How to get rid of comedones on the face: various remedies and treatment methods. Mechanical cleaning at home. Manual and vacuum cleaning

The appearance of comedones (blackheads and white pimples) is a sign of malfunctions in the body, or a signal of improper facial care. There are a number of rules that will help you get rid of them.

Not every woman can boast of being perfect healthy skin: subcutaneous acne, acne and other types of rashes regularly spoil your mood. That is why women have a question: how to get rid of comedones? Fortunately, there are many options for skin treatment, starting grandma's recipes, and ending with cosmetic procedures.

Why do skin problems occur?

Comedones on the face are a clot of sebum that has clogged a pore. This problem is not limited to teenagers: people of all ages are susceptible to rashes. different types skin.

Types of comedones

Dermatologists distinguish several types of comedones:

  • Open comedones
    This type of rash is better known as blackheads. Their color is explained quite simply: when air and the substance located in the pores interact, the latter oxidizes, which results in a dark color.
  • Closed comedones
    The rash, consisting of cystic formations, sebum, bacteria and horny scales, looks like closed white pimples. They increase as sebaceous glands reproduce sebum.


If you want to know how to get rid of comedones on your face, you must first understand the real reason their occurrence. Dermatologists identify several main factors:

  • Poor/unprofessional performance of cosmetic procedures.
  • Genetics (heredity).
  • Failure of the hormonal fund (in particular high rate testosterone).
  • Reception medicines.
  • Ecology of your region + high humidity.
  • Neglect of hygiene rules.

Experts also note that stressful situation and emotional overload can negatively affect the condition of the skin and be one of the causes of acne.

Treatment in a cosmetologist's office

There are many ways to treat comedones, but the most radical and noticeable effect rightfully belongs to cosmetic procedures, which are offered by most beauty salons and private offices. A specialist will be able to offer you several techniques that will relieve skin problems. But it is important to understand that one should fight not only the visible manifestations, but also the cause of the disease. Therefore, it is much better to start therapy with a visit to a dermatologist: only a doctor can take necessary tests and explain how to get rid of subcutaneous comedones specifically in your case.

Types of interior cleaning

Many girls mistakenly assume that facial cleansing is not a complicated procedure, and therefore try to do it at home. But it is important to understand that in this case there is a high probability of worsening the situation.

There are several types of salon cleanings:

  • Mechanical
    In this case, the cosmetologist treats all problem areas and specifically removes pimples and blackheads.
  • Hardware
    Facial cleansing is carried out in a cosmetologist’s office using special equipment. There are several options for how to get rid of subcutaneous comedones on the face using this technique.
  • Brushing
    The procedure is also known as “brush peeling”. In this case, the cosmetologist cleans upper layer epithelium using a device with brush attachments. This allows you to get rid of dead cells and improve blood circulation. This kind of cleaning is only suitable in cases where the situation is “not running.”
  • Ultrasonic cleaning
    To achieve a positive effect, the specialist uses beneficial features ultrasound This procedure gives a softer result than mechanical cleaning, and therefore is suitable both as a preventive measure and for combating blackheads. But ultrasound cannot remove open comedones.
  • Vacuum cleaning
    This technique is ideal for owners of fading, as well as oily skin With various rashes(blackheads, acne). In this case, the cosmetologist uses a vacuum tube to clean the previously open pores. The procedure is painless (which is typical for manual cleaning) and does not leave any marks (redness typical for mechanical cleaning).
  • Galvanization
    This technique is also known as disincrustation. The procedure promotes deep cleansing of the face. Using a special device, the cosmetologist acts on the skin using low frequency current. This procedure helps to get rid of comedones both on the forehead and other areas of the face.

Peeling with fruit acids

Many visitors to beauty salons prefer to fight skin imperfections with fruit peeling. This procedure removes dead skin layers. To do this, experts use milk, tartar, glycolic, apple or citric acid(use of each acid - separate species peeling). One session of fruit peeling is completely insufficient to achieve noticeable results. To really remove comedones on the forehead, nose and chin, you will need to take a course (from 7 to 11 sessions).

In addition, the procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • Fresh tan.
  • Damage to the skin (in areas of treatment).
  • Allergy to components.
  • Warm season (or from walks in sunny days I'll have to give it up temporarily.)

If the technique is contraindicated for you, the cosmetologist will offer you others, but no less. effective options peelings: almond, salicylic, pyruvic, retinoic.

Darsonvalization against comedones

Darsonval is a universal device that helps fight hair loss, varicose veins and many other problems. Especially wide application The device was received in the field of cosmetology: the device helps reduce scars and treats any rashes on the skin.

Features of the procedure and its effectiveness

The device does not have a healing effect, and therefore many cosmetologists use it after mechanical cleaning: this makes it possible to relieve redness and irritation. Darsonval promotes tissue renewal by improving blood circulation.

Women interested in how to remove comedones choose darsonvalization. This is easy to explain: regular hardware procedures will significantly reduce the secretion of sebum, which is often the root cause of rashes. The technique allows the skin to literally “breathe”.

Using the device at home: precautions

Darsonval is sold in many online stores and in medical departments. technology for affordable prices. But before purchasing it, be sure to consult a doctor and, if possible, undergo several procedures with a cosmetologist. If you see positive reaction– feel free to purchase Darsonval for home use.

Required number of procedures

To quickly get rid of comedones, girls prefer to have their skin cleaned by a cosmetologist. But if you are interested in long-term results and treatment, choose Darsonval. To achieve a noticeable healing effect, perform the procedures daily or every other day. One session of darsonvalization of facial skin should last from 5 to 10 minutes. The course of such treatment is 10-20 sessions.

Home methods for treating comedones

Cosmetics are quite expensive, and therefore many girls are trying to find out how to get rid of comedones at home. Such cosmetics are not only affordable, but also more beneficial for the skin in general.

Homemade masks

In the fight against open comedones, such as blackheads, a mask based on egg white.

To prepare you need one raw protein a tablespoon of sugar. The components must be mixed so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Apply half of the product to the skin and wait until it dries completely. Next, without washing off the composition, apply the second part of the mask. It must be applied in a special way, patting it with your palms and fingertips. This method of application is mandatory: a sticky mass appears between the fingers and the skin, drawing sebum out. When your hands stop sticking, wash off the product. cool water and apply cream to your face.

Scrub from improvised products

Blackheads are easy to hide with cosmetics, and therefore closed comedones cause significantly more discomfort. Dermatologists know how to get rid of comedones that regularly appear on the face. They recommend combining treatment prescribed by a doctor and store-bought/homemade scrubs.

A homemade scrub can be prepared from ordinary household products, and you don’t have to spend money on expensive cosmetics. A mixture of coffee cake and sour cream in a 1:1 ratio gives a good result. This scrub gently and carefully cleanses skin pores and is easily washed off. You can carry out this procedure several times a week: it is suitable even if your skin is delicate and sensitive.

A scrubbing mask against comedones from sea ​​salt(2 tbsp), olive oil (1 tbsp) and liquid honey (1 tbsp). After mixing all the ingredients, the mixture is applied to the skin in a circular, rubbing motion. After 3-4 minutes, wash your face.

warm water

Prevention of comedones

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of all kinds of rashes is poor facial care: for many girls, all procedures are limited to just washing, which is fundamentally wrong.

If white comedones appear on the face, you can get rid of them not only with masks and medications, but also with proper care.

To keep your skin healthy, follow these simple rules:

  • Never squeeze pimples (you can get infected).
  • Wash your face twice a day using gel or foam. There is no need to rub your face: movements should be smooth and massaging.
  • If you have oily or combination skin, choose drying products. Sebum - best friend rashes.
  • Try to limit your exposure to the sun and solariums. Tanning does not help solve the problem, but only masks it.
  • Masks and scrubs against comedones will give results only if they are used systematically.

What foods can trigger comedones?

Dermatologists have long proven the relationship between skin health and diet. Among the products that negatively affect the quality of the skin, coffee ranks first. Those with problem skin are also advised to avoid eating fast food, flour, sweets, and alcohol.

It is important for women to remember that the problem of rashes is easier to prevent than to cure. That is why, if you want to look good, take care of your health: follow a daily routine and give preference to healthy foods.

Video: how to get rid of comedones

Any rash spoils not only your mood, but also, in some ways, your life. In today's video cast we can learn about the most popular ways to get rid of them.

Comedones are one of the dermatological diseases that are widespread at the moment. Such an ailment is not only a certain aesthetic defect, but is also often a symptom of a more serious violations in organism.

At the same time, getting rid of them for an indefinite period of time is quite simple, but comedones have high risk relapse and in order to solve this problem completely, it is necessary to take a full range of measures.

There are two main types: closed and open comedones.

  1. Closed comedones are skin growth filled with clots of sebaceous glands, cystic formations, bacteria. Typically, this type is white.
  2. The open type is black in color due to constant interaction with air, and therefore the oxidation process.

Regardless of their type, comedones bring significant discomfort, since they not only spoil appearance, but also often carry discomfort and pain syndrome.

In order to effectively combat this dermatological disease, it is necessary to highlight the reasons for its occurrence.

Among the main prerequisites for the formation of comedones are:

  • genetic predisposition to dermatological diseases;
  • unstable hormonal levels;
  • poor quality of cosmetic procedures;
  • side effect of taking certain medications;
  • long-term exposure to stress;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • improper hygiene and the use of low-quality cosmetic and care products.

The above reasons must be taken into account when drawing up a complex for the treatment of comedones in order to reduce the risk of relapse.

Treatment at home

Most of those who encountered this problem were able to solve it themselves without leaving home. But it should be remembered that visually getting rid of comedones is not too much. difficult task, it is important to eliminate the cause of their occurrence.

In addition, to solve this problem, use not one method, but a set of measures: mechanical cleansing of the dermis, the use of various care products, and regulation of your diet.

Mechanical cleaning

Deep cleansing of the skin is one of the decisive factors in the fight against comedones. That is why mechanical cleansing is part of the complex. Wherein this procedure can be easily done at home.

The main thing to remember is that:

  • The procedure is carried out only on thoroughly cleansed skin, clean hands or using a special “Extractor” tool;
  • In case of inflammation or unhealed wounds, cleansing is prohibited;
  • After all manipulations, be sure to use alcohol-containing solutions to narrow the pores.

You can learn how to properly perform deep facial cleansing from the following video:


Egg mask. You will need one protein chicken egg and 1 tbsp. l sugar. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. After which the product is applied in a thin layer to the face. You need to wait 10-15 minutes and apply a second layer of mask, wait about the same amount of time. Rinse off with cool water.

Soda is an assistant in the treatment of comedones. To prepare the product, you will need 1 teaspoon of salt and the same amount of baking soda, which must be thoroughly mixed and applied to a slightly moistened cotton pad. Then wipe your face thoroughly with it and Special attention pay attention to areas with comedones. After 5 minutes, rinse your face with water at room temperature.

It should be noted that these masks not only effectively cleanse the skin, but also dry it out, so be sure to use a moisturizer after use.


Exfoliation of dead skin cells – important stage care problem skin, which is most often used before applying masks to the skin.

  1. Honey and cinnamon. To prepare, you need to mix 3 tbsp. l honey and 1 tbsp. l cinnamon. Before applying the scrub, it is recommended to take a steam bath for your face, which will improve the effect. The product is applied in a circular motion and washed off with water at room temperature.
  2. Oatmeal is one of the most popular ingredients used to make scrubs. To use this recipe you need to take 2 tbsp. l ground oatmeal, 1 tbsp. l aloe juice, 2 tbsp. l sugar and 1 tsp lemon juice. Using the scrub is identical to the previous method.

Herbal ointments

Herbal ointments occupy a special place in the fight against comedones, since they are considered almost the most effective means.

In addition, such products are available to everyone, as they are sold in a regular pharmacy.

  1. Based on calendula, it is suitable for those with dry and sensitive skin, because they help not only get rid of comedones, but also soothe the skin.
  2. Ointments containing chamomile that help relieve inflammatory process, preventing the development of suppuration. Often used immediately after scrubs.
  3. Propolis, which has a beneficial effect on the secretion of the sebaceous glands. It is also used for preventive purposes.

Usage pharmacy creams significantly improves the condition of the skin and, in addition, almost all of the above products have a cumulative effect.


It's no secret that the condition of the skin directly depends on what a person eats. In this regard, modern experts highlight a list of products that need to be added to your diet and, therefore, those that need to be excluded.

Products that are useful and necessary for comedones include:

  1. Liver and legumes containing large amounts of chromium.
  2. Flaxseed oil because it contains essential omega acids.
  3. Fish, lean beef, asparagus are rich in zinc, which is the main assistant in the fight against comedones.
  4. Fresh vegetables due to content large quantity various vitamins.
  5. Green and herbal tea, helping to remove unnecessary toxins from the body.

Products that nutritionists and cosmetologists recommend eliminating completely or reducing:

  1. Chocolate, flour and sweets provoke the appearance of a rash and negatively affect metabolic processes body.
  2. High fat dairy products.
  3. Fatty and fried foods negatively affect digestive system, processes of excretion of harmful substances from the body.
  4. Caffeine, as it affects the production of cortisol, the stress hormone.
  5. Bread, since it leads to excessive production of insulin, consequently increases the production of sebum, that is, clogging the pores.


Undoubtedly best treatment comedones – prevention of their formation.

In order to reduce the risk of their occurrence, you should follow fairly simple but effective rules.

  1. Healthy and good nutrition, rich in vitamins.
  2. Systematic, comprehensive and properly selected skin care. All products must be suitable for your skin type and not cause allergic reactions or other irritations.
  3. Getting rid of bad habits.
  4. Good mood and sleep, since it is the skin that reacts sharply to stressful situations.
  5. Taking complex multivitamins.

Comedones are a common dermatological problem, but it can and should be dealt with. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and take care of your health.

You will learn how to get rid of comedones on your face using folk remedies from the following video:

In contact with

It happens that acne bothers you not only in your youth, but also in adulthood. Often these are not even inflamed acne, but closed comedones, the treatment of which can be quite difficult. There are many reasons for this problem to occur. This is not proper care skin care, hormonal imbalance, the effects of certain medications, allergic reactions to cosmetics and simply mechanical impact on the skin.

Treatment of comedones largely depends on what caused them. For example, if they are due hormonal imbalance, then you need to contact an endocrinologist. Perhaps, after the treatment he prescribed, new acne will not appear, and old ones can be removed mechanically.

Hidden comedones are often called “comedos”. Indeed, they resemble white grains that are located under the skin (sometimes even grains are invisible, and the presence of comedones is indicated by the roughness of the skin). Sometimes entire cysts form under the skin, which can connect with each other and, in severe cases, become inflamed. Then scars form in this place. This is why it is more difficult to treat closed comedones than open ones.

IN the latter case you need to remove the dark “core” - it is not squeezed out in the usual sense, but cosmetologists use special equipment for this. This cannot be done with closed comedones. Their contents do not come to the surface; on the contrary, they can become inflamed and increase in size, forming a white seal on the skin - a “head”. Let's look at how to get rid of closed comedones if traditional methods does not work.

First you need to adjust your cleansing program. Perhaps closed comedones were caused by an incorrectly selected cleanser. In such cases, cosmetologists recommend using such cosmetical tools, which contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. This will prevent the formation of new comedones.

Proper cleansing will free the skin from dirt and dead cells - they are the ones that partially block the excretory function of the sebaceous glands: the pores become clogged, the secretion hardens and fills it, forming closed comedones. But all these cleansers are good mainly for prevention. They will not be able to remove the already formed “grass”. To do this, use a lotion to dissolve closed comedones or other similar means.

You cannot use all of these methods on your own. Many people use what they saw in advertising or what they heard about from friends. But if a friend or sister got rid of comedones using mechanical cleansing or some kind of ointment, this does not mean that this method will help in another specific case. Even those products that can be used at home must be prescribed by a doctor. If you self-medicate, you can get an unpleasant result in the form of unaesthetic acne scars. and they are more difficult to deal with than closed comedones.

Treatment begins with visiting several specialists at once. In addition to a dermatologist who will tell you how to deal with external manifestations this problem, it is worth visiting an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. After all, closed comedones can be a consequence hormonal disorders or diseases gastrointestinal tract. In this case, treatment should be aimed at eliminating these diseases.

Fighting closed comedones using integrated methods. This is a correction of the underlying disease, a change in lifestyle (after all, it also happens that this cosmetic defect is caused by chronic stress), proper cleansing, various cosmetic procedures aimed at normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. But in severe cases, antibiotics or hormone therapy. Any such remedy has serious side effects, so only a doctor can weigh the pros and cons of the use of antibiotics and hormones in each specific case. If a secondary infection occurs, your doctor will prescribe antibacterial agent.

What antibiotics and medications are used

Any antibiotic is a drug that has a detrimental effect on natural immunity and has big list contraindications. Treatment of comedones usually involves the use of tetracycline (including in the form of an ointment). It's relative mild antibiotic, without serious contraindications. But there is severe cases when such a remedy is ineffective.

In this case, drugs based on doxycycline are used, which is also part of the group of tetracycline drugs, but has more strong action. For example, this is Unidox Soluta. With all its advantages, this remedy has serious contraindications. It is not accepted for severe forms liver and kidney diseases, in the presence of allergic reactions, and during pregnancy. Sometimes used hormonal contraceptives. But such drugs are prescribed only to patients over 14 years of age.

To the question of how to treat closed comedones if antibiotics cannot be used, the answer is to use some ointments that are used to dissolve closed comedones, or rather, they clear clogged pores from the mixture that has clogged them. Most often, such products are made based on benzene peroxide, salicylic acid and sulfur. An example is Zinerit, an ointment based on zinc and erythromycin. Unfortunately, it cannot be used to combat closed comedones for a long time, since the microorganisms whose activity contributes to the formation of acne begin to get used to it. active components drugs, become resistant to them and their effectiveness gradually decreases.

Treatment can also be carried out using retinoic ointment, the main component of which is retinol, that is, vitamin A. This drug normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands and eliminates acne. From side effects It is worth highlighting individual intolerance.

Closed comedones are also treated with ichthyol and zinc ointments. The first remedy has a strong healing effect. Therefore, there will be no scars left from comedones. Zinc ointment Used only when there are few acne.

Cosmetic procedures to eliminate acne

When choosing methods for removing already formed acne, you need to know that in many cases cosmetic or pharmaceutical preparations are effective, although there are situations when more is required. radical methods.

Closed comedones can be removed mechanically.

This is called microdermabrasion. From a technical point of view, this is the simplest method that allows you to remove dead skin cells, impurities and sebaceous plugs that form comedones. This cleaning (sometimes called grinding) is carried out using a special device that operates on the principle of vacuum suction. Sometimes one procedure is enough, sometimes a whole course is carried out. Microdermabrasion cannot be called a painful procedure, but the sensations are not the most pleasant, so people with thin sensitive skin have to do local anesthesia.

Another method of combating comedones is electrocoagulation. This procedure involves cauterization of closed comedones. electric shock using special equipment. After this, a thin film forms on the site of the acne, which after a while easily peels off. If the acne was large and deeply located, then light, almost invisible scars, most often small, may remain on the skin after electrocoagulation.

Laser peeling is an effective remedy in the fight against closed comedones. As a rule, one procedure is sufficient to obtain results. The problem area is treated using special equipment. It can be configured so that the laser will only remove the acne itself, and the surrounding tissue will not be affected. Thanks to this, there will be no scars left on the surface of the skin. By the way, this procedure is completely painless.

Diet and lifestyle during treatment

There is a widespread theory that you can prevent the appearance of comedones if you completely give up fatty and sweet foods. This is actually a misconception. Daily diet has virtually no effect on the formation of acne. Of course, if you adhere to the principles healthy eating, then the condition of the facial skin will noticeably improve, but mainly only due to moisturizing and evening out the complexion.

However, studies have shown that there are products that should be actively consumed during the treatment of comedones. For example, if antibiotic therapy is carried out, then you should eat more vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products. This will help avoid dysbiosis, which often accompanies such treatment. It is recommended to eat more walnuts, eggs, buckwheat and oatmeal. Green tea is very useful for removing toxins from the body. It is really worth reducing the consumption of fatty and fried foods, because with any treatment there is no need for extra stress on the liver.

In order to get rid of acne faster, you need to visit more fresh air. Important and physical activity. It helps improve blood circulation, and this is the key to any remedy working faster.

When cleansing your face during this period, it is very important to choose the right product. It is best to choose foam, since it has a delicate texture and the risk of injuring the skin will be minimized. It should be applied using a sponge or sponge only to moistened skin. Cosmetologists advise not just applying the foam, but lightly whisking it with light movements until small bubbles appear. This results in a facial massage that helps improve blood flow and cleanse the skin.

After this, the foam is washed off with warm water, not hot water. Under no circumstances should makeup be left on the face overnight. You can wash it off with anything suitable means, the main thing is that it does not contain alcohol. Many people believe that alcohol dries out the skin and dissolves comedones. But that's not true. Alcohol will indeed dry out the skin, but this will only increase the production of sebaceous glands, which will worsen the problem.


Treatment of closed comedones is a long process. You need to be prepared from the very beginning that it will take at least 1-2 months. Especially if not hardware cosmetology is used, but exclusively pharmaceuticals. You can change the medications prescribed by the doctor only if they appear allergic reaction. And then, first you need to inform your doctor about this reaction.

If the patient simply thinks that the medicine is ineffective, then it should be remembered that the effectiveness of the drug can be assessed only after 1 month of use. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use 2 drugs at once - then it will be difficult to determine which of them you are allergic to or which is more effective.

Our skin looks attractive only if it has the ability to fully “breathe”. This happens thanks to the pores; but at insufficient hygiene They become clogged with dust and dirt, resulting in the formation of comedones. And if bacteria penetrate these comedones, an inflammatory process will begin, which, in turn, will lead to the formation of pimples and their rapid spread throughout the face. As a rule, they appear in the area where sebum is actively produced - the forehead, nose and chin. And in order to prevent these problems, it is necessary to start treatment of comedones on time. The pharmaceutical industry can offer several products that can demonstrate the required effectiveness. Let's talk about them in more detail.

To treat comedones, you can use both folk and special remedies.

Before you get rid of comedones on your face, you should understand why they appeared. If their occurrence is associated with diseases internal organs, then cosmetic procedures will be ineffective and the fight must begin “from the inside.” Here you should only contact a doctor who will perform an examination and prescribe drug treatment. If it is established that your body is healthy and the problem lies only in insufficient facial skin hygiene, then you can begin the procedure for treating the comedones themselves.

How to remove comedones?

Comedones removal is a procedure that is performed in almost every beauty salon. The specialist finds out the characteristics of your skin, establishes the “scale of the tragedy” and, using modern means, gets to work. But it is not always possible to visit such an institution, since you will not be limited to one procedure, and time and money are often not enough.

In this case, it is necessary to consider means that will tell you how to get rid of comedones at home.

Glycolic agents

IN in this case Two types of funds can be distinguished:

  • concentrates
  • masks;
  • cream.

Such preparations help to expand the pores, after which they “pull out” all the dirt from them. In addition, they eliminate dead skin particles upper layers skin, moisturize and soften it. As a rule, such products contain lactic acid and oil. tea tree, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

The most effective are:

  • gel-cream Acglicolic Classic Forte from Sesderma - in the line of products you can find a product for any skin type;
  • Sebium Serum concentrate or cream from Bioderma – contains high concentration glycolic acid and is absolutely safe;
  • Anti-comedogenic cream Avene Cleanance K – minimizes the secretion of sebum and effectively cleanses pores.

Removal Tools

Special tools will also help you get rid of comedones:

  • cosmetic loop - has a long handle with a loop, which is positioned so that the comedone is inside it, press and remove the released dirt with a sterile napkin;

    Important! In this way, you can remove only those comedones whose surface looks almost open, otherwise you can injure the skin.

  • “pistol” - operates on the principle of vacuum traction. This device uses the power of air, effectively cleanses pores and is absolutely safe for the skin.

Salicylic acid

A separate chapter should highlight information on the use of salicylic acid for comedones. This product helps to dissolve and discolor them, which is its undeniable advantage.

The rules of application are simple:

  1. If you are encountering this drug for the first time, then you need to start treatment with a low concentration - a 1% solution.

    Important! If you use salicylic acid 5 or 10%, that is high probability dry out the skin, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in the number of comedones, which will definitely develop into inflamed pimples.

  2. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe your face. If the number of comedones is insignificant, then the product is applied pointwise using cotton swabs.

    Important! Do not rub the solution too vigorously, as you may burn your skin!

  3. The skin should be treated with the drug until a slight tingling sensation is felt - this will indicate that the solution has begun to act.

But there are also caveats:

  • If, while using the product, your skin begins to peel, then its use must be discontinued and an alcohol-free product should be selected;
  • for dry skin types, salicylic acid is not recommended for use; it is more suitable for combination and oily skin;
  • You should not combine this drug with others, especially with “Benzyl benzoate” and “Zinerit”;
  • not allowed for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Treating comedones on the face may require both prescription and over-the-counter products, which will be recommended by your doctor. Many of them are potent, and some require use under the strict supervision of a specialist.
  1. Hormonal pills and antibiotics - they are prescribed only by a doctor; self-medication may lead to serious problems with health. In addition, such drugs can have many side effects, so they must be used as prescribed by a specialist. Antibiotics are most often prescribed for inflamed comedones, when it is necessary to stop the process of bacterial growth.
  2. Topical drugs. These include " Salicylic acid", which was mentioned earlier, "Baziron", "Zinc ointment", "Klenzit S", etc. Although they are over-the-counter, only a dermatologist can determine the advisability of their use in each specific case.
  3. TO medical supplies also include such universal drugs as “Zinerit”, “Skinoren”, “Differin” and “Kvotlan”. They must be used daily, and the results will come in a few months.

Home Remedies

Home remedies for comedones on the face can be recommended for use even by cosmetologists. These include:

  • Grate the cucumber, carrots and zucchini on a fine grater, add a little olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply to face and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes;
  • make a paste of cottage cheese and pea flour, apply to the comedones and remove after it has completely dried;
  • foam baby soap, add baking soda and wash the skin with the resulting solution, paying special attention to the T-zone. After 10 minutes, rinse off;
  • lubricate the skin with kefir and wash after 20 minutes;
  • combine liquid honey and calendula tincture in the same ratio and wipe your face with the resulting solution 2-3 times a day;
  • Extract the juice from parsley and use it as a lotion three times a day for 2 weeks.

Don't forget about prevention!

  1. Wash your face morning and evening with warm water - but not hot!
  2. Throughout the day, try not to touch your face with your hands.
  3. Use a cleanser daily to help remove dirt and dust.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to go to bed with decorative cosmetics on your face.
  5. Use a scrub, peeling or cleansing mask once or twice a week.

Remember that preventing the appearance of comedones is always easier than treating them. So follow the above instructions and be beautiful!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Due to clogged pores, blackheads often appear on the face, scientifically called comedones. To get rid of comedones on the face, it is necessary to find out the causes of their occurrence and provide proper facial skin care. Comedones are open and closed depending on the depth of their location. How to get rid of comedones at home.

Treatment of comedones on the face at home

There is a set of drugs, products and procedures that make it possible to treat comedones on the face at home.

In the morning and evening, you need to cleanse your face with a special foam using a sponge or sponge. The face should be moisturized, apply foam to it and beat it until small bubbles appear. Then the remaining product is washed off with a sponge. This procedure removes particles of fat, dirt and dead cells well.

It is useful to conduct weekly meetings, which include fruit acids. But you should not carry out these procedures at the same time, since there is a high probability of the development of skin irritation.

Home complex medical procedures may be supplemented with or . If you scrub or peel at the same time, it is recommended to apply masks once a week. With absence additional procedures, masks should be applied 3 times a week.

At night, your facial skin should take a break from makeup. To remove it, you should use cosmetic milk or tonics that do not contain alcohol.

For dry skin, you should choose a moisturizer that does not clog your skin pores.

Cosmetologists praise masks for the treatment of closed comedones, for the preparation of which vegetables are used. Cucumbers, carrots, and zucchini are suitable for this purpose. Vegetables should be grated on a fine grater. You need to add to this mass olive oil or lemon juice. The mask is applied to a cleansed face, left for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Nutrition for the treatment of comedones

To treat comedones on the face at home, you need to balance your diet. To do this, you need to minimize the consumption of baked goods, fried foods, smoked products, sweets, spices and fatty meats, since such food activates skin secretions, which is not compatible with the treatment of comedones. The diet should include a lot of cereals, vegetables, and fruits.

During the hot season, you should avoid using it in daytime makeup. foundation, it is better to replace it with loose powder.

Preparations for the treatment of comedones

We must not forget about the use of drugs that gradually destroy closed comedones. Must be included in the treatment of comedones at home daily intake of Skinoren and Differin. "Skinoren" contains azelaic acid, which slows down the growth of epidermal cells and promotes their death. Differin is characterized by similar properties, but, in addition, it promotes desquamation of the upper epidermal layer.

With regular use of these remedies for comedones, after 3 months the skin will become thinner, the pores will open, and white plugs will easily come out of them.

Masks for treating comedones at home

To prepare a mask for the treatment of comedones at home, you need to take baby soap and baking soda. The soap is washed out and the resulting foam is applied to the face. Soda is placed on top of the foam. There may be a tingling sensation in the first few minutes, but then it goes away. The mask should be washed off with warm water and the next time the procedure can be repeated no earlier than after 7-10 days.

To prepare another version of the mask for the treatment of comedones at home, you need to take kefir, cereals and soda. The flakes are crushed, combined with kefir and a pinch of soda. Thick gruel Apply to the affected areas of the facial skin and leave on it for 15 minutes. After this, you should wash your face with cool water.

Squeezing out comedones at home

Before squeezing out comedones, you need to steam your face yourself. For this, steam baths are used: very much is poured into a certain container (pan, basin). hot water, to which herbal infusions and decoctions are added, for example, linden or chamomile. The cleansed face should be tilted over the steam that comes from the water. To achieve a greater effect, you can cover yourself with a towel on top. Steaming your face takes no more than 10-12 minutes. After the pores have expanded, you can start squeezing out comedones at home. It is important that your fingers and nails are thoroughly washed and disinfected with vodka or alcohol. Nails should be cut short and fingers should be wrapped in clean napkins. After steaming your face, comedones come out when light pressure is applied to the skin; you should not try to squeeze the blackheads with great pressure.

A contraindication to steaming the face is the presence of dilated blood vessels on it. In other cases, steam baths should be used no more than once a week.

After completing the procedure for squeezing out comedones at home, the affected areas of the skin should be wiped with a cleansing lotion or hydrogen peroxide. Then it is necessary to narrow the enlarged pores, because After squeezing out comedones, the sebaceous glands strive to fill the resulting empty channel with sebum as quickly as possible to prevent direct penetration of bacteria through it into the deep layers of the skin. In this regard, after the skin has been wiped with lotion, you need to use tightening masks or other means that narrow the pores. This could be rubbing with ice cubes, applying a clay mask or egg white with lemon juice.

The final stage of squeezing out comedones is to moisturize the skin, which can be provided with a moisturizer. Liquid glycerin with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice may be suitable for this purpose.

Patch for getting rid of comedones on the face

The use of a cosmetic patch to get rid of comedones on the face should be done after steaming the face. The procedure should be carried out no more than once a week.

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