"Duphaston": side effects. "Duphaston": description, instructions, use, contraindications, composition, storage. Duphaston for planning conception: instructions for use and dosage in early pregnancy, contraindications

Duphaston is an artificial analogue of the female sex hormone progesterone. It is prescribed to women who have reduced production natural progesterone, which leads to such phenomena as their complete absence, habitual miscarriage, severe premenstrual pain and others.

Duphaston carries little side effects and, since it does not affect ovulation, pregnancy can occur while taking this drug. However, we cannot say that Duphaston is completely safe and does not pose any side effects.

Among the most common side effects from taking Duphaston are bloating, headaches and dizziness, and nausea. The drug has hormonal effects– as a result hormonal changes disturbances in the body, breast sensitivity may increase, acne may appear, changes in sexual desire(both in the direction of increase and vice versa), minor bleeding appears between periods, and weight increases.

In some, although in rare cases, Duphaston leads to anemia and liver dysfunction. In addition, you need to be careful if you are prone to allergies. Some women are allergic to dydrogestron, one of the components of the drug. Appears as a rash.

A contraindication to taking duphaston is the patient’s history of cardiovascular diseases, liver and gall bladder diseases, ovarian and breast cancer.

Among the side effects from taking Duphaston:

  • genitals – breakthrough uterine bleeding, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • central nervous system – migraines;
  • gastrointestinal tract - general weakness and malaise, impaired liver function, jaundice, abdominal pain;
  • skin – rash and itching;
  • hematopoietic system – homolytic anemia (rare);
  • allergic reactions in the form of urticaria and angioedema;
  • extremely rare, but still occurs - peripheral edema.
Contraindications to the use of Duphaston

Firstly, this is individual intolerance to the constituent components of the drug, the appearance of a rash and skin itching during previous pregnancy, breastfeeding period. Secondly, Duphaston is not prescribed for certain types of enzyme deficiency, as well as for malabsorption syndrome.

Before prescribing Duphaston, you must undergo an examination. Based on its results, the doctor must determine the dosage and duration of the course of taking the drug.

Reviews about the drug

If we talk about the opinions of women who took this drug for one reason or another, they differ somewhat. Some patients speak only positively about Duphaston, saying that it was thanks to him that they managed to get rid of pregnancy, maintain a pregnancy and carry a child to term.

Others complain of multiple side effects, constant dizziness and nausea, unexplained discharge between periods and changes monthly cycle.

Of course, it is impossible to predict who will be affected side effects drug, and whom they will bypass, but it is extremely important to take it strictly according to the regimen drawn up by the doctor and not deviate from it. You also cannot act according to your own intentions - together with your girlfriend.

Despite the recognition of the safety of the drug, if taken incorrectly, Duphaston faces serious consequences in the form of disruption of the menstrual cycle, which is very difficult and time-consuming to restore. And it is especially dangerous to experiment with taking Duphaston during pregnancy - this can lead not only to side effects, but also to irreversible consequences.

Today, quite often, women are prescribed hormonal medications, however, few people know what side effects they can cause. In our article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the part of the instructions for use of the drug Duphaston, which concerns side effects, and will also tell you whether it is worth taking the medicine for.

Characteristics and description

"Duphaston" is a synthetic analogue of one of the most important female genitals. Its peculiarity is that it does not affect pregnancy in any way, so it is quite possible to become pregnant while taking it.

The medicine is produced in the form of tablets, around which there is a coating. It has a large number of indications, therefore it is used to combat many diseases.

Let's look at why Duphaston is prescribed:

  1. Luteal insufficiency, as a result -.
  2. Availability .
  3. The presence of a pronounced
  4. When threatened, after it.
  5. For dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
  6. If there is a secondary one.
  7. Recovery .
The drug is also used as HRT to neutralize the proliferative effect on the uterine mucosa.

Side effects during use

Unfortunately, except positive result in treatment, Duphaston also has side effects. Let's take a closer look at the effect it has on the body.

Headaches and migraines

Taking Duphaston leads to an increase in concentration. Hormonal surges affect the central nervous system and can cause headaches or migraine attacks.

If while taking Duphaston you notice similar symptoms, you must immediately inform your doctor about them and stop the medicine.

Hemolytic anemia

One of the serious side effects when taking Duphaston is the development hemolytic anemia- deviation in work circulatory system. It causes destruction of red blood cells in the blood.


Unfortunately, long-term use The drug can also affect the woman’s psyche. Unpleasant side effect in this case is depression. In this case, there are symptoms such as fatigue, apathy, lethargy, lack of mood and desire to do anything.

Getting into the human blood, progesterone also affects the mucous membranes gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, women often complain of a feeling of nausea, but vomiting is observed in isolated cases.

Liver dysfunction

When taking Duphaston, side effects may occur in the liver. At the same time, women note the appearance of weakness, abdominal pain, and jaundice may begin. If you have liver problems, taking the medicine is strictly prohibited.

Uterine bleeding

Unfortunately, if it turns out that the pills are not suitable for you or they were prescribed incorrectly, this can lead to breakthrough bleeding from the uterus, which can occur as a result of an insufficient dose being prescribed. In addition, women note increased breast sensitivity.

Itching and allergic reactions

Hormones can also affect the skin and subcutaneous tissue. An allergy to Duphaston is often noted, which is manifested by itching, raw materials, urticaria, and sometimes Quincke's edema.

One of the main purposes of Duphaston is to normalize the menstrual cycle, but sometimes disruptions may occur in the first months of use.

This occurs due to a restructuring of the body, as it begins to receive an additional dose of hormones. Within 3 months the cycle should stabilize, but if this does not happen, you should consult your doctor.

Some women note that their body weight increases while taking the drug. However, there are no clear reasons to connect this with Duphaston.

The only thing worth paying attention to is that the drug can promote fluid retention in the body, which in turn can affect weight. However, if you stick proper nutrition, engage in moderate physical activity, taking the drug will not affect your body weight.

Special instructions and contraindications

If taking pills is part of HRT, a detailed history analysis should be carried out. In addition, the attending physician should warn the patient about what changes in the breast require increased attention.

If breakthrough bleeding from the uterus continues after completion of the therapeutic course, it is worth sending part of the endometrium for a biopsy in order to exclude the presence of malignant changes.

The main contraindications to taking Duphaston include:

There are many analogues of the drug, but you should not decide on your own which medicine to take. Only an experienced specialist will be able to select a drug based on your situation.

After reading our article, you learned how Duphaston can be dangerous and in what cases it is prescribed. Any treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor - only in this case can you achieve a positive result and not harm your health.

Every woman dreams of becoming a mother, but not everyone can do it naturally. You have to seek help from medications. A man-made analogue of the hormone progesterone. This is an excellent remedy that carefully and without harming the female body corrects the reproductive system.

Progesterone in Latin means “helping to get pregnant” or “preceding pregnancy.” This hormone is largely responsible for conception and the safety of the fetus. When progesterone functions in a woman's body are disrupted, it affects fertility. Therefore, if a hormonal imbalance is detected in the body, synthetic hormones are prescribed, for example, which normalizes a woman’s hormonal balance.

Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the dominant follicle. It first appears in a girl during puberty, and then, until menopause, it appears every month. The ovulatory period is the most favorable days to conceive a child.

In each specific case it may be different days. On average, it comes on the 14-16th day of the cycle, provided that the cycle is 28 - 30 days.

There are times when a woman does not ovulate. There may be several reasons:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • Diseases associated with the endocrine system;
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • Stress;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Early menopause;
  • Similar.

Whatever reason a woman has, she needs to get rid of it, because if there is no ovulation, there will be no child.

And it happens that it was, the child was successfully conceived, but instability hormonal levels women led to spontaneous miscarriage.

All these processes are directly related to female hormones, which are responsible for the success of conception. Therefore, medicine presents many drugs that have a positive effect on such conditions.

What you need to know about duphaston

Duphaston is an artificially created progesterone (gestagen). Typically, synthetic progesterone is created using male hormone– testosterone. He gives some physical changes women. For example, body hairiness increases, rough notes of voice timbre appear, and so on.

The presented drug is made on the basis of another substance called dydrogesterone, so there is no effect on androgenic effects.

Duphaston has won the hearts of many ladies and gynecologists around the world because of its positive effect, and also because it can be taken during pregnancy, since it has no effect on the embryo.

In some cases, Duphaston can be prescribed without preliminary tests, because the lack of progesterone in a woman’s body is noticeable to an experienced specialist even without laboratory research.

Medical indications for taking this drug are as follows:

  • Risk of miscarriage;
  • If there were relapses of miscarriage;
  • (painful periods);
  • Infertility;
  • Lack of menstruation due to oral estrogen use or irregular cycles;
  • If there is no menstruation for many months;
  • Planning a pregnancy, where you need to adjust your hormonal levels so that there is successful implantation of a fertilized egg, and then a successful pregnancy.

Like any other drug, Duphaston has some contraindications for use:

  • Allergic intolerance to any component of this tool. He is alone, but very important. If you discover this problem, you should stop taking the drug immediately and consult your doctor for advice.
  • Some caution should be exercised for women who have problems with inflammatory diseases liver – hepatosis;
  • While taking Duphaston, it is recommended to avoid strong drinks, as this can lead to a decrease in its effect on the body or its absence altogether.

The side effects that this device causes are the following:

  • Dizziness;
  • Migraine;
  • Allergic rash and itching;
  • Bloating;
  • Can be bloody issues between cycle;
  • Interaction with other drugs has not been scientifically established.

Therefore, before using anything in parallel, you need to consult a doctor.

The effect of duphaston on the body and ovulation

Duphaston is a tablet containing the synthetic hormone dydrogesterone, which is an analogue of progesterone. Accordingly, it is prescribed if a woman has a lack of this hormone in her body.

Progesterone in female body is responsible for proper development the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) and the healthy development of the embryo.

Nature dictates that at some phases of the menstrual cycle the endometrium begins to thicken so that the fertilized egg can conveniently attach to the wall of the uterus.

If the egg fails to attach successfully, progesterone levels begin to decline. As a result, the thickened endometrium is rejected, and it comes out along with bloody discharge.

In situations where implantation has been successful, progesterone levels must remain high in order to maintain normal condition endometrium. Roughly speaking, progesterone is responsible for the healthy development of the unborn child.

So we come to the main question: “does Duphaston have an effect on ovulation or not?”

The answer to this question is very easy: no, Duphaston tablets do not affect this process in any way.

But there is a small catch:

If daily dose the drug exceeds 30 mg, then duphaston suppresses ovulation. Therefore, you need to take this remedy with caution.

If the dosage regimen was prescribed so that Duphaston does not affect ovulation in any way, then a woman who takes the pills has a very high chance of becoming pregnant.

Here's your proof:

A scientific experiment was conducted. Its essence was to monitor the development of the ovulation process. Those ladies who suffered from the absence of it, due to a lack of the luteinizing pituitary gland, which is responsible for the release of the egg from the follicle, were given the drug Duphaston.

And in next cycle observed how the follicle matured successfully and the egg was released from it. That is, ovulation appeared.

And since dydrogesterone also has the ability to regulate healthy thickening of the endometrium, implantation was successful.

Also quite often Duphaston is prescribed for early stages pregnancy. It's all about him therapeutic effect, it supplements the body with the necessary amount of the missing hormone progesterone. Lack of this hormone early stage pregnancy can lead to miscarriage or open bleeding. And Duphaston has the ability to influence the corpus luteum of a pregnant woman and, as a result, successfully maintain its normal functions.

All these processes last until the 20th week of pregnancy, after which the placenta is fully capable of maintaining the required level of the hormone in the body. And, as a rule, the drug is discontinued.

But, attention!!!
Stop drinking Duphaston gradually. That is, the dose should be reduced gradually, and the tablet may even have to be divided into parts. Your doctor should tell you all this.

To sum it up, it turns out that if a woman has problems associated with the production of progesterone, then Duphaston is prescribed.

Methods of taking duphaston

The method and dosage of Duphaston is determined individually.

It all depends on what the disease is, what the cause of the disease is, and also how advanced the disease is.

But the drug should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Let's consider various diseases and their methods of administration.

  • Duphaston for infertility. Typically, in such a situation, one capsule per day is prescribed. You should start drinking on the 14th day of the cycle and finish on the 25th. This is if your cycle is 28 days. If a woman has more long cycle or a shorter one, then the drug is prescribed to be taken immediately after ovulation, otherwise, if you start taking the course before ovulation, you can provoke its suppression.
  • Duphaston and the threat of miscarriage. The drug dosage regimen in such cases is prescribed by the attending physician.
    Basically, this means taking 4 tablets at once (40 mg), and then every 8 hours, one at a time until the symptoms of spontaneous abortion (bleeding, bad feeling, and so on).
    If the reason is hidden in a lack of progesterone, then the following regimen is prescribed: 2 tablets every day, with an equal break between them. The duration of this regimen usually lasts until the second trimester of pregnancy (this is when the placenta takes on all the work of producing the hormone).
  • Irregular cycle and severe PMS. Duphaston is prescribed to take 2 tablets per day, starting from the 11th day of the cycle until the 25th day.
  • Amenorrhea. It is also taken from days 11 to 25 of the cycle, plus another drug containing the female hormone estrogen is prescribed.
  • Hormonal imbalances. The regimen and dose will depend on the complexity of the disease and severe symptoms. As a rule, the method is as follows: 2-3 capsules per day, taken from 14-25 days of the cycle. When the disease is very serious, a constant dose of the drug is prescribed, and a successful outcome will depend only on this.
  • Tumor. If the tumor has estrogen dependence, then in such cases, Duphaston is prescribed to take 2 tablets per day throughout the entire cycle. Target this treatment lies in the drug’s ability to suppress estrogen.

But remember! Your individual regimen, prescribed by your doctor, may differ radically from the above. You should always adhere to the dosage and method of taking Duphaston prescribed by your specialist.

Duphaston is a drug that helps cope with problems women's health. Unlimited quantity married couples We are grateful to him for the opportunity to feel like parents. The only condition for Duphaston is not to self-medicate, but to take it as prescribed by a doctor.

Instructions for the drug Duphaston - synthetic analogue female hormone progesterone.

Duphaston is the commercial name of the drug. The active substance in it is Dydrogesterone (Dydrogesteronum). Chemical formula: C 21 H 28 O 2 . Name: (9beta,10alpha)-Pregna-4,6-diene-3,20-dione.

Mechanism of action

Duphaston (in some sources - Duphaston) refers to synthetic progestins, i.e., artificially created analogues of the female sex hormone progesterone.

Progesterone and estrogens (estrone, estriol, estradiol) perform a number of vital functions important functions. These hormones shape a woman’s appearance, regulate menstrual cycle, and when pregnancy occurs, they ensure its normal course followed by delivery.

On the scale of the entire organism, these hormones are involved in almost all types of metabolism (metabolism), affect blood clotting, the amount of blood pressure, synthesis of other hormones, and much more.

Progesterone is called the hormone of the corpus luteum, because it is largely synthesized by the corpus luteum, which is formed at the site of the burst follicle. Progesterone levels peak during the luteal or secretory phase of the menstrual cycle.

This phase begins from the moment of ovulation (the release of an egg from a ruptured follicle) until the onset of the next menstruation in the absence of fertilization. Main physiological role progesterone – ensuring implantation (immersion) of a fertilized egg into the uterine mucosa and further maintenance normal pregnancy, prevention of complications.

Progesterone prepares the endometrium accordingly - the secretion of endometrial glands (secretory endometrium) increases, and proliferation processes ( cell division) on the contrary, they regress. The formation of mucus in the cervical canal of the uterus decreases. This will hinder the progress of sperm and reduce their ability to further fertilize.

When pregnancy occurs, progesterone, under the influence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), begins to be secreted by the placenta. At the same time, it relaxes the tone of the muscular lining of the uterus (myometrium), and thereby prevents spontaneous abortions and miscarriages.

Progesterone exerts its effect on the uterus in several ways. It stimulates beta-adrenergic receptors, which relax the uterus, and also accelerates the breakdown of oxytocin and vasopressin, which contract the uterine muscles. In addition, progesterone reduces the sensitivity of the uterus to histamine and serotonin, which increase contractile activity myometrium.

In addition to the maternal genes, the fetus also contains the paternal ones. These paternal genes are foreign to a woman’s body. That's why the immune system triggers reactions aimed at fetal rejection. Progesterone at the local level has an immunosuppressive (suppressing immunity) effect, and thereby preserves the fetus.

Progesterone also reduces the content of prostaglandins in the uterus. These biologically active substances are largely responsible for the appearance PMS symptoms (premenstrual syndrome) – abdominal pain, headache, swelling, increased blood pressure and emotional lability.

Progesterone affects appearance and the function of the mammary glands - ensures roundness of shape, proliferation of functional glandular tissue, and after childbirth stimulates lactation. This hormone is a precursor to other hormones - estrogens, androgens, glucocorticoids, which also regulate the condition reproductive system and metabolism. With estrogens, progesterone is in a state of dynamic equilibrium. Estrogens also ensure the course of many physiological processes.

However, an increase in the level of these hormones (hyperestrogenemia) leads to a number of negative consequences. Hyperestrogenemia is manifested by excessive growth and pathological proliferation of the endometrium. This may cause the development of endometriosis or malignant neoplasms.

Excessive production of estrogen leads to fibrocystic changes in the mammary glands. Under the influence of estrogens, blood clotting and blood glucose levels increase, and salts are retained in the body. Progesterone normalizes all these indicators and stimulates the removal of fluid and salts from the body.

Progesterone carries out its action through specific progesterone receptors located in organs and tissues.

It is quite logical that if there is insufficiency of progesterone, all the functions it performs will be impaired. The risk of endometriosis and malignant neoplasms in the uterus increases. The mammary glands undergo cystic fibrosis with further transformation into cancer.

The menstrual cycle is disrupted. At the same time, its luteal phase is significantly affected. For this reason, infertility often occurs, and if pregnancy does occur, miscarriages and premature birth. The cycle becomes irregular.

Due to the lack of prostaglandins, manifestations of PMS are pronounced. These same manifestations within the menstrual cycle are called dysmenorrhea.

In particular severe cases There is no menstruation at all (amenorrhea). Delayed maturation of follicles and differentiation of the dominant follicle leads to polycystic changes in the ovaries. Polycystic ovary syndrome further aggravates dyshormonal disorders in a woman’s body.

Progesterone deficiency, as a rule, is not absolute, but relative in nature - progesterone is secreted in normal quantities, but there are even more estrogens. The reason for this is inflammatory gynecological diseases or extragenital pathology, mainly related to other links endocrine system, pituitary gland, thyroid gland.

Luteinizing hormone (LH), produced by the anterior pituitary gland, stimulates the synthesis of progesterone in corpus luteum. There is a relationship between LH and progesterone Feedback– with an increase in progesterone levels, the synthesis of LH in the pituitary gland slows down.

Insufficient LH is accompanied by progesterone deficiency. During menopause (physiological, or developed as a result of gynecological diseases, surgical interventions) there is an absolute deficiency of progesterone and estrogen.

The only way out in these situations is to compensate for the progesterone deficiency as part of replacement therapy. hormone therapy(HRT). For this purpose, synthetic progestins are prescribed, which include Duphaston. The dydrogesterone molecule is similar in structure to the progesterone molecule.

Therefore, the drug has an affinity for progesterone receptors. At the same time, it selectively binds to uterine receptors and does not affect receptors in other organs. Under the influence of Duphaston, the menstrual cycle is normalized, and PMS symptoms disappear. Already during treatment, the ability to conceive and further normal pregnancy appears. Such Negative consequences hyperestrogenemia such as endometriosis, malignant neoplasms in the uterus.

At the same time, Duphaston does not eliminate the ability of estrogens to reduce the level of low-density cholesterol and prevent the development of vascular atherosclerosis.

Duphaston does not affect carbohydrate metabolism and liver condition. The drug does not have the properties of androgens and glucocorticoids, and thus compares favorably with many other synthetic progestins. The drug cannot be used as a means of contraception.

Release forms

Tablets 10 mg.

Dydrogesterone under the original name Duphaston is produced in the Netherlands by the transnational pharmaceutical company Abbott and Solvay. The products of this company are popular in the USA, Russia and Western countries. Europe. Abroad, the drug is known under the names Bifaston, Beritox, Terolut, Ginorest. But all these medicines are not imported into Russia. In addition to Duphaston, we are prescribed Utrozhestan with active substance progesterone.


  • Endometriosis;
  • Infertility due to LH deficiency;
  • Dysmenorrhea;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Complex treatment of PMS;
  • Amenorrhea (in combination with estrogens);
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • Threatened and habitual abortion;
  • HRT to prevent proliferative changes in the myometrium in case of taking estrogens in the treatment of disorders associated with menopause.

A little history

Dydrogesterone was synthesized in the 50s of the last century. The production of the drug Duphaston was established in the 60s. Since then, the drug has been successfully used in gynecological practice in Russia and abroad.

Synthesis technology

Initially, Dydrogesterone was produced from natural plant materials - soybeans and yams. Now the drug is obtained through organic synthesis reactions aimed at producing a substance with a molecule that is as similar as possible to the molecule of natural progesterone.

In the production of Duphaston tablets, in addition to the main substance Dydrogesterone, auxiliary substances are also used: lactose monohydrate, hypromellose, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, corn starch. For the manufacture of tablet shells, hypromellose, titanium dioxide, and polyethylene glycol are used.


The tablets are taken orally on certain days of the menstrual cycle, depending on the indications.

  • Endometriosis. Continuously or from 5 to 25 days of the cycle.
  • Infertility due to LH deficiency. 1 tablet from 14 to 25 days of the cycle. Treatment should be carried out continuously for at least 6 cycles. The tablets continue to be taken in the first months of pregnancy in order to prevent miscarriage.
  • Threatened abortion. Start with a single dose of 4 tablets. Then take 1 tablet for every next 8 hours until the symptoms of threatened abortion disappear.
  • Habitual abortion. 1 tablet 2 times a day. Then the dose is gradually reduced.
  • PMS. 1 tablet 2 times a day from 11 to 25 days of the cycle.
  • Dysmenorrhea. 1 tablet 2 times a day from day 5 to day 25 of the cycle.
  • Amenorrhea. 1 tablet 2 times a day from 11 to 25 days of the cycle in a complex with estrogens taken 1 time per day from 1 to 25 days of the cycle.
  • Irregular menstrual cycle. 1 tablet 2 times a day from 11 to 25 days of the cycle.
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding. 1 tablet 2 times a day for 5-7 days. To prevent bleeding, 1 tablet is prescribed 2 times a day from days 11 to 25 of the cycle.
  • HRT. 1 tablet for 14 days with a 28-day cycle. When combined with estrogens, take 1 tablet 1 time per day during the last 12-14 days of taking estrogen. If Duphaston is insufficiently effective, its dose can be increased to 2 tablets.


The drug is quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is formed 2 hours after administration. Plasma protein binding – 97%.

In the liver it undergoes metabolic transformations by hydroxylation of ketone and methyl groups. Binds to glucuronic acid. 56-79% of the drug is excreted through the kidneys in the form of glucuronic acid conjugates. On the first day, 85% of Dydrogesterone is eliminated; over the next three days, the drug is eliminated from the body almost completely.

Side effects

  • CNS: headache, migraine, general weakness.
  • Gastrointestinal tract: abdominal pain, liver dysfunction, jaundice.
  • Reproductive system: increased sensitivity mammary glands, breakthrough uterine bleeding.
  • Skin and subcutaneous tissue : peripheral edema, allergic reactions in the form skin rash, itching, Quincke's edema.
  • Blood: hemolytic anemia.


The drug should not be taken in case of individual intolerance to Dydrogesterone or other components. Duphaston is contraindicated in case of malabsorption syndrome (malabsorption in the gastrointestinal tract), as well as in case of a genetically determined disorder in the absorption of galactose or deficiency of the lactase enzyme, which breaks down milk sugar.

Duphaston is contraindicated in Rotor and Dabin-Johnson syndrome. These are types of congenital hepatoses (functional liver disorders), which, fortunately, are extremely rare. Duphaston is prescribed with great caution to patients whose previous pregnancy was accompanied by itchy skin.

Drug interactions

Duphaston is compatible with all medicines. Rifampicin, Phenobarbital and other drugs that increase the activity of microsomal liver enzymes accelerate the breakdown of Dydrogeterone, and thereby reduce its effectiveness.

Pregnancy and lactation

Dydrogesterone does not penetrate the placental barrier and has no effect on the fetus. Therefore, it can be used during pregnancy. However, the drug passes into breast milk. Therefore, if there is a need to take Duphaston, breast-feeding stop.


Store at a temperature not exceeding 30 0 C. Shelf life – 5 years. The drug is available with a doctor's prescription.

We try to provide the most relevant and useful information for you and your health. The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! We are not responsible for possible negative consequences arising from the use of information posted on the website

The human body is such a delicate and at the same time complex device that the most the slightest violations can lead to serious consequences, especially if they concern hormonal balance. Unfortunately, such changes can lead to both a number of diseases and terrible diagnosis like infertility, which is Lately everyone hears about you more women. And if 30 years ago, a huge number of women without hope of recovery heard this sentence addressed to them, now doctors are trying to influence the state of the body with the help of the drug Duphaston, and, as statistics show, such treatment helps many. The action of this drug is aimed at combating progesterone deficiency. This is a fairly common cause of reproductive dysfunction, which is faced by a huge number of girls who want to become a mother. This is a serious but solvable problem, about which there is now a lot of discussion among both doctors and patients.

How to use and why Duphaston

Nowadays, almost every woman faced with the problem of lack of pregnancy is prescribed hormone therapy. As a rule, progesterone-containing drugs are used for this. What is Duphaston for if the cycle is not broken and outwardly everything seems to be in order? This is the question most often asked to doctors by a huge number of girls to whom it is prescribed. The fact is that the regularity of the cycle cannot in any way guarantee pregnancy. For its occurrence, ovulation is also necessary, which is simply impossible without a certain amount of the female hormone progesterone in the body. In addition, thanks to this drug, a favorable environment is formed in the uterus for the implantation of a fertilized egg.

The question is also often asked: “What is Duphaston for?” women suffering from various gynecological diseases. The answer can be found in the cause of these ailments. As a rule, this is the same background with a pronounced lack of progesterone.

Duphaston can only be prescribed by a doctor after a certain series of laboratory tests. Dose in each special case its own, however, the manufacturers of this medicine indicated in the instructions the recommended dosage regimens:

Composition of the drug "Duphaston"

The drug is a tablet in film casing, which contain 10 mg of the active substance dydrogesterone, which is an analogue of the real female hormone progesterone. As auxiliary components the following substances were used: lactose, starch, gelatin, magnesium stearate and talc. This composition medical product is very effective; when used internally, it ensures the proper development of the endometrium and neutralizes the effect of male excess, which negatively affects the female body. At correct use medicine eliminates the deficiency of female sex hormones and thereby normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system of the female body, including reproductive function.

The drug "Duphaston" - and warnings

Duphaston tablets, like any other chemical drug, have a number of warnings and contraindications, which are clearly indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions for the drug. One of the first things highlighted there was intolerance to components. If ignored, taking the medication can provoke allergic reactions, ranging from a simple rash of hives to a more severe form such as anaphylactic shock. It is also strictly prohibited for people with Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes to take the drug.

Along with the prohibitions, the instructions also describe precautions when taking it. For example, during therapy, bleeding may occur, which can be eliminated by increasing the dose of the drug. Special attention should be given medical research patients before prescribing treatment, this is due to the fact that Duphaston - hormonal drug, and its excess can negatively affect the functioning of the reproductive system.

IN special instructions it is said that this medicine can be used during pregnancy, but during lactation its use is highly undesirable, since the hormone penetrates into mother’s milk, and the child does not need this at all.

Therapy with the drug "Duphaston" does not in any way affect the ability to drive a car or work in production. increased degree danger.

Side effects include the following:

  • on the part of the circulatory system, during the study, hemolytic anemia was observed in isolated cases;
  • hypersensitivity with severe skin rashes, and in rare cases, Quincke's edema;
  • migraines and headaches;
  • sensitivity of the mammary glands and rare bleeding, eliminated by increasing the dose;
  • minor disturbances in liver function, jaundice and abdominal pain.

However, such manifestations occur in isolated cases and often the drug Duphaston, the side effects of which depend on the condition of the body as a whole, is well tolerated.

The drug "Duphaston" and pregnancy

Enough common cause Infertility and termination of pregnancy in the early stages in girls is a lack of female hormone in the body. That is why doctors prescribe a synthetic female hormone, which is included in the drug Duphaston, when planning pregnancy. Active substance this drug is very close in structure to natural hormone and, entering the female body, completely replaces it. But what is Duphaston for and how is it related to pregnancy? To answer these questions, you need to understand a little about how it works. reproductive system women and what role progesterone plays in it. This female hormone is produced by the ovaries and, together with the equally important estrogen, it forms the mucous membrane in the uterus, in which certain changes occur throughout the monthly cycle. During the initial period of the cycle, when I'm menstruating, progesterone in the blood is not as pronounced as estrogen, due to which the cells lining the uterus multiply and grow. On a certain day, ovulation occurs, as a result of which the egg leaves its ovary, in which it developed, and in the place of its follicle a so-called follicle is formed. It is this that produces such important progesterone. A rapid change in the concentration of this hormone affects the uterine mucosa, making it loose. At the same time, cell growth decreases, and in the structure internal cavity a mass appears blood vessels. Such changes are very important so that, in the event of fertilization, the egg can secure itself and subsequently receive the necessary nutrition.

Knowing what changes occur in the female body in each specific segment of the monthly cycle, it is difficult to underestimate the importance of the level of progesterone concentration in the blood. And if it does not increase naturally, for this they use the drug “Duphaston”, pregnancy with which occurs much faster.

This drug is prescribed not only when planning pregnancy. It is also used to preserve it. This is due to the fact that progesterone creates a favorable environment in the uterus for the life of the embryo, and the dose at this stage of therapy is often increased. For those who take this medication during pregnancy, you need to know not only about changes in the uterine lining. It should be noted that the drug affects the muscles of the uterus, relaxing it and relieving tone, and prepares the mammary glands for lactation.

It should be noted that Duphaston is used not only when pregnancy has occurred with its help. It is also prescribed to women who, being healthy, become pregnant on their own, but for some reason are at risk of miscarriage in the early stages.

Taking the drug "Duphaston" for hormonal disorders

Quite often, those women who have had problems with their reproductive system for one reason or another need hormonal therapy. The consequences of such violations can be very different. The most common problem is irregular cycle with partial or complete absence menstruation or a neoplasm in the ovary such as a cyst. "Duphaston" as a hormonal surge in this case is simply necessary.

Often, a cyst forms in the corpus luteum and resolves on its own with a natural increase in the level of the female hormone, however, if the required concentration of progesterone is not achieved, it continues to increase. In this case drug therapy not just desirable, but mandatory.

Often enough this drug They are also prescribed for delays that are not a sign of pregnancy. In this case, it is prescribed along with a course of so-called women's vitamins, including vitamin E in oil and folic acid. If you consult a doctor in time and start taking Duphaston tablets, the delay will not be long and your next period will come on time.

Do I need the drug Duphaston?

Each woman decides for herself whether to use synthetic hormones or hope that the process of increasing progesterone in the blood will restore itself. The reason for such failures may lie not only in some pathologies of the reproductive system, but also in previous stressful situations or nervous and emotional stress. Such disorders usually go away on their own as soon as the psycho-emotional state. To normalize hormonal levels in these cases, they are prescribed sedatives and a course of vitamins.

How to properly stop taking Duphaston

Hormonal therapy should never be started without the prescription and supervision of the attending physician. Every woman should know this truth. After all, the independent use of such medications negatively affects the health of any person. But not only should the intake begin with a doctor’s recommendation, withdrawal also cannot be abrupt, especially if pregnancy has occurred under the influence of Duphaston. Stop taking these pills under the supervision of a doctor according to a specific regimen, especially if tests have revealed progesterone deficiency. As a rule, they act like this: every few days they reduce the dose used, first by a third, and then by half, gradually reaching the minimum and abandoning the drug altogether. Harmless withdrawal from Duphaston should last at least two weeks. Such actions are carried out both at the end of treatment for gynecological diseases and at the end of taking medication during pregnancy. Usually, to preserve the fetus, the drug Duphaston is taken for up to 12 weeks, after which the dose is gradually reduced. It is believed that in this period spontaneous abortion can only happen if there are several serious factors, on which progesterone has no effect.

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