How to quickly cure a cold at home in a day. How to treat a cold: budget remedies that really help

Sloppy autumn, windy winter, spring thawed from snow - the time of seasonal colds. Often a cold happens completely inopportunely. It is at this time that the question arises: how to quickly cure a cold and, of course, without complications?

The main thing is to calm down and at the first symptoms begin to take measures to prevent yourself from getting sick. As they say, “crush the disease at the very beginning.” I offer you a small reminder about what a cold is, its causes and symptoms, as well as how to treat a cold without medication.

The first thing you need to understand is what exactly you have: a cold or the flu. If you have the flu, you won’t be able to cope with it in one day, and it’s dangerous - the flu you have on your feet almost always causes complications.

So let's start from the very beginning.

What is a cold

A cold is an acute respiratory viral infection or upper respiratory tract disease of viral etiology. Please note - this viral infection (for example, adenovirus, rhinovirus, etc.). There are a huge number of viruses around us and usually a person does not get sick. But as soon as a person’s immunity is weakened and he himself is hypothermic, then a cold occurs.

Causes of colds

  • Contact with a sick person during a weakened immune system
    • By airborne droplets (during a conversation, sneezing of a patient standing nearby and being in crowded places)
    • Direct contact (handshake, handrails in transport, entrances)
  • Weakening of the immune system
    • not enough balanced diet and, especially, lack of vitamins
    • bowel dysfunction
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases
    • allergy
    • stressful situations
  • Hypothermia
    • staying in the cold for a long time without being adequately dressed
    • drafts
    • cold drinks, especially milk, both in the cold and in a hot room
    • wet and cold feet

Cold symptoms

  • nasal congestion or runny nose
  • sneezing
  • teary eyes
  • sore throat and then sore throat
  • dry cough
  • headache
  • sometimes the temperature rises from 37.1 to 38.5
  • weakness
  • depressed mood

The appearance of these symptoms indicates that our body is fighting an infection. And at the very beginning of the onset of a cold, we need to help him quickly cope with viruses. The sooner we start taking action, the faster and easier the cold will pass. Before telling us exactly what to do and how to treat a cold, you need to know:

What not to do when you have a cold

  1. Relieve symptoms immediately when the first signs of the disease appear. Why? Because the body begins to fight itself and thereby develop immunity. It's like a vaccine when we're given small dose pathogenic bacteria and the body produces antibodies to this disease, i.e. he is already ready to resist these microbes at any time. We try to quickly relieve symptoms by using potent medical supplies, and thereby reduce immunity.
  2. Take antibiotics. Cold viral disease. Antibiotics act only on bacteria, but at the same time weaken the immune system, since they kill not only pathogenic but also beneficial bacteria.
  3. Reduce temperature if it is below 38.1 degrees. For the same reason. Average high temperature (up to 38.1 degrees) is a natural reaction of the body. An indicator that the body's defenses are in action.
  4. During the temperature thermal procedures(mustard plasters, jars, hot baths) and drink hot and strong drinks
  5. Use vasoconstrictor drops for a runny nose. These drops from a runny nose interfere with the excretory process of not only accumulated mucus, but also toxins along with it. If toxins remain in the body, then the disease may be delayed for a longer period and, even worse, more complex diseases may arise.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

If the following symptoms appear:

  1. body temperature above 38.5 degrees lasts longer than one day
  2. at high temperature, pale man
  3. pain:
    • behind the sternum when inhaling
    • very severe headaches
    • In eyes
    • in the sinuses
    • in a stomach
  4. shortness of breath, difficulty breathing
  5. difficulty swallowing
  6. green or rust-colored mucus from the nose or throat when coughing
  7. cough with wheezing

Cold treatment

When you notice the first signs that you are getting sick, the first thing to do is try to stay home and not go to work. This way you can cure a cold quickly and not infect your colleagues.

As stated earlier, our goal is to help the body cope with viruses and remove toxins. To do this, you need to create the following conditions:

  • coolness in the room
  • no drafts
  • bed rest under a warm blanket
  • drinking plenty of fluids
  • light food, you can do without food (listen to your body)
  • loading dose of vitamin C
  • periodic nasal rinsing saline solution and gargling
  • cut the garlic and onion into slices, place on a plate and place in the room where you are
  • use Vietnamese balm "Golden Star" by smearing it on acupuncture points

And now in more detail:

Cool indoor air and no drafts

Check that all doors and windows are tightly closed and there are no drafts. If you start to sweat, this is the first source of complications. But at the same time, the room where you are should not be hot, but rather cool (about 18-20 degrees). Open the window slightly and turn down the heating (if you have an apartment, throw a wet towel over the radiator). The air must be moist.

By the way, to maintain health it is good to have a hydrometer and an air humidifier in the house. These devices are needed to monitor the state of air humidity and maintain it at normal levels. Usually in winter the air in our apartments is very dry and this is where bacteria and viruses thrive. Therefore, in order to stay healthy and maintain your immunity, you should always ventilate the room, maintain moderate temperature and humidity.

Bed rest under a warm blanket

There is no need to endure a cold on your feet. Firstly, this will delay your recovery, and secondly, you may develop complications.

  • Dress: keep your feet (warm socks) and throat (scarf or sweater) especially warm. You can pour mustard into your socks or stick a mustard patch directly onto your feet. If the temperature is not high, then steam your feet before doing this.
  • Drink warm diaphoretic or immune-strengthening tea
  • Lie down in bed and wrap yourself well so you can sweat properly. Try to sleep.

Drink plenty of fluids

There should be a warm drink next to the bed. You need to drink a lot. Tune in for this. Drink not in glasses, so as not to overload the kidneys, but in sips, but very often. In total, you need to drink at least two liters of liquid. Intoxication occurs and drinking plenty of fluids will speed up the elimination of toxins through sweat and urine.

It may not only be plain water, but also:

  • Mineral water without gas, preferably alkaline, kills viruses faster
  • Fruit drinks. For example, cranberry or currant
  • Herbal teas and decoctions. For example, tea with raspberry jam or ginger tea, or a decoction of a mixture of: linden flowers, currant leaves, chamomile and calendula
  • Dried fruit compotes, preferably without sugar
  • Grape juice
  • Rosehip syrup diluted with water
  • Milk with honey

Light food

It is possible and even better to do without food on this day. Believe me, if you have enough to drink and sleep is organized, you won’t even notice the lack of food. But the body will spend all its energy on fighting microbes, and not on digesting heavy food.

If you are really hungry, then drink a rich chicken bouillon with a piece of boiled egg, herbs and a clove of garlic.

It’s tasty and healthy to prepare and eat radish juice with honey little by little. Both bitter black radish and daikon radish can be used. Wash the root crop, cut off the top and make a hole in it. Put honey there. Let the radish juice and honey brew for a bit - excellent antiviral agent. It both heals and saves you from hunger. If you are allergic to honey, then replace it with sugar.

Loading dose of vitamin C

As you know, vitamin C is a source of energy and during a cold it is very important to give strength to fight viruses. It is usually recommended to take a shock (large) dose of vitamin C at the very beginning of the disease. But first, remember or find out if you have any contraindications. Typically a single loading dose is 1000 mg. But you don’t have to drink a synthesized vitamin from a pharmacy. Vitamin C can be found in common foods.

  • Lemon with honey ( whole lemon, or you can cut two into slices, pour two tablespoons of honey and eat this mixture for the whole day)
  • Grapefruit
  • Green bell pepper
  • Sauerkraut
  • Grape

The nasal mucosa becomes inflamed when various diseases. Characteristic symptoms– congestion, it becomes difficult to breathe, discharge forms. To quickly cure a runny nose, it is necessary to determine its cause and type. A timely and correct diagnosis will help to avoid undesirable consequences, the course of the disease will be less severe.

What is a runny nose

As a rule, you have to think about treating a runny nose (rhinitis) when the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract swells.

Often the cause is the penetration of mechanical or chemical irritants. Some people have a stuffy nose and want to sneeze when exposed to dust, in a draft, or in too bright light.

A runny nose caused by the reasons listed above does not go away for several days in adults and children and does not require treatment.

The runny nose itself is not contagious; its causative agent is unknown.

But the symptoms of a runny nose are characteristic of many diseases - for example, the initial period of ARVI, influenza.

IN Everyday life Some associate the need to cure a runny nose with nasal congestion. Others consider heavy discharge a mandatory symptom. Still others are looking for a cure for a runny nose when they start sneezing.

For many, the mucous membrane swells when there is a change in temperature, under the influence of alcohol, a strong odor, or for other reasons.

Types of runny nose

The vasomotor variety is associated with watery compartments. Congestion appears alternately in one or the other nostril. I want to sneeze, tears flow, my head hurts.

The cause is tobacco smoke hormonal disorders, emotional experiences. This variety A runny nose is correctly considered a neuro-reflex disease.

The condition is accompanied by weakness, increased fatigue, irritability, insomnia.

The allergic variety manifests itself seasonally or as a reaction to certain foods, dust, animal hair, or substances contained in detergents or cosmetics.

I want to sneeze, my nose itches and tingles.

To avoid bronchial asthma, allergic runny nose it is necessary to treat, and not relieve symptoms with medications or ointments.

With vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, the nasal cavity is not inflamed.

The infectious variety occurs with colds. The cause is viruses, bacteria, fungus. Symptoms are burning and dryness in the nasopharynx. It is advisable to begin treatment immediately so that the virus does not penetrate the throat and bronchi.

Acute runny nose manifests itself independently or as a symptom of acute respiratory diseases.

The nose is slightly itchy, there is a feeling of dryness, general lethargy and weakness. It’s hard to breathe through both nostrils, you want to sneeze, tears flow.

The condition is accompanied by a deterioration in the sense of smell, copious mucopurulent discharge from the nose, which, if the blood vessels are damaged, becomes bloody (bloody snot).

A severe runny nose lasts a week or longer. Maybe 37C or higher.

Chronic runny nose in a simple form is manifested by copious discharge, often unilateral congestion. Often develops as a complication acute form in case of circulatory disorders in the mucous membrane, diseases of the paranasal sinuses.

If a simple chronic runny nose is not treated, as well as under the influence of sudden climate change, development inflammatory process V paranasal sinuses nose, adenoid, it goes into a hypertrophic form.

Headache, stuffy nose, constant discharge, poor sense of smell.

Chronic atrophic runny nose develops when weakened, after suffering infectious diseases with acute runny nose, as a result surgical intervention V nasal cavity, as a result of exposure to unfavorable climatic conditions and harmful substances.

The nasal cavity is dry, the sense of smell is reduced, it is difficult to blow your nose completely, and there are periodic nosebleeds.

If you don't get rid of a runny nose, over time it turns into chronic form which can lead to inflammation maxillary sinuses– . Complications may be associated with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and middle ear.

Treatment of acute runny nose

The disease begins with a dry nose and a feeling of heat. After 1-2 hours, the nose gets stuffy, the head hurts, heavy discharge begins, you have to sneeze often, and the temperature rises. After a week, the discharge becomes thick and purulent.

Acute runny nose is treated by observing bed rest. You can put mustard plasters on your calves, warm your feet in hot water with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon per 8 liters of water).

It is instilled into the nose or washed with a collection from coltsfoot, or a collection from eucalyptus.

  • Mix plant materials in equal quantities. Brew 1 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, leave in a sealed container for 1 hour.
  • Grind 5g of propolis, add a little butter, up to 50g of sunflower oil, mix thoroughly.

After soaking the cotton swabs, place them in each nostril in the morning and evening for 10 minutes.

Soak tampons in propolis ointment and insert into the nostrils. Lie without a pillow for 5 minutes on your left side, 5 minutes on your right side.

Onions, garlic, horseradish - cures for the runny nose

Cut an onion, rub the wings of your nose with it, small pieces insert through cheesecloth into ear canals. The product allows you to quickly get relief. Some people manage to get rid of a runny nose for three days using this method.

Juices for a runny nose

Place 5 drops of fresh beet juice in each nostril for children. Can be mixed with honey at the rate of 1 tsp. honey for 2.5 tsp. juice

When thick discharge rinse your nose with boiled juice.

Moisturize beet juice cotton swabs and place them in the nose for 10 minutes, repeat 3-4 times a day.

Helps get rid of a runny nose quickly Kalanchoe juice. Lubricate the nostrils 1-2 times a day fresh juice, causing mucus to begin to separate intensively.

Instill aloe juice 2-4 drops 4 times a day.

Place tampons moistened with radish juice into the nostrils.

For treatment chronic runny nose mix 50g of grated and juice. Take 1/2 teaspoon twice a day on an empty stomach.

Mix fresh ginger juice with the same amount of water and instill in children three times a day and before bedtime.

At constant runny nose instill juice from coltsfoot leaves, as well as yarrow juice.

Oils for runny nose

For quick disposal for congestion, instill 2-3 drops of oil or. You can place gauze swabs soaked in one or another oil in your nostrils.

Eucalyptus oil helps cure a runny nose:

  • Heat 100 ml vegetable oil, add 0.5 tsp. dry eucalyptus leaves, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, leave in a sealed container for 5 hours, strain.

Instill warmly up to 6 times a day.

  • chop the leaves, add a glass of water, simmer over low heat for 3 minutes, let cool. Add 1 tsp. salt and 0.5 tsp honey, mix.

Instillation helps to cope with sneezing during a runny nose weak solution starch.

In Tibet, when you have a runny nose, you tickle your nose with a match with cotton wool at the end. Causes sneezing copious discharge mucus.

How to cure a runny nose

At the beginning of the disease, some people are helped by instilling a 3% solution (3-6 drops per 1 tablespoon. warm water). After copious mucus discharge, the congestion goes away.

After half an hour, sniff ammonia alternately with each nostril.

Heat in a frying pan or rye cracker until smoke appears, inhale through your nose. Treat a runny nose several times a day.

At prolonged runny nose sniff oregano herb powder.

Treat allergic rhinitis. Mash the green leaf and inhale the aroma for 3 minutes several times a day.

Warm up the body in a bath or bath, rub the sacrum with grated radish, mixed with the same amount of grated horseradish, add a little honey and table salt. Afterwards, drink tea with raspberries and mint. The next morning I manage to get rid of my runny nose.

Modified: 02/11/2019

You can get a cold at any time, but you are more likely to catch it during the cold season. Hypothermia, weakened immunity or communication with a sick person will provoke this insidious disease, which comes at the most inopportune moment.

IN medical terminology The concept of a “cold” does not exist. What we mean by it is called ARVI - an acute viral disease of the upper respiratory tract, which can be caused by various viruses. It manifests itself:

  • an increase in temperature, although in some cases it may not rise;
  • catarrhal phenomena in the nasopharynx, these include runny nose, nasal congestion, sore or sore throat, headache, sneezing, dry cough, discomfort in the frontal and maxillary sinuses;
  • decreased ability to work, weakness and depression.

Treating a cold at home

There is no “magic pill” that can cure a cold in one day. If you are sick, your body will need certain time to develop cells that can stop the reproduction of the virus and destroy it.

But if you notice the first symptoms of the disease in a timely manner, you can quickly get rid of it or prevent it altogether. The actions taken and the state of immunity will play a big role in this.

Home mode

At the first sign of a cold, you need to stay home, otherwise you risk complications.

Don't lower the temperature

Most people, even when they appear low temperature they try to knock it down immediately - this is a grave mistake. Temperature - defense mechanism organism, which slows down the reproduction and development of viruses, and its decrease will prolong the disease for a long period.

Drinking regime

To remove toxins from the body faster, you need to drink a lot of liquid - the more, the better. Teas, infusions and decoctions are suitable. Since viruses do not like acidic, and especially alkaline, environments, it is recommended to drink alkaline water during illness. An excellent option would be alkaline mineral water without gas, like...

Tea with raspberries normalizes body temperature and relieves intoxication. This safe remedy for colds, which is suitable for both pregnant women and children.

Climatic conditions

The room where the patient is located should not be too hot. It is recommended to ventilate the room and control the humidity level, the optimal level of which is 45-60%.

The cold season always causes increased risk emergence colds. Unfortunately, it is rare to meet a person unfamiliar with the manifestations of a cold. Therefore, the question: “What is the remedy for colds? fast action should I use it to be healthy right away? - occurs in almost everyone.

To answer this question, let's first figure out what the first signs of a cold will be and how to distinguish them from other more dangerous symptoms.

So, the first signs common cold will be:

  • headache, weakness,
  • sore throat or mild pain,
  • runny nose, possibly accompanied by frequent sneezing,
  • dry, mild cough,
  • slight increase in temperature.

When you have a cold, several of these symptoms will appear (probably not all, but not just one, that’s for sure).

Another very important point– the symptoms will be just like that, unpleasant, but not strong. Only at this time it is possible quickly, without consequences.

Important! If the symptoms are very intense, the sore throat is acute, does not allow you to swallow food, or, for example, the body temperature is below 40, you should call a doctor. Most likely, this is not a cold, but another, more serious disease.

To understand how to quickly cure a cold, you should know what the mechanism of its occurrence is.

It is generally accepted that a cold occurs after severe hypothermia of the body. In fact, this is the result of the insidious action of the virus. Most often, rhinoviruses bring us trouble (scientists have counted more than 100 species). They are transmitted by airborne droplets, or through contacts. But there may also be other upper respiratory tract viruses. With severe hypothermia, but also with stress or even if the immune system is weak, we transfer these same viruses to the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, and lips.

In moments severe stress(cold, psychological factor) the immune system weakens, viruses begin to actively multiply - and we develop a runny nose, sore throat, and dry cough. As a result of poisoning of the body (by the products of their vital activity), a headache begins and weakness appears. Our body begins to fight them - and we feel an increase in body temperature. This is a cold (or ARVI in medical parlance).

To stop this process, you only need to help the body a little in the fight against the insidious virus. But the measures must be emergency, that is, they must be applied immediately.

Emergency help for colds and why rest is so important

With the right and, most importantly, timely treatment recovery should not take more than 2 days. But to find out how to cure a cold in 2 days, you need to understand why rest is so important.

The very first rule in treating a cold is to go to bed after the first symptoms appear. Here you will have to take time off from work or lectures. It is possible to overcome a cold “on the job”, but the recovery time will take 10-15 days and, most likely, complications will follow in the form of laryngitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, etc., which will also require additional time for treatment.

If we want to find out how to quickly recover from a cold, we will have to take 2 days off and go to bed. By unloading the body, we will help it fight the cold. Our recovery will be quick, and the cold will not be followed by unpleasant complications.

Quick treatment of a cold will also require other measures:

  • lots of warm drinks,
  • carrying out general strengthening activities,
  • treatment of local manifestations.

Traditional recipes for quick treatment of colds

The best way to treat a cold is with medicinal herbs, natural vitamins. Inhalations, instillations prepared on the basis of available products.

But here you should know not only how to quickly cure a cold with folk remedies, but also which of them are best combined, which should definitely be included in the course of quick treatment for a cold in 2 days.

Drink plenty of fluids to quickly treat a cold

To recover from a cold you need to drink a lot. Warm drink is 3 in one. It removes unnecessary waste products from the body, has a mild anti-inflammatory, antiviral effect, and nourishes the body. necessary vitamins and microelements. You should drink at least 2-2.5 liters of medicinal fluid per day.

  1. Tea No. 1.
    Linden, St. John's wort, chamomile, coltsfoot, hawthorn. Everything is crushed in equal quantities, 1 tbsp is brewed. l. for 1 cup boiling water. Let stand for 5-7 minutes and drink with honey or cherry jam (it relieves fever well). You can immediately brew it for the whole day, and then just warm it up before using it. This tea will help you quickly cure a cold at home.
  2. Tea No. 2.
    Regular black tea with lemon and honey.
  3. Tea No. 3.
    Raspberries (frozen berries, fresh branches, dried leaves and berries, jam). Brew or dilute and drink with sugar or honey.
  4. Tea No. 4.
    Take 2 lemons, cut into slices, cook in 2 liters of water for 5-7 minutes. When it cools down, add honey.
  5. Milk.
    It is good to drink it with honey, you can also drink it with butter or soda (you can take turns). This recipe is good for severe cough, sore throat.

Vitamins for immunity

To combat, more specifically, vitamin C. You can get it in several ways: eat 4-5 oranges (or other citrus fruits) at once. Brew dried berries rose hips or drink a drink made from lemon and honey (see above).

Honey will also help you recover quickly; it is one of the most beneficial. But you need to eat it with a spoon, without mixing it with hot drinks. When hot, it loses its healing properties.

Among the restorative measures will be sleep and rest. You need to dress in comfortable clothes and always change clothes when you sweat (which is inevitable if you drink a lot). Don't dress too warmly, especially if you have elevated temperature(this will provoke an even greater increase in it).

If there is no fever, it is very effective to put dry mustard in your socks. It stimulates work immune system and promotes a speedy recovery.

Treating local symptoms of a cold

  1. Inhalations.
    They are good for a runny nose, help with sore throat and cough. It is very good to take essential oils for them: eucalyptus, sage, fir.

    It is very simple and effective to carry out inhalations with boiled potatoes in their skins. It needs to be washed and cooked well. Then sprinkle with soda, you can sea ​​salt or even essential oils and breathe.

    If you don’t have an inhaler, you can breathe over a bowl, covered with a terry towel. You just need to be careful not to get burned. The procedure should be comfortable; it very quickly relieves a sore throat, cough and runny nose. Hot inhalations are not done at high temperatures.

  2. Nasal drops.
    Aloe juice is very good for a runny nose. 2-3 drops of juice should be diluted in 1 tsp. boiled water and bury the nose every 1-2 hours.

    Take 100 g of boiled water and add 1 tbsp. l. salt (table or sea). Allow to dissolve and then rinse nostrils one at a time or instill instillation.

    Good beetroot juice. You need to take 3-4 drops, mix them with 1 tsp. water and then drip every 2 hours.

    You can drip menthol oil 1-2 5-6 times a day.

  3. Gargling.
    Take 1 teaspoon each of soda, sea salt and 40 drops of iodine. Mix with 1 glass of warm boiled water. Rinse every 2 hours.
  4. Cough.
    We treat a beginning cough with milk and honey or soda.

    Tea made from coltsfoot and rosehip will help coughing and clear the upper Airways from mucus.

    We treat minor and mild coughs with raspberry drinks with honey.

Accelerated drug treatment for colds

It must be remembered that treating a cold at home necessarily includes bed rest in any case. How to treat with folk remedies, and with drug therapy.

Among the drugs that should be used to relieve symptoms are instant teas (Fervex, Pharmacitron).

We will replace natural immune stimulants with immunomodulators (Cycloferon, Amiksin, Arbidol).

We will treat local symptoms as follows:

  • runny nose - nasal drops: Nazivin, Galazolin, Otrivin, Nazol;
  • cough - syrups Doctor Mom, Doctor Theiss Pertusin, Gerbion;
  • throat - lozenges, lozenges or lozenges: Grammidin, Septolete, Faringosept, Strepsils.

Treatment of colds in children and pregnant women

Treatment of colds in children and pregnant women should begin with a visit to the doctor. Children cannot always react adequately to pain; they often incorrectly assess their condition and cannot tell what and how it hurts. The course of colds in children differs from the symptoms in adults.

Here, a visit to the doctor will help to correctly assess the child’s condition and prescribe adequate treatment.

Pregnant women cannot self-medicate, as the viral infection is very dangerous for the fetus. Here, treatment, even for colds, should be carried out under the supervision of a medical professional.

Quick treatment results for colds

With any type of treatment, our cold should go away within 2 days. Perhaps the very next day, when you wake up in the morning, you will not feel any unpleasant symptoms.

However, it is likely that your body will need a little longer to cope with it (4-5 days). This is also the norm, provided that the symptoms do not intensify and the state of health does not worsen after 2 days of treatment.

If new symptoms arise, the temperature remains above 39, the cough intensifies or purulent or bloody discharge appears, it is difficult to breathe, it is too painful to swallow - you should definitely call a doctor. Most likely, these are already complications from a cold, another more dangerous disease.

And you won’t be able to cure the flu with the help of improvised means, since its mechanism of action is different from a cold.

Rhinitis is the main and very unpleasant symptom inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Acute rhinitis, which is accompanied by profuse mucus discharge, is popularly called a runny nose. In an adult, a runny nose occurs with allergies, acute respiratory diseases, with hypothermia, irritation of the mucous membranes by cold air and strong odors. A properly selected treatment method will help you quickly get rid of a runny nose.

The main culprits of colds are rhinoviruses, which are transmitted from person to person by contact and airborne droplets. Outbreaks of rhinovirus infection are recorded in all regions of the country year-round, with the peak incidence occurring in the cold season.

The source of the rhinovirus is a sick person who is contagious for two days before the first symptoms of the disease appear and two to three days after. With prolonged contact with sick people, the likelihood of getting sick is higher, because when it enters the body a large number of viruses.

Medicinal treatments

The main treatment for the second stage of a runny nose, when profuse liquid discharge, are vasoconstrictor drugs. You can use both drops and tablets (Ephedrine, Phenylephrine, Pseudoephedrine, Phenylpropanolamine).

The remedies help quickly, but there is one “but” - they have a number of contraindications, dry out the mucous membrane, and are addictive. For this reason, vasoconstrictor drops/sprays for rhinitis cannot be used for a long time, even by adults.

Vasoconstrictor medications interfere with blood circulation in the nose, so it is better to use drugs long acting– Oxymetazoline or Xylometazoline (the effect lasts up to 12 hours), this will reduce the frequency of their use. It is better to use sprays rather than drops - the spray is distributed evenly and widely, due to this drug, less is spent than when using drops.

Vasoconstrictor tablets do not act as quickly. They spare the mucous membrane, but have systemic effects, so they are not recommended for use by senile and elderly people suffering from glaucoma, vascular and heart diseases, and impaired motility of the digestive organs.


To quickly cure a runny nose without damaging the mucous membrane, you need to use combination drugs. One of these is SeptaNazal, which contains Xylometazoline and the healing substance Dexpanthenol.

The drug constricts blood vessels, heals microcracks, and prevents the development of dryness, burning and itching in the nose. The product is allowed to treat and allergic type rhinitis in adults.

Protargol and Collargol

If from use vasoconstrictors If a drug-induced runny nose appears, then rhinitis should be treated with astringents - 3% Collargol or Protargol.

For the treatment of rhinitis that accompanies a cold (viral or bacterial infection), apply homeopathic tablets Coryzalia. They contain components that can relieve nasal congestion and discharge. different stages colds.

The sooner treatment is started, the faster the drug helps. You need to dissolve 1 tablet every hour. From the second day, the dosage is halved. The drug is not addictive, discomfort, does not dry out the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth.

Traditional methods of treatment

An infectious/cold runny nose can be treated with both medications and improvised means. We provide a list of the most effective ways, which do not require financial costs and can cure a runny nose after the first procedure.

Garlic and onion

They quickly dry out the nasal mucosa and kill viruses and bacteria. To quickly cure a runny nose, you need to breathe over chopped garlic or onions. The positive effect will increase if you eat garlic and onions at the same time.

Chopped garlic placed around the room will help prevent and cure colds. Pregnant and lactating women can fight a runny nose in this way.

Horseradish and mustard

The pungent smell of these products can eliminate a runny nose. You need to eat horseradish and mustard, breathe over their vapors - they irritate the mucous membranes, cause sneezing, with which it comes out significant amount snot.

Warming your feet

A hot bath helps to quickly cure a runny nose: soak your feet for 15–20 minutes in hot water, to which you add mustard powder, sea salt. After the procedure, put on warm woolen socks.

Feet can also be rubbed with alcohol, turpentine or warming ointment for bruises and injuries.

Steam inhalation

In emergency situations, inhalation over water diluted with sea salt will help to quickly cure a runny nose. You can use a decoction from medicinal plants– eucalyptus, chamomile, calendula. Add “Star” balm, soda or Validol tablet to the herbal decoction. Breathe for 15 minutes.

Rhinitis can also be treated with pine buds. You need to boil a handful of kidneys in a liter of water for 10 minutes, and then breathe over the decoction.

Warming up the nose

The method has been tested for several generations. It is better to warm up your nose at night. To warm up, use a boiled egg wrapped in gauze, jacket potatoes, and coarse rock salt heated in a bag.

It is believed that the optimal temperature for warming up is when the patient feels a comfortable warmth, and not a burning sensation and fear of getting burned. The procedure lasts 15 minutes. The method is effective for colds, but if the cause of the runny nose is an allergy, then its effectiveness is low.

Warming your feet, nose and steam inhalations treating a runny nose in adults is allowed only with normal temperature bodies.

Hot drink

A hot drink can quickly ease your breathing: any tea or compote. The main thing is that it is heated to 50-60 degrees, drink at least 0.4 liters. It is better to drink a decoction of rose hips, cranberry juice, raspberry or linden tea.

It has been proven that raspberries and linden have anti-inflammatory properties, but to achieve the effect, you need to drink a lot and often. It is useful to add a spoonful of honey or ginger to your tea.

Nasal rinsing

The most proven and effective method, which almost every person has tried. If the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, then prepare isotonic solution– ½ teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water.

If a runny nose is due to a cold, then add a whole teaspoon of salt to the same glass of water. You can rinse your nose every hour, using the entire glass of solution in one procedure. The hypertonic solution helps the first time.

Modern and safe method– rinsing the nose with a pharmaceutical saline solution. If the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, then you need to use Salin, saline, isotonic Humer. If the cause is an infection, then they will help you quickly get rid of a runny nose hypertonic solutions Quicks, Humer, Aquamaris, Aqualor.

Balm “Star”

You can treat a runny nose with “Star” balm, which is recommended to be smeared under the nose three times a day.

Nasal drops

  1. Aloe juice (agagave) helps to quickly cure a runny nose in an adult. It is mixed with honey and dripped 2 drops into each nostril up to 5 times a day. Treatment of aloe with honey is contraindicated for allergy sufferers.
  2. Fresh Kalanchoe juice is mixed with honey in equal proportions, and then dropped into the nose 3-4 times a day.
  3. Beetroot or carrot juice will help get rid of snot quickly. The juice irritates the mucous membrane and causes sneezing, with which all the mucus comes out.

Before instilling the juice, the nose should be rinsed with saline solution.

If the cause of your runny nose is allergies

Allergies are the second most common cause of acute runny nose. Allergies can be year-round, when reacting to dust, fur, animal dander, and seasonal, if they bother you during flowering plants. It is not always necessary to treat an allergic runny nose - sometimes it is enough to stop contact with the allergen. For cupping acute rhinitis There are several groups of drugs.


The best and the most fast treatment provide glucocorticosteroids Mometasone, Fluticasone, Beclomethasone and Budesonide. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, can quickly cure a runny nose, are well tolerated, but have a number of contraindications.


Suprastin and Loratadine are most often used at home. You can take no more than 1-2 tablets per day. A special place among antihistamines is occupied by the 3rd generation drugs Hifenadine and Sehifenadine, which act in 5-20 minutes.


Most often, people use the wonderful Vibrocil nasal spray. It combines an antihistamine component and a vasoconstrictor with a mild effect. Vibrocil relieves allergy symptoms, constricts blood vessels, relieves congestion and runny nose.

The drug does not affect the arteries, but the veins, so it does not interfere with blood circulation, does not dry out the mucous membranes and is approved for use for more than 14 days in a row.

Barrier means

Treat allergic rhinitis adults need to create a barrier with allergens floating in the air. For this purpose, special sprays have been created from cellulose, blue clay, guar gum, glycerin, sesame and mint oil. Treatment with barrier sprays is approved for adults and children over 6 years of age. Modern drug Vibrolor will protect the nasal mucosa from dust, tobacco smoke and other inhaled allergens.

These treatments may have an effect for a few hours, but no more. After all, a runny nose lasts as long as a cold lasts or allergic attack. At normal course acute respiratory infection no complications duration severe runny nose lasts 2–3 days, then relief occurs even without treatment. If the cause of the disease is an allergy, then only complete protection from the allergen can save you from rhinitis.

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