How to use electronic thermometers correctly. How to use electronic thermometers correctly If the electronic thermometer shows 35.9

Temperature from birth is one of the main signs of human health or, on the contrary, ill health. Almost everyone knows about the causes of fever, and the ways to eliminate this symptom are no secret. Reduced temperatures are usually not given special attention, although very often it is a low temperature that is a signal of illness or simply a deplorable state of the body.

Reduced body temperature

Normal body temperature is 36.6 degrees Celsius; a temperature of 35.5 degrees or lower is considered low.

Reasons for the “drop” in body temperature

The most obvious reason for a drop in temperature is hypothermia.

This is exactly the case when, to solve a problem, it is enough to change the conditions in which a person finds himself in order for the situation to change. The only danger is prolonged hypothermia, which can lead to irreversible consequences for the body.

Often low temperature indicates serious overwork or stress. Such changes in the usual way of life invariably affect the body; if stress or overwork is strong enough or lasts long enough, the consequences for the body are inevitable. If this is the reason for the decrease in temperature, the most successful recommendation would be quiet, sufficiently long and regular sleep, a variety of techniques for relieving stress - from breathing exercises to drugs with a mild sedative effect (for example, motherwort or valerian).

If symptoms persist, you will need to consult a doctor. The reasons for a decrease in body temperature below an acceptable threshold may be more serious.

These reasons include:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • dysfunction thyroid gland
  • adrenal diseases
Sometimes pregnancy can trigger a low temperature. However, remember that a temperature of 35 degrees can cause loss of consciousness. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately

Exacerbation of chronic diseases. Any chronic disease has Negative influence on the functioning of the body as a whole, during an exacerbation chronic diseases cause serious stress to the body. The optimal solution to the problem in in this case is a vigilant attitude towards your health, compliance with the instructions of the attending physician, which will minimize the likelihood of an exacerbation. If it was not possible to avoid an exacerbation, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, making sure to inform him of all existing symptoms, including low temperature.

Reduced function of the thyroid gland, which, in turn, provokes disorders hormonal balance, dysfunction in the functioning of internal organs.

Ignoring abnormalities in the thyroid gland for a long time can lead to the development of serious diseases, so low temperature must be treated with special attention

If the temperature doesn't rise enough long time and there are no other obvious reasons for its decrease, you should consult a doctor to check the condition of the thyroid gland and further treatment.

Exacerbation of adrenal diseases. It must be removed strictly under the supervision of a doctor, but it is quite possible to avoid exacerbation on your own. To do this, it is enough to drink enough water, choose the appropriate diet, for example, it is recommended to eat melons and watermelons, which stimulate the functions of the adrenal glands and cleanse the body.

Another reason for a decrease in body temperature may be unreasonable self-medication. When using drugs without a doctor's prescription or if the dosage is not correct, the body may react differently to the drug, including a decrease in temperature. It is extremely important to avoid self-medication; all medications taken must be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor and in the dosage recommended by him.

If as a result of self-medication the condition worsens and the temperature for a long time does not rise to normal, you must consult a doctor to prescribe a suitable solution, and, if necessary, cleanse the body

In young children, low body temperature may be a symptom of stress or fatigue. Also, a decrease is often a symptom of a change in the biochemical composition of the blood; this process is age-related and should not cause alarm, but the pediatrician still needs to be notified.

Thus, whatever the reasons for a drop in body temperature below the normal threshold, in all cases they are very serious and require consultation with a doctor, and sometimes very serious treatment. Temperature fluctuations downwards must be taken no less seriously than sharp growth temperature.

Probably, each of us has encountered a situation where measuring an elevated temperature due to an illness gives rather ambiguous results: either the thermometer readings are too high, while the state of health does not seem so bad, or, on the contrary, we suspect the thermometer of downplaying the seriousness of the situation .

Things can get even more confusing when you measure temperature with more than one type of thermometer: mercury thermometer, electronic thermometer, or infrared thermometer (also called an electronic non-contact thermometer).

In the instructions supplied with the thermometers, you can find information that the error of mercury and electronic thermometers is 0.1 °C, and for infrared thermometers it is a little more - 0.2-0.3 °C. However, you can also come across reviews from people who write: the error of an electronic thermometer sometimes reaches 0.5 °C. The science department decided to figure out whether a mercury thermometer, the principle of operation of which is based on the thermal expansion of mercury, is really the most accurate, and also to understand how to properly use electronic instruments for measuring temperature by contacting an expert and conducting its own experiment.


Vladimir Sedykh answered the questions, commercial director of one of the companies producing thermometers .

— Is it possible to say that mercury thermometers are more accurate than electronic ones?

- No. Electronic thermometers are no different in accuracy from mercury thermometers: the measurement error of both thermometers is 0.1°C. The problem with electronic thermometers is that to effectively measure temperature, the thermometer must fit very tightly to the surface of the body, so it is advisable to use it in the oral or anal openings.

Almost all electronic thermometers are designed to measure human body temperature by oral or anal methods, but in Russia this method of measurement is unpopular.

When using electronic thermometers, it is very important to observe right time measurements. The instructions often write: measurement time - 10 seconds. But you need to hold it for at least 5 minutes. Usually, when the thermometer takes the first reading, it makes a characteristic squeak. After this squeak, it is better to hold it for a couple more minutes.

- But if electronic device detects temperature almost instantly, why keep it for several minutes?

— Mercury and electronic thermometers measure different temperatures: the mercury thermometer shows the maximum temperature over a certain period of time. (That is, if you hold it for five minutes, it will show the maximum temperature you had during those five minutes.) An electronic thermometer takes the temperature in a matter of seconds, and you need to hold it for several minutes so that it averages the resulting value. It is worth remembering that the body temperature of any person can fluctuate by quite large values ​​even within a minute - up to 1°C.

— Is there anything else that can interfere with the accuracy of data obtained using electronics?

— The operation of electronic thermometers is affected by another factor - the voltage drop in the batteries. As a rule, all batteries last on average about two years; if you do not change the battery on time, the thermometer will begin to “lie.” Like almost all measuring instruments (for example, tonometers), thermometers have a calibration interval, usually one to two years. But a glass thermometer is not checked during its entire service life! Therefore, all electronic thermometers must be tested at least once a year, for some products - once every two years. This must be indicated in the technical data sheet of the product. Manufacturers usually write: the warranty on the thermometer is for so many years. But if you read the instructions carefully, it will say:

In order for this guarantee to be maintained and for the device to show the exact temperature during the warranty period, it must be regularly brought either to the service center of the manufacturer, or simply to the metrological service.

The cost of testing, or rather verification (metrological term), of one electronic thermometer can reach up to 1 thousand rubles.

— What advantages does a glass thermometer have over an electronic one?

- Unlike an electronic thermometer, the service life of a glass thermometer is not limited - of course, in the absence mechanical damage. If you use it carefully, it will serve, one might say, forever. The accuracy of the thermometer does not change over the years, it is sealed, waterproof, anti-allergenic, and does not require battery replacement. The only downside of the old one mercury thermometer- this is mercury, or more precisely, mercury vapor. In Europe, these are prohibited, and glass thermometers without mercury have been used there for a long time. More recently, these appeared in Russia. In glass thermometers of a new type

Instead of mercury, a non-toxic metal alloy consisting of gallium, indium and tin is used. This thermometer is environmentally friendly, safe, and non-toxic.

— What can you say about electronic non-contact thermometers - infrared?

— With infrared thermometers, it is impossible to achieve an accuracy of ± 0.1 °C, because the beam that measures the temperature passes through air currents: the air conditioner, the heater, your wet forehead - all this affects the measurement result. Of course, I cannot say one hundred percent, but I have seen a huge number of infrared thermometers, and I have not seen one with an error of ± 0.1 °C. The best value is ±0.2 °C. Infrared thermometers are convenient to use, for example, in the sanitary area of ​​an airport for quick, non-contact temperature measurement.

— What thermometer do you recommend using at home?

— In general, it is recommended to have at home one electronic or infrared thermometer for quick measurements and one mercury thermometer, or better yet a mercury-free glass one, to monitor the temperature over time if a person is already sick. Although, of course, it’s best not to get sick, which is what I wish for you!


During the experiment, correspondents from the science department recruited colleagues from the technology department and used three thermometers: glass mercury, electronic and infrared. Five people took part in the experiment, each of whom measured their temperature five times: the first time - mercury thermometer, the second - electronically, but in the “wrong” way, familiar to us, in the armpit (it is worth noting that in the instructions for the thermometer this method was indicated as valid), the third - with an electronic thermometer, placing it, according to the instructions, under the tongue , the fourth - an infrared thermometer. The last time we measured the temperature again with the same thermometer, but before that we carefully wiped its sensor. Our results can be seen in the table below:

Table with experiment results

Science Department

The following conclusions can be drawn from this experience:

The cleanliness of the sensor significantly affects the readings of the infrared thermometer (before the experiment, it was used for a month), and the readings of the electronic thermometer obtained in the armpit and under the tongue really differ from each other.

However, as you can see, the “reference” temperature - 36.6 °C - was obtained only a few times, and in the case of the author of the note, the readings were in all four cases (with the exception of the experiment, the results of which were clouded by a not very clean infrared thermometer sensor ) and completely exceeded 37°C.

However, despite this, correspondents from the science department are confident that following the instructions and advice of an expert can still help measure the temperature relatively correctly - the main thing is that you need to do this while being in a relaxed state and in a calm home environment.

Imported thermometers do not give accurate readings, but are in demand in St. Petersburg medical institutions.

Technological progress is a good thing, but not all of its achievements are indisputable. An example of this is imported electronic thermometers that recently went on sale. This is the story our reader told in her letter: “I gave birth in maternity hospital No. 9. I am very grateful to the doctors, they are real professionals, but some things surprised me. My temperature was measured with an electronic thermometer. He kept showing 35.6, but the nurse did not react to this. Finally I asked, “Is this normal for such a low temperature?” She replied: “Don’t worry, mommy, everything is fine with you, it’s just that the thermometer’s battery is dead.” So, maybe we need to change the batteries or use old thermometers? After all, pregnant women and women who have just given birth do not have nerves of iron.”

Having heard about the patient's claims, chief physician Maternity hospital Vladimir Atlasov assured that he would immediately look into the situation. An hour later, he said that he had held a meeting and found out that the staff had no complaints about the work of imported thermometers.

— The nurse who said that the batteries were dead was probably joking, in general, she said something wrong. Everything is fine with batteries and thermometers.

The VP correspondent visited the said maternity hospital and saw that it was medical institution no richer than others. The departments, with the exception of the commercial department, had not been renovated for a long time: the walls were peeling, there was torn linoleum on the concrete floors, and yet the management of the maternity hospital found it necessary to purchase expensive imported thermometers. The pharmacy reported that they cost from 90 to 300 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. At the same time, the pharmacy employee warned that you need to know how to use these thermometers:

“Customers come to us and complain that using these thermometers it is difficult to understand what a person’s temperature is. The point is that after thirty seconds, after hearing a beep, you don’t need to look at what the thermometer shows. It is necessary to measure the temperature for at least a minute. Such thermometers are good especially for children, because they are completely safe, since there is no mercury.

It is clear that pharmacy workers need to sell the product, so they praise it. To establish the truth, the correspondent had to shell out a tidy sum, purchase an imported thermometer and measure his temperature. After a minute, as taught at the pharmacy, I check the thermometer readings. It shows 35.6. It’s time to take sick leave, but your correspondent is feeling normal, there are no signs of illness. Perhaps the instructions included with the device will clarify the situation?

Its first section is entitled quite unexpectedly: “What does “normal” temperature mean?”

“Although a “normal” temperature reading is considered to be 36.6 degrees,” the instructions say, “readings can range from 35.2 to 36.8 degrees Celsius and still be considered normal.” And if a person has a loss of strength, which happens, for example, with poisoning, and he has a really low temperature - really 35.2, what will an imported thermometer show? This is not stated in the instructions.

This document is generally very contradictory, and it is very difficult to understand from it how you still need to measure the temperature with an imported thermometer. Here, for example, is another excerpt from the instructions: “Measurement usually takes 6 - 20 seconds, but may take longer depending on the method used. Axillary (axillary) measurement takes 20 seconds, oral - 10 - 15 seconds. When the temperature rises slightly, the thermometer beeps. Please note that this signal is not a signal to complete the measurement. This means your temperature rises, but only slightly. It is recommended to hold the device after the signal for another 30 - 60 seconds. If the temperature is more than 37.8, the device emits short signal beeps.
When the temperature is less than 37.8, the device emits long alarm beeps.”

Did you understand anything? Personally, I'm completely confused. How long does it take to measure the temperature? What beeps should you pay attention to and what temperature should the thermometer show when a person’s temperature is 37.8?

The instructions end with a caution: "Avoid drinking hot or cold drinks, exercising, smoking, or taking a bath or shower immediately before taking your temperature." I would like to ask, as in that joke: is it possible to breathe? In general, there is one problem with this achievement of technical progress and it is obvious that the device needs improvement.

By the way, the nurse who mentioned the batteries was right: they do need to be changed regularly, which means maintaining the thermometer requires additional costs. Therefore, it is very strange that the maternity hospital so quickly abandoned cheap domestic (at the pharmacy they cost 26 rubles) and reliable thermometers, replacing them with unreliable and expensive imported ones.

N normal temperature human body designed to provide an optimal background for the occurrence of many processes. It becomes a real indicator of the functioning of various internal systems life support. In addition, it is a regulator of the interaction between internal and external environment body.

The normal human body temperature for an adult is between 36.4 and 37.4 degrees Celsius. On average this means the usual and traditional 36.6.

Small fluctuations in one direction or another are not considered pathological. They can only be alarming if they approach the border marks.

Most often, these changes pass quite quickly within a short time, as they are caused by functional reasons. When repeated measurements are taken, they usually shift towards the norm.

When the numbers on the thermometer show that an adult patient has a temperature of 35.5 or lower, then this unusual condition is defined as hypothermia.

This is not at all a harmless state of affairs. The patient's functions of the main organs and systems are disrupted, metabolism changes significantly and brain activity suffers.

Such changes have a particularly noticeable effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Therefore, you need to know exactly the symptoms of this condition in order to be able to accurately determine them even before measuring the temperature in order to provide timely help to the person. This is especially important when it comes to chronically ill people, alcoholics or drug addicts.

Hypothermia usually manifests itself:

  • Severe chills;
  • feeling of freezing;
  • general weakness;
  • pallor;
  • fatigue;
  • feeling unwell;
  • severe drowsiness;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • bradycardia;
  • sudden change in mood;
  • dizziness;
  • confusion.

These symptoms are explained by a significant slowdown in blood flow in the body, a strong dilation of blood vessels, and a change in the course of processes in the brain. A person's metabolic rate decreases, the level of production and release of hormones decreases greatly, and total load on the cardiovascular system.

Often secondary symptoms sharp decline body temperature up to 35.3 - 35.5 in an adult, tactile disturbances occur due to a failure in reflex activity, weakening of intellectual activity, vestibular disorders.

Due to cerebral ischemia, difficulties with hearing and vision may arise; it becomes difficult for a person to speak and even hold the body in a horizontal position.

Due to multiple malfunctions of the central and peripheral nervous system illusions or hallucinations may even occur.

Causes of hypothermia

A significant decrease in temperature may occur due to the action various factors. It's capable of being random reasons, which affect a person only for a short time.

These include nervous tension, taking certain medicines, hypothermia, insomnia, strong feeling hunger, long stay on a diet, loss of strength, alcohol intoxication.

In such cases, the temperature, as a rule, normalizes after the unfavorable factor ceases. Sometimes correction of the patient’s condition is required in order to short time the situation has stabilized. Usually this is not required health care, since a person himself has the power to change it for the better.

For many people, a temperature of 35.7 - 35.9 is the norm.

Do not be alarmed at a temperature of 35.7 - 35.8 degrees. It may be enough to dress warmly, cover yourself with a blanket and drink a cup of hot tea. After this, you need to get a good night's sleep and have a hearty lunch. Hypothermia usually goes away after such measures. If even after this nothing can be improved, you need to contact a specialist.

This should be done, since low temperature (35.3-35.5) in adults is often a symptom of diseases such as:

  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • drug addiction (overdose);
  • diabetes;
  • coma;
  • adrenal diseases;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • renal failure;
  • disturbances in the activity of the cerebral cortex;
  • depression;
  • anorexia;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • hematological diseases.

In these cases, low body temperature can be caused by the damaging effects of drugs or alcohol, loss of strength, or malnutrition.

Hormonal deficiency provokes a significant slowdown in the processes in the body, a drop in the level of endocrine activity, as well as nutrient absorption.

Cardiovascular pathology causes symptoms such as weakness, decreased general activity, and ischemia of the limbs. All this provokes a temperature drop to 35.2 degrees and below.

The body tries to balance the situation and therefore attacks of irritability, aggression or, conversely, severe inhibition are often possible.

Thermometry is carried out using thermometers:

  1. Mercury(traditional, usually placed in armpit for five minutes);
  2. Electronic(it gives a signal when the body temperature is set. In doubtful cases, it is recommended to keep it for about a minute to clarify the results. In cases where they are clearly increased or decreased, the measurement continues).

It is very important to record the temperature correctly. Most often, the thermometer is placed in the armpit. This method is generally considered insufficiently accurate, but it is convenient and does not cause discomfort to the patient.

The error when measuring temperature is several tenths of degrees, usually on the smaller side, so a result of 35.8 - 36.2 for an adult can be considered normal.

IN Western countries The thermometer is placed in the mouth. This is the most reliable way obtaining data, but also dangerous, since with severe chills or in unconscious a person may bite or drop the thermometer. In addition, it is completely unsuitable for measuring the temperature of infants or people with weakened mental health.

Sometimes thermometry is performed by placing a special device into the rectum. This is most often done in young children or in adult patients who are in a coma.

However, it should be borne in mind that the internal body temperature is slightly higher than the external one, so an allowance must be made here. Therefore, this method is not entirely suitable in case of hypothermia.

Methods to combat hypothermia

Body temperature should not remain too low for long. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures.

A clinical and biochemical analysis blood, general analysis urine, check plasma glucose levels, determine thyroid hormone levels, and identify the presence of certain toxic substances.

In addition, it is necessary to measure arterial pressure, do Echo-KG, EGC, electroencephalogram, ultrasonography and etc.

If no serious diseases are detected, then you need to measure your temperature several times a day.

If a persistent decrease in temperature to 35 degrees or below is detected, you should:

  • Take a course of vitamin E;
  • take immunostimulants;
  • give an intensive massage of the body, as well as arms and legs;
  • prepare hot milk with honey;
  • drink tea with raspberry jam;
  • accept cold and hot shower or a bath;
  • warm up the room;
  • dress warmly;
  • drink hot coffee;
  • brew rosehip infusion;
  • stop taking medications not prescribed by a doctor;
  • allocate at least eight hours of sleep;
  • drink sedatives of plant origin;
  • take a brisk walk;
  • eat a bar of chocolate.

These comprehensive measures will make it possible to significantly activate metabolism, significantly dilate blood vessels, and stimulate general blood supply.

They will allow you to cleanse yourself of toxins, relax, warm up the body, and increase lymph flow. Honey and dark chocolate will allow a person to sweat well, thereby regulating the heat exchange between internal environment body and external environment.

After this, you need to take measurements again. If everything returns to normal, then you should observe the patient for several days. If the temperature within 35.2-35.5 resumes, you should contact a specialist.

In general, the fight against hypothermia should be a fight against the cause that caused it.

If this serious illness, then treatment or an urgent call will help Emergency care. If it is caused external factors, then home remedies will help restore normal values body temperature.

Related materials:

At low body temperature and to combat its fluctuations, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations from specialists. It is advisable to do morning exercises every day, harden yourself, and improve your immunity. The diet should be balanced, and fluids should be drunk at least two liters per day.

You should rest more often, avoid stress, and if nervous breakdowns remove them through meditation, yoga or just good rest.

It is very important to maintain constant normal temperature bodies. Don't dress too warmly or lightly. You need to sleep in a ventilated, but not overheated or cold room.

According to many doctors, a temperature of 35.1 - 35.2 in an adult is often a consequence of stress.

Be sure to carefully distribute your daily routine by hour. Going to bed, getting up and eating at the same time constant time. You need to get enough sleep, rest well and be sure to do what you love.

You need to completely give up alcohol and smoking. Any pharmacological preparations Should be taken only after a doctor's prescription. In addition, it is necessary to use all measures to strengthen the immune system.

It should be taken into account, however, that some people have congenital hypothermia. They do not experience any discomfort, nothing hurts, and the body functions fully.

However, they also need to go through medical examination to exclude the possibility of various diseases.

When is urgent medical attention needed?

You should call a doctor if the decrease in temperature leads to fainting; it does not stop falling even after measures taken, and also if the patient is an old man or an infant.

The help of a specialist is necessary when a person has eaten or drunk something before, as intoxication is possible, food poisoning or exacerbation of a chronic disease. In these cases, this condition can lead to his death.

The ideal temperature is 36.6. But a spread from 35.5 to 37 degrees is also considered normal. Of course, for some, 37 degrees is already a symptom of a cold. But in general, this interval is healthy if you do not feel weak or chilly.

But if the thermometer shows less than 35.5, this is no longer normal. When it drops to 30 degrees, a person loses consciousness - in this case there is a serious danger to life. 34.5 degrees can also be dangerous symptom some diseases. So, why might your thermometer show a low body temperature?

Low body temperature: causes

  1. Stress. Yes, it is quite possible that you are just very tired at work. In this case, a person’s low body temperature is accompanied by a feeling of general weakness and apathy. For signs of fatigue to go away, you need to sleep and take a day off. Or better yet, a vacation.
  2. Exacerbation of chronic diseases. A body temperature below 36 is a signal that it’s time to take your health seriously, especially if you already know about some problems.
  3. Pregnancy. 35 on a thermometer is one of the symptoms of possible pregnancy. It's time to buy a test!
  4. Fluctuations in the menstrual cycle. During the day, the temperature can change within one degree, especially if you are currently menstruating. So just check the thermometer a day later - most likely it will show the usual numbers for you.

What to do if your body temperature is low

In most cases, low temperature is caused by fatigue and decreased immunity. Quality rest, good sleep, vitamins and balanced diet will quickly bring the situation back to normal.

But among the causes of body temperature below 36 there may also be serious diseases, such as kidney and adrenal diseases, thyroid dysfunction, anorexia, AIDS and more. Therefore, if it has not risen to the normal level of 36.6 degrees Celsius after a couple of days, be sure to consult a doctor.

By the way, for some, low body temperature is the norm. There are people whose entire life the thermometer shows 35.8, for example. This is not a signal for any diseases, it's just individual feature. But if for several days you see less than 35 degrees on the thermometer, this is a bad sign indicating the development of the disease.

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