How to cure chronic sinusitis. Causes, symptoms and treatment of chronic sinusitis

Sinusitis is one of the forms of sinusitis (inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses). IN in this case we are faced with inflammation of the maxillary sinus. The second name for the maxillary sinus is maxillary. Judging by the name, it is easy to guess that its location is the area above the upper jaw.

One of the severe manifestations of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is chronic sinusitis. It is diagnosed if sinus inflammation lasts more than three months. Every person is susceptible to this disease: both adults and children. According to otorhinolaryngologists, the disease accounts for up to half of all nasal diseases. Out of one hundred people, twelve patients definitely have in their outpatient card this diagnosis. The statistics are disappointing. This percentage of cases is easily explained by the careless attitude of our citizens towards their health: we are accustomed to seeing a doctor in the most extreme cases, and in principle we do not consider the manifestations of a runny nose to be an illness. Although a runny nose is one of the main causes of chronic sinusitis.

Let's find out how chronic sinusitis occurs in an adult, what symptoms and signs are characteristic of exacerbation of sinusitis, and most importantly, how to treat acute sinusitis.

How inflammation occurs

The cause of exacerbation of sinusitis in adults is pathogenic microflora. The causative agents can be streptococcal bacteria, viruses, and fungi. At the beginning of an exacerbation, pathogenic microorganisms, entering nasal cavity, settle on its mucous membrane and the walls of the sinuses. The inflammatory process starts. The mucous membrane swells. The mucus it produces is difficult to come out, and in some cases, the flow of mucus from the nose is completely blocked. As a result, mucous masses accumulate in the sinuses. And this is an excellent environment for the further development of bacteria.

Among the prerequisites leading to chronic inflammation are:

  • non-compliance with doctor’s instructions, interruption of the course of prescribed treatment for exacerbations (some adult patients deliberately neglect going to the doctor in the hope that everything will go away on its own, but untimely treatment adults with sinusitis - the first step towards chronicity of the inflammatory process);
  • the presence in the body of a permanent source of infection, for example, with chronic runny nose;
  • twisted nasal septum, as a result of which normal air exchange and outflow of mucus in the nasal cavity are disrupted. (deformation of the septum can be congenital, or can be a consequence of trauma and damage);
  • the appearance of neoplasms in the nose, which also impede the exit of mucous masses - polyps, cysts;
  • dental problems(caries, pulpitis), which contribute to the penetration of infection from the upper jaw into the sinuses;
  • allergic reactions;
  • weakened immunity.

Signs of chronic inflammation

The signs of chronic sinusitis are difficult to determine at first glance. If at acute form The symptoms of the disease are quite pronounced, but in chronic cases they are somewhat blurred.

The patient is bothered by a persistent runny nose, which cannot be treated, and periodic headaches. Breathing through the nose becomes extremely problematic. The brain is not sufficiently saturated with oxygen, and the patient feels a constant feeling of fatigue and lethargy. Swollen red eyelids are another sign of the disease. The patient suffers from a constant persistent cough and sore throat. This symptom is quite understandable - accumulated mucus continuously flows down the back wall of the throat, irritating it. The body may also react to bright light lacrimation (usually from the eye located next to the affected sinus).

Mild symptoms significantly complicate the diagnosis. But timely sinus treatment is essential. Because if treatment is ignored chronic sinusitis Serious complications may occur, including fatal outcome. Due to the proximity of the sinuses to the eye sockets, inflammation can spread to the eyes and cause panophthalmitis. Due to the proximity of the sinuses to the brain, there is a risk of inflammation of its membranes (meningitis). Diseases of the heart, kidneys, and ears are just a small list of complications that can result from untimely treatment of a chronic disease in an adult. In the most advanced cases, sepsis can occur, which can be fatal.

We don't want to scare you in any way!!! You just need to clearly understand that sinusitis is not a common runny nose. This is a full-fledged diagnosis that requires competent professional treatment!!!

Treatment of chronic sinusitis in adults

An adult patient should begin treating chronic sinusitis by visiting an otolaryngologist. Only he will be able to correctly diagnose the problem and prescribe effective therapy.

Diagnostics includes an initial examination of the patient, medical history, examination of the nasal cavity - rhinoscopy, as well as X-ray examination. On x-ray Inflammation in the sinuses, cysts and polyps are clearly visible. A more detailed picture can be obtained using computed tomography (CT). Chronic sinusitis can, for example, easily worsen in a pregnant woman. The reason is a decrease in immunity. In this case, x-rays are contraindicated. Previously disease diagnosed using the diaphanoscopy method. Today, sinus scanning is the best and safest option!

Treatment of exacerbations of sinusitis in adults begins with conservative therapy. It is carried out both at the stage of exacerbation and at the stage of remission.

During the period of remission, special nasal sprays are prescribed to relieve swelling and inflammation, as well as preparations for rinsing the nasal cavity. Also, during the period of remission, it is advisable to eliminate the cause that causes the exacerbation of the disease: if the source of the disease is an allergy, you need to protect yourself from exposure to the allergen; if the disease is of a dental nature, you need to consult a dentist and cure carious teeth. If the problem is a deviated septum, surgery is indicated to correct it.

If the disease is at an acute stage, the ENT doctor will suggest more intensive treatment.

Drug therapy includes taking antibiotics (the drug and course of treatment are selected exclusively by an otolaryngologist), using vasoconstrictor drops and sprays (they help cope with swelling of the nasal cavity), drugs to strengthen the immune system, physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as rinsing the sinuses with antiseptic drugs.

Great therapeutic effect is achieved during the procedure of rinsing the sinuses using the “cuckoo” method. The essence of the method is as follows. The patient lies down on the couch with his head thrown back. Before washing, the otorhinolaryngologist instills vasoconstrictor drops into the patient. A needleless, sterile plastic syringe with medicinal solution, with the help of which the solution is carefully poured into the nasal passage. On the other side of the nose (in the other nostril), a special suction is inserted, which draws the solution from the nasal cavity along with the pathological fluid accumulated in it. At certain points during the procedure, the patient must pronounce the sounds “ku-ku-ku-ku” so that the rinsing solution does not enter the larynx.

In the treatment of sinusitis, sinus lavage is also used using a special YAMIK catheter. But this method has a number of contraindications. Your ENT doctor should tell you about all the advantages and disadvantages of therapy methods.

If drug treatment does not bring the desired results or the disease is too advanced, the ENT doctor may recommend a puncture (puncture) of the maxillary sinus. With the help of a puncture it is possible to reduce painful sensations patient, extract pus from the sinuses and deliver the medicine directly to the site of inflammation.

Remember, chronic sinusitis requires proper treatment under the supervision of a competent doctor! Only timely prescribed medications will help you recover quickly and avoid complications.

The ENT Clinic of Dr. Zaitsev has everything necessary for the treatment of chronic diseases: impressive practical experience, highly qualified specialists, modern equipment and tools.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis is our specialty!

Please call and make an appointment.

We will be happy to help you!

Chronic sinusitis is a long-term inflammatory process of the maxillary sinus, which, depending on the form and stage, manifests itself in a varied clinical picture. The danger is that in the absence of treatment and erased signs, the disease causes constant intoxication of the body.

Reasons for development

  • Anomalies in the structure of the nasopharynx (deviated nasal septum, hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates, adenoids);
  • Irrational antibiotic therapy and resistant strains of bacteria;
  • Unfavorable external factors (dust, gas, smoke, dry indoor air);
  • History of allergic diseases (chronic allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma);
  • Fungal invasion (candida, molds) with decreased immunity;
  • Chronic infectious diseases nose and throat ( chronic tonsillitis, adenoiditis);
  • Odontogenic pathology and foreign bodies in the sinus cavity (filling material);
  • Look detailed analysis each

Among the bacteria most often sown in the sinus during a chronic process are H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae and Moraxella catarrhalis.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis depending on the form

Exacerbation of chronic sinusitis occurs in exactly the same way as acute sinusitis. The patient is worried headache, nasal discharge, fever, sinus pain and nasal congestion.

Outside of exacerbation, the nature of the symptoms depends on the form of sinusitis and the characteristics of the body.

Symptoms of purulent form

Main features:

  • Difficulty in nasal breathing to varying degrees;
  • Decreased or absent sense of smell;
  • Recurrent headaches without precise localization;
  • Symptoms of chronic intoxication of the body: lethargy, fatigue, loss of appetite, low-grade fever, increased nervousness;
  • Copious nasal discharge of various nature: mucous, mucopurulent and purulent;
  • Ear congestion;
  • Development of cough due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the back of the throat by constant secretions;
  • Less common is the appearance of lacrimation due to blockage of the nasolacrimal duct.

Symptoms of the odontogenic (dental) form

The lower wall of the maxillary sinus is formed by the alveolar process of the upper jaw. In most people, the roots of the 4th and 5th teeth protrude into the lumen of the sinus, which sometimes are not even covered with mucous membrane. During development pathological processes in the oral cavity, the infection penetrates the sinus and an inflammatory process develops.


  • As a rule, inflammation appears on one side - where the diseased tooth is;
  • The development of the disease may be preceded by a visit to the dentist and treatment of the upper teeth;
  • Does not respond to the standard treatment regimen (antibiotic therapy, sinus lavage) without eliminating dental pathology;
  • Nasal discharge has a specific foul odor.

Symptoms of the fungal form

Washing and disinfection.

Treatment of the disease is carried out using herbs with antiseptic properties: chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort. The nose is washed with a solution prepared from these herbs to remove pathological contents from the sinuses.

They also use plants that increase overall immunity and help the body cope with the infection itself: ginseng root, eleutherococcus, echinacea.


Apply steam inhalations with potatoes, bay leaves, aloe and other herbs to relieve nasal congestion and improve sinus flow.


You can make an ointment that will help clear your nasal passages. Garlic, honey and vegetable oil are mixed in equal proportions, the resulting mixture is spread on cotton wool and injected into both nostrils for a few minutes.

After this, the turundas are removed and the nose is actively cleaned. This ointment irritates the nasal mucosa and helps get rid of mucus that accumulates in the nose.

Preventive actions

  • Preventing colds by strengthening general immunity adult and child with the help of normal sleep and rest, hardening, moderate physical activity, and walks in the fresh air;
  • Vaccination against influenza and other infections;
  • Timely sanitation of foci of chronic infection: tonsillitis, rhinitis and adenoiditis;
  • Treatment and prevention of diseases of the dental system: regular brushing of teeth after meals, use of dental floss, visiting the dentist once a year, treatment of caries, periodontal disease, etc.
  • Control of allergic diseases and elimination of contact with the causative allergen;
  • Creation optimal mode temperature and humidity in the room, since dryness or excessive moisture of the nasal mucosa disrupts its functioning and makes it difficult to remove mucus and dust particles from the nasal cavity and sinuses. For this purpose, climate control technology can be used;
  • Periodic irrigation or rinsing of the nose with solutions of sea salt, purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently;
  • Living in an ecologically unfavorable area or area can cause another exacerbation of the disease, so in critical situations you should think about moving to a place with a more favorable environment and climatic conditions;
  • When diagnosing “chronic sinusitis,” you should reconsider the types of sports that a person enjoys. Visiting the pool or swimming can cause infected or chlorinated water to enter the sinus and provoke another exacerbation. Diving, flying, or climbing mountains due to pressure changes sometimes cause exacerbation or development of ear, nose, and sinus diseases.

With a competent approach to prevention, you can achieve a state of stable remission and a noticeable improvement in the quality of life.

The danger is that in the absence of treatment and erased signs, the disease causes constant intoxication of the body.

Reasons for development

  • Anomalies in the structure of the nasopharynx (deviated nasal septum, hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates, adenoids);
  • Irrational antibiotic therapy and resistant strains of bacteria;
  • Unfavorable external factors (dust, gas, smoke, dry indoor air);
  • History of allergic diseases (chronic allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma);
  • Fungal invasion (candida, molds) with decreased immunity;
  • Chronic infectious diseases of the nose and throat (chronic tonsillitis, adenoiditis);
  • Odontogenic pathology and foreign bodies in the sinus cavity (filling material);
  • See a detailed analysis of each reason.

Among the bacteria most often sown in the sinus during a chronic process are H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae and Moraxella catarrhalis.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis depending on the form

Exacerbation of chronic sinusitis occurs in exactly the same way as acute sinusitis. The patient experiences headache, nasal discharge, fever, sinus pain, and nasal congestion.

Outside of exacerbation, the nature of the symptoms depends on the form of sinusitis and the characteristics of the body.

Symptoms of purulent form

  • Difficulty in nasal breathing to varying degrees;
  • Decreased or absent sense of smell;
  • Recurrent headaches without precise localization;
  • Symptoms of chronic intoxication of the body: lethargy, fatigue, loss of appetite, low-grade fever, increased nervousness;
  • Copious nasal discharge of various types: mucous, mucopurulent and purulent;
  • Ear congestion;
  • Development of cough due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the back of the throat by constant secretions;
  • Less common is the appearance of lacrimation due to blockage of the nasolacrimal duct.

Symptoms of the odontogenic (dental) form

The lower wall of the maxillary sinus is formed by the alveolar process of the upper jaw. In most people, the roots of the 4th and 5th teeth protrude into the lumen of the sinus, which sometimes are not even covered with mucous membrane. With the development of pathological processes in the oral cavity, the infection penetrates the sinus and an inflammatory process develops.

  • As a rule, inflammation appears on one side - where the diseased tooth is;
  • The development of the disease may be preceded by a visit to the dentist and treatment of the upper teeth;
  • Does not respond to the standard treatment regimen (antibiotic therapy, sinus lavage) without eliminating dental pathology;
  • Nasal discharge has a specific foul odor.

Symptoms of the fungal form

Often fungal infection sinus infections are preceded by prolonged and sometimes uncontrolled use of antibacterial drugs. It can also develop against the background of decreased immunity or in immunodeficiency states (HIV infection, taking cytostatics, etc.).

The nature of the discharge from the sinus depends on the type of fungus. With candidiasis, the discharge is cheesy and whitish in color; with aspergillosis, it is black-gray and thick; mold fungi cause a yellowish, jelly-like discharge.

Symptoms of an allergic form

Occurs together with signs of allergic damage to the nasal cavity. Special symptoms:

Paroxysmal course, a certain seasonality of the disease with allergies to pollen of various plants: trees during the flowering period, cereals, as well as to the spores of some fungi.

Symptoms intensify after contact with the allergen: sneezing, itching, watery eyes, pain in the sinus area, clear watery discharge from the nose. A long course of the process causes polypous degeneration of the mucosa. In such cases, you can consider polyps that fill the nasal cavity and interfere with proper breathing.

The symptoms of these forms of chronic sinusitis can be almost invisible, gradually leading to the depletion of the body's immune forces and causing the development of severe complications.

Chronic sinusitis in children and parental behavior

The symptoms of sinusitis in children can be erased and mildly expressed, and children rarely attach importance to developing signs a disease that does not cause them significant discomfort. The task of parents is to recognize the erased symptoms of the disease in time and consult a doctor. Their main manifestations include:

Chronic runny nose can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent, it does not respond to conservative therapy and lasts more than 2-3 weeks.

The baby stops smelling, and this is one of the reasons for poor appetite.

Difficulty in nasal breathing: the child snores in his sleep, breathes mainly through the mouth, speech becomes difficult characteristic shade nasality.

Swelling in the nasal cavity can cause ear congestion; the baby often asks questions or does not hear his parents. Older children may report that they feel like they hear their own voice inside (autophony).

Due to the thin bony walls of the sinus in a child, the process can spread to the wall of the orbit and manifest itself as swelling of the eyelids, pain in the eyes, and conjunctivitis. These symptoms are especially pronounced in the morning and after sleep.

Dry, irritating cough that does not respond to antitussive therapy. It occurs due to irritation of the back wall of the pharynx by discharge from the sinuses.

Chronic sinusitis without exacerbation in preschool children gives mainly a clinical picture of chronic intoxication: increased nervousness, poor appetite, drowsiness and lethargy.

In older children, the disease proceeds in the same way as in adults, but the likelihood of developing complications and involving other sinuses in the process increases due to the increased reactivity of the child’s body.


Diagnosis is based on a combination of medical examination data, laboratory and instrumental tests.

First of all, the doctor collects anamnesis, specifying the patient’s symptoms, duration of the disease and previous treatment regimen. Then proceeds to external examination, palpation of the sinus and anterior rhinoscopy.

When performing anterior rhinoscopy (medical examination using a nasal speculum), preliminary anemization of the nasal cavity is performed (introduction of vasoconstrictor drops into the nose) in order to carefully examine the condition of the nasal cavity and its structures:

The presence of a strip of pus in the middle meatus.

It is one of the reliable signs of sinusitis. Purulent discharge may be absent if the sinus outlet is blocked.

It may persist even after the administration of vasoconstrictor drops and indicate the development of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, which interferes with proper breathing and normal outflow of contents from the sinus.

The presence of ridges, spines, and curvature of the nasal septum.

They interfere with normal nasal breathing and contribute to the development of chronic sinusitis.

Pallor and cyanosis of the inferior turbinates.

May indicate the presence allergic rhinitis, which is often combined with chronic allergic sinusitis.

Other diagnostic procedures:

Superficial examination of teeth.

Upon examination oral cavity pay attention to the condition of the teeth from the side of the inflamed sinus. Tapping a dubious filled tooth causes pain in the presence of an inflammatory process. In such cases, a consultation with a dentist is scheduled.

X-rays are not always in a good way get necessary information especially in chronic processes.

More accurate data is provided by CT results: it is possible to assess the degree of destruction of the sinus walls, whether the pathological process has affected other sinuses and structures of the facial skeleton.

MRI provides information about the existence of soft tissue neoplasms (for example, cysts or tumors) in the cavity of the maxillary sinus.

Carrying out a diagnostic puncture of the maxillary sinus allows you to visually assess appearance and the amount of discharge, and also send it for culture to select rational antibiotic therapy.

Study of a sample from the sinus.

Bacteriological culture is a special microbiological examination, in which the resulting contents of the maxillary sinus are applied to certain nutrient media at given parameters of humidity and temperature and monitor the growth of pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria and their resistance to antibiotics.

The advantage of the method is the ability to make an accurate diagnosis, but the disadvantages are the length of time it takes to obtain data (you need to wait for the culture to grow, which takes about 7–10 days) and high requirements for equipment and laboratory personnel to obtain accurate results.

The reliability of the culture is affected by recent use of antibacterial drugs, so at least 3–4 weeks should pass after the end of antibiotic treatment. Visual endoscopic examination.

The modern diagnostic method is direct visual inspection nasal cavity and maxillary sinus using special endoscopic equipment.

Laboratory tests of blood and urine, in the absence of complications, are practically not informative. In allergic processes, an increase in the level of eosinophils in the blood is observed. Chronic intoxication of the body can cause an increase in leukocytes and ESR.

Treatment of various forms of chronic sinusitis

The key principles for the treatment of chronic forms of sinusitis are:

  • The choice of antibiotic is strictly taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen;
  • Exacerbation of sinusitis is treated in the same way as the acute form;
  • Treatment of chronic sinusitis in remission is carried out conservatively (sinus lavage, physiotherapy, mucolytics, antihistamines and restorative therapy);
  • If necessary, corrective operations are performed to restore sinus aeration and normal nasal breathing: septoplasty, removal of adenoids, conchotomy, polypotomy, etc.;
  • In the absence of a positive effect from conservative therapy and the development of complications, chronic sinusitis is subject to full surgical treatment.

Treatment of purulent form

Taking into account the spectrum of pathogens, protected penicillins, macrolides and 3rd generation cephalosporins are used to treat chronic forms.

3rd generation cephalosporins. Representatives: Pancef, Suprax, Zinnat.

  • High level of bacterial activity against most gram-positive microorganisms that cause disease;
  • Achieving high concentration medicinal substance in the mucous membrane of the sinus;
  • Convenient dosing regimen: 1 capsule (400 mg) once a day for 5–7 days;
  • Lower percentage of allergy development compared to penicillins.

Macrolides. Representatives: Azithromycin, Sumamed.

  • It has a bacteriostatic and, in high concentrations, a bactericidal effect;
  • Acts on extra- and intracellular pathogens (chlamydia, fungi, etc.);
  • Suitable for patients with allergies to penicillin antibiotics;
  • Convenient use: 1 tablet (250 mg) once a day for 3–6 days.

Protected penicillins. Representatives: Augmentin, Amoxiclav.

  • Wide spectrum of action, affects most likely pathogens of sinusitis;
  • Relative safety and possibility of use in pregnant and lactating women;
  • Used in children of any age in the appropriate form and dosage;
  • Thanks to clavulanic acid, it is active against bacteria that produce enzymes that destroy regular penicillin.


The representative is carbocisteine ​​(mucodin). Stimulates the functional activity of the epithelium of the respiratory tract and facilitates the passage of pathological discharge from the sinus. Can be used in both adults and children.

The use of antiallergic drugs (Zodak, Zyrtec, Tavegil, etc.) can be started at the time of exacerbation or a week before the expected exacerbation (in case of allergies to the flowering of certain plants).

Glucocorticosteroids for intranasal use.

Representatives: Avamis, Flixonase, Nasonex. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect, but there are no side effects of systemic hormones due to the low concentration of the substance in the blood.

Used in children from 4 years of age. Use for a long time up to 3-4 months. Such drugs remain active for some time after stopping treatment.

Promote the drainage of discharge from the sinuses:

  • Punctures with placement of drainage and regular washing of the sinuses with antiseptic solutions;
  • Treatment with YAMIK catheter;
  • Nasal lavage using the Proetz fluid movement method.


Magnetic and laser therapy, UHF, electrophoresis, etc.

Irrigation and rinsing of the nose.

Salt solutions (saline, aquamaris, etc.).

Operations are performed to help restore full nasal breathing:

Septoplasty is the elimination of a deviated nasal septum by removing or changing the shape of its bone or cartilaginous part.

Adenotomy - removal of adenoids, performed in children, in in rare cases in adults.

Bilateral inferior conchotomy - resection of an enlarged part of the inferior turbinates.

Surgical and conservative treatment chronic diseases of the oropharynx (chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc.)

Treatment of the odontogenic (dental) form

First of all, for treatment, the cause in the oral cavity that provokes sinusitis is eliminated. This could be a carious tooth or a fistula formed as a result of tooth extraction, but not closed in time and through which bacteria from the mouth enter the maxillary sinus.

  • An operation is performed in which pathological contents and foreign bodies are removed and the sinus is washed with an antiseptic solution. Drainage is left in the sinus for 3–4 days;
  • If the cause of the disease is a damaged tooth or its root, then after or during the operation they are removed and the communication between the sinus and the socket is closed extracted tooth. If the cause is gum disease, then dead tissue is removed and teeth are professionally cleaned;
  • IN postoperative period select antibiotic therapy, mucolytics and preparations for rinsing the nose and mouth.

During the period of remission, treatment is the same as for purulent non-exacerbated forms of the disease, only with mandatory oral hygiene and visits to the dentist.

Treatment of allergic forms

To diagnose the causative allergen, visit an allergist who prescribes:

Skin prick tests.

Held on inner surface forearms: small scratches are made with a sterile instrument, then a previously prepared allergen is applied to them and the skin reaction is assessed.

Disadvantages: high frequency false positive reactions, cannot be carried out during the period of exacerbation of the allergic process, do not a large number of samples (about 10).

The essence of the method: Depending on the molecular weight, antigens are applied to nitrocellulose paper in the form of separate strips. If there are antibodies to antigens in the blood, then a dark line appears in a certain area.

Four standard panels are used (food, inhalation, mixed, pediatric), which contain the most common allergens of their class. After identifying an allergen, measures are taken to eliminate it or limit contact:

  • If possible, during the flowering period of causative allergens, go to another climate zone;
  • Frequent wet cleaning of the house;
  • Use of vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters, purifiers, air humidifiers;
  • Refrain from walking during these periods;
  • Regular shower after going outside and change of clothes.

Specific immunotherapy.

A small amount of allergen is injected under the patient’s skin, gradually increasing the dosage in order to the immune system I learned to cope with the disease on my own.

Several courses of such therapy are required, it is not suitable for patients with sensitivity to various allergens, and is carried out during a period of remission.

Radical maxillary sinusotomy (surgery)

Sometimes treatment of chronic sinusitis is impossible without taking serious measures. If conservative therapy is ineffective and orbital and intracranial complications develop, as well as the formation of polyps and cysts, a radical maxillary sinusotomy is performed.

The essence of the operation: An incision is made along the transitional fold from 2 to 5 teeth. Special instruments are used to penetrate the sinus through the front wall. A visual inspection is carried out and the contents of the sinus are cleaned out, followed by sending it for histological examination. A connection is formed between the sinus and the nasal passage, and a tube is left in this hole to rinse the sinus. Soft tissues are sutured.

Postoperative management: Wash the sinus through the formed anastomosis for 3–4 days, treat the edges of the wound with an antiseptic solution, and be sure to carry out antibacterial therapy.

In children, such an operation is practically not performed, only when life-threatening complications develop.

Traditional methods of treatment

How to cure chronic sinusitis? With a long, protracted course of the disease, tired of taking medications, patients begin to treat chronic sinusitis with traditional methods.

Washing and disinfection.

Treatment of the disease is carried out using herbs with antiseptic properties: chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort. The nose is washed with a solution prepared from these herbs to remove pathological contents from the sinuses.

They also use plants that increase overall immunity and help the body cope with the infection itself: ginseng root, eleutherococcus, echinacea.

Steam inhalations with potatoes, bay leaves, aloe and other herbs are used to relieve nasal congestion and improve sinus drainage.

You can make an ointment that will help clear your nasal passages. Garlic, honey and vegetable oil are mixed in equal proportions, the resulting mixture is spread on cotton wool and injected into both nostrils for a few minutes.

After this, the turundas are removed and the nose is actively cleaned. This ointment irritates the nasal mucosa and helps get rid of mucus that accumulates in the nose.

Preventive actions

  • Prevention of colds by strengthening the general immunity of adults and children through normal sleep and rest, hardening, moderate physical activity, good nutrition and walks in the fresh air;
  • Vaccination against influenza and other infections;
  • Timely sanitation of foci of chronic infection: tonsillitis, rhinitis and adenoiditis;
  • Treatment and prevention of diseases of the dental system: regular brushing of teeth after meals, use of dental floss, visiting the dentist once a year, treatment of caries, periodontal disease, etc.
  • Control of allergic diseases and elimination of contact with the causative allergen;
  • Creating an optimal temperature and humidity regime in the room, since dryness or excessive moisture of the nasal mucosa disrupts its functioning and makes it difficult to remove mucus and dust particles from the nasal cavity and sinuses. For this purpose, climate control technology can be used;
  • Periodic irrigation or rinsing of the nose with solutions of sea salt, purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently;
  • Living in an ecologically unfavorable area or area can cause another exacerbation of the disease, so in critical situations you should think about moving to a place with a more favorable environment and climatic conditions;
  • When diagnosing “chronic sinusitis,” you should reconsider the types of sports that a person enjoys. Visiting the pool or swimming can cause infected or chlorinated water to enter the sinus and provoke another exacerbation. Diving, flying, or climbing mountains due to pressure changes sometimes cause exacerbation or development of ear, nose, and sinus diseases.

With a competent approach to prevention, you can achieve a state of stable remission and a noticeable improvement in the quality of life.

What operations are there for sinusitis?

Antibiotics as a treatment for sinusitis

How to avoid a puncture if you are very scared?

Technique for performing acupressure massage for sinusitis

How to treat sinusitis for pregnant women?

Traditional recipes for the treatment of sinusitis

How is sinusitis pierced, and what is the danger?

Drops and sprays effective for sinusitis and runny nose

Is it possible to cure sinusitis forever at home?

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process of the maxillary sinus. The cause of inflammation is most often untreated colds and a runny nose, as a result of which mucus accumulates in the nose and becomes purulent. A timely solution to the problem allows you to cure sinusitis at home without surgical intervention(no puncture).

What nasal drops are most often used for children with sinusitis is indicated in this article.

Causes of the disease

The actual cause of sinusitis is an infection that enters the nasal cavity during breathing or through the blood. It is interesting that in many people in a relatively healthy state, staphylococcus can live on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which does not cause absolutely any inconvenience or problems to its carrier. However, even with the slightest changes in the body, it quickly becomes activated and begins to exhibit its pathogenic properties. Other microorganisms can also be causative agents.

The following factors can provoke the development of sinusitis:

  • Vasomotor and hypertrophic rhinitis;
  • Deviation of the nasal septum;
  • Injury to the mucous membrane maxillary sinuses;
  • Dental diseases, poor oral hygiene;
  • Polyps and adenoids in the nasal cavity;
  • Advanced forms of colds, untreated runny nose;
  • Hypothermia of the body;
  • Weakening of the immune system;
  • Impact of aggressive environments on the nasal mucosa;
  • Mechanical damage to the nasal septum.

The cause of mucus accumulation, against which sinusitis develops, may be the regular use of nasal drops to treat rhinitis.

First signs and symptoms

A characteristic headache is the first sign of sinusitis

The manifestation of sinusitis begins with pain in the nose area, gradually the pain increases, and it is more pronounced in the evening than in the morning. When sinusitis begins, headaches, nasal congestion, difficulty breathing first appear, accompanied by similar symptoms runny nose. As the disease progresses, the clinical picture becomes more pronounced; the patient may experience following signs diseases of sinusitis:

  • General weakness, lack of appetite, sleep disturbances;
  • Increased body temperature, chills;
  • Copious mucous discharge from the nose;
  • Feelings of pressure on the bridge of the nose;
  • Coughing attacks;
  • Memory impairment;
  • Development of prolonged pharyngitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis.

Important! Seek medical help immediately if a runny nose does not go away within 7 days, if after 3 days self-treatment The patient's condition worsens, pain appears in the eyes and vision is impaired.


Diagnosis of sinusitis includes collecting anamnesis, analyzing patient complaints, visual inspection, as well as examination of the nasal mucosa. In addition, radiography of the maxillary sinus is a mandatory measure. If the listed methods are not very informative, then a puncture of the maxillary sinus is performed.

How to treat at home

At home, the treatment of sinusitis is complex; the basics of therapy are aimed at suppressing inflammation, eliminating swelling, removing mucus, and soothing the mucous membrane. Treatment at home can be carried out not only with medications, but also with folk remedies. IN medical centers They also use a special yamik method for treating sinusitis.

The disease progresses for various reasons, they cannot be established without a qualified medical care. In order for self-medication to be beneficial, and not yet more harm, you should definitely consult your doctor about the use of this or that product.

Folk recipes

To improve the removal of inflammatory infection from the maxillary sinuses, heating is used. When treating sinusitis, heating should be dry; wet ones should never be used. For dry heating, you can use sea or iodized salt wrapped in cotton cloth, boiled egg or boiled potatoes.

A blue lamp for warming up is one of the best helpers in treating sinusitis at home

One of the best ways warming up - special blue lamp(official name - Minin reflector). Shining through the skin, the light from the lamp warms the sinuses, eliminates swelling and improves general condition. For successful recovery, it is recommended to carry out two to three procedures every day.

The article shows massage for sinusitis in pictures.

An effective and efficient method of treating sinusitis at home is the use of compresses; below are proven recipes that have collected only positive reviews on the Internet:

  • Black radish juice and salt. To prepare the medicine, juice is squeezed out of the root vegetable, in which gauze is soaked, then it is moistened in a small amount of slightly warmed sunflower oil. The compress is applied to the maxillary sinuses, and bags of heated salt are placed on it. For successful treatment For sinusitis, it is recommended to apply such a compress twice a day. The norm for children is 30 minutes, the norm for adults is 60 minutes.
  • Honey and propolis. In order to prepare a homemade medicine for sinusitis, mix equal amounts of thick honey and finely grated propolis. I make a cake from the mixture, apply it to the maxillary sinuses, securing it with an adhesive plaster. The compress is applied overnight.
  • Bay leaf. The leaves of the plant need to be filled with water, then boiled over low heat. IN bay decoction you need to wet the cloth and apply it to your sinuses. The compress should be kept until the fabric cools. Six procedures are recommended.
  • Onion juice and aloe juice, honey. A recipe made from simple healing ingredients: one teaspoon each of egg white, plant juice and honey and half a teaspoon of juice onions mix and use warmed for compresses.

Recipes effective solutions for rinsing the nasal cavity:

  • Sea salt. Salt from the bottom of the sea is one of the best ingredients for a rinsing solution. The product is taken in the amount of one teaspoon, diluted with boiled water (200 milliliters). It is recommended to use this solution in alternation with other means for rinsing the nasal cavity.
  • Green tea. The rinsing drink is infused for twenty minutes, then used for its intended purpose. According to this recipe, a solution is prepared from St. John's wort, taking one tablespoon per glass of boiling water. In a similar way, you can prepare a solution from calendula, string and blackcurrant leaves.
  • Chamomile decoction. For cooking home medicine chamomile herb is poured with water in a ratio of 1:10, brought to a boil over low heat, and boiled for about thirty minutes. Before use, stir a teaspoon of natural honey in a glass of decoction.

How sinusitis is treated with the cuckoo method is indicated in this article.

Homemade drops:

  • Potato drops. To prepare the drops, take equal amounts of potatoes and onions, mix the squeezed juice from these vegetables and add a little honey. The drops are ready, the medicine is stored in the refrigerator, and instilled when the nose stops breathing.
  • Onion and garlic drops. Half an onion and two cloves of garlic are passed through a press and mixed with a small amount vegetable oil. The medicine is infused for two weeks, after which time the strained medicine is used as drops.
  • Aloe juice. Aloe juice for the treatment of sinusitis is used in its pure form; the product is instilled into the nasal passages several times a day. For greater effectiveness, you can add a small amount of honey to aloe juice.

How to prevent sinusitis in adults can be found out by reading this article.


For the outflow of mucus and pus during sinusitis, vasoconstrictor sprays are used, as well as drops of the same effect.

To treat sinusitis at home, your doctor may prescribe antibacterial drugs, the most effective are azithromycin, augmentin, and third-generation cephalosporins. If the patient is intolerant to penicillin-based antibiotics, he may be prescribed macrolides and tetracyclines. Effective action provide local antibiotics for sinusitis - Isofra, Bioparox.

How long to treat sinusitis with antibiotics? The first effect of antibacterial therapy is usually observed 48 hours after using the drugs.

To drain mucus and pus, vasoconstrictor sprays are used, as well as drops of the same effect (Nazivin, Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Otilin). In case of allergic type sinusitis, antihistamine therapy is also carried out.

To enhance the effect of topical medications, you can use a nebulizer if the body temperature does not exceed 37.5 degrees. Inhalations with a nebulizer are carried out after the use of vasoconstrictor drops. The procedure lasts minutes. For inhalation, you can use antibiotics (Isofra, Gentamicin, Dioxidin), anti-inflammatory drugs (Rotokan, Chlorophyllipt solution), antiseptics(Malavit, Miramistin), vasoconstrictors(Naphthyzin, Naphtozolin), saline and alkaline solutions.

The article contains reviews of Rinofluimucil drops for sinusitis.

Consequences and complications

In the absence of adequate and timely treatment Sinusitis can cause serious complications. Most often, the development of complications occurs if the patient’s immunity is significantly reduced.

Infection with sinusitis can spread to the visual organs, which will cause various pathological processes, the most likely:

  • Swelling of the orbital tissue;
  • Swelling of the eyelids;
  • Periostitis of the orbit;
  • Inflammatory process of eyelid tissues;
  • The appearance of eyelid fistulas;
  • Suppuration of the periosteum;
  • The appearance of a purulent focus behind the tissue.

From the nasal maxillary sinus, the infection can also spread to the hearing organs, in which case there is a high probability of developing otitis media with serious hearing impairment. Intracranial complications are considered the most dangerous. Although intracranial complications are quite rare, they should not be written off.

Sinusitis can cause complications such as swelling of the meninges, purulent meningitis, meningoencephalitis, and brain abscess.

You can learn how to use antibiotics for sinusitis in adults from the article.


Watch the video that will help you forget about sinusitis forever:

Consequences that threaten life and health can be avoided if the disease is treated promptly and sinusitis is prevented. You should not self-medicate without first consulting a doctor; a qualified specialist will prescribe appropriate treatment and present the pros and cons of a particular drug.

  • Total: 1

Of course, there are a lot of funds. Personally, I diluted sea salt in a glass of water at room temperature. One teaspoon is enough. In addition, after the procedure, do not go outside. Under no circumstances should you sit over the steam so that the pus does not go further into your head. But it is better not to engage in treatment itself for a long time, so that there are no complications and consult a doctor to prescribe antibiotics.

As for sinusitis, it’s better not to joke with it. It is dangerous and causes complications. In addition, the pus may further go to the head. I personally washed my nose with a sea salt solution. But after washing, it is not recommended to go anywhere, so that the mucous membranes do not become inflamed. Aloe vera with honey is also effective. But if you see that it doesn’t go away, then it’s better to go to the doctor to prescribe treatment.

To ensure that sinusitis never occurs - which is much more important than “how to cure it”, you need to constantly, without missing a day, drink 1 glass of water every hour - plain, without gas, without sugar, clean drinking water and that’s it. There is one thing - you can’t let a day pass in your life without water! Then, with any flu or runny nose, you will simply and easily endure it on your feet and your runny nose will never develop into sinusitis!

I do not agree. I drink 2 liters of water every day, however, I am currently treating sinusitis.

When a runny nose occurs, we usually do not attach serious importance to it. It gradually goes away on its own or the nasal drops that we use when in society help out. Prolonged mucus secretion is also not always a cause for concern. And it’s completely in vain, because the next stage in the development of the disease is sinusitis...

Sinusitis and its consequences

The accumulation of pus in the paranasal sinuses is the main manifestation of sinusitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs, which blocks the anastomosis and stops normal outflow mucus. Surgery is only necessary when the disease is advanced. Is it possible to completely cure chronic sinusitis without surgery, when the patient takes responsibility for his health?

In the maxillary sinuses, along with mucous secretions, there is a pathogenic microflora. Microbial strains actively multiply and the inflammation process occurs with a vengeance. In this case, the patient experiences:

  • headache in the frontal and temporal lobes;
  • interruptions in breathing (breathing through the mouth predominates);
  • constant nasal discharge;
  • temperature rise.

There are other symptoms that can be used to diagnose sinusitis: slight swelling of the face, sore throat during swallowing, nasal voice, general weakness as a result of intoxication of the body. In acute sinusitis, all these signs are fully manifested.

Since the disease does not always have clear manifestations and resembles acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, only an ENT doctor can make a clear diagnosis based on a complete laboratory examination.

In the absence of treatment or self-medication, complications are possible:

  • development of panophthalmitis ( purulent inflammation membranes of the eyeball);
  • formation of meningitis;
  • the occurrence of otitis media and other ear inflammations leading to hearing loss;
  • growth of polyps and cysts in the nasal cavity;
  • decreased or loss of sense of smell;
  • sepsis, or blood poisoning, which can be fatal.

Due to the abundance of microorganisms that first develop in the maxillary sinuses, and then begin their “victorious march” throughout the body, damage to various organs is possible, so treatment is vital.

Treatment methods for sinusitis

Sinusitis in the chronic stage requires a systematic approach and getting rid of it is quite difficult. Most often recommended hospital treatment when the doctor monitors the course of the disease and the regularity of procedures.

Non-surgical treatment of sinusitis involves complex therapy to normalize breathing, relieve swelling and inflammatory processes, release from mucus and pathogenic microflora.

Use of medicinal drugs

Treatments are carried out preventive actions aimed at eliminating foci of chronic infection. If the inflammation is caused by bacteria, then a course of antibiotics is prescribed:

At the same time, drops or sprays are administered that have a vasoconstrictor effect: Nazivin, Otrivin, Galazolin, the task of which is to relieve swelling on the nasal mucosa. They are prescribed for a short time, as they can be addictive.

Great combination drug to treat chronic sinusitis - Rinofluimucil, which has an anti-edematous and mucolytic effect, which is often used during treatment.

The most difficult thing is to choose antibiotics that act on a specific pathogen. In 70% of cases they turn out to be ineffective due to the resistance (addiction) of bacteria to them. If the remedy is incorrectly selected, the course of rehabilitation therapy is delayed.

In order for the immune system to work in full force, the immunologist recommends immunocorrectors: Ribomunil, Imudon, IRS-19, immunoglobulin preparations. If sinusitis is of an allergic nature, then antihistamines are indispensable: Eden, Erius, Telfast.

The use of physiotherapy

To cure sinusitis without surgery, it is necessary to periodically flush out accumulations of pus from the sinuses along with microorganisms. To wash cavities, use special disinfectant solutions: Dioxidin, Furacilin. After completing the procedure in internal cavity antibiotics or enzyme preparations are injected into the nose.

If you have a cold at the initial stage, be sure to wash it inner part nose with saline solution several times a day. “Shower for the nose” can be done using special sprays. They make breathing easier and prevent subsequent complications.

The method, which enjoys well-deserved popularity, is called “Cuckoo” (Proetz washing method). To carry out the procedure, an ENT combine, a syringe and an antiseptic are used. During lavage, the patient says “ku-ku” so that the circulating fluid does not flow into the pharynx.

An alternative to the puncture was the YAMIK catheter method, invented by a domestic doctor, Dr. Kozlov. It is used by adults and children from 5 years old. The action is based on the pressure difference created in the nasal cavity. Purulent accumulations are sucked out of the diseased sinus, without damaging its integrity and without damaging the mucous membrane. The disadvantage is severe pain during the procedure.

During development acute sinusitis there is a need for drainage puncture of the maxillary sinuses. Thanks to this procedure, the lumen of the anastomosis is restored, accumulations of pus are removed, and local antibacterial agents are introduced into the nasal cavity.

During the period of remission, physiotherapeutic treatment helps maintain a healthy state of the body:

When the disease subsides, nasal rinsing procedures are prescribed. special drugs, and also use nasal sprays that relieve swelling and inflammation. You need to take advantage of the “temporary respite” to get rid of the cause of the disease.

In case of allergies, it is important to take actions irritant(allergen). If the cause is stomatitis, then diseased teeth damaged by caries should be treated. When this is a natural defect, such as a deviated nasal septum, it is necessary to return it to its normal shape through surgical intervention. When the adenoids are enlarged, treat them accordingly.

The regimen and duration of the course are prescribed by an ENT doctor. You should not self-medicate and stop taking antibiotics as soon as relief occurs. With this approach, the development of purulent sinusitis and a repeated, prolonged course of the disease are possible.

Non-surgical treatment of sinusitis has a positive prognosis. Using conservative methods, the patient is able to get rid of such a serious and severe illness. Complete cure from chronic pathology is possible only if the treatment has been completed in full and the patient has completed all the procedures prescribed to him.

One of the most unpleasant diseases for humans is nasopharyngeal disease. They have a detrimental effect on the person’s condition as a whole, causing headaches, insomnia and quickly developing into a chronic form. One of these diseases is sinusitis. 70% modern people face this disease throughout their lives. How to cure chronic sinusitis can be learned by examining in detail the causes and symptoms of the disease.

Description of the disease

Sinusitis is a form of sinusitis in which inflammation of the mucous membrane of the air sinuses occurs. As with any disease of the nasopharynx, with sinusitis the microbes spread not only to the nose, but also to the ears, eyes and even teeth. Symptoms may occur infrequently or may become severe severe attack which will force you to see a doctor. It is better not to delay dealing with sinusitis; at the first symptoms, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Chronic sinusitis, what is it?

Sinusitis turns into chronic gradually if it is not treated correctly or if you stop taking medications at the initial stage. Many sick people make this mistake, deciding that they have been cured and there is no point in ending treatment. Chronic form has illnesses unpleasant symptoms, which you can get rid of with strong medications, but it is very difficult to eliminate them forever.

Symptoms of a chronic disease:

  • Severe congestion nasopharynx;
  • Leakage of pus or cloudy fluid when tilting the head;
  • Severe headache, the epicenter of which is usually the area near the nose, eyes, constantly pulsating and radiating to the jaw;
  • When mucus flows into the throat, there is constant feeling"coma in the throat";
  • Feeling of sinus congestion;
  • Uncontrolled lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids, the appearance of “bags” under the eyes, conjunctivitis.

The development of sinusitis and the transition to the chronic stage is very difficult to track. A sluggish disease does not manifest itself immediately; severe sinusitis is detected already in an advanced stage. How to treat chronic sinusitis interests not only the sick, but also their loved ones, because this disease causes serious complications. In addition, it is difficult for a person to fall asleep at night, medications help for a short time, and snoring occurs.

What causes sinusitis:

  • Constant occurrences rhinitis, sinusitis and tonsillitis;
  • Deformation of tissues in the nasal cavity, violation of the integrity of the nasal septum, scars on it resulting from operations;
  • The formation of cysts and polyps that impede the passage of air flow;
  • The result of dental operations, the development of diseases of the teeth and jaw;
  • Advanced stage of allergy;
  • Weak immunity, poor living conditions, exposure to bad habits.

According to the types of causes of occurrence, sinusitis is divided into:

  1. Hematogenous. Occurs due to penetration of the fungus into the mucous membrane;
  2. Rhinogenic. Regular diseases of the nasopharynx lead to this type;
  3. Odontogenic. Occurs from diseases of the teeth and jaw;
  4. Traumatic. Appears after severe injuries to the skull or facial bone.

What does advanced sinusitis lead to?

If left untreated, any disease can cause a lot of problems. Sinusitis must be diagnosed in time and measures taken to eliminate it. Elimination of chronic sinusitis forever is possible only with proper treatment prescribed by a doctor, together with effective methods traditional medicine. You should not rely only on home treatments for exacerbation of the disease. For correct diagnosis The doctor performs an ultrasound examination of the nasal sinuses, which shows the presence of pus.

Complications caused by chronic sinusitis:

  • The occurrence of inflammation tertiary nerve;
  • Dacryocystitis causes constant tearfulness, narrowing of the eye shape, purulent discharge from the eyes;
  • A constant state of brain hypoxia causes impaired memory and attention;
  • Laryngitis, pharyngitis, otitis, pneumonia and other serious diseases;
  • Severe asthma;
  • Inflammation of the eyeball, partial or total loss vision;
  • Sepsis of the mucous membrane.

Types of chronic sinusitis

In order to know how to properly treat chronic sinusitis, you need to know what type of disease has affected the nasopharynx.

  • Cystic sinusitis - a cyst forms anywhere in the nasopharynx;
  • Polypous - a polyp is formed;
  • Allergic – caused by chronic or new acute allergies. Symptoms disappear after instillation of potent hormonal drops;
  • Fibrous;
  • Purulent sinusitis– a large amount of pus is released;
  • Catarrhal appearance forms a strong reddened swelling, with this type, bilateral damage to the mucous membrane is possible;
  • The parietal hyperplastic appearance precedes the polypous and purulent ones. The discharge is copious and uncontrollable.

Methods and means of treatment

Among the methods of treating sinusitis, the following methods can be distinguished:

  • Drug treatment;
  • Treatment at home with folk remedies.
    • Principles of the treatment procedure at home:

      When starting to treat sinusitis at home, you need to pay attention to the basic principles of the procedures.

      • Regularity of use of folk remedies used for home treatment, should not be violated. Only this will help eliminate chronic sinusitis forever;
      • Rely on expert advice for home treatment methods;
      • Should not be excluded medications;
      • Natural treatment herbal ingredients you need to start gradually, limiting yourself to small doses. Despite the fact that such products are not produced by pharmaceutical companies, they can also cause harm if the dosage is abused;

      20 simple remedies for nasal congestion

      If there is no effect from the procedures or the condition only worsens, consult a doctor immediately.

      Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of sinusitis

      As a rule, you can find a large number of recipes for decoctions or other remedies to get rid of chronic sinusitis. The main task of home treatment is to eliminate mucus flowing from the sinuses. To do this, you can use several types of products: juices, decoctions, solutions, etc. Before using any product, rinse your sinuses with water. sea ​​salt.

      • Brew black currant leaves, green tea or St. John's wort for 20 minutes, then rinse the sinuses with the solution;
      • Mix 1/1 chamomile or sage, leave in a water bath for half an hour, strain and cool. Add 1 spoon of honey, stir, leave for another 5 minutes and rinse your nose;
      • Beet juice mixed with sea salt;
      • Melt a small amount of butter, sea buckthorn or linseed oil;
      • Calendula or aloe, slightly diluted with boiled water, are good for rinsing;
      • St. John's wort in combination with oil or propolis tincture are good as nasal drops, as is squeezed onion (you should be careful with such drops, you can burn the mucous membrane).

      In addition to decoctions and rinsing, you can use heating or inhalation. To warm up, use a hot egg (wrapped in gauze) or heated salt. As it cools down, it is necessary to replace the product with a newly warmed one.

      Attention! These methods of treating sinusitis are allowed only with the recommendation of a doctor. We get rid of sinusitis effectively - we combine all treatment methods.


      Sinusitis occurs more often in adults than in children. But such a serious disease can also appear in early age. In order to avoid sinusitis, you must follow the following rules:

      • Lead a healthy lifestyle, do not overcool;
      • Strengthen the immune system with vitamins;
      • Do not visit a swimming pool with a high concentration of chlorine or polluted water bodies;
      • If you have a prolonged runny nose (more than 5 days), you should consult an otolaryngologist;
      • Do not interrupt the treatment process;
      • Use medications only prescribed by your doctor;
      • If treatment does not help within 7 days, you should consult your doctor again.

      Sinusitis is a very unpleasant and dangerous disease. How to get rid of it is described above. By following preventive measures, you can avoid this disease and protect your loved ones. The use of last resort for sinusitis - - is used in as a last resort, and is a great stress for the body. It leads to constant violations breathing, so it is better to take care of protection in advance and carry out treatment in a timely manner.

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