What is insemination, how is the procedure performed, and what is its effectiveness? Reviews. Intrauterine insemination: indications, advantages, types and implementation

Various are increasingly gaining popularity in last years. The most complex and time-consuming procedure is the process of taking female and male gametes, which are combined in specially prepared conditions. Intrauterine insemination is no less popular. How the procedure goes and its effectiveness - all this will be described in this article. You will also learn the main reviews about this event and be able to get acquainted with the opinions of doctors.

What is intrauterine insemination?

This article will tell you how the procedure goes. However, before doing this, it is worth knowing a few things.

Insemination is a unique method of fertilization. It does not involve classical sexual intercourse. Partners may not even touch each other. A man and a woman may be separated by a long distance at the time of conception. The artificial insemination procedure is a manipulation in which ejaculate is introduced directly into the cavity of the reproductive organ. So, this bypasses the vagina and cervical canal. This operation can be performed with freshly collected sperm or frozen material. In the second case, the ejaculate is pre-processed. It is worth noting that you can conceive a child in this way using material from your husband or an outside donor.

Who is the procedure prescribed for?

In what cases do doctors say that a couple needs artificial intrauterine insemination (how the procedure takes place will be described below)? Indications for this may vary. Often this is a pathology in a man or woman. However, sometimes the disease can affect both partners. The main indications for manipulation include the following:

  • Production of antisperm bodies in a woman’s vagina. This often happens with prolonged life together. It is worth noting that not all doctors confirm this assumption. A postcoital test will help identify pathology.
  • Long-term infertility associated with absence, provided that the second sexual partner has good sperm count.
  • Insufficient sperm activity in a man. In this case, it is advisable to first carry out medication correction.

There are other (individual) indications. For example, insemination is carried out for couples who for a long time can't conceive a baby unknown reasons. Often, this method of fertilization is used by couples who are forced to spend a long time apart. In this case, they simply physically cannot conceive a child on their own.

Contraindications to fertilization in this way

Before insemination is carried out, the doctor must schedule a conversation with both partners. The doctor explains the effectiveness of the manipulation and also informs about contraindications. You should refuse the procedure in the following cases:

  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes in a woman;
  • Availability inflammatory process in the vagina;
  • for pathologies of the cervical canal and cervix;
  • menstruation period;
  • lack of ovulation.

In the latter case, the procedure is performed only after a certain correction. Only a doctor can choose an individual preparation regimen for a specific couple.

Where is the procedure performed?

If insemination is indicated for you, your doctor will tell you how the procedure goes. The operation can only be performed within the walls of a hospital. It could be government agency or a private clinic.

In the first case, you will need some documents confirming that you really need such a procedure. It is also necessary to have your passport and insurance policy with you. Be prepared to stay in the clinic for several days. Private institutions perform the manipulation at the request of the client. However, be prepared for the fact that in this case you will have to pay a certain amount for insemination. average cost Such an operation is in the price range from 5 to 40 thousand rubles. Much depends on the condition of the partners and the preliminary preparation of the material.

Intrauterine insemination: how is the procedure performed? Preparation

Before insemination, the couple must undergo certain examinations. Preparation includes a spermogram. A man must take this test after five days of abstinence. The remaining studies are carried out exclusively by representatives of the fairer sex. This includes blood diagnostics, determination of the condition of the fallopian tubes (metrosalpingography), examination of the uterine cavity (hysterosalpingography). The doctor must also make sure that ovulation occurs in the expectant mother’s body. This can be done using ultrasound examination or by determining the level of certain hormones.

Based on the test results, the spermogram should be normal. Otherwise, the sperm is processed immediately before insemination. A woman's fallopian tubes must be passable along their entire length, and present in the vagina normal microflora. How does artificial insemination work? Let's consider the algorithm of actions.

Carrying out insemination: algorithm

How does insemination occur? Doctors say that the woman is first examined using an ultrasound sensor. Doctors must make sure that the ovaries have at least three follicles. Their size is also assessed. According to experts, ovulation should occur in the coming hours.

Before insemination is performed, sperm is collected. If necessary, it is processed and cleaned. Also sometimes it makes sense to fill the substance useful substances to prolong the viability of sperm. A woman sits in a doctor's office.

The gynecologist draws the partner's or donor's sperm into a syringe. A thin tube - a catheter - is connected to its end. A soft hose is inserted into the cervix and reaches the internal os. After this, the specialist injects the contents of the syringe into the cavity of the reproductive organ.

Effectiveness of manipulation: expert assessment

You already know how insemination is done. Reviews from doctors say that with natural fertilization there is Great chance successful outcome than from this procedure. According to reproductologists, the effectiveness of this method is estimated at no more than 20 percent. At the same time, repeated insemination increases the chance of a good outcome.

Pre-treatment of sperm and stimulation of the ovaries lead to the fact that the effectiveness of the procedure is estimated at 40 percent.

Opinions of doctors and patients about artificial insemination

You already know how insemination is carried out. Reviews from patients indicate that this is a rather painful manipulation. Unpleasant sensations appear when a catheter is inserted into the cervix. Also, some women report that they had minor pain after the procedure. bloody issues.

Doctors say that if the procedure is not followed, inflammation can develop in a woman’s uterus. Special danger this situation represents when the operation is successful.

Instead of a conclusion...

You learned what insemination is, how the manipulation is carried out and what its effectiveness is. Remember that this procedure is not a panacea. The result of the procedure can be found out within ten days after artificial insemination. The most accurate result can be shown by a blood test to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin. Follow all the rules for preparing for manipulation. This will increase the chance of a positive outcome. I wish you success!

The diagnosis of infertility is not a death sentence and very often it can be overcome by performing a simple and relatively inexpensive procedure - artificial insemination, as one of the methods of artificial insemination.

Carrying out the intrauterine insemination procedure increases the likelihood of natural conception, since male sperm are first subjected to careful selection and division into groups of the most active. They, together with female eggs, are fed with special microelements and are also immersed in a favorable, sterile environment for development. In laboratory conditions, protein-enriched sperm is prepared for injection into the uterus, due to which its “path to the goal” is significantly shortened, which means that even low mobility sperm cannot interfere with conception.

Thus, after artificial insemination, the likelihood of long-awaited pregnancy. As follows from the results of research at the Institute of Reproductology, pregnancy after insemination occurs in 30% of cases.

Sometimes the procedure is prescribed after laparoscopy, which stimulates ovulation, and in each individual case the indications for its implementation are determined by the doctor.

Application of insemination

Satisfactory health status of the man and regular sex life, unfortunately, do not always guarantee its ability to fertilize. Has a detrimental effect on men's reproductive function can not only be injuries and overheating of the genital organs, but also various infectious diseases, bad habits. All these reasons directly affect the quality of seminal fluid and sperm motility.

But insemination is recommended not only for male infertility. There are times when after long unsuccessful attempts When a woman becomes pregnant, her cervix begins to produce antibodies to individual components of her partner’s sperm, perceiving it as a foreign substance.

During the insemination procedure, seed material from both the husband and the donor can be used, and the procedure is the same. The only differences are in the indications for fertilization.

Insemination with the husband's sperm is prescribed in the following cases:

  • When seminal fluid low quality and sperm have poor motility;
  • the man does not ejaculate or suffers from impotence;
  • female vaginismus, which prevents normal sexual intercourse;
  • in the presence of antisperm antibodies in the cervical canal of a woman’s uterus.

Donor material for fertilization is used when:

  • the woman’s sexual partner has no sperm;
  • husband suffers infectious diseases, dangerous for the child;
  • there is a risk genetic abnormalities and hereditary diseases;
  • the woman does not have a sexual partner.

Preparing for AI

Just making the decision to undergo artificial insemination is not enough, and partners who dream of conceiving a child should first contact a specialist in the field of intrauterine insemination. The doctor will analyze the situation, take a family history, and prescribe an examination plan.

To begin with, a fence is taken from the man and woman venous blood for HIV, torque infections, hepatitis, as well as the reaction passive hemagglutination(RPGA). After three days of abstinence from sexual intercourse, the expectant father must undergo a spermogram and a test to identify antisperm bodies.

Favorable flora of the genital organs contributes to proper development baby, therefore, during the examination, the woman additionally takes a culture in the period from 15 to 24 days menstrual cycle. Infections such as papillomavirus, ureplasma, group B streptococcus can interfere with the full gestation of the fetus. These diseases are usually asymptomatic, so the importance of these studies in preparation for the procedure is especially high.

The sperm is also prepared before insemination. The laboratory assistant liquefies the seminal fluid and cleans it of cellular debris and proteins. Then, under a microscope, the most motile and morphologically suitable sperm are selected to be used in the fertilization process.

Intrauterine insemination with the sperm of a partner or donor is carried out during ovulation, at the moment a mature and ready-to-conceive egg leaves the ovary. If a woman has problems with ovulation, then doctors additionally stimulate the ovaries through hormone therapy. Preliminary stimulation increases the effectiveness of the procedure and also allows you to calculate exact time ovulation.

Insemination: how the manipulation works

The chronology of insemination consists of the following sequence:

  1. After the partners come to the fertility doctor’s office at the appointed time, the doctor’s first step is to prepare the sperm for use. A cell specialist selects the fraction of the most viable sperm and adds all the necessary substances to them. Centrifugation, enrichment and semen separation usually takes about 45 minutes.
  2. After manipulating the sperm, it must be administered within the next few hours.
  3. At the same time, the gynecologist must confirm the occurrence of ovulation by performing folliculometry. If the egg does not leave the ovary, folliculometry is repeated again one day after insemination.
  4. The doctor places the purified sperm into a syringe with a long catheter. His fertility specialist carefully inserts it into the woman’s cervical canal and leaves all the selected sperm there.
  5. If the procedure is performed correctly, then the sperm closest to the entrance to the the fallopian tubes, penetrate inside without barriers and fertilize the egg.

This is the process of intrauterine insemination with sperm. It is absolutely painless, and all instruments used are sterile and disposable.

The completion of the manipulations is the attachment of a special cap to the cervix. This is necessary to ensure that the introduced liquid does not leak out. After 8 hours, you can remove the cap yourself. Sexual intercourse is not prohibited, but on the contrary, it is recommended.

2 weeks after AI, a woman must undergo a blood test from a vein to determine the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin.

If pregnancy occurs, your doctor will most likely recommend homeopathic maintenance therapy. If conception does not occur, then, if the partners wish, another fertilization cycle will be scheduled. There is no need to worry about the fact that you were unable to get pregnant the first time, since there are biological reserves of eggs and fertilization cannot take place in every AI cycle. However, the effectiveness of artificial insemination increases from time to time.

Many fertility centers have a discount system, according to which the price is reduced for subsequent cycles of artificial insemination. If the AI's attempts are unsuccessful, the discount also applies to IVF.

Pregnancy after AI

The first sign of pregnancy after the intrauterine insemination procedure is a woman’s delayed menstruation. If the development of the embryo has begun, the gynecologist may prescribe maintenance therapy to the expectant mother.

The probability of conception after the first cycle in this case is 15%, but if this does not happen, then it is advisable to continue treatment up to 4 cycles. It is impossible to stimulate the ovaries more than 4 times and as a alternative way Doctors may recommend using the IVF method.

If the patient’s age does not exceed 30 years, she is healthy, and the partner’s sperm is of good quality, then the chances of fertilization increase.

Advantages and disadvantages of insemination

Advantages of the artificial insemination procedure:

  • naturalness of manipulation;
  • genetic connection between parents and child in the event of pregnancy;
  • low cost of reproductive procedures.

Disadvantages of insemination:

  • additional hormone therapy can cause hyperstimulation of the ovaries, in which they enlarge and release a lot of fluid into the abdominal cavity. This leads to an increase in overall body weight and a feeling of bloating;
  • If a catheter is inserted incorrectly into the uterine cavity, the likelihood of infection increases.

Contraindications to insemination:

  • oncological diseases;
  • infertility due to pathological changes in the uterus as a result of malformations or acquired diseases;
  • diseases for which pregnancy is contraindicated;
  • structural changes in the endometrium.

Helpful Tips:

  1. The priority area of ​​activity of a reproductologist is the use of sperm from the patient’s sexual partner. Therefore, if a man’s seminal fluid contains even the smallest amount of viable sperm, the doctor will do everything possible to effectively carry out insemination.
  2. The more active cells in the sperm, the more likely it is that the AI ​​procedure will be completed successful conception. At low mobility cells capable of fertilization, the doctor may choose a method of hormonal stimulation of ovulation.
  3. For insemination, only fresh, not pre-frozen biological material from a man is taken. Additional freezing can impair the properties of sperm, slow down sperm motility and even suppress them.
  4. For the procedure to be successful, a woman must have at least one healthy fallopian tube and there must be no serious contraindications to its procedure.

Intrauterine insemination at home

If you decide to carry out this manipulation at home, then you need to be well prepared for it. First of all, buy all the necessary tools:

  • syringe without needle;
  • catheter;
  • tests to determine ovulation.

Insemination at home should be carried out at a time when the egg is in a mature state and is ready to meet the sperm. Therefore, if you plan everything regardless of the menstrual cycle, then all your efforts will be in vain.

The first cycle of artificial insemination should be done independently two days before ovulation and then repeated every 48 hours. Place your partner’s sperm in a separate sterile container, but remember that no more than 2 hours should pass from the moment of ejaculation to insemination.

Before the procedure, relax and set your thoughts in a positive way.
The chronology of artificial insemination at home consists of the following stages:

  1. Draw some semen into the syringe and insert a catheter.
  2. When inserting a syringe into the vagina, you should not use lubricant, as it can damage the sperm.
  3. Once the catheter is completely immersed, gently press the plunger and release the contents of the syringe.
  4. For comfort, place pillows under your pelvis so that it is elevated during insemination.

You should remain in this position for a while so that the seminal fluid does not leak out. After a few hours, it is recommended to experience an orgasm. In this case, the walls of the uterus shrink, which in itself promotes the advancement of sperm.

The results of the procedure can be found out after some time using a pregnancy test.

In conclusion, I would like to note the importance of the age of the expectant mother when carrying out this type of fertilization. The quality of eggs decreases after 35 years, so fertility doctors recommend using it at this age. traditional method ECO.

Artificial insemination. Video

Insemination. Types and techniques of insemination. Possible complications after insemination. Where is artificial insemination performed?

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How is the insemination procedure performed?

Insemination is carried out in a specially equipped room of a clinic or hospital. The procedure is performed in outpatient setting, that is, the woman comes to the doctor directly on the day of insemination, and after its completion goes home.

On what day of the natural cycle is insemination done?

To procedure artificial insemination turned out to be most effective, the doctor first studies the patient’s menstrual cycle, calculating the time of expected ovulation ( that is, the release of a mature egg, ready for fertilization, into the fallopian tube).
Once released from the ovary, the egg can be fertilized within about 24 hours. At this time, artificial insemination is prescribed.

On average, ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, but in some cases it can occur earlier or later. However, it is impossible to predict the exact time of ovulation, and a woman cannot subjectively feel this. That's why for maximum efficiency During artificial insemination, doctors use a number of diagnostic tests to calculate the moment of ovulation.

To determine the time of ovulation, use:

  • Ultrasound of ovarian follicles. IN normal conditions During each menstrual cycle, one main follicle is formed in one of the ovaries - a sac of fluid in which the egg develops. This follicle is visible using ( Ultrasound) ultrasound examination already on the 8th – 10th day of the cycle. Once a given follicle has been identified, it is recommended to perform an ultrasound every day. If the follicle was visible the day before, but during the next procedure it cannot be determined, this indicates that ovulation has occurred.
  • Determination of the level of luteinizing hormone ( LH) in blood. This hormone is secreted by a special gland ( pituitary gland) and is involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle. An increase in the level of this hormone in the middle of the cycle indicates that ovulation will occur within the next 24 to 48 hours.
  • Measuring basal body temperature. During the period of ovulation, body temperature increases by approximately 0.5 - 1 degree, which is due to hormonal changes occurring in a woman’s body. However, to notice such a temperature jump, a woman must regularly ( within a few months) keep a graph of basal temperature, measuring it twice a day ( morning and evening, at the same time).
  • Examination of cervical mucus. Under normal conditions, the mucus found in the cervical area is relatively dense, cloudy, and poorly extensible. During ovulation, under the influence of female sex hormones, it liquefies, becomes transparent and more viscous, which is used by doctors for diagnostic purposes.
  • Subjective feelings of a woman. During ovulation, a woman may experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as well as increased sexual desire, which, together with other signs, can be used for diagnostic purposes.

Stimulation of ovulation ( ovaries) before insemination

The essence of this procedure is that before insemination the woman is prescribed hormonal drugs, which stimulate the growth and development of the follicle, egg maturation and ovulation. The need for this procedure arises in cases where it is impossible to perform insemination in the usual way ( for example, if a woman does not have a regular menstrual cycle).

To stimulate ovulation before insemination, a woman is most often prescribed recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone ( FSH). This is an analogue of the natural hormone produced by the pituitary gland during the first half of the menstrual cycle. Under its influence, follicles in the ovaries are activated and develop. The FSH drug should be used for 8 to 10 days ( more precise instructions can be given by the attending physician after a full examination, determining the regularity and other features of the menstrual cycle in a particular woman), after which ovulation should occur.

The danger of using this method is that when prescribing too much high doses FSH can develop the so-called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, when instead of one follicle, several mature at once. In this case, during ovulation, 2 or more eggs may enter the fallopian tube, which can be fertilized during the artificial insemination procedure. The outcome of this phenomenon can be multiple pregnancy.

Types and techniques of artificial insemination ( intracervical, intrauterine, vaginal)

To date, several techniques have been developed that allow the introduction of male seminal fluid ( sperm) into the female genital tract. However, to understand the mechanism of their action, it is necessary to know how insemination occurs under natural conditions.

With natural insemination ( occurring during sexual intercourse) a man's sperm is ejaculated into a woman's vagina. Then the sperm ( During one sexual act, about 200 million are ejected), having mobility, begin to move towards the uterus. They must first pass through the cervix, a narrow canal that separates the uterus from the vagina. A woman’s cervix contains special mucus that has protective properties. Passing through this mucus, most of the sperm die. The surviving sperm enter the uterine cavity and then travel to the fallopian tubes. One of these pipes contains a mature ( ready for fertilization) egg ( women's sex cell ). One of the sperm penetrates her wall earlier than the others and fertilizes her, resulting in pregnancy. The remaining sperm die.

Artificial insemination May be:

  • Intracervical ( vaginal). This is the simplest form of the procedure, which is as similar as possible to natural sexual intercourse. No special preparation is required before performing it ( Naturally, before any insemination you should refrain from smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, and so on). Insemination can be carried out with either fresh, unpurified seminal fluid ( in this case it must be used no later than 3 hours after receipt), and frozen sperm ( from a sperm bank). The essence of the procedure is as follows. In the morning on the appointed day, a woman comes to the clinic, goes into a specially equipped room and lies down in a gynecological chair or on a special table. Special dilating speculum is inserted into her vagina, making it easier to access the cervix. Next, the doctor collects sperm into a special ( with blunt tip) syringe, inserts it into the vagina and brings the tip as close as possible to the entrance to the cervix. After this, the doctor presses on the syringe plunger, as a result of which the sperm is squeezed out of it onto the mucous membrane of the cervix. The syringe and speculum are removed, and the woman must remain in the gynecological chair lying on her back for 60 to 90 minutes. This will prevent the leakage of seminal fluid and will also facilitate the penetration of sperm into the uterus and fallopian tubes. One and a half to two hours after the procedure, the woman can go home.
  • Intrauterine. This procedure is considered more effective than intracervical insemination. Its essence lies in the fact that after installing speculum in the vagina, sperm is drawn into a special syringe, to which a long and thin catheter is attached ( a tube). This catheter is inserted through the cervix into the uterine cavity, after which the sperm is squeezed into it. When performing this procedure, it is recommended to use specially prepared and purified sperm. The introduction of fresh seminal fluid into the uterine cavity can cause contraction of the uterine muscles ( which will reduce the likelihood of fertilization) or even cause severe allergic reactions.
  • In-pipe. The essence of the procedure is that pre-prepared sperm are injected directly into the fallopian tubes in which the egg should be located. It is worth noting that, according to the results of recent studies, the effectiveness of this procedure does not exceed that of conventional intrauterine insemination.
  • Intrauterine intraperitoneal. With this procedure, a certain amount of previously obtained and processed ( purified) male sperm is mixed with a few milliliters special liquid, after which the resulting mixture ( about 10 ml) is inserted into the uterine cavity under slight pressure. As a result, the solution containing sperm will penetrate the fallopian tubes, pass through them and enter the abdominal cavity. Thus, the probability of fertilization of an egg, which may be located in the path of the injected solution, significantly increases. This procedure is indicated for unknown causes of infertility, as well as for ineffective intracervical or intrauterine insemination. In terms of execution technique, it is no different from the previously described procedures.

Does insemination hurt?

Artificial insemination is an absolutely painless procedure. Some women may experience discomfort during insertion of speculum into the vagina, but there will be no pain. At the same time, it is worth noting that with vaginismus, a woman reacts painfully to any procedures involving the insertion of any instruments into the vagina. Such patients are usually prescribed special sedatives, and if necessary, they can be introduced into superficial medicinal sleep. In this state, they will not feel pain and will not remember anything about the procedure.

Is it possible to perform artificial insemination at home?

At home, you can perform the procedure of artificial intracervical ( vaginal) insemination, which is similar in mechanism of action and effectiveness to natural insemination. Other variants of the procedure require the use of purified sperm, as well as intrauterine insertion foreign objects, and therefore they should be carried out only by an experienced specialist in a clinic setting.

Preparation includes calculating the day of expected ovulation ( the techniques have been described previously). When ovulation has occurred, you should proceed directly to the procedure itself.

To carry out artificial insemination at home you will need:

  • Disposable sterile syringe ( for 10 ml) – can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  • Sterile container for collecting semen– for example, a container for taking tests, which can also be purchased at a pharmacy.
  • Sterile disposable vaginal dilator- can be bought at the pharmacy, but the procedure can be performed without it.
It is recommended to perform the procedure in a place protected from sunlight ( best at night), as they can damage sperm. After the donor ejects semen into a sterile container, it should be left in a warm place. dark place for 15 - 20 minutes until it becomes more liquid. After this, you should draw the sperm into a syringe and insert its tip into the vagina. If a woman uses vaginal dilators, the syringe should be inserted under visual control ( you can use a mirror for this). It should be brought as close to the cervix as possible, but try not to touch it. If a vaginal dilator is not used, the syringe should be inserted into the vagina 3–8 cm ( depending on the anatomical features women). After inserting the syringe, gently press the plunger so that the seminal fluid moves to the surface of the mucous membrane of the cervix.

After the sperm is injected, the syringe and dilator are removed, and the woman is advised to remain in the “lying on her back” position for the next one and a half to two hours. Some experts recommend placing a small cushion under the buttocks so that the pelvis is raised above the bed. In their opinion, this promotes the movement of sperm to the fallopian tubes and increases the likelihood of pregnancy.

Why are utrozhestan and duphaston prescribed after insemination?

These drugs are prescribed to provide normal development fertilized egg after the procedure. Active component of both drugs is the hormone progesterone or its analogue. Under normal conditions, this hormone is secreted in a woman’s body in the second phase of the menstrual cycle ( it is produced by the so-called corpus luteum, which is formed at the site of a mature and ruptured follicle after ovulation). Its main function is to prepare female body to implantation and development of a fertilized egg.

If during the period after ovulation the concentration of this hormone in a woman’s blood is reduced ( which can be observed in some diseases of the ovaries, as well as in patients over 40 years of age), this can disrupt the process of attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, resulting in pregnancy not occurring. Exactly at similar cases patients are prescribed utrogestan or duphaston. They prepare the lining of the uterus for egg implantation and also support fetal development throughout pregnancy.

How to behave after insemination ( do's and don'ts)?

Immediately after the procedure, the woman should lie on her back for at least an hour, which is necessary for normal penetration of sperm into the uterus and fallopian tubes. In the future, she should follow a number of rules and recommendations that will help increase the effectiveness of the procedure and reduce the risk of complications.

Is it possible to take a bath after artificial insemination?

Immediately after performing intracervical insemination ( including at home) taking a bath is not recommended, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the procedure. The fact is that with this technique, part of the sperm is located in the vagina.
If during the first hours after the end of the procedure the woman takes a bath, water ( together with the soaps, gels or other substances it contains) can enter the vagina and destroy some sperm, which will reduce the likelihood of pregnancy. That is why it is recommended to bathe in the bathroom no earlier than 6 to 10 hours after insemination. At the same time, it is worth noting that a light shower under clean water (without using hygiene products) will not affect the outcome of the procedure in any way.

When performing intrauterine or other types of insemination, the patient is allowed to take a bath immediately after returning home. The fact is that in these cases, seminal fluid is injected directly into the uterine cavity or into the fallopian tubes, which are normally reliably delimited from environment cervix. Even if the woman takes a bath immediately after finishing the procedure ( that is, after lying in the gynecological chair for the prescribed one and a half to two hours), water or any other substances will not be able to penetrate the uterine cavity and in any way affect the fertilization of the egg.

Is it possible to swim and sunbathe after insemination?

A woman is allowed to swim in a river, lake, sea or other body of water no earlier than 24 hours after the procedure. Firstly, this is due to the risk of water entering the vagina and destroying the sperm located there. Secondly, during the artificial insemination procedure, the vaginal mucosa may be slightly injured by objects inserted into it ( dilators, syringe). In this case, its protective properties will be significantly reduced, as a result of which infection can occur when swimming in polluted waters.

Regarding any sunburn special instructions No. If a woman has no other contraindications, she can sunbathe in the sun or visit a solarium immediately after the procedure, which will not affect its effectiveness.

Is it possible to have sex after artificial insemination?

Having sex after artificial insemination is not prohibited, since sexual contact will in no way affect the process of sperm advancement and egg fertilization. Moreover, if the cause of a couple's infertility has not been reliably identified before the procedure, regular sexual intercourse may increase the likelihood of pregnancy. That is why there is no need to limit or somehow change your sex life after performing this procedure.

How many hours after insemination does fertilization occur?

Fertilization of the egg does not occur immediately after the insemination procedure, but only 2 to 6 hours after it. This is due to the fact that sperm need time to reach the egg, penetrate its wall and connect its genetic apparatus with it. Under normal conditions ( with natural insemination) the sperm must travel from the cervix to the fallopian tubes, which on average is about 20 cm. This can take him from 4 to 6 hours. Since intracervical insemination is as similar as possible to natural insemination, with this type of procedure the time until fertilization is approximately the same.

In intrauterine insemination, male reproductive cells are introduced directly into the uterine cavity. They do not waste time passing through the mucous barrier in the cervix, as a result of which fertilization can occur earlier with this type of procedure ( after 3 – 4 hours). If intratubal insemination is performed ( when sperm are injected directly into the fallopian tubes), the egg located there can be fertilized within a couple of hours.

Signs of pregnancy after artificial insemination

The first signs of pregnancy can be detected no earlier than a few days after the procedure. The fact is that immediately after fertilization, the egg moves into the uterine cavity, attaches to its wall and begins to actively increase in size there, that is, to grow. This entire process takes several days, during which the fertilized egg remains too small to be detected by any means.

It is worth noting that after artificial insemination, pregnancy proceeds in exactly the same way as during natural conception. Therefore, the signs of pregnancy will be the same.

Pregnancy may be indicated by:

  • change in appetite;
  • taste disturbances;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • increased fatigue;
  • increased irritability;
  • tearfulness;
  • abdominal enlargement;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • absence of menstruation.
The most reliable of all these signs is the absence of menstrual bleeding for 2 or more weeks after ovulation ( that is, after performing the procedure). All other symptoms are associated with hormonal changes in the female body during pregnancy, but can also be observed in a number of other conditions.

On what day after insemination should I take a pregnancy test and donate blood for hCG?

After fertilization, the egg enters the uterine cavity and attaches to its wall, whereupon the embryo begins to develop. From about 8 days after fertilization, embryonic tissue begins to produce a special substance - human chorionic gonadotropin ( hCG). This substance enters the mother’s blood and is also excreted in her urine. It is on determining the concentration of this substance in a woman's biological fluids and is the basis for most early pregnancy tests.

Despite the fact that hCG begins to be produced approximately 6–8 days after fertilization of the egg, its diagnostically significant concentrations are observed only by the 12th day of pregnancy. It is from this period that hCG can be detected in urine ( For this purpose, standard express tests are used, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.) or in a woman's blood ( To do this, you need to donate blood to a laboratory for analysis.).

Why is an ultrasound performed after insemination?

A few weeks after the procedure, the woman should undergo an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

The purpose of performing an ultrasound after insemination is:

  • Confirmation of pregnancy. If the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus and begins to develop, after a few weeks the embryo will reach a significant size, as a result of which it can be detected during an ultrasound examination.
  • Identification of possible complications. One of dangerous complications insemination may result in ectopic pregnancy. The essence of this pathology is that an egg fertilized by a sperm attaches not to the wall of the uterus, but to the mucous membrane of the fallopian tube or even begins to develop in abdominal cavity. Lab tests (determination of hCG in the blood or urine of a woman) will indicate that pregnancy is developing. At the same time, the prognosis in this case is unfavorable. With an ectopic pregnancy, the embryo dies in 100% of cases. Moreover, if this condition is not detected in a timely manner, it can lead to the development of complications ( for example, to rupture of the fallopian tube, to bleeding, and so on), which would endanger the woman's life. That is why, during an ultrasound examination, the doctor not only detects the presence of an embryo in the uterine cavity, but also carefully examines other parts of the reproductive system in order to early diagnosis ectopic pregnancy.

Can twins be born after insemination?

After artificial insemination, as after natural fertilization, one, two, three ( or even more) child. The mechanism for the development of this phenomenon is that during the procedure several mature eggs can be fertilized at once. The likelihood of this increases significantly when insemination is performed after ovarian stimulation, during which ( in the ovaries) several follicles can develop at once, from which several mature eggs, ready for fertilization, can be released simultaneously.

Much less often, multiple pregnancies develop when one egg is fertilized by one sperm. In this case, at the initial stages of development, the future embryo is divided into 2 parts, after which each of them develops as a separate fetus. It is worth noting that the probability of such a development of events is the same with both artificial and natural insemination.

Complications and consequences after artificial insemination

The procedure for performing insemination is relatively simple and safe, as a result of which the list of complications associated with it is quite small.

Artificial insemination may be accompanied by:

  • Genital tract infection. This complication can develop if during the procedure the doctor used unsterile instruments or did not comply with hygiene standards. At the same time, the cause of the development of infection may be a woman’s failure to comply with personal hygiene rules immediately before or after the procedure. It is important to remember that any infection is much easier to cure with initial stage development. That's why if you experience pain, burning or redness in the genital area, you should immediately consult your doctor.
  • Allergic reactions. May occur during intrauterine or intratubal insemination, when poorly prepared ( poorly cleaned) seminal fluid. Allergies can manifest as restlessness, spots on the skin, muscle tremors, expressed by a drop in blood pressure or even loss of consciousness. Extremely severe allergic reactions require immediate medical attention as they pose a danger to the patient's life.
  • By falling blood pressure. The cause of the development of this complication may be careless, rough manipulation of the cervix during intrauterine insemination. The mechanism of development of this phenomenon is the irritation of special nerve fibers so-called vegetative nervous system, which is accompanied by reflex expansion blood vessels, slowing heart rate and lowering blood pressure. If this complication develops, the woman is strictly forbidden to get up, as this will cause blood to flow out of the brain and she will lose consciousness. The patient is prescribed strict bed rest for several hours, plenty of fluids, and, if necessary, intravenous administration fluids and medications to normalize blood pressure.
  • Multiple pregnancy. As mentioned earlier, the risk of developing multiple pregnancies increases when insemination is performed after hormonal stimulation of the ovaries.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. The essence of this phenomenon is described above.

Nagging pain in the abdomen

During the first hours after intrauterine insemination, a woman may complain of nagging pain in the lower abdomen. The cause of this phenomenon may be irritation of the uterus caused by the introduction of poorly purified sperm into it. In this case, a strong contraction of the uterine muscles occurs, which is accompanied by a disruption of the microcirculation of blood in them and the appearance of a characteristic pain syndrome. A few hours after the end of the procedure, the pain goes away on its own, without requiring any treatment. At the same time, it is worth noting that strong contraction of the uterine muscles can disrupt the process of moving sperm to the egg, thereby reducing the likelihood of pregnancy.

Chest pain ( nipples hurt)

Breast pain may appear several weeks after insemination and is most often a sign of a developing pregnancy. The cause of the pain syndrome is a change in the mammary glands under the influence of progesterone and other hormones, the concentration of which in a woman’s blood increases during pregnancy. In addition to painful sensations in the nipple area, slight discharge white, which is also absolutely normal occurrence during pregnancy.


During the first 2–3 days after insemination, a woman’s body temperature can rise to 37–37.5 degrees, which is absolutely normal. An increase in temperature by 0.5 - 1 degree is observed during ovulation and is associated with hormonal changes occurring in the female body.

At the same time, it is worth noting that an increase in temperature to 38 degrees or higher, which occurs during the first or second day after insemination, may indicate the development of complications. One of common reasons An increase in temperature may result in the development of an infection acquired during the procedure ( for example, if the doctor or patient fails to comply with hygiene standards). The development of infection is accompanied by activation immune system and the release of many biologically active substances into the blood, which determine the increase in temperature 12 to 24 hours after infection. The temperature can reach extremely high values (up to 39 – 40 degrees or more).

Another reason for the increase in temperature may be an allergic reaction associated with the introduction of poorly purified seminal fluid into the uterus. Unlike infectious complications, when allergic reaction body temperature rises almost immediately ( within the first minutes or hours after the procedure) and rarely exceeds 39 degrees.

Regardless of the cause, an increase in temperature over 38 degrees is a reason to consult a doctor. It is not recommended to take antipyretic drugs on your own, as this can distort the clinical picture of the disease and complicate the diagnosis.

Will I get my period after insemination?

The presence or absence of menstruation after insemination depends on whether sperm can reach the egg and fertilize it. The fact is that under normal conditions, certain changes occur in a woman’s uterus during the menstrual cycle. During the first phase of the menstrual cycle, its mucous membrane is relatively thin. After the egg matures and leaves the follicle, the concentration of the hormone progesterone increases in the woman’s blood. Under its influence, certain changes are observed in the mucous membrane of the uterus - it thickens, the number of blood vessels and glands in it increases. In this way, it prepares for the implantation of a fertilized egg. If implantation does not occur within a certain time, the concentration of progesterone decreases, as a result of which the superficial part of the uterine mucosa dies and is released through the woman’s genital tract. The resulting bleeding is associated with damage to small blood vessels and is usually moderate in nature.

Considering the above, it follows that if menstruation appeared after insemination, conception did not occur. At the same time, the absence of menstruation may indicate a developing pregnancy.

Brown bloody discharge ( bleeding)

Under normal conditions, no vaginal discharge should be observed after insemination. If in the first hours after the procedure a woman experiences slight white discharge, this indicates that the seminal fluid injected into her ( a certain part of it) leaked out. In this case, the likelihood of pregnancy is significantly reduced, since most of the sperm will not reach the fallopian tubes.

The appearance of brown bloody) discharge, accompanied by moderate pain in the lower abdomen, can be observed 12 to 14 days after insemination. In this case, we will be talking about menstrual bleeding, which normally begins 2 weeks after ovulation ( if the egg was not fertilized). At the same time, we can say with confidence that the attempt at conception failed.

This bleeding does not require any treatment and usually stops on its own after 3 to 5 days, after which the next menstrual cycle begins.

Why is the pregnancy test negative after insemination?

If, 2–3 weeks after insemination, a pregnancy test and a blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin show a negative result, this indicates that fertilization of the egg did not occur, that is, pregnancy did not occur. It is important to remember that successful fertilization on the first attempt is observed only in half of the cases, while other women require 2 or more attempts to achieve positive result. That's why after one time negative result you should not despair, but you should try again during the next ovulation. This increases the chances of successful fertilization.

Where ( in which clinic) is it possible to do artificial insemination in the Russian Federation?

IN Russian Federation prices for artificial insemination vary widely ( from 3 – 5 to 60 or more thousand rubles). The cost of the procedure will be determined by its type ( intracervical insemination will be the cheapest, while other techniques will be somewhat more expensive), source of sperm ( insemination with donor sperm will be much more expensive than with the sperm of a husband or regular sexual partner) and other factors.

In Moscow

Clinic name

In recent years, an increasing number of married couples have needed assisted reproductive technologies. Just a few decades ago, despite certain problems, women and men remained childless. Nowadays medicine is developing at a very fast pace. Therefore, if you cannot get pregnant for a long time, you should use a method such as insemination. For those who succeeded the first time, this article will tell you. You will learn about the procedure and how it is carried out, and you will also be able to read reviews from patients who have gone through this stage.

Assisted intrauterine insemination

Artificial insemination is the process of introducing the sperm of her partner into the cavity of a woman’s reproductive organ. This moment is the only thing that happens artificially. After this, all processes are carried out naturally.

Insemination can be performed with the sperm of the husband or a donor. The material is taken fresh or frozen. Modern medicine and the experience of doctors allow a couple to conceive a child even in the most seemingly hopeless situations.

Indications for surgery

The insemination procedure is indicated for couples who cannot conceive a child on their own within a year, and both partners do not have any pathologies. Usually in this case they talk about infertility of unknown origin. Also, indications for insemination will be the following situations:

  • decreased sperm quality or sperm motility in a man;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • irregular sex life or sexual disorders;
  • cervical factor of infertility (production of antisperm bodies in the partner’s cervical canal);
  • age factor (both men and women);
  • anatomical features of the structure of the genital organs;
  • impossibility of sexual intercourse without protection (in case of HIV infection in a woman);
  • the desire to conceive a child without a husband, and so on.

Insemination with sperm is usually carried out in private clinics providing auxiliary reproductive technologies. The procedure requires some preparation and has several stages. Let's look at them.

Exploratory survey

Artificial insemination involves diagnosing both partners. A man must have a spermogram so that specialists can sensibly assess the condition of the sperm. If unsatisfactory results are obtained during the procedure, additional manipulations will be applied. The partner is also examined for the presence of sexually transmitted infections, undergoes a blood test and fluorography.

The woman has to extensive diagnostics than that of a man. The patient undergoes ultrasound diagnostics, tests to determine genital tract infections, and provides fluorography. Also, the expectant mother needs to research hormonal background, determine the ovular reserve. Depending on the results obtained, further tactics for working with the couple are chosen.

Initial stage: stimulation or natural cycle?

Before insemination, some women are prescribed hormonal medications. They must be taken in a strictly prescribed dose.

The doctor designates the days when the medicine is administered. It can be in the form of tablets or injections. Hormonal stimulation of the ovaries is needed for women with ovulation disorders, as well as for those patients who have a reduced ovarian reserve. A decrease in the number of eggs may be individual feature or as a consequence of ovarian resections. A decrease is also observed in women approaching 40 years of age.

Both during stimulation and in the natural cycle, the patient is prescribed folliculometry. The woman regularly visits an ultrasound specialist who measures the follicles. Attention is also paid to the condition of the endometrium. If slime layer grows poorly, the patient is prescribed additional medications.

Important point

When it is discovered that the follicle has reached the appropriate size, it is time to act. Depending on when ovulation occurs, insemination is scheduled a few days in advance or a couple of hours later. Much depends on the condition of the sperm. If fresh material is used, its administration can occur no more than once every 3-5 days. Therefore, the couple is offered two options:

  • insemination 3 days before ovulation and a few hours after it;
  • injection of the material once directly at the time of follicle rupture.

Which method is better and more effective has not yet been determined. Much depends on the health of the partners and the indications for which insemination is performed. Those who succeed the first time with a single injection are not advised to decide on a double injection. And vice versa. The situation is different with frozen sperm or donor material.

Another variant

Insemination by a donor always involves preliminary freezing of the material. Such sperm, after thawing, can be injected in several portions. The effectiveness of this method is slightly higher than fertilization with fresh material.

A partner in a married couple can also freeze sperm. You don't have to become a donor to do this. You need to discuss this issue with a reproductive specialist. During the process, its quality improves, only the best, fastest and healthy sperm are selected. Pathological cells are removed from the material. As a result of manipulation, a so-called concentrate is obtained.

Material introduction process

This procedure takes no more than half an hour. The woman sits in her usual position. A thin catheter is inserted into the cervical canal through the vagina. At the other end of the tube a syringe with collected material. The contents of the injection are delivered to the uterus. After this, the catheter is removed, and the patient is advised to lie down for another 15 minutes.

On the day of insemination, a woman is prohibited from straining and lifting heavy objects. Rest is recommended. There are no restrictions on the mode for the next day. However, you need to maintain personal hygiene, since after insemination there is a risk of infection.

On the first and second days from the transfer of material, a woman may experience a pulling sensation. painful sensations in the lower abdomen. Doctors do not advise taking medications. If the pain seems unbearable to you, then you need to seek help. medical care. Some patients may also experience slight bleeding. They are associated with minor and possible trauma to the mucous membrane. The discharge goes away on its own and does not require the use of additional medications.

Diagnosis of pregnancy

After insemination is performed, pregnancy should occur within a few hours. After this time, the egg becomes incapacitated. But at this moment the woman still has no way of knowing about her new position. Some patients are prescribed hormonal support. Drugs are always needed in a cycle with stimulation and sometimes in a natural one.

The test after insemination will show correct result after 10-14 days. If a woman has undergone stimulation and been given an injection of human chorionic gonadotropin, she can see a positive test immediately after the procedure. However, he does not talk about pregnancy. The reagent on the strip only shows the presence of hCG in the body.

Ultrasound can most accurately confirm or refute pregnancy. But this may not be earlier than 3-4 weeks after the procedure. Some modern devices allow you to get results within 2 weeks.

Insemination: who got it right the first time?

There are statistics of couples who performed such manipulation. The chance of pregnancy ranges from 2 to 30 percent. Whereas in a natural cycle, without assisted reproductive methods, in healthy spouses it is 60%.

A favorable outcome on the first try usually occurs under the following conditions:

  • the age of both partners is in the range from 20 to 30 years;
  • the woman does not have any hormonal diseases;
  • the man and woman have no history of genital tract infections;
  • partners lead healthy image life and prefer proper nutrition;
  • the duration of unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child is less than five years;
  • no previous ovarian stimulation or gynecological surgery had been performed.

Despite these parameters, success can be achieved in other cases.

The problem of infertility in married couples is not necessarily associated with improper work reproductive system from one of the partners. There are many cases in which a woman does not have significant health problems, and the analysis of male spermogram is far from ideal. Or, on the contrary, a man is able to conceive a child naturally, but his partner’s body produces anti-sperm antibodies, which prevent them from conceiving and bearing a child naturally.

Problems of this kind have practically no effect on the general state of health, but at the same time they do not allow the couple to become happy parents. And this or that deviation is not always amenable to successful treatment. In such cases, people are forced to resort to the procedure of artificial insemination, which has been successfully carried out in our clinic for several years.

In the vast majority of cases, it is possible to solve the problem of infertility using a simple and relatively inexpensive procedure of artificial insemination, or, in other words, artificial insemination. This type artificial insemination should be carried out exclusively by an experienced doctor whom you trust. Doctor Lazarev Alexander Pavlovich, author of thirty scientific works in the field of treatment of various forms of infertility, has already helped more than 1,500 married couples experience the joy of birth long-awaited baby. Our clients will be offered an individual treatment regimen depending on the form of infertility, and multidisciplinary consultations and medical procedures are carried out in rooms and laboratories equipped according to world standards.

Types of artificial insemination

Today, several types of artificial insemination are practiced, which differ in the method and location of introducing sperm into the patient’s body:

  • vaginal;
  • uterine;
  • intracervical;
  • intrauterine;
  • intrafollicular;
  • intracavitary.

IN in some cases the ejaculate can be delivered to the fallopian tubes (perfusion). However, the most famous and frequently used method of artificial insemination is intrauterine.

What is Artificial Insemination?

Artificial insemination is one of the most common and accessible methods of conceiving a child, which consists of delivering pre-prepared male sperm directly into the uterine cavity of the expectant mother. This procedure differs from IVF and ICSI methods in that in this case fertilization occurs not in a laboratory, but in the woman’s body itself.

The chances of achieving the desired pregnancy during Artificial Insemination are much higher than when trying to conceive a baby naturally. This is explained by the fact that during the procedure the male ejaculate passes special treatment and using special instruments is placed directly into the uterine cavity. Thus, the task of sperm is much simpler - they reach the goal much faster and meet the egg. In this case, it does not matter if sperm motility is somewhat reduced and their number does not correspond to the norm.

Indications for artificial insemination: men

Artificial insemination is indicated for men who have the following reproductive problems:

  • insufficient volume of sperm released;
  • decreased ability of sperm to fertilize an egg;
  • premature or late ejaculation;
  • sexual disorders of various nature, including impotence;
  • consequences of chemotherapy in the treatment of tumors;
  • increased viscosity of ejaculate;
  • the need to freeze male biomaterial.

Indications for artificial insemination: women

If problems are diagnosed on the part of a woman, then these are usually:

  • involuntary spasms of the vagina and uterus during sexual intercourse;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • production of antisperm antibodies by the cervix;
  • infections and inflammations of the internal genital organs;
  • increased level of acidity in the vagina;
  • abnormal structure of the reproductive organs;
  • allergic reactions to ejaculate;
  • history of surgical interventions in the uterine area;
  • unknown causes of infertility in a couple.

Important! In order to be able to carry out the artificial insemination procedure, a woman’s fallopian tubes must be patent and the quality of the processed ejaculate must be high.

The probability of fertilization in a woman under 30 years of age is slightly higher than at a later age. If the partner’s spermogram has an unsatisfactory result, it is recommended to use donor material for conception.

Who is Artificial Insertion contraindicated for?

Unfortunately, not all patients are indicated for artificial insemination. Such contraindications include:

  1. Various psychical deviations in a patient in whom it is not possible to conceive and bear a healthy child.
  2. Diseases and abnormalities in the development of the uterus, since bearing a fetus becomes impossible.
  3. Neoplasms in the ovarian region.
  4. Malignant formations in a woman’s body.
  5. Inflammatory processes.
Benefits of artificial insemination

Despite the simplicity and relative accessibility of this manipulation, this method artificial insemination has a fairly high percentage of effectiveness. Since male sperm is placed directly into the uterine cavity, many of the problems that Everyday life interfered with the fertilization process:

  1. There is no effect of the secretion that is produced by the woman’s cervix and contributes to the retention and passage of sperm through the genital tract.
  2. It becomes possible to control the ovulation process, and also ensures the fusion of female and male germ cells in the required period of time.
  3. The sperm is pre-processed in a laboratory, which improves its quality several times and increases the likelihood of pregnancy in a woman compared to normal sexual intercourse.
  4. Low cost - this method artificial conception is considered one of the most accessible today.
  5. The consequences for the patient’s body after the procedure are minimized.
  6. The manipulation itself is a simple process and does not require lengthy preparation.
  7. Quite a high performance.
Conditions for artificial insemination

In order for this method to give the required result, the following requirements must be met:

  • the woman should not have problems with the patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • there should be no pathologies in the uterine cavity;
  • the quality of the partner’s sperm is satisfactory;
  • the supply of follicles in a woman’s body must be sufficient;
  • The married couple has no contraindications to the IVF procedure.

Before proceeding with the artificial insemination procedure, the couple must be fully examined for the general condition of the body. Then the male biomaterial is prepared, cleaned, and the woman is monitored and monitored for ovulation in the current cycle. After which the AI ​​procedure itself is performed - intrauterine fertilization of the egg with the sperm of a donor or the patient’s partner.

The process of preparing partners for the procedure can take up to several months. A man needs to have a spermogram analyzed, and a woman needs to have an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, check the fallopian tubes for patency, and be tested for various sexually transmitted infections, HIV, hepatitis and syphilis. As a rule, both spouses are recommended to take a multivitamin complex three months before the expected conception, adjust their weight if necessary, and stop smoking cigarettes and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Many childless couples ask the question: “What is insemination and how does the procedure work?” In some cases, the woman undergoes additional stimulation in order to mature a larger number of eggs. In the process of sperm purification, the highest quality and active sperm, and the sperm itself is cleared of seminal plasma. The artificial insemination procedure itself is carried out within the walls of the clinic, in an office equipped with everything necessary, under completely sterile conditions.

The process of artificial insemination

How does fertilization occur during insemination? Artificial insemination is prescribed for the period when a woman is about to ovulate. Artificial insemination is carried out by a fertility doctor and embryologist, who takes care of the cleaning and preparation of male ejaculate. Before starting the manipulation, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with a medical institution. If a married woman wishes to use donor material, the written consent of her husband will be additionally required. In order to carry out AI, the specialist will need the following medical instruments: tweezers, a syringe, a speculum, a catheter with processed sperm and sterile cotton wool.

A woman is invited to an office equipped with a gynecological chair and is placed in horizontal position- the patient’s pelvis should be slightly elevated. In this position, the doctor, using a special instrument, places the sperm of the partner or donor under pressure directly into the uterine area. The manipulation lasts about two to three minutes. After the procedure, it is best for the woman to remain quiet for a while, 30-40 minutes, and then she can leave the walls of the medical facility.

Typically, the AI ​​procedure is carried out three times during the current cycle in order to increase its effectiveness. If the cycle does not end with menstruation, then around the 18th day the woman is asked to take a pregnancy test.

Important! Before visiting a doctor, it is prohibited to perform any vaginal douching, as well as various manual examinations.

Chances of success

According to statistics, several attempts are required to achieve the desired result when using the artificial insemination method. As for the financial side of the issue, such manipulation costs are approximately equal to one IVF procedure. That is why, if your partner’s sperm quality is not very high, and your own ability to conceive does not inspire strong confidence, it is recommended to immediately carry out the most effective in vitro fertilization procedure.

In general, the likelihood of a successful outcome is determined by several factors:

  • the true cause of infertility;
  • age of future parents;
  • period of infertility;
  • number of treatment cycles;
  • quality of male ejaculate.

In order to increase the likelihood of a long-awaited pregnancy, you should this procedure according to strict indications, take an additional sperm test for DNA and an NVA test.

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