How the cinnamon tree grows: beneficial properties of cinnamon, good recipes. Cinnamon is the perfect spice

Recent Scientific research have shown that using cinnamon will help prevent diabetes. American scientists have proven the benefits of cinnamon for diabetes mellitus: It increases the body's ability to adequately respond to insulin and normalize blood sugar levels. It helps improve blood circulation. In addition, there is an opinion that the aroma of cinnamon has a stimulating effect on brain function.

Back in 1536, Portuguese sailors discovered wild forests cinnamon trees on the coast of Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Without thinking twice, the sailors captured the island and began trading cinnamon in Europe, making more than a fortune from it. The Dutch also wanted to get a share of the profitable trade, so a hundred years later they recaptured Cinnamon Island. Then the British came in 1776. However, by this time cinnamon trees had already been planted in many other hot countries, so the Ceylon monopoly had come to nothing.

Today, cinnamon is used in cooking in all countries, both in sweet and savory recipes. Mexicans, for example, add it to coffee. In Spain, cinnamon sticks sometimes decorate cocktails, and a pinch of ground cinnamon is always added to rice porridge. In the Middle East, the spice is even used instead of black pepper, and the French add it to traditional Christmas cookies.


Cinnamon is the product of a small evergreen tree that grows in the Asian tropics. Cinnamon sticks are made from tree bark, which is cut during the rainy season. Nowadays, two main varieties of cinnamon have become famous: Ceylon and Chinese. They differ in that the first has a more subtle, specific aroma than the Chinese type.

Cinnamon may lower blood pressure. To do this, just eat one teaspoon of powder a day. You can divide this portion into four equal parts and take a quarter teaspoon four times.

The health benefits of cinnamon are truly enormous. It helps improve digestion and awakens appetite. Used as a stimulant and tonic. Found in cinnamon and antiseptic properties . This good diaphoretic and expectorant drug is useful in the treatment of ARVI and influenza. She is able to relieve toothache and headache. Cinnamon stems in India are used as an antipyretic and analgesic medicine for renal and hepatic colic. In addition, they increase secretion gastric juice, have antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal effects.

Chinese cinnamon bark extract effectively inhibits the growth of 15 species pathogenic bacteria, even the causative agent of tuberculosis. Chinese cinnamon eliminates the toxic effects of some plants (henbane), and when the juice is instilled into the eyes, it improves vision, often helps get rid of cataracts, and removes kidney stones.

In combinations with other herbs and spices, cinnamon is used against depression, reactive neuroses, a significant decrease in memory, to increase mental performance, with senile mental changes, multiple sclerosis, for recovery after a stroke, in case of circulatory failure, and also as a means of enhancing therapeutic effect other plants.


The healing properties of cinnamon are transferred to cinnamon oil. The aroma and taste of the spice is due to aromatic oil, which is contained in the bark in an amount of 0.5–1%. Essential oil is obtained by grinding the bark of a tree, soaking it in water, and then distilling the infusion. The oil will be yellow-gold in color, has a characteristic cinnamon smell and a burning taste. This taste and rich warm smell is caused by the presence of the main component of the oil - cinnamaldehyde (cinnamal). As the oil oxidizes over time, it becomes very dark and acquires a resinous consistency.

It is noteworthy that it is the bark of the tree, and not the leaves or greens, like other plants, that is rich in oil essence. Essential oil makes up about 4% of the total mass of the bark. The composition of the components included in cinnamon oil has not been fully deciphered to this day. Scientists have isolated a specific polyphenol from cinnamon oil that helps lower blood sugar.


A new side of the aromatic bark has recently been discovered - its use can help with weight loss. Natural origin seasoning is extremely important nowadays. The mechanism of action is simple: cinnamon reduces blood glucose levels and thus eliminates the accumulation of fat deposits.

Another property of cinnamon for normalizing weight is lower cholesterol levels. The spice controls the growth of fat cells in the body and helps to quickly use them for energy production. These properties are key for cinnamon. They are what determines the achievement of the effect on human health. The substances contained in cinnamon perfectly regulate insulin and glucose balance in the blood. When glucose decreases, insulin production stabilizes. However, doctors learned by accident how the spicy bark affects the glucose-insulin balance in the blood.

Scientists have studied the influence various products on glucose levels, as a result of this experiment it was revealed wonderful property cinnamon. During the experiment, volunteers ate a regular apple pie, which, according to a long-standing tradition, is always flavored with cinnamon. Doctors expected that a piece of the pie would lead to sharp growth blood sugar level, but this did not happen, and even on the contrary, the glucose level decreased. The researchers were at first surprised by this result, but then they studied the recipe and ingredients of the pie in detail, and then they assumed that the insidious sugar was influenced aromatic cinnamon. They decided to continue the experiment by inviting into the group of volunteers 60 diabetics suffering from type 2 diabetes, that is, already dependent on regular insulin injections. Experimental daredevils ate 2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder every day, and this had a very beneficial effect on their well-being. After just one week it was noticed that regular use cinnamon reduced glucose levels, and at the same time increased the production of its own insulin substance. This was also reflected in the weight of spicy bark eaters, and their weight began to decrease. That's when housewives all over the world realized that it was not in vain that they kept the seasoning on their kitchen shelves.


In the store you can find it in the form of sticks and powder. In both forms, cinnamon is tasty and healthy. For more comfortable use, cinnamon is even produced in capsules. And if you like to drink tea, you will always find a drink with cinnamon. Cinnamon stick can be added to any Herb tea. Seasoning will enrich its aroma and create a pleasant, albeit unusual, taste. If you are interested in confectionery cooking, add it to sweets ground cinnamon. This way you will not only improve the taste, but also make the dish healthier. Not everyone, unfortunately, likes the taste of cinnamon, but most still love it.

To improve metabolism, get rid of excess weight nutritionists recommend drinking a special cinnamon drink. It's easy to prepare. Stir one teaspoon of cinnamon powder into 1 glass of juice. Add here half a tablespoon of ground and a little hot pepper. The “fiery” drink should be drunk immediately and not stored. Frequency of administration: one glass every 2 days.

Cinnamon can be a great help in fighting diseases.

At colds, as well as for prevention them, useful medicinal baths cinnamon. You should also take 1 tablespoon of warm honey with one quarter teaspoon of cinnamon three times a day. This composition will help cure almost any cough, clear the nasal passages, and ultimately get rid of colds.

Cinnamon has antipyretic action, but with too much high temperatures may worsen headaches.

Has cinnamon and diuretics properties, so it is useful to take it for kidney and liver diseases.

For inflammation Bladder you need to take 2 tablespoons of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of honey, dissolved in a glass warm water. This is a killer mixture for microbes that have settled in the bladder.

Cinnamon can be used as a medicine for many gastrointestinal diseases . Taken before meals, sprinkled with honey, cinnamon helps the body digest even the heaviest foods. Honey and cinnamon also relieve pain and heal ulcers.

Reduce the risk of heart attack A daily breakfast with tea and a piece of bread, with honey spread on it and mixed with cinnamon, will help.

A mixture of cinnamon and honey is truly healing agent, which is effective as an addition to the main treatment cardiovascular diseases. It lowers blood cholesterol, strengthens the heart muscle and helps to tolerate age-related changes much easier in the body.

To normalize weight, you need to regularly drink tea based on a mixture of honey and cinnamon, which will actually reduce volume and reduce weight. This tea should be prepared in the evening. Hot boiled water add half a teaspoon of cinnamon, leave to brew for half an hour. Then add one teaspoon of honey and drink half a glass of infusion. The remaining half is placed in the refrigerator until the morning. In the morning, on an empty stomach, finish the infusion. In the evening we make a new batch.

Don’t be lazy, because regular consumption of this drink helps even the most desperate fat person lose weight - cinnamon with honey does not allow fat to accumulate.

For arthritis, the above-described tea with cinnamon and honey in a 1:2 ratio is also useful. Regular consumption of this drink can even cure chronic arthritis.

And for older people, cinnamon with honey is simply necessary, as a means of improving mobility and concentration, increasing vital functions body. And tea itself with cinnamon and honey delays the onset of old age if taken regularly. In old age, you can drink it 3-4 times a day, a quarter cup.


Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, cinnamon also has contraindications. The seasoning should not be used in large doses people who have internal bleeding of various origins. Cinnamon during pregnancy can promote increased contraction of the uterus, so it is also better to limit its use here. Also, if a person has ever experienced increased sensitivity to seasoning, then it is better not to experiment with health.


First of all, let us remind you that it goes on sale in the form of sticks and powder. It is worth considering that it is easier to fake the powder; add foreign impurities to it to increase the volume. Therefore, it is much safer to buy cinnamon sticks. Plus, the sticks will retain the aroma much longer and beneficial features cinnamon.

Cinnamon comes in different varieties and each has its own flavor profile.

The most famous:

Ceylon- the most expensive and famous. It is considered the best in taste, sweet and slightly hot. It contains much less harmful coumarin than others, which is why this variety is preferred. It is found under the following names: real cinnamon, noble cinnamon, cinnamon.

Chinese– not as aromatic as Ceylon. At the same time, it has a more pungent, pungent taste. Other names: Indian, aromatic cinnamon, cassia, simple cinnamon.

Malabar cinnamon has a sharp, slightly bitter taste.

Cinnamon It has a strong spicy aroma and pungent taste.

The freshness of cinnamon can be determined by its aroma: the stronger and sweeter it is, the fresher the product.

Cinnamon is obtained by cutting inner layer bark of the evergreen cinnamon growing in Brazil, South. China, India, Indonesia, Egypt, Vietnam, Madagascar, Sumatra, and its homeland is Sri Lanka (Ceylon).

The cut bark is dried, and it is rolled into tubes, which are cut into sticks up to 12 cm long. Cinnamon is sold in the form of sticks or ground into powder.

Also sometimes found on the market are dried flowers or clove-like cinnamon tree buds, which give tea and other drinks a clean, delicate aroma.

How to choose cinnamon:

What stores call cinnamon is not always what it is. The most useful and aromatic types of cinnamon are grown in Ceylon.

Cassia (“Indonesian cinnamon”) is often passed off as cinnamon; this is the bark of another variety of cinnamon tree cultivated in China and Indonesia; cassia has slightly different properties. To get high-quality cinnamon, cinnamon shoots that are 2-3 years old are selected, and the thinnest inner layer of bark is cut off.

Cassia is prepared from whole pieces of bark of 7-10 year old trees and quite successfully replaces cinnamon in many cases, but this spice contains 100 times more of a substance harmful to human health - coumarin, which causes headaches and even hepatitis; this substance is used as rat poison . In 1 kg noble cinnamon The coumarin content is about 0.02 g, in cassia - 2 g.

Knowing what cinnamon is, it will be easy for you to choose a high-quality spice.
How to distinguish real cinnamon from cassia.

1. Most often, it is not the high-grade valuable spice that is sold in ground form, but cassia or other low-grade cinnamon. If you need a good spice, check the country of origin: you should give preference to cinnamon brought from Ceylon rather than from China, Indonesia or Vietnam. It is also not recommended to purchase cinnamon from Germany, the USA, or Israel - local production is not established in these countries, and they do not sell cinnamon from Ceylon.

2. True cinnamon is more expensive; the packaging may be marked “Cinnamomum zeylonicum”. Cassia is sometimes labeled as "Cinnamomum aromaticum".

3. The smell of true cinnamon is softer and more noble - soft, warm, sweet. Cassia smells weaker, but rougher and sweeter.

4. As for cinnamon sticks, the high-grade noble spice has a delicate, uniform light brown color; the color of cassia is not the same inside and outside and has a reddish-brown or gray-brown tint. Real cinnamon sticks are always curled at both ends, forming “ram's horns,” while cassia sticks may be slightly curved or not twisted at all.

5. The cut of cinnamon wood is thinner; the thickness of the cuts of the best varieties is comparable to the thickness of a paper sheet. Cinnamon is easily crushed and is fragile, while cassia is stronger, thicker (3-10 mm), coarser and breaks into fibers.

6. You can check the quality of the spice at home. To do this, drop iodine onto a stick or a pile of cinnamon powder - cassia will turn dark blue with this interaction, and true cinnamon will turn slightly blue.
Storing cinnamon:

Keep the spice in an airtight container at a temperature no higher than 20°C and a relative humidity of no more than 70%. It is better to purchase cinnamon sticks and grind them into powder before use.
Cinnamon shelf life:

In sticks, the spice remains useful for 12 months, optimal time Storage of ground cinnamon – six months.

Useful properties and contraindications of cinnamon.
Therapeutic effect:

Cinnamon stimulates, invigorates, improves mood, relieves depression, restores strength, improves memory, coordination and attentiveness.

It improves the circulation of fluids and thins the blood, lowers cholesterol levels, cleanses the liver and choleretic system.

Cinnamon is used to strengthen the heart and prevent strokes and heart attacks.

Consuming cinnamon relieves a runny nose, cough - dry and with phlegm, removes mucus from the nose, removes congestion and congestion in the sinuses. It can soothe a sore throat, relieve cold headaches, cure flu and bronchial asthma.

Large amounts of cinnamon cause uterine contractions. The spice helps restore postpartum period and increases milk flow. This is a traditional Indian remedy to reduce risk repeat pregnancy immediately after birth up to 20 months.

In addition, cinnamon freshens breath, relieves muscle spasms, relieves colic, helps with indigestion, facilitates digestion, removes gas accumulation, and helps normalize weight. By the way, it is recommended to use cinnamon with ginger for those who want to lose weight - the product normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, calms nervous system and reduces appetite.
What are the benefits of cinnamon and honey?

When combined with honey, cinnamon reveals its useful qualities V to a greater extent. The main thing is to choose truly healthy, high-quality honey.

These components of the flu remedy: 1 tbsp. Boiled water needs to be brewed 0.5 tsp. with a pinch of black pepper, let it brew, consume internally with honey.

For colds, coughs and congestion in the respiratory tract, take orally a mixture of half the volume of cinnamon with 1 volume of honey.

For weight loss, it is recommended to drink an infusion of spices with honey and water on an empty stomach, upon waking up and at night.

By mixing honey and cinnamon in a 4:1 ratio, you get natural mask for the treatment of skin rashes.

You should refrain from using the spice if you have bleeding, epilepsy, nervous exhaustion and increased blood pressure. Cinnamon should absolutely not be consumed by pregnant women.

Add half to 1 tsp to dishes and drinks. per 1 kg or 1 liter.

How to use cinnamon?

It is best to grind cinnamon sticks into powder immediately before use: lightly fry them in a dry frying pan, grind them in a coffee grinder or mortar and then add them to dishes and drinks - this way the sticks will crumble better and give more taste and aroma. Another way is to lightly fry the sticks in the right vegetable oil until aroma appears.

It is best to grind cinnamon sticks into powder immediately before use: lightly fry them in a frying pan with or without oil, grind them in a coffee grinder or mortar and then add them to dishes and drinks - this way the sticks will crumble better and give more taste and smell.

Add cinnamon 7-10 minutes before a hot dish, such as buns, is ready. In cold dishes, such as salads or curd masses, the spice is added before serving.

The sweet warm taste and aroma of cinnamon makes it ideal for use in widest spectrum dishes, including preserves and jams, compotes and jelly, liqueurs, punches, coffee, tea and chocolate drinks, sweet pilafs, jellies, mousses, pies, curd pastes. The spice is great for salads made from carrots, cabbage, corn, cucumbers, spinach, quince, pears, vegetable side dishes and marinades, for example, with zucchini, tomatoes, red peppers.

Cinnamon perfectly emphasizes the taste of apples, balancing the natural sourness inherent in their taste in pies, salads, and when baked. The aroma and taste of the spice combine perfectly with citrus fruits such as tangerines, lemon, orange, creating a holiday mood.

Cinnamon with kefir:

Kefir, being a nutritious dietary fermented milk product, perfect for fasting days. By adding cinnamon to it - half a teaspoon per glass - you make this drink more beneficial for digestion and promoting weight loss. Kefir with cinnamon is great for fasting days or as a snack.

Which is widely used in cooking. It has been valued since ancient times for its healing properties. Many people associate the aroma of cinnamon with comfort and warmth, delicious homemade baked goods. Therefore, most housewives constantly buy this spice. But do they only buy cinnamon? Most likely, almost no one knows that there are two identical spices - cassia and cinnamon. You need to figure out how to distinguish them. After all, the most widely sold spice is cassia - a low-quality and often harmful substitute for this spice.

Benefits of cinnamon

It is no coincidence that this spice has been known and popular since ancient times. It was used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. It was believed that cinnamon calms and gives peace, warms and cures colds. In addition, this spice invigorates, gives a good mood and improves memory. It contains a lot of manganese, calcium, iron and fiber. And the special substance eugenol helps accelerate tissue regeneration and wound healing.

Modern medicine has proven medicinal value cinnamon. This spice has the following properties:

How to use cinnamon correctly

This spice is most often used in cooking. Everyone is familiar with the smell of baking with cinnamon, which is associated with comfort and tranquility. But this seasoning is also successfully added to desserts, drinks, salads, and main courses. Especially popular are cinnamon coffee, apple pie or baked chicken.

There are several recipes for using cinnamon to treat various diseases:

  • Brew half a teaspoon of powder and a pinch of black pepper with a glass of boiling water, cool slightly, add a spoonful of honey and drink for flu or cold;
  • if you mix a spoonful of honey with half a spoonful of cinnamon, this mixture helps with nasal congestion and cough;
  • an infusion of cinnamon with honey, consumed on an empty stomach, helps reduce weight;
  • A glass of kefir with a teaspoon of cinnamon in the morning helps improve digestion and normalize blood pressure.

Cinnamon can also be used in cosmetology. When mixed with honey, the powder brightens the skin and makes it softer. When added to hair masks, it accelerates hair growth.

Types of cinnamon

This spice is highly valued and widely distributed. But the process of obtaining real cinnamon is very labor-intensive, and the trees whose bark is taken to produce it grow only in a few places. Therefore, both cassia and cinnamon are most often found on sale. Few people know how to distinguish them from each other. Usually people do not realize that there are 4 types of cinnamon, of which only one is truly valuable:

  • Ceylon cinnamon, or quinamon, is a real expensive spice;
  • Indonesian or Chinese cassia;
  • Malabar brown, or tree cinnamon, also called “cassia vera”;
  • cinnamon, or spicy cinnamon.

In addition, cinnamon substitutes are often used commercially and in food production: Burmese or bay cinnamon, as well as cinnamon extract.

Ceylon cinnamon

Both cassia and real cinnamon have a spicy aroma and add flavor to baked goods. But only spice from a tree growing in Ceylon, on the island of Sri Lanka and in South India brings benefits. This is the most valuable type of cinnamon - Ceylon. It has a rich, delicate aroma and a light brown hue. These cinnamon sticks are thin and fragile and crumble easily.

For its production, young trees 1-2 years old are used. A thin layer is removed from them inner cortex. It is dried in the sun and hand-wrapped into tubes. Then it is cut into sticks about 12 cm long or ground into powder.

Characteristics of Cassia

Despite the fact that this particular spice is presented on the shelves of our stores in 90% of cases, few people know this name. What cassia is is known mainly by culinary specialists and those who are seriously concerned about their health. This seasoning is made from trees related to cinnamon, but with slight differences. They grow in Vietnam, Indonesia and China. To produce cassia, whole pieces of bark are taken from trees that are at least 7 years old. That is why the sticks of this seasoning turn out to be so hard and rough, and its smell is sharp and bitter.

Why is cassia dangerous?

There would be no need to try to find out whether you bought real cinnamon, because the aroma of the fake is still pleasant. But in fact, constant consumption of cassia is dangerous to health. It contains a very large amount tannins, and most importantly - coumarin. Its content exceeds the permissible limit by 1200 times. In cassia it is present in quantities of more than 2 g/kg.

Coumarin is called differently rat poison and is quite poisonous to humans. If consumed frequently, it accumulates and damages the liver and kidneys. A person begins to experience headaches, indigestion, and dizziness. It became known that a dangerous dose of coumarin for a child preschool age contained in 4 cinnamon cookies. For an adult, 6-7 mg of cassia, that is, a fifth of a teaspoon, is toxic.

The main differences between cinnamon and cassia

At first glance, these spices are not different, which is why there is such confusion. Most people don't realize that both cassia and cinnamon are commercially available. What is the difference between them can be understood by studying their characteristics in detail. Since people most often buy powder, you need to know how they differ. Real cinnamon is more light color, has a subtle pleasant aroma, slightly sweet. Cassia, on the other hand, is dark, even with a reddish tint, smells more sharply, and leaves a bitter aftertaste.

Cinnamon and cassia sticks

It is in this form that this spice is more useful. Flour or starch is often added to the powder to make it more crumbly. In addition, during storage, ground spice loses its aromatic and taste qualities. And the sticks make it easier to compare cassia and cinnamon.

How to choose real cinnamon

In most cases, people purchase this spice in sealed bags, so they cannot determine the color, much less smell it. In this case, you first need to look at the name and country of manufacture. Real Ceylon cinnamon is produced in Sri Lanka. China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and even more so other countries are producing cassia. A conscientious manufacturer will also correctly indicate the name of the product: Cinnamomum zeylonicum is real cinnamon, and Cinnamomum aromaticum is fake.

In addition, it would not hurt to pay attention to the price: real cinnamon cannot be cheap, it is usually 5-10 times more expensive than cassia. The expiration date is also important. After all, after a year of storage, cinnamon loses its properties and aroma.

How to Test the Quality of Cinnamon at Home

What should those who just found out that cinnamon and cassia exist? How to distinguish a fake product at home from an already purchased product? You can look at the color so that it is not very dark, and smell it. But the most informative way is to take a little powder and drop a drop of iodine into it. Real cinnamon will hardly change color, but cassia will turn dark blue. You can also determine it by taste. Cinnamon is sweetish-spicy, has a mild taste and delicate aroma. Cassia smells more strongly, bitter and pungent. And if you pour boiling water over a little powder, the cinnamon residue will become jelly-like and red-brown.

Now you know that cassia and cinnamon are very similar. How to distinguish them? If there are sticks in front of you, then you need to try to break them. Ceylon cinnamon is fragile and breaks easily, while cassia is dense and rough. The fake will be a strip of thick bark, slightly curled, often only on one side.

Now you know that both cassia and cinnamon are available for sale. It’s quite easy to remember how to distinguish them. Therefore, you can take advantage of all the beneficial properties of real noble cinnamon.

Cinnamon can be called the spice of the elite, since in ancient times it was used exclusively during the preparation of dishes for crowned persons. The spice is obtained from the bark of cinnamon trees - trees of the Laurel family. It can be found on sale both in ground form and in the form of tubes (rolled pieces of bark).

In Russian, cinnamon got its name because of its brown color.

Cinnamomum verum is an evergreen cinnamon tree whose bark produces cinnamon. To obtain the spice, take the inner layer of tree bark.


Cinnamon trees are evergreen shrubs. Greenish cinnamon flowers have a rather pleasant smell.

The fruits of the plant are berries purple. The leaves of the cinnamon tree look like Bay leaf, but thinner and smaller.

Real or Ceylon cinnamon

The place where cinnamon trees of this species grow is not only Ceylon, but also Guiana, the island of Martinique, the states of Indonesia, Brazil, India and Malaysia. This cinnamon is valued higher than other types for its delicate smell and sweet taste. It is fragile.

In addition to Ceylon cinnamon, there are 3 more types that are much less valued.

Other types

Chinese (cassia)

It is also called fragrant, Indian or simple cinnamon. Famous name This type of seasoning is “cassia”. We wrote about it in detail in another article.

The trees from which this spice is extracted are grown in Indonesia, China, Laos, Cambodia and Burma. This spice has a less delicate aroma, it is sharper, tart and hot.


It is also called cinnamon. This cinnamon is obtained from a bush that is grown in Indonesia and the Moluccas Islands. It is very fragile, with graininess at the break, a pungent cinnamon smell, and also a rather spicy taste.


It is also called woody and brown. This cinnamon is extracted from the bark of trees growing in Burma and India. The difference between this spice and other types is its sharp bitter taste and dark brownish-brown color.

Where does it grow

The homeland of real cinnamon is Southern China. It is mentioned in Chinese writings dating back to 2800 BC. Taste qualities spices were described by Pliny the Elder in the first century AD.

Cinnamon itself High Quality Produced in Sri Lanka, it has a warm, sweetish taste and a very pleasant aroma. This cinnamon is obtained from the thin bark of trees. Also, the production of this spice is established in such places and countries as Brazil, Egypt, Western India, Vietnam, the islands of Madagascar, Sumatra and Java.

Method of making spices

The bark is removed from cinnamon tree shoots that are less than three years old (usually shrubs about two meters high). Copper knives are used to obtain the bark, since cinnamon is rich in tannins that oxidize other metals.

The bark is harvested from the same tree twice a year. Usually the collection is carried out after the rainy period - at this time the bark is easier to remove and its aroma is higher.

The bark is cut into strips 1-2 centimeters wide and up to 30 centimeters long. The top skin of these strips is scraped off, after which inner part the bark is sent to dry in a shady place, waiting for it to darken and curl into tubes. Ceylon spice has a very thin bark, so after drying the wall thickness of the tubes can be up to 1 mm. Before sale, the tubes are cut into pieces 5-10 centimeters long.

Not only the bark is extracted from the cinnamon tree, but also unripe fruits, which are called cinnamon “buds.” They are collected immediately after flowering. Appearance these “buds” are similar to cloves. They are less aromatic, but have a sweet and rather mild odor. These “buds” are especially valued in India and China.

To learn how real Ceylon cinnamon is made, watch the following video.

How to choose and where to buy

  • Buy cinnamon powder in small quantities, as crushed spice quickly loses its aroma.
  • The sticks have a more persistent taste, but they are quite difficult to grind.
  • When choosing cinnamon powder, smell it - the aroma should be quite strong.
  • You can check whether you bought cinnamon or cassia using an iodine solution. This test will have almost no effect on cinnamon, but cassia will take on a dark blue color.


  • The Ceylon type of cinnamon has a delicate aroma, very unique.
  • The taste of the spice is slightly hot and sweet.
  • The structure of the seasoning is crumbly and not too dense.
  • It goes well with other tart and spicy seasonings.
  • You can add cinnamon to any dish that uses sugar.

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 g of cinnamon contains:

Chemical composition

Valuable substances in the bark of cinnamon trees are:

  • essential oil (1-2%), consisting of cinnamaldehyde and tannins;
  • fatty acid;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • minerals;
  • mono and disaccharides;
  • vitamins.

Beneficial features

The Ceylon cinnamon itself and essential oil, extracted from it, has the following properties:

  • Strengthening blood supply and metabolic processes.
  • Resistance to cellulite.
  • Improvement of digestive processes.
  • Relief from flu and colds.
  • The warming effect makes the oil popular for massage.
  • Help with nausea, dizziness or fainting.
  • Elimination unpleasant odor from mouth.
  • Neutralization of poisons entering the body from insect bites.
  • Increased sexuality.
  • Normalization of the menstrual cycle.
  • Help with asthenia, fears, depressive, melancholic and anxious moods.
  • Relief from seasickness.
  • Normalization of blood sugar levels.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Memory improvement.
  • Strong antioxidant effect.
  • Antimicrobial properties.

You can learn even more about cinnamon and its beneficial properties from the following video of the “1000 Little Things” program.


  • Chemotherapy of cancer.
  • Pregnancy (the spice stimulates uterine contractions).
  • Increased individual sensitivity.

If you want to use the spice externally, you must definitely mix it with a carrier oil.

Eating cassia is harmful to health. Buy only real Ceylon cinnamon. To learn how to distinguish cinnamon from cassia, read another article.

Aroma oil

Both the aroma and taste of the spice are associated with the aroma oil in its composition. The tree bark contains approximately 0.5-1% of this oil. You can extract aroma oil from the spice after grinding the bark - it is soaked in sea ​​water and distilled. The resulting oil has a yellow-golden hue, a burning taste and a characteristic cinnamon odor. These characteristics are due to cinnamaldehyde, which is the main component of cinnamon aroma oil. Gradually, the oil oxidizes, its structure becomes more resinous, and its color becomes darker.


In cooking

Cinnamon bark is actively in demand in cooking:

  • It is added to candies, chocolate and various desserts.
  • Cinnamon sticks are used to prepare liquid dishes.
  • With cinnamon you can get unusual taste kefir and yogurt.
  • The spice is added to marinades for meat, mushrooms or fruits.
  • The spice in crushed (ground) form is added to dough and main courses.
  • Cinnamon combined with sugar is often combined with cereals and fruits. It is especially often added to apple dishes.
  • Cooking of Transcaucasia and Central Asia involves adding this spice when cooking lamb, other meat or poultry.
  • This spice is included in various mixtures of dry seasonings.
  • Adding cinnamon helps flavor drinks such as punch, grog or liqueur.
  • Cinnamon goes well with salads made from carrots, spinach, young corn, and red cabbage.
  • This spice can be added to fruit soups that are served cold.
  • In England, cinnamon and sugar are sprinkled on crackers and served at tea parties.
  • The French love to bake cakes with cinnamon.
  • In some European countries, cinnamon is added to homemade beer.
  • Cinnamon rolls make a great addition to pumpkin or tomato soup.
  • Cinnamon goes great with coffee and cappuccino. You can stir the hot drink with a stick or sprinkle it with ground spices.
  • In Thai and Indian cooking, cinnamon leaves are added to curries.

Adding spices to dishes is recommended at the end of cooking to avoid the appearance of a bitter aftertaste. The average amount of cinnamon per dish will be 0.5-1 teaspoon. spoon per kilogram of product or liter of liquid, although in oriental cooking this spice is used in much larger quantities.

Add 1-2 seasoning sticks and other ingredients to the wine to taste. Heat the liquid over low heat.

Toast the bread slices on one side, brush the other side (not toasted) with butter, then sprinkle with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar. Fry on the other side until browned.

Boil fruits (apples, nectarines, pears, peaches) in syrup. Sprinkle them with cinnamon and sugar, then place in the oven and bake until golden. These fruits should be served hot, topped with sour cream.

Look next video from the TV show "1000 and 1 Spice of Scheherazade". From it you will learn a lot about cinnamon.

In medicine

  • External use of the oil involves mixing it with a vegetable base oil. For 10 ml vegetable oil take two or three drops of aroma oil. The mixture is used for rubbing and massage.
  • Mix one or two drops of oil with tea. a spoonful of honey and adding to herbal tea, this drink is recommended for delayed menstruation, myalgia, weakness, impotence, diarrhea, colds, and flu.
  • A few drops of aroma oil are dripped into hot water and inhaled to help get rid of depressive mood and pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.
  • By adding cinnamon to hot wine, this drink is recommended for flu-like conditions and hypothermia. You can also make a drink for the flu by dissolving it in hot water honey and lemon juice, and after adding a pinch of cinnamon and 1 clove, the liquid is brought to a boil, then left for 20 minutes.
  • Prophylactic for the flu, use cinnamon brewed in boiling water, to which a pinch of black pepper and honey are added. Drink this remedy every three hours.
  • If you have headaches due to a cold, stir the cinnamon with water until you get thick gruel and apply it to the forehead.
  • A strong infusion of cinnamon helps with diarrhea, meteorite and vomiting.

Even more about medicinal qualities You can learn about cinnamon from the program “Live Healthy!”

When losing weight

Thanks Cinnamon a large number dietary fiber prevents constipation ( common problem losing weight) and stimulates intestinal function. Another advantage of consuming cinnamon when losing weight is its positive influence on mood and loss of appetite. It is also known that this seasoning has the property of accelerating the breakdown of sugar. You can use cinnamon for weight loss in different ways:

  • Add this spice to tea and coffee as a sugar substitute.
  • Massage against cellulite with cinnamon.
  • Do wraps.
  • Do fasting days, drinking kefir flavored with cinnamon all day long.

At home

Cinnamon aroma oil is added to “oriental” perfume compositions.


Cinnamon trees are unpretentious and easily tolerate unfavorable conditions. Uncultivated trees can grow up to 6-12 meters in height, but on plantations that are cultivated, the plant is usually represented by low shrubs. After growing a tree for 2 years, it is pruned almost at the root, so that in the third year of cultivation new shoots are obtained (about ten of them appear), from which the bark is cut off.


To store cinnamon, it is important to seal the container in which the spice is placed. It is optimal to keep cinnamon in a glass container. Seasoning sticks can be stored for up to 12 months, and powder for up to six months. It is best to keep the spice in a cool, dark cabinet.

According to the testimony of Herodotus of the 5th century. BC, anyone who wanted to find the precious cinnamon bark had to go through many trials: fighting monsters, searching for it at the bottom of lakes and in the nests of huge birds of prey - these are not all the obstacles on the way to the most valuable spice. By telling such tales, Arab merchants promoted their business. That is why in Europe, cinnamon has long been considered an unattainable spice that only a select few deserve.

In Ancient times and the Middle Ages, cinnamon was used more as an aroma spice and incense. At that time, cooks most often used Indian laurel, which had a similar aroma, for food. But to give a special taste to honey cookies and sweet wine with spices, it was simply necessary.

Even more historical facts:

  • Cinnamon and its properties were learned about in ancient times. It often served as a gift to high-ranking persons.
  • The spice was brought to Ancient Egypt from China. The Egyptians used this spice for embalming.
  • Cinnamon is mentioned in Old Testament. From the lines you can understand that this spice was valued higher than gold.
  • The ancient Romans considered cinnamon to be a plant of Jupiter, representing the element of fire. The Romans used this spice on funeral pyres.
  • Until the 17th century, cinnamon was collected from wild trees. Later, trees began to be cultivated to produce spices.
  • IN Victorian era Austrian lovers gave each other bouquets of cinnamon, which was a symbol of love and tenderness.

Many spices, which are good antioxidants, are very popular these days in both cooking and medicine. The most popular seasoning in these industries is considered to be cinnamon (ground or in sticks): the beneficial properties and contraindications have been studied for a long time, find out why it is useful and how you can use it.

Today it is customary to distinguish several of its varieties, which can be distinguished by taste and shade. Dried cinnamon strips, like ground powder, are found in the kitchen of every home, rightfully considered the spice of kings.

How to use cinnamon in cooking

Ground spices are convenient to add to drinks, baked goods and ready meals, so the question often arises of how to grind cinnamon into sticks. The most difficult thing in the process of creating a powder is achieving its uniformity. If you use regular raw cinnamon sticks, you will end up with uneven pieces rather than powder.

How to grind cinnamon

Experienced housewives have long learned the secret of how to grind cinnamon without effort.

  • You just need to dry the sticks in a hot, dry frying pan so that excess moisture evaporates and the bark structure becomes soft. This will only intensify the aroma.
  • Then you need to put the spice in a bag and walk over it with a rolling pin or crush the spice in a mortar.

At the last stage, it doesn’t really matter how you grind the cinnamon. A blender, food processor, coffee grinder, and spice grinder are equally suitable for these purposes.

Where do you add cinnamon?

Ground cinnamon retains its aroma and tart taste, so many people are wondering why such a spice is needed.

  • For starters, this is an indispensable product for confectionery, such as cupcakes, gingerbread and cookies.
  • The spice goes well with desserts such as mousses, jellies, puddings and preserves.

When compiling a list of dishes where cinnamon is added, do not forget about the main menu.

  • This product fits perfectly into fruit salads and cold sweet soups.

In addition, a question that interests meat-eaters, whose favorite spice is cinnamon: what is the powder or sticks combined with in the case of hot main courses?

  • IN in this case Poultry like chicken or turkey is great, as are fatty pork and lamb.
  • Cinnamon fits perfectly into hearty dishes meat dishes with pears and apples.

How to replace cinnamon

Well, when there are very few spices on the shelf, another problem arises: what can replace cinnamon? You should immediately decide that it will not be possible to achieve such a delicate aroma, but it is quite possible to add sweetish notes and some tartness to the dish.

  1. In sweet baked goods, for example, a cinnamon substitute is nutmeg, cardamom, ground anise and cloves. You can also add vanilla sugar.
  2. How to replace cinnamon in main dishes? In this case, you will also need more than one seasoning. Perhaps, the best option will become turmeric, coriander or ginger.

Cinnamon and blood pressure

Israeli doctors have found that cinnamon lowers blood pressure. For hypertensive patients, this is a spice that reduces the indicator by three positions after just a few days of regular use.

Cinnamon lowers blood pressure in the long term, gradually normalizing general state person.

For the spice to be effective, you need to add it daily to different drinks and dishes, but no more than a teaspoon. Also, if you have high blood pressure, you can try kefir with cinnamon and ginger or tea with honey and spices.

But for hypotensive people, cinnamon and blood pressure are a common stumbling block. Experts do not advise completely abandoning the spice, since its benefits still remain. In this case, cinnamon, of course, does not increase blood pressure, but returns good mood and high body tone. One cup of spiced coffee per day is enough.

Cinnamon for men

An important factor that makes cinnamon popular is its beneficial properties for men. Eastern healers have known for many centuries about the effects of spice on male strength. Cinnamon for potency can be used in the form of natural essential oil, which is sometimes added to food.

To increase erection, a drink with honey is also used:

  1. For a glass of boiling water, use 1 part cinnamon powder and 2 parts honey.
  2. The product must be infused for 40 minutes and consumed twice a day.

It should be noted that regular consumption of spices also heals the body due to its strong bactericidal and antifungal action. As a result, men can get rid of many diseases of the reproductive and urinary systems (for example, urethritis, chronic prostatitis, pyelonephritis, candidiasis, cystitis).

Also, the benefit of cinnamon for men lies in its analgesic effect: the oil of this spice helps heal bruises and sprains.

Cleansing blood vessels with cinnamon

Cinnamon and cholesterol are incompatible concepts, since the spice perfectly destroys plaque on the walls of blood vessels and normalizes blood circulation. This product actively lowers sugar levels, so it is necessary for diabetics.

Cinnamon is an indispensable helper for blood vessels, which was officially proven back in 2003. Cinnamon is especially effective against cholesterol when combined with honey. Cleaning of blood vessels should be carried out regularly based on the intake of different drinks.

  1. To begin with, you can destroy cholesterol with a milkshake with half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a tablespoon of almonds.
  2. 2 large spoons of sour cream are also added to the mixture, and then everything is actively crushed in a blender.

You can also heat 2 glasses of water and dissolve a teaspoon of spice with mint and lemon in them. The product should be used on an empty stomach. Ordinary cereal bread with a layer of honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon is also a good blood thinner.

Cinnamon as a laxative

Cinnamon is very effective against constipation. In combination with honey, it quickly normalizes metabolism, which is why this natural laxative is used to relieve gases and cleanse the intestines.

Please note that in folk medicine You can also use the spice for diarrhea, and in general this spice is incredibly useful for the stomach by improving the overall microflora. The product helps to cope with ulcers, increased acidity and pain, especially when adding honey or kefir.

Cinnamon and metabolism

Significantly improves cinnamon and metabolism. In this case, the effect of the spice is reduced to vigorous burning of fat, which is actively used in various weight loss systems. Read more in the article.

The influence of cinnamon in this regard is so great that metabolism accelerates 20 times. It is especially useful to combine the product with green tea, apples and carrots.

Cinnamon and joints

Traditional healers also know some healing tricks, in which cinnamon for joints can also become faithful assistant. What does the spice help with in this case?

First of all, from arthritis and arthrosis to varying degrees. Cinnamon heals inflammatory processes in joint tissues when adding honey. So, compresses with camphor oil and gelatin. According to reviews, it’s a good idea to add salt to such mixtures so that pain syndrome decreased in the joints.

Harm of cinnamon

Please note that cinnamon has its contraindications.

  1. Spice is not recommended at the moment acute stage with pancreatitis, heart and kidney diseases, with increased excitability and a tendency to internal bleeding.
  2. People undergoing a course of antibiotics or those with intestinal hypersensitivity may also experience harm from the product.
  3. When consuming the spice with honey, an allergy is also possible, manifested by redness and burning of the skin.

Many people are interested in what will happen if you eat a spoonful of cinnamon. In fact, overuse of spices is not very beneficial for health. So, an overdose leads to dullness taste buds and severe flatulence.

Consuming a whole spoonful of cinnamon very often leads to respiratory inflammation and suffocation. At a minimum, such an act will lead to nausea, a gag reflex and severe attack cough, since dry caustic powder in large quantities is not accepted by the body.

But perhaps the most harmful use cinnamon will be buns and pastries that we eat without thinking about our health.

Cinnamon in the diet of pregnant and lactating women

Representatives of the fair sex often wonder what cinnamon stick or ground spice is good for women.

Firstly, it helps keep your weight normal, and secondly, it improves your mood and helps cope with depression. Women can drink cinnamon drinks during menstruation to relieve pain.

Cinnamon for pregnant women

During pregnancy, not everyone decides to take spices, since a lot is determined individual characteristics girls. Traditional healers It is believed that cinnamon during pregnancy helps reduce toxicosis, like any other spice. Competent doctors answer the question whether cinnamon is allowed for pregnant women: “It’s possible, but be careful.” Indeed, exact adherence to the dosage in this case is very important.

In large quantities, the spice has a bad effect on pregnancy. In particular, it causes a sharp contraction of the uterus, which may affect some pregnant women due to premature birth and miscarriages.

Cinnamon for nursing mothers

After the birth of the baby, the question arises whether nursing mothers need cinnamon. Some experts warn that when breastfeeding, any spice can provoke allergic reaction in a baby.

In addition, every nursing mother knows that many products significantly change the taste of milk, and cinnamon in this case is no exception. Therefore, it must be included in the diet very carefully. If breast-feeding will pass as usual even after taking cinnamon, you don’t have to worry. In addition, do not forget that during breastfeeding, the spice can strengthen the mother’s digestive system, and helps the baby cope with viruses.

Like all unusual products in our diet, cinnamon has beneficial properties and contraindications. Whether to follow them or not is a personal matter for everyone, but it is always important to observe moderation and try to make your own menu varied even during diets and illnesses.

With warmth and care, Ravila.

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