Home remedy for gouty arthritis. Treatment of gouty arthritis with medications and folk remedies

Gout is known to doctors as a disease of kings and aristocrats. The reason is that history knows a lot of cases when gouty arthritis tormented people with good incomes. The rich suffered from the disease for a long time. In most cases, the cause of the disease was excessive eating, poor lifestyle, alcohol abuse, junk food. The symptoms of the disease were first described by a man who himself had suffered from gouty arthritis for 30 years.

Historical facts

Main symptoms

In most cases, the disease is diagnosed in mature men aged 55 years and older. Less common in women who have overcome menopause. Pathology occurs in older people. The first stage of the disease occurs without symptoms. In subsequent stages, rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by an increase in uric acid in the blood plasma and urine. Manifestations:

  • Inflammatory process in the joint area.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Pain when performing simple movements.
  • Symmetrical lesion cartilage tissue in the area of ​​the hands and knees.
  • Increased body temperature, often fever.
  • Chronic pyelonephritis.
  • Pain, burning when urinating.
  • The appearance of specific formations in the area of ​​the affected tissue.

Symptoms of the disease are similar to any joint damage. Rheumatoid arthritis is classified into several stages in order to identify the cause of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

  • First stage of the disease. Asymptomatic increase in uric acid in the body. Not a sign chronic type pathology.
  • Acute gouty type of disease. The second stage of pathology development. Occurs when several symptoms are present.
  • Intercritical period. The time when a disease moves from the usual stage to chronic.
  • A chronic form of the pathology, there is deposition in the joints. Treatment of the form of the disease takes a long time, with varying success.


X-rays are not necessary to diagnose connective tissue rheumatoid arthritis. During the study, tophi-type deposits are identified and the degree of damage to cartilaginous and interarticular tissue is determined. X-ray diagnoses how damaged the cartilage and tissue are.

  1. Chemical, microscopic analysis, will help identify the presence of uric acid crystals in the synovial fluid of the joint.
  2. On examination, there is swelling in the area of ​​two or more joints.
  3. Damage to the thumb, presence of systemic attacks.
  4. Clinically proven formation of tophi.

Criteria to help diagnose rheumatoid arthritis, adopted at a symposium in New York in 1966. Based on them, doctors diagnose arthritis in men and women.


  • Specific nodes in joint fluid.
  • The formation of specific deposits - tophi, the presence has been clinically proven.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, characterized by a history of multiple attacks.
  • Inflammation of the tissue in the area of ​​the affected cartilage in the first 24 hours.
  • Multiple connective tissue lesions.
  • The skin in the area of ​​the inflamed joint is hot to the touch.
  • Swelling, pain in the soft tissues of the limb.
  • Absence of bacteria in joint fluid.
  • Increased uric acid in the blood.

To diagnose rheumatoid arthritis, one symptom is not enough. The patient has several manifestations of the disease. Then the doctor has the right to diagnose gout. Prescribe treatment, refer the patient for other studies of various nature, if necessary.


Often the rheumatoid type of connective tissue lesions requires complex treatment pathology. Gout is a special disease that can be treated with folk remedies. Treatment lasts a long time, depending on the stage of development of the pathology. Drug treatment and folk remedies are used as adjuvant therapy. There are proven recipes that help with the disease:

Folk recipes are easy to use, often used as complementary therapy will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms illness during short period time.


Treatment with folk remedies for gouty arthritis: traditional medicine recipes

Gouty arthritis is a clinical manifestation of gout, which means that there is an active process of deposition of uric acid salts in the cartilage, tendons, joints, and bones.

Each person can easily treat gouty arthritis with folk remedies. There are many recipes tested by hundreds of thousands of people.

We use onion broth

For treatment, onion soup is used, which is prepared according to a special recipe. To do this, take 3 medium-sized onions and drop them directly with the peel into 1 liter cold water. Bring the water to a boil and cook with stirring until all the onions are completely cooked.

The resulting mixture is cooled and filtered. The decoction should be consumed 250 ml 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1.5−2 weeks. Then take a short break and repeat again.

This remedy is suitable for treating gouty arthritis at home, this is sometimes the most effective remedy. Thanks to it, joint pain quickly decreases.

Treatment with lard

Not many people know that lard is an excellent remedy that helps treat joint pain among people. To do this, you need to take a small piece of lard (preferably country lard), cut this piece into thin pieces. One piece should fit on one toe or hand (depending on what hurts). Next, intensive rubbing of lard into the skin of the fingers begins. This is done until the piece becomes significantly smaller. The remaining strips are discarded. This method is used when the pain is minor.

If the pain is constant, then lard should be applied as a compress at night to the affected areas. At the same time, it is wrapped with a bandage. The results of the treatment are noticeable almost the next day. And if you eat wheat porridge with butter during the week of treatment, the effect will be much stronger. After all, it is precisely this kind of porridge that removes excess salt from human body.

Treatment of gouty arthritis with folk remedies: apple recipe

Since the disease gouty arthritis is directly related to excess uric acid salts in the body, then effective treatment must be associated with their removal. People know a very healthy and tasty method that uses ordinary apples.

In order to alleviate the patient’s condition, he needs to eat as many apples as possible. Not only fresh fruits are consumed, but also apple juice. Apple decoctions and tinctures are great help; there are many recipes for them.

To prepare one of the decoctions, you need to bring water to a boil in a small saucepan, after which 5 small fresh, unpeeled apples are thrown into it. Boil water with apples for 10 minutes, then remove from heat and place in a warm place for 4 hours. This way the medicine will be ready for use. The resulting decoction is drunk when thirst arises, or instead of coffee or tea.

For those who do not want to go through the trouble of preparing decoctions, you can finely chop the apple directly into a cup of tea, leave for 5-10 minutes and drink at any time.

Activated carbon medicine

Many people only know one thing medicinal property activated carbon- in case of poisoning. However medicinal paste, prepared on its basis, helps many people cope with joint pain due to gouty arthritis.

To prepare such a paste, it is enough to take 3-4 packs of activated carbon. The coal is ground to a powdery state. Ultimately, the required volume of ground powder is ½ cup. Add 1 tablespoon of flax seed and water to the powder in such an amount to obtain a homogeneous mixture.

The paste is used according to the following scheme: in the evening before going to bed, all the diseased areas are smeared, not just smeared with the paste, but as if rubbed into the skin. Next, the skin area is tightly covered with plastic wrap and covered with a wool scarf overnight. In the morning the condition will improve noticeably.

Fish compresses for treating gouty arthritis at home

In order to make a fish compress, you need to take 2 kg of absolutely any fish (even the cheapest one will do). The fish is cut, no bones are needed, but the fillet is divided into 10 identical pieces, which are then frozen in the freezer.

For 10 days before going to bed, take a piece from the freezer, defrost it and cover the sore areas of your legs or arms with it. Don’t forget that the place should be warm, which means you need to wear mittens or warm socks. The compress is left overnight, after which the fish is thrown away.

As a rule, a ten-day course is enough to reduce pain.

Treatment of arthritis with iodine

Treatment of gouty arthritis with iodine involves either taking iodine baths or rubbing with iodine. Rubbing with iodine is done as follows. Take 10 ml of iodine and add 5 tablets of aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid. The resulting solution is used to lubricate all sore joints before going to bed, followed by warming them throughout the night. Iodine baths are done in the evening; they may well be compatible with rubbing with iodine. To prepare a bath, you need to pour 3 liters of water into a basin. Add 3 teaspoons of baking soda to the water, and then add 10 drops of iodine. Keep your feet or hands in this bath for 5-10 minutes for 10 evenings.

Use of medicinal plants

The treatment process for gouty arthritis may involve active use various plants with medicinal properties.

Among such plants the following can be distinguished:

  1. Tripartite sequence. An infusion is made from it. To do this, the herb is brewed with hot water, but not boiling water, in such a concentration that the tincture acquires a golden hue. This decoction is drunk only hot.
  2. Chamomile. To prepare a decoction, it is enough to take 100 grams pharmaceutical chamomile, brew in 10 liters of water with 10 grams of salt. Make baths.
  3. Horsetail. A tincture is made from it: 2 teaspoons of horsetail are poured into 250 ml of boiling water. The container in which the horsetail is filled with boiling water, wrapped and infused for up to 2 hours, then filtered. Use 1 tablespoon 6 times a day.
  4. Swamp cinquefoil. A tincture is made with alcohol; for this, take ¼ kg of the dried root of the plant, put it in half a liter of vodka and place it in a dark place. Infuses for 3 weeks. Drink the prepared tincture 25 grams three times a day before meals. Drink for 2-3 months.
  5. Sage. It is used as a base for baths. You need to take 100 grams of sage per 6 liters of water. When the water boils, add the sage and cook for 10 minutes. Cool slightly, then pour it out and steam the sore limbs for 30-60 minutes, periodically adding warm broth. Under no circumstances should you allow cold or drafts to occur when taking this procedure. Immediately after this, wrap your limbs in warmth. A similar procedure should be repeated every evening for 30 to 60 days.

It is important! Before you start treating a disease with folk remedies, be sure to consult your doctor!


Gouty arthritis: symptoms, treatment with folk remedies

  • What kind of disease is this?
  • Diagnostics
  • How to fix the problem?

Gouty arthritis is a serious disease that limits joint mobility and leads to joint deformation. The symptoms of this disease are extremely unpleasant, and the consequences are very sad. That is why it is worth learning everything about this disease in order to be fully armed.

What kind of disease is this?

Gouty arthritis or gout is unpleasant illness, characterized degenerative changes, occurring in articular tissues. Such changes occur in a person as a result serious violations metabolic processes. In particular, the exchange of uric acid and purine bases is disrupted. And if the products of purine metabolism are not excreted from the body for some reason or are excreted too slowly, then the concentration of uric acid increases sharply, which is not normal. Yes, such a substance must be contained in the body, but its excess is normally eliminated.

Unremoved excess uric acid begins to be deposited in various tissues of the body, which leads to serious deviations in the functioning of certain systems. And if this substance is deposited in the joints, they become inflamed, deformed and gradually destroyed. This is called gout.

Most often, the disease affects the feet, namely the fingers. Quite often the arms (hands and fingers) are affected. Gouty arthritis ankle joint, elbow or knee pain occurs rarely, and the disease practically does not affect the shoulders and pelvis.

It is worth mentioning separately the causes of this disease. They have not been fully clarified. But it has already been proven that the hereditary factor has a fairly significant influence on the development and course. In addition, metabolic processes also play an important role. But there are several negative factors, which can be called peculiar trigger mechanisms:

  • Sedentary image life leads to a slowdown in all metabolic processes, as well as to stagnant phenomena.
  • Obesity also negatively affects metabolism.
  • Alcohol abuse has an extremely negative impact on everything metabolic processes.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Kidney problems, such as kidney failure.
  • Poor nutrition, namely eating large amounts of meat products.
  • Frequent or systematic hypothermia of the extremities.

Course of the disease and manifestations

The disease has a paroxysmal character. The frequency of exacerbations depends on the person’s lifestyle and the effectiveness of treatment. It can range from 1-3 attacks per year to monthly or even weekly occurrences. In most cases, exacerbation occurs after consuming alcoholic beverages or meat in large quantities. Most often, attacks occur at night or in the morning. Some people experience them after physical exertion or hypothermia.

During an exacerbation, the patient feels sharp pain. The joint is almost completely immobilized, the mobility of the entire limb (usually the foot) is limited. Severe swelling occurs (outwardly it looks like a lump of quite impressive size). The skin in the affected area becomes hot and severe redness appears. On palpation painful sensations are intensifying. An increase in the patient's body temperature (up to 38-39 degrees) may also be observed. On average, an exacerbation can last from a day to several days and even a week. It all depends on the measures taken and their effectiveness. But after a few days, all symptoms will go away in any case, even without treatment.

The further course of the disease will depend on the patient’s lifestyle and compliance with medical prescriptions. For some, remission (a period of complete absence of symptoms) can last several years. For others, attacks occur quite frequently. During the period of remission, absolutely no signs may be observed; at this stage, the disease is difficult to detect.

If gout treatment is not effective, the disease can become chronic, in which changes affect not only the joints. So, there will be problems with the kidneys, accompanied by swelling. After 2-3 years, salt deposits may form on the joints, the latter will become characteristic appearance(bumps will appear). In addition, tophi occur (single accumulations of urate salts, spreading throughout all tissues of the body). Externally, they look like small whitish seals.


To identify the disease, you need to undergo some examinations and take certain tests:

  1. blood test to determine the amount of uric acid and other components;
  2. Analysis of urine;
  3. X-ray examination;
  4. Ultrasound of joints and organs abdominal cavity;
  5. examination of tophi under a microscope.

Only after an examination can a doctor make an accurate diagnosis.

How to fix the problem?

Your doctor should tell you how to treat gouty arthritis. Specific measures will depend on the severity of the disease, characteristics of the body and other factors. In case of exacerbation, therapy should be carried out in several directions:

  • Relieving inflammation with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac and others like that).
  • Needs to be docked pain syndrome with the help of non-narcotic analgesics.
  • During attacks, the limb must be kept at rest by fixing it in one position.
  • You can apply ice to the sore spot for a short time. Such manipulations can be done 5-6 times a day.

During the period of remission, the doctor may prescribe some physiotherapeutic procedures, special therapeutic exercises or massage.

In the chronic form, to reduce the level of uric acid in the body, a doctor may prescribe special drugs: “Allopurinol”, “Allomaron” and others like that.

How to eat?

Nutrition for gouty arthritis is adjusted by the attending physician, but usually the diet involves limiting the amount of meat and meat products (including semi-finished products), certain types of fish (for example, cod, pike perch, sprat, sprats), mushrooms, spinach, beans, peas, broccoli , asparagus, strong coffee or tea, sorrel, figs and other products. You will have to completely give up alcohol.

You can eat nuts, fruits and vegetables (excluding those listed above), cereals, dairy products, bakery products, cereals and some types of fish (infrequently).


Treatment with folk remedies can only be carried out along with the main therapy. Here are some recipes:

  • Decoction of onion peels. Take a glass of husk, fill it with a liter of boiling water and place the container on the fire for 15 minutes. Strain everything and take half a glass several times a day.
  • Saline solution with chamomile. First, prepare a chamomile infusion. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour and a half. Then mix half a glass of liquid with a glass of salt and 10 liters of water. Take baths in the evening before going to bed and the next morning after waking up.
  • You can rub the affected joints with ordinary salted lard.

Remember that gout requires treatment, as this disease has dangerous consequences and can lead to complete immobilization of the limbs.

By the way, you may also be interested in the following FREE materials:

  • Free book "TOP 7 harmful exercises for morning exercises that you should avoid"
  • Restoration of knee and hip joints with arthrosis - a free video recording of the webinar conducted by a physical therapy doctor and sports medicine- Alexandra Bonina
  • Free lessons on the treatment of lower back pain from a certified physical therapy doctor. This doctor developed unique system restoration of all parts of the spine and has already helped more than 2000 clients with various back and neck problems!
  • Want to know how to treat a pinched sciatic nerve? Then carefully watch the video at this link.
  • 10 essential nutritional components for a healthy spine - in this report you will find out what it should be daily diet so that you and your spine are always in healthy body and spirit. Very helpful information!
  • Do you have osteochondrosis? Then we recommend studying effective methods of treating lumbar, cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis without drugs.


Fight purines, ask nature for a cure for gout

An increase in the level of uric acid in the body due to impaired purine metabolism leads to the deposition of salts in the joints. As a rule, this becomes the cause of inflammatory phenomena in them, often unbearable and sudden pain. This disease is called gout.

Without competent and effective treatment, the frequency and duration of attacks progress. In medicine, various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most often used, which relieve signs of joint inflammation, but have a negative effect on the body. There is also a more gentle treatment - folk remedies for gout. However, before you start using such recipes, you should adjust your diet and exclude from it all products containing greatest number purines. A detailed diet is described in this material on our website.

Purines are the cause of joint problems

There are many of them in fatty fish and meat, herring roe, spinach, mushrooms, coffee and chocolate. Alcohol and salt delay the removal of uric acid salts. Treatment of gout with traditional methods is aimed at reducing uric acid levels, relieving joint pain, and resolving salt build-ups. What are these recipes? Let's get to know them.

Treating gout at home

1. Treatment of inflammation during attacks with shells from pine nuts has long been known. To do this, you should prepare it at home. unique tincture. A dark glass bottle is filled almost to the top of the shell and filled with alcohol up to the cork.

Place the product in a dark place for a month. Take the drug: one teaspoon. For severe pain, the tincture can be consumed repeatedly. This elixir also helps with arthrosis, osteochondrosis, and gastritis of the stomach.

2. Effective treatment with medicinal plant- red madder. Roots will be required. To prepare the daily dose, take one teaspoon of crushed raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water, infuse or keep for several minutes in a steam bath. Take half a glass.

3. Compresses made from grated black radish on a sore joint have a good therapeutic effect.

Ridding the body of excess uric acid and preventing its excessive formation are the goals that gout therapy must achieve. Traditional medicine offers quite simple but effective ways: normalize diet, increase physical activity, balance drinking regime.

Active removal of uric acid is achieved by taking weakly diuretic teas, for example, cranberry. But there is no need to abuse this remedy, because at the same time the body loses other important microelements. Usage essential oils And irritants relieves pain, improves local blood flow, but gout requires complex therapy, which can only be prescribed by a doctor.

4. To prepare this product you will need onions (400 g), garlic (400 g), honey (1 l) and cranberries (0.5 kg). Next, grind the vegetables and berries until mushy and place the mixture in a tightly closed container in a dark place for a day.

Then you need to add honey to this mixture and mix. The medicine is ready. Take 1 teaspoon before meals. For severe pain it is recommended daily intake increase to five doses.

5. Gout can be treated with a simple home remedy. Pass through a meat grinder: five lemons, in which the seeds must first be removed, and four medium-sized heads of garlic without husks.

The resulting composition is poured with boiling water in a volume of 1.5 liters. Mix everything thoroughly. Let it brew and strain through a fine sieve. Take two tablespoons before meals once a day.

7. It is useful to drink lingonberry leaf tea for inflammation of the joints. In such a drink for enhancement therapeutic effect chamomile, raspberry leaf, dandelion root and primrose herb are often added.

8. The following folk remedy is known to relieve pain. Half of the onion is generously smeared with tar and applied to the site of inflammation of the joint during gout.

9. Use camphor oil, ammonia ( ammonia) and iodine. They are mixed in a ratio of 2:2:1. This product is used to rub sore spots and make lotions.

10. Compresses from eucalyptus oil. Also, ointment made from sweet clover flowers helps just as much. To prepare it you will need a little of the plant, ground into powder, namely 2 tablespoons, which are mixed with Vaseline (50 g). This product is used to lubricate sore joints due to gout.

11. A very unusual folk method of treatment - fish. To do this, take a fillet of any fish and use it as a compress, that is, apply it to an inflamed, sore joint. Be sure to wrap the top with cellophane film and put on a sock. Keep this compress all night. The optimal course of treatment is usually 7 days.

12. Activated charcoal will help relieve debilitating pain. Such a remedy is being prepared. Add a little water and flaxseed to half a glass of powdered charcoal. Mix everything thoroughly. The mixture should be as thick as sour cream. Then the sore joint is lubricated with it and a cellophane film is applied. Put the sock on and keep it on until the morning.

13. Gouty joint pain is treated with specially prepared onion “soup”. To do this, three onions with husks are first poured with hot boiling water (1 liter) and put on fire. Cook this “soup” until the onion is boiled. Then it is filtered and used internally.

Drink a full glass. Can be taken several times a day. After 10 days, stop taking the “soup” and take a week’s break.

By the way, if gout is not treated, the kidneys and bladder suffer from intense accumulation of uric acid, stones form, and it worsens even more. general health and health. The invaluable knowledge of ancient healers and modern technologies in medicine will help overcome this disease. Watch your diet and avoid exacerbation of the disease.


gouty arthrosis treatment with folk remedies

The process that results in the deposition of urate salts in bones, joints, tendons and other parts of the body is called gouty arthritis. The disease usually occurs due to improper metabolism. Accompanied by damage to tissues and organs, attacks of acute, most often night, pain. In advanced cases, deformation of the diseased area occurs.

With gouty arthritis, excess amounts of uric acid and purine compounds accumulate in the blood. Deposited in tendons, joints, and kidneys, they take the form of crystals - urates. Often with gouty arthritis, small nodules also form, usually up to 1 centimeter in diameter. New growths made from urate salts and capsules formed by connective tissue are called tophi.

Joint damage thumbs legs or arms are the most common manifestation of gouty arthritis. Rarely, the disease spreads to the shoulder and hip areas. Sometimes gouty arthritis of the ankle, knee or elbow cartilage is diagnosed.

Causes of gouty arthritis

The factors contributing to the formation of gout have not yet been fully studied. However, scientists have precisely determined that in many cases hereditary factors lead to the development of arthritis, and they manifest themselves mainly in men.

It has been established that the disease is closely related to metabolic disorders in the body. Thus, a person’s consumption of excess meat food aggravates the course of the disease. Predisposing factors for gouty arthritis are:

More details

Gout is a complex disease that, unfortunately, does not always respond well to treatment. Therefore, in order to rid yourself of joint pain due to this disease, you must not only take medication and follow the recommendations of your doctor, but also adhere to therapeutic diet for gout. and also adopt equally effective treatment for gout with folk remedies.

In this article we will introduce you to the most simple and effective recipes cure gout at home using decades-old folk remedies for gout.

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Folk recipe No. 1: onion broth

Yes, yes, ordinary onion soup, but prepared in a special way, can be a good help for gout pain. You need to prepare it as follows.

Take two or three medium-sized onions and, without removing the skins from them, add them to one liter of water and place the saucepan on medium heat. Bring the water to a boil and then cook, stirring occasionally, until the onions are completely cooked.

After this, cool the resulting medicinal “soup”, and then strain it through cheesecloth or a sieve. The decoction that you will have after this is a wonderful remedy for gout. Take one glass three times a day before meals for 10-14 days, and then take a break.

During such one and a half to two weeks treatment course joint pain should decrease significantly. Similar treatments onion broth can be repeated several times - in cases where the pain returns again.

Recipe No. 2: treatment with lard

More details

Gouty arthritis is one of the main manifestations of gout, which is caused by a violation of the metabolism of purine bases.

In addition to chronic arthritis, gout is characterized by kidney damage.

The disease was most often recorded in men aged 40-50 years and in women over 60 years of age (after menopause), while women get sick 2-7 times less often than men.

Gout can develop:

  • primarily - as a result of hereditary predisposition in combination with increased consumption of purines in food;
  • secondary – hyperuricemia resulting from a number of diseases or taking certain medications: neoplasms, hematological malignancies, heart failure, kidney disease, metabolic and hormonal pathologies, the use of diuretics, cytostatics, etc.

Photo: gout on the big toe

Development mechanism

The essence of the disease is a violation of the metabolism of uric acid.

As a result, urate crystals are deposited in the periarticular tissues and the joint itself, which cause arthritis.

There is also excessive formation of urate stones in the pelvis and ureters, and the development of interstitial nephritis.

There are three possible mechanisms for increasing urate in the body:

  • increase in their synthesis (metabolic);
  • decreased excretion in urine (renal);
  • moderate increase in synthesis and decrease in excretion (mixed).

All of the mechanisms of metabolic disorders described above may be involved in the development of gouty arthritis.

Joint damage due to gout occurs in the form of gouty arthritis with an acute course (in most cases monoarthritis) and the development of chronic polyarthritis.

Along with joint damage, kidney damage occurs:

More details

A chronic disease characterized by impaired uric acid metabolism is called gout.

Gout is one of the most common joint diseases found in older people. Men develop gout mainly after 40 years of age, women suffer from this disease after the age of 60 years. Gout occurs in very rare cases among children and young women. As a rule, this disease progresses in people with body weight exceeding normal, and is often combined with diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and elevated blood cholesterol levels.

Is gout dangerous?

Manifestations of gout are associated with attacks of arthritis - inflammation of the joints. Such attacks are usually accompanied by severe pain. If arthritis is not treated promptly, it becomes chronic and may result in joint deformity. Without adequate treatment, there is also the possibility of changes in the internal organs (the kidneys are most often affected). About a quarter of patients diagnosed with gout develop urolithiasis. If a patient with gout affects the kidneys, this may result in the development of a disease such as kidney failure.

Gout symptoms

As a rule, inflammation of the joint, so-called gouty arthritis, appears suddenly, in most cases after 12 o'clock at night. The patient wakes up from a very strong burning, throbbing, tearing pain localized in one or several joints (often in the joint of the big toe). The joint rapidly swells, the skin becomes hot to the touch, and redness of the skin at the joint site is noted. An increase in body temperature is likely. Even a slight touch increases the pain. As a rule, the duration of the attack reaches several days. Then attacks of this kind are repeated with a certain frequency.

More details

Gout is the result of a protein metabolism disorder: excess uric acid salts are not excreted naturally and are deposited in joints, cartilage and other tissues of the body. This disease most often affects men after 40 years of age, women (during menopause) - less often. At a young age, gout develops only as a result of severe disruption of uric acid synthesis.

Gouty arthritis is a chronic disease with a relapsing course. Attacks recur after 2-3 years, and more often when the process becomes chronic. The acute inflammatory period can last from 10 days to several weeks.

Treatment for gouty arthritis involves eliminating acute symptoms inflammation, preventing the development of attacks of the disease (decreasing uric acid levels) and normalizing protein metabolism in the body. A drug therapy regimen is developed by a rheumatologist, who will also advise on the advisability of using traditional medicine recipes. Self-medication for gout is strictly prohibited!

Traditional treatment

The treatment prescribed by the doctor is complex - it includes medications (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and anti-gout drugs, diuretics and enterosorbents), physiotherapy and treatment with devices, as well as diet and traditional medicine).

IN Lately Colchicine is a very popular drug in the treatment of gout. It’s not for nothing that doctors “love” to treat the disease with this particular drug: it is a phosphatase inhibitor and slows down the process cell division, directly acting on the source of inflammation. At the same time, the medicine has a good analgesic and antimicrobial effect.

The pronounced effect of the use of Colchicine is especially noticeable on initial stages diseases and during the interictal period. Also, the use of the drug will be relevant in case of an acute attack of gout - the medicinal components of Colchicine significantly reduce burning, pain and inflammation in the affected joint.

Simultaneously with this drug, the doctor may prescribe other non-steroidal drugs: Voltaren, Butadion, Diclofenac, etc.

More details

A disorder associated with purine metabolism in the human body is called gout and is one of the types. When the kidneys cease to cope with their functions of removing uric acid, it accumulates in large quantities in bone tissue and joint joints.


The causes of the disease can be factors such as:

  • sudden hypothermia of the body;
  • quite strong physical activity;
  • poor nutrition and poor eating habits;
  • obesity;
  • frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • maintaining elevated levels of uric acid in the blood for a long time;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Age indicators.

Symptoms of the disease

At the first stage of development of gouty arthritis, special features the disease is not detected. They are determined a little later, when the disease develops into the second stage. During this period, the patient notices pain that occurs intermittently, mainly at night. They are expressed:

  • Sudden attacks of pain.
  • Noticeable swelling of the affected joint.
  • Redness and swelling in the sore spot.
  • A sharp increase in body temperature, which can reach 40 degrees.

It happens that the pain goes away and does not make itself felt for some time. But this is not a reason to rejoice, the disease did not go away, but only lay low and entered a state of remission. The next attack is just around the corner, and it could be much stronger. There is no need to delude yourself during this period, and in order to prevent the disease from becoming chronic, you need to urgently visit a doctor’s office. Otherwise, joint destruction and bone tissue may lead to surgery.

According to statistics, the male population suffers much more often from this disease. And, as a rule, these are men under 40 years old. This may be due to the consumption of alcohol, in particular beer.

People with hypertension are also more likely to suffer from gout. This is due to overuse diuretic drugs. It is impossible to independently determine the disease and the degree of its development; at the first sign, you should contact medical institution and be examined most thoroughly.

Only an arthrologist or rheumatologist can diagnose the disease. After determining the stage of the disease, treatment methods that are effective and appropriate to the individual characteristics of the patient will be prescribed.

Gout on hands

Gout on the legs

Treatment of gout

What does diagnostics include? First of all, a number of measures aimed at identifying joint damage:

  • X-ray.
  • Biochemical examination of blood.
  • Repeated analysis at the time of remission to clarify the level of uric acid in the body.

Treatment of this disease is complex in nature and has whole line necessary components:

  1. Drug therapy.
  2. Procedures in the physiotherapy room.
  3. Traditional methods of treatment.
  4. Necessary diet.


In order to achieve withdrawal painful symptoms illness, and to alleviate inflammation, you should take medications. They are aimed at reducing pain, relieving inflammation in the joint, and suppressing the formation of uric acid. Typically, gouty arthritis is relieved with the following medications:

  • The following are used as painkillers: ibuprofen, voltaren and nimulide.
  • Remedies like: indomethacin and colchicine.
  • To reduce the concentration of uric acid in the body, the following are prescribed: purinol, allopurinol.
  • The following ointments are recommended for external use: diclofenac, butadione, fullflex.

At acute stage treatment of the disease is of a slightly different nature than during the remission period. When the disease worsens, it is natural to focus on medications and take them as prescribed. In case of defeat lower limbs, should be adhered to bed rest and make an elevation for the sore leg. An application should be made to the joint using Vishnevsky ointment, this will help alleviate the pain somewhat and relieve inflammation.


Unfortunately, it must be said that it is almost impossible to cure gouty arthritis completely. But keeping the disease under control is within the power of everyone. Diet is the main condition for treating and keeping the disease in a state of hibernation.

She must be half-starved. The patient is shown liquid porridge without milk, vegetable soups and broths, jelly with minimal sugar content. Plenty of water will help relieve illness, lemon infusion, rice water due to alkalization of the body and removal of uric acid from it. It is recommended to drink mineral water at Essentuki 17, Borjomi.

The following foods should not be consumed if you have gout::

  • All varieties of red meat, all kinds of sausage and pork.
  • Smoked products, be it meat or fish, as well as caviar.
  • Coffee, cocoa, strong brewed tea.
  • All sweets and pastries, as well as chocolate.
  • Offal in the form of heart, kidney or liver.
  • Beans, peas, lentils, beans and other plants of this type.
  • Cauliflower, sorrel, mushrooms, spinach.
  • Drinks containing alcohol.
  • Limit salt intake to a minimum.

You can eat:

  • Products containing a minimum of calories.
  • Porridge with water, vegetable and fruit juices.
  • Herbal teas and compotes.
  • Drink up to two liters per day.

The usual period of exacerbation is about three days, then a stage of relief begins. From now on it can be used to treat gout traditional methods and physical therapy.

Folk remedies

Since ancient times, herbal remedies and many individual plants have helped cope with chronic gout, therefore, we recommend the following remedies:


This treatment is carried out in a course of at least 25 procedures. Duration up to half an hour. If the water cools down, add hot water and continue the process. The temperature should not fall below 38 degrees.


For joint pain, you can use a method such as bandages and compresses. They can be made using inexpensive and familiar means.

  • Activated carbon and flax-seed. Take half a glass of the first and a glass of the second. Using a coffee maker, make a homogeneous powder from these components. Add a little water and get a paste. Smear it on sore spot, cover with plastic and tie a warm bandage on top. This should be done at night.
  • Iodine. Dissolve five aspirin tablets in 10 ml of iodine. The solution will lighten, this is normal. Apply the solution to the affected area of ​​the body twice a day. At the same time, wrapping it with woolen cloth for warmth.
  • Mustard, soda and honey. This excellent remedy for warming up. Mix all ingredients in equal parts. You will get a medicinal paste. Apply it to the joint and wrap it with film and a warm scarf or place it in a wool sock. The effect will be enhanced if you leave the compress until the morning.
  • Propolis. Soften a piece of propolis with your fingers and apply it to the sore spot, wrapping it with a bandage. You can use propolis tincture, which is sold at the pharmacy, in which case it will be a wet compress.


Ointment homemade can replace pharmacy analogues and achieve no less effect.

Recipe No. 1. Take butter and alcohol in equal proportions. Mix and set fire to burn off the alcohol. Place the remaining mass in a container and put it in the refrigerator. In the morning and evening, lubricate the sore spot.

Recipe No. 2. Vegetable oil in the amount of a quarter cup, mix with the same amount of laundry soap grated on a fine grater. Add 50 ml of pure kerosene and a small spoon to the resulting mixture baking soda. This mixture helps relieve pain.

Recipe No. 4. Mix the egg, vinegar essence (1 glass) and melted l. butter (200 g). Let this product sit for three days, then apply it to a cloth and apply to the affected area. Do not remove the bandage for three days. This treatment should be repeated every three days for two weeks.

Useful decoctions and tinctures

To enhance the effect of treatment, you can prepare some of their recipes at home.

  • Infusion from the series. This remedy is prepared in the same way as tea. Calculate the infusion from the dry herbal mass so that you get a golden-colored infusion, not stronger. It tastes good and is very useful for illness. Drink it instead of tea several times a day.
  • Tincture on cinquefoil. This remedy is prepared from 300 g of dry cinquefoil and half a liter of vodka. The medicine is infused for about a month, shaking the container periodically. The finished tincture should be consumed in a large spoon daily for two weeks.
  • Onion decoction. 4-5 onions along with the husks, pour a liter of cold water and cook until the vegetable is completely boiled. Cool and take a two-week course, taking a break for 7 days, and repeat the treatment again. Take 3 tablespoons daily before meals.
  • Horseradish decoction. Grate one tablespoon of fresh horseradish root and add two glasses of spring water. The tincture is prepared for at least 10 hours. You should drink it in the morning, so you need to prepare a healthy infusion before bed. Grated horseradish can remove severe pain, you just need to apply it to the place where it hurts.

Remember that gouty joints will become increasingly deformed if treatment is not started in time. Advanced arthritis it is impossible to cure, in the most extreme cases apply surgical operations, and artificial joints are placed through implantation. Don’t wait for more frequent attacks of pain, but go to a specialist and start fighting the disease!

Video about gout and how to treat it:

Gout (gouty arthritis, or gouty arthritis) is a disease caused by the accumulation of uric acid salts in the joints. The joints become swollen, inflamed and very painful. For treatment, patients are prescribed drugs to reduce urate levels and reduce inflammation.

But this alone is not enough. It is necessary to change the diet, physical activity, and treat gouty arthritis with folk remedies at home.

Uric acid is a breakdown product of purine bases that enters the body with food. They are found in abundance in red meat, yeast, fish, and seafood. This is a natural process. Uric acid has antioxidant effect, protects our blood vessels, stimulates the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

When metabolism is disrupted or the kidneys fail, harmful substances begin to accumulate in the body. In the kidneys bladder stones form, and crystals of uric acid salts form in the joints. The immune system perceives them as foreign elements and attacks them, but to no avail. An inflammatory process begins in the body.

The etiology of the disease has not yet been established. It is only known that the disease most often occurs in men 40-50 years old; women rarely get it even in old age.

Factors influencing the risk of developing arthritis are:

  1. Overweight.
  2. The menu contains a lot of the following products: meat, alcoholic drinks, black tea, coffee, chocolate, canned food.
  3. Insufficient water consumption.
  4. Heredity.
  5. Hormonal abnormalities.

The joints begin to become inflamed, increase in size, and, in advanced stages, begin to collapse. This is acute gouty arthritis, the symptoms of which are very characteristic.


The disease has a rather long latent period, in which the only deviation from the norm is an increased level of uric acid in the blood.

This indicator can also be elevated in healthy people. There may be several reasons. These are long-term diets with limited calories, large amounts of protein foods, physical activity, and alcohol.

In addition, with hypertension, endocrine diseases, kidney disease, high cholesterol, constant use of certain medications (acetylsalicylic acid, anti-tuberculosis drugs, diuretics, chemotherapy for oncology) is also possible high level uric acid.

This is caused by the breakdown of the body's own cells, which also contain purine bases, which break down to form uric acid after cell death.

To identify the cause, you need to take repeated blood tests to see the dynamics.

The very first symptom in most cases is pain in the joint of the big toe. It can be triggered by hypothermia, infection, exercise stress, eating foods rich in purines. Treatment with drugs for pain does not give the desired effect.

The pain is worse in the lower position of the leg. Usually the temperature rises to 39° quite soon. The skin over the affected joint turns red. This can be seen in the photo of a patient with gouty arthritis.

The attack lasts from three to five, less often up to ten days. Then the pain decreases, the symptoms go away, and the skin color is restored. Recurrence of relapse occurs in different ways, for some after six months, for others after several years.

In severe forms of the disease, attacks of arthritis can occur continuously, in different joints. This form is called gouty polyarthritis (oligoarthritis) and is observed more often in women.

Gouty arthritis of the ankle is very common. Sometimes the inflammation affects only small joints, most often in the legs. This is gouty arthritis of the toes, the most common form of the disease.

IN chronic stage Gout on the hands forms nodules under the skin, they are called tophi. They are characteristic only of this disease. They are painless and do not cause concern. When opened, salt crystals are visible inside.

The most common places where they occur:

  1. Fingers on limbs.
  2. Elbows.
  3. Knees.
  4. Brows.
  5. Ears.

Like any disease, gouty arthritis can take an atypical course. In such cases, patients do not immediately understand what it is and contact a doctor late.

For example, there is a completely asymptomatic form, when the pain is quite moderate and there is no fever. There is no swelling or redness on the joints. This course can last for years, only then do all the symptoms described above appear.

There is a rheumatoid type. With it, the rheumatological picture is enhanced.

This creates difficulties in timely diagnosis diseases.


During an attack, you need to take a blood test for ESR, fibrinogen, uric acid (in men it should be less than 0.42 mmol/l, in women no more than 0.36 mmol/l), C-reactive protein, alpha-2-globulin and neutrophilic leukocytosis.

If the patient has tophi, which means it is already at a late stage of the disease, diagnosis does not cause difficulties. X-rays will confirm the diagnosis. They will show cavities in the destroyed joint, enlarged shadows from soft tissues. The bones will have defects.

Need to do biochemical analysis urine to assess uric acid levels.

If the disease is just beginning to develop, it is necessary to analyze the synovial fluid for the presence of uric acid crystals.

If the manifestations of the disease are not yet clearly expressed, it is necessary to exclude diseases with similar symptoms - arthritis and arthrosis.

Diagnosis is especially difficult in women. Their gout usually occurs much more easily and without subcutaneous formations.

Let's look at the difference between arthritis and gout:

CriterionFor gout For arthritis
How does the beginning proceed?First, the joint of the big toe becomes inflamedThe metacarpophalangeal joints of the fingers are affected first.
PainAttacks are mostly nocturnalImpaired mobility and pain are stronger in the morning and decrease during the day
Under loadSevere pain, unable to do heavy workThe pain subsides
Character of neoplasmsTophi appear, characteristic only of this diseaseArthritis nodes
Affected areaAt the same time, symmetrical organs are rarely affectedInflammation occurs simultaneously on both arms or legs.
Damage to other organsKidneysHeart, lungs

In addition, with arthritis, the structure of cartilage does not change. Only inflammation is observed, which can be eliminated.

Osteoarthritis occurs due to wear and tear of cartilage. There are no blood vessels in cartilage; it is nourished by synovial fluid. In older people, metabolism is slower and fewer nutrients are supplied. Thinned cartilage cannot perform its shock-absorbing function, and more and more stress falls on the joints. There is pain when they work. There is no inflammation.

If there are many factors indicating gouty arthritis of the foot, diagnosis and treatment in the future should also be aimed at the patient’s kidneys.

Due to disruption of their functioning, it may be difficult to remove uric acid from the body. Gout is characterized by urolithiasis due to the formation of urate stones.

If, nevertheless, a diagnosis of gouty arthritis is made, how to treat it?


The answer to the question of how to treat gout of the ankle joint or gout of the fingers is the same. Regardless of which joint was attacked, during an attack it is first necessary to relieve pain and inflammation.

Further treatment of the disease is difficult and lengthy. This is a whole system of drug therapy, measures aimed at normalizing metabolism, and great efforts by the patient to fulfill the conditions of proper nutrition.


The main component of the treatment complex is diet; for gout and arthritis, rheumatologists’ nutritional recommendations are strict. All efforts to cure may be useless if the patient does not exclude unwanted foods from his menu.

Prohibited Foods that increase uric acid levels:

  1. Rich broths from meat and fish.
  2. Meat by-products.
  3. Aspic.
  4. Smoked and boiled sausages.
  5. Fish: Carp, halibut, cod, sardines, herring, sprats; anchovies, shrimp, oysters, mussels.
  6. Canned food.
  7. Alcoholic drinks.
  8. Chocolate.
  9. Lard, fat (cooking, pork).
  10. Legumes (beans, lentils, peas).
  11. Vegetables: radish, radish, turnip, asparagus, rhubarb.
  12. Spinach, sorrel, lettuce.
  13. Hot spices, horseradish, mustard.

Authorized products:

  1. Green tea, rosehip decoction, herbal teas are useful.
  2. Occasionally, you can make yourself a cup of weak coffee.
  3. Juices from permitted vegetables and fruits.
  4. Alkaline mineral water.
  5. Bread, cereals (except oatmeal), pasta.
  6. Vegetable soups (allowed for consumption).
  7. Natural milk, unsalted cheese, fermented milk products.
  8. Caviar.
  9. Nuts of all kinds.
  10. Soy, tofu cheese.
  11. Potatoes, beets, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants, pumpkin, cucumbers, white cabbage.
  12. Cherry, juice from it.
  13. Watermelons, pineapples, melons.
  14. Cranberries, lingonberries, lemon - reduce uric acid levels.
  15. Dill, parsley, cilantro.
  16. Eggs (1 piece per day).
  17. Jelly, gelatin.
  18. Jam, honey, marshmallows.
  19. Vegetable oil and butter (very limited).
  20. It is advisable to consume no more than 10 g of salt per day.

Up to 3 times a week you can:

  • boiled lean meat;
  • steamed cutlets, meatballs;
  • boiled fish (Salmon, Tuna) and dishes made from it;
  • boiled chicken

That is, you can eat, although with restrictions, but quite fully.

If you still make deviations from proper nutrition, you need to take medications to reduce levels of harmful substances in the blood, or include in your diet more foods that remove uric acid. For example, drink more herbal tea, cranberry juice.

Under no circumstances should you go hungry. This may trigger an attack. A gradual reduction in body weight is recommended to improve performance internal organs. Gaining weight is not recommended.

During periods of exacerbation, it is better to avoid meat and fish altogether.

Do not dehydrate your body, try to drink enough liquid, at least two liters per day.


As a rule, patients with gout should constantly, for life, take medical supplies to avoid seizures.

Attention! All products are used only as prescribed by a doctor, because have many restrictions, contraindications, and require individual dosage.

At the beginning acute attack the drug removes well " ».

To reduce uric acid the drug is prescribed in tablets "", "Allomaron", "Urodan", phyto-preparation "Colchicum-dispert". The doctor prescribes the required dosage depending on blood tests.

To remove harmful substances The most popular drugs from the body are Sulfinpyraz and Probenecid.

Inflammation, which is very strong during an attack, is relieved non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. (“”, “Ortofen”, “Butadione”, Reopirin”, “Indomethacin”).

In particularly severe cases the doctor may prescribe hormonal therapy with the drug "".

In case of exacerbation, UHF is indicated, ultraviolet irradiation on a sore joint, electrophoresis with medications.

At home using folk remedies

In the literature on similar diseases, there are descriptions of numerous folk ways relief from gout.

Exclusively with home remedies serious illness, of course, cannot be cured. But as an addition to the main treatment and nutrition system, it will bring undoubted benefits.

For example, you can make flaxseed compresses to reduce pain and inflammation. Activated carbon powder from 40 tablets is mixed with powder from 1 tablespoon flax seeds. Add a little warm water so that it turns out to be porridge. It is applied to the inflamed area, covered with film and something warm.

It is good to treat gout with chamomile baths. Place 50g of chamomile in 5 liters of hot water, boil, add a teaspoon of salt. Cool a little, strain and lower the sore feet. Similar decoctions for baths can be made with cinquefoil and juniper.

Vitamin C removes uric acid well. You should take as much of it as possible. For example, in the form of a rosehip decoction.

Applying a beaten cabbage leaf helps relieve acute symptoms (it should release juice).

There are collections of recipes Folk recipes there are a lot, among them you can always find “your” method, convenient and effective.


Unfortunately, gout cannot be completely cured. But painful manifestations can be completely avoided if you follow all the recommendations of doctors, follow a diet, maintain normal weight body and lead healthy image life.

Gout is an inflammatory process in which uric acid destroys cartilage and tissue in the joints. Treatment of gouty arthritis with folk remedies helps relieve inflammation and reduce pain in complex therapy. This chronic illness, which must be treated in compliance with all doctor’s recommendations, including medication, physiotherapy, exercise therapy and a mandatory diet.

The benefits of treating gouty arthritis with folk remedies

Gouty arthritis is an age-related disease in which excess salts are deposited in the joint structures as a result of metabolic failures.

This leads to inflammation, pain and limited mobility. The disease has a chronic course and periodic exacerbations. Excess urinary salts accumulates and destroys various joints. The disease is difficult to cure and requires time and patience. According to doctors, by following all the recommendations and prescriptions, the disease can either go away completely or go into a stage of long-term remission.

Traditional medicine tips help cure gout in combination with drug therapy and a proper diet. It is over a long period of time that is the basis of recovery. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, who will prescribe treatment and tell you what products and plants can be combined with the main therapy.

Traditional medicine recipes

Correction of diet is an integral part of treatment.

Treatment of gout with folk remedies is used only in complex therapy with the consent of the doctor. The rheumatologist must take into account the patient's potential individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components. The nature of the course of the disease is important. Individually developed diet menu. For gout, it is necessary to reduce the intake of fish and meat, cauliflower, sorrel and spinach. Wine and beer are not allowed. It is recommended to drink plenty of clean water. The main goals of complex therapy:

  • relief of acute symptoms;
  • a decrease in purine substances entering the body with food and a decrease in their synthesis;
  • preventing complications;
  • treatment of diseases associated with gout.

Bay leaf decoction

Presence in the drink tannins has an analgesic effect.


  • bay leaves - 5 g;
  • water - one and a half glasses.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Pour water over bay leaves and simmer over low heat for up to 10 minutes.
  2. After removing from the stove, insulate the container with the medicine with a cloth and leave for up to 3 hours.
  3. The decoction should be drunk in small portions a day.

Chamomile baths


  • chamomile flowers - 100 g;
  • table salt - 20 g;
  • water - 10 l.


  1. Salt is added to the heated water.
  2. IN saline solution The flowers of the plant are lowered and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes.
  3. The infusion should be cooled to a temperature that the human body can withstand. The affected joint is immersed in the bath.

Black radish

The product will help remove salts.

The juice of this plant removes salts from joints, strengthens blood vessels and helps break up kidney stones. Accepted only in freshly squeezed form. Reception starts with 1 teaspoon, can be diluted with any juice. Each time the dose is increased, initially to 1 tbsp. spoons, then up to half a glass. The juice is drunk at one time. If pain occurs in the liver area, the dose is reduced or a pause is made in radish treatment. With such therapy, it is necessary to exclude sour and spicy foods from the diet. A total of 3 liters of plant juice should be drunk.

Baking soda

The product can be used during the period of remission in the form of baths. Heat water in a 3-liter saucepan. Soda and 9 drops of iodine are placed in it. It is recommended to do a bath for a sore joint 2 times a day. You can also take baking soda orally for gout. First, a fifth of a teaspoon of soda is dissolved in a glass of water, then the dose is increased to half a teaspoon. Take 1 hour before meals on an empty stomach 3 times a day. Soda therapy is recommended to be carried out in courses of 10 after 10 days or 30 after 10. But you need to be careful with such treatment, since poisoning and other undesirable reactions are possible.

Dead bees

The product is used to prepare compresses.

To treat joints, dead bees are used, from which alcohol and water tinctures, ointments, compresses, decoctions and more. Popular recipes:

  • Compress. One tablespoon of dead water is poured into a glass of boiling water. The product is infused for half an hour, applied to a napkin and applied to the affected area. Cellophane is placed on top. The compress lasts 15 minutes.
  • Ointment. You need 1 tbsp. Grind a spoonful of dead bees to a powder and mix with 200 ml of olive or other vegetable oil. The resulting ointment should be stored in the refrigerator and heated only in a water bath.

Fir cones

The decoction is made as follows:

  1. An unopened spruce cone with seeds should be poured with 500 ml of boiling water.
  2. The decoction is infused for 7-8 hours.
  3. You need to take the medicine 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Other means

Foods such as carrots, apples and their juices are effective for treating gout. Beneficial features, which lower the level of uric acid, are found in currant and watermelon fruits. Also, for the treatment of gout, it is good to use infusions of lemon juice and garlic, spicy capsicum, decoctions of onions. There is also an unusual way - applying fillets of any fish in the form of compresses. All these methods and many others will complement the main one well. drug therapy after consultation with the doctor.

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