How does cellulite appear? Rubbing tissues with a massage brush. Treatment methods borrowed from the people

On the stomach. The tissues containing collagen in these places have a shape resembling honeycomb. In addition, some layers of the skin become filled with toxins and fats. The latter tend to lift the skin upward, which causes collagen to stretch. This slows down the movement of fluid, and the cells begin to simply accumulate fat rather than remove it. The most significant factor influencing the appearance cellulite ah, is not proper nutrition. Salty, sweet, fatty, smoked, pickled, fried potatoes, chocolate, mayonnaise, pork - if you are a fan of such food, cellulite will happily fit on your body. Why does this happen? These products put a significant load on the liver, and this does not allow the removal of toxins from the body. They accumulate in the form cellulite A. When eating food, people accumulate fat anyway. However, this process is greatly influenced hormonal disorders. Once the hormones rebel, and instead normal exchange substances, failures occur. The resulting fats accumulate more slowly, and some of them are converted into cellulite. Problems with hormones can be caused by illness, birth control pills, menopause, or taking potent drugs. Besides, cellulite sometimes occurs due to aging: changes occur in the body, which cannot but affect metabolism. There are problems with blood circulation (including lymph stagnation), frequent constipation, excess weight. Sometimes cellulite y leads the usual viral disease, slowing down the processes of all cells. Vegetovascular dystonia, which has a whole “collection” of symptoms, is also sometimes to blame for the appearance cellulite a. Heredity and lifestyle play a significant role. If a person moves little, his metabolism is slowed down and less fat is burned.

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A beautiful, slender body is the dream of every girl. But age-related changes, various diseases, poor nutrition They don't let this dream come true. Women fight as hard as they can to always look attractive.

Why does cellulite appear?

Many women can observe irregularities in the form of tubercles and depressions on the hips and abdomen. This is the phenomenon of cellulite. Another common name of this disease- orange peel effect. The skin on the thighs becomes uneven due to changes in the subcutaneous fat layer. This leads to disruption of microcirculation and lymphatic outflow.

Cellulite is not a defect, but a disease that is associated with disruption of processes occurring in the body. Therefore, the disease will not go away on its own; it is needed. Many methods have been developed to combat cellulite; you just need to choose the right one. Cellulite was once considered normal, and women did not attach much importance to it. Now it’s a shame to appear on the beach or wear a short skirt if your hips are not as perfect as before.

Often “orange” appears during... It's connected with hormonal changes. Female hormones - estrogens influence the growth of fat cells, which create an uneven skin surface. They also control the amount of water in the skin cells.

Only A complex approach will be able to restore the body to its former attractiveness. IN healthy body- healthy mind. You need to eat right and be active. The desire to become beautiful should be stronger than laziness.

How to fight cellulite

Cellulite can appear not only in overweight people, but also in... The reason is poor nutrition, sedentary image life, heredity. Therefore, without taking any measures to combat cellulite, the “orange peel” cannot be removed. You need to reconsider your diet. Should you drink more still water and eat fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C. Vitamin C helps restore collagen, which in turn will make the skin elastic and tightened. It is necessary to exclude fatty foods, and also limit the consumption of salt and sugar.
Anti-cellulite creams alone are not enough to combat orange peel. They will only speed up the process of breaking down fatty deposits under the skin.

The fight against cellulite is a long one. Diet alone will not help. You need to accustom yourself to daily physical activity. Massage helps improve blood circulation in tissues. It is necessary to intensively massage ill-fated places on the body in order to adipose tissue began to dissolve under the skin. Painstaking work on your body will definitely yield results.

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Tip 3: Cellulite: stages of development and methods of combating it

Cellulite is a structural change in adipose tissue that makes the skin in some areas loose, bumpy, similar to an orange peel. Occurs in almost 80% of women. The appearance of cellulite can be caused by the most for various reasons and sometimes completely unrelated to obesity. This may be a consequence of any hormonal changes ( puberty, pregnancy, menopause), unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, bad habits (smoking, alcohol).

Therefore, fighting cellulite with all kinds of diets is completely pointless. First of all, cellulite is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Development. Cellulite is still invisible. But if you take the skin into a fold with your fingers, you can see the “orange peel”. A certain amount of waste and toxins has already accumulated in the body and the lymphatic system does not have time to remove them. The reason is not at all due to accumulating fat. As a result of a slowdown in metabolism, swelling of the subcutaneous fat occurs. This means that to solve the problem you need to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. This requires physical activity (swimming, fitness, dancing), massage using anti-cellulite creams. It is necessary to adjust your diet: reduce the amount of sugar, salt, smoked meats, pickles and marinades.

Cellulite is already becoming visible to the eye. Fluid accumulates in the fatty tissue, swelling appears, and the skin becomes insensitive. At this stage, increased physical activity, an anti-cellulite diet and professional anti-cellulite massage are required. help.

It should be remembered that it is much easier to engage in prevention than treatment. Therefore, you can avoid such problems as cellulite. If you stick to healthy image life, regularly use anti-cellulite creams, the formation of “orange peel” can be delayed.

Cellulite does not cause physical discomfort, but it does make you experience serious complexes. Orange peel on the stomach, thighs and buttocks deprives you of self-confidence. What causes cellulite? We will name the main causes of the problem. What's happened...

Cellulite does not cause physical discomfort, but it does make you experience serious complexes. Orange peel on the stomach, thighs and buttocks deprives you of self-confidence. What causes cellulite? We will name the main causes of the problem.

What is cellulite?

Do not think that cellulite is one of the manifestations of obesity. Curvy women in some cases can boast complete absence“orange peel”, while the hips, stomach and buttocks of thin girls are sometimes “decorated” with cellulite tubercles.

Cellulite is characterized structural changes subcutaneous fat layer, impeding blood circulation and worsening lymphatic drainage. Stagnation leads to degeneration of adipose tissue. The pores of the cells become clogged, causing everything that should have been removed to remain inside. The changed cells are grouped, which leads to the formation of connective tissue convex “islands” that are hard to the touch. Against the background of stagnation of blood and lymph, a change in the color of the body area occurs (the skin acquires a bluish tint), and calcification of fat cells is observed (calcium accumulation in them). Cellulite islands tend to attract fluid from surrounding tissues, which can cause swelling of problem areas.

Causes of cellulite

What causes cellulite? The development of this problem is facilitated by:
Changes hormonal levels(for example, during pregnancy or menopause)
Reception hormonal drugs
Violation metabolic processes
Unfavorable environment
Poor nutrition with predominance fatty foods
Exposure to stress
Alcohol abuse
Sedentary image life
Aging processes of the body
Pancreatic dysfunction
Diseases thyroid gland
Circulatory disorders
Slagging in the body
Pathologies of the liver and kidneys
Chronic constipation
Vegetovascular dystonia

An interesting fact: in winter, the chances of developing cellulite tubercles increase significantly. It is not difficult to explain such “injustice”. The fact is that during the cool period of time we prefer hot baths and temporarily forget about the benefits contrast shower. As a result, the tone and elasticity of the skin are weakened, and the tubercles of fat are easily pushed to the surface. Other risk factors are air dried out by heaters, as well as temperature changes (this negatively affects the condition of the skin). Oddly enough, shapewear tights can also lead to the appearance of cellulite over time. They interfere with the normal flow of lymph and blood, which provokes stagnation. In addition, in winter we pay less attention to body care - the peak use of anti-cellulite compounds and moisturizers occurs in the spring. Well, such “vacations” provide a completely natural result.

The main causes of cellulite are stagnation, slagging of the body and changes in hormonal levels. These “3 pillars” are the main enemies female beauty. According to many women, preventing the appearance of cellulite tubercles is easier than trying to deal with them. As practice shows, none of the folk or professional means Doesn't completely remove the orange peel. Hard work on yourself allows you to smooth out the bumps as much as possible and make them less noticeable. By the best means To combat the problem are massage treatments, diet, body wraps, and sports activities.

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Massage for cellulite

2. Special anti-cellulite creams and gels with a warming or cooling effect or containing agents that fight cellulite. They are used in courses specified in the instructions for each product. Cellulite cream should be used after scrubbing or massage, then the product penetrates the skin better and the effect will be more pronounced.

3. You can make body masks from clay. It is best to use blue and black clay, as they are the most effective for cellulite. These anti-cellulite masks are suitable for both independent use, and for wrapping. Anti-cellulite clay is used in courses of 15-20 procedures every day or every other day.

4. You can use special mittens, washcloths and massage brushes for cellulite. They improve blood circulation in problem areas and are good prophylactic from cellulite. These products are better for removing cellulite on the butt. They are used regularly.

5. Homemade cellulite wraps with ready-made anti-cellulite products or prepared at home. Performed in courses. You can see how the procedure is carried out in detail.

6. Cupping massage is performed using silicone cups, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. We apply rich cream, special massage products or, best of all, hot oil to the body. You can take any oil, for example base oil wheat sprouts, you can add a few drops there essential oils with anti-cellulite effect. The oil is heated in a water bath. The technique involves gradually increasing strength; the can moves along the body along with the hand, without leaving the body. Please note that you need to use a lot of hot oil to ensure that the jar glides well. In this way, all problem areas are treated: buttocks, thighs, stomach, sides. The entire cupping massage takes approximately 30 minutes. Massage with cups for cellulite is carried out in courses of 10-15 procedures every day or every other day.

7. Massage for cellulite at home is very difficult and ineffective. Best choice is self-massage with honey. Honey is applied to problem areas and patting movements are performed, in which the hand with honey pulls the skin. Honey self-massage is performed in courses of 15-20 procedures every 1-2 days. Honey should be liquid without lumps.

8. There are many massagers for cellulite (vacuum, spiked, roller, infrared radiation and current, etc.), which are intended for home use. The cellulite massager should be used according to the instructions.

9. You can purchase special ampoule preparations and a mesoscooter from a cosmetologist. Small needles of the mesoscooter injure the skin and allow deeper penetration medicinal products. The mesoscooter is passed over problem areas, first vertically, then horizontally and diagonally. The anti-cellulite mesoscooter is used in courses of 10-15 procedures 2-3 times a week. One mesoscooter is enough for 2-3 procedures; then it should be replaced, as it begins to “tear” and scratch the skin.

10. Don't forget about physical activity. Exercises against cellulite should be done regularly.

11. Foods that contribute to the formation of cellulite should be excluded from the diet. In addition, you can sometimes “sit” on an anti-cellulite diet. You can find out what foods cause cellulite.

How to properly use cellulite creams depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle

Women with a short menstrual cycle (21–25 days) are luckier than those with a longer one; they develop cellulite less often, and if it does appear, it progresses much more slowly. This fact has been scientifically proven.

All cellulite creams are divided into two types:

1. Venotonics (increase vascular tone, strengthen vascular wall, normalize blood and lymph flow, reduce swelling). These include menthol, camphor, ascorutin, rutin, extract horse chestnut, green tea, escin, esculin, red grape extracts, vitamins K, geranium oil, juniper oil, arnica, Ussuri hop, cypress, fir.

2. Lipolitics (activate the processes of lipolysis, i.e. the breakdown of fats into fatty acids). These include 3–5% caffeine, L-carnitine, aminophylline, theophylline, silicon, xanthyl, guarana extract.

In addition, there may be a mixed composition, which includes both lipolytics and venotonics.

In the first phase menstrual cycle, which lasts 12–14 days after the onset of menstruation, cellulite should be actively combated, because estrogens predominate in a woman’s body - a steroid female sex hormone that provides good mood and promotes the release of fats. Creams and/or wraps with lipolytics should be used.

In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, when ovulation has occurred, creams with venotonics should be used, since during this phase the hormone progesterone is actively produced, which promotes the accumulation of fat and fluid retention. You can use pharmaceutical creams against varicose veins instead of anti-cellulite creams with venotonics. It is good to perform a drainage massage at this stage.
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    85-95% of women are familiar with it, among whom are supermodels and athletes, yoginis and adherents of proper nutrition, fat and thin, girls, ladies, expectant mothers... This trouble is called differently: almost affectionately - " Orange peel", scientifically - "gynoid lipodystrophy" or more commonly - "cellulite".

    In order to defeat this insidious enemy of women, you need to be literate in this matter - to know what cellulite is and for what reasons it appears.

    The modern world medical community has not reached a consensus regarding the painful nature of cellulite. Is this a disease if it is typical for the majority of the female population of the planet? Let it not be a disease, but a cosmetic defect that has such great importance in the era of open legs - undoubtedly.

    Medical definition of cellulite – changes in structure subcutaneous tissue with disturbances of microcirculation and lymph outflow.

    Why does cellulite appear?

    A certain layer of skin synthesizes fats, transforms them and introduces them into the circulatory system. This function is performed by special cells - adipocytes. As a result of certain factors, they grow, need new nutrition, and accumulate waste products rather than excrete them.

    As a result, the same thing happens to them as to obese people - the cells become larger, they grow with connective (fibrous) tissue, which begins to protrude into the notorious lumps that spoil so much appearance female skin, especially on the thighs and buttocks.

    All women, both plump and slender, have adipocyte cells, so cellulite does not spare anyone. In the presence of excess weight it will just be more noticeable.

    Stages of cellulite

    Stage 1 cellulite

    "You don't see it, but it's there"The skin still remains smooth, but the lymph flow inside it is already disrupted, so a woman may think that she has gained a little weight or drank too much water, which caused a feeling of swelling.

    Stage 2 cellulite

    "Fat thickens"The opportunity for lymph outflow is blocked, it accumulates and compresses the vessels, increasing intracellular edema. Oxygen does not enter the fat cells, and the deposits begin to connect into a network resembling a honeycomb.

    Stage 3 cellulite

    "Squeeze and you will see“The “honeycomb” of fibrous tissue captures islands of several cells. At first glance, cellulite is not yet visible, but if you fold the skin and squeeze it, the “orange peel” will appear in all its glory.

    Stage 4 cellulite

    "Cellulite, which is very bad"If the growth of connective adipose tissue has reached this level, the woman will experience not only aesthetic discomfort. In the areas of the bumps, the skin is blue and colder due to poor blood circulation. Cellulite affects nerve endings, the pain is felt on its own, with pinching, rubbing, pressing.

    Causes of cellulite

    Why cellulite occurs has not been clearly proven today. Medical science can only highlight factors that are of greater or lesser importance:

      increased estrogen levels – female hormones, if they are in a state of imbalance, have a direct effect on the skin;

      racial, national, family factors - genetic predisposition. Thus, European women suffer from “orange peel” more often than Asian and dark-skinned women. If the mother and grandmother had cellulite in the family, the daughter and granddaughter are likely to become acquainted with it.

      problems with blood vessels - any disturbances in lymphatic drainage directly affect the slowdown of cellular metabolism;

      sudden changes in weight - gain is fraught with obesity, and rapid loss - loss of collagen fibers that provide skin elasticity;

      stress, bad dream are fraught with vascular spasms, problems endocrine system, and consequently, circulatory disorders;

      unbalanced diet – the diet must contain the necessary nutrients in certain proportions. A large amount of sugar with a minimum of fiber and protein will reduce the synthesis of connective tissue, promote the accumulation of toxins and subcutaneous fat;

      bad habits– snacking, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, all this suppresses the process of fat breakdown.

    Cellulite treatment

    Cellulite is difficult to treat, but it can be significantly reduced and even eliminated permanently. Modern Arsenal effective methods The fight against this insidious enemy of female beauty is quite large. These are procedures aimed at restoring microcirculation of blood and lymph, as well as reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat:

    “Easy” ways like liposuction can only worsen the situation, provoking further growth of subcutaneous fat tissue at double the speed.

    Formula for success in the treatment of cellulite: physical activity+ proper nutrition + skin care.

    , which "breaks" subcutaneous fat, should be aimed at forming “filling” for the skin.

    Should be combined:

      cardio exercises - running, swimming, walking burn fat;

      classes in gym– fat cells are replaced by muscle tissue;

      yoga poses - stretching and twisting contribute to the overall elimination of toxins, excess liquid, working out “secluded” places that are inaccessible to other types of physical activity.

    IN nutrition the principle of balance and non-redundancy should be adhered to. You should limit sweet and dairy products. Some products have been proven effective in the fight against cellulite, although they are not a panacea:

      berries (due to the content of resveratrol and pterostilbene);

      tomatoes, watermelons ( useful material– carotenoids);

      fatty varieties fish (this fat is not dangerous, the body needs omega-3 fatty acid);

      citrus fruits (rutin, hesperidin, quercetin and ascorbic acid);

      cocoa (flavonoids);

      natural coffee (chlorogenic acid);

      turmeric (curcumin);

      chia, flax seeds;

      broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables (sulforaphane);

      hyaluronic acid.

    Very important drinking regime– you need to drink to remove toxins and keep your skin in order not less than 1.5 l clean water in a day in addition to liquid foods and a variety of drinks.

    Skin care– it’s not just massage and scrubbing. For a better cosmetic effect, you need to increase elasticity upper layers skin, why you should use skincare creams that contain retinol-A and vitamin C.

    Only an integrated approach can change the situation. But you should remember that when you return to your previous lifestyle and habitual unbalanced diet, the “orange peel” may attack you again. Hurry up - As we age, the amount of estrogen produced decreases which leads to a decrease in skin elasticity and permeability blood vessels, which means it will be more difficult to get rid of the appearance of cellulite.

    Factors that can cause cellulite are varied. But they are all divided into two groups. The first includes lifestyle risk factors, the second includes risk factors associated with the presence of diseases. According to many authors, even if cellulite begins with one or two provoking causes, in the future there are more and more of them, and soon they merge together.

    The problem of cellulite is a natural result of the life we ​​live. Among the main reasons for the occurrence and development of cellulite are poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, stress and bad habits.

    All problems caused by nutrition are associated not with the amount of food consumed, but with the loss of quality of the latter. The basis of the diet of most people prone to cellulite is “comfort” food. instant cooking, poor in regards useful components for the life support of the body and rich in fats, sugar, salt and the chemicals used to produce them. And the use of large amounts of artificial colors, food additives and substitutes can cause metabolic disorders in the body. Failure in the functioning of the adaptation system leads to tissue damage and fluid stagnation, resulting in weight gain and weakening of veins and lymphatic vessels.

    Fatty and salty foods aggravate cellulite

    High consumption of saturated fats aggravates the process of cellulite formation. It has been established that the problem of cellulite is most acute in countries where saturated fats make up a significant part of the diet of the population, for example, in France. In Japan, where it is difficult to find a person suffering from cellulite, the population consumes exclusively polyunsaturated fats. Fresh fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes, i.e. products that should form the basis healthy diet nutrition, for most people are in the background. This leads to a deficiency of essential microelements, disruption of the sodium-potassium balance and stagnation in the intercellular space. Too much a large number of salt in the diet also causes fluid to accumulate in the body, which, under the influence of gravity, sinks into the legs, contributing to the appearance of cellulite or exacerbating an existing disease.

    Diets form cellulite in the lower part

    The way you eat food also affects the formation of cellulite. Irregular eating and “snacking”, replaced by the consumption of sweets and fatty foods, forms cellulite in the lower body. Overeating, haste in eating and poor chewing of food causes problems with peristalsis and, as a result, constipation and flatulence. Various medications that have a laxative effect only aggravate the problem, as they interfere with normal course physiological processes. The same can be said for pain pills and tranquilizers.

    Lack of nutrition education and knowledge leads to abuse different diets, which only worsens the condition of cellulite. How longer than a woman follow a diet, the more they lose weight on top, but when they gain weight, their buttocks and thighs become even thicker. Therefore, weight fluctuations associated with periodic dieting - the so-called yo-yo effect - change the shape of the body, making it pear-shaped. A number of researchers note that at least half of adult women and a quarter of adult men use different diets two or more times a year. This problem is especially acute in adolescence, since experiments with destructive diets begin during this period. About 80% teenage girls periodically go on a diet and, therefore, already at this age create an imbalance in the body and future problems with the figure.

    Sedentary lifestyle causes cellulite

    Limited mobility and a sedentary lifestyle can become... A sedentary lifestyle is characterized by improper blood circulation, shallow breathing, weak lymph flow, stagnation in the intestines and some other factors, which further lead to serious problems with health. Sitting for long periods of time puts pressure on the thighs and buttocks, preventing normal blood flow to these areas and damaging capillaries. This pressure does not allow the tissues to be properly supplied with oxygen and nutrients, and blood and lymph from the burst vessels infiltrate into the tissue. And this is already the beginning of the development of the next stage of cellulite.

    Not all physical exercises contribute to the prevention and treatment of cellulite. Sports that require overexertion of the legs (tennis, athletics, basketball, volleyball, aerobics) only aggravate the development of the disease, since during exercise the joints become loose and the load on the venous network increases. Especially good effect When treating cellulite, this can be achieved by swimming, skiing, cycling, or taking long walks. Quantity and character physical exercise must be selected strictly individually.

    Stress and cellulite

    Stress and tension make an equally significant contribution to the problem of cellulite. nervous system. They have a destructive effect on all systems of our body, affecting digestion, blood circulation, excretory systems, disrupting normal sleep and reducing overall energy levels. In a stressful state, fat deposition occurs in the following places: on the upper abdomen, under the ribs, above the navel or at the back of the head, where a lump forms - " widow's hump"Due to stress, the neck becomes a hotbed of arthritis, pain and spasms. Stress is an inevitable component of our Everyday life. Stress disrupts the functioning of all major systems of the body: respiratory, cardiovascular, genitourinary, digestive, endocrine. All this throws the body out of balance and creates favorable conditions for the formation of cellulite.

    The degree to which the body becomes unbalanced due to nervous shock depends on how the stress is perceived and dealt with. Therefore, ways to overcome stressful situations and unnecessary worries have a huge impact on the mental and physical health and on the figure. About 75% of all diseases are provoked stressful situations, which leave an imprint on the appearance and, of course, provoke the appearance of cellulite.

    Nicotine, caffeine - causes of cellulite

    TO bad habits include smoking, alcohol and caffeine abuse large doses. All this leads to excessive clogging of the body with by-products of oxidative reactions - free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that attack cells, penetrate inside and damage vital cellular structures.

    The most dangerous substance caffeine, which is found in coffee and tea, contributes to the formation of cellulite, therefore overuse these drinks, especially strong ones, do not contribute to successful treatment cellulite. Caffeine interferes with the absorption of some essential minerals and especially iron. it, by promoting the production of adrenaline, creates an increased load on the adrenal glands, which regulate water balance in organism. Changes in the activity of the adrenal glands and an unstable amount of adrenaline in the blood lead to an imbalance of sodium-potassium balance, which is one of the main causes of cellulite formation.

    Characterizing the effects of nicotine on the body, it is noted that, firstly, it binds oxygen, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen that could be used by cells. Secondly, it has negative action on blood hemoglobin, which is the main carrier of oxygen. All this impairs the efficiency of oxygen metabolism in the blood. Thus, nicotine has a huge impact on the formation of cellulite, since oxygen is a powerful stimulant of the blood purification system.

    Posture is a risk factor for cellulite

    Most authors identify the main group of associated risk factors, which include: poor posture, prolonged immobility, crossing legs when sitting, wearing high-heeled shoes, wearing tight clothing.

    With poor posture, organs are positioned incorrectly, which significantly reduces the efficiency of their functioning and leads to additional stress on the circulatory system. Sitting or standing in one position for a long time contributes to fluid stagnation in the lower extremities. Crossing your legs while sitting leads to compression of the veins and disrupts normal blood circulation in the lower extremities.

    Wearing unsuitable shoes for a long time deforms the calf muscle, interfering with normal blood circulation. lower limbs, and promotes changes in posture. Tight clothing, belts, straps, underwear that tight-fit the body contribute to the accumulation of fluid above and below the girth. With prolonged action, swelling and deformation become permanent or even irreversible.

    Hormones and cellulite

    Analysis of modern domestic and foreign literature shows that most authors are unanimous in their opinion: cellulite is hormonal in nature. The triggering moments in the formation of cellulite are adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, starting and stopping taking birth control pills. Basic cause of cellulite in these cases there is an excess of female sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Taking this into account, several periods of cellulite risk can be distinguished: during puberty, while taking birth control pills, during pregnancy, and during the period before menopause.

    As studies conducted in Medical center Boston, cellulite appeared in adolescence during puberty in 12% of respondents, during pregnancy in 20%, while taking birth control pills in 20%, during menopause in 25% of women surveyed cellulite intensified, and in 15% cellulite disappeared.

    Particularly interesting is the period of puberty, which can be called critical. During this period, in girls, a balance of hormonal processes is established and the volume of fat cells (adipocytes) becomes constant. Under the influence of various factors, fat cells can hypertrophy. Considering this fact, we can say that it is from this period that excess fat deposition begins to form, which ends with the appearance of signs of cellulite.

    According to the GaLeni laboratory, cellulite occurs due to circulatory disorders in 64% of women, from lack of physical activity- in 54% and due to excess weight - in 50% of women.

    Bad heredity and cellulite

    Predisposition to cellulite can be congenital. But this does not mean at all that cellulite is inherited; rather, we are talking about a predisposition to it. Therefore, it is very useful to study the family medical history, with special emphasis on cases with obesity, varicose veins veins, swelling of the ankles. If at least one of these factors is inherited, the likelihood of cellulite increases.

    However, the way of life is also inherited. Opinions, ideals, values ​​learned in early childhood, remain for life. These include the culture of food preparation and consumption, attitude towards motor activity and physical exercise. In other words, it is these inherited habits that in most cases push the body towards the development of cellulite.

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