And without a barrel of honey it is good: birch tar, benefits and harm. Features of the use of birch tar (with prices and reviews)

Has an analgesic, absorbable and anti-inflammatory effect Birch tar. Application in therapeutic purposes due to content healing substances. It is actively used to stimulate and accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis, as well as improve blood supply to tissues. Traditional medicine widely uses it for treatment skin diseases: erysipelas, seborrheic dermatitis, vitiligo, psoriasis, folliculitis and eczema. Prescribed for scaly lichen, fungal infections, scabies, bedsores, pediculosis, trophic ulcers and other pathologies. Tar can heal burns and various wounds. To do this, make compresses that are applied to the affected areas. The oily liquid nourishes and strengthens internal organs, mobilizes the body's defenses in the fight against illnesses. With the help of tar you can overcome dropsy of the abdomen, urolithiasis, digestive disorders and urethritis. Traditional healers They recommend a remedy for the treatment of bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, mastitis, bleeding and even gangrene. It is widely used in cosmetology for acne, problem skin, dandruff and other disorders.

Use in gynecology

Will help in the treatment of fibroids, ovarian cysts, adenomas and benign formations miraculous birch tar. Oral administration in a certain dosage gives effective results. Let us describe an old, proven recipe for mastopathy: for three days in a row, add 3 drops of the product to 50 ml of warm milk, from the 4th to the 6th day - 5 drops, from the 7th to the 9th - 7 drops. You should take the medicine three times a day. After the course of therapy, a ten-day break is taken, and we repeat the treatment again, only in the reverse order - to reduce the amount of tar.

From sexually transmitted infections

The following will help against candidiasis and vaginitis folk recipe: take baby soap, grate it and mix it with tar (1:1). Small balls are formed from the resulting soap mass and dried. Dissolve the required amount of medicine in water to the consistency of a thick ointment, treat the genitals. Excellently relieves itching, burning and inflammation (course of treatment for about a month). A similar ointment is used for cramps in the limbs. Apply it in a thin layer to the sore spots and wrap it in a woolen scarf. Store tar balls in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Treatment of the respiratory system

Frostbite, sore throat and colds can cure birch tar. Application externally in the form of compresses gives excellent healing effect. The liquid is applied to sterile gauze bandages, applied to chest, tie a scarf on top and leave for 20-30 minutes. The compress has an antiseptic and warming effect. You can quickly and permanently get rid of a debilitating cough: dilute part of liquid tar in 8 parts of purified water, stir with a wooden spoon and leave for 2 days. Remove the formed film from the surface of the medicine, pour the liquid into a clean container and place in the refrigerator. Take birch tar orally, a large spoonful, before bed. The course should not exceed ten days. Practice shows that after the first dose, the coughing attack recedes or decreases.

Combine a drop of the product with a dessert spoon of honey. Take the drug before bed. You can drink birch tar with milk or carrot juice. Duration of therapy is 24 days. Up to two courses are allowed per year.

For skin diseases

Getting rid of scabies: mix two large spoons of sulfur powder with 5 grams lard(can be replaced with badger or pork), a dessert fly in the ointment and laundry soap (5 g). Healing composition rub the sore spots for five days. For acne, a cleansing lotion will help: for 50 ml of 95% alcohol you will need 10 g of birch tar and two drops of salicylic alcohol. Before applying, thoroughly cleanse the skin cosmetics and pollution. Apply twice daily. To treat wounds, psoriasis, eczema, prepare an ointment: combine 50 grams of the product with one hundred grams butter and two yolks. Store the product in the refrigerator.

Making tar soap for acne

Tar soap has long been considered one of the most effective means in the fight against problem skin. To do this, you don’t have to buy it; you can make it yourself from natural ingredients and in short time. It should be noted that this soap is suitable for all skin types and does not cause allergies. Let's get started: you will need baby soap without chemical ingredients, about two hundred grams and a big fly in the ointment. The soap should be grated and heated in a water bath, then add birch liquid and mix well. Pour the mixture into special molds and let it harden. All is ready!

Use in cosmetology

If you suffer from dandruff or hair loss, prepare homemade mask: mix one hundred grams of vodka, 30 ml of castor (burdock) oil and a tablespoon of tar. Apply a thick layer to the hair roots and rinse with shampoo after two hours. To add volume and accelerate hair growth: take 50 g of product per liter of water. Infuse the liquid for three days (stir every day). Medicine massage movements rub into scalp three times a week.


Undeniable positive properties endowed with birch tar. But, despite the enormous benefits and many advantages, it still has some limitations in use. It should not be used in armpits, folds of skin and on the bend of the knee. It is forbidden long time treat with this drug, otherwise it may provoke severe irritation and aggravate the eczematous process. If you decide to use it internally, then use only a natural, purified preparation for these purposes. Do not use pharmaceutical products internally, as they contain carcinogenic substances. Use during exacerbation of pathology is prohibited. Contraindications include lactation and pregnancy. Remember, before applying tar to your skin, test it on your elbow to determine if you have an allergy.

The use of tar against various diseases has been known for a long time. Included in essential oils have wide range therapeutic effects on the human body. The drug has an unpleasant odor, but quickly eliminates symptoms and does not require long period treatment.

Like any kind medicinal product, tar requires compliance certain features in treatment. Instructions for use of birch tar contain general recommendations for treatment, for more correct application You should consult your doctor to prescribe a dosage, depending on the type of disease.

Release form

Birch tar is produced in the form of a medium-thick liquid with a sharp, specific odor. Can be from dark brown to black. Most often it comes in dark glass bottles.

Ingredients of the drug:

  • purified tar;
  • phenol;
  • xylene;
  • betulin;
  • essential oils;
  • resin.

Tar has the following beneficial qualities for the body:

In addition to its medicinal qualities, birch tar is widely used in for cosmetic purposes to improve the condition of skin, hair and nails.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has natural antiseptic properties, reduces inflammatory formations, eliminates unpleasant symptoms itching. The drug improves tissue repair processes and accelerates blood circulation in damaged areas.

Birch tar has a wide range of uses, but is most often prescribed for the following situations:

In addition to all the above indications, tar is widely used to cleanse the body and prevent diseases.


The drug is well tolerated by the body and has virtually no contraindications for treatment:

  • However, tar is prohibited from being used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Experts also prohibit the use of the substance if kidney function is impaired. Otherwise, an exacerbation of the disease may occur.
  • Tar is strictly prohibited in the presence of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Also, before starting treatment, you should conduct a test for individual sensitivity to the components.

Directions for use and dosage

Outdoor use

Tar is used to eliminate a large number of problems, but immediately before use it is recommended to dilute it with certain ingredients, depending on the type of disease.

The most commonly used methods are:

  1. Elimination of psoriasis– you need to take the liquid substance and mix it in equal proportions with butter. Add half a dose of copper sulfate and boil the resulting mixture. Apply with a cotton swab directly to the plaques once a day, the course of treatment is determined individually.
  2. Elimination of ulcers and lichen lesions of the skin. It is necessary to mix tar and petroleum jelly in equal proportions and apply to the damaged area with a cotton swab once a day. If necessary, you can use a bandage. Duration of treatment is 7 days.
  3. Elimination of foot and nail fungus– it is recommended to use applications impregnated with birch tar. Before application, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the surface of dirt and dry it for a period of treatment until the symptoms completely disappear.

Depending on the degree of damage, the drug may have different intensity of use. Experts recommend using the substance before bedtime and fixing it with bandages. In the morning, the skin surface should be cleaned soap solution and a special cleanser.


Greater results in treatment can be achieved if birch tar is used internally, but this type of treatment requires careful adherence to the dosage to prevent cases of poisoning.

The substance can be used for the following cases:

When using birch tar, you should consult a doctor and select an individual dosage in accordance with the characteristics of the body.

Tar water

Birch tar has a rather unpleasant odor and taste qualities, so not every person will be able to use this type of substance. If necessary, you can use tar water, which has medicinal qualities, applicable for both indoor and outdoor use.

Tar water is prepared as follows:

  • you need to mix 3 liters of purified water and 150 ml of tar substance;
  • mix the resulting composition and close the lid tightly, place in a cool, dark place;
  • Mix the water daily with a wooden spoon;
  • Remove after 3 days upper layer, and pour the liquid into a glass container and consume as needed.

Care should be taken to ensure that the top layer is removed, otherwise symptoms of poisoning and others may occur. Negative consequences.

The liquid should be transparent, without any impurities. This liquid is stored in a tightly closed container for no more than 3 days. If any sediment appears, water must not be used for treatment.

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Birch tar in cosmetology

Exists a large number of various cosmetic preparations, which are produced on the basis of birch tar. However, if necessary, it is possible to use a pure substance that is available in the pharmacy.

Using tar can eliminate the following problems:

In the presence of inflammatory and purulent formations It is recommended to apply the substance in a targeted manner until the unpleasant symptom completely disappears.

When using birch tar, you should first of all determine your skin type and do not use large amounts for dry skin, as the substance tends to dry out the epidermis, which can lead to additional problems.

Recipes for cleansing the body

The use of birch tar to eliminate toxins and waste from the body allows you to quickly and without harm cleanse the body and improve functioning internal organs.

You can use using the following methods body cleansing:

Use for weight loss

Decline excess weight using birch tar is achieved due to the following beneficial qualities:

To lose weight, it is recommended to use tar water. Before meals, it is recommended to drink 20 grams of water, twice a day. The duration of such use is no more than 10 days. After which it is recommended to take a break of 10 days and repeat the therapy. However, it should be noted that this method of weight loss is recommended to be combined with physical activity otherwise the result will not be observed.

The use of tar for weight loss is prohibited in the following situations:

  • age under 18 years;
  • chronic diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • weakened immune system;
  • increased sensitivity of the body.

To prevent the formation feeling unwell It is recommended to visit a specialist who will select proper nutrition to strengthen the effect obtained from using tar, reduce the likelihood of stomach upset.

Side effects

The use of birch tar may result in the following types of adverse reactions in the body:

If such unpleasant symptoms appear, it is recommended to stop using birch tar and consult your doctor.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Experts categorically prohibit the use of birch tar during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The active components of the substance tend to penetrate deeply into soft fabrics and negatively affect the development of the fetus.

The ability to spread through the bloodstream allows the substance to penetrate into breast milk and be passed on to the child. Medical professionals recommend stopping the use of birch tar several months before planning a pregnancy.

Application for children

special instructions

The use of birch tar requires compliance with the following features:

  • it is necessary to carefully monitor the absence of contact of the substance with the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • use with caution in old age;
  • when applied in a thick layer, it can cause clogging of pores, which will lead to the formation of acne;
  • if necessary long-term treatment it is recommended to monitor the condition of the urine, since long-term use of birch tar can negatively affect the condition of the kidneys;
  • It is not recommended to use birch tar on open areas of the body in the summer, as the substance tends to increase skin sensitivity to sunlight;
  • If itching occurs on the skin, the drug must be removed and the epidermis washed with soap and water.

Following the instructions will help reduce the likelihood of adverse reaction and speed up the achievement of results.


When used externally, no cases of overdose were observed. However, improper use of the substance inside the body can cause poisoning and stomach upset.

The most common manifestations of overdose are vomiting and nausea. If you have these types of symptoms, it is recommended to rinse your stomach and contact the nearest medical facility.

Drug interactions

The drug is not recommended for use with other types of substances with similar effects on the body. Preparations containing sulfur and salicylic acid, tend to enhance the effect of birch tar on the body. Therefore, this feature should be taken into account before use.

Storage conditions and expiration dates

The substance birch tar is stored in dark place, out of reach of children. The shelf life of the substance is 5 years from the date marked on the packaging. Do not use after expiration date. When heated or frozen, it tends to lose its medicinal qualities.



Birch tar refers to natural preparations, therefore, there are no analogues that would match the composition and effect on the human body.

Each type of drug may have its own characteristics of use and cause individual side effects. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor and obtain an individual dosage, depending on the type of disease.

The use of birch tar can eliminate a large number of problems and improve the functioning of human internal organs. Widely used for cosmetic purposes and against skin diseases.

Birch tar is obtained from the birch bark of recently felled young trees by distillation. To do this, at the end of June, birch bark is collected and placed in a vessel with a tube to drain the liquid. Light a low fire under the container. When heated, tar is released from the birch bark, which flows down a tube into a cup. It is currently sold in pharmacies.
The use of birch tar is indicated for dandruff, psoriasis, urolithiasis, ear inflammation, scaly lichen, bedsores and many others. The range of uses of birch bark tar is very wide: from skin pathologies to diseases of internal organs.
Birch tar – natural natural remedy, which is a dark oily liquid with a characteristic odor. It consists of essential components: phenol, benzene, xylene, toluene, phytoncides, organic acids and resinous substances.
In addition to medicine, birch tar is often used in cosmetology, veterinary medicine and industry.

Application of birch tar

Widespread use of birch tar in folk medicine due to its many healing properties.
Among them:

Water prepared from birch tar is used to treat respiratory pathologies. They prepare it like this: pour half a liter of pure tar into a three-liter jar, and fill the rest of the jar hot water, close with a lid.
Nine days later active substances the tar will pass into the water and it will be ready for use. Take it one tablespoon at a time, without drinking water. At severe course In case of illness, the dose of water is increased to three times a day.
A suffocating cough due to pneumonia, bronchitis, and bronchial asthma goes away after a course of treatment with tar water. Bred in boiled water a drug purchased at a pharmacy. To do this, take eight parts of water to one part of tar, mix gently with a wooden spoon and leave for two days. Then remove the film from the surface of the water and carefully pour it into another container. Received remedy stored in the refrigerator.
Before going to bed, patients drink one tablespoon of tar water, and then wrap a woolen scarf around their throat. In some cases, the dose is increased to three tablespoons. After the first procedure, the frequency of coughing attacks noticeably decreases.

Cardiovascular pathology

Tar water is used for treatment cardiovascular diseases, improving the functioning of the digestive system, cleansing the body and as a diuretic. Children are given it once a day after meals, two teaspoons, and adults - once a day, two tablespoons. Treatment is carried out for ten days, then a ten-day break is taken and the course is repeated.
Atherosclerosis is treated by ingesting birch tar, which is dissolved in a glass of warm milk. For forty-five days, an hour before meals, the patient drinks a glass of this milk three times a day, and then take a break for a month. Patients undergo three to four courses of treatment per year.

Here are the main ones:
  • Grate an apple or carrot, mix a teaspoon of puree with a drop of tar and eat it with water before bed. This procedure is repeated every evening for two weeks.
  • Add six drops of tar to a glass of milk and take it once a day in the morning on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is ten days.

Women's diseases

Birch tar is widely used in gynecology for the treatment of women's diseases, as well as mastopathy. There is a special treatment regimen gynecological pathologies: take fifty milliliters of milk and add three drops of tar to it in the first three days, from the fourth to the sixth day - five drops, from the seventh to the ninth - seven drops. They drink the remedy three times a day every five hours, then take a ten-day break and continue treatment, adding drops of tar to the milk in the reverse order: from seven to three. After about sixty days, the course of treatment is repeated.

For hair and problem skin

Birch tar helps get rid of acne, and also improves the condition of oily and problem skin faces. To do this, the drug is applied to the affected areas of the skin using a cotton swab.
Currently, the effectiveness of using birch tar for hair has been proven. A mask is prepared from it to get rid of dandruff.
To do this, mix ten grams of tar, thirty grams of burdock oil and one hundred milliliters of vodka. The resulting mixture is applied to the scalp and left on the hair for two hours, and then washed off with shampoo.
For improvement appearance and hair structures use tar water, which is used to wash the hair. Birch tar is very beneficial for hair, it makes it shiny and thick.

Psoriasis and eczema

Birch tar is used to treat psoriasis and eczema with amazing results. Treatment begins by applying the product to a limited area of ​​the affected skin and leaving for twenty minutes. If no complications arise and allergic reactions, then lubricate a larger area and increase the exposure time. Apply clean tar with a wooden stick and cotton wool, and then sprinkle the treated area with indifferent powder or leave it open.

Acute inflammation skin and the presence of erosions on it can cause itching and burning immediately after applying clean tar. These unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own after about ten minutes. After twenty to thirty minutes, the tar is removed with a gauze swab soaked in vegetable oil, fish oil or Vaseline. An area of ​​hyperemia and edema may form at the application site. After removing the tar, the affected area is left open all day and all night. The product is reapplied after three days, and in between procedures, indifferent therapy is used.

Similar treatment of psoriasis and eczema gives quick and good effect even in acute stage diseases. Gradually, the symptoms disappear: swelling and hyperemia decrease, erosions disappear, and only infiltration remains on the skin. Further treatment consists of lightly rubbing tar with a wooden stick and cotton wool into the affected areas for twenty seconds.
For demodicosis, birch tar is very effective due to its keratolytic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, tanning and drying effects. It is used in the form of masks alone or in the form of ointments and solutions in combination with other drugs.

Tar soap is the most famous remedy for treating skin pathologies.


The use of birch tar for the treatment of hemorrhoids is very important nowadays. This folk remedy helps get rid of both external and internal view illness. To eliminate external hemorrhoids use lotions with this natural medicine. They are also lubricated with undiluted tar.
Internal hemorrhoids treated with tar and manganese baths. The patient should remain in a bath of hot rose water until it cools completely. Then, using a cotton or gauze swab, smear the anus with clean tar, insert it into the anus and leave it overnight. Use this folk remedy until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

The use of pure tar may cause burning of the mucous membrane. This is a normal reaction, since the product destroys existing anus microbes Thus, itching and burning are not by-effect and not a reason to stop treatment.

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids with birch tar is carried out by introducing suppositories into the anus, made independently from a tampon and Vishnevsky ointment. This method quickly eliminates swelling and pain, and also softens the nodes. Similar therapeutic effect It is connected precisely with the healing properties of birch tar, which is part of the ointment.

They say he spoils the barrel of honey. It is black, despite the fact that the raw material for its extraction is white. It was used to punish criminals. Meanwhile, healing power its great, and there are legends about it. Today we will talk to you about birch tar, the benefits and harms of which are still the subject of dispute between the luminaries of science and adherents unconventional methods recovery.

Birch tar: benefits and harms, reviews

In Rus' there were several types of tar, depending on the raw materials and the quality of the resulting product. What is tar made from? Today it is obtained from coal, shale, oil, as well as pine and birch. It is wood that is environmentally friendly. Birch tar is obtained by distilling birch bark in tar mills; it is easy to recognize by its appearance: it is thick, oily, black with a greenish-blue tint. This product also gives off a specific smell, which is due to the high paraffin content.

Birch tar is nicknamed “Russian oil” in the countries where it is exported. What is the value of this “oil”?


The composition of birch bark product is rich, it includes:

  • benzene;
  • phenol (carbolic acid);
  • aromatic compounds guaiacol and toluene;
  • xylene;
  • cresol;
  • resins

“Russian oil” has found wide application in industry and household use for:

  • lubrication of wheels and wooden parts;
  • impregnation of wood (sleepers);
  • protection of leather products;
  • destruction garden pests and prevention of their occurrence.

Even if you have never seen real tar, you have definitely encountered it, because it is this active substance that is included in Vishnevsky’s ointment and the famous tar soap.

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Treatment with birch tar

What does this “Russian oil” treat?

The most common external use is as a means to cleanse the skin from various kinds ailments of a dermatological nature. The product has the following properties:

  • disinfectant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipruritic;
  • regenerating.

Veterinary medicine recognizes tar as a cure for lichen. It is common among people to use tar water as protective agent from mosquito bites.

The substance is suitable not only for external use. If you are careful, it can be used internally. But the most common way to use it is as part of various drugs(similar to Vishnevsky ointment or Wilkinson ointment). The product is actively used in cosmetology (not only home, but also industrial!). Treated properties are aimed at eliminating skin problems, against hair loss and diseases, as an eliminator unpleasant odors(sweat, genital discharge), etc.

Birch tar: reviews from doctors

Perhaps the most important quality for which people are so fond of birch tar is the price; in the pharmacy the product is inexpensive. This natural “medicine” is also supported by its healing properties, proven over generations. Whatever you say, you should trust the experience of your ancestors.
Today, the use of Vishnevsky ointment is very common. Despite the fact that it was created back in the late 20s of the 20th century, the real quality test was carried out on the Soviet defenders of the Fatherland. IN war time the natural “medicine” was actively used by front-line doctors to heal soldiers’ wounds.

Today, there are also negative reviews about a natural remedy as a medicine, based on the results of scientific research. It has been proven that tar contains many carcinogenic substances, which when long-term use may cause serious complications, up to skin cancer. Hematologists also warn: circulatory system may suffer from his aggressiveness active ingredients, because:

  • Guaiacol in tar can cause skin eczema and lesions respiratory tract;
  • toluene has a negative effect on the condition nervous system and hematopoietic systems;
  • phenol is poisonous, although negative impact the substance has not yet been proven to affect the human body;
    cresol causes skin irritation in the respiratory tract;
  • Benzene in high dosages is toxic.

However, such reviews have not justified themselves in practice, since the use of tar is practiced in small dosages, for a short time and, often, not in its pure form.

Application, contraindications, possible harm

Despite the fact that tar treatment is considered effective, it does not always have a positive effect on health. If used incorrectly, it can be harmful! The high content of carcinogens, which cannot be eliminated during the manufacture of the substance, makes its internal use unsafe for:

  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • children;
  • persons with blood diseases;
  • cancer patients.

With prolonged use externally, the skin suffers: it flakes, dries, and may look older than it is. That is why, for external use, pure tar should be mixed with creams or other bases.

Birch tar: application

The product is used extensively for a number of ailments to maintain beauty.

Birch tar for hair

Do you want luxurious hair without flakes of dandruff and split ends? Then here's help!

Tar anti-dandruff mask.

A mixture of:

  • a tablespoon of tar;
  • 30 g burdock oil;
  • 100 ml vodka.

After the exposure time has expired, the hair is washed with neutral shampoo. This mask is made once a week.

Mask against hair loss.


  • sour cream - a glass;
  • birch tar - a tablespoon;
  • vitamin A – 1 ampoule.

Mix all ingredients until smooth in consistency in a convenient bowl. Apply to the scalp, slightly rubbing, for an hour under a plastic cap. Then wash your hair using the usual method.

Tar water to improve the appearance and shine of hair.

50 grams of birch tar are diluted in a liter of water. It dissolves poorly and usually precipitates. But it goes into the water significant part useful components. After standing for 3 days, the infusion is carefully drained from the sediment. The cloudy liquid is the medicine for the hair. Rinse your hair with it after washing no more than 3 times a week.

Excessive use of tar leads to dry skin and hair!

Birch tar for psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis with natural remedies is considered by many to be very effective. To get rid of external manifestations For diseases, a special ointment is prepared by mixing 2% boric acid and tar in equal proportions. Three times a day (if possible, since the smell makes it difficult to maintain this amount, and you can leave the application only overnight) rub the mixture into the skin. After an hour and a half, you can rinse with warm water.

By taking tar internally, you can also forget about psoriasis.

It should be remembered: the drug should be taken with 1 drop, gradually increasing the dosage (up to 8-15 drops), then gradually reducing it!

From fungus

There is another way to use birch tar - against nail fungus; reviews assure that the result does not take long. For treatment, the nail is first steamed, and the keratinized part of the nail is cleaned off with a nail file. Dry nail plate Apply a few drops of birch bark product, leave for at least 2 hours, or under a bandage at night.

For mycosis of nails, birch tar for fungus has found application in another version: mix birch bark product, pork fat and sulfur powder in a ratio of 3:10:2, apply the product to the affected areas every other day under a bandage at night.

For acne

Birch tar is also used for acne, maximum benefit achieved with internal use. The facial skin is gradually cleansed, sebum production is normalized, and irritation disappears.

It is enough to drop a couple of drops of tar into a glass of milk (drop by drop for the first day) and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning before breakfast.

In gynecology

fragile women Health can be easily corrected using a natural remedy. Diseases genitourinary system inflammatory diseases are treated with birch remedy as follows:

  • day one - add 1 drop of tar to a tablespoon of milk and drink;
  • day two - take two drops with the same volume of milk;
  • day three - three drops and so on for 15 days, bringing the amount to 15 tar drops;
  • day sixteen – 14 drops;
  • day seventeen - thirteen, and so on in decline until it reaches 5 drops.

During pregnancy and individual intolerance to the drug, such treatment is strictly contraindicated!

With erosion and inflammatory processes You can use tar swabs. To do this, mix 80 grams of honey with a tablespoon of tar. The mixture should be as homogeneous as possible. Apply the product generously to a cotton swab and insert it as deep as possible into the vagina overnight. 5-7 applications are enough, and the erosion disappears. When making your own tampon, do not forget to attach a string to it for safe removal. During the treatment period, you should abstain from intimacy!

Birch tar instructions: for external use

Many people experience discomfort when using tar, as the unpleasant smell and bitter taste make the treatment not the most pleasant procedure. What should I do to make her more comfortable?

Have you decided to buy birch tar? Don't forget to pick up Vaseline at the pharmacy. By mixing these components, you can get a simple recipe for tar ointment from many skin ailments. Tar can be dissolved in alkalis and alcohol, but dissolution will not occur in water.

  • External use of tar is carried out in courses; constant daily use can cause deterioration in the appearance of the skin!
  • Before use, be sure to conduct a sensitivity test to the substance by applying a couple of drops to the elbow and observing the skin reaction for 48 hours.

Birch tar instructions for internal use

You should use birch tar orally with extreme caution! Oral use, reviews of which are very controversial, can have negative consequences up to food poisoning. The matter may be either an individual intolerance to the substance or misuse. How to take birch tar internally? Be sure to gradually increase the dosage! To make nausea less disturbing, there are several tricks:

  • you can drop tar on bread and eat it with milk;
  • some people take the remedy with citrus, honey or apple;
  • it is easy to not feel taste and smell if you buy inexpensive vitamins in capsules, remove the dietary supplement powder itself, fill the capsules with tar and simply swallow the tar pill.

Birch tar for children

You should use the product to treat children very, very carefully! The reaction of a growing body to a substance is unpredictable, which is why oral administration is strictly prohibited! External use is practiced in the form of compresses for non-healing, festering wounds, boils, boils. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form; tar should be diluted with cream and Vaseline. It is convenient to use Vishnevsky's tar-containing ointment.

Cleansing the body

  • The substance should be used with milk. Tar is added to 1/4 cup, starting with one drop and increasing by one every day until it reaches 10. Then the amount of tar should be gradually reduced. Milk perfectly eliminates the specific smell of the birch product and softens the taste.

During cleansing, moderate nausea may occur; stool liquefaction is a normal reaction of the body. When amplified negative reactions The cleansing course should be stopped or the dosage reconsidered.

This is an ancient remedy, tried and tested by generations of our ancestors. The naturalness of such a “medicine” puts it in a more favorable light compared to chemically produced drugs. Here he is, birch tar, benefits and harm it must be taken into account - this required condition successful treatment.

What is tar

Birch tar looks like a dark oily liquid with a sharp, not very pleasant smell. As in ancient times, this substance is obtained by distilling birch bark: artisans filled narrow containers with birch bark, heated it and collected the resinous liquid that flowed out. Modern production of tar is more thoughtful - in industrial workshops, birch bark is placed in huge sealed vats, heated for 10 hours and the resin is collected. More than 30% of tar comes out of the raw material.

In ancient times, this substance was used everywhere - it is known to be used as a lubricant for wheels, armor, tools, shoes, and it was also used to treat wounds, etc. Today, its use has decreased significantly, but tar continues to be used in traditional and folk medicine, externally and internally.

Tar contains almost 10 thousand healing ingredients, including: phenol, benzene, toluene, xylene, phytoncides, valuable acids. But at the same time, the substance also contains a certain amount of carcinogens that arise during the process of pyrolysis (distillation). It is these carcinogens that can harm health, especially if you use tar in its pure form, without taking into account contraindications. Cleaning does not solve the problem, because along with the toxic substances, the beneficial substances will also leave.

Where is it used?

The antiseptic, antibacterial and disinfectant qualities of birch resin have found application in medicine. The substance has a unique effect:

In dermatology, birch tar is widely used for acne, mycoses (fungus), scabies, seborrhea, scaly and versicolor. In cosmetology, it is prescribed as a remedy for dandruff, hair loss, skin irritation and inflammation, and acne.

Birch tar has a high therapeutic effect for diseases such as: bronchial asthma, ovarian cysts, smallpox, burns, frostbite, metabolic disorders, otitis media, gangrene, atherosclerosis. The substance is often included in medicinal and caring products, for example, in Vishnevsky ointment. and shampoos are time-tested remedies for dandruff.

Is tar useful?

Tar is a natural substance, so the harm from it is minimal, but the benefits are enormous.

  1. Accelerates the healing of wounds, trophic ulcers, restores skin in case of eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, burns. Reviews show the effectiveness of the product for bedsores.
  2. Increases blood circulation at the site of application. And this is beneficial for the skin, muscles, joints, cartilage tissue. The flow of oxygen and nutrients speeds up metabolism and metabolic processes, thanks to which wounds heal faster, the skin rejuvenates, and hair becomes stronger. Reviews about tar masks are excellent: the product dries out pimples, tightens pores, and cleanses clogged pores well.
  3. Birch tar is an insecticide and antiseptic. Helps remove inflammation, disinfects, draws out pus, relieves swelling.
  4. Widely used for oily skin and hair, has a mild drying effect, as evidenced by numerous reviews.
  5. When taken orally, it helps strengthen the heart and blood vessels, stimulates metabolic processes, improves digestion, and accelerates the healing of ulcers on the mucous membrane in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Oral administration is indicated for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Tar thins mucus, fights viruses, and eliminates inflammation.

In ancient times, tar in its pure form was used against scurvy and smallpox, and was even given to small children as an immunomodulator. In addition, the substance softens calluses and corns, is used in the treatment, and is occasionally used in dentistry as a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent.

Harm of tar

With all the benefits of the substance and its natural origin, high content carcinogenic compounds formed during the production process can still cause harm to the body.

Like anyone, even natural medicine, tar has clear contraindications for use.

  1. Damage to the skin can be caused if you overuse the pure substance, not mixed with other ingredients (except for the treatment of nail fungus). Undiluted birch tar dries skin and hair, therefore not recommended for sensitive and dry skin. It can accelerate aging and cause dryness and flaking of the epidermis.
  2. Pregnancy and breast-feeding. Penetrating into the fetus and into breast milk, it can harm the baby’s health. For the same reason, it is not recommended for use externally by children under 3 years of age, and internally by children under 12 years of age.
  3. The substance should not be used if you are allergic to the components or have an individual intolerance.
  4. For kidney diseases, tar products, especially those taken orally, should be used after consultation with your doctor.
  5. Undoubted harm will be caused to health when excessive consumption product inside, as well as when applied incorrectly to the skin or hair.

It is impossible to completely eliminate the harm of carcinogens from birch tar, since the product is not purified. This must be taken into account: do not increase the exposure time when used externally, do not exceed the dosage when taken orally, conduct an allergy test upon first use, and be sure to consult a doctor when treating children. Obvious contraindications for use are itching, burning, rash at the site of application.

External treatment with tar

When used externally, this unique healing substance has a beneficial effect on the skin:

  • increases blood flow;
  • restores tissue;
  • relieves inflammatory processes;
  • destroys bacteria, including fungal spores.

Therefore, the benefits of treatment with birch tar are obvious for the following diseases: treatment of nail and skin fungus, acne, eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis, oily seborrhea, hemorrhoids.

Instructions for external use.

  1. The substance is used in its pure form. Nails are lubricated with birch tar twice a day, combining this therapy with classic fungicidal ointments or drops. This method against nail fungus is the most common, as evidenced by numerous reviews.
  2. A bath is used for skin fungus: grated laundry soap mixed in equal proportions with birch tar (50 g each), add to hot water, keep your feet or hands in it for 20 minutes twice a day. This fungal remedy is used before full recovery and for all types of mycoses (nail fungus) as an adjuvant therapy.
  3. The benefits of the substance have been proven in the treatment of dermatoses: pure birch tar is diluted in half with ointment or baby cream, applied pointwise to inflamed areas skin 2 times a day. This product has a drying effect.
  4. For oily skin use washes with tar soap, which is in the line of many cosmetic companies. In order not to harm the skin (not to dry it out), it is enough to wash your face with it 2-3 times a week. Reviews suggest that using such cosmetics daily is not always beneficial.
  5. Tar soap is also suitable for the treatment of pediculosis. Benefit: treats hair with care during the treatment process, but effectively eliminates “uninvited guests” on the head. Instructions: wash your hair 4 times with soap and birch tar, then apply ghee to your hair and comb out the nits. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  6. For corns and calluses, pure tar is applied pointwise to the problem area, covered with a bandage, and left on overnight. In the morning, the callus is cleaned and treated with hydrogen peroxide.
  7. Birch tar for acne is used in the form of spot cauterization of inflammation, 2 - 3 times a day until a crust forms.

Harm during external use can only be caused if birch tar is used on sensitive, dry, irritation-prone skin or in the presence of allergies (these are the main contraindications for use).

Rules for oral administration

Ingestion refers to the use of tar water, but not pure tar. It’s easy to prepare even at home: dilute tar in a ratio of 8: 1 in clean water, insist for 2 days. Then remove the formed film, carefully, so as not to raise the sediment, drain the liquid. The color of tar water should resemble white wine. It is recommended to store the mixture in the cold.

Birch bark tar in this form is used as follows:

  • for bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma or tuberculosis, drink 2 - 3 tablespoons of water during the day for 2 weeks;
  • As a diuretic, tar water is used orally in 40 ml doses for 10 days;
  • at inflammatory diseases The mouth or throat is rinsed with water, preheated to 37 degrees, 3 - 4 times a day.

For the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, prepare a mixture: birch tar (0.5 tsp) is mixed with 200 ml of warm milk and drunk three times a day, one hour before meals. The course is 1.5 months. Up to 4 such courses can be conducted per year.

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