Herbal medicine in oncology: treatment of cervical cancer. Treatment of uterine cancer with folk remedies: celandine, hemlock, herbs, ASD, soda


Eating disorders affect changes in the hormonal status of women. Foods rich in fats and proteins lead to stimulation endocrine system, change hormonal balance towards increasing the content of ovarian gonadotropic and steroid hormones and ultimately to more frequent appearance neoplasms in hormone-dependent organs. More than 36% of patients have a violation menstrual cycle, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, diseases thyroid gland, which significantly increases the predisposition to hormone-dependent tumors - breast, uterus, ovaries. Racendometrium, which lines the body of the uterus, is the most common type of cancer of the female genital organs. In most cases, uterine cancer that occurs more at a young age against the background of a long-term excess of estrogen and endometrial hyperplasia, has a favorable prognosis in treatment. A tumor without hormonal dependence, arising in more late age against the background of endometrial atrophy, have a less favorable prognosis and are more difficult to treat. In most cases, uterine cancer is asymptomatic even when the process is advanced, creating the illusion of well-being in a woman. Therefore, such a symptom as unexpected uterine bleeding, should be a reason to consult a doctor.

Any treatment must begin with a change in diet, reducing the consumption of high-calorie foods and including vegetable products in the diet that reduce the amount of female hormones: soybeans, peas, beets, carrots, vegetable oil, asparagus, parsley, onions, garlic, sprouted wheat and oats. It should be noted here that eating a lot of greens significantly reduces the effects of herbs. Ideal for treating herbal poisons hemlock tincture, prepared in the field from fresh raw materials. The best scheme taking the tincture 3 times a day, starting from 1 drop to 15 and back, from 15 drops to one. The tincture should be dripped into 1/3 cup of infusion of herbs such as oregano, clover, hops, and white damask. An infusion of any of the listed herbs is prepared at the rate of a tablespoon of herb per glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. With significant thrombus formation in the blood and varicose veins better to use tincture of wolf bark, which in such cases significantly improves the already sluggish circulation of blood and lymph in the pelvic organs, increasing the penetration of herbs into the tumor. The tincture is taken 3 times a day from 1 drop to 10 and back, with 1/3 cup of the herbal decoctions listed above. A stronger therapeutic result is facilitated by additional external application of the tincture in suprapubic region, which is diluted with water 1:3 for this purpose.

In addition to plant poisons, herbal poisons must be used. fees:

· Large burdock, inflorescences 30 gr.,

· Sweet clover, herb 30 gr.,

· Yellow bedstraw, grass 30 gr.,

· Coltsfoot, color 30 gr.,

· Stinging nettle, leaf 30g,

· The lumbago is open, grass 10 gr.
Brew 2 tablespoons of the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain, drink a day in 3 doses 15 minutes before meals.

You can use another fee:

· Comfrey, root 10 g.,

· Great celandine, herb 50 gr.,

· Stinging nettle, roots 40 gr.,

· White mistletoe, branches 40g,

· Common agrimony, roots 40 gr.

1 tablespoon of the mixture per 0.5 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain and drink 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals.

It is necessary to mention the mandatory local use of herbs in the form of tampons and douches, which directly affect the tumor. For this, infusions of mantle grass, plantain and clover are used, prepared in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water. The herb field violet is well suited for the prevention of secondary formations. As an additional remedy, it is good to use tampons with sea buckthorn at night. fir oil, mixed in half.

Tumors in the body of the uterus usually develop over a long period of time and secretly, so treatment must be long-term. In this organ one cannot hope for a quick cure, and to obtain a positive result in treatment it is better to use both internal and external local application herbs

In advanced stages, With acute pain, patients with liver, ascites, and concomitant diseases of the mammary gland will be helped by an additional tincture of white foot, used orally 30 drops 3 times a day, externally in the form of lotions and compresses, and also in the form of tampons at night with a solution of 30 drops per 20 ml. water. The tincture is prepared with vodka in a ratio of 1:5, infused for 14 days. dark place.

In advanced stages, with bone damage, fistulas, constipation, purulent discharge, indigestion, and neuroses, a tincture of stinking ferula (has a concentrated garlic odor) is indispensable. Method of preparation: 50 gr. dry tubers, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 14 days, do not strain the tincture. Used in the same way as a step.

I would like to tell you about one more thing amazing plant - maned caragana(camel tail), used for any gynecological diseases: erosions, leucorrhoea, purulent wounds, fistulas, mastopathy, malignant tumors. The broth is prepared in a concentration of 20 g. raw materials per 200 ml. in water, simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes, or vodka tincture, 45 g. for 200 ml, leave for 10 days. The decoction is taken 1/3 cup 3 times orally; it is also used in the form of compresses on the chest, lower abdomen and for tampons and douching. The tincture is used 25-30 drops 3 times a day.

Tsvetkov Ivanovich Sergey,

oncologist, g. Novosibirsk

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Uterine cancer is a grief from which almost no woman is completely immune.
This disease is especially terrible for women who have never become mothers, but want to make up for lost time. Diagnosed on early stages, oncology is treatable, and even in the later stages of development there is still a chance to cope with the disease. Do not despair if this misfortune befalls you: there are many methods of fighting cancer created by various scientific and medical researchers, and in addition, treatment of uterine cancer is always possible folk remedies.
You should not expect a miracle, but correctly selected herbs and preparations will provide excellent support and healing effect. The most the best means in order to traditional treatment cervical cancer has been successful, such proven remedies as celandine, hemlock, calendula and horse sorrel. In addition, there are also methods for treating cancer using soda and the drug ASD.

From this article you will learn how to correctly use all these remedies for diseases.

Celandine and hemlock

Celandine and hemlock are strong plant poisons, however, their proper use under the supervision of a specialist has positive influence in the fight against tumors, including helping to treat cervical cancer.

Celandine is used as a regular water tincture a tablespoon per day.

The infusion itself is prepared as follows:

  • a tablespoon of dry crushed herb is poured into a thermos with half a liter of boiling water;
  • leave to infuse for an hour, maximum - one and a half;
  • the resulting infusion is filtered.

The course of treatment with celandine continues for a month, after which you need to take a break and then resume the course. Two or three courses per year are enough to achieve a positive effect.
Treatment with celandine does not help eliminate cervical cancer completely, but it significantly helps all other treatment procedures.

For uterine cancer and its treatment, it is best to purchase hemlock at a pharmacy in the form of an alcohol tincture.

Hemlock tincture is used according to the following scheme:

  • on the first day, take one drop twice a day before meals;
  • on the second day, increase the dosage to two drops at a time;
  • then increase the dose by one drop every day until the number of drops per dose reaches twenty;
  • Once you reach twenty drops, begin to follow the reverse order, reducing the number of drops by one per day.

After this course, you also need to take a break for approximately two weeks and repeat the course.
It is important to remember that the course cannot be repeated more than two or three times a year, so that the body does not become accustomed to hemlock.

Drug ASD

Apply ASD drug for cervical cancer, it is recommended by many doctors, since ASD has a significant immune-stimulating effect and helps to mobilize the body’s own hidden resources to fight the disease.

The ASD fraction is used for the disease as follows:

  • at least 15 and no more than 30 drops of the drug are diluted in half a glass of cold water;
  • the resulting solution is taken twice a day about forty minutes before meals, always on an empty stomach;
  • We follow this regimen for five days, then take a break for three days, then resume. We carry out treatment until recovery or significant improvement in health.

It is important to remember that the water must be boiled and cold; you can also replace it with cold strong tea, always without sugar.

Treatment with soda

Treatment of uterine cancer with soda is carried out both prophylactically and during the development of the disease.
Regular intake of soda solution has a positive effect on overall impact the body, helps cope with the disease by stabilizing the level of acidity in the body. By taking a soda solution daily on an empty stomach (10g of soda per glass of water), you can help fight the disease using any method official medicine, since the use of soda is not prohibited even with radiation therapy.

Herbal treatment

In addition, there are several more effective methods maintenance treatment.
Herbal treatment for uterine cancer can weaken the disease, make cancer cells sensitive to more serious treatment, and relieve many unpleasant symptoms.

  • 50% pharmaceutical infusion Calendula is used as a douche before bedtime.
  • Horse sorrel is also used for douching - in the form of an infusion.
    The flowers are brewed with one and a half liters of boiling water, infused for half an hour, and douched with the still warm solution (no more than a week in a row).

In addition, there are a number of oral preparations that also have a positive effect. Traditional methods treatments will help you win at any stage and cope with the possibility of metastases after treatment. Supportive treatment with herbs will have the most positive effect on the course of treatment.

20 comments and reviews about Treatment of uterine cancer with folk remedies: celandine, hemlock, herbs, ASD, soda

    Urine smelling like ammonia.


    Spotted hemlock – morning

    Djungarian aconite - lunch

    Red fly agaric - evening


    Hello! I was found rare view cancer mucinous adecarcinoma in situ of the cervix, grade 0. Oncologists suggested cutting out everything right up to the ovaries, but they don’t agree otherwise, because... did not have the opportunity to treat this type diseases. I'm 38 years old and I went with my husband to paid center for pregnancy planning (that’s where the disease was found for me, and the state oncology department confirmed the diagnosis by checking the glasses). in this center, through their friends, they want to do conization of the cervix (although the oncology center refused such treatment). but I’m afraid to even do conization, what if it goes even further? Tell me, please, what herbs should I use to cure it and should I have surgery? I think that fly agaric and aconite will help me. Thank you in advance

    Good afternoon. My mom is 55 years old, 4 years ago she had an operation, everything was removed female - uterus, appendages, everything. Diagnosis of stage 2 cervical cancer. No other treatment was prescribed; two years later there was a relapse—invasion into the bladder. Radiation therapy was prescribed, but it was not completed; the doctor refused. Sent home to die. She drank celandine according to the scheme up to 40 drops and back, 2 courses of hemlock according to the scheme up to 40 and back, she couldn’t do the third. She always drinks tincture of Veselka mushroom, army moth, dead bee, bee pollen. Nettle tea + celandine + calendula. Beetroot juice. Saw elecampane infused with wine. Now she has a fistula, urine comes out through the vagina, and the tumor has grown into the rectum, feces don’t come out, and the enema doesn’t help either, or rather, she can’t even insert a tube. Help me please. Tell me what to do

    I really ask you to help! at the next medical commission they discovered squamous cell carcinoma cervix immediately started drinking hemlock but he amber color(and not dark green) and smells like mice (a friend said they collected it right in the field) I immediately began an examination of a cyst in the liver and on the neck of a cyst with a diameter of up to 5 mm in cervical canal hyperechoic inclusions up to 1.5 mm from a cyst in the liver started drinking quail eggs 5 pieces per empty stomach mixed chest kidney and liver mixtures added sage calendula motherwort brew 2 parts herbs 1 part green tea I drink like tea 3 rubles a day After a nervous shock I lost 7 kg (I was 67) it seems everything in my stomach is inflamed I started making tampons 2 tablespoons of boiled water I wet the tampon and drip I put 5 drops of hemlock a day and a clove of garlic. I'm trying to eat healthy, i.e. more fresh raw foods for lunch there was only soup and a second course, but she did a colposcopy. The cervix is ​​hypertrophied around the external os. The cervix is ​​with acanthosis, acetowhite epithelium at 12 o'clock, an area of ​​rough mosaic at the 1st hour of the GC DIAGNOSIS: ectopia in the incomplete stage of atypical epidermization, after 2 weeks I went to find out the result of treatment, the acetowhite epithelium became rough, rough mosaic not visible, but Susp neo colli uteri was added to the diagnosis. Help, maybe weak hemlock, they suggest surgery, what herbs do I need, I’m afraid that after the operation it won’t get worse (they say air will get in and that’s the end)

    I read your advice on the treatment of various oncological diseases.
    I decided to write to you because I myself fell into this terrible diagnosis.
    Doctors give me a diagnosis: Squamous cell low-grade cervical cancer, with invasive growth, invasion depth 3 ml.
    Stage 1 or Severe Dysplasia. In vaginal smear tests, there are cancer cells, that is, no. Therefore, a biopsy was done from 6 biopsy specimens, 3 showed squamous cell carcinoma.
    I would like to consult with you whether Hemlock tincture will help me, if it makes sense to drink it, then according to what scheme? Or maybe drink some other herb; smear tests also revealed papiliovirus 16, 18, two oncogenes that caused severe dysplasia. Or Invasive cancer 1st degree. Blood tests have revealed normal cells so far only on cervical tissue. I really hope to do without surgery - they suggest cutting out EVERYTHING.
    If possible, I will try all means.
    Best regards, Galina.

    November 21, 2013 Mom had an operation to remove stones from the gall bladder, 1 large and 3 small punctures. After 2 months she came in with pain, as if they were removing her after the operating room ventral hernia of an uncertain nature and they say that she has oncology... and at the site of a small puncture a small lump appears and she is told that it is metastases, but they cannot establish the primary focus. After some examination, she is still given a preliminary diagnosis... MAIN DISEASE: cancer of the uterine body T3NxM1.IV stage mts in soft fabrics anterior abdominal wall. During neoadjuvant chemotherapy. RELATED DISEASE: IHD, ventricular extrahistomy. Hypertension II stage. I stage risk IV HISTOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS (MTS of the anterior wall) - differentiated adenocarcinoma. Other studies: - cholecystectomy condition. Diffuse heterogeneous changes in the structure of the liver. Ultrasound OMT-echo signs of endometrial cancer. CT OMT-CT signs of uterine mass formation. RRMS - proctosigmoiditis. chronic colitis. TREATMENT COMPLETED: I received the first course of chemotherapy according to the regimen: cisplatin 120 mg intravenously, 1 day. Doxorubicin 80 m.i.v. 1 day. Received infusion therapy. hormone therapy, vitamin therapy. She feels well, only pain in the lower abdomen and constipation bother her. underwent 4 courses of chemotherapy and was tested for tumor markers, which showed that cancer cells it got even bigger...
    2 more courses of palleotic chemotherapy were carried out in mono mode according to the regimen: tautax 120 mg. intravenous drip slowly, once with premedication. She received infusion therapy, antiemetics, and iron supplements. diagnosis: No. 9364-69.. she suffered through them very hard, but the number of cancer cells decreased from 210 to 150.. they didn’t give her further chemotherapy because they said that she wouldn’t tolerate it and was sent home to regain her strength at 1-1, 5 months...I started looking at herbal remedies or some herbs to help at least somehow...now she is tormented by pain and there are not enough injections...Excuse me for writing in such detail, I just don’t want to miss anything...and I read that the treatment is either chemotherapy or should RT be carried out in combination with phytomedicines...


    I turn to you for advice and consultation.

    My mother (she is 70 years old) has stage 4 uterine cancer. Peritoneal carcinomatosis. Hepatic-renal failure.
    Ascites abdominal cavity. Hemorrhagic cystitis. Cancer intoxication. Anemia.
    In addition, in August last year, during radiation therapy, my bladder was burned, resulting in post-radiation cystitis and constant pain when urinating.
    Urinate every 15 minutes - and every time there are severe pain V bladder, burning diaper rash in the groin, although we apply Menalind cream with zinc.
    Urine smelling like ammonia.
    He eats almost nothing. Maybe a little: drink pear juice, milk, eat ice cream.
    The last time, the oncology hospital said that they had done everything possible - now symptomatic therapy at the place of residence is recommended.
    That is, take care of her at home until she dies.
    We still hope to at least somehow blunt the course of the disease, the development of metastases and tumors.
    One person I know (former doctor) recommended the following recipe to us:

    Spotted hemlock – morning

    Djungarian aconite - lunch

    Red fly agaric - evening

    In the throat of food, after eating 5 drops

    3 courses for 30 days, break between courses 7 days
    I showed it to the therapist, - the answer was that - it’s not worth giving it to her, - it can be poisoned.

    Even if my mother’s body can withstand these poisons, then due to the destruction of tumors by these poisons,

    blood intoxication will occur due to the destruction of tumors.

    Mom is constantly lying down, she can’t sit, because then very strong pain immediately arises in the bladder area

    Please tell me, is it possible for my mother, taking into account her diagnosis and condition, to take such a herbal recipe? If yes, how can he really help my mother, taking into account her diagnosis and condition?

    Good afternoon. Please tell me, my mother-in-law (she is now 63 years old) was diagnosed with stage 2 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (they did one chemotherapy and is now going for a second) and is taking prednisolone) can she take hemlock tincture? Will it make her feel better? Is it possible at all? should I use it during chemotherapy? Is alcohol contraindicated for this disease? and how to take it with such a diagnosis (also from one drop to 40 and back? Please answer

    Hello. My mother is 50 years old. She was diagnosed with acute myoblastic leukemia. She underwent chemotherapy. Currently undergoing rehabilitation. She has low level leukocytes and platelets. She is now receiving a course of antibiotics. Because There is an infection in the body. Please tell me what herbs can help her?


    Hello, I’m writing to you about my sister, she was diagnosed with myeloblastic leukemia in 2013, chemotherapy was administered to her and she was in remission for a year, but this year she caught a cold and had a relapse. All hospitals refused us our tests, hemoglobin 77 platelets 62 leukocytes 10 blasts 23 percent The temperature has persisted for 3 weeks, help us

    Good afternoon, I was diagnosed with grade 2 dysplasia, papillomavirus 16, 18. Doctors insist on surgery, please answer, is it possible to do without it, what do you recommend? I am 46 years old, three children. Thank you!

100 g of barley pour 1 liter of water, leave overnight, bring to a boil in the morning and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes, leave, covered, for 10 minutes, strain, add 2 tbsp. calendula flowers and honey to taste. Take 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day before meals when oncological diseases female genital area.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 2

Mix calendula flower powder, peeled pumpkin seed powder, and honey in equal parts by weight. For oncological diseases of the female genital area, take 1 tbsp. with water 5-6 times a day.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 3

Mix dry crushed chicory leaves and stems and tartar leaves in equal parts by weight. 1 tbsp. pour the mixture into a glass of hot boiled milk, leave in a sealed container until the milk cools, strain and drink in small sips at a time for cancer of the female genital area.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 4

Pour 100 g of white cabbage root powder into 1 liter of dry red wine, leave in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally, strain. Drink 30 g 2 times a day, morning and evening, 30 minutes before meals for cancer of the female genital area. The course of treatment is 10 days, break is 10 days. Carry out 5-6 courses of treatment per year.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 5

Mix the pulp of white cabbage heads and crushed flowers in equal parts by volume. borage. Mix the collection with an equal volume of honey. Take for cancer various localizations 1 tbsp each with water, 3-4 times a day before meals.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 6

Prepare a collection of celandine herb - 1 (in parts by volume), calendula petals - 2. 1 tbsp. dry crushed mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, leave, wrapped, for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, mixing the infusion with 50 ml of fresh carrot juice.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 7

Fill a bottle with fresh flowering heads of the prickly tartar, add vodka, leave in a dark place for one month, shaking the contents periodically, and strain. Take 1 tbsp. with water, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for cancer of various locations.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 8

Mix in parts by weight black elderberry bark - 1, celandine grass - 2, leaves and fruits of mistletoe - 2.5. Pour 100 g of dry crushed mixture into 2 liters of dry red wine, leave in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks, shaking the contents periodically, and strain. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals for cancer of various locations.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 9

Mix dandelion roots in parts by weight - 1, bark walnut from branches of the first year - 1, thorn bark - 2, willow bark - 2.5. Pour 100 g of dry crushed mixture into 2 liters of dry red wine, leave in a dark, cool place for one month, shaking the contents periodically, and strain. Take 1 tsp. 2 times a day, 2 days a week for cancer of various locations.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 10

Mix in equal parts by volume the juice of viburnum fruits, aloe leaves, honey. 2 tbsp. pour the mixture into 1.5 glasses of hot milk, stir well and drink warm for cancer of the female genital area. Take this mixture 2 times a week.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 11

Mix in equal parts by volume the flowers of buckwheat, calendula, and mullein. 1 tbsp. pour the mixture powder into 0.5 cups of hot boiled milk, drink warm in one go for cancer of various locations. Take this infusion 4-5 times a day.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 12

Mix in equal parts by weight the fruits of viburnum, figs, rose petals, St. John's wort flowers. 1 tbsp. Mix the mixture with 2 tbsp. honey Take during the day with water for cancer of the female genital area.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 13

Mix apple blossom powder and honey in equal parts by volume. For oncological diseases of the female genital area, take 1 tbsp. with water, 3 times a day before meals.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 14

Fill a 3-liter jar 2/3 full with fresh blossoming dandelion flowers, add honey, and leave in a cool, dark place for one month. Eat 3-4 flowers with water, 3 times a day before meals for cancer of the female genital area. Dandelion flowers can be poured into syrup and boiled over low heat like jam. Drain the syrup, sprinkle the dandelions with powdered sugar and drink tea with them in winter.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 15

Mix rose petals, calendula flowers, and nasturtium in equal parts by weight. 2 tbsp. pour flower powder into a glass fresh milk or baked warm milk, leave for 10 minutes. For cancer of various localizations, drink one glass of infusion along with flower powder 3 times a day before meals.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 16

Mix 625 g of May honey, 675 g of Cahors wine, 375 g of aloe juice, leave in a dark, cool place for 5 days, shaking the contents periodically. Take 1 tsp for oncological diseases of the female genital area. 3 times a day for the first 5 days; all other days - 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 1.5 months.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 17

Pour 100 g of dry crushed shepherd's purse herb into 0.5 liters of 70% alcohol, leave in a dark place for 8 days, shaking the contents periodically, strain, and squeeze out the remainder. Take 25-30 drops with water as a hemostatic agent for uterine cancer, 3 times a day before meals.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 18

Pour 100 g of dry crushed herbs and roots of wormwood into 0.5 liters of 70% alcohol, leave in a dark place for 8 days, shaking the contents periodically, strain. Take 15-20 drops with water 3 times a day before meals for uterine cancer. 1 tbsp. dissolve the tinctures in a warm glass boiled water, douche before bed.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 19

1 tbsp. chopped spruce needles collected in September, pour a glass of boiling water, leave, covered, for 1 hour, strain. Drink, sweetened to taste with honey, 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals when treating uterine polyps.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 20

Grind equal weight amounts of stinging nettle leaves and walnuts in a coffee grinder. 4 tbsp. Stir the powder into 0.5 kg of liquid heated honey. The mixture strengthens the body's defenses and is especially recommended as prophylactic at risk of breast cancer.

Folk remedy for the treatment of uterine cancer No. 21

Mix fresh crushed St. John's wort flowers and centaury herb in equal parts by volume, fill the container 2/3 of the volume, pour vegetable oil, leave in a dark, cool place for 40 days, shaking the contents periodically, strain, take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals for papillomatosis of the bladder.

How is treatment carried out using folk remedies? It is advisable to consult an oncologist about this. IN modern world the patient is offered many various techniques and treatment plans malignant tumors, but I would like to note the following. If you have chosen any method and use it very for a long time, but you don’t see a positive result, then don’t despair and feel free to switch to another one.

How is uterine cancer treated with traditional recipes?

We must remember that treating cancer is a very long process. You can’t stop it and give up. Many people with cancer claim to be cured. This means that there is hope to overcome this pathology. Was alone Tibetan doctor Pyotr Aleksandrovich Badmaev, who treated cancer with herbs. He believed that the human immune system itself was capable of defeating the disease. It’s just that the body’s defenses are weakened, and you need to take immunomodulators to strengthen it.

To understand whether treatment helps or not, it would be correct to first donate blood for tumor markers (this can be done in any medical center). Blood is taken from a vein, and the analysis shows the presence of tumor markers regarding the diseased organ. A repeat analysis, which can be done six months later, will determine the effectiveness of the chosen treatment.

Below are some recipes and methods for treating cancer from traditional medicine. Before we begin, I would like to warn you that if you want to defeat this disease, then it is better to treat it comprehensively with the recommendations of an oncologist. Our goal is to defeat the cancer process, and in this fight we must use all means.

Often in folk recipes Poisonous plants are used in the treatment of tumors. And a natural question arises about how to treat with poison. Since the immune system protects the body from foreign substances, it needs a push in order to get rid of tumors that in this case and are foreign.

A poisonous plant, or rather, a tincture from it, entering the body and also being foreign substance, in a unique way “rocks” the immune system, which itself can no longer cope with the disease. The blood is filled with antibodies due to the poison entering the body and begins its protective function, getting rid of tumors along the way.

There are many folk remedies with celandine, aconite, various mixtures of vodka with vegetable oil, soda, etc. are known. It is necessary to consider the method of treating hemlock for cancer as one of the auxiliary methods of therapy.

Treatment of uterine cancer with hemlock using the Tishchenko method

Treatment with hemlock (method of V.V. Tishchenko) has been known for a long time. It should immediately be noted that hemlock is a poisonous plant, and the tincture must be taken strictly according to the prescription.

pharmachologic effect:

  1. Fights tumors (benign and malignant).
  2. Heals wounds.
  3. Acts as a sedative and diuretic.
  4. Has an anticonvulsant effect. Removes spasms in the body.
  5. Stimulates immunity.
  6. Is an antiseptic.

There are a number of recipes for preparing hemlock tincture; the most accessible one will be described here. Let us immediately note that the tincture is prepared from fresh plant(plucked at the moment of need). You need to prepare a well-sealed jar of alcohol in advance so that the collected flowers can be immediately dipped into alcohol. It should be taken into account that hemlock loses its properties after being cut.

To prepare the medicine you will need:

  • inflorescences and seeds - 2 parts;
  • alcohol (medicinal) or vodka - 1 part.

Algorithm of action: cut 2 cups of inflorescences with scissors (no need to compact them) and place them in a previously prepared jar of alcohol. Close the lid tightly. Infuse for three weeks to 40 days (if you have time, it is better to leave for 40 days) in a cool place. IN extreme cases You can start taking the tincture earlier.

Do not open the jar during the entire period, since the tincture contains volatile substances (alkaloids) that should turn into alcohol. You just need to shake the contents of the jar every day. When the tincture is ready, you will need to strain it (preferably through a bandage or gauze). Then pour into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator.

If you decide to buy a ready-made tincture, then to determine its quality, pay attention to the color and smell. A properly prepared tincture should have a deep purple or bluish color. And the smell is peculiar, similar to that of a mouse, from the solution contained essential oil- coniine. In principle, it is for this reason that the drug is prepared; this is the most important medicinal element in it.

Scheme for taking hemlock tincture: for 40 days, every morning on an empty stomach, the drug is taken dropwise, diluted in 100 ml of water. The diagram looks like this:

  • 1 day - 1 drop,
  • Day 2 - 2 drops,
  • Day 3 - 3 drops.

And so you need to bring it to 40 drops, after which the countdown begins, that is, the entire course of treatment will take 80 days.

Some features when taking the tincture. Take in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. You should hold it in your mouth for a few seconds, then swallow.

The tincture has side effects. If the patient experiences symptoms such as nausea after taking it, skin rashes, intestinal disorders and any other severe conditions, then there is no need to increase the amount of the drug to 40 drops. At whatever stage this happens, the countdown must begin.

The only caveat to taking is individual intolerance to the body. Mainly allergic reactions on a toxic substance contained in the plant. If hemlock tincture does not suit the patient, another treatment should be considered.

During chemotherapy, the tincture cannot be taken, as it causes an exacerbation of the disease.

Treatment method for uterine cancer from Tibet

It is recommended to use folk remedies for treatment of cervical cancer using the method of Tibetan medicine. To help a patient, one should practice any branch of medicine that will benefit the patient. According to Tibet, in addition to herbs that improve the patient’s quality of life, great emphasis is placed on lifestyle and nutrition. It is important how it affects the patient environment. It is necessary that in moments of depression and increased nervousness the patient has support from loved ones.

When it comes to food, you should try to use, as far as possible, foods that grow naturally. There are now many specific products in stores that, unfortunately, are not suitable for consumption.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet those foods that cause gas formation. You must enter in the menu more berries. Needs to be monitored digestive tract, use various spices. Very useful:

  • turmeric,
  • cinnamon,
  • ginger,
  • cardamom.

Great importance is attached to the pomegranate; it is believed that it helps the patient get back on his feet. If possible, you should exclude sweets, all carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee, hot foods, fatty, fried foods. It is very important to completely eliminate white bread and rice from your diet.

At any stage of the disease, no matter how difficult it is to move, you should try not to sit. Sedentary image life is a direct path to illness and medicine. And another important point is weight control.
Sleep patterns must be adjusted. There is nothing complicated: as soon as it gets dark, you need to go to bed. And it will be easier to get up early in the morning. Tibetan medicine is a philosophy, a training of the mind.

Folk remedies for treating uterine cancer can also include releasing various blockages that occur in a woman’s brain. If, along with the treatment that the patient chooses on the doctor’s recommendation, it is also possible to get rid of stress and negative emotions, then the tumor will begin to resolve.

13 methods of treating the uterus with folk remedies

There are a huge number of different gynecological pathologies. Cervical cancer is considered one of the most dangerous, as it is practically asymptomatic and is detected already at later. To prevent the development of such a disease, it is necessary to undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist every year. Popular treatment of cervical cancer with folk remedies. For this they use various herbs and improvised products.

Traditional methods of treating cervical cancer

In order to relieve symptoms and stop growth malignant formation Various herbs are used to treat cervical cancer. The most common are those that contain toxic substances. Among such plants are celandine and hemlock. For celandine therapy, this herb should be collected in the month of May. To prepare an infusion for the treatment of oncology, you will need the root of the plant. The recipe for the drug is as follows:

  • the main ingredient is washed, dried and ground using a meat grinder;
  • the juice survives, you should get 500 ml;
  • add 0.5 liters of vodka;
  • Infuse for 21 days, shaking the container with the product daily.

It is recommended to take the product 1 drop, diluting it in ½ glass of water. Every day you need to add 1 drop to the initial dose. Therapy is continued for 25 days. The duration of treatment with celandine is 6 months. The infusion should be taken with caution, as an overdose can cause intoxication of the body.

In addition to infusion, it is used douching with celandine for cervical cancer. To do this, pour 3 tablespoons of dry herbs with boiling water, in a volume of one liter. Douching is carried out only with a warm solution. There is a second way to prepare medicine for douching:

  • half a glass of dry herb, rinse cool water and pour boiling water over it;
  • chop the plant;
  • pour the raw material with a liter of water in a glass jar;
  • leave for 60 minutes;
  • drain the liquid.

The procedure is carried out once a day for 10 days. Then they take a break for the same period and repeat the therapy again.

It is not recommended to use celandine in the treatment of oncology if there is an allergy, individual sensitivity to the components of the herb, hypertension, peptic ulcer and gastritis, stones in gallbladder, glaucoma, bronchial asthma and liver diseases.

Treatment of cervical cancer with hemlock carried out using tincture or oil of the plant. Alcohol tincture prepared according to this scheme:

  • pour 300 grams of dry grass shoots into a one-liter container;
  • fill the raw material to the top with vodka;
  • infuse the drug for 14 days in a cool and dark place;
  • The solution must be shaken every day.

Use the product starting with 1 drop diluted in 200 ml of water. The maximum number of drops is 40 pieces. After the fortieth day, drink the remedy in the reverse order. If you are afraid of getting poisoned from taking the tincture, you can use hemlock oil for cervical cancer. It is prepared in this way:

  • combine 200 grams of hemlock seeds and omega herbs;
  • pour the mixture with any vegetable oil in the amount of half a liter;
  • hermetically sealed;
  • let it brew for 21 days in a dark place;
  • shake the infusion every day;
  • filtered.

This oil is used for tampons, which are recommended to be placed once a day before bedtime for 60-90 days in a row.

Hemlock herb should be used with caution by those with increased arterial pressure, there are allergic reactions to the composition of the plant and individual intolerance. Since the plant is poisonous, you should strictly follow all recommendations for use. In case of an overdose, dizziness, migraines, swelling of the extremities, chills, nausea, vomiting, dilated pupils and a burning sensation in the mouth are possible. In such cases, stop taking medicinal herb and take measures to improve the condition.

Unconventional methods of treating cervical cancer

One of alternative ways treatment is the application ASD for cervical cancer. It is recommended to use it to enhance work immune system organisms, as it helps to activate hidden possibilities. The ASD fraction is used for such oncology as follows:

  • dissolve from 15 to 30 drops of the drug in 200 ml of cold clean water;
  • drink the solution in the morning on an empty stomach and once again during the day 40 minutes before meals;
  • After 5 days of treatment, a break is taken for three days, then the course is repeated.

Treatment ASD faction carried out until a significant improvement in the patient’s condition or his complete recovery.

It is popular in the treatment of cervical oncology and is so simple and affordable product, like soda. If you constantly take a solution of soda, it will create the necessary level of acidity in the body and prevent further distribution cancer cells. The product should be drunk every day on an empty stomach. To do this, dissolve 10 grams in a glass of cold water. baking soda. This treatment method perfectly helps to recover from chemotherapy and is used for preventive purposes.

Assumes treatment with soda and douching for cervical cancer. To do this, 40 grams of the product are diluted in four liters warm water. The procedure is carried out slowly, as if washing the vagina. After this, you need to lie down and place a pillow under your pelvis. Every quarter of an hour you should make a 90 degree turn. Thus, in 1 hour the position changes from the back to the right side, to the left side and to the stomach. The duration of such therapy is 60 days. You should take a break during menstruation.

You can also administer a soda solution intravenously for 6 days, 500 milliliters. After a break of 6 days, the procedure is repeated. You should do 4 such courses.

Treatment of cervical oncology according to Bolotov

First, the doctor recommends taking peptides to reduce the pain level. To do this, you can take black radish, tansy or colchicum. Then you should take care of the condition of your stomach. To do this, the doctor recommends eating 40 grams of vegetable oil before each meal. Eat a large number of plants and vegetables that have a positive effect on the condition gastrointestinal tract. Be sure to take care of the oxidation of the body. To do this, you can take vinegar tinctures of the following plants:

  • celandine;
  • periwinkle;
  • tansy;
  • acacia;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • geranium;
  • jasmine;
  • hazelnut.

Two plants are selected from which enzymes are prepared. Take 10 to 200 grams daily 4 times before meals. One enzyme is used for treatment for 14 days, and another for the next 14 days. Afterwards they leave more suitable enzyme, to which it is advisable to add 10 grams of gastric juice.

Bolotov on the treatment of cervical cancer has many works in which he insists on the use of tampons soaked in golden mustache oil. The duration of such treatment ranges from 2 weeks to 40 days. The oil recipe is as follows:

  • grind the mustache;
  • pour everything with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:2;
  • put in the oven for 8 hours at a temperature of 40 degrees;
  • filter.

Store the product in the refrigerator and use it daily.

  • chop the mushroom caps;
  • pour into a 1 liter glass jar;
  • seal it with a lid and bury it in the ground;
  • after 30 days, drain the juice and dilute it with vodka in a 1:1 ratio.

The product is kept in a dark place for no more than 1 year. You need to take the potion three times a day, half an hour before meals. Begin therapy with 1 drop, gradually reaching 20 drops, then take the tincture in the reverse order. You should do 3 courses of treatment, between which you need a break of 7 days.

Regardless of the chosen treatment method, it should be remembered that folk remedies are only good for initial stages diseases and in combination with drug treatment. You should not experiment as this can take up such precious time. Before use alternative options treatment, you should definitely consult your doctor. Treatment of cervical cancer is a very painstaking task, but in the early stages it has almost 100% positive result on recovery. The main thing is to start therapy on time and choose the most correct scheme treatment. And only a specialist with education and skills will help you figure this out.

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