Quick treatment for a runny nose in a 2 year old child. The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky. Indications for the use of vasoconstrictor drops for a runny nose in children

How to treat a runny nose in a 2 year old child? Every person has a runny nose. For adults this symptom does not bring special problems, which cannot be said about small children. Children experience discomfort and become whiny. A stuffy nose makes it difficult to breathe at night, and the child cannot sleep peacefully.

Rhinitis is a normal reaction of the body to an attack. pathogenic microbes, viruses and allergens. The mucous membrane protects the sinuses and secretes large amounts of mucus. How to treat a runny nose in a child? How to help clear your nose? A pediatrician and traditional medicine can answer these questions.

It is important to know that the nasal cavity in children and adults is significantly different. In babies it is not fully formed and is in the developmental stage. This must be taken into account when choosing medicines and treatment methods.

At the first symptoms of the disease, treatment of a runny nose in children should begin with the use of first aid at home:

  • freeing the nasal passages from mucus. It is difficult to teach a child under 2 years old to blow his nose, but parents must show how to do it carefully;
  • instilling drops before bedtime. To ensure that the child is not bothered by nasal congestion at night and does not experience shortness of breath, medications should be instilled into each nasal passage;
  • examination correct posture before bedtime. Head and top part The torso should be at an angle of 45%. This position guarantees optimal conditions for easier breathing at night;
  • drinking plenty of fluids. Warm fruit drinks made from cranberries or currants can compensate for the lack of vitamin C in the body and speed up recovery;
  • dietary food. During illness, it is necessary to exclude fatty, meat dishes. Digesting them requires a lot of energy, and weakened immunity needs it to fight viruses;
  • availability of fresh air. Cool air can speed up the healing process. To do this, it is necessary to ventilate the room as often as possible. Under no circumstances should you warm it up with special heating devices. To keep your baby warm, it is enough to dress him in warm pajamas;
  • normalization of the microclimate. The humidity level should be within 70%. A humidifier will help maintain the required level moisture in the room.

Therapeutic measures

It is better to prevent a runny nose in a child than to treat it. But if trouble happens, you should know about several important procedures: moisturizing and rinsing the nose, general heating, strengthening the immune system, inhalations and drug treatment.

Moisturizing the mucous membrane is necessary in order to prevent mucus from drying out in the nose. Stagnation of mucous masses can aggravate and frustrate nasal breathing. Pharmacies offer whole line saline solutions, but they can also be prepared at home.

In glass boiled water dissolve a small amount of salt and a few drops of iodine. The resulting product is instilled into the nose and moisturizes the mucous membrane.

The saline solution softens dried crusts and cleans the spout of germs and dust. It is enough to instill 3-4 drops into each nasal passage at intervals of half an hour. The baby may not like the first procedure. Instillation causes sneezing and coughing, but this is a normal reaction of the body. After several procedures, the child will get used to it.

If you don't have time to bother preparing the solution, purchase it at the pharmacy. Aqua Maris or Salin will do an excellent job of moisturizing the sinuses and removing bacteria and germs. These drugs have no contraindications. They are used for infants and children aged 3 years and older. Older children are prescribed a spray rather than drops. Saline solution, as an alternative to expensive medications, easily copes with the task of cleansing and moisturizing the nasal passages and costs a penny.

Inhalations are considered an effective procedure in the treatment of a runny nose. With their help, the medicine evenly irrigates the mucous membrane and penetrates deep inside. Antibacterial or immunomodulatory drugs should be sprayed throughout the day. Baby has a runny nose it will go faster using these manipulations. It is enough to have a professional device and medicines on hand.

It often happens that snot in a 2 or 3 year old child is associated with allergic reactions. Under the influence of dust and pollen allergens, swelling of the mucous membrane and its inflammation occur. First, you should identify the provoking factor, and then begin treatment. Your child may need antihistamines.

An effective way to combat a runny nose in children under 3 years of age and older is rinsing. This procedure should be carried out every day, not only during the period of illness, but also for preventive purposes. Polluted air can put everyone's health at risk. Daily washing can prevent the attack of viruses, dust and dirt and improve the child’s well-being.

Warm boiled water is quite suitable for this procedure, but sea water is considered more effective. It is also recommended to use infusions medicinal herbs: eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort.

The baby may not like the procedure, so you should tell and explain to him why all this is needed. After several sessions, the child will understand that there is nothing wrong with this and will not be capricious. Rinsing is carried out using a syringe or bulb. The result will become noticeable on the second day. Moreover, it is easier to apply medications to a well-cleaned mucosa, which will have a positive effect on the result.

How to treat a runny nose with rinsing? Carefully. During the first session, it is better not to allow a strong stream to enter the child’s nose. Therefore, the fluid pressure should be carefully controlled. The baby should tilt his head over the sink and open his mouth. This is necessary to ensure that the solution comes out through the mouth without hindrance. One nostril should be closed and the solution should be carefully injected into the other. Then the manipulation must be repeated with the other nostril.

Prolonged rhinitis in a child when he is 2-3 years old is difficult to treat. Treatment must be competent, correct and comprehensive. Parents should carefully monitor the washing procedure. There are several mandatory rules:

  • the solution used must be warm. The process will become more enjoyable for the baby;
  • It is recommended to add medicinal herbs to sea water. Before using infusions, you should make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components;
  • The procedure should not cause discomfort to the baby. If it doesn’t work the first time, you should postpone the action for a while and then try again;
  • The angle of the child's head above the sink should be 45º. This is the optimal position for convenient administration of the solution;
  • The jet pressure should not be strong. Otherwise, bacteria can get from the nasal cavity into inner ear through the Eustachian tube.

Properly performed procedures will improve the child’s well-being and free the nasal passage from mucus.

General warming up

Warming up your feet is a pleasant procedure for kids of any age. Treating children with warming is available to all parents. Our grandmothers knew that soaking your feet in mustard was The best way cope with a cold. The only contraindication is the presence high temperature at the patient.

Mustard powder is added to the heated water at the rate of 2-3 tbsp. l. on a bucket of water. The legs are first lowered into warm water and then add hot. The water temperature should be tolerable for the baby. Redness of the skin indicates that the legs should be doused with more cool water, and then place it back into the hot bucket. Such manipulations are repeated three times. The final stage Cold dousing is completed by wiping the legs. The baby needs to put on woolen socks and put him to bed. Mustard warming will help the nose to breathe freely and improve the patient’s well-being. This procedure is also effective during coughing.

Children 4 years of age and older are easier to treat. They already understand what is required of them and try to fulfill all the requests of their parents. It is difficult to treat infants, so you should not start the disease, but prevent its occurrence.

For rhinitis, the pediatrician may prescribe. The action can take place in a clinic in a physiotherapy room or at home. Often young mothers use homemade nasal warmers. This could be a cloth with salt or just a clean sock. This method is indicated in the early stages of ARVI in the presence of clean ones. Do not use a heating pad for purulent, yellow discharge and elevated temperature. It is pointless for allergic rhinitis.

The purpose of heating is to increase the temperature in tissues that are affected by infection. In such conditions, viruses are destroyed faster and more efficiently. There are several ways to make a heating pad:

  1. Rice, sock and eucalyptus oil. Pour the rice into a sock and add eucalyptus oil. Pull the sock tightly together to create a tight roll. Place it on the lid of a saucepan or frying pan standing on the fire. When the bag becomes warm, apply it to the wings of the nose for a while.
  2. Salt and sock. Heat coarse salt in a frying pan and place it in a sock. We fix it with thread and apply it to the sinuses.
  3. Boiled egg and handkerchief. We wrap the warm egg in a scarf and hold it at the bridge of the nose for some time.

The temperature of the heating pad should not be higher than 45-50ºС, so as not to burn delicate skin child, but it must fulfill its function. The bag is usually applied to the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose. The procedure should be performed as often as possible so that the nasal passages are warm and breathing is not difficult.

Any for children should be agreed with your pediatrician. It often happens that some procedures are contraindicated for a baby, although they are considered universal and safe. Only a doctor can determine the cause of a runny nose and protect the baby as much as possible from negative consequences.

Drug therapy

Pharmacy counters are crowded with all kinds of drugs that are aimed at fighting colds and runny nose. These include Nazol Baby and Vibrocil, whose effect lasts up to 6 hours. The drugs can be used from the first year of life. A runny nose in a 5-year-old child can be cured with such remedies as Nazivin, Tizin, Ximelin. It is enough to read the instructions and follow their instructions.

Use herbal nasal drops. They are indicated for bacterial rhinitis, for thick rhinitis. Drops help the body destroy pathogenic bacteria in the nose. Herbs have antiseptic and antibacterial effect, helping the mucous membrane cope with viruses, and enhance the effect of the work immune system.

Nose massage

Sometimes massage is used to treat a runny nose. It can be used in combination with other procedures. It is important that the movements are correct and professional.

Normalization of the microclimate, moisturizing the nose, drinking plenty of fluids and drug treatment are the main procedures in the treatment of a runny nose. Massage and herbal drops are only an auxiliary link that helps shorten the course of the disease and reduce the risk of complications.

What to do if a child has a runny nose if you are not a supporter of “chemistry”? Fresh air, vitamin complex, proper diet nutrition is what you need for your baby’s fragile immunity.

Increased secretion of mucus from the nose in children occurs more often than in adults, and occurs in a more severe form. Prolonged rhinitis eventually spreads to the lungs and bronchi, and inflammation of the ear (otitis) develops. For this reason it is necessary fast treatment runny nose in children at home, which is carried out both with medication and folk recipes. To avoid complications, the child needs to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and return normal breathing through the nose.

What is a runny nose in children

Main symptom infantile rhinitis - intensive formation of nasal mucus, which in itself is not dangerous to health. It traps dust particles, moisturizes the inhaled air, has antiseptic, protective properties. However, with infectious or viral disease the amount of mucus increases several times, because the body begins to intensively produce muconasal secretions in order to remove pathological microorganisms from the nasopharynx. As a result, the baby suffers from a profuse runny nose.

How to cure

In most cases, treatment of a runny nose in a child occurs at home. If the cold develops complications, hospitalization may be required. Urgent health care is required for a baby or preschooler if he/she has:

There are several treatment methods to eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose. The first thing to do is to clear the nasal passages of mucus with a disinfecting solution. For this purpose they are used saline solutions, based sea ​​salt, Miramistina, Furacilina. Next, the method of treating a runny nose is prescribed by a doctor. individually, depending on the cause of the pathology.

Preparations for the treatment of runny nose in children

To quickly treat a runny nose in children, use different groups and forms of drugs. For children under 6 years of age, medications are used in the form of drops, and for adolescents, a spray is used. After diagnosis, doctors prescribe treatment with one or more of the following: medicinal groups:

  • vasoconstrictors, after which the swelling of the nasal mucosa disappears and breathing is restored;
  • hormonal, with anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, anti-allergic activity;
  • antiseptic, used to destroy viruses and fungi during bacterial rhinitis;
  • antiviral, which are designed to destroy the virus that enters the body;
  • immunomodulatory drugs, which should be used at the beginning of the disease to avoid taking antiseptics and antibacterial agents;
  • homeopathic, having an anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect in acute rhinitis;
  • antihistamines, which are prescribed for allergic rhinitis.


Among children's medicinal drops for intranasal administration there are antibacterial drugs, vasoconstrictors, antihistamines and medications for nourishing and softening the mucous membrane, prepared on an oil basis. Most Popular:

  1. Sanorin. Drops have fast vasoconstrictor effect. Treatment of runny nose in children with Sanorin is prescribed from the age of two. Dosage: from 2-6 years – 1 drop 2-3 times/day in each nostril, from 6 to 15 – 2 drops 3 times/day. Drops are used for 3 days. Long-term use leads to reactive hyperemia of the nasal mucosa and chronic congestion.
  2. Nazol Advance. Combination drug, used to treat acute rhinitis of various etiologies. Before use, it is recommended to clean the nasal passages with saline, then drop 2 doses into each passage 2 times/day. The duration of the course is no more than 3 days. If used incorrectly, it may cause headache, nausea, increased fatigue.

Furacilin nasal drops for children

If a runny nose develops during a cold, this indicates the active proliferation of bacteria in the nasal cavity. Help the child's body get rid of unpleasant condition Furacilin-adrenaline drops will help. As the name implies, the composition of the drug contains two components. Furacilin is an excellent antiseptic that is used even for purulent sinusitis.

Adrenaline quickly constricts blood vessels, which makes breathing through the nose easier. IN pediatric practice this drug prescribed in minimum concentration: instill 2-3 drops into each nasal passage no more than 3 times a day. Duration of use: 3 days. If during this period the symptoms of a runny nose have not disappeared, it is prescribed full course treatment with drops, but not more than 7 days.

Nasal sprays

Long and copious discharge from the nose are quickly eliminated with nasal sprays. When irrigating the nasopharynx, particles of the medicine even reach the internal sinuses, and the design of the bottle eliminates overdose and the development of adverse reactions. The most popular drugs for children:

  1. Snoop. It has a vasoconstrictor effect, quickly and effectively relieves swelling of the mucous membrane. The spray is intended for the treatment of children over 2 years of age. Prescribe 1 injection 2-3 times/day for no more than 7 days. Do not use Snoop for atherosclerosis, hypertension, or hypersensitivity to components.
  2. Vibrocil. Combined remedy, which is prescribed for bacterial, viral or allergic rhinitis. The vasoconstrictor effect is weakly expressed. It has an antihistamine and decongestant effect. anti-inflammatory effect. Prescribed to children over 6 years of age: 1-2 injections 3-4 times/day for 7 days. If used incorrectly, allergic reactions and drug-induced rhinitis may develop.


Effective home method treatment of a runny nose - inhalation of steam (inhalation with a nebulizer or decoctions of medicinal herbs). Therapy is indicated for children whose rhinitis has developed due to ARVI or a cold. If the runny nose is of an allergic nature, then inhalation with decoctions or other means will not help. In any case, this method of treatment must be agreed with a doctor. Why is inhalation needed? Using this procedure you can:

  • clear the nasal cavity of secretions;
  • moisturize the nasal mucosa;
  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • deliver antiseptics, anti-inflammatory and other drugs to the site of inflammation.


For prolonged mucous discharge from the nose at any complex treatment nasal rinses are prescribed saline solution. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. The benefit of rinsing is that sodium chloride in composition is close in concentration to blood serum, therefore children's body does not regard it as a foreign element. The saline solution stimulates the cells ciliated epithelium to an active immune response. Rinsing is indicated not only for the treatment of a runny nose, but also for preventive cleaning of the nose of infants.

How to warm up your nose at home

If the cause of rhinitis in a child is a virus, then effective treatment Vasoconstrictors and warm compresses will be used. Boiled water can serve as a nasal warmer. egg, warmed table salt, rye flatbread. All these products are warmly wrapped in cloth and applied to the sinuses. Compresses should be done at night, as it is possible to retain heat longer by wrapping your son or daughter more tightly and putting him to bed.

How to treat a developing runny nose

Snot at the initial stage of the disease (if rhinitis is not accompanied by fever) can be removed by rinsing the nose saline solution. Folk remedies for runny noses for children give good results. Excellent antiseptic properties has a mixture of aloe juice with a solution of honey (1:1 with water). The drug is used for incipient rhinitis of various etiologies. To prepare it, you need to place the aloe leaf in the refrigerator overnight, then squeeze out the juice using a grater. Water solution Honey should be mixed with juice 1:1 and instilled into each nasal passage 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Treatment of persistent runny nose in children

Relieve symptoms of sinusitis or chronic rhinitis Antiseptics and rinsing the nose with saline solutions will help. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses will be removed vasoconstrictor drops and inhalation of mucolytics (mucus thinners). For a purulent runny nose, you must:

  • carry out systemic antibacterial therapy (Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin);
  • use local anti-inflammatory drugs (Pinosol, Hydrocortisone);
  • resort to physiotherapy (UHF, SMV).

How to treat a bacterial runny nose

The treatment regimen is based on eliminating pathogenic bacteria, therefore, includes cleaning the nasal cavity, increasing immunity, restoring mucous tissue and preventive measures to exclude relapses. Medicines are widely used for external use in the form of ointments, sprays, drops in combination with traditional methods. Excellent results were recorded when rinsing the nose with sage decoction and pharmaceutical chamomile. To eliminate a bacterial infection, a complex administration of drops is recommended: Vibrocil, after 5 minutes Miramistin, after 5 minutes Isofra.

Treatment of runny nose in children with folk remedies quickly

In the treatment of rhinitis as aid perfect essential oil eucalyptus. You can use it in several ways: dilute it with water 1:4 and rinse the child’s nose three times a day or instill in the nasal passages 4 times a day. No less effective for prolonged rhinitis is onion juice diluted with water (3 drops per 5 ml). 2 drops of it should be instilled into each nostril 2-3 times a day. Diluted with water 1:1 Kalanchoe juice also gives fast healing effect to remove excess mucus from the nose. It must be instilled for a runny nose at any stage 2-3 times a day.


Rhinitis happens to every person and, as a rule, does not cause any special problems for adults. But 2 has a runny nose year old child causes him discomfort, which is not so easy to get rid of. The baby becomes whiny, and nights turn into a nightmare, because a stuffy nose does not allow you to breathe freely.

What is a runny nose and why does it appear?

Snot is a natural reaction of any body to an attack by viruses or allergens. The nasal mucosa tries to protect the body from harmful invasion by increasing the secretion of mucus. That is, it turns out that this condition is not a problem at all, but it does cause discomfort? What to do - or not to treat a runny nose in a 2-year-old child?

A child has a runny nose - what to do?

In order to unpleasant disease passed as soon as possible, you need to create suitable conditions for this. Cool air between 18-20°C will be the best treatment. To keep the child warm, he needs to be well dressed, but the air should not be warmed additionally. If the apartment is hot, then the temperature can be reduced by regular cross-ventilation, during which the baby needs to be taken to another room.

The second component get well soon is the air humidity of the room in which the baby is awake and sleeping; for a sick toddler it should be in the range of 60-70%. To measure the saturation of air with moisture, every home must have a device - a hygrometer. When the indicators do not correspond to the norm, a modern gadget will come to the rescue - it is very useful not only in a family with small children, but also for adults.

And finally, the third mandatory point is to give the baby plenty of water and often. Even if he refuses, give lukewarm compotes, fruit drinks or clean water You need at least a teaspoon every 10 minutes. The body must not be dehydrated.

If the air is dry and warm, and the child does not drink liquid, this will very quickly lead to the mucus in the nose drying out and the nasal streams will be replaced by congestion, which is less tolerated by the child. But this is not the only problem. A dry nose, not protected by mucus, allows germs to pass further into the throat, trachea, bronchi and lungs. And a common runny nose develops into bronchitis or pneumonia, although it could have ended in the nose if measures had been followed.

Cold remedies for children

In order for the nose to breathe normally, especially at night, it needs help. First of all, these are a variety of saline solutions that abound on pharmacy shelves. You can make it yourself from boiled water and sea salt. You need to moisturize the mucous membranes with these salty drops every two hours. After a few minutes, the nose should be cleaned with cotton wool, and then oil drops should be instilled into it, intended for the treatment of a runny nose in a 2-year-old child.

Vasoconstrictor drops, as a rule, only worsen the situation. Firstly, they very dry out the nasal mucosa and even the nasopharynx, which leads to coughing and sore throat. Secondly, the nose is able to breathe freely for a while, but then it becomes blocked again and a vicious circle is formed, the body gets used to the drops and can no longer live without them.

Is it possible to cure a child’s runny nose with folk remedies?

Our grandmothers always knew how to rid a child of a runny nose. Many mothers still put their experience into practice today. Folk remedies can alleviate a child’s condition, but you just need to be sure that the baby will not respond with an allergic reaction to seemingly harmless homemade “medicines.”

To treat a runny nose in a 2-year-old child, use steam inhalations with eucalyptus and mint. You can steam the legs, but no more than 5 minutes. Apply to the nose on both sides boiled egg, wrapped in a handkerchief.

At home, you can instill in your baby Kalanchoe juice diluted with water, a mixture of carrot, beet and honey juices - with a mandatory sensitivity test, because these are potential allergens.

You need to be careful and use only when liquid snot, because it quickly dries out the mucous membrane. And don’t forget to lubricate your baby’s skin near the nose with Vaseline to prevent irritation from a runny nose.

Many parents are faced with this problem - how to treat a child’s runny nose if it literally haunts the baby? Didn't have time to register preschool, and the runny nose is already overwhelming. We just had treatment and a few days later the nose began to run again. People with a sniffling nose are not allowed into the garden. So how can you get rid of this annoying disease, and why does this happen?

The disease does not lag behind, first of all, because the baby’s immune system is not yet formed (final formation occurs by the age of 10). In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in a group of 20-30 children, the concentration of viruses and bacteria is very high. Should not be discounted and emotional stress associated with a change of environment.

First aid

Before treating a child’s runny nose with medications or folk remedies, try to alleviate the baby’s condition using available methods:

  • If the baby feels unwell and starts sniffling, take immediate action and provide the baby with bedding or flooring. bed rest. It’s easier to sit at home for 1-2 days and stop the disease by early stage How to cure a child’s runny nose, which has become protracted, accompanied by elevated temperature, cough and other “cold delights”;
  • Place a pillow under the child’s shoulders and head so that the head and upper body are at an angle of 45° relative to the bed and the baby can lie comfortably. This will allow the mucus formed in the nose to separate more easily, which will make breathing much easier;
  • give plenty of warm drinks– tea with raspberry jam or with currants, cranberries, sea buckthorn. These berries are famous high content vitamin C, which successfully fights viral infection. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect and can strengthen the immune system. A child of two to four years old needs to drink up to 1 liter of liquid per day;
  • You can also give warmed alkaline mineral water(non-carbonated) – viruses die in an alkaline environment. To do this, it is better to buy such water at the pharmacy. Drinking plenty of fluids facilitates the passage of nasal mucus and reduces intoxication of the body caused by the activity of viruses and bacteria;
  • Provide your baby with dietary nutrition - reduce the amount of meat and fat. Digesting heavy meat foods requires a lot of energy and enzymes, and the body of a sick child needs strength to fight a cold.

Moisturizing the nasal mucous membranes

It is very important to prevent mucus from drying out in your nose. Since this can completely upset nasal breathing. Therefore, it is necessary to moisturize the nasal passages with saline solution. It is quite easy to prepare such a solution at home:

  • dissolve ¼ tbsp in a glass of boiled water. l table salt and one drop of iodine;
  • Dissolve 1 tbsp in a liter of boiled water. l. sea ​​salt, filter through cheesecloth;
  • dissolve ½ tsp in a glass of boiled water. regular salt and soda on the tip of a knife.

The saline solution is instilled 3-4 drops into each nostril. You can repeat the procedure every half hour or hour. The first instillation may cause discomfort in a child, and also provoke sneezing, coughing and even the urge to vomit. But after several procedures, the mucous membranes of the nose and throat will no longer be so sensitive and such reactions will disappear.

The saline solution quickly clears the nose of dust and germs, softens dry crusts, promotes the removal of mucus and makes breathing easier. If you don’t want to prepare the solution yourself, you can use pharmaceutical drugs- such as "Aquamaris" or "Saline".

These drugs have no contraindications, come in different concentrations, and are applicable even for infants. Therefore, when answering the question: “How to cure a child’s runny nose?”, pharmacists in pharmacies, first of all, recommend these very remedies. Regular saline solution also successfully copes with the task of moisturizing and cleansing the nasal passages.

Without starting the disease by taking necessary measures immediately, it is quite possible to get by only with the above methods and means. The runny nose will go away very quickly - in one or two days and without the use of other drugs.


If you can’t get by with improvised means alone, the runny nose gets worse, the mucous membranes swell and nasal breathing becomes very difficult - parents are faced with a dilemma: to use or not to use vasoconstrictor drugs. After all, the effect of these drugs is obvious, but there is a danger of complications.

So, a runny nose in a two to four year old child – how to treat it? And how justified is the use of decongestants ( vasoconstrictor drops) to facilitate nasal breathing? It should be noted that complications arise not because of medications, but because of their illiterate use. It is unacceptable to use “adult” concentrations of the drug for children or increase the prescribed dosage, as well as more frequent and prolonged use.

However, failure to use decongestants can also lead to the development of complications such as sinusitis. The fact is that all nasal sinuses (maxillary, frontal, ethmoid and sphenoid) open with small openings into the nasal cavity. It is through these openings that the sinuses are cleansed of germs along with nasal mucus.

In children, these holes are so small that when severe swelling the nasal mucosa completely closes them. As a result, microbes accumulate in the sinuses, which leads to acute inflammation– sinusitis.

When choosing a medicine for a child’s runny nose, you should pay attention to the active substance and its percentage (concentration) indicated on the box or in the instructions.

Active substance - "Phenylephrine"

Medicines containing phenylephrine (mesaton) are used to ease nasal breathing during influenza, hay fever, colds, and also when allergic reactions accompanied by rhinitis or sinusitis:

  • "Vibrocil" - drops. Can be used in children with infancy, but no more than seven days. Duration of action is six to eight hours. Instill three to four times a day. For children under one year old – one drop in each nasal passage. Children from one to six years old – 1-2 drops. Children over six years old – 3-4 drops. Before use, it is necessary for the baby to thoroughly blow his nose and then rinse nasal cavity saline solution or Aquamaris;
  • "Nazol Baby 0.125%" - drops. This drug should be used with caution, no more than three days. It is not recommended for use in children under one year of age. Duration of action is up to six hours. Dosage for children from one year to six years – 1-2 drops in each nostril, no more often than every six hours. Children over six years old – 3-4 drops. After use, the pipette on the bottle must be wiped dry.
  • "Polydex with phenylephrine" - nasal spray. Can be used in children from two to fifteen years of age. The course of treatment is five to ten days. Duration of action is eight to ten hours. Dosage: one injection into the nasal passage three times a day, holding the bottle in vertical position. Cannot be used in children suffering from renal failure.

Active substance – “Imidazoline”

"Imidazoline" ("Xylometazoline") with local application reduces swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and reduces the amount of secretion. Used to facilitate nasal breathing in acute, vasomotor, allergic rhinitis and inflammation paranasal sinuses nose Nasal drops containing imidazoline:

  • “Naphthyzin 0.025%” is intended for children aged two to six years. But given the too short duration of action and possible side effects– not recommended for use in the treatment of runny nose in children;
  • "Otrivin Baby" - can be used from infancy, but no more than ten days. Duration of action is ten to twelve hours. For infants and children under six years of age, instill 1-2 drops into each nostril twice a day. Children over six years old – 2-3 drops up to four times a day. Before use, clear the nasal passages of mucus and dry crusts.
  • "Xymelin 0.05%" - for the treatment of runny nose in children from two to six years old. The duration of action of the drug is 12 hours. Use with caution, no more than three to five days. Children aged two to six years are instilled with 1-2 drops 1-2 times a day. For children over six years old, Xymelin 0.1% is used to treat rhinitis - 2-3 drops in each nasal passage, no more than three times a day;
  • “Nazivin 0.025%” is used in children aged from one to six years. The course of treatment is no more than three to five days. Has a long-lasting effect – 10-12 hours. Place 1-2 drops in each nostril 2-3 times a day. Nazivin solution with percentage 0.01% is prescribed to children under one year of age - a drop in each nostril twice a day. And “Nazivin 0.05%” is used for children over six years old, 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day.

When wondering how to cure a runny nose in a child, you should remember that vasoconstrictors do not cure a runny nose, but only provide temporary relief.

Vasoconstrictor drops are contraindicated in children suffering from disorders heart rate, increase blood pressure, as well as children with diseases thyroid gland and diabetes.

Home remedies for treating runny nose in children

Very effective methods of dealing with a runny nose at home, such as rinsing the nose and warming the feet. These methods have been known for a long time and their effectiveness has been tested by time.

Nasal rinsing can be done daily. And not only for treatment, but also for prevention. This procedure is especially useful for urban residents. It allows you to free the nasal mucosa from dust, dirt and germs.

Nasal rinsing

You can rinse your nose with warm boiled water, but the greater effect will be from sea ​​water or infusion of medicinal herbs (calendula, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, eucalyptus).

The washing procedure can be very unpleasant for a child, so you need to set it up in advance and explain that this is very important. Gradually, the baby will get used to it, especially since the result will be noticeable to him immediately.

Rinsing can be done using a small syringe. It is necessary that the child lowers his head face down and tilts it slightly to the side, so that the solution can freely come out through the mouth. The liquid is poured alternately into both nostrils. For the first time, the jet pressure should not be strong so as not to scare the child.

After the first procedure, it will immediately become easier for him to breathe. And the effect of medications for the common cold will be more effective if they are applied to a clean nasal mucosa.

General warming up

Unlike the nasal rinsing procedure, warming the feet is a rather pleasant procedure for the child. Usually children happily agree to “steam their legs with mustard.” It must be remembered that this method of treatment is applicable only if the child does not have a fever.

Mustard is diluted in warm water at the rate of 2-3 tbsp. l. mustard powder on a bucket of water. The child’s feet are first placed in warm water, and then hot water is added, gradually raising the water temperature to 41 0 C. As soon as the feet turn red, you need to pour cool water over them and place them in hot water again.

Should be repeated this procedure three times. After the last cold douche, put woolen socks on the child and put him to bed. Warming with mustard cleanses the nose well, eases the general condition, and helps with coughing. You can warm your hands in the same way.

Of course, it is much easier for parents to cure uncomplicated rhinitis in a child who is already two years old than to treat a runny nose in a newborn child or infant. But even in this case, you must be careful and be sure to consult a pediatrician.

When a runny nose appears in a 2-year-old child, not everyone knows how to treat it. As you know, young children tend to get sick with something all the time, starting from the very beginning. common cold and ending with a disease such as pneumonia. This can be explained by the fact that in a two-year-old child, the immune system has not yet been formed, for this reason the baby’s body is susceptible to influence various kinds negative factors, for example, hypothermia, stress, vitamin deficiency, etc. The same applies to various bacteria and viruses that can enter a child’s body. by airborne droplets, provoking certain pathological conditions. For this reason, a runny nose in children can be considered a very common occurrence.

First measures for rhinitis in a child

Are there universal remedies? If the child is 2 years old, to receive quick effect Every mother should follow some rules. This is the only way to achieve a quick cure.

First, you should refuse to visit kindergarten so that a severe runny nose does not put other children at risk of infection. This will also prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

During the first 2 days, the baby must be provided with bed rest. If a 2-year-old child has a runny nose, you should place a pillow under the child’s head and shoulders for several days in such a way as to ensure a faster release of the resulting mucous secretions.

When a 2-year-old child has a runny nose, the mother should make sure that the baby drinks more fluid. IN in this case It is recommended to prepare drinks from cranberries or currants, as they contain vitamin C. However, consumption large quantity liquid has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens the immune system of the child’s body.

Inhalations will help!

Inhalations are a very effective therapeutic method if Small child fell ill with rhinitis. It is the inhalation procedures that allow the product to be evenly distributed on the mucous membrane. After such events little patient at the age of 2 years, after 2-3 days of treatment, breathing improves, the volume of mucus secreted decreases and normalization occurs general condition. To ensure the best result, inhalations should be carried out up to 3-4 times a day.

Nasal drops

As everyone knows, qualified and adequate treatment is the key to Get well soon. Therefore, before starting treatment for a runny nose in a child, it is imperative to consult a medical specialist.

As a rule, when treating rhinitis in young children, the doctor may prescribe nasal drops that have vasoconstrictor properties. It is not recommended to use this remedy for more than a week. Experts highlight the following nasal drops for babies:

  1. Vibrocil. The duration of their use should not exceed 5-7 days. The desired effect from their use can be achieved in just a couple of minutes, and it will last no more than 6-8 hours.
  2. Nazol Baby - can be used for no more than 3 days. The effect of use lasts a maximum of 3 days.
  3. Nasal drops for children Polydex. This product is approved for use once children reach 2 years of age. Course of treatment using specified means ranges from 5 to 10 days. The effect of using the product is achieved within 3 minutes and lasts no more than 8-9 hours. The procedure should be repeated 3 times during the day. However, there is a contraindication when using this spray: it is prohibited for use in children suffering from renal failure.

What other means exist and how in the shortest possible time?

Traditional methods and other remedies

It should be noted that today mothers have a huge selection of means to combat this problem. Nasal aspirators will help you get rid of a runny nose by clearing mucus from small noses.

If a child has simply developed rhinitis without accompanying pathologies, then treatment of a runny nose in children 2 years old will consist only of cleaning the nasal passages. In such a situation, it is very important to ensure humidity and coolness in the living space. This will avoid irritation and dryness of the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ.

Very effective means in the fight against rhinitis there will be a saline solution to avoid dryness in the nasal cavity. A similar solution should be instilled into the baby’s nose, 2-3 drops in each nostril every 1-1.5 hours.

There are quite a lot of ways, like a child. Conventionally, they can all be divided into 2 groups. The first one should include the use medications, physiotherapy, surgical methods, laser therapy, ultrasound, etc. The second group includes products prepared according to traditional medicine recipes.

To determine the nature of the disease and its treatment tactics, mother and baby will need to visit the attending physician. As in any other case, treatment of rhinitis in a 2-year-old child will depend entirely on the signs, form and stage pathological condition. Therapy will be aimed at eliminating both the cause and the symptom of the disease. Highlight initial stage, the main period and stage of recovery.

Surely every mother is interested in the question of how to treat a runny nose in a child (2 years or more). It is depending on the stage of the disease that the doctor prescribes appropriate medications to cure colds, allergies or bacterial infection depending on the nature of the pathology. And it is precisely this tactic that is the only the right decision how to quickly cure a runny nose in a child.

The first signs of rhinitis in acute stage are a feeling of dryness and burning in the nasopharynx. Therefore on initial stage You should use products that moisturize the mucous membrane. Quite often, salt solutions and decoctions are used for these purposes. medicinal herbs.

In pharmacies you can buy Aquador drops, Salin spray, etc. As for decoctions, they are made from medicinal herbs that have antibacterial properties. Such medicines include chamomile, sage, calendula, etc.

In the main period of the disease or the so-called stage of heavy mucous discharge, to treat rhinitis in a two-year-old baby, you should use agents that have vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antiallergic properties.

The former allow you to reduce the intensity of mucus secreted from the nasal cavity. However, fathers and mothers should be careful in using them, as they can eliminate symptoms, but do not get rid of the disease. It should also be remembered that vasoconstrictor drops are used for no more than 3-5 days, as further on they will become addictive.

Antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs help suppress the development viral infection, reduce the degree of swelling and irritation of the mucous membrane. Drugs with this effect are currently available in the form of capsules, nasal drops, tablets and rectal suppositories.

Regarding application folk remedies in the fight against rhinitis at this stage of the disease, nasal drops of onion or garlic juice diluted with cooled boiled water in a ratio of 1:10 are most often used. To somewhat reduce the degree of irritation, it is better to prepare similar drops based on olive or ordinary sunflower oil.

If rhinitis in a two-year-old child was diagnosed already at the stage scanty discharge, then the treatment will be as follows:

  • softening dried crusts in the nose and facilitating their removal from the nasal cavity;
  • antibacterial therapy;
  • moisturizing the mucous membrane and restoring its functions;
  • stimulation of the baby's immune system.

To solve the problem of crusts in the nose, the child needs to rinse with 2% soda solution, 1% hydrogen peroxide solution and 1% dioxidine solution. After you have managed to get rid of them, the walls of the nasal cavity should be lubricated with ointments and oils that have antibacterial properties.

Rhinitis in children is not uncommon. The main thing in this situation is not to let the problem get worse, but to seek help from a doctor in a timely manner and receive an appropriate course of therapy.

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