Asian centella – Centella asiatica. Gotu kola: a small plant with miraculous medicinal properties

Good day, my wonderful readers. For decades now, leading experts in the field of beauty and health have been searching for the elixir of youth. Of course, the most drastic solution remains surgical intervention. But only 3-5% of women decide to go under the knife. Most people prefer to use natural remedies. For example, centella asiatica is often used in cosmetology. It's simple magic plant. Today we’ll talk about it.

This inconspicuous weed with a thin stem is also called gotu kola. It grows in swampy areas and along ditches. And, by the way, not only in Asia, but in Northern Australia, New Guinea, etc. In some Asian countries it is added to dishes, eaten as salad and made into nutritional supplements.

By the way, looking at the grass, it reminded me of the one we ate in Thailand in pots. It was served fresh on a separate plate with the main course. And you could layer as much as you wanted. It tastes like ordinary grass with a slightly sweet taste. It is quite possible that this plant also helped improve my health :)

But the discovery of the healing properties of this amazing plant was facilitated by observation of the animal world. For example, when Asian tigers were injured in battle with their opponents, gotu kola came to the rescue. Predators rolled their backs on this grass, causing the wounds to quickly heal. Maybe that’s why the plant began to be called tiger grass?

The effects of centella asiatica on the body

This plant has a rich chemical composition. Here are present:

  • flavonoids (kempfrol, rutin, quercetin and others);
  • saponins;
  • tannins;
  • lactone;
  • glycosides;
  • madecassoside;
  • essential oil;
  • starch;
  • asparagine;
  • catecholamine;
  • vitamins B, E, K.

Thanks to such a rich chemical composition, this plant is distinguished by its immuno-strengthening, anti-sclerotic and hypotensive actions. The saponins present here stimulate the production of neurotransmitter. He, in turn, activates the activity nervous system and stimulates cerebral circulation. And this improves memory, helps to concentrate, and also increases mental workload.

In addition, preparations containing gotu kola extract can be used to remove toxins and waste from the body.

We sell it in the form of dietary supplements in online stores, or you can buy it in a pharmacy called Centella Asiatica.

The effect of centella asiatica on the skin

Since it contains magnesium, this medicinal plant has antispasmodic and antioxidant effect. In addition, this component improves the functioning of blood vessels. Thanks to this, the cells receive proper nutrition. And the skin looks healthier and more beautiful.

In cosmetics, the most interesting component of centella is Madecassoside. It helps to visibly rejuvenate the skin by stimulating the synthesis of its own collagen and repairing existing damage. However, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that madecassoside is not just the active element of centella. This is a pure isolate.

It was called "a unique molecule created in Laboratories La Roche-Posay" Not every plant can induce collagen synthesis.

It has been scientifically proven that madecassoside affects the skin in three directions. It has a rejuvenating effect, plus it has anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. This component stimulates the synthesis of type I and III collagen. But it is he who suffers primarily during skin aging.

The main purpose of such a component:

  • relieving inflammation on the skin;
  • stimulation of collagen synthesis;
  • reduction of deep wrinkles due to tissue regeneration;
  • due to its strong anti-inflammatory effect, it can be used in the treatment of psoriasis, dermatitis and other diseases;
  • stimulation of the epithelization process;
  • used in plastic surgery at the stage of skin restoration.

The extract of this miracle plant is often present in anti-aging cosmetics as a stimulating agent for reducing the depth of wrinkles. After using this cream, skin turgor improves - it becomes elastic, toned and more even.

Madecassoside is also added to hair restoration products. I have described one of them below. Combined with this product it works wonders.

The use of centella asiatica in cosmetics

In cosmetology, not only madecassoside is used, but also other compounds. They are also pure isolates, which are obtained from centella by extraction. These are asiatic and madecassic acids, as well as asiaticosides.

These components are very similar to each other. They perfectly moisturize the skin and stimulate the production hyaluronic acid. Such compounds carry out the synthesis of type 1 collagen, perfectly heal wounds, reduce scars and relieve inflammation.

A healing extract is used to make cosmetic products. It is obtained from the plant's leaves and stems, collected and dried before the centella blooms. The raw materials are dried in special drums and ground to flour. This powder is then steam distilled. As a result, a miraculous extract is obtained.

Currently, the extract is added to anti-cellulite and anti-aging products. This ingredient is found in treatments for repairing irritated dry skin and treating acne to repair and reduce scarring.

Madecassoside's ability to improve blood circulation has proven effective in anti-hair loss products.

I have selected some remedies for you famous brands where this remedy is present.

Redermic C for eyelids – anti-aging product

This is an innovative product developed by La Roche-Posay dermatologists. As part of the ointment, madecassoside works in tandem with vitamin C. Moreover, the latter has a very high concentration. Thanks to this unique formula, the product effectively fights superficial signs of aging. And it also corrects deeper wrinkles – making them barely noticeable.

In addition, this cosmetic product wonderfully brightens the skin. This eye ointment also fights free radicals and protects collagen from destruction.

The product has a pleasant texture. It gives the skin tenderness and comfort.

Balm “Cicaplast Baume B5” - restoring softening cream

This cosmetic product from La Roche is a real lifesaver. The product has no contraindications and is highly tolerable. Therefore, it can be used both when caring for children and for adult skin.

La Roche Balm “Cicaplast Baume B5” contains:

  • madecassoside + complex (zinc-manganese-copper) – provides skin restoration and disinfects it;
  • 5% panthenol – soothes irritated skin.

Can be used for eczema, after aesthetic or laser procedure. This multi-restorative balm can be applied to the body, as well as the face or lips. The main thing is to avoid the skin of the eyelids. The result is noticeable immediately after application: the skin is calmed and restored.

"Kerium" against hair loss

If your hair begins to actively fall out, do not panic. La Roche has Kerium in its arsenal for you.

This cosmetic product contains madecassoside and amenixil. The first active component relieves inflammation hair follicles and therefore prevents hair loss. The second, in turn, strengthens the hair root. This “sweet couple” will save you from baldness :)

Balm stick Vichy Aqualia Thermal

The result is noticeable immediately after use. The look becomes lively and bright, and the eyes become expressive.

Of course this is not a list of all cosmetic preparations, where centella asiatica is used. But now, friends, you know what magical properties it has and where its extracts are found. But now you will know what this ingredient is in the ointment or cream :)

Gotu Kola (or Centella) is a popular herbaceous plant found in Africa, India and South Asia. Rich in vitamins and microelements. Kola grass has long been used as food for a large number of diseases. What are the beneficial properties of this plant, its indications for use and contraindications?

Gotu Kola (or Centella) is a popular herbaceous plant found in Africa, India and South Asia.

In Asian countries, it is used raw for food, as an additive to dishes. It is possible to use tiger grass as an additive to sauces or herbal teas (especially with ginseng).

Centella asiatica is the most effective means, used in restorative medicine in the treatment of diseases of almost the entire body. It has been proven that it can significantly increase life expectancy. For example, a certain Chinese legend tells about a connoisseur of medicinal plants who constantly drank tea from this herb and lived for over 250 years. Of course, such a life expectancy is unlikely to be realistic. However, there is some truth in every fairy tale: centella really increases the body's endurance and helps strengthen its protective functions.

In many Asian countries, tiger grass (this is also the name of this plant) is considered a remedy that improves metabolism. Preparations based on this exotic herb are used to treat severe forms bronchitis, tuberculosis and even leprosy. All preparations prepared on its basis have a strong and versatile effect on the body. Known wide application it as a wound-healing, anti-ulcer agent.

In Asian countries, it is used raw for food, as an additive to dishes.

Not without exaggeration, Centella asiatica is called the “fountain of youth” in China. The fact is that the plant not only prolongs life, but also literally restores youth. A person feels much better, as his memory and thinking improve, and fatigue goes away. Some even manage to reset excess weight, because herbal preparations activate metabolic processes, which contributes to the destruction of subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Another name for the grass (tiger grass) comes from the fact that it grows in dense thickets. Tigers often lie in the thicket of the plant to heal their wounds.

Gallery: Gotu Kola (25 photos)

Beneficial features

According to clinical trial, this herb has versatility pharmachologic effect on human body. Has a balancing effect on cells.

The main substances included in the composition are as follows:

  • triterpene saponins (such as centelloside, brachmoside, madecassoside, madecassic and other active organic acids);
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • sterols;
  • microelements;
  • vitamins.

Studies on fibroblasts show that triterpenoids contribute to a significant increase in the amount of collagen. Gotu Kola helps restore skin even after radiation damage. An increase in the amount of collagen produced improves the epithelization of the skin, making the healing process noticeably faster.

Asiaticoside exhibits pronounced antioxidant activity. Even short-term use of centella preparations shows an increase in the content of non-enzymatic antioxidants in the blood. Again, an increase in the amount of antioxidants promotes active regeneration of the skin.

The plant promotes active recovery blood circulation in veins and capillaries. This allows you to achieve the following positive effects:

  • relieve signs of varicose veins;
  • cure phlebitis;
  • eliminate muscle cramps;
  • eliminate signs of heaviness in the lower extremities.

Without exaggeration, Centella asiatica is called the “fountain of youth” in China.

One of unique properties centellas - restoration of the central nervous system. IN Lately The plant has become popular precisely because it is active as a tonic for a tired brain. Increased blood circulation in the central nervous system helps improve memory and attention, and increases a person’s intellectual capabilities. In this case, it is possible to achieve the following effects:

  • relieve mental stress;
  • overcome fear and anxiety;
  • eliminate depression;
  • improve state of mind person with schizophrenia, epilepsy.

Such beneficial properties make it possible to use centella preparations as a remedy with powerful restorative and regenerating effects.

Gotu Kola - clear mind, memory, thinking (video)

Indications and method of use of dietary supplements

The dietary supplement Centella asiatica is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Phlebeurysm.
  2. Disorders of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Various circulatory disorders.
  4. All types of diabetes.
  5. Chronic stress and overwork.
  6. Epilepsy.
  7. Atherosclerosis of the arteries.
  8. Mental disorders.
  9. All kinds of diseases of the central or peripheral nervous system.
  10. Arterial hypertension.
  11. Thermal and chemical burns.
  12. Cuts, trophic ulcers.
  13. Disorders in women during menopause and menopause.
  14. Decreased immunity.

Centella is used only strictly according to the attached instructions. For each specific disease there is an appropriate dosage. If a person decides to take a dietary supplement, instructions are necessary in each case, as well as contacting a doctor: only he can determine the advisability of taking such a medicine.

The drug is available in powder form (for oral administration) and liquid extract(in case of external use for the treatment of burns and ulcers). Centella can also be used in the form of compresses (however, in this case you need to be very careful not to cause harm).

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that this plant has beneficial properties, it is still not allowed for everyone. There are some contraindications to taking this drug:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • severe gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • decrease in the amount of cholesterol in the blood (determined in laboratory);
  • state of intoxication;
  • recovery of the body after surgery.

The plant is used very carefully in the following cases:

  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • drowsiness;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • elderly age;
  • recovery after myocardial infarction or stroke.

The side effects of this drug are as follows:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • lethargy;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • vomiting, constant nausea;
  • fatigue.

Application in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of the plant allow it to be used for the preparation of high-quality cosmetic preparations. The extract is used in creams and masks for skin that has lost its youthful appearance. It is also added to cosmetic preparations:

  • to combat rosacea and acne;
  • restoring the healthy appearance of the skin around the eyes;
  • skin regeneration after injuries and other lesions;
  • correction of stretch marks and other similar violations of skin integrity.

The drugs are used with great success to get rid of cellulite. Modern laboratories are increasingly using extracts from this plant for comprehensive care over the whole body.

The latest developments of world-famous companies specializing in the production of cosmetics make it possible to use them to restore youthful skin with deep wrinkles. The effectiveness of using tiger grass for rapid skin regeneration after chemical or laser peeling has been noted. Patient reviews indicate high efficiency such procedures.

The combination of centella extract with stem cell preparations makes it possible to create truly real elixirs of youth, restoring a youthful appearance even to deeply withered skin.

Centella asiatica (video)

Is it possible to grow the plant

Today it is possible to grow grass at home. Having even basic knowledge of gardening allows you to do this with great pleasure. It can be planted not only in flowerpots, but also in the garden. It requires well-drained soil containing large quantity sand. The soil is fertilized with compost because centella does not like poor and unproductive soils.

The plant feels very good in the sun and in slightly shaded places. However, you need to be extremely careful in late spring: the grass does not like frost. And if in a given area there is a danger of cold weather returning in the spring, the plant must be protected with film.

Seeds can remain in the soil for a long time. Of course, they can wait the most favorable conditions for seedlings. You can sow seeds in a greenhouse. However, even in such conditions, care must be taken to ensure that the soil has good air permeability.

When planting seeds in the ground, you need to press them a little into the ground. The period of emergence of seedlings is relatively long. Plants can also be transplanted into wetlands. There should be some compost in the holes. Cola even grows in water and can float on its surface. It must be remembered that overdrying the soil is deadly.

Centella - very useful plant for people suffering from a whole bunch of diseases. And if you take drugs from herbaceous plant correctly and carefully, you can soon achieve an amazing effect. If there are any doubts regarding useful action, you can always consult a doctor.

Since ancient times, Gotu Kola (Asian centella) has been used as a remedy in the fight against numerous health problems. It was used to treat hemorrhoids, skin rashes, arthritis and stabilize blood pressure. Due to the presence of vitamins and microelements, the plant, which grows in China, India, and Africa, is part of various drugs, helping to establish metabolism and strengthen the body's defenses.

Gotu Kola is considered one of the key restorative therapies that have been practiced for centuries in China and East Asia.

Chinese healers believe that a potion prepared from centella leaves can increase life expectancy. That is why the crushed plant was taken regularly in the form of jasmine tea.

Features of Gotu Kola Herb:

  • has a sweetish, slightly pungent taste, so it can easily be mixed into food or included in drinks;
  • in the East it is used as a remedy in the fight against bronchitis, asthma and even tuberculosis, it is a component pharmacological drugs, produced in India;
  • has been widely used in dermatology because it has an antiseptic effect;
  • According to numerous biological studies, centella leaves provide a balance to the structure of all cells in our body;
  • to obtain preparations based on Gotu Kola, an extract is isolated from the plant;
  • used in the form of tea and compresses applied to wounds, burns and sutures.

Indications for use

Gotu Kola is a herb that has a complex effect on the human body.
It is used for:

  • memory problems and unstable emotional and mental state;
  • varicose veins (veins are strengthened and restored connective tissues), cramps and tingling in the legs;
  • frequent migraines (due to stabilization blood pressure the pain goes away over time);
  • during menopause;
  • rehabilitation after surgical intervention(general strengthening effect on the body, as well as accelerating tissue growth where the infection is concentrated);
  • skin damage - inflammation, wounds, burns, rashes (due to the presence of glycosides, wounds heal and the scarring process accelerates);
  • disorders of the vegetative-vascular system;
  • asthma and bronchitis.

In common parlance, the plant is called the “memory herb” because it improves all functions of the cerebral cortex. Regular use of herbal extract helps improve thinking, increase intelligence and strengthen memory. This is why Gotu Kola is recommended for use by older people.

In addition, Asian centella is indicated for those who experience prolonged depression and insomnia. Thanks to the active effect on the production of sugar in the blood, blood circulation is improved and the contractile function of the heart muscle is regulated. As shown medical research, in 80% of people who regularly take herbal infusions from centella in the fight against varicose veins veins, the condition of the legs has improved. Mentally retarded children after using plant-based teas, they showed amazing results already in the 6th month: the level of intelligence increased, and concentration on the material being studied improved.

Beneficial features

Due to its rich composition Gotu Kola:

  • has a detoxifying effect on the body, eliminating harmful influence bad habits and protecting us from poor nutrition;
  • improves the conduction of impulses between neurons, which provides a calming effect and stabilization of the nervous system;
  • increases the amount of iron in the blood and regulates sugar levels;
  • relaxes muscle tissue circulatory system, improves blood circulation and heart function;
  • has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, strengthening their walls;
  • produces collagen, which promotes better tissue regeneration;
  • eliminates bronchospasm;
  • widely used in for cosmetic purposes because it improves appearance dermis, restores the structure of hair and nails;
  • relieves mental and physical fatigue.

Composition of grass

The Gotu Kola plant is rich in magnesium. It contains a whole vitamin complex(A, B, E and K). Key substance The herb contains triterpene saponins (approximately 1-4%), which actively stimulate the production of collagen and antioxidants, which are especially important in the first stage of wound healing. In addition, the plant is rich in essential oils, sterols and flavonoids.

Mode of application

Gotu Kola herb can be used raw as a food additive (added to salads and curries). Tea is also brewed on its basis.

The extract obtained from the plant by squeezing is a remedy for healing wounds and burns. It is applied locally - in places that need to be tightened or healed. Asian centella very often serves as the basis for compresses and infusions applied to areas of inflammation. To prepare tea, use 20-30 g of dried or fresh leaves, pouring 150 ml of them. boiling water The resulting liquid is infused for 20 minutes, then consumed orally or as a lotion.

Course of treatment: when taken orally - at least 1 month, in case of local use - until the wounds are completely healed.


The herb is not recommended to be used if you have individual intolerance or symptoms allergic reactions into its components. It is also contraindicated during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

It is prohibited to use decoctions if:

  • oncology;
  • availability serious illnesses Gastrointestinal tract;
  • schizophrenia;
  • bleeding in the lungs;
  • low cholesterol levels.

Be careful when taking Gotu Kola in case of frequent drowsiness, after intoxication of the body or during initial stage recovery after operations. It is not recommended to use the plant extract for elderly people who have reduced content blood glucose, and patients with poor blood clotting.

Possible Negative consequences: dizziness, diarrhea, drowsiness, constipation, as well as allergic reactions in the form of swelling, urticaria or dermatitis.

Where to buy Gotu Kola?

Our online store “Russian Roots” offers to buy Gotu Kola herb at the pharmacy, the price of which will pleasantly please you. By purchasing products directly from the manufacturer, you save significantly on costs.

Advantages of cooperation with us:

  • selling only the highest quality drugs and medicinal herbs, for which all permits are available;
  • Possibility of delivery by courier in Moscow and the region; delivery by mail is available to other regions of the Russian Federation;
  • detailed consultation from experienced pharmacologists regarding the composition of drugs and the features of their use;
  • the possibility of purchasing in one of our herbal pharmacies (the price in the pharmacy is lower than the market average);
  • There is a flexible system of discounts for regular customers.

By purchasing Gotu Kola and other medicinal plants, you can overcome numerous ailments for little money, improve immune system, heart function and blood circulation, as well as speed up wound healing. Remember, natural ingredients have beneficial effect on the health of the body, with virtually no contraindications.

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When re-publishing, attribution and a link to the original source are required.

The plant has long been used in medicine. It contains alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, tannins, and flavonoids. The herb extract is rich in vitamins E and A, magnesium. Thanks to this composition, the drug has an antioxidant and antispasmodic effect. In addition, sentella contains madecassoside, a unique triterpene that stimulates collagen production in the body and has anti-inflammatory and regenerative activity. That is why tiger grass extract is included in anti-aging cosmetics.

Centella asiatica promotes normalization water-salt metabolism. Thanks to this, the turgor of the skin increases and swelling goes away. The wound-healing properties of the plant make it a valuable assistant in the treatment of post-acne, burns, stretch marks, and scars. Gotu kola has a lympho- and venotonic effect, strengthens the walls blood vessels. It is a powerful anti-cellulite agent, as it removes lymphatic congestion, improves blood circulation, and increases the elasticity of connective tissue.

What problems does sentella asiatica solve?

Indications for use of the product are:

  • Acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, itchy skin.
  • Age-related changes skin, photoaging.
  • Pronounced vascular pattern on the skin, rosacea.
  • Hydrolipodystrophy of all stages.
  • Local fat deposits.
  • Weak and damaged hair.
  • Pastosity, swelling, lymphostasis.
  • Superficial phlebothrombosis, periphlebitis, thrombophlebitis.
  • Hair thinning.
  • Constant feeling heaviness in the legs.
  • Striae, scars, scars, post-acne.
  • Preparation and recovery after plastic surgery, liposuction, dermabrasion.

Methods of using mesopreparation

Tiger grass extract often included in creams for problem skin, anti-aging and anti-cellulite cosmetics. The plant can be found in the list of ingredients of anti-varicose veins and after-sun oils. And yet, Sentella asiatica works most effectively at the mesoderm level. prick this drug V pure form not recommended due to the risk of fibrosis.

For preparation, as a rule, take 2 ml of 0.5% sentella asiatica extract. The drug can be mixed with 3.5% hyaluronic acid (3.5 ml) and 20% vitamin C (1 ml). This cocktail is intended for mesolifting in the décolleté, neck, and face areas. To revitalize the skin, use sentella in combination with 0.5% organic silicon (2.5 ml) and 1% sodium pyruvate (2 ml). In order to improve the condition of the bust, a drug based on thyrofolia, 3.5% hyaluronic acid (2.5 ml), multivitamins (2 ml) and DMAE (2 ml) is administered.

The following meso-cocktail is suitable for strengthening blood vessels: Asian sentella, ginkgo biloba (2.5 ml), rutin with meliloto extract (2 ml), 20% caffeine (2 ml). If desired, ginkgo biloba in this composition can be replaced with the same dose of 20% L-carnitine. For lipolysis, sentella is injected under the skin along with 0.5% organic silicon (5 ml) and 20% caffeine (1 ml). Cellulite is treated with a combination of tiger grass extract, 2% artichoke (4 ml) and 20% L-carnitine (4 ml). On average, an active course of Sentella therapy consists of 10 procedures at weekly intervals. Further sessions are carried out once a month to maintain the effect.

Sentella asiatica, both in its pure form and as part of cocktails, can be used under a mesoscooter:

  1. Before the procedure, the device must be disinfected with alcohol.
  2. The skin in the area of ​​intended exposure is cleaned and treated with an antiseptic.
  3. The tip of the sentella ampoule is broken off. The drug is drawn into a clean syringe.
  4. It is applied in doses to the surface of the face or body.
  5. Processed step by step skin mesoscooter. The device is rolled 15–20 times in total, moving in the directions up and down, left and right, and obliquely.
  6. At the end of the procedure, a soothing gel is applied to the skin.
  7. The mesoscooter is disinfected, dried and placed in a box.

The next procedure is done after a week.


Centella asiatica can cause allergies. Individual intolerance to the drug manifests itself in the form of photosensitivity, headache, and rash. If such signs are observed, the use of the extract should be abandoned. The plant should not be used by pregnant or lactating women. Mesotherapy procedures are contraindicated in inflammatory processes, poor blood clotting, epilepsy, fear of injections.

Nature has given man an incredible variety of herbs and fruitful plants to strengthen and restore health, to preserve youth and beauty. Many of them have been known since ancient times, but continue to amaze today with their miraculous properties.

Such priceless gifts include the Asian centella. Its other names are tiger grass, rosemary and gotu kola. This is perennial creeper which was discovered to the world by Ayurvedic medicine more than three thousand years ago. Thanks to a fairly wide range useful properties This herb is used not only for medicinal purposes.

Description and distribution

Centella asiatica (gotu kola) is easily recognizable. In nature, it is found along ditches and in swamps, spreads in dense thickets along the ground, has small, round, kidney-shaped leaves on short petioles with a voluminous hole and inconspicuous yellowish (reddish) flowers. Centella asiatica, despite its geographical prefix, is distributed not only in Asia, but also in Northern Australia and Papua New Guinea. In Asia, it can be found in India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.

According to the widespread opinion of biologists, the discovery medicinal plant Observation of the animal world contributed greatly. So, for example, having received wounds during a fight with an enemy, while hunting, or experiencing internal ailments, they found thickets of centella and literally rolled on their backs. This is probably where the plant got its other name - tiger grass.


The plant is unpretentious in care and does not require feeding or fertilizer; it loves damp, low-lying places. Most often it grows wild, but is easily cultivated. In nature, the plant reaches a height of no more than three centimeters; in private plots with moderate soil fertility it can grow up to 15 cm. Centella can grow quickly and strongly and take over other areas of the land. To prevent it from turning into a weed, it is necessary to periodically thin out the shoots.

In the absence of a plot, centella asiatica can be grown as indoor plant. To do this, you will need a wide, low pot with drainage holes, keeping the soil ball moist and away from direct sunlight.


The healing properties of Asian centella have been known for a long time. If previously it was used only to treat colds and fast healing wounds, then today the spectrum useful qualities expanded significantly. Among the main ones are rejuvenating, moisturizing, healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and strengthening effects.

The extract activates collagen synthesis in the dermis, increases blood microcirculation and skin regeneration, smoothes wrinkles. Ayurvedic medicine attributes centella asiatica with antibacterial properties that help in regulating metabolic processes body and fight against infections, as well as strengthening and stimulating effects on brain and nerve cells.


Centella asiatica, thanks to such a rich list of beneficial qualities, is widely used in cosmetology for facial skin care, in folk medicine, modern pharmaceuticals and healthy eating.

In medicine

On the medical side, there is a huge list of problems that Centella asiatica helps fight. Thus, the plant extract is used in the treatment of fever, hypertension, asthma, tuberculosis, epilepsy, peptic ulcer, neuroses, varicose veins. In addition, tinctures and decoctions are prepared from the roots and stems of Centella Asiatica. They are used as a means to combat and prevent dermatological problems ( acne, burns, psoriasis, eczema). The plant is also known to increase mental activity, therefore its use is useful for adolescent students and the elderly. Relatively recently, science has proven the positive effect of Asian centella in the treatment of oncological diseases and Alzheimer's disease.

In cosmetology

The plant perfectly resolves scars, smoothes scars, heals deep wounds, relieves swelling and fights cellulite. Periodic use of anti-aging procedures with centella asiatica makes facial skin elastic, smooth and gives it a fresh, natural look.

In cooking

Crushed leaves of the herb are added to food and drinks as a tonic, antiseptic and mild laxative. The roots of the plant are also used as food. Milk decoctions from this herb are used in Asian countries as an effective tonic for the nervous system. In addition, centella and ginseng teas, salads and curries (condiments) are popular there.


Today there are many cosmetic and medicines, which includes Centella asiatica. Products include face and body creams, gels, oral capsules, anti-aging masks, serums, tinctures, essential oils and ointments. Centella asiatica is used to create anti-cellulite cosmetics, lotions for problem skin and after-sun oils. The herb is also included in dietary supplements against alcohol addiction(for example, “Alkostop”).

Cosmetic products using Asian centella have special conditions for use and storage. So, creams are applied to the skin with a special spatula (cosmetic spatula), and they are kept only in a cool place (in the refrigerator, on the bottom shelf) and in a tightly closed container. This helps keep everything as safe as possible. medicinal properties components.


Centella asiatica has no contraindications and side effects. Its use may be limited only by individual intolerance. And although healing properties plants help in the treatment of many diseases, skin aging and are especially effective for pregnant women; this is not a panacea for all diseases. Moderate doses of extracts and oils should be observed to avoid allergic reactions. Before use, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

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