How to increase sperm motility: tips. How to make sedentary sperm active? Reasons for decreased mobility

A healthy man and woman, without protection, can conceive a child in about six months. In approximately 30% of cases, pregnancy occurs within a year. But if planning is already taking longer, but there is no result, spouses are advised to check the state of their reproductive health.

In approximately 40% of cases, the reason for the lack of pregnancy lies in low mobility sperm. We will talk about how it is determined and whether it can be improved in this material.

What it is?

Thanks to this property of motility, male reproductive cells can move along the woman’s reproductive tract to the egg, which “awaits” for them after leaving the follicle in the fallopian tube.

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This path on a cellular scale is quite long and difficult. Only the hardiest and most mobile sperm reach their destination.

Motility depends on many factors: the density of the seminal fluid, morphological properties the sperm itself. A cell with a normal structure has a greater chance of being fast and agile than a cell with deformations of the tail or head, or abnormal thickness of the sperm neck. The tail of the sperm does not move by itself; without external influence, the cell will not move anywhere.

The tail coating represents proton channels. As soon as the ejaculate enters the vagina, the environment in which, it should be noted, is quite aggressive, the channels open and protons are released. Their task is to reduce the acidity of vaginal secretions. The ejection itself gives the reproductive cell a certain acceleration and causes the tail to move.

The sperm “knows” exactly that it needs to swim to where the acidity is lower, that is, inside the uterus. Special system acidity analyzers that sperm have at their disposal “suggests” the right direction.

It should be noted that proton channels were discovered only recently. For quite a long time, doctors believed that the tail was mobile on its own, by nature.

The mobility of a man's germ cells can only be determined in a laboratory setting by performing a special analysis - a spermogram. All sperm, being inside the gonads, are completely motionless. When ejaculation occurs, they (under the influence of a special protein) are freed from the dense environment and gain freedom of movement.

The more active sperm a man has, the more likely he is to become a dad.

Types of sperm and conception prognosis

The ability of male reproductive cells to move is assessed according to strict criteria. Depending on them, all sperm are divided into four large groups.

  • Group A. These are the most active cells, best suited for fertilizing a female egg. They only move straight ahead at speeds of up to 25 micrometers per second. In the classification of doctors, they are called progressive or actively mobile.
  • Group B. These are also quite mobile and active sperm, which differ from representatives of group A only in that their speed is slightly lower. However, they also move straight. Such sperm are also suitable for conception.
  • Group C. Such sex cells do not move at all in the way they need to successful conception. They either move, remaining in place, or “travel” along a circular path, or move along a broken line, in a zigzag. The classification classifies them as non-progressively mobile. Conception with the participation of such cells is unlikely.
  • Group D. TO last group These include sperm that do not move at all. They are called non-progressive-immobile. The chances of conception with the participation of D sperm are zero.

A man’s sperm is considered suitable for fertilization if it contains at least 25% of group A cells. If, during a spermogram, there are fewer such motile and active cells, they are added to the cells of group B. For conception, it is quite enough if the sperm of groups A and B add up to at least 50% of the total number of germ cells in the ejaculate.

The notorious human factor and laboratory errors are excluded, because it is not a person who does the counting, but powerful sperm analyzers that produce the finished result with microscopic accuracy.

The less cell mobility, the more difficult it is to get pregnant. The probability of conception is calculated depending on the exact proportions.

If the ejaculate contains 60% of group C cells, then the probability of spontaneous conception is about 3%. If the number of group D cells exceeds 70% - conception naturally becomes almost impossible.

In most laboratories, the number of sperm of groups C and D is not counted at all, limiting themselves to isolating the percentage of cells A and B. If they deviate from the norm, the man is diagnosed with “asthenozoospermia”. This is one of the forms of male infertility and it definitely needs treatment.

Causes of inactivity

The MAP test allows you to determine the cause of low mobility of male germ cells. It is by its results that one can judge the fertile abilities of a particular man. It should be noted that sedentary and immobile sperm are present in everyone. The only question is their mass fraction.

A man who experiences sperm dyskinesia naturally wonders why this happened to him. The reasons that cause a decrease in the activity of germ cells are conventionally divided into three types:

  • pathological, caused by diseases;
  • external;
  • natural (physiological).

Natural causes decreases in the activity of male reproductive cells are temporary and do not require treatment. Most often, sperm become inactive and less active in the spring. During the day, the motility of germ cells is also uneven: in the morning, sperm are less active than in the evening. Much depends on the frequency of sexual intercourse or masturbation. If a man is active sex life, the composition of his sperm is updated more often, and, therefore, the sperm will be more active. Men who abstain for a long time cannot boast of motile and active sperm. These causes are easy to correct; they are not considered pathological.

Pathological causes are most often associated with diseases of the reproductive system: prostatitis, varicocele. Often the real reason low mobility lies in bacteria, for example, in E. coli, if it is found in the ejaculate. Bacteria lead to agglutination (cells sticking together), as a result of which mobility is lost. The problem may lie in the vas deferens, especially if the seminal vesicles are blocked.

Inflammatory processes organs of the male reproductive system almost always lead to a decrease in sperm activity. Epididymitis is considered the most dangerous from this point of view. Inflammatory diseases of the epididymis directly affect sperm, which before ejaculation are “stored” in a certain part of this epididymis - the epididymis. Dangerous for men's health and sexually transmitted infections, including illnesses, the course of which is sometimes unnoticeable: chlamydia, ureaplasma and the like.

Sperm motility may decrease due to autoimmune processes. If there was an injury, even a minor one (for example, a blow to the groin during a fight), it may start immune process, in which antisperm antibodies will begin to be produced, which will suppress and destroy living and active sperm, “confusing” them with foreign cells. Hormonal imbalance, problems with the thyroid gland, adrenal cortex, and excess weight can also have a detrimental effect.

Quite rarely found in men congenital pathologies, for example, the “9+0” syndrome, in which a pair of microtubules is initially missing at the genetic level in the sperm tail, as well as mutations in the sperm DNA. In most cases, when genetic pathologies the reproductive cells are completely immobile, and the man is completely sterile. In this case, only artificial insemination wives using donor sperm.

External reasons for the decrease in the activity of male germ cells most often lie in common male mistakes. If a representative of the stronger sex really likes to visit the bathhouse and soak in a hot bath for a long time, his testicles overheat, which leads to the appearance of a large number of sedentary or immobile sperm.

Those who like to ride in a car on a warm, electrically heated seat also run the risk of encountering problems when conceiving offspring. Overheating of the testicles also occurs when high temperature if, for example, a man gets sick with the flu or ARVI. After treatment, it takes about three months for the sperm to renew its composition, and for the dead cells to be replaced by living and active ones.

Bad habits, smoking and alcohol, even in small quantities, but when taken systematically, have a destructive effect on the reproductive cells. Not only their mobility is disrupted, but also their morphology, which not only reduces the ability to fertilize, but also increases the likelihood of conceiving a child with chromosomal abnormalities.

Drugs also have a similar effect on sperm. Marijuana is famous for its paralyzing effect on the sperm flagellum. Therefore, an experienced smoker may experience difficulties in reproducing offspring.

Both antibiotics and anticonvulsants reduce sperm activity. Hormones have the most detrimental effect on them; it is for this reason that young and strong athletes are often infertile - the addiction to steroid hormones cannot pass without leaving a mark on reproductive health.

People who dine at restaurant chains are also at risk for asthenozoospermia. fast food. Any fast food, soda, canned food contains a large number of preservatives and dyes that destroy the structure of sperm. The habit of drinking a lot of coffee also negatively affects the composition of seminal fluid.

Reduced sperm activity may occur in men who work in hazardous industries or have constant or prolonged contact with salts heavy metals, varnishes and paints, radioactive radiation. Also, asthenozoospermia “lurks” in men who are very nervous and in a state of chronic stress.

How to increase mobility

Timely and correct treatment. Fortunately, in most cases (both pathological and external in origin) the motility of germ cells can be restored or at least improved. Today there are several ways to activate sperm.

Traditional medicine

With a slight decrease in mobility, doctors try not to prescribe serious therapy, limiting themselves to recommendations for correcting lifestyle and nutrition. Sometimes it is enough to eat normally for a month or two, avoiding fast food and alcohol, active image life, sleep at least 8 hours a day, change your “harmful” job to a safer one. A repeated spermogram (in most cases) shows a noticeable improvement, pregnancy occurs in the very near future.

As soon as a man eliminates the external negative influences that were listed above, his reproductive health will improve and his reproductive cells will become much more active.

To improve sperm motility, men are prescribed drugs to increase the intensity of spermatogenesis processes. These include vitamins A, E, C, D, zinc, selenium, iron, and folic acid. These drugs can be taken individually, or as part of a balanced complex designed specifically for men. Additionally, tablets and capsules are recommended, which are classified as dietary supplements and antioxidants and have a positive effect on the composition of the ejaculate. Such drugs include “Spermaktiv”, “Spermaplant”, “Profertil” and others.

If the reason for low sperm motility lies in infection, a course of treatment with antibiotics is first prescribed, followed by maintenance therapy with vitamins and drugs that help activate spermatogenesis. For varicocele it is carried out surgery, after which the cause of the pathology is considered eliminated, and the composition of the sperm improves within a month.

Autoimmune asthenozoospermia is the most difficult to correct. Sometimes a man needs long-term treatment drugs that suppress immune activity. In some cases, results cannot be achieved and this is an indication for the use of auxiliary reproductive technologies- ICSI, IVF.

It is impossible to cure genetic immobility of sperm. Also impossible to fix birth defects structure of the organs of the reproductive system. In this case, the couple is offered to resort to IVF with their own or donor sperm.


The speed of sperm movement depends on many factors. A decrease in their activity can be caused by inflammation of the genital organs, prostatitis, various injuries, complications after infections suffered in childhood. If with similar diseases have not encountered, the decrease may be due to poor environmental conditions, consumption of harmful products and, smoking, drug addiction, high.

It is considered normal if 30-35 percent of the total number of sperm taken for analysis are actively moving. In order for your indicators to become close to ideal, you should make changes to your current lifestyle. First you need to carefully monitor your diet, include everything you need for healthy eating products: milk, fruits, vegetables, cereals, Special attention tedious to devote to meat and nuts. In addition, meals should be regular and nutritious. In addition to nutrition, try to normalize sleep and rest, establish a daily routine and stick to it.

Vitamin C affects sperm motility, and vitamin E affects the quality of the gonads. Therefore, make sure that your menu includes foods rich in them: pepper, black currants, rose hips, greens, liver, potatoes, vegetable, olive, butter, as well as the aforementioned nuts and meat.

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  • how to increase sperm speed

Speed ​​of movement is one of the main characteristics that allows the sperm to easily reach the egg, moving in the acidic environment of the vagina that is harmful to it. This indicator is influenced by many factors, eliminating or, conversely, increasing the influence of which, you can achieve spermatozoa.


Maintain a proper daily routine that ensures healthy sleep. Eat right and regularly. Introduce honey and nuts into your diet, eat more fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, which have a positive effect on. Provide your body with enough .

Counteract stress that reduces sexual attraction and sperm quality. Improve your reproductive health with regular exercise. Make sure your body weight is within normal limits. In this case, the body will maintain a normal hormonal balance, ensuring the presence of healthy sperm in the ejaculate.

Beware of toxic substances that affect sperm quality. Limit your alcohol intake. Stop smoking, which makes you less active. Do not take drugs, especially those that reduce sperm motility.

Stop using lubricants during sex or replace them with vegetable oils. Reduce the amount of hormones you take that affect the condition of the gonads. Do not take hot baths or go to the sauna, since spending more than 30 minutes in water whose temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius reduces the number of healthy sperm.


  • how to increase sperm motility

According to studies conducted by the famous endocrinologist Nils Skakebak, over the past half century in men different countries the quantity decreased by about 50%. The exact reason for this trend has not yet been established. But there are many secondary reasons, it can be either tight underwear or chemical pollution air.

What are the dangers of a low sperm count?

Small quantity is the main reason why married couple cannot conceive on her own. This problem is becoming increasingly common. According to the World Health Organization, one in ten couples are unable to conceive a child, which is twice as many as a few decades ago. A small number of sperm is not a problem, since a man is still able to conceive a child in this case, since even one sperm is enough for this. But the smaller their number, the less.

Conception is also influenced by the quality and motility of sperm.

Methods to increase sperm count

You need to have sex more often and more. This the simplest way increasing sperm count. Their number, with daily sex, will increase by an average of 50-90 million. Also, not only their quantity will increase, but also their quality, which will thereby increase the likelihood of conception.

It pays to stay cool at all times. With elevated levels, sperm quickly weaken and their productivity slows down sharply. Doctors also advise not to use tight underwear, not to wear tight pants, and to avoid using waterbeds and electric blankets.

You need to exercise at least once a day physical exercise, massage, shaking the testicles or kneading the lumbar area. All these procedures improve blood circulation in the genital area, which will contribute to the production of sperm and increase their motility. Excessive activity during the day never hurts.

You can't keep your laptop on your lap. The radiation and heat generated by computer operation, combined with tucked knees, harms proper sperm production.

According to recent research by scientists, mobile phone, which has been lying in one trouser pocket for more than 4 hours, can also negatively affect sperm production.

Proper nutrition

Scientists advise to eat right, not to abuse alcohol, not to smoke, and to lead an active lifestyle. You need to be able to determine your life priorities so that you don’t have to regret some of your actions later. Following these simple rules, any man can almost completely forget about the loss of sperm functionality. You need to include more vegetables and fruits in your diet. Nutritionists more strongly advise consuming vegetables that contain glutathione, a special antioxidant that increases the quality and quantity of sperm. These vegetables include broccoli, Brussels sprouts and asparagus. There are also special dietary supplements on sale, a complex of minerals and vitamins that are ideally selected for men's health.

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One of the most important factors, which affects male fertility, can be called sperm motility. If, during the examination, a decrease in mobility is detected, doctors make a diagnosis of “infertility.” Today this kind of pathology occurs quite often. Therefore, many men are looking for an answer to the question of how to increase sperm activity. Medicine has become more thorough and effective. Today, infertility can be treated successfully, although much depends on the etiology of the disease.

We will explain further why this process occurs and how to increase sperm motility.

Why sperm quality deteriorates: reasons

Previously, if a couple could not have children, only the woman was blamed. This injustice was corrected, because medicine discovered that men can also be infertile. But it is worth noting that male infertility be treated on a completely different principle than women’s and sometimes the recovery process reproductive function in men it happens faster and easier.

The most common pathology of infertility is sperm inactivity. This condition is influenced by many factors, namely:

  • Age. This reason is the most physiological. With age, the male body produces fewer sex hormones, and accordingly, reproductive function decreases. But this phenomenon can be considered normal after 60 years;
  • Obesity, overweight also provokes a decrease in sperm activity. This occurs due to the fact that estrogen begins to be actively produced in the male body ( female hormone), wherein male hormone(testosterone) is produced less;
  • Diabetes mellitus leads to weakening of sperm;
  • Testicular pathology. It is in the testis that new germ cells are formed. With any type of pathology of the testicles, sperm slows down its development or stops being produced altogether;
  • Sexual disorders. Impotence, uncontrolled ejaculation leads to inactivity of germ cells;
  • Inflammatory processes in the genital organ.

These are the most common reasons leading to low sperm motility. Usually, you can find out about this condition only by undergoing an analysis such as a spermogram. It is she who shows the quality and quantity of sperm. It is possible to improve sperm motility, but first you need to find out the root cause of their low motility.

How to increase sperm activity

Ideally, the spermogram result should show at least 45% of motile, healthy sperm. If this indicator is lower than the standard, then conceiving a child will be very difficult or even impossible. In order to increase sperm activity, you should undergo examination at a urological center. The patient needs to undergo blood and urine tests, have a spermogram, and may also be prescribed an ultrasound of the genital organs to detect inflammatory processes.

It is worth mentioning right away that at home, through traditional medicine it is impossible to recover completely.

Doctors offer local treatment with drugs that eliminate the root cause of this condition. But along with drug treatment, folk health recipes will come in handy.

Now it’s worth describing how to increase sperm activity.


Only a doctor can prescribe adaptive treatment that will fight the source of the disease. If the cause is inflammation, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory courses are prescribed.

Patients are often advised to drink C. Medicines that improve blood flow are also prescribed. These include Trental and Actovegin. In the case of a predominant amount of estrogens in the body, antiestrogens (clostilbegide) are prescribed.

For improvement hormonal levels are used hormonal agents to increase testosterone levels (proviron, andriol). In the treatment of infertility, the drug Speman is often prescribed. It is made on a plant basis and helps improve sperm. The composition of this medicine is safe and includes natural herbs and ingredients.

Healthy lifestyle

Do not forget that drug therapy will not help the matter quickly. Infertility is always treated comprehensively. And in this case proper nutrition, refusal bad habits plays an important role in the development of reproductive function. A man's diet should be nutritious.

First, you need to include in the menu such products as:

  • (any);
  • Fish;
  • Dill, parsley, spinach;
  • Meat;
  • Blackcurrant (also jam, compotes, fresh juices);
  • Liver;
  • More fresh vegetables and fruits. You should especially lean on citrus fruits and apples. They contain essential vitamins(C, E);
  • Fermented milk products;
  • Replace sugar with honey.

Also, the diet should be adjusted. Eat at least four times a day.

Secondly, you should immediately exclude the following products:

  • Legumes;
  • Alcohol;
  • Fat meat;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Floury.

Thirdly, you need to take care of normalizing blood circulation in the pelvis. Due to stagnation, inflammatory foci can form. Therefore, you should play sports or at least do morning exercises.


When a couple wants to get pregnant, but the sperm are “lazy,” they need to abstain from sexual intercourse for several days. Of course, self-satisfaction is also excluded. How to increase sperm activity? Do not let them get out “freedom” for three or four days. After abstinence, the most active sperm are released during the first sexual intercourse.

Stimulant drugs

Along with medications, unique sperm stimulants are used. They must be taken for at least 2.5 months. This is exactly the cycle of spermatogenesis. The reproductive cell takes 2.5 months to fully mature. Through stimulating drugs, sperm become not only healthy, but also active. Regarding stimulants, it is not recommended to buy them yourself. It is better to consult a doctor, although often it is he who prescribes this type of therapy.

Clinical picture


Professor, urologist Tachko A.V.:
Medical practice: more than 30 years.

I have been treating prostatitis for many years. I’m telling you as a doctor, don’t even think about self-medicating with folk remedies.

I have been treating impotence for many years. I hasten to warn you, most drugs for potency cause instant addiction by the body.

It’s very simple, after drinking a potency drug just a few times (like Viagra and the like), you won’t be able to do ANYTHING in bed without the help of this drug.

But what if you don’t have enough strength? The only medicine that is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health to enhance potency is the Solomon Vector. The drug is not addictive and acts on the cause of the disease, making it possible to completely get rid of problems with potency. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation can receive it FOR FREE.

How to increase sperm motility: sensational drugs

Poor sperm motility is not uncommon these days. Therefore, many manufacturers produce highly targeted drugs that actively affect sperm quality.


This product is the most popular among patients and doctors. It is produced in the form of capsules. Must be taken daily with food. Based on the results of taking the medicine, the doctor notes significant symptoms. You can take this medicine for a month. The only caveat is that it is not recommended to conceive a child while taking it.


This medication is an analogue of Spermactin, but costs much less. It is worth noting that both products are certified, and the main effect of these drugs is one - they improve the quality of sperm and the motility of germ cells. SpermActive is also available in capsule form and is taken daily.

dietary supplements

There is a category of men who under no circumstances want to take medications, replacing biologically active additives. It is worth noting that neither the vaunted “Parity” nor “Alikaps” will give the desired effect. Doctors have long established that they can be used as prophylaxis, but they are not medicinal products in the fight against infertility.


Only your attending physician can give an important answer to the question of how to increase sperm motility. It is reasonable. After all, only knowing the state of your body can you identify main reason infertility. Many people purchase stimulant medications, but they have no idea that the cause of their infertility is inflammation. Therefore, before starting a new life, you need to make sure of your health.


Did you have a misfire? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory is not on your side. And of course, you know firsthand that impaired potency is:
  • Low self-esteem
  • Women remember your every failure, tell their girlfriends and your friends
  • Prostate disease
  • Developing depression, which negatively affects your health
Now answer the question: IT SUITS YOU? Can this be tolerated? Do you remember that feeling when you look at a naked woman and can’t do anything? Enough is enough - it's time to get rid of potency problems, once and for all! Do you agree? We have studied a huge amount of materials and, most importantly, tested most potency products in practice. So, it turned out that a 100% working drug without any side effects is the Solomon Vector. This drug consists of natural components, completely eliminating chemicals.

Sperm activity is important indicator reproductive abilities of male representatives. In a healthy man, the number of active sperm should be at least 40% of them total number. At lower values, a condition develops, which is referred to as asthenozoospermia. There are many ways to increase sperm motility, including the use of medicines and traditional medicine recipes. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the pathology.

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    Sperm motility

    One of the most significant indicators The quality of the ejaculate is the motility of sperm. Normal semen should contain at least 50% active sperm. An indicator of less than 40% is considered pathological.

    The good motor ability of male reproductive cells compensates for their insufficient number.

    Based on the nature of movement, there are 4 types of sperm motility:

    1. 1. Type A: fast, linear movements.
    2. 2. Type B: slow linear, progressive non-linear movements.
    3. 3. Type C: no progressive movements or movements in place.
    4. 4. Type D: sperm immobility.

    The norm is considered to be rectilinear, unidirectional movement. Oscillatory, circular, pendulum-like or manege movements of the seminal filaments indicate inactivity of the sperm.

    In healthy men, more than a quarter of sperm have the first type of movement or more than half are characterized by the first and/or second type of motility.

    The motor activity of sperm depends on the number of added microorganisms. A decrease in the speed of sperm movement is observed at a ratio of 1 bacterium per 10 sperm, in cases where there are 10 sperm per 1 bacterial cells, their complete immobility develops.

    Measuring their physical activity

    It is possible to determine the degree of sperm motility using a spermogram, which is the leading method for studying a man’s reproductive health.

    The easiest, fastest and most accurate technology for calculating the mobility and speed of movement of sperm in seminal fluid and mucus from the cervical canal is laser Doppler spectroscopy. It allows you to objectively assess the motor activity of sperm in 1 minute.

    Causes of asthenozoospermia

    A decrease in sperm activity can be a consequence of 3 types of reasons.


    Natural causes of decreased sperm activity include: fickle character and do not require treatment. These include:

    • spring season;
    • daily fluctuations: sperm activity is lower in the morning than in the evening;
    • age of the man;
    • frequency of sexual intercourse or masturbation: frequent sexual intercourse or masturbation contributes to frequent sperm renewal and increased sperm activity.


    Pathological reasons for the appearance of weak sperm include:

    • Inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland - prostatitis. The reason for the decrease in sperm activity is the presence of bacteria in the ejaculate, especially coli, which lead to sperm gluing together. This phenomenon is called agglutination.
    • Varicose veins of blood vessels spermatic cord, or varicocele, leading to disruption of the blood supply to the testicle, in which male reproductive cells mature, or blockage of the vas deferens by dilated veins.
    • Underdevelopment of the genital organs: undescended testicles into the scrotum or their twisting.
    • Inflammation of the epididymis - epididymitis.
    • Sexual infections: chlamydia, ureoplasmosis, gonorrhea, etc.
    • Viral infections: mumps.
    • Autoimmune diseases accompanied by the formation of antisperm antibodies in the body, which mistake live and active sperm for foreign cells and are aimed at destroying them.
    • Hormonal disorders.
    • Malfunctions endocrine organs: thyroid gland and adrenal cortex, diabetes mellitus, overweight bodies.
    • Increased arterial pressure, in which there is a deterioration in blood flow to the pelvic organs.
    • Congenital abnormalities: “9+0” syndrome, in which the central pair of microtubules is missing in the tail of sperm and they are deprived of the ability to move.


    TO external reasons decreases in the activity of male germ cells include:

    • Overheating of the testicles due to frequent visits to the bathhouse or sauna, long stay in hot water, driving in a car on an electrically heated seat.
    • Wearing tight underwear.
    • Unbalanced diet.
    • Bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and narcotic substances, which reduce sexual desire, and therefore the quality of sperm, have a destructive effect on male reproductive cells, disrupting their motor ability and structure, increasing the risk of conceiving a child with chromosomal pathologies.
    • Taking antibacterial and anticonvulsant drugs.
    • Regular eating at fast foods, frequent consumption of soda, preservatives and dyes, which have a destructive effect on germ cells.
    • Abuse of coffee.
    • Hazardous working conditions: regular and prolonged contact with radioactive radiation, salts of heavy metals, paint and varnish materials etc.
    • Frequent stressful situations, chronic stress.

    Methods to increase sperm motility

    There are many in various ways and techniques for increasing sperm activity and improving a man’s sexual health. The choice of therapy is always determined by the cause of the identified pathological disorders.

    To increase sperm activity, the following are used:

    • lifestyle correction;
    • diet correction;
    • vitamin preparations;
    • drug therapy;
    • surgical intervention;
    • traditional methods of treatment.

    In cases of slight decrease in sperm motility medical recommendations usually limited to lifestyle correction and a balanced diet.

    Lifestyle correction

    One of the most significant conditions for improving the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system and increasing the motor ability of sperm is the normalization of a man’s lifestyle. For this you need:

    1. 1. Quitting bad habits: drinking alcohol, drugs, antidepressants and smoking.
    2. 2. Compliance correct mode: good sleep and rest, regular balanced nutrition, taking care of your own psycho-emotional state.
    3. 3. Active lifestyle: regular physical exercise or playing sports, walking, avoiding taking the elevator and using public transport, and relaxing in nature.


    It is possible to increase sperm motility with the help of the right balanced nutrition and enriching the daily menu with foods rich in vitamins and nutrients. Mandatory components of a man's diet should include the following nutrients:

    • Vitamin A. It has a beneficial effect on the qualitative composition of ejaculate and sperm activity. High concentrations of the vitamin are found in spinach, fresh greens, lettuce, broccoli, white cabbage, carrots, potatoes, red peppers, sweet potatoes, dairy products, oatmeal, dried apricots, etc.
    • Vitamin C. Helps increase the activity of germ cells. It is found in tomatoes, strawberries, asparagus, etc.
    • Fatty amino acids. Are important nutrient for representatives of the stronger sex. They contain red varieties of fish, meat of mussels, shrimp, anchovies, crabs and octopus, nuts, and sea buckthorn oil.
    • Zinc. Contained in chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef, eggs, milk and fermented milk products, cereals and fish.
    • Folic acid. Found in green vegetables, legumes, apples, whole grain products, etc.

    You should avoid consuming fatty store-bought sauces. flour products and products with high content Sahara.

    Vitamins and nutrients

    In order to accelerate male reproductive cells, it is necessary to consume vitamins, macro- and microelements.

    Vitamin E (tocopheryl acetate)

    It has a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system and promotes cell restoration processes.

    A lot of vitamin E is found in natural oils plant origin, sunflower seeds, apples, almonds and peanuts, green vegetables, cereals, legumes, bran, Brussels sprouts, rose hips, chestnuts, nettles, mint, carrot tops, dairy products, soybeans, eggs, liver, beef, asparagus.

    Vitamin A (retinol)

    Vitamin A is involved in the production of steroid hormones and spermatogenesis. Affects the quality of sperm and sperm activity.

    Contained in green and yellow vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, sweet peppers, spinach, broccoli, green onions, parsley), legumes, fruits (peaches, cherries, apricots, apples, grapes), watermelons, sea buckthorn fruits, melon, rose hips, leaves of nettle, mint, raspberry and sage, sorrel, fish oil, liver, caviar, dairy products and egg yolk.

    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

    Stabilizes the processes responsible for the normal thickness of seminal fluid. Changing this parameter reduces the penetrating ability of sperm in the alkaline environment of a woman’s vagina.

    A storehouse of vitamin C are citrus fruit, green vegetables, melon, various types of cabbage (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and White cabbage), black currant berries, red and bell pepper, radishes, horseradish, strawberries, tomatoes, fruits (apples, apricots, peaches, mangoes, persimmons, gooseberries), sea buckthorn, rowan and rosehip fruits, potatoes, kelp, peppermint leaves, nettles, violets and raspberries, oats, parsley , pine needles, yarrow, plantain, red clover, skullcap, sorrel, spinach, liver, kidneys, cod roe.

    Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

    This element is responsible for the sufficient formation of male germ cells.

    Vitamin B9 is found in green vegetables, legumes, cereals, cereals and bran, yeast, bread, citrus fruits, melon, bananas, apricots, nuts, pumpkin, beets, dates, mushrooms, fish, dairy products, liver, meat and eggs.


    The trace element is involved in the formation of testosterone and also stimulates sexual activity. If there is insufficient amount of it in the blood, incomplete maturation of sperm is observed, the volume decreases, and the quality of sperm deteriorates.

    Rich in zinc marine varieties fish and seafood, eggs, fruits (apples, lemons, black currants and raspberries), legumes, dairy products, vegetables (carrots, beets), mushrooms, figs, honey.


    Takes part in the production of testosterone, affects the expression of libido and the ability to conceive. Accelerates sperm production. Together with selenium, a huge amount of protein penetrates into the sperm, helping to improve its quality. Insufficient supply of this microelement in a man’s body leads to the formation of underdeveloped and atypical sperm.

    Sources of selenium are eggs, garlic, seafood, olive oil, brewer's yeast, beans, grains, various types of nuts, meat by-products, olives, mushrooms, sour cream.


    Helps increase the motor activity of sluggish male reproductive cells by four or more times.

    Found in dairy and meat products, maca and ginger.

    Biologically active additives

    Drugs that are classified as dietary supplements have a positive effect on the composition of the ejaculate and sperm motility.


    Active components remedies are fructose and L-carnitine.

    The drug stimulates the process of sperm formation. Increases mobility and morphological structure, increases the number and concentration of germ cells. Can improve sperm quality by 53%.

    Duration of treatment is 3–6 months.


    The drug contains L-carnitine, L-arginine, taurine, fructose, lemon acid and nettle extract.

    The dietary supplement helps increase the concentration, mobility, quantity and fertilizing ability of sperm. Can improve sperm quality. It has a tonic effect on the male body.

    The duration of treatment is 3 months.


    The components of the drug are the rhizome of the male orchis, the seed of Astercanthus longifolia, compass lettuce and itchy velvet beans, extract of the roots of Argyrea beautiful, the fruits of Tribulus terrestris, the stems of Leptadenia reticulum and pearl parmelia, mosaic gold.

    This herbal medicine has a stimulating effect on the process of sperm formation, is able to increase their motility and reduce the viscosity of the ejaculate. The drug has a beneficial effect on male sexual function.

    Duration of treatment is from 4 to 6 months.

    Tentex Forte

    The active components of the drug are an extract from the seed of nutmeg mallow, the roots of withania somnifera, asparagus tassel, argyrea beautiful and saliva officinalis, seeds of itchy velvet beans and chilibuha, saffron sativum, rhizomes of male orchis and sweet potato, sida cordifolia, bombax malabar bark, fruits of black pepper, Tribulus terrestris and Arabian acacia, peeled mumiyo, betel pepper leaves, stems of Tinospora cordifolia and a compound of roots of raw materials of plant origin.

    The herbal medicine has a general tonic and androgenic effect, stimulates potency, and enhances libido.

    Duration of therapy is 4 weeks.


    The product contains wheat germ oil obtained by cold pressing, which is an organic source of selenium, and zinc lactate.

    Viardot improves the intimate health of the stronger sex and stimulates testosterone production. It is an auxiliary reserve of vitamin E, phytosterols, polyunsaturated fatty acids, selenium and zinc.

    The course of therapy is 1 month.


    The capsule of the drug consists of sabal palm extract, cruciferous plant extract and green tea.

    The drug suppresses the excessive formation of androgenic hormones and the proliferation of tumor and pretumor cells. Has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

    The duration of treatment is 1 month.

    Drug therapy

    In order to improve sperm motility, certain groups of drugs are used.

    Non-hormonal drugs

    They are used only in cases where the main cause of reduced activity of germ cells is infectious or inflammatory disease organs genitourinary system.For this purpose, 3 groups of medications are used:

    1. 1. Antibacterial.
    2. 2. Anti-inflammatory.
    3. 3. General or local action.

    After completion of the course of therapy, maintenance treatment is prescribed vitamin preparations and means for activating spermatogenesis.

    Drugs to suppress the activity of the immune system

    Prescribed for asthenozoospermia of autoimmune origin. These include:

    • glucocorticosteroids: prednisolone;
    • cytostatics;
    • immunoglobulins;
    • specific autoantigens.

    Drugs for the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system

    This group of drugs is used to increase sperm activity caused by chronic gland diseases internal secretion.

    For this purpose, medications are prescribed to maintain the normal functioning of the endocrine organs. These include hormones of the thyroid gland, adrenal cortex, pancreas, etc.

    Treatment for diseases of the endocrine glands should be prescribed by an endocrinologist.

    Hormone therapy

    It is carried out in cases where sperm motility is reduced due to hormonal imbalance in the body of a man.

    It consists of a systematic introduction to male body small doses of the missing hormone. Besides, hormonal drugs have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, improve metabolic processes.

    The following hormonal drugs affect sperm motility:

    A drug Description
    Andriol1 capsule contains 40 mg of testosterone undecanoate. Replenishes the lack of endogenous testosterone. Takes part in the metabolism of protein, nitrogen and phosphorus, stimulates the formation of male genital organs and secondary sexual characteristics
    HumegonProduced in the form of lyophilized powder for injection. 1 ampoule contains 75 IU of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. The action of the drug is aimed at activating the development of sperm and increasing the secretion of steroid hormones by the sex glands. Duration of therapy is at least 3 months
    KlostilbegitFor men, tablets are prescribed when the amount of ejaculate is insufficient for fertilization. Treatment is carried out for 6 weeks under constant sperm monitoring

    Surgical treatment

    This method of increasing sperm activity is used to treat the following diseases:

    • varicocele;
    • undescended testicles into the scrotum;
    • testicular torsion.

    After the surgical intervention Sperm quality improves within 30 days.


    At home, folk remedies are often used to increase sperm activity. The most popular are bee products, healing herbs and nuts, rich in microelements and vitamins.

    Effective recipes:

    Means Mode of application
    Hazelnut and honey mixture
    1. 1. You need to chop 10 hazelnuts and pour 100 ml of cold water into them.
    2. 2. Leave the resulting mixture for 60 minutes.
    3. 3. Add 1 tablespoon of honey to the tincture.
    4. 4. Divide the prepared drink into 3 equal parts and take during the day with meals.
    Plantain seeds
    1. 1. Pour one tablespoon of dry plantain seeds into 1 glass of water and bring to a boil.
    2. 2. The decoction must be left for 1 hour.
    3. 3. The resulting mixture should be passed through a sieve.
    4. 4. Take the drug 1 teaspoon every 4 hours for 3 weeks
    1. 1. Parsnip root and leaves should be thoroughly washed and crushed to a paste.
    2. 2. Mix one teaspoon of the resulting pulp with a tablespoon of sugar and 1 glass of boiling water.
    3. 3. Infuse the mixture for 20 minutes.
    4. 4. Take 100 ml of warm tincture in the morning before breakfast
    1. 1. It is necessary to grind 50 g of propolis and add 1 glass of cognac or vodka to it.
    2. 2. Pour the resulting mixture into an opaque glass container.
    3. 3. Leave the tincture in a cool place dark place for 1 week.
    4. 4. Take 7 drops of the finished medicine, having previously dissolved it in a glass of water
    Bee bread and elecampane root
    1. 1. You need to combine 1 tablespoon of bee bread and elecampane root and add 250 ml of water to them.
    2. 2. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes under a closed lid.
    3. 3. Take the resulting decoction unstrained, 1 teaspoon twice a day.

    Traditional methods increasing sperm activity should be used as an addition to the main treatment after prior consultation with a specialist.

A man uses his chance of fatherhood only if he has high-quality sperm. Before carrying out IVF using the patient’s ejaculate, it is recommended to first conduct a diagnosis to determine the characteristics of the guy’s health condition. The need is envisaged clear understanding, how to increase sperm activity and take advantage of the chances for a successful result.

Diagnostic capabilities

The patient, turning to doctors, gets the opportunity to take part in special diagnostics to successfully determine the characteristics of your health condition. When planning to take a test for sperm activity, you should clearly understand the results of the upcoming examination. To obtain reliable results, it is advisable to give up sex for 3 to 5 days.

How to check sperm activity? The main analysis is a spromogram that allows you to closely monitor the following data:

  1. low sperm motility – asthenozoospermia;
  2. dysfunction - teratozoospermia;
  3. Azoospermia indicates the absence of sperm. In this case, male infertility is diagnosed;
  4. at one time a man must secrete at least two milliliters of ejaculate. If this is not recorded, hypospermia is noted;
  5. One of the most difficult options is the absence of seminal fluid. This disorder is called aspermia;
  6. the inflammatory process is diagnosed when leukocytes are detected.

Reducing the number of sperm in one dose of seminal fluid. One milliliter should contain at least, 20 million cells. The deviation is called oligozoospermia.

In many situations, a one-time analysis is not enough, so it is advisable to conduct a repeat examination. If the results are confirmed, in-depth studies are required for subsequent treatment.

Hazardous factors

IN individually you can understand why there was a decrease in sperm activity and how the current situation can be improved. To avoid unnecessary risks, it is recommended that the patient listen to every advice provided by an experienced doctor. Before the beginning treatment course It is recommended to take tests to understand the essence of the pathology.

Why are sperm not active?

  • suffered injuries to intimate organs;
  • diseases and inflammations of the reproductive system, for the treatment of which suitable tablets are prescribed to increase sperm activity;
  • complications after illnesses;
  • prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland);
  • negative environmental impact, poor nutrition, bad habits (smoking and alcohol);
  • high and constant physical stress.

Normally, for successful conception, the ejaculate should contain 30–35% of active male reproductive cells.

According to the degree of activity, sperm are divided into four categories:

  1. young, moving in a straight line at a speed of 0.02 millimeters per second;
  2. rotating around themselves (no more than 15%);
  3. with disturbed morphology and moving at a minimum speed (no more than 10%);
  4. motionless and dead.

Doctors note that poor sperm motility is one of the most unpleasant situations, which threatens many men. In order to increase sperm activity, you should switch to correct image life, give up bad habits. Nutrition, daily routine, and frequency of sex determine the characteristics of intimate health. In this regard, drugs for sperm activity are not prescribed in all cases.

Important nuances

Low sperm quality is not a reason to panic. A man has the right to fight to improve his health and restore reproductive function.

The initial task is to determine the causes of the disease. After elimination negative factors a worthy basis appears for normalizing spermogram parameters.

What affects sperm activity:

  • emotional and physical stress;
  • constant stress;
  • irregular sex;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • bad ecology;
  • poor nutrition;
  • bad habits (smoking and alcoholism);
  • lack of vitamins.

Pure infertility in men is rare, so the chances of improving the situation still remain.

Most often, even changing your diet and giving up bad habits increases the activity of sperm, which acquire the ability to fertilize eggs.

When planning a pregnancy, the expectant father should reconsider the features of his schedule, emotional state life, menu. It is not advisable to rush to start drug treatment, since special drugs are not always required.

Men have the right, with the help of a specialist, to try to change the situation in better side. Modern medicine allows you to successfully use medications and therapeutic techniques.

How to improve sperm activity:

  • hormonal drugs are taken if the activation of seminal fluid is reduced due to endocrine pathologies and disruptions of the hormonal system;
  • Physiotherapy is one of the most important areas of treatment. It is planned to increase sperm activity through massage of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles, ozone physiotherapy, and procedures with microcurrent;
  • surgical treatment is used in cases where drug therapy does not bring the desired results and progression of the disease is noted;
  • taking antioxidants involves the use of drugs with components that protect maturing sperm from negative influence free radicals.

Increasing sperm activity with the help of stimulant drugs is widely practiced. The main task is to improve blood flow and metabolic processes in the testicles, stimulation of spermatogenesis. Additionally, medications with selenium, zinc, vitamins, and L-carnitine are prescribed.

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