How to treat cervical erosion. Is treating cervical erosion at home effective? Is it necessary to treat erosion?

Cervical erosion is a defect of the ulcerative type on the mucosa. During pathological process normal epithelium under the influence of any factors is replaced by a cylindrical one cervical canal. Usually such a diagnosis does not portend anything serious. It should be said that erosion is a benign process. Extremely in rare cases it can lead to the development of cancer.


There are several types of erosion:

Signs of the disease

How can cervical erosion manifest itself? Symptoms of pathology are usually absent. In most cases, the disease is detected suddenly during an examination by a gynecologist. However, it also happens that patients turn to a specialist with complaints about bloody issues. With cervical erosion, women may experience pain during sex. In some cases, inflammatory processes may join the pathology. In this case, purulent mucous discharge may be observed. Inflammation significantly worsens the course of the disease. Many women are unaware that they are developing cervical erosion. They confuse the symptoms that accompany the pathology with signs of thrush, menstruation, the threat of miscarriage, and so on. For any of the manifestations mentioned above, a woman should immediately contact a gynecologist so that cervical erosion can be detected or excluded in time. The consequences of pathology can be prevented by adequately prescribed treatment or timely prevention. The main complications include progression infectious process, problems with reproductive system, as well as the probable degeneration of a benign formation into a malignant one.


The disease can be detected by visual inspection gynecologist. However, as a rule, this is not enough. To understand how to treat cervical erosion, the doctor must evaluate the entire clinical picture. To do this, the specialist prescribes some additional tests. Among them:

Therapeutic measures

Today there are many options for treating cervical erosion. Therapeutic tactics will depend on the type of pathology, the size of the lesion and concomitant infections or inflammations. Before talking about how to treat cervical erosion, it should be recalled that therapeutic measures should be carried out under dynamic supervision. Congenital erosion, as mentioned above, can be eliminated on its own. Experts recommend getting rid of other types of pathology in a timely manner. Today there are two main methods for treating cervical erosion. Therapy can be conservative. In difficult cases, different surgical intervention.

Conservative therapy

If ectopia is accompanied by an infectious or inflammatory process, treatment begins with its elimination. First of all, the specialist identifies the cause of the development of the pathology. Taking into account the identified diseases, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. The drugs prescribed by the doctor usually have wide range therapeutic activity. In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs and immunomodulators are prescribed. It is also recommended to locally treat the cervix with drugs that can cause chemical coagulation in the affected area. Such products contain organic acids: nitric, acetic. These medications are intended only to eliminate benign formations and recommended in to a greater extent nulliparous patients, since after their use no scars remain. Among the disadvantages of conservative therapy, the likelihood of re-development of the pathology should be noted.

Surgical intervention

Experts recommend regular examination by a gynecologist, and if signs of pathology appear, do not delay a visit to the doctor, since cervical erosion in advanced cases can only be treated operational methods. There are several ways to eliminate the defect surgically.

Types of surgical intervention

Cauterization of cervical erosion, the price of which varies from 300 to 10,000 rubles, is carried out different ways using certain means. The most common options are:

Suppositories for cervical erosion

Medicines for local application can be prescribed both during conservative therapy and after surgical procedures. Suppositories are considered the most effective and, therefore, popular. Among the drugs, the following should be noted:

Preparing medications at home

There are quite a lot of means that can help eliminate a disease such as cervical erosion. Traditional treatment, usually used after surgery or on early stages development of pathology. To make suppositories, you should take honey - 5 tablespoons, to which you should add propolis (tincture) - 5 g. Add 150 g to these components butter. The resulting mass is heated until smooth in a water bath. Once a homogeneous mixture is obtained, turn off the heat. The mass is cooled. After the mixture becomes warm, you need to make candles and place them in the refrigerator. There are 7-8 pieces per course. It is recommended to administer 1 suppository at night every day. Douching is also used at home. Tampons soaked in decoctions and infusions are also used. medicinal herbs. Sea buckthorn oil is also popular. It is hypoallergenic and non-toxic. It is not contraindicated during pregnancy. A cotton swab moistened with sea buckthorn oil is inserted into the vagina at night. The procedure is repeated daily for two weeks. For douching, as a rule, a two percent solution of calendula tincture is used. The procedure is carried out for ten days after visiting the toilet regularly.

Prenatal therapy

It must be said that erosion does not affect the course of pregnancy, just as ovulation does not affect the development of pathology. Surgical intervention is not performed during the prenatal period. This is due to the fact that after cauterization, childbirth will be more difficult - the cervix will stretch and open less easily. Therefore, surgical procedures should be postponed. During the prenatal period it is allowed to use folk remedies(sea buckthorn oil, for example). But phytotampons, which are Lately are becoming increasingly popular and are contraindicated during pregnancy. If an infectious process is detected, the specialist may prescribe a course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. local drugs. But in most cases, gynecologists simply carry out dynamic monitoring of pregnant patients with this pathology.

How dangerous is the disease?

Experts note that there is no obvious threat to a woman’s health with this pathology. Exceptions, however, are cases of complications. They can be prevented if the disease is not started. Cervical erosion can cause female infertility- damaged tissue can be an obstacle to normal fertilization. In addition, defects in the mucosa during pregnancy can contribute to its termination (miscarriage). Erosion in some cases is the cause premature birth, colpitis and cervicitis.

Preventive actions

As you know, it is better to prevent pathology than to treat it. To protect yourself, you should follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Visit your doctor regularly (at least twice a year).
  2. Observe hygiene rules. In particular, you should shower at least twice a day, especially during menstruation.
  3. Use condoms when having sex with casual partners to prevent the spread of infections.
  4. Strive for monogamy and regular sex life.
  5. Use protection in cases where pregnancy is not planned. It should be remembered that any abortion complicates the course of the pathology and injures the cervix.

If the gynecologist reveals erosion, it is recommended to conduct healthy image life. You should change pads or tampons regularly menstrual period(at least once every three or four hours). It must be remembered that erosion contributes to the formation of an ideal environment for the development and subsequent penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the uterine cavity and ovaries.


It should be noted that in almost all cases (99 out of 100) erosion is treatable. The methods of influence existing today for the most part give excellent results. The main thing is to prevent relapse of the pathology. During rehabilitation after surgical procedures It is recommended to refrain from heavy physical activity and sexual contacts in two weeks. This will contribute better healing tissues after procedures. During the recovery period, spotting may appear. As a rule, they go away on their own.

Thanks to various television programs and other information sources such as “conspiracy theories,” many are convinced that cervical erosion (endocervicosis, ectopia) is some kind of “false disease.” And allegedly abroad such a diagnosis as cervical erosion after childbirth does not exist, and the condition called erosion is treated only in Russia. And the goal of this nationwide conspiracy is to siphon money from the pockets of patients and enrich doctors.

Does cervical erosion exist in the West?

Indeed, abroad the diagnosis of cervical erosion is not made, but the presence of cervical dysplasia is determined, which, as we believe, is preceded by erosion. Cervical dysplasia is a precancerous change in the cells of the cervix that is caused by the human papillomavirus (HVP), with other associated factors also noted.

Studies have revealed an increased susceptibility to severe dysplasia and cancer in smoking women and in women with suppressed immune defenses (for example, with the immunodeficiency virus). Why some women infected with the papilloma virus develop dysplasia and cervical cancer, while others are spared, is not clear.

Dysplasia is diagnosed by a tissue biopsy of the vagina, vulva and cervix and a smear analysis for cytology (examination of cells under a microscope). Against nine common types papillomavirus, leading to the development of cancer, requires vaccination. Treatment consists of destruction (destruction of the structure) and removal of the affected area.

As a rule, cervical dysplasia does not cause severe symptoms, therefore for timely diagnosis It is necessary to regularly be examined by a gynecologist and carry out a smear analysis to identify abnormal cells.

If the cytology smear result is negative or unclear, then the following types of examination are used:

  • Colposcopy is an internal examination using a special microscope.
  • Biopsy is the removal of a piece of tissue from suspicious areas identified during colposcopy and its subsequent examination under a microscope. A definitive diagnosis can only be made using this method diagnostics

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Additionally, the woman is offered to undergo a test for the presence of risky types of papillomavirus type 1, which can be used as a replacement for the smear.

Identified and histologically confirmed (after biopsy) dysplasia is divided according to severity into mild, moderate and severe (cervical cancer).

With mild dysplasia, the disease often regresses and goes away on its own. Progression of the pathology also occurs. Therefore, women with mild degree dysplasia is subject to regular medical supervision. In this case, treatment is not carried out.

But moderate and severe dysplasia can be treated. Destruction is performed by laser, cold, electric shock and surgery by radio wave. IN extreme cases surgical removal of the affected area is performed.

A condition such as cervical erosion is not considered a pathology, and erosive manifestations on it are considered as associated symptoms other pathologies - infectious diseases, developmental anomalies, consequences of traumatic influences.

There is no treatment for pseudoerosion, or ectopia, and most cases of its manifestation are considered as an option physiological norm. If the integrity of the cervical cover is violated, the diseases that caused this condition are first determined, and it is they, and not erosion, that are treated.

What is cervical erosion in our country?

Often, the gynecologist makes such a diagnosis already at the first appointment, having recorded it during the examination. visible to the eye pathological changes in the epithelial layer of the cervix. Dysplasia may also fall under this term until appropriate research is carried out.

True erosion of the cervix is ​​a defect in which there is damage to wounds and ulcers, a violation of the integrity of the epithelial layer. Diagnosed true erosion very rarely, since during regeneration (healing) it quickly becomes pseudo-erosion.

Pseudo-erosion (ectopia) is a condition when flat epithelial cells of the vaginal part of the cervix are replaced by cylindrical cells of the uterine part of the cervix. Outwardly this appears as bright red spot, observed when viewed around the external canal. Such tissue replacement occurs in almost half of women under 40 years of age.

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Causes of erosion

The causes are considered to be organ infections genitourinary system caused by staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci, coli and sexually transmitted diseases - chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gardnerella.

Risk factors include injury to the cervix during childbirth - a common consequence This becomes erosion after childbirth.

It often occurs in women over 45 years of age due to a decrease in estrogen levels in the blood. Columnar cells are sensitive to hormones, and the columnar epithelial border moves outward, forming an ectopia.

Symptoms of erosion

Erosion rarely manifests itself with any symptoms. If it is accompanied by an inflammatory process (cervicitis), then vaginal discharge is present. Occasionally, such manifestations as pain during sexual intercourse and spotting after it occur.


The question of whether erosion is the cause of atypical cell changes - dysplasia, which in turn is a precancerous condition, is controversial in medical circles. Therefore, erosion can be treated. The following methods are used:

  • Operational. Electrosurgery is the destruction of the cylindrical layer of cells of the erosive ring under the influence of current. A painful and effective way.
  1. Cryosurgery is a low-temperature effect on the area of ​​pathology. A painless method, but less effective due to the likelihood of insufficient freezing of tissues.
  2. Laser destruction is a promising method both in terms of effectiveness and in terms of the rarity of postoperative complications.
  3. Radiosurgery is exposure to ultra-high-frequency magnetic radiation. The most expensive method, but its use is justified due to its complex effects - destruction, regeneration, anti-inflammatory effect, etc.
  • Chemical and drug coagulation. Electrophoresis with zinc, the drugs Vagotil and Solkovagin are used. IN drug therapy has proven itself well German drug Vulnostimulin.
    Erosion is usually not treated with surgical methods before childbirth. This is due to the fact that a scar may form at the site of exposure, which impairs elasticity and prevents the normal opening of the cervix during childbirth.
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    If your erosion was discovered before pregnancy, then after childbirth the woman’s body is “renewed” and there is high probability cure this disease. But at the same time, the situation may be radically different.

    Therefore, be sure to visit a gynecologist after childbirth, when the discharge ends, to make an accurate diagnosis.

    Erosion is treated with surgical methods after completion recovery period and termination postpartum discharge. Please keep in mind that after such procedures it is contraindicated physical exercise and heavy lifting due to the risk of bleeding. Treatment using chemical and pharmacological methods is possible after breastfeeding ends.

    After identifying erosion, the choice is always yours - to treat or leave everything as is.

    There are many cases where it goes away on its own. But if your choice is to refuse treatment, do not forget about the danger of untreated wounds degenerating into dysplasia, which can later result in cervical cancer. Keep the situation under control by visiting a gynecologist 2 times a year and checking the condition of erosion.

    "? Does this disease need to be treated? And what methods of treating cervical erosion exist?

    Gynecologist Victoria Kakatsiy spoke about in what cases it is necessary to treat cervical erosion and what methods exist for this.

    IN modern medicine The diagnosis of “cervical erosion” (damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix) does not exist as such, and most often old-school gynecologists use this term when talking about ectopia (movement) of the columnar epithelium of the cervix.

    Do you need to treat cervical erosion: you are under 23 years old?

    In young people nulliparous girls up to 23 years of age is considered a variant of the norm and is not considered a disease, therefore treatment in such cases is not carried out. After all, it is often congenital, it is caused by the natural structure of the cervix, and this condition often goes away on its own - the flat epithelium grows.

    Therefore, treatment in this case is not required, however, provided that smears for the presence of atypical flora in such patients are normal. However, such patients - both before and after 23 years of age - need to be observed by a doctor and must undergo cytology tests once a year to eliminate the risk of oncology.

    Do you need to treat cervical erosion: you are over 23 years old?

    If the test results reveal any pathology - inflammatory process or dysplasia - it is necessary to perform a colposcopy - an examination of the cervix under a special microscope. You may also need to take a biopsy of your cervix.

    If inflammation is detected in the patient after colposcopy, it is necessary to examine her for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), as well as for HPV (human papillomavirus), which can lead to cervical dysplasia and subsequently to cervical cancer. Further treatment depends on the identified diseases.

    Treatment of cervical erosion in the presence of dysplasia

    If there is dysplasia (atypia), that is, atypical cells are identified on the cervix, then the pathological area is treated with the following methods:

    Radio wave vaporization (evaporation) of cervical erosion

    This is a non-contact treatment method using radio wave knife: damaged cervical tissue “evaporates” under the influence of radio waves. This procedure is completely painless and lasts only 15 minutes. Of the advantages radio wave treatment: this method does not leave scars, the cervix heals within a month. In addition, treatment of erosion using radio wave vaporization does not damage the structure of the cervix and virtually eliminates the risk of relapse.

    Laser cauterization of cervical erosion

    A modern method that involves cauterizing the pathological area on the cervix using a laser. The procedure is considered highly accurate and effective, since the laser beam targets the damaged surface with very high precision. After laser cauterization, the cervix heals in 3-4 weeks, and no scars remain.

    Cryodestruction of cervical erosion

    This method involves cauterizing the pathological area on the cervix using liquid nitrogen. However, cryodestruction is now used less frequently because this method is not effective enough - there is a possibility of relapse of the disease if the cervical tissue is not sufficiently frozen during the procedure.

    Treatment of cervical erosion in women who have given birth

    A special situation is if the patient develops such a disease after childbirth as a result of traumatic effects on the cervix. In such cases, deformation of the cervix may occur, leading to its erosion. To exclude oncological processes, such patients need to have a biopsy and then decide what method to treat the erosion: if the cervix is ​​not severely deformed - by any cauterization (laser, radio wave or cryodestruction method). If the changes are significant, the conization method is used.

    Excision of the affected area of ​​the cervix

    The correct name for this method is surgical removal deformed pathological area on the cervix - “conization”. Compared to the above treatment methods, this is a more traumatic and extensive operation, which is performed under anesthesia. This operation is used for dysplasia, cervical erosions and other gynecological diseases.

    After the procedure, the removed portion of the cervix is ​​sent to the laboratory for examination. If it is found cancer cells the patient is prescribed appropriate treatment.

    The operation to excise part of the cervix is ​​carried out in several ways:

    • radio wave conization of the cervix, in which a changed area of ​​the mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​exposed to high-frequency alternating current.
    • laser conization of the cervix. This method, compared to the previous one, can be considered more effective, although expensive, since the procedure for removing part of the cervix with a laser is less painful, and the risk of developing inflammation after it is significantly reduced.

    After the operation, minor pain in the abdominal area and vaginal bleeding may occur, which completely disappear 3-4 weeks after the operation.

    How to treat cervical erosion with folk remedies

    Many patients use the following folk remedies for treating cervical erosion:

    Treatment of cervical erosion with sea buckthorn oil

    Every day at night, tampons soaked in water are inserted into the vagina. sea ​​buckthorn oil. The tampon needs to be removed in the morning. There is no need to syringe to remove residual oil. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. Every month - 2 weeks in the first half of the menstrual cycle.

    Treatment of cervical erosion with calendula tincture

    Vaginal douching is performed twice a day (morning and evening) aqueous solution alcohol tincture calendula: 1 tbsp. Dilute a spoonful of 2% calendula tincture in 1 glass of water.

    However, no folk remedies or herbal remedies can replace full-fledged treatment and should not be used without the prescription of a specialist. Gynecologist Victoria Kakatsiy is also of the opinion that self-medication is dangerous to health. Therefore for correct diagnosis and treatment of cervical erosion, it is best to consult a doctor.


    Hello! I am 37 years old, no children yet. In 2006, I was diagnosed with cervical erosion. I did not treat ESM. I regularly visit a gynecologist, undergo smears and cytology. The last tests were taken in December last year. They are not ideal, but the gynecologist said that there is no oncology and others serious illnesses. She also said that there is no need to treat ESM, since no serious diseases have been identified. I have a question: should I treat ESM or not? (treatment, as a rule, in the form of a procedure with the Surhydron device) is a very important question for me. Is my doctor right? If I follow her advice and don’t get treatment, because of an untreated ESM, won’t I then have big problems in the form of all sorts of diseases? One more thing: two years ago I was diagnosed with HPV type 16. I ask you, as a professional, to give me a recommendation on what I should do. Thank you in advance for your response.

    Pseudo-erosion of the cervix or ectopia of the cervix - outwardly looks like a red spot around the external opening of the canal, which is often interpreted by doctors as, while the latter is extremely rare and is a defect in the epithelium due to an inflammatory process. Ectopic cervix normal physiological state cervix, occurs in half of women reproductive age and does not require treatment. But you should keep in mind that HPV 16 refers to viral infection high oncogenic risk. HPV is the main cause of development. The infection is insidious and quite often does not cause any complaints in the patient; it may not be detected during a routine examination until it enters the invasive stage. Timely execution cytological examination, colposcopy and immunotherapy can effectively reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer. In this regard, I recommend discussing with your doctor the possibility of using complex therapy papillomavirus infection (HPV infection) with the drug Groprinosin, which has both an immunostimulating and action. The dual mechanism of action promotes the elimination (removal) of the papilloma virus (HPV) from the body. Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable


    Hello, Ara Leonidovich! Thanks for your reply! I still have a number of questions regarding HPV: is it possible to COMPLETELY cure HPV type 16 or only partially? How does HPV affect the possibility of pregnancy? For the health of the unborn child? Which specialist (name) treats HPV (I recently visited a gynecologist, she said that she does not treat this disease). Please give me a quick answer, this is very important to me! Thank you!


    Ara Leonidovich, thank you for your prompt response! But still you did not fully answer my questions. You write that treatment tactics are aimed at suppressing the viral activity of HPV, I understand this. But my question was: is it possible to COMPLETELY cure HPV type 16? Or you can just slow down and prevent greater development? This is exactly what I wanted to know. I will certainly be treated and will do everything in my power, but I need to know whether HPV is curable or whether this virus can only be suppressed, but cannot be expelled from the body. I will also ask the questions again: how does HPV affect the possibility of pregnancy? For the health of the unborn child? And lastly: my gynecologist said that she does not know how to treat this disease, so I would like you to tell me what specialty doctor treats HPV. Maybe you personally know such a specialist and can advise where to turn for help. I live in Moscow. I apologize for the perhaps harshness of my letter, but I need to know the exact answers to all my questions, since this is a serious matter. I look forward to your reply

    The erosive surface of the cervix requires mandatory restoration of the normal characteristics of its epithelium. Not all women are ready to undergo surgical intervention for this, which, although uncomplicated, can have Negative influence on the organ's ability to stretch. And this is undesirable for subsequent births. Therefore, having learned about the diagnosis and ways to solve the problem, many people think about how to cure cervical erosion without cauterization.

    Read in this article

    Is non-surgical treatment of erosion possible in principle?

    The appearance of cylindrical cells instead squamous epithelium on the cervix is ​​caused by many reasons, having different nature. Among them:

    • Mechanical damage to the surface;
    • Inflammation of the vagina or uterus;
    • Venereal infections;
    • Hormonal disorders.

    Sometimes several factors affecting the condition of the epithelium can converge in one organism. Then surgical intervention can only cope with the consequences of a group of pathological circumstances, and changes in the cervix will arise again.

    The question of whether erosion can be cured without cauterization is resolved by finding out the reasons for its occurrence. If they are inflammatory, hormonal or infectious, conservative therapy and the doctor will recommend first of all. Especially if the girl is still...

    When to do without cauterization

    Is it possible to cure cervical erosion without resorting to cauterization, in addition to the reasons, is determined by a number of conditions:

    • Dimensions of the modified area. It makes sense to use milder conservative therapy for minor erosion - up to 2 cm;
    • General condition of the body. In addition to agents intended to directly affect altered tissues, immunomodulators, drugs to combat infections, inflammation, and hormones will be required.

    Conservative therapy should last no longer than 2-3 weeks, preceded by all necessary examinations, end with an examination by a specialist. If she didn't bring desired result, you will have to do cauterization.

    What is drug treatment for erosion?

    How to cure cervical erosion should be prescribed by a gynecologist. Due to the variety of causes of the defect, there are no universal regimens and drugs. To counteract factors contributing to the disease, the following are prescribed for oral administration:

    • Tsiprolet, Trichopolum, Metronidazole in the presence of sexually transmitted and other infections;
    • Acyclovir, Famvir for;
    • Fluconazole, for;
    • Immunal, Likpid, Taktivin to stimulate the immune system.

    But the main thing in the question of how to cure cervical erosion without cauterization is the choice of means for local influence on it, that is, suppositories, tablets, capsules. They are also different, prescribed according to indications.

    What they have in common is the method of application: the suppositories should be inserted carefully, but deeply, so that, when melted, the composition comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the cervix.


    Depantol suppositories have an effect on the altered mucous membrane in several directions:

    • Eliminate inflammation;
    • Promotes the division of healthy cells;
    • Provide restoration of blood supply.

    And chlorhexidine, which is part of them, helps to cope with infections caused by various microorganisms. Depantol is used to treat erosion twice a day for 10-14 days. Sometimes treatment is extended to 3 weeks.

    During Depantol therapy, you should use caution when washing with alkaline hygiene products, as they neutralize the effect of the drug. Pregnant women should not use it.


    You can cure erosion without cauterization using Genferon suppositories. This is also a drug with complex effects, in which:

    • Taurine restores tissue regeneration processes, stimulating metabolism;
    • Interferon works as an antiseptic, a restorer of defenses and an enemy of viruses;
    • Benzocaine relieves inflammation and discomfort.

    Genferon will be useful against erosion occurring against the background sexually transmitted infections, as well as genital herpes and candidiasis.

    Suppositories are inserted into the vagina per day, 2 pieces (morning and evening). The entire course lasts from 10 to 90 days, which is determined by the doctor’s opinion.


    The intravaginal drug has a gentle effect on the cervical mucosa. However, he manages to cope with the healing of altered areas and encourages the restoration of mechanically damaged surfaces. eliminates the inflammatory process, normalizes the vaginal microflora, which is important for stimulating tissue regeneration in the cervical mucosa.

    Place candles twice a day for a week or 10 days. The course can be extended by the doctor up to a month; it is permissible to treat erosion with them during pregnancy. Active substance Hexicona does not affect beneficial microflora vagina.


    How erosion can be cured is not difficult to understand if you know about the restorative properties of cocoa butter and ginseng. The components are part of the Suporon candles. Thanks to them, suppositories have an anti-inflammatory, healing and restorative effect on erosion.

    Suporon is inserted into the vagina once a day, it is more advisable to do this in the evening. The course lasts 30 days. But if intolerance is noticed, use should be discontinued immediately.

    Suporon contains bee products, which may cause allergic reactions in some.


    Treatment of cervical erosion with terzhinan. Erosion (ectopia) of the cervix is ​​not in all cases treated surgically. ... Is it possible to cure cervical erosion without cauterization 2.
  • How to cure erosion by douching. Erosion (ectopia) of the cervix ranks first in frequency among other organ pathologies. Most effective method the fight against it is surgical.

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