What is laser liposuction or laser lipolysis? Non-invasive lipolysis for those who strive for a perfect figure

One of the methods of hardware cosmetology, based on the use of modern equipment, is a lipolaser, or laser lipolysis. With its help, in many cases you can restore or preserve a beautiful, elegant appearance your face and body.

What is lipolaser

Laser lipolysis is a modern effective technique correction of body contours and improvement of figure by removing fat from fat depots without surgical intervention. The method is based on laser technology and has its own characteristics.

The procedure is carried out by applying and fixing special pads equipped with laser diodes to the problem area. The latter emit cold spectrum light with a wavelength of 650 or 940 nm. Therefore, the procedure is also called “cold laser lipolysis.” This does not mean applying low temperatures. The patient does not experience any cold or other unpleasant sensations during lipolysis. The procedure is completely safe.

Mechanism of action

The laser beam acts selectively on adipose tissue cells in places where they accumulate. No other surrounding structures are affected, much less damaged. Only the permeability of adipocyte membranes and the penetration of enzymes into them increases. In addition, the laser beam activates biochemical enzymatic reactions, as a result of which fat is broken down into fatty acid, glycerin and water.

The latter, thanks to their small size and small molecular weight, as well as increased permeability of the adipocyte membrane, freely exit into the surrounding intercellular space and along lymphatic ducts enter the liver. There they are used as a source of energy and material for the construction of new cells, and the excess is excreted from the body with bile and urine. The fat cells themselves, after fat is released from them, significantly decrease in volume and disintegrate, which is reflected in the contours of the body due to a decrease in its volume. This effect is based on the same processes that occur in the body during natural weight loss.

The duration of one lipolaser session is half an hour. For a good lasting effect, it is desirable to carry out from 6 to 10 sessions.

Advantages of the technique

The most important thing is that the cold laser lipolysis procedure is as close as possible to natural weight loss. All surgical methods, including traditional liposuction, are aimed at destroying adipose tissue. The lipolaser technique works to naturally remove accumulated excess fat from fat cells. Thus, the advantages of the method are:

  1. Minimal interference in the processes occurring in the body.
  2. The absence of any traces on the body after manipulations due to the non-invasive method of carrying them out, that is, without violating the integrity skin.
  3. The effectiveness of the procedure, unlike other non-invasive methods of lipolysis, is that in one session the technique allows you to reduce the volume of the fat layer by 3 cm. Therefore, the result can be seen immediately. There are results of patients losing up to 20 cm of volume in the affected area within 1 week.
  4. There are no complications and a rehabilitation period - the possibility of returning to your usual lifestyle immediately after the session.

Use of lipolaser and contraindications

The use of cold laser technology is effective for any area of ​​the body. You can reduce the volume of the entire body while simultaneously improving its contours. More often than not, this method allows you to get results in the most as soon as possible, is used in cases where correction of the entire body needs to be carried out quickly (before a vacation or some special event). The method can also be used to correct individual zones:

  • belly and waist;
  • hips, knees and shins;
  • zones of "breeches" and buttocks;
  • inner surface of the hands;
  • posterior surface of the chest;
  • cheeks and chin area.

For the last four zones, traditional methods are ineffective or not at all effective. But the lipolaser allows you to achieve good results in these areas.

Contraindications to the use of lipolaser

  1. Diseases of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas.
  2. Presence of pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  3. Acute infectious diseases.
  4. Acute or chronic skin processes.
  5. Diseases of the blood, circulatory and cardiovascular systems.
  6. Autoimmune connective tissue diseases ( rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma).

The cold laser lipolysis method is the best way conservative elimination and body correction even in inaccessible areas of the body.

Alternative procedures:

Application of cold laser lipolysis in the thighs and buttocks area

Results of using the technique in the abdominal area

The essence of laser liposuction is the destruction of fat cells using a laser. The high precision of laser exposure allows the lipolysis procedure to be used on the smallest areas of the body and face. This method is also popular because it allows you to remove subcutaneous fat on any part of the body: face, chin, neck, cheeks, stomach, thighs, etc.

The essence of the procedure

The concept is quite simple. It is carried out using a fiber optic probe. Through a small puncture on the patient's body, a thin tube is inserted under the skin - a cannula (no more than 0.1 cm in diameter), containing a probe through which laser energy is supplied.

The process of lipolysis involves selective damage to cells. Fat from destroyed cells enters the bloodstream and then into the liver, where the natural process of its neutralization occurs.

Another property of laser exposure is the heating of cells, which stimulates the production of collagen, which is responsible for youthful and firm skin.


This method is best suited for treating areas of the face, especially the chin and neck, since it is on the facial part of the body that fat cells are easily destroyed. Also for correcting the contours of the hips, forearms and knees.

Indicated for people who have fat deposits in any area of ​​the body, but most often, in women, the most problematic areas are the hips and abdomen.

It is worth immediately noting that non-invasive laser lipolysis is most suitable for restoring body contours with minor fat deposits and has nothing to do with treatment or the fight against obesity.

Laser liposuction for the face and chin are the most common and popular procedures in this area. Carried out by special devices such as lipo lip or lipolaser, is also indicated in case of unevenness on the surface of the body after removing a large amount of fat deposits by other means; moreover, it has a significant anti-cellulite effect.


Laser liposuction has a number of contraindications, including the following:

  1. Obesity.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Malignant neoplasms.
  4. Increased temperature, fever.
  5. Colds and viral diseases.
  6. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Systemic lupus.
  8. AIDS, hepatitis B and C.
  9. Blood clotting disorders.
  10. Exacerbations of any chronic diseases.
  11. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  12. Chronic forms of kidney and liver diseases.
  13. Phlebeurysm.

Video: Figure correction


Laser has undeniable advantages over other methods of liposuction. The main problem that patients face after fat removal is sagging and sagging skin.

In young patients, as a rule, the skin contracts well, but after thirty years of age, this becomes problematic. By acting on the skin from the inside, and not from the outside, as is the case with most cosmetic procedures, you can achieve much greater results.

There are the following advantages:

  1. It carries a minimum of injuries. Accordingly, the risk of complications, suppuration, inflammation and blood loss is reduced.
  2. Does not leave behind scars or scars. Laser liposuction does not involve making multiple incisions on the patient's skin.
  3. It is possible to selectively target fat cells, which allows you to achieve ideal symmetry.
  4. Laser energy has the ability to tighten and improve the elasticity and appearance of the skin.
  5. No pain during or after the procedure.
  6. Lack of a long rehabilitation period.
  7. No need for general anesthesia.
  8. Eliminates the appearance of hematomas, injuries, and skin irregularities.

Its differences from the usual

Compared to conventional liposuction, laser lipolysis has many undeniable advantages:

  1. Barely noticeable punctures on the surface of the skin. A very small cannula hole of 1 mm is required.
  2. No need for general anesthesia. Laser liposuction is performed under local anesthesia.
  3. Reducing the risk of complications. By destroying fat cells, the laser also “seals” damaged walls. blood vessels, which guarantees minimal blood loss, absence of wounds, suppuration and hematomas.
  4. Reducing the rehabilitation period. Laser liposuction involves removing a small amount of fat at a time, so immediately after the procedure and examination by a doctor, the patient most often goes home.
  5. Possibility of correcting skin irregularities obtained during classical liposuction and other methods of removing subcutaneous fat. Laser lipolysis allows you to monitor the movement of the needle during the procedure, so the doctor can monitor the progress of the operation and correct the silhouette with great precision.

Photo: ultrasonic liposuction

Side effects and possible complications

This is not the easiest procedure and can only be done in a trusted clinic and good specialist, otherwise, the following side effects are possible:

  • tissue inflammation;
  • the appearance of infection;
  • inflammation of the veins and impaired fluid outflow (if laser liposuction was done on the legs);
  • necrosis of the skin in the area affected by the laser;
  • allergic reaction to drugs used during the procedure;
  • change in skin sensitivity.

Rehabilitation period

Laser liposuction is safe procedure, however, after it is carried out, the patient remains under the supervision of doctors for several hours in a specially designated room. If all is well, he is sent home almost immediately.

The recovery period depends on the amount and volume of fat removed, but it is non-traumatic, so the recovery period is minimal. Results are visible almost immediately, with no pain or discomfort, the patient does not experience.

For the first time after the procedure, you should avoid the following:

  • direct sunlight;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • staying in a solarium, swimming pool, sauna;
  • great physical activity.

Over the next ten days, the patient must wear compression garments, and subsequently, diet and constant moderate physical activity are recommended.

Video: Laser lipolysis of the abdomen

Combination with other procedures

Combines well with the following procedures:

  1. Cryolifting– an innovative method of skin rejuvenation using cryotherapy. This procedure locally affects the surface of the tissue low temperature, thereby releasing biologically active substances that are designed to launch skin reparative processes.
  2. Thermage– a non-surgical procedure that is designed to tighten the skin and affect collagen structures. Thermage is based on radiofrequency radiation, which during the procedure penetrates deep into the skin, thereby leveling and smoothing it.
  3. Laser biorevitalization– by injection method, allowing to achieve the restoration of normal habitat in the dermis and metabolic processes happening in it.


Prices vary, but in most clinics they start from 10,000 rubles and reach 15,000 for one course of procedures. It is also worth considering that tests and medications. Consultation with most doctors is free.

Laser lipolysis - treated area - face price in rub.
chin21 600
buccal region21 600
painting area21 600
mandibular region21 600
Treatment area - t ate
(1 zone) abdomen12 000
(1 zone) lateral surface of the abdomen12 000
(1 zone) back surface shoulder12 000
(1 zone) back12 000
(1 zone) VII cervical vertebra12 000
(1 zone) upper third of the thoracic region12 000
(1 zone) chest area12 000
(1 zone) gluteal region12 000
(1 zone) shins12 000
(1 zone) inner surface knee12 000
(1 zone) patellar region12 000
(1 zone) hips12 000
Removing fillers24 000

Video: LaserVan


Will there be any marks or scars after the procedure?

Laser liposuction leaves no traces behind.

How many times should I repeat?

It depends on the desire to get one or another result, as well as the volume of subcutaneous fat. Some patients need one session, while others may need five.

How long does one procedure take?

Usually it takes no more than forty minutes, it all depends on how much subcutaneous fat needs to be removed.

Is it possible to remove a double chin with this?

Yes, laser liposuction gives excellent results in the facial area by removing all excess fat.

Is it possible to get rid of widow's hump?

Anyone who has had to fight overweight, correcting the figure, knows that it is impossible to do this evenly. Fat in problem areas does not want to disappear, and those places where you wanted to leave volume or add it melt before your eyes. Non-invasive lipolysis can correct your figure in a matter of days.

During the procedure, the laser breaks down fats into fatty acids, which are subsequently removed from the body.

Indications for the procedure

Laser lipolysis is aimed at correcting the figure and getting rid of fat in different areas of the body:

  • Shoulders;
  • Back;
  • Belly;
  • Lateral surfaces of the body;
  • Hips and shins;
  • Double chin removal.


  • Having herpes;
  • Inflammatory and viral diseases: flu, colds, sore throat and so on;
  • Skin diseases in acute stage development;
  • Heart problems;
  • Cancer diseases;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Efficiency of the procedure

To achieve maximum effect and maintain results for a long period time, it is recommended to conduct 8 sessions once a week.

In every problem area fat reserves disappear in different ways. So, in one procedure, 2-4 cm are removed from the abdomen. The waist becomes smaller by 1-3 cm, shoulders 0.5-1 cm, hips 1-1.5 cm.

For the entire course, that is, 8 procedures:

Belly – 6-10 cm;

Waist – 5-9 cm;

Shoulders – 1-3 cm;

Hips – 5-8 cm.

How much does non-invasive lipolysis cost?

The cost of one procedure is 5,000 rubles. It lasts only 20 minutes. Based on this, you will have to pay 40,000 rubles for the entire course. Plus paid consultations with specialists from a center or clinic, as well as procedures to accelerate the removal of broken down fatty acids from the body.

Each region of the country sets its own price and may differ significantly from the indicated one.

How does the procedure work?

It is carried out in three stages:

The specialist must examine the body, record problem areas, take measurements and write down the data on a card.

Direct lipolysis using a laser.

Repeated measurement of treated areas and recording of results on a map.

To speed up the cleansing of the body from residues, drainage procedures are offered:

  • lymphatic drainage;
  • pressotherapy;
  • mesotherapy;
  • vacuum roller massage.

Non-invasive lipolysis: reviews of the procedure

“I did lipolysis on my stomach. I wanted to perfect figure. Everything was normal except him. I was pleased with the result. The procedure, of course, is expensive, but the usual physical exercise this effect cannot be achieved. I've been a beauty for a year now. Only sometimes, it seems that those around me react to me the same way - with or without a belly. It's a shame! Was it worth spending the money?

“I adjusted my hips. I liked the procedure. Beautiful figure It's been going on for two years now. Fat is not deposited. I hope I don't have to do it again. But for some reason they didn’t take pictures of me - they were probably afraid for the result!”


“I had lipolysis done on my chin. I believe that this part of the body is the worst to correct using conventional methods. Lipolysis copes with this once or twice. The effect appeared within a month. Strong post-procedure side effects did not have. The swelling and swelling went away on the third day!”


“I didn’t like the procedure. The waist decreased by only three centimeters. Such results can be achieved by exercises with a hoop. It will be much cheaper!”


« Useful procedure for the rich or those who have nowhere to put their money. Very expensive! To ordinary people you have to torment yourself physical activity or just dream that the fat will dissolve on its own. I want to do it, but I can’t!”

Video selection

In the fight against local fat deposits and cellulite, many patients medical indications or for personal reasons - they are not ready to seek help from plastic surgeons, preferring “softer” and safer cosmetic methods.

Non-surgical liposuction (lipolysis)- this is a whole complex of diverse non-invasive procedures that allow one way or another to break down fat cells and remove their breakdown products from the body.

Which of them are the most popular today? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each, what is the effectiveness, are there any contraindications? The site finds out together with leading specialists from the capital’s cosmetology clinics:

The principle of lipolysis: fighting “fat traps” correctly

There are many ways to tidy up your figure - from dietary nutrition, physical activity and manual massage to hardware influences and plastic surgeries. In all these cases, the body starts lipolysis- a process during which the membranes of fat cells are destroyed, and their contents are converted into a fat emulsion and removed through the lymphatic system.

The main difference is the final effect - how many fat cells will be destroyed, over what period of time and how much effort a person will need to put in to achieve the result. Those who have already tried to fight local accumulations of fat in particularly problematic areas, such as the stomach, buttocks, thighs, knees, back or inner arms, know that sports training and diets practically don’t work here.

In this case, only targeted lipolysis gives a good result, i.e. targeted impact on body fat precisely in those areas that other means “do not reach”. And we are not necessarily talking about full-fledged plastic surgery - there are many ways to cope with the problem without the help of a surgeon. Non-surgical liposuction techniques can be divided into two main groups:

  • Hardware- electrolipolysis, vacuum and LPG massage, cryolipolysis, laser and radio wave lipolysis, ultrasonic cavitation
  • Injectable- intralipotherapy (lipolytic injections), ozone therapy

Selecting a specific procedure or a set of procedures to combat fat “traps” is the task of a qualified specialist, since in each individual case they will have different effectiveness, their own indications and contraindications, which we will talk about in more detail below.

Liposuction without surgery: pros and cons

The main question that concerns most patients choosing between surgical and non-surgical liposuction is, of course, comparative effectiveness both options. There should be no special illusions here: Plastic surgery gives a more pronounced result, and it is achieved in just one “approach,” while injection and hardware lipolysis are almost always carried out in courses of several sessions.

In turn, the main advantages of non-invasive procedures are safety and comfort (none of them are performed under general anesthesia; the skin is not injured, there is no pain during the session or discomfort is minimized), as well as the absence recovery period. So they will be an ideal option for those who:

  • It has medical contraindications for surgery or not psychologically ready for it
  • Has moderate excess fat in problem areas and/or moderate cellulite
  • Not ready to “fall out of life” for at least a week necessary for rehabilitation after plastic surgery

In terms of cost, non-surgical procedures can be either cheaper or more expensive than surgical liposuction - it all depends on the initial condition of the problem areas and the chosen technique (see also the section on prices for procedures).

Hardware methods of non-surgical liposuction

  • Vacuum massage

During the procedure, the vacuum nozzle acts directly on problem areas, improves local blood and lymph flow, saturates soft tissue cells with oxygen, and improves muscle tone. The contents of fat cells in the form of an emulsion enter the intercellular space and are excreted through the urinary and circulatory systems.

This massage is effective in combating “fat traps” and cellulite exclusively on initial stages, Bye connective tissue is not yet formed and fat cells are destroyed quite easily. A standard course consists of 5-7 procedures.

It is carried out using special devices that combine exposure to vacuum and special rollers. Before the procedure, the patient puts on an individual suit, which provides better capture of the skin-fat fold with the manipulator attachment. Unlike the classic vacuum massage, the contact medium of which is oils and similar substances, LPG massage does not cause painful sensations and does not leave bruises.

The course of treatment consists of 10-15 procedures with an interval of 3-4 days, its duration depends on individual characteristics the patient’s body, the severity of cellulite or the volume of local fat deposits.

Problem areas are treated with ultrasonic waves. Reaching the fat cell, such a wave forms a small vacuum bubble inside (this is what the cavitation process consists of). Under its action, the cell bursts, and its liquefied contents are removed from the body through the lymphatic drainage system.

In terms of effectiveness, this procedure is most often compared to surgical liposuction. At the same time, on the skin and internal soft tissues no traumatic marks remain. Cavitation gives the best results when treating the riding breeches, sides, abdomen and buttocks, especially in combination with any type of lymphatic drainage massage and pressotherapy for accelerated removal of toxins, as well as for simultaneous tightening and smoothing of the skin.

The standard course consists of 5-7 sessions with an interval of 7-10 days. No more than 2 problem areas can be treated at the same time to avoid increased stress on the kidneys and liver.

  • Cold laser lipolysis

It is carried out using special pads that emit so-called laser light. "cold spectrum" This does not mean that the treated area is cooled during the procedure. The wavelength is selected in such a way as to affect only fat cells. Under the influence of laser energy, their contents disintegrate, exit through the membrane and are excreted from the body (i.e., the cells are “blown away” - similar to what happens during natural weight loss, but many times faster).

This technique is effective on any part of the body, and the result is noticeable after the first session. However, doctors usually recommend a course of at least 2-3 procedures to enhance and consolidate the effect.

This is done in one of two ways:

Electrode (application method). Special pads are placed on the problem area, through which directed electrical impulses are sent. During the procedure, the fat cell is not destroyed, but its contents are converted into a fat emulsion. Permeability also increases cell membranes, making the emulsion easier to remove from the cell. This method is indicated for the treatment of cellulite and smoothing the skin in problem areas. The course consists of 6-10 procedures with an interval of 5-7 days.

Needle ( subcutaneous method) . It is considered more effective variety electrolipolysis, although associated with certain unpleasant sensations. During the procedure, special thin needles 15-20 cm long are inserted under the patient’s skin in problem areas, through which alternating current is supplied, destroying fat cells and providing effective lymphatic drainage. The course consists of 5-10 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days.

A relatively new hardware technique that combines the effects of low temperatures and vacuum. With its help, correction of the areas of the forearm, sides, abdomen, inner and outer surface thighs, buttocks. Treatment of the face, neck and décolleté with cryolipolysis devices is not permitted.

During the procedure, a vacuum nozzle draws in a fold of skin (at least 2-3 cm thick) with a fat layer and treats it in isolation with a low temperature (gradual decrease to -50°C), with the risk of hypothermia of nerves, blood vessels, skin or internal organs completely excluded. Simultaneously with the thermal effect, pressure occurs on fat cells, which leads to their destruction.

The course consists of 3-4 procedures with an interval of at least 4 weeks. In this case, the patient will be able to evaluate the first results only after the 2nd and subsequent procedures.

  • RF (radio wave) lipolysis

Another recent achievement in hardware cosmetology. It is a controlled effect on the skin and subcutaneous fat of radio waves different frequencies, during which the tissues are heated to 40-50°C. Due to this, the body not only starts the process of breaking down fat cells, but also activates collagen synthesis, which ensures tightening and improvement of the quality of the skin in the treated area.

To achieve a pronounced result, you will need 6-10 procedures, which are carried out once every 2 weeks. Most modern RF lipolysis devices are equipped with additional attachments that allow you to treat particularly delicate areas, such as the neck and décolleté.

Injection techniques for non-surgical liposuction

  • Intralipotherapy

During this procedure, special lipolytic drugs are injected subcutaneously into problem areas, destroying the membranes of fat cells and liquefying their contents, which facilitates the removal of breakdown products through the lymphatic drainage system. Intralipotherapy is best suited for working with small amounts of fat in areas where the use of other techniques is impossible or not recommended - double chin, deposits in the cervico-brachial area (“” and “bull neck”), knees, legs, forearms, face and etc. At the same time, the thickness of the fat layer in the treated area should be at least 1.5 cm to avoid damage to adjacent healthy tissues.

What is included in lipolytics?
Sodium deoxycholate (deoxycholic acid salt) An artificial analogue of bile produced by the liver. In preparations it is contained in bound form and gradually begins to be released in soft tissues over several days. This approach makes it possible to introduce into tissues high concentration substances without harm to the body. In contact with fat cells, salt bile acid destroys their membranes, and the removal of fat emulsion and breakdown products occurs through the lymphatic system
Phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) A glycerolipid derived from soy, which is responsible for the emulsification (breakdown) of the contents of fat cells after the destruction of their membranes
Sealorg (organic silicon) Activates the action of lipase (a water-soluble enzyme that burns fat)
L-carnitine (amino acid) Binds free fatty acids and accelerates their breakdown
L-arginine An essential amino acid that accelerates and enhances the process of fat breakdown
Herbal Ingredients Extracts of green tea, artichoke, chrysanthemum, dandelion, etc.

The most popular lipolytics today are the promising new product, as well as Dermastabilon, Draining PPC, Anti-cellulite INNO SEARCH, Drainer, MRX-lipolytic complex, Aminomix. The course of treatment depends on the volume and area of ​​fat deposits and consists of 3-5 sessions, carried out at intervals of 2-3 weeks.

Injections of specially prepared medical ozone to correct the figure and normalize the functioning of subcutaneous fat. Ozone intensively burns fat, activates local metabolism and oxygen saturation of cells, accelerates excretion toxic substances. The standard course is on average 4-5 sessions with an interval of 5-7 days; for significant deposits or cellulite at an advanced stage, up to 15 procedures may be required.

Contraindications to non-surgical liposuction

Despite the overall high safety, non-invasive lipolysis has a number of limitations. First of all, they relate to the health of the liver (which will have to cope with fat breakdown products) and general condition body. Other contraindications are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hyperlipidemia - a disorder of fat metabolism;
  • renal or liver failure, cholelithiasis;
  • diabetes mellitus, autoimmune and oncological diseases;
  • varicose veins in the correction area (for some hardware procedures);
  • the presence of cardiac and other electrical stimulators, metal implants (for procedures using current and radio waves);
  • violation of the integrity of the skin or infectious processes in the correction zone;

How to make lipolysis even more effective and safe?

  • observe drinking regime- consume at least 2 liters still water in a day;
  • avoid drinking alcohol, salty, smoked, spicy, starch-containing foods, that is, anything that delays the removal of fluid from the body;
  • avoid eating sweets and flour, fatty foods which create an increased load on the liver during digestion;
  • Simultaneously with lipolysis, it is advisable to undergo a course of hardware procedures that accelerate metabolism and provide a lymphatic drainage effect - such as myostimulation or pressotherapy. Visiting the pool, steam rooms, and general physical activity are also recommended.

How much does non-surgical liposuction cost? Current prices

The procedures considered differ significantly from each other in cost, and in addition important has the area of ​​the problem area and the amount of excess fat present. How more first and secondly, it will end up being more expensive.

In almost all clinics you can get significant discounts by paying for the entire course at one time or by ordering comprehensive program from several complementary procedures.

Non-invasive lipolysis is a bloodless way to get rid of fat deposits from problematic parts human body. The procedure allows you to adjust your figure without dieting or exercise.

Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows that excess weight disappears from the body unevenly. It’s impossible to correct your figure because fat deposits don’t want to leave problem areas. But from the areas that the person losing weight wants to leave unchanged or increase in volume, fat runs away irrevocably.

Therefore, there is only one way out - to use non-invasive lipolysis to correct the figure. His technique, painless and effective, will cope with the task in a few days.

What is non-invasive lipolysis?

Who can do it?

This procedure is recommended for anyone who wants to get rid of fat accumulated over a long period. Lipolysis is a method for patients who avoid surgical path in solving such a problem.

Side effects and complications

Since lipolysis is a non-invasive method, rehabilitation after it is not required. At the end of the session, the patient returns to his previous lifestyle.

You cannot only resort to any hot drinks for 8 hours. water procedures. Also, you should not return to previous physical activity for 7 days after the manipulation.

The lipolysis technique is not accompanied painful sensations. Only during the injection procedure can the patient feel discomfort.

In this case, associated side effects are also likely:

  • burning in the treated areas;
  • redness of the skin.

Such exacerbations usually occur in the first 2 days after manipulation. However, they quickly disappear on their own.

Patients who have low pain sensitivity can use a pain-reducing drug with a mild effect after lipolysis is completed.

How long does the procedure take?

Lipolysis lasts only 30 minutes. After the session, clients are advised to have an active rhythm of life. You also need to drink more water.

Then noticeable results will appear after the first or second manipulations, carried out with an interval of 2-6 weeks.

The effect is usually due to the exceptional qualities and response of the body to the injected agents.

Injection lipolysis

Today there are several ways to perform lipolysis. Fatty elements are crushed using injection injections, treating problem parts with electric current, ultrasound and laser. All varieties have their own characteristics.

Injection lipolysis is performed by a doctor by injecting special medications under the skin. They include deoxycholate, lipase, phosphatidylcholine. Their action is accompanied by the appearance of hydrolysis and destruction of adipose tissue.

This lipolysis is indicated for eliminating fat on the abdomen, chin, thighs, ankles, and knees. The manipulation copes well with the signs of cellulite of the second degree.

Final stability is achieved after receiving 10-15 procedures, carried out according to the schedule of 1 session every 2-3 weeks.


– a session in which the hydrolysis of fat cells is carried out through electric current. There are needle and electrode (application) electrolipolysis.

During needle manipulation, thin, long needles are inserted into fat deposits. The low-frequency current supplied through them crushes the lipocytes, and they are immediately eliminated from the body.

The visible effect will appear after 5 procedures. It will be fixed after the same number of manipulations.

With electrode (application) lipolysis, plates are attached to the problematic parts. Electrical impulses are sent through them to fat deposits, as a result of which the volume of fat is reduced.

The results will be consolidated after 10 sessions. To ensure a lasting effect, it is necessary to combine this lipolysis with lymphatic drainage.

Electrolipolysis allows you to reduce weight, normalize blood circulation, eliminate various variations cellulite and add muscle activity.

The needle technique copes well with getting rid of clearly defined fatty grooves. Through electrode manipulation, minimal waist adjustment is achieved.

Radiofrequency lipolysis

Radiofrequency lipolysis is performed on problem areas of the skin using radiofrequency pulses. At the same time, the granulosa heats up and its volume gradually becomes smaller.

As a result, the cellulite crust is straightened, silhouette outlines are modeled, and fat in the riding breeches, arms, abdomen, and chin is reduced. For each of the 10 sessions of the course, the volume of a particular area is reduced by 2 cm.

Other types of lipolysis

In addition to the above types of lipolysis, there are:

  1. Ultrasonic lipolysis. It is based on the decomposition of the superficial fat layer using directed ultrasonic radiation. The fat released from the wafer rushes into the bloodstream and is excreted with the help of the liver. This method allows you to utilize 200-300 g of fat. After one procedure, the treated volume is narrowed to 2 cm. The course consists of 3-7 sessions with a one-time repetition every 7 days.
  2. . Decomposes lipocytes, since they tend to absorb laser radiation. This leads to fragmentation of lipocyte membranes, infiltration of fat into the blood and a significant reduction in the size of fatty grooves. The laser can achieve a lifting effect. Because of it, the epidermis in the treatment area becomes elastic. This lipolysis has a delicate effect on the skin, so experts use this property to eliminate fat in the cheeks, armpits, back, and inner thighs. A sustainable result is achievable only after 10 manipulations. Each of them is prescribed once a week.
  3. Vacuum lipolysis. It can hardly be called non-invasive, since its implementation may be accompanied by some damage to the skin. The procedure is based on the formation of negative pressure in problematic parts of the body. This forces lymphatic drainage and capillary circulation to increase. Due to manipulations on the treated parts, the number of fatty grooves becomes smaller.

The latter method is indispensable for eliminating fat in the abdomen, arms and thighs. It consists of 7 sessions, conducted once a week.

Question answer

The maintenance of the result is influenced by how clearly the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations. To ensure that the effect does not disappear for a long time, you need to reconsider your diet and exercise.

During pregnancy it is very a large number of women gain weight, this is also due to hormonal changes. To understand how to help specific situation, it's worth visiting a doctor. The fact is that in some cases it is worth carrying out not only lipolysis, but also massage and mesotherapy.

This is an effective and harmless method of non-surgical lipolysis. It is performed using the i-Lipo device. And the concept of figure correction was developed by Chromogenex (England), which is the world leader in the field of non-invasive laser technologies.

The i-Lipo device works by applying a laser complex to the area intended for treatment. The complex includes:

  • low frequency laser action;
  • laser vacuum massage;
  • radio wave multipolar influence.

I-Lipo manipulations are aimed at removing unwanted fat deposits from the human body. And the emission of the laser helps to trigger the photobiomodulation process, which is responsible for the decomposition of fat accumulations and their waste.

But to prevent these deposits of fat from returning to their original place, it is worth supporting hardware manipulations with light physical activity. Like A complex approach will allow you to effortlessly burn fat accumulation from the treated areas.

The course of laser liposuction lipo line is carried out in 8 procedures performed per month. The duration of one manipulation on the I-Lipo device for one part of the body is at least 40 minutes. In 1 course, 1-2 cm disappears from each individual zone.

Safe procedures do not cause pain and there is no need for after treatment. rehabilitation period. The method is used on any part of the body and relieves the patient of accumulated fat of varying volumes.

Fat disappears from localization in the sides, waist, back, both surfaces of the thighs, buttocks, arms and chin.

The result will please you for a long time if the patient controls his weight, follows his diet, and leads a dynamic lifestyle.

What is the effectiveness of non-invasive lipolysis?

The effect is as follows:

  • sufficiently effective decomposition of fat accumulations;
  • irreversibility of the results of the course of manipulation;
  • preventing the formation of new fat grooves;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • intensity of lymph outflow;
  • obvious expression of the relief of the epidermis;
  • eliminating cellulite “crust”.

The results of non-invasive lipolysis are achieved in accordance with the age, weight, skin type and lifestyle of the person. As a rule, changes appear gradually.

However, many people are happy to see the disappearance of folds of fat within the first week after the procedure.

But there are also those for whom satisfaction from the procedures comes after a few months.

How much does non-invasive lipolysis cost?

The price of 1 procedure is 5 thousand rubles. To receive a course of sessions you will have to pay 40 thousand rubles. Don’t forget about paid consultations with the center’s specialists (). It is also necessary to remember that in different regions countries, the cost varies and may differ greatly from that indicated.

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