What to feed a cat after castration - natural products or industrial food. Nutrition rules for neutered cats

After castration, the cat's hormonal background undergoes major changes. The pet becomes inactive and begins to experience a greater need for food than before the operation. In such a situation, it is important to closely monitor the quantity and quality of food he consumes, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid overfeeding and, as a consequence, obesity.

It is also worth paying attention to the correct ratio of vitamins and elements necessary for the cat’s body, since due to an excess of some of them (phosphorus and calcium), the animal runs the risk of getting urolithiasis.

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    Why is it necessary to change a cat's diet after surgery?

    The essence of castration is to remove reproductive organs, specifically in cats - testes. As a result, a large-scale restructuring is taking place hormonal levels: habits and behavior change. A castrated cat, unlike a sterilized one, no longer needs to find an individual to procreate, and because of this, begins to experience a strong craving for food. The first few months - on average about three - after the operation, the pet constantly wants to eat, and he will eat every time until he wins, until the food in the bowl is completely gone. This happens because the animal does not feel full and does not understand when to stop.

    At the same time, his physical activity begins to sharply decrease. Outdoor games no longer arouse interest in the pet, and all its physical activity comes down to a walk from the bed to the food bowl and back.

    Together, these two factors very quickly lead to obesity and the development of diseases associated with the urinary, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. Due to disturbances in the splitting processes minerals and an excess of phosphorus and calcium in the diet (fish, dairy products) there is a high risk of kidney stones.

    However, this does not mean that every cat becomes disabled after castration. In many ways, everything depends on the conditions of its detention: possible problems can be avoided if the owners are sincerely concerned about the health of their pet.

    "Royal Canin" for castrated cats: types of food and use

    Features of feeding castrates

    Since after surgery a neutered cat is prone to obesity and development urolithiasis, it is necessary to adjust his diet and remember a few general rules that will help keep your pet in good shape.

    1. 1. Due to the changes caused by the operation, regular cat food will not be suitable. Therefore, to begin with, on the advice of veterinarians, you should choose the type of food: industrial food or natural food. It is not recommended to mix these two types, as this can deprive your pet of a balanced diet. The choice must be made in favor of only one.
    2. 2. If the choice falls on industrial feed, you must immediately decide on the brand. Both dry and wet food should be from the same manufacturer, due, again, to a balanced diet.
    3. 3. A castrated cat should be fed frequently and in small portions, precisely calculated according to its age and weight. Even if he begs for more or some tidbit from the table, you cannot indulge him. Feed should be given strictly according to schedule: 4 times a day in a pre-determined gram. At first, your pet will be dissatisfied, but over time, such a diet will help him understand how much food he needs to be satisfied.
    4. 4. The cat should always have immediate access to fresh, clean drinking water. It must be changed at least once a day. And it is desirable that the water be filtered - under no circumstances from the tap! - or at least boiled (ideally bottled).

    Proper nutrition for neutered cats

    Before the operation, you should immediately decide what kind of food the castrated cat will eat: industrial or home-cooked. Each type of nutrition has its pros and cons. Ready-made food, for example, is perfectly balanced in terms of vitamins and necessary for the body cat minerals, but you will have to choose it by trial and error: the purchased brand may simply not suit your pet. This will not happen with natural food, but its disadvantage is that it is extremely difficult to maintain the balance of all macro- and microelements entering the animal’s body through it: it requires a lot of time and precision in measurements.

    Regardless of what food was chosen, you should know the basic rules for feeding neutered cats:

    1. 1. The protein content in the diet should not be less than 50%.
    2. 2. Carbohydrates are the main component that contributes to rapid weight gain, so their content should be limited to 25-30%.
    3. 3. The presence of foods containing phosphorus, magnesium and calcium in the menu should be minimized.

    Industrial (dry and wet) feed

    Industrial food is good because it is completely balanced and does not require additives from natural food. Also, the packages always indicate the serving size calculated for each weight and age category, which greatly simplifies the feeding process for the owners. But you need to be very careful when choosing a brand of industrial food: it is better to choose premium food designed specifically for neutered cats. Firstly, this food has a reduced content of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. And secondly, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it is more balanced than in budget analogues.

    When choosing food, you should pay attention to brands such as:

    • Hills;
    • Natural Balance;
    • Eukanuba;
    • Royal Canin;
    • IAMS;
    • Advance;
    • Purina Pro Plan;
    • Pronature.

    Attention! The share of dry food in the diet of a castrated cat should be about 70% percentage. In addition to dry food, it is recommended to feed your pet wet food from the same manufacturer and from the same series.

    However, premium class status does not guarantee that the food is unconditionally suitable for your pet. This can be checked only after 2-3 weeks of feeding, during which it is necessary to monitor the cat’s condition, noticing any slightest changes: they may signal that this food is not suitable for the animal.

    Natural food

    Natural food products that can and should be fed to a neutered cat include:

    • lean meats (chicken, rabbit, turkey);
    • meat by-products (heart, liver, ventricles, lungs);
    • porridge (millet, rice, corn);
    • vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, cauliflower, cucumbers);
    • meat and vegetable broths;
    • sprouted grains of wheat, oats or barley.

    Attention! You cannot feed a neutered cat foods containing a large number of phosphorus (all types of fish) and calcium (cottage cheese, milk, egg yolk), and food (sweet, salty, smoked) that a person eats.

    But some breeds have contraindications to certain products. For example, starchy vegetables (potatoes, carrots) must be excluded from the Persian’s diet. It is not advisable to give chicken to a Sphynx, canned food to a Briton, and legumes (peas, beans) can cause stomach upset in a Scottish Fold.

    In addition to a properly formulated, balanced diet, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

    • Immediately after surgery, or better yet before, you should consult a veterinarian about taking a course of vitamin injections to maintain general health cat and its rapid adaptation to hormonal changes.
    • To prevent urolithiasis, neutered cats should drink plenty of fluids. The ratio of food consumed to water should be 1 to 3, that is, for every 10 grams of food, the pet should drink 30 grams of water.
    • If a castrated cat has already passed its seven-year mark, it is necessary to slightly adjust its diet: the daily portion of the old pet will have to be cut by 50-100 grams, depending on its weight, and the percentage of fat content will have to be reduced.

Hormonal changes that usually occur after castration surgery require a thorough review of the diet. The future health and life expectancy of your pet largely depend on proper nutrition.

The owner needs to know what to feed a neutered cat in order to avoid problems with his well-being. You will have to constantly monitor what is in the cat's bowl.

Nutritional features of a castrated cat

The behavior of such an animal is characterized by passivity. The loss of one of the most important components of his life, which is the hunt for the opposite sex, usually leads to the cat filling the empty niche with food. He begins to eat a lot and often, which in combination with in a sedentary manner life quickly leads to obesity. Therefore, the main task of the owner is to ensure that his pet does not overeat.

Increased appetite is observed especially in the first two months after surgery. During this period, you need to weigh the cat more often so that at the first signs of weight gain, you can adjust the diet by reducing the amount of food and the frequency of feedings. To ensure that food restrictions do not cause stress to your pet, it is recommended to divide the daily portion into 5-6 parts, giving one at a time when he asks for food.

After castration, the animal becomes at risk - the likelihood of developing urolithiasis increases. The second task facing the owner is to create a menu in such a way as to reduce the number of products with increased content magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, which contribute to the formation of stones.

It is necessary to ensure the animal's constant access to drinking water.

Natural nutrition

Food from the owner's table should not be present in the animal's diet. For a neutered cat, it is necessary to create a separate menu.

It should include the following products:

  • Lean meat (in addition to beef, it can be chicken, rabbit). It should form the bulk of the diet.
  • Boiled by-products.
  • Vegetables (both raw and cooked).
  • Porridge (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat). It is recommended to mix them with meat.
  • Fermented milk products, such as kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, are enough to be given 3 times a week. They are necessary to maintain in good condition intestinal microflora.
  • To improve metabolism in cats, fresh grass is recommended. You can grow it yourself or purchase it at a pet store.

Industrial feed

Dry food is in many ways preferable for castrated animals. It is produced taking into account all veterinary recommendations and is fully balanced composition.

It is not advisable to include general purpose food in the menu of a castrated cat. Many well-known companies produce special product lines for cats who have undergone castration. They are lower in calories and contain minimal amounts mineral salts. It is recommended to select premium or super premium food. Cheap products (Whiskas, Kitty Kat) contain too many vegetable proteins and fats.

Some companies produce food taking into account the age of the animals - for example, for young cats from the moment of surgery until they reach 7 years of age. This is indicated on the packaging in the form of signs “+7”, “+12”, etc. You can add wet food to the diet of castrated animals. It should be borne in mind that it is only an additive, and not the main food.

You can determine how suitable a particular ready-made food is for your pet based on how it feels and appearance animal. If the coat is shiny, the cat is active and has no digestive problems, then the choice was made correctly.

Super premium food

This is the highest price segment. The composition of premium food will provide the most complete nutrition for the cat. The following brands enjoy an excellent reputation among them:

  • Innova EVO (Innova Evo). The line of these feeds can be considered an alternative natural nutrition, such high-quality components are included in its composition. Innova Evo has been produced by the American company Natura Pet Products for many years and has always held the bar as the most complete food for pets.
  • Eagle Pack is a food with a particularly rich composition. It includes lamb fillet, fish, chicken fat, lingonberries, blueberries, and fruits. Due to this, the pet receives the required amount of protein, fiber and various vitamins.
  • Eukanuba (Eukanuba). This food includes L-carnitine, a fat-burning substance. The antioxidants included in its composition provide sustainable immune protection. Thanks to low content Magnesium reduces the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Premium food

Obesity prevention

Kit excess weight- This is the most common problem in neutered animals. The loss of sexual instinct leads to the fact that the cat switches all its interests to food. He begins to consume it in much larger quantities than before the operation. This quickly leads to obesity.

Therefore, there are certain requirements for how to feed neutered cats:

  1. Food should be at room temperature.
  2. You should not feed your cat stale food.
  3. Do not overfeed under any circumstances.
  4. Provide access to clean water.
  5. Give food often, but in small portions.
  6. Once a week you can have a fasting day.
  7. If you notice a cat's weight gain, you should immediately switch to a low-calorie diet.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to increase physical activity for your pet, involving him in active games more often.


In contact with

Castration is not easy surgical intervention, changing the cat’s attitude towards the opposite sex from interest to indifference. Many things become different: behavior, eating habits, the body’s sensitivity to certain foods, and every loving owner must know what neutered cats cannot eat, so that the future life of the pets is not overshadowed by development serious illnesses, developed against the background of malnutrition.

What changes occur after castration

When planning to castrate a pet, owners, first of all, expect some benefit for themselves as a result. After all, often (though not always) a once playful and hyperactive cat “calms down” after surgery, becomes more inert, and stops rushing around sleeping owners at night.

The second plus (also the main one) is that in 95% of cases the cat stops marking everything, from walls, furniture and ending with the owner himself. Accordingly, less disgusting smell in the house.

The cat's appetite also changes. And if until now compassionate owners were worried that the pet was not eating enough, now, with the cat’s increased appetite, it is not difficult to feed the animal to its fullest. Many owners justify such abundant nutrition with their feeling of guilt towards the cat for depriving him of “ male power" But all this coupled with decreased mobility of the pet is a direct path to obesity. And here comes the very moment when it would not hurt for a caring owner to think about the size of the portions, the frequency of feeding and the fact that now it is impossible to feed a castrated cat certain products, so familiar before.

The pet becomes more vulnerable to certain diseases, and the risk of developing urolithiasis increases in the first place.

The reason for this is the narrowing of the cat's urethra after surgery (especially if the procedure was performed on an animal that has not yet reached the age of six months, when its urinary system has not yet formed properly). Due to feeding foods containing magnesium, calcium and phosphorus in large quantities, sand and stones form in the animal’s kidneys, and all this is the result of poor nutrition.

What should it be like from now on? proper nutrition furry pet and what is now forbidden to be included in his diet - every owner who has subjected his cat to castration must know.

Ready food

Industrial feed is not only a great convenience for the owners (pour it in and it’s free), but also a complete balanced diet for cats. However, taking into account the changes in the pet’s body after castration, the approach to choosing food should be completely different:

  • The diet cannot include cheap economy-class food (neither dry nor wet). The content of slag, waste, hides, offal and soy in it is simply off the charts. By the way, such food is not recommended for uncastrated animals.
  • It is forbidden to give your cat general food after castration. You only need to choose special ready-made food marked “For the prevention of urolithiasis”, “For neutered cats” and “For sterilized cats and kittens”. The remaining options are absolutely not suitable for pets, because they contain a lot of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, which provoke urolithiasis primarily in castrates.
  • Do not mix wet food with dry food or canned food. Their composition is different, and the stomach may react inadequately to such nutrition. But since castrated pets need to be given more moist and juicy food, “drying” can be filled with a small amount of water.
  • You should also not restrict a neutered cat’s fluid intake. He should drink more than his “full” counterparts so that the kidneys are well washed and do not accumulate deposits in the form of stones.

Correctly selected ready-made feed will truly provide the cat with balanced nutrition thanks to a specially developed composition, which includes all the vitamins and microelements necessary for a pet.

Important: choosing the appropriate option ready meals, you should not change its manufacturer. Each has its own line, which means it has its own specially selected composition, which is not recommended to be changed.

homemade food

Due to the changes that occur in the animal’s body after castration, a number of natural food dishes that were acceptable before surgery become dangerous to the pet’s health. Now the cat's food turns off such products as:

  • Fish. The high content of phosphorus and magnesium in it automatically makes this product one of the main provocateurs of urolithiasis. Despite the fact that almost all cats love fish, such food should not be given to the animal more than 1-2 times a month.
  • Fat meat. Pork, lamb at low physical activity cats after surgery lead to obesity, which in turn leads to problems with cardiovascular system. Feeding fatty meat is prohibited for cats in any case, regardless of gender and the fact of castration.
  • Raw poultry. You can only treat your pet to boiled poultry, otherwise infection may occur. infectious diseases(salmonellosis, etc.).
  • Raw potatoes and tomatoes. These uncooked nightshades are a real poison for cats, and the reason for this is the glucoalkaloid solanine contained in them. If these vegetables enter the pet’s body boiled, they no longer pose such a danger, although they become absolutely useless.
  • Onion and garlic. Both contain toxins that destroy red blood cells in cats (garlic is slightly less so). Feeding them is prohibited in any form - raw, boiled, etc.
  • Salty, spicy, smoked food. Such a menu will invariably entail gastric disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys.
  • Milk. If a cat is neutered, it means he is already an adult, and adult cats are not able to fully digest lactose. The result is intestinal upset and diarrhea. But low fat food, including dairy products(cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, cream, etc.) – just what you need.
  • Liver. It is not a direct contraindication, but you should not give it to your cat too often, as an excess leads to disturbances in metabolic processes. The liver should be given in a boiled form (raw will cause vomiting and indigestion, and overcooked will cause constipation).
  • Sweets. Many cats have a sweet tooth, but sugar can cause significant harm to your pet. Skin diseases, lacrimation, indigestion, flatulence, diabetes- here is an incomplete list of health problems resulting from animal consumption of sweets.

Note: The natural foods listed are harmful to cats, regardless of whether they are neutered or not. But for pets who have undergone surgery, this food is doubly dangerous.

The importance of a special menu

Neutered cats become more vulnerable to certain diseases; hormonal disbalance after surgery is inevitable, so following a few rules will protect pet from many problems:

  • develop a diet for good nutrition cat;
  • Divide feeding into 5-6 small portions per day (a castrated cat cannot be fed in large quantities);
  • give prophylactic medications to avoid problems associated with abnormalities in hormonal system(as prescribed by a veterinarian).

Feeding a castrated cat is a special, although not so complicated, science. But when the animal’s activity is reduced after surgery, proper nutrition alone is not enough. Maintaining an active lifestyle in the form of invitations to play will not allow obesity to develop, and manifestations of love and care, which are so important not only for good appetite, but also for the mood, no one canceled it either. And the reward for your attention and work will be good health beloved cat, his gratitude and recognition to his owners.

Many people have animals in their apartments. Some owners decide to sterilize their pet. This raises the question of how to properly care for a neutered cat. We strongly recommend that you take this issue seriously. It is factors such as proper nutrition and proper care that will play an important role in the life of a pet.

Why proper nutrition is so important

  1. Neutered pets significantly reduce active life after operation. The animal's metabolism slows down, hence the weight gain. Also, the pet endlessly wants to eat, he remains calmer than before.
  2. After sterilization, a cat has a narrowed urethra. For this reason, mineral enzymes and salts cannot be excreted naturally. This is where more serious problems often arise.
  3. The cat's urethra may simply become blocked, and stones may also begin to form in the kidneys. As a result, the animal begins to suffer from severe pain. Next, urolithiasis develops. If measures are not taken, the cat will die.
  4. Consider all the above factors when creating a new diet for your cat. A high-quality diet does not contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, or salt. Food should also be low in calories.

Features of feeding a castrated cat

  1. It is important not to give your pet more food than it should. Otherwise extra calories will lead to obesity. Remember that castrated cats become lazy and have no choice but to gain weight.
  2. Do not show sympathy to the cat if he looks at you with hungry eyes, and the animal has recently eaten. As a result, an overweight pet may develop a number of serious diseases in the future.
  3. Create an hourly meal schedule for your cat. Teach your pet to eat foods at the same intervals. Do not skip the feeding schedule; portions should be small.
  4. You should not replace dry food with wet food, or vice versa. There is no need to refer to the fact that it “just happened that way”, “no big deal.” It is strongly recommended that you take the entire situation seriously and correct technique food.
  5. Calculate the exact amount of feed for 1 meal. Keep in mind that for 1 kg. The cat's weight is taken to be about 35 grams. food per day. It’s easy to choose the amount of food: weigh the cat on special scales. Feed the animal no more than it should.
  6. Try to preserve the animal’s preferences for dry or wet food as much as possible. There is no need to retrain your cat to eat homemade food. Don't you dare mix regular products With quality food. The composition already contains all the necessary microelements.
  7. When visiting a pet store, be sure to pay attention to the composition of the food. Consider the age of the cat. It is worth purchasing food marked “for neutered cats.” In such a composition, all the nuances are already taken into account and the necessary nutrients are added.
  8. You also need to ensure that your pet always has enough filtered water. Do not pour running liquid. It will be better for the animal if you place several bowls of clean water in the apartment.

  1. Targeted food for sterilized cats is a high-quality product. Compositions are divided into classes, such as “Hollistic”, “ Super premium" and "Premium". Be prepared for the price of the product to be high.
  2. This composition has a number of advantages over regular food. High-quality food takes into account the proportions of all necessary microelements. The product contains a small amount of carbohydrates, which is replenished high content squirrel.
  3. Experienced specialists recommend purchasing food from a well-known company produced abroad. It is also worth considering that it is better for a castrated cat to immediately take a dry and wet composition. The food can be alternated, but the diet must be constant.

"Premium" food

  1. "Purina Pro Plen." This type of food is considered optimal in the price category. Also, the food is quite popular due to its rich composition. The product is balanced, contains all beneficial enzymes and probiotics.
  2. Hills Filine. The composition includes a high amount of protein. Due to this, the animal strengthens bone and, in particular, teeth with claws.
  3. Royal Canin. One of the most nutritious foods, which contains many necessary elements and vitamins.

"Super-premium" food

  1. First Choice. This food is hypoallergenic, the composition is carefully tested and verified.
  2. "Brit Care". The product fully replenishes the pet’s body with the necessary substances. As a result, the cat feels much better and more active.
  3. "Leonardo." One of the most expensive food. The high price is due to high content natural meat ingredients.

"Hollistic" - the highest class of feed

  1. "Nau Natural". The food does not harm the cat’s health; the composition does not contain harmful preservatives.
  2. "Grandorf" The food is made entirely from natural ingredients and protects the animal from urolithiasis.
  3. "Akana". The food has a beneficial effect on digestive system cat Contains no grains or cereal crops. The product is rich in lactobacilli.

If for some reason you decide to feed your cat homemade products, there are some factors to consider.

  1. Once a week a castrated cat is allowed to give river fish. IN seafood product contains a lot of phosphorus. The component, in turn, can provoke the development of urolithiasis.
  2. Prepare meals using lean meat. Give up completely fatty foods. Give it to the cat chicken fillet, rabbit, turkey. You can also feed the animal lean boiled beef.
  3. If your pet is completely healthy, pamper him with chicken liver, lungs and stomachs a couple of times a week. Such products contain a small amount of fat.
  4. In your new diet, be sure to include fermented milk components with minimum percentage fat content Give supplements at intervals every other day systematically.
  5. Try to accustom your cat to homemade cereals. They should include various vegetables, cereals and some vegetable oil. Prepare a dish based on fish or lean meat.
  6. If the cat already has kidney disease, the pet should be given broths prepared on the basis river products and chicken.
  7. It is also worth getting into the habit of growing green grass for your cat. Ask your veterinarian in advance what exactly the animal may prefer. Feel free to build a small vegetable garden. Outdoor plants are not suitable for this purpose.

Consult a specialist at the veterinary clinic so that he can prescribe for your cat essential vitamins. Buy the product at a pet store and systematically give your pet a biological supplement. It is strictly forbidden to treat your cat with sweet treats, salty, spicy and fried foods. Do not feed your animal semi-finished products and smoked sausages. Full fat milk also contraindicated.

Video: how to care for a cat after sterilization

Many owners decide to castrate, quite effective procedure, which allows you to eliminate sexual desires in an animal. The owner needs to think in advance about what to feed the cat after castration. This is very important, since after removal of the gonads there is high risks development of obesity or urolithiasis

In the first months of life, a male pet does not cause much trouble to its owners. Difficulties can arise only during puberty, when hormones begin to play in the body.

The cat develops a natural desire to procreate, he demands to be walked, meows pitifully under the door and marks the corners. It is very difficult to tolerate such behavior from a pet, especially if it shows its rebellious nature at night.

In our article we will talk in detail about the diet of an operated pet and tell you how to care for a domestic cat after castration. And now first things first!

Feeding a neutered cat

After castration, the animal's life changes dramatically. They stop being interested in him natural processes, he becomes more domestic and obedient. The eliminated interest in the opposite sex is compensated by an increased interest in nutrition.

The cat begins to eat food in large quantities, constantly requires supplements and rapidly gains weight. All this ends in obesity, very dangerous condition, predicting a short life.

That is why owners need to think through the diet in advance and decide how to feed the cat after castration in order to prevent such unpleasant consequences. The nutrition of a castrated cat is based on a dietary diet. It is better to feed the animal in small portions, dosing the edible composition correctly in accordance with age.

You can’t leave food in a bowl, allowing your domestic cat to continue the dinner ritual at any time; make restrictions and don’t worry about his health, the cat will easily tolerate a few hour break. You can also carry out fasting days, which is especially important for cats who already have extra pounds.

An important question of interest to owners of operated animals is when can a cat be fed after castration? After such a procedure, he recovers from anesthesia for a long time, so during the first day he may refuse water and food.

Don't worry, temporary loss of appetite is a completely normal reaction of the body. According to owners, the very next day cats begin to eat food, which is good sign, indicating healthy well-being.

If your cat shows interest in food just a few hours after surgery, you need to follow these tips:

  • feed the cat in postoperative period not necessary, it may cause vomiting;
  • the first feeding can be carried out no earlier than 8-10 hours after the procedure;
  • be sure to give your pet clean water to prevent dehydration;
  • for the first feeding, choose special food for castrated animals or light natural food, well digestible and low in calories;
  • portions should be small;
  • After anesthesia, food for the animal must be crushed or served in the form of a mushy consistency.

Now you know how long you can feed your cat after castration, all that remains is to find out what foods are best to include in your furry friend’s diet.

Proper nutrition: changing the cat’s diet after castration

After castration, a cat needs care and its basis is proper nutrition. If before the procedure you could pamper your beloved pet with a variety of goodies, then after it you will have to follow some rules of the diet, developed specifically for castrated animals. This will eliminate the risks of developing urolithiasis and obesity.

Proper nutrition for a neutered cat is based on the following recommendations:

  1. The usual portions for the animal are reduced by half.
  2. Once a week you need to have a fasting day. No food, only clean food drinking water! Such a fast will benefit your pet.
  3. You cannot add salt to cooked foods. Eliminate any seasonings from your cat's diet.
  4. Urolithiasis in castrated animals develops as a result of eating fish, so competent veterinarians strongly recommend completely excluding fish and all seafood containing iodine, magnesium and phosphorus from the cat’s menu.
  5. The diet should be dominated by fermented milk products that improve intestinal motility.
  6. Cats on artificial nutrition, you need to buy special low-calorie premium food.

Proper care caring for a cat after castration also includes your participation in the life of your furry friend. Try to monitor his behavior and activity. Invent Interesting games for your pet to run and jump more. Physical activities will benefit the body and reduce the risk of obesity.

Sterilization radically changes life pet and his habits. If earlier your cat urgently demanded a walk and was looking for a cat, now he is only interested in food. Overeating caloric compositions the cat will start to get fat, and this is already bad sign for an animal. To keep his figure normal, choose the right food!

The range of cat products includes two main types of food: dry and wet. They differ in composition and cost. If the owner chooses the first option, it is necessary to provide the animal with constant access to drinking water.

Which food is better, dry or wet, is up to you to decide; there is no clear answer to this question. The main thing is to choose fresh composition proven quality with mandatory certification, giving preference to reliable brands. Experts do not recommend choosing budget food. Such savings can negatively affect the health of the animal.

Premium class food

  • Hills – a large assortment of therapeutic and prophylactic products that help prevent obesity in animals;
  • Royal Canin nutritional composition rich in vitamins;
  • Purina PRO PLAN is a balanced food with pribiotics that improve intestinal function.

These feeds have a balanced composition useful elements: protein, vitamins and mineral complexes, pribiotics, enzymes, carbohydrates and proteins.

Super Premium class food

The best brands according to consumer reviews:

  • Leonardo – based on natural ingredients;
  • 1st Choice – hypoallergenic composition;
  • Brit Care is a complex of nutritional components that replenish the animal’s body with all the necessary elements.

Other popular brands that produce high-quality food for cats after sterilization: “Orijen Cat & kitten”, “Natural balance”, “Our brand” and “Hollistic”.

"Hollistic" - the highest balanced class of feed

As already mentioned, proper care after castration domestic cat It is based on dietary nutrition. If your pet prefers artificial food, pay attention to products from the Holistics line.

Holistic food has been appreciated by thousands of domestic cat lovers who choose only the best for their furry family members. The products are characterized by a high-quality composition of ingredients without the addition of harmful preservatives and flavors.

Contains 70-95% holistic food natural meat and fish of selected varieties in combination with vitamin complexes and others useful components natural origin.

The Holistic line includes a large selection of cat food from different global manufacturers:

  • Golden Eagle;
  • Acana;
  • Almo Nature Holistik;
  • Innova Evo;
  • Holistik Blend and others.

Feeding a castrated cat natural food

So, successful castration of the cat is behind us, care after the operation - next step For quick recovery animal. If your furry friend is used to natural food should not be changed abruptly taste preferences. Keep pampering your pet familiar products, only in smaller quantities and with some restrictions.

Useful natural for neutered pets:

  1. Fermented milk products with a small percentage of fat content.
  2. Boiled and raw vegetables(approximately 15% general diet). You can combine these products with meat dishes.
  3. Raw meat low-fat varieties, previously frozen. This product can also be served lightly boiled.
  4. Raw quail eggs.
  5. Liver, kidney, hearts and other offal (boiled or raw, without spices and salt).
  6. Small portions of porridge made from buckwheat, rice and oatmeal.
  7. Chicken bouillon.
  8. Sometimes you can give fruit in small quantities.

Make sure there is always food in the cat's bowl. pure water for drinking. Rinse the bowl regularly to remove food debris. Do not overfeed and do not be lazy to cook separately for your four-legged friend. Proper care after sterilization is the key to a long and happy life your furry family member!

Features of feeding castrates

After a surgical procedure involving the removal of a pet's reproductive organs, serious problems begin to occur in the body. hormonal changes. Due to a lack of hormones in the blood, the cat’s appetite increases, which is especially evident in the first 2-3 months after castration.

The owner sees the hungry eyes of his beloved friend and is ready to feed him from the bottom of his heart, which is absolutely unacceptable. Overeating leads to obesity, so be persistent and learn to deny your cat an extra portion.

To prevent your cat from bothering you with his “hungry meows,” do the following:

  • measure portions for the whole day;
  • divide them into 2-3 meals;
  • do not give a whole portion at a time, put part of the measured mixture in the cat’s bowl;
  • Dispense the rest of the product gradually, over the next few hours, at the animal's request.

Thus, you will be able to outwit the furry beast for his own good. A castrated cat should be fed in strict accordance with daily norm, despite his demands!

Several Yet useful tips for owners of animals who have undergone castration:

  1. The food served must be warm. Avoid feeding cold and hot foods.
  2. Do not add salt, seasonings and spices to the prepared foods, which are strictly prohibited for pets, especially after sterilization.
  3. Try to feed your cat at the same time every day. He will quickly get used to the regime and will no longer demand food at other times.
  4. Calculate portions according to the age of the animal.
  5. If the cat's weight exceeds the norm, develop a dietary diet, including periodic fasting throughout the day. Compose correct menu for a neutered cat with extra pounds An experienced veterinarian will help.
  6. Do not introduce new foods to your pet's diet during the postoperative period.
  7. If your cat eats dry food, make sure he drinks enough fluids throughout the day. If your cat doesn't drink enough water, switch him to wet food to prevent dehydration of the body.
  8. Domestic cats that prefer food of natural origin often lack useful elements in their bodies. An experienced veterinarian can prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes, which are especially necessary in spring and autumn period. This course will improve vitality animal.

What not to give to a cat after castration:

  • fat meat;
  • canned food;
  • fish;
  • bones;
  • garlic, onion;
  • tomatoes;
  • raw potatoes;
  • milk and fatty sour milk;
  • smoked products;
  • pickles;
  • seasonings, salt;
  • sweets, chocolate;
  • sweet pastries and yeast bread.

A special menu for castrated animals will allow the cat to quickly recover after surgery, maintain an active lifestyle and provide him with many years of a happy and carefree life in your family!

The video is in Ukrainian at the beginning, but there are subtitles!!! Very useful video! Be sure to check it out!

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