How to understand that there is poor blood clotting. Why does poor blood clotting occur and what can be done about it? The best folk methods

Blood - the most important part human body, because it contains substances that are vital for all organs and tissues without exception. Deviations from the norm in the condition or composition of the blood cause disruption of many functions and lead to diseases. What is the danger of poor blood clotting, what is the name of the disease associated with it, and what can be done to normalize the condition - questions to which it is better to know the answers in advance, so as not to get confused in an emergency situation.

Poor blood clotting, what is the name of the disease?

Poor blood clotting, as well as its thickening, are not a disease, they are a manifestation of diseases and conditions that determine a decrease in the concentration of coagulation factors in the blood. Diseases are often hereditary.

  1. Hemophilia. Genetically determined disease. There are two types - when there is no protein in the blood responsible for blood clotting or when there is a deficiency of Christmas plasma.
  2. Von Willebrand's disease. In most cases, hereditary deficiency of specific von Willebrand factor in the blood of patients. As a result, no formation occurs blood clot, since platelets do not adhere to the walls of the damaged vessel, aggregation of blood platelets does not occur. A decrease in von Willebrand factor in the blood also occurs as a result of multiple blood transfusions, aortic stenosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

These are two diseases, the main manifestation of which is increased bleeding. You can also note conditions associated with the number of blood cells that take part in the formation of a blood clot - a thrombus at the site of damage to a vessel or fibrin threads fixing it:

  • thrombocytopenia;
  • fibrinopenia.

Causes of poor blood clotting

A decrease in blood clotting ability occurs due to the following factors:

  • diseases of the liver, which is responsible for the production of most coagulation factors:
    • oncological – carcinoma, liver metastases,
    • infectious - hepatitis,
    • reducing the amount of functioning liver tissue – cirrhosis;
  • poisoning, long-term use of antibiotics, anticoagulants;
  • calcium deficiency, which is involved in the formation of a blood clot, its participation is necessary for the formation of thrombin and fibrin;
  • lack of vitamin K - the formation of many coagulation factors takes place with the obligatory presence of vitamin K.
  • some forms of anemia, excessive blood loss - loss large quantity stimulates red blood cells Bone marrow to their increased production, to the detriment of platelet formation; with rapid blood loss, the body does not have time to replenish the number of platelets;
  • leukemia – platelet formation is impaired.

Symptoms of decreased blood clotting

The main manifestation is increased bleeding and the inability to stop the bleeding using conventional methods.

Patients also experience frequent spontaneous bleeding, the slightest bruises cause extensive bruises and hematomas, weakness and dizziness are observed.

Poor blood clotting: what to do

If you notice symptoms of decreased blood clotting, you should visit a hematologist and undergo a thorough examination to determine the cause of the pathology.

The main method for monitoring blood condition is biochemical analysis– coagulogram. All therapeutic measures carried out by periodically testing.

Treatment of excessive blood thinning must be carried out under the supervision of a physician, so as not to transform the pathology into the opposite state and then deal with increased thrombus formation.

Medicines usually used:

  • vitamin K in the form of injections;
  • aminocaproic acid and other agents that delay the dissolution of fibrin;
  • coagulants of direct and indirect action;
  • drugs that stimulate platelet production - oprelvekin, hydroxyurea.

Transfusion of blood plasma containing clotting factors has a good effect.

In the treatment of decreased blood clotting great importance has nutritional composition. Recommended

  • increased content in the diet of foods containing vitamin K: enrich the diet with buckwheat, bananas, mangoes, radishes, mulberries, red peppers, legumes, walnuts;
  • limiting or eliminating caffeinated drinks;
  • nettle, yarrow, shell decoction walnutsfolk remedies, effective against bleeding.

Poor blood clotting during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman’s body experiences considerable stress, so conditions are possible that help reduce blood clotting. More often this happens in the case

  • overload immune system;
  • viral diseases;
  • use of medications, approved antibiotics;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • increased content of vitamin C in food.

Reduced blood clotting can cause serious complications - postpartum hemorrhage, premature termination of pregnancy.

To prevent the development of pathology, you should

  • completely stop smoking (and passive smoking too);
  • eat well, replenish vitamin deficiencies;
  • establish drinking regime without consuming excess liquid.

The presence of poor blood clotting is a reason to pay attention to the well-being of the body, take the necessary measures to improve health, and introduce restrictions into the usual way of life. Then this disease will be under reliable control and will not be able to cause much harm.

Human organism - complex mechanism, in which each component performs a function necessary for life. For example, blood delivers to organs and cells nutrients and oxygen, removes carbon dioxide and breakdown products, prevents bleeding and performs other vital important functions. You can notice circulatory disorders yourself in Everyday life. If a person has poor clotting ability, then the bleeding from cuts does not stop for a long time, subcutaneous hematomas and bruises appear. These signs indicate a coagulation disorder and the need for treatment.

Keeping blood in a liquid state, stopping bleeding when the integrity of blood vessels is violated, and dissolving blood clots is ensured by the hemostasis system, which includes three components: vascular-platelet hemostasis, coagulation hemostasis (clotting), fibrinolysis (dissolution of a blood clot). The coagulation process is regulated by endocrine and nervous systems. Due to the liquid state of the blood, cells move freely through the vessels and perform functions.

The reasons why bleeding disorders occur are as follows:

  • liver pathologies;
  • lack of calcium;
  • hemolytic anemia - a group of diseases accompanied by increased destruction of red blood cells;
  • leukemia - cancer hematopoietic system;
  • significant blood loss;
  • thrombocytopenia, of various etiologies- a condition characterized by reduced level platelets;
  • genetic disorders of the fibrinogen production process;
  • lack of vitamin K;
  • DIC syndrome - disseminated intravascular coagulation;
  • hereditary bleeding disorders (hemophilia, von Willebrand disease);
  • anticoagulant therapy - drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots and inhibit clotting;
  • vasculitis is a group of diseases accompanied by immunopathological inflammation of blood vessels.

There are other reasons that affect the coagulation process. For example, long-term use in large doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen and others) causes thrombocytopenia. High probability the development of poor clotting in people who are prescribed treatment for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Symptoms of a bleeding disorder

As a rule, the main symptom of poor blood clotting is prolonged and unstoppable bleeding. In women this can be expressed as increased secretions during menstruation. In case of domestic injuries, blood for a long time doesn't stop. Also, symptoms indicating a coagulation disorder include:

  • the appearance of bruises for no reason;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • hemorrhages on the skin (petechiae, ecchymoses, bruises);
  • subcutaneous blood collections;
  • hemorrhages of the internal linings of the intestines, nasal and oral cavity. hemorrhages in the intestines can cause blood clots in the stool;
  • hemorrhages in the brain;
  • if the cause of the disorder is hemophilia, then hemorrhages in the joints are possible, muscle tissue and other internal organs.

If symptoms indicating a coagulation disorder appear, you need to consult a doctor and take a coagulation test. The main danger of poor clotting is that traumatic injuries can lead to heavy blood loss. The analysis determines the time during which the blood clots and other important indicators hemostasis systems. Having studied complaints and symptoms in conjunction with research results, the doctor determines why the coagulation process is disrupted and prescribes appropriate treatment.

Treatment and prevention

Having established the cause of the clotting disorder, the doctor prescribes treatment and gives recommendations for prevention. If decreased coagulation is caused pathological abnormalities, then therapy is primarily aimed at eliminating the disease that prevents blood clotting. By eliminating unfavorable factors that affect the coagulation process, blood functions are gradually normalized. In addition, blood clotting agents may be prescribed.

Drug treatment that increases coagulation is based on taking vitamin K and drugs that enhance coagulation.

If, according to the results of a coagulogram, the blood does not clot in the normal time due to thrombocytopenia, then a transfusion of donor platelets is used. With what has already happened heavy blood loss prescribe medications containing iron and products containing it high content. To replenish the volume of lost blood, they resort to blood transfusion (transfusion).

The effectiveness of treatment increases with integrated approach. Simultaneously with therapy medicines adjustments are made to the diet and diet. The products consumed must contain substances such as calcium, folic acid, vitamin K, and amino acids. Useful to add to your diet green onions, cabbage, spinach. The basic diet includes milk, cheese, cottage cheese, and fermented milk products. For faster restocking useful substances Prescribe fortified preparations.

It is important in treatment correct image life. Should be excluded bad habits(alcohol, smoking) and products that negatively affect coagulation. The amount of sugar consumed should be reduced to a minimum. If blood thinners are prescribed for the treatment of diseases such as thrombophlebitis or varicose veins, it is important to undergo regular testing to monitor clotting.

Low blood clotting is dangerous pathological disorder which can cause serious complications. Any disease is easier to cure initial stages development, therefore it is important to consult a doctor if signs of deviation appear and undergo an examination. Poor clotting can lead to internal bleeding, some of which can be fatal. There is no need to try to cure the disorder on your own, as it can worsen the situation. Before visiting a doctor, you need to make adjustments to your diet and eliminate harmful foods.

Interestingly, blood flows unhindered along the smooth walls of blood vessels and does not clot. Even if you place it in a vessel with flat surface, nothing will happen, but if you put a wooden stick or sliver into the same vessel, the blood will begin to actively clot. Why? The fact is that in order for the coagulation or coagulation process to begin, a rupture is necessary. blood vessels or the presence of a rough, pointed surface. In case of tissue damage accompanied by blood loss, the sites of the vessels always have a torn edge and it is to this surface structure that the blood reacts, receiving a signal to begin clotting.

As soon as you damage the skin, complex work begins in your body, involving many systems. After all, in order for the wound to heal and tissue regeneration to be successful, a huge number of sequential chemical reactions, the work of many cells and tissues under the coordination of the endocrine system and the brain.

At the moment of damage to blood vessels, a protective mechanism is launched aimed at speedy regeneration, and, therefore, restoration of integrity. The torn edges become as if sticky, attracting those in the blood to their surface. Simultaneously endocrine system releases substances into the blood that contribute to its thickening at the site of the cut, thus enhancing the formation of a primary loose blood clot. A stage passes - a change in the properties of the walls of blood vessels, which prepares them for the further process - the formation of a dense clot, which will tighten the damaged area.

The primary task of the body at this moment is to stop blood loss, therefore, a blood clot is formed in damaged vessels, preventing further dissemination flow from ruptured vessels. This happens very simply: threads of fibrin are formed in the blood - a substance that acts as a kind of frame or web; blood cells get stuck in these threads and cause congestion, preventing movement total flow further.

From the moment of damage to the walls of the smallest capillaries to the beginning of the formation of blood clots, no more than 30 seconds. However, if there is a clotting disorder caused by genetic abnormalities or diseases, this time can be much longer. In patients with hemophilia, blood is not at all capable of flowing at a speed sufficient to stop blood loss.

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  • blood clots quickly

Reduced coagulability blood– this is a fairly common occurrence. The causes of this disease can be the following factors: disorders of the immune system, various types infectious diseases, congenital factors, increased production of anticoagulants, anemia, serum sickness, impaired fibrinogen synthesis and much more. Bad coagulability blood especially dangerous in case of various types of bleeding. How to increase coagulability blood?


Stinging nettle. Its leaves are used as decoctions or infused. The effectiveness of this drug is explained by the presence of K and C in the plant, which help reduce sugar in blood and raise percentage. Also contraindicated in case of increased coagulability.

Yarrow. It has vasodilating, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties. Quickly heals wounds by increasing coagulability, and is much better calcium chloride. It is used for hemorrhoidal, nasal, pulmonary and other bleeding. Yarrow - conditionally poisonous plant Therefore, its abuse can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Marsh dry grass. Most often this plant is used for faster healing wounds and various cuts. Used as a compress or bath. At intravenous administration increase blood. Not recommended for high blood pressure and thrombophlebitis.

Regular corn. This is one of the most intense natural sources vitamin K, which, in turn, is simply necessary for slow clotting blood. Corn silk contraindicated in case of increased coagulability and low body weight. But still, before self-medicating, consult a specialist first.


  • Poor blood clotting causes

Clotting blood- it's complicated biological process, as a result of which a blood clot forms in the lumen of the damaged vessel, preventing further bleeding. You can improve it like this: local means, acting directly in the wound, and systemic, the effect of which is manifested in the vessels of the whole body.

Malfunctions the most important system of the body - the hemostasis system designed to protect a person from blood loss - manifests itself as a blood clotting disorder, that is, pathology of coagulation of protein components of the blood in the event of bleeding.

The ability of blood to clot various reasons may decrease, leading to severe and fatal coagulopathies.

ICD-10 code

D65-D69 Bleeding disorders, purpura and other hemorrhagic conditions

Causes of bleeding disorders

Before you light up key reasons bleeding disorders, it should be recalled that coagulation in the process of stopping bleeding is a complex of complex biochemical processes caused by the influence (and interaction) of almost four dozen physiological active substances, which are called plasma and platelet clotting factors.

In a simplified form, the process of blood clotting when blood vessels are damaged can be described as the conversion of the blood protein prothrombin (plasma coagulation factor II) into the enzyme thrombin, under the influence of which fibrinogen in the plasma (a protein produced by the liver, coagulation factor I) is converted into polymerized fibrous (insoluble ) fibrin protein. The action of the enzyme transglutaminase (coagulation factor XIII) stabilizes fibrin, and special (non-nucleated) blood elements - platelets - adhere to its fragments. As a result of platelet aggregation and their adhesion to the vessel wall, a blood clot is formed. It is he who closes the “hole” in the event of a violation of the integrity of the blood vessel.


The pathogenesis of deviations in the process of hemocoagulation is directly related to the imbalance of blood clotting factors, since only when they are activated, the natural mechanism of blood clot formation and bleeding cessation is activated. No less important factor– the number of platelets in the blood synthesized by bone marrow cells.

The existing classification of bleeding disorders divides them - depending on the etiology - into acquired, genetically determined and congenital, as well as autoimmune.

Causes of bleeding disorders include the following genetic and congenital pathologies:

  • hemophilia A (deficiency of antihemophilic globulin - coagulation factor VIII), hemophilia B (deficiency of clotting factor IX) and hemophilia C (deficiency of thromboplastin - factor XI);
  • von Willebrand disease (constitutional thrombopathy or von Willebrand-Jurgens syndrome, when there is not enough antihemophilic globulin in the blood);
  • thrombocytopenic purpura (Werlhof's disease);
  • Glanzmann's hereditary thrombasthenia;
  • congenital afibrinogenemia (lack of fibrinogen in the blood) and dysfibrinogenemia (structural defects in fibrinogen molecules).

Symptoms of a bleeding disorder

Typical symptoms bleeding disorders in almost all of the above pathologies manifest themselves in various combinations and with different intensities.

The first signs are hemorrhagic syndrome - a tendency to bleeding into the skin and subcutaneous tissue, as well as increased bleeding of mucous membranes.

Bleeding can be capillary, hematoma or mixed. Thus, in the case of a deficiency of such blood coagulation factors as prothrombin, proaccelerin, proconvertin, Stewart-Prower factor (with von Willebrand disease, thrombocytopenia or dysfibrinogenemia), small red-violet spots appear on the skin of the legs in the ankle area and on the feet - petechiae (capillary hemorrhages).

If there is a deficiency of antihemophilic globulin, bruises (ecchymoses) constantly appear. Subcutaneous hematomas characteristic of hemophilia, as well as most acquired bleeding disorders, including after long-term use of anticoagulant drugs.

In addition, symptoms of bleeding disorders are expressed in frequent spontaneous nosebleeds, bleeding gums, significant blood loss during menstruation (menorrhagia), prolonged bleeding even with minor damage to the smallest vessels. Frequent redness of the whites of the eyes is possible, and melena (black stool) may also be observed, which indicates bleeding localized in the gastrointestinal tract. In hemophilia, blood flows not only into organ tissues abdominal cavity and muscles, but also into joints (hemarthrosis). This causes necrosis bone tissue a decrease in calcium content and subsequent functional complications of the musculoskeletal system.

Symptoms of thrombosis hemorrhagic syndrome, as well as his possible consequences(which can be fatal) - see Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) syndrome.

Serious complications most coagulation disorders - anemia, which leads to hypoxia of all tissues of the body, causing general weakness and decline vitality With frequent dizziness and tachycardia.

Diagnosis of bleeding disorders

Clinical diagnosis bleeding disorders begins with a history taking and necessarily includes laboratory research patients' blood.

The following blood tests are needed:

  • general clinical;
  • coagulogram (blood clotting time is determined);
  • PTT and PTI (prothrombin time and prothrombin index give an idea of ​​the speed of the coagulation process);
  • TV (determines thrombin time, that is, the rate of conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin);
  • ABC test (determines activated blood clotting time);
  • on platelet aggregation with stimulation by adenosine diphosphate (ADP);
  • APTT (determines the presence of a deficiency of several plasma coagulation factors);
  • for antithrombin III (a blood anticoagulant glycoprotein that inhibits the process of blood clotting).

Can be used instrumental diagnostics(fluoroscopy, ultrasound, MRI) - to determine the condition of the liver, spleen, intestines or brain.

Differential diagnosis

Considering the polyetiology of blood clotting disorders, only differential diagnosis provides a real opportunity to determine the specific cause of coagulopathy and prescribe the correct therapy.

Treatment of bleeding disorders

If bleeding occurs, treatment for the bleeding disorder requires urgent measures- see Bleeding. Medicines that promote the formation of a blood clot (Fibrinogen, Thrombin) are also used in a hospital setting to stop bleeding.

And therapy for acquired coagulation disorders involves etiological treatment diseases that led to them and neutralization of provoking factors.

In many cases, the use of antihemorrhagic and hemostatic drugs is recommended: those that activate the formation of thromboplastin, heparin antagonists, fibrinolysis inhibitors, as well as agents that promote thrombus formation.

Medicines prescribed to stimulate the production of tissue thromboplastin (blood clotting factor III) - Dicinone (other. tradename Etamsylate). This drug used to stop capillary and internal bleeding Available in the form of a solution for injection, and in tablets of 0.5 g for the treatment of blood clotting disorders. The dose is determined by the doctor in accordance with blood counts (usually 0.25-0.5 g two to three times a day), the duration of administration also depends on the diagnosis. Dition gives side effects in the form of headache, nausea, decreased blood pressure, skin hyperemia and impaired sensitivity of the skin on the legs. The drug is contraindicated if increased bleeding and hematomas are the result of taking anticoagulants.

Medicines such as Aminocaproic acid, Tranexam, Ambien, etc., inhibit the dissolution of a blood clot (fibrinolysis). Aminocaproic acid (Epsilon-aminocaproic acid, Acicapron, Afibrin, Karpacid, Carpamol, Epsamon) in tablets of 0.5 g is prescribed orally based on weight, the maximum daily dose should not exceed 15 g. Side effects include dizziness catarrhal symptoms, nausea, diarrhea. If kidney function is poor, aminocaproic acid is contraindicated.

The hemostatic agent Tranescam (tranexamic acid) in tablets of 0.25 g is recommended to be taken for frequent nosebleeds and menorrhagia, two tablets three times a day, but not longer than a week. Side effects and contraindications are similar to the previous drug.

When prescribing treatment for bleeding disorders, a drug containing a vitamin K analogue, Vikasol (Menadione sodium bisulfite, Menadione), is often recommended. Vikasol (15 mg tablets) increases the ability of blood to clot by acting on the production of vitamin K-dependent prothrombin and proconvertin (clotting factors). Dosage of this drug: for adults - 15-30 mg per day (in courses of 3 days with breaks), for children under one year old - 2-5 mg, 1-3 years old - 6 mg, 4-5 years old - 8 mg, 6-10 years - 10 mg.

Vitamins also recommended by hematologists include B9 and B12. Pills folic acid(vitamin B9) should be taken orally after meals - 1-2 mg up to two times a day. Daily dose should not exceed 5 mg, duration of continuous use - no more than a month.

Alternative treatment for bleeding disorders

With this pathology traditional treatment cannot in any way influence the causes of its occurrence or make “corrections” with the synthesis of plasma and platelet coagulation factors.

Therefore, you can use treatment with herbs that are known for their hemostatic properties: yarrow, shepherd's purse, stinging nettle (leaves), water pepper (pepper knotweed), cuckoo adonis. Water pepper and shepherd's purse contain vitamin K. For the decoction, take a tablespoon of dry herb in a glass of boiling water and cook for 8-10 minutes, infuse and take: water pepper - a tablespoon 3-4 times a day; decoction shepherd's bag- a third of a glass three times a day.

Nettle is also known for its vitamin K content; water infusion leaves of this medicinal plant prepared by pouring a tablespoon of dry raw material into 200 ml of boiling water and leaving for 1-1.5 hours (in a closed container). Take the infusion for bleeding gums, heavy periods, nosebleeds - before meals, one tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Of all the measures that are usually proposed to prevent the development of certain diseases, almost none can have a positive effect in the case of bleeding disorders. An exception is the prevention of vitamin K deficiency in the body, as well as refusal long-term use medications (anticoagulants, aspirin, NSAIDs) that can reduce blood clotting. And for people with poor clotting ability, it is important to avoid situations that could cause injury and cause bleeding.

The considered bleeding disorders are classified as blood diseases. In domestic medicine there is a concept “ hemorrhagic diseases", as well as "hemorrhagic syndrome", that is, a set of symptoms characterizing conditions in which hemorrhages occur. And specialists from the American Society of Hematology (ASH) identify only hemorrhagic syndrome of newborns associated with a lack of vitamin K (ICD-10 code P53). Obviously, the presence of terminological discrepancies is also typical for this area. clinical medicine, like hematology.

The hemostasis system is responsible for the condition of the blood. Its function is to maintain the liquid state of the blood, stop bleeding in case of damage to the walls of blood vessels and dissolve blood clots. Vascular wall, namely its cells - endothelial cells, ensure the liquid (fluid) state of the blood, due to the release of anti-coagulation factors.

Here is the most banal example: We're preparing dinner and suddenly we accidentally cut our finger with a kitchen knife. Blood flowed. But in a matter of minutes she stopped on her own, and the finger healed on its own.

This happens because in our body there are defense mechanisms, which ensure that bleeding stops. And above all due to coagulation, coagulation, blood.

If the blood does not clot "correctly"

But what if 8 minutes have passed and the blood keeps flowing and flowing? There is reason to pay attention to the coagulation system, because such bleeding is life-threatening.


Reduced blood clotting is observed, for example, in hemophilia (large blood loss during injury, hemorrhages in soft fabrics and vessels). But the opposite situation may also occur, when blood clotting is increased, and this threatens the formation of blood clots (blockage of blood vessels, stroke or heart attack).

The hemostasis system is responsible for the condition of the blood. Its function is to maintain the liquid state of the blood, stop bleeding in case of damage to the walls of blood vessels and dissolve blood clots.

The vascular wall, namely its cells - endothelial cells, ensure the liquid (fluid) state of the blood due to the release of anti-coagulation factors. When blood vessels are damaged, the endothelium (the layer of flat cells lining inner surface circulatory and lymphatic vessels) releases a substance into the blood - thromboplastin, which allows blood cells to stick together and adhere to the walls of blood vessels(the thrombus formation system is activated - the blood clotting reaction).

Then proteins - blood clotting factors - are activated. Platelets and other shaped elements blood, and a blood clot forms, which clogs the damaged vessel. This is such a difficult but quick reaction of our blood coagulation system.

Platelets are responsible for blood clotting(norm 170-450x109 per 1 liter of blood). Their deficiency (thrombocytopenia) may indicate blood clotting disorders, bleeding, and blood diseases.

The normal clotting time is considered to be 3-4 minutes after injury(with minor bleeding) the blood stops flowing and a clot forms in 5-10 minutes.


Blood clotting disorders are caused by:

It also helps to increase the blood clotting rate increase in blood adrenaline(the body’s protective reaction to danger is triggered).

A frequent use painkillers, on the contrary, reduce blood clotting.

Complications of bleeding disorders include:

    bleeding in the brain;

    bleeding in gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoidal bleeding;

    bleeding and joint pain and some types of infertility.

Of course, if you have problems with hemostasis, you need to contact a specialist. But it's also important pay attention to nutrition, since with the help of properly selected products you can significantly improve the situation, and in some cases even do without medications.


Low blood clotting may be associated with a deficiency of vitamin K in the body. Therefore, to increase it, you should more often prepare dishes from spinach, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, legumes (soybeans, beans, peas, lentils, beans) and grains (they contain natural vitamin K), buckwheat.

Also useful: cabbage, radishes, red peppers, beets, turnips, radishes, watercress, basil, dill, parsley, coriander.

Red-purple berries: black and red currants, blueberries, watermelons, blackberries, lingonberries, mulberries, dogwoods, viburnum. Fruits: bananas and mangoes, quince, oranges, apples.

Good to drink pomegranate and light grape juice, rose hip. Add g to your diet walnuts and almonds(no more than 1 tbsp per day).

Blood clotting increases and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, which is extremely necessary for quick stop blood, with regular use h rowan and its juice(exception for hypotensive patients - it lowers blood pressure).

You can also cook meat dishes fatty varieties(including jelly), liver, kidneys, brain, consume butter, lard, cream. But it is important not to overuse these products: Such food promotes the formation of blood clots.


Fatty fish reduce blood clotting and thin it(mackerel, horse mackerel, sardines, herring, capelin, catfish) and fish fat magnesium-rich cereals: oatmeal, oats, rolled oatmeal.

Blood clots dissolve onion and garlic. But you need to use garlic for these purposes correctly: cut it into thin slices and leave it in the air for 15 minutes so that it wilts a little. It is better to cook the onion whole in water or broth.

Useful cucumbers, Jerusalem artichoke, citrus fruits (especially lemon), natural red wine (30-50 ml per day), red grape juice (0.5 cup per day reduces platelet activity by 75%), cocoa, flaxseed and olive oil, Bay leaf(3-4 pieces per soup or main course), sunflower seeds, ginger, dark hard chocolate, green tea, tomato juice.

Best choice of berries cranberries (cranberry tea - 2 teaspoons of berries per 1 cup of boiling water), blueberries, raspberries, cherries, sweet cherries, plums, figs.

Herbs: white willow bark, meadowsweet, sweet clover (courses 3-4 times a year for 10-14 days of intake). And plain water. You need to drink it often, but in small sips.

Besides this, it is very good to use unconventional methods Treatments affecting blood clotting: This is hirudotherapy (treatment medical leeches) and apitoxin therapy (use bee venom by stinging the patient at certain biologically active points).

These methods improve blood fluidity, increase microcirculation in the brain and in the heart muscle (myocardium), protecting them from such dangerous complications, such as stroke and myocardial infarction.


    1 tbsp. l. chopped willow bark pour 1 cup of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. After removing from the stove, let it brew for an hour, after which it is filtered. Add to the resulting decoction boiled water to the original volume. Take 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. Treatment lasts 10 days.

    1 tbsp. l. meadowsweet flowers and grass pour 1 liter cold water overnight, strain in the morning. Drink 0.5 liters of infusion during the day. Course 10 days.

    1 tsp. meadowsweet pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid, after five minutes the tea is ready. Drink 100 ml three times a day before meals. Course 10 days.

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