Horse sorrel - medicinal properties and contraindications of the weed. Sorrel. Useful and medicinal properties. Contraindications

The benefits of sorrel for the body were known to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who widely used it in their cuisines. Today, traditional medicine uses the plant to treat a wide range of health problems. What is its value, what does the tasty herb help with?

How to collect?

  1. Never collect useful herbs in plastic bags; a wicker basket is the ideal option.
  2. Harvesting should be done in dry weather and not during or shortly after rain.
  3. Mostly leaves are collected, less often roots are collected in early autumn.

When collecting, it is important to pay attention to how to distinguish ordinary sorrel from horse sorrel. The main difference is in taste: while the regular one is eaten raw, the horse one is not very suitable for these purposes due to the presence of bitterness in the leaves. Only very young leaves have sourness. More experienced pickers distinguish varieties by appearance.

The medicinal properties of the seeds are also known, represented by their antimicrobial effects. Root, in view optimal ratio active substances, improves digestion.

How to store?

No less important is the question of how to store sorrel. There are two methods of preparation, and both of them have been used in kitchens for a long time.

The second way to preserve sorrel for the winter is freezing. This is not a labor-intensive process. It consists of washing the leaves, drying them and putting them in the freezer. But, before freezing for the winter, it is advisable to grind the raw materials, because After defrosting it is difficult to cut into pieces - it becomes too soft.

It is for this reason that many people wonder whether it is possible to freeze a plant at all? The answer is yes. The slightly “strange” consistency of greens after defrosting is not an indicator of poor quality - most of the beneficial substances are preserved.


Horse sorrel, like other types of tasty useful herb, typical of the rich chemical composition and at the same time low in calories.
Energy value(100 g):

  • KJ – 92.4;
  • kcal – 22.

Nutritional value (g/100g):

  • carbohydrates – 3.15;
  • water – 89;
  • protein – 3.6;
  • fiber – 2.35.

Minerals (mg/100 g):

  • iron – 4;
  • zinc – 0.75;
  • calcium – 100;
  • copper – 0.25;
  • magnesium – 81; mg
  • manganese – 1.15;
  • phosphorus – 52;
  • selenium – 0.3 mcg;
  • potassium – 555;
  • sodium – 77;
  • omega-3 – 140;
  • omega-6 – 28.

Vitamins (mg/100 g):

  • A – 9400 IU;
  • C – 29.5;
  • B1 – 0.2;
  • E – 2.7;
  • B2 – 0.3;
  • B3 – 0.8;
  • B6 – 0.33;
  • K – 497;
  • oxalic acid – 750;
  • folic acid – 0,198;
  • pantothenic acid – 0.3.

Therapeutic effects

The leaves of the plant are used not only for cooking, but also in folk medicine. What does horse sorrel treat, what are its benefits? therapeutic effects?

  1. Strengthening vision due to vitamin A content.
  2. Detoxification of the body thanks to flavonoids and other antioxidants.
  3. Chlorophyll, flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamins and minerals are a combination that is good for cancer prevention.
  4. Reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and high blood pressure.
  5. External use of crushed leaves solves a number of skin problems and accelerates wound healing.
  6. The leaf extract can be used as a mouthwash.
  7. Proanthocyanidins act against Escherichia coli bacteria and urinary tract infections.
  8. The iron content helps increase the production of red blood cells.
  9. Dissolving mucus during rhinitis and relaxing the airways.
  10. Vitamin C stimulates immune system, necessary for collagen synthesis.
  11. Powdered tea - good remedy for insomnia.
  12. Calcium is important for healthy bones.
  13. Supports the body's defenses.
  14. Strong antiseptic effects.
  15. Digestive support.
  16. Elimination of flatulence.
  17. Elimination of abdominal pain (in the intestines, stomach).
  18. Improved bowel movements.
  19. Improved appetite.
  20. Supports health and cleanses the respiratory tract.
  21. Cough relief.
  22. Removal excess water.
  23. Aphrodisiac effect and...
  24. Reducing high blood pressure.

Other unwanted symptoms may include diarrhea, nausea and stomach pain. Preventatively, people suffering from kidney stones should avoid the herb. However, after heat treatment the risk side effects is reduced to a minimum.

Despite all the benefits of sorrel, some experts do not recommend it for pregnant women. The reason lies in oxalic acid, which, when reacting with calcium, promotes the formation of insoluble compounds - oxalates, which prevent the absorption of calcium into the blood and its absorption in the body. This may lead to serious complications, even to spontaneous miscarriage.

This does not mean that pregnant women should not use the plant at all as a component of borscht. You just shouldn't include it in your diet too often. best option– 1-2 times a week.


The question of whether sorrel can be used for breastfeeding. While some experts are categorically against it, others do not see the plant as an enemy of health, but recommend that it be included in the diet of a nursing mother until the child is 6 months old.

In addition, you should start using small portions and monitor the baby’s condition to see if any adverse signs appear.

Sorrel in children's diet

Of course, this leafy vegetable has every right to be present in children’s diets. However, an important factor is the age at which it can be included.

The effect of the herb on the body of children is similar to the effect on adult body– providing vitamins, minerals and other useful substances will help strengthen the defenses, normalize intestinal function and stabilize stool.

Not only health, but also beauty

In addition to promoting health, adding sorrel to your diet will improve your nails, keep your hair thick and, thanks to the zinc, help your skin look healthy.

Its extracts are used in cosmetology by many manufacturers. Extracts are added to skin and body care products and have a beneficial effect as a component of hair preparations. By the way, rinsing your hair with the infusion will also show positive results (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of boiling water).

An infusion from the plant has mild calming effects. It reduces cramps in the lower abdomen, both menstrual and those arising from indigestion. Use is also recommended for women during menopause.

Headache and hangover syndrome
Both of these problems are associated with dehydration of the body and general weakening of the body. Thanks to its water and vitamin C content, an infusion of leaves relieves hangover symptoms and quenches headache. It is enough to drink a glass of infusion prepared according to the following recipe.

Drink for headaches and hangovers
1 tsp greens, pour 1/2 liter of boiling water. After 15 minutes, drain and drink. Treatment can be repeated up to 3 times a day.

For rheumatism, the medicinal properties of the root from which the tincture is prepared are used.

Cure for rheumatism
You need:

  • 20 g root;
  • 20 ml alcohol (40%).

Leave the raw materials filled with alcohol for 10 days. Then drain and take 15 drops daily.

We are talking about a disease that worries a large percentage of women. Thanks to its disinfectant and diuretic properties, sorrel and other inflammatory processes that affect urinary tract.

Tea for cystitis
1 tbsp. leaves, poured 1/2 liter of boiling water, leave for several minutes. Drink 3 times a day.

Promote weight loss
The healing properties of sorrel include not only assistance in treatment various diseases. Plant .

Smoothie for weight loss
Cut into small pieces and apple, grind in a blender. Add 2 cups of water, a handful of chopped sorrel and mix well. Garnish the drink with a green leaf and drink.

  • 1 tsp sorrel leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. nettle;
  • 1 tbsp. dandelion greens;
  • 1/2 liter of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the medicinal ingredients and leave for 15 minutes. Then strain, pour into a thermos and drink throughout the day.

Delicious and treatment plant, due to improved intestinal motility and faster passage of food, relieves constipation.

Tea for constipation
1 tsp chopped sorrel, poured 500 mo of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes under the lid. After cooling, drink 100-250 ml 1-3 times a day.

A decoction of the roots will also help: 6-7 tbsp. root, pour 1 liter of water, boil for 15 minutes. After 10 minutes of infusion, drain and take a spoonful every 2-3 hours until complete relief.

Beneficial Properties The roots are also used for hemorrhoids. In this case, a decoction is prepared from them.

Medicine for hemorrhoids
You need:

  • 1 tbsp. raw materials;
  • 1/2 liter of water.

Pour water over the root, cook for 15 minutes, leave for the same amount of time. Drain and take a spoon 4-5 times a day.
This natural remedy will also be beneficial for anal fissures.

Bones on the feet
A combination of internal and external treatment will help you get rid of bunions.

Bone tea
1 tbsp. Infuse the herbs in a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes. After pumping, drink half a glass 2 times a day.

Compresses for bones
Daily compresses made from crushed herbs and sorrel roots are excellent additional therapy.

Using a meat mallet, carefully chop the leaves and rhizomes and apply the resulting pulp to the bones. Secure with a bandage for 1 hour.

Carefully! This treatment can only be used if the pit problem is not caused by gout, a disease that is a contraindication to the use of sorrel. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you will get harm to your health!

Acne and age spots
On the face, either lotions from the juice are used (crush the leaves and squeeze out the juice), or compresses from fresh leaves.

Natural “plaster” for acne and pigmentation
Tap the leaf with a meat hammer. Apply the greens to areas with acne and increased pigmentation. Leave for half an hour. At this time you can lie down and relax. This green face mask will not only alleviate these problems but also make your skin look fresh and clear.

Of course, the benefits of the herb outweigh the potential harm. Negative consequences in case of contraindications, however, may be significant. Therefore, before including leafy vegetables in your diet, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Sour sorrel ( Rumex acetosa) there are both benefits and harm to the human body. This plant is not easy, because along with significant amount healing compounds in its composition, it also contains quite harmful oxalates.


The calorie content of 100 grams of fresh sorrel greens is 22 kcal. This amount of plant also contains:

  • 2.9g vegetable fiber (7.5% of required daily norm);
  • 133% daily dose vitamin A;
  • 80% vitamin C;
  • 30% iron;
  • 26% magnesium;
  • 21% manganese;
  • 14% copper;
  • 9% vitamin B6;
  • 8% vitamin B2;
  • 4% folate and calcium each.

In slightly smaller amounts, greens contain niacin, vitamin B1, zinc, folic and pantothenic acids.

Sorrel also contains other biologically active compounds that have an antioxidant effect. Great importance Green chlorophyll also has benefits for human health.

Beneficial features

Effect on weight loss

Sorrel is useful for weight loss for several reasons.

  1. 100 grams (which is a whole serving of salad) contains only 22 kcal, which are filled with fiber. Plant fiber slows down the absorption of food. And, therefore, protects against sharp increase glucose and insulin in the blood after meals, which is one of the main reasons for gaining excess weight.
  2. The benefit of sorrel for the body of a person losing weight is that it helps to normalize the composition intestinal microflora who is always unfaithful to people with significant overweight. And these changes stimulate further formation fat deposits.
  3. The anti-inflammatory activity of the product, due to the large amount of antioxidants and fiber, reduces the level of chronic inflammatory processes in the body, which are important reason development of obesity.
  4. A sorrel meal gives strength and energizes. This helps you move more throughout the day, which means you burn more calories.
  5. Diuretic activity makes it possible to reduce weight when necessary, for example, under a dress. Such weight loss cannot be considered true weight loss, but it may be necessary in certain life situations.

Despite the fact that sorrel is useful for weight loss, some people who want to include this vegetable in their diet may have problems due to the fact that the greens quite significantly increase their appetite. For this reason, it is even recommended to actively use it for little ones. Therefore, if you have noticed that after a sorrel meal you have a voracious appetite, then you should give up the idea of ​​losing weight with the help of this greenery.

How to use and store all winter?

The most the right way inclusion of leaves in the diet Rumex acetosa is to use them in fresh, since when heat treatment they lose most of their beneficial properties.

Therefore, the famous borscht with sorrel is far from the best option including these greens in your diet.

Oxalic acid, present in greens, impairs the absorption of minerals from food. Therefore, sorrel should be consumed together with lactic acid products (sour cream, kefir, yogurt). At simultaneous use With sour greens and dairy products, there is no deterioration in the absorption of minerals.

But, alas, Rumex acetosa- seasonal vegetable. And it can be consumed fresh only in late spring and summer. Then you have to either refuse or think about how to prepare it for the winter with minimal losses.

The most safe method Preserving greens for the winter is freezing them.

You can freeze sorrel in a regular freezer. To do this you need:

  • select healthy leaves, preferably young and small in size;
  • wash them thoroughly and be sure to dry them thoroughly;
  • place in a special freezer bag, trying to remove all the air from it;
  • put in the freezer.

Small leaves can be frozen whole. Larger ones are better cut.

You can prepare any dishes from sorrel prepared by freezing.

Another convenient method of preparing sorrel for the winter is to preserve it in blanched form. At this method When harvested, greens lose significantly more useful components than when frozen. However, something remains in it. In addition, the method is convenient for those who like to cook sorrel soup in winter time.

You can understand how to roll blanched vegetables into jars in this video.

Whatever dish with sorrel you choose, under no circumstances should you cook it in cast iron or aluminum dishes. Since the metal of these products interacts with the oxalic acid of the vegetable, and the food becomes unpleasant metallic taste.


  1. As often happens, the benefits and harms of sorrel for the body complement each other. IN in this case this applies to the kidneys. Greenery Rumex acetosa, especially dried, has diuretic properties. And it's useful for cleansing urinary system. At the same time, the product contains oxalic acid, which promotes the formation of kidney stones. Therefore, this vegetable should not be consumed in large quantities by those who have a predisposition to urolithiasis. And those who already suffer from this disease should avoid it altogether.
  2. Sorrel should not be consumed by women suffering from vulvodynia. Vegetable oxalates do not cause of this disease, but intensify its symptoms.
  3. The vegetable is difficult and poorly digested by people suffering various diseases gastrointestinal tract. It is better not to rely on it for those who have gastritis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis. A strict contraindication for the use of sorrel is the acute phase of all these diseases.
  4. Fresh greens are quite tough. Therefore, when it is abundantly included in the diet, especially without habit, abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea often occur. In the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, their exacerbation may begin.

Can sorrel be consumed by pregnant women?

Pregnancy is not strictly contraindicated to include these greens in the diet. Moreover, it has a lot of useful properties for expectant mother:

  • boosts immunity;
  • protects against swelling and chronic constipation;
  • helps prevent iron deficiency anemia, etc.

However, the presence of oxalates in the product makes it not the most good choice for a pregnant woman. Therefore, the amount of sorrel consumed during pregnancy should be limited.

And preference should be given to soups and other dishes in the preparation of which the greens have been subjected to heat treatment. It brought her down beneficial features. But it also reduced the amount of oxalic acid.

Be sure to add lactic acid products, since during pregnancy the deterioration in the absorption of food minerals is especially dangerous.

Is it possible on GW?

The answer to the question whether a nursing mother can eat sorrel depends on what she wants to achieve: continue breastfeeding or stop this process.

Rumex acetosa refers to herbs that traditional medicine Since ancient times, it has been used to stop lactation and wean a child from breastfeeding.

Therefore, you can eat sorrel while breastfeeding only if you want to finish breastfeeding.

At what age can it be given to children?

There is no clear answer to the question of at what age can sorrel soup and other dishes made from this vegetable be given to children.

Many parents give their babies soup starting at the age of one. And they feel great. However, other young children learn Rumex acetosa Badly. And doctors do not recommend giving them the product earlier than 7 years of age.

But no matter what age you start giving sorrel to your child, you should definitely start with sorrel soup, and not with fresh herbs. Yes, fresh leaves are healthier. But they are also much more difficult to digest. And they contain significantly more oxalates.

So first, soup with sour cream. And then, when the child grows up, a fresh green salad. And also necessarily with sour cream or natural yogurt.

Beneficial properties of sorrel and contraindications for use: conclusions

Rumex acetosa– spring greenery, which has a lot of medicinal properties.

The vegetable boosts immunity, helps prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It helps to lose weight, eliminates chronic constipation and saves vision.

However, weed also has negative trait– it contains a lot of oxalates. For this reason, sorrel is not recommended for use by people suffering from urolithiasis and those who have serious illnesses Gastrointestinal tract. Greens should be included with caution in the menu of pregnant women and young children.

For a long time, sorrel was considered a weed that was not eaten. Today this plant with a pleasant sourness is cultivated in every garden plot. The benefits and harms of sorrel have already been sufficiently studied, which is why the green leaves are consumed not only as a dressing for dishes, but also raw for health purposes.

Sorrel (lat. Rumex) belongs to the perennial herbs of the Buckwheat family. There is an assumption that the name comes from a Russian dish - sour cabbage soup. About 150 plant species are known in Africa, Eurasia, America and 70 in Russia. Many people don’t even know how beneficial sorrel can be. But in order to reveal it healing properties, you need to know which type to use.

Small sorrel grows predominantly in acidic soils. As grass infests the meadows, crops legumes, the problem of eradication remained relevant for a long time. Passerine sorrel is rarely used in cooking as a salad or seasoning due to the bitter taste of the leaves.

Most of the plant subspecies are weeds used in medicinal prescriptions. Dishes include only common or sour sorrel (lat. Rumex acetosa), which is specially cultivated in vegetable gardens.

Curly and horse sorrel

You can meet the moisture-loving crop near ponds, ditches, and rivers. The height of the stems of this curly type of plant can reach up to 100 cm. Despite the widespread distribution of this sorrel in many climatic zones, Japan is initially considered its homeland. Young shoots of the herb are valued for their juiciness and indescribable lemon taste, but older leaves accumulate large amounts of acid and vitamin C, which is why they are often included in alternative medicine recipes.

The perennial plant horse sorrel is found in the steppes, along river valleys, and in forests. The leaves rise above the field grasses, reaching the height of human height. Other popular names: mare's cheek, hernial moth, aveluk, horse sorrel.

Many people think that horses love to eat this grass. But such associations with the name of the plant are erroneous; moreover, livestock breeders note that livestock repels the bitterness of the weed.

IN medicinal purposes The rhizome of horse sorrel is used, from which homemade infusions and decoctions are made. It was noted that the specific bitterness disappears when the plant is dried.

Botanical characteristics: shape, composition, calorie content

The inconspicuous green leaves of sorrel are rich in micro- and macroelements, organic substances, natural esters. In view of unique combination Natural components of the plant are used in herbal medicine. Since for decades passerine sorrel was considered exclusively a weed, many did not know what it contained useful material. In encyclopedias medicinal plants V.V. Telyatev, published from 1966 to 2004, described the following components of sorrel:

  1. Minerals: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron.
  2. Vitamins of group B1, B2, B3 and B6, C, A.
  3. The underground stem is rich in polyphenols and leukoanthocyanidins, essential oils, resins, sucrose.
  4. Thin sorrel leaves contain anthracene glycosides, tannins, carotenes, antioxidants.
  5. The above-ground part and roots of the plant contain a large number of oxalic acid, which has the property of accumulating in all organs.

This combination useful compounds plant origin has a beneficial effect on work digestive tract, nervous and of cardio-vascular system. 100 g of product contains only 18 kcal, which allows it to be classified as a low-calorie plant. Sorrel is also popularly called the “spring king”, which already in May pleases with fresh foliage in the garden beds. We should not forget that you can eat sorrel raw, but in limited quantities. Young leaves are used to prepare salads, vegetable smoothies, okroshka or green cabbage soup.

Oxalic acids are very beneficial for the body, but at high concentrations, stomach upset and kidney dysfunction occur. Heat treatment reduces the irritant effect of substances, so fresh sorrel should be consumed in doses.

The healing properties of sorrel for the body

The first mention of this terrestrial plant occurs in the 18th century in the chronicles of France. In Russia, for a long time it was perceived exclusively as a weed before the benefits of sorrel for the body were appreciated. Now sorrel is used as a spicy dressing in various dishes and in alternative medicine as a means of natural healing.

Herbalists thought about the benefits of sorrel, and during clinical trials they came to the conclusion that its use is indicated for the following diseases.

Purpose Medicinal efficacy
Hemorrhoids, posterior fissures Replenishment of vitamin C deficiency, anti-putrefactive and coagulative effects
Stool disorder: diarrhea, constipation In small quantities, tannins exhibit a fixing effect, and with increasing dosage, they enhance intestinal motility and eliminate flatulence
Malfunction of the digestive tract With weak secretion gastric juice the plant increases acidity. Sorrel for the stomach represents greatest benefit. This is explained by the fact that herbal decoctions envelop the walls of the organ and gently remove waste and toxins.
Cosmetology When sorrel juice is rubbed into damaged areas of the skin against the background of eczema, itching, and rash, regeneration processes are activated. Thanks to the acids of organic origin in the herb, it is used to eliminate pigmentation and improve the tone of the epidermis
Diseases of the cardiovascular system The beneficial properties are due to the composition of sorrel, which contains high concentrations of potassium. This substance prevents the occurrence of ischemia, stroke, hypertension
Renal pathologies In case of abnormal swelling, indicating a disruption of the excretory system, dried sorrel leaves, which have a pronounced diuretic effect, come to the rescue
Low level of immunity Against the background of iron deficiency, anemia develops and the body's resistance deteriorates. infectious agents. In the fight against autumn vitamin deficiency there is no equal to sorrel
Malignant carcinomas Although science has made great progress in 2017, pharmacology has not invented a drug that can completely eliminate tumor-like neoplasms accompanied by processes of active metastasis. Herbalists claim that fresh sorrel acts as an effective anticancer agent due to its antioxidant properties.
Diabetes Sorrel dishes are useful for high sugar in the blood, since the plant is due to low content carbohydrates normalizes glucose and cholesterol levels, cleanses blood vessels

Benefits for women

Against the background of the natural decline of reproductive and menstrual function, which occurs after 45 years, changes occur in the body. With the onset of menopause, a gradual but continuous increase in sex hormones begins, which is then alternated by a sharp lack of estrogen. Drinking sorrel juice during menopause eliminates the symptoms characteristic of this physiological state: “hot flashes”, insomnia, sweating, dizziness. In addition, herbal decoctions relieve a woman’s psycho-emotional stress.

When planning conception, gynecologists recommend taking a course of folic acid, which is responsible for correct formation fetal organs and anlage nervous system. Sorrel also contains vitamin B9, as a result of which this product is beneficial for the health of the expectant mother and baby. If you have problems with lactation, herbalists recommend consuming sorrel dishes to increase milk flow and improve its quality.

In situations where girls feel frequent spasms during menstrual cycle, it is not necessary to resort to the help of strong painkillers - oxalic acid and vitamin B9 increase hemoglobin, relieve migraines and discomfort.

Use of sorrel in home medicine

Young shoots and rhizomes of sour mountaineer are included in many recipes, the effectiveness of which has been tested for decades. For cleansing blood vessels for cholesterol plaques, a salad of freshly cut sorrel leaves seasoned with olive oil is shown. This recipe is also suitable for people who want to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the body of toxins.

The use of curly sorrel for alcoholism relieves cravings for alcoholic beverages, but provided there is no chronic dependence. On initial stages For diseases, it is necessary to make a decoction from the roots of the plant. With food or alcohol poisoning you need to quickly cleanse the body of toxins with freshly prepared sorrel juice: drink 100 ml after each meal.

At internal bleeding, severe diarrhea, herbalists recommend eating a tablespoon 5-6 times a day of a crushed mixture of fresh leaves. In case of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (caries, gingivitis, periodontitis), rinsing should be carried out herbal decoction. To do this, boil one tablespoon of chopped sorrel root in 500 ml of water. The recipe can also be used for colds.

Contraindications for use

Regardless of its wide range of uses and pronounced healing effect, sorrel can also be harmful to health. With prolonged abuse of fresh leaves, calcium is washed out of the body during urination. At the same time, the risk of nephrolithiasis, osteoporosis, and gout increases.

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • calcium deficiency;
  • renal pathologies chronic stage leakage;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • water-salt imbalance;
  • cholelithiasis.

A way to reduce the effects of concentrated oxalic acid on the body was discovered during clinical trials.

To prevent irritation of the digestive tract, it is necessary to combine raw herbs and dairy products - kefir and sour cream - in dishes. The recommendation is explained by the fact that calcium contained in milk binds organic acids in the plant.

Sorrel is perennial, which has a short branched root and stems up to a meter high. The first shoots of sorrel appear immediately after the snow melts, and the first leaves appear already at the end of May. They are arrow-shaped, grow alternately and taste very juicy and sour. Sorrel flowers are green, brownish in color, collected in a small broom. The plant tolerates frost very well, but does not like drought, since the stems and leaves need sufficient moisture. It grows in the same place for up to 4 years; it is usually grown artificially on carefully cultivated and fertile soils.

First time about this amazing plant mentioned in the 12th century in France, where the beneficial properties of sorrel and its piquant taste were appreciated very early. Our compatriots treated sorrel as a weed for a very long time and did not even think about its taste and medicinal capabilities, so they began to grow it only in the last few centuries.

Sorrel is so diverse and common that there are more than 300 varieties of this plant, but only a few of them can be eaten or used as medicine. All the rest are just weeds, unsuitable for either food or treatment.

During harvest, 4-5 leaves are cut off every two weeks. The last harvest is harvested in mid-July and then stopped because later leaves become coarse and contain too much acid, which is not very good for human health.

Sorrel is mainly consumed with its young leaves, which contain a lot of and. You can also use older leaves, but only after proper preparation: when cooking them, it is necessary to add chalk to the water, which will help remove the harmful substances contained in them in high concentration.

It is most widely used for cooking, most often fresh, but sorrel can be pickled or eaten dried. It is added to many dishes, most often in first courses or salads, but is sometimes used as a pie filling.

How to choose sorrel

If you want to buy sorrel, go to the market - there is a better chance of finding fresh plants. Give preference to young leaves, because... they contain less oxalic acid, an excess of which can be harmful to health. Young leaves are easy to identify - they have a bright green color and small size. Choose undamaged leaves, without spots and with uniform color - this indicates the health of the plant. After you bring the leaves home, dip them in cold water for 10-15 minutes - this will help remove insects that might remain on the plant.

How to store sorrel

The easiest way to store sorrel for several days is to immerse it in cold water immediately after purchase. It can be left in this form for up to 3 days; you can place the container in the refrigerator.

If you plan to store the sorrel longer, place it in a kitchen vacuum container and place it in the freezer. When you need to use frozen sorrel in dishes, add it in this form, because... after defrosting, the structure of the plant is destroyed and it becomes like mush.

You can dry sorrel leaves in the oven or on fresh air(only not under straight lines) sun rays). In this form, you can store them for up to a year in a dark place.

Sorrel can be preserved - simply place the chopped leaves tightly in jars, fill them with water (you can use 1 tsp per 500 ml of water) and close.

Beneficial features

One of the main values ​​of sorrel is that it begins to produce its first leaves in early spring when there are no fresh vegetables or fruit. He contains wide range vitamins and acids, as well as fiber. He is rightfully considered good source potassium at a time when other fresh vegetables are not yet available. In addition, the plant is able to actively fight bacteria, which is why it is used to treat and prevent various diseases.

The leaves of this plant can stimulate digestion, so they are often recommended for use by those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, they have some analgesic effects, stimulate wound healing and can even fight inflammation. In Europe, sorrel was often used to prevent scurvy and to remove toxins from the body. A decoction of the leaves is used as a choleretic agent; it can improve liver function and stimulate the flow of bile when it stagnates.

In addition, sorrel helps fight allergies, and also helps reduce skin itching (including allergies and irritations) and helps in the treatment acne. He is considered in a great way treat various manifestations menopause. Avicenna also believed that if you regularly eat the leaves of this plant, menopause goes away much easier.

No less useful are the roots of sorrel, which are used as infusions and decoctions. They help those who suffer from liver and gastrointestinal diseases. They improve the patient’s condition with bleeding in the lungs or uterus, they are even used in the treatment of intimate problems such as hemorrhoids or anal fissures. This infusion is used as a lotion for skin diseases and injuries, scratches and burns.

Sorrel improves intestinal function, can help the body in case of poisoning, and was previously even actively used to remove poisons from the body. Now it is used for the maintenance treatment of tuberculosis (in folk medicine), as well as for those suffering from rheumatism. Sorrel juice will help fight headaches and also cleanse the blood. A decoction of the roots is used to treat sore throat, cough or runny nose.

Chemical composition of sorrel
21 kcal
91.3 g
2.3 g
0.4 g
2.4 g
0.8 g
0.7 g
1.4 g
2.5 mcg
0.06 mg
0.16 mg
0.5 mg
0.25 mg
0.2 mg
35 mcg
47 mg
1.9 mg
0.6 mg
0.6 mcg
362 mg
54 mg
41 mg
4 mg
20 mcg
71 mg
70 mg
2.4 mg
3 mcg
0.35 mcg
0.2 mg
0.5 mg
70 mcg

Recipes for medicinal decoctions and infusions of sorrel

Medical sorrel is often credited with the ability to fight tumors, but this effect has not been proven. In any case, if you have no contraindications for consuming sorrel, it will be useful as a support for the body and saturation with vitamins. The medicinal properties of horse sorrel and a decoction of its leaves, stems and roots are used for a variety of diseases.

For rheumatism and back pain

Take 1 tbsp. sorrel roots, add 300 ml of water and boil the mixture for 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to do this in a thermos or wrap the container with the infusion with a warm cloth and leave for 2 hours. Afterwards, strain well and take 2 tbsp. 3 times a day, you can add a little to improve the taste.

For inflammation of the bladder

Baths with the addition of sorrel decoction help well with cystitis. To prepare it, take 250 g of sorrel, add half a liter of water and boil the mixture for 10-15 minutes. Then add this decoction to a bath with low water temperature (about 36 degrees, natural for the body) and take a bath for 10 minutes.

To treat a tumor in the uterus

You need to take 1 tbsp. roots, pour 500 ml of boiling water into them, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, and then leave for 4 hours, preferably in a thermos or wrapping the dishes in a towel or blanket. Then the infusion should be filtered and used for douching. For a pronounced result, it is recommended to carry out at least 10 such procedures. Considering that in this case it is used only for douching, there are no specific contraindications for such treatment.

For sore throat

You need to take leaves (you can use soft ones) fresh stems), put them in boiling water for a few seconds, and then knead them thoroughly with a mortar. You need to squeeze the juice out of this mixture by passing it through several layers of gauze or thick cloth. This juice needs to be boiled for several minutes, allowed to cool and taken 1 tbsp. 3 times a day directly during meals. You can store this juice in the refrigerator if you have prepared a lot of it.

To help the body during menstruation

Modern doctors recommend drinking a decoction of the leaves a week before menstruation - then it will pass without pain or excessive nervous tension. In order to make such a decoction, you need to take 250 ml of boiling water and pour 1 tbsp. leaves and leave in a warm place for an hour, then strain thoroughly and drink 30 minutes before meals each time. You need to drink it every day for a week before your period.

To combat infertility and support the liver

Sorrel is considered no less useful for combating infertility. You need to take a tablespoon of leaves, pour 250 ml of boiling water, then boil the resulting mixture for a minute and let it brew. Wait until it cools naturally and drink 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The effect will be more pronounced if you add mumiyo to this infusion. Exactly the same decoction is recommended to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate the outflow of bile and prevent liver problems.

Against diarrhea

Sorrel roots are good for people suffering from diarrhea. You need to take 2 tbsp. raw materials, add a glass of water and heat well in a water bath for about half an hour. Then wait until the mixture cools naturally, strain thoroughly and add water to return to its original volume. This decoction should be drunk 2 tbsp. every time half an hour before meals.

Sorrel in cosmetology

Most often in cosmetology, juice obtained from sorrel leaves is used. The easiest way is to make yourself a lotion and just wipe your skin. To do this, you need to crush the leaves, squeeze out the resulting juice and use it regularly instead of cosmetic lotions. This will help reduce inflammation, remove acne, moisturize the skin and brighten the face, including freckles and dark spots.

To help oily skin

Grind a few fresh leaves to make about 2 tbsp. raw materials. Add to them egg white(possible from) and a little lemon juice. Adjust the amount of lemon juice depending on your skin - if it is very sensitive, half a teaspoon is enough. If you need a pronounced whitening effect, you can add 2 teaspoons. Apply the resulting mask to clean skin and leave for 20 minutes. Then you can simply wash it off, but it is better to carefully remove it with cotton wool soaked in weak green tea. This will help improve your skin tone and reduce pore size.

For skin whitening

Squeeze the juice from the sorrel, as well as the juice from the dandelion, and mix 1:1. You need to wipe your skin with this mixture 3-5 times a day, and it is advisable to make a fresh portion of the product every day.

Mask for dry skin

If you need to saturate your skin with vitamins, knead thoroughly fresh leaves sorrel, pour 1 tsp into them. olive oil and a little until the mixture becomes comfortable for application to the skin. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse gently with water.

Dangerous properties of sorrel

It is recommended to take this plant in strictly dosed quantities and not to get carried away with adding it to dishes, as it contains high concentration acid, which can cause problems with kidney function, and in case of overdose, even disrupt mineral metabolism.

In addition, when used regularly, sorrel can stimulate the formation of kidney stones. To avoid this effect, it is necessary to combine its use with fermented milk products which contain a lot of calcium.

The use of sorrel is contraindicated for pregnant women, patients with kidney inflammation, stomach or intestinal ulcers. When used regularly in excessive quantities, sorrel interferes with the normal absorption of calcium, which can cause some problems with teeth and bones.

Today, sorrel is cultivated everywhere; juicy green leaves can be found in every garden. Juicy pies with sourness, first and second courses, and twists are prepared from the plant. In order not to harm your health during consumption, it is necessary to take into account possible contraindications.

  1. During menopause female body experiences a sharp release and, on the contrary, a lack of hormones. During menopause, drinking a small amount of sorrel juice mixed with water in equal quantities combats frequent migraines, uterine bleeding, change in indicator blood pressure, "tides". The woman’s psycho-emotional background is also normalized, irritability and depression are eliminated.
  2. If you experience extreme discomfort during PMS time, accompanied by nervousness, lower back pain, migraines, sorrel will remove these symptoms. The folic acid contained in the plant helps cope with the sensations of heavy discharge during menstruation, as it increases hemoglobin in the blood.
  3. For the beauty of your facial skin, it is useful to prepare masks from sorrel pulp. It is enough to grind the plants with a blender, then apply them in the form of a compress. This way you will saturate the epidermis with moisture, partially smooth out wrinkles, and remove age spots. The mask is famous for its anti-inflammatory and stretching properties.
  4. More often female doctors The use of sorrel is prescribed to girls who are breastfed. The plant increases lactation and improves the quality of milk, it becomes not bitter, but moderately thick. At the same time, sorrel strengthens the immunity of not only the mother, but also the newborn baby.
  5. The benefits of sorrel leaves have been proven for weight loss. If you wish to reset overweight, it is enough to include the plant with stems in daily diet. This way you will get rid of old waste, cleanse the walls of the intestines and stomach of poisons, and increase the metabolic processes of the whole body.

The benefits of sorrel for men

  1. The value of sorrel leaves for the stronger half of humanity is determined by its chemical composition. Acids, macro- and microelements fight dysfunctions genitourinary system: increase blood circulation in prostate gland, relieve inflammation and painful sensations, protect against infection, eliminate congestion.
  2. To enhance potency and reproductive function, you need to mix crushed sorrel leaves with honey or melted cane sugar.
  3. If you have been diagnosed with infertility, drink sorrel-based juice. In addition, the composition helps eliminate hangovers, quick withdrawal intoxication, accelerating the elimination of ethyl alcohol.
  4. Men suffering from alopecia (massive hair loss) are recommended to rub fresh squeezed juice based on aloe vera and sorrel leaves (ratio 1 to 1) into the scalp.

Sorrel for pregnant women: benefits and harms

Despite all the usefulness of sorrel, the plant should be eaten in limited quantities by expectant mothers and breastfeeding women.

  1. A large accumulation of the acid of the same name blocks the absorption of calcium. It is known that the element is responsible for the formation bone tissue and the skeleton of the unborn baby, as well as the heart muscle of a woman.
  2. To neutralize the effect of oxalic acid, combine fresh leaves of the plant with sour dairy products. For example, prepare a salad and season it with sour cream. Mix sorrel pulp with whey or tan. This way you will eliminate the accumulation of acid in the body.
  3. It is useful to eat sorrel if the expectant or new mother has a sore throat. The plant quickly reduces fever and strengthens the immune system. Sorrel leaves eliminate constipation and diarrhea, fight liver and intestinal diseases.
  4. If you are taking a course of medications that include large amounts of calcium, it is useful to eat wild sorrel. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and will facilitate the absorption of the element from medications.
  5. Pregnant girls who have been diagnosed with urolithiasis, gout and gastrointestinal upset should not eat sorrel. You will only create a strong load on the liver, provoke neoplasms on the gastric mucosa and endanger the kidneys.

Harm of sorrel

  1. Gastroenterologists unanimously insist that you should not eat sorrel if you have pancreatitis. This rule applies not only to exacerbation of the disease, but also to remission. If you neglect the recommendation, the acids will attack the pancreatic mucosa and cause complications of the disease.
  2. Oxalic acid, which is responsible for the sourness in the plant, provokes the accumulation of salts of the same acid in the body. Oxalates form sand and kidney stones, gallbladder. If you have solid tumors in the listed internal organs, stop eating the leaves.
  3. Sorrel promotes accelerated acid production in the stomach, thereby provoking the appearance of gastritis or ulcers. If you have already encountered these ailments, you should not eat green grass.

It has been proven that sorrel leaves are not only tasty, but also beneficial for human body. Most often, the plant is recommended for people with digestive disorders and sexual dysfunction, girls during menstruation, and men after 45 years.

Video: how to prepare sorrel for the winter

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