How to treat poisoning in children 9 years old. Food poisoning: how to deal with toxins? Treatment of food poisoning in children

Food poisoning in children can be diagnosed at any age. There are many reasons for this, but different cases you need to act differently. If alarming symptoms they let you know that the child has been poisoned, proper first aid is required: this will make it possible not to lead to disastrous consequences. What to give a child if poisoned?

Causes of food poisoning

The child's body has high sensitivity Therefore, parents should be attentive to what their child consumes and in what form. Even the most harmless products at first glance (milk, eggs, herbs, fruits) can harm your health if storage conditions are not followed. What reasons food poisoning exist:

  1. Poisonous food. Mushrooms, plants, berries of unknown origin cause intoxication of the body and can even lead to fatal outcome. You need to buy such products only from a seller who vouches for quality and confirms it with the necessary certificates.
  2. Eating food with toxins and germs. It may be regular food, but its ingredients have been improperly processed during the cooking process. If you eat meat that is not fully cooked, or cottage cheese that has “exceeded” its expiration date, you can get an intestinal infection. The causative agents of stomach diseases lead to a sluggish, sleepy state with a list of symptoms. Intestinal infection includes salmonella, staphylococcus, and various strains. They can be in water, sour cream, cottage cheese, drinking yogurt, eggs, fruits, vegetables, meat products, fast food.
  3. Intoxication with aggressive chemical compounds.

Signs of food poisoning

The first symptoms of food poisoning are constant vomiting and diarrhea. If the disease is actively developing, other signs also appear. How long does it take for poisoning to appear in the body? How to “recognize him by sight”? Food poisoning in a child is diagnosed within two hours, or at most within a day. If you have vomited several times in a short period of time and your temperature rises quickly, this indicates an intestinal infection and the action of toxins in the body.

Light form the disease is characterized by weakness in the body, allergic rashes on the skin, increased swelling, rapid breathing and pulse. Signs of poisoning in a child, in addition to diarrhea and vomiting, are painful sensations in the stomach heat, which is difficult to bring down, abdominal pain, the process of dehydration, decreased blood pressure, and dry mouth begins. Maximum dangerous symptom- this is vomiting and diarrhea without stopping, this is a signal that the body is severely dehydrated. To prevent a complex condition, you need to urgently call ambulance.

Vomiting due to poisoning

Household intoxication (through water, food) is a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. If a child vomits due to poisoning, but does not have diarrhea, this indicates damage to the wall upper sections Gastrointestinal tract. If chemical compounds enter the stomach that destroy epithelial cells, the receptors are stimulated reflexively and the urge to vomit appears. Poisoning can be acute or chronic. The acute period is characterized by the rapid development of the disease. Chronic form activates new symptoms gradually as toxicity increases (occurs with narcotic or alcohol intoxication).

Temperature in case of poisoning in a child

Fever during intoxication is not uncommon. Fever in case of poisoning in a child is a protective reaction of the body against “evil” microbes and toxins. It is impossible to understand only by fever what type of infection (infectious or non-infectious) has occurred; this can only be shown by tests. What are the benefits of raising the temperature? Blood circulation improves, metabolism occurs faster, sweating accelerates, and harmful substances gradually leave the body. In such an environment, many bacteria die due to unfavorable conditions for development.

The temperature is dangerous when:

  • vomiting does not stop, but only intensifies;
  • diarrhea more than 10 times a day;
  • streaks of blood appear in loose stools;
  • convulsions and other signs of damage are observed nervous system;
  • it does not go astray for several hours with any drugs or does not go astray for long;
  • dehydration occurs.

What to do in case of poisoning

What to do if you have food poisoning:

  • prevention of subsequent intoxication with toxins;
  • enhancing the removal of pathogenic substances from the body;
  • food poisoning in a child requires immediate bowel cleansing;
  • curative therapy to combat the pathogen;
  • treatment of symptoms obtained during intoxication.

Food poisoning - treatment

How to treat poisoning, what first aid to provide yourself:

  1. Rinse the stomach. To do this, use a solution of soda, potassium permanganate, and salt.
  2. Call vomiting reflex. If the child is under five years old, drugs that cause vomiting should not be used. It is allowed to use the method of pressing on the root of the tongue with your fingertips.
  3. Apply a sorbent (white or black coal, enterosgel).
  4. Give a laxative to speed up the elimination of toxic substances or give an enema.

Cure for poisoning

What medicines and tablets can be used for poisoning:

  1. Activated carbon (1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight).
  2. White coal(maximum 4 grams per day).
  3. Smecta (powder for preparing a solution, helps cleanse the intestines).
  4. Nifuroxazide. An antibiotic used for diarrhea.

All of these medications are approved for use in childhood. If the child is small, it is more difficult to give him a pill. In this case, smecta is ideal: the prepared solution has a sweet taste (orange or vanilla), children easily accept it. Can be used regardless of when the child ate food, and daily dose calculated based on the child’s age (from 1 to 3 sachets per day). The daily volume is divided into several doses and can be added to liquid food and drinks.

Diet for poisoning in a child

Emergency actions have been taken and the treatment process is progressing successfully. It is not enough to cure a child of intoxication with drugs alone; the recovery process does not end there. It is imperative to follow a proper nutritional system. What to feed a child if he is poisoned? It is better not to give food for the first day; the digestion process is disrupted, which can cause increased vomiting and diarrhea. It is better to give more clean liquids to drink.

From the second day after poisoning fatty food excluded from the diet. You should not use dairy products to prepare porridges or eat foods that irritate the gastrointestinal tract ( raw vegetables, fruits, berries, sweets, canned food, smoked meats). All subsequent days you can take broth, tea without sugar, crackers, vegetable casseroles, boiled or steamed fish, meat, rice broth, light soups, porridge (oatmeal, rice). For preventative purposes, do not give your child eggs, yogurt, or milk in the first week.

Video: what to do in case of food poisoning at home

Food poisoning, or foodborne illness, is acute illness, characterized by severe internal intoxication and accompanying phenomena - diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, weakness, chills.

Intoxication occurs not because of the products themselves, but as a result of the microorganisms they contain entering the body. The most common causes of food poisoning in children are Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.

These bacteria are normal microflora our body, but when they are in excess, they are released a large number of toxins (products of bacterial activity), and develop pathological reactions. It is these reactions that are commonly called food poisoning.

Occasionally, products may contain more serious pathogens, such as botulism. Then the poisoning will be more dangerous and severe. Accordingly, if the cause of poisoning is botulism, then the treatment regimen and urgent Care will be completely different.

How to determine that a child has a disorder

Typically, food poisoning in a child develops within 24 hours after eating a product with a pathological colony of bacteria. You can suspect a foodborne illness in your baby based on complaints and symptoms. Young children are unlikely to be able to make clear complaints. Therefore, in their case, pay attention to the symptoms:

  • Weakness and lethargy . Usually active child lies in bed, does not play, has an apathetic attitude towards everything. This condition can last a long time, and parents will not immediately suspect that the child has been poisoned. This is often attributed to another virus or fatigue.
  • Pallor skin , which occurs due to a decrease in temperature, increasing intoxication and hypoxia.
  • Diarrhea . It should be distinguished from loosening of the stool. With diarrhea, the stool is not soft or watery. It is very liquid, similar to water. Stools are very frequent, accompanied by rumbling in the stomach and a painful urge to defecate. Sometimes mucus appears in the stool. Diarrhea is always reusable.
  • Nausea and vomiting . Along with other symptoms, they occur within 3–5 hours after bacteria enter the body. Vomiting is intense and brings temporary relief. Vomit contains remnants of undigested food. They have a sour smell.
  • Chills . The drop in temperature is caused by increasing intoxication. Very severe cases sweating appears against the background of cool skin.

First aid

The first and most important thing is to call a doctor. Only he will be able to distinguish the symptoms of poisoning from similar symptoms of other diseases. Before the doctor arrives, you must provide first aid yourself.

Here are the step-by-step instructions:

1. Rinse the stomach :

  • Children under 10 years old should be given at least a liter of liquid to drink in a short (several minutes) period of time. This will cause vomiting, which will remove the toxin from the stomach;
  • Older children can be given a solution of potassium permanganate. Attention! The solution is prepared as follows: several manganese crystals are diluted in a small amount of water to a bright purple color, and only then this saturated solution is added dropwise to a container with boiled water. cool water until slightly pink. This one weak solution and give to drink in an amount of 0.5 l–1 l;
  • from 6 years old can be used soda solution. To prepare it, dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda in a liter warm water and give you a drink.

2. Give enterosorbents . It is important to remove any remaining toxins. In childhood, Atoxil, Smecta, Enteros-Gel, and White Coal are successfully used. All tablet forms are ground into powder and diluted in water, or even better - buy drugs in the form of suspensions.

3. Unsolder. Among pediatricians there is a phrase “dropper through the mouth.” This means that the child is often and fractionally soldered. After inducing vomiting, you need to give drinks often and in small portions. Alkaline water mineral water, uzvar and plain water. There are also water-based systems that are identical in efficiency saline solutions Regidron and Humana Electrolyte. Everything else needs to be excluded. The desoldering speed is 1 teaspoon every 3-5 minutes. This must be done all the time until the ambulance arrives.

Here are some important tips:

  • before starting first aid for food poisoning in a child, be sure to call an ambulance;
  • exclude any food;
  • do not let the child sleep;
  • Do not try to stop vomiting with antiemetics.

Feeding a child after poisoning

When the acute phase has passed, it is necessary to provide the child with rest and correct mode nutrition. You need to stick to a diet in the next week.

You need to resume your usual routine gradually, adding regular products one or two a day. By day 10 proper treatment The child should be on a normal diet.

Causes of poisoning

Why does food poisoning occur in children? The main reasons include low-quality products and products with violated manufacturing and storage conditions:

  • fermented milk products and milk - E. coli and staphylococcus thrive in them;
  • vegetables and fruits - the botulism bacillus and a number of other microorganisms multiply on them;
  • meat and fish are an ideal environment for the reproduction of all possible bacterial flora;
  • eggs are also a good environment for bacterial colonies to grow.

Pathogens whose toxins cause poisoning are salmonella, E. coli, staphylococcus, botulism bacilli and others.

The most active growth occurs at a temperature of 37°C, so in summer and spring the incidence of food poisoning is higher. Promotes accelerated growth pathogenic microflora and humidity as an additional factor.

You can avoid food poisoning if you are careful when choosing products - avoid buying at spontaneous markets and from unverified farmers, look at expiration dates, and become familiar with the signs of spoiled products. It is also necessary to instill in your child the rules of personal hygiene and explain the need to thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits. These simple steps will help prevent food poisoning in your child.

Dr. Komarovsky's program on first aid for poisoning

When poisoned, a child develops different symptoms caused by increased immune reactivity, instability internal systems. Signs of the disease appear acutely, which allows for early treatment.

At home, when deciding what to give a child in case of poisoning, parents use folk remedies. This error leads to severe consequences. Numerous studies have confirmed the effectiveness conservative treatment intoxication syndrome. Monotherapy for intoxication syndrome medicinal decoctions leads to complications.

Main signs of poisoning in children

Symptoms are determined by the amount of toxin and the state of the body's defense systems.

At mild degree signs of poisoning are lethargy, apathy, refusal to eat. At medium degree is being formed sharp picture intoxication:

  • Chills;
  • Vomit;
  • Loose stools;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Remains of undigested food in the stool with mucus and blood.

Manifestations appear gradually. Difficulties with differential diagnosis with many diseases and mild illnesses do not allow timely seeking medical help.

In case of weakness, apathy, or intestinal disorders, we recommend assessing the condition of the stool. When identifying pathological changes qualified diagnostics is required. With physiological consistency, absence of foreign impurities, physiological shade of urine, the diagnosis is food grade, chemical poisoning doubtful.

The danger of dehydration in a child is provoked by severe diarrhea, frequent vomiting. The condition leads to dangerous consequences.

Poisoning in a child: vomiting without diarrhea

Intestinal intoxications are divided into the following categories:

  1. Household;
  2. Skin;
  3. Inhalation;
  4. Percutaneous;
  5. Cavitary (introduction of toxins into ear canal, vagina, rectum).

Household poisoning (food, water) is characterized by disruption gastrointestinal tract followed by gastroenteritis. Inflammation of the wall of the stomach and intestines leads to disruption of digestion food complexes. The formation of toxins due to the presence of toxic substances and spoiled food leads to increased intestinal irritation, which causes abdominal pain. Parents at similar situation They try to give the child a painkiller. Its effectiveness is short-lived. After the cessation of the therapeutic effect of the drug pain syndrome intensifies.

Attention! Analgin should not be given to children. The product is prohibited for use in European countries due to increased likelihood provoking irreversible changes brain, blood circulation.

Vomiting without diarrhea is a sign of damage to the wall of the upper gastrointestinal tract. After poisoning with a small amount of aggressive chemical compounds, consumption of technical alcohol kills the epithelium of the esophagus and stomach. Reflex stimulation of receptors leads to a gag reflex.

Poisoning in a child is divided into 2 categories according to severity:

  1. Acute;
  2. Chronic.

The acute form is characterized by a rapid onset and the appearance of specific symptoms.

Chronic intoxication gradually progresses. Symptoms intensify as the concentration of the toxin increases. TO this type includes alcohol and drug poisoning.

Scientists have been able to isolate more than 500 poisons that have tropism for human tissue. Literary sources describe attempts to systematize toxins according to their effects on specific organs. This gradation is not widely used.

What to do

For any type of poisoning, a treatment algorithm is selected, consisting of the following procedures:

  • Prevention of subsequent absorption of poison;
  • Increased release of toxin from the body;
  • Purgation;
  • Antidote therapy;
  • Symptomatic treatment (restoration of liver and kidney function).

The high prevalence of household intoxications is aggravated by the severity of disease progression. Mild poisoning in a child can be treated at home under the supervision of a pediatrician. Treatment of moderate and severe intoxication syndrome is carried out on an inpatient basis.

So, your baby is sick: the body temperature has risen and vomiting has appeared. The stool became frequent, liquid, profuse, and watery. It contained inclusions of undigested food, sometimes an admixture of mucus, greenery, and less often - veins or an admixture of blood. There is every reason to believe that this is an intestinal infection. Due to repeated vomiting and frequent loose stools in children early age within 6-8 hours, severe, life-threatening dehydration. And high temperatures, sometimes rising to 40-41°C, can cause convulsions. Your task is to immediately call a doctor and act energetically yourself, without missing a minute: in such a situation, you yourself must become an “emergency worker”! Now it doesn’t matter what specific infection it is (more than 40 causative agents of intestinal infections are known) - they all initially manifest themselves very similarly, and the first aid for dehydration as a result of vomiting and frequent loose stools is the same.

We help you get rid of poisons

Vomiting and diarrhea during intestinal infections are initially protective in nature - the body tries to get rid of microbes and their toxic products through vomiting and loose stools. It would be more expedient for you to help the body in this “cleansing” - to rinse the baby’s stomach. At home, let your child drink as much as possible boiled water, and the vomiting that begins will “wash” germs and toxins from the stomach. Or press on the root of the baby's tongue with the handle of a clean spoon, as a last resort– a finger wrapped in a sterile gauze pad or bandage to induce vomiting. This should be repeated 2-3 times. Then give the child to drink drugs that bind microbes, viruses and their poisons in the gastrointestinal tract and remove them with feces - enterosorbents ( SMEKTA, FILTRUM, ENTEROSGEL), which significantly alleviate the course of the disease, quickly reduce the frequency of stools and improve its consistency. Strictly follow the age dosages indicated in the instructions! Use for this purpose Activated carbon It’s not worth it - its effectiveness is low.

First aid for poisoning

To warn dehydration body baby, from the first hours, start giving the child boiled water - “drinking” him. But with loose stools and vomit, not only water is lost, but also sodium, potassium, and chlorine salts, which are necessary for normal operation heart, kidneys, brain. Therefore, to eliminate dehydration of the body, water alone is not enough - saline solutions are required. For more than 30 years, all over the world, glucose-salt solutions specially developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), which are available in powders and are freely sold in pharmacies, have been used to compensate for pathological losses of water and salts - for “drinking” for intestinal infections. In our country wide application received the drug REGYDRON, which is available in powders and is freely sold in pharmacies. Before use, the contents of the sachet are diluted in a liter of warm boiled water and given to the child to drink. The drug effectively compensates for existing losses of water and salts and prevents further dehydration of the body. However, it does not have a pronounced therapeutic effect, in addition, taking REGIDRONA it should be alternated with taking the same volume of lightly brewed unsweetened tea, or boiled water, or a 5% glucose solution, which can be bought at a pharmacy. This allows you to avoid oversaturation of the child’s body with salts. IN last years, in accordance with the recommendations of the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (ESPGAN), for better absorption of water and salts in the intestine, the composition of these medicinal solutions was slightly changed and the next generation drug was developed - GASTROLIT. In addition to salts, its composition includes chamomile extract, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves intestinal spasms, that is GASTROLIT has therapeutic effect, which manifests itself already on the first or second day of treatment - copious watery stools become mushy and the volume of bowel movements decreases. Before use, the contents of 1 sachet are diluted in 200 ml of hot boiled water to obtain a chamomile infusion and cooled to room temperature. Age dosages are detailed in the attached instructions. Using GASTROLITA the solution should not be sweetened. A child can be “drinked” with only this medicinal solution during the day (no additional liquid intake is required). If you don’t have these solutions in your house, prepare a decoction yourself (but remember that this is only a temporary measure, which is for effective assistance you definitely need to buy ready-made salts medicinal solutions) – for 1 liter of water, take either 100 g of raisins or 500 g of carrots (cut into pieces and boil). Add a teaspoon to it (without top) table salt, half (without top) teaspoon baking soda, 4 teaspoons granulated sugar, bring to a boil and cool - homemade medicinal solution ready. It’s even easier to prepare a sugar-salt solution - for 1 liter of boiled water you will need a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of baking soda and 8 teaspoons of granulated sugar. When "desoldering" infant These solutions should be given from a spoon every 5-7-10 minutes. For example, 1-3 teaspoons or 2-3 sips through a pacifier. You should not give a lot of liquid at once, even if the baby drinks greedily, as this may provoke a new attack of vomiting. For a child 2--3 years old and older single dose solutions can be increased to 2-3 tablespoons, and the intervals between doses can be increased to 10-15 minutes.

What not to do in case of poisoning

  • Don't prescribe antibiotics yourself- in these cases, they only aggravate the course of the disease and contribute to disruption of the intestinal microflora (dysbiosis).
    • Don't rush to take it enzyme preparations (such as FESTAL and etc.). They can only increase diarrhea, especially with intestinal infections of viral origin.
    • Under no circumstances should children be given potassium permanganate by mouth. They often give it to a child to drink or do enemas with it. Vomiting and diarrhea in most cases do stop, but only for a few hours. Moreover, there is no stool due to the fact that under the influence of potassium permanganate, a fecal plug is often formed, preventing the release of intestinal contents. And this is dangerous! With loose stools, the body is released from a huge amount of pathogenic microbes and viruses, causative agents of intestinal infections, toxins, gases and other toxic substances formed in the intestines as a result of the disease. With a fecal impaction, all the “bad” substances are retained in the intestines and begin to be absorbed into the blood, as a result of which, after several hours of “relative” well-being, the child’s condition sharply worsens - bloating, shortness of breath and uncontrollable vomiting appear. In such cases, immediate hospitalization is required. There are absolutely tragic situations: when a sick baby is given concentrated solution potassium permanganate or a solution containing undissolved crystals, believing that this will work more effectively. The result may be burns of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal bleeding, intestinal perforation and other complications requiring urgent surgical intervention. Even the death of a child is possible.

      How to feed a baby during infection

      General rule This is: you need to give food, reducing the daily amount of food, but not more than half. However, everything depends on the frequency of vomiting and the condition of the child, and this is what you need to focus on. Ideal: feed “according to appetite”, but often in small portions so as not to overfill the stomach and not provoke vomiting. If the baby is on breastfeeding , continue to give breast milk in small portions at regular intervals (every 2-2.5-3 hours with a night break). Can be fed expressed breast milk. Baby on artificial feeding , as well as the child 2--3 years and older, on the first day of illness, you can feed such foods as kefir, cottage cheese, adapted infant formula, porridge with half-and-half milk, etc. However, preference should be given to therapeutic and prophylactic food products enriched with bifidobacteria or lactobacilli ( baby kefir“Bifidok”, fermented milk mixture “Agusha”, acidophilic mixture “Malyutka”, “Kroshechka”, etc.). With pronounced fermentation process in the intestines - increased gas formation, bloating and rumbling in the stomach, foamy stool, - for several days, it is better to replace the child’s food with adapted low-lactose or lactose-free formulas available on the market. You can also include porridge with water or vegetable decoctions in your diet. For children older V acute period infections, it is necessary to completely exclude from the diet foods that cause fermentation in the intestines and increased gas formation, containing coarse fiber: whole milk and porridge with whole milk, fermented baked milk, cream; black bread; meat, chicken and fish broths; dishes made from beans, peas, beets, cabbage; grapes and citrus fruits; as well as everything fatty, fried, canned (except for canned food) baby food). It is necessary to limit sweets. Carbonated drinks are also prohibited.

      If treatment doesn't work

      After gastric lavage, taking enterosorbent and drinking water, vomiting for intestinal infections usually stops. If this does not happen, then vomiting and diarrhea, especially in children infancy, may be one of the manifestations of other diseases, for example, pneumonia (pneumonia), inflammation of the membranes of the brain (meningitis). Therefore, if children experience vomiting, loose stools, or an increase in temperature, you should always call a doctor or an ambulance at home to resolve the issue of a preliminary diagnosis; further tactics - whether to hospitalize the child or not (acute intestinal infections, with the exception of severe forms, can be treated at home); and prescribing treatment. If the child is hospitalized, then the main directions of treatment will be: a rational diet, “drinking”; in case of severe dehydration, drip administration is prescribed medicines. Symptomatic treatment is also important: combating elevated temperature, prescription of antiemetic drugs, etc. And always remember: the earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is.

      How much fluid should you drink?

      WHO experts recommend that in the presence of vomiting and loose, watery stools, a young child loses about 10 ml per 1 kg of body weight with each bowel movement. For example, a child weighing 10 kg will lose 100 ml of liquid with each loose stool, which must be drunk between bowel movements. To prevent dehydration, the child should receive approximately as much fluid (including food) as required per day healthy baby the same age, plus the amount lost through vomiting and loose stools. If he eats less than he should (and during illness this is almost inevitable), then the missing amount of nutrition must be replaced with liquid.

    Food bacterial poisoning in a child is also called intestinal infections - this is large group diseases, the causative agents of which can be bacteria and viruses. The most common infections are dysentery, salmonellosis, escherichiosis, campylobacteriosis, and yersiniosis. All people suffer from intestinal infections, regardless of age, including often children younger age.

    Poisoning in children can be caused by eating poisonous mushrooms, which can retain their toxic properties after soaking, boiling, drying, salting, pickling and other processing methods. As well as poisoning from poisonous plants (monkshood, castor bean, bitter almonds, henbane seeds, belladonna berries, crow's eye, wolf's bast and lily of the valley) In addition, in contact with poisonous plants or if the juice of a poisonous plant comes into contact with the skin, acute inflammation, eczema, and dermatitis can develop.

    Causes of poisoning in a child

    Food poisoning in children due to intestinal infections can be called “diseases of dirty hands”, because they are transmitted from a person with an intestinal infection to a healthy baby, usually through dirty hands or objects (for example, toys, dishes).

    Intestinal infection caused by coli(escherichia), most often occurs due to poor quality fermented milk products- kefir, yoghurt. A causing disease staphylococci in warm time They multiply especially actively in creams and cakes, which leads to food poisoning. The causative agents of salmonellosis reach humans through any contaminated products: chicken meat and eggs, boiled sausage, frankfurters, poorly washed vegetables and herbs that have been washed with dirty water. Yersinia is spread by rodents that “walk” through vegetables and fruits stored in the cellar. And dysentery can begin if you drink raw water, unboiled milk, eat yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, as well as unwashed fruits, berries, and vegetables.

    What's happening?

    After the pathogen enters the body, the release of its toxins begins in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, intoxication occurs; inflammatory process in the intestines. Loss of fluid through stool and vomiting leads to dehydration.

    The first symptom of poisoning in a child due to an intestinal infection is the acute onset of the disease, repeated vomiting, abdominal pain (primarily in the stomach area), loose stool with impurities (mucus, greenery, streaks of blood). Vomiting may occur simultaneously with a rise in temperature or precede it. The kids feel bad, lethargy, weakness, headache appear, they refuse to eat - all these are symptoms of poisoning in a child caused by the action of microbes on the organs and tissues of the body (intoxication).

    When a child is poisoned by mushrooms, the most severe is poisoning with toadstool, phalloidin, contained in the mushroom, penetrating into circulatory system human, destroys and dissolves red blood cells (blood cells). It is enough to swallow 1/4 of the cap of a toadstool to cause fatal poisoning. Fly agarics contain toxins muscarine and muscaridine. Poisoning with these poisons manifests itself after 0.5–2 hours, sometimes after 10 hours. Poisoning is possible with both edible and conditionally edible mushrooms, for example morels or strings, if the technology for their preparation is violated. Or they eat old and stale mushrooms, from which the process of decomposition begins, and toxic products of protein breakdown appear. When eating mushrooms home canning, may lead to serious illness– botulism. The causative agents of botulism, which get onto the mushroom from the soil, develop well in the absence of oxygen, in hermetically sealed jars, forming a very strong toxin (poison).

    Diagnosis of food poisoning

    The diagnosis of intestinal infection is made by a doctor based on clinical picture. In addition, additional laboratory research: determination of the pathogen in vomit, feces; determination of antibody titer in venous blood.

    Signs of mushroom poisoning appear after 0.5 hours. up to 40 hours. Headache, dizziness, and feeling of anxiety begin. Then abdominal pain, diarrhea, and cramps appear. All this is accompanied by weakness, a rare pulse, and the appearance of profuse cold sweat. When poisoned by the poison contained in fly agaric, symptoms of nausea, vomiting, thirst, profuse sweating, weaknesses. Sometimes dizziness, delirium, hallucinations appear, rare pulse, shortness of breath, convulsions.

    The main signs of botulism are headache, dizziness, dry mouth, blurred vision - fog and double vision, weak reaction of the pupils to light, unsteady gait, drooping eyelids, difficulty moving the limbs, and normal temperature.

    Treatment of food poisoning in children

    As soon as you notice signs of an intestinal disorder in your child, you must immediately begin treatment, while simultaneously seeking help from a specialist. The main task is to try to compensate for the fluid and salt lost by the child’s body even before the doctor arrives. Start giving drinks immediately: 1 tsp. or 1 tbsp. l. (depending on age) every 5-10 minutes. Give your baby a glucose-saline solution "Regidron", compote, fruit drink, tea, 5% glucose solution.

    For diarrhea, enterosorbents are used: smecta, polyphepan, microsorb. If mucus, greens, or blood appear in his stool, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to treat poisoning in the child.

    If the child is breastfed, when the first signs of illness appear, take a short break in feeding and start giving him boiled water. Then, if the condition begins to improve, return to your normal feeding schedule.

    If the child is bottle-fed, then after a pause of 8 - 12 hours, it is preferable to give him fermented milk mixtures, to which you can add congee. The remaining complementary foods (vegetable puree, fruit puree, yolk, cereal, meat) are introduced gradually from the third day. It is important to remember that until the child has fully recovered, new foods that he has not yet tried should not be included in the menu.

    In case of poisoning in older children, a gentle diet is also used. The most suitable option for most situations: rice porrige on water, kefir, mashed potatoes without milk and butter, crackers, pureed vegetarian soups, baked apple - at short intervals and in small portions.

    In case of poisoning with cooked mushrooms: complaints of abdominal pain appear, headache, the baby becomes lethargic (even if the signs of poisoning are mild, not pronounced), and even more so, if there is a suspicion of botulism, then you should urgently consult a doctor: immediately call an ambulance or independently deliver the victim to the nearest children's hospital. Treatment of botulism is carried out only in infectious diseases hospital, where as specific treatment an anti-botulinum serum will be urgently administered to neutralize the toxin

    Treatment of victims of poisoning by poisonous plants is carried out by removing the poison that has entered the body and reducing its toxicity with the help of various antidotes. It is very important before the doctor arrives or is admitted to medical institution conduct necessary measures in the order of self- and mutual assistance. Regardless of the type of plant poison that caused the poisoning, it is necessary to urgently induce vomiting by irritating the pharynx or the root of the tongue.

    Prevention of poisoning in children

    Prevention consists of following basic hygiene rules: wash your hands before eating and after visiting the toilet, use only boiled water, thoroughly rinse vegetables and fruits with boiling water, boil milk, store cooked dishes only in the refrigerator and for no more than 2 days. Avoid snacking in cafes fast food, as well as purchasing products from unreliable stores;

    In the warm season, it is better not to cook in advance at all. A freshly prepared dish is harmless, but after a few hours, even if you have thoroughly washed and processed all the ingredients, it can become the culprit of the disease. For example, in 1 gram minced meat Immediately after scrolling, there are about 2 million bacteria, and after a day there are already more than 100 million.

    Caution should be exercised when children bathe in bodies of water. The causative agents of some intestinal infections (for example, dysentery) live there for up to 50 days. A child who has had dysentery is a carrier of the infection for a month: during this period, contact with other children should not be allowed. Remember, intestinal infections are a disease that can always be prevented.

    Prevention of poisoning by plant poisons consists of consistently following following rules: do not allow children, especially younger ones, to pick mushrooms and berries on their own, without adult supervision; do not use unfamiliar plants or mushrooms for food; you should know that children under 5 years of age are not recommended to be fed mushrooms and dishes made from them, even if it is just a filling in pies, pancakes, pizza or dried mushrooms for mushroom soup, because children's body does not have enough enzymes to digest them; Do not take it orally without consulting your doctor and do not spontaneously increase the dose of the tincture prepared at the pharmacy.

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