How to grow cinnamon. The spice that heals is the deliciously aromatic cinnamon and its beneficial properties. Classic cinnamon coffee recipe

In this article we will look at such a common and popular product among spices as "Cinnamon", which I previously thought was only used in cooking as a spice, and as an ingredient for some perfumes, i.e. in perfumery, but, as it turns out, this is only a small part of how useful cinnamon is in various areas of our human life.

So, what is cinnamon, what are its types, where is it used, and much more you can learn from this article.

The word cinnamon is used in two cases - the name of the tree and the name of the spice.

Cinnamon, or Cinnamon ( lat. Cinnamomum)- evergreen trees. Species of the genus Cinnamon (Cinnamomum) families Laurels (Lauraceae).

Cinnamon- evergreen trees up to 15 m high, in cultivation - shrubs. The leaves are opposite, on short petioles, oval-oblong, bluntly or briefly pointed, 7-18 cm in length, leathery. The flowers, collected in panicles, are greenish or yellowish-white in color, with a rather unpleasant odor. The fruits are purple berries 1 cm in diameter with a single seed.

Cinnamon- it is also dried inner layer bark of the tree of the same name Cinnamon (Cinnamomum), which is used as a spice.

The homeland of cinnamon is China, Ceylon, South India, Laos, and Sri Lanka.

Cinnamon on store shelves

You can find two types of cinnamon on sale - in the form of tubes (pieces of bark rolled into tubes) and ground form (powder). For those who want to be sure that they are buying cinnamon, we can recommend buying cinnamon only in tubes, having the opportunity to clearly see the product. It is better to buy cinnamon in opaque packaging produced in Ceylon, China or Laos. For product good quality you can count when buying cinnamon famous brands or countries that were former owners of colonies, for example, England, France, Holland. Cinnamon produced in the USA, Israel and Germany should be avoided - they do not have their own production facilities or traditional ties with producing countries.

It is better to buy cinnamon powder in small quantities, as it quickly loses its aroma. The flavor of cinnamon sticks is much more consistent, although they are difficult to grind finely.

History of cinnamon

Wars have been fought over this aromatic spice, and the cinnamon trade has enriched or ruined countries. The aroma of cinnamon was known in Ancient China and Egypt long before the pyramids, which were monuments of the distant past even for the ancient Greeks. We can say that people learned to extract cinnamon at the same time as the main inventions of mankind, with which the beginning of the first civilizations is usually associated.

Cinnamon was mentioned in Chinese sources almost 5,000 years ago, and in Egyptian sources 3,500 years ago. Mention of cinnamon can be found in the Bible in Old Testament. Moses is told to take sweet cinnamon (Heb. קִנָּמוֹן, qinnāmôn) and cassia (Ex. 30:23). Elsewhere in the Bible it speaks of a woman who “scented my chamber with myrrh and cinnamon” (Prov. 7:17-19).

At that time, caravans were equipped for cinnamon, and a small army was called upon to guard them. In an Egyptian manuscript, a mention was found of how several ships were sent to a distant country, which returned with cargo a few months later. The cargo consisted of ivory, gold and cinnamon. Which part of the cargo was more valuable is unknown, since at that time cinnamon was comparable to gold. In Ancient Greece, 35 kg of cinnamon was valued at 5 kg of gold, and in some countries the price rose to 1 kg of gold for 1 kg of cinnamon. There were times when, due to difficult weather or wars, there was not enough cinnamon for everyone, and then the price rose even higher. Only rich people could afford cinnamon.

There are many legends about cinnamon. The reason for these legends was complete ignorance of what plant and how they get such aromatic spice. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus described one of the ways to obtain cinnamon bark with the help of large birds of prey that settled in the crowns of cinnamon trees growing in places inaccessible to humans. The method was that the Arabs (the main suppliers of cinnamon at that time), knowing that birds had a weakness for meat, killed several animals, cut them into fairly large pieces, which the birds could carry in one flight. The birds took the pieces of meat into their nests; the fragile branches could not stand it, broke and fell to the ground, where the bark could be removed from them.

The Roman Emperor Nero, in addition to his atrocities, was remembered for using a year's supply of cinnamon on funeral pyres in honor of his deceased wife Poppaea Sabina. This was in 65 AD, when cinnamon was worth a lot of money. In those days, the demand for cinnamon often fell due to low purchasing power and the prohibitions of church dogmatists on the famous oriental aphrodisiac, but then increased along with rising incomes and the desire to saturate one’s life with aroma.

In the Middle Ages, Venice held a monopoly on the sale of cinnamon in Europe, whose merchants bought cinnamon in Alexandria and prevented competitors. Cinnamon came to Alexandria by land with Arab caravans from India. The price of cinnamon could not be low, because in order for residents of ordinary European cities to buy it, many people had to risk their lives, making a long and dangerous path, defending caravans from nomads and robbers. The growing strength of the Ottoman Empire by the 15-16th century made it difficult for overland trade with India, and this served as a reason to search for new trade routes, bypassing dangerous territories. Change was inevitable, and in the early 16th century, Portuguese merchants found a new route to India by discovering the island of Ceylon. In 1518, the Portuguese founded a fortress on the island to protect the cinnamon forests. For more than 100 years, the fortress withstood the onslaught of competitors, allowing Portugal to achieve the highest level of wealth, using colonies in America and Ceylon. In 1638, Dutch merchants, having concluded an alliance with the Ceylonese kingdom of Kandy, had the opportunity to drive the Portuguese out of the fortress. Already in 1640, the Dutch gained control of cinnamon processing factories and by the end of 1658 they finally ousted the Portuguese from the monetary territories. One Dutch captain of that time recalled that a very strong smell of cinnamon came from the shore, that it could be caught 8 leagues (44.5 km) from the shore if standing downwind. The Dutch not only collected cinnamon from wild trees, but also began cultivating cinnamon crops, which increased yields and lowered prices. In 1796, the Dutch were ousted by the British, but by that time cinnamon was not as expensive as before, and the English victory was the last in the millennia-long history of the struggle for the spice.

Types of cinnamon

Ceylon cinnamon (Cinnamomum ceylanicum) or noble cinnamon, real cinnamon . It surpasses all other types in quality, which is why it is valued more than others. It got its name from its place of growth. In Ceylon, cinnamon grows wild and on plantations established in the second half of the 18th century. Today it is grown in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil, Guiana, Martinique and Reunion. It is very fragile, with a subtle delicate aroma. The taste is sweetish, slightly hot and warming.

Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum Cassia) or Indian, aromatic, simple, cassia or cassia-canel. Homeland - South China. It was known back in 2800 BC. - there is a mention of it in one of the monuments of Chinese writing. The taste is sharper than that of Ceylon, sweetish, tart-astringent and slightly hot.

Malabar cinnamon (Cinnamomum Tamala) or brown cinnamon, wood cinnamon . First appeared in India. Now it also grows in Burma. It differs from previous varieties in appearance and taste. Its thickness is up to 3 mm or more, the taste is even sharper, bitter and dark brown-brown in color.

It is not difficult to grow cinnamon at home. The cinnamon tree is propagated by seeds or semi-lignified cuttings, which are rooted in damp sand at a temperature of 20 0 C. Seeds for sowing must be taken freshly collected, since they easily lose their viability during storage. They are sown in an earthen mixture prepared from equal parts of turf, deciduous soil and sand.

After the appearance of the second leaf, the seedlings are planted one at a time into pots with a diameter of 7 cm into a substrate of the same composition as when sowing. Rooted cuttings are also planted in the same substrate. Plants need good lighting to grow.

In the summer, plants can be taken out to the balcony or buried together with a pot in partial shade in the garden. Watering is plentiful in summer, moderate in winter. In summer, plants must be fertilized with a solution of organic or mineral fertilizers.

Plants are brought into the room before the onset of autumn frosts and placed in a well-lit place.

The cinnamon tree tolerates pruning well and is easy to form a crown.

Cinnamon is one of the most popular spices in cooking. Cinnamon has entered very deeply into the cooking of many peoples, firmly associating its aroma with pleasant childhood memories, warm pastries and aromatic southern dishes.

Cinnamon is mainly used in confectionery production for flavoring. Included in traditional English puddings, mulled wine, cocktails, chocolate drinks, jams, sweet pilafs, curd masses, charlottes and fruit salads. Cinnamon is very popular in Indian and Caucasian cuisines, where it is used in the preparation of chicken and turkey meat. In Europe, cinnamon is added to some beers. Cinnamon is also included in the recipe for the famous French cupcakes from Bordeaux. Cinnamon can be included in spice mixtures for marinades. Vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and meat are marinated with cinnamon. In Russia, cinnamon is used as a seasoning for cold soups, pancakes, porridges and jellied fish. In Belarus, cinnamon is added to the marinade for lingonberries, and in Ukraine when pickling cucumbers and marinating. In Caucasian cuisine, cinnamon is one of the mandatory seasonings for meat and soups, zucchini and eggplant dishes. In Greece, lamb stew is prepared with cinnamon, and in Italy, true connoisseurs do not drink cappuccino coffee without a pinch of cinnamon.

Cinnamon increases appetite, improves digestion, activates the work of many internal organs, is an excellent antiseptic and remedy for seasickness, destroys the tuberculosis bacillus and is a rare female aphrodisiac.

Cinnamon awakens not only appetite, but also desire in women. The combination of cinnamon and vanilla is especially effective. If a man wants to emphasize the impression created by a romantic atmosphere, he can prepare hot chocolate with cinnamon and vanilla. This combination is simply a tasty delicacy for men, but for a lady it is a decisive sign of attention.

Tips for cooking with cinnamon

Cinnamon powder should be added only at the very end of cooking (no more than 10 minutes before the end), since with prolonged cooking, cinnamon will give the dish an unpleasant bitterness.

Cinnamon Recipes

  • Cinnamon rolls



milk - 250 ml;
yeast - 13 g fresh yeast or 4 g dry;
sugar - 75 ml;
flour - 450-500 g;
butter - 75 g (room temperature);
salt - a pinch.


butter - 2 tbsp. spoons (soft);
cinnamon (powder) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
vanilla -1 teaspoon.

Preparation: Grind the yeast with sugar, add warm milk, stir well and leave in a warm place for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, add the sifted flour into the milk in parts, knead the elastic dough, add butter and salt. Knead the dough, roll into a ball and place in a greased bowl. butter dishes, cover with film and leave to rise in a warm place (until the volume of the dough doubles - about 1 hour).

Mix cinnamon with sugar and vanilla. Knead the risen dough again and roll it into a 50x50 cm square. Grease the dough with soft butter, not reaching 1 cm from the edge and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Roll the dough into a roll, carefully pinch the edge and cut into equal pieces. Place the buns on a baking sheet lined with paper.

Cover and let rise for another 30-40 minutes. While we are waiting for the rise, beat the yolk with 2 tbsp. spoons of water, and when they are ready, grease the buns and sprinkle with coarse sugar

Bake in a preheated oven at 225°C on a medium rack for 10-12 minutes until golden brown.

The buns for this recipe can also be frozen. Place the risen buns together with a baking sheet or tray in the freezer. When frozen well, transfer to a plastic bag, close tightly and put back in the freezer. Before baking, place in the refrigerator overnight and then leave at room temperature for 30-40 minutes before baking.

  • Cinnamon roll

The cinnamon roll can be made using the exact same recipe, just leave it as a roll and only cut into a few pieces instead of cutting into rolls.

  • Apples with cinnamon

Ingredients: apples, honey, cinnamon, butter.

Preparation: Wash and dry the apples. Using the tip of a knife, cut out the stem and core of the apple. Place a little honey (to taste) in the cavity and sprinkle with cinnamon. Preheat the oven to 150°C, grease a baking sheet with butter, lay out the apples and bake for about 10 minutes.

You can also put a piece of dried apricot or date inside the apple, the core walnut, almonds or hazel, a few raisins or a slice of lemon. Served baked apples warm, you can decorate with whipped cream on top.

  • Korean cinnamon tea "Kephichha"

Ingredients: cinnamon tree bark (cinnamon) – 25 grams; water – 1 l; ginger root– a little (to taste).

Preparation: Finely chop the cinnamon tree bark, rinse with cold water, add water and bring to a boil. Leave for 20 minutes on low heat. When preparing tea, you can add a little. Strain the finished drink and drink with added sugar or honey.

This cinnamon tea has a specific cinnamon taste and aroma. Not recommended at high temperatures and high pressure.

You can also add small pieces cinnamon tree bark into regular green and black tea for taste, improved digestion and increased libido.

  • Coffee with cinnamon

Ingredients: ground natural coffee - 1 heaped teaspoon; sugar - 1/3 teaspoon; cinnamon - 1/3 teaspoon.

Preparation: Pour coffee into the pot and warm it up a little over the fire. Add cinnamon and sugar, add a cup of water and bring to a boil. As soon as the coffee boils, pour some of the coffee into the cup from which we will drink, then bring it to a boil again and pour a little coffee into the cup. We do this 3-4 times.

The result will be coffee with a very pleasant taste and foam. If you like your coffee sweeter, add sugar to the cup after preparation.

  • Coffee with cinnamon and honey

Ingredients: strong black coffee - 250 ml (1 cup); ground cinnamon - 2 pinches; honey - 1 tbsp. spoon; creamy ice cream - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation: We brew strong black coffee. Add honey to it, put ice cream on top, and sprinkle the finished drink with cinnamon.

  • Cinnamon latte

Ingredients: instant coffee - ½ tbsp. spoons; sugar - 1/3 tbsp. spoons; milk - 200 ml; ground cinnamon - to taste.

Preparation: Brew instant coffee in 70 ml of water. Mix sugar and cinnamon with half the milk and heat, stirring constantly. Then pour in the second half of the milk, coffee and bring the mixture to a boil, but do not boil. As soon as the coffee boils, remove it from the heat. Serve warm in special fireproof glasses.

Contraindications to consuming cinnamon

Individual intolerance, increased nervous excitability, hypertension, bleeding, high temperature (consumption may worsen headaches), in large quantities for older people.

Cinnamon during pregnancy

It is better not to use cinnamon during pregnancy, because... When consumed, women experience increased contractions of the uterus, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy. early stage pregnancy (can cause miscarriage).

In medicine, cinnamon is used as an antiseptic.

The alcoholic extract of Chinese cinnamon bark is active against various gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and has a detrimental effect on tuberculosis bacilli and viruses.

Avicenna claimed that cinnamon oil miraculously helps with trembling limbs.

Essential oil obtained from cinnamon is also used in medicine and aromatherapy. The bark contains 1-2% essential oil, consisting mainly of cinnamic acid aldehyde (about 90%), as well as some tannins. The smell of the bark is aromatic, pleasant, the taste is sweetish, spicy and slightly astringent.

Essential oil cinnamon is one of the main components in cold medicines; it is also added to warming ointments and medicines for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Scientists have proven that regular use cinnamon improves the absorption of sugar and reduces the level of glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.

In addition, cinnamon helps increase appetite and normalize the digestive system, stimulates the liver, kidneys and gall bladder, increases efficiency, strengthens the nervous system, improves mood, and helps fight depression, has antiseptic, antibacterial, antipyretic and diuretic effects.

A few drops of cinnamon oil are added to water for inhalation or mixed with almond oil (1-3 drops of cinnamon oil per 5 ml of almond oil) and rub the mixture on the chest and back to eliminate colds.

Important! Sometimes essential oils can cause allergies, so before using cinnamon oil, apply the oil to your hand and wait a couple of hours. If no signs allergic reaction does not manifest itself, feel free to use cinnamon oil for treatment or cosmetic purposes, but, like any other essential oil, within reason.

Cinnamon and honey

Ancient medicine has used honey for centuries. Modern scientists also recognize honey as a very effective remedy for treating all types of diseases, without complications. Modern science says that although honey is sweet, taking it in a certain dose as a medicine does not harm diabetics.

The Canadian magazine World News Weekly, dated January 17, 1995, published a list of diseases for the treatment of which, according to Western scientists, a mixture of honey and cinnamon can be used.

Important! Honey must be natural, raw and unpasteurized. If the label says “pure”, it is most likely pasteurized. It is best to only buy honey that says “raw” or unpasteurized on the label. The difference is that pasteurizing honey neutralizes all the enzymes in it.

Cinnamon Honey Recipes

Weight loss or weight loss. Every morning, half an hour before breakfast on an empty stomach and at night before bed, drink a mixture of honey and cinnamon (powder), previously brewed in a cup of boiling water. If taken regularly, the mixture will reduce the weight of even the fattest person. Also, regular intake of this mixture does not allow fat to accumulate.

1 part cinnamon to 2 parts raw honey: ½ tsp. cinnamon for 1 tsp. honey. It is recommended to maintain the proportion 1:2. Boil 1 cup of water and add cinnamon. Cover for ½ hour to let it sit. Add honey when the mixture has cooled. Because high temperature destroys enzymes and other beneficial features raw honey. Drink ½ part of the mixture before bed. Cover the other half with a lid and place in the refrigerator. In the morning, drink the remaining half, do not reheat it under any circumstances, drink only chilled or at room temperature.

Do not add anything to this recipe. Neither lemon nor vinegar. There is no need to drink the mixture more often. It only works on an empty stomach and especially at night.

As soon as your body is cleansed, weight loss will stop, so if your weight still doesn’t suit you, I suggest you read this article in the fight against extra pounds.

Other adverse reactions from cleaning may appear due to the release of toxins. If this happens, reduce the amount you take the mixture or take a break.

Heart diseases. Eat bread for breakfast every day, spread with a paste of honey and cinnamon powder instead of jam. This lowers cholesterol levels in the arteries and prevents heart attacks. Even those who have already had a heart attack can reduce their risk of having another heart attack.

Regular consumption of honey with cinnamon improves breathing and strengthens the heart muscle. In some nursing homes in America and Canada, regular intake of a mixture of honey and cinnamon by patients significantly improved the condition of their age-related veins and arteries.

Weakness. Studies have shown that the sugar content in honey is more beneficial than harmful to maintaining strength. Older people who take honey and cinnamon in equal proportions improve concentration and mobility.

The American scientist, Dr. Milton, who conducted the research, says that daily intake of half a tablespoon of honey with the addition of cinnamon in a glass of water, after the morning on an empty stomach and in the afternoon, at about 15:00, when the vital functions of the body begin to decline, improves vital functions within a few weeks.

Tags: cinnamon, cinnamon, cinnamon, cinnamon for weight loss, cinnamon to lose weight, cinnamon and honey, cinnamon properties, medicinal properties of cinnamon, cinnamon contraindications, cinnamon for hair, cinnamon sticks, cinnamon photo, cinnamon essential oil, cinnamon in cosmetology

The cinnamon tree (scientific name Cinnamomum verum) is an evergreen plant of the Laurel family (Lauraceae), which can reach a height of 15 m. Despite this great height, the plant is considered a shrub. The bottom of the trunk is covered with a fairly thick bark of a light black hue, which in the upper part is very smooth and pleasant to the touch. Young branches have a red tint. The leaves have deep veins (3-7 per leaf) and oval shape. They are glossy on top and gray-green on the inside.

The branches of the cinnamon tree are cylindrical in shape, triangular at the top. During the flowering of this tree, you can see flowers collected in panicles. The flowers are green and not very nice smell. The fruit is purple berries, each berry has a single family. The diameter of the berries is 1 cm. The birthplace of the cinnamon tree is considered to be Sri Lanka, South China and South-West India. But Sri Lanka is considered the main supplier of cinnamon to the international market.

There are several different types of this tree. And from each of them they get cinnamon of a certain variety and quality. TO various types cinnamon trees include: cassia or Chinese (C. cassia Blume) - has a fairly strong smell, Javanese (lat. C. bur-manii Blume), Saigon (C. laurierii Nees), as well as clove cinnamon. The optimal conditions for the normal growth of Chinese and Ceylon cinnamon are tropical forests, where the average annual temperature ranges from 26 to 27°C.

Harvesting and storing cinnamon wood

Harvesting cinnamon tree raw materials involves cutting off young shoots at the moment when their length reaches 3 m and their diameter is at least 2.5 cm. Often this work has to be done twice a year. After thoroughly cleaning the stems from leaves and branches, remove the bark. It is also cleared of the outer epidermis, and the resulting raw materials are tied into bundles. After this, the bark is dried in the sun; its light brown or brownish-yellow color indicates that the bark is ready. After drying is completed, the resulting cinnamon is carefully sorted, rolled into tubes (each tube consists of several shoots) and packaged in special rope bags. During sale, such tubes are cut into pieces, the length of which is 5-10 cm.

Use in everyday life

The leaves, bark and even dried berries of the cinnamon tree (depending on the type) can be used in everyday life. For example, the bark is used in powder form (ground) or whole. People extract cinnamon oil from the leaves. In addition, those products and substances that can be obtained from the cinnamon tree are used in baking, cooking, liquor and confectionery production, soap making, perfumery, various religious rituals (smoking agent) and even in medicine.

Cinnamon has many beneficial properties. For example, it can neutralize unpleasant odors. Therefore, essential oil made from cinnamon tree is used to freshen the air in various rooms. In addition, this oil is effective means from mosquitoes, as they cannot stand the smell of cinnamon.

Cinnamon is also often used in cooking. It is added as a spice to meat, fish, poultry and various drinks. Cinnamon allows you to preserve the freshness of those products that spoil very quickly for a long time. Oil from the leaves and outer bark of the cinnamon tree is even used in the production of toothpaste, various mouth and teeth rinses, and cough syrups.

Composition and medicinal properties of cinnamon tree

  1. Ceylon cinnamon bark is rich in essential oil, which makes up 0.8-1.5%. And the composition of this oil includes cinnamic acid aldehyde (65-75%), eugenol and phellandrene. And in the composition of the oil Chinese cinnamon no euthanol is observed.
  2. Cinnamon tree leaves have the following composition of beneficial minerals: 80-96% eugenol, cinnamaldehyde (3%), eugenol acetate, benzyl benzoate, safrole and linalol.
  3. Cinnamon oil is a valuable ingredient in cold medicines and ointments. It is also added to ointments that have a warming-irritating effect, but the concentration of essential oil in such ointments is very low.
  4. Cinnamon drops are good remedy, which allows you to reduce heavy menstruation, and cinnamon oil mixed with cloves helps get rid of toothache.
  5. Often, cinnamon tree bark is used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea and vomiting, flatulence, worms, as well as insufficient secretion digestive juice in the stomach.
  6. Cinnamon is an excellent antidepressant, antioxidant and even an aphrodisiac. It also has a beneficial effect on improving memory, stimulates brain activity and reduces stress in the body.
  7. Cinnamon can be used to remove warts.
  8. Cinnamon has antibacterial and antiviral effects on the body. Therefore, with its help you can kill viruses, fungi, various microbes that provoke various infectious diseases.
  9. Cinnamon has a positive effect on human blood. Thanks to useful substances, which are in its composition, can be prevented various diseases blood (regulates blood glucose levels), improve its circulation, stimulate blood vessels, due to which the pain of arthritis, rheumatism and even menstrual pain stops.
  10. Cinnamon is a good remedy for skin rejuvenation, it also strengthens hair follicles, gums, tightens the skin and tones the muscles.
  11. Use of cinnamon tree in folk medicine

    The bark of the cinnamon tree, from which cinnamon is obtained, essential oils have many medicinal properties. Basically, cinnamon is added to various medicinal teas.

    Cinnamon tea to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

    Take 1 teaspoon (without top) of cinnamon tree bark, add dill (or boiling water). You need to insist for 10 minutes. Take 2-3 cups of this tea daily before each meal.

    Morning invigorating cinnamon tea to lift your mood

    Place 1-2 small cinnamon sticks in a small kettle of water. You need to brew this tea for 15 minutes, making sure that the tea is constantly boiling during this time. After the tea is ready, you can add granulated sugar or honey to it to taste; for those who like to experiment, you can also add milk. You should drink this tea in the morning.

    Infusion of cinnamon tree bark for decreased appetite, indigestion, gastritis

    Pour one gram of Chinese (or 2-4 grams of Ceylon cinnamon) into one glass of boiling water. It needs to be infused for 10 minutes. Drink daily, no more than three to four cups of this tincture per day. If symptoms persist, you should definitely consult your doctor.

    Cinnamon tincture for decreased potency

    You need to take 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, 5 clove flowers, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, a slice of lemon and 50 grams of regular raisins. Mix all this and add to a 0.5 liter container. dry (red) wine. Next, you need to put this mixture on low heat and bring it to a temperature of 60 °C. After removing from the heat, this wine should be infused under the lid for three minutes. You need to drink this wine during a love date and always hot.

    A mixture of wine and cinnamon for tuberculosis

    Take dry red wine (0.5 liters will be enough) and put it on the fire. Add 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon, 5 dried clove flowers, cardamom, ginger, anise to the wine. Mix all this, add another 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar. Stir and bring to a boil (but do not boil!). Remove it all from the heat and leave covered for a few minutes. This medicine must be taken through a tube and always hot.

    Cinnamon remedy for hair loss

    To do this, take cinnamon essential oil (60 drops) and mix it with two tablespoons of plain almond oil. After thoroughly mixing this mixture, rub it into the scalp, then wrap your head in a towel and leave it all for 2 hours.

    Cinnamon mixture for skin fungus

    You can rinse the affected area with fungus using a mixture of cinnamon essential oil and water.

    Cinnamon mixture for depression

    You need to mix 10 g of blackcurrant leaves, add 1 g of Ceylon cinnamon and 1 g of clove buds. Fill it all with 1 liter of water. You need to take it after meals, 200 ml at a time.

    Oil mixture for colds

    You need to take three drops of cinnamon essential oil, add 2 drops of nutmeg and clove essential oils. Stir and add 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey. After this, be sure to add 1 tbsp. l. heated red wine. You need to take this mixture 1 tbsp. spoon every two hours. You need to take it until you feel better and the cold symptoms disappear. If necessary, can be replaced nutmeg oil cypress oil, the effect of this mixture will not worsen.


    Today, the healing properties of cinnamon and essential oils from the cinnamon tree have been proven even in official medicine. Therefore, we can say with confidence that when correct use tinctures, mixtures, ointments and other medicinal preparations that contain cinnamon, no side effects not expected. The use of cinnamon essential oils is prohibited not only for pregnant women, but also for those who have hypersensitive skin (cinnamon can cause allergies). Also, cinnamon should not be given to children under 3 years of age.

Which is widely used in cooking. It has been valued since ancient times for its healing properties. Many people associate the aroma of cinnamon with comfort and warmth, delicious homemade baked goods. Therefore, most housewives constantly buy this spice. But do they only buy cinnamon? Most likely, almost no one knows that there are two identical spices - cassia and cinnamon. You need to figure out how to distinguish them. After all, the most widely sold spice is cassia - a low-quality and often harmful substitute for this spice.

Benefits of cinnamon

It is no coincidence that this spice has been known and popular since ancient times. It was used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. It was believed that cinnamon calms and gives peace, warms and cures colds. In addition, this spice invigorates, gives good mood and improves memory. It contains a lot of manganese, calcium, iron and fiber. And the special substance eugenol helps accelerate tissue regeneration and wound healing.

Modern medicine has proven medicinal value cinnamon. This spice has the following properties:

How to use cinnamon correctly

This spice is most often used in cooking. Everyone is familiar with the smell of baking with cinnamon, which is associated with comfort and tranquility. But this seasoning is also successfully added to desserts, drinks, salads, and main courses. Especially popular are cinnamon coffee, apple pie or baked chicken.

There are several recipes for using cinnamon to treat various diseases:

  • Brew half a teaspoon of powder and a pinch of black pepper with a glass of boiling water, cool slightly, add a spoonful of honey and drink for flu or cold;
  • if you mix a spoonful of honey with half a spoonful of cinnamon, this mixture helps with nasal congestion and cough;
  • an infusion of cinnamon with honey, consumed on an empty stomach, helps reduce weight;
  • A glass of kefir with a teaspoon of cinnamon in the morning helps improve digestion and normalize blood pressure.

Cinnamon can also be used in cosmetology. When mixed with honey, the powder brightens the skin and makes it softer. When added to hair masks, it accelerates hair growth.

Types of cinnamon

This spice is highly valued and widely distributed. But the process of obtaining real cinnamon is very labor-intensive, and the trees whose bark is taken to produce it grow only in a few places. Therefore, both cassia and cinnamon are most often found on sale. Few people know how to distinguish them from each other. Usually people do not realize that there are 4 types of cinnamon, of which only one is truly valuable:

  • Ceylon cinnamon, or quinamon, is a real expensive spice;
  • Indonesian or Chinese cassia;
  • Malabar brown, or tree cinnamon, also called “cassia vera”;
  • cinnamon, or spicy cinnamon.

In addition, cinnamon substitutes are often used commercially and in food production: Burmese or bay cinnamon, as well as cinnamon extract.

Ceylon cinnamon

Both cassia and real cinnamon have a spicy aroma and add flavor to baked goods. But only spice from a tree growing in Ceylon, on the island of Sri Lanka and in South India brings benefits. This is the most valuable type of cinnamon - Ceylon. It has a rich, delicate aroma and a light brown hue. These cinnamon sticks are thin and fragile and crumble easily.

For its production, young trees 1-2 years old are used. A thin layer is removed from them inner cortex. It is dried in the sun and hand-wrapped into tubes. Then it is cut into sticks about 12 cm long or ground into powder.

Characteristics of Cassia

Despite the fact that this particular spice is presented on the shelves of our stores in 90% of cases, few people know this name. What cassia is is known mainly by culinary specialists and those who are seriously concerned about their health. This seasoning is made from trees related to cinnamon, but with slight differences. They grow in Vietnam, Indonesia and China. To produce cassia, whole pieces of bark are taken from trees that are at least 7 years old. That is why the sticks of this seasoning turn out to be so hard and rough, and its smell is sharp and bitter.

Why is cassia dangerous?

There would be no need to try to find out whether you bought real cinnamon, because the aroma of the fake is still pleasant. But in fact, constant consumption of cassia is dangerous to health. It contains a very large amount of tannins, and most importantly, coumarin. Its content exceeds the permissible limit by 1200 times. In cassia it is present in quantities of more than 2 g/kg.

Coumarin is called differently rat poison and is quite poisonous to humans. If consumed frequently, it accumulates and damages the liver and kidneys. A person begins to experience headaches, indigestion, and dizziness. It became known that dangerous dose Coumarin for a preschool child is contained in 4 cinnamon cookies. For an adult, 6-7 mg of cassia, that is, a fifth of a teaspoon, is toxic.

The main differences between cinnamon and cassia

At first glance, these spices are not different, which is why there is such confusion. Most people don't realize that both cassia and cinnamon are commercially available. What is the difference between them can be understood by studying their characteristics in detail. Since people most often buy powder, you need to know how they differ. Real cinnamon is more light color, has a subtle pleasant aroma, slightly sweet. Cassia, on the other hand, is dark, even with a reddish tint, smells more sharply, and leaves a bitter aftertaste.

Cinnamon and cassia sticks

It is in this form that this spice is more useful. Flour or starch is often added to the powder to make it more crumbly. In addition, during storage, ground spice loses its aromatic and taste qualities. And the sticks make it easier to compare cassia and cinnamon.

How to choose real cinnamon

In most cases, people purchase this spice in sealed bags, so they cannot determine the color, much less smell it. In this case, you first need to look at the name and country of manufacture. Real Ceylon cinnamon is produced in Sri Lanka. China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and even more so other countries are producing cassia. A conscientious manufacturer will also correctly indicate the name of the product: Cinnamomum zeylonicum is real cinnamon, and Cinnamomum aromaticum is fake.

In addition, it would not hurt to pay attention to the price: real cinnamon cannot be cheap, it is usually 5-10 times more expensive than cassia. The expiration date is also important. After all, after a year of storage, cinnamon loses its properties and aroma.

How to Test the Quality of Cinnamon at Home

What should those who just found out that cinnamon and cassia exist? How to distinguish a fake product at home from an already purchased product? You can look at the color so that it is not very dark, and smell it. But the most informative way is to take a little powder and drop a drop of iodine into it. Real cinnamon will hardly change color, but cassia will turn dark blue. You can also determine it by taste. Cinnamon is sweetish-spicy, has a mild taste and delicate aroma. Cassia smells more strongly, bitter and pungent. And if you pour boiling water over a little powder, the cinnamon residue will become jelly-like and red-brown.

Now you know that cassia and cinnamon are very similar. How to distinguish them? If there are sticks in front of you, then you need to try to break them. Ceylon cinnamon is fragile and breaks easily, while cassia is dense and rough. The fake will be a strip of thick bark, slightly curled, often only on one side.

Now you know that both cassia and cinnamon are available for sale. It’s quite easy to remember how to distinguish them. Therefore, you can take advantage of all the beneficial properties of real noble cinnamon.

Ceylon cinnamon (true, noble or real cinnamon) is an aromatic spice known everywhere. For some, its aroma reminds them of their mother’s apple pie, while for others it is a storehouse of beneficial properties.

Cultivated mainly on the island. Sri Lanka. The spice is obtained from the bark of the cinnamonum tree ( Cinnamonum). When dry, strips of bark curl into tubes. These are the same cinnamon sticks that we use in the kitchen.

It was popular back in Ancient Egypt and was considered a rare gift, available only to rulers and their entourage. Only the most influential Egyptian women had secret cinnamon-based beauty recipes for the face and hair.

It’s not for nothing that Ceylon cinnamon is called “true” or “real.” So, for example, its cheaper relative - cassia (Chinese cinnamon) contains coumarin- toxic chemical.

Unlike the Chinese “fake”, the real spice looks like thick paper rolled into a hollow roll.

Medicinal properties

The specific taste and aroma of this spice attracts not only fans of gourmet cooking, but also those who care about their health.

Just one teaspoon of ground cinnamon contains as many antioxidants as half a cup of blueberries. It is equally useful for both men and women. But before use, it is important to make sure that cinnamon is not contraindicated for you.

  1. The spice is rich in antioxidants - polyphenols. One recent study tested 26 spices for their antioxidant properties. Cinnamon won, ahead of such leaders as and.
  2. The spice has the property of increasing the body's resistance to insulin. Cinnamon is recommended for people with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Just 1 g per day has a beneficial effect on blood markers.
  3. Anti-inflammatory properties: fights infections and restores damaged tissues due to the active component - cinnamaldehyde. The oil is used in the treatment of infections respiratory tract caused by fungi. The spice prevents the growth of bacteria: listeria and salmonella.
  4. The spice minimizes the risk of heart disease by reducing “bad” cholesterol. For the effect, 120 mg per day is enough.
  5. Compounds in cinnamon reduce storage capacity in the brain tau protein- a biomarker of Alzheimer's disease. In the body of a person suffering from shaking paralysis (Parkinson's disease), the spice normalizes the level of neurotransmitters, improves motor functions and protects neurons from destruction.
  6. Reduces height cancer cells and causes their death. Cinnamon is toxic to malignant tumors.
  7. Antiviral properties: fights the most common strain of the HIV virus. In a scientific experiment, out of 69 medicinal plants tested, it was cinnamon that showed the best results.
  8. Eliminates irritable bowel syndrome discomfort in the stomach and intestines. Useful for bloating. Kills bacteria and treats gastrointestinal infections.
  9. For arthritis and osteoporosis, a cup of cinnamon tea and a massage with cinnamon oil can relieve pain.
  10. Antibacterial properties: eliminates harmful bacteria in the oral cavity, without damaging the teeth and gums. Cinnamon oil is added to chewing gum, toothpastes and rinses.
  11. At the onset of a cold, it is recommended to eat a little cinnamon. It can stop the oncoming disease. The secret is in the antiviral and warming properties of the spice.
  12. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in women manifests itself in mood swings and painful sensations. Doctors have found a relationship with a deficiency of manganese, calcium, chromium and copper in the blood. Cinnamon contains all of these elements.
  13. Impotence or erectile dysfunction in men cause: lack of self-confidence, cardiovascular diseases, stress, diabetes and high pressure. According to real reviews men, with physiological problems A healthy seasoning from this list helped them cope.

For weight loss

The dietary benefits of true cinnamon are supported by scientific research. Include this spice in your diet, and the results will not be long in coming.

  • The composition includes natural esters that promote weight loss: cinnamaldehyde(key component of cinnamon oil), eugenol And hydroxycinnamaldehyde.
  • The flavonoid proanthocyanidin improves the condition of patients with type II diabetes. This plant polyphenol stimulates insulin receptors in adipocytes (fat cells).
  • Zinnzeilanin And cinnceylanol improve appetite, normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the breakdown of fats.
  • Increases insulin activity in the body. Even for people who do not have diabetes, high sugar in blood - serious problem leading to obesity.
  • Fact: Including cinnamon in your diet reduces... glycemic index(GI) of your food by 18-29%. This is a good incentive to lose weight.

  • Accelerates metabolism, including carbohydrates, preventing their conversion into fat. Dishes seasoned with cinnamon help you burn more calories.
  • Abdominal or abdominal fat is the first thing that catches your eye when you see an overweight person. But much more dangerous is the one that surrounds our internal organs- visceral. By consuming cinnamon regularly, you force your body to burn it first.
  • Slows down digestive processes. This important property for those who are trying to lose weight. With the support of spice, it is easier to endure until the next meal without additional snacks.

Interesting! Nutritionists say that dried cinnamonum bark reduces cravings for sweets.

Accelerates lipogenesis

During studies of lipogenesis processes, mouse fat cells are often used as a basis. Laboratory animals fed cinnamon were able to lose weight despite eating a fat-rich diet.

From Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry: Cinnamaldehyde, which is part of cinnamon, activates special enzymes. They, in turn, stop the accumulation of excess fat in the body.

From cholesterol and sugar

The spice can reduce the concentration of cholesterol and sugar in the blood.

From journal "Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics": Ceylon cinnamon increases sensitivity to insulin, stopping the accumulation of white adipose tissue (the culprit of extra inches and cellulite).

How to use

Here are some simple diet recipes:

  • Add 1 tsp. ground spice to oatmeal, in muesli and yogurt.
  • Mix cinnamon, honey and hot water and drink instead of tea throughout the day.
  • Black tea and coffee, fruit juices and protein shakes will taste better with this seasoning.
  • Combined with , fresh fruit, nuts and seeds.
  • Freeze cinnamon in ice cubes to add extra flavor to your favorite drinks.
  • Sprinkle the ground seasoning over fresh fruit.
  • A pinch in the stew won't hurt, bean soup or vegetarian chili sauce.

Use in everyday life

Insect repellent: antimicrobial properties Cinnamon oils are used to exterminate ants, bedbugs, ticks, cockroaches and mosquitoes.

Disinfection: Oil diluted in water can be used to treat kitchen surfaces, sinks, refrigerators, door handles, toys and much more. This is true if the family has children or people with allergies who react poorly to household chemicals.

Food preservative: the spice prevents the growth of bacteria. That is why it is used in almost every dish in hot Asian countries.

Neutralizes odors: Cinnamon leaf oil not only masks unpleasant odors, but kills the bacteria that cause them.

Benefits for hair

In Sri Lanka the spice is used in recipes traditional medicine and aromatherapy for centuries.

Has antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial effect on the scalp, improves hair condition. Regular massage of cinnamon oil on the scalp, neck and temples causes blood flow to the follicles, thereby stimulating hair growth.

Combine 2 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tsp. ground cinnamon and... Stir until paste-like. Rub into scalp, apply evenly to hair and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse your hair with shampoo. Preheating the oil will increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

like this homemade mask can be done once a week.

We lose on average up to 100 hairs per day, but we usually don’t even notice it. Intensive hair loss begins with health problems. The undeniable advantage of cinnamon is that it affects the hair both from the inside and outside.

Use not only ground spices, but also natural oil. It contains substances beneficial for hair: eugenol And cinnamaldehyde, endowed with antifungal and antibacterial properties. Suitable for treating dry and brittle hair, as it nourishes the hair follicles. The roots become stronger and hair loss is reduced.

Side effects and contraindications

Cinnamon contains a large amount of natural estrogens. Therefore, it is contraindicated during pregnancy, in the presence of endocrine and oncological diseases history, for example, of breast cancer.

Due to the digestive stimulating properties of the seasoning People with peptic ulcers should be careful.

If you have diabetes, consult your doctor before adding spices to your menu.

Side effects:

  1. Toxicity. Upper limit of safe dosage: 6 g per day for 6 weeks.
  2. Premature birth. During pregnancy, the spice is contraindicated, as it can cause uterine contractions or even premature birth.
  3. Harm to the liver. High level The coumarin in Chinese cinnamon may cause liver failure if taken daily or in large doses.
  4. Allergy. Runny nose, watery eyes, difficulty breathing, upset stomach, swelling of the face or hands, anaphylactic shock and nausea are the main symptoms. If you are allergic to cinnamon, taking it in any quantity is contraindicated.
  5. In rare cases or in case of overdose increases heart rate.
  6. Thins the blood, such as aspirin.

Cinnamon can be a wonderful assistant in the fight for health and longevity for men and women of any age, especially if you like fatty and high-calorie foods - they summarize the results of their research University of Pennsylvania employees.

Recent Scientific research have shown that using cinnamon will help prevent diabetes. American scientists have proven the benefits of cinnamon for diabetes: it increases the body’s ability to adequately respond to insulin and normalize blood sugar levels. It helps improve blood circulation. In addition, there is an opinion that the aroma of cinnamon has a stimulating effect on brain function.

Back in 1536, Portuguese sailors discovered wild forests of cinnamon trees on the coast of Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Without thinking twice, the sailors captured the island and began trading cinnamon in Europe, making more than a fortune from it. The Dutch also wanted to get a share of the profitable trade, so a hundred years later they recaptured Cinnamon Island. Then the British came in 1776. However, by this time cinnamon trees had already been planted in many other hot countries, so the Ceylon monopoly had come to nothing.

Today, cinnamon is used in cooking in all countries, both in sweet and savory recipes. Mexicans, for example, add it to coffee. In Spain, cinnamon sticks sometimes decorate cocktails, and a pinch of ground cinnamon is always added to rice porridge. In the Middle East, the spice is even used instead of black pepper, and the French add it to traditional Christmas cookies.


Cinnamon is the product of a small evergreen tree that grows in the Asian tropics. Cinnamon sticks are made from tree bark, which is cut during the rainy season. Nowadays, two main varieties of cinnamon have become famous: Ceylon and Chinese. They differ in that the first has a more subtle, specific aroma than the Chinese type.

Cinnamon may lower blood pressure. To do this, just eat one teaspoon of powder a day. You can divide this portion into four equal parts and take a quarter teaspoon four times.

The health benefits of cinnamon are truly enormous. It helps improve digestion and awakens appetite. Used as a stimulant and tonic. Found in cinnamon and antiseptic properties. This good diaphoretic and expectorant drug is useful in the treatment of ARVI and influenza. It can relieve toothache and headaches. Cinnamon stems in India are used as an antipyretic and analgesic medicine for renal and hepatic colic. In addition, they increase the secretion of gastric juice and have antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal effects.

Chinese cinnamon bark extract effectively inhibits the growth of 15 types of pathogenic bacteria, even the causative agent of tuberculosis. Chinese cinnamon eliminates the toxic effects of some plants (henbane), and when the juice is instilled into the eyes, it improves vision, often helps get rid of cataracts, and removes kidney stones.

In combinations with other herbs and spices, cinnamon is used against depression, reactive neuroses, a significant decrease in memory, to increase mental performance, with senile mental changes, multiple sclerosis, for recovery after a stroke, in case of circulatory failure, and also as a means of enhancing the healing effect of other plants.


The healing properties of cinnamon are transferred to cinnamon oil. The aroma and taste of the spice is due to aromatic oil, which is contained in the bark in an amount of 0.5–1%. Essential oil is obtained by grinding the bark of a tree, soaking it in water, and then distilling the infusion. The oil will be yellow-gold in color, has a characteristic cinnamon smell and a burning taste. This taste and rich warm smell is caused by the presence of the main component of the oil - cinnamaldehyde (cinnamal). As the oil oxidizes over time, it becomes very dark and acquires a resinous consistency.

It is noteworthy that it is the bark of the tree, and not the leaves or greens, like other plants, that is rich in oil essence. Essential oil makes up about 4% of the total mass of the bark. The composition of the components included in cinnamon oil has not been fully deciphered to this day. Scientists have isolated a specific polyphenol from cinnamon oil that helps lower blood sugar.


A new side of the aromatic bark has recently been discovered - its use can help with weight loss. Natural origin seasoning is extremely important nowadays. The mechanism of action is simple: cinnamon reduces blood glucose levels and thus eliminates the accumulation of fat deposits.

Another property of cinnamon for normalizing weight is lower cholesterol levels. The spice controls the growth of fat cells in the body and helps to quickly use them for energy production. These properties are key for cinnamon. They are what determines the achievement of the effect on human health. The substances contained in cinnamon perfectly regulate insulin and glucose balance in the blood. When glucose decreases, insulin production stabilizes. However, doctors learned by accident how the spicy bark affects the glucose-insulin balance in the blood.

Scientists have studied the influence various products on glucose levels, as a result of this experiment the wonderful properties of cinnamon were revealed. During the experiment, volunteers ate a regular apple pie, which, according to a long-standing tradition, is always flavored with cinnamon. Doctors expected that a piece of the pie would lead to sharp growth blood sugar level, but this did not happen, and even on the contrary, the glucose level decreased. The researchers were at first surprised by this result, but then they studied the recipe and ingredients of the pie in detail, and then they suggested that the insidious sugar was influenced by aromatic cinnamon. They decided to continue the experiment by inviting into the group of volunteers 60 diabetics suffering from type 2 diabetes, that is, already dependent on regular insulin injections. Experimental daredevils ate 2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder every day, and this had a very beneficial effect on their well-being. After just one week, it was noticed that regular consumption of cinnamon reduced glucose levels, and at the same time, the production of its own insulin substance increased. This was also reflected in the weight of spicy bark eaters, and their weight began to decrease. That's when housewives all over the world realized that it was not in vain that they kept the seasoning on their kitchen shelves.


In the store you can find it in the form of sticks and powder. In both forms, cinnamon is tasty and healthy. For more comfortable use, cinnamon is even produced in capsules. And if you like to drink tea, you will always find a drink with cinnamon. Cinnamon stick can be added to any herbal tea. Seasoning will enrich its aroma and create a pleasant, albeit unusual, taste. If you are interested in confectionery cooking, add it to sweets ground cinnamon. This way you will not only improve the taste, but also make the dish healthier. Not everyone, unfortunately, likes the taste of cinnamon, but most still love it.

To improve metabolism, get rid of excess weight nutritionists recommend drinking a special cinnamon drink. It's easy to prepare. Stir one teaspoon of cinnamon powder into 1 glass of juice. Add here half a tablespoon of ground and a little hot pepper. The “fiery” drink should be drunk immediately and not stored. Frequency of administration: one glass every 2 days.

Cinnamon can be a great help in fighting diseases.

At colds, as well as for prevention them, useful medicinal baths cinnamon. You should also take 1 tablespoon of warm honey with one quarter teaspoon of cinnamon three times a day. This composition will help cure almost any cough, clear the nasal passages, and ultimately get rid of colds.

Cinnamon has antipyretic action, but with too much high temperatures may worsen headaches.

Has cinnamon and diuretics properties, so it is useful to take it for kidney and liver diseases.

For inflammation Bladder you need to take 2 tablespoons of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of honey, dissolved in a glass warm water. This is a killer mixture for microbes that have settled in the bladder.

Cinnamon can be used as a medicine for many gastrointestinal diseases . Taken before meals, sprinkled with honey, cinnamon helps the body digest even the heaviest foods. Honey and cinnamon also relieve pain and heal ulcers.

Reduce the risk of heart attack A daily breakfast with tea and a piece of bread, with honey spread on it and mixed with cinnamon, will help.

A mixture of cinnamon and honey is truly a healing remedy that is effective as an addition to the main treatment cardiovascular diseases. It lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthens the heart muscle and helps the body endure age-related changes much easier.

To normalize weight, you need to regularly drink tea based on a mixture of honey and cinnamon, which will actually reduce volume and reduce weight. This tea should be prepared in the evening. Hot boiled water add half a teaspoon of cinnamon, leave to brew for half an hour. Then add one teaspoon of honey and drink half a glass of infusion. The remaining half is placed in the refrigerator until the morning. In the morning, on an empty stomach, finish the infusion. In the evening we make a new batch.

Don’t be lazy, because regular consumption of this drink helps even the most desperate fat person lose weight - cinnamon with honey does not allow fat to accumulate.

For arthritis, the above-described tea with cinnamon and honey in a 1:2 ratio is also useful. Regular consumption of this drink can even cure chronic arthritis.

And for older people, cinnamon with honey is simply necessary as a means of improving mobility and concentration, and increasing the vital functions of the body. And tea itself with cinnamon and honey delays the onset of old age if taken regularly. In old age, you can drink it 3-4 times a day, a quarter cup.


Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, cinnamon also has contraindications. The seasoning should not be consumed in large doses by people with internal bleeding of various origins. Cinnamon during pregnancy can promote increased contraction of the uterus, so it is also better to limit its use here. Also, if a person has ever had increased sensitivity to seasoning, it is better not to experiment with health.


First of all, let us remind you that it goes on sale in the form of sticks and powder. It is worth considering that it is easier to fake the powder; add foreign impurities to it to increase the volume. Therefore, it is much safer to buy cinnamon sticks. Plus, the sticks will retain the aroma and beneficial properties of cinnamon much longer.

Cinnamon comes in different varieties and each has its own flavor profile.

The most famous:

Ceylon- the most expensive and famous. She is considered the best in her own way taste qualities, sweet and a little hot. It contains much less harmful coumarin than others, which is why this variety is preferred. It is found under the following names: real cinnamon, noble cinnamon, cinnamon.

Chinese– not as aromatic as Ceylon. At the same time, it has a more pungent, pungent taste. Other names: Indian, aromatic cinnamon, cassia, simple cinnamon.

Malabar cinnamon has a sharp, slightly bitter taste.

Cinnamon It has a strong spicy aroma and pungent taste.

The freshness of cinnamon can be determined by its aroma: the stronger and sweeter it is, the fresher the product.

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