How does the cervix dilate during childbirth? How does the process of disclosure occur? What is your child's job?

At the very end of pregnancy, a woman’s body begins to prepare for childbirth. Dilation of the cervix by 2 fingers is one of the signals that the long-awaited meeting with the baby should happen very soon. However, this does not always mean that the process of future childbirth has already started and is proceeding correctly. There are various situations when obvious symptoms of disclosure may indicate pathological course pregnancy and threaten the health and life of the fetus. To understand what signs indicate the approach of childbirth, you need to know the structure of the female reproductive system

and the processes that happen to her as she carries a child. The uterus consists of 3 parts: the fundus, the body of the uterus and the cervix. She has cervical canal , which connects the body of this hollow muscular organ and the vagina. During pregnancy, the internal uterine os is tightly closed. This helps prevent premature birth and protect the baby from infections. An additional barrier to infection of the fetus from the outside is the mucus plug. Before childbirth, the ratio of hormones in a woman’s body changes dramatically. Basic female hormone

estrogen decreases, and levels of oxytocin and prostaglandins increase. It is these hormones that influence the preparation of the reproductive system for an early birth.

What happens before childbirth? Begins before birth natural preparation

  • to the opening of the internal pharynx, laid down by nature. During normal pregnancy, these processes begin in the body at approximately 36-37 weeks. By 38 weeks of pregnancy, a number of serious transformations should have already occurred in the cervix. How labor will proceed largely depends on her degree of readiness for childbirth. The cervix, in which the necessary changes have occurred for the birth of a child, is called mature. Obstetricians identify the following signs:
  • the uterus descends lower;
  • the birth canal becomes softer and more elastic;

the neck is smoothed and shortened to about 1-2 cm, the entrance to it expands. Symptoms of cervical dilatation of 1 cm, as a rule, occur without any features, future mom doesn't experience discomfort . See the opening located on initial stage , only a doctor can during scheduled inspection pregnant woman. Such inspections pregnancies occur weekly. The dilatation of 1 finger is 1.5-2 cm. In women pregnant for the first time, this condition can persist for 10-14 days before birth and is not an indication for urgent hospitalization if all other indicators are normal and the gestational age is less than 40 weeks.

In multiparous women after 37-38 weeks, any symptoms of cervical dilation may mean that labor will occur within a few hours, since labor can develop much faster than in primiparous women. If a woman is expecting her second child, then dilation of the uterine pharynx by 2 fingers means that she is in labor and hospitalization is necessary.

Finger measurements

Symptoms of uterine dilatation do not appear in any way at the first stage. To find out how ready the body is for childbirth, the woman is examined in a gynecological chair. This procedure includes visual and manual inspection. One of the ways to determine the degree of dilation, which is most accessible to an obstetrician-gynecologist, is to insert fingers into the cervical canal. The unit of measurement accepted in obstetric terminology is the width of the finger. The degree of cervical dilatation is deciphered as follows:

  1. The opening of 1 finger is 1.5-2 cm. It is typical for preparatory stage to childbirth. May be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, weak and irregular aching pain in the lumbar region.
  2. Two fingers freely passing into the cervical canal indicate the beginning of the active phase of labor, which is accompanied by regular contractions with equal intervals between them. The width of the cervical canal is already approximately 4 cm. The frequency of contractions at this stage is approximately 2-3 contractions per 10 minutes. The fetal head descends into the pelvic area and puts pressure on the uterus, causing it to contract more strongly. This process contributes to further opening of the pharynx, which reaches 8-10 cm by the beginning of the next stage of labor.
  3. The dilation of 4-5 fingers is 8-10 cm and is complete. At this point, the body is ready to expel the fetus. This means that the baby will be born very soon.

After the transition of labor to active phase, starting from 2 fingers, the dilation of the cervix in women giving birth for the first time occurs by 1 cm per hour; in women expecting their second and subsequent children, this process occurs much faster.

Premature manifestation

Symptoms of uterine dilatation may indicate a pathology of pregnancy, which poses a danger to the fetus if the period is less than 38 weeks and the cervix is ​​open by 2 cm or more. In this case, the pregnant woman needs urgent hospitalization, since such a condition can lead to premature birth. If the dilatation is 1 finger, then doctors usually prescribe drug therapy and complete rest. While the woman is in the hospital, the condition of the fetus is constantly checked, the heart rate is monitored using cardiotocography, and, if necessary, ultrasound diagnostics with Dopplerography.

When the cervix dilates by 2 fingers in women who are up to 34-35 weeks pregnant, doctors take emergency measures to stop premature birth. One way to stop the process that has begun is to apply sutures to the cervical canal. Another common method of stopping premature dilatation is the placement of a pessary.

These measures, in combination with taking medications and maintaining complete rest, make it possible to stop the onset of labor. Depending on the health status of the expectant mother and the characteristics of the pregnancy, after taking emergency measures, a woman can carry a baby to term, despite a slight dilatation of the cervix.

Organ immaturity

But the opposite situation also happens, when the gestational age is 40-41 weeks, and symptoms of throat opening are partially or completely absent. This indicates the immaturity of the cervix and its unpreparedness for childbirth. This condition also poses a danger to the unborn child, since by 40 weeks the placenta exhausts its capacity to deliver oxygen and nutrients fetus Extended pregnancy can lead to hypoxia and even asphyxia of the baby.

There are many reasons why symptoms of cervical dilatation may be absent or false:

  • structural features of the pelvic organs;
  • severe stress that interferes with disclosure;
  • lack of necessary hormones;
  • severe muscle spasms;
  • oligohydramnios;
  • erosion;
  • age over 35 years.

If the pregnancy is approaching the day of the expected birth, and the condition of the cervical canal indicates that it is not ready for childbirth, then the attending physician may prescribe certain procedures and medications in order to speed up the process. There are several methods, medicinal and non-medicinal.

Non-drug methods of accelerating labor include:

  • physical exercise, stimulating the expansion of the cervical canal and the opening of the uterine pharynx (cleaning, long walks, climbing stairs);
  • sexual intercourse (during sexual intercourse, blood circulation in the uterus increases, and seminal fluid contains a large number of prostaglandins, which affect the dilation of the cervix and provoke the onset of contractions);
  • cleansing enema (provokes irritation of the posterior uterine wall, which causes expansion of the uterine pharynx).

These methods must be used with caution. After all, excessive physical exercise may harm the child. Unprotected sexual intercourse after the mucus plug has passed can lead to infection of the fetus. Therefore, you should not decide on the need for such measures on your own. All actions must be coordinated with the gynecologist who is observing the woman during pregnancy.

Drug stimulation of labor

There are cases when there are symptoms of cervical dilatation, such as the passage of the mucous plug, regular contractions, rupture of amniotic fluid, but the os of the cervical canal allows no more than 1-2 fingers to pass through. This indicates a weak labor activity and requires its stimulation with medications. In medicine, there are several ways to speed up labor:

  1. Stimulation with tablets containing prostaglandins. This is one of the most simple ways acceleration of opening. It is a method of preparation for childbirth, and not an emergency measure.
  2. Insertion of a gel with synthetic prostaglandins into the vagina. The procedure is carried out several times a day, monitoring the condition of the patient and the fetus.
  3. Kelp sticks. They are inserted into the cervical canal, where they swell and gradually mechanically open the cervix.
  4. The Foley catheter also mechanically opens the uterine os and is considered the most in a fast way preparation for childbirth.
  5. A dropper with the hormone oxytocin. This method is used most often. Oxytocin stimulates labor. Under its influence, the opening occurs much faster, and the contractions become more intense.

If medications stimulation of labor does not bring results, the cervix does not dilate, and there is a threat to the life of the child, then doctors usually decide to perform an emergency caesarean section.

Symptoms of cervical dilatation cannot be ignored at any stage of pregnancy. A woman should immediately report any changes in her condition to her doctor. This will help prevent it in time possible pathologies and take all measures to normalize the course of pregnancy and labor.

Basically, labor begins naturally, after approximately 37 weeks, and logically ends with the birth of the baby. But there are cases when this does not happen or there are other medical indicators for the start of labor.

Also, labor that began spontaneously may not proceed so well, and then stop altogether. Contractions may stop or be insufficient to dilate the cervix further. Doctors call such labor activity weak.

If 12 hours after the water breaks, labor does not begin, doctors advise using stimulation. Accordingly, it is carried out very carefully and only under the supervision of a doctor. Be sure to take into account whether the woman is allergic to any medical supplies.

There are medications and, accordingly, not medicinal methods effects on the cervix. There are also several signs that stimulation is a must:

  • if a woman suffers from gestosis, diabetes mellitus or high blood pressure;
  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid (there is a risk of infection);
  • the uterus is too stretched (may be a consequence of polyhydramnios, twins or a large child);
  • the uterus does not open;
  • short and weak contractions, or their cessation altogether;
  • complications with the heart or Rh conflict can also serve as a reason for stimulation;
  • premature placental abruption. This is very dangerous, as it can threaten the life of the child;
  • some have late toxicosis;
  • deterioration in the condition of mother and baby.

Induction of labor is recommended in cases where the baby is post-term. A pregnancy is considered post-term if it lasts more than 40 weeks. Each doctor must make his own decision: stimulate or wait. Moreover, the waiting period may vary. For some it’s a week, for others it’s two. IN in this case It is best to place the woman in a maternity hospital in order to fully control the process and, if necessary, promptly allow childbirth.

The decision on stimulation and how to speed up the dilatation of the cervix before childbirth is made by the doctor. He must determine what is more dangerous: continuing to wait or inducing labor.

Non-medicinal method - puncture amniotic sac or amniotomy. This procedure is carried out if the dilation occurs only by 2 cm and stops. The result is increased labor activity. When the amniotic sac is punctured, amniotic fluid is released, resulting in a decrease in blood pressure. The baby's head presses on the pelvic bones, which further dilates the cervix. This method is considered quite safe and painless, since no harm is caused to the child and nerve endings the amniotic sac simply does not exist. If sufficient dilation does not occur after amniotomy, then doctors then use medications to speed up the dilation of the cervix.

One of the medicinal methods of stimulation is the use of prostaglandins. They help prepare the cervix for dilation. The method of using prostaglandins is good because the side effects are minimal. The doctor inserts the suppository deep into the vagina. Such actions are carried out for only one purpose - to help the cervix open faster. And this is already the beginning of labor. Suppositories are absolutely harmless and act only on the mother’s body, without causing any harm to the baby. The effect of the suppositories begins after 30 minutes, and before that you can calmly move around the room and wait for the medicine to take effect.

Oxytocin stimulation. This is another type of medication to speed up the dilatation of the cervix before childbirth. Oxytocin can be in the form of tablets, as a solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular injections, and especially - intravenous administration. Side effects: increased pain during childbirth (therefore, it is used, for the most part, in conjunction with antispasmodics), too much contractile activity of the uterus, and, as a result, poor circulation and harm to the health of the child.

If oxytocin is taken through a drip, then the woman is completely immobilized, which can also negatively affect the further dilatation of the cervix. For some expectant mothers, in a natural way dilatation of the cervix, walking around the room can serve. It is worth remembering that each person is individual.

There are several ways to prepare the uterus before childbirth:

  • eat more salads dressed with vegetable oil;
  • walking and swimming, especially diving, is necessary as much as possible. Walking barefoot works especially well;
  • ear and little finger massage;
  • use a decoction of raspberry leaves;
  • oddly enough, have more sex (especially in the position on all fours);
  • drink tea with lemon, dark chocolate and honey.

All of the above can be used only after 37 weeks. But before doing anything, you should definitely consult a doctor. You should make sure that there are no contraindications.

So, of course, to allow labor to occur, many doctors use medications. At the same time, all psychologists say one thing: childbirth is as stressful for a child as it is for its mother. Therefore, no matter how difficult it may seem, a woman should think first of all about the baby. Usually, after stimulation, labor enters the active phase. Pain is an integral part of labor, but you always need to control yourself and think not about yourself, but about the tiny person who is even worse off than she is.

The expectant mother should definitely study the literature, which describes in detail how to behave during childbirth. Even the minimum of information received will help during contractions. It is also necessary to do physical exercises. All this will lead to the fact that the fear of childbirth will decrease and, as a result, the woman will be able, for her part, to control and help resolve childbirth. The most important thing is to “listen” to your body - this is the best stimulation of labor before childbirth

While waiting for a baby, a woman feels anxiety and fear of the upcoming birth. In later stages of pregnancy, this feeling intensifies. Women who are experiencing this for the first time are the most worried. Unknown and challenging medical terms scare expectant mothers. To decrease anxiety, a woman needs to understand what awaits her. Minimal knowledge will help prevent serious pathologies, since, knowing the atypical symptoms, you can consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Why does the cervix dilate during childbirth?

The uterus itself is hollow muscular organ. The inner walls are covered with a mucous membrane, the condition of which changes in different days menstrual cycle. When pregnancy occurs, the fetus develops in the uterus. It is connected to the vagina by a special tube called the cervix. Interior the neck is tightly closed. This is necessary to securely hold the baby inside and protect the fetus from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. The uterus consists of a body, fundus and cervix.

During childbirth, the cervix dilates (see photo). This process is necessary for the child’s smooth passage through birth canal. Cervical preparation begins at the 32nd week of pregnancy (more details in the article:). At this time, its walls become more loose due to partial replacement muscle tissue to the connecting one. In addition, due to the production of the hormones estrogen and collagen, the tissues become softer and more stretchable.

After the 38th week of pregnancy, the placenta begins to age. At the same time, the uterus begins to produce special hormones that provoke the preparation of the organ before childbirth.

How do doctors determine dilation?

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Labor activity and the readiness of organs for the birth of a child are determined by the degree of dilatation of the cervix. Usually, this state They are checked by palpation, when doctors determine how many fingers fit freely into the lumen of the cervix. Currently, the centimeter measurement method is often used. The opening of one finger is equal to two centimeters.

When the cervix is ​​dilated by 3 cm, many pregnant women are concerned with the question, how long will it take for labor to begin? Doctors determine the onset of labor depending on how open the birth canal is. After 4 cm, the cervix opens a centimeter every hour. For birth, the clearance should be 10–12 cm.

Can a pregnant woman check her dilation herself?

Dilatation of the cervix by 1–2 centimeters (1 finger) occurs without characteristic features. As a rule, a woman does not feel that changes have begun to occur in her body. IN in rare cases Pregnant women complain of heaviness in the lower abdomen and minor pain.

If the expectant mother notices thick mucous brownish discharge, it means that the plug has come off. This symptom indicates the onset of labor. The amount of discharge depends on whether the protective plug has come off completely or partially. In any case, if suspicious discharge is detected, you should contact a gynecologist.

Sometimes labor begins with the release of amniotic fluid. They are normally colorless and odorless. It is necessary to remember the time when the water broke (see also:). In this case, the cervix may not open. This process requires the presence of a doctor; it is better for a woman to immediately contact the maternity hospital. If the cervix does not allow several fingers to pass through 5–7 hours after the release of fluid, labor should be induced, since long stay a fetus without amniotic fluid leads to its hypoxia.

It is impossible to determine the exact dilation in centimeters on your own at home. In order to examine the cervix before childbirth, check its readiness and understand the progress of labor, you need special skills and knowledge that only specialists possess. In addition, the woman in labor is physically unable to do this herself.

Stages of cervical dilatation in pregnant women

Disclosure occurs in 3 stages:

  • Latent. It is characterized by mild contractions that occur without any frequency. Painful sensations does not arise. If a woman is at home at this time, she rarely notices changes in her condition. IN this period It is recommended not to focus on the contractions, try to get distracted or sleep. Breathing exercises and calm music have a beneficial effect on muscles. Medical intervention into a natural process latent period not required. In rare cases, when pathologies develop, it is possible to use stimulants. The period lasts from several hours to several days.
  • Fast. At the same time, the duration of contractions increases and the interval between them decreases. Contractions appear periodically, every 2–5 minutes. They become painful; in case of severe unbearable pain, painkillers are used. During this period, the woman needs to be under the supervision of a doctor so that he can correctly assess labor activity and provide necessary help. It is not recommended to sit or lie down. A pregnant woman needs to stand with her elbows on a stable surface or walk. This achieves highest pressure baby's weight, the cervix should open faster. If it is more convenient for a woman to wait out contractions while sitting, it is better to use a large ball - a fitball. In the rapid period, dilation occurs by 4–6 cm within 8–10 hours for women with their first pregnancy (primiparas) and 5–7 for pregnant women the second and subsequent times (multiparas).
  • Full disclosure. At this time, the pregnant woman is under the supervision of doctors. The baby's head drops into the pelvis as the cervix is ​​fully dilated, or, as obstetricians say, effaced. The obstetrician seats the woman in labor on a special chair, conducts an examination and asks her to push. The time of the rapid period and full expansion depends on individual characteristics the body of the expectant mother and the readiness of her birth canal.

Possible problems

Why are there no contractions and the cervix is ​​not ready if it’s time to give birth? As the due date approaches, women's anxiety increases. Primiparas are afraid of possible pain and the unknown, women with a second pregnancy are frightened by previous experience, especially for those who encountered problems during childbirth. Emotional condition influences work endocrine system. Due to stress, adrenaline is produced, which leads to the fact that the cervix is ​​closed at the time of birth.

Other reasons for weak labor:

  • polyhydramnios – when there is a large amount of amniotic fluid, the walls of the uterus stretch excessively, which reduces their contractility;
  • oligohydramnios – if there is a lack of fluid, it is difficult for the child to pass through the birth canal, since the force of pressure on the cervix is ​​provided by the amniotic sac;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system in a pregnant woman - the production of necessary hormones is necessary for normal labor.

If dilation is not observed after the 40th week of pregnancy, stimulation is used. At this time, the placenta ages and ceases to perform its functions, as a result, the baby does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. This can cause the development of hypoxia.

If dilatation occurs before the due date, it can lead to miscarriage. They try to stop the increase in lumen from the 28th week of pregnancy. When the lumen increases by 1–2 cm, the inner edges of the cervix are sutured before delivery, which slows down further opening. If the lumen reaches 3–4 cm and the fetal head has dropped, then the woman is prescribed complete rest and administration special drugs, which accelerate the child’s development process.

Methods for dilating the cervix in the maternity hospital

If dilation does not occur by the 40th week of pregnancy, uterine stimulation is used. The procedure must take place in the maternity hospital under the supervision of doctors. The main methods include drug therapy. Usage various means may result in full disclosure 5–7 hours after application. Most often used:

  • Miropriston. Helps increase contractile activity the walls of the uterus. Allowed to take 1 tablet per day.
  • Oxytocin. It is a solution for intramuscular injection. Stimulates opening.
  • No-Shpa (more details in the article:). It is a strong antispasmodic, relaxes muscles, reduces their tone, which promotes rapid opening. Take 2-3 tablets per day.
  • Papaverine. Used in the form of tablets and injections. The action is aimed at reducing muscle tone. The dosage is determined individually, taking into account the condition of the birth canal.

Other methods of stimulation in the maternity hospital:

  • suppositories and gels with prostaglandin - inserted into the vagina, labor will begin a few hours after insertion (there are contraindications);
  • kelp sticks (look at the photo) - special sticks are placed in the cervix, due to swelling they increase the lumen, in addition, they contain substances that prepare the cervix for the passage of the child;
  • manual influence - with gynecological examination the doctor expands the organ with his fingers;
  • amniotomy - puncture of the fetal bladder using a special device.

Is it possible to stimulate dilatation at home?

Ways to induce labor at home:

  • Following a diet and taking special decoctions. A woman's diet should contain more fresh vegetables and fruits. A decoction of raspberry leaves and berries helps stimulate the opening of the cervix, as it contains substances that relax muscles and reduce tone.
  • Cleansing enema. In this case, there is an impact on back wall uterus. In addition, this leads to the removal of the plug, which provokes the onset of labor.
  • Sex. During orgasm, the uterus naturally contracts. Semen contains substances that soften the tissues of the cervix.
  • Physical exercise. Performing exercises should be agreed with a doctor, since muscle tension is contraindicated in case of gestosis and other pathological conditions. It is better to select a complex with an experienced instructor. Long walks, slow squats and exercise on a fitball have a beneficial effect (see photo). You can't jump. In addition, exercises with high arms raised should be avoided. During gymnastics, you need to monitor your breathing and relax your muscles in a timely manner.

A crucial moment for all women, without exception, is childbirth. If the person has already been in the birthing room, then she knows very well about the importance of all the preparation for such an incident. What should the “pioneers” do? They do not know at all what awaits them during the day. Labor lasts 24 hours, or even longer, for those who are preparing to become mothers for the first time. For the second and subsequent times, labor begins more rapidly. Each subsequent one accelerates, and the woman knows perfectly well about those feelings and important points. For example, pushing and contractions. When to sit down and which side to lie on. But there is one more nuance: the body’s readiness. And the main role is played by the dilation of the cervix. Although changes occur over 40 weeks, it is only at 38-39 weeks that one can fully understand whether or not a representative of the fair sex is ready to naturally give birth to a child.

Cervical dilatation before labor and cervical dilatation during childbirth are two different things. But you will have to start talking about labor only after studying the structure of the organ and its changes after conception. Firstly, the cervix is ​​part reproductive organ. Secondly, be at the bottom. It looks like a cylinder and connects to the vagina. It has a canal called the cervical and pharynx. After conception, a mucus plug occurs. It prevents infections from reaching the fetus and the embryo falling out at the wrong time. This is how the child is preserved throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Such a plug ideally comes off only before childbirth and indicates that the baby will soon need to come out. But there are cases when it comes out much earlier, and this is evidence serious violations. At such moments, the cervix, thanks to muscle tissue, tries to hold the fetus in place. Also available:

  • endometrium. Middle tissue and serosa;
  • myometrium. The tissue contracts regularly, which creates contractions.

Cervix during pregnancy

As soon as the myometrium begins to actively work, the baby is pushed out. In this case, the cervix may be dilated by 1 finger. During contractions, the throat should open enough to allow the baby to pass through. If there is insufficient opening of the cervix, then the birth has the status of complicated or pathological.

Stages of labor

All births take place in stages:

stage description
Contractions This process is individual for each woman. Much depends on sensitivity to pain and discomfort. During the process of contractions, the uterus and all organs that are involved in childbirth take the necessary shape for the normal passage of the child. First birth – 24-12 hours, subsequent ones from 12 to 6 hours
Attempts The baby quickly leaves the uterus. If you don’t know at what dilation of the cervix labor begins, and if you don’t have time to stimulate, then the baby will not be able to go all the way and will get stuck. This cannot be allowed. Obstetricians carefully monitor that the woman in labor behaves correctly during contractions and pushes correctly. The doctor’s task is to check how ready the woman’s body is for childbirth.
Postpartum period In addition to the baby, you have to go through the birth process again. But only this time the children's place must come out

Of the three stages, the longest was the first - the fight. Reductions occur throughout the entire period. They are different in strength. The frequency increases as labor approaches. By this time, the cervix should be fully dilated. How many fingers or centimeters (the measurement is taken on the fingers) is the norm? Each phase has its own measure. Everything should happen synchronously: the uterus opens and contractions increase. So, for example, if you want to know what the dilatation of the cervix looks like before childbirth, then from 4 to 8 cm (2-4 fingers), the frequency of contractions will be approximately 3-6 times in 10-12 minutes. After which there is relaxation and a new wave. The gap time between waves is always the same - 90 seconds.

There is no sensation of pain when the cervix is ​​fully dilated. But during this same period the child is thrown out.

Need to know! To check whether the uterus is ready for childbirth, doctors have a whole grid where indicators are calculated. It included: consistency, size and degree of smoothness, patency of the canals and neck, location of the organ. Taking into account all the standards and scores (the highest score is 8), doctors decide on the possibility of giving birth naturally or performing surgery.

For labor, everything is important: how much dilation of the cervix should be during childbirth and all the indicators on the grid. The highest readiness scores for calculations are 5 points and above. Before the process itself, the cervix should be well dilated. Soft and short. And the internal pharynx is open and in the middle position.

Signs of cervical dilatation during pregnancy can be seen by a gynecologist already in the last weeks before childbirth. In primiparous women at 38 weeks. But for the “experienced” from 36-37 weeks, since each subsequent birth of a baby takes place before 40 weeks. The inspection is carried out carefully. In no case on an armchair, but on a couch.

The degree of maturity is defective for the first time – normal phenomenon. Often, softening of the cervix occurs before the birth itself, literally in a few days. But observation continues, and if necessary, actions are taken to stimulate and prescribe for full readiness.

Dilatation of the cervix during childbirth

Such moments are important, and it is necessary to listen to the doctor in order to avoid injury to both the child and the mother herself. But how to avoid problems if there are no symptoms of cervical dilatation during pregnancy?

In this matter, only regular visits to the doctor throughout pregnancy, undergoing examinations and tests will help. It is not possible to track it yourself. Since the culprit of immaturity is:

  • lack of estrogen and hormonal imbalances;
  • Availability surgical intervention and the appearance of scars in the pelvic area;
  • post-maturity and violation of the integrity of the cervix in previous births;
  • pathology of the organs of the reproductive system of a congenital nature.

It is not always possible to achieve pregnancy and pregnancy on your own. When planning a pregnancy and after conception, a woman should not only eat properly, but also do special exercises to dilate the cervix before childbirth. During the gestation period, take courses for young parents and learn proper contractions and pushing.

But what if multiparous women have problems dilating the cervix into two fingers, and all preventive measures have not helped? If the doctor noticed such a problem, and the woman in labor told the whole truth about the previous birth (how fast it was, the presence of problems during it, ruptures, etc.), then appropriate prescriptions are made.

Mandatory appointment medications. This may include suppositories and gels, tablets and injections. If necessary, kelp sticks are inserted into the cervical canal. But everything is selected individually for each woman in labor. Drugs under such conditions will be antispasmodic in nature. It will not do without prostaglandins.

But how to speed up the dilation of the cervix before childbirth at home? This may be required in cases where the water has broken and it is necessary to save the life of the mother and child. There is no point in looking for ways to open it yourself. Immediate appeal to the hospital for medical care. Doctors in similar cases they inject the necessary devices and help the woman in labor with their hands. At rapid birth cervical incisions are made.

In order to prevent and facilitate labor two weeks before giving birth, a woman is able to help herself without dosage forms. For this purpose, specially designed gymnastics are recommended. Her routine includes squats and long walks. It is advisable to walk up and down stairs more often. Be sure to include a diet. The main component will be fish fat. Don't be afraid to have sex more often. In the last stages, this is useful and will help you give birth quickly without complications.

If a woman in labor is often nervous, then it is worth consulting about sedatives. Such forms are not accepted independently. All measures permissible for uterine stimulation must be prescribed by a doctor. His recommendations may include taking evening primrose oil and plant infusions, massage and antispasmodics.

In order for the baby to be born, the birth canal needs to be prepared for this. The pelvic bones move apart, the cervical canal smoothes out and becomes shorter. Drugs and non-traditional techniques will help speed up the dilation of the cervix before childbirth.

The cervix is ​​a connecting tube that runs from the vagina to the uterus. At the gestation stage, it is completely closed because it has a protective function for the baby (it stops all infections and bacteria). Before childbirth, the cervix opens, and with it the birth canal.

Indications for stimulating uterine dilatation:

  1. post-term pregnancy (after 41 weeks);
  2. lack of development of labor;
  3. deterioration of the condition of the mother or baby;
  4. placental abruption;
  5. breaking of water;
  6. severe illness of the expectant mother (diabetes mellitus);
  7. multiple pregnancy.

There are also situations when the use of drugs to dilate the cervix is ​​prohibited. You need to familiarize yourself with the main contraindications.

  • the fetus is too large in relation to the woman’s pelvis;
  • there are difficulties with the child’s heartbeat (frequent or, on the contrary, very rare);
  • the baby is positioned incorrectly;
  • poor health of the woman in labor, temporary or permanent ( high pressure, dizziness, difficulty in heart function).

It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner and report changes in your condition in order to prevent complications. The child’s well-being is monitored by measuring the baby’s heart rate, as well as by monitoring his motor activity. Depending on the characteristics of the mother's body, the doctor selects stimulating activities that are best suited to a particular case.

Stages of disclosure

Mothers do not always know enough information about the course of the birth process. The uterus opens in three stages, which not every woman in labor will be able to recognize.

First stage (latent). The woman feels light, chaotic contractions, no pain is felt. The duration of the first stage ranges from 2 hours to 2 days. At this time, it is better to abstract yourself and sleep in order to gain strength and vital energy. Usually, stimulating procedures are not prescribed at the initial stage. But if there are indications for this, the doctor will definitely take measures and help speed up the opening of the uterus.

Second period (active phase) characterized by intensifying contractions, they become longer and more intense. The opening at this moment is 4-5 cm.

How to speed up the process of cervical dilatation before childbirth:

  1. constantly move;
  2. do not lie on the bed;
  3. walk along the ward or corridor;
  4. perform breathing exercises correctly.

Usually, during the second period of dilation, the woman in labor ruptures the membranes and the water breaks. If this does not happen, an amniotomy is performed.

The third period is full dilatation of the cervix, labor activity is already quite active form. Between the second and third phase there may be different quantities time, it is quite probable that rapid labor, so drawn out. That is why at such a moment it is better to be in a hospital so that the doctor has time to correct the condition of both the fetus and the mother.

Symptoms and sensations when opening

The opening of the cervix is ​​considered to be the first stage of labor. Gynecologists measure this phenomenon with obstetric fingers. Full opening is equal to 5 fingers or 10 cm. This process is easy to recognize, because the onset of labor cannot be confused with anything.


  • pain similar to menstrual pain;
  • discharge of a mucus plug (a clot of mucus mixed with blood);
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

How does cervical dilation manifest during pregnancy? The main symptom indicating the beginning of the opening is the presence of regular contractions at the same interval. At the first stage, the interval between uterine contractions is 25-30 minutes, but with the progress of dilatation, it decreases to 5-6 minutes. The intensity and duration of labor spasms also depends on the degree of opening of the uterus.

How quickly does the cervix dilate before labor? Everything is individual, because every woman in labor has her own characteristics. On average, the rate of dilatation is 1 cm per hour, counting from the moment when labor enters the active phase. How long before birth the cervix softens depends on the speed of its opening. A pregnant woman is examined every 2-3 hours, provided that she feels well.

The symptoms of dilatation cannot be confused with anything; in fact, this is the beginning of labor. The main thing is to get ready and behave correctly (count contractions).

Non-medicinal methods of dilating the cervix

This process does not always occur naturally. Sometimes a doctor's help is required. Besides medicines, exists alternative therapy, helping to eliminate the problem.

How the cervix dilates before childbirth:

  1. with the help of physical activity;
  2. yoga or meditation;
  3. active sex life;
  4. breast stimulation;
  5. enema;
  6. through a Foley catheter;
  7. puncture of the amniotic sac;
  8. after taking a bath with aromatic oils;
  9. administration of prostaglandins;
  10. when performing massage on certain areas of the body;
  11. by adjusting your diet.

Physical exercise for dilation of the cervix before childbirth - one of the most simple methods stimulation, the essence of which is to maintain motor activity in the last stages. We need to walk more, take walks fresh air, study breathing exercises. This promotes rapid dilatation of the cervix, but the method can be used provided that the expectant mother feels normal.

What positions help to open the cervix:

  • constant change of body position;
  • lotus pose, butterfly;
  • On knees.

The main thing here is to remain calm and relax. Then the opening process will go on its own.

Yoga or meditation are also gaining popularity among pregnant women who need stimulation to open. The point is to positively visualize the process of opening the cervical canal. That is, you need to try to tune yourself to positive result. Meditation to open the cervix will only help those who believe and delve into it.

Husband therapy. Some obstetricians advise pregnant women to actively sex life after 40 weeks. This can promote dilation, because the sperm softens the cervix, and it ripens faster. Having sex is allowed in the absence medical contraindications

to him. Nipple stimulation

also belongs to the means for opening the cervix. The principle of action is to produce oxytocin (the hormone that causes contractions) naturally. You can perform breast massage yourself or ask your husband, which will be more pleasant for both. Stimulating the nipples with water from the shower will also work. Foley catheter placement

- insertion of the balloon into the cervical cavity. This is a quick and painless procedure. First, the pregnant woman is examined, then the obstetrician inserts a tube with a balloon at the end into the cervix and injects 10 ml of liquid. The reservoir fills and expands the channel walls to the sides. If this is not enough, saline is injected through a catheter directly into the amniotic sac. The Foley catheter can remain inside for about a day, after which it must be removed.

An enema helps to open the cervix faster, stimulating its back wall, thereby accelerating the process of softening and smoothing. The downside of the procedure is discomfort. But on the other hand, it is also a cleansing of the intestines before childbirth, to ensure against unforeseen situations during childbirth.

Amniotomy is a puncture of the amniotic sac. This is an absolutely painless procedure, after which the opening occurs much faster. And in general, labor activity decreases by 2-3 hours. There are, of course, negative nuances - amniotomy leaves the fetus without a cushion of water, which softens its passage through the birth canal. Taking a bath with aroma oils

can cause dilatation of the cervix, but it is better not to use the method in practice. After all, it is very difficult to guess the temperature of the water so that it is beneficial and not harmful to the fetus. In addition, most oils have allergic components.

Kelp is widely used by obstetricians. After inserting the seaweed stick, the uterus quickly opens, and the birth process constantly progresses. The essence of the method is to insert a tampon of algae into the neck. After they swell in the moist environment of the vagina, the canal expands and matures. Massage of bioactive points birth process. Massaging the little finger to open the cervix is ​​also effective if you know how to stimulate and where to apply pressure.

Eating certain foods influences opening. It is recommended to include in the diet foods that cause cervical dilatation, such as olive oil, strawberries (in season), dried fruits, prunes. Tea made from raspberry leaves helps well; it promotes the production of estrogen. Some expectant mothers drink alcoholic drinks as a method of influencing the uterus. An excellent stimulant is eating chili peppers.

You should stimulate cervical dilatation at home only after discussing the method of influencing the cervical canal with the obstetrician leading the birth. This will help keep the baby and his mother calm and healthy.

Drug stimulation

Sometimes gynecologists decide to soften the cervix and open it with the help of medications. This a large number of drugs that have an effect on labor.

Gel for dilation of the cervix before childbirth - widely used in medical practice, it is based on prostaglandins. This method has almost no side effects, so the channel opens quickly. After using the gel, rapid labor occurs extremely rarely.

Suppositories for dilating the cervix also contain prostaglandins. Positive quality The method of stimulation is the freedom of movement of the woman in labor. A significant disadvantage is the cost of the medicine.

Homeopathic medicines- Another option is to cause the opening of the cervix. This medicine is based on herbal ingredients.

What pills are given to dilate the cervix before childbirth? Various medications are prescribed, but Caulophyllum 30 is one of the most prominent representatives of such medications, which helps the uterus to mature faster. The result is not long in coming, but the price for it is not small. The use of pills for cervical ripening before childbirth is allowed only after a certain medicine has been prescribed by a doctor.

Administration of oxytocin– predominant in obstetric practice option of influencing the connecting channel. With this drug, an IV is placed to dilate the cervix or injections are prescribed. A significant disadvantage of the stimulation procedure is the constant restriction of the woman’s movement, because she is tied to the system and the tripod on which the medicine is held.

Manual dilatation of the cervix carried out by an obstetrician during an examination if the pregnant woman is post-term. Then the doctor tries to insert his fingers into the cervical cavity to open the path to the uterus.


From 37 weeks female body preparing for the childbearing process. Most expectant mothers, due to fear of the unknown, panic. This leads to a slowdown in the production of hormones necessary for childbirth and the cervix takes a long time to open.

Reasons for lack of disclosure:

  1. polyhydramnios;
  2. oligohydramnios;
  3. age after 35;
  4. thyroid diseases.

When the cervix is ​​ready for labor, it opens dynamically. When the process of divergence of the walls of the cervical canal is pathologically slow, stimulation is resorted to. In a hospital setting, an injection is given to dilate the cervix or an IV is given. At home, you can try starting with non-drug therapy.

Fast opening– this is also not normal, but it is impossible to influence the mechanism that has started. The pregnant woman’s body does not have time to prepare for delivery and tears and cracks appear. The child also experiences enormous stress and finds it difficult to adapt to the new environment.

After stimulation, which is carried out to speed up the opening of the cervix during contractions, pathologies also occur. This is both a slowdown in labor activity and its rapid development. Therefore, when starting therapy to influence the cervical canal, it is better for a woman in labor to stay in the maternity hospital.

A hard cervix is ​​also an anomaly that occurs as a result of regular pregnancy. Therapy based on strengthening drugs exacerbates the opening process. The only way out from the situation - caesarean section.

Cervical dilatation is an important period of labor, without which the baby will not be born naturally. You can use medications or alternative techniques. Both options are quite productive. Before you begin stimulation, you need to discuss all the nuances with the obstetrician who is responsible for childbirth.

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