Instructions for use of Otofa ear drops. Otofa drops: an effective remedy for the treatment of otitis media

Otofa – antibacterial ear drops. Use only after consulting a doctor.

Composition, release form, packaging

The cardboard pack contains one bottle made of dark glass. It is complemented by a dosage pipette. The liquid itself is transparent red-orange in color.


Drops are produced in France at the BOUCHARD-RECORDATI Laboratory.

Indications for use

Drops are used for various infectious lesions of the auditory canal. Effective for diseases caused by:

  • staphylococci,
  • pneumococci,
  • gonococci,
  • microbacteria tuberculosis,
  • Proteas.

The drug affects various strains of microorganisms that are not sensitive to other antibiotics. Therefore, they can be used for treatment:

  • and middle ear,
  • organic,

Otofa is also prescribed to prevent infection after surgery on the middle ear.


The main limitation is increased sensitivity to rifamycin. Adequate studies of the safety of the drug when taken during administration have not been conducted. Therefore, drops are indicated for pregnant women and breastfeeding women in extreme cases.

Mechanism of action

The therapeutic effect of the drops is associated with the specific binding of bacterial RNA polymerase by rifamycin. Thanks to this, the growth and reproduction of bacteria is stopped. Except antibacterial action drops have an anti-inflammatory effect, then with long-term therapy, microbes may develop tolerance to the active components.

Rifimycin acts in two directions at once. First, it has a bactericidal effect and then blocks their reproduction. Therefore, most middle ear infections are effectively eliminated.

Instructions for use

Doctors do not allow the use of drops without a prescription, since they may not help in the future. But they are almost always prescribed for... It is also convenient that the dosage diagram and indications are not only in the instructions, but also on the box.

Instructions for using Otofa in our video:

Prices for Otofa drops

The cost depends on the operating characteristics of the pharmacy chain. The lowest price is 180 rubles. In some online stores you will have to pay about 600 rubles for the medicine and delivery.


There are no complete analogues. However, the active substance rifamycin is contained in Rifogal injection solution. Oftamirin has a similar effect,

Diseases of the ENT organs, especially during the off-season, cause people a number of inconveniences and cause painful sensations and disrupt the normal rhythm of life. Both children and adults are susceptible to it. Otofa drops are effective in treating ear diseases.

Description of the drug

Active substance - rifimycin. This is an active semi-synthetic antibiotic that has a bactericidal effect and blocks the proliferation of bacteria. The drug eliminates almost all infections of the outer and middle ear, shows active action on different groups bacteria and harmful microorganisms.

Drops are prescribed as an antibacterial agent for suppuration of the eardrum after damage, ear surgery to prevent the spread of infection, and for otitis media of the middle ear.

The drug is easy to use at home if you follow specified dosage side effects are rare.

Otofa is suitable for the treatment of ENT organs in children. The drug is allowed to be used by pregnant and nursing mothers, but after consultation with a doctor. Can be used this drug for the treatment of ear diseases in newborns as prescribed by a doctor.

Indications for use of the drug:

Rifamycin is active against the following pathogens:

  • Staphylococcus.
  • Gonococcus.
  • Streptococci.
  • Pneumococcus.
  • Microbacterium tuberculosis.
  • Microorganisms that are not eliminated by penicillins or cephalosporins.

Otofa ear drops are prescribed to children when they have severe pain in the ears with accompanying inflammation and can lead to diseases such as:

  • Chronic otitis media.
  • External inflammation.
  • Acute otitis and middle ear.
  • Infections in the eardrum.
  • Purulent otitis.

Release form

Otofa drops are sold in 10 ml glass vials, packaged in carton boxes. One vial contains 260 mg of rifamycin sodium. Each package of medicine contains instructions for use and a dosage pipette.

Instructions for use

Otofa can be used by people of any age, as well as newborns, pregnant and nursing mothers. The shelf life of the medicine after opening the bottle is six months. Ear drops are instilled with a pipette with a dispenser into the ear, five drops two to three times a day for patients over twelve years of age. For otitis in children under 12 years of age, drops are administered three times a day.

How to administer drops correctly:

  1. Warm the drops in your palms to room temperature.
  2. If the baby is excited, then ask someone to help.
  3. Wash your hands and place the newborn on his side so that sore ear was on top.
  4. Carefully clean the ear of wax and discharge.
  5. Pipette the drug.
  6. Pull back auricle back and down, the ear canal needs to be leveled.
  7. After administering the drops, place a cotton swab outside and leave it for a while.
  8. The pipette is inserted half a centimeter into the child's ear.
  9. If the eardrum is perforated, use indirect method administration of medication.

A cotton ball is taken, inserted into the ear canal, and the solution flows along the band to the site of inflammation. The course of treatment with Otofa is 7 days. If necessary, the doctor can extend the treatment.

Composition of the drug

100 ml of solution contains:

  • 2.6 g of rafimycin sodium - active ingredient.
  • Ascorbic acid, sulfites, sodium edetate, potassium disulfide, lithium hydroxide, purified water are additional components.

Side effects

During treatment with the drug, irritation and redness may occur around and inside the ear canal, as well as itching, rash and swelling. Very rarely appear allergic reactions for rifimycin and sulfur compounds.


Otofa should not be used if you are hypersensitive. In this case, treatment with the drug is stopped immediately. It is not advisable to use drops during pregnancy and lactation. But due to poor absorption into the systemic circulation, the medicine is prescribed for the treatment of otitis media in pregnant and breastfeeding women. There is also no evidence of negative impact the drug on newborns, so it is used in young patients.

Analogues of the drug

Complete analogues medicinal product There is no "Otofa". There are medicines that are similar in composition, that is, on the same active substance. There are drops that provide similar action. Among the analogues of the drug, the following can be distinguished: medical supplies like: Otipax, Otinum, Sofradex, Anauran, Polydex.

In the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the ears, topical agents are often used. One of them is a French medicine called Otofa.

When is it prescribed and how does it affect the human body and pathogenic bacteria? Is it allowed to drip this medication into the ears of children, in what dosage and how to instill the solution correctly? Isn't it better to replace Otofu with the popular Otipax drops or some other medicine?

Release form

Otofa is represented by only one dosage formear drops. The drug is available in glass bottles, closed with a stopper and foil, which are accompanied by a separately packaged polymer dosing pipette.

One bottle contains 10 milliliters of a clear solution that is red-orange or red-yellow in color.


Active substance Otofa drops contain rifamycin in the form of rifamycin sodium. Its concentration in the solution is 2.6%, so the amount of this compound in 100 ml of the drug is 2.6 grams (the antibiotic is presented in a dosage of 2,000,000 IU).

Additionally, the solution contains potassium disulfite, disodium edetate and macrogol 400. Otofa also contains ascorbic acid, purified water and lithium hydroxide.

Operating principle

Active ingredient drops is an antibiotic of the rifamycin group. It is active against various harmful microorganisms that provoke infectious lesion ear (streptococci, coli, Brucella, pneumococci, Legionella, Protea, tuberculous mycobacteria, enterococci, chlamydia, pasteurella, staphylococci, etc.).

As a result of the effect of this antibacterial substance on the RNA polymerases of bacteria, their growth stops and the pathogen is destroyed.

In this case, the drops act only locally, without penetrating into the bloodstream and without having any systemic effects.

In addition, the medication is capable of destroying microbes that have developed resistance to the most common antibacterial agents(for example, penicillins).


Otofa is used in the treatment of:

  • Otitis externa.
  • Acute otitis media (including a disease that is complicated by perforation of the eardrum).
  • Chronic otitis media.

The medicine is also prescribed after various operations in the middle ear and manipulations in the ear canal, for example, after puncture of the eardrum. Some ENT doctors also prescribe medication for infectious rhinitis (drip into the nose).

At what age is it prescribed to children?

None age restrictions The manufacturer does not mention the use of Otofa in children, but such medication should be dripped into the ears of children only after the child has been examined by a specialist.

Application of any ear drops without consulting a doctor childhood Not recommended.


The medicine should not be dripped if you are hypersensitive to rifamycin or another ingredient of the solution. There are no other contraindications for the use of Otofa.

Side effects

IN in rare cases When treated with Otofa, a child may experience an allergic reaction. skin reaction. Getting on eardrum, the medicine gives her pink color, which is clearly visible during otoscopy.

Otoscopy of the eardrum

Instructions for use for children

  • To open the bottle, pull the foil tab and remove the packaging, as well as the stopper, and then place the pipette, freed from the blister, on the bottle.
  • If the medication is stored in the refrigerator, then before use it should be slightly warmed in your hands so that cold liquid does not get into the ear (this causes severe discomfort).
  • On average, the drug is prescribed for a course lasting 3-7 days. A single dosage for children is often 3 drops, and the product is dripped three times a day.
  • You can also pour Otofu into the ear in larger quantities and leave for a few minutes. This application is prescribed 2 times a day.

  • The medication should be dripped carefully, as the solution may leave stains on clothing.
  • During the procedure, the child should lie with his head turned to the side, and immediately after drops enter the ear canal, he should not turn his head. You need to wait about 5 minutes and only then get up or roll over onto your back.
  • If by the end of the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, the child still has signs of otitis media, a re-examination and other therapy are required. Show little patient An ENT specialist should also be consulted if there is no improvement after 2-3 days of using the medicine.


Since the ingredients in the drops are practically not absorbed, cases of overdose have not previously been recorded, and the manufacturer calls them unlikely.

Drug interactions

About the incompatibility of Otofa with any other medicines, including local remedies, there is no data, but ENT doctors do not recommend taking any other medicine at the same time as Otofa.

When prescribing other drugs, there is usually a break of at least 30 minutes between their use.

Terms of sale

Otofa is sold in pharmacies by prescription, so to purchase such drops you should first visit a doctor with your child. average price one bottle costs 180-200 rubles.

Storage conditions

You can keep a bottle of drops at room temperature at home, but many mothers prefer to store Otofu in the refrigerator, which is also allowed. The shelf life of a sealed medicine is 3 years and does not change in any way for an opened bottle.


The treatment of otitis in children with Otof drops is generally positive. Since very often the cause of ear inflammation is pathogenic bacteria, the use of such a medicine for purulent otitis gives a fairly quick and noticeable effect, improving the child’s condition and, on average, completely eliminating the inflammatory process in 4-5 days.

According to parents, young patients tolerate the drops mostly well. Negative effects of antibiotics such as depression local immunity and the development of dysbacteriosis, Otofa does not. Only rarely does the child react to the use of the medicine allergic rashes, which is why the medication has to be discontinued.

Most children have none side effects the use of such drops does not provoke.

The main disadvantage of Otofa is called bright color solution, due to which its use changes the color of the ear tissue and can stain clothing.

Most mothers consider the cost of the medicine to be affordable, so other complaints about the drug are very rare.


The most common replacement for Otof drops is Otipax, but these ear drops have both advantages and some disadvantages:

  • Otipax has a more pronounced anesthetic effect, because its composition includes two components with an analgesic effect.
  • Otipax, like Otofu, can be taken at any age, even for infants, because both medications act exclusively locally.
  • Unlike Otofa, Otipax does not include any antibacterial components, therefore it only acts symptomatic treatment, but has no effect on infectious agents.

Otitis and other diseases of the hearing organs often have bacterial origin and become more complicated putrefactive processes. IN complex therapy For such pathologies, ear drops with antimicrobial activity are used, including Otof's solution. For maximum effective treatment It is important to use this medication correctly.

Otofa - composition

The active ingredient of the medication in question is rifamycin. To answer the question whether Otofa is an antibiotic or not, it is necessary to find out the properties of the main ingredient of ear drops. Rifamycin is an antimicrobial substance from the ansamycin group. It exhibits broad-spectrum bactericidal activity against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, therefore Otofa is an antibiotic.

Auxiliary components of ear drops:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • macrogol 400;
  • lithium hydroxide;
  • potassium metabisulfite;
  • disodium edetate;
  • purified water.

Otofa - indications for use

The presented drops are prescribed for the treatment of otolaryngological diseases. Otofa in the ears is used if available purulent processes caused by pathogenic bacteria. Sometimes it is used as a prophylaxis against secondary infection after performing surgical interventions on the organs of hearing. Otofa – indications:

  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • acute and chronic;
  • isolated purulent lesions eardrum;
  • external otitis (acute, chronic).

Otofa - side effects

The medicinal solution refers to local drugs, therefore it is well tolerated and is extremely rarely accompanied by negative phenomena. Otof ear drops may turn the eardrum pinkish. This symptom can only be seen by a specialist during an otoscopy. Some people have problems with immune system due to the content of sulfites in the drops. Otofa side effects:

  • skin rash in the ear area;
  • eczema;
  • bronchospasm;
  • anaphylaxis.

Otofa - contraindications

There are almost no situations where it is strictly forbidden to use the drug in question. Otofa ear drops are not recommended for use if you have allergic reactions to the auxiliary ingredients of the sulfite-based solution. Otherwise, the negative side effects listed above may occur. Hypersensitivity reactions sometimes develop into severe forms– anaphylaxis, respiratory tract spasms.

Antibiotic ear drops Otofa are not prescribed if an allergy to rifamycin is diagnosed. Use caution when including the solution in the course of treatment when hypersensitivity to antimicrobial substances from the ansamycin group is detected. The use of Otofa during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not prohibited, because rifamycin is practically not absorbed into the blood through the skin. The decision to prescribe the solution to expectant and young mothers is made only by the doctor.

Otofa ear drops – application

To get what you expect therapeutic effect It is important to use the medicine correctly. Otof drops are injected locally into the external auditory canal. Before the procedure, it is necessary to warm the bottle in your palms to avoid irritation from skin contact with cold liquid. You should tilt your head to the side and drop Otofu into your ear, then pull the earlobe down several times. This ensures deep penetration of the solution. It is advisable to keep your head tilted for another 4-5 minutes. If necessary, the manipulation is repeated for the second ear.

Otofa - dosage

The amount of medication used should be calculated by the doctor in accordance with the diagnosis and severity of the disease. There is a standard dosage of Otofa solution - ear drops are administered in an amount of 5 pieces at a time. The procedure should be repeated morning and evening after careful hygiene of the affected ear canals. Otofa ear drops can also be used to rinse the cavity of the eardrum. For this you will need an attic cannula.

Otofa – how many days to drip?

The duration of the therapeutic course depends on the goals set. In most situations, the average duration of treatment with Otofa ear drops is recommended - application is 7 days. Sometimes pathogenic bacteria have increased resistance to rifamycin. In such cases, the course of therapy is increased or supplemented with other antimicrobial agents.

If Otofa is used for washing the tympanic cavity, or is prescribed as a prophylaxis bacterial infections after surgical interventions on the hearing organs, the course of therapy is reduced. Drops can be applied 1-2 times or administered only if available pathological symptoms. Treatment is stopped immediately after the disappearance of purulent masses.

Otofa - analogues

Identical synonyms for the described drug based on rifamycin have not yet been produced. When a person has an allergic reaction to one of the components of the solution, an indirect analogue of Otofa can be selected. Generics have a similar effect antimicrobial effect, relieve inflammation and prevent the formation of pus, but contain other active ingredients. The need to replace ear drops, select them and prescribe a course of treatment is carried out only by a qualified doctor.

Otofa drops have antibacterial and bactericidal properties. They effectively fight otitis media, preventing complications from arising - partial hearing loss, hearing loss, meningitis and other serious pathologies.

Composition, description and effectiveness of the drug

100 ml of the drug contains 2.6 g of rifamycin sodium, a potent antibiotic. In addition to this, the solution contains additional substances, namely:

Otofa, in comparison with other medications intended for the treatment of otitis, does not contain painkillers.

The bottle of ear drops is packed in a cardboard box. It comes with a pipette that makes it convenient to bury your ears. A dark bottle contains 10 ml of a red-orange solution. The drug is produced in France.

The medicine has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect. The drug inhibits a variety of pathogenic microorganisms.

Rifamycin sodium eliminates streptococcal and staphylococcal infection. It successfully fights Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Proteus spp and E.coli. The antibiotic is effective against gonococci, meningococci and pneumococci. It is destructive for strains resistant to cephalosporins and penicillins.

Using Otofa drops speeds up treatment different forms otitis The results of therapy are noticeable almost immediately. An infection that has entered the ear begins to recede after 2-3 days of using ear drops. Patients experience pain in the ears, congestion disappears, hearing returns, and temperature drops.

First, having a bactericidal effect, the liquid blocks the proliferation of pathogens. After this, it inhibits the formation of RNA of the pathogenic cell, which leads to the death of pathogenic microorganisms.

When treating, it is important to know about the compatibility of Otofa drops with other medications. No negative interactions with medications were identified. However, the liquid is not recommended for simultaneous use with medications produced for the treatment of otitis media.

When storing the medicine, it is necessary to monitor the temperature; it should not exceed 25 0 C. The bottle of medicine should be placed out of the reach of children. Unopened solution is stored for 3 years from the date of release.

The drug, after opening (provided it is stored correctly), is good for six months. When the expiration date expires, use of the liquid is strictly prohibited.

Indications for use and treatment

Ear drops are used to suppress external and purulent otitis media. They are prescribed for chronic and acute disease. It is used in the postoperative period, after performing surgical procedures in the middle ear area (to prevent infection).

Otofa helps with:

  • infections occurring in the outer and middle ear;
  • perforated membrane with discharge of pus.

The drug is prescribed for purulent otitis media. The eardrum is washed with it. Unlike many other otolaryngological medicines, Otof drops are allowed to be used to treat perforated membranes.

The course of treatment is 5-7 days for all patients, including children. After seven days of use, the effectiveness of the drug decreases due to the addiction of pathogenic microorganisms to rifamycin. If the otitis media does not go away completely, other drops are prescribed.

IN in some cases the drug is poured into sore ear, but not dripping. In addition, it is used to flush the eardrum.

Before instillation, the solution should be warmed to room temperature. Warm medicine does not cause discomfort if it gets into the ear. Warm the drops by holding the bottle in your hands or placing it on water bath. Shake the liquid before use.

How to use drops:

  1. To properly introduce the solution into the ear, use a pipette. It allows you to measure the exact number of drops of the drug.
  2. When ear drops are placed, the patient should be in horizontal position 2-3 minutes. Excess fluid is removed with a swab.
  3. To properly flush the membranes with Otof drops, use an attic cannula.

Otofa is a red-orange liquid. When it gets on clothes, it leaves stains that are difficult to remove. When pouring or rinsing the ears, the leaking solution is collected using a swab.

Liquid can cause the appearance of:

  • allergic reactions;
  • redness on the skin;
  • irritation inside the ear canal.

Allergy occurs with hypersensitivity to rifamycin. The solution is not suitable for treatment for those who have allergic reactions to sulfites (the liquid contains strong allergen– potassium metabisulfite) and other components of the drug. If itching, rashes, hyperemia and other side effects appear, treatment with drops is stopped.

When using the drug, the eardrum turns pink. Detects color changes skin doctor examining the ear.

This is due to the fact that the drops have a red-orange color. Over time, the skin inside the ear will acquire a natural shade.

The likelihood of an overdose is negligible. When used externally, rifamycin penetrates into the blood in quantities incapable of causing intoxication of the body. The incidence of side effects when using drops is quite low, so they are prescribed to children, nursing mothers and during pregnancy.

Otofa for the treatment of ear diseases in children

Ear drops are approved for the treatment of otitis media in children. They treat children of different ages starting from birth, following the dose recommended by the doctor.

For children, 1-3 drops are dripped into each ear (depending on the age of the child). The procedure is performed 2-3 times a day.

After the medicine is dripped into the ear, wait 2-3 minutes, then turn the child’s head to the side so that excess liquid flows out. The leaking solution is blotted with a swab so that there are no stains on clothes.

Use of Otofa during pregnancy and lactation

But, if the doctor sees the need to use Otof drops, he can prescribe them for the treatment of a woman during pregnancy or breastfeeding baby. In this case, the doctor takes into account the fact that the drug has a superficial local effect. The substances included in its composition are not able to be absorbed into the blood. Risk of occurrence side effects and allergies are minimal. Therefore, when it is impossible to treat otitis media during pregnancy and lactation with other medications, the doctor prescribes Otof.

If the drug is prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is necessary to adhere to the exact dosage: this approach will avoid the occurrence of unwanted effects.

If you strictly follow the rules for using drops, the doctor’s recommendations, and do not ignore the warnings prescribed in the instructions, otitis media will quickly recede, and unwanted effects will not appear.

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