Medicinal properties and contraindications of dandelion and flowers. Dandelion - medicinal properties and recipes. Dandelion contraindications and its properties for treatment

Imagine that there is a product that, when consumed with your main food or as a drink, you could prevent or cure liver disease; cleanse your blood; dissolve kidney stones; reset excess weight; cleanse the skin and eliminate acne; reduce high blood pressure; prevent or treat anemia; reduce blood cholesterol levels by one and a half times; eliminate or significantly reduce digestive problems. And all this, and much more, without side effects! But all these beneficial properties are inherent in the well-known dandelion.

We are used to counting dandelion in best case scenario a pretty flower. For those who have a garden, dandelion is a nasty weed that is not easy to get rid of. Meanwhile, the beneficial properties of dandelion are appreciated in many countries. It is eaten, used in pharmacy and even in industry. After all, in the juice individual species Dandelion contains natural rubber. Therefore, in some countries these plants are specially planted in order to produce rubber from them.

Dandelions are specially bred in Japan, the USA, India and Europe. These are especially popular yellow flowers among the French, who even cultivate them and use them in cooking dandelion recipes . By the way, it was thanks to the French colonists that dandelions appeared on the American continent. They specially brought dandelion seeds to America so that they would have something to eat during the first years of development of the territories.

Dandelions are richest source vegetable beta-carotene – one of the most powerful antioxidants and immunostimulants. In addition, dandelion is the third most rich food in vitamin A, after fish oil and beef liver! One cup of dandelion greens provides 112 percent of your daily vitamin A requirement, as well as 535 percent of your daily vitamin K. Dandelions are especially rich in fiber, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and the B vitamins thiamine and riboflavin. The beneficial properties of dandelion are also ensured thanks to the rich set of microelements included in the composition, such as copper, cobalt, zinc, boron, molybdenum, and vitamin D. But that’s not all! 100 grams of dandelions contain 2.7 g of protein, which is slightly less than the same amount of oatmeal cooked in water or semolina porridge in milk. So for those who prefer vegetarianism, dandelions are extremely beneficial.

Since ancient times, dandelion has been used to treat hepatitis, kidney stones, and liver cirrhosis. It is also useful for people who suffer from anemia. The beneficial properties of dandelion are used for diseases gastrointestinal tract. Dandelion promotes work digestive system, stimulating the production of bile. The substances contained in this plant improve the absorption of calcium and have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels, which means that dandelion can be used in treatment diabetes mellitus. Dandelion leaves and root are used to treat heartburn and indigestion. Dandelion is great for reducing swelling, bloating, and fluid retention in the body. It may also help reduce high blood pressure. On top of that, dandelion has antibacterial properties.

In Chinese medicine, the use of dandelion to treat hepatitis and upper infections respiratory tract, for example, bronchitis and pneumonia is considered a justified method. In Canada, dandelion is used primarily as a diuretic. Juice from the stems or roots of dandelion has medicinal properties and can get rid of warts.

The largest healing powers possess all parts of young dandelions. But the roots, even in dry form, retain the beneficial properties of dandelion, so they are harvested for future use. It is justified to do this in the spring before the leaves fully grow or in the fall after they wither. The roots are dug up, washed, and large ones are cut into pieces. Afterwards, the roots are dried until the milky juice disappears and dried in a ventilated room, under a canopy or in special dryers at a temperature of +40-50’ C. Store the raw materials in a dry, dark place at room temperature in a glass jar with a lid. It is recommended to make small holes in the lid so that the raw materials do not suffocate.

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Despite the many beneficial properties, dandelion, like any medicine, has contraindications for use, and in some cases it should be used with caution. In particular, dandelion infusions are not recommended for people prone to stomach upsets. It is also better to avoid it for those who have high stomach acidity. Dandelion flowers are also contraindicated for people suffering from hay fever (pollen allergy).

Recipe. Dandelion infusion. Use for metabolic disorders
Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dandelion root powder (one glass). Keep on fire for 15 minutes. The broth should simmer slowly. Then let it brew for 45 minutes. Then strain the infusion. Take dandelion infusion slightly warmed a quarter of an hour before meals, half a glass three times a day.
This dandelion infusion also helps with furunculosis and skin rashes.
Recipe. Dandelion tincture . Use to increase appetite and cleanse the blood
Pour 10 g of fresh washed and chopped dandelion roots into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes. Strain. Cool. Take a quarter glass 3 times a day. It also has a laxative and antispasmodic effect.
Recipe. Dandelion tincture with vodka
Wash the dandelion roots, cut them, pour vodka at the rate of 1 part roots and 5 parts vodka. Keep in a dark place in a sealed container, shaking daily. Dandelion tincture with vodka is used for abdominal pain, venereal diseases, make lotions for eczema. The daily dose when taken orally is 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.
Recipe. Dandelion juice and its application
You can squeeze juice from any part of the plant. Dandelion juice is very useful for vitamin deficiency, anemia, stress and insomnia. Dandelion juice must be freshly squeezed. Take it 30 minutes before meals, twice a day, in a dosage of 50 ml.
Traditional healers They prescribed dandelion milky juice to be instilled 1 drop into the eyes for trachoma. It can also be used to lubricate warts and calluses.
You can preserve the juice by diluting it with alcohol in a ratio of 2:1 or vodka in a ratio of 1:1.
Recipe. Dandelion flower decoction . Use for jaundice, rheumatism, high blood pressure, insomnia, hemorrhoids.
Throw into boiling water fresh flowers dandelion, if possible, as free of green leaves as possible. Boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Cool. Strain. Squeeze. Take ¼ cup 3 times a day. For 250 g of water you will need a tablespoon of flowers.
Recipe. Dandelion oil. Use for burns
When radiation injuries Dandelion oil will help well on skin or burns. To prepare it you will need dried dandelion root powder and olive or sunflower oil. Add the powder to vegetable oil in a ratio of 1 to 4. Keep warm for two weeks. Dandelion oil is used both as an ointment and in the form of compresses.
Dandelion. Application for warts
The beneficial properties of dandelion have long been used in the fight against warts. All you need for this is any part of this plant (since all parts of the dandelion contain milky juice). You need to squeeze the juice out of a dandelion and apply it to the wart. This should be done for several days until the wart turns black and falls off.
Dandelion. Application of roots.
Dry dandelion roots are ground into powder. Take 2 grams per day to enhance lactation in nursing mothers at high temperatures.
The diuretic effect of dandelion roots has been proven, so they are recommended to be consumed in any form for diseases of the urinary system.
Dandelion. Application of leaves
Grind into a paste. Apply to wounds, ulcers, bedsores, inflamed joints.
Dandelion. Application in veterinary medicine
Dandelion flowers have high content lecithin and have weak but useful analgesic properties. This makes them a safe and gentle pain reliever for cats. To do this, pour boiling water over a handful of dandelion flowers. Let stand until the solution darkens. Strain. Cool. Give to the animal in the form of drops.


What is dandelion medicinal properties and contraindications of dandelion, what beneficial properties this plant has, all this is of great interest to those who healthy image life, monitors his health, and is interested in traditional methods treatment, including with the help of medicinal herbs and berries. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

From a botanical point of view, dandelion is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 50 cm in height, with a thick tap root (up to 2 cm in diameter, up to 60 cm long).

The leaves are collected in a basal rosette, pinnately pinnate, with downward-facing lobes, narrowed towards the base into a winged petiole. The flowers are golden-yellow, all ligulate, sit on a flat receptacle, the inflorescence is surrounded by a double involucre, the inner leaves of which are turned upward, and the outer ones are bent downwards. The roots, stems and leaves usually contain a white, very bitter milky sap.

Basically, the types of dandelion differ little from each other. The differences are small and come down to the shape of the root, and especially the structure of the fruit. The fruits are spindle-shaped achenes with a tuft of white fine hairs. Everyone knows the parachute seeds of this plant: when finally ripe, they are easily torn from the basket by a light breeze and carried away to considerable distances (up to hundreds of meters) from the mother plant. Up to 200 achenes are formed on one inflorescence. The seeds ripen about a month after the start of flowering. Repeated flowering and fruiting are often observed throughout the summer. Dandelion roots are used in medicine.

The flowering period of dandelion is one of the longest - from early spring to autumn. Mass flowering in May, individual flowering plants occur until autumn. The fruits ripen in June - August. Repeated flowering and fruiting are often observed throughout the summer. Dandelion propagates by seeds and vegetatively. The productivity of one plant ranges from 200 to 7000 seeds.

Dandelion officinalis is perennial plant. It grows everywhere, and you can especially notice it during flowering, it has bright yellow (sunny) flowers. In spring, the body depletes its vitamin reserves, so there is an excellent opportunity to replenish them.

The plant has a lot folk names: field dandelion, medicinal dandelion, kulbaba, spurge, empty, Jewish hat, tooth root, cotton grass, Russian chicory, oil flower, cow flower, March bush, milky flower, light, air flower, bald flower. All this, of course, is proof of the widespread and enormous popularity of this plant among people.

Dandelion is one of the most unpretentious perennials herbaceous plants. It grows mainly in meadows, gardens, along roads, in vegetable gardens, on forest edges, and in fields. The clarity of subordination to a certain biological rhythm is clearly visible in the frequency of daily blooming of its inflorescences: exactly at 6 o’clock in the morning the yellow baskets unfold and close at exactly 3 o’clock in the afternoon; The inflorescences also react to atmospheric humidity - in cloudy weather, the baskets also close, protecting the pollen from moisture.

The aerial part of dandelion contains alcohols, saponins, significant amount protein, vitamins C, A, B2, nicotinic acid. Ascorbic acid (up to 50 mg%), vitamins B1, B2, E, carotenoids, resins, wax, rubber, alcohols, proteins were found in inflorescences and leaves. The leaves contain iron, calcium, manganese and phosphorus, the content of which is even higher than in leafy vegetables.

Medicinal properties of dandelion:

So, here are the medicinal properties that dandelion preparations have:











An excellent choleretic agent

Stimulates appetite

Neutralizes hyperacidity, normalizes the alkaline composition of the body,

Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive glands, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, spleen,

Improves general state, stimulates performance, eliminates increased fatigue and fatigue,

Normalizes metabolism

Reduces blood cholesterol levels,

Improves blood composition in case of anemia,

It is a hematopoietic agent, activates the formation of leukocytes,

Restores strength

Improves metabolic processes in the body,

Removes toxins from the body,

Strengthens the function of the pancreas,

Increases insulin production

Cleanses the body of toxins,

Helps regulate fluid balance in the body,

– stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The pharmacological properties of dandelion are determined by its chemical composition.

Biologically active substances Dandelion also has choleretic, diuretic, antispasmodic, laxative, expectorant, sedative, hypnotic, diuretic, and diaphoretic properties. In addition, in the process of studying the activity of dandelion, antiviral, antituberculosis, fungicidal, anthelmintic and anticarcinogenic properties were also established.

Young (fresh) leaves of this plant can be consumed as a salad - for hypovitaminosis, scurvy, anemia, rheumatism, gout. Leaf juice is a general tonic, blood purifying and metabolism normalizing agent. Externally - for removing calluses, warts, freckles, age spots; for eczema and blepharitis; to reduce pain and swelling from bee stings. In Bulgaria, it is customary to use juice in the treatment of atherosclerosis, anemia, diseases of the skin, liver, gallbladder, jaundice, hemorrhoids, and inflammation of the stomach and intestines. In Germany - for vitamin deficiencies, anemia, rheumatism, gout. In France, the same juice is used for gout, jaundice, skin diseases, as well as to improve blood composition and as a tonic and diuretic.

In folk medicine, mixed infusion and decoction of flowers and leaves are prepared for diseases of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, hypertension, hemorrhoids, sleep disorders.

A decoction of flowers is prepared for sleep disorders, hypertension, constipation, and also as an anthelmintic.

Recipes for infusions and decoctions:


Take 1 tbsp. spoon of dried dandelion, pour one glass of water, boil for 1 minute, leave to infuse for 1 hour, then strain. Take half a glass in the morning and evening half an hour before meals.

Dandelion flower decoction:

10 g of raw material is boiled in 200 ml of water for 15 minutes, left for 20–30 minutes, then filtered. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.

Decoction of dandelion flowers and herbs:

20 g of dandelion flowers and herbs are boiled for 10 minutes in 400 ml of water, left for 30 minutes, then filtered. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day after meals.

Decoction of dandelion roots and herbs:

30 g of crushed dandelion roots and herbs are boiled in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes, left for 45 minutes, then filtered. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

Infusion for external use:

Pour a handful of medicinal dandelion flowers into 250 ml of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 1-2 hours, then filter and squeeze out the raw materials. Wipe the skin from age spots and freckles.


Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed roots into 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, then drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.


Place dandelion inflorescences (collected early in the morning in sunny weather, when the dew has disappeared) and sugar in a 3-liter jar. Periodically compact the mixture with a wooden masher to release the juice. A sediment of plant pollen forms at the bottom of the jar. The resulting nectar can be stored in a cool place all winter.

Take 1 teaspoon, stirring in 1/4-1/2 cup boiled water, 20–30 minutes before meals to improve appetite and tone.

It is impossible to collect dandelion in the city, as it accumulates lead and other heavy metals that are harmful and hazardous to health.

Dandelion leaf juice:

In early spring, it is useful to drink juice from dandelion leaves. Dandelion juice is obtained from the whole plant (in May - June) by crushing it and extracting it with a small amount of water. The plant is first soaked in cold salted water (for 30 minutes) to reduce the bitter taste.

Leaves are washed well cold water, allow the water to drain, chop, place in a colander and scald. Then it is passed through a meat grinder, squeezed through a thick cloth, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 and boiled for 2-3 minutes. Take 1-3 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. You can also use it this way: 1/4-1 glass daily for a long time (you can use rice or oatmeal broth, with a tablespoon of honey). Store dandelion juice in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. You can also preserve with alcohol or vodka.

The juice has a strengthening property and is useful for inflammation of the stomach with low acidity. It is used as a mild laxative for chronic constipation and as a choleretic agent for diseases of the liver and gall bladder. By influencing the exchange of electrolytes, dandelion juice helps reduce joint pain due to gout. It is taken as a diaphoretic, antipyretic and pulmonary remedy. When drinking juice and infusion of the root, lactation - the formation of milk - increases in nursing women.

Dandelion leaf juice is one of the most valuable tonic (strengthening) agents. It is necessary to neutralize high acidity and normalize the alkaline composition internal environment body.

Dandelion juice contains exclusively high concentration potassium, calcium and sodium. It is also the richest source of magnesium and iron.

Raw dandelion juice, extracted from leaves and roots, combined with carrot juice and turnip leaf juice helps with various ailments, affecting the spine, and other bone diseases, and also gives strength to teeth, thereby preventing the development of pyorrhea (periodontal disease) and their destruction.

It is important to remember that you should use Fresh Juice. It is not recommended to store it for more than 3 days (even in the refrigerator).

Externally, dandelion juice is used to remove warts, calluses, as well as for conjunctivitis and eczema.

Dandelion extract has a unique healing effect. The blossomed inflorescences are poured into a thin layer (-4 cm thick) into a 3-liter glass jar, then a layer of sugar 2-3 cm thick is poured in, after which they continue to alternate a layer of inflorescences, a layer of sugar - and so on until half the jar. A 3-liter jar will require 1–1.5 kg of sugar.

After this, carefully compact the contents with a clean, specially prepared stick. To moisten the mixture, you can add up to 100 ml of water. After compacting the mixture, continue layer by layer of flowers and sugar almost to the top of the jar. Then compact the contents again.

When the mixture is compacted, juice begins to be released, which is a brownish extract. It is slightly bitter, but pleasant to the taste (reminiscent burnt sugar). You should not strain the contents of the jar. This dandelion concentrate can be added to tea, various drinks or salads, or taken as an independent remedy, 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day. Dandelion extract relieves fatigue, increases appetite and improves vitality.

Dandelion contraindications:

Contraindications to the use of dandelion preparations are gastric ulcers, hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer of the duodenum with increased acidity of juice in the stomach. Dandelion officinalis is also contraindicated if you are prone to diarrhea.

Dandelion should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding (in large doses) and with individual intolerance.

Dandelion juice and tea in therapeutic doses do not provide any side effects. Fresh stems Dandelion officinalis can cause symptoms of poisoning, especially in children if they eat a lot of it.

In addition, it should be remembered that treatment medicinal herbs requires compliance:

What are the benefits of dandelion for women?

Dandelion extract and juice are used in for cosmetic purposes: for nutrition, hydration, rejuvenation skin. Dandelion is especially effective for removing age spots and “evening out” skin tone.

Milky dandelion juice is used to remove age spots on the skin and warts. Freshly picked dandelion juice is suitable for these purposes. For the treatment of furunculosis, eczema and skin rashes A hot infusion of the roots is used (taken orally).

  • Dandelion for acne and freckles

To lighten freckles, squeeze the juice from fresh flowers and leaves of the plant. Dilute with water 1:1 and wipe your face with the resulting mixture in the morning and evening, rinse after 15 minutes. When the juice dries, you can wipe your face with serum or sour milk.

All parts of the plant secrete milky sap. They lubricate it dark spots, freckles, warts, dry calluses, snake and bee bites.

  • For freckles and age spots:

2 tbsp. Boil spoons of young crushed dandelion flowers for 30 minutes in 0.5 liters of water, after cooling, strain the broth and pour into a bottle. Wipe your face with lotion morning and evening.

  • Anti-pigmentation mask:

Chop young dandelion leaves (6 pcs.) into small pieces, grind in a wooden mortar and mix with 2 teaspoons low-fat cottage cheese. Apply to face for freckles, blackheads, age spots. Before applying the mask, lubricate the affected areas of the skin with the juice of the leaves. After 15–20 minutes, remove the mask with a spatula and wipe the skin with sour milk. For dry skin, mix the leaves with cottage cheese; for oily skin, mix with protein. chicken egg. The mask softens, nourishes and strengthens the skin.

  • Anti-blackhead lotion

You need to dig up 3-4 entire plants, along with roots, stems, leaves and flowers. Rinse well, dry on paper towels, then cut and place in a glass jar, and add vodka in a ratio of 1:2 (two glasses of vodka per glass of crushed dandelion). The jar must be tightly closed with a lid and sent for 10 days. dark place.

Then take out the jar, strain, dilute with water (mineral or just boiled) again 1:2, two glasses of water per glass of tincture.

  • For skin whitening:

Boil 2 tbsp. spoons of dandelion flowers in 0.5 liters of water for half an hour over low heat, strain. Wipe your face with the resulting decoction morning and evening.

  • For freckles and age spots:

A mixture of dandelion juice and parsley juice, taken in equal proportions - effective remedy for whitening freckles and age spots. Wipe freckles and age spots with this lotion 3 times a day until they turn pale.

A very interesting video about the beneficial properties of dandelion!

Dandelion for weight loss:

Young dandelion leaves are very good for weight loss; they make delicious omelettes, spring soups or borscht soups and healthy salads.

You can also make smoothies or juices from the greens of this medicinal plant. Dishes containing even just a few dandelion leaves are a rich source of vitamins A and C and many minerals we need for health.

Weight loss in this case occurs due to improved metabolic processes and removing excess fluid from the body.

In addition, dandelion is a mild laxative. Its huge advantage over other laxatives, during the use of which potassium is removed from the body, is the presence of this substance in its composition.

Thanks to this, the balance of potassium in the body remains normal.

Dandelion and greens salad for weight loss

For this salad you need to collect 100 g of young dandelion leaves, wash them well, cut or tear them into pieces, add to them 50 g of finely chopped green onions and 30 grams of chopped parsley and dill.

Season it all to taste with vegetable oil, salt and lemon juice. Salad will help normalize metabolism.

Based on the book by Yu. Konstantinov “Dandelion, plantain. Natural medicines."

Small yellow heads of dandelions are the best greeting from spring. They are not only pleasing to the eye: the flowers, stems, leaves, and roots of this plant contain a lot of useful substances.

In folk medicine, the medicinal properties of dandelion flowers have been used for a very long time in the form of infusions, decoctions, and ointments. And the famous dandelion jam is not only very tasty, but also wonderfully healthy.

Composition of dandelion

Dandelion flower juice contains biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the body. They stimulate bile formation and digestion, restore the functioning of the pancreas and liver, improve blood composition, reduce cholesterol levels, and normalize metabolism.

Using dandelion flowers is a simple and effective way to improve health and healing. The juice contains the following substances:

Ascorbic acid(vit. C), a powerful antioxidant and beauty vitamin;

Rutin (Vit. P), which increases the strength of capillaries, reduces blood pressure, and relieves arrhythmia;

Retinol (vit. A), which has a powerful complex effect on the body, including improving vision, strengthening teeth, maintaining skin elasticity, and protecting against cancer;

Thiamine (vit. B1), which prevents strokes and heart attacks, protects the body from infections and viruses;

Riboflafin (vitamin B2), has a positive effect on the liver, mucous membranes, and restores nervous system, ensuring normal intrauterine development;

Choline, which protects the liver and lowers cholesterol;

Microelements iron, phosphorus, manganese, calcium;

Carotenoids that preserve vision and support eye health;

Phytoncides are antioxidants that have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and bactericidal effects;

Saponins that reduce bad cholesterol and prevent reproduction tumor cells, restoring fat metabolism in cells;

Triterpene alcohols that kill germs and relieve inflammation.

In addition, the juice of pharmaceutical dandelion flowers contains tannins, fixed oils, organic resins. The use of dandelion flowers allows you to cope with general fatigue, recover faster from a cold and cure some diseases. If there are no contraindications for dandelion flowers, collect them in May, away from roads and industrial enterprises, and feel free to use it.

Medicinal properties of dandelion flowers

Yellow dandelion heads are an effective remedy for combating many human ailments. Prepared on their basis medicines have a beneficial effect on the body:







General strengthening;

Pain reliever;






The healing properties of dandelion flowers are used to relieve symptoms of joint inflammation and poisoning, treat gastritis, colds, osteochondrosis, cholelithiasis, rickets, slowing down aging, improving blood composition, stimulating appetite, preventing cancer, cardiovascular diseases and sclerosis.

Applications of dandelion flowers

People learned to use the healing properties of dandelion flowers a long time ago. Today we use recipes for tinctures and decoctions, and add the plant to food in the form of salads and dessert dishes.

Tincture of dandelion flowers in alcohol

Place 50 g of fresh or dried plant heads in a glass jar or bottle, pour in 500 ml of good vodka, screw on the lid tightly and place in a dark cupboard for 2-3 weeks. Once every 3-4 days, take it out and shake the composition. When the flowers give all their benefits to the alcohol, strain the infusion and store in the refrigerator.

The tincture is used to treat pain and inflammation in joints, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, and convulsions. Soak the cloth in alcoholic liquid, place it on the sore spot, apply cling film and wrap with cloth. The result is an anti-inflammatory pain-relieving compress.

You can rub the tincture on your chest and back when you have a cold. After rubbing, you need to wrap yourself up and lie under a warm blanket.

Dandelion flower decoction

Pour a tablespoon of dried raw material into a glass of boiling water, place over boiling water and heat over steam for about five minutes. Cool under the lid, additionally wrapped in a towel. Strain and take internally.

Drink 2 tablespoons of the decoction 20 minutes before meals. The product helps improve digestion, calm the stomach with gastritis with low acidity, is used in complex therapy diseases of the liver and gall bladder, including cholelithiasis. It is useful to take a decoction for constipation and lack of appetite.

In addition, it is useful for gynecological inflammation, hormonal fluctuations and disorders.

Dandelion flower jam

Wash 400 pieces of May dandelion heads, add two glasses of cold water and put on fire. After boiling, cook for two minutes, then leave for half an hour, strain through a colander and squeeze well. Do not pour out the broth, but add 7 cups to it. granulated sugar and boil the syrup. After the liquid boils, boil the sugar for about seven minutes, pour the jam into sterilized jars and seal.

Dandelion jam contains a lot of beta-carotene and minerals. It is eaten to saturate the body useful substances, and for medicinal purposes they are used to combat colds, bile stagnation, inflammatory diseases. Drink well with green tea. To enhance the choleretic properties, it is taken simultaneously with a decoction of milk thistle.

Salad of dandelion flowers and stems

Salt the dandelion flowers and leaves by eye and cover with cold water for thirty minutes. Scald the lemon with boiling water and grate it along with the peel. Grate a small carrot. Chop a handful into smaller pieces walnuts. Thinly slice a bunch of sorrel leaves. Drain the water from the dandelions and squeeze. Combine all ingredients, season with vegetable oil and one or two cloves of crushed garlic.

You can change the composition of vegetables, herbs, and nuts to your taste. For example, take nettles instead of sorrel, pine nuts or hazelnuts instead of walnuts, and beets instead of carrots.

Dandelion flower and leaf syrup

Collect fresh flowers and leaves of young dandelion, squeeze out the juice. For one part of the resulting juice, take two parts of sugar and mix. Let the mixture sit without covering the bowl until all the grains of sugar have dissolved. As a rule, sugar granules will disperse in 2-3 days. Add one part fresh to the syrup carrot juice, pour into a jar and store in the refrigerator. Give children fifteen minutes before meals one teaspoon 3 times a day.

The syrup will help cope with such a scourge as rickets. But before using the product, be sure to consult your doctor. Perhaps the child has contraindications to dandelion flowers. In this case, the remedy for the treatment of rickets cannot be used.

Contraindications for dandelion flowers

Treatment is not suitable for everyone herbal decoctions and infusions. If you are allergic to dandelion blooms, then use products traditional medicine, of course, it’s impossible.

Contraindications for dandelion flowers may be more serious:

Gastritis with increased acidity, since plant juice increases production of hydrochloric acid;

Stomach and duodenal ulcers - for the same reason;

Acute diseases biliary tract;

Intestinal disorders;

Hypotonic dyskinesia.

There are not many contraindications. Therefore, use dandelion flowers for healing, take advantage of the plant gifts of nature.

With the arrival of spring days, when the earth warms up from the first rays of the sun, cheerful and freedom-loving yellow flowers - dandelions - begin to appear here and there. Freedom-loving, because they cannot live in captivity, they quickly wither in a vase. And cheerful, because the clearing is made of bright yellow flowers capable of filling good mood any person. However, few people know that dandelion is not only pleasing to the eye, but also incredibly beneficial for health. Today we’ll talk about dandelion root - its beneficial properties, method of use and precautions that should be observed during such treatment.

How to prepare dandelion root

A few centuries ago, women in villages always prepared dandelion root - every good housewife should have it. Indeed, the root replaced a good half of medicines and had a wonderful effect on many human organs. You need to collect dandelion root either in early spring when the plant has not yet released all its healing juices up, or in the fall, when the leaves begin to fade. It is better to collect roots in the fall - over the summer the root has time to swell and collect many useful components. In summer you cannot collect the root - all the strength of the plant at this time is in the leaves and flowers.

To harvest the root you will need a shovel. Dig up larger, more mature plants - they have larger roots. After digging, the roots need to be cleared of stems, leaves and small cobwebs of roots. The root must be washed, and the sooner the better. If possible, the root should be washed immediately in a river or other body of water. Place the roots in a basket and add water several times. The roots need to be slightly dried for several hours so that the cut area stops releasing white milk. And only after this the dandelion roots are removed for the main drying.

Useful and valuable roots must be dried in a well-ventilated and shady place. An attic would be perfect. You cannot dry the roots in the sun - the beneficial component glycoside is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. For quick drying, you can place the roots in the oven. The roots can be passed through a meat grinder, and only after that the pulp can be dried, stirring it regularly. This way the raw materials will dry much faster, but will be stored for less time. A well-dried root is quite dense and breaks with a bang. The roots are dark on the outside, but at the break they have a lighter shade. Dandelion root should be stored in a canvas bag, wooden box or cardboard box. Be sure to put cotton wool soaked in chlorophyllipt in the container. This will protect the prepared product from rodents and pests.

Medicinal properties of dandelion root

Many healers compare dandelion root with ginseng root - it is so wide and varied therapeutic effect. It contains numerous acids, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and other useful components. Thanks to this, the root has a tremendous effect on the body.

In addition, the root is also effective for various cosmetic problems. The decoction perfectly lightens age spots, eliminates freckles and unwanted tanning. Dandelion is actively used for problem skin. Anti-inflammatory properties help get rid of acne and comedones.

As a rule, either a decoction or an alcohol tincture is prepared from the root. To make the decoction, the roots need to be chopped and placed in a glass jar. Pour boiling water over it. For a liter of boiling water you will need about two tablespoons of crushed raw materials. You cannot boil the decoction over an open fire - this will cause you to lose all the beneficial properties of the medicine. Close and wrap the jar so that the liquid absorbs the valuable properties of the root, let it brew for about two hours. This decoction is perfect for treatment - it is usually recommended to drink it on an empty stomach. For cosmetic purposes, a more concentrated decoction is prepared - approximately the same amount of raw material per glass of boiling water.

The tincture is used for longer storage and treatment. To prepare it, fill a dark glass bottle with crushed roots, fill it with alcohol or vodka, and let it brew in a cool place for about two to three weeks. Shake the bottle periodically to make the tincture more concentrated and rich. The tincture should be drunk in medicinal purposes 15-20 drops, diluting in a small amount of water. Dandelion root tincture can be stored in the refrigerator for about three months.

Contraindications for dandelion root

Any, even the most potent folk or medicinal medicine has its own number of contraindications. And dandelion root is no exception. First of all, you need to understand that such remedies for constipation cannot be used when food poisoning, dysentery and tendency to diarrhea. This can lead to aggravation of the situation and dehydration of the body. Also, the root cannot be used if the bile ducts are blocked or in gallbladder The stones are too large. The decoction can provoke their movement, which will lead to pain.

As noted, dandelion root enhances the production gastric juice. However, if you have gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice, this effect of the medicine will only worsen the course of the disease. In the presence of chronic diseases Before using any decoctions and tinctures, you should consult your doctor.

Dandelion - amazing plant. Its leaves, stems and roots are used to prepare medicinal tinctures and decoctions. Boiled from flowers delicious jam and make rich wine. And if you fry dry dandelion roots and brew them, you can get delicious drink, similar to coffee. Young dandelion leaves are added as greens to salads. The milk from a freshly cut stem perfectly fades freckles. Dandelion is not a weed, it is a gift of nature that should be used wisely.

Video: what dandelion root cures

A plant such as dandelion has many beneficial properties, but there are also some contraindications for use. This must be taken into account when using all medications that contain this component.

Dandelion root - beneficial properties

The root of a plant such as dandelion is widely used to prepare medicines that are used to treat a variety of diseases. explained by its unique composition:

  • glycosides;
  • minerals – calcium, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, potassium;
  • polysaccharides;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins – A, E, C, B;
  • flavonoids.

Important! Dandelion roots contain carotene, inulin, tannins, sucrose, choline, and fatty oils. They contain a lot of protein, the amount of which is no less than in cereal plants.

Such unique composition roots of the plant contributes to the fact that these parts of the dandelion are used to prepare a variety of medicines. They are used to improve the functioning of the digestive system, as a choleretic, diuretic, and to increase appetite.

If you use infusions, tinctures, decoctions from dandelion roots, you can remove inflammatory process regardless of its location, reduce temperature, pain, cramps. These medications have a positive effect on the nervous system, promote liquefaction, and improve sputum separation.

The root of this plant contains natural substitutes for starches and sugars, therefore this product can be used as an additive to dietary nutrition. At the same time, it is highly digestible, even in the presence serious illnesses gallbladder, pancreas or digestive system.

Medicines that are prepared using can be used externally. They will be useful if you have a rash. of different nature, furunculosis and other skin diseases.

Plant leaves

A decoction from this part of the plant is used for rheumatism, jaundice,.

Dandelion officinalis - use for women

This plant is very useful for female body. It is used if:

  • malignant or benign neoplasms in the chest;
  • loss of strength;
  • increased nervousness;
  • anemia.

It is also used for cosmetic purposes. From the roots, leaves, flowers you can prepare a variety of tonics and lotions that will improve the condition of both dry and oily skin. They will help in the fight against various rashes and will help speed up the healing of wounds and burns.

Important! Water infusions from this sunny flower are used to increase lactation.

If you constantly prepare salads from the leaves of the plant or add a little powder from the roots to regular dishes, you can lose weight. This is achieved due to the presence of diuretic properties. The plant improves the functioning of the digestive system, which has a positive effect on the process of weight loss and improves human well-being.

Improving men's health

Dandelion has many beneficial properties for both men and women, which allows it to be used if:

  • severe liver damage;
  • anemia;
  • increased fatigue.

Medicines prepared from all parts of the plant will help cope with cholesterol plaques and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This has a positive effect on the body as a whole and helps increase potency.

Infusions, decoctions, tinctures prepared using standard recipes improve the performance of endocrine system. They normalize the production of sex hormones, reduce the amount of estrogens, which negatively affect the male body. They promote female-type weight gain and reduce libido.

Dandelion medicines have an extremely positive effect on the human nervous system. They help increase performance, fight chronic fatigue, improve sleep and mood. These factors help eliminate such a disease as psychological impotence.

Sunflower honey

From the flowers of the plant you can prepare quite tasty and healthy honey-jam, which contains all the beneficial properties of the plant. This tool used in the treatment of:

The beneficial properties of jam from sunny flowers allow it to be used for prevention colds, as a general strengthening and tonic.

Important! This amber product has high taste qualities, resembles honey. You can eat it yourself or prepare desserts based on it.

Dandelion honey is used for recovery human body after surgical intervention, For .

Recipes for jam from sunny flowers

It's very easy to prepare. To do this, you need to use regular ingredients and follow these recommendations.

Traditional jam

To prepare dandelion flower jam, which will surprise you with its taste, you need:

  1. Collect the flowers and place them in a liter jar to get a completely filled container.
  2. Soak fresh plant parts in cold water. Keep them like this for 24 hours. Remove from water and squeeze well.
  3. Fill with 0.45 liters of fresh water. Boil over low heat for at least 15 minutes.
  4. Add 200-300 g of lemon. To do this, cut it into thin slices. Boil for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Infuse the resulting liquid for one day. Strain the jam, add 0.9-1.1 kg of sugar.

Cook 2-3 times for 5-7 minutes. You need to achieve a viscous consistency that will resemble honey.

We use exclusively yellow parts of the flower, which must be placed in a glass container, alternating with granulated sugar.

Important! There should be twice as much sugar as petals. If you do not follow this proportion, the jam will not be thick and its shelf life will be reduced.

When all the flowers are in the jar, compact them thoroughly. Be sure to place a weighting material on top. You can use pure stone. Cover the jar with several layers of gauze. Place the container with the mixture in a dark place where the air temperature does not exceed +10...+12°C. Infuse honey in this form for 100-110 days. It is necessary to constantly ensure that mold does not form on the surface of the flowers.

After this period, strain the liquid. Use the resulting syrup as a cure for colds, like a vitamin elixir.

How to make medicine from dandelion?

The entire plant can be used as a raw material - rhizomes, stems, leaves, flowers. All parts of dandelion have beneficial properties and have a positive effect on the human body.

Fighting joint pain

Important! This product can be used to rub your feet tired after a long day of work. It can also be used if available pain in the limbs when the weather changes.

To prepare the medicine, collect yellow flowers and compact them into a glass container with dark walls. After that, fill them in triple cologne to completely cover this mixture. Infuse the medicine in this form for 16-17 days.

When using the tincture, do not rub it in, but only apply lightly to problem areas. massage movements.

Alcohol tincture

To improve metabolism, as cholagogue, which normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood, is used alcohol tincture from dandelion roots.

It's very easy to prepare:

  1. Prepare 20-25 g of dry raw material, which is filled with 200-250 ml of alcohol or regular vodka.
  2. Infuse the mixture for 15 days in a dry place that is not exposed to sunlight.
  3. Strain the tincture through several layers of gauze to get rid of impurities. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.

Important! Try to shake the container with the tincture every day. Also, do not allow sediment to get into the finished medicine.

Use this remedy every day for 7-10 days until you feel relief. The daily dose is 4-5 ml of tincture, which should be divided into three doses throughout the day.

Root decoction

A decoction of dandelion roots will help improve metabolism, which will promote weight loss. It will also help improve the functioning of the digestive system and reduce the number of rashes if you have problem skin.

Important! This medicine must be taken orally at least 3 times a day. Drink 100-120 ml of warm liquid at a time, 15-20 minutes before meals.

To prepare the decoction, take 1 tbsp. l. dried raw materials, which must be filled with 230 ml of boiling water. Place the container with these ingredients on low heat and boil for 17 minutes. When the liquid has cooled, strain the medicine and take as directed.

Contraindications for use

All medicines that contain parts of dandelion cannot be used in the presence of gastritis or peptic ulcer stomach. Also avoid these medications if your bile ducts are blocked.

After studying all the beneficial properties of dandelion, it becomes clear that this plant is very useful for humans in in different forms. It is also a rather unusual product from which you can make delicious jam.

Dandelion is unique plant, which has absorbed all the useful components given by nature. Botanists count about 200 varieties of this plant. The most popular and sought after...

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