How to remove phlegm using folk remedies. What causes excessive sputum production - treatment methods

The process of removing mucus from the body can be quite lengthy. It depends on general condition the health of the child or adult, what the symptoms are, the causes, what remedies have been used before. In order for the cleansing to be maximum, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules and then how to get rid of phlegm in the bronchi will not be an unresolved problem. The most popular tips for those who do not know how to further clear mucus from the bronchi.

To successfully begin to drain fluid from the bronchi area (especially if it is viscous), you need to contact family doctor or a specialized specialist. He will help approve definite diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment, medications and additional medications- depending on what the symptoms of this process are in a child or an adult.

It is important to remember that cleansing will be complete if:

  1. Drink more fluid. It is necessary to liquefy the mucus in the bronchi. Water is universal medicine, suspending the formation of the set
    diseases. It is water that affects the causes and symptoms, making negative manifestations less active.
  2. The drink will be exceptionally warm. Its alkaline component is important. So, we are talking about warm milk with the addition of soda or plain mineral water. Treatment will be successful if you use herbal infusions, which allow you to thin the mucus in the bronchi.
  3. Humidification of the air in the room will be ensured. This is important not only for the child, but also for the adult. Humidifiers can be used to stop mucus formation. Patients use one more method: hanging wet towels or just clothes on heating radiators.

Special exercises

In order to get rid of fluid in the bronchi area, you can perform special exercises. Such treatment will not be complete if you do not use thinning drugs, as well as other agents and medications. However, the set of measures presented guarantees 100% output characteristics.

The technique recommended by otorhinolaryngologists is called postural drainage. Sputum in the bronchi, when used, disappears after 5-6 sessions. It is recommended to perform at least 2 exercises daily in order for the treatment and medications to be effective:

All about steam inhalations

Treatment of pathology with steam inhalations- that's another thing effective remedy. Its advantage is that it eliminates not only the symptoms, but also the factors in the development of the disease. Also, the use of inhalations is autonomous and can completely eliminate the need to use folk remedies or use special medications.

Steam allows you to activate the outflow of blood and lymph in the area respiratory organs, which allows you to get rid of phlegm. The following inhalation agents and medications can be used at home:

What you should know about expectorants

Expectorants help thin mucus and speed up its removal from the area. respiratory tract. The presented products are associated with different principles of influence, despite the fact that they provide 100% treatment. This is about reflex influence, that is, on the gastric region, bronchial glands. The latter makes it possible to increase the rate of mucus secretion.

Reflex components include the root part of marshmallow and licorice, thermopsis herb and thyme. If we talk about the direct effect, then it is characterized by an effect on the sputum itself and the bronchi, which provides treatment and alleviates all symptoms. This group includes mucolytics, essential oils and other drugs.

Such remedies are prescribed for diseases that are accompanied by a wet cough, as well as the production of thick sputum. This is true even for a child with acute and chronic type bronchitis, asthma and other similar diseases. At home, plants such as:

  • black radish (juice mixed with natural honey);
  • coltsfoot;
  • St. John's wort;
  • ivy;
  • root part of marshmallow;
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries.

If you quickly remove all the mucus, the bronchial area is very easily cleared and we can talk about recovery.

Therefore, in order to know how to remove phlegm from the bronchi, it will be enough to remember simple rules and recommendations. Strict adherence to them and periodic consultations with a doctor are important. This is what will help you achieve Get well soon without the likelihood of relapses and complications.

To remove mucus from the bronchi and to treat cough, you need to visit a doctor before starting treatment to accurately determine the causes of this problem.

In any case, in order to restore your health and get rid of a cough, you need to solve the problem of how to remove phlegm from the bronchi at home. You can do this most different ways, folk remedies, including.

If breathing is difficult, if there is persistent cough, it's worth going through a certain treatment course to remove phlegm.

In advanced situations, this can lead to certain problems and the development of inflammatory processes.

In the bronchi, the process of producing sputum is constant. This natural process, through which the lungs and bronchi protect themselves from the penetration of various unfavorable microorganisms and dust into them.

The mucus contains special antibodies, which are protective immune cells. They produce substances that protect the body from the most various diseases infectious and pathological.

Waste mucus is removed from respiratory system in a natural, invisible way to humans.

If this process becomes noticeable, if a cough is tormented, if there is a lot of mucus, it acquires a viscous consistency and changes color, you should immediately visit a doctor and begin the treatment process with medications and folk remedies to resolve the issue of how to remove phlegm from the throat.

Neglect of these rules can lead to the development of diseases such as:

  1. ARVI.
  2. Bronchitis.
  3. Bronchial asthma and other pathologies that are accompanied by a severe cough.

In progress medical examination the doctor determines the disease by examining sputum and prescribes treatment. Bronchitis or flu is directly indicated by yellow or greenish sputum; if the mucus becomes rusty in color, pneumonia can be judged.

These pathologies can be gotten rid of quickly enough with the help of folk remedies and various medical procedures. If you follow your doctor’s recommendations, you can quickly solve the problem of how to get rid of phlegm in the throat of an adult or a child.

You can cleanse your lungs as quickly as possible by using medications of different effects.

As for various procedures and traditional methods of treatment, they are used as additional funds, which do not eliminate the cause, but improve the general condition.

Treatment must be very thorough, since stagnant mucus can lead to various complications.

The standard treatment regimen for accumulated sputum looks like this:

To remove mucus from the lungs as quickly as possible, dilute it with all possible ways . In such a diluted state, sputum will be cleared from the lungs much faster and easier. The doctor will select the optimal remedy for this purpose.

To speed up the process and improve the results obtained, treatment with medications must be supplemented with folk remedies.

There are many methods for cleansing the lungs. Among them we can note different syrups, decoctions, tinctures, mixtures, as well as inhalations and physical exercise, which no less effectively solve the question of how to remove sputum from the bronchi using folk remedies.

Application of funds traditional medicine prescribed by a doctor is more safe method treatment that can be used by a pregnant woman.

Data therapeutic measures They help very well in solving the issue of how to remove phlegm from the bronchi.

This method of treating and getting rid of sputum is quite safe; it is very often used to cleanse sputum in infants who should not be given herbal decoctions, medications or carry out other, more serious methods treatment.

Here are the most popular and effective methods to get rid of phlegm:

Steam inhalations are the best way getting rid of not only accumulated phlegm, but also from various consequences that appear for this reason.

Steam from inhalation tends to enhance blood circulation in the respiratory organs. This automatically has a positive effect on the process of activating mucus release.

Inhalations are enough effective method treatment, which can be used completely autonomously, that is, without the use of medications.

In the process of treating and cleansing the lungs, inhalations can be supplemented with compresses. Among the most effective recipes the following can be distinguished:

Inhalations and compresses are strictly prohibited at elevated temperatures..

If it is more than 37.5 degrees, no warming procedures are carried out. This can lead to a serious deterioration in your overall health.

To liquefy mucus and remove it from the respiratory system, it is worth considering different means, which are taken orally during treatment.

These can be different herbal compositions and specially prepared mixtures from certain medicinal products. Here are some of the most effective recipes herbal treatment.

Collection No. 1

Herbs that have a very good expectorant effect are marshmallow, thermopsis, St. John's wort, ivy, and coltsfoot.

These herbs can be used individually or all together.

To prepare the medicinal composition, you need to take a couple of spoons of the mixture, pour 500 ml of boiling water and, after infusing for an hour, take half a glass three to four times a day.

Collection No. 2

An equally high positive effect can be obtained by using a mixture based on licorice, violet and coltsfoot. These herbs are taken in equal proportions and mixed thoroughly.

To prepare the medicinal composition, you need to take a spoonful of the mixture and a glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour. After this, the decoction is filtered and drunk in several doses over the course of one week.

Collection No. 3

Another effective treatment method is based on mixing sage, pine buds, licorice root.

All this is taken in equal quantities and brewed with boiling water. The optimal proportion is one tablespoon per two glasses of water.

The decoction must be infused for three hours and taken strictly two spoons, strained, every three hours.

This is a universal mixture that can be used both internally and as inhalation.

A special monastic collection known to many is very popular in the process of removing sputum. It contains herbs such as:

All of these components are very useful and effective in themselves, and also significantly enhance general action each other.

Cooking method medicinal infusion simple enough. A tablespoon of a mixture of herbs is poured into a glass of boiling water, brewed and taken one third of a glass three times a day.

The total treatment time is from one to three months. This technique helps very well in complex treatment, that is, simultaneously with medications.

Pine cones are good at thinning mucus and have an ideal anti-inflammatory effect..

To prepare a medicinal infusion, you need to take 10 small buds and dry them very well. After this, the cones are poured with 500 ml of water and boiled for about 30 minutes.

After this, the broth should be left for an hour, add honey and take one-fourth of a glass.

The total treatment time is 10 days; if necessary, after a short break the process can be repeated.

Two spoons dried berries you need to pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. Everything is thoroughly boiled for 2 minutes over medium heat and, after cooling, poured into a bottle.

Everything is tightly closed and left for one day to brew in a dark place. It is advisable to take this drink warm and at least two cups per day.

This must be done until the main symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated.

To improve general taste qualities, it is worth putting not a large number of Sahara.

There are several options for treating the respiratory system and sputum removal, which are based on the use of different healthy products. Among the most effective are the following:

Talking about medicinal products, it can be noted that honey helps very well in the treatment process.

It can be used with a wide variety of ingredients and taken in any form. The product can be mixed with squeezed aloe juice, mixing it in a ratio of 1:5. You can use honey with melted lard, taking one teaspoon three times a day.

There is a special set of breathing exercises that is designed to solve the problem associated with removing mucus from the respiratory system. Here are the most effective and simple exercises:

This short set of breathing exercises should be done for up to seven days, three times a day.


If you do breathing exercises regularly, if you combine them with various effective folk methods of treatment and removal of sputum, you can quickly cleanse the lungs and bronchi.

The general condition quickly improves, the cough stops and the occurrence of various complications is prevented.

Require complex treatment, including antibacterial or antiviral therapy, antipyretic and antihistamines, immunostimulants and immunomodulators. Pathogenetic treatment is aimed at reducing signs of inflammation, bronchodilation, restoring the patency of the respiratory tract, as well as liquefying and removing sputum. For this purpose, patients are prescribed expectorants. This is a group of drugs that ensure the removal of bronchial secretions from the respiratory tract.

U healthy people a mucous secretion is constantly produced, designed to moisturize and cleanse the epithelium of the respiratory tract. With infection and inflammation of the respiratory tract, the activity of the cilia of epithelial cells decreases and sputum production increases. It becomes viscous and difficult to separate. To cope with this problem and eliminate a productive cough, medications that help thin and expectorate sputum will help. They restore the functioning of the ciliated epithelium and accelerate the movement of tracheobronchial secretions.

Drugs in this group are divided into 2 large subgroups:

  • Secretomotor means, directly stimulating expectoration.
  • Mucolytics or secretolytics, thinning sputum.

Expectorants are intended for the treatment of productive cough with viscous and thick discharge, which occurs when the bronchi, bronchioles, lungs, trachea are affected, as well as other diseases.

Mucolytic and expectorant drugs are auxiliary drugs that make the patient’s life easier, but do not eliminate the cause of cough. They should be used only in combination with etiotropic antimicrobial therapy.

Mucolytics thin the thick bronchial secretions, have a mild anti-inflammatory effect and prevent mucus from sticking to the walls of the respiratory tract.

Mechanism of action

- a reflex act that protects the body from foreign substances by removing them from the respiratory system. This the most important sign bronchopulmonary diseases. The cough reflex occurs when the receptors of the mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea are irritated, which becomes inflamed and swollen. It intensively produces thick mucus, which does not come out, but continues to stimulate cough receptors.

Cough also happens. In the first case, it is necessary to use drugs that improve the removal of sputum, but do not suppress the cough - mucolytic and expectorant drugs. They dilute mucus and promote its movement from the lower parts of the respiratory tract to the upper ones. Although this group combines a large number of drugs, all of which differ in their main pharmacological action.


Medicinal herbs, herbal infusions, pharmacological preparations and folk remedies.

Only a doctor must select one or another cough medicine, taking into account the form and stage of the disease, the patient’s condition, the nature of the sputum and the presence of concomitant pathologies. Herbal medicines and folk remedies are safe, but often ineffective. Potent ones deserve special attention synthetic drugs, which have a number of contraindications and side effects. Most of them have a symptomatic effect, and some drugs have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Synthetic secretolytics are used to eliminate cough, which is a symptom of inflammation of the bronchi, lungs, and trachea. They are prescribed to premature babies and children early age in which the synthesis of surfactant, a substance that stabilizes the pulmonary alveoli, is reduced.

  • "Bromhexine"- an effective mucolytic, which is prescribed to persons with spastic bronchitis, bronchiectasis. Bromhexine is synthetic analogue active plant matter vasicin, which can thin and remove mucus. In the human body, bromhexine is absorbed into the blood and, as a result of a number of metabolic reactions, is converted into ambroxol. The drug is produced in tablet form, syrup and drops for inhalation. The effect of the drug begins one day after the start of treatment: the viscosity of sputum decreases, the work of ciliated epithelium, the volume of sputum and its excretion increases. Bromhexine ensures stability of the alveoli during breathing through the production of pulmonary surfactant. Side effects are dyspepsia and allergies. Currently, bromhexine is considered an outdated drug, and doctors recommend it less and less.
  • "Ambroxol"– a medicine that protects the mucous membrane of the respiratory system from external influences, including infection. This drug is considered vital and is widely used in medical practice. Thanks to the effect of the drug, the mobility of the villi of the ciliated epithelium is activated, mucociliary transport is restored, resulting in the formation of a less viscous discharge. Increased surfactant production protects cells and tissues from invasion pathogenic microbes. Ambroxol is a metabolite of bromhexine and has identical properties. It has a pronounced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Use the drug with for preventive purposes before and after operations. Ambroxol is used in tablet form to treat wet cough in adults. Children under one year old are given delicious syrup in an age-appropriate dosage.

  • Acetylcysteine
    represents the main active substance the drug "ACC" and its analogues. This is an effective mucolytic that can dilute viscous bronchial secretions and remove it from the body. "ACC" is prescribed to persons with infectious pathology of the respiratory system, accompanied by the formation of thick mucus: bronchitis, tracheitis, as well as. Acetylcysteine ​​is used to treat cold cough and enters complex therapy such serious illnesses, like cystic fibrosis, lung and others. Acetylcysteine ​​is an important medicine that is available in powder form and effervescent tablets. Side effects include allergic reactions, shortness of breath, bronchospasm.
  • Carbocisteine- a mucolytic agent with a bronchosecretolytic effect. It liquefies, breaks down and dissolves difficult to expectorate sticky mucus, and also slows down the process of its formation. “Carbocisteine”, “Libexin Muco”, “Mukosol” and other analogues normalize the condition of the mucous membranes and promote their regeneration. These medications do not provoke bronchospasm and are safer than ACC. The very next day after the start of treatment, the discharge of sputum and mucus from the respiratory tract improves, which makes breathing easier and reduces coughing.
  • Combined expectorants - potent drugs, used according to strict indications and doctor’s recommendations. The most common representative of this group is Ascoril. Despite high efficiency and rapid onset of therapeutic effect, drugs in this group have many contraindications and cause a variety of side effects. Codelac Broncho is available in different dosage forms: tablets, syrup, elixir. The syrup is prescribed mainly to children in a dosage appropriate to their age. It reduces the viscosity of mucus, promotes its removal, weakens the cough reflex and reduces inflammatory process in the respiratory tract.

"Bromhexine" and "Ambroxol" promote the penetration of antibiotics from the group of penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides, and fluoroquinolones into the sputum. In this regard, expectorants based on these drugs are prescribed together with antimicrobial agents.

For chronic obstructive inflammation of the bronchi, good therapeutic effect provides the combined use of mucolytics, bronchodilators, antispasmodics - “Salbutamol”, “Eufillin”. During the treatment process, the work of the ciliated epithelium is enhanced, inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane is reduced, and sputum production is facilitated.


Some medicinal herbs have an expectorant effect and clear the bronchi of mucus. Official medicine authorizes the use of these herbs for wet cough. You can purchase them at the pharmacy chain and use them strictly according to the instructions.

Expectorant herbs include:

  • Plantain,
  • Altey,
  • Coltsfoot,
  • Thyme,
  • Licorice,
  • Sage,
  • Calendula,
  • Chamomile,
  • Thermopsis,
  • Oregano.

These herbs irritate the gastric mucosa and brain centers, and then reflexively activate the mucous glands in the bronchi and contractility bronchial muscles. Thanks to this, sputum becomes liquid and abundant, it moves faster through the respiratory tract and leaves the body.

From medicinal herbs prepare breast mixtures or brew them separately. A good therapeutic effect is provided by decoctions, infusions, syrups, herbal teas and drinks. Most people suffering productive cough, choose natural medicines and confirm their high efficiency. Modern pharmaceuticals produce a huge number of herbal medicines based on medicinal herbs.

Folk remedies

Traditional cough medicine, actively used at home, is quite effective and accessible to everyone. This mild expectorant therapy gives good results, the main thing is to stock up necessary ingredients and patience. Before proceeding to self-medication, you should consult a specialist.

To cleanse the bronchi from unwanted and excessive mucus, you need to drink as much liquid as possible and do herbal and essential inhalations.

Video: cough and expectorants, Dr. Komarovsky

Sputum in the lungs appears in a person most often as a result of colds. It settles in the lungs and bronchi. Since it can lead to complications of the disease, many people wonder how to remove phlegm from the lungs. There are several ways to remove it. These can be medications or folk remedies.

To facilitate the removal of mucus from the bronchi and lungs, there are two types of expectorants.

Each medicine that removes phlegm has its own side effects. Before using any of them, you must consult a specialist and carefully read the instructions. In the case when the cough does not go away long time and sputum continues to collect in the lungs, then antibiotics must be started.

Folk remedies for removing phlegm

Along with medications, many people use folk recipes with which their grandparents were treated. Milk, honey and healing herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect and facilitate the removal of mucus from the bronchi.

All of the above folk methods for removing mucus from the bronchi and lungs are suitable not only for adults, but also for children aged five years and older. But it's worth remembering that folk ways It is better to use treatment in combination with medicines. Only in this case, treatment will proceed faster, and the disease will pass without complications.

Other ways to remove phlegm

But besides taking pills and using traditional methods, there are other ways in which you can remove phlegm. These include:

But besides this, you must not forget to expectorate the mucus, since it must be removed from the body. To do this, you should always have a handkerchief at hand, and if you want to cough or blow your nose, you don’t need to be embarrassed.

If you do not take any measures to treat cough, then most often this leads to serious complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia. Treatment should be comprehensive and carried out only after consultation with a doctor. Many medications and folk recipes may contain components that cause allergic reactions.


During treatment of any disease, it is very important to eat properly. In cases where sputum is removed from the lungs very poorly, doctors recommend including in the diet:

  • Herbal teas. Tea made from currant, raspberry and cloudberry leaves has antiviral effect and thins mucus.
  • Garlic. His beneficial features have been known since ancient times. It is also used as a prophylaxis against viral diseases during the cold season.
  • Spicy food. Many have noticed that after consuming spicy food A runny nose appears - the result of liquefaction of sputum.
  • Chewing gum. They are good not only for the prevention of caries, but also during the treatment of cough. During chewing, vibrations are created, which soften the mucus.

During treatment you should not eat frequently fatty foods, since they are able to give sputum greater viscosity, which complicates its removal from the body. Products containing high level protein substances can also complicate its liquefaction.

Ways to remove phlegm from a child

Children may not always be suitable for the same treatment method that helps an adult, since it can be much more difficult to remove sputum from them. This is due to the special structure of the body and lungs, which have not yet fully formed.

In pharmacies today you can find many drugs that thin sputum and are suitable for child's body. But quite often it is not enough to take only medications. There are also several other methods. Eg:

  • Massage. It helps a lot with children's cough. But it can only be done when the baby does not have a fever. Before the procedure, the child should be given an expectorant to make it easier for him to cough up.
  • Honey. But it should be used with caution even if the child is not allergic to it. Honey can be mixed with cranberry juice or milk.
  • Chamomile tea. This method Suitable even for infants. During cough treatment, it is necessary to monitor air humidity. Disease development and appearance acute forms may cause dry air.

During seasonal colds, it is very important to start taking vitamins to strengthen the immune system, eat garlic, drink herbal teas, not be outside for a long time and dress warmer. But if a cough begins, then treatment measures must be started as soon as possible. This will help you recover faster and avoid serious consequences.

There are quite a few ways to remove mucus from the bronchi. There is no need to try to use everything at once; just choose two or three. It is very important to continue the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor medicines, since only a complex effect can help get rid of phlegm and prevent the development of more serious diseases.

After the transformation of a dry cough into a productive wet one, patients with bronchitis often face the problem of how to remove viscous sputum from the bronchi. It is imperative to get rid of sputum - the volume of pathogenic mucus that is not removed outside is a dangerous source of infection, which easily spreads to other organs and causes additional complications.

In addition, abundant bronchial secretions cause significant discomfort to a person - it interferes with full and even eating, causing a gag reflex.

Important! Liquefaction and removal of pathogenic wet secretions from the respiratory tract is important stage bronchitis therapy.

Freeing the lungs and bronchi from mucus is most difficult in children under 2-3 years of age. In adults, the reflex responsible for clearing the airways in the form of a cough is already fully formed, and their muscles also work stably bronchial tree which helps expel their mucus lower section bronchi. In adult patients, even the composition and consistency of mucus simplifies the process of its removal.

In any case, measures for the timely and complete removal of sputum from the bronchi should be taken at any age. Drug treatment bronchitis, recommended by the attending physician, must be supplemented with special physical and physiotherapeutic procedures, a sufficient amount of warm drink and an appropriate microclimate in the apartment.

How to properly prepare mucus for exit from the bronchi

The composition and structure (thickness) of bronchial sputum is directly related to the causative agent of the disease, with associated complications and the period of the disease. Liquid consistency of bronchial secretion typical for viral lesions pharynx, larynx, nasal and oral cavity. Depending on the treatment plan, age and lifestyle of the patient, the pathogenic secretion descends and changes consistency - it turns into thick and viscous.

Doctors will divide bronchial secretions into serous, mucous, purulent, with blood, etc. The development of the purulent component in the bronchi further increases the viscosity and stickiness of the mucus. Often, to clarify and be able to prescribe adequate therapy, it is recommended for the patient to collect sputum from the bronchi and submit it for laboratory testing.

Medicines that remove mucus from the bronchi

Doctors distinguish two types of bronchitis, for which the recommended treatment will differ:

Important! It is necessary to ensure prompt release of sputum in cases where a patient with bronchitis feels constant, distinct wheezing or whistling is heard. This means that the bronchial mucosa is filled with thick liquid and cannot cope with its volume on its own.

Respiratory complexes

The release of sputum during bronchitis, especially in young patients, is facilitated by special exercises, which solve problems such as:

  • relieving swelling of the bronchial walls;
  • restoration of normal breathing;
  • ensuring active oxygen supply to the body;
  • relief of cough and removal of mucus.

Traditional recipes for fighting phlegm

Many folk recipes successfully stimulate the release of pathogenic mucus. Below are the simplest and effective ways cleanse the bronchi:

  1. You need to cut a hole and fill the void with honey. Radish juice is mixed with honey throughout the day. You should take the syrup 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.
  2. Chop a large onion with a knife and mix with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Transfer the mixture into a glass jar and place in dark place at 10-11 o'clock. Take 2 tablespoons every 3-4 hours.
  3. Milk helps clear the bronchi egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey. The milk needs to be warmed up a little. Drink medicinal composition should be overnight.

Measures to cleanse the bronchi in children

Treatment of cough with mucus in small patients should not be carried out according to the same scheme as in adult patients. Even a small amount of secretion in the bronchi of a baby is very dangerous symptom. The child is not yet knows how to cough, his bronchial lumens are still very small and quickly “stick” with mucus.

Besides some pharmacological drugs(only on the recommendation of a pediatrician) babies with bronchitis should bend and straighten their arms and legs and be given plenty of warm drinks. It is also necessary to humidify the air in the children's room more often. To do this, you need to place large cups of water in the room, wipe all surfaces from dust several times a day, and buy a special air humidifier.

Important! Children should not be given drugs without consulting their treating pediatrician. alternative medicine, even if they are checked and rechecked by grandparents.

It is useful for older children to inhale with potato broth, essential oils And medicinal plants. They stimulate blood flow, cleanse the bronchi and have an antispasmodic effect.

In addition to all of the above pharmacological agents and alternative medicine recipes, walks in the forest with coniferous trees and near bodies of water help remove phlegm from the lungs and bronchi.

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