What happens if you breathe gas? Gas addiction among teenagers is a dangerous way to join the company. What kind of gas do young people breathe?

The children leave and do not return. They become victims of crimes, domestic violence, die due to the negligence of adults, stepping out of open windows, during fires and road accidents, they rapidly lose their health, acquiring more and more new diseases that were previously considered age-related. Rosbalt decided to understand the reasons for the ongoing global losses. We continue our series of publications "School "chronicles" of the XXI century", which are based on statistical data, expert opinions and grades.

Toilet air fresheners and gas for refilling lighters are disappearing from store shelves. Teenagers choose new fashion trends to self-destruct.

In Novorossiysk, an 11-year-old girl was poisoned by gas from lighters... A Rostov teenager inhaled gas from a lighter to death... In Altai, a child died from gas poisoning... In Bryansk, schoolchildren were poisoned by gas, one died... Operational reports published by Russian press, continue. The geography of events is from the south of Russia to the Far North, the age of the victims is from 8 years.

Even a quick review of the press gives disappointing results: at least 20 teenagers in Russia died from this poison alone in a year. The situation is similar in other countries. Children sniff gas in Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Belgium. In Israel, for example, they did not have time to save a 14-year-old boy - his friends were frightened by his friend’s “strange” reaction to the inhaled mixture and ran away. The child died in the arms of his parents. And in Belgium, several girls in the process of “sniffing” - (this is the name for the process of inhaling gas from cans for refilling lighters) not only got poisoned, but almost burned to death. While one was breathing poison, others decided to smoke...

However, the most eloquent details are described on the professional website of pathologists. There, doctors with scientific meticulousness and punctuality tell what exactly happens to a person who inhales a seemingly harmless gas: “In lighters there is liquefied butane, purified from impurities, a hydrocarbon from the series: methane-propane-butane... Death comes from the same thing, from what and in case of household gas poisoning. Essentially spicy oxygen deficiency, hypoxia. Dark liquid blood, oxygen depleted; small hemorrhages under the pleura of the lungs, sometimes in the epicardium, foci of acute emphysema in the lungs...,” write pathologists.

Experts who deal with the most terrible consequences of poisoning on a daily basis are perplexed: why do teenagers choose this, far from the most “pleasant”, type of “flyaway”: “If butane does not react chemically with blood and tissues, then why do teenagers sniff it? Are they so sick of hypoxia? There shouldn't be any intoxication. But if teenagers suffer from asphyxia (asphyxiophilia), then why spend money on gas? You can do it cheaper... put a noose around your neck or a plastic bag over your head...".

With professional medical cynicism, pathologists tell what exactly was found in the lungs of 10-12-14 year old children and how creepy they look. After all, children who want to “just try” are not going to die at all. But they die.

“Teenagers tend not to value their lives, and at the same time they are overwhelmed by a thirst for unusual sensations, hormones and emotions go off scale,” says a psychiatrist highest category Oleg Dmitriev. - In addition, teenagers often have a “weak” attitude: lightly smoke, or inject themselves, or breathe in some kind of rubbish? What happens to them later, alas, only their unfortunate parents and doctors know. It’s good if not pathologists.”

The doctor tells how several years ago a girl “weakly” drank the so-called “stain” - a liquid for treating wooden surfaces. While the doctors fought for her life, the conscious girl saw how her legs and arms were gradually turning blue, and felt how the poison was corroding her from the inside. The fact is that one of the symptoms of stain poisoning is precisely blue discoloration of the limbs, which, if a person survives, lasts for several months.

Meanwhile, young people are inventing more and more new ways to go to the next world - directly and figuratively words. Cigarettes and alcohol are expensive and too “banal,” but you can always find money for an ordinary plastic bag, a can of gas, glue or paint. IN Lately black creativity is in fashion: helium for balloons, air fresheners for the home, or the same gas for lighters.

“Helium is sold liquefied in kits for inflating balloons, along with a hose and the balloons themselves. This is how they usually find everything: a box, a balloon, unused balls and a corpse with a plastic bag on the head and a tube connected to the balloon. Interestingly, in several cases the tap was slightly open, and in several cases it was closed. Next to it were instructions: what and how to do it “correctly,” experts say.

On the Internet, teenagers share advice and impressions of the next “arrival,” while adults, meanwhile, are racking their brains on how to save them.

“What are you saying, now it’s lighter gas? - Alexander Sofronov, the chief narcologist of St. Petersburg, director of the Center for Emergency Psychiatry, Narcology and Toxicology, was surprised when asked by a Rosbalt correspondent. - Cases of poisoning from toilet aerosols have been reported to me; glue and paint have long been known. But I don’t know about gas for lighters yet. Fortunately, we at the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine have not yet received a single patient with such poisoning, so at the moment I can neither confirm nor deny the “fashion” existing in St. Petersburg.

However, the respected doctor expressed surprise at the lighter gas. “You can just as easily open a gas burner in the kitchen and breathe butane-propane for your own “pleasure,” noted the chief narcologist.

They don’t see any problems yet Federal service State drug control. As Rosbalt was informed by the Office of the Federal Drug Control Service for St. Petersburg, propane-butane, like laughing gas, is not included in the list of prohibited substances.

“Apparently, Rospotrebnadzor should work here, which, based on the available legal norms may make some decisions about use or sale. For example, make a demand to sell it only legal entities or adults over 18 years old,” noted representatives of the State Drug Control Service.

However, even the quite probable reaction of Gennady Onishchenko to new threat health and well-being of the nation in in this case should be taken with a grain of salt. After all, we have already “got through” almost the entire periodic table, and experts note that interest in household chemicals among young people began in the 80s of the last century. The explanation for this is simple - young people have nothing to do, parents often have no time for them, and varnishes and paints are always more affordable than other entertainment, and you can buy them not even in special stores, but in almost any stall.

Replace the composition of gas or aerosols by analogy with the modified composition of glue, popular among drug addicts - possible variant, but by no means a panacea. Toxicologists have a whole list of "household products" that can provide alternatives. These include liquids for correcting mistakes in notebooks, markers, hair and nail sprays, shoe polishes, deodorants, and household cleaning agents. It is obvious that it is impossible to ban everything, but it is also obvious that at least the most dangerous drugs should be kept as far away from children as possible.

Experts also suggest that Roskomnadzor is active in the communications sector, information technologies and direct mass communications in a more appropriate direction than tracking age restrictions on cartoons. For example, books on substance abuse can still be easily found on the Internet with one click of the mouse, as well as numerous tips on suicide methods for teenagers, even with instructions and pictures.

“Fighting glue or lighter gas is the same as fighting mosquitoes with a saber,” says psychiatrist Oleg Dmitriev. - No more has been invented yet effective ways to protect young people from dangerous temptations rather than prevention. It is necessary to actively engage children in something useful, literally hammering into their heads the idea that drugs, like any other drug, are death. Moreover, healthy interests should be closer and more accessible than harmful temptations. Believe me, children are not so inherently spoiled as to prefer a stall with chemicals or cigarettes located somewhere in the backyard to a stadium, music club or section right under the windows.”

Experts also warn about the danger of “overdoing it,” which in our surreal society has led to the fact that it is easier for veterinarians to strangle animals with their bare hands than to use prohibited medications with the prospect of going to prison, following the example of the St. Petersburg doctor Shpak, and for emergency doctors to anesthetize patients a log on the head and analgin because of the system of dispensing potent narcotic painkillers, brought to the point of absurdity.

However, there is a way out here too - only disposable lighters will be on sale.

Marina Boytsova

Household gas is a common reason for calling an ambulance. Such poisonings are quite dangerous for human health; in the absence of medical care, they can lead to fatal outcome. Unfortunately, no one is immune from the situation under consideration, and therefore everyone needs to know the symptoms of household gas poisoning and how to provide first aid to victims.

If household gas poisoning occurs voluntarily, then we are talking about - this moment is very piquant and requires the help of not only a therapist, but also a psychologist (in some cases, a psychiatrist!). However, such a suicide can be helped if medical assistance is provided in time.

Symptoms of household gas poisoning

Methane (a gas that is used for household needs) is colorless and odorless - it is easy to get poisoned by it, and it is almost impossible to immediately understand the cause of the deterioration of the condition. That is why other types of gas that have a specific aroma are mixed into methane. And yet, household gas poisonings occur regularly - the cause may be a gas leak from heating device or gas stove.

Symptoms of domestic gas:

Note:Most often, victims of household gas poisoning lose consciousness, so it is not possible to get answers from them to standard questions in order to somehow indicate the clinical picture. In this case, the condition in question can be suspected by the reddish or bluish color of the skin.

In medicine, there is a clear differentiation of household gas poisoning by intensity:

There is another form of household gas poisoning - instant . In this case, literally after a few breaths, suffocation occurs and the victim loses consciousness. The instantaneous form of the condition in question is the most dangerous, because 5-8 minutes after the first breaths the person dies.

First aid for household gas poisoning

First of all, you need to call an ambulance - you will probably need resuscitation measures. Before the specialists arrive, you need to provide first aid:

  1. The victim must be taken outside if this is not possible (for example, the person is too heavy weight), then you need to open the windows/vents/doors as wide as possible, create a draft - you need to ensure the flow of fresh air.

  1. On the street, the victim is placed in a supine position, any cold is applied to the head - it can be ice from the refrigerator, a towel soaked in water, even a piece of frozen meat or dumplings.
  2. You need to free the person from any constricting things - unbutton your shirt, take off your T-shirt/T-shirt, unfasten the belt on your trousers or skirt, and so on.
  3. If the victim is conscious, then it is necessary to provide him with plenty of drink - ideally it should be ordinary clean water, but any drink (except alcohol) will benefit. It is necessary to constantly talk to the person, not to let him fall asleep or lose consciousness.

Note:If the victim is unable to breathe, then he is given artificial respiration, if the pulse in the carotid artery cannot be felt - indirect massage hearts.

We recommend reading:

Treatment and recovery after household gas poisoning

The victim is treated in a hospital. Modern science cannot offer any that quickly restores the functioning of the entire body and removes toxins from it - doctors use three-stage therapy.

Firstly, the patient is given full examination– doctors must know which organs and systems have suffered the most, what is working within normal limits, and what needs to be literally resuscitated.

Secondly, according to the results of the examination, a therapeutic treatment. Naturally, it is selected strictly individually, but most often comes down to the following purposes:

  1. Heart medications that can support and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Painkillers - they can relieve symptoms of intoxication in the body in the form of pain in the head and behind the sternum.
  3. Anti-inflammatory medicines For respiratory system– this will prevent the development inflammatory process, will speed up the process of restoring system functionality.

Thirdly, the doctor will definitely prescribe physiotherapy for such victims. We are talking about therapeutic breathing exercises- it helps restore normal functioning respiratory system, will prevent the development of inflammatory and stagnant processes in it.

Note:All of these therapeutic measures are carried out if the victim is conscious after poisoning with household gas. Treatment is selected individually, taking into account clinical picture and intensity of symptoms.

If the patient is suffering from a severe form of household gas poisoning, then specialists will carry out resuscitation measures. These include:

After the victim’s condition has stabilized, he is sent to the intensive care unit of the medical institution and specialists there carry out the necessary therapeutic measures.

Recovery from household gas poisoning can take a long time, in some cases toxic effects ends with development serious pathologies– diseases of the respiratory system and heart can progress; the central nervous system and organs of vision often suffer. Even after discharge from the hospital, the victim should regularly visit medical institution to undergo a preventive examination - at least once every six months. The doctor removes the patient from the register only after 3 years of monitoring his health and in the absence of any consequences.

Precautionary measures

Naturally, when the first signs of household gas poisoning appear ( headache, nausea and vomiting, increased “out of the blue”), you must immediately leave the room and call a doctor. But others also need to adhere to certain precautions when providing first aid to victims of household gas poisoning. Experts recommend:

  1. Under no circumstances should you turn on the lights in the room, light matches or a lighter, or use electrical appliances - a fire and then an explosion may occur at any minute.
  2. If you are supposed to provide first aid indoors, then there should be an assistant nearby (preferably 2-3, who should be on the street or in the entrance) - remember that the person providing assistance can be poisoned by household gas fumes, and then he will also need help.
  3. If it is necessary to perform artificial respiration using the mouth-to-mouth method, you need to use a damp/wet handkerchief (it is placed on the victim’s mouth), you need to inhale air through your nose and be sure to turn away from the victim. This way you can avoid self-poisoning.
  4. If a victim of domestic gas poisoning is unconscious, but his breathing and pulse rates are not affected, then you can revive him with a cotton swab soaked in ammonia.
  5. If poisoning occurs in mild form and the doctor’s visit is postponed for 1-2 days (it must take place!), then the victim must be provided with a large amount

Household gas – mixture based on natural gas, used for domestic needs. Natural and domestic gas differ in composition and characteristics.

Source: depositphotos.com

Natural gas contains methane - from 80% or more (ideally about 100%) and up to 20% of homologues (ethane, propane, butane). In addition to hydrocarbons, its composition includes water vapor, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and helium. Natural gas is odorless and burns with an even blue flame.

Gas with a changed composition - household gas - is supplied to residential buildings or boiler houses. At gas distribution stations, to create a warning effect, an odorant additive, ethyl mercaptan, is introduced into its composition. Thanks to this organosulfur compound, home gas acquires a specific Strong smell and the reddish color of the flame.

Methane, which is the main component of household gas, is lighter than air and rises when leaked. In a volume from 4.5 to 17% of total number air in the room acquires explosive characteristics.

Despite the fact that methane is a low-toxic paraffin hydrocarbon, when it accumulates in an unventilated, isolated room, it causes poisoning in humans associated with acute oxygen starvation organs and tissues. The concentration required for the appearance of symptoms of intoxication should be at least 25-30% of the total volume of air in the room. With systematic long-term exposure, methane can have a neurotoxic effect.

Acute intoxication develops when the gas is inhaled.

Household gas can appear in indoor air in several cases:

  • loose connection at the junction of gas pipes;
  • violation of the integrity of gas pipes and hoses;
  • loose closure of the flame control valve handle on the gas stove;
  • malfunction of gas equipment;
  • deliberately organizing a gas leak for the purpose of committing suicide or murder.

Domestic gas leakage at night is especially dangerous, since developing hypoxia is superimposed on physiological state sleep and goes unnoticed, while the victims die without regaining consciousness.

Symptoms of poisoning

Depending on the concentration of gas in the air, the degree of poisoning varies from mild to severe, in as a last resort– lightning fast.

In case of poisoning mild degree appear:

  • noise, ringing in the ears;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • pain and burning in the eyes, nasopharynx;
  • lacrimation, copious discharge from the nose.

Source: depositphotos.com

For poisoning medium degree Characteristically, the above-described complaints are accompanied by symptoms of damage to the central nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems:

  • drowsiness;
  • depression and confusion;
  • disturbance of orientation in time and space;
  • incoordination;
  • hallucinations, delusions;
  • vomit;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • severe muscle weakness;
  • rapid, possibly arrhythmic pulse;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • dyspnea.

In case of severe domestic gas poisoning, the victim is unconscious, does not respond to stimuli, shallow, unproductive breathing, severe shortness of breath, cyanotic coloration of the skin, convulsions, and an arrhythmic thread-like pulse. Death is possible due to acute heart failure, paralysis of the respiratory or vasomotor centers.

The fulminant form develops within a few minutes at extremely high gas concentrations in the air. After 2-3 breaths, the victim loses consciousness, symptoms of severe poisoning appear, ending in death or coma (in case of immediate evacuation from the affected area).

First aid for household gas poisoning

  1. Interrupt contact with the gas by evacuating the victim from the affected area.
  2. Provide the victim with access to oxygen by opening a window and unfastening tight clothing.
  3. Give a position with an elevated foot end.
  4. Grind chest and limbs to activate blood circulation.
  5. Provide plenty of fluids (still water, all kinds of decoctions, tea, milk).
  6. If vomiting, prevent tongue retraction and aspiration of vomit by turning the victim’s head to one side.
  7. When signs appear clinical death(lack of consciousness, breathing, reaction to light and pulsation to carotid arteries) carry out basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation(artificial respiration and chest compressions) until the emergency medical team arrives.

When is medical attention required?

In case of household gas poisoning, seek medical attention medical care necessary in any case. In addition to the ambulance team, it is necessary to call emergency services, since it is not always possible to independently identify the cause of a gas leak and assess the degree of danger. Critical in this case is the accumulation of household gas in an insufficiently ventilated room, which can lead to an explosion.

Possible consequences

Most typical complications household gas intoxication:

  • respiratory diseases (laryngitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, pneumonia);
  • chronic heart failure;
  • decreased cognitive function.

Since development is possible long-term consequences, after the end of the hospitalization period, the victim is recommended to undergo preventive medical examinations at least once every six months. Removal from observation occurs no earlier than after 3 years.


  1. Systematically monitor the condition of gas equipment and maintain it in good condition.
  2. If a technical defect is detected, or if a possible leak is suspected, immediately stop the gas supply and call a specialized repair team.
  3. Ensure adequate ventilation in areas with gas equipment.
  4. If gas appliances do not have an automatic emergency system, do not leave them uncontrolled.
  5. Do not use gas stoves for heating rooms, especially at night.
  6. At the end of using gas, close the taps and valves on gas appliances, and when using cylinders, close the cylinder valves.
  7. When leaving a room with gas equipment for a long time, turn off the gas supply to the gas pipeline.
  8. Do not allow the use of gas equipment in children's games, do not leave children alone near stoves or gas cylinders.
  9. Make sure that the burners remain dry during cooking and do not allow them to be filled with liquid.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Substance abuse - from the Greek. toxikos, which means poisonous, and mania - passion. WITH medical point vision, and substance abuse, and drug addiction - dependence on psychoactive substances, no difference is made in them. “Children’s drug addiction,” as substance abuse is otherwise called, is a serious problem also because it is legally difficult to combat.

Gas addiction

Gas from lighters and cans is inhaled mainly by teenagers, and they are most often the victims of volatile toxins and their curiosity. Teenagers gather in groups, and inhaling toxic fumes is a way to show themselves as part of this group, as “one of their own.”

This false sense of collectivism recruits more and more victims into the ranks of drug addicts, and not all of them belong to dysfunctional families. Children of wealthy parents, deprived of attention, acquire harmful experiences of substance abuse, and often dependence on poisonous gases.

Medicine does not distinguish between substance abuse and drug addiction. Their only difference is that they are not prohibited by law, like toxic inhalants. “Passion for poisonous things” manifests itself in an uncontrollable desire to sniff gasoline, Moment glue, and cleaning fluids.

The drug addict deeply inhales poisonous vapors into the lungs, where they freely pass through the membranes of the alveoli into the blood thanks to the ability to dissolve fats.

This is exactly how gasoline vapors work:

  • With the blood flow, some of the molecules are directly sent to the brain, where all cellular barriers easily pass.
  • The other part of the gasoline vapor enters the main bloodstream of the body and is neutralized by the liver to form dangerous metabolites.

One of the most dangerous products decomposition of gasoline - styrene. It can accumulate in the body in fatty tissues high concentration. Fat in the body is not only found under the skin. It is part of the shells nerve endings, brain tissue.

Styrene has a mutagenic, carcinogenic effect, affects digestive system, hematopoiesis, genitals.

The active ingredients of toxic inhalants are aromatic hydrocarbons and aliphatic compounds.

The effect of these substances on humans is expressed in the following changes:

  • dermatitis and burns upon contact with skin;
  • irritation, ulceration of the mucous membrane, which often causes cancer;
  • malignant degeneration of body cells, tumor growths in various internal organs.

Aliphatic compounds are used to make herbicides and insecticides; they pose a danger to warm-blooded animals and humans.

The components of natural gas - butane, propane - are not toxic, but displacing oxygen when the mixture is inhaled, causing suffocation in the victim of substance abuse. Death occurs from lack of oxygen.


There was no physical dependence on gas inhalation. The reasons for using household chemicals as drugs are psychological characteristics teenager and social problems that he encounters in life.

Substance addiction selects victims from a socially disadvantaged environment, with parents who drink. A child's desire to escape from a nightmare at home leads him to teenagers his age who sniff various substances in order to experience a “high”.

By uniting in a group, children reproduce the stereotype of behavior inherent in them at home - the joint use of neuro toxic substances, causing a temporary break from reality.

By changing the nature of toxin use, adolescents are essentially repeating their parents’ experience. It is incredibly difficult to get rid of this psychological attitude, and parents can help their children first of all.

Children from prosperous families are rarely found among them. Parents should act similar cases necessary immediately. The main consequence of “sniffing” and inhaling is dementia, it cannot be eliminated with any medications, it means an irreversible loss of intelligence.


Both gas abuse from lighter cans and other inhalers and drug addiction cause physical and mental dependence and require treatment. Physical dependence manifested by nausea, cramps, headache. Substance abusers suffer from sleep disorders and insomnia.

The toxic effect of consuming volatile vapors develops in three stages, during which the addict gradually loses his sense of self:

  • The perception of the surrounding space is preserved, consciousness is clouded. The man is relaxed.
  • Coordination, balance, and the ability to control your body are lost. Reality is distorted, a feeling of lightness appears, which can prompt a person to go out of the window or jump from a height.
  • The connection with reality is lost. The sense of oneself as an individual is lost, time freezes, reality is replaced by hallucinations, often of a frightening nature.

For toxic inhalants, the existence of tolerance and a dose-dependent effect has not been reliably established. But it is known that gradually the number of inhalations changes from once a week to daily use glue, gasoline, lighter gas.

Symptoms and signs

By external symptoms Determining whether a teenager is a substance abuser is difficult.

Changes, if you look closely, are observed in appearance:

  • pupils dilate;
  • tremor of the hands appears;
  • the face turns red;
  • the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle becomes bluish;
  • coordination of movements is impaired.

How to understand that a child is a substance abuser

Available in pharmacies for the determination of toxic substances in urine. Such a test will easily confirm or refute the parents’ suspicion that their child has begun to use inhaled toxins.

And these suspicions should arise if:

  • the teenager’s clothes smelled of gasoline and household chemicals;
  • The child's eyes become red and watery;
  • school performance declines;
  • memory deteriorates.

Most often, adolescent boys aged 10-15 years suffer from substance abuse.


Propane, butane, isobutane, if inhaled, can cause atrial fibrillation, which may result in death.

In 2 years, toxins, if they do not kill, then make a person disabled, suffering from dementia. The brain, liver, and lungs suffer most from poisons.

Chronic gas poisoning of the brain leads to toxic encephalopathy. Outwardly, this is manifested by delayed development and a catastrophic decline in intelligence. The teenager's range of interests is limited to a single desire - to breathe in a couple of poisons again.

Teenagers are unable to concentrate on the lesson, fall sharply behind the program, and are unable to master new material.


With prolonged use of toxic gases, the following develops:

  • lung diseases - from chronic runny nose, pharyngitis to lung cancer;
  • affected Bone marrow, which leads to leukemia, a sharp weakening of the immune system;
  • the liver is destroyed - cirrhosis is common cause death of substance abusers;
  • toxic encephalopathy of the brain is observed.

Gas addicts often become victims of accidents at home, on the roadway. Death from suffocation due to blockage is not uncommon among them. respiratory tract vomit, pulmonary edema in response to the penetration of lighter gas vapors into the bronchi and alveoli.

What happens to the brain

Toxic encephalopathy means constant fear, panic attacks, visual disturbances. The patient's ideas about the real size of objects are distorted, and the ability to adequately predict the situation is impaired.

Brain damage occurs within six months even when inhaling vapors from volatile household chemicals once a week.

Substance abuse interferes with processes controlled by reflex – breathing, heartbeat. Poisons act on the control centers of these vital reflexes. At any moment, volatile poisons can turn off the respiratory reflex and stop breathing.

Stopping breathing can occur right on inhalation - so quickly do the toxin vapors reach the brain. The release of stress hormones into the blood causes rapid heartbeat, conduction disturbance nerve impulses, controlling the work of the heart, and death from its sudden stop.

In the video, the causes and consequences of gas addiction:


The most important way to cure a teenager from substance abuse in the absence of addiction is a change of residence, moving, a long trip - any way to isolate the child from his usual circle of friends.

Brain damage causes depression, which can only be cured by a specialist. Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis or, preferably, in a specialized drug treatment hospital.

The patient is being treated for chronic poisoning, carry out restorative treatment for the heart, lungs, administer glucose and vitamins.

The most important role in the treatment of adolescents from substance abuse belongs to psychotherapists. Their tasks include:

  1. developing a mindset to stop using toxic inhalants and psychoactive substances;
  2. the formation of a new behavioral model that reduces the likelihood of relapse into substance abuse;
  3. expanding the range of interests, developing emotional, volitional sphere child.

Attempts to simply protect a child from “bad company” will not be successful. It is important to find out why a child sniffs gas, after which both parents and society as a whole should offer such teenagers something really important - their attention, love, protection.

Emotional coldness, indifference to others, lack of willpower and discipline inevitably push children onto the street. The task of educational institutions and parents is to reveal the abilities inherent in nature in every child, to occupy his mind and hands with useful work.

Answer from Well hello[newbie]
Yesterday a close friend of mine died from this crap. stop it.

Answer from wolverine[guru]
depending on what kind of gas you sniffed.
within three months the brain can be seriously damaged.
contact a narcologist and tell him about your experiments - he will conduct an examination and tell you how much you have damaged your brain

Answer from *** I lOVe sMiLe =)**[guru]
If you inhale the gas, you get poisoned. The harm to the body is the same as from any other poison. You can die, you can remain disabled for life. You can gradually, almost without noticing it, destroy the central nervous system. May be gradually abandoned internal organs, in particular the kidneys - you will piss constantly, being unable to stop urinating. In general, the impact of such toxic substances is very individual - for different people maybe with different strengths hit different organs: someone will become crippled for life in a year, someone will throw off their hooves in a couple of months. If the doses are not large and are used rarely, it can last for several years. However, the insidious thing is that even a single exposure leads to irreversible results. Perhaps weakly expressed, perhaps not noticeable at first glance, which can only be identified by specific tests, but the dead cells will no longer be restored; the snake devouring the body is still sitting inside. When I got to Kanatchikov’s dacha in 1988, I saw a man in the department who I thought was over 80 years old: no teeth, sparse gray fluff on his head, his back bent and twisted, his legs shuffle 5 centimeters, unable to take a big step. . It turned out that he was 27 years old. He drank everything that burned, smelled everything that smelled. Substance abuse in general is much worse than alcoholism and causes much more significant damage to the body.

Answer from Enlighten[newbie]
There will be nothing to chew, my classmate from the 5th grade has gas, glue, gasoline, he still sniffs everything, Shas, he is 23, he works, he drinks, he sniffs and everything is normal for him

Answer from Marat Shamratov[newbie]
Yes, I’ve been inhaling gas almost every day since 5th grade, and now I’m 17 and nothing has failed me

Answer from Di ga[active]
Previously, the gas itself was breathing for 4 months, and not only that, but something strange happened...

Answer from Peka Bombbitnyarmageddon pripeklonahychmazachu[newbie]
After 2 years of this practice, there may be pulmonary fibrosis... but this is dangerous only in cold climates. A certain dependence may also manifest itself; if abused, it may also cause abnormalities in the functioning of the brain, like an alcoholic, since this gas contains ethanol in addition to butane. Deviations in speech can manifest themselves with age or in the absence of practice (communication). P.S. Go to a speech therapist.

Answer from Mr_Wind_[newbie]
I was puffing but after an attack of epilepsy (due to gas) I stopped

Answer from Danil Kasyanov[newbie]
what to do if your tongue gets dirty while breathing

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