Hyperthyroidism: how to treat and recognize the disease. Hyperthyroidism - treatment of increased thyroid function

Hyperthyroidism (or thyrotoxicosis) is a clinical condition in which the thyroid gland produces excessively active thyroid hormones - triiodothyronine and thyroxine. Hyperthyroidism, the symptoms of which manifest themselves as a result of oversaturation of the blood with these hormones and their distribution by the blood flow throughout the body, including tissues, organs and systems, leads to the acceleration of all processes in it, which negatively affects the general condition of the patient in a number of ways.

general description

Hyperthyroidism is a result various types pathologies relevant for thyroid gland, and these pathologies can be provoked both directly by disturbances in itself, and by disturbances that arise in those processes, the regulation of which is carried out by it. Similar to hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, depending on the degree of damage to the thyroid gland, can manifest itself in primary form(which implies the actual pathology of the thyroid gland), in the form of secondary (with pathology of the pituitary gland), and also in the form of tertiary (which implies pathology of the hypothalamus).

As we initially noted, hyperthyroidism leads to stimulation of the activity of all systems, tissues and organs in the body, and the cardiovascular system especially suffers from such changes. The fact is that against the background of the disease in question and the processes that it entails, tissues and organs begin to need a larger volume of oxygen, which is accompanied, in turn, by an increase in the frequency of heart contractions, due to which such needs are satisfied. Naturally, this affects the heart accordingly; in hyperthyroidism, it is defined as a “thyrotoxic heart.” Of course, the work of other organs is also accompanied by tension. It should be noted that patients with hyperthyroidism without the necessary treatment for this disease may encounter the development of a condition such as thyrotoxic crisis, which, in turn, without proper medical care, can cause the development of coma.

Women are predominantly affected by hyperthyroidism. Thus, per 1000 women there are about 18-20 cases of this disease, while in men per a similar number (1000) hyperthyroidism occurs in no more than two cases. As for the age range, the period for hyperthyroidism is 20-50 years.

Hyperthyroidism: causes

As we have already noted, hyperthyroidism develops as a result of pathological processes in the gland itself, as well as as a result of violations of its regulation. Hyperthyroidism mainly develops as a result of the following diseases:

  • Diffuse toxic goiter(or Basedow's disease) - this cause most often leads to the development of hyperthyroidism, with this disorder there is a uniform enlargement of the thyroid gland while at the same time persistent production of hormones on its part.
  • Nodular/multinodular toxic goiter (Plummer's disease) is diagnosed much less frequently, and mainly in older people. The peculiarity of the pathology in this case is that it causes the formation of compactions of unknown origin in the thyroid gland, which, as can be understood from the definition of this pathology, have the appearance of nodules. The impact they have leads to even greater activity of the thyroid gland.
  • In some cases, hyperthyroidism develops against the background of subacute thyroiditis, which implies inflammatory process, developing as a result of transfer viral infections. Similar viral inflammation lead to destructive processes in the follicular cells of the thyroid gland, as well as to excessive release of thyroid hormones into the blood. The course of hyperthyroidism in this variant is mild and short-term in nature (its duration can range from several weeks to several months).
  • There is also a form of the disease called artificial hyperthyroidism. It develops against the background of uncontrolled use of thyroid hormones. In addition, it can also develop when these hormones are used due to the actual tissue immunity of the pituitary gland to them.
  • There are more rare causes, contributing to the development of hyperthyroidism:
    • ovarian teratomas, accompanied by the production of thyroid hormones (otherwise the pathology is defined as ovarian struma, which implies the formation of tumor formations, the basis of which are the cells of the thyroid gland in combination with these hormones produced);
    • pituitary tumors in which there is an increased production of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) (for example, this may be acromegaloid hyperthyroidism with hyperostosis, which implies a combination of signs of hyperactivity of the thyroid gland due to its increased production of TSH with acromegaly and diffuse hyperostosis of the calvarium);
    • increased production of hormones by the thyroid gland due to the introduction of excessive amounts of iodine into the body.

Features of the course of hyperthyroidism

Let us highlight some features characteristic of the course of hyperthyroidism. For example, we have already noted that due to thyroid hormones, oxygen consumption increases, in particular from tissues, this causes an increase in tissue formation while simultaneously increasing energy metabolism.

Also a feature of hyperthyroidism is an increase in tissue sensitivity to sympathetic stimulation (i.e. stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system, which is part of the autonomic nervous system) and to catecholamines (i.e. physiologically active substances, acting as a controlling type of molecules and chemical messengers in the framework of intercellular interaction, in particular these are neurotransmitters in the form of dopamine, norepinephrine and adrenaline).

Because of higher level The conversion of androgens into estrogens increases the volume of circulating globulin in the tissues, which ensures the binding of sex hormones, and this, in turn, leads to an increase in the ratio between estrogens and androgens. Against this kind of background hormonal changes the possibility of developing gynecomastia in men is not excluded (a pathology that implies excessive enlargement of the mammary glands in men (unilateral or bilateral type), which in some cases determines compliance with the female type).

Due to the acceleration of the process of destruction of cortisol against the background of the influence of thyroid hormones, a clinic of hypocortisolism develops, which determines a reversible form of renal failure.

Forms of hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism can occur in the lungs or in average shape, and also in severe form.

The mild form of the disease (subclinical form) is characterized by an asymptomatic course, triiodothyronine (T4) is normal according to current indicators, TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) levels are slightly reduced.

The next form is the form moderate severity(in other words, explicit or manifest). In this case, T4 levels are characterized by an increase, while TSH levels are significantly reduced, and symptoms characteristic of the disease appear.

And, finally, a severe (complicated) form of the severity of the disease, in which there is adrenal or heart failure, severe body weight deficiency, psychosis and other types of pathology, indicating, respectively, damage to certain specific systems, organs and their inherent functions.

Let's consider the main signs of hyperthyroidism, corresponding to the indicated degrees of severity of its manifestation:

  • Light form

In addition to the initially noted changes in the levels of hormones in the blood (which is revealed by an appropriate blood test), there is a moderate decrease in weight (within 5 kg). Tachycardia also appears, in which the heart rate is no more than 100 beats per minute, there are no changes in the rhythm of contractions. There are also no signs from the endocrine glands indicating a violation of their functions (with the exception of the thyroid gland). In addition, patients experience a certain degree of irritability and sweating (manifested even in rooms with normal temperature).

  • Medium form

Weight loss is pronounced (about 10 kg). Pathological changes are observed in the myocardium, tachycardia manifests itself with a heart rate ranging from 100 to 120 beats/min. In this case, tachycardia is characterized by the stability of its own manifestation, and this does not depend on what position the person is in; there is also no connection with previous sleep and a state of long-term rest. Carbohydrate metabolism is subject to disturbances, blood cholesterol decreases, and gastrointestinal disorders appear (which is characterized by loose and frequent stools).

The signs indicating the relevance of adrenal insufficiency gradually intensify. Patients experience thyrotoxic tremor - trembling of the fingers, noted when the arm is outstretched. In addition, patients become more irritable and excitable, sleep disturbances, excessive anxiety and tearfulness appear. There are also signs such as exophthalmos (a characteristic forward displacement of the eyeball, in other words, protrusion, bulging eyes), as well as hyperhidrosis (that is, increased sweating) of a general type of manifestation.

In this case, in addition to the general description that we initially proposed in the classification of forms of hyperthyroidism, we can note a sharp and pronounced weight loss. Tachycardia is a stable manifestation; the pulse ranges from 120-140 beats per minute, but the possibility of exceeding these limits cannot be ruled out. Blood pressure is characterized by increased systolic pressure with simultaneously decreased diastolic pressure. Exophthalmos is even more pronounced in comparison with the previous form of the disease, as is thyrotoxic tremor, which this time manifests itself as spreading throughout the body (and not just when the hands are affected).

Hyperthyroidism: symptoms

Considering the peculiarity of the disease we are considering, which is the acceleration of all processes occurring in the body, we can understand that the symptoms of hyperthyroidism are extremely multifaceted and, accordingly, they are determined based on the severity of the disease, its course and the degree of damage to specific organs, tissues and systems. Excessive production of hormones produced by the thyroid gland determines the following effects on the patient’s body:

  • CNS. The central nervous system reacts to the influence relevant to the disease in the form increased excitability, irritability, emotional imbalance, fears and unreasonable worries, rapid speech, hand trembling and sleep disturbances.
  • Ophthalmology. Ophthalmological symptoms consist of the previously noted manifestation, which is exophthalmos (in which eyeball undergoes protrusion when it is displaced forward and with a simultaneous increase in the palpebral fissure). In addition, swelling of the eyelids, double vision of objects in the field of vision and rare blinking are noted. It should be emphasized that due to the characteristic compression in this case, against the background of which dystrophy also develops optic nerve, the possibility of absolute loss of vision by the patient cannot be ruled out. Also among the current ophthalmological symptoms can be identified severe dry eyes and pain in the eyes, increased tearing, the development of corneal erosion, bags under the eyes, the inability to concentrate on a specific object, etc.
  • The cardiovascular system . As we initially noted, for her the symptoms of hyperthyroidism and the peculiarities of its course are not easy due to the acceleration of processes in the body and the special need for oxygen because of this. The cardiac arrhythmia that is relevant in this situation responds extremely poorly to the treatment provided to it. Atrial flutter and fibrillation and persistent tachycardia are noted here. Against the background of simultaneously increased systolic pressure And low blood pressure diastolic, there is a significant increase in pressure indicators (upper and lower) in the gap. Heart failure develops.
  • Gastrointestinal tract. From the outside gastrointestinal tract changes in appetite are noted (its decrease or, conversely, increase), in older people this symptom can go as far as complete failure from eating. There is also frequent and loose stool, disturbances in the processes of bile formation and digestion, paroxysmal abdominal pain.
  • Respiratory system. Against the background of edema and congestion, negative changes occur regarding the vital capacity of the lungs, and persistent shortness of breath develops.
  • Musculoskeletal system . Thyrotoxic myopathy develops, in which characteristic features becomes chronic weakness and muscle fatigue, muscle wasting (muscle condition caused by insufficient intake nutrients into the body or insufficient absorption). There is also trembling of the limbs and the body as a whole, osteoporosis (a chronic progressive disease or clinical syndrome(in this case), characterized by a decrease in the inherent density of bones with a simultaneous violation of microarchitecture and with increased fragility, which is relevant due to a number of damaging processes). Against the background of the listed symptoms, difficulties arise that are noted during long walking (especially when climbing stairs), as well as when carrying heavy objects. The possibility of developing muscle paralysis, which in this case is reversible, cannot be ruled out.
  • Reproductive system . In this area there are also characteristic changes. Thus, against the background of disturbances in the secretion of gonadotropins, infertility may develop. As described earlier, men may develop gynecomastia and potency decreases. As for the impact on the female body of processes relevant to the disease, here, in particular, disruptions of the menstrual cycle are noted. The manifestation of menstruation is characterized by pain and irregularity, the discharge is scanty, and as accompanying symptoms - severe weakness (which can reach fainting), severe headaches. In extreme cases, disruptions in the menstrual cycle reach amenorrhea, that is, complete absence menses.
  • Metabolism . Against the backdrop of accelerated metabolic processes, patients experience persistent weight loss, which is achieved even with increased appetite. In addition, heat production increases (which manifests itself in the form increased sweating and temperature). As the breakdown of cortisol accelerates, a reversible form of adrenal insufficiency develops. An enlarged liver is also noted, and if we are talking about a severe form of hyperthyroidism, then this is accompanied by jaundice. As an additional symptom that accompanies this part of the manifestations, the following can be identified: swelling of the soft tissues; thinning nails, hair and skin; early and pronounced gray hair; severe thirst, copious and frequent urination (which is important due to impaired water metabolism).

External signs of hyperthyroidism include, first of all, enlargement of the thyroid gland, which can manifest itself in varying degrees. In some cases, examination and palpation of the neck can determine the cause that provoked hyperthyroidism (nodular or diffuse goiter). For example, if we are talking about Graves' disease, then the enlargement of the thyroid gland is characterized by its own symmetry. If palpation determines a nodular formation in the area under study, then this, in turn, is an indication of the current tumor process in it.

What's remarkable is listed symptoms hyperthyroidism often does not manifest itself in older people, which defines latent (masked) hyperthyroidism. Typical symptoms accompanying this disease in older people, however, may include frequent depression and weakness, drowsiness and some lethargy. It can also be noted that in the expressed version, work-related disorders of cardio-vascular system, in elderly patients with hyperthyroidism they occur many times more often than in young patients.

Thyrotoxic (hyperthyroid) crisis

This complication manifests itself as a result of the lack of treatment for thyrotoxicosis or when treatment is prescribed that is not appropriate in reality. necessary measures. A crisis can also be triggered by mechanical manipulations performed during examination of a patient or during surgery that in one way or another affects the thyroid gland. The possibility of a crisis developing due to stress cannot be ruled out.

In general, a hyperthyroid crisis manifests itself by reaching a peak with symptoms characteristic of hyperthyroidism. It begins acutely and its course is lightning fast. Patients experience severe mental agitation, and it is often accompanied by hallucinations and delusions. The trembling of the hands intensifies, in addition, the trembling spreads to lower limbs and throughout the body as a whole. Blood pressure drops sharply, muscle weakness with general lethargy of the patient. Vomiting manifests itself in an indomitable form, accompanied by elevated temperature(in this case there are no signs indicating the relevance of the infection), diarrhea, rapid heartbeat (reaching 200 beats/min.). When you urinate, you can detect the characteristic acetone odor in your urine. Temperature (up to 41 degrees) and pressure rise.

In some cases, jaundice develops, which manifests itself as a result of an acute form of fatty degeneration, relevant for the liver, and adrenal insufficiency can also develop.

It is important to note that the lack of timely assistance can cause the death of the patient due to the transition of the crisis to a coma. Death can occur as a result of an acute form of fatty liver disease or due to adrenal insufficiency.


The diagnosis is made, first of all, on the basis of current manifestations of symptoms, which in particular consists of highlighting the features of the appearance of patients and data obtained from relevant laboratory tests. Thus, a blood test determines changes in the content of hormones, ultrasound makes it possible to identify nodules in the thyroid gland, and electrocardiography, in view of complaints arising against the background of the disease regarding the activity of the cardiovascular system, makes it possible to provide certain specifics regarding the symptoms that appear in this area.

In addition, a computed tomography may be prescribed, in which images of the organ are taken in a layer-by-layer mode, due to which a clear idea appears of where exactly the compaction that is relevant to it is localized. The use of the listed diagnostic methods allows you to fully clarify the diagnosis, after which you can prescribe an appropriate course of individual therapy.


The treatment of hyperthyroidism is focused on achieving specific goals. So, first of all, it is necessary to achieve normal level hormones, which is ensured by prescribing appropriate drug treatment. In addition, the need for surgical treatment is considered, which implies the need to remove an adenoma, goiter or tumor formation in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. Additional therapeutic measures consist of symptomatic effects, due to which it is possible to improve the functioning of systems and organs in the body of a sick person. Let's take a closer look at these methods.

Drug treatment of hyperthyroidism primarily involves the use of antithyroid drugs, which are mainly used in cases of slight enlargement of the thyroid gland. If the gland reaches a significant size (more than 40 ml), and general state characterized by the manifestation of symptoms indicating compression of nearby organs, then drug treatment becomes only a preparatory stage for another treatment - for surgical treatment. In the treatment of the disease we are considering, the use of antithyroid drugs, which are a group of thionamides (drugs Propylthiouracil, Thiamazol, etc.), is now quite common. The basis of the mechanism of drugs corresponding to this group is that they have a targeted suppressive effect on processes directly involved in the formation of hormones in the thyroid gland (in particular, thyroid peroxidase is suppressed).

Under the conditions of highly developed countries, treatment of thyrotoxicosis is carried out through the use of carbimazole for this purpose. This is a long-acting (otherwise known as prolonged) drug; it is especially effective in cases of severe forms of the disease. In addition to the necessary effect on the formation of hormones in the thyroid gland, this drug inhibits the conversion of T4 (that is, thyroxine) to T3 (or triiodothyronine). It is noteworthy that when taking 20 mg of this drug, the condition provoked by hypothyroidism is completely compensated.

Also, in developed countries, treatment using radioactive iodine is an integral method of treatment. This iodine quickly penetrates the thyroid gland, after which it gradually accumulates within its area. When radioactive iodine decays, the cells of the thyroid gland, thyrocytes, are destroyed.

Obesity is a condition of the body in which excess fat begins to accumulate in its fiber, tissues and organs. body fat. Obesity, the symptoms of which are weight gain of 20% or more when compared with average values, is not only a cause of general discomfort. It also leads to the appearance of psycho-physical problems against this background, problems with the joints and spine, problems associated with sexual life, as well as problems associated with the development of other conditions accompanying such changes in the body.

Renal amyloidosis is a complex and dangerous pathology, in which protein-carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted in the kidney tissues. As a result, the synthesis and accumulation of a specific substance – amyloid – occurs. It is a protein-polysaccharide compound, which in its basic properties is similar to starch. Normally, this protein is not produced in the body, so its formation is abnormal for humans and entails impaired renal function.

Hyperthyroidism (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland) - treatment folk remedies. Based on materials from the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH.

Thyroid hyperthyroidism symptoms and treatment. Simple tips Dr. Lyubimova

The woman was diagnosed with autoimmune hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland. She turned to the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” for advice from a doctor about methods of treating hyperthyroidism, diet and regimen for this disease. The newspaper's permanent consultant, Dr. Lyubimova, answers.

What is hyperthyroidism?

Overactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism is a condition in which thyroid works too actively and produces too much thyroid hormones. Hyperthyroidism is quite frequent illness. Causes of hyperfunction The thyroid gland can be divided into two groups.

  • Primary when the cause lies in a disease of the gland itself. This may be diffuse toxic goiter, thyroid adenoma or inflammation.
  • Secondary caused by a disease of the pituitary gland, which regulates the production of thyroid hormones. This cause of hyperthyroidism is quite rare and is often associated with a pituitary tumor. /li>

Overactive thyroid symptoms:

With hyperthyroidism, the production of triiodothyronine and thyroxine increases, which are responsible for accelerating metabolism, so all processes in the body are accelerated. Due to the acceleration of metabolism, weight loss may occur with increased appetite. The heart beats faster, the pulse accelerates, arrhythmia may occur, and blood pressure often rises. Many patients with hyperthyroidism feel hot even in a cool room; body temperature often remains above 37 degrees. In addition, the following arise symptoms of an overactive thyroid gland: fast fatiguability, muscle weakness, but at the same time physical activity increased sweating, sleep disturbance, nervousness, hand tremors, diarrhea, and in women, menstrual irregularities.

Treatment of hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland with drugs and herbs.

For hyperthyroidism, medications are usually prescribed and herbal treatments are also prescribed. For normal operation The thyroid gland needs a small amount of iodine. Drugs such as thiamazole, propylthiouracil, commonly used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism, slow down the overactive thyroid gland by reducing the production of thyroid hormones. These medications usually normalize thyroid function within 6 weeks to 3 months.

Herbal teas for the treatment of hyperthyroidism.
To normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland and other endocrine glands, I recommend the following fees:

  • Collection No. 1
    Prepare 100 g each of licorice root, tricolor violet herb, corn silk, walnut leaves, burdock root, nettle leaves and 50 g horsetail. Mix all the herbs. 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture pour 600 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 150 g 3 times a day.
  • Collection No. 2.
    3 times a day before meals, take 1 tbsp. spoon of the following mixture: 1 kg honey, 300 g walnuts, ground into porridge, 100 g of peeled, steamed and chopped garlic, 50 g of dill seed, ground in a coffee grinder.
  • Herbal collection for hypothyroidism No. 3.
    10 minutes after taking collection No. 2, drink 100 g of herbal decoction, a mixture of herbs taken in equal proportions: agrimony, pine buds, Icelandic lichen, blueberry leaves, meadowsweet, leaves walnut, fumaria officinalis. Mix all herbs to 3 tbsp. add 1 tbsp to spoons of herbal mixture. spoon of flaxseed, 1 teaspoon of anise. Then pour 700 g of water over everything, boil over low heat for 15 minutes, cool, strain.
  • Apply compresses to the thymus area, where the breast bone is. bread kvass or 7 olives, crushed with pits. Apply the compress for 2 weeks, once a day for 2 hours.

When using herbs to treat hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, you must remember several mandatory rules: firstly, believe and love the medicine that nature gave, and secondly, be precise and careful in dosage. When treating hypothyroidism, never drink alcohol and remember your diet. If you do not follow a diet during herbal medicine, then no herb will help.
(Healthy lifestyle 2005, No. 19, p. 20. Advice from Dr. Lyubimova)

Herbs for hyperthyroidism
1 tsp. ragwort herbs and 2 tsp. Brew 500 ml of boiling water with European sage grass, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 50 ml 3 times a day before meals. These thyroid herbs are especially effective if hyperthyroidism is accompanied by hypertension. (Healthy lifestyle 2013, No. 17, p. 29. From a conversation with herbalist V. Kosterov.)

Treatment of hyperthyroidism with folk remedies.

  • Folk remedies for thyroid hyperfunction.
    In a woman autoimmune thyroiditis, increased thyroid function. She started taking sedatives, applied compresses of grated carrots and lard. The gland decreased in size, the condition improved, and the symptoms of hyperthyroidism disappeared. (HLS 2009, No. 19, p. 10)
  • Golden mustache for hyperthyroidism
    A woman was hospitalized in 1999. She was discharged home with a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism. The woman tried to treat the thyroid gland with pills, and also used folk remedies for the thyroid gland - she drank a tincture of walnut septa. It didn't help her. Having read somewhere about the benefits of the Golden Mustache plant, I made a tincture: poured 0.5 liters of vodka into 9 knees of the plant and steeped it for 2 weeks. After straining, I drank 1 dess. spoon in the morning and at lunch 30 minutes before meals. Soon the double vision stopped, and the nervous system became stronger. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism are no longer a concern. (HLS 2015, No. 21, p. 31)
  • How to treat insomnia with hyperthyroidism
    For insomnia caused by hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, mix peony tincture and valerian tincture in equal parts. In the evening, add 10-15 drops of the tincture mixture to 100 ml of water and take it overnight. (HLS 2002, No. 14, pp. 10-11 with Dr. N.V. Lyubimova.)
  • A folk remedy to reduce the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.
    I would like to offer a recipe for treating increased thyroid function.
    Take 1 tbsp. spoon of motherwort herb, leaves peppermint, valerian rhizomes and 2 tbsp. spoons of hawthorn fruit. Crush and mix everything. 1 tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture, leave for half an hour, strain. Take half a glass twice a day before meals for a month. Then take a break for 10 days and repeat the course of treatment. (HLS 2009, No. 11, p. 33)

Treatment of hyperthyroidism with the ASD fraction.

Several years ago, our daughter fell ill - hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, exophthalmos (bulging eyes). The impetus for development was stressful situations plus long stay in the sun as part of the expedition of F. Konyukhov. Complex treatment Endocrinologists (one of the prescribed drugs for hyperthyroidism was Mercazolil) reduced the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, excluding the eyes. Even the minimum doses of prednisolone were given on the third day of administration sharp pains in the stomach.
We refused medical recommendations and switched to ASD-2 ( independent decision). Start of use: 5 drops in water 20-30 minutes before meals for 5 days, then a 3-day break. The second course - 10 drops, the third - 15, the fourth - 20 drops with breaks of 5 days. The eyes returned to normal. Blood tests are also normal.
(HLS 2009, No. 8, p. 9)

Herbs in the treatment of hyperthyroidism in children with folk remedies.

One of the causes of hyperthyroidism in children is Graves' disease or diffuse toxic goiter. If there is a lack of iodine in food, the activity of the thyroid gland may increase, the gland grows in size to compensate for the lack of iodine, and therefore produces too many hormones.
With this disease, folk remedies are quite helpful in healing children from hyperthyroidism. But, of course, they must be used in parallel with the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

  • Recipe No. 1. Used on initial stage Graves' disease. 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of zyuznik grass with a glass of boiling water and leave until completely cooled. Give your child half a glass four times a day before meals. Zyuznik reduces the hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, it begins to produce less hormones.
  • Recipe No. 2. Used for severe hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
    Take 2 parts each of madder roots and soapwort roots, add 1 part licorice roots. 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes, leave for 12 hours, strain and let the child drink 0.5-1 glass once a day on an empty stomach for 2 months.
  • Recipe No. 3. Mix in equal proportions wild strawberry leaves, agrimony grass, yarrow, string, oregano, knotweed, licorice roots, chicory, madder. 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, boil for 4-5 minutes, leave for 12 hours. Strain and give your child 1/3 glass three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.

(HLS 2006, No. 24, pp. 12-13. From a conversation with the head of the endocrinology department of the Morozov Children's City clinical hospital, candidate medical sciences Elena Efimovna Petryaykina)

Woodlice is a folk remedy for hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland.

A remarkable property of woodlice is its ability to regulate hormonal background with thyroid disease. Healers have found that woodlice in the form of infusions has a beneficial effect precisely with increased thyroid function. Of course, this folk remedy for hyperthyroidism should be considered as an additional one, but, nevertheless, this is a very important circumstance. In this case, it is necessary to take 100 ml of woodlice infusion orally 3 times a day before meals.
How to treat hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland with woodlice:

  • Recipe No. 1. 1 tbsp. Infuse a spoonful of herbs in 1 glass of boiling water for 4 hours, strain. Take 50 ml 3 times a day before meals. The infusion is the main one dosage form woodlice.
  • Recipe No. 2. 15th century Brew a tablespoon of fresh herbs in 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain. Use externally for compresses.

(Healthy lifestyle 2008, No. 16. Viktor Kosterov, herbalist, candidate biological sciences. “Chickweed weed – treat the craftswoman.”)

Review of the treatment of thyroid hyperthyroidism with woodlice.
The woman has hyperthyroidism, nodular toxic goiter of the IV degree. She tried to treat the increased function of the thyroid gland with drugs prescribed by her doctor and folk remedies. As a result, the tumor in the neck became smaller, but an ultrasound showed that the nodes in the thyroid gland had not shrunk. In addition, tests showed an excess of hormones. Woodlice helped in the treatment of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, about its remarkable properties We read in the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” - a conversation with phytotherapist Kosterov “Weed wood lice - a craftswoman can treat it.”
I used recipe No. 1. It was not possible to completely cure the thyroid gland with this folk remedy, but hormonal levels and well-being improved significantly. (HLS 2012, No. 13, p. 29)

Treatment of thyrotoxicosis with folk remedies.

One of the manifestations of increased thyroid function is thyrotoxicosis.
Folk recipes for thyrotoxicosis and reviews of their use can be read in this article

Endocrine disease of the thyroid gland, which manifests itself systemic symptoms, called hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis or toxic goiter. The pathology is manifested by a disorder normal functioning the whole body. Thyrotoxicosis is rarely an independent disease; as a rule, the disease accompanies others endocrine disorders, for example, type 1 diabetes.

What is hyperthyroidism

This is a chronic organ disease endocrine system- thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism is manifested by an increase in the level of thyroid hormones, which contain iodine atoms. These thyroid hormones (thyroxine, triiodothyronine, calcitonin) are the most important elements humoral regulation body, take part in physiological processes that are associated with metabolism, thermoregulation, blood pressure, etc. As a rule, women are more likely to suffer from thyroid disease.


Primary hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland occurs due to pathological changes in the tissue itself, and secondary hyperthyroidism develops as a result of pathologies of the pituitary gland or other diseases of the body (malignant neoplasms, infections). Tertiary is called thyrotoxicosis, caused by lesions of the hypothalamus and decreased secretion of thyrotropin-releasing hormone. The main reasons due to which hyperthyroidism develops:

  1. Autoimmune pathologies. In this condition, the synthesis of thyroid hormones remains normal, and an increase in the amount in the blood plasma occurs as a result destructive processes gland tissues and the entry of their contents into the bloodstream. Autoimmune hyperthyroidism lead to uncomplicated forms of thyrotoxicosis, and respond well to treatment.
  2. Graves' disease. This disease accounts for up to 80% of all cases of thyrotoxicosis. With this pathology, specific antibodies are formed, to which the thyroid gland responds in the same way as to thyroid-stimulating hormone, i.e. intensively synthesizes thyroxine and triiodothyronine. At the same time, the organ tissue increases significantly in size.
  3. Thyroid adenoma. A benign growth of organ tissue that produces excess hormones.
  4. Nodular goiter (Graves' disease). In the gland tissue, separate areas are formed that excessively synthesize hormones. Toxic goiter occurs in elderly patients and people with diabetes.
  5. Pituitary tumors. New growths in this endocrine gland lead to increased synthesis of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which stimulates the production of thyroid hormones.


Hyperthyroidism has various clinical symptoms, therefore, as a rule, on early stage development of pathology, making a correct diagnosis is difficult. The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • weight loss with good appetite;
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • tachycardia;
  • severe hand tremors up to the development of convulsions;
  • hot, damp skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • muscle weakness;
  • frequent urination;
  • digestive disorders;
  • mental disorders;
  • symptoms diabetes mellitus;
  • hyperactivity in children;
  • emotional instability;
  • exophthalmos;
  • insomnia;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • brittle nails;
  • impaired potency in men;
  • hair loss.

Symptoms in women

Diffuse goiter and excess thyroid hormones in women, in addition to general symptoms, give rise to serious disturbances in the normal functioning of the reproductive system: it goes astray menstrual cycle, up to the development of amenorrhea and secondary infertility or spontaneous abortion at early stages. The disease leaves its mark on the patient's appearance. At the first stage appearance changes not for the better: hair becomes dull, nails peel and break, skin becomes dry and peels.

Classification of hyperthyroidism

Diffuse toxic goiter is classified according to severity, severity clinical picture diseases. There are three stages of the disease:

  1. Hyperthyroidism of the first degree is characterized by increased nervous excitability, decreased performance, slight weight loss, and constant tachycardia of no more than 100 beats/min.
  2. At the second stage, the excitability of the nervous system is significantly increased, body weight decreases by 20% from normal, tachycardia from 100 to 120 beats/min, the patient complains of insomnia, confusion, memory problems, and digestive disorders.
  3. At the third stage of the disease, the patient completely loses his ability to work, severe exhaustion(weight loss up to 40-50% of the original), arrhythmia, tachycardia, heart failure, symptoms of liver and kidney damage develop.

Thyrotoxicosis in pregnant women

Signs of hyperthyroidism in pregnant women, as a rule, are much more pronounced, so the combination of this pathology and gestation can lead to severe complications in the fetus. Hyperthyroidism in an expectant mother can lead to the development of dysfunction of all systems of the child, the occurrence of goiter, and serious damage to the central nervous system.

The thyroid gland regulates the functioning of all organs and systems, directly affects reproductive function women, increasing the level of sex hormones, which is dangerous for the fetus - risk spontaneous abortion or intrauterine death of a child increases significantly. A pregnant woman should visit an endocrinologist monthly and take hormone tests, strictly adhere to the prescribed treatment and proper diet nutrition.


A pathological change in the functioning of the thyroid gland, hyperthyroidism syndrome, is diagnosed based on visual inspection and collecting anamnesis, as well as laboratory clinical tests that determine the content of thyroid hormones in the blood. In addition, to clarify the cause of the development of the disease and the type of pathology, it is indicated ultrasonography with contrast agent, biopsy of gland tissue.

Treatment of hyperthyroidism

For effective elimination the causes and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis are prescribed drug therapy, treatment radioactive iodine and, if indicated, surgery. The choice of treatment method depends on many factors: the cause of hyperthyroidism, the severity of the symptoms of the disease, the presence of concomitant chronic diseases of organs and systems, and the patient’s age.

Treatment with drugs

Drug therapy for hypersecretion of the thyroid gland is aimed at suppressing the secretory activity of the organ, reducing the production of excess production of thyroid hormones. As a rule, thyreostatic (antithyroid) drugs are prescribed. medicines, in some cases, blockers calcium channels, beta blockers. Some of the most popular drugs for drug therapy of thyrotoxicosis are:

  1. Propylthiouracil. A drug that reduces the activity of the thyroid gland is used to treat thyrotoxicosis and prepare for surgery. The advantage of the drug is the absence negative influence on the liver and kidneys, and minus – high risk development side effects.
  2. Methimazole. A medicine that acts to eliminate hypersecretion of thyroid hormones. The advantage of the medicine is fast action, and the disadvantage is a high risk of developing agranulocytosis with long-term use.


Surgery indicated to the patient when conservative therapy does not give positive results. Surgical treatment consists of complete or partial removal glands. A direct indication for surgery is the presence of nodes in the tissues of the organ ( nodular goiter) or the growth of a separate area with increased secretion. The remaining part of the cells after resection functions normally. If the thyroid gland is completely removed, the patient must receive pharmacological replacement therapy with hormonal drugs throughout his life.

Treatment of hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine

The method of treatment with radioactive iodine (radiiodine therapy) involves the patient taking a capsule or solution of radioactive iodine. The medicine is taken once. After radioiodine is delivered into the bloodstream, it penetrates the thyroid tissue, accumulates and destroys them over several weeks. For the greatest efficiency, the procedure is repeated after 2-3 months.

As a result of this process, the size of the organ decreases, the secretion of thyroxins and their level in the blood plasma decrease. Radioiodine therapy is prescribed simultaneously with drug treatment. After treatment with radioactive iodine, thyrotoxicosis becomes unexpressed, i.e. stable remission. Remember that the cause of the disease in this case is not eliminated and a relapse may occur.

Treatment with folk remedies

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease you can use folk recipes treatment. However, they must be taken in combination with drug therapy and, if necessary, surgical treatment. Tinctures and decoctions of some medicinal plants:

  1. Persimmon tincture. Freshly squeezed fruit juice should be mixed with vodka or cognac in a 4:1 ratio and left for 5-7 days in a cool, dark place. It is recommended to take the tincture 3 times a day, a tablespoon on an empty stomach, for a month. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment after 1.5-2 months.
  2. Tincture of hawthorn fruits. Two tablespoons of dried fruits must be poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and left to infuse for 1.5 months. The tincture should be taken 3-4 times a day, a teaspoon after meals.
  3. Decoction of blueberry leaves. Mix crushed dry blueberry leaves with bay leaves. Pour the mixture with water, put on fire, bring to a boil and keep on fire for 3-5 minutes, then leave for several days. Then strain and take 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day for two weeks.
  4. Balm made from dandelion and blueberry flowers. Mix 20 g of dried blueberries and rose hips, 10 g of dandelion flowers. Pour a glass of alcohol, add 1-2 tbsp. flower honey, close the lid tightly and place in a dark place for 7-10 days. Use a teaspoon of balm three times a day for a week, diluting it in a glass of water or iced tea.


If the course of the disease is unfavorable, a thyrotoxic crisis may develop - a condition that threatens the patient’s life, an exacerbation of the clinic diffuse goiter: fever, severe tachycardia (more than 150 beats/min), heart failure, impaired liver and kidney function, worsening eye symptoms. Can provoke a crisis severe stress, infectious lesion, long-term exercise stress.


To prevent the development of the disease, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • diet;
  • taking iodine-containing drugs;
  • undergo regular preventive examinations with an endocrinologist;
  • avoid stress and emotional turmoil;


With hyperthyroidism, too much of these hormones enters the blood and metabolic processes are accelerating. Unfortunately, this does not bode well.

Our expert - endocrinologist of the Clinic of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Nutrition", doctor highest category Tatiana Karamysheva.

Heart is pounding, hands are shaking

Hyperthyroidism, or, as it is also called, thyrotoxicosis, is a very unpleasant condition. Most often, people suffering from it complain of palpitations, excessive irritability, weakness, hair loss, poor tolerance of stuffiness, slight tremors in the hands. Many people lose noticeable weight even though they eat a lot.

An experienced endocrinologist can often recognize hyperthyroidism simply by looking at the patient. And yet, making a diagnosis based only on symptoms is unacceptable. Required laboratory analysis blood for thyroid hormones - T3 and T4, as well as for the pituitary hormone - TSH. The level of the former in hyperthyroidism is increased, the level of the latter is decreased. If this is the case, you need to start treatment as quickly as possible. The thyroid gland affects absolutely all systems of the body, so excessive production of its hormones can lead to serious complications. Including to serious violations heart rate, heart attack, kidney failure.

True or temporary?

However, before starting treatment, you will have to undergo a series of clarifying examinations. It is important to understand whether a person has true hyperthyroidism.

The thyroid gland is made up of cells that can be compared to small vesicles. Hormones are produced inside them, which then leak through the cell walls and enter the blood. With true hyperthyroidism, too many of these hormones are synthesized, that is, the gland works too actively. This condition is also called Graves' disease or Graves' disease.

But the picture may be different. For example, if the thyroid gland is inflamed, then the permeability of its cell walls increases, and the hormone is released into the blood faster than necessary. At the same time, its production does not increase; iron produces the same amount as usual. Such hyperthyroidism is usually a short-term phenomenon that often goes away on its own or requires only minimal correction. Treat Graves' disease much more difficult. To distinguish them, you need additional analysis blood for antibodies to TSH receptors.

It is also important to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland. It helps to understand whether there are nodes in it. If there is, another study is required - scintigraphy with a radioisotope. Thanks to it, the doctor can understand whether the entire gland is working too actively or just a node. Unfortunately, in the latter case treatment can only be surgical - modern medications for hyperthyroidism do not act on the nodes. If the entire gland is “raging,” the doctor prescribes medications.

When taking thyreostatics, the level of hemoglobin and the level of leukocytes in the blood may decrease. During treatment, it must be monitored at least once a month, taking clinical analysis blood. Our immunity depends on the level of leukocytes, so during treatment even a minor cold requires increased attention. If you have a sore throat, slight runny nose, you need to do a blood test immediately. Is your white blood cell count low? Antibiotic treatment should be started immediately because the risk of bacterial complications is very high.

Reduce production

Drugs for the treatment of hyperthyroidism are called thyreostatics. They suppress the production of thyroid hormones. Their treatment regimens are selected individually. First option: first the patient is prescribed high dose a medicine that partially blocks the activity of the thyroid gland. Then, when the hormone levels in the blood return to normal (usually this takes about a month), the dosage is gradually reduced until the need for the drug disappears. At the same time, you need to go to the doctor every month and monitor the levels of T3 and T4 in the blood.

Another scheme: with the help of thyreostatics, the thyroid gland is completely “turned off” for a while. In this case, the patient takes tablets with its synthetic hormone every morning. For patients, this approach often causes bewilderment: their hormones are not only enough, but too much, and for some reason the doctor prescribes them additionally. However, such treatment makes sense. The “turned off” gland has the opportunity to rest and recover. After stopping the medications that suppress her, she can begin to work normally (drugs with hormones, of course, are immediately stopped).

Maximum - 2 years

Unfortunately, drug treatment does not always give the desired effect. Thyrostatics are drugs that seriously interfere with metabolism, so they cannot be taken indefinitely. Maximum term therapy - two years. But if positive dynamics are not observed after a year or a year and a half of treatment, there is no point in taking further pills; surgery is needed. Also to surgical treatment you have to resort to it if, while taking medications, the thyroid gland begins to increase in size or other severe side effects occur.

During surgery, the gland can be completely removed, and then you will have to take pills containing its hormone for life. But often part of the gland is left, and in this case replacement therapy is not required.

An alternative to surgery is radioiodine therapy, where the activity of the thyroid gland is permanently suppressed using radio rays. This procedure is considered more gentle, so it is usually performed on elderly or weakened people who may not tolerate anesthesia. But since it is impossible to leave part of the working gland, in the future you will have to take drugs with its hormones. Of course, this gives the patient some discomfort, but it is very small, especially compared to possible consequences hyperthyroidism. So radical treatment There is no need to be afraid - if there is evidence, it is necessary.

Many people think that hyperthyroidism is necessarily accompanied by endocrine ophthalmopathy, or, more simply, bulging eyes. Actually it's two various diseases, which can be observed separately from each other. But often they do combine, so eye enlargement is a good reason to consult an endocrinologist.

Hyperthyroidism is a disease caused by a malfunction of the thyroid gland. The symptoms of the disease are caused by increased production and a fairly high release of thyroid hormones into the blood.

This condition provokes changes in energy and thermal processes in the human body. Young and middle-aged women are often affected by the disease.

Treatment of hyperthyroidism with folk remedies is an effective method. With its help you can easily restore hormonal balance, especially in combination with medications.

But before using any method of combating the disease, it is better to consult a doctor. In this case, you can quickly get rid of this problem and avoid complications.

Forms and types of hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis is a manifestation of hypertrophy of the thyroid gland, which provokes a pathological hormonal imbalance.

With this disease, the content of specific hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine - increases in the blood. They dramatically increase metabolism in the body.

Often patients do not know what hyperthyroidism is - is it an excess or lack of iodine? Hyperthyroidism develops precisely because of excess iodine in the body.

There are three types of hyperthyroidism:

  1. Primary - caused by a violation of the basic functions of the thyroid gland.
  2. Secondary - caused by malfunctions of the pituitary gland.
  3. Tertiary - appears as a result of dysfunction of the hypothalamus.

Types and forms of hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis)

Forms of hyperthyroidism:

  • subclinical asymptomatic - light form illness, noted normal content thyroxine in the blood and reduced levels of thyrotropin;
  • manifest or obvious - a form of moderate severity, characterized by general symptoms of hyperthyroidism;
  • severe form, in this condition various complications develop.

The causes of hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland depend on a person’s genetics, his age, and the iodine content in the body.

The main factors that provoke the disease:

Sometimes the reasons are genetic predisposition, female, imbalance immune system for connective tissue diseases.

Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis): causes, consequences for men and women, diagnosis

Other diseases that can cause hyperthyroidism include:

  • diffuse trophic goiter;
  • nodular toxic goiter;
  • thyroiditis;
  • thyroid cancer.

In the development of thyroid diseases, psychosomatics plays an important role - various psychological attitudes that spoil life and disrupt the body’s function.

Hyperthyroidism occurs in people who, for certain reasons, cannot fully express their abilities and satisfy their desires. They do not express themselves the way they would like to and as they deserve.

They are afraid to act, to violate the prevailing opinion of others about them, they do not show their creative abilities, they lack the desire to satisfy their own desires.

Feelings of hopelessness, inability to succeed, and humiliation lead to a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for growth and development. Thus, thyrotoxicosis appears.

Hyperthyroidism may indicate that a person is very active active image life, but would like to live more calmly. He is constantly trying to prove something to someone, he is too demanding of himself and others. Tries to do everything quickly in any way.

Therefore, everything should be in moderation, you need to love and take care of yourself, then the soul and body will find peace, and illnesses will be avoided.

In addition, an increase in the level of thyroid hormones can be triggered by excessive intake of an element such as iodine into the body, overdose hormonal drugs. Adverse effects external environment also matter.

Main symptoms of the disease:

In the absence of timely treatment, there may be serious complications. Therefore, when the first signs appear, it is better to immediately contact an endocrinologist for help.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis)

Expectant mothers suffering from this disease do not always understand the danger that threatens not only their health, but also the fetus. And some people don’t know whether it’s possible to give birth with this disease. Therefore, information about hyperthyroidism during pregnancy will be very useful for them.

Having become familiar with the causes of the disease, its main manifestations, treatment and preventive measures, you can safely carry and give birth to a completely healthy baby.

Hyperthyroidism in pregnant women is quite dangerous syndrome . In some cases, the disease can go away on its own and occurs against the background of an increased need for thyroid hormones.

Since the fetus begins to produce hormones on its own only after the first trimester of pregnancy, the mother’s thyroid gland, until the child’s own organ starts working, works for two.

Around the 16th week, the hormone level returns to the normal level that the woman had before pregnancy. This type of hyperthyroidism is not a pathology and does not require treatment.

But the exception is its acquired form. The main causes of this disease are pathological processes in the thyroid gland.

Most dangerous looking thyrotoxicosis is a diffuse goiter:

  • this disease is caused by a decrease in the body’s immunity;
  • requires professional treatment, does not go away on its own and can develop - this is dangerous for the child and for the mother.

As a result of abuse of medications that were not prescribed to the patient by the attending physician, artificial hyperthyroidism may occur. Self-medication leads to serious disruptions in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

This illness during pregnancy can be caused by excessive consumption of seafood, because they contain a lot of iodine, and its excess sometimes leads to thyrotoxicosis.

All cases of hyperthyroidism during pregnancy, except for passing ones, require careful selection medicines and doses The negative impact on the body of the woman and the fetus should be minimal.

At improper treatment or neglecting it, the situation may worsen and cause the death of the mother and fetus. Such risks include:

  • preeclampsia;
  • miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • toxicosis in late stages;
  • various defects and delays in fetal development;
  • fetal heart failure;
  • reduction in fetal body weight.

To avoid complications, you need to visit your doctor more often and take the necessary tests in a timely manner.

Using traditional medicine recipes you can get rid of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. In addition, treatment with folk remedies in the initial stages is no less effective than drug treatment.

Traditional medicine fights the disease with the help of special diet for hyperthyroidism and medicinal plants. They are used to prepare decoctions, tinctures, baths, and compresses.

The most effective recipes of traditional medicine:

Widely used to treat endocrine system diseases White bloodroot. The plant is used in medicinal and for preventive purposes. Improves metabolism and prevents the development of pathological diseases of the thyroid gland.

White cinquefoil belongs to phytohormones. The plant is used in folk medicine both with increased and reduced function thyroid glands It contains many useful elements, vitamins A, C, E, which have a healing effect on the endocrine system.

The plant is used in the form of a water or alcohol tincture, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.. White Potentilla- This universal remedy, which normalizes and regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland.

You can also use it in the form of decoctions. To prepare, you need to take 1 tablespoon of chopped root and add 500 ml of water.

Bring the product to a boil, then remove from heat, pour into a thermos and leave for at least 5 hours.

After this, strain the broth and store in the refrigerator for no more than a day. You should consume 150 ml three times a day for 30-60 days.

Pregnant women are prohibited from carrying out treatment at home without consulting a doctor. A decoction of valerian root will help improve the patient's condition.

A special diet for hyperthyroidism plays a role important role for the sick. This pathology is accompanied by an acceleration of processes in the body, which negatively affects the human condition.

It is very important to pay attention to nutrition. Need to eat more products which contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

What foods should not be consumed:

  • products that contain caffeine;
  • various canned foods;
  • fatty and smoked foods;
  • lamb and servelata;
  • alcohol.

After starting treatment, a sharp increase in weight begins. This means that the function of the thyroid gland is normalized.

Often patients do not know how to lose weight when treating such an illness or what needs to be done to ensure that weight gain is insignificant.

To do this, you need to exclude all foods that contain iodine and include foods with negative calories in your diet. They contain fewer calories than the body uses to process them.

Among them:

  • celery;
  • eggplant;
  • broccoli;
  • grapefruits;
  • mushrooms;
  • cabbage;
  • zucchini, etc.

Prevention of hyperthyroidism

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Hardening the body and an active lifestyle.
  2. Eating foods rich in vitamins;
  3. Regular visits to the endocrinologist.
  4. Moderate consumption of foods that contain iodine.
  5. Timely treatment of endocrine diseases.
  6. Moderate sunbathing.

Hyperthyroidism is serious illness, in which there is an inadequately high release of thyroid hormones into the blood. This disrupts the functioning of the entire organism.

Therefore, it is very important to diagnose the disease in time and begin treatment.. In the early stages, treatment with folk remedies will be no less effective than medication.

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