What do you drip when your body is dehydrated? Dehydration - symptoms and what to do. Special cases of food poisoning

A healthy body consists of 2/3 of its mass water. Therefore, the human body really needs it. If there is insufficient fluid intake or loss of fluid during diarrhea, vomiting, profuse sweating When overheated, dehydration occurs - a state of dehydration of the body.

If the fluid deficiency is not eliminated in time and its sufficient supply into the body is not restored, irreparable consequences may occur, including fatal outcome. After all, without a sufficient amount of fluid, cells cannot function normally.

How to understand that dehydration has begun, what is the treatment for the condition, what are its consequences? Let's talk about this in more detail:

How to determine dehydration? Symptoms of the condition

The first sign of lack of fluid is thirst. With the help of this symptom, the body strives to replenish the resulting fluid deficiency. To others characteristic symptom The onset of dehydration is a change in color and amount of urine produced. If there is not much of it, and its color has become dark yellow, it means that it is urgent to replenish the fluid level in the body.

Other signs of dehydration include: dry mouth, dark circles under the eyes. In children, dehydration manifests itself in decreased activity, in adults - fatigue.

If dehydration is very serious, severe, in addition to the listed signs, new ones are added: severe weakness, confusion, loss of skin elasticity, fainting is often observed.

If a person is severely dehydrated, immediate medical attention is required. Medical intervention necessary to avoid severe consequences for the body:

What are the dangers of dehydration? Consequences of the condition

As dehydration increases, without replenishing the fluid deficit, a gradual decrease in the volume of intracellular fluid occurs. Then the amount of intercellular fluid decreases. Next, the body extracts the water it needs from the blood.

The consequences of this process are: violation normal digestion, stopping the elimination of toxins. Protective functions are significantly reduced, since dehydration first of all destroys the immune system. Impaired kidney and liver function occur, and blood pressure increases. Are intensively destroyed cartilage tissue, there are signs of accelerated aging of the body.

As a result of severe, prolonged dehydration, immunodeficiency pathologies begin to develop (or worsen): asthma, Chronical bronchitis, lupus erythematosus. It appears more clearly multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease are getting worse. May develop oncological diseases, infertility may occur.

Treatment of dehydration

The first, main method of eliminating dehydration is to replenish fluid loss, as well as normalize water and electrolyte balance. Therefore, the initial, mild stages are easily eliminated by sufficient intake of water. Of course, not one time. You need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of liquid per day. It is better to drink in small portions, but often. It is best to drink mineral water (non-carbonated), compotes, and fruit drinks.

Dehydration moderate severity treated with rehydration therapy. A person is soldered with solutions of saline rehydrants. For example, solutions of Regidron and Gidrovit are used.

If severe dehydration occurs, the patient needs immediate medical attention. First aid is usually provided by an ambulance team. If necessary, the patient is placed in a hospital. They spend there intravenous infusion rehydration solutions. In addition, doctors treat the disease that caused dehydration.

Traditional treatment dehydration

At mild form dehydration possible home treatment. Here are some recipes:

Give the patient a drink with a self-prepared solution: pour 1 liter into a jar. boiled, slightly warm water. Add 1 tsp. salt, 3 tbsp. l. sugar, 1\2 tsp. baking soda. Mix everything thoroughly until the components are completely dissolved.

Pour 200 ml of freshly squeezed water into a jar orange juice, add 1\2 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. baking soda. Top up with cool boiled water until you get 1 liter. drink Let the patient drink whenever he wants.

Remember that it is better to prevent dehydration than to treat it later. Therefore, always drink a little clean water throughout the day.

Remember that the risk group for dehydration includes young children, as well as older people.

Increase fluid intake if you have vomiting or diarrhea. Also drink more than usual when treating illnesses or when taking a large number of medications (of course, if there are no contraindications). Be healthy!

What is dehydration in an adult? This is excessive loss of fluid from the body. Arises similar situation due to high temperature, increased sweating.

Dehydration can occur in people of any age, but older adults can also experience very dangerous.

All human organs and systems require a constant amount of fluid, and if this does not happen, the entire body suffers. The amount of water you need to drink depends on your activity, but daily norm should not be less than one and a half liters.

When dehydration occurs, the level of all fluids in the body decreases.

Dehydration during diarrhea causes a disruption of all functions that are aimed at eating food and problems arise with the delivery of nutrients to cells and removal from the body.

Important! When does water loss occur? percentage to the entire volume of liquid present in the amount of 10%, disturbances occur metabolic processes, which are very harmful to health and pose a threat to life. Fluid loss 15% of total number in the body leads to death.

The degree of dehydration can be determined based on the following indicators

Symptoms of dehydration with diarrhea

Consequence of dehydration

As water is lost, the body reduces the volume of fluid in the cells (66%), then the intercellular space (26%), and then from the blood (8%).

Such actions are carried out in order to bring water into the brain, which is 85% liquid. The loss of one percent entails major changes that are hazardous to health.

In order for the brain to function properly, it needs to be supplied with 20% of all blood, although its mass is only 2% of the body's weight. It is not for nothing that nature provided for the position of the child inside the mother upside down - this way he receives more blood to the brain, because supplying it with the necessary substances determines his entire subsequent life.

With insufficient water, the blood thickens and the activity of its main cells decreases. The immune system is also susceptible to threats - there is a decrease in the number useful substances in organism.

Important! With prolonged dehydration, an adult can die after 5-7 days, and in hot weather after 3-5 days.


Treatment for dehydration depends on the degree of dehydration. With 1 or 2 degrees of fluid loss, glucose-saline solutions are prescribed, which can include a remedy for dehydration Oralit or dehydration powder Regidron.

They contain boiled water (the contents of the drug are dissolved in it), dextrose, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, etc. 75 ml of solution per kilogram of weight is injected into the human body.

Usage similar drugs is effective - dextrose stimulates the transport of electrolytes sodium and potassium, as a result of which this treatment is very effective.

In addition to the above medications, to prevent dehydration due to diarrhea you can take water, compotes, tea, fruit juices or cereal decoctions.

If diarrhea occurs (especially if it occurs long time), there may be a risk of dehydration. This occurs due to a large loss of fluid, which is excreted by the body along with feces.

This condition is dangerous to human health, so care must be taken to water balance was at the required level. For this it is necessary take regularly clean water , which can normalize the general condition of the body.

Drinking coffee or carbonated drinks is contraindicated, as they provoke rapid removal of water from the body. After reception necessary medications and the receipt of the required amount of fluid - the patient’s condition stabilizes.

Otherwise, a visit to the doctor is urgent measure, which will help not only normalize health, but also save a person’s life. The doctor, after diagnosis, will prescribe necessary treatment and the patient should recover, in the absence of concomitant pathologies.

The following video will complement the information on monitoring body dehydration:

In contact with

Dehydration or dehydration is a condition in which the amount of water in the body is significantly reduced. Since a person is 80% water, dehydration is a fairly serious problem for the human condition. On average, an adult loses about 2.5 liters of fluid per day (during the process of life - breathing, sweating, etc.). Abrupt loss fluids leading to dehydration can occur for the following reasons:

  • diarrhea;
  • prolonged vomiting;
  • intoxication;
  • heavy sweating caused by heat or fever;
  • heatstroke;
  • frequent urination (especially with diabetes).

Danger of dehydration often lies in the fact that it is difficult for a person to understand what is happening to him. Therefore, it is very important to know how the symptoms of dehydration manifest themselves, namely:

  • weakness, deterioration in general health;
  • thirst, dry mouth;
  • dizziness (see “Dizziness - causes and treatment”);
  • hand trembling;
  • loss of appetite, resulting in weight loss;
  • skin hyperemia - an increase in skin temperature, often occurs when overheated;
  • decrease and sometimes complete absence urination;
  • increased heart rate, appearance of symptoms of tachycardia - in case of intoxication (poisoning food products, alcohol, medications, chemicals).

These symptoms manifest themselves with dehydration in a complex manner - if there is only one symptom, it cannot be said that it is dehydration. As mentioned above, most of the human body consists of water. This means that losing even a small amount of fluid can make things worse. general condition. Therefore, dehydration must be combated, or better yet, prevented.

Treating symptoms of dehydration

Treatment of dehydration is speedy recovery fluid level in the body. The first thing to do in case of dehydration is to provide the patient with rest. To do this, it must be laid on flat surface, if possible, place it in a cool and humid room with good air circulation. Next, you need to give the person something to drink - depending on the patient’s condition, water should be given in small portions.

If dehydration occurs as a result of overheating, you need to apply a wet cold cloth to the person’s forehead; if possible, you can also wet clothes, or place the person in a bath with cool water or under the shower.

For vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration should be treated with rehydrating solutions. Such solutions can be made independently at home, or can be purchased at a pharmacy. To prepare the solution, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 glass of orange juice and three-quarters of a teaspoon of salt per liter of water. This solution should be drunk in small sips 3 times a day.

Long-term dehydration can lead to the onset of irreversible processes in the body. If no one knows how to cope with dehydration, it is necessary to call ambulance. If dehydration occurs, the patient is hospitalized and treatment continues in the hospital. In the hospital, electrolytic solutions are introduced into the human body through a dropper, replenishing fluid levels and removing toxins from the body.

Dehydration (dehydration) occurs when our body loses more fluid than it receives from the outside.

As a result, there is not enough water in the body to maintain a constant volume and other indicators of body fluids.

If dehydration is left untreated, it can lead to serious complications and even death.

Causes of dehydration

Common causes of dehydration are diarrhea, repeated vomiting, fever or intense sweating during exercise. If a person does not receive enough fluids in these conditions, dehydration can develop very quickly. This is especially true for children, the elderly and seriously ill people.

We tend to compensate for minor dehydration by increasing fluid intake. This is facilitated by the mechanism of thirst, for which special structures in our brain are responsible. Additionally, when we become dehydrated, our kidneys begin to produce less urine, which also helps maintain balance.

But severe dehydration requires immediate appeal to the doctor. Therefore, the safest way out is to prevent dehydration. Remember to monitor fluid loss during exercise, hot weather, or illness. Often, dehydration occurs because we are too busy to remember to be thirsty, or because we do not have reliable access to drinking water while traveling or hiking.

Other causes of dehydration include:

1. Diarrhea and vomiting.

Severe diarrhea (diarrhea) causes enormous loss of fluid and electrolytes in a short period of time. For example, with cholera, severe diarrhea in a couple of hours can take several liters of precious fluid from the patient’s body. If the disease is also accompanied by vomiting, then the loss of water will be even more serious. Dehydration develops especially quickly in young children, so you should contact your pediatrician at the first sign.

2. Fever.

In general, the higher our body temperature, the more fluid we lose. When we follow people's councils, drink hot tea and bundle up to sweat; we lose additional fluid through sweat. If fever is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, the risk of dehydration becomes very high.

3. Increased sweating.

We lose a lot of water through sweat. During intense workouts, you can lose hundreds of grams of fluid, so you should always take a flask of water to the gym or on a hike. Hot climates increase sweating, which causes fluid to be lost more quickly.

Children and adolescents are especially sensitive to dehydration during sports or outdoor games due to their physiology. In addition, children are inattentive to their condition and attach little importance to signs of dehydration. This is another reason why sports games Children should be supervised by an adult mentor.

4. Increased urine output.

Most often this is the result of undiagnosed and uncontrolled diabetes mellitus- a disease that interferes with the utilization of glucose in the body. Diabetes mellitus occurs when there is insufficient synthesis of the hormone insulin by the pancreas. This type of diabetes is accompanied by extreme thirst and increased urine output.

Another disease, diabetes insipidus, is also characterized by thirst and frequent urination, but that's where their similarities end. Diabetes insipidus has nothing to do with blood glucose levels, but is caused by a lack of antidiuretic hormone pituitary gland

Many medications, such as antihistamines, diuretics, antihypertensives and some psychiatric drugs, can also cause dehydration. The same applies to alcohol and a number of drugs.

Risk factors for dehydration

Observations show that some people are more likely to become victims of dehydration than others:

Infants and older children are especially vulnerable due to their low body weight and greater turnover of water and electrolytes than adults. Because of poor hygiene and the body's susceptibility, intestinal infections occur more often in children than in adults.

2. Elderly people.

As people age, they become more susceptible to dehydration. This happens for several reasons. First, as we age, our body's ability to retain water decreases. Secondly, older people adapt less well to high temperatures environment. Thirdly, in older people the feeling of thirst is slightly dulled.

Moreover, some, especially those living alone or in nursing homes, tend to be malnourished and insufficiently hydrated. Sometimes they may simply forget to eat or drink water. Powerlessness or indifference often causes malnutrition and dehydration in old age. These problems can be aggravated by chronic conditions - diabetes, hormonal disorders, medications, etc.

3. Patients with chronic diseases.

Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, diabetes insipidus, chronic alcoholism, adrenal disease increases the risk of dehydration. Even a common cold makes a person more susceptible to this condition, in particular due to the fact that during the period of illness we lose our appetite and do not want to eat or drink.

4. Athletes.

Any person who is engaged physical exercise, may experience dehydration. This is especially obvious if classes take place in a hot, humid environment or at high altitudes. Athletes who train for marathons, triathlons, cycling, and mountain climbers are at highest risk.

During exercise, our body constantly loses water, and this deficit increases with each passing hour. The longer physical activity lasts, the more difficult it is to maintain water balance. Dehydration may worsen over several days of intense exercise. This means that at some point a person may become dehydrated even with moderate exercise. To prevent this from happening, you need to drink enough fluids day after day, and not just during training.

5. People living at high altitudes.

Living, working or training at altitudes above 2500 meters can cause many problems. One of them is dehydration. In the mountains it occurs because our body tries to adapt to the altitude by breathing faster. And the faster we breathe to maintain adequate oxygen levels, the more fluid we evaporate and exhale.

6. People working in hot and humid environments.

When it is very hot and humid outside, as in countries with tropical climate, people are at increased risk of dehydration.

Symptoms of dehydration

Mild to moderate dehydration is manifested by the following symptoms:

. Dry mouth.
. Dry skin.
. Decreased urine output.
. Lack of tear fluid.
. Drowsiness and lethargy.
. Dizziness.
. Headache.
. Constipation.

Severe dehydration is manifested by the following symptoms:

Very strong thirst.
. Irritability and confusion.
. Severe fussiness or drowsiness in children.
. Very dry skin and mucous membranes.
. Lack of tears when crying.
. Sunken eyes.
. Insufficient sweating.
. No or very little urine output.
. Rich urine that is dark yellow or amber in color.
. Loss of skin elasticity.
. Sunken fontanel in infants.
. Low blood pressure.
. Accelerated heartbeat.
. Frequent breathing.
. Increased body temperature.
. Delirium and loss of consciousness in severe cases.

Unfortunately, thirst is not always a reliable measure of the body's water needs. The best indicator is the color of your urine: clear or lightly colored urine indicates normal hydration, while dark, amber urine is often a sign of dehydration.

When should you see a doctor?

Seek immediate medical attention if symptoms of severe dehydration occur, such as extreme thirst, confusion, dry skin, or decreased urination.

Parents should pay special attention to the condition of young children.

Call your pediatrician right away if your baby has:

Severe diarrhea began, with or without vomiting.
. Minor diarrhea lasts more than 3 days.
. There was some blood in the stool.
. The child cannot drink enough fluids.
. Feeling irritable, confused, or drowsy.
. Any other signs of dehydration have appeared.

Treatment of dehydration

The only effective way to treat dehydration is to replace lost fluids and electrolytes. The specific treatment regimen will depend on age, cause, and severity of dehydration.

Treatment of dehydration in sick children:

1. Oral rehydration solutions.

Until your pediatrician prescribes otherwise, give your child Rehydron rehydration solution (prescribed Pedialyte in the US) or similar drug. They should be taken immediately after the baby experiences vomiting or diarrhea. These solutions contain the necessary electrolytes (sodium, potassium), which will help restore water-electrolyte balance in the body and prevent serious complications.

If you find yourself in a situation where it is not possible to buy and give your child a ready-made drug, do not despair. You can make your own rehydration solution. To do this, mix ½ teaspoon of salt, 6 teaspoons of sugar and 1 liter of pure drinking water. Make sure the proportions are correct, because an incorrectly prepared solution may be less effective and even harmful.

Whichever option you choose, make sure to give your child enough solution. TO ready-made drugs Attached are instructions where the doses are prescribed for any age or weight of the child. Your pediatrician may suggest a different dose based on your baby's condition. Give the solution to your child in small amounts until the symptoms disappear or the urine becomes clear. If your child is vomiting, try giving the solution in very small amounts, starting with 1 spoon every few minutes. If the child vomits everything, wait 30-60 minutes and start again. The proposed solutions should be at room temperature. The prepared solution contains glucose, so it becomes contaminated with bacteria very quickly - it cannot be stored for a long time, especially in a warm place.

2. Continued breastfeeding.

If your baby is sick, do not stop breastfeeding, but in addition to breast milk give rehydration solutions by bottle. If you are using formula, try switching to lactose-free formula until the diarrhea goes away. Lactose is difficult to digest, which can make diarrhea worse. Never dilute the milk mixture in a way different from that indicated in the instructions!

3. Limiting certain foods and drinks.

The best drink for a sick child is the solutions described above. Tap water does not provide the body with the necessary electrolytes. And special sports drinks, although they contain electrolytes, are not intended to relieve the effects of diarrhea in children. Their composition is optimal for replenishing fluid loss in athletes after training.

During diarrhea, children should not be given milk, soda, caffeinated drinks, fruit juices or jellies, which can worsen dehydration. Some people do not understand why tea, a drink containing caffeine, should not be given. The fact is that caffeine increases diuresis (urine output), which can worsen dehydration from diarrhea.

Treatment of dehydration in adults:

In most cases, mild to moderate dehydration in adults resolves after drinking enough water. Water is better than other liquids such as fruit juices, carbonated drinks or caffeinated drinks. For diarrhea and vomiting, adults are prescribed the same rehydration solutions that we discussed above. In rare, very severe cases, patients require hospitalization and intravenous administration liquids, so do not avoid consulting a doctor.

Treatment of dehydration in athletes:

If you become dehydrated as a result of exercise best advice- cool water. Special sports drinks are also suitable for replenishing electrolytes lost through sweat. Salt tablets are common in some countries, but you need to be careful with them - too much salt can cause hypernatremic dehydration. This is a serious condition in which the body experiences high level sodium with a lack of water.

Complications of dehydration

Dehydration can lead to dangerous complications, including:

1. Heat stroke.

If you are severely dehydrated, especially during physical activity, the body may overheat. The severity of the condition varies, up to heatstroke, which can be fatal.

2. Brain swelling.

Sometimes when we don't get enough fluid, our body tries to push more water inside the cells. This can lead to swelling and cell death. It is especially dangerous when this happens to brain cells.

3. Cramps.

Electrolytes such as sodium and potassium help conduct electrical signals between cells. If an electrolyte imbalance occurs, normal electrical signals are disrupted, resulting in involuntary muscle contractions or loss of consciousness.

4. Hypovolemic shock.

Insufficient blood volume in the vessels caused by fluid loss leads to hypovolemic shock. This is a very serious, potentially fatal condition. Hypovolemic shock occurs sharp drop pressure and cell starvation.

5. Kidney failure.

This dangerous condition also occurs due to insufficient blood volume and a fall. blood pressure. The fact is that our kidneys are able to filter harmful substances from the blood only under a certain pressure in the blood vessels. If the pressure drops below the minimum threshold, then this “filter” stops and urine is not produced - kidney failure occurs.

6. Coma and death.

If severe dehydration is not treated promptly, the patient may die from hypovolemic shock and other complications.

Preventing dehydration

To prevent dehydration, you don’t need much - drink enough water and eat foods rich in liquid (fruits, vegetables). For most people, it is enough to be guided by their own sense of thirst. But with some diseases, thirst is deceptive, so a person will have to normalize and monitor daily fluid intake. Young athletes should consult their coaches about fluid intake and signs of dehydration.

If you are going to hard work or to the gym, then first drink 1 to 3 glasses of water (0.25-0.75 l), and do not forget to take a supply of liquid with you.

Konstantin Mokanov

The benefits of water for the body are known to everyone, but few people think about its lack. But bad mood, depression, insomnia, anxiety - these are the most harmless manifestations that dehydration causes. The reason is that most people are not in the habit of drinking water at all.

Dehydration (dehydration) is a lack of water needed for metabolic and chemical processes. They don't stop for a minute human body throughout life. Water is the second, after oxygen, essential substance for life. Its deficiency leads to severe stress and changes hormonal balance, causes an increase in blood concentration and acidity of the body.

Such stress can trigger irreversible processes. As a result, cardiac, mental, endocrine, oncological diseases. In some cases, brain cells are destroyed and spinal cord, bone, which leads to the development of osteoporosis.

Dehydration Basics

Dehydration is a lack of fluid, one of the serious illnesses. Sometimes it can be a kind of signal about the development of more severe pathologies. To avoid excessive manifestations of the disease, you should know the main causes and signs of dehydration.

A decrease in the level of normal water balance leads to the occurrence of disease. If you spend a long time in the sun, the first symptoms may appear. Sometimes their occurrence is provoked by an unbalanced diet or diet. It is very important to understand that this is how real dehydration can begin. Symptoms that do not hesitate to appear should be able to be interpreted correctly in order to take timely measures.

Water is essential nutrient medium for cell life. She endures nutrients, allows the body to stabilize body temperature. Its deficiency impedes important processes and disrupts the function of food absorption.

Sometimes there is an opinion that water can easily be replaced with any other drink. For example, coffee, tea, alcohol, soda. Not at all like that. Many of the drinks, in addition to water, also contain dehydrating components. Caffeine is one of them. Therefore, from drinking such a drink you can lose much more moisture than you would like to gain. Alcohol should be included in a special category. He is simply a leader in dehydration. Hot tea during a cold also quickly removes fluid due to sweating. This is also wrong, although a person usually experiences relief. Much better to drink warm water. You can add lemon and honey to it.

Causes of dehydration

Typically, dehydration is caused by repeated vomiting, diarrhea, intense sweating, and fever. If in this state a person does not receive enough fluid, dehydration may begin to develop. Signs of dehydration in a child are especially pronounced. Seriously ill and elderly people are at risk.

The minor stage of the disease is compensated by increased water intake. The body itself took care of this, providing it with a mechanism for the occurrence of thirst. A special structure in the brain is responsible for it. Another protective function when there is a lack of fluid is less urination. In this way, the body tries to maintain at least a little balance, fighting a disease such as dehydration.


  • Vomiting and diarrhea. A gastrointestinal disorder can cause severe fluid loss over quite a period of time. short term. Dehydration during diarrhea caused by cholera occurs so rapidly that sometimes the body loses several liters of valuable fluid in two hours. And if diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, then the loss will be even more significant. In children, this process occurs much faster. Therefore, if you notice the first signs, you should immediately contact your pediatrician for help.
  • Fever. It is a known fact that the higher a person’s temperature, the faster moisture is lost from the body. Following popular advice, patients try to sweat. To do this, they drink a lot of tea. As you know, the body loses precious fluid along with sweat. And if the disease is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, then the risk of dehydration increases many times over.
  • Increased sweating. A person always loses fluid. And quite a lot of water leaves the body through sweat. Intense workouts can remove up to several hundred grams of fluid. In this regard, when going on a hike or to the gym, it is necessary to grab a bottle of water. Children are especially sensitive to increased sweating during competitions and games. This is due to physiology. But, unfortunately, children are inattentive to this condition and do not pay any attention to the signs of dehydration. This is one of the many reasons why children's games should be supervised by adults.
  • Increased urination. Often these signs of dehydration are the result of diabetes. This disease causes impaired glucose utilization. When the pancreas does not produce enough of the hormone insulin, the patient suffers from severe thirst. The result is excessive urination. Similar symptoms It can also cause another disease - diabetes insipidus. It is provoked by a lack of antidiuretic hormone from the pituitary gland. This disease also causes an acute feeling of thirst, accompanied by increased urination.

Some medications can cause the body to lose life-giving moisture. These are, for example, diuretics, antihistamines, antihypertensives, and some psychiatric medications.

Alcohol and many drugs cause severe dehydration.

Who is at risk?

Observations confirm that some people become victims of dehydration more often than others. Those most at risk are:

  • Children. Children's vulnerability to the environment makes them most susceptible to various intestinal infections. And this causes severe loss of fluid. In addition, the process occurs quite rapidly, removing electrolytes from the body. This is due to the fact that children's body contains more water. Consequently, the metabolic process occurs much more intensely.
  • Aged people. With age, a person becomes more vulnerable. This is especially true in the case of dehydration. The body loses its ability to retain fluid. An older person adapts much less well to high temperatures Therefore, on hot days, such people quite often suffer from dehydration. In addition, their feeling of thirst is a little dulled. Sometimes older people tend to become chronically malnourished. They often forget to take food and, accordingly, fluids. Such indifference and powerlessness sometimes become the causes of dehydration. And acquired diseases - diabetes, hormonal disorders- can intensify this condition.

  • Athletes. People who exercise their bodies can experience all the problems associated with dehydration. Especially if training takes place in a humid, hot environment at high altitudes. Participants in cycling marathons, triathlons, and climbers are included in the maximum risk group. Exercise constantly provokes the removal of fluid from the body. Every hour this problem becomes unspeakably worse. With prolonged physical activity, it becomes completely difficult to maintain the necessary water balance. This process can last several days with constant intensive training. But at one point, even a light load can cause illness. This can be avoided only by strict control of the amount of fluid. This doesn't just apply to training. Every day, day after day, you should drink the required amount of water.
  • Seriously ill patients. Some chronic pathologies can result in dehydration of the body. As a rule, these are kidney diseases, diabetes, adrenal disorders, chronic alcoholism. However, we should not forget that sometimes even a common cold can cause apathy towards food and liquid, which will expose the body to dehydration.
  • People living in high-rise buildings. Often, few people think about what problems such buildings can bring. The higher a person rises, the more his breathing quickens. This is typical for all people living or working in offices at altitudes above 2500 meters. The speed of breathing, caused by the body’s desire to maintain the required level of oxygen, causes an increased process of exhalation and evaporation of moisture.

Classification of dehydration

Dehydration has several stages of severity. Each of them has its own symptoms and requires appropriate treatment. There are three degrees of dehydration: mild, moderate and severe. The latter can even lead to cell death. So think about it: is it worth subjecting your body to such tests?

Symptoms of the disease

Dehydration of the body can be very easily determined already at early stages. It should be noted that these degrees of the disease are easily susceptible to complete cure. Therefore, if you notice that dehydration is occurring, the symptoms are quite eloquent evidence of it, take action immediately.

Light or average degree usually causes:

  • drowsiness, fatigue;
  • dry mouth and viscosity;
  • feeling of thirst;
  • decreased urination - babies’ diapers remain dry for three hours, and older children do not go to the toilet for about eight hours, sometimes more;
  • dry skin;
  • constipation;
  • headache;
  • complete absence or very small amount of tears when crying;
  • dizziness, sometimes even fainting.

Severe dehydration requiring immediate attention medical care, causes:

  • increased thirst;
  • insomnia, fussiness in children, confusion and irritability in adults;
  • lack of sweat;
  • dryness not only of the mouth, but also of the skin, and even mucous membranes;
  • almost no urination or a small amount that is dark yellow or amber in color;
  • retraction of the fontanel in an infant;
  • the skin becomes wrinkled when pinched and does not straighten out immediately;
  • sunken eyes;
  • low blood pressure;
  • rapid breathing;
  • complete absence of tears;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • elevated temperature;
  • delirium, loss of consciousness - in the most severe stages.

But remember: feeling thirsty is not always a reliable indicator of a lack of water in the body. This is especially true for older people and children. The best indicator is the color of the urine. A clear or slightly tinted color indicates normality. And dark yellow and amber shades indicate dehydration.

When to see a doctor?

Adult healthy man can easily cope with mild to moderate dehydration. It is enough to establish normal fluid intake. In case of severe thirst, lack of urination, wrinkled skin, dizziness, and confusion, medical help is urgently needed. Such signs of dehydration in a child or elderly person require great caution.

Call a doctor immediately if the patient exhibits the following symptoms:

  • severe diarrhea with vomiting, fever;
  • bloody stool;
  • diarrhea for three days;
  • loss of orientation, irritability, drowsiness.

If you suspect dehydration, contact your nearest medical institution or immediately call an ambulance.

Treatment of children

Most effective method- This is the restoration of lost fluid and electrolytes. The specific plan for how to treat dehydration depends on the child’s age, the cause of the disease and the severity. Of course, it is best to choose it together with a pediatrician.

Initially, you should give the baby special drugs from dehydration. The best solution is considered to be "Regidron". It should be used immediately as soon as the child has vomiting or diarrhea. Such preparations contain necessary for the body electrolytes. This is potassium, sodium. They help restore full water and electrolyte balance. This will prevent serious consequences from occurring.

An excellent analogue of the drug can be a homemade solution for dehydration. To make it you will need half a teaspoon of salt, 6 teaspoons of sugar, and a liter of purified drinking water. Double-check that the proportions are correct. This is very important for preparing a homemade solution. If the dose is incorrect, the drug will be less effective and can sometimes cause harm.

Give your baby enough of the drug, starting with small portions. In case of vomiting, you should start with one spoon. This medicine should be used until all symptoms disappear completely. Pay special attention to the color of your urine. Very important! You cannot store the prepared solution, especially in a warm place, for a long time. It becomes unusable very quickly.

The best drinks are solutions. Dehydration in a child cannot be treated with tap water or special sports water. Eliminate soda, milk, caffeine-containing drinks, and juices from your diet at this time. This will only make the symptoms worse.

Treatment for adults

In most cases, mild to moderate severity is observed. Therefore, adequate fluid intake can easily relieve adults from all the symptoms that dehydration causes. Treatment for diarrhea or vomiting may include the same solutions discussed above.

Quite rarely a severe stage is observed. In this case, hospitalization remains the best option. In a hospital, such a patient is given intravenous fluid. In order not to delay the recovery process and instead of getting a long-awaited recovery, you should definitely consult a doctor. This will make it possible to return to a normal lifestyle much faster.

Complications of dehydration

Unfortunately, dehydration in some cases, especially if not given enough attention, can lead to quite disastrous results. Dehydration should not be ignored. The consequences can sometimes be fatal.

Dangerous complications:

  • Heatstroke. During intense physical activity, if a person does not drink enough fluids, the body can overheat. This condition is difficult because it can easily result in heat stroke. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be fatal.
  • Convulsions. Electrolytes (sodium, potassium) necessary for life function act as conductors between cells. An imbalance introduces disharmony into this process, provoking a mixing of signals. This process causes involuntary muscle contractions or loss of consciousness.
  • Brain swelling. Lack of fluid forces the body to take care of cells with even greater zeal. It simply “pushes” the remaining water into the cells. In turn, this provokes their swelling and death. It is very dangerous if the body begins to “take care” of brain cells.
  • Hypovolemic shock. This condition occurs when pressure drops. It is defined as the most dangerous complication. Dehydration leads to insufficient blood volume and therefore low blood pressure. And this, in turn, reduces the amount of oxygen in the body.
  • Kidney failure. One of dangerous conditions for the body, which can result from dehydration. It is dictated by a drop in pressure. The kidneys become unable to filter harmful substances. After all, their work is determined only by the pressure in the vessels. Therefore, such a “filter” simply stops. Urine production stops. A disease appears - kidney failure.
  • Coma, death. If dehydration is not caught in time and treated, dehydration diseases can be fatal.

Preventive measures

To avoid illness and, of course, no less dangerous complications, you need very little. It is required to take a sufficient amount of fluid daily and eat juicy foods. These include vegetables and fruits. For most people, thirst is a warning signal. During physical activity, do not wait until it comes; increase your water intake.

And don’t forget that in some situations you should take more water than usual.

  • Disease. At the first symptoms, start drinking more fluids or rehydration solution. Just remember that carbonated drinks and light beer contain a lot of sugar and little salt. Therefore, they are not able to replace lost electrolytes.
  • Sports activities. The day before serious physical activity, you should increase the dose of fluid. A large number of Transparent urine is the best indicator of wealth. Immediately before training, drink 1-3 glasses of water. Remember to drink fluids during exercise as well.

    But know that taking too much liquid will not lead to good things. This can result in bloating and discomfort. In some cases, a potentially fatal condition can occur when the sodium level in the blood is too low - hyponatremia. This happens if the body receives much more fluid than it loses.

  • Wednesday. In hot weather, you should definitely take more water. This will reduce your body temperature. In this way, the fluid lost due to sweating will be restored.


A person needs a certain amount of water. The minimum for each is one liter. This need is determined by age and mobility. More active people should drink two and sometimes three liters of fluid. You should always remember this, and you will not face dangerous dehydration.

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