located in a passage or draft, or you simply forgot to close the window after ventilation.

A cold in Djungarians manifests itself in the form of a runny nose, sneezing or incessant cough. In more serious cases, there may be discharge from the nose or eyes, the animal refuses food and water, sleeps more and is not active.

If this common cold, then treatment of hamsters as such is not required; compliance with standard requirements to the contents plus an additional heat source. Colds in hamsters go away on their own, no drug treatment will not need.

If the condition has not improved after three days, new symptoms have been added, this is a good reason to seek treatment. professional help to the veterinarian. The doctor may prescribe a course of treatment with antibiotics; perhaps a bacterial component has been added to the viral disease.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Hamsters quite often suffer from diseases associated with the urinary system. Most often the kidneys are affected bladder. You can suspect something is wrong by detecting signs such as frequent urination or the presence of blood in the urine. In addition, the hamster experiences an irresistible thirst, for this reason he constantly drinks water. Indirect signs include weakness and reluctance to move and play. A striking symptom a disease of the urinary system can be called a hamster cry during urination.

If you have such symptoms, you should not self-medicate; it is recommended to seek help from a veterinarian, only he can treat the rodent. Usually, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics for the rodent to overcome pathogenic bacterium. You are required to follow the prescribed course of treatment, as well as create the most comfortable living conditions for your pet. Provided treatment is started on time, the animal will begin to recover within a couple of days. However, another, less comforting outcome cannot be ruled out, in which the hamster’s kidneys stop working and the animal dies.

Wet tail disease

This is a specific disease that occurs only in small rodents. Based on the name, many people mistakenly believe that the sore is directly related to the wet tail, but this is not the case. The disease begins with banal diarrhea (diarrhea), then weakness and loss of appetite become involved, and the disease ends with severe rectal bleeding.

You can start treating the disease at home by giving your hamster a solution of electrolytes. After this, go to the vet immediately. If he confirms your fears, the Djungarian hamster will have to take a course of antibiotics. If there were several dwarfs in a cage, it is worth closely observing their behavior, because this disease considered quite contagious.

Typically, a veterinarian prescribes 5% Baytril for the treatment of Wet Tail; it is recommended to add it to regular drinking water. As for the proportions, it will vary depending on the weight of the animal. In addition, the veterinarian will prescribe strict adherence to the diet.


Hamsters are often injured, because their bones are quite fragile, dangerous injury is a broken bone or tail. It should be said right away that it will not be possible to put a splint or plaster on a broken limb; the dimensions will not allow this. You need to limit the hamster’s mobility; to do this, remove the ball and wheel from the cage; in addition, it is better to temporarily move him to an aquarium, where he will not have the opportunity to climb the bars. It is also worth reviewing the rodent’s diet by adding foods with high content calcium.

A veterinarian's consultation is required only in situations where the fracture is open, then careful treatment is required open wound, as well as professional repositioning of a broken limb.

Dental problems

It is worth saying that the growth of teeth in hamsters never stops. However, it happens that this process happens too quickly, then it can cause a lot of problems for the owner. A symptom of dental problems is increased secretion and refusal to eat. It is worth saying that to prescribe adequate and correct treatment Only a veterinarian can handle this or that specific situation, since only he can clearly determine the root cause of the disease.

In some situations, local treatment with anti-inflammatory ointments will be sufficient, and sometimes a drill may be needed to, for example, shorten overgrown teeth.

Excess weight

If your animal moves little, but does not suffer from a lack of appetite, then it faces a problem such as obesity. It is worth saying that this condition is fraught not only with a limitation of physical activity, but also can lead to the development of heart problems.

To prevent recruitment excess weight, it is worth choosing the rodent’s diet wisely, making sure that it is balanced and rich in vitamins. You also simply must install a wheel or ball in the cage, where physical exercises will take place regularly.


If your hamster suddenly begins to lose hair, this is not normal, it may be a consequence of deprivation. With such a disease, characteristic scales appear at the site of baldness, under which wounds are located. In any case, to confirm or refute the diagnosis, you should consult a veterinarian.

The doctor must understand the reasons that led to the hair loss. Perhaps the hamster is going bald because there are not enough vitamins and minerals in its diet, or the animal has recently experienced stress or a nervous shock. The first situation is resolved special diet and adding fortified supplements to food, the second is by creating the most calm and comfortable living conditions for the hamster.

Inflammation of the bags behind the cheeks

Quite often, hamsters suffer from inflammation of the cheek pouches. This occurs for the reason that a wound was inflicted on the mucous membrane of the cheek, that is, on the inside of the muzzle. This usually happens when the hamster eats something spicy.

To help the animal, you need to contact a veterinarian, since only he will be able to turn the cheek well enough to get a foreign object. After it is removed, it is necessary to lubricate the cut site with a bactericidal agent to prevent the development of inflammation.

Aujeszky's disease

Aujeszky's disease is popularly called false rabies; the disease is characterized by a disorder of the nervous system that occurs due to the development of a virus. The first symptoms do not appear immediately, but only after incubation period, that is, in 2-3 weeks. At first, the hamster is bothered by itching, and its behavior becomes more restless.

Then the disease develops rapidly, the symptoms increase every day and the rodent dies from swelling of the larynx, as it is no longer able to breathe. To avoid such a disastrous development of events, you should contact a veterinarian immediately; the doctor will immediately begin therapy with serum and gammaglobulin.


This disease is caused by Trichomonella, which enters the hamster's body along with food or water. Most often, young animals get sick, since their immunity is limited early age not that strong yet. The first symptom is yellowing of the pharyngeal mucosa. Over time, the mucous membrane increases significantly in size, making it impossible to eat and breathe. If antibiotic treatment is not started on time, you risk losing your pet.

You can avoid similar disease with the help of simple preventive measures. To do this, you need to periodically clean the cage and completely disinfect it at least once a month. The same goes for everything inside the cell.

Tumors in hamsters

Cancer is most likely a diagnosis in older hamsters. Don’t be alarmed if you find a tumor on your pet’s body; quite often the animal lives happily with this tumor. long life how long it can be for a hamster. Although, if the tumor causes discomfort, it is, of course, better to remove it surgically.

A hopeless situation is the location of the tumor in the mouth; even surgery will not help. In this case, veterinarians recommend not torturing the animal and euthanizing it. The fact is that it can grow, become, for example, the size of an egg, which can cause unbearable painful sensations and even break nearby bones.

Heart problems

It is worth saying that heart problems are diagnosed in hamsters quite rarely, which cannot but please the owners. The cause of heart dysfunction is often stress. You can suspect the presence of health problems based on the following symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Breathing heavily
  • Pulse weak
  • Weakness
  • The hamster's paws are shaking

If you find one or more symptoms, it is better to play it safe and show your hamster to the veterinarian; perhaps he has pathologies of heart development that can be solved by initial stage. During the treatment period, you are obliged to provide the animal with maximum comfort and tranquility; this is the only way to treat the heart. If your hamster feels unwell, you should inject him with a dose of Effortil, and then put a small piece of ice on his withers to lower his blood pressure.

Food poisoning

Poisoning occurs quite often, as with any living organism. If the animal ate something wrong, if the pathogen was in the water, the hamster can easily become poisoned. Symptoms food poisoning are quite typical, diarrhea and vomiting appear, the hamster refuses to eat, weakness and malaise develop, and the animal’s stomach is swollen.

If you suspect that your hamster has been poisoned, do not self-medicate; seek help from a veterinarian. If this is not done, there is a risk that dehydration will develop. It was previously discussed that this condition is often fatal.

4 common diseases of hamsters😣😧

  • There must be a running wheel or walking ball inside or outside the cage
  • Worth avoiding sharp drop temperatures, this will negatively affect the health of your pet

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