Parsnip root: beneficial properties and recipes. Interesting facts about parsnip, its benefits and culinary uses

Known since ancient times. Even ancient Indian tribes grew this root vegetable because of its nutritional value and benefits. It is not possible to establish the exact homeland of this vegetable. beneficial features root crops were established in antiquity. We only know that it originates somewhere in Europe. Before potatoes took one of the first places among vegetables, in European countries most vegetable dishes were prepared from parsnips. Until now in England this vegetable is a must on the Christmas table.

What kind of vegetable is this: history and description

It has an elongated shape, white or yellowish color, sweetish taste, with a pleasant spicy smell.

The first cultivated root vegetables, parsnips, were small in size, no larger than an average carrot. But after its widespread distribution, it was possible to develop larger root crops. At first it was grown only in tropical climate, but then they noticed that in temperate climates it grows better and the root crops are larger.

We learned about parsnips only in the 17th century. At that time it was called "field borscht". This distant relative of celery is also called pustarnak, white carrots or priest. He contains a large number of vitamins, minerals, essential oils and also low in calories. Wild parsnips are not eaten as they are toxic. If you don't grow it yourself, choose your root vegetables carefully when purchasing. The whiter and lighter the better. Root vegetables that are too large will be too tough and tasteless.

Nowadays it is fashionable to grow rare vegetables and fruits. Parsnips are perfect for surprising your neighbors. It is easy to care for and at the same time very useful.

The main difficulty is to find this very parsnip. It's not that common here. If you still manage to get the seeds, you can then collect them yourself and plant them again.

Despite the ease of cultivation, it is necessary to follow some recommendations:

  1. Buy more. They germinate poorly; at best, only half will germinate. The seeds remain fresh only for a year, after which there is no point in planting them at all.
  2. In the first year of planting, parsnips produce only root crops, but already in the second year, if these root crops are left, they will. To do this, leave a few roots in the ground over the winter.
  3. Parsnip seeds should be planted in the spring before extreme heat, better in early spring, in light fertile soil on sunny place. There should be a distance of at least 40 cm between the rows. When the first bushes and leaves appear, the bed will need to be thinned so that there is at least 15 cm between the plants.
  4. At first, growth will be slow. Care is about the same as for carrots. It is necessary to regularly thin it out, loosen the soil, and feed it (not with fresh manure). Parsnips love moisture, but try not to overdo it. From manure, branches appear on the root crop, which causes it to lose some of its qualities.
  5. For better harvest, use. Grow 2-3 families in a small container, and then plant only strong and healthy plants in the ground.
  6. Care for the plant only with rubber gloves. The above-ground part of parsnip is rich in essential oils. When they come into contact with the skin, they cause irritation, rashes, and burns.
  7. It is advisable to water in the evening, abundantly, but not too often.
  8. The harvest is harvested in the fall. It is better to use a pitchfork rather than a shovel for this purpose, as this is less likely to damage the root crops. The tops need to be cut off, and the root crop itself must be thoroughly dried before storage.

The properties of parsnip are similar to ginseng. It contains many vitamins, potassium, phosphorus. It tones, strengthens the immune system, improves digestive function, and has an analgesic effect. It is also recommended to treat cough with it. Parsnip decoction is used as an expectorant.

Parsnip also has a diuretic effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and removes stones and salts from the kidneys.

Currently, this plant is used to treat vitiligo, a skin disease manifested in disturbed pigmentation and the appearance of white spots of varying sizes on the skin. In this case, leaves are used. But for the treatment of internal diseases, only root vegetables are used.

Parsnips can also be used as a spice. Moreover, leaves are sometimes used, although they do not emit a strong odor:

  • This vegetable can be eaten fresh, which makes it even healthier. To do this, you just need to wash it and chew it. Fresh parsnips are often combined with their relative, carrots. The salad is dressed with oil. A tasty and healthy dish is ready.
  • You can also use it like potatoes, that is, make mashed potatoes. It turns out very tender and tasty, will serve as an excellent side dish for meat dishes. But unlike potatoes, parsnips still need to be fried in a frying pan without oil.
  • If you add parsnips to a vegetable stew, it will become more tender and take on a special nice smell and taste. This root vegetable goes well with any other vegetables.
  • Parsnips are grilled with olive oil or deep-fried. IN fresh that part of the vegetable that is closer to the tops is slightly bitter. It's worth keeping this in mind when adding fresh parsnips to salads.
  • You can use this root vegetable to make flavorful broths for soup. To do this, it is boiled over low heat and then removed. The broth acquires a pleasant smell and taste.

Of course, parsnips are rich in various vitamins and nutrients. For a healthy body, it acts as a tonic and general strengthening agent, but for people suffering from certain diseases, it can do much more harm than good.

Parsnip is still recognized as a medicinal plant, so not always and not everyone can eat it uncontrollably.

For example:

  • Its diuretic properties can be harmful if a person already has an advanced form of urolithiasis. Parsnips can trigger the removal of stones from the body, which will cause severe sharp pain. The largest stones can block the urinary tract. In this case, you cannot do without an ambulance.
  • Parsnips contain a substance that increases skin sensitivity to sunlight. Therefore, if the skin is already white and sensitive or there is already a skin disease accompanied by hypersensitivity, it is advisable to avoid eating this vegetable.
  • IN pure form Parsnips are not recommended for children under 5 years of age. However, opinions on this matter differ. In Germany, it is with this vegetable that the first complementary foods begin. Of course, it undergoes special heat treatment. In small quantities as part of parsnip puree great harm will not cause harm, however, pediatricians strongly recommend refraining from such nutrition, since the child may develop severe allergic reaction. Breastfeeding mothers should not eat it any more.
  • Elderly people, people with blood diseases and hypertensive patients are also advised to refrain from consuming this vegetable. Although it is often used to treat these diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor before consuming it as some stages of the disease cannot be treated in this way.

​More information can be found in the video.


Today, parsnips are a favorite addition to many preserves, marinades, salads and dishes. IN medical practice it is also widely known for the fact that it contains biologically useful material. This allows the root and other parts of the vegetable to be used for the prevention and treatment of the most different systems body.

To this day, experts debate the true origins of parsnips. Many are inclined to believe that the ancestor of this vegetable is Northern Europe, due to the most favorable conditions for growing this plant. However, today it can be found in the vastness of Siberia, the Altai Territory, the Caucasus and Europe. The Romans began cultivating parsnip root en masse during their great advance to the North, noting the good germination of the crop in lands with a temperate climate. They managed to develop new varieties of plants with larger roots and a milder taste.

Parsnip roots

Today, residents of Europe and Asia call this vegetable differently: “parsnip”, “field borscht”, “trunk”, “popovnik”, “tragus”, and also “white carrot”. As for the last name, initially the plant was indeed confused with carrots, which at that time were significantly different from the modern vegetable. It had a whitish tint and a completely different taste. However, the parsnip root at that time was also significantly different from its modern predecessor - it was short and had a rather hard root.

The composition and medicinal properties of this plant play a special role in the widespread use of parsnips. It is rich in essential oils, ascorbic and nicotinic acid, carbohydrates and proteins, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3), mineral salts, carotene, as well as other micro- and macroelements. Each of the substances has its own beneficial effect on the body’s condition and has special properties. Essential oil, acting as an aphrodisiac, helps enhance sexual desire, carbohydrates stimulate better digestibility of food, potassium reduces the amount of fluid in the body.

What are the benefits of parsnips?

If we talk about parsnip in general, then its root crop has a beneficial effect on digestive tract, circulatory and nervous systems. Parsnips are actively used in medicine. Conducting comparative characteristics of this root vegetable with other vegetables, we can say that the content of sweet fructose and sucrose in it is 2 times higher than in carrots, and minerals and vitamins are 3 times higher than in carrots. Rich vitamin complex And unique composition parsnip helps relieve muscle spasms, strengthen the walls of blood capillaries, and freshly grated root of the plant fights attacks of liver and kidney colic.

Vegetable decoctions and juice have long been recognized in folk medicine, as an excellent analgesic, expectorant and tonic. Ancient physicians, like modern healers, have long noted the medicinal properties of this plant, using parsnip root as a mixture to improve appetite, a diuretic and a sexual stimulant. It is also popularly revered as a vegetable that can fight hallucinations and delirium tremens.

However, in addition to the use of parsnip in folk medicine, it is also actively used as the main raw material for the production of pharmaceutical cardiovascular drugs, as well as medicines that fight skin diseases (baldness, vitiligo). Among them are the following: medicinal preparationsEupiglin, Beroxan, Pastinacin. Thanks to great content parsnips contain furocoumarins, preparations based on them help increase sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Thus, in people suffering from vitiligo, the discolored skin becomes saturated with pigment. Concerning Pastinatsina, then it is used for coronary cardiosclerosis and neurosis, angina pectoris, spasms of the coronary vessels.

The above-ground parts of the root crop also have a beneficial effect on the restoration of the body. Thus, the leaves of the vegetable promote good “alkalization”, helping to fight gout, which in the past was often called “the disease of the rich.” With problems increased acidity Parsnip also copes one hundred percent. It is an excellent addition to protein foods. They say that if you eat at least 150 g of the greens of this plant per day, it will replace you with at least 5 servings of protein food.

Parsnip with leaves

Note to those who are suffering unpleasant smell from the mouth - chewing parsnip leaves helps to cope with this problem.

The juice of the root vegetable is rich in a fairly large complex of vitamins and minerals, especially potassium and phosphorus, which are very necessary for people with problem muscles, as well as cardiovascular diseases. Due to the specific taste of parsnip juice, it can be combined with other fresh juices in light smoothies or cocktails. Other indications for including this juice in a healthy diet may include mental disorders, mental fatigue, disruption nervous system.

Brew fresh decoction or a cup of tea is a fairly simple and hassle-free process. And how many health benefits can come from just a glass of this drink. Speaking about a decoction of parsnip leaves, we can focus special attention on its antispasmodic and thinning properties, which are very effective in combating spasms, phlegm, mild form pneumonia and bronchitis. It is also impossible not to mention the excellent diuretic effect this plant, which, while gently acting on the bladder and its ducts, does not irritate or harm the walls of the entire genitourinary system.

Parsnip tea

This effect of parsnips will be very useful for those who experience problems with water retention in the body and constantly torment themselves with grueling diets. Perhaps you should just drink a decoction of this root vegetable or include it in your favorite diet salad or low-calorie soup. Beautiful useful decoction prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. green parsnip leaves (can be combined with root vegetables) per 500 ml of water. The composition is simmered over low heat and brought to a boil, and then poured into a thermos, giving it time to brew - 1-2 hours. You can take this drink gradually in small sips or in full at once, without forgetting to maintain your daily intake. water balance, drinking, in addition to the decoction, pure natural water.

But for those who suffer from insomnia, mental and nervous system disorders the best option There will be tea made from parsnip leaves, however, like tea from. As alternative treatment it can also be used to relieve delirium tremens and hallucinations. Acting as a sleeping pill and antidepressant, this tea will quickly help you eliminate outbreaks nerve damage and will relieve fatigue, give vigor, strength and strengthen the immune system. Also, parsnip leaf tea will be very useful for those who suffer from skin pigmentation problems, helping to restore lost melanin under the influence of aggressive ultraviolet rays. As for proportions, brew it as you would regular tea, using your favorite sweeteners and additives.

The wide spectrum of action of parsnip root has found its application in cosmetology. It is especially popular in the fight against baldness. As the main source of healing, parsnip tincture is used, which is rubbed evenly into the scalp. Before carrying out this procedure, the skin must be well steamed so that the beneficial active substances penetrated better into the pores. You can also make a healing mask. To do this, just add to your favorites cosmetic mask for hair with a moisturizing effect, a few teaspoons of dry parsnip powder.

Pieces of chopped root vegetables

This composition is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the scalp and hair, leaving the mask for 15 minutes, after which it is rinsed warm water. As a result, this treatment not only helps to enhance hair growth, but also gives it thickness and volume. Since ancient times, young beauties of antiquity have used parsnip root in cosmetology to care for their skin. You can make a paste from it and use it as a mask for problematic oily skin faces with frequent acne and inflammation. However, modern beauties still prefer the essential oil of this plant.

Thanks to its high content of minerals and vitamin C, it helps fight the formation of wrinkles, cellulite, rashes and inflammation, while having both nourishing and whitening properties. However, remember, like any essential oils, it must be used in combination, adding a few drops of this oil to your favorite mask, skin care cream or other cosmetical tools. When fighting cellulite, be sure to mix parsnip essential oil with base oil(olive, coconut, almond) to avoid burns and irritation.

Contraindications and necessary precautions

Like all plants, parsnip root has its own characteristics that must be taken into account, let's find out whether it can cause harm. This primarily applies to people with hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation(especially redheads and blondes) or scientifically called photodermatosis. Enough to grab wet hand for a bunch of parsnip greens, and the burn mark on your hand will be no less than after nettles.

There are not many contraindications for the use of parsnip, but they must be taken into account before starting treatment:

  • severe and advanced forms of kidney and liver disease;
  • individual intolerance (allergic reactions);
  • photodermatosis;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • elderly people and children.

In the article we tell you how parsnips are useful. Let's look at it in detail medicinal properties. You will learn how the plant is used to treat diseases. digestive system, kidneys and bladder. We'll tell you what medical supplies produced on the basis of parsnip root, as well as which parts of the plant are used in cooking.

Appearance (photo) of parsnip

Parsnip is a plant of the Apiaceae family. It is cultivated all over the world. The inflorescences emit a weak but pleasant aroma.

What does parsnip look like? In a plant white root, similar to carrots. He oblong shape, white or yellowish. Has a sweet taste.

Parsnip is a vegetable with a tall stem and many inflorescences. The stem is ribbed, reaching a height of 30-100 cm. The leaves are pinnately dissected. Light-loving, drought-resistant. The plant blooms in its second year, at the end of July. The pollen of the inflorescences contains a lot of nectar, from which light honey is obtained. All parts of the plant are edible.

Chemical composition

The composition of parsnips includes the following elements:

  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • starch;
  • cellulose;
  • pectin;
  • vitamin B1;
  • vitamin B2;
  • vitamin B3;
  • vitamin B9;
  • vitamin C;
  • fatty acid;
  • essential oil;
  • fructose;
  • sucrose;
  • mineral salts.

Beneficial features

Parsnips can relieve spasms. The root vegetable relieves pain during menstruation, relieves stomach cramps, and helps with acute pyelonephritis and renal colic.

The plant saturates the body with minerals, has a relaxing effect on muscles, and eliminates cramps.

The root of the plant is used as a means to improve appetite and normalize digestion. It cleanses the body of toxins and waste.

Parsnips are used as a diuretic, the root vegetable removes excess water and reduces swelling. For the same reason, parsnips are good for of cardio-vascular system, it reduces the load on the heart and lowers arterial pressure.

The anti-inflammatory properties of parsnips are effective in treating viruses. Reduces the risk of colds.

Parsnip leaves are used in the treatment of vitiligo and other skin diseases. Taking a decoction of the dried leaves of the plant internally and rubbing it into the scalp relieves men from baldness. Used as an expectorant and analgesic.

Parsnip seeds are also used in medicine. This is the raw material for medicines, helping with vascular and heart diseases, diseases of the nervous system. The effectiveness of parsnips in the fight against these diseases has been proven by official medicine.

Use in cooking

The root vegetable and the green part of the plant are used in cooking.. Parsnip is a vegetable whose beneficial properties are recognized by nutritionists.

Parsnip root is widely used in cooking. It is prepared as an independent dish and added as a seasoning. Parsnips are irreplaceable as a side dish for meat and fish. Root vegetable taste qualities is not inferior to potatoes, so it makes an excellent vegetable stew.

Parsnip leaves are edible as a seasoning for salads and main courses only when they are young.

All parts of the vegetable are used in home canning. Parsnips give pickles a piquant taste.

Read more about the use of parsnip root in cooking.

Parsnips in cosmetology

Thanks to its large amount of minerals and vitamin C, parsnips have found wide application in cosmetology. It prevents the formation of wrinkles, has nourishing and whitening properties. Cosmetologists use the essential oil of the plant. It is added to creams, masks and other cosmetics.

Essential oil of the root vegetable is used:

  • to combat cellulite;
  • to eliminate wrinkles;
  • For fast healing acne.

Parsnip essential oil is used for anti-cellulite massage. Fresh Juice plants accelerate hair growth.

Use in folk medicine

Decoctions and infusions are made from parsnip, its juice is used

Traditional medicine considers parsnips to be a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. It is widely used in the treatment of many diseases. The plant has proven itself as excellent remedy in the fight against respiratory diseases and cough. It is considered an effective antidepressant, fights sleep disorders, and has a calming effect.

Depending on the disease, the root, greens or seeds of the plant are used. Based on parsnips, alcoholic and water infusions, decoctions. Freshly squeezed root juice also has medicinal properties.

Cough decoction

Parsnip root contains large amounts of ascorbic acid and carotene. These elements reduce the risk of colds and strengthen the immune system. An effective antitussive remedy is a decoction of parsnip roots.


  1. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour a glass of boiled water over the crushed root, boil for 15 minutes. Pour the broth into a thermos and leave overnight. Strain in the morning.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon warm 3-4 times a day. First add 1 tablespoon of honey to the broth.

Result: Strengthens the immune system. Helps with the removal of sputum.

Parsnip juice for digestion

Essential oils, which are part of parsnip root, provoke active selection gastric juice. Increase appetite, increase the speed of food digestion. Due to its low calorie content, eating vegetables does not affect weight in any way. Parsnip also has a laxative effect, solving the problem of constipation. Parsnip juice is recommended for people with metabolic disorders.


  1. Parsnip root - 2 pcs.

How to cook: Using a juicer, extract the juice from the root vegetable.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals. Duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Result: Normalizes food metabolism, promotes rapid digestion of food.

Decoction for the kidneys and bladder

What are the benefits and harms of parsnips for diseases? urinary tract? The positive effect is that it removes kidney stones well. However, it may harm those who have urolithiasis disease in disrepair. The root vegetable has a weak diuretic effect and removes excess fluid.


  1. Parsnip root - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 400 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the crushed root, leave in a thermos for 2 hours, strain.

How to use: Drink 1 tablespoon infusion 4-5 times a day before meals.

Result: Dissolves stones, prevents reabsorption of urine.

Parsnip juice for lungs

Eating “white carrots” is beneficial for patients with asthma and tuberculosis. A decoction of the root is useful for inflammation of the lungs and bronchi. Freshly squeezed plant juice helps in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia, emphysema.


  1. Parsnip root - 2 pcs.

How to cook: Wash and peel the parsnips. Extract the juice from root vegetables using a juicer.

How to use: Drink 20 ml of juice 3-4 times a day a few minutes before meals.

Result: Helps with productive coughing.

Tincture for depression

In order to get rid of depressive state, prepare parsnip tincture.


  1. Parsnip juice - 50 ml.
  2. Vodka - 250 ml.

How to cook: Mix juice with vodka, leave for 2 days.

How to use: Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, diluted with a small amount of water. Duration of treatment is 10-15 days.

Result: Blocks depressed state.

Decoction in dermatology

In natural cosmetology, parsnip occupies one of the leading places. Used in the treatment of skin diseases, acne, vitiligo.


  1. Parsnip root - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Water - 0.5 liters.

How to cook: Boil the roots for 10 minutes in water and strain immediately. Cool to room temperature.

How to use: Wipe your face and neck with the broth.

Result: Removes inflammatory process. Promotes acne healing.

Preparations based on parsnip

Pasternak has found a worthy niche in pharmaceuticals. An extract from the plant is used in the production of a number of medicines. These include Pastinacin, Beroxan, Epigalin and others.

The use of Pastinacin is indicated for the prevention of angina attacks, coronary insufficiency and neuroses with coronary spasms.

“Beroxan” is used in the treatment of vitiligo, alopecia areata and total alopecia, mycosis fungoides, and psoriasis.

The drug “Epigalin” is created on the basis herbal ingredients to combat hyperplasia - pathological proliferation of cells that turns into neoplasms. Used to treat the prostate, uterine endometrium, ovaries, and mammary glands.

Watch the video about growing parsnips:

Contraindications and possible harm

In summer, parsnips must be handled with care, as when consumed, there is an increase in skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. The green part of the plant releases many volatile substances and contributes to the occurrence of burns.

If you come across a meadow parsnip, you should not touch it - the inconspicuous greenish leaves act on the skin like nettles.


  • photodermatosis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • hypotension;
  • advanced forms of urolithiasis;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • elderly age;

What to remember

  1. When added sugar, parsnips stimulate the appetite.
  2. Parsnips have a positive effect on the human body.
  3. Before you start taking parsnip products, consult your doctor to avoid negative consequences.

Parsnips are similar in shape to carrots, the differences appear at the level of color and aroma. This vegetable, as well as carrots, was used as food by our distant ancestors. Therefore, it is especially unfortunate that many people never bothered to try healthy parsnip. But this elongated root vegetable with a yellowish or gray-white tint, yellow flesh and fluffy tops, in terms of its beneficial properties, can give a hundred points ahead to other vegetables that are more familiar to our stomach.

Parsnip – low calorie product, which has virtually no fat, no cholesterol, and a very modest amount of sodium.

Just 1 cup of grated or chopped root vegetable contains 6 g of sugars, 2 g of protein and more than 25% daily value dietary fiber. Parsnips are rich in vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, K, folate, thiamine, niacin and pantothenic acid. The above amount of product contains more than 5% of the daily value of the following minerals: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper.

1 cup of fresh parsnips contains 14% of the daily value of potassium, which helps normalize blood pressure and is also very beneficial for healthy muscles and joints. Potassium, along with fatty acid Omega-3 provides the body with vigor and energy.

The entire community of nutrients provides the carrot relative with powerful diuretic, antioxidant and antirheumatic properties.

Benefit for health

  1. Parsnips are especially useful for patients suffering from kidney disease, obesity, cellulite, anemia and asthenia, constipation, liver dysfunction, high blood pressure etc. This is an excellent immunomodulatory product at the stage of recovery from a serious illness, in postoperative period, during wound healing.
  2. Eating parsnips stimulates cell growth and renewal, prevents dementia, heart disease and fractures aggravated by osteoporosis, and reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This root vegetable with a poetic name is good for asthmatics, as it improves blood circulation, and for pregnant women, as it reduces the risk of birth defects in newborns.
  3. The anti-inflammatory benefits of parsnips include prevention bronchial asthma, malignant tumors and heart beats.

Magic fiber

Consuming dietary fiber is beneficial to humans for a variety of reasons. It promotes healthy digestion, helps regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and ensures early satiety during meals. Parsnips are an excellent source of dietary fiber, an excellent nutritious product for anyone who cares about their figure.

Vitamin K

Parsnips are rich in vitamin K. 1 cup of chopped root vegetable contains approximately 25% of the average daily value of this rather rare nutrient. Vitamin K promotes proper blood clotting and healthy cell growth. Also reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis.

The Ubiquitous Folate

One cup of peeled and chopped parsnips contains more than 22% of the daily value of folate, also known as vitamin B9. This vitamin helps the production of DNA and RNA in cell nuclei. He is also very good as prophylactic against anemia, especially during pregnancy.

The beneficial properties of folate contained in parsnips relate to ensuring the health of pregnant women and unborn babies, helping to combat cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and dementia in newborns.

A little more vitamin C

Parsnips, like many other root vegetables, are rich in vitamin C, with each cup containing 25% of it daily consumption(for an adult). This vitamin helps collagen production - structural component bones, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels.

The body uses ascorbic acid for the synthesis of carnitine, a substance that plays an important role in fat metabolism.

Use in cooking

For those who have just begun their acquaintance with edible parsnips, it would be useful to find out which specific dishes this parsnip should be added to. valuable root vegetable. It is good in a variety of soups, meat and fish dishes. Its bright aroma can replace a bunch of spicy aromatic herbs and jars of spices.

Parsnips also feel great in purely vegetable dishes. It is often added to luxury baking flour and some types of wine. The product is very useful in the form of pure juice.

If you decide to limit your starch intake due to its questionable dietary benefits, pay attention to the parsnips. Nutritionists are confident that this vegetable is in no way inferior to potatoes in terms of taste and nutritional qualities. And the benefits are many times greater.

If we are talking about medicinal plant and beautiful food product How can one not remember its beneficial properties?

As numerous studies have shown, the parsnip vegetable is rich in many chemical compounds, which form its nutritional, medicinal and taste characteristics:

  • Carotene is an excellent immunomodulator that protects the body from damage by free radicals, increases visual acuity, a natural immunostimulant, an effective antioxidant that reduces the likelihood of cancer in people who consume large amounts of foods containing it.
  • Vitamin C is a substance that is simply irreplaceable in the normal process of hematopoiesis. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and is a stimulant of the thyroid gland. With a deficiency of vitamin C, the body cannot properly absorb such an element as iron. An effective antioxidant and much more.
  • Essential oils add flavor to the product and help increase sexual desire. There are three times more of them in parsnips than in its closest relative, carrots.
  • Vitamins B1. He is invaluable in normal operation nerve endings, in muscle and cardiac activity, and also takes an active part in the process of converting carbohydrates into energy. Thiamine is a substance that activates the functioning of brain cells.
  • Vitamins B2. Its deficiency can lead to a failure in the production of red blood cells, and the metabolic processes, metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. As recent studies have shown, a sufficient amount of it in the human body is a significant protection against the development of malignant neoplasms.
  • Vitamin P or rutin helps reduce the permeability of blood vessels, maintaining their elasticity. This substance helps normalize blood pressure and heart rate and rhythm, and has anti-allergic characteristics.
  • Vitamin K (phylloquinone) - normalizes blood clotting.
  • Potassium salts allow you to remove excess fluid from the human body. This substance indispensable for the active functioning of the digestive system, improves blood flow, and has a beneficial effect on the elements of the central nervous system.
  • Fructose and sucrose contained in the root vegetable are harmless and can be used to prepare dishes for people with diabetes.
  1. Parsnips effectively relieve attacks of muscle spasms. This even applies to attacks of hepatic and renal colic.
  2. It has analgesic properties.
  3. Antitussive properties, softening cough attacks and activating the release of sputum.
  4. Produces a tonic effect on the body.
  5. Since ancient times it has been used as a diuretic to eliminate swelling.
  6. As a libido enhancer.
  7. Parsnips stimulate appetite.
  8. Modern medicine has long paid attention to this product, using it to maintain heart function and relieve problems with heart disease. vascular system: angina pectoris, cardiac neurosis, coronary insufficiency.
  9. It has also found its application in solving the problem of people with a history of vitiligo (a pigmentation disorder expressed by the disappearance of melanin pigment in certain areas skin). As it turned out, furocoumarins present in the root vegetable stimulate the onset of the repigmentation process. It is this vegetable that is the basis of such pharmacological agents as “Eupiglin” and “Beroxan”, which subsequently form the basis of the treatment protocol for this disease.
  10. Parsnips are able to relieve spasms of blood vessels.
  11. Positively affecting bone tissue, it can prevent or stop the development of osteoporosis.
  12. Medicines made from parsnip have a calming property, which makes them effective for various types of neuroses, sleep disorders and emotional instability of the psyche.
  13. It can be used for anemia and asthenia.
  14. Permanent use This food product can protect a person from developing dementia.
  15. Effectively reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  16. Activates blood flow, which is important for any person, especially for a woman carrying her baby. Eating dishes that include the vegetable in question reduces the likelihood of birth defects in a newborn.
  17. Anti-inflammatory properties make it possible to elevate it to the rank of prevention of respiratory diseases and manifestations of bronchial asthma attacks.
  18. Thanks to vitamin K, a sufficient level of blood clotting is maintained, which is important in case of injuries, cuts, internal bleeding or the need for surgical intervention.
  19. Parsnips help the body produce collagen, which takes part in the structural structure of bones, ligaments and joint tissues.

As can be seen from the above, the beneficial properties of the vegetable discussed in this article, parsnips, are multifaceted. And we can say with full responsibility that the root vegetable is not only tasty in the preparation of numerous culinary masterpieces, but also effective in treating many pathological diseases that affect our body.

Parsnip Recipes

The product we are considering belongs to the celery family. In addition to various medicinal properties, it is also valued as an excellent culinary product, having a bright, specific sweetish taste, somewhat reminiscent of the taste of parsley root. Even the ancient Incas of Peru used it in their diet and rituals.

Today it is used both raw, heat-treated, and dried as a seasoning. The list of dishes that include this root vegetable is very wide. These include various soups, marinades, vegetable stews, salads, canned food, drinks and, oddly enough, even desserts.

Therefore, in this article we will present only a few of them. And so the parsnip recipes:

Vegetable rich broth

In many countries, parsnips are mandatory attribute any broth, which makes the final product denser and richer, both in terms of taste and aroma.

  • Carrots – 500 g
  • Parsnip - 500 g
  • Celery root – 500 g
  • Onions - three medium
  • Leeks - two units
  • Parsley – 30 g
  • Garlic - one head
  • Allspice – 10 peas
  • Black pepper – 10 peas
  • Laurel - three leaves
  • Water - three liters
  • Salt - as needed
  1. First, we clean and wash the parsnips thoroughly, after which we cut them into fairly large cubes.
  2. Then we take the root celery, and having also peeled it, cut it into cubes with an edge length of approximately 1-1.5 cm.
  3. Carrots go through a similar process. It is worth noting that the brighter the variety of carrots and the greater the quantity, the more saturated in color the soup will be.
  4. Onion peel off the husks. Then it will be enough to cut it into two parts.
  5. Mostly in most onion and leek dishes, the white part is used for production, and the greens are thrown away. But not in this case. It should be rinsed thoroughly under running water and cut first into rings and then into sectors, including the green part.
  6. Choose a deep container, place all the prepared vegetables there and pour in water. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil, then cook over medium heat. The vessel remains without a lid. If foam appears on the surface, it should be carefully removed with a slotted spoon.
  7. After about half an hour from the moment of boiling, you can add spices, pre-chopped herbs and peeled garlic cloves to the liquid. We continue to cook for another twenty minutes.
  8. During this time, the water will be saturated with aromas and vegetable flavors.
  9. After this amount of time has passed, set the dish on the side of the stove and remove all vegetables and herbs with a slotted spoon. You can throw them away, and strain the broth well, using five to six layers of cheesecloth.
  10. It is worth emphasizing that during the preparation of the broth, it was not salted. This is done on the basis that in the future this liquid will become the basis for other dishes, but if you plan to eat it as a main course, you can add salt to taste (if this does not contradict the diet or doctor’s recommendations).

It is also worth noting the fact that this semi-finished product can be used immediately, or it can be placed in the freezer, first poured into portioned bags specially designed for packaging products, or in some other convenient container.

Tomato soup with fish and shrimp

To prepare you will need:

  • Fish fillet – 300 g
  • Tomatoes (ripe, large size) – six
  • Shrimp (they can be replaced with other seafood if desired) - 400 g
  • Celery – 500 g
  • Sweet pepper – five (you can take different shades, this will make the soup more aesthetically attractive)
  • Vegetable oil - two tablespoons
  • Onion – one
  • Leek - one
  • Allspice – 10 peas
  • Parsley – 30 g
  • Garlic – two cloves
  • Parsnip – 500 g
  • Carrots - a couple of medium size
  • Black pepper – 10 peas
  • Laurel - three leaves
  • Water - two liters
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking sequence:

  1. Peel and wash all vegetables. Chop the carrots, parsnips, leeks, celery and parsley root and place in a saucepan with high sides. To fill with water. Put on fire and keep it like this for two hours.
  2. Add during cooking Bay leaf and pepper.
  3. After the vegetables have become soft, remove them from the pan using a slotted spoon. If necessary, the finished broth can be strained through several layers of gauze. This will make the liquid perfectly transparent. Vegetables are no longer needed and I throw them away. And we continue to work with the broth.
  4. Peel the onions and cut them into small cubes. Fry it in a frying pan with vegetable oil until it becomes transparent.
  5. Peel the sweet pepper from seeds and cut first into strips and then into cubes. Add the onion to the frying and keep on fire for another couple of minutes.
  6. Rinse the shrimp thoroughly, place in the broth and simmer for two minutes.
  7. Remove the shrimp from the liquid and remove their shells. Strain the broth again. Add sautéed vegetables into it.
  8. Wash the fish fillet, cut into fairly large strips and place in the simmering broth.
  9. At the same time, pour boiling water over the ripe tomato fruits, remove the skin, and grind the pulp through a sieve, ridding the tomato puree of seeds and fibers. This product can be replaced with ready-made tomato paste. Add tomatoes to soup.
  10. Add salt to taste to the tomato soup and continue to simmer for about five minutes.
  11. Add prepared shrimp. Let the liquid boil again and turn off the soup.
  12. Directly to the plate, before serving, you can add chopped herbs and a small slice of lemon on top.

Tomato fish soup with shrimp is not only tasty and healthy dish, but also a masterpiece that is not ashamed to offer to guests even at the festive table.

Parsnip soup

To prepare you will need:

  • Onion - one small
  • Garlic - one clove
  • Freshly ground ginger – one teaspoon
  • Celery – one cutting is enough
  • Carrots - one medium
  • Butter – 20 g
  • Freshly ground allspice – as needed
  • Dried thyme - a quarter teaspoon
  • Black pepper - to taste (freshly ground)
  • Parsnips – three medium-sized root vegetables
  • Ready broth – 500 ml (both vegetable and chicken broth are suitable)
  • Salt - as needed

If desired, you can add a little chopped nutmeg and sour cream.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Peel, rinse and prepare vegetables for cooking.
  2. Place a piece of butter in a saucepan and place on low heat. Add chopped vegetables: carrots, garlic, celery. Simmer them for ten minutes, after adding thyme and ginger from the spices. During this time, the vegetables should have time to soften.
  3. Peeled parsnips are cut into circles and placed in a saucepan. Broth is also added here. Cover the container with a lid and leave to cook over medium heat for about fifteen minutes. At this stage, all the vegetables in the pan should have a soft consistency.
  4. We set the pan on the side and grind its contents in a blender. Soup – add salt to the puree to taste, add a little nutmeg and sour cream if desired. If the consistency of the dish is too thick, it can be thinned by adding the required amount of broth.
  5. When serving the puree soup, you can sprinkle chopped herbs on top.

Assorted vegetables baked in the oven

To prepare you will need:

  • It is worth mentioning right away that the selection of vegetables can be anything according to the wishes and taste of the consumer.
  • Carrots – one
  • Celery root - one small root vegetable
  • Potato tubers - six medium
  • Parsnip – one medium-sized root vegetable
  • Kohlrabi – one small root vegetable
  • Rutabagas and sweet potatoes - optional
  • Onions - shallots - 230 g (or, if not available, can be replaced with small ones onions)
  • Coarse salt, preferably sea salt - one teaspoon
  • Freshly ground black pepper (coarsely ground) - one teaspoon
  • Dried thyme – a quarter of a teaspoon (or a couple of sprigs of fresh)
  • Dried rosemary – a quarter of a teaspoon (or a couple of sprigs of fresh)
  • Salt - as needed

Cooking sequence:

  1. Before starting cooking, turn on the oven. It should have time to heat up to a temperature of 220°C.
  2. Peel and wash all vegetables.
  3. Divide the potato tubers into two or four sectors, depending on the original size of the tuber.
  4. Also cut the parsnips and carrots, first along the vegetable, then across.
  5. Grind kohlrabi, sweet potato and rutabaga in the same way as potatoes.
  6. Cook the shallots whole.
  7. Place all the prepared vegetables in a saucepan and add freshly boiled water. In this case, the liquid should only lightly cover the vegetable slices. Put on fire and wait for it to boil. After this, reduce the fire to minimum. Allow to simmer for five to seven minutes. At this stage the vegetables will be half cooked.
  8. Take a baking sheet, grease it with oil and carefully place the semi-prepared vegetables on it. Top them with salt and pepper, add sprigs of thyme and rosemary. Place in an oven already preheated to 220°C.
  9. The baking process will take approximately 30 – 35 minutes. The vegetables should be browned and have a slightly dried crust. After half the time, all ingredients must be turned over.
  10. The dish is served hot; if desired, it can be garnished with a sprig of rosemary and thyme.

You can also add zucchini, pumpkin or Bell pepper. They can also replace those vegetables that are not available or whose taste characteristics you don’t like.

Roasted parsnips with parsley

To prepare you will need:

  • Olive oil – two tablespoons
  • Butter - two tablespoons
  • Onions - one medium
  • Parsnips - up to a kilogram
  • Parsley - one tablespoon teaspoon

Cooking sequence:

  1. First turn on the oven by setting temperature regime at a figure of 230 ºС.
  2. Peel the root vegetable, wash it and cut it at an angle into thin circular slices. Place the slices in a bowl. Add salt and drizzle with olive oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Place the marinated product on a greased baking sheet. Smooth it out and put pieces of butter on top.
  4. Place in the oven for twenty minutes. After this time has expired, turn the vegetables over to the other side and keep them in the heat for another quarter of an hour. Vegetables should be covered with a golden brown crust.
  5. Already in the plate, add salt and pepper to the finished dish. Sprinkle chopped parsley on top.

Cauliflower and parsnip puree

To prepare you will need:

  • Cauliflower - one head
  • Parsnip – one root vegetable
  • Milk - three tablespoons
  • Butter - two tablespoons
  • Assorted peppers, if desired
  • Salt as needed

Cooking sequence:

  1. Separate the cauliflower into florets.
  2. Peel the parsnips and cut them into fairly large pieces.
  3. Place the vegetables on the mesh of a steamer and steam them under the lid for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Prepared vegetables can be crushed using a masher or a blender.
  5. Heat the milk and gradually, stirring constantly, add it to the resulting mass.
  6. Add butter and bring the mixture until homogeneous.
  7. Adjust the dish to taste by adding salt and pepper.
  8. The puree should be served warm.

Chicken fillet in apple sauce with parsnips

To prepare you will need:

  • Chicken breast – 300 g
  • Olive oil – one and a half tablespoons
  • Onions - one medium
  • Parsnips - a couple of medium-sized root vegetables
  • Carrots – one
  • Green apple- one large one
  • Water – 150 ml
  • Apple vinegar– one teaspoon
  • Ready chicken broth – 300 ml
  • Freshly ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt - as needed.
  • Rosemary - one teaspoon (preferably fresh, but if not available, dried will do)

Cooking sequence:

  1. Wash all vegetables and fruits, peel and chop finely. Place in a large saucepan with a small amount of heated vegetable oil and sauté for eight minutes. After this, add salt and pepper to the vegetable dressing.
  2. Add clear chicken broth and water to the pan. Wait for the liquid to boil. Reduce heat to medium and leave for ten minutes. At the same time, do not forget to stir frequently.
  3. Place the pan on the side. Place the vegetables in a blender and grind, adding apple cider vinegar to the puree.
  4. Wash the chicken fillet thoroughly and dry it with a kitchen towel, removing excess liquid. Cut the meat into pieces. Approximate Size– 3 by 2 cm.
  5. Take a clean pan, pour one teaspoon of olive oil into its bottom and put on fire. When the oil comes to a boil, add the chicken pieces. The meat must be constantly stirred. It is cooked until the chicken pieces are browned. This will take approximately three to four minutes.
  6. Pour the prepared parsnip puree over the finished pieces of meat. Mix the ingredients and cook for another one to two minutes over medium heat. Care must be taken to ensure that the composition does not burn.
  7. Serve warm.

Parsnip chips

To prepare you will need:

  • Parsnip – ten tubers
  • Any vegetable oil, but preferably olive oil – as needed
  • Salt, preferably sea salt, as needed
  • Black pepper, if desired
  • Parmesan cheese – 100 g

Cooking sequence:

  1. Turn on the oven, setting the temperature to 220 degrees.
  2. Peel the root vegetable, wash and cut into strips.
  3. Place the straws on baking paper and spread over the entire surface. Add salt, pepper and sprinkle with vegetable oil.
  4. Place in a preheated oven, leave for about ten minutes and turn the straw over. Leave for another 10 – 15 minutes.
  5. Remove the dried parsnips from the oven and place in the prepared dish. Drizzle a little oil on top and sprinkle with grated Parmesan.
  6. The dish is served on the table immediately.

Pork ham baked with parsnips

To prepare you will need:

  • Pork ham - weighing approximately 1.3 - 1.5 kg (should be taken with skin)
  • Parsnips – six medium-sized root vegetables
  • Onions – two heads (red varieties are more suitable here)
  • Cloves – 20 whole pieces
  • Laurel - a couple of leaves
  • Zucchini - one medium
  • Vegetable oil - three tablespoons
  • Dijon mustard - one tablespoon
  • Honey - one tablespoon
  • Sugar - one tablespoon (preferably brown)
  • Sesame seeds - one tablespoon
  • Salt as needed.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Wash the meat and dry with a kitchen towel.
  2. Peel the parsnips, wash them and cut each root vegetable into four parts.
  3. Peel the zucchini and remove seeds and cut into large pieces.
  4. Take a large container, place the ham and bay leaf there. Pour in cold water and put on fire. Wait until it starts to boil and foam rises. Remove it with a slotted spoon. After boiling, reduce the heat to low. Cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer for forty minutes.
  5. After this, carefully remove the meat and place it on a cutting board. Leave the ham alone for some time.
  6. Turn on the oven and heat it to a temperature of 180 ºС. Place a baking dish of suitable size there. It should also heat up.
  7. At this time, place the onions and parsnips into the released broth, wait until the water boils and hold for another two minutes. After this, drain the vegetables in a colander, let them cool slightly, and add them back into the broth. Pour oil (two tablespoons) on top.
  8. Carefully transfer the vegetables to a preheated baking tray and place in the oven for about twenty minutes.
  9. The skin of a semi-cooked ham should be very carefully removed, leaving a small layer of fat on the surface of the meat. Make shallow cuts on the surface of the ham with a knife (slightly capturing the meat layer). They are applied first along, then across, forming a lattice.
  10. The meat carcass must be stuffed with whole culinary cloves (it should simply be stuck into the meat), distributing the available amount over the entire surface.
  11. Mix sugar, honey and mustard thoroughly and rub the ham with this sauce.
  12. Place the ham on the baking sheet where the vegetables have already been prepared, after moving the parsnip pieces closer to the side. Leave in this form in a hot oven for ten minutes. After this, raise the oven temperature to 220°C.
  13. At this time, the zucchini should be sprinkled with the remaining spoon of vegetable oil. Place on a baking sheet, first turning the parsnip pieces the other way around. Leave in the oven for another half hour. During this time, the meat should be browned and covered with a golden crust.
  14. At this stage you should check the readiness of the dish. To do this, just stick a thin cleaning rod into the center of the meat. If, after removing the cleaning rod, clear juice comes out of the puncture, then the meat is ready and should be removed from the oven. If the ichor is still visible, then it must be returned to the heat for a while.
  15. The finished meat is removed from the oven, covered with a piece of foil and left to stand in a warm place.
  16. Place baked vegetables on a plate, sprinkle them with sesame seeds, pepper and herbs (if desired). Slices of ham are also placed here.

Potato and parsnip casserole

To prepare you will need:

  • Potato tubers – 600 – 700 g
  • Parsnip – 600 – 700 g
  • Onion (preferably red) – one medium size
  • Chicken bouillon– 500 ml
  • Milk – 250 ml
  • Butter – 30 g
  • Freshly ground black pepper – as needed
  • Rosemary (both dried and fresh will do) – two tablespoons
  • Salt as needed.

Cooking sequence:

  1. You should initially turn on the oven and leave it to preheat to a temperature of 190 °C. Pre-prepare the baking dish by greasing it with oil.
  2. Peel the potato tubers, wash and cut into thin slices. Their width should not exceed a centimeter.
  3. Peel the parsnips, rinse and cut into slices.
  4. Peel and chop the onion and rosemary.
  5. Mix vegetables, add salt and pepper.
  6. Place the prepared assortment in a baking dish. Pour in the broth diluted with milk. Place butter in pieces on top. Place in a preheated oven.
  7. The baking period will approximately take about an hour. The surface of the casserole should be golden, but not burnt.
  8. Let cool slightly and serve.

Boiled beef with parsnips

To prepare you will need:

  • Parsnip – 600 – 700 g
  • Beef – 300 g
  • Butter – 30 g
  • Juice of one lemon
  • Flour - one tablespoon
  • Salt as needed.

Cooking sequence:

  • Rinse the meat and dry with a kitchen towel. Fill it up cold water and bring the liquid to a boil. At this time the foam will rise. Drain the broth, and rinse the meat in water and place it in the pan.
  • Peel and rinse the root crop, keep in cold, acidified lemon juice, some water for about an hour. After that, cut into circles, strips or cubes, as you prefer.
  • Pour liquid into the pan, add parsnips, add salt. Add butter and a little flour. Simmer for about an hour.
  • Ready dish Serve warm, garnished with parsley leaves or any other favorite herbs.

Parsnips baked in sour cream

To prepare you will need:

  • Parsnip – about a kilogram (it’s fashionable to take 800 g and 1.2 kg)
  • Butter – 50 g
  • Flour - one tablespoon
  • Sour cream – 500 g
  • Salt as needed.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Peel and rinse the root crop. After this, cut into slices. Place the parsnip pieces in a bowl and season butter and flour. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Prepare the oven by heating it to a temperature of 180 degrees. Place the pickled parsnips on a baking sheet or in a baking dish and pour sour cream over it. Add salt and pepper if desired and to taste.
  3. Place in the oven and keep until a golden brown crust forms on the surface.

Today we are pleased with the abundance of vegetables and fruits that we see on supermarket shelves. Many housewives have long been using the vegetable mentioned in this article – parsnips – in their diet. But we hope that after reading this text, lovers of this unique product there will be much more. And those who already use it in the preparation of their everyday dishes will rediscover it for themselves, adding new dishes based on it to their diet. We wish everyone good health and Bon Appetit!

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