Which yogurt is healthier - low-fat or full-fat? Low-fat kefir: properties and tips for choosing. When is it good to drink kefir?

Eating fermented milk products is useful for maintaining your figure and digestion in general, but not everyone knows the answer to the question of which kefir is best for weight loss. Freshness, fat content, calorie content and even the temperature of the drink are important. In addition, you can use kefir for weight loss with various additives. There are even complete diets based on this product. The instructions below will help you decide which kefir to drink for weight loss.

What should be the composition of kefir?

A lot can be said about the benefits of this drink. It lies not so much in low calorie content, but in composition. The main advantage is prebiotic bacteria, which help restore damaged low calorie diet intestinal microflora. 100% found in the store natural kefir difficult, so it’s imperative to pay attention to the composition of the product. It must contain:

  1. Kefir starter. The most useful is considered to contain lactic acid cultures, fungi and yeast. If the composition contains only one of the two, then the product can be called yogurt or pseudo-kefir. You should not choose a drink that contains “lactic acid culture starter”.
  2. Protein in kefir is also mandatory. Protein makes a low-calorie diet balanced, helps reduce appetite, and accelerates fat burning. The protein content must be at least 3%.
  3. Calcium. This microelement is also required. It prevents the accumulation of fat deposits and helps the body burn calories faster.

The packaging should not contain ingredients such as powdered or reconstituted milk, fruit additives, dyes, palm oil and preservatives. These products transform real kefir into a kefir drink. In this case, farm products are the healthiest and most natural. Included good kefir may be present:

  • pasteurized milk;
  • fermentation of live bacteria or kefir grains;
  • yeast yeast and bifidobacteria.

Calorie content of fermented milk product

When losing weight one of important criteria choice of products is their calorie content. The same applies to kefir. Its calorie content is determined by its fat content. For achievement slim figure It is advisable to choose a drink with the lowest percentage. The calorie content in this case will be about 25-30 kcal per 100 g of product. This low-fat drink has all the benefits without extra calories.

Which fat content of kefir is best for weight loss?

There is no row in completely low-fat kefir useful vitamins, so this option is not worth choosing. In addition, there is no need to completely exclude fat from the diet, because the body needs it. The best option– choose a drink with a fat content of up to 1%. Using vegetable oil in a diet like this kefir will do. If fats in your diet are completely limited, then choose the option with a fat content of 2.5%.

Best before date

Which kefir is better for weight loss - freshly made or one that is already a couple of days old? Positive properties only fresh product has. The shelf life of natural kefir is 7-10 days from the date of production. This is the only period the bacteria in the drink live. A longer shelf life indicates the presence of preservatives. Sour kefir has the same effect on the body, but:

  • has increased acidity, which may adversely affect performance digestive system;
  • has a strong laxative effect.

The consistency of the product also indicates that it is expired. Fresh kefir is homogeneous. If, when shaken, two layers are released in the drink - whey and flakes, then this indicates the expiration date. This also indicates yellow drink, bitter taste and Strong smell. This drink should absolutely not be consumed. The fresh product is slightly sour and does not have a strong odor, and its color is white.

How to drink kefir to lose weight

An important question is not only which kefir is best for weight loss, but also how to drink it correctly. Most nutritionists recommend drinking this drink for dinner or before bed, and for good reason. Kefir owes its powerful fat-burning effect to calcium, which is better absorbed in the evening. For this reason, a glass of this cocktail before bed really helps you lose weight. In addition to this nuance, it is important to observe following rules usage:

  1. Daily norm. The optimal amount is 200-400 ml of kefir per day. Larger volume can lead to swelling, bloating, severe flatulence.
  2. Time of receipt. This drink is useful not only in the evening. Great option breakfast in the morning - buckwheat or fruit mix with kefir. For lunch to maintain mental activity and suppress the desire for sweets, you can drink a glass of this product with the addition of honey or cinnamon.
  3. Duration. If this is a kefir mono-diet, then you cannot stick to it for more than 3 days, because it is a lot of stress for the body. At balanced menu using cocktails, fruits and vegetables, weight loss with kefir can last 7, 10 and even 21 days.

With honey

When answering the question, which kefir is best for weight loss, it is worth noting the possibility of consuming the drink with additives. This will help diversify your diet, and the drink itself won’t get boring so quickly. There are many recipes for kefir cocktails, including those with the addition of honey. One of them is prepared like this:

  1. Prepare 250 ml of kefir with a fat content of up to 1%.
  2. Add a teaspoon of honey to it. It can be replaced with a similar amount of rosehip syrup.
  3. At the end, add another spoonful of oat or wheat bran powder.
  4. Stir everything until smooth.
  5. Use the product instead of second breakfast or last meal.


To increase the fat-burning properties of kefir, you can add various spices to it, for example, cinnamon. In addition to its benefits for weight loss, it also improves the taste of the drink. This is especially important so that you don’t get used to kefir and it doesn’t start to get boring. Preparing the cocktail is very simple - simply add half a teaspoon of cinnamon to a glass of fermented milk drink. It is better to consume it before bed, so that the process of burning fat occurs in the body at night.

What brand of kefir is best to drink for weight loss?

After you have found out which kefir is best for weight loss, it is worth studying the ratings of more popular manufacturers. In addition to the product name, the review displays calorie content, fat content, some basic characteristics and price. Brands that are in demand and good reviews, such as “House in the Village”, “Prostokvashino”, “Danone”, “Biomax”, etc. Moreover, each manufacturer offers customers kefir of different percentages of fat content.

Fat content:


  • 34.6 calories per 100 g.


  • production - Voronezh;
  • shelf life – 13 days;
  • storage conditions – 2-4 degrees;
  • weight – 1000 g;
  • composition – normalized cow's milk with kefir grain starter, bifidobacteria.
  • 80 rubles.

More than one book has been written about the beneficial properties of kefir. Even serious scientists dedicated their dissertations to this drink. By the way, some of them believe that the secret of the highlanders’ longevity lies in the regular consumption of fermented milk products.

Kefir is also included in the list of “Most healthy foods in the world,” which was once distributed by the US FDA. By the way, finding decent kefir in the States is a big problem. Well, you and I are extremely lucky. Products from local dairies can be purchased in any store.

What are the benefits of kefir for the body?

Let's figure out what are the benefits of kefir for the human body? First of all, beneficial features kefir are due to the content of prebiotic lactocultures. Beneficial bacteria live in our intestines and help digest fiber-rich foods. The quality of digestion often depends on the state of the intestinal microflora. Some physiologists seriously believe that the “stronger” the flora, the better a person’s immunity. So you can prevent flu not only with fancy sweet yogurt, but also with a glass regular kefir. Fortunately, lactocultures are absorbed from it more efficiently.

  • Doctors recommend kefir for diseases of the liver, pancreas, diseases gastrointestinal tract, obesity.
  • Kefir is a universal product for regulating the speed of digestion. Fresh kefir weakens, but “old” kefir – older than 3 days – on the contrary, strengthens.
  • Kefir also has mild diuretic properties, so it is recommended for anyone who has problems with edema and even high blood pressure.
  • This fermented milk drink goes well with all grains and flour products.
  • It also allows our body to get complete protein. If you want to get more protein, look for kefir with minimal fat content, and consume about half a liter per day.

Which kefir is healthier?

The answer to the question, “which kefir is healthier?” pretty simple. Nutritionist R.V. Moisenko writes that you should only buy fermented milk products with a shelf life of no more than one week. Typically, these requirements are met by locally produced kefir from dairies located nearby.

Well, if you bought “long-lasting” kefir, it’s better...to ferment milk with it. By adding 200 ml of this product to 1 liter of plain milk and leaving the saucepan in the kitchen overnight, you will get fresh yogurt rich in prebiotics for breakfast. And here is the kefir itself long storage may contain not only lactocultures, but also starch-based thickeners, and therefore cannot be considered an ideal healthy product.

Is low-fat kefir healthy?

The benefits of low-fat kefir are often denied. On this topic it is said that skim milk contains less protein, and low-fat kefir itself is often homogenized. Simply put, to give the drink a more or less thick consistency, starch, agar or other thickeners are added to it.

In fact, low-fat kefir, which looks more like whey or very liquid kefir, contains the same lactocultures and proteins, only less fat and calories. If you have red meat in your diet, butter, nuts, vegetable oil and cheeses, as well egg yolks It makes no sense to “bother” with the fat content of kefir - you will already get enough fat for your health. And the low-fat product is very convenient to use for preparing cold summer soups or “fillings” cereal porridge and cereals.

When is it good to drink kefir?

If you are trying to improve your intestinal flora, the answer to the question “when to drink kefir” should be clear. Drink when your stomach is as empty as possible. Moreover, use the product with a minimum of additives.

If you just use kefir for pleasure, it has a place in the morning, afternoon, and even evening menus.

What are the benefits of kefir at night?

Kefir at night is as useful as at any other time. In addition, drinking kefir at night improves intestinal flora and strengthens sleep. The milk proteins it contains are rich in the amino acid tryptophan, a key product for quality and restful sleep.

If you are losing weight or simply maintaining your weight, a glass of kefir will help curb your appetite during the most difficult time of the evening.

Perhaps, only those people who lose fluid very quickly should not abuse kefir at night. Or you should drink a glass of kefir 2 hours before your expected bedtime.

The benefits of a fasting day on kefir

Fasting days on kefir, contrary to popular opinion, are more useful not for weight loss, but for speeding up digestion. For the reasons listed above, kefir normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

But for those who have problems with overeating, kefir days, most often, turn out to be too “tough” and provoke increased appetite the next day. To avoid this, after unloading on kefir, you should have breakfast with a dish that will be rich in animal fats and protein. Regular chicken or quail eggs are ideal for this purpose.

Harm from kefir

There will be no particular harm from drinking high-quality kefir. However, some people are “at odds” with artificially introduced microflora from outside and may suffer from an upset stomach after drinking this drink.

In addition, expired, low-quality kefir can actually cause poisoning. Do not leave the packages in a warm place for more than 1-2 hours, do not “heat” the kefir on the radiator and watch the expiration date and everything will be fine.


  • Kefir is contraindicated for children under one year of age, due to the fact that they have not developed the microflora for its absorption.
  • Those who are lactose intolerant should not drink it. However, today you can find lactose-free milk and ferment it yourself at home to get a kefir-like drink.
  • Old kefir should not be drunk by people with increased acidity gastric juice and heartburn.
    There is no clear answer to the question “Which is healthier, kefir or fermented baked milk?” Both products are prebiotics, but fermented baked milk uses thermized milk. So you should choose based on your taste preferences.

For example, fermented baked milk has a less sour taste and many people note that the feeling of fullness lasts longer after it.

The milk for making fermented baked milk is “languished” for a long time, so that no foreign bacteria remain in it, and then it is fermented with thermophilic streptococcus and acidophilus bacillus, which are beneficial to the health of our body.

  • There is also no clear answer to the question of whether kefir or yogurt is healthier. Both products are good, however, if we are talking about natural yogurt with bifidobacteria, and not about a sweet imitation with starch and fruit flavors.
  • Well, whether yogurt or kefir is healthier, everyone decides depending on their individual characteristics digestion. Sometimes curdled milk is too sour and can cause heartburn.
  • And finally, considering whether kefir or milk is healthier, we can say that fermented milk is traditionally better absorbed by adults, but fresh milk is better absorbed by children

Kefir is a drink that we have been familiar with since childhood.

Many people love and drink it. Nutritionists advise people who are overweight to consume kefir.

Some people drink it at night to get rid of insomnia.

History of appearance

In the North Caucasus, odes are written about this drink. It was the Ossetians who first invented kefir.

And throughout long period For a time, this nation was a monopolist of the miracle drink.

Mine original recipe They kept the preparations in the strictest confidence.

How did kefir become affordable product for a wide range of consumers?

There is a beautiful legend that says the following:
“One powerful and famous highlander fell in love with a Russian girl who did not reciprocate his feelings. The prince kidnapped her.

After a while, the lover was imprisoned in a Russian prison. The treasured kefir grains were demanded as a ransom for him. Since then, we have had an excellent opportunity to taste this drink of the gods.”

In Russia, kefir began to be produced only at the beginning of the last century. Our country owns the rights to production. Only two countries - Canada and Japan - have a license to produce kefir.

Secrets of centenarians

This drink is rightfully considered legendary. His healing properties difficult to overestimate. For preparation, a special starter is used, the composition of which is a successful combination of many microorganisms.

The starter contains 22 types of bacteria, of which:

  • lactic acid streptococci,
  • yeast,
  • acetic acid,
  • lactic acid sticks.

There is a close relationship between all these components, and this is the reason beneficial effects on the human body.

World-famous scientists tried to recreate sourdough artificially. But all their attempts were in vain. They never managed to create the necessary balance of bacteria, and kefir, as such, did not work out.

Kefir is a fermented milk product that is produced by double fermentation of milk.

During milk fermentation, another fermentation process occurs in parallel, in which fungi and microorganisms participate.

After the kefir grains are poured fresh milk, the process of alcoholic fermentation begins.

As a result, a small amount of alcohol is formed in kefir.

It is this detail that gives the drink an unusual freshness, sharpness of taste and a foamy, creamy consistency.

Fermented milk products should occupy worthy place in the diet of every person.

Chemical composition

Beneficial features

Having analyzed the composition of this fermented milk product, scientists put it in first position in terms of useful qualities. The drink has a beneficial effect on:

Kefir has a mild diuretic effect, so it is recommended to drink it for people who have problems with edema.

This product is able to regulate the speed of digestion. A fresh drink acts on the body as a mild laxative.

Then, like kefir, which is more than 3 days old, can hold the stool together. This needs to be taken into account.

People suffering from constipation should drink only fresh kefir. The drink gets along well with bakery products(the benefits of amaranth bread are written on the page).

Kefir is good to drink for people who are weakened after a long illness.

It helps restore the body's defenses.

The product is indicated for elderly people and infants from 8 months of age.

Before this period, children should not be given kefir.

The drink has also found wide application in cosmetology:

  • included in face masks (about use amaranth oil written),
  • improves the condition of hair () and skin.

Scientists managed to prove it. That people who regularly consumed yogurt were less susceptible oncological diseases(read about wax moth tincture in the article).

Kefir does not cause allergic reactions. Therefore, people who have been diagnosed with allergic diseases can drink it.

Which kefir is more beneficial: full-fat or low-fat?? There is no clear answer to this question.

If you have set a goal to lose weight (), buy kefir with low percentage fat

If you want to extract the maximum nutrients from the drink, drink full-fat kefir.

Possible harm

Some people should stop eating kefir and replace it with yogurt, fermented baked milk or sour cream.

This fermented milk product should not be used if:

  • digestive disorder,
  • peptic ulcer,
  • diseases duodenum,
  • in case of milk protein intolerance.

This product is contraindicated in cosmetology people with dry skin.

There are circumstances when the use of kefir is permissible only if certain rules are observed.

For example, with stomach and duodenal ulcers, you can drink low-fat and non-acidic kefir while the exacerbation of the disease is easing and this should be done between meals.

If after you drink kefir and your stomach hurts, this indicates that you should pay attention to existing problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

You should not take kefir if you have pancreatitis and gastritis with high acidity.

People prone to diarrhea should not abuse the drink.

How to determine quality

If you want kefir to become a truly healthy and longevity drink for you, you need to be able to choose it accurately.

There are dozens of varieties and brands of these products on the shelves of our stores.

There is daily kefir, designed for two days and multi-day. The longer it is stored, the higher the content of carbon dioxide and alcohol in its composition.

If kefir has a shelf life of 10 days, and it has been in the retail outlet for 4 or more days, then you shouldn’t take it.

Before buying kefir, make sure that it does not contain “E” additives. It will no longer be a natural, but a synthetic product.

Don't forget to look at the production date and deadline. The manufacturer is required to indicate the number of lactic acid bacteria on the packaging.

If you find that the whey has separated from the kefir, set the drink aside. You cannot drink it, since the technological process was disrupted during its production.

It is best to drink kefir at a comfortable temperature, taking small sips.

In order to maintain normal health, it is enough to drink 1 - 2 glasses of an invigorating drink a day.

What is kefir and how beneficial it is for the body - the answers are voiced in the video.

Delicious and healthy kefir as if from childhood. It contains useful special microorganisms: kefir grains, Streptococcus thermophilus, lactobacilli, bifidobacteria.

Thanks to the natural fermentation of VIVO kefir starter, it helps naturally normalize weight, improve digestion, and also prevents the development of dangerous intestinal bacteria.

Homemade kefir has a delicate taste with natural sourness. Fermented milk product consists exclusively of milk and kefir starter, without additives or sugar, therefore suitable for dietary and baby food.

detailed information

VIVO Kefir is a starter culture with a unique bacterial composition for preparing natural kefir at home. Fermented milk product contains microflora kefir mushroom, the beneficial properties of which are enhanced by probiotic cultures: lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. This distinguishes VIVO kefir starter from products from other manufacturers, which contain only lactobacilli and, less commonly, bifidobacteria.

With constant use, kefir from VIVO starter helps:

  • acceleration of metabolism, which has a positive effect on reducing weight and body fat percentage
  • production of microbial polysaccharides that help strengthen the immune system
  • reducing the risk of cancer
  • suppression pathogenic bacteria, which are causative agents of intestinal infections
  • comfortable digestion
  • balance water and electrolyte balance.

VIVO kefir is a homemade natural product without additives or sugar. It has a real kefir taste and a pleasant consistency.

This is a 100% natural product consisting only of milk and live bacteria. It is especially useful for feeding children, pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding, athletes and people who care about their health.


1 Treat milk and dishes. Pasteurized or homemade milk must be boiled; UHT milk does not require heat treatment. Wash the pan, jar, thermos thoroughly and pour boiling water over it.

2 Combine VIVO starter and milk. Add the starter to milk at room temperature and mix thoroughly.

3 Leave to ferment in a jar or pan in a warm place (not lower than 22 ° C) for 20-24 hours.

4 Check the result. After fermentation, check the finished product. If the kefir is not thick enough, ferment for another 1-2 hours.

5 Refrigerate. In order for kefir to acquire a special pleasant fermented milk taste, place the product in the refrigerator to mature.
Consume natural kefir over the next 5 days.

Bacterial composition

Compound Kefir grains
Lactococcus lactis
Streptococcus thermophilus
Leuconostoc mesenteroides
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Bifidobacterium lactis
Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. Bulgaricus

The number of bacteria in the bag is enough to guarantee the fermentation of 3 liters of milk (at the end of the ferment’s shelf life).

Storage conditions and shelf life

In the refrigerator (at temperature +2..+8)- 12 months after production date.

According to long-term observations, VIVO starters have shown high resistance to temperature deviations during storage and transportation.

Where can I buy

You can buy starter culture for making kefir at home on our website and arrange delivery to any city in Russia. Residents of Moscow can use the convenient courier delivery service.

Courier delivery in Moscow Available from Monday to Friday from 12 to 18 hours.
Delivery cost - 300 rubles
When ordering over 1500 rubles, delivery is free. To calculate the cost of delivery, the price of the product before the discount is taken into account.

For residents of other Russian cities, goods are delivered by Russian Post

Payment options

Cash:- to the courier upon receipt of the order

Payment online: Our online store is connected to the Robokassa secure electronic payment system, which allows you to pay for your order using any Visa and MasterCard cards, without additional fees.

Payment to bank account: You can pay for your order to our account using your online banking, through the cash desk of any bank in Russia, as well as through a payment terminal.

All types of dairy products contain useful material, improving the overall tone of the body. Kefir is an indispensable product not only for adherents proper nutrition, but also for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and of cardio-vascular system.

Low-fat dairy products are quickly digested and do not leave a heaviness in the stomach. Everyone knows that a glass of kefir is the best dinner. Due to its low calorie content, the drink is used for weight loss purposes, and its richness in nutrients makes it an excellent snack for athletes.

On supermarket shelves you can find dairy products of varying levels of fat content. Processed kefir seems to be the most useful option, however, it has a number of disadvantages that should not be overlooked. Ultimately, many nutritionists advise choosing unprocessed foods.

Useful material

Kefir is saturated with minerals and vitamins even more than regular milk, since many of them are formed during the fermentation process. The product is rich in calcium, which helps strengthen bones, teeth and nails, and choline, which helps normalize cholesterol levels. In addition, kefir contains potassium, phosphorus, manganese, chromium and copper in small concentrations.

The drink contains significant amount vitamins A, E, H, C, D and group B. The bacteria and amino acids contained in kefir have a positive effect on the body.

The nutritional value

All dairy products are rich in nutrients. However, the body better absorbs the proteins that low-fat kefir contains than those that we get through ordinary milk.

When choosing a drink, it is important to pay attention to the packaging with a table nutritional value. Between kefir different types There are no noticeable differences even in the number of calories contained.

Benefits of natural kefir

It is important to understand that dairy products with a low percentage indicated on the package are not necessarily healthy. Fats are the same important substance like proteins and carbohydrates. Insufficient consumption of this component can lead to deterioration general condition body, metabolic disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Many experts believe that ordinary drink has a better effect on the body than low-fat and the harm of the latter has its own nuances.

Positive Impact

The beneficial substances contained in the product have a positive effect on the body’s condition and help cope with many diseases. Regular use kefir helps remove toxins from the body, and the bacteria it contains will help improve metabolism and restore microflora. For this reason, the drink is recommended for people with gastrointestinal disorders. The product also strengthens immune system, helps cope with sleep disorders and nervous disorders.

In particular, low-fat kefir (0-1%) has some peculiar effects on the body. It is much lighter than an ordinary drink and is recommended for consumption by older people, as well as patients with atherosclerosis, hypertension and obesity.

The effect of low-fat kefir on the figure

Diets based on the consumption of dairy products are very popular. The calorie content of low-fat kefir is low - from 25 to 35 kcal per 100 grams, and therefore it can be safely consumed for dinner or as a snack. In addition, it contributes to the destruction extra pounds. There are many diets using this drink. It is also useful to arrange fasting days, in which it is allowed to consume exclusively low-fat kefir. This great way cleanse the body of excess toxins.

Harm of low-fat kefir

The product itself cannot negatively affect the adult body healthy person, however, there are a number of contraindications. In addition to allergy sufferers, kefir should not be drunk by those who are sick with ulcers, pancreatitis and gastritis with increased level acidity, as it irritates the walls of the stomach. In addition, it is not recommended to give the drink to a child in large quantities due to high concentration it contains salts, especially for babies under 8 months. It is advisable to purchase dairy products for children with a special label.

Low-fat kefir does not bring as many benefits to the body as a natural one, since it contains fewer vitamins, so doctors recommend drinking an ordinary drink for people who have no contraindications. In addition, during its preparation, the amount of liquid in the liquid is reduced. natural substances. Processed kefir contains trans fats, which large doses contribute to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

When is it good to drink kefir?

The product has different effects on the body (depending on the time of its storage). For stomach diseases associated with high level acidity, it is important to note that the longer kefir is stored, the more sour it becomes. A fresh drink has a laxative effect, while a three-day drink has a strengthening effect. Considering that packaged kefir contains various additives, this rule most likely applies to a product prepared at home.

Alternative uses

Low-fat kefir can be used not only as a drink, but also as an ingredient for dietary dishes. The product is used as a base for smoothies and light desserts. It can also be used as a salad dressing instead of oil and harmful additives. In addition, low-fat kefir - effective ingredient natural masks for hair and face. It is good for people with oily skin.

How to choose kefir?

When buying dairy products, it is important to pay attention to the label. If the composition of a natural drink can be predicted, then low-fat kefir may contain harmful additives. The fact is that during processing the product loses its taste qualities, which are often compensated various substances- flavorings and sweeteners. Together with fats, the liquid loses its thick consistency, which is why manufacturers add starch, gum, pectin and agar to the drink.

The best low-fat kefir contains only milk and yeast. The liquid should be homogeneous - without lumps or layers. It is important to pay attention to the name of the product on the packaging - kefir product although it contains beneficial bacteria, but has significant differences from the natural drink. The shelf life on the label should not exceed seven days - this indicates that no harmful preservatives were added to the liquid.

How to make the drink yourself?

Low-fat kefir, yogurt and other dairy products can be made at home if you buy the starter in the store. An already prepared product is also used instead. It is necessary to purchase sourdough solely on the basis It requires certain conditions storage as indicated on the packaging.

To make light kefir, it will be enough as a base - no re-processing is necessary. All you need for cooking utensils is a saucepan and a jar. First you need to boil the milk and let it cool to 30-40 degrees, and then add the required amount of starter to the pan. The resulting liquid must be poured into a jar, wrapped in a towel and placed in a warm place. Kefir will be ready in a day.

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