When to worm a dog before mating. How to choose a drug that can be used to deworm a pregnant dog. Is it possible to do sterilization during estrus?

The helminths most commonly found in pets are either flatworms or nematodes. Flatworms, in turn, are divided into flukes and tapeworms or cestodes.

These flukes have a complex development cycle, and in their life path from egg to sexually mature individual, they are replaced by two intermediate hosts - a freshwater mollusk (for example, a pond snail) and fish.

Diseases of domestic animals caused by roundworms

It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it. Therefore, first of all, attention should be paid preventive measures, namely:

Regularity of anthelmintic procedures

Applying anthelmintic drugs, we should not forget about them side effects, and therefore it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and strictly adhere to the dosage.

It is advisable to deworm animals after the summer has ended. In summer the probability helminthic infestation very high. First of all, this applies to dogs and cats that their owners let out for a walk. It is recommended to give anthelmintics dog 15-20 days before the start of estrus, especially if mating is planned. On the one hand, the dog will not become pregnant if it is infected with worms, on the other hand, there will be enough time to remove the toxic drug from the dog’s body. If a dog becomes pregnant, then it is no longer possible to worm her - medicines may cause harm to the fetus.

There are cases when the heat came earlier due date, even before antihelminthic measures were carried out. What to do in this case?

These are the basic recommendations for carrying out anthelmintic procedures in pets. Remember that it is timely and correct Taken measures prevention and treatment of helminthiases in domestic animals will prevent serious violations the health of your pets and reduce the risk of infection for yourself.

We reveal the secrets of effective and safe dog protection from worms before and during pregnancy. Worm a pregnant dog according to all the rules.

Why worm a pregnant dog?

  • Objects and animals on which helminth larvae may be found: a stick or stone from the street, lush grass on the lawn, or a four-legged fellow that you definitely want to bite during play.

“If infection of a non-pregnant dog threatens the health of only one animal, then infection of a pregnant pet is a threat to both the dog and the puppies.

If infection of a non-pregnant dog threatens the health of only one animal, then infection of a pregnant pet is a threat to both the dog and the puppies. We will discuss in more detail below how worms are transmitted from dog to puppy. Now is the time to look at whether worms can be transmitted from dogs to humans.

The larvae of typical dog helminths can, once they enter the human body, migrate with the blood throughout the body and, affecting various organs, cause serious pathology.

The eggs of worms, dangerous to humans, are found on the animal’s fur and are concentrated under the tail. And if you follow the rules of hygiene, you will not be at risk of infection. The same cannot be said about children who spend a lot of time with a pet and may forget to wash their hands before eating.

Thus, worms are unlikely to be transmitted from a dog to an adult. Children who are close to an infected pet are at risk.

Which worms are most often transmitted from dog to puppy? Let's tell you in more detail.

What worms can a puppy get infected from a dog?

  • Roundworms;
  • Toxocars;
  • Hookworms;
  • Uncinarii;
  • Trichinella.

Why is it dangerous to drive away worms during pregnancy?

Most deworming medications are contraindicated for use in pregnant dogs due to their negative influence for puppies. Taking anthelmintics in the first half of pregnancy is especially dangerous. At this stage, all the main systems and organs are formed in the fetus, so any negative impact will lead to the development of pathology in children. Also anthelmintic drugs may cause miscarriages.

" Use a drug that is not contraindicated for pregnant dogs.

How to choose a drug that can deworm a pregnant dog

In the second half of pregnancy, the development of puppies stabilizes, all organs and organ systems have already formed. Then the kids will only grow and develop.

Therefore in this period you can worm a pregnant dog, but to do this you need to select suitable drug. Remember: deworming your pet should be done with caution, preferably under the supervision of a veterinarian.

"Many veterinarians, experienced dog breeders and kennel owners choose the drug for deworming animals during pregnancy wide range actions of Prazitel.

Why is Prazitel trusted in deworming pregnant animals?

Health safety

Optimal content active ingredients The composition of the drug ensures complete safety for the health of a pregnant dog. The drug is well tolerated by dogs of all breeds and ages.

Effective after first use

Clinical studies confirm high efficiency Prazitel against helminths after a single application.

Ease of use for dogs

Prazitel is available in the form of a suspension - this is the most convenient form for use in dogs. Prazitel suspension has a pleasant taste for the animal, its original consistency makes it easier to use the drug. Prazitel is also available in traditional tablet form.

Read also: Aspergillosis - mycosis of the nasal sinuses in cats and dogs

The owners themselves can bring eggs and helminth larvae into the house on the soles of shoes, clothes, and household items.

Important! Severe helminthic infestation can cause spontaneous miscarriages in pregnant bitches. Often puppies are born dead or severely weakened, emaciated, and non-viable.

The following types of helminths are found in dogs:

  • roundworms;
  • diphyllobothria;
  • Echinococcus;
  • uncinaria;
  • alveococci;

Read also: Interdigital cyst in a dog: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Symptoms of helminthiases:

  • malfunctions;
  • dull, matte coat;
  • , skin, itching in the anal area;
  • nausea, ;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • fast ;
  • the presence of fragments, eggs, larvae of worms in the feces;
  • decreased appetite from food;
  • , rapid breathing;
  • muscular, .

If a mother dog has infected puppies with helminths, the symptoms in babies will be more intense than in adult dogs. Severe helminthic infestation often leads to the death of puppies due to intoxication, rupture internal organs.

What to do if a pregnant dog has worms

It is immediately worth noting that it is best dog two to three weeks before the planned planned mating using complex anthelmintic agents for preventive deworming systemic action. Before choosing a veterinary drug, consult your doctor.

Most antihelminthics, despite the huge selection, contraindicated for pregnant and lactating bitches. Active components may negatively affect the health of newborn puppies and intrauterine development. In addition, most veterinary drugs belong to the category moderately toxic medications Therefore, it is very important to follow the dosage indicated in the annotation.

Advice! If a pregnant pet is heavily infected with helminths, deworming can only be done under the strict supervision of a veterinarian.

If the period of deworming before planned mating is missed, use anthelmintics that are not contraindicated for pregnant or lactating bitches.

The helminths most commonly found in pets are either flatworms or nematodes. Flatworms, in turn, are divided into flukes and tapeworms or cestodes.

These trematodes have a complex development cycle, and on their life path from egg to mature individual they replace two intermediate hosts - a freshwater mollusk (for example, a pond snail) and fish.

  • toxascariasis;
  • toxocariasis;
  • trichinosis.

It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it. Therefore, first of all, attention should be paid to preventive measures, namely:

Regularity of anthelmintic procedures

When using antihelminthic medications, one should not forget about their side effects, and therefore it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and strictly adhere to the dosage.

It is advisable to deworm animals after the summer has ended. In summer, the likelihood of helminthic infestation is very high. First of all, this applies to dogs and cats that their owners let out for a walk. It is recommended to give anthelmintic drugs to the dog 15-20 days before the start of estrus, especially if mating is planned. On the one hand, the dog will not become pregnant if it is infected with worms, on the other hand, there will be enough time to remove the toxic drug from the dog’s body. If a dog becomes pregnant, then it is no longer possible to deworm it - medications can harm the fetus.

There are cases when estrus occurs earlier than expected, even before antihelminthic measures have been taken. What to do in this case?

These are the basic recommendations for carrying out anthelmintic procedures in pets. Remember that timely and correctly taken measures for the prevention and treatment of helminthiasis in pets will prevent serious health problems for your pets and reduce the risk of infection for yourself.


1).Vaccination:The owner of a cat before estrus (mating a cat) must ensure that the cat is vaccinated against infectious diseases (4-valent vaccine) and skin diseases so that nothing happens to the cat during mating and pregnancy and so that she passes on lasting immunity to her offspring. In case of omission, apply immune drugs, serum if necessary.

If you did not have time to deworm your cat before mating and the worms are detected at the beginning of pregnancy, then safe drug in this case it will be “Milbemax”. In addition to tablets, anthelmintics are widely used in the form of drops on the withers. The drug “Profender” can be used in pregnant animals. To ensure that deworming does not harm the health of either her or her offspring, you should choose the right drug and follow the instructions for its use.

4).Stress in a cat: If the cat is stressed, then before the trip it is better to use immune drugs (for example: Immunofan, Cycloferon). Behavior correction drug: “ Fospasim" - with preventive and therapeutic purposes (if the cat is afraid of the cat and does not fit in) and for the purpose of neuroses and anxious state, unreasonable aggressiveness, phobias, separation from the owner, transportation. When a cat is in heat, she experiences severe stress(change hormonal levels plus separation from the owner, a long break, travel, unfamiliar surroundings, etc...). Cats are no less susceptible to stress than humans. This seemingly minor condition may turn out to be more dangerous than we think. It can provoke not only the cat’s psychological discomfort, but also cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased immunity and many other ailments. If the animal long time is experiencing a stressful state, then changes begin to occur in internal organs and systems as a response to an external stimulus. Stress also affects cats, as there is a close relationship between the nervous and immune systems. If a cat cannot untie and has frequent heats, she experiences stress in cats, which can be short-term, or can turn into a protracted, difficult-to-fix problem. Stress factors affect cells that are sensitive to them immune system, located in various organs and tissues (in gastrointestinal tract, skin, liver), affecting them. As a result, problems such as eczema, dermatitis, hair loss, digestive disorders etc…. A cat weakened by stress can easily become ill with an infectious disease, even without leaving the house - owners can bring pathogens into the apartment on shoes and clothes. The same situation can affect different animals differently, so it is the owner who must carefully monitor the behavior of his cat.

It is worth paying attention to the cat after mating, because... pregnancy is also a burden on the body and in cats the same goes differently (a cat can be apathetic, lethargic, eats little, etc...), if pregnancy is difficult, you need to give the cat certain vitamins for pregnant women, probiotics, proper nutrition pick up

5).Reasons why the cat did not become pregnant:

1).The cat might not let the cat come to her because she didn’t want him - cats can be picky.

2). A cat may not become pregnant due to stress received in someone else’s apartment; some cats breed easily in a small confined space because they have nowhere to go, hide and sit there the entire heat, and some cats are more comfortable in free movement and thus mate faster, while other cats need to invite the cat home because They don’t fit in on foreign territory.

3). The cat stopped estrus due to stress. (Fear, phobia - separation from a beloved owner).

4).The cat did not have time to melt and you brought it to the cat i.e. Mating of a cat does not occur on the days when the cat is ready to conceive.

5).Obesity, or, conversely, lack of body weight, ovarian dysfunction, against the background of obesity is a hormonal disorder.

6).The cat has a hormonal dysfunction. Frequent estrus in a not young, untied cat.

7).Problems with the ovaries (inflammation, tubal obstruction - when the egg cannot enter the uterus naturally; when the ovary cannot produce eggs or produces eggs, but not viable ones).

8). Problems with the uterus (the fertilized egg cannot attach to the wall of the uterus because the uterus is inflamed or there are other pathological processes on the uterine mucosa).

9). Lack of vitamins and minerals.

10). The cat has hidden chronic viral diseases.

eleven). Any other infectious diseases, causing infertility.
12).Frequent mating of cats

13). Chronic stress.

14).Old age or the cat is too young.
15).The cat was given any sedatives, herbs, etc. - a one-time dacha on the avenue could also have an effect.

If the cat does not mate the first time, do not despair, if you want to babysit the babies, perhaps after eliminating the cause, the cat will mate and become pregnant!!!

6).Mating (mating): If the cat did not mate, did not conceive, or was lost for some reason, this more often happens with unmated cats who come to the cat for the first time and are recommended to identify and eliminate the cause. At the discretion of the cat owner: you can use drugs to correct behavior so that the cat is not stressed and is not afraid of the cat, or change the cat. If after all the methods of untying the cat everything is unsuccessful, then you can invite the cat to your home. A cat in its own territory may be calmer and easier to make contact with the cat. If the cat is mating, but still does not become pregnant, then you should seek help from a specialist. Often empty matings are due to lack of ovulation, this happens due to malfunctions reproductive system cats. To accurately determine this diagnosis You should take a blood test of the animal exactly 3 days after mating. Usually quite low level progesterone levels, namely less than 1 ng/ml, may be the cause of an empty mating. You should also do an ultrasound of the animal’s genital organs and take a smear of the uterus, since diseases of these organs can affect fertilization, or rather the lack thereof. It is not uncommon for a cat to have a disturbance in hormonal function, especially if the cat was given sedative drops to stop estrus or the cat was often in estrus, but the cat did not mate - a hormonal imbalance, cystosis, fibroids, etc. may occur....If you have no desire to ride like clinics, at home, inject vitamins and microelements that affect reproduction. Can be applied homeopathic medicine at home by ourselves drugs: Ovariovit, Mastomethrin, Fospasim- to normalize the functioning of the ovaries, correction of the psycho-emotional state. Even a cat that has given birth may have problems, pregnancy may not occur, fetuses may drop, etc….

7).Why does a cat still “flow” after mating? It happens that a cat asks for a male cat after mating for several days. This is normal and does not mean that pregnancy has not occurred. In fact, everything is natural and natural. Usually, for several hours and even days after coitus, the female will behave restlessly, continue to purr, roll on the floor and raise her tail when any touch to the rump. The phenomenon is explained simply: during estrus, a huge amount of sex hormones are released into the blood and it takes some time for the body to adjust to the normal regime. Ovulation occurs somewhere 24-36 hours after intercourse, it is quite logical that the animal will still be in heat for at least a day and then another 2-3 days will be spent on the extinction of all accompanying symptoms. Sometimes even after successful fertilization the female experiences repeated estrus (superfetation) and again asks for a male cat.

8).Pregnancy An idea of ​​what is happening in the body of your pet allows you to understand the duration of pregnancy. Conventionally, the entire period is divided into four stages:

- zero week – no visible changes. About a day after mating, ovulation occurs, then the eggs are fertilized. By fallopian tubes zygotes move into the uterus, are evenly distributed and attach to its walls;

- From the first to the third week, symptoms are still subtle. There may be a slight decrease in activity and a change in appetite (some cats eat a lot, others eat reluctantly for the first couple of weeks, and occasionally refuse food).

- At the end of the third week, mild toxicosis is possible: vomiting in the morning for two or three days, lethargy, decreased appetite;

- from the fourth to the sixth week, the question “is the cat pregnant?” ceases to torment you. Now everything is obvious - the nipples have acquired a pinkish tint, the cat eats a lot and sleeps for a long time, the tummy is rounded and growing every day.

A non-professional will not find anything during palpation, so you should not feel your pet’s tummy, so as not to harm the fetus and not provoke premature contractions;

From the seventh to the ninth week, the tummy grows very quickly, the cat sleeps almost all the time, often goes to the toilet, and eats little by little. If you place your palm on the tummy, you can feel the kittens move.

By the ninth week, appetite decreases, the stomach drops (it used to be round and located right behind the ribs, but now it seems to have sagged and moved towards the hips).

Clear mucus is released from the loop, future mom begins to look for a place for the kittens to appear. Childbirth occurs 58-65 days after mating. It is important to secure the space by blocking access to favorite places on high ground, if any. There is no point in disturbing the animal during this period - the pet is preparing for childbirth, she has no time for entertainment! Be sure to take care in advance - prepare a “Nest” (box, enclosure), where the cat will be in a secluded place and will not be nervous and will not drag the kittens around the apartment.

9). Childbirth: You must work proactively and before the cat even thinks about which secluded place to give birth, you simply must offer her the best option - one that is convenient for you and that makes the cat feel comfortable. Active movement of kittens in a cat’s stomach begins around 7-9 weeks of pregnancy. These movements can already be seen with the naked eye when the cat itself is at rest. But how does a cat’s labor begin the day before or on the day of birth? The cat's behavior before giving birth becomes anxious, she is restless, rushes about in search of a secluded place, breathes frequently, meows, eats poorly - these are signs that childbirth is approaching. Average duration labor - from 2 to 6 hours.

Physiological signs of childbirth in a cat: Measure the cat's body temperature rectally - 24-72 hours before the onset of labor, the temperature will be 37 ° C; A day or two before giving birth, the cat’s genitals turn red or pink; Sometimes the mammary glands become engorged; About 5-6 hours before giving birth, the cat “hunches over” due to training contractions of the uterus; Within a day, the cat loses its appetite, but the cat drinks as usual.

Preparing for childbirth: Every cat should have a first aid kit.

Absorbent diapers; Clean cloths are the size to wipe kittens. Towel made of natural fabric (to cover newborn kittens); Hand disinfectant (alcohol, chlorhexidine); Baby syringe - suck out liquid from the kitten’s nose; Sterile Vaseline oil or Traumagel; Pipette; Latex gloves; Zelenka; Cotton swabs; Hot water bottle;Syringes (1ml, 2ml, 5ml, 10ml); Scissors.

-Drugs: Calcium gluconate – contraction stimulant; Oxytocin - for better cleansing uterus at the end of childbirth; Traumatin acts on the neuroendocrine system, stimulates the production of endogenous (own) oxytocin, which leads to uterine contraction, has an analgesic and hemostatic effect and should be administered both at the beginning of labor and at the end of the process; Mastomethrin - quickly stops the inflammatory process, is effective in childbirth when the placenta is delayed, as well as in postpartum period with mastitis; Gamavit or Aminovit (Microvitam), Katozal - vitamin preparations, which will restore the cat’s strength during long or multiple births, stimulate labor, will have a positive effect on the condition of newborn kittens. They are injected once a day 7 days before birth, every day, at the beginning of contractions, then during the process, after birth to stimulate milk production for 5 days and for Kittens immediately after birth for 3 days.

-Solutions: Ringerra-locka, Glucose 5%. There are also cocktails: This cocktail is indispensable when protracted labor and the owner is afraid to administer oxytocin. 1).Recipe: 4 ml glucose, 2 ml ascorbic acid, 4 ml calcium gluconate. All components must be mixed in one syringe (the injection must be subcutaneous or intramuscular, but only after the birth of the first kitten, at the rate of 2 ml of cocktail per 10 kg of cat. That is, approximately 1 ml for an average-weight cat). 2).Recipe: Duphalight +Ringerra-locca. 3).To restore the strength, energy and lack of fluid of a cat who has just given birth, as well as relieve stress, the following recipe can help: 7-10 ml of glucose, 2 ml of calcium gluconate and 1 ml of ascorbic acid. Place 10 ml subcutaneously 2 times with an interval of one hour.

- Immune pr-t-immunofan, cycloferon.

-Antibioticsc-amoxycycline and ceftriaxone or cefotaxime.

In case of lack of milk It is advisable to buy a cat milk replacer and a feeding kit from your cat (some companies come with it). This milk is produced by Biafarm

Prevention of eclampsia in cats - If you cannot give injections, you can use Calcium frubiase - drinking ampoules - ½ ampoule, you should give it when labor begins and drink the rest the next day, it is better to drink it through a disposable syringe with the needle removed.

Childbirth: Stage 1: In the first stage, the uterus contracts and the cervix opens. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the appearance of discharge from the cat’s vagina. This is the so-called mucous plug, which throughout pregnancy separated the uterus from the vagina, but at this stage its function has exhausted itself. Visually big belly falls. Vomiting may occur, do not be alarmed by this.

Stage 2: At the second stage, contractions become more frequent, the cervix opens completely, the first kitten begins to move along the birth canal. Externally, this is manifested in the fact that the cat strains to push out the newborn. The interval between kittens is from 5 minutes to an hour.

Stage 3: Delivery of the placenta. The cat itself chews the umbilical cord and often eats the placenta. The owner’s task is to monitor whether the placenta has been delivered and whether the number of kittens coincides with the number of placentas delivered. Remaining in birth canal the placenta leads to complications. If the cat does not know how, does not show maternal instinct, you must quickly wipe the kitten, open the mouth, wipe off the mucus, cut off the umbilical cord - 2 cm, to stop the bleeding, squeeze the umbilical cord, if the cat pulls out the umbilical cord, then you can bandage it and grease with green paint.

IMPORTANT! There may be a long gap between the appearance of kittens. This is the so-called interrupted birth, in which the rest period is a day or more. Then you need to inject drugs, do not stroke the stomach under any circumstances - do not soothe, so as not to stop the birth, but on the contrary, massage the stomach - causing attempts, help to rest (you can give birth in a basin so that the cat rests with its paws). If the cat can't cope on its own, you must help it quickly! Adopt a kitten, cut the bubble, wipe the kitten, lower it head down - if the kitten has swallowed - clean the nose with a syringe, revive the kitten - with massage movements, rub it - hold it upside down and massage the chest.

What to do if the kitten gets stuck while pushing? To independently deliver a cat and extract a kitten: put on rubber gloves and lubricate Vaseline oil cat’s vagina; take a clean cloth and, grasping the kitten’s body, gently pull it down, rocking the kitten from side to side. You can't pull on limbs! You need to pull when your cat is having contractions.

10). Feeding: You need to pay attention to the nutrition of a pregnant cat! Add vitamins and probiotics to soft foods.

Probiotic: Vetom 1:1 - strengthening the body with good bacteria - affects the immune system, good health etc…

Vitamins: Immunity, microelements and vitamins (for example, Biafarm), oil ADE, etc.

For a cat, you need to select food based on age, weight, and breed. Metabolism, like that of humans, is different in cats. If the cat is too thin, the kittens may ultimately not be viable, if overweight It will be difficult for the cat to give birth. Improper feeding leads to retardation in height, weight, physique defects, diseases of internal organs and even leads to fatal outcome, so you need to take the quality of your food very seriously.

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