Sovgripp ® inactivated subunit influenza vaccine. How is the Sovigflu vaccine administered? How quickly does immunity develop after vaccination?

Every year, with the arrival of autumn and winter, outbreaks of influenza epidemics increase, despite the implementation of active preventive measures. Although people are accustomed to thinking that the flu is not serious illness, but in reality such a disease is characterized by its severe form. To combat influenza pathogens, there are many various drugs, the list of which only grows every year. Although the mortality rate from influenza is low, the absence of any measures to eliminate symptoms can lead to serious complications. Due to the increasing trend of influenza, the pharmaceutical industry has released a vaccine against this disease, which is called Sovigflu. Currently, the injection is actively used to increase immunity among the population. We will find out in this article how effective the Sovigripp vaccine is.

Features of Sovigripp injection

Sovigripp is a domestic influenza vaccine, which was first released by the pharmaceutical company Microgen in 2013. All components of the injection are domestic and are not purchased abroad. Since 2015, the vaccine has been mandatory, so everyone can get vaccinated absolutely free.

The Sovigripp injection is based on strains various viruses flu, what does this drug even more effective. Every year, depending on the type of flu, the vaccine may differ in its composition. The most common viruses are group A and B. Every year, the mutation of these viruses leads to the fact that the vaccine does not have any effect positive impact, so it needs to be updated.

It is important to know! The flu vaccine "Sovigripp" does not contain "Polyoxidonium", as in many analogues of the vaccine, but "Sovidon", which allows not only to strengthen the immune system, but also to form the immune system.

To the row useful qualities"Sovidon" include:

  • stable elimination of toxins;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • protection of cell membranes;
  • formation of immunity.

The Sovigripp flu shot contains a substance called thiomersal. This Chemical substance, consisting of ethyl mercury. This substance is used as a preservative for reusable vaccine vials. To prevent bacterial or fungal contamination of injection vials for repeated use, resort to the use of of this substance. If the Soviripp vaccine is disposable, then this preservative is not contained in it.

Who should get vaccinated?

People over 18 years of age are recommended to get vaccinated against influenza. Moreover, vaccination is carried out mainly during the off-season, usually at the beginning of autumn and spring. In particular, vaccination is mandatory to the following groups persons:

  1. Elderly people over 60 years of age.
  2. People with weakened immune systems who often experience acute respiratory infections.
  3. Patients who have chronic illnesses, diabetes, heart and kidney diseases.
  4. Patients with immunodeficiency.
  5. For students.
  6. Doctors and medical workers.
  7. Social service workers.
  8. Military and police.

It is important to know! Vaccination is absolutely free, so anyone who does not belong to the list above can get it. To do this, you must come to a medical facility and express a desire to get vaccinated against influenza.

Features of administering the Sovigripp injection

Instructions for use of the Sovigripp vaccine exclude the use of the drug for children under 18 years of age. The restriction on the use of injection is indicated in the instructions, so before getting vaccinated, you will need to show your passport to a health worker.

To avoid getting the flu, it is recommended to get vaccinated in early autumn (September). This is necessary so that immunity has time to form to the viral nature. After the injection maximum protection the body occurs on the 14th day after its administration. After immunity to viruses is formed, protection lasts for 7-9 months.

It is important to know! If a person has not had time to get vaccinated, and flu symptoms have already appeared, then it is still worth visiting the hospital and getting vaccinated. This will speed up the process of fighting the disease, and will also prevent the occurrence of a recurrence of the disease.

Vaccination is carried out exclusively once a year. Repeated vaccination can be performed no earlier than after 7-9 months. Single dosage Sovigripp injection is 0.5 ml. The injection is administered intramuscularly into the upper third of the shoulder. Before vaccination, it is not recommended that the patient have symptoms of acute respiratory infections, since after the vaccine is administered, the immune system weakens. After the injection, you must remain in the hospital for 30 minutes to prevent allergies and other dangerous complications.

A medical professional is required to administer the injection; most often, the vaccination is carried out by a nurse. Drinking alcohol is prohibited after and before the injection. When drinking alcoholic beverages, the production of immune bodies decreases and also weakens the body's defenses. After the vaccine is administered, you should not drink alcohol for at least 3 days.

For whom the injection is contraindicated

There are corresponding contraindications to the use of the vaccine. If there are such contraindications, vaccination is prohibited. A number of contraindications include:

  1. If the patient has signs of intolerance by the body to the components of the vaccine.
  2. If you have previously used influenza vaccines. Additional use of the influenza vaccine may result in serious side effects.
  3. If the patient has illnesses that are caused by an increase in temperature.
  4. In the presence of chronic diseases.
  5. Children's and adolescence up to 18 years old.

If the patient does not know about the presence of contraindications, then an additional examination by a therapist may be required, as well as tests.

What complications may occur after vaccination?

If the vaccine is used correctly, complications after its administration are excluded. In some cases, it is possible to increase body temperature to 38 degrees, which is absolutely normal factor. Sometimes there may be painful sensations in the injection area, as well as redness of the area.

It is important to know! To relieve pain and redness at the injection site, you need to do iodine mesh. You can wet the injection site, but it is important to avoid contamination.

Typically, mild complications that occur after vaccination disappear within a few days. If the injection site continues to hurt for more than 2 days, you should go to the hospital. In addition to the above complications, the instructions for use state: possible development the following side symptoms:

  1. Headache.
  2. Runny nose and sore throat.
  3. Signs of allergies, which manifest themselves in the form of a rash, swelling, urticaria and the occurrence of Quincke's edema.

There have been no serious cases or deaths following the introduction of the vaccine since 2013. During pregnancy, vaccination is indicated in exceptional cases. It is strictly contraindicated to undergo vaccination during the first trimester of pregnancy, since during the first 12 weeks the formation of the main organs and systems of the unborn baby is observed.

It is important to know! Currently, research is ongoing on the use of the vaccine for children and pregnant women, so it is planned to expand the indications in the future.

Analogues and additional information about the vaccine

The Sovigripp vaccine can be used for patients with signs of HIV infection. The vaccine can be used in combination with other types of vaccinations and medications, but with the exception of anti-influenza medications.

It is important to know! It is contraindicated to administer the Sovigripp injection on the same day as a tetanus shot.

To maintain the effectiveness of the drug, the vaccine must be stored properly, as prescribed by the manufacturer. Storage conditions for the vaccine include maintaining a temperature range from 2 to 8 degrees. Typically, the vaccine is purchased from the manufacturer by the state, after which free vaccination of the population is carried out if desired.

It is important to know! How more people If you are vaccinated, the higher the likelihood that influenza will occur in rare cases and in a mild form.

The Sovigripp vaccine has analogues that are produced not only in Russia, but also abroad. Foreign analogues include:

  • Fluarix;
  • Vaxigrip;
  • Agrippal;
  • Begrivak;
  • Inflexal 5.

Domestic analogues of Sovigrippa:

  • Grippovac;
  • Microflu;
  • Ultrix;
  • Gryfor.

Results of the use of the Sovigripp vaccine

The Sovigripp vaccine is particles of viral cells that are deliberately introduced into the body with the aim of developing resistance to these strains. In addition to virus particles, special components are also added to the vaccine that help prolong and build immunity. Such a component is Sovidon, which is used exclusively in this vaccine. In all other analogues Russian production the less reliable “Polyoxidonium” is used. Sovidon increases the level of body defense and also reduces the number of cases of acute respiratory infections.

The effectiveness of the vaccine is 80%-90%. After the vaccine is administered, maximum protection does not occur immediately, but only on the 4th day, that is, after 2 weeks. Patients who are susceptible to influenza-related illnesses must be vaccinated. This vaccine is contraindicated for children, but research is currently ongoing through which it is planned to expand the range of use of the drug.

To summarize, it should be noted that the development of adverse symptoms after vaccination is extremely small. If symptoms such as fever and soreness in the area where the vaccine was administered occur, you need to wait a few days. Usually negative symptoms passes within 2 days.

Ultrix vaccine: instructions for use Glucose during pregnancy: intravenous administration to correct physiological processes

Seasonal incidence of influenza in the autumn-winter period has already become commonplace. Everyone has a risk of contracting a respiratory infection, but there are methods to minimize it. Active immunization against influenza has the most proven effectiveness. It is carried out with various vaccines, for example, doctors may recommend Sovigripp. What viruses does it act against, what does it contain, how is it used, does it have restrictions on use and Negative consequences- all this is reflected in the instructions.

The Sovigripp vaccine does not contain the viral particles themselves, but individual proteins responsible for producing an immune response - neuraminidase and hemagglutinin. These are surface glycoproteins that are released from the pathogen shell. And purified microbial bodies are obtained by cultivation on chicken embryos. Therefore, Sovigripp is an inactivated subunit influenza vaccine. It looks like a colorless transparent solution without any impurities.

The immunobiological drug is available in a solution for parenteral administration (ampoules or syringe). The vaccine contains hemagglutinins from various types viruses: A(H1N1), A(H3N2), and B. But it is known that the causative agent of influenza has very strong variability - every year diseases are caused by different strains. Therefore, the antigenic composition of the drug is formed immediately before the morbidity season in accordance with WHO recommendations and forecasts of relevant experts.

But in addition to the active ingredient, the vaccine also contains other substances. In the production of the drug, the adjuvant Sovidon is used, which is necessary to enhance the immune response to virus antigens. And the latter are dissolved in a special phosphate-buffered saline, the composition of which is represented by sodium chloride and hydrogen phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and water. The preservative is a special antiseptic substance merthiolate (or thiomersal). But the vaccine is also available in a form that does not contain it, providing maximum coverage age categories patients.


The effectiveness of the flu vaccine Sovigripp is due to the activation specific immunity against those strains whose antigens are present in the drug. It stimulates the production of T-lymphocytes and antibodies. Moreover, the mechanism of the antiviral response is multistage. Antigens are first taken up by macrophages and presented to lymphocytes. The latter transform into T-killer and T-suppressor cells, and also produce cytokines that induce B-lymphocytes to transform into plasma cells. And they, in turn, synthesize specific antibodies (class G immunoglobulins) against influenza viruses.

The adjuvant Sovidon plays a special role in this process. It makes the vaccine much more effective and almost unique. Its polymeric nature causes a wide range of positive effects on the body. In addition to its immunostimulating role, the adjuvant has antioxidant properties, is capable of detoxification and acts as a membrane protector.

The vaccine effectively fulfills its role by stimulating specific immunity against several strains of the influenza virus.


The vaccine is used with for preventive purposes for everyone who wants to prevent the occurrence of influenza during the infection season (autumn-winter). But the development of antiviral immunity is especially important for patients who have high risk get sick or get complications:

  1. Elderly people, preschool and school age, students.
  2. Frequently ill people respiratory diseases.
  3. Suffering from chronic pathology (cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine-metabolic, allergic, anemia, immunodeficiency).
  4. Women during pregnancy.
  5. Medical workers, military personnel and representatives of other social professions.

It is these categories of people who are most susceptible to influenza during the epidemic season. This means that vaccination is the only acceptable method for them to get high degree protection against infection.


An immunobiological drug requires an even more responsible attitude than a conventional medicine, because it contains particles of the virus. And although the vaccine is positioned as safe method prevention for patients of various ages, this is only possible if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Before the vaccine is administered, all patients are examined by a specialist with mandatory temperature measurement.

Method of use

The vaccine is used both before the onset of the epidemic season and at its beginning. But it should be remembered that it takes at least 5 days to develop specific immunity. The flu shot Sovigripp is given by intramuscular injection into the upper third of the shoulder (at outer surface). One ampoule or syringe is considered an immunogenic dose.

A vaccine with a preservative is used in patients over 18 years of age, and a solution that does not contain merthiolate can be administered to children from six months of age. After 3 years of age, a single injection of the drug is sufficient. But younger patients need to inject Sovigripp 4 times at half the dosage and not into the shoulder, but into the anterior outer thigh. After vaccination, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor for half an hour.

The injection of an immunobiological drug is carried out according to all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. It must be remembered that the vaccine cannot be administered intravenously. The solution remaining in the ampoule after administration of half the dose is disposed of. If the vaccine has changed its color or lost its transparency, then it is unsuitable for use. You should think similarly about those medications that were stored incorrectly or have expired.

Side effects

The influenza vaccine is a drug that has a high safety profile and is well tolerated by patients. Sovigripp is practically free of toxicity and has extremely low pyrogenicity. But in some cases it is still possible side effects. These include the following reactions:

  • Local (swelling, pain, and redness appear in the injection area).
  • Systemic (general malaise, fatigue, headache, sore throat, runny nose, aching joints).
  • Allergic (urticaria and other rashes, Quincke's edema, anaphylaxis).

Local and general phenomena They are temporary and go away on their own after a couple of days. They do not require any correction. But for severe allergic reactions that occur due to individual intolerance, additional treatment is necessary.

Sovigripp is well tolerated, but after administration some adverse reactions (most often local) are likely.

Pregnancy and lactation

According to studies, the vaccine without merthiolate is safe during pregnancy. She doesn't provide negative influence on the growing fetus (teratogenic or embryotoxic), especially in the second and third trimesters. The components of the drug do not penetrate into breast milk, so breastfeeding women can also be immunized. But each case should be considered by a doctor solely on an individual basis.


Any medicine, including a vaccine, should only be used by persons who have no grounds for refusal. This is why a preliminary examination by a doctor is needed to identify not only indications for vaccination, but also restrictions (usually in the form of concomitant conditions).


The instructions for use must contain a mention of contraindications for prescribing the vaccine. Sovigripp cannot be administered to patients with the following conditions:

  1. Allergy to chicken protein.
  2. Severe post-vaccination reactions or complications during the previous administration.
  3. Acute illnesses with fever.
  4. Exacerbation of chronic pathology.
  5. Children's age up to 6 months.

A solution with a preservative should not be administered to children under 18 years of age or pregnant women. Acute infectious and inflammatory processes are a temporary contraindication - vaccination can be carried out already 2 weeks after recovery. And persons with chronic diseases are immunized taking into account their general condition.


Vaccination works well with other treatments respiratory infections. But it should be remembered that while taking drugs that suppress the immune system, its effectiveness will be lower. Sovigripp can be used in conjunction with other inactivated vaccines (except rabies). Only you should pay Special attention contraindications for each of them and administered to different parts of the body.

The flu vaccine called Sovigripp is a high-quality immunobiological preparation. It effectively stimulates specific antiviral defense factors that prevent disease. Vaccination with a preservative-free solution is safe for children over 6 months and pregnant women. It is carried out in strict accordance with all requirements and only after a medical examination.

Several years ago, Russian pharmacists launched a new product called Sovigripp on the market. This medicine is effective in preventing the disease and is competitive in comparison with foreign analogues. The vaccination procedure with the drug is free and is included in the scheduled vaccination calendar.

Every year many people get sick with the flu. Often the disease is aggravated by complications, for example, pneumonia or secondary bacterial infection. In rare cases, the flu can cause death.

More information about the medicine Sovigripp

Sovigripp contains proteins isolated from the virus shell that stimulate immune protection. The main ingredients of the medicine include neuraminidase and hemagglutinin. These proteins are grown in chicken embryos.

Sovigripp is available in the form of a colorless solution and is packaged in individual syringes or ampoules. Influenza strains often mutate and change throughout the country, so the composition of the vaccine is formed between the illness season based on WHO recommendations and medical experts. All age groups of patients are vaccinated with the vaccine.

Indications for the drug against influenza

Vaccination Sovigripp is recommended as preventative measure for the formation of immunity in patients over 18 years of age. Doctors identify a number of patients who may become infected with the flu more often than other people. These are patients of the older age group (over 60 years old), people who often suffer from respiratory pathologies or diseases internal organs, for example, kidneys, allergies, who have problems with metabolic processes. These also include diabetics and people with acquired or congenital immunodeficiency.

Preventive actions against the virus are recommended for people over 18 years of age, students in institutes, technical schools and other institutions, patients who work with people (social, municipal services, catering, teachers, police officers, etc.).

Contraindications of the drug

The Sovigripp vaccine is not recommended for use in cases where there is an allergy to chicken protein or the ingredients of the medicine. The injection should not be given if the patient had complications, for example, convulsions began, the temperature rose, or swelling of more than 80 mm occurred at the puncture site.

Patients who suffer from acute respiratory disease are not given the vaccine. The injection is not given if the temperature rises. It is not recommended to vaccinate a patient if he has chronic illness, which has passed into the acute phase.

Vaccination application scheme

The Sovigflu vaccine is given every 12 months in the fall or winter. The medicine is also effective at the beginning of an epidemic. Children over 3 years of age and others age groups Patients are given the medicine by intramuscular injection into the shoulder. A single dosage is 0.5 ml.

For children aged six months to three years, vaccination is recommended twice at intervals of a month. The injection is given into the thigh muscle. The dosage for these groups of patients is reduced to 0.25 ml.

The Sovigripp vaccine is prohibited intravenous administration. On the day of vaccination, the patient must be examined by a doctor. If the temperature measurement shows above 37 degrees, then vaccination is postponed. The doctor's office must be equipped with medications for anti-shock therapy. After vaccination, the patient remains in the doctor's office for at least half an hour to avoid the risk of anaphylactic reactions. During the use of Sovigripp, no cases of overdose were identified.

The opened drug is not stored, but must be disposed of. Before vaccination, the puncture site is wiped antiseptic solution. Before vaccination, the doctor must inspect the packaging of the solution; in case of any changes in color, sediment, or damage to the tightness or integrity of the packaging, the drug is discarded.

Formation of an immune response

Sovidon, one of the main components of the drug, strengthens the immune system, protecting intercellular membranes. It is an antioxidant and forms the body's defenses against influenza strains. Sovidon neutralizes toxins. It is recommended to get vaccinated before the outbreak of the epidemic, because immunity is formed two weeks after vaccination.

Sovigripp protects the patient from influenza strains for a period of 7 to 9 months. Vaccination is not a guarantee, but it reduces the likelihood of contracting the flu by up to 90%. Before intramuscular injection a person is advised to appear less in in public places and interact with people who have colds or other respiratory illnesses. You should not overcool your body during this period.

Is it possible to wet the puncture site after vaccination? The instructions for use of the drug do not contain explanations in this regard. Doctors performing the injection note that the puncture site can be wetted.

Medicine and alcohol

Is flu vaccination compatible with the use of alcoholic drinks? Doctors do not recommend drinking alcohol because the production of antibodies deteriorates, immunity deteriorates, and a person may get a cold after the injection. After vaccination you should not drink alcohol for at least 3 days.

Side effects of the vaccine

The Sovigripp vaccine is highly purified and rarely causes negative reactions from the body. At adverse reactions after injection of Sovigripp, the patient may complain of swelling at the puncture site, small lumps under the skin in this area. Less often, his temperature rises, a migraine occurs, and his throat may feel sore.

You may experience symptoms similar to colds. Abdominal pain and weakness occur less frequently. May feel dizzy and sometimes have allergic reactions. This may be a skin rash, hives, swelling of the larynx and other manifestations.

Interaction with other drugs

Medicines can be used with other vaccines, but before injection, the doctor is advised to carefully check the contraindications of other drugs and administer the vaccine at different areas bodies. Treatment of influenza can be combined with vaccination with Sovigripp. It should be remembered that when a patient undergoes immunosuppressive therapy, the production of antibodies worsens.

Reviews about the drug

Doctors speak positively about Sovigrippa, talking about its high efficiency and few side effects. Typically, patients experience local reactions, which go away on their own without requiring additional treatment.

Among patients, the number of negative reviews is higher; many note weakness, drowsiness, and cold symptoms after using the drug. Doctors attribute this fact to improper storage of medications or falsification of the vaccine. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy it in pharmacies. It is better to get vaccinated at a medical facility.

Doctors say that law enforcement agencies have noted evidence of counterfeiting of this medicine by an Indian manufacturer. The craft caused negative side effects, high temperature, allergies and provoked many negative reviews about the original drug.

The Sovigripp vaccine can be administered to patients with HIV infection, it can be combined with other vaccinations and drug therapy. But this medicine is not given on the same day as a tetanus shot.

The medicine should be stored according to the conditions specified by the manufacturer, e.g. temperature conditions from 2 to 8 degrees. This drug is purchased on a state basis; the population can be vaccinated against the flu with it free of charge.

If many people are vaccinated during the autumn and winter months, then the flu spreads less and the epidemiological threshold is lowered. Timely vaccination helps patients avoid getting sick at all or mild form suffer from the flu. With the help of such vaccinations, doctors are able to reduce the risk fatal outcome at severe forms flu or complications.

Influenza strains are constantly mutating and there are currently about 2,000 types of influenza. Medicine has not yet been able to develop universal medicine for influenza, which would be suitable for any season, so the composition of the medicine is adjusted.

Drug analogues

The drug has several analogues, which are produced by Russian and foreign pharmacologists. These are Vaxigrip, Fluvaxin, Agrippal, Inflexal and other medicines. Among Russian analogue drugs doctors are releasing the Microflu vaccine, Ultrix and other drugs. Such drugs have a similar composition and principle of action against the influenza virus.

This year we have a shortage of imported influenza vaccines (there is only Vaxigrip, but it is unlikely to be enough for everyone, since only about 200,000 doses are being imported), so we have to choose from domestic ones, that is, from Grippol, “ Grippol Plus", "Sovigrippa" and "Ultrix".

To be honest, all four vaccines are somewhat questionable. However, if vaccination is necessary (and I personally know plenty of people who need to get it), you need to stop at something. What to follow?

After reading several popular publications and comments to them, I made a small selection of rumors, stuffing and simply anti-advertising:

"Grippol" is not the best choice"

“We have our “Ultrix” - you can do it, the composition is Ok.” Personally, I don’t understand why the “composition is OK” in Ultrix. Apparently, this should only mean that the amount of antigen in the form of hemagglutinin* (HA) of each strain (hereinafter referred to as antigen) in this vaccine complies with international standards and is 15 mcg.

Great! But does this mean that “everything is OK” with the composition? Not really. Indeed, in addition to the amount of antigen, there is also a technology for growing the virus and purifying it, and it is difficult to say how well the manufacturer of Ultrix, Fort LLC, does this. Another thing“Grippol Plus”, in which not only domestically produced antigens (SPbNIIVS) are packaged, but also Dutch ones supplied by Abbott Biologicals.

In addition, it would be good to know more precisely the number of antigens in Ultrix, since it may be less than the declared 15 mcg. Detailed information on this issue is available on the RLS website, where it is stated that 1 dose (0.5 ml) of the vaccine contains “(15 ± 2.2) mcg of hemagglutinin and a preservative (merthiolate) 42.5–57.5 mcg.” It’s rather poor, especially when compared with the French “Vaxigripp”, which contains exactly 15 mg of NA, plus ≤30 mcg of formaldehyde, up to 0.5 ml of buffer solution, 2 mcg of thimerosal, Triton® X-100**, as well as trace amounts of sucrose and neomycin . (By the way, for those who are wondering why only the amount of hemagglutinin is indicated in influenza vaccines, go here.)

👉"""Ultrix"" was picked up from the ashes - it used to be called "Grifor" and was declared as virosomal. All you need to know about this vaccine is that Rospotrebnadzor banned it in 2008 due to the fact that it did not pass safety tests at the first stage of clinical trials.”

It is not true. More precisely, a half-truth. Apparently, until 2013, “Ultrix” was indeed an inactivated viral vaccine and was a direct descendant of “Grifor”.

That is, the antigens in Ultrix contained a whole inactivated influenza virus virion without RNA. At this time, the vaccine was registered under the ATX code J07BB01 (whole virion inactivated vaccines).

But starting in 2015, it takes on a new form and becomes an “inactivated split vaccine” with ATC code J07BB02. That is, now it does not include the whole virus virion, but only its fragments.

Such a “transformation” could only happen for one reason: the manufacturer purchased new equipment. Therefore, we are looking for information about the manufacturer.

According to the instructions, the vaccine was produced either by the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums and the Enterprise for the Production of Bacterial Preparations (SPbNIIVS), or by Fort LLC, part of JSC Nacimbio. It is known about “Fort” that its production “complies with GMP requirements.” As for St. Petersburg Research Institute of Influenza Vaccines, it was in 2015 that the opening of a “new unique production of influenza vaccines” took place there (that is, the equipment at the plant was actually changed). In addition, in 2016, SPbNIIVS received a GMP certificate, which means its production cycle also complies with international standards.

The only thing I would like to know is what substances the manufacturer uses to break down the virus (usually they use various detergents, for example, TWIN-80 or TTAB***), but there is not a word about this in the instructions.

Conclusion: I am sure that Ultrix is ​​a split vaccine. Therefore, rumors that the manufacturer is deceiving everyone are just rumors. But the quality and quantity of antigen in this vaccine is an open question.

A few words about “Grippol” and “Grippol plus”

How they differ is written in the Appendix. The main complaints against them boil down to the following:

1) ““Grippol” is a frankly bad vaccine”, because in violation international standards contains a small amount of antigen from each strain (5 μg instead of 15 μg).
2) The vaccine is ineffective.
3) The vaccine contains an adjuvant (enhances immune reaction to a weakened pathogen) Polyoxidonium, the effectiveness of which has not been proven.

The answer to point 1) is known: “the possibility of reducing effective dose antigen" in influenza vaccines "was originally laid down in the European Pharmacopoeia monograph on subunit vaccines." Another question is what efficiency reduced content the virus still needs to be proven. And if you are satisfied with domestic research, then the answer is positive - it type proven: “The level of seroconversion in vaccinated people is the same as in those vaccinated with vaccines containing 15 mcg of antigens.”

What does all of this mean? The fact is that there are WHO requirements regarding the required titer of antibodies to the antigen after vaccination, which must be observed:
1. Seroconversion rate (increase in antibody titer to NA by at least 4 times): > 40% for persons aged 18 to 60 years (> 30% for persons over 60 years of age).
2. Seroprotection rate (number of persons with a protective titer >= 40): > 70% for persons aged 18 to 60 years (> 60% for persons over 60 years of age).
3. Multiplicity of increase in antibody titer after vaccination: > 2.5 in persons aged 18 to 60 years (> 2 in persons over 60 years of age).

Judging by the published results of Russian studies, Grippol and Grippol Plus meet these requirements. On the other hand, despite WHO requirements, one can find fault with the effectiveness of any influenza vaccine, because it leaves much to be desired (I wrote about this in detail).

The third question is Polyoxidonium. Why is it needed at all? Polyoxidonium is a synthetic adjuvant, a copolymer designed to enhance the immune response to vaccination. But not all influenza vaccines contain adjuvants: most often they are added to the most weakened ones - subunit vaccines. And “Grippoles” are precisely subunit. And if the antigen in “Ultrix” looks like in Figure 3A, then in “Grippol” it looks like in Figure 3B.

This means that “Grippol” is a less reactogenic, but also less immunogenic (capable of causing an effective immune response) vaccine. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of grafting, an adjuvant is added to it. And while there is no answer to the question of what, other than an adjuvant, can be used to achieve compliance with WHO requirements, alas, it is impossible to deny the adjuvant properties of Polyoxidonium.

By the way, it is not true that other countries do not produce influenza vaccines with adjuvants. In the United States, there is an inactivated vaccine for older adults, FLUAD, adjuvanted with MF59. MF59 is a squalene-based oil-water adjuvant. And squalene is not Polyoxidonium. In the 1990s, they even tried to link it with autoimmune processes, but they quickly figured out what was what and the question of its unsafety was closed.

Why are there no adjuvants in other influenza vaccines?

Most likely because in the case of flu vaccination there is no need for long-term immune memory - immunity is needed only for a year, since next year the composition may change dramatically.

However, let's return to Polyoxidonium. Because it really is weak side“Grippol”, because whether it works as an adjuvant in a vaccine is a big question (you can read more about its properties). But honestly, it's quite possible that it works. Another thing is whether it justifies such a significant reduction in the number of antigens in the vaccine? I don’t know... And here I agree with botalex The fact is that we are dealing, firstly, with the reduction in the cost of vaccine production, and secondly, with the sneaking of Polyoxidonium wherever possible.

Is Grippol safe?

I repeat once again, “Grippol” is the most researched domestic vaccine, and two of its clinical studies even leaked into a 2015 Cochrane meta-analysis (although one was eventually excluded).

Is Polyoxidonium safe?

It is believed to be safe (there are studies, for example, this). And by the way, it is used not only in the CIS: Slovakia has also become interested in this drug and has been conducting it since 2016 (that is, it is being used and tested in this country; here is another link to an already published study).

However, all this is somehow not very convincing, because adjuvants, in principle, are not the most researched issue in vaccinology, let alone synthetic ones, especially those that have the unique ability to enhance the “formation of TNF**** only in individuals with an initially reduced or an average level of cytokine synthesis and have no effect or even slightly reduce production in individuals with initially increased synthesis."


Another subunit influenza vaccine. The claims against it are the same, only the role of Polyoxidonium here is played by another copolymer - Sovidon. Many wonderful things are also known about Sovidon: it increases the effectiveness of antitumor cytostatic therapy, has protective properties after irradiation in mice; in vaccines in pigs it showed its best performance (that is, it allowed to significantly reduce the amount of antigen). In general, “In experiments on rodents, dogs, monkeys, sheep and pigs, its pharmacological activity, harmlessness and anti-radiation effectiveness were studied,” but studies on humans were somehow rare.


Influenza vaccines, as a rule, are represented by trivalent drugs that contain a combination of 3 strains of the influenza virus: 2 strains of type A and 1 strain of type B. However, there are also 4-component vaccines (a similar vaccine should appear in Russia next year ), as well as monovaccines containing only one strain of influenza A virus.

There are 3 types of trivalent vaccines: whole virion vaccines, split vaccines and subunit vaccines.

Immunity after vaccination is formed after about 2 weeks and lasts for a year (WHO states that the duration of post-infectious immunity is also short-lived). The duration of protection is related to age: the older the vaccinated person, the less durable the protection may be. Most likely, the effectiveness of vaccination decreases with age: there are special influenza vaccines for older people (over 60-65 years old), which contain either an adjuvant (MF-59) or - increased amount antigen (60 mcg).

Contraindications to influenza vaccination are:

  • allergy to chicken protein,
  • allergy to aminoglycoside antibiotics or other components in composition of the vaccine,
  • allergic reaction for previous influenza vaccination,
  • acute diseases or exacerbation of chronic infections (vaccination is carried out after recovery or during remission).

The following vaccines are available in Russia:

  • Live vaccines(they are more reactogenic, but provide more lasting immunity):
    ▫️ "Ultravac" produced by Microgen. Due to its relatively high reactogenicity, its use is limited.
  • Inactivated vaccines:
    ▫️ "Vaxigrip"- split vaccine produced by Sanofi (France). Contains 15 mcg of 3 strains of influenza viruses.
    ▫️ "Ultrix"- domestic split vaccine. The antigenic composition and its quantity are similar to Vaxigrip.
    ▫️ « Grippol plus"- subunit domestic trivalent vaccine with synthetic adjuvant Polyoxidonium produced by Petrovax.
    ▫️ « Grippol"- the same thing, but produced by NPO Microgen. The only difference is that “Grippol Plus” does not contain the preservative thiomersal, and “Grippol” is available in two forms: with a preservative (for vaccination of persons 18+) and without a preservative for vaccination of children and adolescents.
    ▫️ "Sovigripp"- another subunit trivalent influenza vaccine with the synthetic adjuvant Sovidon produced by NPO Microgen.

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