What helps with heartburn at home - pills and folk remedies. Cheap heartburn pills that help. What helps with heartburn

Heartburn is a rather unpleasant burning sensation in the chest, accompanied by a sour-bitter taste in the mouth. It may occur when poor nutrition, overeating, during pregnancy, and also due to organ diseases digestive tract. So you shouldn't do it self-treatment this condition. If heartburn recurs, you should visit a qualified doctor who will necessary research and prescribe adequate treatment.

Modern medicine offers many different medicines to relieve heartburn. They are available in the form of tablets, capsules, suspensions and powders. Most commonly used medications for heartburn 2 pharmaceutical groups: antacids and antisecretory agents.


Drugs in this group are primarily used for heartburn. They help you quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms by neutralizing hydrochloric acid, which irritates the esophagus. In addition, antacids eliminate spasmodic contractions stomach, prevent duodenogastric reflux and accelerate the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract.

Benefits of antacids:

  • quickly relieve symptoms;
  • do not require prophylactic use;
  • can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.


  • short action;
  • do not treat the disease, but only eliminate the symptoms;
  • impair absorption and therapeutic effect other medications used at the same time;
  • Long-term use of antacids can cause disturbances in mineral metabolism.

Brief characteristics of antacid drugs

This drug contains a mixture of magnesium carbonate, magnesium oxide and aluminum hydroxide. This composition provides high efficiency and reducing the risk of constipation. The use of the drug Gastal for heartburn is especially recommended when it occurs against the background of ulcerative-erosive lesions of the stomach, gastritis and chronic high acidity.

This is perhaps the most popular over-the-counter heartburn medication. It contains magnesium and calcium carbonate. These substances have an antacid and gastroprotective effect, quickly relieving pain caused by increased acidity. An important advantage of Rennie is the possibility of its use during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is prescribed not only for heartburn, but also for the treatment of gastritis, ulcerative-erosive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gastralgia.

This drug is available in the form of tablets and suspension, which allows each patient to choose a convenient form for administration. The medicine contains magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide. This tandem provides antacid, protective, enveloping and analgesic effects. Maalox is used for various diseases Gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by increased acidity.

This medicine contains alginate and sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate. Gaviscon envelops the walls of the esophagus with a protective film that prevents irritation. Gaviscon is prescribed for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux. Its use is approved to eliminate heartburn in pregnant women.

The active ingredient of the product is aluminum phosphate. Phosphalugel is active against heartburn due to its neutralizing property hydrochloric acid. It also has an absorbent and enveloping effect. Like other antacids, it is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases with high acidity.

Antisecretory drugs

This group of drugs blocks excessive production of hydrochloric acid. Antisecretory drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. Taking them makes sense if antacid therapy does not give the desired result, as well as in cases where heartburn is a symptom of gastrointestinal diseases, for example, ulcers or gastritis.


  • high efficiency;
  • long lasting effect;
  • preventing repeated attacks of heartburn;
  • relative safety of use.


  • the need for a doctor's appointment;
  • long period before the effect appears;
  • possible side effects;
  • cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Brief characteristics of popular antisecretory agents

The drug contains rabeprazole sodium, which has an antiulcer effect. This action is achieved by inhibiting proton pump. At the same time, the secretion of hydrochloric acid decreases and heartburn goes away. Pariet is used for ulcerative-erosive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastroesophageal reflux disease and other diseases caused by increased secretion of hydrochloric acid.

This drug is a proton pump inhibitor. Under the influence of omeprazole, a blockage occurs final stage formation of chloride acid, which leads to decreased secretion. Omeprazole is taken for heartburn, which accompanies gastric and duodenal ulcers, peptic ulcers, gastritis, and reflux esophagitis.

Omeprazole is available under different names trade names: Omez, Ornatol, Promezol, Omizak, Losek, etc. Ornatol and Omez are most often prescribed for heartburn, as they are highly effective and low cost. It is enough to use drugs containing omeprazole once a day, which is also their undeniable advantage.

Ranitidine helps relieve heartburn by blocking histamine H2 receptors, which suppresses the secretion of hydrochloric acid. It is used for the same diseases as other antisecretory agents. Ranitidine – cheap drug, very popular among the population.

Drugs of other groups used for heartburn

Smecta is prescribed for heartburn, usually as part of complex therapy due to its ability to restore irritated mucous membranes and protect it from the action of chloride acid. Therefore, you can safely take it without having other drugs on hand to get rid of the unpleasant burning sensation.

Activated charcoal can also be used for heartburn. Thanks to its structure, it quickly absorbs excess hydrochloric acid, which will bring the desired relief. This medicine will not cure the disease that caused heartburn, however, in the absence of other remedies at hand, it can be used without harm to the body.

Who among us is not familiar with heartburn? An unpleasant, burning sensation in the esophagus with an acidic taste in the mouth causes torment and painful irritation. Some, the most impatient ones, immediately grab soda, which is extremely dangerous for health. Meanwhile, there are more gentle ways to combat hydrochloric acid.

The effect of drugs that reduce acidity, their contraindications

Cheap heartburn remedies quickly block unpleasant sensations and bring relief. Medicines that reduce stomach acid include antacids. These heartburn remedies are cheap in price, but they help no worse than expensive medications.

Remedies for heartburn - cheap, but the most effective are presented in our article

They bring relief thanks to their following abilities:

  • quickly absorb harmful substances;
  • cover the pituitary surface of the intestine;
  • promote the synthesis of bicarbonate, which stimulates an increase in mucus secretion;
  • reduce the amount of acid.

Thus, antacids block the symptoms caused by increased content acids.

Not everyone knows that these medications have contraindications, namely:

  • it is not allowed to take them for more than 2 weeks;
  • some are prohibited for children under 14 years of age;
  • Not suitable for use by pregnant women.

They also reduce the effectiveness of some medications taken at the same time.

Inexpensive but effective antacids

To this group medications, which intensively affect the cells of the digestive system include:

  • Almagel;
  • Rutacid;
  • Rennie;
  • Vikair.

Almagel is a non-absorbable suspension that contains a combination of aluminum and magnesium hydroxide, as well as benzocaine.

Under the influence of these components, the body quickly, 4 minutes after administration, neutralizes hydrochloric acid and relieves pain. On average, the cost of a suspension is less than 200 rubles, and tablets are even cheaper, around 70 rubles.

Rutacid contains less aluminum and magnesium than Almagel. But this does not prevent the tablets from quickly neutralizing hydrochloric acid and protecting the mucous membrane. The drug is inexpensive, costs about 100 rubles.

When taking the drug Rennie, its components, magnesium and calcium carbonates, react with the acid and quench its corrosive effect. Magnesium stimulates increased mucus production and reduces pain syndrome. A blister with 12 tablets costs approximately 100 rubles.

Contains antispasmodic and antiseptic Vikair includes magnesium carbonate and bismuth nitrate. It has laxative and astringent properties. 10 tablets cost 20 rubles.

Note! Antacids act for a short time, since they do not fight the cause of heartburn, but remove its symptoms.

Advantages of drugs that reduce acid production, their contraindications

Cheap heartburn medications that reduce the synthesis of hydrochloric acid include proton pump blockers, also called inhibitors or PPIs. PPIs do not block all acid, but only that which is not subject to the body’s own defenses.

By affecting the cellular structures that directly produce hydrochloric acid, blockers reduce their function, protecting digestive system. And, at the same time, they have a healing effect on formed ulcers and erosions of the esophagus and stomach.

Inhibitors have the following advantages:

  • they are effective and safe;
  • available without a prescription;
  • are taken once a day, as their effect lasts for 8 hours;
  • for children are produced in the form of convenient suspensions;
  • their use is cheaper than antacids.

It should be noted that these heartburn remedies are cheap, but effective only when used systematically.

The funds in question have and serious shortcomings:

  • relief comes not immediately after taking the medicine, but about an hour later;
  • pregnant women and they are contraindicated for nursing mothers;
  • cause serious adverse reactions: diarrhea, hepatitis, depression, headache;
  • with long-term use the body gets used to it, after which it is difficult for the patient to choose another drug from this group;
  • cause night acid breakthrough;
  • as well as antacids, they are not safe when taken at the same time as other medicines and may reduce their effectiveness.

Inexpensive proton pump blockers

From this group special attention deserves the most effective and inexpensive, and therefore popular, remedy Omeprazole. The tablets relieve heartburn in patients who suffer from it for more than 2 days. Moreover, the drug not only removes the burning sensation in the esophagus, but copes with the cause of its occurrence.

The cost of 30 capsules of 20 mg of this drug varies depending on the region from 30 rubles to 200. For a course of treatment, 2 such packages are enough.

A drug such as Orthanol contains 50% omeprazole. Already after the first intake of the capsules, from the first minute, the action of the inhibitor begins and continues for 24 hours. The maximum effect occurs after 2 hours. The cost depends on the country of origin, the number of milligrams and capsules, but average price about 156 rubles.

Gastrozol is also an inexpensive product, 28 capsules of 20 mg each cost 170 rubles. It helps with heartburn, but is more often used when the patient is suffering stomach diseases which are accompanied by excessive release of hydrochloric acid.

Histamine H2 receptor blockers, their effects and contraindications

H2 blockers reduce acidity in the stomach, like PPIs, but using different mechanisms of action.

They simultaneously:

  • block histamine, which stimulates the synthesis of hydrochloric acid;
  • increase the production of mucus in the stomach;
  • suppress acid that is formed as a result of food intake.

Despite such an active fight against high acidity, histamine H2 receptor blockers can hardly be called ideal means due to the significant damage they cause to health.

The negative impact on the body is manifested by the following unpleasant factors:

  1. Rebound syndrome, which is expressed by an exacerbation of the disease, after a seemingly effective course of treatment.
  2. Violation of potency up to complete blocking of its function.
  3. Deterioration of liver function.
  4. Necessity apply the drug 2-3 times daily.
  5. Dose-dependent administration system. The longer the patient uses this remedy, the greater the dose.

Along with this, there are other side effects:

  • depression with dizziness and headaches;
  • various manifestations of allergies;
  • muscle pain;
  • gynecomastia;
  • dry mouth, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting;
  • increased fatigue;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.

Naturally, such negative aspects affected the contraindications next group patients:

  • expectant mothers and breastfeeding mothers;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • people with liver and kidney pathologies.


H2 blockers include ranitidine and famotidine. In terms of composition, these are the same drug (the composition of the molecule is the same), only the first contains a larger amount of the active ingredient. The standard dose of Ranitidine is 150 mg, and Famotidine is 40 mg.

The cost of the first drug is from 30 rubles, and the second from 50 rubles. Ranitidine is effective for ulcerative heartburn and prevents bleeding. Its long-term use does not cause pathologies in the body.

It is important to know! There is one condition that must be observed when using this product: smoking, which reduces the effectiveness of the drug, is strictly prohibited.

Famotidine begins to act 60 minutes after taking the drug and its effect lasts for 3 hours. These drugs act on H2 receptors in the same way, so it is not recommended to take them at the same time.

Effect of gastrointestinal motility stimulants for heartburn

The cause of gastric motility disorders may be high content of hydrochloric acid.

Gastrointestinal motility stimulants do not affect acidity, but are the cause of the following therapeutic factors that also help with heartburn:

  1. Stimulate promotion and absorption of food by increasing the duration of gastric peristalsis.
  2. Contribute to bowel function.
  3. Render sedative and antiemetic effect.

Carefully! Unlike previous cheap remedies for heartburn, gastrointestinal motility stimulants differ in that they are absorbed into the blood and therefore without preliminary medical consultation It is not recommended to use them.

Cheap gastrointestinal motility stimulants

Domperidone has a positive effect on muscle tone, helps regulate digestion and improve gastric emptying. Except listed symptoms, also relieves flatulence and hiccups. This drug is well tolerated even by children.

True, it begins to act only after an hour. Domperidone Russian production is estimated at 100 rubles for 30 tablets.

The main component in Motilac is domperidone. Motilak is available in the form of convex tablets of 2 types. Some tablets are for lozenges, not coated, others are coated, for swallowing.

The drug is prescribed, in addition to heartburn, in case of flatulence, pain in the upper part of the stomach, and bloating. For children preschool age Motilak is contraindicated, but it has almost no side effects. On average, the cost of 30 tablets is 150 rubles.

The cheap heartburn remedies discussed in this article can be purchased by anyone without a prescription.. However, in case persistent symptoms for this disease, self-medication is not recommended, so you should seek advice from a specialist.

Cheap remedies for heartburn are presented in this video:

The best folk remedies for heartburn in this video:

Attacks of heartburn often bother people after a heavy feast, overeating, large quantity drinking alcohol, food poisoning.

When using pharmaceutical and folk remedies for heartburn, you need to remember that some of them, for example, soda, cannot be taken for a long time.

There may be individual intolerance to any drug, so it is important for each person to choose the best remedy for heartburn, suitable for it in composition and mechanism of action.

Medical and folk remedies for getting rid of heartburn

Heartburn is not only a symptom of a serious pathology of the gastrointestinal tract; its occurrence is often associated with poor-quality nutrition, large portions of food that the body is unable to cope with.

Unprocessed food masses, mixed with hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice, return back through the esophagus, irritating it and causing a sharp burning sensation.

The causes of heartburn are varied, they are not always diseases digestive organs, but the methods of dealing with burning and pain are the same in all cases.

Causes of heartburn:

  • stomach ulcer and gastritis with acidity disorders;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD);
  • reflux – esophagitis;
  • diseases of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • disturbances of psycho-emotional balance, nervous breakdowns;
  • obesity;
  • poor nutrition;
  • pregnancy.

Heartburn cannot be tolerated, since it is a signal that the walls of the esophagus are exposed to an acid burn, and the faster this effect is eliminated, the less damage the mucous membrane will receive.

You can cope with the fire behind the sternum by using home remedies that are always at hand, but if heartburn attacks are frequent, it is better to have a suitable one in your medicine cabinet. medical drug antacid action.

Antacids are intended to eliminate irritating effect hydrochloric acid on the stomach and esophagus and protecting the mucous membranes of the digestive organs from destruction.

Pharmaceuticals for heartburn

Majority modern drugs for heartburn are made based on a combination of several active substances: magnesium hydroxide, magnesium carbonate, aluminum phosphate, aluminum hydroxide.

Aluminum preparations affect intestinal motility and can cause constipation, magnesium enhances peristalsis and has a laxative effect.

Aluminum is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

Another group of antacids are drugs based on sodium and calcium. The effect of their use occurs faster, but the duration of action is shorter compared to magnesium and aluminum preparations.

Some antacids not only neutralize the effect of acid, but also contain laxative and antispasmodic components that eliminate flatulence and bloating.

Heartburn medications are produced in several forms: chewable tablets, suspension, gel, all forms of release have a similar effect.

Popular antacids

Pharmacy remedies for heartburn have several directions that help stabilize the patient’s condition.

In some cases, the medicine for heartburn reacts with hydrochloric acid and extinguishes it, in others it forms a protective film on the walls of the digestive organs and does not allow acids to penetrate the mucous membrane.

All drugs have a minimum side effects and contraindications, are available without a doctor's prescription, and are affordable.

The most famous and frequently used medicine for heartburn:

  1. Almagel - regulates the composition of gastric juice, reducing the concentration of hydrochloric acid to an optimal level. Contains aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. Benzocaine in the drug has an anesthetic effect, and sorbitol has a laxative effect. Release form: gel, taken half an hour before meals and before bedtime.
  2. Phosphalugel is a gel based on aluminum phosphate, reduces the activity of pepsin, neutralizes acid, and has an enveloping property.
  3. Gastal is a preparation of magnesium and aluminum compounds with an antacid and mild laxative effect. Available in tablet form, take 1 to 2 pieces an hour after meals, 4 to 6 times a day. The tablet is swallowed whole without chewing.
  4. Riopan - reduces attacks of heartburn, belching, stomach pain, has an enveloping effect, does not disrupt peristalsis and the digestive process. Release form - suspension and tablets, take 1-2 pieces, maximum dose per day – 8 tablets.
  5. Rennie - tablets with mint, orange, menthol flavors based on calcium and magnesium carbonate. In the body it interacts with acids, breaking them down into water and magnesium and calcium salts. Take 1 – 2 tablets, chewing or dissolving until dissolved. Maximum daily norm consumption - 16 pieces. Recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

A separate group of antacids are preparations based on sodium alginate, obtained from seaweed Laminiria.

Alginates prevent acidic gastric contents from entering the esophagus without damaging chemical composition stomach.

Sodium alginate also has the property of protecting the mucous membrane from acid burns by creating a protective membrane that prevents acid from refluxing into the esophagus.

The most famous and very effective remedy from this group is Gaviscon. The medicine eliminates the flame in the chest 3 - 4 minutes after administration and prevents reappearance heartburn for 4 hours.

Available in the form of tablets and suspensions with strawberry or mint flavor, take it after meals, after 15 minutes, chewing, if these are tablets in the amount of 1 piece, suspension - 2 - 4 teaspoons.

At severe heartburn Gaviscon double action is used. The product can be used up to 4 times a day, the last time before bed.

Rules for taking antacids

Most antacids are taken an hour to an hour and a half after meals, at night, or for heartburn not caused by eating no more than 4 times a day.

The exception is Rennie tablets, which are allowed for use in the amount of 16 pieces per day.

Anti-heartburn medications should not be taken simultaneously with other medications; the interval between taking them should be at least two hours.

This is explained by the fact that antacids interfere with the absorption of vitamins and microelements from food, and also reduce the effectiveness of other medications.

Simultaneous intake of drug components into the stomach (especially those based on magnesium and calcium) and dairy product may cause disruption electrolyte balance in organism.

In case of severe heartburn with impaired production of hydrochloric acid, drugs are prescribed that regulate its production based on Omeprazole (Omez, Rabeprazole, Pantoprazole).

If heartburn occurs against the background of a digestive disorder, medications containing enzymes (Creon, Mezim, Festal, Pancreatin) are indicated.

If gastric motility is impaired, medications are prescribed that restore this process (Domperidone, Metoclopramide).

In cases where attacks are accompanied by nervous overload, stress, depression, methods for normalizing the psycho-emotional state are used in parallel.

Home remedies for heartburn

Many people are accustomed to resorting to a proven method for heartburn - baking soda.

Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes hydrochloric acid and helps eliminate the attack, but does not affect the cause of the reflux of food into the esophagus.

When neutralizing acid with soda, a lot of carbon dioxide is released, which expands the stomach, increasing the pressure in it.

Consequently, the risk of reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus and a repeated attack of heartburn increases several times. In medicine, this is called the “acid rebound effect.”

It is better to use less dangerous home remedies or have a suitable medicine in your medicine cabinet.

Of the traditional medicine recipes used against heartburn, the safest are food and vegetable oils(linseed, olive).

Many people find it helpful to drink warm boiled milk in small sips, sunflower seeds, gruel or juice. raw potatoes, white cabbage.

Other recipes:

  1. Viburnum jam. The berries are harvested after the first frost, when they cease to taste bitter. The viburnum is removed from the brushes, washed, rubbed through a sieve, and water is added at the rate of 2 - 3 parts water to 1 part viburnum. Place the mixture in the oven or over low heat and boil for 10 – 15 minutes. Then add sugar to taste and cook until it dissolves. To relieve heartburn 1 tbsp. l. jam is diluted in a glass of boiled water. The drug is contraindicated in patients with low blood pressure.
  2. Celery root (fresh and dried). Take 1–2 tablespoons fresh 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for a month. Dried root in the amount of 2 teaspoons is infused in a glass of boiling water for 20 - 30 minutes, drunk up to 3 times a day, 100 grams.
  3. Mix calamus root, cumin seeds or dried ginger (1 teaspoon) with pure chalk, crushed into powder (4 teaspoons), dilute the mixture in 70 ml of water, take 3 times a day.
  4. Dry peas help with heartburn if you chew them during an attack.
  5. Walnuts. You need to make a paste out of them, take one tablespoon once a day, regardless of meals.
  6. Drink 1 glass of tea made from mint, currant leaves and viburnum 3 times.
  7. Brew a mixture of dill, cumin, anise, wormwood and drink instead of tea.
  8. Flax seed. It is better to use against heartburn by grinding in a coffee grinder. Take a teaspoon of powder with water. Seed jelly and flaxseed oil also help relieve attacks.

Any product based on flaxseed not only eliminates heartburn, but also envelops the mucous membrane, removing painful sensations, improve food digestion.

When choosing any treatment method, you should keep in mind that each person’s body is individual, so a drug that helps one person may be ineffective for another.

You need to monitor your body and determine which foods and dishes cause symptoms of heartburn and dyspepsia, and which, on the contrary, eliminate these unpleasant manifestations.

The best treatment is prevention. If you comply correct mode food, eat healthy foods, do not abuse fatty and fried foods, alcohol, street food, sweet and confectionery products, you can avoid heartburn and never experience its symptoms.

When burning and pain occur, it is important to establish their cause as quickly as possible, since the quality and duration of treatment depends on a timely diagnosis.

If the disease has not been detected, the situation can be corrected by changing the diet and the method of processing food. Instead of frying in a pan or grill, meat, fish and vegetables can be stewed, baked, or boiled.

Replace confectionery and baked goods with healthy sweets(natural marshmallows, fruit pastilles and marmalade), dried fruits, honey.

Instead of sweet carbonated drinks, compotes, jelly, natural juices. It is good to replace strong alcohol with dry red wine, which has positive influence on the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

To prevent heartburn from recurring, it is necessary to exclude from the diet fatty pork, duck and goose meat, smoked meats, chips, crackers with spices, porridge and vermicelli. instant cooking, mayonnaise, hot sauces and seasonings, packaged juices, spread, margarine.

Compliance with these simple rules will become effective prevention diseases of the digestive system and symptoms such as heartburn, belching, flatulence, nausea and bloating.

This article is not intended for self-medication. All advice in it is given for general information only. detailed recommendations for treatment must come from the attending physician.

Useful video

The vast majority of unpleasant sensations that a person may experience in connection with well-being are associated with any disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems. Heartburn is most often not a sign of overeating, but a symptom of certain problems related to gastrointestinal tract and the digestive system as a whole. Time-tested and the latest innovations - medications for heartburn, the list of which is regularly updated, help cope with the unpleasant sensation.

Nasty heartburn

It happens that a person sometimes experiences an unpleasant sensation, similar to a burning sensation, spreading behind the sternum. It may be accompanied by a sharp sour taste and bad smell. This is heartburn. Some people experience this feeling very rarely, while others suffer from heartburn all the time. It can appear for many reasons. And everyone who has at least once encountered such a nasty feeling knows which helps with heartburn. Medicines. It is drugs for heartburn that pharmacies often ask for.

Why does heartburn occur?

There are many remedies for heartburn - medications, folk recipes such as soda or chalk, decoctions of various medicinal plants. But heartburn is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. It may be a symptom serious violations in the functioning of the body. Why does there be an unpleasant sensation in the esophagus called heartburn? The main reason is the reflux of stomach contents back into the esophagus. But why such a return movement occurs, it is necessary for a specialist to understand in order to establish the cause and prescribe quality treatment. Pharmacology offers for various reasons differentheartburn medications. The list of such drugs is considerable, and deciding on specific means For a specific reason, only a doctor can.

Chronic diseases?

The choice of which heartburn medicine to purchase at the pharmacy depends on the diagnosis - the cause of such an unpleasant sensation. Heartburn may be an isolated case of a malfunction of the digestive system, associated, for example, with overeating, or it may be a symptom of some chronic disease. The contents of the stomach are thrown back into the esophagus through a special valve - the sphincter, which proper operation allows food to enter the stomach, but does not allow gastric juice to enter the esophagus. Scientists have found that heartburn occurs due to gastroesophageal reflux or regurgitation. The entry of stomach contents into the esophagus irritates the mucous membranes, causing discomfort and pain. Regular reflux of gastric juice in the opposite direction leads to irritation of the esophagus and the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Her treatment will definitely include heartburn medications. The list of these drugs consists of several drug groups:

  • antacids, alginates;
  • H2-histamine receptor blockers;
  • proton pump inhibitors.

Such a disease necessarily requires adjustments to the diet, weight loss if necessary, changes physical activity. Only complex treatment allows you to normalize the functioning of the esophageal sphincter and reduce the number of gastroesophageal refluxes.

Heartburn during pregnancy

Pregnant women often suffer from heartburn. Growing fetus and changes hormonal balance body expectant mother affect her physiological state. And heartburn in these 9 months is frequent unpleasant phenomenon. Medicine for heartburn during pregnancymust first of all be safe for a growing baby. Therefore, only a doctor can choose a specific drug to help a pregnant woman, taking into account all contraindications. Such drugs belong to the group of “non-absorbable antacids”. When taking such medications, a woman should take into account that they can block and useful material, entering the body with food, as well as other medications. Therefore, non-absorbable antacids should be taken separately from other medications that the pregnant woman takes.

Post-holiday troubles

Binge eating - universal method get a complex of problems with the body - from heaviness in the stomach to heartburn and exacerbation chronic diseases. Therefore, doctors recommend taking medicine for heartburn before a large feast, and even with a lot of alcoholic drinks. Cheap remedies that can prevent the appearance of unpleasant feeling burning sensations in the esophagus are available to everyone, because they are sold from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. Of course, it is best to control your appetites, not allowing yourself to overeat. To avoid heartburn, you can also use drugs that promote digestion - special enzymes, such as Mezim or Festal.

Little weaknesses

Heartburn, if it appears, can become a constant companion of life even in the absence of some serious problems with health. Its appearance is promoted by food and drinks that irritate the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. Strange as it may sound, but strong tea and coffee, citrus fruit, mint, alcoholic drinks, hot and spicy foods contribute to heartburn. Many smokers complain of this unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus because tobacco smoke serves as an activator of the secretory activity of the stomach and the possible release of gastric juice back into the esophagus. TOWhatever medicine for heartburn is prescribed by a doctor, there is no point in taking it if you do not limit yourself in taking it certain products and bad habits.

How is diagnosis carried out?

Before buying and taking medications for heartburn, the list of which is quite extensive, you should find out the cause of its occurrence. The doctor will be able to determine which medications are needed only after an examination. To find out why a person feels an unpleasant burning sensation in the epigastric region, several studies are conducted. Some moments at which heartburn appears are isolated cases in a person’s life, they are clarified by collecting anamnesis and talking with the patient. In this case best medicine for heartburn - antacids that stop the acid released from the stomach into the esophagus. But some cases require a thorough instrumental examination and a serious diagnosis - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For such a diagnosis, esophagogastroscopy, x-ray examination, and daily pH measurements are performed.

Help yourself!

The pharmaceutical industry produces many products that help cope with burning in the esophagus due to the release of gastric secretions. Both expensive and cheap medications for heartburn, the list of which is quite extensive, should be prescribed for use only after consultation with a doctor. Symptomatic help is, of course, needed. But the person himself must try to exclude the possibility of such an unpleasant sensation as a burning sensation after regurgitation of gastric secretions. Diet and certain dietary restrictions, quitting smoking, normalizing body weight, intensifying your lifestyle - all this will help cope with heartburn.

Medicines for heartburn

"What's the best medicine for heartburn?" - Pharmacists often hear this question. There can be no definite answer here. All such drugs are divided into several groups, depending on how they work:

  • Antacids neutralize excess hydrochloric acid, which forms the basis of gastric secretions. They are divided into absorbable and non-absorbable antacids. The first remedy is soda. It has been used as a remedy for heartburn for over a hundred years. But today doctors do not recommend treatment with this substance, as it has a huge number of side effects. Modern antacids are developed as complex means, not only capable of neutralizing gastric acid, but also havingadsorbent, cytoprotective and enveloping properties. Also, these substances activate some processes to restore the epithelial cells of the stomach walls, the production certain substances, promoting normal operation Gastrointestinal tract.
  • Alginates are substances obtained from brown algae, which have an enveloping property that protects the mucous membranes from irritation, and a hemostatic quality, so necessary in ulcerative processes.
  • Proton pump inhibitors are antisecretory substances that help block proton movement through the cell membrane, and therefore reduce the level of hydrochloric acid production.

All medications for heartburn, the list of which can be divided into three parts, have their own mechanism of action. Determine the specific cause of burning in the esophagus, and therefore certain type Only a doctor can administer a medicinal product.

Antacid medications

One of common reasons to go to the pharmacy for symptomatic remedies - heartburn. The medications that are reviewed by the vast majority of customers in pharmacies are antacids and alginates. Often this complex preparations, in which there are several active ingredients, working differently to achieve one result - eliminating heartburn.

These drugs include: "Rennie", "Phosphalugel", "Maalox", "Almagel", "Gastal", "Gaviscon", "Gastrofarm" and many others. Your doctor will help you choose a specific drug after determining the cause of heartburn. Often such products are purchased in the home medicine cabinet as an emergency remedy to eliminate an unpleasant sensation in the esophagus after a feast, stress, or physical activity. But if heartburn becomes a constant companion, it is still necessary to undergo an examination.

Proton pump

Which heartburn medicine should I choose to get rid of it as quickly as possible? Pharmacology offers several various types medicines. But in Lately Doctors attach particular importance to proton pump inhibitors. These drugs do not disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; they work to correct the production of gastric secretions.

Currently, all such drugs are gaining increasing popularity, not only in getting rid of heartburn, but also in the treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis and some other diseases. Only the attending physician can prescribe such drugs, which include omeprazole, pantoprazole, rabeprazole, esomeprazole.

Heartburn, a seemingly harmless nuisance, should not be treated on its own. Like any other health problem, it needs to be identified to rule it out. serious illnesses and consider heartburn to be an isolated incident related to the past holidays.

Is surgery unavoidable?

If heartburn occurs, what medications should I take to get rid of it? You can purchase symptomatic antacids, which are sold at any pharmacy, to relieve the unpleasant sensation. But consultation with a doctor is necessary, especially if such drugs do not help, heartburn becomes regular, not associated with any specific issues.

It happens that medications cannot get rid of heartburn. In this case, you will have to resort to surgical intervention. This is the most last resort, which is necessary to eliminate the functional insufficiency of the lower esophageal sphincter. To help with the operation, supportive medications and diet are prescribed.

Heartburn is a very unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus, resulting from the backflow of stomach secretions into the esophagus through the lower esophageal sphincter. The causes of heartburn may be minor - overeating, exercise stress, stressful situation. They may be a consequence of a certain condition - pregnancy. Heartburn can also be a symptom dangerous diseases- from disturbances in the production of gastric secretions to heart disease.

A burning sensation in the throat is called heartburn. It occurs due to the fact that gastric juice enters the esophagus. This condition is very uncomfortable, so it is important to know how to quickly and effectively get rid of it.

The main methods of treating heartburn

It often happens that in order to get rid of the burning sensation, you just need to drink a glass of water. It is better if it is mineral. However, if heartburn returns and causes discomfort 3 or more times a week, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Heartburn causes many problems

Exactly a specialist will determine the cause and, based on this, will choose the most appropriate method of treatment.

There are several ways to combat heartburn:

  1. Use of medications
  2. Surgery
  3. Treatment with folk remedies

Of course, the first method is used in most cases. Usually, p If all requirements and recommendations are followed, the treatment is successful. However, there are times when it is ineffective and does not bring results. In this situation, they proceed to surgical intervention.

This, naturally, is an extreme measure that can be applied in cases where the patient has impaired sphincter function or there is a need to take medications for lifelong treatment of heartburn and burning.

How to aids,you can also contact folk medicine, which offers a lot of ways to fight with an unpleasant burning sensation. In any case, no matter which method suits you, you must refuse bad habits, monitor your weight, follow a daily routine and adhere to a certain diet.

Features of drugs that reduce acidity

Medicines for heartburn and burning that reduce acidity are divided into 3 groups:

  • Antacids;
  • Proton pump blockers;
  • Histamine blockers.

How does heartburn appear?

When using the medications in question for treatment, You should remember several of their features:

  • When using antacids, you need to drink them with plenty of water;
  • drugs are stored in a dark, dry place. High temperatures do not tolerate;
  • Medicines for acidity should never be frozen;
  • for stomach ulcers, it is optimal to take medications one hour before meals;
  • you should carefully read the instructions; medications have a number of contraindications;
  • If the time for taking the medicine is missed, the pill should be taken as soon as possible. BUT you cannot double the dose;
  • antacids should not be taken for more than two weeks;
  • For pregnant women and children under 14 years of age, many of the medications that reduce acidity are contraindicated.

Note. Drugs that reduce acidity should be used only with the permission of a doctor, because sometimes problems with the intestines and stomach can be caused by reasons other than the influence of acid. In this case, medications can only worsen the problem situation.

The most effective antacids

In addition to the fact that antacids neutralize acid, they contain coating substances.


Distinctive feature This group of drugs is that they do not treat the very cause of heartburn, but simply relieve its attack. They are divided into 2 types:

  1. those that are absorbed
  2. those that are not absorbed

The first ones have a very short period of action. Their side effects: belching, high pressure, problems with stool.

Non-absorbable antacids long time restore balance in the stomach and remove toxins from there.

Let's look at a few of the most effective drugs:

Almagel. A fast-acting drug that is available in the form of a suspension. It differs in that the effect can be felt in less than 10 minutes. Almagel contains simethicone. This is a substance that prevents bloating.

The drug has an analgesic and enveloping effect, removes toxins, gases and harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract.

As a result, it decreases Negative influence on the walls of the stomach, which, thanks to the suspension, is in a “protective film”.

Almagel rarely causes side effects, but it does have one drawback. If you use the suspension for a long time, you will have to take additional phosphorus, because the drug removes it from the body.

Phosphalugel. The drug is a gel. Sold in small bags.

The medicine, like any antadic, is characterized by an adsorbing, enveloping effect and neutralizes hydrochloric acid. Phosphalugel is a non-absorbable medication, but it begins to act quite quickly.

Another plus is that the effect of its use lasts for a long time.

It does not need to be used often; it is prescribed in small quantities even to infants.

Phosphalugel has side effects, but they are rare. These are constipation and allergies. To eliminate it, simply reduce the dosage of the drug. However, there are a number of cases when Phosphalugel should not be used:

  1. if you have kidney or liver problems
  2. if you are allergic to any of the components of the drug
  3. elderly people (due to the fact that they are prone to frequent side effects).

It is important to know. The use of antibiotics and preparations containing iron is allowed only an hour after taking Phosphalugel.

Rutacid. This chewable tablets, which must be chewed very thoroughly BEFORE eating. Prescribed to both adults and children approximately 3-4 times a day.

This drug is exclusively natural origin, it contains aluminum and magnesium. Due to hydrotalcite, a long lasting effect is achieved and the PH level remains optimal for about 2 hours.

Rutacid does not cause belching or gas.

Rennie. The peculiarity of this medicine is that it relieves heartburn and burning in short time. In addition, it does not cause any harm to the stomach and is suitable for pregnant and lactating women.


It contains calcium and magnesium which, upon contact with gastric juice, completely destroy acid. This happens through the formation of soluble salts, which are excreted from the body by the kidneys. The downside is that if you take the drug for a long time, people with kidney disease may experience problems.

Gelusil-varnish. The good thing about the drug is that it is available in several forms and you can choose what is right for you: suspension, chewable tablets, powder. Apply Gelusil after meals, after about 2 hours.

Maximum allowed daily dose– 5-6 times.

The medicine can be used by children and pregnant women, however, only under the supervision of a doctor because Gelusil has quite a lot of side effects.

The most common - allergic rashes on the skin. Besides, possible adverse reaction from the urinary and digestive systems, metabolic problems.

Vikair. Vikair tablets, in addition to reducing acidity, have an anti-inflammatory, laxative effect, relieve spasms and improve blood flow to the stomach. Tablets are taken 3 times a day.

If the dosage regimen is violated, as well as sensitivity to the components of the drug, side effects such as allergies and stool disorders may occur. During treatment with this remedy for heartburn and burning It is not recommended to take antibiotics.

Benefits of acid-reducing medications

The use of non-absorbable antacids to get rid of acid in the stomach is much more effective and expedient than turning to traditional medicine or other medications for heartburn.

How do antacids work on heartburn?

Firstly, in addition to their main task, the drugs in question provide positive impact on the gastrointestinal tract. Secondly, they can be freely purchased at any pharmacy, and for a fairly small amount of money.

Another plus - There is no need to take such medications for preventive purposes. As soon as the slightest discomfort arises, it’s time to contact them.

Effective proton pump blockers

Medicines in this group are effective against heartburn and burning due to the fact that they block the formation of acid, suppressing the work of the proton pump in the cell.


Such drugs not only relieve heartburn, but also treat ulcers and erosions and generally have a beneficial effect on the digestive system. They are usually used when antacids are powerless.

We list the most popular medications:

Omeprazole. One of the most famous and popular drugs for home treatment. Perhaps its only drawback is that it cannot be used for long-term therapy, because in this case side effects may occur.

The medicine is non-toxic and helps quickly. Literally 20 g relieves symptoms for the whole day, and there is no addiction. Omeprazole is taken once a day, in the morning. It comes in the form of capsules that need to be swallowed with water. It happens that a double dose of the drug is prescribed, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

Rabeprozole. The product effectively fights heartburn, the result is noticeable immediately after the first day of use. The drug is safe and has a lasting effect (about 2 days).

The advantage of Rabeprozole over by similar means is that, in addition to neutralizing existing acid, With lowers the level of her education in the future.

Esomeprazole. The effect of the drug occurs an hour after taking it. When used in a course (about 5-6 days), there is a reduction in the concentration of acid in the stomach by almost 90%.

Esomeprazole should not be used during lactation. And also, you should carefully consider the rather significant list of possible side effects.

Popular histamine H2 receptor blockers

Histamine blockers sharply reduce acid by blocking H2 receptors in the cells of the gastric mucosa. Drugs of this group, unlike, for example, proton pump blockers, allowed to be used by children and pregnant women.

The drug "Famotidine"

Ranitidine. Very affordable medicinal product, which quickly helps get rid of the burning sensation caused by the presence of ulcers. Rantidine prevents bleeding and is effective in the treatment of many gastrointestinal diseases. Suitable for long-term use, the effect in this case will only take hold.

The medicine is intended only for adults and has quite a few contraindications, which should be carefully read before use.

Famotidine. The tablets are quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the effect occurs an hour after taking the medicine and lasts about three hours.

The peculiarity of the application is that Famotidine is not associated with food intake in any way, so it can be taken at any time. convenient time The main thing is to drink plenty of water. Doctors prescribe this medicine as a remedy for burning and heartburn if treatment with antacids has not been successful.

Gastrointestinal motility stimulants for heartburn

In addition to the fact that there are medications for heartburn and burning aimed at lowering acidity levels, there are also a number of medications that stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. They are aimed at facilitating the absorption of food. They are called prokinetics.

What foods can you eat for heartburn and what can you not?

Note. Due to the fact that prokinetics are absorbed into the blood, they should be taken with extreme caution and only as prescribed by a doctor.

The medications in question can speed up the process of emptying, reduce vomiting and nausea, and relieve heartburn.

The most effective stimulants of gastrointestinal motility

Domperidone. The drug is available in different forms, suitable for treating children, well tolerated. Reduces the gag reflex, however, do not forget that Domperidone should be used exclusively on an empty stomach. The desired effect is achieved in about an hour.


Active substance This medicine regulates digestion, improves gastric emptying, improves muscle tone. In addition to eliminating vomiting and nausea, Domperidone relieves heartburn and burning, hiccups and flatulence.

Motilak. Antiemetic drug, treats intestinal disorders, heartburn, bloating. Its peculiarity is that it does not affect the secretion of the stomach. Available in the form of lozenges and ordinary tablets taken with water. The medicine rarely causes side effects.

Motilium. Unlike similar antiemetic drugs, Motilium does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier, which means it has no side effects.

Used for violations motor function stomach, intestinal infections, poisoning, hiccups, heartburn, bloating. Available in in the form of dragees, tablets and suspensions.

Motilium is allowed to be used by children, but preferably in the form of a suspension.

So, medicines for heartburn and burning are available to everyone, they operate on approximately the same principle and help cope with unpleasant sensations in a fairly short time.

The main thing is to choose the right drug. A doctor will help you do this, and you should contact him at the first manifestation of unpleasant symptoms.

If you want to know how to get rid of heartburn, watch this video:

The following video will tell you about the causes of heartburn:

From this video you can learn why heartburn is dangerous:

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