Which calcium is best for children under one year old? Daily consumption rate. Causes of calcium deficiency in babies

Calcium for children

One of the most important minerals in the life of a child in the first years of life is calcium. It helps the baby grow strong and healthy. However, parents have many questions regarding calcium. Why is it needed, does the baby receive it in sufficient quantities and is it necessary to give additional calcium? Let's discuss the problem in detail.

The role of calcium

Throughout life, growth and formation of the body occurs, this occurs especially actively in the first years of life. Calcium takes part in almost 300 different biological processes in organism. The main ones are the formation of bone tissue, dentin and enamel of the child’s teeth. Calcium is involved in the process of muscle contraction, nerve and muscle conduction, and maintains muscle tone at the proper level. Calcium ions are involved in the process of blood clotting, reduce vascular permeability and regulate acid-base balance. Calcium activates many enzymes and hormones endocrine glands In addition, calcium has anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects and forms learning skills and short term memory.

The human body contains from 1000 to 1300 mg of calcium, and 99% of it is contained in the skeleton in the form of various compounds, and the remaining 1% is distributed throughout the body - tissues and muscles. There are two types of calcium - ionized or free and bound to proteins, mainly albumin. Ionized calcium should be about 50% of the total amount in the blood plasma; it is this that has biological activity and reflects the level of calcium metabolism in the body most clearly. It is this indicator that is used to assess the state of hypocalcemia - calcium deficiency; it reflects the actual amount of calcium on the membranes and inside the cells that takes part in metabolism.

Daily calcium intake

The amount of calcium that should be supplied to the body daily varies depending on age, gender and body condition. For children in the first six months of life, the norm is 400 mg, from six to twelve months - 600 mg, from one to 10 years - 800 mg, for adults - 1000-1200 mg. Pregnant women need the most calcium for correct formation skeleton of the unborn child. These concentrations are maintained if the body receives an amount of calcium that covers the minimum daily level by at least half, that is, from 500 to 1000 mg should enter the baby’s body daily. Excess calcium is simply not absorbed and is excreted from the body in urine and feces. Usually from 20 to 50% of the resulting calcium is absorbed. In addition, there is a physiological loss of calcium from the secretions of the glands. Calcium is absorbed both independently and with the help of special carriers, the main one of which is vitamin D. The absorption of calcium is inversely proportional to its content in food. If there is little of it, it is absorbed more strongly than if there is an excess. In addition, calcium absorption is affected by taking medications, phytic acid, fat, phosphorus, and oxalic acid. All of them, by binding calcium, form non-absorbable salts. In addition, a sick stomach and intestines, insufficiency of liver or pancreatic function also negatively affect the absorption of calcium.

Calcium levels can be affected by excess calcium loss, even if sufficient amounts are supplied. Many kidney diseases, the use of diuretics and an excess of protein in the diet increase the loss of calcium in the urine, which can lead to calcium deficiency. If there is a lack of calcium in the blood plasma, the body secretes special hormones that wash it out of the bones, since the concentration of calcium in the blood is a priority for the body and must be strictly constant. That is why a constant lack of calcium in the diet can lead to brittle bones.

What does calcium help?

Phosphorus metabolism is closely related to calcium metabolism. Like calcium, it is mostly found in the skeleton, forming a solid bone base with it. In addition, phosphorus is involved in energy transfer as part of special compounds and is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Phosphorus is part of the structure of DNA and RNA, is necessary for muscle function, and plays the role of a buffer in the blood system. And most importantly, it participates in the absorption of calcium ions in the intestines, activating the process. Impaired intake of phosphorus in the diet or increased loss of phosphorus in the urine leads to disruption of calcium metabolism.

Calcium metabolism is regulated by vitamin D and parathyroid hormones - parathyroid hormone and calcitonin. Vitamin D is a unique, hormonally active substance that the body is able to synthesize itself under the influence of ultraviolet rays. In addition, it partially comes from outside, in the form food products. Its main effects are increased absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine, activation of calcium metabolism in the bones, and increased excretion of calcium in the urine. Parathyroid hormone and calcitonin are secreted in the body to maintain a constant concentration of calcium in the blood, which allows the nervous system to function, muscle contraction and maintain homeostasis.

Nutrition and calcium

Breast milk is the best way to absorb calcium. There is not much of it contained there, but it is absorbed almost completely. Infants up to six months old who receive breast milk have enough calcium. Artificial mixtures are additionally enriched with calcium. However, it is absorbed less well. From six months onwards, it is recommended that the baby be introduced to complementary foods consisting of vegetables and cereals enriched with calcium.

Calcium is absorbed to the maximum from dairy products, especially those containing phosphorus - cottage cheese, cheese and milk. Products that simultaneously contain calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D are well absorbed. These are mainly animal products - fish and beef liver, seafood, butter, egg yolk. Products that contain both calcium and phosphorus are useful - apples, green pea, beans, whole wheat grains, fresh cucumbers, all types of cabbage (especially cauliflower), celery, lettuce, radishes, cottage cheese, white cheeses.

If the baby does not like or does not eat dairy products at this stage, then good source calcium is oat groats, legumes, dried fruits, nuts, eggs and fish. However, it is quite difficult to completely cover all calcium needs with baby foods alone. This is about a liter of milk a day, or almost half a kilo of cottage cheese or cheese, fish fat and a couple of eggs. The baby is unlikely to master this menu. For this purpose, products enriched with minerals and vitamins, food additives and vitamin-mineral complexes have been invented.

Disorders of phosphorus-calcium metabolism can also occur with an unbalanced diet, starting with the mother’s pregnancy and ending with her own diet. Moreover, not only the amount of calcium in a dish is important, but also its absorption. The absorption and assimilation of calcium from food is influenced by the abundance in the diet dietary fiber– vegetables, fruits and cereals, the presence of phytin, especially in semolina. In addition, phosphoric acid salts contained in fish and meat products. And also oxalic acid salts contained in chocolate, cocoa, spinach, hinder the absorption of calcium. Caffeine and Coca-Cola increase the excretion of calcium in the urine, and excess fatty foods prevents calcium from being absorbed from the intestines, forming insoluble calcium compounds. Excess salt and protein in food also makes absorption difficult. But lactose - milk sugar, on the contrary, promotes the absorption of calcium. Therefore, it is very important that a child’s diet includes plenty of milk and dairy products.

Calcium metabolism disorders

If there is little calcium intake or too much calcium is lost, deficiency may develop. This is usually manifested by a violation of the structure of the skeleton, blood vessels, bleeding and many other symptoms. Skeletal disorders are referred to as osteopenia and osteomalacia. Osteopenia is a decrease in bone mass, and osteomalacia is an osteopenic condition associated with impaired bone mineralization. Older children and adults may develop osteoporosis - systemic disease skeleton, which is characterized by a decrease in bone mass and its microscopic structure, a specific restructuring of bones, which leads to fragility and increased fragility of bones.

In children early age Calcium deficiency causes stunting in height and weight, disrupts bone structure, and contributes to the development of rickets in the first six months of life. In addition, the baby’s mental development and maturation of functions are inhibited. internal organs. Doctors indicate a connection between a lack of calcium and phosphorus and the development of caries, poor posture, and deformities. chest and legs – X or O-shaped legs and impaired muscle tone.

Many diseases of internal organs lead to disturbances in calcium metabolism - these are diseases thyroid gland, diabetes, kidney pathologies, disorders of the intestines and digestive glands - liver and pancreas.

Help to suspect a deficiency following symptoms– increased fatigue, general weakness, decreased academic performance, dry skin, brittle hair and nails, progressive dental lesions - caries and periodontitis, a crawling sensation in the fingers and muscle twitching. Children experience curvature of the spine, poor posture, and other bone deformities. The child grows worse in rare cases pathological fractures are formed.

Carrying out prevention

Treatment of calcium deficiency and its prevention is a whole range of measures. Its basis is the daily routine and balanced diet, rich in calcium-containing foods, as well as adequate exercise stress. If it is not possible to further enrich the diet with calcium, they resort to medications. Behind last years Calcium supplements have changed significantly and are better absorbed.

All medications are divided into those that are taken orally - these are chloride, gluconate, carbonate, lactate, calcium phosphate or citrate, and various salts. The second group - drugs for intramuscular administration - calcium gluconate and gluceptate, and the third group - drugs for intravenous administration– gluceptate, gluconate and calcium chloride. Injectable drugs are used in cases of treatment of thyroid and parathyroid glands, allergies, to reduce bleeding. They are not injected for prophylactic purposes.

All drugs for prevention are divided into mono drugs - containing only calcium, calcium drugs in combination with vitamin D and multivitamins with calcium. Single-drug drugs are inexpensive, however, they are absorbed very limitedly, have many side effects, and it is difficult to select their dose, because their absorption depends on many factors. Calcium in combination with vitamin D is more appropriate for the prevention and treatment of calcium metabolism problems. But there is one “but” here - vitamin D can accumulate in the body and cause an overdose. Long-term use of such drugs requires constant monitoring of calcium levels in the blood and urine. Multivitamin preparations in children should be used very limitedly - since not all of them are well combined in one tablet. In addition, there is a risk of allergies.

To choose a drug, you need to consult a doctor and determine what needs to be treated or prevented. In addition, you need to determine the form of the drug - monocomponent or multicomponent drug. For children, the form of the drug is also important - tablets. effervescent tablets, gummies or solutions. In addition, you need to take into account the additives and the price of the drug. During therapy, you need to remember about the combination of calcium with other medications - calcium is not compatible with tetracyclines, iron or fluoride preparations. When calcium is taken orally, it is uncommon, but adverse events may occur: pain in epigastric region, heartburn, constipation, or diarrhea. There are also contraindications for calcium preparations - these are increased individual sensitivity, increased calcium levels in the urine and blood.

Many parents have heard that children need calcium for the full formation of the skeleton and the growth of bones and teeth. However, the role of this mineral is only skeletal system is not limited, therefore, the intake of this element into the child’s body with food or additional compounds, as prescribed by a doctor, must be strictly monitored.

Why does a child need calcium?

In addition to forming the skeleton and giving it strength, calcium is part of many enzyme systems and various processes, due to which various bodily reactions are carried out. So, calcium ions help:

A sufficient supply of calcium, along with, has anti-stress, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is prescribed for children with acute blood loss, availability and , availability and many other conditions. It is important to ensure that the baby receives a sufficient amount of calcium in his diet, starting from an early age. This is important to prevent the formation of rickets and problems with nervous excitability. But calcium can only be absorbed together with calcium, which comes with food, otherwise its absorption will be impaired.

There are certain norms of calcium, which should come from food and drink, as well as additional medications. From birth to six months, a child needs about 400 mg of calcium, from six months to one year, up to 600 mg is needed, from one to 10 years of age, up to 800 mg is needed, and after 10 years, about 1000-1200 mg.

In situations where the child’s body suffers from calcium deficiency, various problems with health – these are significant lags in height and weight indicators, as well as inhibition of psycho-emotional development. If this is an early age - the first two years of life, calcium deficiency (usually in combination with) leads to the formation of metabolic pathology - which, without treatment, threatens skeletal deformities, problems with digestion, growth and development, work nervous system. If these are older children, along with skeletal problems they suffer from hair and nail growth, stooping and other problems with posture, dental pathology and muscular dystonia, metabolic disorders and other problems.

The prescription of calcium supplements must be strictly justified by a doctor, since excess calcium can damage the kidneys and body tissues, forming calcifications. In addition, calcium salts are often difficult to digest, affect digestion and threaten constipation. It is important to replenish calcium reserves only through diet, and medications are prescribed when various pathologies and with severe mineral deficiency.

Attention to calcium supplements

Calcium deficiency can develop from an early age if the baby received some calcium through the placenta in utero or did not receive it after birth breast milk and calcium along with it. Calcium is absorbed much worse from formula milk, and even more so from unadapted complementary feeding products.


If calcium supplementation is necessary, doctors usually recommend over-the-counter complex-action medications for children - a combination of calcium with vitamins that improve its absorption. But in some cases, calcium supplements can be recommended as therapeutic options in combination with modern forms.

It is important to consider certain factors and composition medicines, which can be classified according to several criteria:

When using each drug, it is important to determine the exact amount of calcium required by age. This is due to the fact that an overdose of ionized calcium can also result in negative consequences for the baby's health. In addition, it is important to determine strict indications for taking medications; it is prohibited to use any medications without a doctor’s permission, especially in young children.

Taking calcium supplements by children: features

Children taking calcium supplements have their own characteristics, which depend on age. However, physically, a baby’s intestines at any age cannot absorb more than 600 mg of calcium in one dose of the drug. Therefore, it is important to remember such nuances when prescribing preventive calcium intake or its therapeutic dosages. Important to do single dose physiological, while changing the daily dosage - breaking the calcium intake into several parts.


Excess calcium received in the form of drugs is simply not absorbed in the intestines and is released unchanged in the stool, and if calcium is administered intravenously, its excess is removed in the urine.

If there are special indications, when it is necessary to take high doses of calcium (which, fortunately, is rare in children), you need to divide the daily amount of calcium into several doses for complete absorption.

Also, many researchers advise paying attention to the time when calcium supplements are taken - due to the daily rhythms of absorption of certain substances, the absorption of calcium also changes. According to scientists, maximum calcium absorption occurs at night, and this is especially important for skeletal growth and strengthening tooth enamel. At night, the secretion of calcium is activated, which affects the absorption, including calcium, and the formation of bone tissue.

If calcium supplements need to be taken several times a day, it is worth doing this between main meals - between breakfasts and lunches, or afternoon snacks and dinners. If it is possible, similar drugs It is worth writing down citrus juices, which contain citrates, which improve the absorption of calcium in the body. If these are drugs in the form of calcium gluconate, they should be washed down with pure still water or milk.

Calcium may compete with other minerals for absorption. This is especially important with regard to iron. Taking calcium supplements should be separated in time by at least 3-4 hours, otherwise the drugs simply will not be absorbed and will not have an effect. Therefore, calcium supplements should be taken in the afternoon, and iron supplements in the morning.

IN pediatric practice Today, injectable forms of calcium preparations that help eliminate calcium deficiency are practically not used. Such means can only be used for emergency assistance as a result of bleeding, convulsions or an acute allergic reaction.

The most common intravenous forms include calcium chloride and calcium gluconate. They are administered, if necessary, strictly intravenously, their subcutaneous or intramuscular injection prohibited, they lead to tissue necrosis and the formation of scars and damage. For children, only oral forms of calcium supplements are recommended.

Who is contraindicated and what side effects are possible?

Although calcium supplements are classified as relatively safe in pediatric practice and well tolerated, they cannot be excluded individual reactions sensitivity, side effects administration and contraindications to its use. Calcium compounds, although relatively minor, can sometimes affect the digestive tract, which can lead to the development of constipation or bloating, and less commonly, diarrhea and pain. The combination of calcium supplements with citrates will help reduce the likelihood of such effects, but children often develop allergic reactions on the skin to this combination. In addition, there are a number of contraindications to taking calcium supplements in childhood, although it is quite small. These include:

  • allergic reactions to the constituent components of the drug (usually not to calcium itself, but to additives)
  • identified ( high concentration plasma calcium)
  • (increased work of the parathyroid glands)
  • the presence of kidney pathologies and their insufficiency
  • neoplasms of the body
  • Availability .

Often, caution regarding treatment with calcium preparations is exercised if the child has (the appearance of calcium salts in the urine), which may indicate a violation metabolic processes and a tendency to.

Choice of calcium supplements in children

The prescription of calcium supplements and their selection, form of administration and dosage are determined only by the doctor, taking into account possible contraindications and allergies, as well as assessing the bioavailability of drugs and possible negative effects from reception. Applicable:

Calcium chloride , containing 27% calcium. It is produced in ampoules and bottles with a 5% or 10% solution. It is highly soluble in water, taken orally and absorbed by the intestines by an average of 30% of the administered dose. It tends to irritate digestion, leading to heartburn and abdominal pain; it is used extremely rarely in children (for resuscitation and therapeutic purposes).

Calcium gluconate in tablets, has good solubility in water, does not irritate the intestinal wall, is used in pregnant women and children, and is well tolerated.

Calcium lactate contains 13% calcium, is used in tablets, dissolves slowly in water, does not irritate the digestive wall.

Calcium carbonate contains 40% calcium, is available in tablets, is poorly soluble in water, dissolves in hydrochloric acid of the stomach, giving reactions with the formation of calcium chloride and carbon dioxide. Due to this, it has an irritating effect on the digestive system, leading to belching, stomach pain and flatulence, reduces stomach acidity, being an antacid, long-term use such a drug can cause significant harm due to why such drugs are not applicable in children. The absorption of calcium from such a drug is insignificant due to the low acidity of the stomach in children initially, which complicates its solubility and absorption.

Calcium citrate contains up to 25% calcium in tablets, is well absorbed by the body, and is highly soluble in water; for complete absorption, the presence of of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Due to citric acid, it is actively absorbed by the intestinal wall without irritating it, and also reduces the likelihood of the formation of calcium salts in the kidneys. Due to citric acid, the synthesis of parathyroid hormone is suppressed, which washes away calcium from the bones. For use in children, there are forms of calcium citrate in combination with vitamin D3, which enhances the absorption of calcium.

Calcium chelate (organic compound calcium with aspartic acid), obtained using special modern technologies. Absorbed from the intestines almost 100%, without the participation of additional proteins and vitamin D3, does not irritate digestion and does not lead to stone formation in the gallbladder and kidneys. How medicine in Russia today it is not registered, has not yet been thoroughly studied, it is applicable as a dietary supplement to food. Use with caution in children due to the lack of reliable studies and data on its potential safety.

Calcium complexes for children

In addition to single drugs, there are also complex preparations containing calcium, which are suitable for children. This is usually vitamin D3, which helps in the absorption of calcium, as well as several other vitamins and compounds.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed – a drug in tablets containing calcium carbonate and vitamin D3. Absorption is low due to the fact that calcium is contained in a complex form.

Complivit-Calcium D3, intended for babies - has a similar composition to the previous one, has the form of a powder, by diluting which a suspension is obtained. For children from three years of age there is also a tablet form of the drug.

Calcide - a drug created on the basis eggshells(it also contains calcium carbonate) supplemented with a complex with a group of vitamins - all fat-soluble, supplemented with B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, PP and B2). Used in children from three years of age.

Kaltsinova – a calcium preparation in the form of a hydrophosphate dihydrate compound, in combination with ascorbic acid, pyridoxine and vitamins A and D. Applicable after three years.

Kalcemin – contains calcium in combination with citrate and carbonate, supplemented with vitamin D3, minerals - copper, zinc and manganese, boron. Suitable for children from 5 years of age.

Vitamins-Calcium plus – calcium chewing gummies in combination with citric acid, as well as vitamin D3 and phosphorus. Used in children from 3 years of age.

All other calcium preparations are used in children over 12 years of age according to the instructions, as well as for adult patients.

All calcium supplements can be used only as directed by a doctor, in order to avoid overdose. It is dangerous for the kidneys and gallbladder, digestive disorders and calcifications in tissues.

Traditional recipes and dietary supplements

You can hear advice that children can replenish calcium reserves using eggshells, coral calcium and various dietary supplements with calcium based on these compounds. But is it worth doing?

Secondly, the composition of calcium in the shell (as well as in the composition of coral stones) is poorly soluble carbonates that cannot be absorbed in the intestines. Even crushed into powder, they will not bring any benefit, since the absorption of calcium from them is insignificant. Given the reduced level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, such compounds will transit through the intestines without bringing any effect in treatment.

Alena Paretskaya, pediatrician, medical columnist

Malabsorption in the intestines and insufficient dietary intake are the main causes of calcium deficiency in the human body.

The main source of calcium is dairy products, but at the same time there is a global misconception that without milk a child is doomed to calcium deficiency. In fact, there is a lot of calcium in greens and nuts, in fruits and vegetables, in fish, so you can do without dairy products.

Calcium deficiency develops most quickly when, along with insufficient calcium in food, there is hypovitaminosis D. Calcium deficiency is also possible in certain diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

Standards daily consumption calcium for children of the first year of life is 210-270 mg, at the age of 1-3 years - 500 mg, 4-8 years - 800 mg, over 8 years - 1000-1300 mg.

Indications for the use of calcium supplements, in addition to rickets and the mentioned diseases of the endocrine glands, include acute and chronic allergic diseases, diseases manifested by blood clotting disorders, skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, etc.), physiological conditions, accompanied by an increase in the body's need for calcium (pregnancy, periods of active growth).

As a means emergency care(for convulsions, bleeding, acute allergic reactions) calcium preparations are administered intravenously.

Calcium chloride

Available in the form of 10% and 2.5% solutions for injection, as well as in the form of oral solutions - 10% for adults and 5% for children. There are even special children's dosage forms- 5% calcium chloride solution with fruit juice.

Intravenous administration is accompanied by a feeling of heat (“ hot prick") and a moderate decrease blood pressure. Subcutaneous and intramuscular administration is contraindicated because calcium chloride causes local tissue damage.

When taken orally, it often occurs irritant effect on the gastric mucosa, which is manifested by heartburn and pain in the upper abdomen. It is not surprising in this regard that when prescribing calcium to children, they usually use drugs other than chloride.

Calcium gluconate

This is one of the most common calcium preparations worldwide. It is considered as the drug of first choice for intravenous administration in the event of seizures associated with calcium deficiency.
Available in tablets of 250 and 500 mg, as well as in the form of a 10% solution for injection. Tablets are often produced with fruit additives, as well as cocoa flavor.

Like calcium chloride solutions, calcium gluconate solutions can cause local tissue irritation, although not as severe.

Intramuscular and subcutaneous administration of calcium gluconate is also contraindicated, although some pharmacological guidelines (domestic) allow intramuscular administration of calcium gluconate, but only for adults. For children - only intravenously!

The practical use of calcium gluconate is often useless due to incorrect dosing.


  • The average daily dose of calcium gluconate for adults is 15 g, i.e. 30 tablets of 500 mg or 60 tablets of 250 mg!
  • average daily doses for children:
    • up to a year - 1.5 g (3 tablets of 500 mg);
    • 1–4 years - 3 g (6 tablets of 500 mg);
    • 5–9 years – 3–6 g (6–12 tablets of 500 mg);
    • 10–14 years – 6–9 g (12–18 tablets of 500 mg).

It is advisable to divide the daily dose into several doses (2–4). Taking calcium gluconate orally in most cases is not accompanied by any side effects.

Calcium lactate

Available in 500 mg tablets. It contains a larger amount of calcium compared to gluconate, so it is much more convenient to take (the average daily dose is 3-4 times less than that for calcium gluconate).

Gluconate, chloride and lactate are the calcium preparations most commonly used. However, the list of calcium salts prescribed by doctors is not limited to these drugs. Other calcium preparations (carbonate, phosphate, glycerophosphate, acetate, citrate) do not have any special advantages or special indications for use.

Friends, I draw your attention to the fact that there is no error in the doses of calcium gluconate.

If the level of calcium in the blood is low (hypocalcemia), then the doses are exactly the same, and if the level of calcium is normal, you can drink, as “our” textbooks recommend, 3 tablets a day, but you don’t have to drink, but eat normally.

I address all doubters to the classic textbook “Clinical Pharmacology according to Goodman and Gilman,” known throughout the civilized world, which was even translated into Russian in 2006. Information on calcium doses taken by “normal medicine” - volume 4, page 1319

(This publication is a fragment of the book by E. O. Komarovsky adapted to the format of the article

Calcium forms the basis of bone tissue; the condition of teeth and proper development skeleton is a well-known fact that all parents know about. While the baby is on breastfeeding, about a sufficient quantity useful substances there is no need to worry - the composition of mother's milk practically does not depend on the diet, everything necessary elements come from the mother's body. Later, the issue of assimilation of this microelement becomes relevant, because from the formation of the skeleton and teeth to early childhood depends on human health in the future.

Chronic deficiency or excess of Ca causes serious illnesses. At risk are twin babies, “artificial” babies, low birth weight babies and those who have received birth injuries children, as well as newborns ahead of schedule or with a short interval after previous births. It is important to balance the diet with vitamins, without which the microelement is poorly absorbed, and to correctly determine the dosage. To choose calcium for children in the right form, it is better to consult a pediatrician, since this element is not included in all vitamin complexes.

How much calcium does a child need?

A growing body needs calcium, but it beneficial features appear only in combination with other elements - phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin D. Without phosphorus, Ca does not strengthen bone tissue, without vitamin D it is not absorbed, and only in conjunction with magnesium is involved in the regulation of muscle contraction and hematopoiesis.

A complex of these elements is necessary for a child to grow up calm and balanced, to learn easily, and to sleep well. An excess is no less dangerous for a child than a deficiency, and at each age the need for this element is different:

Daily requirement:

  • Up to 6 months - 250-300 mg
  • From 6 to 12 months - 400 mg
  • Up to 3 years - 600 mg
  • Up to 10 years – 800 mg
  • Up to 13 years - 1,000 mg
  • After 13 years - 1,200 mg

How to determine deficiency

Quite often, parents begin to worry when it seems to them that the child is growing slowly or has weak teeth. In most cases, these fears are unfounded, but the exact levels of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin D can only be determined by a blood test.

The following signs should be alarm signals:

  • The corners of the mouth, eyelids or wings of the nose often twitch. Convulsions may occur.
  • Nails with uneven, wavy texture, brittle. Gums bleed, teeth crumble easily.
  • The child is lagging behind his peers in growth.
  • Gets confused heartbeat, it may be too fast or slow.
  • Restless sleep.
  • Tingling in fingertips.
  • Frequent stomach upsets and vomiting.

At severe forms deficiency may cause fainting, disturbances of consciousness, memory impairment and even hallucinations.

Hypocalcemia may not manifest itself with the described symptoms and occur in a washed-out form. If you have reason to believe that your child is not receiving enough necessary elements with food, you need to do a blood test.

Why is there a shortage?

The substance may not enter the body in sufficient quantities or be absorbed. If the problem is not a poor diet and it is not possible to adjust the micronutrient content with diet, the cause of hypocalcemia may be more serious:

  • Disorders of the intestines, in which beneficial substances are not absorbed by the mucous membranes.
  • Pancreatic diseases. With sufficient dietary intake minerals may not be absorbed, but accumulate in the body.
  • Tumors.
  • When feeding a child under 1 year of age with cow's or goat's milk, too much phosphorus is formed, which washes out calcium. This is dangerous for children in the first year of life, who are transferred not to adapted formulas, but to milk of animal origin.
  • Ca is flushed out after taking antibiotics, diuretics and anticonvulsants.

The dangers of calcium deficiency

Children experiencing hypocalcemia are not only stunted, but also develop intellectually worse than their peers. Just a few decades ago, the most obvious manifestation of calcium deficiency was rickets. Now this disease has become rare in civilized countries, which is not least due to the feeding of infants with adapted formulas enriched with vitamins and microelements, as well as good nutrition women during pregnancy.

Consequences of calcium deficiency:

  • Improper development of the skeleton, curvature of the limbs and spine.
  • Babies who receive insufficient amounts of calcium often have allergies, have poor blood clotting, and develop kidney and heart diseases.
  • For chronic calcium deficiency irreversible changes may affect the nervous system, in severe cases The consequence is multiple sclerosis.
  • If hypocalcemia and its causes are not eliminated in time, bone tissue becomes fragile, and this leads to frequent and complex fractures.

What foods are high in calcium?

Dairy products are considered to be the main source of calcium, but this is not entirely true. In cow and goat milk, in addition to calcium, contains a large number of phosphorus. If you feed infant With such milk, Ca will be washed out. That is why, before the advent of adapted milk formulas, rickets was diagnosed in children much more often. A child transferred from infant or artificial feeding for “adult” food, you should regularly eat the following foods:

  • Cottage cheese, kefir, cheese, milk, butter
  • Seafood and sea ​​fish
  • Liver
  • Sea kale
  • Rose hip decoction
  • Cabbage, potatoes, spinach, radishes, legumes, green peas
  • Figs, dried apricots, dried fruits
  • Apples
  • Nuts
  • Dill, parsley, thyme, mint, sesame
  • Oatmeal and other cereals

From natural sources healthy child can obtain the element in sufficient quantity, but in some cases it is necessary nutritional supplements and vitamin complexes. Thus, Dr. Komarovsky advises periodically giving calcium supplements to children who often consume fatty and salty foods, sweet caffeinated drinks or cola.

Consequences of excess calcium

In the desire to provide the child normal development parents do not always remember to have a sense of proportion. It is extremely difficult to overdose on calcium obtained from food, but fathers and mothers who suspect symptoms of hypocalcemia in a child begin to feed the baby pharmaceutical drugs without a doctor's recommendation. As a result, another problem appears - excess calcium or hypercalcemia. For a long time the symptoms are invisible, but the consequences appear sooner or later:

  • Vomiting and frequent stomach upsets
  • Renal colic
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Intense thirst and frequent urination

In severe cases, hypercalcemia can lead not only to renal failure, but also cardiac arrest.

Calcium preparations

Medicines containing calcium should not be given to a child. prophylactic, the decision on the need for admission should be made by the doctor based on laboratory tests. Hypocalcemia can be diagnosed during the diagnosis of other health disorders (rickets, allergies, diseases of the thyroid gland, skin or blood). Usually, for non-acute health disorders that do not require hospitalization, the doctor prescribes medications in tablets. Calcium in dietary supplements for children over 2 years of age can be given as a vitamin supplement to maintain strength.

Available in solid and chewable tablets 500 mg each. This drug is most often prescribed to children to compensate for calcium deficiency. Hard tablets can be crushed and given to the baby with plenty of water. The drug is taken before meals or after an hour and a half.

This drug in a drinking solution is rarely prescribed to children, as it irritates the stomach. Usually calcium chloride used before electrophoresis.

The tablet drug is well tolerated by children, but sometimes taking it causes heartburn.

The drug with calcium and phosphorus is available in the form of tablets and granules. It is not recommended to take calcium glycerophosphate with milk; it is advisable to give the child vitamins D and C at the same time.

The drug is effective when you need to improve the process of hematopoiesis and blood circulation. The combination of calcium and magnesium has a good effect on the health of children in whom calcium deficiency has caused sleep disturbances, hyperactivity, neurosis and similar complications. As a rule, “Gopantenate” is prescribed by pediatric neurologists.

Calcium D

Syrup with vitamin D and calcium can even be given infants, diluting with water or breast milk.

Powder from which a tasty suspension is obtained. Add to the bottle boiled water and give it to the child from a measuring spoon. Children take the sweet medicine without protest, but the suspension has a short shelf life, so it is better to divide the powder into several portions and dilute as needed.

"Tienshi" calcium powder for children

Biologically active additive includes minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acid and amino acids. The powder contains vitamin D. The dietary supplement has proven itself well as a means of preventing rickets, “Tienshi” is useful for strengthening the immune system and during teeth growth. In addition to calcium, the composition includes powdered milk, egg yolk, vitamins A, B, D, E, C, magnesium, iodine, copper, phosphorus and other trace elements. The powder can be added to food and drink for children from 6 months of age.

Marine Calcium for children

The dietary supplement is available in several combinations of calcium with magnesium, iodine, zinc, iron, vitamins and taurine. The dietary supplement contains vitamins D, A, E and group B. In cases of severe calcium deficiency, this remedy is not prescribed, but it is useful to give it to children as a general tonic. Tablets are recommended for children over 4 years of age.

Weleda Aufbaukalkki or Aufbaukalk (Aufbaukalk)

This vitamin complex with minerals are produced in Finland and Germany. The drug is indicated for children and adults to normalize calcium metabolism and absorption of Ca during the day and night. The peculiarities of metabolism during sleep and wakefulness are taken into account, so the drug is available in two jars with different compositions. The day set contains minerals with pumpkin flowers, the night set contains lime from mollusk shells and oak bark.

Weleda Aufbaukalkki is prescribed when hypocalcemia is severe and significant correction is required. Powders can be taken by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children when changing teeth and after bone fractures. Take half an hour before meals in the morning and evening. The course lasts 6 weeks.

How to take calcium supplements

Medicines or vitamin and mineral complexes with calcium should be taken before or after meals. The absorption of this element is closely related to food intake; detailed instructions on the rules of use are in the instructions for the drugs. A good positive effect from treatment will occur if the substances enter the blood from digestive tract to the maximum extent.

  • It is advisable to drink the complexes not with milk, but with water.
  • Excess calcium in the body is just as dangerous as its deficiency. Hypercalcemia can be avoided if, with prolonged treatment course periodically conduct a blood test and monitor its biochemical composition.
  • The powder or tablet should be diluted and given to the child as indicated in the instructions, and not as friends and relatives advised. The manufacturer's recommendations are compiled taking into account the characteristics of a particular drug.

A doctor can prescribe medications not only to prevent rickets or strengthen bone tissue. This microelement is involved in many processes in the body; the need for it may increase with allergies, skin diseases, poor blood clotting. Pregnant women and children during the period of active growth almost always require this substance.

Vitamins with calcium are especially useful for children under 10 years of age - at this age the skeleton is actively forming. Try to organize your child's nutrition in such a way that he receives as many useful substances as possible from food, since calcium supplements cannot be taken constantly. For preventive purposes, calcium supplements can be given to a child no more than 60 days a year. For children suffering from kidney disease, calcium supplements are contraindicated.

According to most mothers, calcium is an essential trace element for a growing body, which is necessary for building bones and teeth. In fact, the importance of calcium for the body is not limited to bones. Thanks to it, a huge number of vital reactions occur in the body every second. These include muscle contractions (in particular the heart), the passage of impulses along nerve fibers, and the provision of muscle tone at the required level, and blood clotting, and activation of many hormones and enzymes. In addition to all this, calcium has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-stress effects.

Since the biological effects of calcium are so diverse, its range of uses is quite wide: it is prescribed for blood loss, allergies, seizures, and osteoporosis.

Particularly dangerous is a lack of calcium in early childhood, as a result of which the child can suffer from rickets. But even now, when with the help pharmacological drugs this unpleasant illness can simply be prevented; cases of rickets are not so rare. And it’s not for nothing that many mothers are concerned about issues related to calcium. In this article we will try to provide answers to the most common questions.

How much calcium should the body receive?:

For different categories People's needs for this mineral vary. Children under 6 months of age should receive 400 mg of calcium. In children from 6 months to one year, this requirement is already 600 mg. After one year and up to ten years, the amount of calcium required increases by another 200 mg. After 10 years, an “adult” dose is needed, which is 1-1.2 g.

How will calcium deficiency manifest itself in children?:

The youngest children will experience a lag not only in height, weight, but also in mental development. In the first months of life, symptoms of rickets, bone deformation, and impaired muscle tone may appear. In older age, calcium deficiency may indicate increased fatigue, brittle nails and hair, muscle twitching, various posture disorders, frequent fractures, caries and other dental lesions. If you suspect calcium deficiency in your children, go to the hospital. A simple blood test for calcium levels will confirm or dispel your doubts.

To prevent rickets, do you need to give your baby calcium supplements?:

No need. Breast milk, as well as adapted formulas, contain a sufficient amount of calcium. To prevent rickets, it is necessary to give the baby vitamin D, with the help of which calcium will be absorbed. Starting from 6 months, the child must be introduced to complementary foods with vegetables and cereals enriched with calcium.

What foods are rich in calcium? And is it possible to use them to compensate for calcium deficiency?:

Probably everyone knows that dairy products contain a lot of calcium. These products also contain a lot of phosphorus, which has a beneficial effect on calcium metabolism. And from foods that also contain phosphorus and vitamin D, calcium will be absorbed even better. These are products such as fish and beef liver, sea fish, butter, yolk. There is also a lot of calcium in apples, celery, cabbage, oatmeal, nuts, dried fruits. But chocolate, cocoa, caffeine, fatty foods, excess protein interferes with normal calcium absorption.

If you regularly eat foods fortified with calcium and spend enough time in the sun, your child will not be at risk of calcium deficiency. But if the child already has a calcium deficiency, it is impossible to do without taking appropriate medications.

Are different drugs equally effective?:

There are a huge number of calcium supplements. Whether there is a fundamental difference in these drugs worries many who want to save money. After all, in addition to the names, people also see the difference in price.

Depending on the composition, calcium preparations are classified as follows:
- Monopreparations. These are the cheapest means. They contain only calcium salts. Representatives of this group are calcium carbonate (vitacalcin), calcium citrate, calcium gluconate, calcium lactate (calcium sandoz). The percentage of calcium is highest in calcium carbonate - about 40%.

Combined drugs. In addition to calcium, they contain vitamin D and microelements. For example, such drugs are calcium D3 nycomed and calcemin. Naturally, the absorption of calcium from such preparations will be an order of magnitude higher.
- As part of vitamin complexes.

In addition to the composition, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount of elemental (pure) calcium. If the doctor has prescribed a specific dosage, then it must be adhered to.

What calcium supplement can be given to a baby?:

Complivit calcium D3 - This combination drug, which can be given from birth. The release form (sweet suspension) is popular with young patients. In addition, it does not contain dyes or preservatives. But no one other than a doctor should prescribe any drugs to a child!

What is the single dose of calcium per dose?:

More than 600 mg of calcium cannot be absorbed in one dose. Therefore, it is advisable to take a smaller single dose. “Extra” calcium will be excreted in the urine. It happens (with osteoporosis, for example) that more calcium is needed. In this case, the necessary daily dose calcium should be divided into several doses.

When is the best time to take calcium supplements?:

This is a very correct question, since doctors very rarely pay attention to this nuance. Calcium supplements are best taken at night. They will somewhat suppress nighttime bone destruction (at night, the processes of bone destruction prevail over the process of bone formation).

How to take calcium supplements?:

It is best to take them between meals. It is advisable to drink calcium carbonate sour juices. Perfect fit Orange juice. The citrate included in its composition helps to better absorb calcium. It is better to take calcium gluconate with water or milk. Do not combine calcium with iron supplements. These drugs must be separated in time, since calcium inhibits iron absorption.  

Do injectable medications eliminate calcium deficiency faster?:

Injectable drugs are not used at all to eliminate calcium deficiency. They are administered intravenously as an emergency aid for severe allergic reactions, convulsions, and bleeding. The most common injectable drugs– calcium chloride, calcium gluconate. Intramuscular or subcutaneous administration of these drugs is not permissible, as they cause tissue necrosis.

What are the side effects of calcium supplements?:

Calcium supplements are relatively safe. But minor side effects sometimes occur. Carbonates do not have the best effect on gastrointestinal tract, causing bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. When taking citrates, these side effects are less common. Also, the child may be allergic to additional components of the drug. And only a significant excess of calcium dose along with high doses vitamin D may result in psychosis and work problems of cardio-vascular system, kidneys and digestive tract.

Are there any contraindications?:

Calcium supplements should not be taken by children who are allergic to additional components, children with hyperparathyroidism (the level of calcium in the blood will already be high), or with renal failure (not only calcium, but also other minerals are retained in the body). Phenylketonuria and some neoplasms are also contraindications to taking calcium.

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