Cryotherapy: what treats extreme cold. The use of cold physiotherapy for the overall health of the body. Indications for cryotherapy

Which is indicated for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including inflammation of the joints. At rheumatoid arthritis There are symptoms of pain, tissue swelling and dysfunction of the joints. During a cryosauna, low temperature relieves pain and relieves swelling. Cryotherapy for rheumatoid arthritis is additional method treatment, which has its own rules. But there are also contraindications to the procedure.

Cold treatment is carried out in a special horizontal cabin

Cryoprocedure can be prescribed not only for, it is effective for inflammatory and destructive diseases, including the joint. Exposure of the affected area to cold stimulates the process of restoration of damaged tissues, accelerates their regeneration and metabolism. The patients' well-being improves significantly.

Cryotherapy for arthritis or arthrosis involves short-term exposure to low temperature on the affected area or the entire body. In the first case, we are talking about a local technique using ice, carbon dioxide or helium. The general cryoprocedure is carried out in a special cabin, the source of low temperature is a liquid nitrogen.

A sharp decrease in body temperature and then warming it up improves defense mechanisms body. This helps to intensify the fight against pathological changes, strengthening regenerative processes. All this is extremely important for arthritis, which can lead to various complications.

The positive effect of treatment is observed after just a few procedures. In severe cases of the disease, from 1 to 3 sessions can be performed in one day. An approximate course of cold treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is from 10 to 30 procedures per month. To prevent illness and improve overall health, 1 cryosauna per week is sufficient.

Cryotherapy has an anti-inflammatory effect

The advantages of cryoprocedure for arthritis include the following:

  • stimulation of blood flow to the affected area;
  • preventing blood stagnation and improving microcirculation;
  • improvement of the biochemical composition of blood;
  • saturation of tissues with oxygen;
  • activation of immune defense;
  • restoration of affected tissues, improvement of cartilage nutrition.

This leads to a significant reduction in pain in the joint area and swelling of the periarticular tissues. General well-being and mood improve, the person feels a surge of energy.

The inclusion of cryotherapy in the treatment regimen for rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis allows you to maintain the body’s condition during drug treatment. In addition to the direct effect on the affected joint, the technique helps the patient get rid of the unpleasant concomitant manifestations of the disease. Fatigue goes away, skin color improves, redness and swelling of the periarticular tissues disappear.

Indications for cold treatment

  • arthrosis;
  • rheumatoid and;
  • traumatic injuries - sprains, fractures, dislocations and bruises;
  • Bekhterev's disease.

Cold treatment is indicated for patients in rehabilitation and postoperative period. It is effective to combine cryosauna with other methods of physiotherapy, including massage, electrophoresis, therapeutic exercises and swimming. At the same time, it is better not to carry out cryotherapy and thermal procedures on the same day.

When the procedure cannot be performed

Cryosauna is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of various organs and systems;
  • respiratory viral infections, influenza;
  • manifestations of intoxication of various origins;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • skin damage;
  • mental illness;
  • claustrophobia (in case of general cryotherapy);
  • epilepsy and convulsive syndrome;
  • allergy to cold.

Cold treatment is also contraindicated during pregnancy and children under 5 years of age. Before prescribing the procedure, the body is examined to identify possible contraindications.

Cold treatment method

There are local (local) and general cryotherapy. In the first case, low temperature affects directly the diseased joint.

Local cryotherapy

Local cold therapy is carried out using ice cubes, ice applications and local baths. Synthetic cryopacks and special gases that are sprayed onto the surface of the skin can also be used.

There are the following contraindications to local cold exposure:

  • disturbance of peripheral blood supply and microcirculation;
  • obliterating form of endarteritis;
  • cold intolerance;
  • Raynaud's disease and syndrome;
  • general contraindications to physiotherapy.

A local procedure can be performed to treat children and the elderly, but with a reduction in the time of exposure to cold and according to strict indications.

General cryosauna

Preparation for the procedure includes taking a regular and air bath. This is necessary to evaporate moisture from the surface of the skin and normalize sweating.

During the general procedure, cold affects the entire surface of the body. The patient enters the cryosauna, the installation is turned on and liquid nitrogen is supplied to the cabin for 2-3 minutes. As a result, the temperature drops to -130 degrees. The person's head is located outside so that the patient can breathe air at room temperature.

The patient's legs are covered with a special cloth, and the hands are placed in gloves. The first session can last no more than 1 minute, every day the time increases by half a minute until it reaches 3 minutes.

The technique is contraindicated for the treatment of children under 5 years of age and the elderly. It is not possible to carry out a similar procedure at home, but it can be replaced with a regular cold bath. This also has contraindications and requires prior consultation with a specialist. Cryosauna is especially effective in morning hours after a light breakfast.

As patient reviews show, after a general cryosauna, health improves, a surge of energy is felt, fatigue, drowsiness disappears, and the psycho-emotional background is normalized. The procedure helps to get rid of insomnia characteristic of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Sleep disturbances are caused by severe pain in the joints at night and in the morning.

How to treat joints with cold at home

The procedure at home can be used to relieve joint pain. The most in a simple way is dousing cold water. Before going to bed, you need to soak your joints for several minutes using a shower hose or any container. This procedure will help you get rid of pain at night. Also, cold water will help relieve fatigue and feel more energetic, especially if you rub your limbs with a terry towel after dousing.

For rheumatoid arthritis, it is recommended to combine cold with exercise. To do this, apply a cold compress to the joint or pour water over it for 3 minutes. Then you need to perform a set of therapeutic exercises for at least 5 minutes.

A cold compress on the joint relieves swelling and relieves pain.

How to treat arthritis with cold at home:

  • an ice pack or a chilled heating pad is applied to the affected area for 3 minutes;
  • slowly rub the skin with ice cubes for 2-3 minutes;
  • a cloth moistened with cold water is applied to the joint.

At home, the procedure lasts no more than 5 minutes, after which the skin is rubbed well with a towel. Normally, after the procedure, the skin becomes red, which indicates a rush of blood. At this moment, the process of tissue restoration of the damaged joint is activated.


Unlike warming the affected joint, cold is safer - there is no risk of spreading inflammation and infection. Low temperature acts directly on the cause, reducing the inflammatory process. But before using cryotherapy techniques, especially at home, you need to consult a doctor.

For a long time, humanity has known about beneficial influence reasonable doses of cold on the body. Therefore, anyone who wants to be healthy and stay young longer begins to master various hardening systems, as well as winter swimming. What should people do if they don’t have enough time? similar procedures or they cannot fulfill them for some objective reasons? In this case, you can contact specialists working in the field of cosmetology.

Cold treatment

Cryotherapy - what is it? This is cold treatment. During the session on human body exposed to ultra-low temperatures. Their values ​​can reach minus one hundred and sixty degrees.

They cause sudden cooling, which is shock. What are the consequences of such stress? As a result of the procedure, metabolic processes are enhanced, blood vessels are cleansed, blood flow speed is accelerated, muscle tone and the nervous system are strengthened. Why is this happening? What is cryotherapy based on? What kind of impact is this? Everything is explained by the presence in the human body of two types of nerve endings that are sensitive to cold. One of them is responsible for the immediate reaction when the temperature drops skin to the lower limit permissible level. Hence both the goosebumps and the stimulation. nervous system, and increased muscle tone. Cold treatment (cryotherapy), thanks to these receptors, allows the body to lose up to 100 kilocalories per minute. This occurs when the patient is placed in a special chamber in which the temperature is minus one hundred and fifty degrees.

Receptors belonging to the second type are responsible for the subjective sensations of thermal comfort. Such nerve endings are found only in higher primates and humans. These receptors, for example, dictate the feeling when a person becomes cold. Such “indications” depend on wind speed, body temperature, and the hardness of the body. Cryotherapy treatment is carried out in special cryosaunas and cryopools, where conditions are created for the optimal reaction of two types of receptors.


Cold water has long been used to provide active longevity and prolongation of beauty. History contains many facts confirming this. Thus, Field Marshal Suvorov doused himself with cold water every day, and Empress Catherine II wiped her face with ice. Our ancestors swam in the ice hole. They loved to wipe themselves off with snow after a hot bath and douse themselves with cold water, carrying out hardening procedures.

At the end of the twentieth century. there has been a qualitative change in the approach to using low temperatures for healing the body. It was during this period that cryotherapy emerged. special procedures. During their replacement cold water and ice came gases with extremely low temperatures.

Cryotherapy - what is it? official medicine? This concept began to be used a hundred years ago. Cold therapy was introduced by the German physician Sebastian Knein. The doctor fell ill with a severe form of pneumonia, which began to recede after swimming in the icy water of the Danube.

However, Japan is considered the birthplace of cryotherapy. Scientists in this country, solving the problem of restoring mobility, improving general condition and reducing joint pain, began to use gaseous media brought to low temperatures. They took a mixture of air vapor and liquid nitrogen. It was this environment, brought to a temperature of -120-180 degrees, that revolutionized the world of medicine. In the 70s of the twentieth century. Japanese scientist T. Yamauchi was the first to use cold to treat rheumatism. The results obtained were simply amazing. The cold has returned to normal life almost eighty percent of patients.

Types of cryotherapy

Cold treatment can be general, local or private. What is the first procedure? General cryotherapy is carried out in a special cryochamber. This equipment allows the body to experience temperature stress. The duration of the procedure is only two to three minutes. The surface of the skin in the cryochamber is cooled to zero degrees. Such a sharp temperature contrast activates the body's metabolic processes and its protective functions. The skin is not damaged. Preventive procedures of general cryotherapy are carried out in a course of ten to fifteen sessions. Depending on the goal pursued, more may be carried out.

Local cryotherapy involves partial immersion of the body in a gaseous environment, the temperature of which ranges from minus one hundred ten to minus one hundred sixty degrees.

Exposure to cold can also be done at home. This is referred to as private cryotherapy.

Getting rid of warts

Cryotherapy can eliminate many problems. These procedures can cleanse the body of unpleasant growths, such as warts. What is this procedure? Cryotherapy for warts involves step-by-step treatment of each affected area separately. The applicator is moistened in liquid nitrogen and applied with quick movements perpendicular to the growth.

The duration of this procedure depends on the size of the affected area (on average from 10 to 30 seconds). After the liquid nitrogen evaporates, the applicator is wetted and the procedure is repeated. the effectiveness of this effect is the freezing depth, which should be 1-1.5 mm. Cryotherapy causes the wart to change color. The growth on the skin becomes pale and then completely white. Its structure becomes denser. White corolla on peripheral areas of influence - main feature sufficiency of the procedure. In this case, the patient may experience tingling, burning and pain sensations. 40-60 seconds after the procedure, the wart will swell. Then an epidermal bubble will appear at the site of the neoplasm. It will last no more than five to seven days. In place of the bubble, a dense crust will form, which, after falling off, will leave a barely noticeable pink spot.

Getting rid of ENT diseases

With the help of cryotherapy you can cure sinusitis and rhinitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis. Cold treatment is recommended for those patients whose diseases are in the chronic stage. This technique is suitable for people who have a weakened body.

According to doctors, cryotherapy can provide positive influence even for that rhinitis that is caused by allergies. Upon completion of the procedures, the patient’s sense of smell returns. He begins to breathe through his nose.

Throat cryotherapy is performed not only for adults, but also for children. During the procedure, the patient is in a sitting position. Cold affects not only the throat, but also the tonsils and sinuses. This is done using special devices.

Treatment of adenoids

This pathology is quite unpleasant. Young patients suffer from it. In order to cure their child, parents seek help from folk medicine or to surgeons. Cryotherapy of adenoids is currently not yet very popular, but the one who used cold to eliminate the problem solved the issue of restoring the health of his child. The main advantage of this treatment is its local effect on the body. Cold has no effect on tissues located near the source of pathology. The procedure lasts only half an hour and is completely painless. Cryotherapy can restore a child’s health in just three to four sessions, between which there is an interval of a month or a month and a half.

The use of cold in gynecology

Cryotherapy is often used to get rid of various pathologies cervix (dysplasia, erosion, etc.). This is the most safe method treatment with virtually no complications.

Cryotherapy of the cervix is ​​a procedure during which the affected area is flash-frozen using liquid nitrogen brought to a temperature of minus sixty-five to minus eighty-five degrees. This causes the death of cells in the tissue affected by the disease, in the place of which healthy epithelium is formed.

Performing the procedure independently

Cryotherapy is often performed at home. This procedure is performed using various available means. Their list may include a handful of ice or a bag of frozen food.

Cryotherapy at home is just as effective as the procedure performed in an expensive beauty salon.

Universal device

How is cryotherapy performed at home? A universal device can be made for this purpose. It's called a cryopack. This is the most affordable device that can be made from available materials. What is a cryopack? It's a heating pad, but in reverse. There are industrial versions of such devices. They are plastic containers filled with liquid that has a low freezing point. For self-made In a cryopack, a rubber heating pad or a bubble designed for cold compresses can be used. A special solution should be poured into this container. To prepare it, 120 g of salt is dissolved in a liter of water.

This cryopackage should be frozen. For initial therapeutic effects this ice will be enough. It is worth keeping in mind that salt water freezes at minus three to four degrees. This is what determines healing effect cryopackage. After freezing the liquid, this device is wrapped in a dry cloth and applied to the sore spot for a short time.

Ice cubes

How can cryotherapy be performed at home for the skin? It is recommended to perform this procedure using ice cubes. This material at hand will charge you with vigor and restore youth.

To enhance the effect of cold exposure, freeze various products. This could be green tea or mint leaves, calendula or chamomile tincture, etc. You can add a few drops of any of the following to the ice. essential oil. If you use cubes when wiping your face, neck and body, your skin will certainly rejuvenate.

Positive properties

The cryotherapy procedure, during which ice cubes are used, can relieve a person of stress and constant headaches. With the help of this simple remedy insomnia goes away. For elimination discomfort freeze a drink made from green tea or mint, to which a small amount of lemon is added. The resulting cubes should be dissolved. Cryotherapy will eliminate painful sensations in the throat. To do this, you will need to drink milk with an ice cube in it. With daily rinsing oral cavity Drinking cold green tea means you won't be afraid of bacteria.

Cryotherapy can be used in professional medicine to enhance the effect of acupuncture. In this case, the skin has a double effect. Wherein medicines begin to more actively influence points considered biologically active. The cold method is used for arthritis and pancreatitis, as well as for local hypothermia. Cryotherapy stops bleeding and treats diseases digestive system.

Indications for cold treatment

Excess body weight and cellulite;
- various diseases skin and its early aging;
- presence of gynecological pathologies;
- neurological diseases;
- pathologies of the respiratory system;
- insomnia, fatigue and exhaustion.

Procedures in which the body is exposed to cold are recommended in recovery period after operations and injuries.


Before performing cryotherapy, you should familiarize yourself with the conditions in which the procedure is prohibited. Cold treatment is contraindicated for the following problems:

Availability chronic diseases who are in the acute stage;
- pronounced pathologies of the vascular system;
- existing open wounds;
- blood diseases;
- claustrophobia;
- mental illnesses.

Cold treatment at home is used for health, therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. It is very important not to overdo it when using cryotherapy at home, so that you do not have to resort to treatment colds. You can start cold hardening with cool air baths, then add cold dousing and massage with pieces of ice.

Cold hardening procedures

Before giving advice about in various ways home cryotherapy and methods of its application, it would not be amiss to once again remind you that self-medication can be dangerous. Especially if you don’t know the exact diagnosis and resort to some radical cold procedures. Therefore, before conducting a cold therapy session at home, it is advisable to consult a doctor in order to correctly establish your diagnosis and find out about individual contraindications this method therapy. In addition, we must not forget about general contraindications, of which the leading ones are acute heart failure, myocardial infarction and stroke.

Cold procedures should also be used with caution by people with weakened immune systems, who have had any disease or are suffering from it at the time of the session. The following sequence of procedures is suitable for them: first warm, then cool and only then cold. It is also advisable to warm up the body well before and after the session, then “home” cryotherapy will not harm your health.

It should also be recalled that the methods and equipment used in medical centers affect the body differently than “home” remedies (ice and).

In the first case, ultra-low temperatures are used, nitrogen acts as a cryoagent, and the procedure time is very short (selected individually). But when using water and ice, cooling of the skin and the entire body occurs differently, and therefore the procedure is different.

But for a healthy body, cold treatment at home can bring considerable benefits. Generally general procedures This type is not recommended for use before or immediately after a meal: it will be difficult for the stomach to digest food when it experiences cold stress.

At home, as in medical institutions, there are general and local methods of cryotherapy, although it would be more correct to call them hypothermic procedures, since they involve the use of ice water.

IN living conditions the success of a hypothermia session will mainly depend on temperature fluctuations in the external environment and the presence (or absence) of ice or cold water.

TO general types Home cold therapy includes the following procedures: dousing with cold water, cold baths, showers, rubbing with snow (for example, after a steam room in a bathhouse), swimming in an ice hole in winter or a holy spring with a water temperature of about +4 ° C, etc. With general hypothermia, the most important thing is not to overdo it and not to overcool your body . Therefore, you should first consult your doctor about the duration of the procedures.

In some cases, even ordinary fatigue can become a contraindication to such activities, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable - from convulsions in ice water to a heart attack.

Local hypothermia may include the use of ice compresses, a heating pad with cold water, wiping the skin of the face and décolleté with ice cubes from various fruit juices, decoctions and infusions medicinal plants, cold baths for hands or feet.

When using local cold, it is very important not to overcool the skin, otherwise this will lead to cell death and tissue rejection. IN in this case this is not required and is even contraindicated as an unsuccessful method of self-medication.

Purposes of using cryotherapy at home

Cryotherapy at home is used for a variety of purposes.

1. In health- when general hypothermic procedures are carried out correctly, fundamental changes occur in the human body aimed at strengthening the immune system and restoring normal functioning of the entire body as a whole. As a result, a person who resorts to the hardening method can completely get rid of colds. Cold treatment also helps to get rid of excess weight.

2. In therapeutic- for the treatment of bruises, severely pinched fingers (a piece of ice is applied to the injured area, which relieves pain and reduces hematoma); to stop bleeding from deep cut Ice or a cold compress is also applied to the finger or nose; with sprains, closed fractures again cold and ice are applied to soothe the pain and prevent or stop internal bleeding; for joint and muscle inflammation, cold can significantly relieve pain; for burns (but only with minor tissue damage); Cold rubbing is used to relieve high temperature and heat.

3. In cosmetics- general hypothermic procedures rejuvenate the entire body as a whole, and local ones (wiping the facial skin with ice, etc.) affect individual areas that most need rejuvenation or are contraindicated general methods treatment.

All methods and methods of hypothermia, when used at home, have positive result, but the main thing is to remember that all this is useful only in moderate doses.

In medical circles, the Morath-Destre rule is known, which states that “the vessels of the skin, kidneys and heart react identically, but oppositely to the vessels abdominal cavity. Thus, we have the opportunity, by acting on some (any) points of the skin, to transmit this effect in the direct or opposite direction to other zones or organs.”

This rule can also be applied to the methods of cryotherapy and hypothermia (both general and local).

During the general cold procedure, the skin is mainly exposed - and these are millions of points of impact associated with various internal organs and systems. This is why cryotherapy works so effectively. Local therapy works narrowly, affecting a specific organ or area of ​​the body. For example, walking barefoot in the snow strengthens the immune system in general and improves tone. Rubbing your face with ice cubes protects it from skin infections and gives many other positive effects. To stop nosebleeds, it is better to apply a cold compress not to the bridge of the nose, but to the back of the head - this will stop the bleeding faster.

Cryotherapy at home for therapeutic purposes

IN therapeutic purposes The local cold treatment method is mainly used. In this case, self-medication is used to relieve fever when antipyretic drugs for some reason do not help. Then they resort to cold rubbing or wrapping. This is done only at very high body temperatures in febrile states, when blood rushes in large quantities to the head and upper torso.

Cold rubdowns help to divert excess heat from the upper part of the body (in particular, from the brain), as well as equalize the overall temperature of the body, and contribute to the even distribution of blood throughout the body. Usually, for these purposes, a cold bandage is applied to the forehead, then the armpits and areas of the legs under the knees, groin areas, palms, and feet are wiped.

You need to wipe each part of the body separately in turn. To do this, use a soft cloth, which must be periodically moistened in ice water, then wring out and wipe the indicated areas. You can add a little table vinegar to ice water - this will enhance the antipyretic effect.

Using cold physiotherapy for overall health of the body

Any physiotherapy procedures are beneficial for the body, and if they are combined with hypothermic ones, the therapeutic effect will be doubly noticeable. Cold has a refreshing and tonic effect on the body, causes muscle contraction, thereby accelerating metabolism and reducing heat transfer from the body. That is why a cold shower in the morning always invigorates and helps the body finally wake up, quickly toning both body and spirit.

Long walks in the fresh frosty air and jogging in the morning are very useful. To do this, it is advisable to choose places with rich vegetation, be it a forest, a park, etc. Such exercises are invigorating and refreshing.

In this case, cold air simultaneously has a very beneficial effect on the body. At this time, the body is saturated with oxygen. And health, performance, and, of course, mood and mental activity depend on this.

It is known that when oxygen starvation Decay and waste products are not completely removed from the body. These toxins lead to a slowdown in the blood circulation process, poison the body, which disrupts the heart rhythm, increases blood pressure, etc.

The cold winter air is very rich in oxygen, so walking at this time of year is especially beneficial. Inhaling cold air is one of the cryotherapy techniques. At the same time, not only does a person’s health improve (he becomes hardened and becomes immune to colds), but metabolism also improves, excess adipose tissue, excess carbohydrates are removed from the body. All this leads to weight loss, and if you do such procedures daily, you can achieve permanent normal weight, individual for each person.

Any sports exercises and other energetic movements in winter are very useful and important for the body. This excellent remedy to harden the body, improve health, prolong youth, because movement is life. During physical exercise you have to inhale and exhale more, at this time the respiratory organs receive excellent charging, simultaneously with a large influx of oxygen, excess moisture evaporates from the surface of the skin along with sweat, and gas exchange increases. As a result, the body normalizes the ratio of water, fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Cold showers, swimming in an ice hole, wiping with snow, dousing with ice water, etc. are also recommended as health-improving physical procedures. But the main thing is to do all this carefully, taking into account contraindications (start small, for example, taking cold and hot shower, gradually reducing the water temperature, bathe in ice water, starting with a few seconds, gradually increasing the time and after the procedure, drying off with a towel). And be sure, before you start self-medication, it is better to consult with your doctor.

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Heat and cold have different influence on the human body, but in many ways their effects are similar. The long-term effects of low and high temperatures affect metabolism, circulation and immune defense. Under the influence of cold, blood vessels narrow, and after cooling, they expand sharply, as when warming up, due to which blood microcirculation improves, metabolism accelerates, and the body’s natural defenses are activated. For example, you can strengthen your immune system in two ways: diving into the snow or an ice hole and warming up in a bathhouse or sauna. This fully confirms the above.

Despite the commonality of processes occurring in the human body under the influence of high and low temperatures, there are also radical differences in therapeutic effect cold and warmth. They mostly appear during the first 10–15 minutes of the procedure.

What is treated with cold?

Cold improves health, as evidenced by the fact: “winter” children are stronger and healthier than “summer” children. Frost destroys viruses and microbes, disinfects the air, purifies it, precipitating harmful particles. It's no secret that respiratory outbreaks viral infections in winter, they occur mainly during a thaw.

Cold air in the bedroom treats insomnia, makes sleep healthy, and makes the nervous system strong and resistant to stress. It has been observed that people are less likely to fall into depression and reflection. winter time that wars and revolutions occur mainly in spring and autumn, and in winter, calm and optimism often reign in society.

A cold compress on the head helps with a hangover, relieves prolonged headaches, as it restores the tone of pathologically dilated blood vessels brain.

Cold treats bruises, sprains, and relieves suffering from fractures. Local cryotherapy is used in the treatment inflammatory diseases joints, arthritis and arthrosis in the acute stage. Low temperature helps to reduce the permeability of blood vessels, reduce swelling, relieve pain, reduce tissue oxygen demand and quickly restore them.

In gastroenterology, cold is used to stop bleeding in hemorrhagic gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, to reduce pain and inflammation during exacerbation of cholecystitis and pancreatitis. As a pain reliever and to limit the source of inflammation, cold is used for all limited inflammatory processes, for example, for mastitis, boils, appendicitis, tonsillitis.

Local cold exposure relieves the effects of brain injuries and chronic disorders cerebral circulation, because hypothermia sharply reduces their oxygen needs, which means it increases their chance of survival.

Cooling tissue helps to contract blood vessels and quickly stop bleeding from the nose, lungs, internal bleeding from the abdominal organs and female genital organs.

With a disease such as radiculitis, it is a mistake to use warming procedures; cold effectively helps, which reduces swelling of the roots spinal cord and quickly relieves back pain.

Finally, the freezing effect is widely used in surgery as a method of tissue cryodestruction. Exposure to extremely low temperatures leads to frostbite of disease-modified tissues, their rejection and fast healing wounds without the formation of a rough scar. Cryodestruction is used in the removal of tumors, including malignant ones, in the treatment of trachoma, retinal detachment, in surgery for operations on the nose, pharynx, larynx and trachea, in urology on prostate gland And bladder, in gynecology in the treatment of erosion, dysplasia, endometriosis of the cervix, as well as for the removal of condylomas and papillomas and stopping uterine bleeding.

What is treated with heat?

Heat therapy is accompanied by a local or general increase in body temperature, dilation of blood vessels, blood flow, increased metabolic processes and immunity, and accelerated tissue repair processes.

Are common thermal procedures, the same hot baths, baths and saunas, are indicated for colds and absence of fever, for chronic joint diseases, rheumatism, for slagging in the body, as a means to reduce muscle pain after severe physical training. It has also been noted that general warming is effective for diseases of the lungs, kidneys, stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder, since it “diverts” blood from the internal organs and thereby reduces their swelling and inflammation and helps to improve the patient’s condition and his rapid recovery.

Local thermal procedures in the form of baths, ultraviolet baths, applications of mud, clay, paraffin, ozokerite, as well as electrophoresis and other physiotherapy procedures are used in the treatment of chronic joint diseases in remission. They improve the mobility of bone joints and accelerate tissue renewal processes.

Local use of heat and deep heating are accompanied by blood flow to the affected tissues, ulcers on the skin mature and open faster, internal organs similar processes occur. This means that you need to remember: the use of heat compresses for diseases such as cholecystitis or appendicitis is strictly unacceptable.

In surgery, high temperatures are used very widely. The action of a laser scalpel is based precisely on hyperthermia. I'm being removed cancerous tumors, “burning” through tissue during surgery and thus preventing bleeding, deep organ damage and dissemination of cancer cells.

In general, summarizing the above, we can say that the use of cold and heat in the treatment of human diseases has great prospects. The main thing is, when applying certain procedures yourself, do not forget about contraindications, and it is better to always ask a doctor’s advice. Then the benefit from treatment will be maximum, and harm will be avoided.

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The method of influencing the body with cold is called cryotherapy. This effect is used during certain surgical procedures, in sports medicine - for injuries, in dentistry - in cases of surgical intervention. The cryotherapy procedure should only be performed medical workers in a hospital setting, except in cases sports medicine. At sports injuries team doctor freezes with cold with a special drug place of damage. However, cryotherapy can also be used at home to treat bruises, for example. The topic of our conversation today is cryotherapy, cold treatment.

Cryotherapy: cold treatment at home

At home there is a simple and affordable way cryotherapy treatment. Can be stopped quickly profuse bleeding from a deep cut on the finger if exposed to very low temperatures (for example, cold frosty air outside the window).

The blood clots quickly, and the bandage is applied without special problems(tested on personal experience).

At severe bruises on sore spot you need to apply a piece of ice. As soon as the ice begins to melt, it must be replaced with another. When exposed to ice immediately after an injury, the hematoma at the site of the injury takes on minimal dimensions (tested from personal experience).

Cryotherapy treatment has its disadvantages. The disadvantage of using cryotherapy at home is its dependence on temperature fluctuations in the external environment and the presence (or absence) of ice.

Cryotherapy: benefits for the body

The human body consists mainly of proteins, fats and water. Proteins are the building blocks of the main parts of the human body: blood and muscles, nerves and skin. Water and fat are necessary auxiliary substances.

Exceeding the percentage of water and fats in relation to proteins significantly reduces the body's resistance to pathogenic influences. The balance of proteins, fats and water in the body helps to stabilize muscular systems s, which provides motor activity the whole body, and normal functioning nervous system guarantees high level mental activity.

Optimal ratio water, fat and protein in the human body is a necessary condition efficient work his organs and health.

A sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, wearing clothes that are too warm, and a lack of clean air lead to an imbalance in the proportions in chemical composition body tissues and physical properties its organs and systems.

The cryotherapy process should be aimed at removing excess water and fats from the body and increasing the amount of proteins. When cold treatment is carried out correctly, the human body strengthens the skeletal and muscular systems, enriches them with proteins, and normalizes the amount of fat in the protective subcutaneous layer. Reasonably carried out cold treatment can rid the body of colds.

The healing properties of cold

Clean and oxygen-rich air - necessary condition for the body to produce high-quality blood, the composition of which determines the health and performance of the entire body. At oxygen deficiency decay and waste products are not completely eliminated from the body, which leads to a slowdown in the blood circulation process and poisoning of the body with remaining toxins, disorders heart rate and increase blood pressure.

Cold air is richer in oxygen; in winter the oxygen density is much higher than in spring or summer. Inhaling clean cold air - a type of cryotherapy - significantly activates metabolism, which enhances the process of burning fat and removing carbohydrates from the body. Excess fluid is actively removed through the excretory organs: kidneys, intestines, skin.

Sports exercises and other vigorous movements in the fresh cold air are an excellent means for hardening and strengthening the body. Physical activities open, clean and cold air contributes to proper operation respiratory organs and digestive system. During cold treatment (cryotherapy), there is an influx of oxygen and vigorous evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, and increased gas exchange. As a result, the body experiences a change in the ratio of water, fat and protein.

Cold treatment: methods of application

For therapeutic purposes, during cryotherapy, washing, rubbing or cold wrapping is performed only at very high body temperatures in febrile conditions, when blood flows in large quantities to the head and upper torso.

Such actions distract excess heat from the upper body (in particular, from the brain), equalize the overall temperature and promote uniform distribution of blood throughout the body. When there is a significant increase in body temperature, cooling cryotherapy procedures are used.

They usually start with applying a cold bandage to the forehead. This procedure is performed using a napkin made of pure linen, which is moistened with cold water (preferably with ice), wrung out and folded into several layers. To successfully carry out the cryotherapy procedure, it is advisable to use 2 napkins and apply them alternately. To achieve greater effect, you can add vinegar infused with rose petals to cold water.

Cold treatment is scientifically called cryotherapy. Unlike heat, which affects the entire body as a whole and allows you to maintain the effect obtained from thermal procedures for for a long time, cold acts locally and permanently, causing exactly the opposite reactions in the body. Although, just like heat, cold relieves pain well, but, by directly influencing cell receptors and, as it were, “turning off” their sensitivity, it can only cope with superficial areas.

Cold treatment (cryotherapy) has a refreshing, tonic effect on the body, causing muscle contraction, but at the same time the metabolism is accelerated, and heat transfer from the body is reduced. That's why a cold shower in the morning invigorates and helps the body finally wake up.

Also, cold treatment has the property of rejuvenating the entire body as a whole and fighting overweight, which is used in cosmetology centers.

Cold causes constriction of blood vessels and capillaries, which helps stop various bleeding.

Indications for cold treatment

Cold treatment (cryotherapy) is effective for various bruises, sprains, microtraumas, closed fractures on the initial stage. By soothing pain, cold stops subcutaneous hemorrhages, which prevents the development of hematomas later. For joint and muscle inflammation, cold can significantly alleviate the patient's condition.

For burns, the affected areas are also treated with cold, that is, cryotherapy is used. This relieves heat, pain, soothes irritated skin, and promotes blood flow.

Cold treatment is used to stop bleeding. For example, to stop nosebleeds, use a cold compress applied to the back of the head. When using local cold, it is important not to expose diseased areas to too long, as this can cause cell atrophy (death).

There is a Morath-Destre rule, according to which “the vessels of the skin, kidneys and heart react identically, but oppositely to the vessels of the abdominal cavity. Thus, we have the opportunity, by acting on some (any) points of the skin, to transmit this effect in the direct or opposite direction to other zones or organs.” And this rule really works during cryotherapy.

Nowadays dousing, swimming in an ice hole, walking barefoot in the snow and other types are very popular. preventive treatment cold. Undoubtedly, cryotherapy procedures heal the body and increase its protection, in addition, they help get rid of various skin infections, stimulate the heart, and help keep the cells of the whole body in good shape.

Contraindications to cold treatment

But still, cryotherapy should be treated with caution. If cold procedures bring only benefits to a healthy person, then a person with a weakened immune system who has suffered from any disease or suffers from it during the procedures will experience non-compliance with strict temperature regime may cause health problems.

In the 21st century The environment has deteriorated so much that the human body is working to the point of wear and tear: energy losses are not compensated for by proper rest and a healthy atmosphere, and the body’s strength is depleted. In this state, a person cannot perceive the cold adequately and may react too painfully to it. Cold effects of a general nature are not dangerous if the body is well warmed up before and after the procedure, but in general cryotherapy is contraindicated for people with low immunity and poor health. They need procedures carried out in the following sequence: warmer, then cool and only then cold.

General cold procedures are not recommended for use immediately before or immediately after eating. General cryotherapy procedures are strictly contraindicated for people suffering from acute heart failure, myocardial infarction and those who have suffered cerebral strokes.

Types of cryotherapy

Cold treatment (cryotherapy), based on the scope of its application, is divided into general and local.

General types of cryotherapy include cold water douches, cold baths, showers, refrigeration chambers, and local ones include compresses with ice or cold water, as well as a stream of nitrogen vapor.

A cold compress is used for local lesions - bruises with subcutaneous hemorrhages, sprains, bleeding, inflammatory processes, spastic paralysis muscles, arthritis. The earlier the compress was applied, the more effective its effect will be.

A cold compress relieves headache for migraines caused by vasodilation.

This type of compress for cryotherapy is made as follows: flannel or other soft cloth moisten in cold water with ice and apply tightly to the affected area. As the compress warms up, change it every 2 to 4 minutes. The total duration of application of the compress should not exceed 10-12 minutes.

You can prepare a compress for cryotherapy in another way: moisten the cloth with a 3% salt solution, put it in a linen bag and leave it in the freezer for 4 - 5 hours. Then apply it to the sore spot. To soften the fabric, you can lightly moisten it with water.

A cold compress can be replaced with a rubber bladder filled with ice. The cryotherapy technique will be the same.

Cryotherapy in medicine

In clinics for local treatment cold uses a directed flow of nitrogen vapor or special gel packs kept at a temperature of - 12 °C. They are applied to the sites of burns, bruises, sprains, etc. In cosmetology medicine, liquid nitrogen has been used for several decades to remove warts, papillomas, scars, acne.

General cryotherapy procedures include not only cold showers and baths, aimed at hardening the body and available at home. In specialized clinics, cold treatment is carried out using refrigeration chambers. A person is placed in such a chamber at a temperature of -100 - 120 ° C for 1-3 minutes.

The cryotherapy method gives strength to muscles, relieves general inflammation joints and musculoskeletal tissues, has a general analgesic effect. Sometimes the chamber is filled with nitrogen, cooled to very low temperatures, down to -150 oC, and a person is also placed there for 1-2 minutes, while protecting the limbs and respiratory organs from frostbite. In addition to the above health effects, this allows the body to better overcome post-operative conditions.

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